A Grotesque Display I free porn video

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“Come in here,” she smiled beneath her perfectly coiffed blonde hair, “we’ll have at least an hour and a half.” She opened the door to the meeting room, pulled me in, and locked the door behind us. I pulled her to me, soft as a dream beneath the sliding swish of her blue cotton dress, intoxicated by the hair curling under at shoulder height like a dream from a golden age of movies. She looked up as I leaned in, her perfume light and seductive on her neck and wafting out from between her creamy white breasts as I pressed her to me. She kissed me passionately and looked up coyly with her baby blues from beneath her lashes, “I’ve wanted you for so long.”


I leaned in to kiss her again as I cupped her breasts, small and firm and as sexy as they were elegant, but she put her hand on my chest and pushed me away. “I like to play. Do you?”

I nodded eagerly and she smiled, “Then strip for me.” Without waiting to be told twice I stripped off everything I was wearing in record time, and she smiled happily at my throbbing erection. “Now sit in the chair, Mr. Company Director!”

It was a lousy academic office and the closest company director was probably three miles and several million dollars away, but she clearly had her tastes. I sat in the one cushy chair at the head of the table and she sat on the table in front of me, lifting her hem to show her light brown hairs and then spreading her thighs to open herself fully to me. Her lips were pink and peeking out of their lightly furred frame, and her aroma filled my nose as my fingers caressed them and came away damp. I leaned in and started licking as she quickly settled into a quick back and forth, her clitoris under my lips as my tongue licked her furrow, and in less than a minute two of my fingers were fully inside her; in another minute her body twisted in prolonged joy as I administered to her need for release. The only sounds in the room were the squishing of her fluids and the rapid wheeze of her breath, and then she climaxed fast and hard and long against my face.

She had closed her thighs tightly once she came, too sensitive for my still-thirsty tongue, but I pushed them apart as I stood before her. She smiled and raised her knees to my sides as I pushed into her, and she said quietly, “You can’t come inside me. Can you make me come this way? Without coming too?” I nodded and she smiled, “You’ll have fun, don’t worry.” I looked down at her lying on the table letting me take possession of her, cunt splayed open as I pierced deeply into her flesh, the rest of her as precisely made up and elegantly dressed as she always was, and smiled at her twinkling eyes enjoying the sight of her taking possession of me.

“You’ve wanted this forever, haven’t you?”

“Since I first saw you.”

“Lift my hips. Fuck up against the front. That’ll do me.”

I did so and was rewarded with her suddenly launching into orgasm two minutes after I first entered her, and she groaned, “Don’t come yet. Keep that up. I need more.”

She continued fucking up hard against me, her chill exterior finally stripped away to reveal the lustful woman I had imagined inside her, and had two more orgasms in the next few minutes. The last was especially strong, yet as with all her others she maintained silence as her face twisted in torment. Her cunt clamped down on me, and with superhuman effort I held off.

She pushed me away and said, “Just what I needed. It’s time for your pleasure now.” I sat back in the chair and she slid off the table. She lowered her hem and knelt before me, and after using a wet wipe from her purse to clean her fluids off me, she said, “I rarely do this. You’re elite,” and opened wide and stared up at me unblinkingly as she lowered her flawlessly red lips to my member, and with ten bobs of her head had seven of my nine inches into her mouth and throat. She held me there as she worked me with her mouth, still staring into my eyes, and after a minute I moaned quietly, “I’m coming.” She merely winked and smiled around my shaft, and despite my best efforts I only lasted ten more seconds before the first spurt shot into her throat. I thrust up and into her as I gripped the arms of the chair to hold myself in place. She swallowed easily and worked me in and out with each spurt, and after she had drained my first load, she smiled, “Still hard? I thought so. Always walking around with a hard-on, even after you go to the bathroom three times a day to drain yourself. Thinking about my breasts, no doubt, and every other woman’s in this office.”

I was on the verge of sleep and barely heard her, but I suddenly came awake when the cold metal clicked shut on both wrists at once; she tightened them until they bit into my skin and held my wrists flush with the arms, and then stood up and away from me. “You eat pussy so well! It’s a shame I have to do this to you. I hope the blowjob makes it up to you some day. Department of Education inspectors will be in here with the admins in about ten minutes…” she glanced at her watch, “…sorry, you lasted longer than I thought. Six minutes. And please, don’t take it personally, but have a nice life.” She smiled for ten seconds as I yanked hard at the handcuffs holding me to the arms of the chair, raised her eyebrows and rounded her lips as her glance showed I remained fully hard in embarrassment, and then quickly gathered my clothes and unlocked the door. She blew me a kiss, “Toodles!,” and rushed out of the room.

Unfortunately, everyone was back from lunch early, though whether I’d had a full six minutes or a full sixty, I doubt I could have gotten out of my trap before the inevitable happened. A never-ending three minutes of desperate writhings in the chair ended with a crash as the door opened and the Institute’s administrative assistant Marisol came in and said, “What the hell?,” followed by the director’s wide-eyed, “What the fucking hell?,” then the financial director’s “Good lord, man!,” and then seven more cries of surprise along the same lines. Beet red I stared at all of them as they stared back at me, some resolutely in the face, others secretly or openly straight at my lap, and so embarrassed I thought I’d die, I willed above all for my erection to subside, just as I had every day in high school once I hit puberty, and as always I just stayed hard and got harder.

