Cena De Navidad (II) free porn video

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Salimos del aparcamiento y tras callejear un poco coge la autopista. Configura el coche a velocidad de crucero, abre su abrigo y acerca mi mano a su coño. Aún está llena de mi semen y los dedos la penetran fácil. Intento alcanzar su clítoris pero me obliga a mantener los dedos en su interior empapándome más y más hasta que se escucha el chapoteo de nuestros fluidos. Entonces, me agarra la mano y me la hace chupar. Siento nuestro olor en la nariz, y el sabor de nuestros jugos ácidos y dulces a la vez. Ella me mira de reojo y se acaricia las tetas.
Coge la salida de la autopista y serpentea por unas calles hasta llegar a un chalet de tres plantas. La puerta del garaje se abre mientras nos acercamos, aparca y me arrastra escaleras arriba a una habitación.

Se quita la chaqueta y me dice que me desnude. Me mira con una sonrisa pícara, me empuja tirándome en la cama y se sube a horcajadas. Todo está preparado, en el cabecero cuelgan unas esposa. Me ata a ellas y sus piernas se colocan al lado de mi cabeza. Se agarra al cabecero.

- Chúpame.

Saco la lengua y acaricio sus labios, levanto un poco la cabeza y la penetro con la lengua saboreando de nuevo nuestros líquidos. Siento como caen de su coño, recorren mi lengua y terminan dentro de mi boca. Todo lo que hace un rato salió de mi vuelve a entrar. Cada vez siento menos mi gusto y más el suyo, mi lengua penetrándola y su clítoris restregándose en mi nariz la llevan a un orgasmo húmedo que termina de expulsar mis jugos de su interior. No soy consciente, pero esto me ha excitado más de lo que podría esperar. Mi pene está duro y noto que unas gotas ya mojan mi barriga. Ella también lo debe saber, porque empieza a descender serpenteante por mi cuerpo, restregándose, posando sus pechos en mi cara mientras su mano agarra mi polla, la apunta a su entrada y deja que desaparezca dentro de ella.

Se incorpora, me cabalga salvaje mientras observo sus pechos desafiar la gravedad. Apoyada en mi pecho ha sacado las garras de gata y clava sus uñas en mí. El placer y el dolor se mezclan en mi cabeza y no puedo controlarme. Me corro mientras sigue cabalgándome, no para hasta que ha sacado la última gota de mi y quedo flácido. Entonces se levanta y se marcha. Quedo solo, atado y disfrutando aún de todas estas sensaciones nuevas.

Pasa mucho tiempo, empiezo a pensar que pasaré la noche así cuando aparece de nuevo. La miro y no doy crédito. Apoyada en la puerta, zapatos de tacón, medias de rejilla preciosas, un conjunto de lencería pequeño pero muy atractivo, el pelo aún húmedo de haberse duchado. Un látigo pequeño con varias tiras en una mano y dos telas en la otra. Se acerca lentamente, marcando cada paso para que escuche sus tacones. Me venda lo ojos y me pone una bola en la boca. Así, indefenso, siento cómo su látigo recorre mi cuerpo. Sus azotes encienden mi sangre, mi corazón bombea rápido y mi pene crece de nuevo. Me hace abrir las piernas y siento algo que presiona mi ano. Creo que es un dedo, pero parece más duro.

- ¿Es tu primera vez? Te lo voy a dejar un buen rato puesto..

Me dilata poco a poco, juguetea metiéndomelo y sacándolo. Me siento raro pero muy excitado, deseo que me toque pero en el fondo sé que no va a pasar. Me acaba de penetrar con el juguete y se separa. Me asusta no saber qué piensa hacerme.

- Voy a salir a un recado. No tardaré. Cuando esté cerca te aviso.

Y entonces noto vibrar mi ano y entiendo a qué se refiere.

- Mi juguetito lleva mando a distancia, así qué vas a tener timbre incorporado.

Oigo como sale de la habitación dejando la puerta cerrada.

