Schwules Internat 10-10 free porn video

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Da mischte sich die Mutter von Arthur ein „die Leute waren sehr freundlich zu uns und das Brautpaar hat uns eingeladen mit rein zu kommen. Wir waren neugierig und sind mitgegangen. Haben ihnen aber gesagt, dass wir Muslime sind.“
„Und wie haben die reagiert?“ wollte ich wissen.
„Die haben nur gesagt >Na undWird doch wohl niemanden was passiert seinJetzt hat er es auch entdeckt> schoss mir durch den Kopf >soll er es genießen. Ich würde ihn nicht darauf ansprechen>.
In meiner Wohnung angekommen, rief ich im Internat an und erkundigte mich nach Neuigkeiten und erreichte Walter.
„Wie geht es bei Euch alles ruhig? Hast Du die Sache mit dem Außenminister von Nord-Zypern mitbekommen.“ wollte Walter wissen.
„Ja hab ich, ist wohl ne gewaltige Explosion gewesen, die die Familie getroffen hat.“
„Das kann man wohl sagen“ kam es von Walter „Ankara sucht jetzt nach den Terroristen, sie vermuten kurdische Leute hinter dem Anschlag. Das sagen sie jedenfalls in den Nachrichten.“
„Jetzt hat der >Möchtegern-König< der Türken in Ankara wenigsten wieder einen Grund eine Menge seiner Gegner einzusperren“ kommentierte ich „aber wir können da nichts ausrichten. Aber hier läuft zurzeit alles in geregelten Bahnen.“ Dass mit der Familie erzählte ich Walter lieber nicht, dafür war mir das Telefon zu unsicher.
„In einer Woche werden die Jungs zu Dir kommen, die sind schon total aus dem Häuschen und freuen sich auf die Wochen bei Dir im Lager“ sagte Walter. Dann teilte er mir noch die genauen Daten mit. Das passte sehr gut, da hatte ich noch neunzig Minuten Zeit, nachdem ich die Familie abgeliefert hab.
Wir vereinbarten noch, dass sich Walter meldet, wenn die Jungs abgeflogen sind.
Der restliche Abend verlief ruhig, ich machte mich Bettfertig, setzte mich noch ein wenig auf den Balkon und schaute verträumt auf das Meer. In die friedliche Stimmung hörte ich ein leises Klopfen an meiner Tür.
Davor standen Chester und Rob und schauten mich ängstlich an „wir haben bei Dir noch Licht gesehen, dürfen wir Dich noch stören?“
„Kein Problem, kommt rein. Ich bin zwar schon im Schlafdress aber für Euch habe ich immer Zeit.“
Die beiden gingen mit in meine Wohnung und Chester fing an „wir wollten uns bei Dir bedanken, dass Du uns hier noch ein paar Wochen wohnen lässt, auch wenn unsere Familie schon weg ist. Die haben uns sogar jetzt schon erlaubt bei den anderen Jungs einzuziehen.“
Beide umarmten mich. Ich schlang die Arme um beide Jungs und streichelte ihre Rücken. Dabei rutschten deren Shirts nach oben und ich konnte die heiße Jungshaut an meinen Händen fühlen. Das ging mir durch und durch und klein-Peter meinte auch, dass das schön wäre und streckte sich.