It probably only lasted ten seconds, but it felt like two hours as they stared at me, half of them smiling and the other half staring in disgust, and our director Susan finally shook her head and said, “Performance art is ordinarily highly appreciated in this office, but I’m afraid we have a meeting. Get up and out and see me after this meeting is over.”


“Can’t?!? Oh yes you will.”

“Kinda stuck here.”

“Ah. Where’d you put the key?”

“I kinda didn’t.”

She came over and smiled as she got a whiff of something on my face and turned quickly to the group. “I would say someone has fallen victim to a college prank. Shall we leave him to his fate and decamp elsewhere? I think we can use the meeting room at the other end of the hall. Marisol? Get maintenance, will you? Tell then to bring a buzz saw, perhaps a chisel, and a gallon of WD-40. And tell them they can amputate his hands if need be, just don’t scratch my chair. —Right this way, everyone, and Marisol, keep the door closed until they get here, okay?”

After they filed out, Marisol smiled at me, closed and locked the door, and said, “So that’s why Doreen was peeking at my desk calendar.”

I just blinked at her as she ran her fingertips down the buttons of her blouse. “You’re a nice guy. I’m sorry this had to happen to you, but we’re scheduled to get increases in funding and new positions are opening up, and you were a shoo-in for one of them. But Doreen’s almost as well qualified, and I’m afraid she wants the job a lot more than you do. As you…well, as you can tell.”

She laughed sharply and said, “And unfortunately for you, Doreen’s my best friend, so mum’s the word. But I can make it up to you, you know…” She unbuttoned her top two buttons and said, “I don’t have to call maintenance for another twenty minutes.” Another button opened. “You’re always staring at them.” Another button. “Staring and getting such a beautiful erection, and so shy and embarrassed about it. It’s so sweet. I’m truly flattered.”

She undid her last buttons and let her blouse slip off, her breasts restrained by an industrial-strength brassiere of the sort I had caught accidental glimpses of a couple of times in the last year before averting my eyes. “I know how much you want them. You’ll never forget this, will you?”

I shook my head crazily and she smiled, “No word of this to anyone, understand? No word about Doreen. No word about the jobs coming up.” I nodded and she said, “Then welcome to your one and only trip to paradise.” She removed her bra and moved in to let me suckle her breasts, a medium brown with dark brown nipples, and as I nursed at one and then the other, she raised her skirt and stripped her panties off rapidly, then raised herself to let me see her thick black curls, her lips peeking out of the thatch, and with surprising acrobaticism mounted the chair, lowered herself onto me, and took me deep into her steaming, drenched cunt in one prolonged push downwards.

As she circled slowly, she leaned in and kissed me, and then pulled away, “Remember, my brother can be a very violent man, so please, never a breath to a soul. You know how men are in our culture.” She kissed me again and then wiped my face. “So Doreen had fun! Will you do that to me too? Eat your cum out of me?”

I nodded and she smiled, “If you do a good job I’ll return the favor.” I nodded and she chuckled, “Of course you will. You’re always the perfect gentleman, aren’t you?”

“Especially with such a beautiful lover.”

She had settled into a solid rhythm, not too quick, that allowed her body to slowly build, and she asked, “Is it true you jerk off so much? Like three times a day like all the women think?”

“Yes, many days.”

“And yet you still get hard afterwards?”


“How many times did you think about me?”

“Four, five times a week.”

She smiled and whispered, “I figured you like us brown girls, the way you always blush when you catch me checking you out.”

She circled a little more quickly now, whispering, “You fit perfectly inside me. Doreen’s prettier, but I’m more passionate than she ever dreamed of. I’m always on fire, dreaming of this. You feel so much better than my hand. Than my dildos. Will you fill me full of cream?”


“Will you think of me tonight when you drain yourself?”

“All five times.”

“So lustful!”

“Embarrassed, actually. It always makes me hard.”

She chuckled quietly, “Poor boy.” After a minute of kissing as she began thrusting more rapidly, she whispered, “I’m coming, papi, dame leche,” and as her cunt tightened around me, her vicelike grip pulled a flood of cum out of me. Her face twisted in release as she pounded hard against me, her plump body soft against me as she crumpled into relaxation.

She finally caught her breath and said, “Promises are promises,” and raised herself to crouch above me. She held my head with one hand as she balanced herself with the other and pulled my face into her jungle to search out the crevice she had pleasured us with. I quickly found her favored spot and sucked her to two swift orgasms, each taking just a minute to reach, and then she lowered herself to stand before me.

“Hard again? Why are you embarrassed?”

“Not embarrassed now. That’s all because of you.”

She smiled happily and knelt before me, working me quickly inside her mouth and, showing greater expertise than even Doreen, soon had me nestled between her tonsils as she stroked me with her throat and lips an inch backward and forward. I knew I had little time, so I gave myself over to her lust and skill and stared into her deep brown eyes smiling with pride as she reveled in my reaction.

In another minute I felt the old tingle and said, “I’m coming.” She took me all the way inside her, and as she buried her lips in my pubic hair, the first spurt shot down her gullet. Six more followed it as she swallowed with ease, and after working her head back and forth to get the last drops, she stood up and said, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a call to make.”

She quickly dressed and said, “Please remember your promise. That was one of my best ever. Keep quiet and you’ll have the sweetest of memories. Blab and I’ll point my brother your way. Understand?” Her lips smiled, but her eyes flashed dangerously.

I nodded, “Believe me, it was better than I dreamed it would be with you. Doreen can have the job; I think I still came out ahead.”

She grinned and said, “I like how you’re already hard again! Under other circumstances…Ah well.”

