Une mouche pour Ancilla
- 4 years ago
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Une chaude prof asservie 1 Hot teacher enslaved 1 Coulybaca / Auteur inconnu Madame Lucy Harper, du haut de ses 43 ans ?tait fi?re de ses formes acad?miques. Faire classe ?tait sa vocation ! La semaine pr?c?dente elle avait pris un de ses ?l?ves ? tricher lors d'un test sous les sifflements admiratifs de ses condisciples lorsqu'elle tourna le dos. Elle avait l'habitude de ces sifflets d'admirateurs m?les lorsqu?elle se d?hanchait devant eux en rentrant chez elle. Il n'y avait pas de miracle, son 95 c faisait t...
Ce matin on ma apportée une tenue mini ,caraco ,tanga bas ,escarpin ,flushia ,a midi Assan vient me chercher il est nu une queue impressionnante plus de quarante centimètres de long mes deux mains n arrivent pas à en faire le tour il m invite à boire un coup c est a dire lui faire une pipe pour cela il me fait empaler sur un énorme pal mes pieds ne touchent pas le sol je prend tant bien que mal sa bite en bouche il décharge presque aussitôt un colosse met une coupelle pour récupérer le trop...
le 2 avril 2018. Hier dans la matinée, Karine m'appelle sur mon portable (une copine rencontrée à l'Amphibi) pour me demander si je si disponible pour un plan cul c'est son mari (Henri) qui l'organise avec une "Maitresse" qu'il a découvert en allant sur son blog. Il veut éduquer Karine, qu'elle apprenne à se soumettre pour mieux la dominée, enfin bref je les ai rejoins. Henri, à beaucoup parlé de lui, de ces performances, bien installé dans un beau fauteuil un verre de Wiskys à la main.La...
Je n’ai pas dormi de la nuit. Attaché comme ça avec la peur au ventre. Je ne vois rien et au moindre bruit me fait sursauter J’ai tellement froid. Quand je commence a voir les premières lueurs du jour, je suis soulager. Le livreur n’est pas venu et mon calvaire va être fini. Je commence a sentir le soleil me réchauffer la peau et commence a somnoler. Il me réveiller avec l’eau de la hose. -Et puis salope passer une belle nuit. Moi j’ai dormi comme un bebe -Oui maitre j’ai passé une belle nuit...
Hiver 2001 j'avais 18 ans je venais de découvrir le tchat sur internet je n'avait Pas d'ordinateur à la maison Alor j'allais dans un cyber quand J'avais le temps puis de fil en aiguille je me suis laisser aller à ce jeux de séduction sur Voila tchat avec de nombreuse filles et Pa mal de rencontres avec affinité et parfois seulement amical ma fois cela marchais bien .. Et un jour je me suis mis à me faire passé pour une fille arabe pour rigolé et la de nombreux Mec Me parlai et au final j'ai...
L'année commença sous de très bons auspices. J'étais un peu chagrind'avoir du réveillonner au Noël chez l'oncle parisien. D'astreintej'avais été victime et de mon statut de jeune et de célibataire. Onm'assurait que l'année prochaine on m'épargnerait me laissant pour celarejoindre ma province. En attendant je décidais de prendre en bonne partcette circonstance. De toute façon j'avais une forte complicité avec mononcle. Outre d'être un partenaire remarquable de pétanque il n'aimaitpas moins que...
La ville de Fort-Sépia était un endroit sans histoire. Les jours et les nuits qui s'y écoulaient se déroulaient généralement sans imprévus, et le soir ou commence cette histoire ne semblait pas faire exception à la règle. Au milieu des maisons plongées dans l'obscurité, une seule se démarquait. Ses fenêtres allumées et les silhouettes qui bougeaient, sans parler de la musique qui se faisait entendre jusqu'à l'extérieur semblaient indiquer que ses occupants ne dormaient pas. A l'intérieur, la...
FantasyDes fois il y a des journées comme ça qui sont faites pour mal se passer… On ne sait pas pourquoi mais cela arrive. Est-ce à cause des astres? Ou bien de ce qu'on appelle le destin? Ou pour les plus superstitieux d'entre nous, est-ce à cause d'un sortilège ou d'une malédiction? Personne ne peut le dire… Ce qui est sûr c'est que quand une journée est partie pour mal tourner, c'est difficile de changer cela! Nous avons justement rendez-vous avec une jeune fille qui va connaître une telle journée....
