Rosemarie Ch. 05 free porn video

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Once she’d gotten up to bid her parents goodbye, Rose returned to bed and slept until noon, a rare luxury for her. When she got up she took a bath and prepared for the rest of the day, which included a trip to the library to meet with the planning committee for the fall fundraiser. As she left the library, she discovered that the summer heat had returned with a vengeance, making her feel like a limp rag doll by the time she’d returned home and prompting another quick bath.

Around four PM there was a knock on the door and Rose opened it to find a Western Union boy on their doorstep with a telegram for their cook. Taking it to her, the woman’s face paled and she looked up at Rose with frightened eyes.

‘It’s from my mother. Father’s had an accident of some kind on the farm and she says I need to come home right away. Oh, Miss Rose, she wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t something terrible,’ she said, her eyes filling with tears.

Mamie was in her mid thirties and had been with the family for fifteen years. Rose knew that her family were farmers from Noblesville and Mamie was always worried that her father was getting to old to work as hard as he did. Rose saw how upset she was and immediately took charge of the situation.

‘Mamie, you go get your things together, I’ll run over to the Colliers and see if someone can drive you to the train station. If not, we’ll call a taxi,’ Rose said, turning the distraught woman towards the maid’s quarters just off the kitchen.

‘Oh, Miss Rose, I just don’t feel right leaving you here all by yourself. What would your parents say?’ she said in an upset tone as she began walking towards her room.

‘They’ll understand that you had to be with your family. It’ll be fine, Mamie. Just go throw some things in a suitcase and I’ll be back in two shakes,’ Rose said, heading out the back door. She quickly ran across the lawn and her approach was observed by Jake, Bill and Trudy Collier who were relaxing on the screened in sun porch, with Bill meeting her at the door. Rose breathlessly explained the situation and Bill immediately assured her that they’d be more than happy to drive Mamie and her to the train station.

‘I’m so sorry this has to happen so close to dinner,’ Rose apologized to Trudy.

‘Don’t think anything of it, dear. As a matter of fact, I insist on you joining us for dinner tonight since Mamie will be gone,’ Trudy said graciously.

Rose thanked her and then went back to see if Maimie needed any assistance. There was a last minute flurry of instructions as to what was left in the icebox that would hold Rose over for the weekend. They heard the car pull up and Rose and Maimie went out the front door to find Jake Collier behind the wheel. Getting out, he stowed the suitcase in the back seat, then assisted first Maimie and then Rose in. With Rose giving the directions they were at the station within fifteen minutes. Rose insisted upon paying for the ticket and, taking the purse from the cook’s hands, tucked forty dollars inside.

‘There’ll be doctors to pay and he’ll surely need medicine. You take this and I don’t want to hear another word about it,’ Rose said firmly, patting the older woman’s hand. ‘I want you to send a telegram or call us on the telephone when you know something.’

They stayed with her until the train arrived and then saw her to a car, waiting until the train pulled out before leaving.

‘She should be in Noblesville in a little over an hour. I hope her father hasn’t been terribly injured, although it had to be serious for them to wire for her,’ Rose said somberly as Jake opened the front door of the large sedan and handed her inside.

‘Well, you’ve done all that you can do. You handled things very well,’ Jake commented as they pulled out into traffic.

‘Thank you,’ Rose smiled and then looked at the clouds that seemed to be forming off to the west. ‘Looks like it may rain. We could certainly use it. It might cool things off a bit.’

Rose directed them back to the houses and then went to freshen up before she joined the Collier’s for dinner. The meal was delicious and passed very pleasantly and the five Colliers and Rose then spent a pleasant evening playing Canasta on the screened in porch, enjoying the light breeze that had picked up.

At eleven Rose decided to call it an evening as they saw lightning begin off to the west of them. Trudy tried to talk the girl into staying with them for the night but Rose laughingly insisted that she’d be fine in her own home. She knew that her parents would be calling in the morning and didn’t want to worry them with no one there to answer the telephone. Jake walked her to the front door for the second night in a row, laughing that they were making a bit of a habit of it.

