Une Rencontre Sexe Mémorable free porn video

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J'ai rencontré cette sexy girl à l'époque ou je surfais sur quelques sites de rencontres et autres bien connus. Quelle tuerie cette brunette orientale, un visage et une bouche humm... Je bande rien qu'en y repensant, mais bref... donc, Une grosse touffe ondulée, un corps pulpeux et ferme a la fois, des seins monstrueusement perfect en forme de pommes, ronds comme jamais, tétons rosés, juteux et attractifs, trop même !

Une ravissante Chatte épilée douce et sucrée, je peux dire que j'en ai vu un paquet, toute chatte a sa beauté, mais de la a vouloir la lécher sans cesse, bref... Une chatte de folie, une peau plutôt blanche mais légèrement dorée, des fesses et une cambrure de folie, pas très grande (environ 1m65 contre 1m93 pour moi), très stylée et surtout très chienne, mais ça je l'ai découvert après...

On se parlait parfois lors de connexions hasardeuses sur msn après avoir accroché sur un site de musique.
La belle pour ne pas la nommer, m'avait montré déjà quelques photos d'elles et j'avoue qu'elle avait l'air d'être mimi mais ça ne m'a pas interpellé plus que ça.

Jusqu'au jour ou elle m'a fait part de ses rondeurs qu'elles n'appréciaient pas plus que ça, mais qu'elle aimait assez ses nichons et son gros booty en revanche. C'est là que ça a dérapé.

On s'appellait parfois avant de se connecter. Je lui dis que j'aime beaucoup les rondeurs chez une femme, que ça "habille" un vêtement même, elle éclate de rire... Je la chauffe un peu en lui disant que je suis très attiré par les femmes de son genre, Elle cherche a me dissuader de me pencher sur son cas.

Je lui demande de mettre sa cam, elle accepte et là... Je vois un missile, une sorte de maria carrey du désert!!!
Nuisette sexy mais pas trop provocante, presque la classe, sortie de la douche peu de temps avant la connexion.
Une ogive armée, tout est beau sur elle!

Elle se lève pour me montrer ce qu'elle n'aime pas trop chez elle, mais soft sans en abuser, mais les formes que je détecte me donnent horriblement chaud, elle est bonne de ouf a mes yeux!!!

Je la complimente sans faire le forceur et en restant respectueux tout en étant moi, plutôt direct, et elle aime beaucoup ça a priori... Elle me chauffe un peu a son tour en remontant sa nuisette légèrement, a hauteur des genoux, pour hydrater sa peau gout miel hummm, et voyant a quel point j'étais captivé par ce spectacle, elle n'a peut s'empêcher de me provoquer...

on se taquine, je la provoque a mon tour en l'incitant a tout enlever pour une hydratation plus généralisée...
J'ai failli saigner du nez tellement elle était bonne et mignonne, toujours est il qu'elle s'est mise a se masser le corps mais toujours de manière soft et contrôlée. Quel corps wawww!!

On parle de plus en plus sexe et je sent bien qu'elle comme moi ne sommes pas contre l'idée de nous rencontrer, bien au contraire, pourtant on ne se connait pas vraiment malgré les quelques échanges précédents.
Finalement elle me dit qu'elle vient sur paris pour le week end et que je n'ai qu'a la rejoindre quand elle se sera installée, sa copine ne restant pas avec elle durant le séjour.

J'accepte avec plaisir mais sans trop y croire, les renois et les rebeus, c'est pas vraiment une grande histoire d'amour mais sait on jamais... J'en ai très envie surtout après ce que j'ai vu mais je ne m'enflamme pas. on verra bien...

Le fameux jour J, j'étais chez des potos, ambiances de mecs quoi, Bdos party, console et alcool... Rien de bien constructif mais NSM on décompresse. Mon phone vibre. 1 MMS de la Belle, Une chambre d'hotel a Rosny sous bois et un numéro de porte... Je suis tout excité, mon poto me parle mais j'en ai rien a péter, elle est là à Paname!!

