Go Back free porn video

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Go Back By The Princess How could one possibly have known that the trangendered feelings one had a child would grow to such an extent that in one's forties that they would consume almost all one's thoughts and desires? To be at this stage of your life and realise that the drive to live as a member of the opposite sex has become all consuming but the opportunity do so with the minimum of pain and upset to one's self and family has firmly passed by is a truly sad thing to face. What transgendered person has not looked at a photograph of an early transitioning woman and thought if only I knew at sixteen what I know now I would have done things so differently. But at sixteen we thought that our gender issues were a phase that we would grow out of and once a wife and family came along all this wishing to be a girl would be gone for ever. But it did not happen that way did it? Married to a woman we performed our manly duties as best we could. We made love to our wives but what she did not know was as we were doing so we were fantasising that we were the girl and a man was making love to us. We looked at our wives naked and fantasised that her vulva was between our legs, her breasts were on our chests and as we watched her putting on her clothes from her silky underwear to her pretty dresses and shoes we longed for those clothes to be ours. To watch her putting on her jewellery, makeup, painting her nails or shaving her legs brought out a deep sense of envy only another transgendered male could possibly understand. Once we are in our forties our future is set. Commitments to family make acting on our ever increasing desire to cross over to the sex we know we should be too difficult. We are not prepared to put those we love through the pain and humiliation that our change of sex could cause. We spend hours on the internet talking to others in our same predicament. We join clubs for people like us so we can at least spend a little time in our preferred role. We give ourselves female names to use when we are dressed. Our circle of friends changes until most are people like ourselves. The thought of discovery is ever present. Will someone at work happen across that picture of me wearing the little yellow sundress that disappeared from my screen to who knows where? Will my wife look at the pictures stored in my digital camera before I think to erase them? Will someone happen across my femme clothes and accessories? What if I die in an accident. Will my family freak out when they realise the extent of my feminine paraphernalia? We know now that we should have acted on this problem when we were young to effect some sort of solution to the anguish. To transition now even with all the money necessary to make the result passable which in turn makes our lives bearable is an impossibility. Every person who looks at us, hears our voice or listens to our falsified past history has the potential to make our lives miserable. Yes there are women who are tall, or have broad shoulders, or have deep voices, or have masculine facial structures, or have large hands and feet, but they do not have all of these afflictions. If you have any two or three of the above then I'm afraid to say that you are a man. It does not matter if you are the most femininely dressed person in the room but you are a man. "So what" I hear you say. I don't care what people think of me I want to live my life to suit me. We would be swapping one painful existence for another. Think about this new situation we would now find ourselves in. We were unhappy pretending to be a man when we wanted to be a woman. But we did have the love of our family and friends. Now we can pretend we are women but we lose our families, friends, livelihood and any chance of a loving intimate relationship. Honestly have you seen the type of men who want to be with trannies? I need say no more on that. Most of us give up on Mr Right and find ourselves with another girl in our situation. So now there are two great big ugly girls with deep voices, no jobs and odd fashion sense together. How good a target is this for the good old boys in town? Of course some of us want a lasting relationship with a genetic woman. Why not? I'm sure a lot of woman want a woman twice the size of a woman, unemployable, narcissistic, paranoid, and whom it would be a delight to be seen with especially by her family and friends. In my case I was well qualified and ran a large department in a Government Agency making a very good salary and the thought of the hardship involved as a middle aged jobless transsexual did not appeal. So what is the point of this story? I'm sure we have all said at some time "If only we knew then what we know now." I was in a bar one evening near my place of work and an odd little man struck up a conversation with me. After telling him a little about myself he made a very strange remark. "If you could go back to any point of your life, when would you choose?" I really did not have to think too hard on this as I often thought that if I had known the extent of my feminine wanting I would have studied nursing as early as I could, started hormones at the same time and once a qualified nurse I would have crossed over in my early twenties. The hormones and testosterone blockers if properly administered would have prevented a lot of masculine physical traits. To be an early transitioning post op transsexual with a nursing qualification would almost guarantee future employment. I was six foot one as a man but I grew very late and at seventeen was only five foot six. I did not reach my full height until twenty two years of age. I quickly answered his question. "That's easy, sixteen years old" "You seem very sure." he went on, "what if I was to