Todo está en silencio, hasta que siento una vibración en mi culo, justo antes que se abra la puerta. Mi erección ha bajado un poco en este tiempo, pero sigo muy excitado. No me atrevo a articular palabra, solo me mantengo expectante y por qué no, excitado. Oigo sus zapatos de tacón acercarse, alejarse. Con los ojos vendados no consigo ver nada. Solo puedo imaginar lo cerca que esta. Mi culo vuelve a vibrar, esta vez de forma constante y mi pene se reactiva de golpe. Siento algo que lo acaricia, algo duro, frio, empiezo a sentir cómo le dan golpecitos secos y mi excitación crece. Nunca había estado tan caliente. Los golpes descienden por mis testículos y llegan a mi ano, golpean el plug que se introduce totalmente. No puedo evitar gemir en cada golpe, no quiero que pare esta tortura. Noto cómo se sienta en la cama, me coge el pene y me pajea lento mientras mueve el plug en mi culo. Domina el tiempo y no consigo correrme aunque me muero de ganas. Me suelta y se aparta cuando estoy tan cerca.

Percibo otro movimiento y ella vuelve a sentarse en mi cara, pero esta vez es diferente. Me cabalga, marca el ritmo, ya no la chupo, me está follando la boca, buscando su propio placer y yo solo puedo permanecer con la lengua fuera intentando llegar a todos los rincones de su coño jugoso que llega hasta mi cara en oleadas, a veces a golpes, a veces descendiendo despacio...

Y cuando ya está bien caliente, al fin decide cabalgarme. Se baja de mi cara y se monta a horcajadas sobre mí, despacio se va metiendo mi polla dentro, paladeando el instante, cada centímetro. Jugando, gozando, ella marca el ritmo y yo solo espero a que termine de meterla. Deseo que sea ya, pero sé que no tengo que hacerlo. Cuando al fin la tiene toda dentro exhala un suspiro... Algo que solo ella sabe lo que significa, el placer de sentirse completa. Poco a poco desgrana ese deleite, se mueve despacio encima mío haciendo que mi polla recorra cada rincón de su ser más profundo. Buscando los rincones oscuros, dejando a los músculos adaptarse y a su coño disfrutar. Quiero más, no lo puedo evitar, sacudo mi pelvis rompiendo su clímax y ella me contesta con un sonoro bofetón.

No estaba previsto, ha sido por sorpresa, pero para ella ha sido una satisfacción inesperada. La noto descubrir que quiere hacerme más daño y mientras clava sus uñas en mi pecho de nuevo, agarra el látigo y empieza a cabalgar más deprisa. Azota mi pecho, mis brazos... y de pronto da la vuelta al látigo y mete el mango en mi boca. Disfruta viéndome. Juega con el mango como si fuera una polla que entra y sale y me folla la lengua, me golpea los dientes y se ríe.

Me siento humillado, utilizado, y más cachondo de lo que lo he estado jamás. Saco la lengua, salivo el mango y los dedos de ella que también juguetean en mi boca mientras me folla, ahora con un ritmo más frenético, salvaje, de placer y de dolor, pero no importa. El plug de mi ano vibra constante y ella se corre al tiempo que me da, de nuevo, otro sonoro bofetón. Lejos de frenarme supone el pistoletazo de salida a mi ansiado orgasmo. Ahora sí, me libero a borbotones, mientras ella me sigue cabalgando.

Descansa sobre mi unos minutos, y luego me desata y se marcha. Ya en la puerta, mientras recojo mi ropa del suelo, me dice que me pedirá un taxi. Me visto, otra vez solo en la habitación y pensando en la que ha sido la mejor experiencia de mi vida. Salgo de la habitación y recorro el pasillo. Al final, veo una luz encendida en un gran salón y me dirijo hacia allí. Un hombre mayor espera sentado en un sofá.

- Toma, para el taxi.

Sé que le he visto antes, pero no puedo pensar ahora. Estoy demasiado azorado y su presencia allí hace evidente que nos ha estado viendo. Me acerca los 50€ y siento que han hecho de mí su puta, y sorprendentemente, ese pensamiento no me desagrada. Cojo el dinero y salgo por la puerta.

Ya en el taxi, reflexionando sobre esta noche, caigo en la cuenta. Era el director de la compañía, el que dio el discurso en la cena.