Parti quelques jours en Dordogne avec Alain nous décidons de visiter Château et grottes. A l'office du tourisme, nous trouvons une promenade sympa à faire. La visite d’anciennes mines. Pour cette visite, nous enfilons de vieilles fringues pour ne pas risquer de les bousiller. Autant dire que je ne ressemble à rien. Nous arrivons au lieu du rendez-vous. Il y a une une mère et son fils et une famille avec trois ados. Il ne nous restait plus qu’à attendre notre guide. Une jolie fille arrive et...
(WIP renommage des personnage avec le "nouveau" systeme de variables) Julie vivait dans un petit appartement avec ses parents : (Bruno) Bruno et (Valérie) Valérie DURAND. Au lycée, Julie n'était pas la plus jolie fille, mais elle n'était pas non plus dans la catégorie des moches. Ses parents s'étaient connus à l'époque dans ce même lycée d'ailleurs. Le couple resta amoureux, même si quelques temps après la grossesse de Valérie n'était pas prévue, et ils se marièrent avant la naissance de Julie,...
The funny thing is – it was a line-up that my three buddies and I had seriously considered leaving. I mean, we’d purposefully gotten out to Notre Dame as early as possible, and dealt with the early-morning rush hour metro crowds, when people are literally packed into the train cars like sardines, so we could AVIOD long line-ups at this huge Paris tourist attraction... but to no avail. After enduring a moderate line to wander through the cathedral itself, we’d exited and turned right to join...
Group SexDer wirklich lustige Punkt an der ganzen Sache ist. Es begann schon mit einer Schlange. Einer langen Schlange von vielen, sehr vielen Menschen, die mehr oder wenig geduldig warten. Warteschlange schon das Wort ist eigentlich so gar nicht super. Meine drei Freunde und ich, mit denen ich, ursprünglich, aus rein nicht Touristischen gründen, nach Paris gereist bin. Wir stehen seit gut einer dreiviertel Stunde in einer dieser Warteschlangen. So angepisst wie ich, nicht nur, von der Warterei bin,...
Die Dame vom Empfang © 2011 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war zum M?usemelken, dachte Paul, als er die zweite Absage am heutigen Tag ?ffnete. Was sollte er denn noch tun, um einen Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen. Sein Abitur war zwar nicht das aller Beste, aber mit einem Zweier-Schnitt doch grundsolide und wirklich nicht allzu ?bel. Au?erdem hatte er sogar das eine oder andere Praktikum vorzuweisen - etwas, womit wohl nur die wenigstens Sch?ler aufwarten konnten. W?hrend es sich alle ande...
Ik ben een leraar op een kleine dames universiteit voor Sport en Beweging. En als ik 1 ding heb geleerd van mijn vak is dat dames tussen de 18 en 22 jaar die het vak Sport en Beweging studeren de meest geile dames zijn op deze aarde. Ik heb 2 klassen op de vrije school en ik mag zelf elk uur kiezen welke klas ik les wil geven ik zal de 2 klassen even voorstellen het zijn kleine klasjes van 4 a 5 leerlingen die ik nu allemaal snel even zal voorstellen. Klas 1:(normale klas geen bijzonderheden,...
Dead Dames Don?t Lick Dead Dames Don?t Lick- a short story -by Eve Adorer I saw the silhouette. I heard the tap. It was light. It was polite. The glass in the door was in no danger of breaking. I?d had it with this job. My partner had just copped a forty-five between the pink-capped mountains. Loathe funerals, even though I do look great in black. ?Die young and make a great corpse? they say. Sam?d done her best. She?d looked a whole lot better not box-wrapped though. Me and...
“Come on, Jackie! It’s time to take your meds,” fussed the roommate.“Calm down, you old queen,” hissed the 76 year-old. “You’re not the boss of me.”“Thank goodness,” giggled the friend. “Open up, Drink.”Jacqueline Littlejohn swallowed with relative ease.“Very good. You feel like oatmeal for breakfast,” inquired the mature, sepia-toned woman.“That’s fine. Apple cinnamon,” requested the fair-skinned Jacqueline.“Give me a few minutes. You mind seeing if Alene wants some too?”“Sure,...