She unlocked the door and left, and soon came back in and waited with small talk and coy smiles for maintenance to arrive. Word had gotten around somehow, presumably Doreen’s doing, and three coworkers peeked in and quickly shut the door with raised eyebrows. “Couldn’t you get a blanket or something to cover me?”

“Why would I do that? I’m leaving no chance for you to wiggle out of losing your job. Besides, from the smell on you, they’d have to burn the blanket. Health regulations.”

I sighed and she laughed with an appreciative glance, “Embarrassment really does turn you on, doesn’t it?”

“Just let me die now.”

“You already died and went to heaven, what, three times? Now we’re just waiting for the Last Judgment.”

After five minutes an older man with grizzled hair came in. After a second of shocked silence he growled, “Well, Miss Montez, you weren’t lying like I figured. Let’s get him free and put some clothes on him. Though I’m not sure all the women in this office would be pleased with me doing that,” and with a loud chuckle winked as for the first time Marisol showed embarrassment.

I sat there beet red again as he surveyed the scene, eyes avoiding my cock, and he looked at me in puzzlement. “Now how in hell did you do that?”

“Magic trick.”

“So magic trick’em open.”

“Doesn’t work.”

He shook his head, “It don’t make a damn lick’o’sense. I can see locking one, but then how did you lock the other?”

“Used my teeth.”

After a second he nodded and said, “I guess.”

It took ten minutes with WD-40, an awl, and a hammer to get the handcuffs open, and at the end of it the director came back in. “You can go back to work now, Marisol. Good job sparing this guy as much embarrassment as possible,” she said with a glance at my throbbing pole, followed with a steady glance and a quick surmise.

“Just doing my job.”

“So I see. Your job will also include cleaning my chair with deodorant, sanitizer, and bleach.”

“Ass stench?” Marisol looked at her with an unreadable expression and Susan retorted with a bit of a glare that made Marisol blush, “Among other things, yes.”

She turned away as I was finally set free, and after I had put on an extra pair of overalls and an undershirt, she said to Hal, “Not a word to anyone, and no speculating either, got me?”

“Lady, I don’t want to ever think about this again. Beyond me how young women can enjoy that…,” pointing at me. Susan looked  daggers at him and he made a sign of locking his lips and tossing the key, shook his head, and scampered the hell away out of there.

She opened the door and led me to her office as everyone stared at me. Fortunately, with clothes on I was only embarrassed enough to stay at half mast. As we passed the men’s room she whispered, “Go wash those trollops off your face.” When we entered her office she introduced me to an older man.

“Mr. Bennett is in HR. He will ease your transition out of here as painlessly as possible. We can of course not keep you on after this.”

He added, “A true shame; you had quite high marks.”

“Now what the hell were you doing?”

After a second I replied, “I was playing a joke. It seemed funny at the time.”

“A very stupid, costly joke,” Bennett shot back.

“Please, accept my apologies.”

“HR will.”

And for fifteen minutes they held my exit meeting and made arrangements for my last paycheck, and after Bennett left Susan said, “Enough with the bullshit. Doreen is a true backstabber, but at least you got some pleasure out of her. I was surprised Marisol did you too, but I hope she was as good as she lets on.”

I stared and she said with a smile, “You had red lipstick most of the way down when I first saw you and no odor beyond your face. The second time you had brown lipstick all the way down and you reeked of a very happy woman. I checked everyone’s lipstick today and I know whose shades were on you.”

“No, that is not so.”

She smiled and winked, “Loyal. I like that. I’m sorry we have to let you go, but we have to let you go.” We chuckled and she added, “Your clothes are in the file room. You can put them on and then give those back to Hal, though he’ll probably burn them, and then I’ll let you go to your desk and escort you out of the office.”

“Sorry about this. It was a stupid prank. Won’t ever do it again.”

“Not here in any case.” We laughed and she said, “Come on.”

As we exited her office, Marisol smiled at me from behind her desk as I winked at her, and Susan said, “Say good-bye to our prodigal student. I’ve seen some god-awful shit-for-brains pranks, but this one takes the cake.”

“We’ll miss you,” she replied to me.

“I’m sure we will,” Susan smiled.

Another five minutes saw me dressed normally and cleaning out my desk as my coworkers stared at me, half of them in utter disgust, the rest seemingly overjoyed finally just to have a change from the daily grind. Faye across the room fiddled with the cross around her neck as if it were a button that could change the channel to a better program without my face and said just loud enough for me to hear, “Glad they’re getting rid of that guy before the sexual assaults started.”

Susan snapped to attention, but Rhonda, the most out of the lesbians in the office, said loudly before she could say anything, “Good riddance to pig rubbish.”

Susan looked at her as to my great surprise Doreen said just loudly enough to hear, “It’s always an embarrassment to a real woman to hear old biddies who hate cock so much.”

Susan said loudly, “Everyone, quiet. Faye, Rhonda, Doreen, I’ll see each of you in my office starting in ten minutes. Now then…”

She looked at me and I said loudly to everyone, “Sorry about that. It seemed really funny at the time, but it was really stupid of me. I deeply apologize.” Doreen smiled and winked at me, and I nodded and gave her a quick smile.

Everyone nodded at my apology and watched as I walked to the main door with Susan, who said quietly as we shook hands, “You know how to make an unforgettable farewell.”

“It was good working for you. I’ll miss it.”

“I think by tomorrow you’ll look on this as your lucky lucky day.”

“See you around.”

“Yes,” she smiled mysteriously and stood aside, and I left.