Elle m'appelle pour être sûre que l'info est bien réceptionnée. Je suis CONTENT et très excité. Elle tient a me garder en ligne jusqu'à ce que j'arrive... J'explique a mes gars que je dois rejoindre une poto, qu'elle m'a fait une surprise et qu'elle m'attend. Je quitte les gars et je suis ses indications jusqu'à l'hôtel, plus je me rapproche plus j'ai le coeur qui bat fort, je ne sait pas trop comment ça va se passer mais je veux le savoir vite!!

Elle me demande de me speeder car elle est toute seule et que la télé l'emmerde. Ok j'arrive!

Arrivé devant la porte je fais pas trop le mec, est ce qu'elle va me trouver a son goût, est ce que le feeling sera toujours là???? On rigolait pas mal au phone ou a la cam mais la c'est du concret... Je frappe... Elle ouvre.
Je la regarde et wawww c'est encore plus ouf en vrai... Une tuerie!

Belle nuisette moulante et très sexy, talons hauts, ça sent trop bon, et un sourire de dingue!
Elle me regarde, je la regarde, et elle me sort un magistral

"Tu rentres? J'ai froid... Regarde je pointe!!!"

Elle mort de rire, moi moins parce que je bande hard et que je n'ai pas envie qu'elle le remarque, comme ça d'entrée de jeu.
Je fais le mec à l'aise et je rentre en la regardant de haut en bas (sublime), j'ai chaud!

Elle a mis le chauffage à fond, mais elle frissonne, elle se jette sur le lit telle une "déesse bourrée" (elle ne boit pas), magnifique et décontractée, pas de maquillage ou presque, j'aime beaucoup ce que je contemple...

Je roule mon Bdo, J'ouvre la fênetre pour ne pas la déranger avec la fumée, elle me dit de faire vite car le froid rentre...

"Rentre sous la couette si t'as froid"
Elle... Je ne sais même pas si ils ont changé les draps, finis et viens toi, réchauffe moi!"

Je fais celui qui n'a pas trop entendu, mais j'ai trop bien entendu, je bande hard encore!
Elle me regarde avec insistance et moi aussi, je ne suis pas timide heureusement pour moi, un grand gaillard comme moi affolé par une chica calienté, pas Peur!

"Bon t'as fini?
"Oui j'arrive baby"
Vite j'ai envie de te sucer, tu bandes et ça me fait mouiller, aller dépêche mi amor"

Elle sait que l'espagnol et le roulement de R me chamboule grave!

J'écrase mon kamaz, je me tourne pour refermer la fenêtre et quand j'effectue le demi tour, elle est face à moi à 4 pattes sur le lit, je vois ses seins trop gros pour rester a l'intérieur du vêtement qui essaie de les recouvrir...

Là, ça annonce une nouvelle étape. Elle avance jusqu'à hauteur de ma bite gonflée, emprisonnée dans un boxer et un jean qui ne permet pas vraiment de pouvoir la dissimuler.
Elle parle a hauteur de mon sexe et lui dit comme si je n'était pas là qu'ils vont bien s'amuser.

Elle murmure... "Je vais te lécher, te sucer, te caresser comme une pute en manque de bite"

Elle se redresse, se recule au milieu du lit et lève sa nuisette d'un coup, pas de sous vêtements bien entendu...

"Allez viens profiter de moi, fais ce que tu veux je suis ta chienne et j'ai envie de sentir ta longue queue"

Je me désape et je la vois faire pareil... Mais quel corps!!! Humm

Elle s'allonge pendant que je finis de poser mes affaires et cherche a me déstabiliser, mais la pauvre, je suis un cochon moi, elle se touche devant moi pensant me faire perdre mes moyens...

"Hummm petite chienne, tu mouilles bien, je l'entend quand tu te masturbes, continue, caresse toi les seins aussi"
Elle "Oui mi amor".

Je sort ma bite et je me branle devant elle qui se touche sensuellement puis je lui dis

"Doigte toi ta petite chatte, et joue avec ton clito"
"Je peux me fumer le clito mais je suis encore vierge" me dit elle.

Je déchante un peu mais bon après tout je m'en moque, c'est une bomba arabica et au pire elle me sucera en bonne chienne qu'elle est.

