The Succubus Awakening
- 3 years ago
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‘There is a meeting today in the evening, Reshma, in DeeCee Manor. I would like you to take the assignment and come with me. Dr. Roshan and his wife will be waiting for us in the restaurant.’
I nodded my accent and sighed. Anthony was a man and the GM of the software concern I was working as a consultant. He would naturally assume that it will be alright for a junior employee to accompany him in the evening to a hotel, but Mrs.Bhargavi Sudarshan, my darling mother, will shoot me right in the heart if I ever inform her that I’m going to a meeting in a hotel with an unmarried man at 7 in the evening. Bracing myself, I picked up the phone and informed my mom that I will be going to Sangeetha’s place after office to discuss about a site and come home around 9 pm. Yet another lie, I realized, but there was no other way.
Being a thin, average looking female, I never had any admirers or intimate boyfriends, more so because south Indian girls are brought up to be an innocent virgin till her parents select a suitable groom for her and any affairs before marriage usually will brand her as a slut. I myself had absolutely no intentions of casual sex or the idea of experiment-till-the-right-find because I planned to marry the perfect man and live my whole life with him and him only. Brought up as a traditional Hindu-turned-rebellious modernist, I can’t quite shrug off my cultural ethics and codes. I was traditional enough to wait for my man (actually, I am saving myself for him, to quote the olden days) but I was the millennium woman who will only marry for love (much to the rage and sorrow of my parents).
India, in the 21st century, is the most confusing of its moods. It was advancing not only on its technological front, but in social and cultural too. Its children were finally waking up, practically in all aspects from their ambitions to sex. For a country who had coughed up a ruby called the Kamasutra thousands of years ago, people here rarely said the word more than a few times in their entire lives.
But the older generations are not one to give up so soon. There were just compromises. A teenager might be allowed to go abroad for his higher studies, but it is entirely his responsibility to support his parents till they die. If it is a girl, she is married off once she finishes her studies. In most cases, she would leave the country after getting engaged, possibly to an Indian settle abroad, or wherever she is going. Even 15 years ago, women were not allowed to go to jobs or stay out after 6 in the evening. And they were married once they turned 18 or at the most, 21. Or else, here market value would come down, and for a girl above 23 or 24 yrs of age will get offers only frm 30+ brooms who would demand the earth as a dowry.
Only in the recent years, where the IT boom changed the middle class income to an unbelievable rise, people started to realize that they couldn’t forever lock us women inside. I mean, two salaries are better than once, right? Men here were jerks enough to restrict their wives, but daughters…were another matter. Provided that she leaves in a decent attire to a reputed job and comes back early, the masters of the family magnanimously agreed to let them out of their immediate sight.
My parents had made the great mistake of encouraging me too much to go to libraries and bookshops. As a result of this, I was now a romantic dreamer who was waiting for a dashing man to come and lay down his life for her. I hate the whole idea of arranged marriages and long for a man who would love me for what I am and marry me for love. But time was running out, since a girl is, in these times, married off when she reaches 23 or 25, and I will 23 next week.
And I was still looking for the right person to come along. Contrary to popular fairy tales, the guys out here turned out to be either jerks (‘I want you, but not as my wife/lover/gf, a tumble in the hay is fine by me’) or wimps (‘im not sure we will get along well… my parents would like somebody of my own caste’) or plain bores. I let out another sigh and this time it did not escape Anthony’s attention.
‘Is there any problem?’
‘Uh, no, sir, I was just…
‘It’s ok. Did you finish the report?’
I nodded and switched on the printer to take a fresh copy. I did not know why, but conversing with Anthony always turned me into a blubbering fool. I usually envision my Prince Charming as a slight-bodied, innocent faced man. Someone like Michael Biehn (actually, I was 10 when I saw the TERMINATOR, And I was all set to marry him once I turned 18, then I read that he had three sons, for god’s sake, and cried for a whole week)… some one soft and caring who would not crush my body with a swat of his arm and would die to save me. So it was most surprising, for myself that is, that I should feel attracted to some one exact opposite my dream lover.