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Park Fun

It was a Friday, and I was feeling a little extra horny and aggressive. Mom usually stayed naked, or easily accessible at home (and if we’re being perfectly honest, most of the time in public too), and I just really wanted to fuck someone. My thirteen year old sister Becca wasn’t home yet, since Friday nights she was usually out till about 10pm, doing god knows what, and then coming home and going to sleep shortly after, so I decided to use my other favourite cum receptacle. My mom Britney...

2 years ago
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First time with cous

100% True,On business trips i often found myself away from my wife long periods of time stuck in a hotel room with no one but myself and my mobile. Whilst my wife was not the dirty type like i wanted it resorted in my usage for porn skyrocketing. Ive always came from a close family, share problems, future events who's doing what etc just always the way it had been. Then one tuesaday night i was speaking to a Cousin, recently divorced and alone with the k**s. She says she doesnt get the time...

3 years ago
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8 Hours

I remember sitting there in the hospital, staring at you hooked up to all those machines, and realizing that I did really love you. It had taken me so long to admit that to myself. Because of all the negative pressure from my family, I tried to convince myself that you were someone that would just bring me down in life. But the more and more I spent time with you, the more I realized I had been lying to myself. I realized I was in love. When I finally accepted that, my heart broke. Staring at...

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The Mens Locker Room Club Part I

Georgina followed Colleen around the club rooms and listened intently to her as she explained the checking procedures for closing up the health club. “Just the changing rooms left to do now.” She told her. They entered the ladies changing room and walked around the lockers into the shower area. Everyone had gone of course but it was the duty supervisor’s responsibility to double check and make sure that no one was locked in overnight. Colleen was one of the Supervisors but she was about to go...

Group Sex
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Moms Career AdviceChapter 8

I told her I just might be and she had me pull out so she could roll over on her back and I put on a fresh condom and we made love again. Being in the business she was in, she didn't have to rush off first thing the next morning so we had a leisurely morning together full of sex and intimacy. I was already comfortable with Gloria and was greatly enjoying being with her. As I was leaving, she gave me another envelope as she kissed me goodbye. Like the first one, it contained five one...

4 years ago
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Sexually Arousing Indian Sex With My Darling

Hai all. I’m Keerthi from Chennai. I’m a housewife. After reading this story please send me your feedback to: This sexually arousing story is between myself and my sweet husband. I’m 26 and my husband is 28. He is working in an it company. The most important thing is “we got married just 30 days back. This story is about how we got into our sexual life in a way that we couldn’t forget throughout the lifetime. In my house, in a deep village near Coimbatore, there were 5 people. My dad, is a...

4 years ago
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Full Service Realtor

Sarah was a friend of mine and we had talked on IM a lot over the past year. Ever since that blissful day that we threw caution to the wind and finally gave into our primal desires to be with each other. We had met a few times before and little did we both know, but we were extremely attracted to each other. Then one day I went to her house to talk about some photography stuff and we talked for hours like we had been best friends forever, but when she read me some of her erotic stories I...

2 years ago
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What Dreams Are Made ofChapter 8 Curing A Performance Problem

I couldn’t believe it, I had lost control, my harem was now in control of me. Well not me exactly, but close. Something had changed in the 25 new clones they had made of me. Oh yes, they were me, looked exactly like me, had all my knowledge, even acted like me, but they were different. They were like the Hive. They were one, an entity. Each one knew what the other one was doing, thinking, even feeling. They really were ONE ... born and bred that way. Ann and the other Girls should have known...

5 years ago
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The Teenagers 8211 Part 2

It took another one hour for saba to reach home. It was already 8:15 and her mom was home. Sultan had left. Saba and shifa shared a single room while firoz has his own room and one room was for their parents. Saba straightaway headed inside her room. Shifa was there studying. She has changed again in a normal salwar suit. Seeing that firoz sensed something strange about shifa. Saba freshened herself and changed to salwar suit. “Saba..” her mom shouted from kitchen..she went to attend her. “Give...

3 years ago
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Its Practically What Uncles Are ForChapter 11

As George was walking towards the nearest taxi-rank to be driven home, he wondered why he had referred to Hannah as 'a young lady' and not 'my niece'. 'A psychiatrist would get a lot out of that', he thought. 'Perhaps I ought to work it out myself.' In a parallel development, Hannah had been debating with herself if she ought to say 'George' from now on, not 'Uncle George'. True, she had never thought of him in any other way, but perhaps that was a part of the problem. 'If I...

