Eiffel - épisode 3 free porn video

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Eiffel – Chapitre 3

Je passe les jours suivants sous antidouleur. Tous les jours, je vérifie l’état de mes blessures car je ne pourrai pas inventer un autre mensonge pour différer mon retour à la maison. Je n’ai qu’une crainte : que mon épouse voit les traces évidentes de mes déviances. Déviances que je me repasse en boucle sur la télé, me délectant en me branlant de me voir livré aux trois hommes comme la dernière des putes. Je suis fasciné par mon visage tantôt extatique, tantôt déformé par la souffrance. Ndallo a parfaitement compris ce à quoi j’inspirais sans même le savoir moi-même. Je suis fait pour souffrir et subir. Être son esclave.

Je passe un week-end idéal, me comportant comme un bon mari attentionné. Je baise Isabelle avec fougue, imaginant que je suis à sa place, soumis aux énormes bites noires. Le samedi soir durant un dîner aussi guindé que superficiel avec nos « amis », j’explique l’histoire des vendeurs à la sauvette africains de la Tour Eiffel, les décrivant comme une horde barbare qui importune les gentils touristes et j’en rajoute dans les postures réactionnaire comme le bon petit bourge provincial que je suis censé être. Lorsque je reprends le train dimanche soir, je mets la main dans mon manteau et je tombe sur le papier avec le numéro de Ndallo griffonné dessus. Les chiffres dansent dans ma tête et c’est comme si je quittais un déguisement pour enfin redevenir ce que je suis vraiment : une lope. Je tremble quand je compose le numéro.
- Bonsoir le pédé, ricane l’africain après deux sonneries. Tu appelais pas alors que j’avais dit de faire. J’étais en colère.
- Pardon Maître Ndallo.
- Non pas pardon. Tu vas avoir mal pour ça. Tu es où ?
- Dans le train. Pour Paris.
- Après tu vas ou ?
- Dans mon hôtel.
- Tu donnes l’adresse. Je viens te voir. Je veux te traiter maintenant, pédé.

Fébrilement, je donne l’adresse et l’heure à laquelle je pense arriver. Lorsque je suis devant mon hôtel, il est là. Je vois qu’il a fait un effort vestimentaire mais il reste bien loin des standards de l’établissement haut de gamme. Il s’en rend compte lui aussi et je vois que ça l’agace. Il me suit et je prends soin de discuter avec lui ostensiblement comme nous traversons le hall afin de lui donner la légitimité qui lui fait défaut. Vers les ascenseurs, un de loufiats s’avance et je l’arrête d’un « monsieur est avec moi » qui le surprend mais l’homme – bien que suspicieux – n’insiste pas. Une fois la porte de ma chambre passée et la porte refermée, Ndallo me fait payer son humiliation en repositionnant les statuts de chacun :
- A quatre pattes, chien de pédé !
- Oui Maître Ndallo…

Il traverse le vestibule, déambule dans la vaste chambre luxueuse puis reviens vers moi et me dit de me déshabiller. Pendant que j’obéis, il ouvre le bar, prend un soda et s’installe dans un des fauteuils en me regardant avec mépris. Il claque des doigts. J’avance à quatre pattes sur la moquette et une fois devant lui, je me mets à genoux et lui tends mon portable. Il part d’un rire grinçant puis allume l’appareil et me filme avant de lancer avec son fort accent :
- Voilà mon, pédé ! Mon pédé marié que je traite. Sa femme sait pas qu’il est la salope des africains. Qu’il aime le vi0l dans le cul. Et boire la pisse. Que c’est une grosse pute, hein pédé ?
- Oui Maître Ndallo.

Il enlève son pantalon de sport. Il ne porte pas de slip et sa grosse bite encore molle apparait. Il bouge mon portable lentement pour me filmer de mon visage à mon bas-ventre.
- Il bande déjà, le pédé. Il bande en pensant à ce que je vais lui faire mais même dure sa bite est petite. Une petite bite de pédé. Branle ta petite bite, pédé ! Oui plus fort. Stop. Prends tes boules dans la main et serre. Et frappe ta bite. Plus fort. Encore plus fort. Tu dois pleurer, pédé alors fais très fort. Non là tu fais pas assez fort. Tu triches alors moi je vais te faire…

Et il me le fait. A coups de poing jusqu’à ce que je sois à terre gémissant de douleur ce qui a pour résultat de l’exciter et de transformer son membre en un énorme pal d’ébène. Il souffle fort. Il me positionne à nouveau à quatre pattes, s’agenouille derrière moi, appuie son mon dos pour que je me prosterne et sois cambré au maximum puis me donne le portable.
- Maintenant je vais te vi0ler, pédé. Filme ton visage quand tu es vi0lé.