tell you I could arrange that?" "As much as I would dearly love to believe you I'm afraid I have a tough time believing in magic." "Ah but if I could do this one thing for you would you do me a favour in return?" "Sure thing buddy" I chuckled, "you do that for me and I will do anything you ask" I figured what have I to lose. I did not believe he could do it so I had no problem promising him a favour. He looked thrilled. "Very well then. You go to sleep tonight and when you wake the calender will have returned to the 15th of April 1975." The shock must have shown on my face. That was the exact date of my 16th birthday and I had not told him that. "I know many things that would amaze you" he crowed. "Now as to the favour. Sometime in your new life I will approach you for this favour. Let me assure you it will not be dangerous or life threatening in any way. Are you prepared to agree?" I was beginning to believe him and although I was a little scared the opportunity to live my life over as I needed it to be was too great to pass up. Even if he was talking rubbish It had cost me nothing. "Sure thing, anything you want" was my answer filled with false bravado and smidgen of hope. "Good the deal is done. Must be off, be seeing you." With that he left the bar. My trip home was filled with wonder. I found myself partially planning my new life and partially knowing that none of this could happen. That night I kissed my wife goodnight and fell into a deep sleep. When I awoke I knew something was different but it was not until I noticed I was in my childhood bedroom did I fully appreciate that the strange little man had fulfilled his promise. I hopped out of bed and was surprised by my small size. I went out to the kitchen to find my much younger family waiting for me to give me my birthday presents. I was sixteen years old today. My mind went into a spin and I excused myself to clear my head. I decided to go with the flow and returned to receive my gifts and to accept them graciously. I knew what it was I must do. I was being given an opportunity to live my life the way I had dreamed. Instead of engineering I set my sights on nursing. My parents and brothers and sisters were shocked as I had maintained since starting secondary school that I was going to be a civil engineer like my dad. I concentrated on getting the best possible grades so as to be accepted into a nursing course as soon as possible. I had discovered that I could start a course at the end of my current year which would make me a registered nurse but not a nursing sister which would require me to finish high school. That would make me one year older when I could start hormone therapy which of course was one more year of masculation of my body. I began applying to hospitals away from our home town. I figured that if I was going to feminise myself I did not want my family intervening and thinking they were doing the best thing for me prevent me from my treatment. I was accepted into a large hospital two thousand miles from home. My parents did not want me to move that far away and were still bewildered as to why my sudden interest in nursing but being good people they let me go. I moved into the nurses residence and began my training. Almost straight away I found a group of transsexuals who worked in the city, some in entertainment and some in the ?oldest profession' and with their help I met a very understanding doctor who supplied my hormones and t blockers. I could have bought them illegally but the risks were too great. My new friends also supported me in my presentation as a young woman and after six months I moved out of the hospital accommodation and into a house with two other girls. We all worked odd hours. My shifts were the most stable though and this arrangement worked out well. I only dressed as a boy to go to work. At all other times I was a girl. I studied hard and passed my exams easily. The hormones held off my masculine features well and as I was not really changing but staying the same, no one really thought my appearance strange. I had two small sleepers in my ears but so did a lot of young men back then. I wore my hair as long as I could get away with. Short enough to go to work with but long and thick enough to arrange femininely all other times. When I went home a couple of times a year people were surprised that my younger brother towered over me and looked so much more mature than I did. I was careful not to expose my hairless chest and legs especially as my breasts were beginning to form. I dearly loved my family but I took the decision to only visit the minimum time I could safely get away with for they were the only ones who could intervene in my quest to become a woman. I began dating young men and found I had the normal desires of a young woman. I experimented with girls as I genuinely loved them when I was a man in my previous life but I soon discovered I needed a penis to be satisfied. (that was not attached to me) I found sex to be wonderful and always insisted on him using a condom. I knew about aids even if the world did not yet. My life was going well. I was nearing the end of my second year with one more to go. I loved my job as I discovered my nurturing skills were well refined. My love life was great as I had recently starting dating a dreamy young intern named Simon, who although seven years older was truly my sole mate. Simon was completely straight but accepted me as a girl going through treatment to have a birth defect repaired. We spent every spare minute together and I loved nothing better to be in a little sundress holding his hand discussing our future together. Simon was a generous lover and I made it a priority to satisfy him as often as humanly possible. One day Simon and I took a walk along the beach. We returned home hand in hand