Upon these sheets I do profess of the Lady who has wholly command of my heart, my loyalty, my life, and hereafter when these words, ever humble and deficient to praise her for her due worth, when these words of mine are fulfilled I shall consign them all to the fire at hand, that, like my lorn spirit, they shall be scattered irreplaceable to the winds. How still every image collected by mine vision of that sweet form, that noble Lady, flaunts before me, and I, William Gaspard du Vichiers, must...
Povestea urmatoare este uluitoare si poate unora le va parea neverosimila. Am scris-o bazandu-ma pe fapte si intamplari reale. Subiectul este destul de sensibil si de controversat, asa incat le recomand cititorilor s-o trateze ca pe o simpla fantezie. Sper totusi ca o sa va placa! Enjoy it!……………………………………………………………….Numele meu e Sergiu, am 32 de ani, sunt absolvent al facultatii de Drept si in momentul de fata sunt angajat ca jurist la o societate comerciala din capitala. Sunt saten cu ochi...
She was a looker all right--fine coat, double-breasted button-down pink blouse with black trim and with a knee-length skirt that hugged her bottom-- and it was a bottom that deserved to be caressed. Long dark hair, fair skin, green eyes emphasized with perfect makeup and lipstick the color of an oriental ruby. She was tall and firm on five-inch heels and her jewelry looked like the real thing. Her purse might have cost as much as my car. No one in Ruby's could stop looking.Normally the girls at...
LesbianProlog: ---Protokolle von Greenvalley---5. März 2038. Verstärkte Präsens von Spähern nahe unserer Polizeistation. Sie kehren ohne Frage in die Kapelle von Newhope zurück. Wir wissen nicht, was sie wollen, aber wir sind vorbereitet, zurückzuschlagen. Hoffentlich bleibt alles ruhig. -6. März 2038. Heute haben wir einen Späher festgenommen, der sich Zutritt in unsere Station gesucht hatte. Wir haben ihn gefesselt und nach Manöver 34-000 befragt. Informationen sind spärlich. Der Sicherheitsdienst...
FantasyWhen snow begins to fall in early winter, a man who has time watches the snow change things outside his windows. For a short while, everything is different and then it becomes something he recalls from another snowfall, and the winter landscape once again is familiar to him. As winter deepens, he looses interest in what is outside and becomes introspective. He recalls pleasant times in his life and remembers times when he felt the sting of emotions that were too strong to forget. ... and...
Special thanks to my editor, erkthread he takes my rambling story and makes it and enjoyable read for your pleasure. There wasn't anything special about her. Yet, there was something about the way she moved. Her hair wasn't long and flowing, the kind she could flip over her shoulder and call attention to herself. Yet, her hair was pretty - dark brown, glossy, thick, heavy, and almost straight. The texture was such that it made a man's fingers itch when he thought about running his fingers...
Playmate was contacted early that morning by Madame X. Eager to please, she dropped everything she was doing and set out for Madame's house. The drive to her new Domme's place took about 30 minutes, giving her time to wonder if Madame was finally going to use her body or was this to be another getting to know you chats. It was a good thing that the afternoon was sunny and warm. Madame had instructed her to wear a light weight sun dress. Her full, C cup breasts were contained by the snug halter...
BDSMCenturion David ap Rhys, his grey uniform distinctive amongst the Marine and Navy uniforms dotted around the room, was greeted by several of the women with happy smiles as he passed and, it must be admitted, by the odd scowl. He meandered his way through the reclining couches and low tables to the back of the room and the bar, where a tall glass had appeared before he was half way across the room. He slid onto the corner stool and looked around; nothing appeared to be untoward so he returned...
I was caught in a game that I just couldn't win. You get beat and you just play again. Thinking this time is the time I win. The time that I win big. The time that for one fuckin brief moment in time everything aligns in my favour for once. Is it really asking that much to get a fuckin lucky break. Just once. That fate, fickle circumstance, God himself, is for one moment actually looking out for your interests instead of every other fucker's. Who gets to decide whose dreams live and whose get...
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it or pretty it up any- Wilma Fingerdoo was a cast iron bitch on wheels but she was one hell of a looker and that was part of the problem that had gotten me into the predicament that I know found myself in. That and the fact that I was down on my luck and on my last dollar. Having a moral centre might have helped but what can I say I'm a shitbag and I move in shitty circles in a swamp of a city and if you're not careful enough, not devious enough or just not downright...