J’ai beau avoir pris la précaution de m’enduire l’anus avec la « pommade magique » après son appel dans le train, je réprime un hurlement, les dents serrées, quand il tente d’enfoncer son membre dans mon anus de force d’une seule poussée hargneuse. Il s’acharne jusqu’à ce que mon trou cède et que son ventre bute sur mes fesses puis sans marquer d’arrêt, il me défonce. Je laisse échapper le portable sous la douleur et il m’insulte dans sa langue, s’arrêtant le temps que je me filme à nouveau. Infatigable, il m’éclate le cul pendant plus de dix minutes, ne s’arrêtant que pour sortir entièrement sa verge et la replanter toujours plus vi0lemment. Je jouis du trou en râlant comme une femelle. Comme il coulisse trop facilement dans mon orifice complètement dilaté, il l’écartèle en glissant deux doigts de chaque main le long de sa verge ce qui m’arrache de nouveaux gémissements de souffrance. J’ai l’impression qu’il vient de me déchirer. Il m’attr@pe alors soudain par les cheveux et me décolle littéralement du sol pour me juter en pleine figure. Les giclées de sperme s’écrasent sur mon visage puis à mesure que le flot se tarit, il force mes lèvres et termine de se vider dans ma bouche. Quand il me lâche je retombe comme un sac sur la moquette. Il ramasse le portable que j’avais encore lâché pendant la saillie et prend plusieurs photos puis, satisfait, le jette sur le fauteuil et va dans la salle de bain. Pendant qu’il prend sa douche, je reprends mes esprits. Lorsqu’il ressort engoncé dans le peignoir de l’hôtel, je suis à nouveau à genoux devant le fauteuil. Il est amusé. Apaisé aussi. Il s’assoit et me regarde un moment en silence puis dit :
- Je vais dormir ici.
- Oui Maître Ndallo.
- Et toi tu dors par terre. Attaché comme un chien.
- Merci Maître Ndallo.
- Bien… cette semaine je vais revenir pour te traiter tous les jours. Toi, tu vas me donner de l’argent. Je veux aller en Angleterre. Tu vas m’aider pour ça.
- Combien d’argent ?
- Trois milles euros.

Comme je ne réagis pas, il croit bon de devoir argumenter :
- Je sais c’est beaucoup mais tu les donnes. Parce que je t’ai donné ce que tu veux et que je vais refaire toute la semaine. Et moi dimanche après je pars avec l’argent. Et avant, je te dis le téléphone d’un autre homme qui aime aussi traiter. Tu seras son esclave. Il te donnera ce que tu veux. Même mieux que moi parce que lui il aime les pédés comme toi.
- D’accord…

Durant le reste de la semaine, Ndallo me rejoint tous les soirs dans ma chambre d’hôtel pour me « traiter ». Afin de pouvoir continuer à filmer mon calvaire au mieux sans être encombré par mon portable, il m’a fait acheter un petit trépied sur lequel il pose l’appareil avant les séances. Après, le rituel est le même : il commence par me frapper de toutes les manières possibles et quand je suis à terre abruti par les coups, il m’achève en me fouettant au ceinturon jusqu’à me marquer cruellement. A ce stade, il est au comble de l’excitation et il me vi0le, toujours sans aucune préparation. Une fois « purgé » dans ma bouche, il prend son temps en commençant par m’attacher sur le fauteuil cuisses écartées et me bâillonne. Il torture alors méticuleusement mon sexe, mes tétons et mes testicules et termine en me dilatant longuement l’anus jusqu’à ce que je sois au bord de l’évanouissement, l’écartelant tous les jours un peu plus.

Afin de profiter pleinement des sept jours qu’il m’a accordés- mais aussi pour éviter d’avoir à justifier les multiples traces de flagellation qui zèbrent mon corps des pieds à la tête - j’avais une nouvelle fois utilisé le prétexte de la charrette avec Isabelle et posé à la volée une semaine de congés. J’ai bien senti au ton de ma femme qu’elle n’avait pas apprécié et il en a été de même avec mon employeur. Je gérerai ça plus tard.