Elle me rassure très vite par un "ne t'inquiète pas, mon cul est à toi"

C'est parti! Je lui relève les jambes, elle sur le dos, je lui bouffe la chatte avec passion, un film de cul MDR
Un délice, ça sent bon et c'est tout doux, je lèche, j'aspire, je suce, j'écarte les lèvres pour y voir un clito gonflé et juteux, ma langue essayant de forcer le passage de manière soft.

Quelle bonne chatte, quel gout, quel plaisir, quelle beauté!

"Je veux te sucer, donne moi ta queue maintenant"
"laisse moi te bouffer ta bonne petite chatte"
"Ok mais laisse moi te sucer en même temps"

On se retrouve a improviser un 69 mais allongés de côté.
Comme je suis très grand, elle me suce et moi je lui tripote la chatte avec des petits coups de langue de temps à autres. Elle mouille comme une pute et j'aime ça s'est flatteur!!

"Met ta capote et viens me défoncer le cul"
"Comme ça sans prépa. t'es sûre"
"Je suis ta chienne j'te dis, fais ce que tu veux comme tu veux"

Je met la capote, elle se tripote, salive sur ses doigts et se tapotte l'anus.

"Crache sur mon trou et met la moi"

Pfff comme si elle avait besoin de me préciser ça.

Bite a la main je crache sur son cul légèrement ouvert et impatient de recevoir ma bite au fond.
Je salive sur mon gland et me poste au bord du lit.

"Attend je me met en levrette, je suis une vrai chienne comme ça, tu vas voir, j'ai une cambrure de fou"
"Vas y baby, écart ton cul avec tes mains et pose ta tête sur le lit"
"Hummm tu vas me déchirer comme ça, je sais pas si je vais assumer"
"Moi non plus, si je jouis tout de suite, désolé"
"Pffff on est la pour la nuit alors t'inquiète fais toi plaisir et fais moi jouir"

Grosse claque sur la fesse pendant qu'elle maintient son cul écarté avec l'autre, elle a pas peur, c'est elle qui gère sa force après tout!
2éme sur l'autre fesse, c'est moi et ma grande main pour une dédicace sur son cul bien rougi!

Bien dur et lubrifié par ma salive et la sienne, je pénètre difficilement la première fois, elle n'a pas mal et me supplie de recommencer au plus vite.

J'enfonce mon gland cette fois ci, j'y vais plus franco, comme aspiré dans son cul, j'ai comme la sensation de glisser dans son trou, elle gémit et a l'air satisfaite de ce qui se passe. Je la sodomise lentement pour qu'elle s'y habitue.

Elle se touche la chatte et commence a se tapoter le clito, elle se caresse fort et mouille tout autant, baveuse et trempée comme il faut mais c'est dans son cul que ça se passe!
Elle veut plus fort, plus fort... C'est bon son cul est ouvert et elle aime ça

"Défonce moi le boul, je suis une grosse chienne, j'aime les queues de renois dans mon cul"
T'aime ça sale pute, mange de la bite"

Elle me donne des coups de cul alors que c'est moi qui lui démonte le cul, j'hallucine!!

"Vas y, baise ta chienne, fort, très fort, j'aime être une pute, fais moi la misère"
"Tu vas me faire jouir vite si tu me sort des trucs comme ça"
"C'est pas grave, tu me démonteras encore et encore, vas y fais toi plaisir, tape dedans, je suis ta pute mi amor"

Du louuuuuurd je vous dis!!!

Je l'att**** par les cheveux, elle se cambre au max, la redresse toujours en levrette, dans son cul, elle s'excite toute seule sur ma bite, elle coule sur mes couilles tellement elle mouille cette chienne.
Elle se suce les nichons pendant que je lui casse son cul. Hyper bandante, comment j'ai pu tenir tout ça de temps, elle est trop bonne!

Je commence a sentir l'explosion du fond de mes couilles, elle va pas tarder a me faire jouir...

"T'es trop bandante baby, tes attitudes de chiennasse me font dérailler, je vais te démolir le cul sale pute"
"Vas y je suis ta pute, ta chienne, ton cul a détruire, bousille moi l'anus"

Puis la elle me sort, qu'elle va jouir elle aussi tellement elle aime avoir mal et me sentir a grands coups de queue au fond de son cul.

