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Greg and Annie were amazed at the size of JFK airport. They had flown into LaGuardia when they came to NY on the Attorney Barker’s private plane. The driver took them to a VIP entrance, so they did not have to stand in long lines. There was a customs official there who cleared them and directed to the first class passenger’s lounge. The lounge had a complete buffet of food. They filled their plates and sat at a table overlooking the runway.
As the flight time approached a beautiful young Italian woman in a knee length dress and jacket walked toward their table. Both Annie and Greg were instantly struck with her beauty. Black velvet hair reached half way down her back. Her beautiful dark eyes complete with eyeliner and shadow seemed to reach across the room to them. As she reached their table she said, welcome to Alitalia Airlines. My name is Caterina and I will be your hostess for your flight.’ She told them they would board just before takeoff, after the other passengers were all in place.
As she left to check on the status of the flight, she turned and said, you are the only first class passengers tonight, so you will have my undivided attention. I hope to take care of your every need between here and Italy.’ She looked at Greg and licked her upper lip. Annie wasn’t sure what that meant, but Greg had to wonder if Mrs. Blair had given her special instructions.
As she walked away, Annie watched Greg watching Caterina and said, ‘You seem to be very attentive to the sway of her ass. So what was that licking of the upper lip about?
‘How would I know, maybe she had something on her lip.’
‘Or maybe she wanted something in her mouth, like that bulge in your pants that she kept looking at.’
‘Sisters always have such imaginations.’ They both laughed.
A few minutes later Caterina returned to escort them to the plane. As they entered the plane, Caterina introduced them to the co-pilot, Andino. He was as handsome as Caterina was beautiful. Now it was Greg’s turn to watch Annie as she quickly checked out the handsome co-pilot. Andino personally escorted Annie to her seat and said, ‘I hope you enjoy the flight.’ When he looked back, before entering the cockpit, Annie licked her uppers lip. Andino smiled and continued into the cockpit.
‘So, now look who’s licking the lip?’ Greg said. They both laughed again and buckled in for the long night’s flight.
Once they were in the air, Caterina came to determine what they would like for dessert. Annie said ‘How about a date with the co-pilot?’
‘That could probably be arranged,’ Caterina said. ‘He is married, but his wife is very flexible and willing to share.’ Annie was a little shocked with the answer, but excited about the possibilities.
After they had dessert, Annie moved across the aisle to stretch out for the night. Caterina brought her a pillow and covered her with a blanket. Greg decided to work on his computer for a while. Pretty soon, he could hear by Annie’s breathing that she was sound asleep. Caterina sat down beside him and asked him what he was working on.
I am editing some pictures I took of a friend. Caterina looked at the screen and said ‘Wow, that is a great shot of Mrs. Blair.’ I get to see her every time she flies to Tuscany.
‘Have you known her long?’
‘Our families have known each other for many generations. Many of my family members work for companies she owns in Italy and also for some of the Blair companies. She is one of my favorite people. She has helped many people in this country get an education and has provided many the opportunity for good employment. I need to check on something. When I come back, could I see more of your photography?’
‘Certainly, in fact, I have some you will really enjoy that I took several years ago.’
When Caterina returned, Greg noticed she had removed her jacket and had a blanket around her shoulders. As she sat down, he saw the top of her breasts, since the dress she was wearing was topless and revealed a lot of cleavage. The lights had been turned off for the night flight, so most of the light was coming from his laptop. There was just enough light in the aisle to see shadows. He looked across the aisle and saw Annie snuggled in her blanket.
Fortunately, he had the pictures from Mrs. Blair’s daughter’s wedding and the portfolio pictures for one of her bridesmaids. He had many pictures he did not plan to show her. She was fascinated as she watched the pictures. In orders to position herself better to see the picture, she kicked off one shoe and put her leg under herself. In the process her skirt hiked itself (with what appeared to be a little intentional effort) high enough to reveal where here stockings met the garter. Greg slanted the screen a little bit more her way and the light from the screen lit up her leg, breast and face. She was leaning so close to Greg that their faces were almost touching. She put a hand on his thigh to study her. Her hand was less than an inch from his erection, which was totally expanded.
