My Anniversary Gift free porn video

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Hi my name is Sandy. My Anniversary was actually the day before when my husband and i Bruno went out for an awesome dinner at the Char-Bar after we went to a movie just like on our first date. Bruno and i where married a year, after dinner i knew i would have to put out so i prepared all day mentally and physically. i got my nails done and legs waxed. i hoped he would'nt take to long inside of me but still be happy.
I had my head on Bruno's chest while my hand was playing with his chest hair when i asked him if he had any fantasies. I had recently read that all men have a fantasy to have two women at the same time and not only did I want to see if it was true but if he might have someone in mind. I was fantasizing about watching Bruno fuck another women while i watched to see how much she and him would like it. I loved my husband but i am not a sexual person and made him pull out of me more than once when he got to rough. He was so special and would always apologize to me and we'd stop.
My husband said of course Sandy don't all people have a fantasy. I i agreed i guess so. I leaned up and look at him in the eyes and said tell me your fantasy babe. he laughed and said no that's alright. I said come on we have been married a year and i love and trust you so tell me., But he would not.
I said okay what if i tell you a fantasy i have would that change your mind? he seemed to have more interest in that and i said okay and thought about telling him i wanted him to fuck another women but it scared me that i was opening the door to loosing him like a Jerry Springer show. I said nothing. Bruno then said what Sandy are you ashamed of your fantasy? I said no but i just don't know how to tell you. We where quiet a minute or two and Bruno asked if it involved being helpless? I thought about it a minute or two and my husband absolutely shocked me when he said he knew all women had a fantasy of being helpless and that i shouldn't be ashamed. I was shocked at him and said nothing. he then continued and said it's mans nature to be turned on by a helpless women i guess. I told him no that is now my fantasy to let anyone do what ever they want to me like some kind of whore. Bruno then said he was sorry and i rolled over and tried to go to sleep. I could hear him softly snoring but i couldn't sleep and was trying to wrap my head around our conversation. something in his voice seemed like he was into the idea of having me helpless. I should have asked him if he had ever done anything like that before he met me. I started to wonder what else his other girl friends might have done with him before me. Did they suck his dick like some slut? Did they like when he fucked them hard? Could he do whatever he wanted to them.I gave him hand jobs and that was just like a blow job. Eventually i dozed off in a fitfull sleep.

The next day after i got off work Bruno called me and said he'd be home from his car sales job in just a little bit and i said Okay Thursdays where normally his half day from the dealership. He told me he wanted to do something to night and i said sounds good. He then asked what i was wearing and i told him i just through on my brown button fly shorts and just a T-shirt he said good don't change beautiful. I said Oh Okay but why? He said maybe we could go walk the paths at bong airfield and recreation center then get dinner at the drivethru. I said no. He said no what? and i said no i'm going to change i wasn't wearing enough clothes to go trailing. He asked me please and that he loved my legs when we took our walks. I stubbornly said yes and hung up.
what was his problem we had sex last night i let him kind of go hard in me and he was still horny enough to want sex?
i knew my husband enough to know that whenever he brought up my legs he wanted sex. Maybe i should get him another women. Maybe i would get lucky and he would find a mistress. Whatever. I went into my closet to change i was going outside i was wearing pants! Then i thought maybe he's turned on by my legs because i got them waxed and it was my fault he was horny again. I don't know i just didn't want other men looking at them. It was bad enough my husband looked at them. MEN!!!
Bruno's Blue demo 300 M pulled up the driveway and he entered the house and said he had something for me later i'd really like, kind of a after anniversary gift and i said ok but should i get some more clothes on for it your perfect he said. I then seen him catch a glance at my legs and look away. MEN!!! But at least i was getting another gift.
Bruno then changed into some shorts and a thick T-shirt like me and my sister called. I answered the phone while Bruno waved and told me he was going to give the car a quick wash so i could take my time. I kissed him on the cheek and he was outside doing whatever.
I talked with my sister for about twenty minutes and she could tell i was angry on the phone but i didn't tell her why.
I was still angry that my husband implied he liked helpless whores and i was mad that i was wearing shorts and the first thing i caught him doing when he got home was stare at my legs when he thought i wasn't looking.
I wasn't old fashioned I said i'd honor and obey him in our vows but as i told him that did not make me his property like the old days. MEN!!!
Bruno then came in the house and asked if i was ready and i said yes. I must have been snippy with my response because he asked if i was mad. and i said no. he said okay but i could tell he knew i was mad.
We grabbed a few things i grabbed a sweat shirt just in case and we both had bottles of water. While Bruno was locking the side door of our house i noticed his demo was half backed into the garage and asked if he had also quickly vacuumed it. he said no just put a little tire gloss on and i said okay. He babied all of his demo's like he owned them i knew he called them his office. he was normally top sales man about every other month but he loved his job. I had a good husband.
As we where walking towards the garage he took me by the hand and held it. I let him do that whenever he wanted. Was'nt that what couples had to do. i also liked that he was telling every man out there i was his when he did it so they wouldn't look at me. I thought about having to show so much skin wearing these shorts for a minute when he said before we go he had to show me what he just accidentally did in the trunk a minute ago. I thought he seemed awfully calm for destroying his trunk. Once last summer he went through the carwash in a Sebring demo from work and broke the telescope antenna clean off. he was so upset that we watched television that night holding one another and he didn't say a word. I almost gave him sex to get him out of his mood but didn't because we agreed about five months before not to have sex anymore until we where married.