‘Thank you, for everything this evening, Jake. I’ve mentioned to Father before that it might be a good thing for Mother and me to learn to drive,’ Rose said, ruefully. ‘I keep reminding him that we’ll be able to vote in the next election so surely we could learn to drive as well, but he won’t hear of it.’

Jake laughed, looking off to the west at another flicker of lightning.

‘Are you sure you’ll feel safe here, alone?’ he asked. ‘What about when it begins to storm?’

‘I love a good storm,’ Rose smiled, her eyes sparkling. ‘There’s something very primal about it, and then everything seems so fresh and clean after it’s gone through.’

‘Well then, I’ll leave you for the evening. Make sure you lock your doors tonight, as you’re the only one in the house,’ he said, smiling down at her, his eyes lingering on her lips and suddenly wondering what she’d do if he pulled her into his arms and kissed her thoroughly.

Rose saw a look of desire flashed through his eyes and her breath caught, then the moment passed. Jake opened the door for her and waited once again until she was safely inside and he heard the key turn in the lock.

Rose heeded his advice and locked the door to the side terrace and the back door that went out to the patio. She then headed upstairs to her room. Changing into a nightgown she went to the bath to wash her face and brush her teeth then,returning to her room, she brushed out her long, lustrous dark hair. She picked up a book by her bedside table and tried to settle in to read for a while, but at midnight she gave up just as she heard the first rumbles of thunder.

Getting up, she opened the doors to the balcony and walked out onto it. The moon that had lit the way for Jake to walk her home was now buried beneath inky clouds, with the only light coming from the streetlamps on the corner. Rose felt the wind picking up and knew that the rain was close. The wind gusted, molding her nightgown to the front of her body and whipping her long hair behind her in a wild profusion. This was what she had meant when she’d used the word ‘primal’ to describe a good storm. The wind blowing around you, out of man’s control, and anticipating the driving rains that were to come. She felt her nipples pucker in the unexpectedly cool air and reached up to run her hand through her hair when she felt the first drops of rain begin to hit. She stood there for a moment, lifting her face to the sky, loving the way the drops felt trickling down her skin as they struck her body.

Suddenly, lightning lit up the sky and she looked across at the terrace on the second floor of the Collier house, and saw Jake Collier watching her! Not in the shadows of his room or from the doorway, but leaning on the iron railing, clothed only in the trousers that he’d worn that night. Rose froze for a moment as the flash of lightning faded but then, as another flashed, she faced him and their eyes locked. There was no more pretense, they were looking at each other openly with neither looking away until, with a tremendous roar of thunder, the heavens opened and the downpour began, forcing Rose back into the house and to shut the doors against the driving rain.

She stood in her room for
a moment, her heart pounding as she looked in the mirror and saw the damp material beginning to cling to her skin. She reached up in an attempt to smooth her hair and then stopped. This was the way she felt tonight, reckless and wild, wanting nothing more than to feel the wind and rain on her skin. Without making a conscious decision to do so, she ran downstairs and headed towards the back door. Stopping to turn on just the light over the kitchen sink so that it would provide a dim light to spill out the kitchen window onto the patio, she unlocked the door and stepped outside.

The patio was concrete and covered, but Rose walked across it and out into the back yard, the rain immediately drenching her gown, her skin and her hair. She walked out in the yard, relishing the wet grass beneath her feet, feeling the rain streaming down her body in rivulets to intimate places. The tall hedges that surrounded the back yard prevented anyone from being able to see in, but at the moment, Rose wasn’t sure she cared if anyone saw her or not.

Suddenly, as the thunder abated for a moment, she heard the metal arbor gate clang, the arbor that was imbedded in the hedges between the two back yards. Whirling towards the sound, she instinctively covered her breasts with one arm while her other hand sought to shield the dark triangle between her legs. But, then she saw him. At the edge of the weak circle of light from the kitchen windows was Jake Collier. He stopped and they faced each other, nothing but fifteen feet of grass separating them.

Rose looked at him, saw the desire in his face as his bare chest heaved with his ragged breathing. Locking her gaze with his, she slowly straightened and let her arms fall to her sides, the thin fabric of the gown having become transparent as it clung to her body, hiding nothing from his eyes. Her chin came up, as if to challenge him and it took no more than that. Jake crossed the distance between them in a few long strides and crushed her to him, his mouth descending upon hers. They stood there in the pouring rain, clinging to each other, bodies and mouths melded as if the rain had permanently joined them together.