She couldn’t believe the beautiful portfolio shots and asked, ‘Would you take those kind of pictures of me sometime?’
Greg looked into her eyes and told her how beautiful she was and how much he would love to photograph her.
‘Do you have any pictures of women you have photographed in the nude?’
‘Is that the way you would like to be photographed?’ Greg asked as he mentally undressed the beautiful woman sitting beside him.’
‘It is something I have always wanted to do and I hear you are the best. Do you have some nude photos I could see?’
Greg decided to show her the pictures of Jane that he had taken form the penthouse in NY. When he got to the picture he had photoshopped that made it look like Jane was nude on the boat sailing up the East river, Caterina moved her hand to rest on Greg’s Cock. He decided two could play that game and ran his right hand up her stocking covered thigh until he reached the bare flesh. Caterina started moving her hand up and down his cock while his hand moved higher. He was amazed not to find underpants blocking his way as he began to run his finger up and down her slit. As he slipped his finger inside, she began to moan and was moving against his hand. All of a sudden Caterina asked him to stop. He did as he was requested, but was confused why the signals suddenly changed.
Caterina said, ‘I didn’t realize I would get this excited and I was very near an orgasm.
‘Is that a bad thing?’
‘It is in the plane. The problem is I am a screamer when I have an orgasm. If I let you take me to an orgasm, I will wake up every one in he plane. We will find another time to let you hear me scream.
‘Maybe photography day will be about more than taking pictures.’ Greg responded.
‘We still have plenty of flight time tonight.’ Caterina said as she unzipped Greg’s slacks and released his cock. She started to stroke it before placing her lips over the head of Greg’s cock.
She stroked harder and harder until Greg whispered ‘I am about to cum.’ She did not let off as Greg shot cum down her throat and she continued till she sucked him dry.
Annie had been watching the shadows for several minutes, although Greg thought she was asleep. Just as he exploded into Caterina’s mouth, Greg looked toward Annie and she gave him a thumb’s up. Uh Oh, Busted!
Caterina had brought the blanket with her to hide what was going on in the event that anyone came into the cabin. Holding it up in front of her, she said, ‘the zipper is on the back of my dress. If you were to pull it down, you could examine what else you will be photographing. She leaned forward to allow Greg access to the zipper. He then put his hand under the blanket to examine the merchandise.
They heard the cockpit door open, so they both quickly sat up. It was a good thing Caterina had the blanket, because she was nude to the waist. The co-pilot came in to inform them that t
hey would be landing in about 30 minutes. He sat down beside Annie and asked her how her flight had been. He also gave him her card and said if there was anything she needed while she was in Tuscany, to give him a call.
‘Does that include you?’
‘That is why I gave you my card. I was hoping we could get to know each other.’ When he returned to the cockpit, Caterina asked Greg to zip up her dress and then she left the cabin.
Annie moved over beside Greg and felt his cock. ‘Did you save some of that for me?’
‘There is always some for you and it looks like you might get some from the co-pilot.’
They were really getting to enjoy flying.
Caterina came to get them to escort them to the valet parking. When they arrived there was a silver Lamborghini ‘She handed them the keys and said, ‘Your luggage is already in the trunk. Looking at Greg, she asked if he was an early morning person? When he acknowledged, he was, she said ‘I would love to be photographed at sunrise on a remote beach. I know just the spot.’
Greg responded, ‘How about tomorrow morning?’
‘That would be great.’ Turning to Annie, she said ‘I know the co-pilot has the day off tomorrow if you would like company for breakfast. The chef at the villa where you are staying happens to know his favorite foods.’ She kissed them both on the cheek and told Greg that she would pick him up at 5:45 a.m.
When they got in the car, a voice said, ‘What is the name of the driver?’
When he got over the shock, he said ‘Greg Johnson’
The voice asked, ‘Do you prefer to be called Greg or Mr. Johnson?’
‘Mr. Johnson is my father, just call me Greg.’
‘You have a sense of humor. What is the name of the passenger?’