Le dimanche arrive. Ndallo me demande l’argent, m’indiquant une « surprise » pour ce dernier jour puis il exige que je me rase le sexe et l’anus. Je refuse catégoriquement, lui expliquant que je ne pourrai jamais justifier ça auprès de ma femme. Il se fend de son habituel sourire méprisant et me dit :
- Tu peux raser parce que tu vas envoyer des photos à ta femme sur ce que tu fais. Je vais te dire lesquelles.
- Non Maître Ndallo, tu ne peux pas me demander de faire ça.
- Si je peux. Et je veux. Peut-être qu’elle va aimer. Peut-être pas. Mais après, tu es libéré car elle sait que tu es un pédé et ce que tu veux qu’on te fasse. C’est la condition si tu veux que je donne le téléphone du nouveau Maître. Et c’est ta dernière punition avant la surprise de ce soir. Et regarde… tu as peur mais ton petit sexe est dur. Qu’elle sache que tu es un pédé te rend dur. Donne le téléphone, je te montre les photos que tu envoies.

Il sélectionne d’abord parmi les premières photos celle où on me voit allongé par terre avec Soussa et Nanga qui me pissent dessus et une autre pendant qu’ils m’enculent et me font sucer. Il ajoute ensuite deux clichés parmi les plus récents quand je suis attaché sur le fauteuil les cuisses écartées et qu’il me supplicie. Sur la première, il distend et broie mes testicules. Sur la seconde, il écarte mon anus béant en tirant sur les bords à deux mains. Sur tous les visuels, mon visage parfaitement reconnaissable est un écœurant mélange d’extase et de douleur.
- Voilà. Toi tu choisis les mots avec mais avant d’envoyer, tu me montres.

Je tremble en écrivant « Voilà ce que je suis. Pardon. ». Ndallo lit, sourit et me dit « Bien. » Je joins les quatre photos au message et j’envoie le tout à Isabelle, une insupportable boule de trouille dans le ventre. Ndallo me regarde presque sans mépris pour la première fois puis il griffonne sur le bloc à côté du téléphone de la chambre et me tend le papier :
- C’est le numéro de ton Maître quand je suis parti. Lui il va aussi te traiter comme tu aimes. Mais maintenant on rase le cul et on prépare pour la surprise de ce soir.

Il ne me rase pas que le cul mais le corps tout entier. En fin de journée, nous partons en taxi pour la péniche. Il m’explique qu’il fête son départ et que je vais avoir « pleins de grosses bites noires ».

De la musique traditionnelle s’entend du quai et une demi-douzaine d’africains fume des cigarettes à l’extérieur. Ils saluent tous Ndallo avec enthousiasme, surtout quand il me désigne, me fait tourner face à eux et prends mes fesses à deux mains en leur lançant une diatribe qui les fait rire. Nous passons la porte et plusieurs autres types saluent la star du jour. La pièce qui servait de stockage a été dégagée et remplacée par une table avec boissons et victuailles. Nous passons dans la pièce arrière ou avait eu lieu la séance avec Soussa et Nanga. Un grand matelas a été posé au centre de la pièce devant le canapé.

Je comprends que c’est là que je vais passer la soirée.

Ndallo retourne dans la pièce principale et revient avec un grand sac en papier. Il en sort une gandoura aux couleurs criardes, une perruque blonde et des babouches assorties avec la gandoura en disant « Ta tenue pour la fête. Mets-la. » Pendant que je m’exécute, il installe mon portable sur son petit trépied « pour le souvenir ». La sensation d’être nue sous cette sorte de grande chemise est étrange mais agréable. Ndallo ajuste la perruque, visiblement satisfait, puis dit :
- Toi tu restes ici sauf si j’appelle pour que tu viens à côté. Si les hommes viennent ici, tu fais comme ils veulent. Ils savent que tu es un pédé même si tu es avec les vêtements de femme, d’accord ?
- Oui Maître Ndallo.
- C’est bien. Tu as mis la crème sur le trou ?
- Oui, c’est fait.
- Bien. Parce que ce soir tu vas beaucoup être enculé, pédé.