with me wearing a flimsy little summer dress holding my sandals in one hand and Simon in my other. I noticed a strange car outside but thought nothing of it. Before I could enter the house Simon grabbed me and held me in his arms giving me a deep kiss and running his hand up my dress and over my panties. We stumbled through the door like that to find my parents sitting on our couch with Amanda one of the girls I lived with. My mother and father were staring open mouthed. Apparently they were worried because I had not been home in some time and thought my voice sounded strange on the phone. I was constantly telling them I was OK and wrote a lot of letters to compensate but they decided to fly up and rent a car to see for themselves. Simon knew instinctively who these people were. He released me and stepped back a little but to his credit he did not let go of my hand. I had been a middle aged man before becoming a teenager again but I can tell you the fear I felt at that moment was horrific. I hated upsetting my family as they were good people but my father was a real man's man and I was sure he would not be able to deal with my becoming a girl. I prayed that he would not physically pick me up and take me home to put a stop to my treatment. I knew he could easily as my hormone treatment stopped my growth at five foot seven and a half and my weight settled out at fifty seven kilos. If a man as large as my dad wanted to take me there was nothing I could do to stop him. My mother spoke first. "How could you do this to yourself. What have you become? This is such an embarrassment I don't know what we will tell our friends." She then burst into tears and not knowing what else to do so did I. Poor Simon just stood there. "That's enough Margaret." my dad suddenly spoke. "Richard is our child and always will be. If this is how he must live his life then we as his parents will stand by him all the way." I do not know who in the room was the most shocked. My mother stopped crying with shock and I do not think I ever loved anyone as much as I loved my dad at that moment. "I guess you don't go by Richard any more. What is your new name honey?" I heard myself answer in a shaky little voice, "I know you were going to call me Anne if I had been born a girl so I am now Annie." "And who is this young man you seem to be so fond of?" "This is Simon dad. He is an intern at the hospital." Dad introduced himself and mum and suggested that we all need some time to think. He then decided that he and mum would go to their hotel and freshen up and be back to take Simon and I to dinner so they could meet Simon and Annie properly. My dad was an extra special man. I did not hold anything against mum as I can only imagine the surprise and hurt she felt. I am happy to say that she soon got over it and it was not long before we were mother and daughter. I graduated in male form, but I have to say I was more often mistaken for a girl than a boy but after changing into a gorgeous new dress mum, my sister and I bought we all went out to celebrate. I had my operation to make me complete soon after and Simon and I relocated back to my home town to live our lives. He found a great job and I became a nurse in the same hospital. My dad helped me to change all my personal identity papers to female and Simon and I had a beautiful wedding followed by a honeymoon in Hawaii. We adopted two wonderful children and our lives were complete. I loved being a mum and a wife and felt I had the most important job in the world. I was in our local supermarket doing our weekly grocery shopping when a strange little man approached me. I knew who he was immediately. My mind went into a spin and I felt faint. I was sure he was going to upset my perfect life by breaking up my marriage or demanding one of my children or something of that nature. I did my best not to show him how scared I was but my quavering voice let me down. "I see you remember me my dear." "Of course." I decided to be magnanimous. "I have never had the chance to thank you for the wonderful life you gave me" "Yes I have followed it with interest. I must say you certainly are a lovely woman" "May I ask you a question?" There was something niggling me that only he could answer. "Of course my dear." "Why didn't you use your magic powers to turn me into a girl rather than altering time so I could become a girl the hard way?" "Is that what you would have preferred Annie?" "Well it would have meant I could have had children naturally." I replied. "Don't you love the two you have now? All of a sudden I understood. If he had of made me a girl I would not have become a nurse, or met my darling Simon or discovered what a truly wonderful family I had. "I can see you have worked it out for yourself" he grinned. "Thank you." I suddenly thought I knew what was coming. He wants to fuck me. "Nothing of the sort my dear" Oops I forgot he knew my thoughts. "The favour I am going to ask of you is this. You and your husband have valuable medical knowledge. I want you both to use your vacation time each year to travel to an underprivileged community and dispense your talents freely." I was shocked and ashamed at my earlier horrible thoughts. "Is this something you could find in your heart to do?" "It would be a pleasure." I answered. I meant it too. I knew Simon would agree as he was such a good man. With that my odd little friend smiled, "I must be off but yes it did cross my mind that it would be nice to fuck you" Then he was gone. That is how Simon and I and the kids began travelling the world each year helping many communities in need of our help. This just added to the joy and contentment of my second life as a nurse and a woman. Epilogue - it sure is easier urinating in primitive conditions when you are a man. Everything has it's price.