Jake had never felt desire like this. When their eyes had locked moments ago while Rose had been on the balcony, and then again when she had just now uncovered her body to his gaze, Jake KNEW beyond a doubt that Rose had known all along. Had known that he had watched her, night after night, and yet had done nothing to prevent it. On the contrary, had encouraged it. He knew now that she desired him too and he knew that before the night was over they would be lovers. He didn’t care about the consequences of their actions, he just knew that he was going to posses this woman and nothing or no one was going to stop them.

He tore his mouth from hers and moved his lips down her neck as his hands moved over her wet, soft body. He could feel her pulse hammering at the base of her throat as wildly as he could feel his own. He pulled her even closer, unable to get close enough as he wound his fingers through her soaked hair and pulled, forcing her head back and giving him even greater access to her neck and throat. His mouth traveled down to the tops of her breasts as her fingers tangled in his hair and held him there, her chest shuddering as she gasped for air.

Finally, unable to stand even the sheer material separating them, he lifted his head and took a step back from her. He grasped the neck of the nightgown in both hands and, with a single jerk, ripped it open all the way down the front, yanking the tattered garment off her shoulders and down her arms then letting it fall in a sodden heap at her feet. Rose gasped at the intensity of his movements, but didn’t pull away as he grasped her and pulled her body to his once again, running his hands down her rain slicked skin, cupping her buttocks and grinding her hips against his as she clung to him. This was what he wanted, what they BOTH wanted. Bare skin to bare skin, straining towards each other as if they were trying to meld into one. And, that IS what they were trying to do. Lust raging through him, Jake scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the patio, laying her down on the wide chaise. Although they were both soaking wet, they were now out of the rain but still surrounded by rain and thunder.

Straightening, Jake fumbled with the buttons on his wet pants, his cock straining against them. Finally managing to unfasten them, he yanked his trousers and underwear down in one movement and stepped out of them, as naked now as Rose. He looked at her, her wet body shining in the dim glow of the light from the windows, her long, dark hair spread out in a wet, wild, tangle to her side. Her eyes were wide and filled with a mixture of fear and passion, an expression that only added to his desire as he let his eyes rake over every inch of her luscious, virgin’s body.

Rose felt as if her heart would beat out of her chest as she looked up at him. He was almost frightening in this raw state, his muscles and sinew tensing as he attempted to control the passion flowing through him. His cock stood straight out from his body, bobbing with every movement, and she shivered, knowing that he would soon drive it up inside her untried pussy. But before she had time to have second thoughts, he knelt on the chaise and covered her body with his, his mouth seeking hers once more. Her lips felt tender and bruised beneath the onslaught, but she moaned and arched against him, wrapping her arms around him and running her hands over his strong, wet back. Her legs spread apart enough to interlace with his and she felt the long, hard cock pressing hard into her hip. Her pussy gushed with desire, readying itself for the impending onslaught.

Jake’s mouth once again traveled down Rose’s neck and throat, however didn’t stop there this time. He continued down to her soft, full breasts, the breasts that he had lusted over for weeks. He sucked the swollen nipple of her right breast into his mouth and sucked hard, all the while squeezing her other globe in his hand, rolling the peak between his fingers. Rose cried out in pleasure, her hips shifting up against him at the sensations shooting from her breasts down to her cunt. She felt the tension building deep inside her, however she would not find relief by her own hand tonight. Tonight she was at Jake Collier’s mercy.

Jake continued to kiss and suckle Rose’s breasts but moved a hand down between their bodies. Shifting his hips away from her, he stroked his fingers between her thighs, a growl of triumph escaping his lips as she opened herself to him. His fingers were coated in her juices as he probed between the soft curls, seeking the hard little nub that could give her release. Finding it, he began to circle it, causing her to writhe beneath him at the double onslaught, her breath coming out in gasping cries as she felt herself close to the edge.