That evening I walked back to my apartment from campus, having checked a few leads for jobs and gotten nowhere. On the one hand, I didn’t absolutely need to work; on the other, I preferred not to dip into savings and knew I needed something besides schoolwork to keep something resembling my sanity. Still, as I had plenty of time to find something new, I hummed snippets of music to myself as I strolled home and pondered dinner. As I walked down the sidewalk by the parking lot of my apartments, I heard a car door open and close, and as I reached the grass and turned to the sidewalk to my apartment, I heard clicking of heels and saw Susan standing a few yards ahead of me.

Inexplicably apprehensive even after she smiled at me, I stared as I fully hardened. She snapped her fingers and I chuckled and walked up to her. She peeked down and back up. “I’m pleased to see you too,” she chuckled, and stepped up to me and took my arm. “I thought I’d help you with your job search. Only fair after canning your bare-assed ass.” I goggled and she laughed deep in her throat. “First we need a strategy planning session. Come on,” and she let me lead her to my apartment, though I knew full well she was the one in charge.

When I had closed the door, she locked it and slipped off her shoes. “Will you show me around, or shall I show you around?”

“Which do you prefer?”

She laughed and waved her hand around, “So this is your living room. There’s the hallway. Let me show you.” After taking me all through my apartment with an intoxicating air of complete ownership of all she surveyed, she had me sit on the other end of my couch from her and said, “I have some leads, and I have an idea I need to check out.  I’ll give you the best reference I can, but lord, make sure it’s my name you put down.” We chuckled and she continued, “Sure as hell don’t put Doreen down.”

She opened her purse and pulled out a bottle of wine. “Let me show you the bottle opener and the glasses.” We chuckled and she led me by the arm, elbow held tightly into her breast, into the kitchen, my face as red as an apple and my cock frozen solid. “The bottle opener is…” She watched as I glanced at the proper drawer and then immediately walked over and pulled it out. “And the glasses are…” and following my eyes she opened the cabinet and pulled out two.

“The mark of a true leader.”

She chuckled, “Following from the front?”


I opened the wine and poured us each a glass, and she took me by the hand and as natural as you please led me back to the couch. We clinked glasses and each took a sip. She set hers down and said, “So yes, I had a long talk with all the blabbermouths and wrongful parties.”


“Suffice it to say I reamed Faye’s ass ten ways to Sunday so you don’t have to. Figuratively speaking, of course, though if there were any justice in the world you’d get to do it literally. And threatened Rhonda with the same if she can’t keep a civil tongue in her head.”


Her eyes opened briefly and she patted my cheek, “Innocent babe in the woods you are. Don’t nip that slander in the bud, it grows. It won’t grow now.”


“And I had a long talk with Doreen and Marisol.”

“But why?”

“They were wrong.”

“Let it go.”

“You can; that’s fine. In fact, I highly recommend it. I have to continue managing them, and I can’t allow behavior like that ever again. It’s wrong and it’s bad for discipline and morale. If they get away with it without even a nasty look, they think they’re invincible. Next time it won’t be so pretty for all concerned.”

We sipped some more wine, and then she sat back and said, “Now, I need to know exactly what they did. Every detail. Check their stories, make sure they told the whole truth and nothing but.”

“Why, what did they say?”

“That would be telling. I need to know from you in your own words.”

“This won’t get them in trouble?”

“Not if what they said is true.”

“What if I don’t tell you?”

“Then I cannot in good conscience offer you a positive recommendation.”

There was a slight smile at the corners of her lips and a twinkle in her eye that made me go red in the face and fully hard again in the pants, and she blinked and said, “Good lord, you embarrass easily.”

“It’s been the bane of my life.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, ever since…hitting puberty…” and she nodded and smiled to relax me, “whenever I get embarrassed, I…well, you know how boys get erections when they have to speak publicly, like in high school in front of the class? My senior year, sheer hell.”

She nodded, “When I was younger I had the same problem. Had to wear a thick bra, an undershirt, a shirt, and a sweater whenever I gave a talk, and I still had lecherous punks hit on me afterwards.”

“Like that, yeah.”

“And it’s never ended?”


“So that’s why…”

“Why what?”

“You have quite the reputation in the office as a randy bull, ya know? The girls all think you’re doing it on purpose. Teasing them or something.”

“God no.”

She laughed. “Well, it’s charming. Intriguing feedback loop.” We laughed and she continued, “So yes, tell me everything that happened. Full detail.”

“Can’t do that.”

“Then you’ll have to show me. ‘Show me on the doll where the doll touched you.’” We laughed and then I choked as she said, “Only this time I’m the doll.”

Taken aback, I still managed to choke out, “And if I don’t?”

“Then I’ll make sure you’ll never work as a clerk in Lower Possum Trot, Podunk County, fine state of Nowhere ever again.” We laughed and she added, “Though I’m not sure if that’s the best thing to say to get you to spill. As it were. In your position it would make me shut up and grin. Load off my mind.” We laughed again as my ears buzzed and my face burned, and she held out her hand and said, “Come on. Your desk there is about the height of the conference table. Show me.”

I took her hand and followed her to near my desk, and she said, “So...”

“Doreen said to come with her into the conference room. Said we had an hour and a half.”

Susan laughed, “What a fucking idiot. I’d have made sure we had at least that long. And?”

“She locked the door and I did this.” I pulled Susan to me. She melted into my arms and kissed back with passion, and after several minutes of fondling her breast and exploring her mouth with my tongue, she said, “So when did you suck her tits?”

“I didn’t?”