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Brian and I had a supposedly secret relationship early on in our lives. He treated me as if I was “the one”. He would occasionally bring me flowers just because and show up almost everywhere I was just to hang out with me. One afternoon he showed up at my door. The doorbell sounded as if it were in pleasure by the way he shoved his finger onto the smooth button. I walked to the door to see Brian standing there with his fresh cut as if he just had it done by steady-handed barbers on the plane....

3 years ago
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So there I was on that cold January morning, sitting in a little shelter at the train station, freezing my nuts off and wishing that -- just for once -- the train could be on time. I didn't even catch it very often! It was only when I travelled home to my parents place 4 or 5 times a year I had to catch the train from this God forsaken station, but there always seemed to be an excuse for the train not to come at 7.32 like it was meant to. I hated this fucking journey, and waiting for this...

4 years ago
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Brian and I had a supposedly secret relationship early on in our lives. He treated me as if I was “the one”. He would occasionally bring me flowers just because and show up almost everywhere I was just to hang out with me. One afternoon he showed up at my door. The doorbell sounded as if it were in pleasure by the way he shoved his finger onto the smooth button. I walked to the door to see Brian standing there with his fresh cut as if he just had it done by steady-handed barbers on the plane....

Straight Sex
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Routledge Manor sat in about two acres of beautifully manicured lawns and beds, with a pond it was possible to go boating on. It was fronted by two large stone pillars, each surmounted by an impressive stone eagle which appeared to be about to pounce on visitors, with a wide circular gravelled drive leading on to an equally impressive entrance; wide steps leading up to the front doors. Lord Granger, its owner, would have used the place as a weekend retreat, however, rather than going the route...

1 year ago
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Thirty years ago, in the freewheeling '70's, casual sex was a lot different than today. Those of you who were there know what I mean. Those of you who have come of age under the shadow of AIDS and HIV cannot understand. There were still serious threats, but nothing that was absolutely life threatening waiting between the legs of your next lover. I'd given college a try right out of high school, rather than going to the University of Vietnam. Fortunately, by the time I'd dropped out of...

4 years ago
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Backwards By RH Music Chapter 1 ------- - "So, you want real breasts of your own," from her smile, you could tell that she was amused at the request. "Yeah... Uh, Yes. Please. And I was told that you could do that." Alex looked at the witch with apprehension. He had never seen a witch before. Of course, at 19 years old, he hadn't seen much of anything so far. Actually, Mrs. Alice Abbott didn't look like much of a witch. Alice was fast approaching 90 years old, and...

2 years ago
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Feedback Synopsis :With all the advancements electronics have made over the last few years, it is inevitable that certain... unlikely, glitches will turn up. For me, it was a gender change that I and my girlfriend wanted. [-][+][-] Carl's View [-][+][-] I simply can't believe my good fortune, but I have found completion in becoming the woman that I always wanted to be, all because of a glitch in the identity software of Computech. Now, I am in my girlfriend's body and she is in mine...

2 years ago
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I had been friends with John for many years, through most of high school and a couple of years thereafter. During that time, I ended up dating a lovely red-haired girl, Nancy, that John had wanted to date. Somehow she ended up with me, and I believe John always felt hurt by that. However, it wasn’t my fault. He wanted to ask her out, but he was shy and hesitated; meanwhile, she asked me out. It was his good fortune in the end, as she turned out to be a lying, cheating little bitch. Midway...

4 years ago
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It had been a few summers since I was forced to be a sex slave to my Aunt in her apartment.She had tired of dressing me up and showing me off to her friends and they were now aware of my situation and I think some felt sorry for me to be blackmailed like this.She had me do several things in front of her Friends and they included bondage , torture, and using dildos to use me as a boi whore!I had hoped to somehow get even with her but how?I dreamed that it would come someday soon and she would...