Lifting his head from her breasts, he looked down into her eyes as he probed her opening with his index finger, continuing to stroke her clit with his thumb. He inserted his finger and stroked, feeling her tightness, then added another, stretching her and causing her to whimper in pain. He continued stroking in and out of her, loosening her tight opening just a bit but feeling the barrier buried deeper within her. Jake knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold off much longer, he was desperate to bury his cock in her tight, wet pussy.

Shifting up on his knees, Jake insinuated himself between her thighs and spread them apart while he continued to stroke. His fingers moved faster and faster as his thumb increased its pressure, until he saw her body arch and heard her gasping cry as she crested in a shattering climax. Quickly withdrawing his fingers, Jake replaced them with the purple, throbbing head of his cock and, with a grunt, lunged forward into her tight, tight pussy as it continued to spasm. Meeting resistance at her virgin barrier he drew his hips back and gave another forceful thrust forward, cov
ering her body as it surged up from the chaise as a deafening clap of thunder drowned her scream of pain.

Rose’s body was pounding with a hundred different sensations, from the feeling of his fingers inside her to the waves of the most incredible orgasm she’d ever experienced which was followed with a burning, tearing pain more intense than any she’d ever known. She felt his thick rod ripping through her and then pulling back before burying himself even deeper, splitting her open with every inch he took. Her hands clutched at his back instinctively, looking for something to grasp onto to lessen her anguish as he worked his way inside her, thrust by thrust. She couldn’t prevent her subsequent cries as her pussy was stretched and torn in a way that she could never have imagined. Tears rolled from the corners of her eyes as gasping sobs shook her with each thrust of his body until he was buried all the way to his balls inside her.

‘Look at me, Rose. Look at me!’ Jake demanded, causing her to open her eyes which were still glazed with pain. ‘It will only hurt for a few moments, then you’ll feel things that you’ve never dreamt.’

He covered her sobbing lips with his and silenced her cries with his kisses, holding himself still deep inside her, feeling her walls wrapped around his pulsing cock so tightly that it was almost painful for him. He prayed that she would feel relief quickly because he knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold the position for long, the desire to thrust almost more than he could stand. God, hers was the tightest pussy he’d ever felt, it was exquisite!

Rose felt the throbbing pain between her legs gradually lessening into a discomfort. Jake sensed her body had relaxed a fraction and knew that it would have to be enough. He ground his hips into her clit for a moment, lifting his lips from hers so that he could see the reaction in her face. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth and made a small sound in her throat, but didn’t gasp in pain. He pulled out a few inches and then rocked back inside her, repeating the motion a few more times, noting the emotions flickering across her face.

Rose realized that this was it, this was what it felt like to have a man inside her, filling every inch of her, sharing the most intimate experience that she could ever share with another human being. She had never known that this mysterious part of her body, the part which she’d only skimmed the surface of, could be so sensitive during this act. She felt every inch of him as he moved inside her, felt the head of his cock rubbing places deep within her that she hadn’t known existed. She felt every vein and ridge of him caressing her soft, wet tunnel and, slowly, she began to feel the pleasure that others had spoken of.

Jake saw the change on her face, saw the tension leave to be replaced by the wonder of discovery. That was all the encouragement that he needed as he became less tentative and began to stroke more fully within her. He settled into a deep, strong rhythm, his hips stroking against her sensitive inner thighs.

‘Wrap your legs around me, Rose,’ Jake ground out.

Rose did as he said and felt her pleasure increase, as she was essentially clinging to him while his deep thrusting rocked both of their bodies. She felt the thick material of the cushion rubbing against her back while the hairs on Jake’s chest caressed her nipples. Her calves gripped the back of his thighs and, soon, she felt herself responding to his rhythm, as she had when they had Tangoed just a little over twenty four hours ago. Her hips lifted to meet his thrusts and, for what seemed like forever, the sounds of their bodies coming together and the groans escaping their mouths were mixed with the sounds of the wind and rain that continued overhead.