Elle me dit "attend, je me repositionne en bonne pute, tu vas gicler obligé"

Elle se remet en levrette, encore plus cambrée, tête sur le l'oreiller et elle me donne son cul, les bras cette fois ci tendus vers le mur face a elle qu'elle touche du bout des doigts, elle veut que je la termine maintenant, elle veut son orgasme anal de petite chienne qu'elle est.

Je retourne dans son cul, la tape bien a fond bien au fond et elle se laisse complètement posséder, elle m'est offerte entièrement et gémit comme une bonne salope heureuse de cet instant de complicité!
Moi, aux anges, je profite de l'instant.

Plus je tape plus elle tape aussi, quand j'arrête mes coups de reins pour reprendre mon souffle et mes émotions, c'est elle qui prend le relais, sexy et salope à souhait, je vais jouir.

Plus je lui dis plus elle s'excite, j'ai chaud, tout se mélange, les sensations sont intenses, elle m'excite cette pute, je vais jouir dans son cul je crois.

Elle, elle veut du sperme, dans son cul, sur sa gueule ou sa bouche, ses seins, ses pieds, peu importe, tant qu'il y a du sperme.

"Crache mi amor, crache sur ou dans ta chienne"
Je vais jouir dans ton cul, je crois"
"Alors enlève la capote et gicle dans mon cul"
"Ok, écarte ton cul petite pute"

J'ai jouis comme un malade, du sperme plein le cul je lui ai mis, elle a quasiment jouit en même temps, et a adoré sentir la chaleur de mon sperme dans son anus tout ouvert et rejettant le sperme.

Elle m'a agrippé, m'a donné un immense et intense câlin que je lui ai rendu aussi sec, tremblante de plaisir et épuisée par ce moment fort et sexuellement riche en effort. Puis m'a sucé pour un nettoyage intégrale, plus une goute au bout du gland, aspiré, avalé, c'est elle qui m'a terminé!!!

Rien que d'y penser je meurs d'envie de la revoir, si seulement j'avais su qu'elle serait sur le podium de mes best BaiseuseS.

On ne s'est pas laché de la nuit, j'ai du lui bouffer la chatte 12h sur 24 et quel délice. Elle a du me sucer tout autant si ce n'est plus.

Je n'ai pas pu me séparer d'elle comme ça, il m'en fallait encore, elle devait rentrer chez elle dans le sud, mai hors de question, pas tout de suite.

Au final elle a accepté de rester et on a baiser les 2 jours entiers qui ont suivis. Elle a dormi chez moi et je peux vous affirmer que de l'hotel jusqu'à chez moi, je ne l'ai pas lachée, surtout dans le rer ( elle se doigtait le cul discrètement en me branlant), Sacré RER C.

Voila mon petit récit, une partie de ma vie so sex and fun a paname city avec une ravissante chica calienté du Sud.

Vive Marseille et ses alentours, car ce n'est sûrement pas une parisienne, idf, qui m'aurait offert un moment pareil!


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CommuneChapter 32

After returning from taking Trupti and Melissa back to the dormitory, Jack headed over to the community house. He entered the house and took a seat at one of the tables. They still had to decide if they would offer Trupti the chance to enter the commune. Thinking nothing about it, Jack asked, “So what did you think of Trupti?” “She’s a nice girl,” Liz said getting nods of agreement from Claire and Bev. She was ready to have the young woman move in with her. Of course, half of the reason was...

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CommuneChapter 33

In anticipation of the wedding ceremony, a small crowd gathered in the church located a couple of blocks from the commune. It was an odd collection of people whose relationships to the young couple were obvious by the clothes they wore. All of the members of the commune were present and dressed in their finest clothes. That their clothes were a decade or more out of style didn’t matter. Melissa’s classmates were seated in the church dressed in clothes reflecting their student status. A few...

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Unemployed Males Forced to Service Men in Sex Industry

'If you don't take job as male prostitute serving other men, we will jail you for life' - Say Government and Female brothel owners Filed: 30/01/2025 by Pan Lives (UP) A 23-year-old unemployed labourer who turned down an indentured job providing "sexual services to men" at a brothel in Berlin faces a lifetime jail sentence under laws introduced this year. Prostitution was legalised in Germany in 2002 and indentured sexual service for unemployed men only months ago. So-called...