I came around to the back of the car and really couldn't see what he did to his trunk because the garage over head light was being blocked by his trunk top being up. He said look inside you don't see it. I leaned over a little and peered into the trunk when someone grabbed me from behind and i was about to scream! They had my arms pinned at my sides and i was trying to scream what happened to Bruno? are we being robbed? Just then one of my writsts was cold and i found it was a hancuffs. Was it the police? No they didn't use tape on peoples mouths did they?
I found whomever it was had my mouth not only taped but my wrists where handcuffed behind my back now. I was trying to run but whoever had me around my waist and was taping me around my arms and like around my stomach. I then found hands on both my breasts squeezing them and i was shocked Oh my god we weren't being robbed i was being m@#$%d I panicked where was my husband was he hurt?
Then i was being forced into my husbands trunk and thought that's so evil to hurt my husband, take his wife and then steal his car. i was on my side in my husbands cars trunk and looked up and was speechless and shocked. Bruno? It was my husband the whole time? What was he doing? He reached down and was taping my knees and ankles and i just laid on my side in shock with my eyes wide open.
Bruno then looked down at me and said Sandy i just lay there paralyzed and he said Sandy again and i moved my head alittle and he said I love you Sandy but i have needs. I could either cheat on you which would break my heart to do, i could deivorce you but then i'd kill myself so i figured i'd do this and see what happens.
He asked if i understood him and i nodded me head, but didn't understand what was the point of this and what needs.. He then bent down and moved the hair from my face and lightly kissed my cheek. Then right before he closed the trunk he smiled took out his cellphone and snapped a picture of me.
Then i was in darkness. I was so terrified and thought of struggling but just couldn't get my limp body to do anything.

About the time my body started to violently start to shake Bruno had not only stopped the car but turned it off. I heard him close his door then the crunch of his shoes on gravel or dirt approach the back of the car. He popped the trunk then there he was standing there smiling down at me he then reached for me and i had my feet on the ground with half of my body in the trunk. He said i was sweating bad in the trunk and he said he thought i'd be cooler in the trunk naked. He then said he thought he'd take my clothes off and i remember thinking the second he unbinds me even if i'm part nude i'm running from him. He was pulled under an underpass next to the railroad tracks just out of town. If my body didn't betray me i'd run to the busy highway above for help. I started to go through all the scenarios that where going to happen. I'd have to divorce him if the police where involved. I'd be so ashamed. I did still love him why was he doing this to me? When he had touched my skin with scissors and started to cut my shorts off it clicked! The conversation the night before! Oh my god i made something in him snap and now he was going to treat me like a whore!
Bruno was cutting off my bra and shirt at the same time when i struggled a little and was trying to talk through the tape. I wanted to tell him please love don't do this we could go home like nothing happened and i'd even jerk him off. Please please please i kept trying to say through the tape on my mouth. He did not seem to pay attention and i found myself being turned around completely naked wearing only handcuffs with tape around my ankles and legs with my bare feet standing on the warm gravel. He looked at me and said wow are you sexy with your eyes all big. I moaned out a no, no bruno don't do this. Right before he bent me over and i was back in the closed dark trunk. I locked eyes with him and muffled out I love you. He smiled and said Sandy i love you with all my heart that's why i am doing this. He drove for a long time and i was still very hot in his trunk and thought i still loved him with all my heart and i replayed what my sister said sometimes if a wife don't please her man another women will. Well i guess i was the exception he was going to make me please him. I decided unless he hurt me maybe i could forgive him. If he went to jail for this who was going to buy me new shorts?