Anthony was not gorgeous or even striking, but he was intelligent with a capital I. And so reserved. Deep inside, I knew I was deliberately trying to act helpless and confused around him to get his attention. That usually helps. If you play strong and throw your weight around these kinds of people, they will clam up before you say shoot. Be a nervous, unsure loser in front of them, and they will finally come to the conclusion that you need their help and open the lock in their mouth. Quiet and brainy guys attract me so much, I used to wonder whether I have a kink out of teasing them out of their inhibition. Maybe it gave me a sense of power to change a man’s natural character all by myself.
I dislike tall men because they, at least in my part of the world, generally are cocky and arrogant, with no respect for those who are shorter than them. Though I was taller than the average Indian woman, about 5’6′, I felt shaky every time Anthony stood next to me. He was around 6’4′ and built like a tree trunk. But there was no harshness or bulky strength visible. It was a fine medley of supple muscles and mellow softness. And I positively hated mustaches. He had such a thick upper that only his bottom lip was visible. It was like he had a black caterpillar below his nose, perfectly complemented by bushy, menacing brows. How come such an unlikely character can attract me so much?
The end of the sheet I had fixed inside the printer had a slight tear and naturally, it tore as the printer head reached it. I was jolted out of my musings and looked in to Anthony’s unsmiling face. He was looking slightly irritated and said, ‘is it all ready? We have to leave in 10 minutes. Ask Ramlal to take the car out. I have to make a call. If you can wait near the café, I will pick you up’.
I forgot about the printout and gazed at him stupidly. We? I can’t go with him, alone in his car! In India if you go in your boss’ car after 6pm, it means only one thing and that thing it was not. Lord help me if Sangeetha, Vikas or any of the other employees see that…they will rag me till I bleed through my eyes. ‘Sir, I have my Honda. I can come in it.’
‘But, what is the point? I will drop you home. It will probably be late once the meeting gets over and I don’t want you to drive alone in ____Colony’. True, no good woman will walk alone after 9 in the place where I live. It was the breeding place of rowdy hoodlums and the local mafia. My mother had begged my father not to buy a plot in this area to live but as usual he did not allow a mere female to interfere with his decisions.
Vexed, I chewed my upper lip and forgot to remove the torn sheet from the printer and it started to make a funny humming noise. Anthony leaned over and took the sheet, brushing the side of my left breast in the process. I almost jumped 2 feet back. Anthony himself was flustered and faced me. He mumbled a sorry, but to my greatest astonishment, did not leave the place. He was actually looking at my stunned form in an intense, harsh manner.
I was stupefied. I had been in this situation before but usually, the guy falls over his face in m
aking a rocket-speed apology and disappear, or if he is a jerk who did it deliberately, I freeze him off with a Siberian look or at the very worst, have a showdown with him. But this one here was attacking me with a smoldering look and I was simply gawking at him!
We stayed like that for a few breathless seconds and I was the first one to turn and pick up my folder. I risked a peek at Anthony and flushed to the roots of my hair on seeing him still staring at my back. What’s got into him? I wondered. Then he abruptly turned and left the room.
I mechanically took another copy of the report and waited for him in the ground floor. My throat felt as if it was sunbathing in the Kalahari. I smiled at the waitress in the café and picked up a Diet Coke. I was still in the dark about what went up there. For a minute, Anthony looked as if he would like to push me on the floor and trample me flat. I was beginning to sweat a little. Maybe he knew somehow about my attraction for him? Drat that dumbo Sangeetha, she must have sung it to Vikas (her husband) and maybe he had told Anthony…
I remembered Sangeetha saying that Anthony was a loner and had very few friends. May be he thinks that im just a horny broad interested in making out with a rich guy… he sure knows that im a from a middle class family… and he must have had ideas about utilizing what is offered readily…oh, I was going seriously crazy. Some where in the corner of my mind I realized that I was over-reacting, but I could not stop my vivid imagination.
‘Can we leave now?’