“I don’t believe you. You’re not a fool and she’s not an iceberg.” She opened her blouse and pulled my hands to her bra and watched me happily as I explored her breasts with my hands. “So you don’t remember doing that?”


She lifted her bra and let me squeeze and fondle her breasts, white and lightly freckled with brown nipples already erect. I heard a low growl in her throat as I squeezed them lightly, and she pulled my head to them and let me suckle. “Surely you remember doing this.”


“Well, do it some more and see if it comes back to you. Either you have amnesia or she’s an idiot, and I know she’s one smart bitch, so you might need to see a doctor. Bump on the head or something.” We chuckled, her laugh audible through her chest as I sucked happily and her hips began to thrust.

After a few minutes I said, “Nope, don’t remember any of that.”

She smiled, “Okay, what next?”

“She told me to undress.”

Susan stood there watching me, willing me with her eyes to show myself to her, and after a few seconds she nodded as I began. In ten seconds I was naked before her again and she looked down and back up. “And then?”

“She called me a company president and made me sit in your chair.”

Susan laughed, “I wish. And…?”

“I did so.” I sat down in my chair and took her by the hips and directed her to sit on my desk. She helped me raise her hem and said, “Now show me exactly what she did. Use your hands to position me exactly the same.”

I did so, spreading her things wide open like two wings, my fantasies of her opening herself to me finally coming true, and I looked happily down at her panties, dark brown curls visible underneath the white cotton. “But she didn’t have panties on.”

“That’s probably a violation of the health code for personal hygiene right there.”

“Nah, it was fresh and clean,” I said, and we chuckled. She helped me remove her panties and smiled down at me feasting my eyes on the sight. Her lips were swollen and drenched, her hairs matted with her juices, and she said, “Like this?”

“Well, her hair was lighter…”

“Of course.”

“Not nearly as much juice.”

“Of course not.”

“So I did this,” and leaned in. I licked slowly between her lips, feeling them wet and yielding against my tongue.

“Now do exactly what you did to her, in detail.”

I did so, and when I started running two fingers inside her, she said, “Are you sure?”


“Not three fingers?”


“Try it and make sure.”

I slowly pushed all but my thumb and pinky inside her and said, “No.”

“Do it a few minutes and make sure.”

I did and returned to licking all around, and after a minute she said, “Are you sure you weren’t licking her clit by now?”

“I’m sure. That was a minute later.”

“Okay, fast forward to that point.”

I did and felt her body trembling as I helped her build quickly to her plateau, and then for a minute held on patiently, feeling the muscles in her body tauten as her hands grabbed my head and held me in place, my fingers fucking her furiously as her clit circled under my tongue. Suddenly she slammed her hairy mount hard into my nose and held me firmly in place as her orgasming cunt squeezed tightly around my fingers, my head rising and falling as she lifted herself repeatedly off my desk, showing me the most dramatic orgasm I had ever felt a woman experience. Her thighs slammed tight around my ears, and yet I could still hear the loud keening of her orgasmic scream as she held herself in place under my tongue, her ass six inches in the air as she supported her weight on my head and shoulders.

After a minute she let me go and said, “Is that accurate in every detail?”

“Well, she didn’t come that hard.”

“Of course she didn’t,” she said with a touch of scorn. “What next?”


I stood before her as she lay back on the desk, watching with a smile as I looked down at her body in awe. I held her knees at the right height at my sides and pushed forward into her. “She said I couldn’t come inside her, so if I made her happy she’d let me have mine.”

“Show me how you took her.”

“She told me like this.” I stroked in and out and then angled her so I could stroke hard against her front wall, and she moaned and said, “At least she’s not an idiot there.”

I continued thrusting, holding off as Susan fell more slowly but more thoroughly into an orgasm, long tremors running through her as she gave herself over fully to me. She came hard, her body inviting me to join her in spasming bliss, but I held off and said, “She didn’t let me stop then. Came twice more.”

“Twice? I’m afraid that’s just not good enough, young man. You’ll stop when I tell you to stop, and you will come only when I tell you to.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She laughed and said, “Now fuck my brains out.”

Where Doreen and Marisol had both been in a rush and come short and sharp, Susan took longer and reveled in every sensation. For twenty minutes she held me in place, directing me as she needed, and came in loud magnificent slowness four more times.

She pushed me away and said, “What next?”

I sat down in my chair, my cock on the edge of erupting in the greatest rush of fluid in my life, and I said, “I believe you’re well aware of what she did.”

She chuckled, knelt before me, and circled my shaft most of the way down. “I believe the red ring was here,” and with a slow bob took me fully into her throat until her lips were at her fingers. She stared up at me as I fell to pieces, and in thirty seconds I screamed and spasmed into her throat. She swallowed easily as she drained me, a wide smile around my shaft as her cheeks hollowed, and after she sucked out the last drops she pulled back and said with a happy sigh, “Perfect.”

Suddenly I felt handcuffs surround my wrists, and she chuckled, “Don’t worry, I have the key. Now, what did Marisol do?”

The surprise of the handcuffs had me fully erect immediately, and Susan laughed, “No, let me guess.” She stripped and sat on my lap. “Like this?”

“Facing me, yes.”

She mounted me and kissed me deeply as we worked together, our bodies in perfect sync, and then she pulled back to watch me as I worked up into her. She devoured me with her eyes, her chestnut hair finally down from the stern bun I had so often dreamed of undoing, her breasts swinging happily with each thrust. I finally was allowed to stare at her as I wished, her laugh lines now lines of lust as she took possession of me with her body and her eyes, and she clearly loved the feeling of power and control as she twisted this way and that on my largely immobile body.