I heard the cars tires when Bruno pulled on to a dirt road and then I heard him coming towards the trunk and it was opened. He pulled me out of the trunk by my shoulder and arm and I stood there taped, handcuffed in the dusk light and what bothered me most was I was barefoot. Iwas shaking hard and trembling when he approached me put my hair in a very loose ponytail and blind folded me. No, no,no and I moved my head and tried to fight back but then there where hands on my tits squeezing them and my body went limp and I started to cry. Bruno knew I hated my breasts squeezed. I mean I let him kiss them sometimes but he knows I'm not a whore. I didn't really like hands on them and nipples where for babies lips not men with mother issues.
I found my legs and ankles freed and Bruno had me by the handcuffs and said come on Sandy. I was trying to tell him the rocks where hurting my feet. I felt gravel, dirt and even grass under my feet. This was the worst I knew my feet where dirty and I just had my toes done!
Then Bruno's hand let go of my handcuffs and he was slowly moving me like into position with his hands on my hips. He then was still behind me with a hand on my stomach and the other roamed between my tits squeezing them.
Bruno started to fiddle with my handcuffs and I started to feel my hands being pulled up. Just about the time I just about started to scream he stopped pulling my hands up. I was on my tippy toes bent over when I felt something playing with my ankle and in a panick I kicked. I heard Bruno laugh and grab me by the ankle. FUCKER! FUCKER! I yelled through my taped mouth I was angery now! When he had my ankles tightly tied together I felt his hands going up and down my bare legs I could feel his tongue and lips on them also.
I yelled Fucker! Bastard! And struggled but when I did it hurt my shoulders. Doing this to me and my feet where dirty also! Fucker!

Bruno was now right behind me with his hands going from my hips, breasts and oh my God he was grabbing my ass! He then said in-between my yelling Sandy? I yelled fuck you! And fucker! He then calmly said my name again and I went rigid and yelled WHAT?! I found my blindfold being taken off and could see my feet where very dirty and Bruno standing right in front of me face to face. I started yelling let me go and my feet are dirty when he took my face in both of my hands and made me lock eyes with him. He had such a soft look in his eyes like he almost felt sorry for me but how? Why was he sad when he was doing this?
He then said Sandy? And I said what?! He then said are you going to give me the love I need.? Well duh I did love him before this. I knew what he was meaning would I be a whore and i stuggled and yelled NO! Fuck you!
I locked eyes with him and again yelled No Bruno!
Then he was gone until I felt his hands again on my hips and ass. He was running his hands up and down my legs and kissing them while I looked down at my dirty feet. He was back to squeezing my ass cheecks when all of sudden his lips or tongue, I don't know which, where on my pussy. I arched my back tensed up and accidentally moaned. Only sluts had men do this to there pussy. Oh my God what was he doing? Was he sucking me. NO! NO! NO STOP! I yelled I didn't like this! I thought of crying but ended up crying out a muffled Oh God!!!
He kept doing what he was doing and I think he accidentally was doing the same thing to my asshole. Oh! Oh! He had no right to do this to me! He kept doing this to me and I was finding it more and more diffcult to stand my legs where shaking badly when Bruno stopped with mouth and only had his hands on my legs, hips and ass and he said Sandy? And I said neither I angery or happy what? While I wondered if he was done doing what he was doing to my pussy. Bruno then said he was wondering for like two years why I trimmed my pussy hairs when no one was allowed to touch it and I didn't like anyone even him looking at it? What we he implying I was a whore? I started to yell let me go! Let me go! When Bruno laughed and his lips where on my pussy again. What was he doing besides filling between my legs full of his spit? Did he know how sensitive he was making me down there? Look at how dirty my feet are!

Oh God keep sucking my pussy wait what did I just think? I struggled again to get loose but was getting so weak. Bruno had his tongue and lips in me and was slowly moving his hands from the front of my legs, up my stomach and when his hands stopped on my tits he kept pulling me more towards his mouth.
Look at my dirty feet as tears started to come out of my eyes what was he doing to my pussy stop I tried to yell but couldn't. He pulled me back towards him and I noticed I was moaning and I stopped instantly then found myself not carrying and through my head back as far as I could and started yelling yes! Yes! Yes! I knew I was having an orgasm having read about them I knew this was so wrong but didn't care.
Bruno had part of a finger in my pussy and in my ass and i didn't care. Keep your lips on my pussy!!!
Oh my God I bucked, felt a whole bunch of his spit flowing down my legs and suddenly I couldn't stand anymore.
Bruno then was undoing the rope from around my handcuffs and in a daze I was taking baby steps until I came to my senses as I was laying on a blanket full of sweat, his spit between my legs shaking.
He was then on top of me rubbing my shoulders, neck and back. Now and then he'd spread my ass cheeks open and kissed me down there.