I whipped my head up to see Anthony’s tensed face and stood up with out answering. We walked in silence to the parking lot. I climbed in and he eased the vehicle out of the street. We drove in silence for next twenty minutes. I just looked up the files for the discussion and he concentrated on driving. Slowly the traffic thinned and the refreshing smell of salty air touched my face. DeeCee manor was a seaside resort, quite far away from the office. The beach loomed before us and the calm, blue evening soothed my nerves a bit.
Suddenly the car turned into a smaller lane in the left and stopped. I looked up. We had stopped in a deserted stretch of road, with the blue shore bang opposite to me. Anthony was staring straight ahead, his arms tightly grasping the steering wheel. ‘I did not do it on purpose’
I felt a little angered. He did not have to take the topic again! It could have remained unsaid, and both of us would have let it fade from our memories. I replied a bit tightly, ‘No problem. I did not think so’
He finally turned at me. For the first time since I joined his firm 2 months ago, he was directly looking at my eyes and talking. His hands clenched and he ground out in a low voice, ‘you don’t have to pretend. I know you hated me touching. I am apologizing because of that’
God, this is embarrassing, I thought. ‘I think there is no…
‘Yes, there is’, he burst out suddenly. ‘I know I repel you. Every time I come near you run a mile. You cringe, Reshma. You think I can’t notice that?’
‘NO!!’ I was conscious of a vague feeling that this was a dream, I must have fell asleep after I had that Coke…me and him could not possibly be having a conversation like this. ‘What are you talking about, Anthony?’ Unknowingly, I used his Christian name for the first time. In India, employers had all the right to call their juniors anything, but the employees usually called them sir or ma’am. ‘Nothing like that…’
He again faced away from me and gazed out of the window. I saw the bitter shaking of his head. Then he suddenly asked, ‘if you really mean that, will you touch me now?’
I felt like I just got a smack on my solar plexus by Tyson. I stared at him, with my mouth hanging open more than a little wide. Now I became surer that I was dreaming. Anthony, member of the rich and the elite, was asking me to touch him? Did he dare think that I would oblige him? Was I a slut to touch a man, a stranger, who was not even my lover?
All of a sudden I felt very tired. Who I was I trying to fool here? Whatever I say, what ever I do, there is only one thing which is gonna happen. Either I will remain a spinster or forced to marry a stranger (yes, approved by my parents and possibly a rich fellow), but stranger he will be. This society will never allow me to remain unmarried because for one thing, it is unheard of and another, the other moms will get frightened that I will become a sort of example or an idol for their girls and they will try their level best to pack me off. All my dreams and visions of a loving man is pure bullshit. Four years from now, I will surely be hassling a busy husband who has no time for me, indifferent in-laws who would harp about me to their neighbors and a bawling baby which will surely make me give up my job. I didn’t want to wait anymore, I didn’t want to remain chaste and pure for that mythical figure which does not exist anywhere in the near future.
Suddenly something in me broke free. All the dreams I had in my teens, and all the vanishing hopes I am having now, flashed like a fast forward scene before my mind’s eye. My throat ached at the thought of a hurting man reaching towards me. Normally, I would have thought that he was just putting on an act to get in to my knickers, but the expression in his face was not lustful or even desirable. It was plain hunger and need, for which I had an answer, because I had also experienced those, but only I curbed it constantly in my search for the perfect man, so much so that, I no longer felt like a healthy female.
He did not love me or even wanted me, but his hungry senses wanted something immediately. So did mine. There was something hurting inside him, I did not even know what it was, but I was seized by the normal human desire to ease away a person’s sorrow. I was so damned tired and frustrated and disappointed of waiting forever. I wanted a hard and fast loving, of my mind, my body, of my whole sorry self. Every atom of my body was in a supreme agitation. For the first time in my life, I threw all my beliefs in the wind and silently, without taking of my eyes on him, I placed a shaking hand on his fingers.