Jake felt the burn begin in his balls and he knew that he couldn’t hold on any longer. Increasing his tempo he pounded into Rose perhaps harder than he should, but he could no more hold back than he could control the storm that surrounded them. He felt her tense once again beneath him and then heard her cry out, but this time it was a cry of pleasure, not pain. He raised up on his hands and shoved his cock as hard and as deep into her as he could as his body erupted…once….and again….and again….and again….. until he felt every drop of his cum empty into her. With a gasp and a groan, he collapsed on top of her.

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East or west mausi is bset

Hi dosto mujha ap kee e-mail sa andaza huva ap na mare story bohat pasand ke hai ab doosree story share kar raha haoin. Un logo ka leya jinho na mare 1st or 2nd story nahi parhi us ka leya mara introduction. Maan upper middle class sa hoain age 25 name sunny or mumbai ka reha vala haoin. Hum family maan 3 log hayin me mom age 52 dad age 60.father Gov sector maan job karta hayin or scale 20 kaa officer hayin looking forwaed ur reply on this id (). Ap log janta hyin ka mare radha (kam vale) 2 sal...

1 year ago
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Getting Close To My Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi my dear ISS readers, I am very new to this site, but after reading lot of incest story and I feel I am not alone in this world. So I like to share my life story here for you all. And I am not master in English so please forgive me for mistakes which you face while reading it . Coming to the point my name is Abir and my sister Parwyn she is 24 right now but at the time we started our sex life at that time her age was 20 so we having a successful 4 years of sex life and going on till day....

4 years ago
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Training Big Brother Part IV

Sunday morning came and Tom dutifully put on his panties when he got dressed. Again, he was up early so he could empty the dishwasher before their mom came downstairs. Karen came in just as he was finishing up. "Good morning," she said pleasantly. "Oh... hi," Tom replied, a little surprised as he'd not heard her footsteps. "I see you've emptied the dishwasher already." She smiled. "That's good. I like to get my chores over with early." Tom gave her a look. Her chores....

3 years ago
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He Suggested a Nightcap

Em met him in the bar, during a break in the awards dinner she was attending. They chatted briefly and had a cigarette, and said they’d probably see each other at the bar again when next there was a break in proceedings. Or perhaps, he said, they could have a nightcap later. His name was Jean and he was French. He was a big man with a nice laugh and twinkling eyes. Em hadn’t met him before and wouldn’t again. He was from the other side of the world and was in town only for the convention of...

Quickie Sex
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Raping Ruby

I had just been out on a date with Ruby and, to be honest, it had not gone well. Even at the start of the evening Ruby seemed uninterested in what I had to say and got more bored over the course of a couple of hours. The only time she showed enthusiasm was when I asked about her music. She talked quite a lot about the band she was in and their up coming gigs but I didn't know enough about music to engage with her. It's not my type of thing. I'm more into sports but that wasn't Ruby's type...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 6

Session 18: “Would you tell me what you dream about?” “Yes.” “What do you dream about?” “When?” Damn it, Lucy. Marcie was so much more obedient, in so many ways. If Lucy was half as pliable as Marcie, I’d have been fucking her a long time ago. Though I had to admit—the challenge was half the fun. “What did you dream about last night?” “I don’t really remember many of the details. I think I bought a dog, or found a dog, or something like that. And I was taking it past a bakery, or...

2 years ago
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Life With Alpha Unexpected Visitors Further StoriesChapter 4 Marvel Divas

Codes: MF, MF+, MC, SciFi, anime, cartoon, comic book Disclaimer: All artificial persons/dimensional visitors herein are based on characters owned by their creators, not the author. This chapter focuses on characters from Marvel, specifically the four leads of a little-known four issue series called Marvel Divas. Author’s Note: This is not a canon Life With Alpha story, meaning events here happen in their own universe splitting off separately from the main story. This story begins over a...

4 years ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 14 The Garden in Mother

Holding hands we skipped down the hall. Ship suggested we see what sort of setup Mother had before we decided on how we got clean. "You'll be surprised." was all she would say, as her right hand scratched under her left perfectly cloned boobs. So did Simone ... same hand, same breast ... together. I was sure it wasn't preplanned. As for our reeking clothes, she suggested we use the 'refresher'. The refresher is some kind of ionizing cleaner that clothes are hung in, the door shut,...