Annie responded with ‘Annie’
The voice said, ‘Please adjust the seats to your most comfortable position and Greg, would you please adjust the mirrors and the tilt of the steering wheel?’ When they had completed the settings, the voice said, ‘I will automatically set them for you each time you drive the car. The first time you sit in the opposite seat, you will each need to adjust that seat. Annie, if you would like to lie back, just say ‘Lie Back’ and when you are ready to sit up, just say ‘Sit Up’ and I will bring you back to the sitting position. What is your destination?’ Annie gave the voice the address of the villa. The trip will take a little over an hour depending on your speed. If at any point, you would like to rest or enjoy the scenery, just say ‘Take Over’ and I will remotely drive you to your location. When you leave the parking lot, turn right and go to the end of the street.’
Greg and Annie just looked at each other in amazement as they left the parking lot and continued down the street. The voice would advise them when they were within 100 feet of a turn in town or 1 kilometer on the open highway. As they drove along some winding highway, Greg could not believe how the smoothly the Lamborghini rounded corners. He also had never experienced a car with this much power. Just over an hour after they left the parking lot, the voice said, ‘Your villa is the next property on the right.’ They came up around the turn with Water on the left and a beautiful landscaped villa on the right. As they drove up the driveway, the garage door opened and they drove into a 3 bay garage. There were two motor scooters in one of the bays.
A butler came from the house to unload the bags and show them around the villa. He assured them that if they needed anything, they could simply call for any service or to have meals prepared.
As soon as he left, they both had the same idea. The best way to start their time in Tuscany was with a little sex. They raced to the master bedroom, tore off each other’s clothes and got in bed under the covers. Their nude bodies came together and they ravaged one another for the next hour. Exhausted from the plane trip, jet lag and sex, they both fell asleep for several hours.
Since Annie had slept more than Greg, on the plane, she woke up first. She went to open the packages of clothing that had been sent from Saks. In addition she found a tennis outfit, tennis shoes and a new Becker racket. Mrs. Blair had planned everything perfectly and it appeared she had also done some advance match making for both of them
She called Andino and invited him for breakfast. He confirmed that he would love to come for breakfast and would like to spend the day with her as her private guide if she was available. She said that would be wonderful and as she remembered the way he had looked at her and the thought of being with him all day, she could feel the wetness in her pants. As she was talking to him, she had her hand under her gown and was massaging her tits. She did not realize that Greg was standing in the doorway nude watching her.
‘I always loved eavesdropping on your conversations.’ He put one hand over her shoulder and started massaging the other tit. His other hand went beneath her robe and felt the moisture on her underpants. ‘He has you excited already, doesn’t he?’
Grabbing his fully extended cock, she asked, ‘Did I cause this or were you thinking about your day tomorrow with Caterina?’
‘Does it matter?’
‘Not at all,’ she said as dropped to her knees and sucked him in. Actually she was thinking about the night that she had spent with Arlene and Frank. Frank’s cock was almost identical in size to Greg. It curved up on the end, which created exciting feelings along the top of her mouth and as it, was traveling down the inner canal.
She had gone shopping with Arlene. Arlene wanted Greg and Annie, to meet her husband Frank, so she had invited them for dinner and the evening. Arlene had been upset to learn that Greg would not be joining them. So instead of being two couples, it would be a threesome. During dinner, Arlene openly told Frank about the sex that she had shared with Greg and Annie. Annie told him how Arlene had introduced her to sex with another woman and hoped that Frank would share Arlene with her that night.
‘Is Arlene the only person here you are interested in having sex with tonight?’
Annie laughed and said, ‘I am open to a variety of possibilities as long as I don’t have to sleep alone tonight in a strange bed.’
Arlene went up to change into nightgowns while Frank finished cleaning up the kitchen. When they returned, he was sitting on the sofa in the den and they sat down beside him. Greg had given Arlene a copy of she and Annie making love at the penthouse. Arlene put it in the DVD and started it playing. Both women watched the expression on his face and the bulge that was growing in his pants. This was a whole new Arlene to Frank and Annie’s body also excited him.