He looked at me disbelievingly. Probably he had thought that I would scream RAPE, HELPPP MEEE or at least slap him hard. Then he went very quiet, his eyes focused on my fingers. I nearly came undone at the intensity of feelings of his face, on looking at the path my hand was traveling. I was now restless. I felt unstoppable. I picked up his index finger and slowly circled it with mine. I stroked all his fingers and squeezed his palm. Then I climbed a bit higher to his wrist and measured his pulse. It was racing. I slowly took my fingers up his arm. Through his shirt I felt the muscles going up and down on contacting my fingers. Through dazed eyes, I saw my own hand travel up his neck, chin and finally his lips. I suddenly realized that I always wanted to find out where exactly his upper lip was. I moved closer to Anthony and leaned over his face. His eyes were looking at my face with such an intense fervor that I felt breathless. My whole body went hot and cold alternatively. Without planning, I raised my head to his lower head and whispered, ‘ I always wanted to touch your upper lip’ and lifter his moustache hair up and stroked his upper lip.
Without a word, Anthony Picked me like a leaf and placed me on his lap, facing him. I breathed in sharply. This was the first time a guy touched me and it was exactly like I had read in Anne Mather books. Hot. Exciting. Tingly. My head almost hit the upholstery but the Qualis was a mammoth of a car. I was sitting on him fully, my legs hanging on each side, and my bottom sitting flat on his crotch. And then I realized it. There was a HUGE bulge over which I was sitting. I went pale and then hot. All my nightmares about THE THING and the whispered girls talk about how it would tear you apart returned. Not to mention the one dirty porno flick I saw with Sangeetha
before her wedding night and puked on her toilet. I could not meet him in the eye and all my newfound confidence deserted me. I stared at him stupidly, wondering whether I am still dreaming, hoping it was all a dream.
Anthony must have realized my inner turmoil, because he shifted his position a bit, so that the area under me became more or less a flat one. He then bent forward and buried his face into my neck. I felt dizzy. His moustache was tickling me, but not resulting in the usual squirming. I rather felt like returning his nuzzles and boldly caught his hair. I felt his teeth sinking into the tender skin on my nape but strangely it did not hurt. I almost welcomed the sensation in an otherwise impossible situation.
Desperate to change my numbed status, I slid my hand into his straight locks. Anthony had such straight silky hair till his nape and I felt a wild urge to yank it hard. I felt his belt buckle digging into my belly, and lowered my arms to push it away. Anthony used this moment to put his arms around me and bite my shoulder more hardly. I could feel the hardness of his arms through the silk shirt I was wearing. Thank god, I didn’t wear my sari today, I thought in a daze. My trousers were creased now by all the climbing on hi and I dimly thought what I would explain to my mom about it.
As he crushed my body into a massive hug, I once again felt his erection and I felt his body shudder at our contact with one another. My whole body hurt by his rock-hard embrace, but not in an unpleasant way. Not at all. ‘aaa…aahh’ I moaned, not without some pain, but I did not complain too much and found myself murmuring ‘ hold me tighter, more, still more…yesss, like that…mmmmm’. By this time, I felt like my bones were crumbling into chips and finally unable to bear the pain, I freed my hand out of his iron lock and put my arms around him, hugging him like how he did.
I finally understood why woman tolerated so much from men. So this was why spinsters and unmarried woman are so bitter and empty. This was why even a successful, intelligent female falls for a deep shit and lives with him for the rest of her life. Like Sangeetha. Like my mother. Because of this mind and body which swoons in ecstasy at the solid loving touch of a male, and because of the fact that once you taste this forbidden pleasure, you are forever enslaved. Not only for physical pleasure, but also for the fulfillment and warmth another soul imparts from his core to yours.
I knew at that moment that I would be Anthony’s girl forever. Even if I never see him again, he will always be in my mind, in a deep corner, forever reminding of my first taste of life. Whomever I marry or sleep with, I will recollect his ravaged face and this absolute pleasure on being part of another life’s essence. I suddenly felt like crying because I finally understood that I had crossed the point of no return. There was no way to go back being the waiting angel now. Yes I will be waiting still, but this will be a different kind of wait, one that has the power to make or break me…
To be continued…
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Voyeur Porn SitesThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyWoah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
Creampie Porn SitesNo matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesSometimes you are just going through one of the more mundane parts of your life and suddenly something happens that awakens a part of you that you never knew was there….. It was back in the mid-nineties. I was a 30-something working mom back then, married (though I can’t say happily). I was doing well with my career having risen to the level of mid-management with a nationwide telephone corporation. In mid-summer of whatever year it was, about eighty men and women from around the country...
Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesIntroduction: How Kellys adventures began This is rather a short opening, not as much sex as you may want but Ill upload more of the story in future depending on the response Kellys Awakening Part One Kelly Richmond was having a very bad day. It had been about 20 minutes since she had hung up the phone and she was still in shock. Jennifer, her girlfriend for the last 9 months, had ended their relationship with a phone call! Not only that, but Jennifer had admitted that she had been having...
I had no problem spotting her. I was waiting for her to arrive at the airport and there was no doubt it was she. Samantha is an elegant woman with very prominent breasts. She dresses impeccably and somehow appears both distant and erotic at the same time. She smiled as she recognized me and I felt her full body as we embraced; sliding one big tit under my arm as we kissed hello. It was a soft but meaningful kiss followed by a "so glad we finally meet." For myself, I was pretty close to...
Chapter One(Written in First Person)I'd lived a comfortable life. As comfortable as one could get considering my mom had died when I was ten. However, I never grew up bitter about it because I have a great father.My dad told me he and my mom had met when he had come to teach her to play jazz piano and it had been love at first sight. I found out later from a journal of mom's I'd found in her box in the attic that it had really been lust at first sight.He was fifteen, when he stepped into my...
My sexual awakening started around 12 when I would wake in the morning with something large in my groin area.I went to stay with friends near the beach and they had a lovely 14 year old daughter whose feminine attributes had already formed as it would appear her boobs were well developed.We all went swiming in the surf not 2 rough just right.All of us were just standing around talking and laughing and each time a wave would arrive I noticed that 'her' boobs would just float out the top of her...
Rogues Story – Part One -The AwakeningThis story couldn't have been written without one man, you know who you are! She quickly turns the ornate gold tap in the opulent ladies room of the country house, and grabs a handful of paper towels that were neatly placed next to the expensive hand creams and lotions, she begins to dab the red wine stain on her new cream evening dress. “This isn’t going to come out, that stupid oaf of a man.” She wishes she could have let loose and tell him what she...
Wife LoversLakeside Awakening If anyone had told the way I’d meet my soul mate a few years ago, I never would have believed it. It was my senior year of high school and I had recently gotten out of yet another bad relationship with a girl. Lina had been a pretty, chubby blonde with a nice personality but a nasty temper. We just didn’t click after a while and I was feeling down on myself for not being able to hold onto a girl for very long. My friend Dan took me to a friend’s house where there was a party...
Rude Awakening By Rosie I wake up, though I don't feel as alert as usual. In fact, it takes me a while, even with my eyes wide open, to realize that I'm in fact awake, not dreaming. There's a sense of chill to my skin, round my midriff and legs. It's nothing new to me, my pajamas have a habit of riding up. The top part has a habit of bunching up above my stomach and the bottoms tend to rise up to my knees. Somehow today, it seems today that the legs have hiked up even more and I'm...
My Sexual AwakeningI open my eyes this morning and I look at your sweet face as you sleep, I smile and stretch. I have this desire to wake you and arouse you like you were last night. Your gorgeous cock was so hard, so big, and fit perfectly inside my pussy. You have touched me like no other man.I resist the temptation for now. Instead, I slide out from under the covers and head into the bathroom. My nipples are still hard, or is it ... hard again. I'm not sure, nor do I care. I just know that...
Straight SexRegina's Awakening It was a bad idea to work late on a Friday night, she thought. Regina waswaiting at the bus stop for the bus to take her home for over forty minutes.This has not been a good day for her. First, she woke up late for work. Then,her car had a flat tire and had to run to catch the bus to work. Next, herboss was on her because her reports were late due to the computer system andservers being down for most of the day. Then, her boyfriend of three yearsleft her at lunchtime. And...