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CommuneChapter 6

It was late when Jack returned home. He was about to pull into the driveway when he saw that Abby’s car was already in it. He parked his truck at the curb since she usually left before him in the morning and parking behind her would leave her blocked in. They were going to have to do something about the parking situation. He didn’t like leaving his truck parked on the road. He walked around to the back of the house to start the fire so that they could cook dinner. Claire was seated in one of...

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CommuneChapter 34

It was late August when Jack pulled the truck over to the side of the road. He noticed that Abby’s car was parked across the street. He glanced over at Melissa and said, “Abby’s here already.” “Why did she want to meet us here?” Melissa asked. There were a dozen empty stores along the main street. It looked like a ghost town. The only businesses that remained were two bars, a check cashing place, and a pawn shop. Even the second hand store had closed down. “I don’t know,” Jack answered. He...

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CommuneChapter 9

Jack returned home from work Monday night with a little cash in his pocket. The new regulation had been rescinded and he had been able to get access to the money in his checking account. He wondered what that meant with regard to dinner and the commune. He figured that now that the crisis was over, so was the impetus for everyone to work together. Pulling into the driveway, he was surprised to find a dozen people gathered in the garage. Someone, he assumed it was Abby, had brought out a lamp...

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CommuneChapter 16

Jack sat down in his comfort chair and announced, “I know about the rape.” “Damn that Cheryl,” Abby said angrily. She had not wanted anyone to know, but keeping it to herself had been eating at her. “You did the right thing,” Jack said looking over at her. “You don’t believe that,” Abby accused. She was pretty sure that he would have reported the matter to the police. “My first reaction was that you should have gone to the police, but it would have been extremely stupid to do that. We’d...

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CommuneChapter 3

With his clothes folded neatly on a chair, Jack sat on the floor of his living room with a sheet covering his body. There was a blanket under him softening the hardness of the floor. Uncomfortable at being nearly naked despite the fact that he was still wearing his underwear, he said, “Okay. I’m ready.” Abby came out of the kitchen and held up her hands. In one hand she had a bottle of vegetable oil and in the other she had a box of cornstarch. Thinking that this had to be the only house in...

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CommuneChapter 18

Having arrived an hour early, Jack walked around the campus trying to locate the maintenance building. He wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Most job sites of significant size had a modular building that they used as the main business building, but he didn’t see anything like that around the campus. There was a vast array of buildings all constructed in different styles. Some buildings looked to be seventy years old while others looked brand new. The grounds were very nicely kept. The grass...

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Dunes Naturist Beach

The DunesThis story is based on true events, up to a point. One of my favourite nudist beaches on the west coast of France is between Les Granges and Sauveterre near Brem-sur-Mer. So, on our way further south for some surf my mate Geoff and I spent a week camping nearby and made for the beach most afternoons to chill and let the rays do their work.The beach is wide and backed by dunes and pine forest and runs for maybe 8 kilometres. To get to the nudist area we have to walk through the main...

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CommuneChapter 4

Jack leaned into the engine compartment and wrestled the water pump out. He had to admit that he was moving a lot easier after the massage. It had been tough getting up off the floor when she finished working on his back muscles. He had been tempted to take a long nap, but he had too many things to do before it got too dark to do them. Abby had driven him to the auto parts store and dropped him off, before leaving for her apartment. Standing up, he examined the old water pump thinking that...

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CommuneChapter 11

Jack arrived home late Friday night. He had stopped by the bank and deposited his paycheck. He had a feeling that it was going to be the last one he would get in a long while. The drywall job was done and they were putting off finishing the interior until the financial situation got better. He couldn’t find a single place doing any construction. He had enough money in his account to pay his next mortgage, pay his food bill, and put some gas in his truck. He stopped at a convenience store and...

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CommuneChapter 14

Two o’clock in the afternoon was the quiet time of the day when no one was usually in the garage. Jack was seated on the couch waiting for Claire, Emily, and Sally to arrive for a quick meeting. He sighed while thinking about the bad news he was going to have to deliver. He took a sip of the generic store brand soda wishing that he was drinking his usual brand. The generic soda was better than nothing. Claire arrived and took a seat on the couch next to him. Smiling at him, she asked, “What...