“You’ve jerked yourself dry imaging this, haven’t you?”


“You dream about me all the time, don’t you, your older boss?”


“Always staring at me when you think I’m not looking with that gorgeous cock fully erect all the time.”


“And sneaking off into the bathroom to drain your tribute to me into toilet paper.”


“Am I all you wanted?”


“What all do you want to do to me?”


“You will.”

I stared into her green eyes as she chuckled. “I told you by tomorrow you’d think this was your lucky lucky day.” I nodded and she smiled, “Finally I’m not your boss. I can finally fuck that gorgeous cock of yours and feel you underneath me, inside me, a younger man who appreciates a fine vintage. Doreen fucked you for your job. I’m going to fuck you for me. I’m going to drain you and wake you up again and drain you again until you’re a worn-out husk. You’re going to take me every way you ever dreamed and I’m going to love it. I will ruin you for any other woman and you’re going to thank me for it. Now come, give me your hot juice. Show me how much you need me.”

And with those words she squeezed down tightly with her vaginal muscles and circled her hips so that I had no chance to resist. I screamed as she moaned, “That’s it, show me your lust. You know I’m your boss. I know you like powerful women. Prove it. Fill me with your cream.”

“No, you have to say ‘Dame leche,’” I said, and as she smiled and said, “Dame leche,” I fountained into her, giving her the milk she demanded, moaning, “Take it, take me, swallow me, use me, drain me, I need it so bad, just let me be yours tonight.”

I felt her climax as I said those words. She moaned, “Yes, yes, fill me,” and continued fucking hard against me after my last spurt. She sat back on my lap, my cock still buried in her, and said, “What next?”

“I have to eat my cum out of you.”

She raised herself to the right height and pulled my face to her and let me lick her clean. She continued circling her hips under my tongue and soon cried out as she came hard against me, managing to stay in place without tipping over our chair.


I groaned, “Now suck me.”

“Again?” She giggled, “Oh, if I must.”

She knelt before me again and played with me happily until I hardened from the sight of her delighting in me, then she took her pleasure slowly, licking and suckling me until I was the edge, whereupon she lowered her head until her lips were buried in my hairs and suckled vigorously until the pleasure rushed through me and I stared fixedly at the top of her head as she took every drop.

A few minutes later I woke up and looked around. My worry built as I saw her nowhere and found I was still handcuffed to my chair. She had handcuffed me less tightly than Doreen had, but I still was unable to slip my hands out. Suddenly I heard the toilet flush and soon she came back in.

“I don’t know if I should let you go. I have you right where I want you.”

“Surely you want to be freely chosen.”

She laughed, “Damn, you’re good. Yes.” She smiled as she saw me throbbingly erect at the sight of her nude body and went to her purse. As I rubbed my wrists a minute later, she closed her purse and said, “Dinner’s coming soon. Hope Chinese delivery’s fine.”

“With you anything would be a feast.”

She laughed, “You just want dessert.”

My stomach growled by coincidence, and as we laughed I said, “At the moment, no.”

We put on robes and I curled up next to her on the couch, exhausted and happy and silent, and after dinner we lay there sated and talked.

“How old are you?”

She smiled, “Guess.”

“Over forty.”


“Under fifty.”

“Thank goodness, yes.”




She laughed. “No. Split the difference, there I am.”

“Am I your youngest?”

“Yes, if you mean our age difference. But not by too much.”

“You prefer older or younger men?”

“Younger, of course. But there’s a lot more to it than that. —Am I your oldest?”


“You don’t mind the silver in my hair?”

“It’s beautiful.”

She laughed, “No, the standard phrase is that it is distinguished.”

“You are.”

“You just want a mother figure.”

“No. I want a woman who treats me nice.”

“You want a woman who takes charge. I know you. Older, experienced, tells you what to do so you don’t have to think.”

“No, so I can learn what to do.”

She smiled, “Touché.”

“Have you had many lovers?”

“More than my age.”

“Over forty-five men?”

“No, over forty-five lovers. Maybe twenty-five men.”

“Which do you like better?”

“Men as a group, I guess, but not by much.”

“What kind of women do you like?”

“Petite, girly, and passionate once you get them in bed. Intelligent, arty, not too lesbian.”

“Why does that matter?”

“It doesn’t by itself, except too many of them think I’m a traitor to their cause or something. They don’t see men as attractive…in that way, so they don’t take me seriously. They don’t see me, all of me, and they usually end up just pissing me off.”

After a moment she asked, “So when did you get a thing for older women? Which of your mother’s best girlfriends caught your eye in high school? I need to thank her. I might send her flowers or something.”

We laughed and I said, “Actually, it was three of them. Always playing cards with my mother on weekends whenever Dad went off fishing with his buddies. I’d help out serving and everything, and they always talked about their love lives after a while. After a couple of months. Hardly knew I was there. I sure knew they were there though. I guess I figured if I could get women like them to notice me, then I’d be successful as a man. By my own standards, you know, not that macho bullshit I always heard.”

She laughed, “You know, that’s not just sweet, it’s pretty much true. Not so much about them being older, but women who know themselves, yes, that’s who you need. And you never slept with them?”

“Hell, I was lucky to get a handshake from them when I graduated high school.”

She laughed again, “So how many have you had? Women?”

“You’re the seventh.”

“A lucky number in many cultures.”

We kissed and she asked in mock coyness, “So, what have you never done in bed?”