Il ressort et moins de deux minutes plus tard, j’ai mon premier visiteur. J’ignore combien d’hommes je suce ce soir-là. Encore moins combien me sodomisent. A mesure que la soirée avance, ils sont de plus en plus vi0lents et vicieux, désinhibés par l’alcool et l’herbe qu’ils fument en masse. Après que j’ai été saillie à la chaîne dans la pièce du canapé, on finit par me faire venir dans la salle principale. Je me retrouve alors à genoux, encerclé par une dizaine de membres plus ou moins durs que je suce alternativement devant tout le monde pendant que Ndallo, fidèle à lui-même, filme en commentant. Ma gandoura n’est plus qu’un torchon déchiré imprégné de sperme et de pisse et ma perruque a disparu. Ils me font boire et fumer. Je ne suis plus qu’une poupée cassée qu’ils se repassent en riant. On force toute sorte d’objets dans mon cul qui reste béant à force de sollicitation. Je sors de ma léthargie passive quand on me tient à terre, cuisses ouvertes, et qu’un noir que je reconnais malgré ma conscience approximative comme étant Soussa écrase sa cigarette sur ma verge en riant. Ndallo l’encourage à recommencer sur mes testicules et mes tétons mais l’arrête quand il souhaite s’en prendre à mon cul. Puis ma « tournante » reprend de plus belle et je perds totalement la notion du temps.

Quand je me réveille, je suis sur le canapé avachi sur un grand noir qui ronfle comme un sonneur et mon corps n’est plus que souffrance. Il fait encore nuit mais je sens que cette fois, même mon visage n’a pas été épargné Ma paupière droite est gonflée à force de gifles et mon arcade gauche saigne légèrement. Bien entendu, mon anus est défoncé comme il ne l’a encore jamais été. Les brulures de cigarettes sont superficielles mais extrêmement douloureuses surtout quand je me mets à bander contre toutes attentes. Le jour commence à poindre et je distingue des formes endormies un peu partout. Le plus silencieusement possible, je récupère mes affaires et me rhabille. Ndallo a mis mon portable et le trépied dans la poche de mon pantalon. L’écran est fendu mais l’appareil s’allume. Je prends sur moi pour ne pas regarder la vidéo de la soirée de suite. Je sors de la péniche avec précaution, enjambant d’autres corps abrutis par les excès dans la pièce principale et je rejoins la route qui surplombe les quais.

Deux minutes plus tard, je suis dans un taxi qui me ramène à l’hôtel. Je dois vraiment avoir une tête à faire peur car le portier me propose d’appeler un médecin. Une fois dans ma chambre, je constate que les ecchymoses sur mon visage sont plus impressionnantes que graves. Après ma semaine de congés improvisés, je sais que je ne peux pas me permettre de ne pas aller travailler malgré mon état. Je prends une longue douche et une fois que j’ai ingéré des antidouleurs, je me sens mieux même si je suis éreinté. Je m’habille et débarque au bureau avant 8 heures.
Mon chef de mission est déjà là et il pousse un cri de stupeur quand il me voit. J’invente à la volée une histoire d’agression qui le terrifie et il m’ordonne de rentrer chez moi après avoir été voir un docteur. Je retourne à l’hôtel, n’appelle personne mais dors toute la journée.

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The telephone in the motel room began to ring in a muffled tone, and a red light started to flash. Robert lifted the receiver and a voice came on. "This is your nine o'clock wake up call." Robert thanked the disembodied voice and hung up. Katie was still out, so Robert leaned over and kissed her. Her response was almost immediate. She put her arms around her brother and began to kiss him back with her eyes still closed. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and touched his. "Robert...

2 years ago
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My mums holiday

I usually phone my mum about once a week to see how she is. On this occasion I was quite nervous, considering what had happened between us the previous weekend (see stories: My Mum's Birthday, and parts 2 & 3). I thought she might be quite stand-offish, or even blame me for taking advantage of her when she was so drunk. But to my relief she seemed quite her normal self, and didn't even mention what had gone on over her birthday. Either she can't remember, or she's too embarrassed, I...

4 years ago
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Thursday night, I am laying about reading an old Playboy magazine and there is a knock at my door. It's Les. I am glad to see him and give him a big hug. That leads to kissing and groping and hot damm, we are soon naked on the bed. We are laying side by side and kissing earnestly and our hands are busy with each other's privates. I eschew 69ing, get on my knees at the end of the bed, get between his spread legs and wrap my fingers around his cock with one hand and fondle his nuts with the other...

3 years ago
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Paris and cigarettes

For me, he is Paris and cigarettes.He takes me to a time when I was younger and the world was gritty: a time of experimentation and wonder.I have not passed into antiquity, but I have passed into experience. When he comes to me, I return to that raw, passionate time. He takes me back. Back to first times. Newness. Introductions. To the me that was purely myself. He transports me. It is his time now, as it once was mine. He makes me remember. My body remembers. My senses remember. Why Paris?It...