Then I felt his dick between my legs and he was slowly entering me. I had to admit he felt better in me then he ever had. Was it because he kissed my pussy? Once he was all the way inside of me he did the two things i hate the most. He just held himself inside me not doing anything like he had the right to do that in MY pussy and then he started talking to me. Pornos and whores talk during sex. His hot breath was on the side of my face and i had the mad urge to kiss him so i turned my head away from him because he was still a fucker.
Bruno then had his hand around my throat and said I love you so much Sandy. And i said mhim! Right i thought you love me so much you do this. Again he said Sandy you know i love you. I said nothing and he said if i promised not to scram he would take the tape away from my mouth. i turned my head and glared at him and said release my throat. He didn't so again i said release my throat! He knew what i was saying and released my throat and started to slowly go in and out of my pussy and instantly it seemed like i was filling up with spit between my legs again. He looked at me right in my eyes. How did he look so soft in the eyes and sad at me? he then asked will you scream if i take off the tape? i looked away from him and said no. I found him slowly going in and out of my pussy and nothing on my mouth and all"s i had planned to yell and say i just lay there saying nothing.

Bruno was in and out of my pussy with the speed that i was comfortable with when he kind of took me by the chin and tried to get a kiss from me i said no! and moved my head away from him. He then was pulling my hair and again lead my chin to his lips i tried to fight back but he was to strong No i whined while he sped up in my pussy i kept my lips closed but he kept trying. He said kiss me or i'm going to ram my dick up inside of you Sandy. I glared at him. With every ounce of who i was i hated him at that moment. he then whispered in my ear You better decide i'm going to do it i swear. Fucker i thought as i glared at him and opened my mouth to his and decided i will not kiss him back.
When his tongue touched my tongue though i couldn't help but move it and when i tried to keep my mouth open to wide his mouth just got bigger.

I've never had dick pounded in me so long why didn't it feel like this before? At one point we where kissing each other so slow and with such deep passion that i hadn't noticed he stopped entering my pussy and i was slowly raising my ass up and down making his dick go in and out of me. i didn't stop but said his name and with my body i let him know i really liked his dick in me. We locked eyes and he smiled before kissing me. Bruno said are you alright Sandy can i release your handcuffs now. And i swear i felt like a little girl and looked away as i couldn't stop from smiling and i said not yet. Ok i was weak i admit it i liked being treated like a whore.

Bruno then started to go in and out of me and i moaned. Why had he never felt like this before? He was almost ramming himself in me and all's i could think about is if he would please keep his lips on mine. Bruno was grunting and moaning in my mouth and i was doing the same to him god i loved to kiss him why had kissing never been like this before?

Something big was happening in my pussy making me so sensitive i wanted him to fuck me harder and deeper but i also wanted him to stop so i could get away. I felt like screaming or crying at the same time while Bruno kept deeply kissing me and kissing my neck. i locked eyes on him and found myself begging, me whining and begging like some little girl or whore,? Hold me, hold me Hold me. He reached back and some how unlocked me quick ( i later found out they needed no key being k**s safety handcuffs. lol) i had my hands out in front of me tightly holding his hands . my back arched ramming back my pussy with his lips on mine. In between kisses Bruno was telling me he loved me and he was sorry. I kept replying back do you love me, i love you and moaning oh my god.

Bruno let go of one of my hands and tightly had it at my throat as he stared to slam himself in my pussy I looked up at him begged with my eyes and said please no. He smiled and put his lips on mine kissing me so lightly it was like he knew i had no strength to kiss back. i arched my back he choked me harder i was cumming! I could feel it and Bruno jut kept slamming me over and over again in me he released my throat I was still cumming! I orgasmed and never realized at some point he put his thumb first massaging my lips and as i violently tensed tried to get away and exploded in pleasure i was sucking and trying to get his thumb down my throat.

Maybe two minutes later bruno was cumming inside me and i lightly kissed him and held his face. He kept crying out my name and saying i love you. I kept saying i know baby and it's alright baby. His face was in such pain and his body looked like he was trembling to achieve orgasm finally he yelled bucked me so hard yelled my name and collapsed on top of me.