3 years ago
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Jackie gets drugged Chapter one

Introduction: A sexy young girl named Jackie gets drugged by her baby sitter. This story is entirely fiction and the characters used are in no way real persons. This story contains underage sex and is only intended for entertainment purposes. If you have a problem with under age sex then please do not read this story. This is my first time posting a story on here. I am very proud of it and I hope you guys and girls like it. =) Chapter One It was late in the afternoon when I had finally...

4 years ago
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Man of The Law

This short story is completely fictional. Any of the events that take place in this story are not based on real life situations. It was the summer of '10 and I had sought out a career in Corrections. I had just graduated and I had to wait a couple of weeks to turn 19 before I could start the application process. Things went pretty smoothly and I was hired in a couple months. I was 19 with a good paying job and was set to be on my own. The only catch was I worked for the state and they could...

1 year ago
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My First Night Working at the Royal

My first experience at the Royal Gentlemen’s Club was something, to say the least. I had been informed of the nature of the back room; that it was a room set aside for only the highest of high-rollers and it was used for things that were not readily available at other strip joints. From the main floor these high rollers could pick and choose the girls they liked… or disliked… and with the promise of wealth and fortune these girls would come to the back room… and never return. I was the hostess...

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sex with father8217s sister

Hello Friends. This is your friend hari sing again. I am glad that you liked my previous stories. I hope you will like this one as well. All girls are welcome to respond and give me their feedback. If you live in LUDHIANA PUNJAB you are married OR UNMARRIED FROM ANY AGE and want a friend for a very discreet relationship with no strings attached. My e- mail is complete discretion is assured and sought. Enough of that let us go to my story This is an incident from a long time ago. I was in...

2 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 68 Beti Ki Masti Mein Papa Ki Fantasy

Narrated by Swati Hi friends, main Swati. Aap logo ne mein padha kaise papa se main apne gande irade ko poore karwati hun. Ek ek kar apne padhaaw par aage badh rahi thi. Meri ichcha yahi thi ki papa ke sath bharpoor maza le saku. Papa na chaahte hue bhi meri baato ke aghosh mein apna sara mardana rass meri choot mein bhar dale. Mujhe to kafi maza aaya par papa ise galat samajh baithe. Woh ek baap hokar apni hi beti ke andar apna beej dalne ko ghor paap maan baithe. Waise bhi ye saare mard...

4 years ago
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The Life of an Army WifeChapter 2

After I cleaned myself up I put my heels back on and, after deciding that nobody cared about the other panties that I had not yet modeled, I strolled back out into the living room in just my heels. There were drinks all around again and Ted pulled me into his lap. As we sipped and talked, Ted alternated between teasing my sensitive tits with his free hand and then sliding it down to rub my clit gently, keeping all three of us aroused. I could feel his cock twitching against my ass. So I knew...

4 years ago
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 6

Scarsdale, NY: Saturday 24th January 2015Buyer’s remorseThe morning's first cup of coffee always tastes wonderful and today was no exception to this rule of life.But everything else that had happened in the last few hours was very much an exception. Wholly different to everything that had happened in my life before, and wholly different to everything that had happened in Sue’s life and in our marriage.I sat with my hands wrapped around the hot cup enjoying it’s warming effect, deep in thought....

Wife Lovers
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The CaseChapter 2

The next day he stood by his car waiting. His investigation had revealed that the woman that was having an affair with Swift parked her car in this parking garage every day. He had waited until he could park next to her car and had then pulled into the parking spot next to her car. Within minutes after getting out of his car he saw her walking toward her car and he put his key in the lock; like he was getting ready to leave. As she stuck her key in the lock he looked over at her and said,...

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Lying on the floor, completely naked is usually a situation that most girls would be horrified with – not the feeling that Megan experiences, sprawled on her back in front of three breathtakingly beautiful girls. She feels strangely proud that her body is such a prized object, something that Megan has never felt before but now wants the feeling to last. However, a phrase from Miss Caitlin had finally begun to sink in – that her own mother was to see her humiliating first night. Horror-struck,...

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