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Futanari Short Stories

[This part is more an introduction] My main hope with this one is that, a lot of my fans are getting disappointed that I can't update as much as I used to do, mainly because I've moved onto visual novels at the moment, such as 'My Girlfriend & My Futa Grandma' currently being made. That said I didn't want to forget the community here so I thought I would continue writing and, if I was unable to write the longer project chapters (which I will still do but it may be infrequent) I can at least put...

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surprised him at the airport in a limo

It was very cold so I didn’t wear a sexy outfit that I wanted to wear, I mean it was freezing. I wore jeans, tight of course but not tight where I couldn’t breathe, high heels and a cotton long sleeve top. I know what my sweetie likes and a nice firm fitting pair of jeans gets his motor running! I won’t bother you with the tiny details of the limo, he was expecting a car to pick him up but not a stretch. As he was walking to the car I got out and gave him a big hug and a kiss, after...

2 years ago
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In The Garage

I needed to work on my Cobra Mustang I'd put a newly modified engine in this weekend, a Saturday. I went out to the garage, opening the door, and going in. I'm about to pull the door nearly down to about two feet or so off the ground, when my neighbor buddy hops the fence & comes over. The chain-link fence was by the driveway on his side. “ Need some help?” Darren asks. “ Sure, man, c'mon on in!” I quickly reply. We got under the back of the car to tighten some bolts on the rear suspension....

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The Arrival of Emily Bloom

My mouth curled into a smile as a Nine Inch Nails song burst onto the radio. It always reminded me of my home town and the carefree teenage days wasted there. Today was an apt day for that song to play I thought. The music abruptly cut away to the clang of my cell ringing through the car stereo.“I hope you haven’t forgotten about Emily?” my sister exclaimed in an accusatory tone.“Hey sis. Nope. I am on way to the airport now, I should be there in under thirty minutes”“Great, thanks for helping...

3 years ago
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The trip I will never forget

My name is Jacob Stephensky, but my friends call me Joe. You maycall me whatever you want, coz it won’t matter much. I am just a normal teenager, having a normal life, and near to… well, quite normal experiences most of the time. But perhaps one part of me existed, which I felt was not normal. And that, was my desire to have sex with my elder sister, Linda. Linda was two years elder to me. We entered puberty almost simultaneously due to this. I didn’t know whether she had the same feeling of...

2 years ago
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To fully enjoy this tale please read the events leading up to it within the links below.https://xhamster.com/stories/electric-shock-1-9690406https://xhamster.com/stories/a-fumble-on-a-tumble-9690734Things had worked out well with Angela and with more work to do at her house I was looking forward to more hot sex with her. I got the feeling she was getting hooked on fucking me behind her husbands back and she was certainly up for some kinky fun. I had big plans for expanding my sexual adventures...

4 years ago
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Just a sunny day in Holland. It's a friday and I took the day off. It was a hot day that day, and everybody kept their clothing limited to the minimum. I was sitting on a terrace, in front of a bar, wearing my sneakers, cute white socks, a short skirt with a black silk string underneath, and a large shirt, with the arms cut of. The holes which were left when cutting the arms off were a bit bigger than I wanted them to be. They were as big as the hole where my head goes through. And when that...

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Hot Sex with Hot Chick part 3 and a half

Read part one here: http://xhamster.com/user/barista110/posts/41329.html Read part two here: http://xhamster.com/user/barista110/posts/41338.html Me and Hot Chick head back to her house. Now she did live with her parents and her little brother but they were never home and her room was on the other side of the house and it was a big fucking house. But when we got there her whole family was there eating dinner and invited me to join them. She whispers in my ear “Don’t worry I’m make it up to...

2 years ago
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The Good YearsChapter 77

I had been getting regular phone calls from Mama, regarding her dissatisfaction with the lack of progress I was making in resolving my estrangement from Brenda. Strangely, I had received no complaints at all from Brenda herself. We had completed the transfer of her funds back into a trading account that I would once again be managing for her. When I had turned the money over to her, some months earlier, there was just a little bit less than twenty seven million dollars. When her funds were...

3 years ago
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Slut School 2

Introduction: An eventful night out for Rosemary This is the sequel to Slut School 1 Here I was, dressed in my fuck-me clothes, walking into a crowded bar, which Julia tells me is a pick-up joint. My husband, Ralph, had a firm grip of my arm. Was he worried that I might chicken out? Even a week ago I would not have dared to be seen in public dressed like this. I was wearing bright red high heels, my legs were bare, my shorts were so tight that you could see the shape of my pussy Julia tells...