Without saying anything, Annie reached over and unbuckled Frank’s slacks. He lifted his ass enough for her to pull his pants and jockey shorts below his knees. With the pants still around his ankles, she pushed his knees apart and took hold of his cock noticing the way the end hooked upward. She licked the pre-cum and thought how it tasted different than Greg’s cum. She took his cock into her mouth like a lollypop and ran her tongues all around it. She closed her lips around the head and sucked until her face was turning red. Frank let out a sigh. He had never had a woman do that before, and a lot of women had sucked on his cock.
When Arlene and Frank were first married they were part of a key club. About 10 couples would get together for a night of eating, drinking and dancing. At the end of the night, the men all put their keys in the middle of the table. The women would then put on blindfolds and pick a set of keys and go home with the man who owned the keys. Each man would take the woman to her home the next day.
Annie them started to deep throat his cock, close her lips and pull back until the only thing in her mouth was the head. She then would take him all in again. She repeated that process several times until he could hold it no l
Annie was absolutely wild. She was sucking as she had never sucked before when she felt hot cum running down her throat. She started to say ‘Oh Frank’ when she suddenly heard Greg say, ‘Wow, What set you off?’ She told Greg, it must be Italy. She didn’t want to tell him she was thinking about another man while she was sucking his cock.
Greg decided to return the favor and buried face between Annie’s legs. He started by licking around her pussy. He then licks each lip lightly. It was like sticking little pins of anticipation into Annie. She took his head and tried to direct him into her pussy. But he would not be rushed. He continued to lick the top of her legs and the lips of her pussy. Then he started running his tongue from her ass, up the slit and pausing at her clit to press a little harder with the tongue. Greg was going slowly, because he was thinking about his date to photograph Caterina. He wondered what her pussy looked like. He knew from when she fingered her on the plane that she had a nice bush of hair and that her G spot was very sensitive. He was looking forward to hearing her yell when he brought her to the first of what he hoped would be many orgasms.
As he was taking his time, Annie was getting more agitated and began to gyrate her pussy around his mouth. He finally split the lips with his tongue and started pounding his tongue in and out like a jackhammer. He paused the hammering and closed his lips on her clit and gently stroked it with his tongue. This sent Annie into her first orgasm and Greg returned to his jackhammer technique. Annie knew who he was now. This was Greg’s unique technique that he had developed. No one else who had ever eaten her pussy could even measure. Frank had alternated the tongue and his fingers, Arlene had been very gentle, but Greg was in a class all his own. She held his head and kept rising to meet him. When she thought she could take no more, he rose up and planted his cock deep inside her. For a kid with limited experiences just a couple of weeks ago, they had explored and learned to please each other quite well.
As Greg was pounding in and out of her, he looked at her beauty and continued to wonder about what tomorrow would be with Caterina, but for now he was fucking the one he loved.
It was early afternoon and Greg had to search out the stores that would have the surveillance equipment he needed. The equipment in New York would be sent back to his home via Attorney Barker’s private plane. He knew it would never clear customs. Annie wanted to go with him to learn more about the equipment, so that they could work separate projects once the college year started. Before going to the store, they went to the Blair’s villa to scope out what would be needed. They checked with Mrs. Blair to be sure that no one would be there. She had given them the code to open the garage door and pull the car directly into the garage to avoid suspicion.
Once inside the house, they were able to plan out where camera and recorders needed to be placed.
The store he found was light years ahead of anything he had found in N.Y. The camera and recorders could be placed almost anywhere without detection and had computer software that could get into phones and cell phones and record multiple conversations at one time. Each phone you wanted to monitor had its file in the computer and recording took place on all incoming and outgoing calls giving all callers identifications.
They returned to the villa and placed enough equipment inside to monitor every move. As Annie wandered around the villa, she said, ‘I could live here while I study art in Italy for a year. Of course I am going to have to be sure all this equipment is removed so that my little brother is not checking up on me.’
‘Would I do that?’ Greg responded. She just looked at him as only sisters look at brothers.
‘Are you ready to drive the Lamborghini?’ Greg asked.