Bei dieser Umarmung spürte ich, dass die beiden auch nur sehr, sehr dünne Kleidung anhatten. Deutlich konnte ich ihre mittlerweile harten Tatsachen fühlen. Mit den Händen erkundete ich die Gegend unter dem Bund ihrer Hosen und strich leicht über die beiden weichen und doch knackigen Halbmonde. Ein leises Stöhnen entwich den beiden und Rob hauchte „ich bin geil geworden und wenn Du weiter dort streichelst kann ich für nicht mehr garantieren.“ Chester stimmte ihm zu und sagte „dürfen wir ein Weilchen bei Dir bleiben? Es ist gerade sooooo schön.“
„Mir gefällt es auch gerade. Kommt mit wir können es uns auch bequem machen“ forderte ich die beiden auf. Als wir am Schlafraum vorbeikamen, schaute Chester hinein und meinte „schönes großes Bett, da passen wir bestimmt auch zu dritt rein.“
Gesagt getan, bald lagen wir auf meinem Bett. Ich lag mitten zwischen den beiden auf dem Rücken. Meine Hände gingen auf Wanderschaft und ich streichelte die Oberkörper der Jungs, nachdem ich die Shirts etwas hochgeschoben hatte.
Chester und Rob genossen die Streicheleinheiten und hatten sich ganz schnell aus ihren Shirts gepellt. Ihre dünnen Hosen standen in der Mitte steil nach oben und es bildeten sich dunkle Flecken an der Spitze.
„Du machst mich geil“ stöhnte Rob.
„Mich auch“ kam es von Chester.
Sie fassten den Bund ihrer Hosen und schoben sie bis auf die Knie. Mit ein wenig Strampeln entledigten sie sich ganz der letzten Hülle.
Zum ersten Mal sah ich ihre Besamungsgeräte aus nächster Nähe.
Stramme Teile die aufgeregt und Vorsaftverschmiert über ihrem Bauch standen. Auch mein Schwanz war superhart geworden und krümmte sich in meiner Hose.
„Dürfen wir Dir Deine Hose auch ausziehen?“ fragten sie.
Ich konnte nur nicken und bald war auch mein Teil an der frischen Luft und ich war kurz davor meinen Saft loszuwerden.
„Langsam Jungs, sonst bin ich gleich fertig aber ich möchte länger was davon haben.“
Ich richtete mich auf „wollt Ihr was anderes probieren?“ wollte ich wissen.
„Klar immer“ war die Antwort.
Mit meinem Gesicht ging ich ganz nah an Robs Schwanz. Der jugendliche Vorsaft-Geruch war betörend für mich. Mit der Zunge holte ich mir einen Tropfen des Saftes.
„Ahhhhhhhhh, was ist das geil“ rief Rob aus „das geht durch und durch.“
„Wird gleich noch besser“ versprach ich und stülpte meine Lippen über die Eichel und saugte den restlichen klaren Saft ab.
Rob wand sich unter mir und stöhnte laut „biiiiittttteeee weitermachen, das ist so schöööönnnn.“
Chester hatte sich unterdessen mit seinem Oberkörper quer über meinen Unterleib gelegt um sich das Schauspiel genauer anzusehen. Mit seiner Brust lag Chester auf meinem Lustbolzen und mit jeder Bewegung Chesters wurde ich mehr gereizt. Aber ich war so mit dem Saugen von Robs Eichel Beschäftigt, dass ich meinen Abgang rauszögern konnte. Nach ein paar Minuten spürte ich ein Anschwellen der Eichel und Rob stöhnte lauthals „geil, geil, geil, iiiiiiccchhhh kooommmeeee.“ Und schon schoss mir seine Sahne auf die Zunge. Genüsslich schluckte ich den Bubensaft. Es schmeckte bitter-salzig. Kein schlechter Geschmack dachte ich und ließ die Reste auf der Zunge zergehen.