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CommuneChapter 19

Bev looked across the table at Ella and Frau Shultz. The elderly woman looked upset about something. Bev asked, “What’s the matter with Frau Shultz?” “She’s upset because Abby won’t take care of Jack,” Ella answered. Frau Shultz said, “Sie sollte ihn ins Bett holen.” “What does that mean?” Bev asked. “She says that she should take him to bed with her,” Ella answered. “Why?” Bev asked wondering what had caused this sudden concern for Jack. “He got a job at the college,” Ella answered...

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CommuneChapter 24

Jack walked towards the auditorium building with Ella and Frau Shultz in tow. Both women were dressed up in their nicest outfits. The two women were almost giddy at the idea of watching a German film. Frau Shultz hadn’t seen a German film in almost fifteen years. For her, the entertainment options had been very limited. Melissa spotted Jack and waved to him. She shouted, “Jack!” Jack waved back to her. He couldn’t help but notice that Melissa was wearing a very nice blue dress. She had a...

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CommuneChapter 28

Bev and Liz ended up at the Benjamin house with Rich for the next two days looking up hospitals and medical facilities through the region that had been affected by the storm while Rich was busy on the phone making calls. It turned out that only three of the four hospitals that had contacted Rich had equipment that had been damaged. The fourth hospital was merely a matter of coincidence. However, that did not stop Rich from making additional sales with hospitals that had never before done...

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Neptune Beach

You've seen TV shows and movies about childhood vacations by some lake in the Catskills. Every one of them looks the same. There's a wacky dad, crazy adventures and sweet fleeting romances that make old people all weepy and nostalgic. The people who write them want you to watch and think "gosh, that looks so relaxing and pleasant"? Those are all bullshit. Cabins in the Catskills smell like wet dog, and they're full of gross bugs. There's no TV, no movies and no boys who aren't like 50...

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Neptune VIChapter 2

That was the last Sarah said. She breathed her last. As tears formed in my eyes, I heard a rustling sound behind me. I turned to look and four men stared at me. They were indeed human! "It said you would come," the lead man said. I looked back at Sarah then at the strangers. "Help me!" I pleaded. The four men descended on Sarah. They checked and examined her, but they could only confirm what I already knew. "I am sorry," the lead man said. "She has died." I cried. It was only...

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Pune Mein Story Reader Ko Chodha

Hi, I am 28 male living in Koregaon park Pune. Agar Pune ki koi ladkhi party enjoy karna chati ho yaa fir sex.. Then mail me at And aap mujhe Facebook per bhi add kar sakhte ho.. jab aap is email id ko search karoge tab mil jayega. aapko mera Facebook account Aapka jayda time na waste karte huye siddha story per aata hun… jaise ki aapne meri pichali story pune mein hard rock café mein mili lakdhi ko choda thaw o padi hogi… uska kafi acha response aaya and kafi ladkhio ki friend request bhi...

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Unemployment Insurance

"NGGHHH, NGGHHH, NGGHHH." "AIIEEEE, AIIEEEE, AIIEEEE." The sound of my son pounding it into my daughter-in-law got me wet as soon as I walked in the front door, but I wondered why they hadn't closed their door. I guessed that they hadn't expected me home so early, but then I hadn't expected to be fired in the middle of the morning for telling my boss to keep his slimy hands off me. I also wondered why she wouldn't get off her ass and get another job. Ever since she lost her job at the...

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Unequal Gifts

"Unequal gifts" by Jennifer Brock Sibling rivalry is a powerful thing. Sixteen years of his twin sister receiving obviously superior presents sends a boy into an unusual battle of wills with his father. How far is he willing to go to prove a point? Reagan had been living all his life knowing that his sister was their father's favorite, but the car was the last straw. The day after he threw her a massive Sweet Sixteen party, (technically it was Reagan's birthday party too, but...

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Pune Sex With A Divorce Aunty

Hey, guys, this is Sachin here, back with my second sex story. I am very fond of this site and have been reading since College days. As I m new to writing such stories, please accept my mistakes and forgive. I am 28years, working for an MNC in Pune and single (ready to mingle). This incident a couple of months before between me my friend’s sisters(a Divorce) with 2 children’s. This all started when I had relocated to Pune and had joined a new office. As soon as I joined, I had made a good...