“Eaten crackers.”

She laughed loudly. “Or jumped up and down like a trampoline?”

“Not since I was two and got an ass-walloping I still remember.”

“Speaking of which, I might have been too rough on Faye reaming her ass out. You should probably punish me.”


“You know, make the punishment fit the crime and all. An eye for an eye, an ass for an ass.”

“I’ve never…I don’t know what to do.”

She laughed, “You will by morning.” And I did.


I awoke too early, exhausted from the sex and the early hours, to the smell of coffee and sausage. I walked into the kitchen and saw Susan finishing up a small breakfast for us; she kissed me and smiled, “Let me make sure I remember…You came five times with me last night, right?”


“So eight times altogether?”


She guffawed. “You can keep that up long-term?”

“With the right partner.”

After a pause she smiled, “This wasn’t serious for me. It was incredible one-time fun. That’s fine with you?”


She nodded. “Okay then. Glad you came home last night.” After a pause she laughed, “I wonder what my neighbors will think of me dragging in so early. They’re already shocked I have a girlfriend.”

“She lives with you?”

“She’s not a girlfriend girlfriend, but she stays over often enough. As it is, the men leave me alone. If they knew I swung both ways, I’d probably have to move. Pack of horny dogs.”

I helped her carry the plates and cups and we sat at my desk and ate. “I have just enough time to get home to change before work. Remember, this is it outside of utter business necessity. Don’t call me at the office. Don’t visit. Forget I work there, that you ever worked there, that I did you, that I even exist except for references. For my sake even more than yours. Doreen and Marisol would get ideas like that [snap], and they wouldn’t be far wrong. I wouldn’t put it past them stabbing me in the back for a nice pair of fat promotions, so after I walk out that door I no longer exist for you. Clear?”


“But I have connections…We’ll see about leads for you. I have an idea, so watch your email,” she said quietly and looked at me appraisingly as I ate. When I finished I accompanied her to the door and she said, “Anyway, here.” She kissed me sweet and long and before she opened the door said, “Sorry to see you go. Just think of it as getting laid off. After all, you did get laid and you did get off.” And as I laughed, she opened the door, waved as she passed through, and shut it on me with finality.


The next week or so passed quickly; I buckled down to work while taking a break from employment. The next Thursday I received an email from her on her personal email:  I have a lead for you. Monday. It’ll be perfect for you. You have just the talents for it, and it will help you get over that problem you have with embarrassment.

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Thats My Girl

It was opening day for football and Steve had invited three friends over to his house to watch the games. The three men were all members of his softball team from work. Two of the men had been friends for years and one was visiting his house for the first time. Gary and Sean were the longtime friends and Bill had recently moved into the area and was a new hire by Steve's company.The men had settled in for the games. The first game would be starting soon. The food and drinks were well supplied...

3 years ago
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Wranglers Rodeo Boys 1

Garrett and I had known each other since high school, senior year. After that, we'd gone to college together. Shared a dorm room. It was somewhere during that time, not sure when that we started fucking. Not boyfriend—boyfriend fucking. Just a couple of buddies getting each other off.I'm definitely not gay. Maybe bisexual—maybe something else entirely. All I know is my best friend knows how to suck cock better than any girlfriend I've ever had, and I get an insane rush every time his cock fills...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Solo Sex In The Time Of Coronavirus

A little background about me, might at this stage me useful. I am Mark a newly divorced Londoner who is rediscovering life and starting out afresh. After years of deeply unsatisfying, resentful sex, my wife and I went our separate ways, she enjoyed the company of her phone,  I was wanking for England.As our sex life had deteriorated to the point of being non-existent I had rediscovered the joys of masturbation. Sometimes I became aroused watching porn sometimes my own imagination was all I...

3 years ago
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On an escapadeOut an about Page 2cont

Istroked his thigh an slipped across his buldging crotch an before i saw what he intended he`d stuck a massive snoggin kiss full on my lips! oooow..a bit ov a shocka but i soon responded an enjoy`d a long sexy snog with him his hands were all over me,an the other guy was also feelin me up too,ooooowww my god ! i was luvin this now , with my ass against the table legs waist width apart a fella either side of me fondling an feelin me up as i wank both cocks , hmmm one starts kissin down my...

1 year ago
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The Begning of a Great Week End

On the second week end in January 2010 my girl friends called to see what I was going todo for the week end. I said we’re going out clubing, see what happens they said great they are great girls Aimee is about 29 yos 5’2′ 32c,22, 32, she’s all tits and ass she likes boys and girls she’s divorced and lives in her own condo in Point Loma, Marlene is a little older shes 34 yos she been divorced twice, say she not going to get married ever again but she a fox shes, 5′ 6′, 34c, 24, 34 she the best...

4 years ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 9

Elleron was what the Earthers considered to be a "normal" fluorine planet. It had the usual relatively flat terrain with few, if any, mountains. There was one continent with one large "ocean." The ocean was made up of an organo-fluorine compound, but they could not tell exactly which one without taking a sample for analysis. This was too dangerous, so the Earthers just skipped it. There were only two detected cities on the planet, but both appeared to cover approximately one-third the...