When he had caught his breath he rolled off my back next to me and was rubbing my back i rolled over onto my side and looked at him. I kept telling myself i was mad at him but i just couldn't do it. i was speechless. we just lay there while bruno rubbed my side and back. Finally we locked eyes and we both knew it was time to talk about what just happened. Bruno had tears welling up in his eyes and i could see he was terrified now he knew he was in big trouble. i kept staring at him trying look serious at him all the while thinking about how good his lips felt on my pussy.

Finally Bruno opened his mouth then looked away closing his mouth then kind of side glanced me and opened his mouth and said i'm so sorry i love you Sandy. I took him by the chin and forced him to look at me and i fake glared at him and Said You love me? Then why did you do it. Bruno's eyes looked like they where going to explode any minute i knew he was thinking he lost me for ever. As he was trying to stutter out the words i'm sorry i love, i put my finger on his lips he locked eyes with mine, I smiled and his eyes got big as i said well i guess we have to go home now and paused while still smiling as i slowly moved my lips towards his and continued yeppers we have to go home so you can teach me how to suck your cock....

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Anniversary With My Mom 8211 Fucking Her

Hi friends let’s go with the new story. This story happened 3 years ago when I was 20 years old and my mother was 41 years old. We are a very small family – me, Rahul, my mother Lakshmi and father Raghuvardhan. My father was 53 years old when this incident happened, and he was working as a supervisor in mining industry. He used to come late in the night, like 1  or he usually works night shifts and his rest period is daytime. For me, from my childhood I have never been much fond of him....

1 year ago
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Their life had been like that of most other couples married five years: two children, a mortgaged house, good friends, some good times and some bad times. Their fourth anniversary had been a surprise, planned by him to make it special for her. She blessed it with tears of joy. She had planned and worked for months to make their fifth anniversary special for him. Her plan demanded physical as well as mental fitness. She was running and lifting weights at the gym. Watching her muscles ripple,...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Night

If I have any fans out there who are interested in the more personal side of my life, and not just of my fantasies, I have a small gift for you. I thought I would treat you to a true little story. In my dreams I often go much further than I would ever accept in real life; or at least, further than I would go at this stage in my life. But how far do I go in my real life? This will show you! I am sorry about the limited dialogue, which I am aware a writer is supposed to put into these stories,...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Waltz 6 25 Years of Foreplay Is Just About EnoughChapter 1

Paula Oldham counted five reasons to be pissed, ticking them off on her fingers. She would have gone higher but she needed the other hand to haul her bag to the luggage cart. One, she counted, starting with the most recent: The peach-fuzzed limo driver called her ma'am. Ma'am was for old ladies. She showed him who was a ma'am, grabbing her suitcase out of his hand. It would have been a better idea if it weren't so damn heavy. Two was that exhibition she'd witnessed at the end of the...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Gift Turns Into Erotic Threesome

Hello Friends. I am Arnav, a 23-year-old handsome guy from Pune. This story is an adventure of mine which turned into a memorable erotic experience. So let’s begin with the story. I was casually surfing the internet and came across a site where you can place some ads in the personals section. As I have some experience with massage, I thought to give it a try. Honestly speaking I never expected a reply. Because on this site most of the people are just glancing through the ads and never reply....

3 years ago
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Anniversary With Mommy

Summer holidays! Usually the time around which I wake up is 12 in the noon but I woke up to an alarm I’ve set the last night at 7 am. I almost forgot why would I set up an alarm at 7 am in the morning where I was supposes to be snoring to glory and all of a sudden I remembered, the days are special indeed very special. It was the day a year back which changed the whole moment of my life and before I say, let me introduce myself and my family. I am Royden 20 years, an engineering first year...

2 years ago
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Anniversary With Mommy

By : Hardcore_69 Mom and I are in a sexual relationship over the past one year. Last summer holidays, when I spent most of the time at home, I convinced mom to become my lover and girlfriend. We are physically related for a year and today we are secretly planning to celebrate our first anniversary. It’s exactly one year since we first made love. Mom is 42 and me 20. She has a perfect young body, and still lives with sophisticated clothing and makeups. She looks extremely hot and very sexually...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Weekend

It was our anniversary weekend and we were going away to a favorite hotel of ours. We have been married for over thirty years and my wife is still a looker. She has a luscious, curvy body, sexy red hair, and the prettiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. She is also a big flirt which draws men towards her.Earlier in our marriage, she had given into my desire for her to be a hot wife. She had a number of hook-ups, but often these guys would fall for her, and that was not what she wanted. We are happily...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Present