3 years ago
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12.00am - I was in the bathroom and I placed the weapons in the holdall of our backpacks. "We have got to get this right!" commanded one girlfriend. Another one of my girlfriends sat in the reclining chair, pondering. "Having second thoughts?" "Me? no way" said another one of my girlfriends. "Its pay back". I stepped out of the bathroom and ushered the girls to the door. There were four of us.12.30am - It was night and the air was cool. We pulled up outside John Rosh Avenue, near the...

3 years ago
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For the longest time I suspected Jose cheating. I never had proof, it was just a feeling. I'm not one to snoop around, but I just had to find out. After 4 years of being together and living together, I thought I had rights to. One day while he was at work, I decided to check my computer. There was a file called "Music Baby". Hmmm, I wondered. I know he sings and all but music baby? So I clicked on the file and there were many folders, with folders inside. I found pictures of him fucking this...

2 years ago
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1                                            Chapter 1   Ok, so maybe I do have a few issues, but whatever it’s not like I was a complete psycho.    Since I don’t exist to him, I needed to figure out a way for him to see me. I had so much anger towards this guy, whom I’d had this obsession with for months. I tried everything to get his attention to try and become friends but he kept blowing me off.  Who did he think he was all powerful and mighty?  Thinking he was better than everyone.  Well,...

4 years ago
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This is crazy.I now understood women’s attitude to being viewed as meat in a cattle market.Twenty men, standing naked, slowly masturbating.Clothed women circled us, drinks in hand, inspecting us, fondling genitals.When satisfied with their selection, the man would walk off behind her, and disappear behind one of a series of curtains. Soon I was picked, and followed my woman behind the curtain, entering a cubicle where clothed women of various ages, sipped drinks.Well, this is itTo continue...

2 years ago
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I approached the door nervously. I was dressed in something relatively normal — well normal for this new life I guess. I was wearing pink panties, white stockings with matching garter belt, pink four inch heels, pink silk gloves and of course the black leather cuffs that were locked onto my wrists and ankles. I had been summoned, so there was no way I could hesitate safely. I knocked. Called inside, I quickly approached her chair and knelt before her. I knew better than to look around before...

3 years ago
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The idea had been stirring for a couple of months now as I was finishing a hot shower getting ready to surprise an old friend who was becoming somewhat of a pest, dropping by on my day off in the middle of the week. I had asked that he not drop by on Wednesdays, as I wanted to catch up on my soap opera’s on my one afternoon off per week. He still kept coming and cleaned the house for me, and my teenage daughter, and took care of the pets when we were gone for little trips. Kind of like a...

3 years ago
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For those of you who read about what my wife did to me in the story I Warned You, I'm here to let you know that I did not go gently into that good night. For those of you who did not read that story, I'll give you a short synopsis. I work too damn hard and too damn many hours on my job. My home life sucks because I'm too damn tired from the job to give my wife the attention I want to give and get too many honey do lists finished. The stress was getting to me so I decided to treat myself to...

1 year ago
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Jim Grant moved quickly down the long, semi-illuminated, basement hallway. The seventeen-year-old was one of the editors of the high school paper and had spent the better part of two hours rewriting an article that had been turned in three hours before the paper had to be sent to press. If it had been up to Jim, he would've just tossed the poorly written feature in the trash can and been done with it. Unfortunately, it had been written by Phyllis Fox, a member of the school's in crowd and...

2 years ago
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This is a story my friend sent me that she wrote to me.It had been a great night, so far. The two of us went to dinner, and then went to the movies. I always did enjoy a good horror flick. We walk from the theater, holding hands. Your fingers are tracing distracting little designs on the palm of my hand. You hold my car door open, and i sit. you get in, but instead of turning the car on, you turn to me, and bringing my hand to your lips, kiss it gently . You then lean forward, and kiss ...

1 year ago
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TeenageJo beggins

And not saying a single word, she just grabbed my arm and pulled me in front of her, standing in front of an Asian old-man, who did just looked at my barefoot white feet, and pay close attention to the blue-eyes I had, knowing that I had a rare golden hair, then he looked at my mother's face waving his head up and down, and gave two enormous bags filled with a strange currency, then he took a large ablaze metal, and the woman that was no longer my mother, made a strong wrestling from behind...

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GSP Chapter 513 Trying to Fit in

G.S.P. Chapter 5 Trying to Fit in "Only 32 seconds!" Eagle growled as he landed. Jennifer kept silent as she shook her head to clear it from dizziness from a sudden impact. The sensation that the floor of the training hall was moving slowly faded. "Sorry for colliding with you," Thundercloud said as he cleared himself from the debris from the objects he had smashed into during the training exercise. "I did not expect you to be so close," he added embarrassed. "No problem,"...