After pouring a cup of coffee, Jack held up the coffee pot and asked, “Would you like a refill?” “No,” Abby snapped back at him. Putting the coffee pot back in the machine, Jack said, “Sorry. I was just trying to be considerate.” “Don’t bother,” Abby said staring morosely at her nearly empty cup. “What’s the matter?” Jack asked. Ever since she had returned home from work the previous day she had been as pleasant to be around as a badger. She hadn’t gone out to the garage and eaten dinner...
Jack returned home from his first day at the college. He had spent the morning in the personnel office filling out papers and learning more about the job benefits. He had spent the afternoon in the office of the college president replacing carpet. He had finished installing the carpet twenty minutes before quitting time and had spent the rest of his time there learning his way around campus. All in all, it had been a pretty good day. He parked his car and looked over at the community house....
It was lunch time and Jack had just finished mowing five lawns before returning to the house to check on his pot of beans. It was his turn to cook dinner for that evening and he was serving pinto beans, barbecued brisket, and canned corn along with Texas Toast. The brisket was cooking at a nice low temperature in the oven. The beans were slow cooking on the stove. He had spent twenty dollars on the brisket, a dollar on the barbecue sauce, three dollars on the pinto beans, two on the bread,...
After returning from taking Trupti and Melissa back to the dormitory, Jack headed over to the community house. He entered the house and took a seat at one of the tables. They still had to decide if they would offer Trupti the chance to enter the commune. Thinking nothing about it, Jack asked, “So what did you think of Trupti?” “She’s a nice girl,” Liz said getting nods of agreement from Claire and Bev. She was ready to have the young woman move in with her. Of course, half of the reason was...
In anticipation of the wedding ceremony, a small crowd gathered in the church located a couple of blocks from the commune. It was an odd collection of people whose relationships to the young couple were obvious by the clothes they wore. All of the members of the commune were present and dressed in their finest clothes. That their clothes were a decade or more out of style didn’t matter. Melissa’s classmates were seated in the church dressed in clothes reflecting their student status. A few...
It was late when Jack returned home. He was about to pull into the driveway when he saw that Abby’s car was already in it. He parked his truck at the curb since she usually left before him in the morning and parking behind her would leave her blocked in. They were going to have to do something about the parking situation. He didn’t like leaving his truck parked on the road. He walked around to the back of the house to start the fire so that they could cook dinner. Claire was seated in one of...
It was late August when Jack pulled the truck over to the side of the road. He noticed that Abby’s car was parked across the street. He glanced over at Melissa and said, “Abby’s here already.” “Why did she want to meet us here?” Melissa asked. There were a dozen empty stores along the main street. It looked like a ghost town. The only businesses that remained were two bars, a check cashing place, and a pawn shop. Even the second hand store had closed down. “I don’t know,” Jack answered. He...
Jack returned home from work Monday night with a little cash in his pocket. The new regulation had been rescinded and he had been able to get access to the money in his checking account. He wondered what that meant with regard to dinner and the commune. He figured that now that the crisis was over, so was the impetus for everyone to work together. Pulling into the driveway, he was surprised to find a dozen people gathered in the garage. Someone, he assumed it was Abby, had brought out a lamp...
Jack sat down in his comfort chair and announced, “I know about the rape.” “Damn that Cheryl,” Abby said angrily. She had not wanted anyone to know, but keeping it to herself had been eating at her. “You did the right thing,” Jack said looking over at her. “You don’t believe that,” Abby accused. She was pretty sure that he would have reported the matter to the police. “My first reaction was that you should have gone to the police, but it would have been extremely stupid to do that. We’d...
With his clothes folded neatly on a chair, Jack sat on the floor of his living room with a sheet covering his body. There was a blanket under him softening the hardness of the floor. Uncomfortable at being nearly naked despite the fact that he was still wearing his underwear, he said, “Okay. I’m ready.” Abby came out of the kitchen and held up her hands. In one hand she had a bottle of vegetable oil and in the other she had a box of cornstarch. Thinking that this had to be the only house in...