2 years ago
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Seduced By Cousin Brother

Hi, this is Nikki. I am 25years old girl with stats 32-26-36 and I am going to share my real sex experience and how I was seduced by my sweet Cousin Brother and had touched the heaven and treasure of sexual happiness. This is my real sex story. I am actually from Telangana state. I am married a year back and presently staying in the USA with my husband. It started with my cousin brother who is 33 years old and around 2 months back when one day my sweet brother started sending messages to me by...

3 years ago
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The Swing Series 9

I had been away on business for almost three weeks. Sue and I hated to be separated for so long, but I was working on a new account that meant a lot of money to the business. My client wanted to build a resort in the mountains northwest of Yellowstone Park. I was hired to research the area, find a suitable location,and make an initial offer. I was hoping to wrap thistrip up in a week or so. It looked like this couldrun more like a couple of months!Sue and I talked every couple of days on the...

2 years ago
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A Friend in Need Part 4 Christinas Story I

A Friend in Need Part 4 Christina's Story I This is the story after the change of lives from Christina's (who used to be Tony) point of view there is some sexual content but the story mainly concentrates on the emotions and differences that Christina feels by being a woman. If you have not read the other parts of this story this may not make much sense. Thank you for all your comments I will try and incorporate as many suggestions as I can. Mothers Day 2013 After I had...

1 year ago
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forced Faggot

forced FaggotHello and thank you for letting me share this free true sex story about how I forced my male roommate into being a fag. I didn"t know it at the time but this was how I began my obsession with turning men into fags. Nothing gives me an orgasm more quickly than to watch a straight guy being taken by a stud for the first time.I was living in Hawaii barely making a living as a surf instructor. I had a beautiful apartment overlooking the Pacific Ocean but could not afford it so I placed...

2 years ago
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My name is Teal. A stupid name I know, but that's what my parents gave me. Very 60's are my parents, so I think they had outside influence, must have been something in the smoke if you know what I mean. My close friends just call me 'T' and close friends I have a lot of. I'm 19 and love sex. Luckily for me I have inherited my fathers leanness as opposed to my mothers plumpness. I used to worry about the smallness of my breasts, however I have since discovered that large tits just get in...

1 year ago
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Pioneers part 13 of 15

=== Trust Machines: Pioneers === part 13 of 15 by Trismegistus Shandy ----- This story is set in dkfenger's Trust Machines universe. It's a prequel to his stories, however, and I've written it to stand alone for readers who haven't read them. Thanks to dkfenger, clancy688, MrSimple, Karantela, Icaria, and JAK for feedback on earlier drafts. This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Share Alike...

1 year ago
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A Night Like Any OtherChapter 3

April 3 April had been able to put everything else out of her mind to sleep hard until the persistent knocking on the apartment door woke her. She staggered out of bed and to the door. She didn't care that she was almost naked in her short sweatshirt and bikini panties. By the age of forty eight, she had pretty much lost all her false modesty. "What?" she asked the two police officers almost angrily. "Sorry to bother you miss, but the manager said you owned the apartment where she...

1 year ago
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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 11 Malmoru

Deep in the bowels of Quarva, Meeze reached a rock chamber, no outsider had seen since the Mara had left so long ago, There was very little light, the faint lumination that came from dim glowing mushrooms did little to reveal more than vague shadows. Meeze had little need for light, his species was well adapted to dark places and lightless crevices. There in the darkness, something big lingered, then moved and shifted. A malleable, mass oozing with stringy goo shifted its position and a...

3 years ago
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Spied On By The Kids Next Door

 One sweltering summer day as my wife Joni swam her laps, I sat on the edge of the pool and watched as I thought about our discussion from a couple of days ago. We had talked about having sex in the backyard during the day, and she reminded me that our eight foot high fence would keep any prying eyes from seeing us.When she had finished, she swam to the shallow end where I was sitting. My legs dangled in the water as Joni stood and waded over. The water cascaded down her body and I watched as...