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I am From Hyderabad presently working in Pune. This is the story which happened 3 months back I am an Engineer 26years old 5″6′ Tall normal body,Once i was on the way to Hyderabad my home town from Pune on 5 days leave. I reached bus stop at 9:30 pm . I got a last second left side Window seat. Before Bus starting a Lady Came and sat beside of Me. Bus started moving… After 10mins she asked me for the window side seat. Its was first time that i was traveling in bus so i thought once not to give...

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Pune Me Marathi Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hello girls, bhabhis, aunties, milfs and mere dosto. Mera naam Dhruv Sharma hai. Mai Mumbai me Dombivali ka rehne wala hu. Mai ISS website ka bohot bada fan hu. Mai yaha ke stories pichle 12 saal se padh raha hu. Meri age 29 years hai. Aaj mai aapko mere saath hue ek real incident k bare me batane ja raha hu. Ye meri first story hai jo mai ISS pe submit kr raha hu. Any girl, bhabhi, aunty, milf of age from 18 to 55 years from Mumbai, Lonavala and Pune can contact me on I travel very frequently...

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CommuneChapter 10

Jack dropped the envelope with his mortgage payment in the mailbox with a sigh of relief. Driving away from the post office, he stopped by the self-service gas station that advertised the lowest price that he’d seen in three days. Getting out of the truck, he reached into his pocket to take stock of his cash. He pulled out a wrinkled twenty dollar bill. Staring at the price of gasoline, he hoped that it would buy enough gasoline to last the week because that was the last of his cash. He...

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CommuneChapter 22

Claire was seated at the table in the community house looking irritated. She said, “My daughter and her husband want to spend Thanksgiving with me.” “My children want to do the same thing,” Liz said. She was kind of ambivalent about the idea of spending the day with them. “Mine, too,” Bev said rolling her eyes. She doesn’t hear from them except for phone calls on holidays and all of sudden they went to come for a visit. “I can’t afford to put out a Thanksgiving dinner for them,” Claire...

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CommuneChapter 27

December 2, 2009 arrived with the worst snowstorm that Jack had ever experienced that early in the winter. The sky had dumped four inches of snow over the night and it was only getting worse. The weatherman was predicting that accumulations could reach a foot by evening. Watching the forecast, Jack decided that he had better dress in lots of layers before heading off to work. The university was closed, but essential personnel were still required to come into work. In this context, Jack was...

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CommuneChapter 31

The day had not gone well for Trupti. She had a major final that afternoon and it had been a bear. She detested essay tests since they played to all of her weaknesses. Her education in India had not prepared her for constructing a reasoned argument that reflected her views on a subject. She was used to knowing what the instructor wanted and writing to his or her views. American instructors asked broad questions that she found nearly impossible to answer. The upshot of the change in education...

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Unemployed Males Forced to Service Men in Sex Industry Part 2

Unemployed Males Forced to Service Men in Sex Industry, Part 2 Filed: 3/23/2026 by Pan Lives Reporter's Note: Part 2 of this exclusive series of reports tracking the fate of Jon Hermein, recently acquired by the enforced male-on male sex stable owned by Tatiana Ulyanova in Germany. This story provides some background to recent changes in the laws that will have a profound effect on the life of Hermein and others in his situation. Hermein's descent into a life of enforced...

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Pune Holidays Were Worth Enjoyment This Time

Hey buddies am sandy again here, writing a story after long time, I got great response on my recent story, and let me give my self intro to new readers, I am sandesh from solapur (maharashtra), studying b’com, staying alone for the sake of my education as my parents are staying in bangalore, height 5.11 with average body, and I often keep moving to pune as I have lots of friends over there and one of my childhood mate is staying there with his own flat, hence I keep moving to pune often,...

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Finding Ms. Rennick and Ms. Barton here on vacation was a total surprise. I’d figured I’d just hang out, work on my tan, maybe meet some cute girls. Not lounge around the campsite with my folks, for sure. And here were two of my teachers! “Chris! What are you doing here?” Ms. Barton had laughed when we ran into each other on the path. “Holly -- Ms. Rennick, I mean -- and I are camping here, too.” The way she beamed, it was like Ms. Barton thought I was some sort of old-time friend. She was...