Having arrived an hour early, Jack walked around the campus trying to locate the maintenance building. He wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Most job sites of significant size had a modular building that they used as the main business building, but he didn’t see anything like that around the campus. There was a vast array of buildings all constructed in different styles. Some buildings looked to be seventy years old while others looked brand new. The grounds were very nicely kept. The grass...
So I decide to write an ad on Craig’s List. The ad went something like this: First off, I am new to this. About me: I am a 30 year old female. I am 5’ 3” 120 lbs brown hair and blue eyes. Guys hit on me a lot so I guess fairly attractive,lol. So why am I posting here? I have been having a fantasy that I want to act on. I have never been with a well endowed man. I have a steady boyfriend so I am only looking for some no strings attached fun. This would be a “one- time only” fling for me...
Playmate was contacted early that morning by Madame X. Eager to please, she dropped everything she was doing and set out for Madame’s house. The drive to her new Domme’s place took about 30 minutes, giving her time to wonder if Madame was finally going to use her body or was this to be another getting to know you chats. It was a good thing that the afternoon was sunny and warm. Madame had instructed her to wear a light weight sun dress. Her full, C cup breasts were contained by the snug...
Einmal hatte ich auf meinem Lieblingsparkplatz bei Köln unheimliches Glück. Ca. 15 Minuten, nachdem ich dort in rosa Unterrock und Strapsen gewartet hatte, kamen zwei Gays auf mich zu und zogen mich hinter die Büsche. Einer rammte mir sofort seinen Hammer in den Mund während der zweite von hinten in mich eindrang. Während wir noch fleissig dabei waren, kam plötzlich ein dritter Mann dazu, kniete sich seitlich vor mich und verwöhnte mich oral. Zuerst spritzte der Gay, der mich von hinten fickte,...
FetishMadame JustineDo not read this when you are under age. This is for adults eyes only. Many people enjoy the adventures of Indiana Jones. Very few of those same people would actually enjoy things like running for their lives in front of a crushing boulder, or gewtting kicked into a snake pit. Sometimes fantasy is just fantasy, no prelude for reality. Take this story as it is: Fantasy. Now read on. SLUTS ‘N SLAVES FAMILY BDSM BROTHEL A painful joy for all?Harry looked at the little business card...
This is my attempt to achieve some sort of ultimate in consensual feminization. (Of course, the ultimate is unattainable; someone else will always find a way to go further than you have gone.) I hope the result doesn't cloy; there's a powerful lot of sweetness and light here. Certainly if you're looking for whips, barking dominatrixes, with verbal and physical abuse in general, you'll be disappointed. But for a few, I hope this tale will be a dream come true. There's a little bit of sex,...
Careful with those instant messages and careful with those profiles girls, you just never know. Instant Message, Instant Madame By Jennifer Richardson [email protected] "Hi!" I waited to see if there would be a response to my instant message. Her profile had seemed too good to be true. "Madame De La Val, Strict Mistress, Authoritarian Dominatrix. Seeks full time submissive transvestite capable of a range of duties from Maid to Secretary. North of England, the successful...
'If you don't take job as male prostitute serving other men, we will jail you for life' - Say Government and Female brothel owners Filed: 30/01/2025 by Pan Lives (UP) A 23-year-old unemployed labourer who turned down an indentured job providing "sexual services to men" at a brothel in Berlin faces a lifetime jail sentence under laws introduced this year. Prostitution was legalised in Germany in 2002 and indentured sexual service for unemployed men only months ago. So-called...
Madame Jemma – An Introduction A New ContractRoger leafed through the stack of files in amazement. Each folder contained the personal history of one of Madame Jemma’s past and present assignments. Mostly women ?.but a few very unlucky men as well. The photos alone were disturbing enough but the exacting narrative detail, evaluations, medical exams and interview notes made it very clear that Madame Jemma was running a very professional long term operation. Roger’s lawyer had warned him about...
On many occasions as a young girl, I sat by the window wondering what I would be when I’d grown into an adult and out on my own in the world. I never really reached a decision but I watched people going to work and, truly, most of them didn’t seem happy. So, I did decide one thing: if I had to work, I would at least like what I did.I took my time, tried various jobs, and I enrolled for a few college courses, hoping I would like at least one of them. Yet I was never satisfied. I began to ponder...