3 years ago
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Peeping Tom 8211 Part 3

The time had now come for Ann to return to UK early Wednesday morning so Tuesday afternoon we decided to have a final foursome with Maria and Rajeev. Ann and Maria both agreed they had fucked plenty of guys while Ann had been there so a final foursome would be a perfect way to end her visit. We all had lunch and then Ann said she would like to hear how Rajeev had got started as we still did not know his story. Rajeev agreed to tell us all so we undressed and he began his story. I began jerking...

3 years ago
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Big Black Cock and Balls Part 2

The Captains jaw went slack and hung open, staring wide-eyed at the blonde slut that he was once proud to have called his wife.Leasa bobbed and sucked, and bobbed and sucked. Sambo’s precum and her own spittle covered her cock shucking hand as she choked away on the fat, juicy, slab of black meat.Finally, the inevitable happened.“Augghhhh...!!!” Sambo grunted loudly as he sprayed a thick volley of jism down Leasa’s slender throat. She gagged and choked, then maintained her control and swallowed...

2 years ago
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CynthiaChapter 1

Oh, God, I still get butterfly flutters inside just looking at her. Stunning, Cynthia walked in with a large man and joined a group at a nearby booth. He was big, but not beefy or obese. When Cynthia walked, everyone listened — with their eyes. We exchanged nods and then she gave me this beaming smile. The flutterers in my belly were now flapping madly. A campus queen — caught up in the swirl of dances and sorority events, but she was not quite a fit. Tall, shapely, smooth, wise, and bright...

1 year ago
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Instant Karma

Instant Karma I looked at the clock-calendar, and the time was 21 minutes past 8, on Sunday the 7th of February, 2027. I should be 56 years old today, and I should be celebrating it surrounded by family. That was what I thought with part of my mind. The other part was looking at the Clearblue pregnancy tester I piddled on shortly after I got out of bed this morning, not really believing the dark line on it. I called out to my husband Peter, who was in the shower. "Peter, Peter, come...

3 years ago
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ibiza night

It was 2002,I took a holiday to Ibiza with a girl I had been seeing for about a month,kind of a fuck buddy thing going on,well,to me it was. We booked the holiday for 10 days so there was plenty of time to fit a lot in,but mainly we were there for the clubs,the pills and the thrills,anyone that's been to ibiza will know what i'm talking about.Back home we were serious into clubbing too,that was our lifestyle cos we were young and enjoying ourselves.Anyway one night we were out,I think it was at...

1 year ago
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Eternal Darkness Chapter Four

___________________________________________________________________________________________ Hey everyone! Rate and comment! This is a bit longer of a chapter for all of you so I hope you enjoy! Chapter Four: Rumble in the Jungle and the Bell of the Ball 'What did you just say?' Richard demanded and tightened his grip on Dark Star. May shifted slightly in the large saddle on the red dragons back and regarded him thoughtfully before answering. 'I said that people didn't...

3 years ago
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My Friend8217s Mom

This is a real story of me fucking my friend’s mom. I really like reading ISS. This is my first story so spare me if any mistakes are there by writing. I m 29 old and this is story when I was 24 studying in degree . Any one wanting to have fun can contact me my id is My name is Sanjay from hyderabad physically strong, 5.6 height and my friends mom name is Sunita she was around 5.5 height and with big boobs. Who ever would see her would never feel she has got two children that to of age around...

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Alternative Justice

"Mr Fraser come with me please" said a tall police woman. I looked up, stood and followed her. She opened a door in to a dark room. I followed her in to the room. She closed the door and it was dark. I turned toward the light a window in to the room next door. "Please be quiet we are questioning the young women we found in your car. Do you know her?" She uttered softly. I looked at the young woman in a silver halter neck top, revealing the bottom of her big tits and her stomach. The little...

2 years ago
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Our Trip to Orlando Part 2

Saturday morning we woke up at our hotel in Orlando. Diane dressed in a pair of white shorts that just covered her ass and a button up denim shirt that she tied under her boobs. She wore her hair in a ponytail with a colorful band holding it. She was showing off her smooth, flat stomach and long, suntanned legs. She wore white sandals with bright red toenail polish. She would be turning heads today. We went downstairs to the lobby where the hotel was serving breakfast. When the doors opened...