So lately I've been making a number of orders from Amazon meaning that I've pretty much constantly been waiting on deliveries. You see I live in a block of flats with a secure entry and whenever I've got a package on the way I need to make sure I'm awake and ready to let the deliveryman in. It's a pain but it does allow for some rather risqué moments. Risqué moments which have through the lens of the imagination given rise to the most pleasant fantasies.Only two days ago I was waiting for...
Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesSynopsis: After Jonathon Gilbert rescues timid crossdressing Lucy from an assault they become friends and then lovers. They set up home together and live happily until months later their domestic bliss is shaken when an unexpected event changes everything for Lucy. The Librarian's Awakening By Belle Gordon The day was cooling as the Jonathon Gilbert set off for his evening run. At 50 years old he found it a constant struggle to maintain his fitness and to keep his weight down....
A woman comes to terms with her long hidden sexual identity under totally innocent circumstances. The result of these revelations will change her life, the life of her fiancee and the life of his heiress mother completely. Awakening By Gayle Abbott Morning could not come soon enough. It was like a dream come true. But ever since that day when you took the riding class and you came three times while riding the horse - that very fateful day when you realized what those feelings...
Author's note: This is an original work of transgender fiction. Any similarity between any person, living or dead, is strictly coincidental. I. The Strange Death of David Parmenter by Erin Shoemaker, Jr. 6. Awakening David Parmenter, soon to become Sandi Taylor, spent a restless night. Her thoughts continued to run rampant regarding what life held in store for her. But little by little, the thoughts of her previous life began to get sallied away into that drawer of her...
The Awakening We pulled into Julia's Fathers (David's) place about 4 in the afternoon having taken off work a little early. I had brought some tools as we were going to their lakehouse to fix the sprinkler system and take some things to a donation site, mostly clothes and kitchen stuff. Julia's parents were now divorced and the house there would be sold. Her mother had been staying there till things were finalized, and it was in pretty good shape as we had gone down a couple of...
Mandy knew that her pussy was leaking. She could not only feel the juices sloshing around in her inner folds and smooth, shaved lips but, she could feel the wetness in her blue bikini panties. She squeezed her legs together in an effort to relieve the moist fabric from her mound but only succeeded in rubbing her clit, causing a shockwave to ripple through her body. A strangled moan, like a mini grunt escaped her closed mouth. Oh shit! She thought. Her eyes quickly glanced around behind her...
Wife LoversThe Awakening By Gabi Chapter I "Michael, wake up! Wake up, Michael!" a voice called through the veil of dreams. Or in this case, from the other side of my bedroom door. Slowly I opened my eyes...staring at the ceiling. A ceiling fan blowing cool air down over my face, was rotating above on the ceiling. Sunlight was beaming through the slits in my window blinds, and I could hear the birds chirping. It was a perfect morning, and I had lots of plans today. Getting up I searched...
Chapter 1 The awakening. It was a dark day; the sun was hardly getting through those forever low gray clouds, which hang so very often in the sky here. Just an ordinary day. Greg felt not to bad at all really, he quite liked this darkish weather, it's all he's ever known and it makes him feel sort of "safe". In fact Greg is pretty well drawn to darkness, he hears it calling to him during those brief moments of sunshine that do actually happen from time to time. Drawn to darkness? Well, yes,...
BisexualAWAKENING by Rachel Ann Cooper © 1997 "Marge, you sure look hot in that skirt and heels." "Like them?" "Oh yeah. Never much cared for having to reach up to kiss you though." "Oh. Well, we can fix that you know. Sit down and take your clothes off shortie. I'll be right back." "Don't rub it in Marge." "Just do it OK?" "Alright I'm doing it. Now what?" "Now, roll up these thigh high hose and pull them up your legs carefully. Now the left. Nicely done. Now...
As I slowly come alert after a night of solitary drinking I stretch in the dark, pushing against my cell walls, listening to the rustle of my nest-mates deep in their dreaming. Nest mates? Cell? What the fuck? Terror grips me as I scramble to put sense to my environment. I feel eight arm/legs. Shards of chitin litter my cell. There's only one answer that fits reality-- I'm a bleeding spider, and I've just pupated. gasp. gasp. gasp. Calm down, dammit. I rub my legs over my ovipostor,...