‘You bet!’ As soon as they got into the car, the voice said ‘Hello Annie. Please adjust the seat and mirrors. Greg, you can adjust the passenger side to the way you like it.’
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IncestHi readers and thanks for full support. I also thanked to all females who approached me and I want t tell you one thing that I can’t come to you. You can chat to me by yahoo mail. This is another story request all the girls/lesbian if you ready to express your personal lesbian expression I will narrate an story on that. Please mail your experience. My id is For males- Please don’t make any bad comment in mail. I am lesbian and please leave your comment on stories only. Hi I am Madura from...
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Lets Run Away Still Rings In My Head Till This Day... It Was The Day My Life Changed... Forever ===================================================================================== "Lets Run Away" She Says, I was shocked...
The Quarry II “Thanks for showing me the movies, Alexis. Can we go over to your bed? Let me take your hand.” Kelly led Alexis to her own bed and gestured for her to lie down. Kelly whispered in her ear “relax and lay back” while nuzzling her neck along with a sultry wet nibble on her ear lobe. Kelly lifted off Alexis’ shirt and released her bra and noticed the goose bumps on her abdomen. Alexis’ breasts were firm and soft with perky dark nipples and they seemed to defy gravity as she moved back...
The invasion of the radical enclave in San Diego went like clockwork. The area was sectioned into individual blocks using one of the new systems that had been developed specifically for urban engagements. Lasers were set up so that they were aimed down the street to a sensor. When the beam of light was broken, a small smart bomb ... called ‘the Wasp’ ... was launched at the item that broke the beam. Like the insect after which it was named, it would actually chase the target into a building...
Caleb goes to his friend Jordan's summer house for a little vacation - what he didn't expect was the girl next door...“Hold this please!”Caleb was 1.5 steps inside the door, car keys still in his hand. And now he was holding a bowl of potato chips. Trying to remember if he’d really seen what he thought he’d seen.“Sorry!”She stopped in front of him. He had in fact seen it right. Dark red hair, the color of clay draped over bare shoulders. A sundress of that burnt orange that a sunset leaves just...
Straight Sex''fuck you ''''yeah fuck you Joseph''both leaving the classroom Joseph telling us he is pretty certain both of us will fail and get stuck in school, so we required extra homeworkacting tough and all but really coudnt fail or mommy would kill meso the very next day i walk in his office asking if i could do the extra homework before the finalshe smile and told me he would love to help me pass the yearpulling himself from the desk i saw him wait looking at me ''what ....''''you know what , you are...
PART IBrowsing, in any form, can be the best way to spend a morning in an unfamiliar city.It didn't look like much from the outside. A couple of tattered books on a weathered shelf by the front door. The sign resting atop didn't read in English but I could tell it was open despite the shopkeeper's best efforts to let the place fall to hell. I had to use my shoulder to nudge the door open and immediately I got hit with that familiar smell. Doesn't matter where the hell you are in the world, just...
Corporate Incentives By Gingerfred Man NOTE: Some of this was drawn almost verbatim from a story I posted under another nom de smut for a different genre. So, since one can't plagiarize oneself, please don't accuse me of plagiarism. Most of it is new. Chapter One -- Movin' on up Nathan Harden trembled with excitement. The 34-year-old mid-level executive of Amalgamated Global Widgets had just gotten "The Call." The Call was when an executive of the 20,000-employee,...
Finally, we were getting ready to head out for our two week, Christmas leave. We finished training on Thursday afternoon but I wouldn't be catching a flight home until Friday evening. Mom was going to pick me up at the airport when the plane landed. All we had scheduled for that Friday was to sit around waiting for our flights and also hiding from any NCOs, so we wouldn't be put on a work detail..."because you guys weren't doing anything anyway and this would help pass the time." On...
Gang Bang Whores This is the third part of my story. In 'Virginity Lost' I told the true story of how I had my virginity taken aged 16 by one of my school teachers. In 'Sisters' I told how the same teacher had a threesome with me along with her younger sister. This experience really set me on a course sexually for the rest of my life. I now jump almost 8 years to when I was a newly qualified junior doctor working horrendous shifts in a busy city centre hospital, constantly in fear that...