It had been a long, difficult period of time for April and her husband Jack. They had endured some tumultuous situations that had nearly ended their marriage. Now, with their anniversary only a week away, things were finally beginning to look up. Jack had recently received a substantial pay increase, which had alleviated some of their financial concerns. But it hadn't really been their finances that had caused them most of their problems; it had been their overall relationship. April still...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Ch 02

You might like to read Anniversary before this. Thanks for the comments they give as incentive to continue. . Aurora couldn’t help thinking back two weeks to the weekend of their anniversary celebration wondering if it had gone right or wrong, only time would tell. Her intended naughty surprise for Bob had turned out to be his scandalous surprise for her. That evening she had thought her game had run out of control, especially when she had been given to a complete stranger while hypnotised...

2 years ago
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Anniversary celebration turns into 1st time cuckol

Chris couldn’t wait for him and his wife Jamie’s hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn’t wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the tightest pussy he had ever...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise

“I have a surprise for you today on our anniversary. I have booked a romantic weekend in this wonderful hotel where we can explore some of our sexual desires.” “Oh, my I think I mad you hard by just the thought of that.” “As you can see, I have even spent to time to decorate the room for our adventurous romantic interlude. “ “I see this really turns you on because you are rubbing your hard cock through your pants.” “I can tell you are excited by your hard on but are you ready for this sexual...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Trip ch4 Paulas Bi Interlude

Author's Note: In Paula's Turn - Part III of Tenth Anniversary Series, my wife flashed an stranger during a Las Vegas Show. One thing led to another, and, without my knowledge, she ended up spending the night with two men. I was frantic until I finally received a call from Paula. At the end of the call, one of the men told me that Paula would be spending the night with them and I should retain the services of a hooker if I needed sex.------------------------------------------------------It was...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Trip ch1 Our Tenth Wedding Annivers

Our Tenth Wedding AnniversaryPaula and I have already submitted two stories describing some of our more erotic adventures after my wife began to have sex with other men. We have enjoyed writing these stories so much that we decided to write a few more. After some discussion, we decided that we would write about the most erotic two weeks we ever had. This occurred during a vacation to Las Vegas that we took over our tenth wedding anniversary. In order to keep the narrative to a reasonable...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Date

Please be kind, I am not a writer. This is a true story and kind of tame compared to most on here. It was very exciting for my husband and I. It is rather long. I have posted pictures on WL for quite some time, mostly on the request board so you may know what I look like. I am 5’ 2” about 125 lbs, blonde hair. My husband is 5’10” 175lbs, dark brown hair.A few years ago my husband took me to dinner and dancing for our anniversary. The restaurant was located in a great hotel that also had a...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Surprise

Anniversary Surprise "Can they really work? Elaine, it would be cool and crazy if they did. But it's impossible. Just impossible." Bob was referring to the anniversary present Elaine had just given him. Purchased at an antique store, the transformation rings were hundreds of years old. Bob felt embarrassed that all he had gotten her was a dozen red roses and a bottle of Champaign, which he had not yet given to her. "Let's give it a try, Bob. Each so-called magic ring has a...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Issue

Anniversary Issue The young female reporter looked seriously into the camera, and started speaking. "As practically everyone on the planet knows, today is the 5th anniversary of the momentous day when superhumans began appearing. "S" day, as it came to be called, was the biggest moment in the history of the planet, and so today we are pleased to present this anniversary edition, interviewing some of those who were among the first transformed ..... Roll tape." The Nevada desert...

3 years ago
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It was their five years anniversary and he had planned a special surprise for her. The room was full of candles and so was they're bathroom, both rooms filled with the sweet scent of roses. The bath filled with hot water and soap and the bed made with new satin sheets. On the bed were laid out a few items he had chosen for her. When she came home he met her at the door and lifted her in his strong arms. "Happy anniversary", she chirped. "Happy anniversary darling", he whispered in her ear. He...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Anniversary Assignment Riding The Horse

Riding The HorseBy: Breanne Erikson and Michael AlexanderPart One02/24/11You know, taking off my chastity belt is not exactly the most pleasant thing to do, especially if I've been wearing it for almost twenty four hours straight.  Worse, doing it in an apartment parking lot at seven fifty in the morning is not something either easy, or that much fun.  With people driving by every few minutes while you're in the process of taking off your jeans, unbuckling everything, and then slowly extracting...