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Sweet revenge

Officer Logan Keefe surveyed the scene he’d wandered into. The girl was young and completely naked. The older gentleman was standing just behind her, his flaccid penis hanging out the front of his lowered jeans. It was obvious they had just had sex. He checked toward the cab and saw a young man getting ready to jump out of the passenger side of the truck. He’d deal with him first. “Both of you remain where you are,” he instructed the couple. He stepped into the open on the right side of the...

Group Sex
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A Fresh StartChapter 98 The Powers That Be

The next day, I shaved off my beard and mustache and went to my regular stylist at the mall for a haircut before I went to work. Everybody stared, and I called the brain trust into the office. “What’s with the beard and mustache? You look like you’re going back in the army!” commented Jake Junior. “That’s why I called you all in here. Have a seat.” We all sat down around the coffee table. “Okay, I have something to tell you all. John already knows this, but now you have to hear about...

4 years ago
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Love Never Dies Chapter 8

The place Gaynor selected for our late lunch was only a few minutes drive away, a quaint country inn with thatched-roof, low black beams, leaded windows and highly-polished hardwood flooring. Prints of hunting scenes, highlighting red coats and dappled dogs, adorned the walls and the stoutly-padded seats made wooden chairs surprisingly comfortable. A few customers still lingered over their meals or drinks and some of them turned their heads as Gaynor, her tote bag bouncing at her right hip,...

Love Stories
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Mother of the Village

Setting: A remote South Sea island Narration by the matriarch of the village: Our little group of five islands is in a remote part of the South Seas. They are separated by water but not far apart and sometimes the ocean is shallow enough to wade between islands at low tide. Since we don’t have calendars no one knows how long we have been here but life has not been as easy as you might think from some of the fairytale stories that are told. We must work hard for survival and so some customs...

2 years ago
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The Gym

Chris Johnson looked over the newest branch of his gym with pride. It was the morning of opening day and he was surveying the scene from the front counter, a few elderly women were on the treadmills, a couple of bulky men were lifting in the free weights section and he listened to the instructor in the side room running the very first Yoga class. The facility was state of the art, and was a dazzling display of open space and natural lighting. “Well, we did it!” Lisa said. “Fucking oath we did!”...

3 years ago
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It was a warm day in the early summer of 1961 at Hirstmere Hall, an exclusive boarding school for girls in the southern English countryside. In a top floor study-bedroom, seventeen year-old Sixth Form pupil Susan Meacham was enjoying what she liked best: applying her tongue and fingers to a girl’s cunt and hearing the whimpering moans as she took her to climax. Susan was an adept pussy-eater who had given satisfaction to quite a few girls in her class; she followed the adage often uttered...

2 years ago
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Story Picking up a coffee boyman

This is a story requested by a friend…this was not part of my real life sex life yet hehe Everyday before work I would stop in at this little coffee shop. Behind the counter is this strapping young teen-ager, his skin like Hershey’s chocolate and a slight bulge twitching as I notice him checking out my snake running down my jeans…this was not the first time I saw him looking…his name tag said Mors…one late afternoon I stopped in by chance and there was Mors sitting at a table alone…after...

3 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 6 Amanda Is A Good Girl

Amanda existed on the verge of panic. She kept repeating to herself: 'Amanda is a good girl.' Amanda's blush extended from the roots of her scalp hair to her belly button in front, down both arms to the wrists, and down her back to the crease at the bottom of her buttocks. Amanda's skin twitched and was covered in goose pimples. At the same time Amanda's skin bore a thin sheen of perspiration. More than mere sweat trickled down her inner thighs. Amanda was in distress over being naked,...

3 years ago
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An Officer and An Italian Ch 02

Sorry about the delay in posting this chapter. It has just been pure craziness around my house lately. All feedback is welcome. Rachel looked over at the cell phone that was lying on the seat of Sergio’s truck. She hadn’t driven very far – she didn’t want to be arrested for ‘Grand Theft Auto’. In fact she was planning on dropping the truck off at his office for him to find later. She had just pulled into the lot when Sergio’s cell phone began to ring again. It had been ringing off and on for...

4 years ago
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Mom Accidentally Took Girlfriend8217s Sex Tablets

Let me get straight in the sex story. I am Raj studying in college. I am 5 feet 11 inches with nice athletic body build, fair and handsome with an 8-inch cock. My mom is 40, although she doesn’t look like 40, with a very curvaceous body. Her figure is 36-26-36. She is a working woman at a very high post in a corporate office. She is quite modern and earns well. She is a widow as my dad died a long time ago. Since then, she has taken good care of me by fulfilling all my wishes. I never had any...