FemdomThe DunesThis story is based on true events, up to a point. One of my favourite nudist beaches on the west coast of France is between Les Granges and Sauveterre near Brem-sur-Mer. So, on our way further south for some surf my mate Geoff and I spent a week camping nearby and made for the beach most afternoons to chill and let the rays do their work.The beach is wide and backed by dunes and pine forest and runs for maybe 8 kilometres. To get to the nudist area we have to walk through the main...
This was my fourth visit to Madame Penelope's house to be her maid. Every visit had started with an inspection and every visit so far Madame had found something wrong with my attire. I was getting better though because last time Madame had only found one thing wrong. I still however received six stokes of the cane, one because Madame liked that number and two because as she so rightly knew. I was becoming her pain slut. This visit was however different. Master let me in as usual but...
„Be there on time and don’t you dare to look at your Madame!“ was the text message sissy received.This was enough to send shivers along her spine. She couldn't concentrate on her business any more. The day was dragging. Finally, she embarked on train and started counting stations to when she will meet HER.sissy was so nervous before placing her finger on the door bell button. Faint sound of bell in the distance could be barely heard. Nothing happened. sissy didn't know what to do. Ring again?...
I have been Madame Penelope's domestic maid for several weeks and I seemed to be getting things right and to her exacting standards so my heart fell when I started reading Madame Penelope's message to me on Fetlife. It started. "I do not need your services next week..." As I read on though my heart started beating again, if not a little faster. Reading on it said that I was to present myself at the house the following Saturday at eight am and I was expected to stay until late....
I decided to stay with Madame Gabriella and I must say things went well. After about six months, Madame and I had become close, but I still remembered my place. She was my Mistress and it was drilled into me that I shouldn’t forget that or try to take advantage of the fact that I was her pet. If I stepped slightly out of line, Madame would quickly and firmly put me back in my place.Jim and Mark and I continued to see each other at least twice a month unless something special cropped up. They...
SpankingMadam Suzcha by Ellie Dauber copyright 1999 There was a knock at the door. Madame Suzcha was busy stirring something in a small brass pot over a burner on the table. It oozed around her hardwood spoon, colors flowing together. Now dusty gray, now dove's blood red, now a bilious yellow. She heard the knock, but her stirring barely slowed. "Enter, if you will," she called. "Enter, if you _dare_." Two men strode through the door. Strode with the arrogance of the young and...
It was the week after Madame Penelope's tea party, as I left the house I noticed a look of longing on my wife's face. Since that week she had been a lot more amorous and slightly demanding during our love making and I was in heaven. I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled "Enjoy," was all she said enigmatically At Madame Penelope's house I let myself in and headed to my room to change. Madame had given Mistress Jenny a key so that she or I could let our selves in; it seems Mistress...
Life has become an extremely busy in the C household – and, the general house slave as of late had NOT the met the high standards and range of ever changing skills set out in his contract. As a result -he was fired! The household had to advertise for a new assistant; one with an open mind, one who was adept in the art of assisting Madame’s every whim and alternative lifestyle and, one who was aesthetically pleasing to Madame’s eye and that of her guests. After many months of searching, the day...
Continuation of House of the Rising SunFive Nights With Madame PearlDay One Mistress Sun had asked me to stay at her house for the week while she was out of town on business. I gladly accepted, knowing how happy it would make my mistress. My first mistake came on Monday morning while I was attending to my morning erection. I was in Mistress Sun?s bathroom, eyes closed and completely oblivious to anything other than pleasuring myself when I heard a distinctly feminine cough. I opened my...
Jack leaned into the engine compartment and wrestled the water pump out. He had to admit that he was moving a lot easier after the massage. It had been tough getting up off the floor when she finished working on his back muscles. He had been tempted to take a long nap, but he had too many things to do before it got too dark to do them. Abby had driven him to the auto parts store and dropped him off, before leaving for her apartment. Standing up, he examined the old water pump thinking that...
Jack arrived home late Friday night. He had stopped by the bank and deposited his paycheck. He had a feeling that it was going to be the last one he would get in a long while. The drywall job was done and they were putting off finishing the interior until the financial situation got better. He couldn’t find a single place doing any construction. He had enough money in his account to pay his next mortgage, pay his food bill, and put some gas in his truck. He stopped at a convenience store and...