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Unemployed Males Forced to Service Men in Sex Industry Part 4

Unemployed Males Forced to Service Men in Sex Industry Part 4 UP: Miami, North America "Her mouth will make a good urinal." These were the first words Holstein heard spoken in relation to her since she arrived in Miami, Florida. She visibly shuddered as the men devoured her curvy form with hungry eyes. Most readers will remember the arc of Jon Hermein's story thus far. A former citizen of Germany, he was sentenced to indentured sexual servitude for the crime of indolence....

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When you're an over-sexed eighteen year old kid with raging hormones and the prettiest girlfriend in town you don't pass up an opportunity to get into her pants; even if you don't know what you're doing. The exhilaration of feeling like a MAN after you've taken her cherry is like King Kong beating his chest while hanging from the top of the Empire State Building with his woman worshiping at his feet. Of course, when you're an over-sexed eighteen year old with raging hormones you don't...

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Pune ke Hotel Mein 3 Din Tak Megha ki Chudayi

Hi doston mera naam Alok hai. Aur aap logon ne meri peechli story ghumne ke bahane Megha ki choot maari to padhi hi hogi, aaj main apni doosri story leke aaya hoon , is story ki heroine bhi Megha hi hai to baat us tym ki hai doston jab main pune aa chuka tha aaur maine Megha ko mana kar diya tha ki main usse shaadi nhi kar sakta kyunki mere ghar wale nhi manenge but uske mann mein shayad halka sa khayal tha ki shayad main maan jaunga aur usse shaadi kar loonga , isliye woh har roz muje call...

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Pune Ki Hotel Mein Jabardast Chudai

Hi friends mera naam Rahul he aur mein Bangalore mein rahta hun. Ye kahani 2 mahine purani he jab mein office ke kaam se Pune gaya hua tha. Wahan mera ek friend apne wife ke sath rahta he to mene uuse contact kiya. Hum log airport par hi mile aur fir mein mere hotel chala gaya. Ye kahani uusi hotel ki hi he, hotel naam gupt rakhna pasand karunga kyun ki ladki wahin par receptionist he. Mein hotel mein check in kiya reception mein ek mast ladki khadi thi height karif 5.7 hogi 34 D 26 32 ka...

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Unexplored Territory

“Here you go,” Ellie Travis said to the well dressed woman on the other side of the glass counter as she handed her the small store bag continuing her purchase, “and thank you for shopping here at R.J. Nickels.” Ellie always felt a little silly saying that after every sale, but knew all too well that some supervisors were eager to write you up for not doing so. As her customer walked away from the counter, the short haired brunette took a moment to check her hair and makeup in one of the...

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Unemployment Compensation

Unemployment Compensation An Erotic Adventure starring Kiki and Ty Special Guest Star MonaOwnedKiki and Ty need no introduction. They are married, in love, hot and nasty. The former gang bangers left that life and turned their love for each other, life and Nasty ass sex into their enterprise and became huge stars in the underground porn/sex scene. They started a line of black porn so hot and nasty that ballooned and from they set up the club. Their club “Freak...

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Pune Diaries Part 8211 1

Hi, this is my first time writing on this lovely indian sex storiessite even though I have been a regular reader here. Today I am going to describe you about my adventures in Pune with a local female who was in need of some motivation before her final exams and I was very much obliged to prepare her well for her finals. Well, I am from Goa, tall handsome opportunist always ready to pounce on every opportunity which comes my way. One day when I was chatting online I came across a hot female I...

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Pune Diary Episode 3 Iss Reader Kavyanjali

Hello friends, I am Saurabh Sharma and am back with my latest encounter which happened last night. For my friends who don’t know me, here is a brief introduction (other can skip it ) :p I am working in Pune in a reputed it company located in hinjewadi (Punekar readers must be knowing), and I live in a posh society in wakad (near dutta mandir). I am 25 and have been god gifted with 6 feet height, athletic built as I am gym addicted stud , charm on the face (as a compliment by girls at the office...

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