1 year ago
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Anniversary gift part 2

We found out that my friend’s k**s would be away from the house for 2.5 hours on the day after their anniversary. We quickly dropped off ours at my in laws and headed over to give them their anniversary gift. In the car on the way over, I had removed my button top so that when we knocked on the door I was only in my purple nightie and jeans. They welcomed us inside and we quickly drank a couple glasses of wine. Since our timeframe was limited, my husband asked them if they both liked my new...

4 years ago
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Anniversary gift part 2

We found out that my friend’s k**s would be away from the house for 2.5 hours on the day after their anniversary. We quickly dropped off ours at my in laws and headed over to give them their anniversary gift. In the car on the way over, I had removed my button top so that when we knocked on the door I was only in my purple nightie and jeans. They welcomed us inside and we quickly drank a couple glasses of wine. Since our timeframe was limited, my husband asked them if they both liked my new...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise Chapter 2Their Vegas Weekend Getaway Continues

1Waking UpDan slowly came awake the next morning lying in bed to a warm sensation around his groin. Looking down, he saw his wife Pam slowly sucking his morning wood.“Good morning gorgeous!” he greeted her.Pam grunted in reply and continued with her task, getting Dan off before their first cup of coffee.Dan loved it when Pam surprised him by waking him in this fashion. It didn’t happen that often, but when it did, it often was a precursor to a day full of sexy surprises for them both. Noticing...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Party

It was our seventh anniversary, and we wanted to celebrate it in style, so we went to an upscale restaurant in one of the city's plush resort hotels. I wore an evening gown type dress, and my husband wore a suit and tie, so we felt quite elegant. We agreed not to wear underwear, so we would feel sexy. My husband loves the feeling of his penis and testicles moving around freely under his pants, and I enjoy fondling him when I have the opportunity. My dress was revealing enough to give a...

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It was their five years anniversary and he had planned a special surprise for her. The room was full of candles and so was they’re bathroom, both rooms filled with the sweet scent of roses. The bath filled with hot water and soap and the bed made with new satin sheets. On the bed were laid out a few items he had chosen for her. When she came home he met her at the door and lifted her in his strong arms. ‘Happy anniversary’, she chirped. ‘Happy anniversary darling’, he whispered in her ear. ...

2 years ago
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I heard a knock on the front door, and I rushed to answer it. Of course, I already knew who it was. Her black hair spilled out over her black hoodie covered shoulders, her pale skin darkened under her green eyes. My mouth stretched into a smile as I opened the door, my cheeks automatically flushing. Her grandparents had already drove away, leaving us completely alone. She stepped inside, taking in the scene in the living room. I’d lit all the candles in the house, which were about fifteen. I...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Weekend At A Nude Resort

Anniversary Weekend At A Nude Resort My husband and I were on our way to Palm Springs to celebrate our anniversary. I couldn’t believe he had talked me into staying at a nude resort. I was nervous and excited at the same time. A few weeks earlier, my husband had asked me if I would be interested in staying at a nude resort. I had never thought about it, but decided that it might be kind of fun. After extensive internet research, my husband booked us two nights at an “anything goes” resort in...

1 year ago
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Anniversary getaway

Cliff and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary on the 30th (which was also my birthday), on a private island my family owns. We stayed in our own house near the main mansion. We had lunch at the beach, and then headed to our cottage to rest. Since it was our anniversary, I prepared something for him as a gift. As we lay down in bed, watching boring movies, I kissed him and whispered in his ear, “Just stay there and I have something to show you.” I quickly showered and dressed in a school...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Visitation

It had been a rough day. It was June 20th and for me, June 20th was never a good day. Normally I would be working, but this year the date fell on a Saturday and I didn't have to work. So I hung around the house for the most part and felt sorry for myself.You see, June 20th was the day my sweet Jenny had stood beside me in front of the preacher and our friends and became my wife. It was the happiest day of my life and I planned on having many wonderful years with her by my side, having a family,...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Anal

It was my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend Greg and I decided that I was going to do something really special for him. He's an amazing boyfriend. He respects me, listens to me, and makes me feel special everyday. And best of all, he has a huge cock and never cums before I do. So to celebrate our milestone, I decided to give Greg something he really really wanted. I was going to let him fuck my ass.I had never done anal before, but I could tell Greg really wanted to. He never asked me flat...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Please Fuck my Husband