Group SexWe laid Clonk to rest under a great cairn of stones just outside the camp. The captain and squad chanted an old soldier's dirge to mark his passing, the first of our squad. I knelt before the cairn and thought about Clonk's life and death. He had crept out in the middle of the night to raid the wine store, so the devils in his life had lead to his death. But his manner of death had saved our lives; he had surprised the assassin at work preparing to kill us all. If he hadn't, at least most...
He opens his eyes and yawns, a hand moving down to confirm what he already knows. Shit, a hard-on again! They’d been making love all night. He can still taste her skin and sweet juices. He can still feel her silky skin beneath his fingers as they skim her every curve. Her throbbing body enticed him to want her repeatedly and he did possess her a few times before they finally collapsed on the bed and fell fast asleep. Now awake, he hungered for more of her gentle caresses. He longed to have her...
Kailas and Rakesh both were quite busy in first half of the week. I also started going out post lunch to meet my friends whom I recently met. We used to hang out till late evening. On Friday few of my friends went home early due to some work. Around 3:30-4 pm we wrapped up for the day and I started walking back home. I was around 100 meters from the house and I saw Kailas knocking main door. I quickly hide behind bushes and started observing him. Radha mom opened the door. He quickly went...
Incest"By the Gods what hour is it." You wake up bleary eyed and groggy. Pain is pooled up around your temples and bile threatens to make an appearance via your mouth. Clearly you had to much to drink last night. You shake off your hangover with a swig of leftover beer. You gulp, grimace, then sigh in relief. You look into a mirror...
FantasyMy boyfriend Dave had been getting me into interracial sex for a while now. I must admit, at first I thought it was gross. But now, I find it as hot as he does. Those monster black cocks are so erotic, so a****listic. So taboo. I was beginning to have a true lust for a BBC experience, well it's what he wanted anyway, wasn't it? Soon, my bf had surprised me with a couple "lifelike and life size" black dildos for us to play with. We would watch hours and hours of filthy interracial porn and roll...
Adult star Casey Calvert brings natural charms — real breasts, slim physique, snow-white complexion — to horny, hung Mike Adriano because, she says, her butthole has missed his cock. They ease it straight up her ass. Greased anal plowing makes her little anus wink and gape, the pink/purple hole expanding rudely. Lube splashes from her colon. Toys stretch her further, but Casey prefers Mike’s meat. Her ass fills the screen, gaping repeatedly; he tongues the open sphincter....
xmoviesforyouMichael leaned over and spoke in her ear, “What do you want to drink?” His breath in her are distracted her and she sat dazed for a second, finally what he said sunk in and she said, “I don’t know. I don’t drink enough to know what I like.” With a grin, Michael asked, “Do you want what they’re having?” She had heard the word tequila and knew that it was out of the question. Michael could not control her if she had tequila. She spoke up, “No. You only wish.” Turning toward the...
Hey guys, this is Pavan.. As always happy going and ever energetic guy working in Bangalore with a reputed MNC. Thanks for the feedback for my previous 2 stories. This time I’m gonna narrate a different experience I had with a bbw whom I met through a social networking site. She was not too sexy and not too beautiful but her heart and the romantic nature bowled me out.. She was super hot and horny in the bed which led to a wonderful sex between us. Coming to the story.. 2 years back I was just...
I have known Emily my entire life. The two of us have grown up together and we are only a few months apart in age. We share many common interests such as books and music as well as movies and a same sense of humor. "Emmie" as I have always called her, has a wild side to her just like I do. We both love danger and dabbling in things that no one is supposed to do. So, naturally, we seemed to always get into trouble together. Now, it is common knowledge that Emmie has always had a crush on me....
Lately my gf has been very dominant like expecting me to go down on her every day even a couple of times a day.She gets very horny and wet down there and even leaks when aroused so my job is to try and stop it.Last fri she went out with her girlfriends and when i picked her up to give her a lift home she was tipsy, so i figured out i was gonna get to unload in her mouth whist driving.When i hinted her to suck my cock she said that she would be very pleased if i went down on her and she would...