1 year ago
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New Years Day New Years Part 2

The inside door opened before I could knock. The gentleman that answered was smiling, but he was also holding a single finger up to his lips."The good doctor is sleeping," he explained. "Do you need to take your car and go, or do you have time to come in and talk for a bit?""The doctor?" I couldn't stop from asking. He had to be talking about his wife. "I have some time, and we definitely need to talk."A knowing grin spread on his face."You two must have hit it off pretty quickly if...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Kara Faux Sis On My Dick

Kara is super clumsy and accidentally broke moms super expensive vase! Her stepbro heard the clamor and saw what happened. Kara was in deep shit. She asked her stepbro for help, but he wouldnt unless she gave him a BJ! Kara got down and dirty and received a big load in order to cover up her even bigger mistake ;). At this point she thought she was on pretty friendly terms with stepbro, so she decided to see if maybe she can convince him to let her friend come over even though mom and dad would...

2 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 23

They arrived beneath the flight facility, took an escalator up, and paid the fees at the entrance. Their bodies were scanned while the table they lay on took their weight and determined exactly where their center of gravity was in relation to the rest of their bodies, so that their flight suits could be fitted to them exactly. While their suits were prepared they were given a twenty-five minute lesson that taught the essentials of flight technique, safety rules, right-of-way regulations,...

1 year ago
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Donna and the Fish and Donnas Insecurity

Donna and the Fish ‘It’s all a matter of juxtaposition.’ Donna looked exquisite. It was another exhibition at her gallery and she was wearing a beautiful pair of black, high cut trousers supported by red braces over a white shirt beneath which was a white, silk camisole. When earlier I had commented how beautiful she looked, she said, ‘I have to conceal my nipples, College. If exposed they would cause a public nuisance, people might fall off bicycles. These are proper nipples, not like yours....

3 years ago
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The Real Story About How I And Mom Fell In Greater Love

I and my mom are alone at home. Dad is abroad. She is 41 year old and has not saggy but strong pure white breasts. It is the type we call busty and thin. She always wears churidhar, but with a cleavage, I’ve always enjoyed all those but deep inside I longed to bang her. I have always spied on her, but never even dreamt of touching or kissing her. I am like usual guys masturbate and stuff like that. One day my friend gave me a pill saying I could cum thrice in a day. I took it and got so horny...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 161

At eight the ten applicants and the seven of us, including Courtney, were sitting at the meeting table. I handed out the individualized forms; the only difference was the name. Jones Security, a division of Jones Business Groups Jones Security offers Charles Wilson III the position of Security Guard at Frost Borough University effective June 1, 2014. The basic terms and conditions of this offer are as follows: 1. Base Salary $40,000 per year equal to $769.23 weekly or $19.23 hourly wage....

1 year ago
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AtlantaChapter 3 Three on One

The bet was a draw, but Annie now had three lovers all to herself. Joe seemed surprised at this turn of events. He glanced at Perry Dunlap, caught his eye and said, "Who wants to do a line?" "I do," Bea replied immediately. "Good idea," Perry quickly followed. "It's fine with me," Annie said, making it unanimous. Joe pulled a small silver case from a secret drawer built into the fireplace. The two women kissing on the other couch stopped what they were doing and looked up. Bea...

2 years ago
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One Night

I never understood what it is you have over me. You walk into a room and all I want you to do is take me to the darkest corner of the room and fuck me until I can’t breathe. I’m so transparent. I don’t care. It’s what you do to me. It’s what you’ve always done to me. It took so long to get here but it was worth every long, lonely minute that you weren’t a part of me. I waited all my life for you. The stolen glances in the hallways in high school, the countless smiles you’d shoot across the room...

1 year ago
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My walk home from sixth form

When I was 17 I had the most amazing sexual experience just walking home from school. I first wanked my little cock off when I was 13 to a film starring Sharron Whirry who had the most amazing balloon tits. It was only a b-movie so it was just soft core porn but I loved it. Her character found a camera had been put in her room so she decided to fuck random stranger from a bar so the perv could watch. This film really made me fantasise about being taken by an older women who would fuck my little...

2 years ago
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Life With AlphaChapter 1 Artificial Intelligence Alpha

Hi, my name is Frank, and I live in Texas, just outside the DFW metroplex. I'm not going to tell you my full name or give any specific details of my life for reasons which will shortly become apparent. I offer my tale for your enjoyment though, of course, you're equally welcome to ignore the story or second-guess my choices. I don't think of myself as a genius, just talented in some areas. Specifically, I created a true artificial intelligence, and she's been changing my life ever...

1 year ago
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PublicBang Ginebra Bellucci Having Anal In Public With Ginebra

Today is a hot sunny day thats perfect for some sex. We drove out to the train station where we found this cute girl named Ginebra. She’s a 22yo that we convinced to help us “find a restaurant”. We to the talking and we got her to show off her great body before Potro shoves his cock in her mouth. Yes! She got naked and sucks cock at a random park that we stopped at. This naughty Euro chick gives up her ass and its great. We see her getting fucked from different positions until she takes his...

3 years ago
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The Pool GirlChapter 12

I was inside checking the fridge when Melissa made the call so I didn’t hear the conversation but I heard the yelling when it started. I came outside once I realized what was happening and just caught the very end of it. Lavi and Syliva were sitting around in uncomfortable silence by that point. Melissa was crying, her phone screen still lit up but the call over. “Baby,” I reached out for her but she held up a stiff arm to stop me. “No ... not right now. I need a few minutes.” She headed...

2 years ago
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The Honey Dew ListChapter 23

Next summer... “Do you, Damien, take this woman, Cassidy, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?” Lacey, formerly Sister Lacey, now an ordained minister in her own right, asked Damien. “I do,” Damien grinned as he took the plunge with Cassidy. “Do you, Cassidy, take this man, Damien, to be your lawfully wedded...

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