4 years ago
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A second Chance

It was a beautiful Midwest fall day. The sky was a deep blue, a deeper blue than usual. There was a chill in the air, a hint of the coming winter. The fall leaves were brilliant with their reds and oranges. Once upon a time, it used to be my favorite time of the year, but that had come to a crashing halt long ago. I unlocked the door to my apartment and went inside, tired from a long week at work. I didn’t mind the job I had, but it had lost the glow of enjoyment a long time before. Shit, my...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Dad and Jimmy and I

My mom died as my b*****r and i were young teens. Life changed a lot for us then. Most of it better. Jimmy and i started to mature as I grew nice tits and a round ass and he got a nice big cock. My dad really noticed how his k**s were growing up. He was always looking at my tits and my ass. I loved him looking at me and i dressed to entice him. I wore thin tight t-shirts with no bra and my nipples would get very hard when dad stared at them.\\One night when I was asl**p i heard dad come into...

2 years ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Kenzie 01102019

Beautiful 21 year old Kenzie decided to take a break from her webcamming and do her first boy-girl scene, and lucky for you she decided to do it here! Super sexual and open to most anything, you’d think that she has a lot of experience with guys, but in reality she’s only been with four guys and only fucks her boyfriends. Fortunately, she has a mind to explore herself sexually and having sex with a complete stranger fits in that plan nicely, and of course we’re only too happy...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 78 Homeward Bound

The ride back was very relaxing. I picked a window seat near the back. A cute girl from one of the feeder middle schools came to sit by me after she asked if it was ok. She let me know that she asked everyone else if they were going to take the seat beside me to keep from getting someone pissed off at her. All of the others looked beat while she was bubbly and full of energy. “So David, what is it with those two girls that put on the sex show in the front lobby this morning? I saw they got...

4 years ago
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BugsChapter 12

Jeff's recovery was absolutely miraculous! He was walking with a cane at the end of a week, and he seemed to be completely recovered by the end of another week. Nobody could figure out why he got well so fast, but everybody was happy at his phenomenal recovery. Jeff reported that he had never felt better and attributed it to Julie's exceptional cooking. Julie knew that he was teasing, but still was secretly pleased that he cared enough to tease her about it. Julie was the official...

5 years ago
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Betty Lambourne

It seemed like the start of a perfect late summer's day. It would be many weeks before the leaves began to turn red and gold.A black car threaded its way slowly along a deserted country road. Its journey had begun in the city centre. An hour later, it was in the depths of the countryside. The car entered a narrow lane and stopped outside the only sign of habitation for miles, a small thatched cottage.Suzy and her Mistress stepped from the car, which drove almost silently away and became lost...

2 years ago
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The Villa

Dylan Goldberg wasn't what most people expected from her looks and origins. Long, naturally blonde hair, green eyes, buxom and curvaceous body, and born and raised in California. Despite all this seeming to make her the stereotypical valley girl, Dylan was actually self-conscious, insecure, socially awkward, and something of a shy nerd. She'd come to Italy's countryside to attend a culinary arts college there on a scholarship. Wanting to save on housing costs, she managed to score a lucky job...

4 years ago
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The ArrangementChapter 14 Junior Year Decisions

I felt pretty good for a few weeks after that encounter, confident that I’d made the right decision with Hannah. I thought about Riley often, of course. But short of racing to Amherst and pledging my love for her, and begging her to leave Tom, there wasn’t much I could do. The race-to-Amherst thing seemed like something that would work in the movies, not in real life. I wanted Riley and I to have a future together, but I didn’t want to be a creepy stalker that scared her away for good. So,...

3 years ago
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RetributionChapter 11 Mexico

“I have great news, Linda,” “What’s that, Fred?” She asked as she moved her scrambled eggs around on her plate. Linda was trying to decide the best way to tell Fred they needed to move to San Diego. Just tell him for God’s sake, whispered Mouse. “You’re getting noticed. I’ve been contacted by several major sponsors wanting information about you.” Tell him about the autographs, Ret whispered. Mouse giggled, That one fan with the short blonde hair was really hot. Mouse, you perv. I’ve...

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