I've never really liked getting massages from a professional it always makes me uncomfortable.Having a woman that isn't my wife touch me is weird. What happens if I get an erection? Does my wife get upset with me for being turned on by another woman? Does the masseuse get offended or flattered? Will a porn scenario happen where the masseuse gives her client a very happy ending? I don't know but I just spend the whole time trying to not get an erection and it's exhausting.Why not get a massage...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Debauchery Part I

Becky slowly adjusted to the sensory overload of the Elegant Desire gentleman’s club. The loud beating music, the swirling disco globe over the stage along with the black lights which created an eerie glow to the barely dressed dancers waiting their turn while encouraging the male patrons to have a private dance and maybe much more, with them. All the dancers were young and beautiful in their own right and Becky felt intimidated by them. Years ago, she could have been one of those dancers but...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Fun

Cal and Amanda dated for a while after college and their sexual adventures kept their interest peaked at a very high level. Cal's friends Lenora and Max wanted to show Amanda a different side of sex. The two couples spent time out, dining and dancing, but never in the bedroom or as Max called it, his playroom. Max and Lenora were into the BDSM lifestyle and wanted Cal and Amanda to join them. Cal knew of Max's special room and in fact, before dating Amanda used it several times with them. In...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise

We've been married now for 19 years. I love my wife dearly. We have a great relationship, have had wonderful sex over the years and 4 k**s have popped out as a result. My wife Jill is not as adventurous or daring as I am or want her to be. But she still gets my cock to rise on a daily basis. I figured that it was time to do something different for our anniversary this year so I decided to finally take my wife away from the k**s to a night of food, drinks, and a hotel. The day started off good...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Proposal 2

If you haven't read the first installment, you might want to start there first. Chapter Five When we did finally wake up, I felt refreshed. Jim and I had only been here for two nights, but they both were full of passionate sex. The first night with Jim, my husband. The second night Jim had spent with Casey, a young attractive female who Kevin had said was a “sexual b**st.” I of course had spent last night with Kevin, our host. A very rich man who lived here in the Caribbean. We had met Kevin on...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Trip ch3 Paulas Turn

This is the third installment of our trip to Las Vegas on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary. See the story "Tenth Wedding Anniversary" for the first part of the story and "Sex Slave Stripper" for the second part. After my two days as my husband's "sex slave", our vacation cooled down quite a bit. I still wore my sexy outfits, which attracted no end of male attention, but I was so sore from my evening as a "sex slave stripper", that two more days passed without anything worth writing...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Weekend At A Nude Resort

Anniversary Weekend At A Nude ResortMy husband and I were on our way to Palm Springs to celebrate our anniversary. I couldn’t believe he had talked me into staying at a nude resort. I was nervous and excited at the same time. A few weeks earlier, my husband had asked me if I would be interested in staying at a nude resort. I had never thought about it, but decided that it might be kind of fun. After extensive internet research, my husband booked us two nights at an “anything goes” resort in...

3 years ago
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I heard a knock on the front door, and I rushed to answer it. Of course, I already knew who it was. Her black hair spilled out over her black hoodie covered shoulders, her pale skin darkened under her green eyes. My mouth stretched into a smile as I opened the door, my cheeks automatically flushing. Her grandparents had already drove away, leaving us completely alone. She stepped inside, taking in the scene in the living room. I’d lit all the candles in the house, which were about fifteen. I...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gift Barbie Doll

Anniversary Gift: Barbie Doll By Greg Iacovelli "Hi honey," said my wife as I walked in the door. "Hi Barbie," I said. (I called her Barbie because Barbara was her name and she was obsessed with collecting Barbie dolls.) I thought how lucky I was, she looked perfect, a living Barbie doll in her own right. She had a perfectly shaped face with big green seductive eyes, small little up turned nose, and full pouting lush lips. Under that she had a rack so big and so perfectly...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Miracle

I sat on the exam table, clad only in a paper gown and panties. As usual, the exam room was too cold, and I shivered. I had come in to the doctor because I had not been feeling well for several days. The nurse came in and told me I could get dressed and that the doctor would be right in after I was dressed. Thankfully I put on my dress and sweater and waited for the doctor. I did not wait long before he came in with my file, thick after two years of going to his clinic. "Well, Ms....

2 years ago
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Anniversary getaway

Cliff and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary on the 30th (which was also my birthday), on a private island my family owns. We stayed in our own house near the main mansion. We had lunch at the beach, and then headed to our cottage to rest. Since it was our anniversary, I prepared something for him as a gift. As we lay down in bed, watching boring movies, I kissed him and whispered in his ear, “Just stay there and I have something to show you.” I quickly showered and dressed in a school...

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