1 year ago
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Black Mailing My Friends Daughter

Blackmailing a friend’s daughter and the events took place not long after my friend’s marriage split up. Like me, Jaya was in her early 40s and had a child. I’d only known Jaya for about 5 years, and I’d grown to care for her very much in that time. I found her very attractive and longed to bed her, but had got the feeling she was 100% straight and not a lesbian like me! One morning I was woken by a phone call from Jaya, she had a huge favour to ask of me. The favour was, could I take some time...

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Rogers Laptop

This story may be offensive to some and contains scenes of hardcore sex, incest, religion and rape and underage sex. Please be warned and do not read on if you are offended by any of these things. It is only after an older man loses his wife to cancer that he rediscovers his true deviant sexual potential. Roger’s Laptop Paul entered his Father’s study cautiously and glanced around at the tidy room. He still felt a pang of sadness after the recent funeral but knew he needed to...

3 years ago
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The Reality Control Program

It had been a warm day in Metropolis and when Marcus arrived at his parent’s house, he could see his mother working in the kitchen, probably preparing dinner. He quickly put his bike into the garage and entered the house. “I’m home, mom!” he called and his mother showed up in the doorframe. “Good evening, Marcus, how was your day?” “Good, nice lectures. Anything here?” “Not really. A package arrived for you, probably the phone you ordered. And Nora is coming over for dinner. Her parents are on...

Mind Control
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Chris ChrissyChapter 3

I called home and got Mom, who agreed to pick us up at the park. While we waited, my sister and I kissed some more, but a little less lasciviously than earlier. Mom honked and we got in the back seat together. "Didn't you stay for the second movie, kids?" she asked. "Nah, we walked over to the park and talked," I said. Mom said, "You two certainly dressed nice for going to the movies?" "It was a movie date, Mom. A guy needs to dress nice for his girl when they go out together,"...

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Youre My Bitch Now Part 10

Part 10Rick scurried into work, determined to stay away from Rhona as much as possible. It was as busy day and he had to go sort out the Marketing Director’s laptop, which she had screwed up somehow. Rick spent an hour trying to fix it remotely, but in the end had to her office to pick it up and take it back to the office. Rhona, of course, was there and wanted to know what he was doing. ‘She's important, Rick, don't screw it up. Don’t make me mad with you.’ Rhona’s mood became worse and worse...

4 years ago
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happy new year momy 2

"You can get dressed now."She and Eritrea go to her office and I get dressed and follow them."You're a very beautiful young lady, Jayden. I can see why your aunt wants you protected. There'll be lot of young boys trying to date you.""Thank you, doctor. Aunt Eritrea is very good to me."We leave the office with a six-month prescription for birth control pills. Eritrea has it filled and we return to her apartment."Here, you have to start taking them today; so, that by the end of the month you will...

1 year ago
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Melissa Tells AllChapter 5

"So, are you still having sex with your father?" Mark asked me again. I paused for a moment before replying, "Babe ... before I answer that question, I need to tell you what occurred after that weekend. Something really dramatic happened that changed my life completely. Then you will know it all, and I'll answer anything you ask." After he knows it all ... everything ... would I still be the woman he loved? Or just some perverted tramp? I worked up my courage and finished telling him...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e2 Yvonne Batty 57 the best kind of wife

Series 9, Episode 2: Yvonne Batty (57), from Folkstone After the excesses of the last episode, it’s time to return to something a little more sedate ... And it doesn’t get more sedate than Folkstone on a Wednesday afternoon... We open with an establishing shot of a very narrow street, with three- and four-story buildings jutting up on either side of us and curving away from us. The road is barely wide enough for two cars to drive in opposite directions, and the sidewalk on either side...

1 year ago
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Las Vegas The Private Dance

LAS VEGAS - The Private Show I got some water for you, which you drank copiously. “Ah, that’s good, thanks, I needed to rehydrate.  Now it’s my turn,” you smiled wickedly.  “Just stay there on the bed, this will take a while to prep.” Curious, I did what I was told and turned on the nightstand lights while I waited.  Flipped the TV on since I suspected I might be here a while, I did what any red-blooded male does, channel surf.  There really wasn’t much to see, and it wasn’t like home where I...


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