The Continuation of my previous story “All Because She Was With-Holding”Please read the previous story before continuing or it may not make sense as to how this night all got started! As a reminder this story is 100% true the names were changed to protect the not so innocent!I sat down on the couch next to Dan as the last few minutes of the game ticked away. At one point Dan’s little b*o Miguel was yelling at the TV after one of the players made a three point shot. They were excited and I could...
Like last time, a big thank you to SoCalCynic for editing this. Hope you guys enjoy, because I think this is where the fun really starts … as always, comments and votes are all appreciated. * Jill stirred next to Rory, effectively waking up some parts of him before his brain followed. He held his breath as she exhaled a soft sigh and fluttered her eyelashes. Jill rocked her body slightly until she was snuggled even further into his arms, then stilled as her breathing slowed and grew...
I am your damage control. Do you know what it is like? To get that phone call in the middle of the night from a woman who is falling into her own personal pit of hell? To hear the anguish in her voice and know you cannot help? To get in the car and drive as fast as you can with disregard for speed limits or personal safety? Just to get to her side and all the while knowing you aren’t the one she really wants there? I am your damage control. The night was cold and so was she. In every...
This is not actually a fantasy. It is all true. I am not trying to boast. I was very lucky. At the age of twenty-two, I got a job in a city in the English Midlands working as a computer programmer for a large mail order company. I rented a small house near the centre of the city. It was at the end of a block of four and next to another block of four, separated by a pathway running through to the back yards. I moved in during the summer and met my neighbours. There was a young married couple...
Group SexGabriel was a genious college student that lived on his own, earned his own subsistence money. He liked being lonely, it gave him inner peace in his solitude as he called it and had a rather dislike for loud places. Because of his grades government payed all his college money. Gabriel Belmont was someone that had really strange ability, he didn't know why he had this ability. Gabriel always thought that maybe because of this ability, this curse his parents left him at the orphanage. So with...
Mind ControlMy wife was trying to come to grips with the realization that I cross dressed, with marginal success. Part of her plan was for me to meet in the Twin Cities with other CDs so I could have a ‘safe’ place to dress up, away from our small town. To be safe, I was to drive up, change clothes there, meet with my friends and then change again for the drive home. A good plan … a safe plan … but not one I particularly liked (so I changed it a bit!) Kim was a mutual friend who lived in town. Although she...
CrossdressingSunday morning, I was still in bed trying to keep as warm as humanly possible in a bloody freezing London flat. I was reading Thursday’s paper, catching up with old news. Actually, I was not looking for news — I was looking for travel ads. I’d had it with the constant damp and the darkness and the dreary short daylight hours of another long English winter.It was obvious that I would fall for the first travel-to-warmer-climates sales pitch that caught my eye. And here it was, a small ad in the...
ExhibitionismThe Hand “Hello?” Natalie answered the phone.“Hey there girl, how did Nick do last night? Is he the poker playing stud he thought he was after watching all that TV?” Brenda inquired.“Oh hey Brenda, you couldn’t possibly imagine what happened last night. It was the most insane thing that’s ever happened to me! I’m nearly too embarrassed to tell you. I am sore all over and Nick is so pissed at me, and he should be pissed at himself!” Natalie replied.“Wow sounds juicy. Spill the beans...
As 0800 approached, Maeve entered the small com booth that had been set up. She turned to Pru. "It just hit me. If he has that kind of com spoofing and frequency switching, he may be checking us. Hold on" and ducked out of the room. Maeve went to the NCO who ran the com. "If anyone queries the location of this com, what will they get?" "The ID of this field unit," she replied. "Can you change it to the same one we were using at Headquarters?" "Sure, but it's against...
Saturday morning we did the usual shopping together with the kids and had lunch at McDonalds, which the kids usually wanted. I washed the Volvo and activated the recorder. Then a few minutes after six Sarah gave me a kiss and left for catching her friends and for the expected Viagra cock. This evening she was dressed sexier than the last week. I looked at her with tears in my eyes; she was a beautiful woman, very nice, indeed. If the last week soft cock had been her only cheating, I had...