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WildOnCam Leana Lovings Sexy Hot Leana Lovings Gets A Facial LIVE

Super bubbly and fun loving babe Leana Lovings is excited to be LIVE on camera for the first time with Dan Ferrari helping her along the way. Leana is cute and loves to show you her naughty side being sweet as she teases you with her perfect perky tits and tight little shaved pussy. She can’t wait for Dan to see how tight her pussy is when he puts his hard cock deep inside her. She loves to fuck doggy giving you your favorite faces as Dan fucks her from behind. She just wants more and...

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The horniest afternoon ever in Bangkok Cinema

On Tuesday I felt very horny and wanted to try to find a gay cinema in Bangkok as I had the afternoon off. But Google etc said there were none in Thailand. But someone had told me about a dirty, very old cinema, showing very old movies, straight ones, but the audience were all male. It was located up a very old, smelly lane down by the river and quite difficult to find. I paid my 50baht and went inside. It was a large broken-down cinema with most seats damage or broken……and it smelt of pure sex...

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His First 3Some

A friend invited him over to his home to have dinner with him and his wife. He was bored so he didn't mind going that evening. He'd never met his wife, so by the time he knocked on the door and saw his friend's wife open it, he was mesmerized by her beauty. Her body was voluptuous, her skin naturally tanned. Her lips were well formed and her eyes bright and sparkly. She was wearing a tight top with a lot of cleavage, so when she kissed his cheek he could see it from a better angle, and got a...

4 years ago
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Wife lost a Sexual Bet

I got into a playful argument with my wife Colette and the outcome was that she lost a sexual bet. Over the five years of our marriage, Colette has always demurred when I suggested we try a threesome with another woman or man, tried light bondage, tried anal. What we had was good old fashioned sex. Hot and heavy and lots of it. Colette is good at blowjobs and loved trying just about any position my dirty mind could think up. She is 5'4", 105 lbs, big rack, early 30's, brunette, beautiful smile...

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EvilAngel Paisley Bennett Anal Darlings

Curvaceous anal princess Paisley Bennett masturbates her wet pussy and exposes her cute tits. She chokes on Mark’s big cock, drooling and dripping through a blowjob. The dominant dude nails her cunt from behind, wrapping his fingers around her throat with authority. She squeals while he strokes inside her tight slit. Submissive Paisley bends over and gasps as Mark slides his prick inside her winking bunghole. She spreads her cheeks and shows off her gaping rectum! Paisley mounts Mark for...

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The RescuedChapter 11 Day 1 concluded

The women's teasing of Luanne for her obvious change of heart eventually let up, and her tormentors broke up into several small groups, who sat around exchanging stories. Steve got a chance to chat with Antonia, and made up for their lack of pillow talk by asking her about her history. She talked about the problems she'd had growing up biracial. Her Korean family rejected Antonia and her mother because her father was African American, and her father's family couldn't understand what had...

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Khala 2

Hi readers Arshad in again here among you with the the remaining story “Khala ki chudai part 2”. Dosto aap nae mari kahani parhi or us ka mujhe acha response mila us ke leye thanks. Ab mae aap ka ziada time nahi loon ga or apni kahani ki taraf aata hoon. Tu dosto jesa ke aap ko maloom hae ke bijli gai hoi thee or mara hath khala ki tangoon ke dermian pohanch geya tha. Ab is se age kea hua…….. jese hi khala nae mera hath apni phudi per mehsoos kea shaid us ko current lega ke wo aik dam mujh se...

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Bani Raand Police Walay Ki

Hi friends mein ho Samreen Khan kafi arsay baad story likh rahy ho kuch ghar k kamo mein time nahi mi66la or kuch chudae karwanay mein ab mardo k lund ka jo maza hai woh merey female friendz he jaan saktey hai na yeh lund jub muh mein hota hai tub freshness deta hai jub choot mein hota hai tub aik haseen ehsaas deta hai jaisay k aap sub jantay hai mein woh waqiqt Apko say share kar rahy ho jo meray sath past mein hoe hai islamabad mein dus lund leanay k baad say merey choot ki khujley or bhe...

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