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The Cabin In The Woods

I wake up with my head spinning slightly. I’m confused as I try to focus in the darkened room. I squint, still trying to figure out where I am. I move to sit up and find myself tied to the head of the bed. I let out a soft whimper, suddenly scared. I try to pull a little harder at the ties, hoping that this was some kind of joke, when suddenly, a voice across the room speaks, causing me to jump a bit. "I wouldn't bother pulling too hard; it'll only make the bounds all that much tighter, little...

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Triptych InterviewsBree

Saturday, August 13 (After Chapter 8 of Triptych) aroslav: Welcome. Come on in. BREE: Where's the camera? aroslav: What? BREE: Are we going to talk first or do I just get undressed and diddle myself? aroslav: Bree? BREE: I'm not doing sex unless you're paying me full scale. aroslav: This isn't a porn audition. BREE: Looks like it. You at a desk with a computer and me on a sofa opposite. aroslav: I'm just keeping notes on the computer. You didn't really think I was auditioning...

1 year ago
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SLuT9 pt 100

"Mishy" Wednesday, December 20th Evening Dave stepped out of his apartment building and found his girl of the day leaning against a Prius, parked behind his car. She met him at the stairs to the building. She just stopped and waited. "I know you, don't I?" "Yeah, I used to spend quite a bit of time over at your house with Em." "Michelle, right?" "Yeah. But it's Mishy now. Nobody calls me Michelle anymore, except my parents. You call me that, it'll really put me out...

4 years ago
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First StrapOn with my Girlfriend

The door opened before me, and I quickly stepped in, my heart racing. Dave gave me a big hug, which somewhat calmed my nerves. I gave him the bottle of wine, and suggested a glass might settle me. I sat in the recliner, and took a healthy sip when Dave gave me a glassful. I felt the warmth as it spread from my stomach.Dave showed me the strap-on he had bought. I handled it gingerly, and examined how it worked. Dave sat on the edge of the bed in his robe as I did. Out of the corner of my eye, I...

1 year ago
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Business Sense

The world was very small for Tina Wells. She went to the state university and at 19 years old was overwhelmed by being away from home for the first time, swamped with demanding classes and sharing a room in the dorm with Jordan. Jordan and Tina were opposites, physically Tina had long blond and 5'9 and Jordan had short black hair and 5'2, her mother was from Brazil. Both were beautiful girls but the differences went deeper. Tina was the high school prom queen and honor role student that did...

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One Familys Awakening Chapter 22

[Continued...]Lucille thought she was going to faint at first. The thought of a group fuck was completely foreign to her. Then she considered that the two young adults would be involved with their respective parents and that sent her mind spinning as well. Then she considered that she had just started fucking her brother-in-law behind her sister's back. But he wasn't a blood relative. Then she considered what she had seen through the window when Keith and Abby were fucking and she definitely...

1 year ago
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BrattyMILF Victoria June Stepmom Gave Me Birthday Sex

It’s Tony’s birthday, but he wasn’t expecting a gift from his stepmom, Victoria June. Tony is excited to open his present, but he’s mortified when he sees what Victoria got him: A sex toy with lips to fuck. When Tony sees what was in the package, he jets to the living room. That wasn’t what Victoria was expecting. She follows her stepson to apologize. Tony hears Victoria out and then admits that he overreacted. Victoria tries to explain that she thought it would be...

2 years ago
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WillowChapter 18

Carl held the small recorder in his hand as it played. Page and Willow knelt at his feet giving all of their attention to the description of the investigation and what the police knew or thought they knew. When the recording finished, Carl leaned back and said, "Well, it is clear that 'Master Carl' is not the focus of the inquiry." It had been made clear to Page and Willow that this discussion was operating on the "kneeling pad" principles. Page took advantage of that to ask, "Sir,...

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Fucking the women across the road

This women thats lives across is fat & gobby anyway one day about 6 months back she shouted me asking if I could unblock her sink I said ok when I walk over she only had a dressing gown on I ask where the sink was she show me in the kitchen I had a look from the top & shove a spoon handle down the hole for know joy so I ask her to empty the cupboard under the sink so I could take the u bend off I got under & unscrew the bend I took it outside to clean out came back & started to...

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Amazons of Accor

It was a cold evening in the coastal city of Deni. Fog and mist filled the night air, and fur-covered guardsmen walked the streets, carrying torches that lit the dim night. The shops in the small Nordic merchant town were closing their doors, and the mead halls were coming to life. Meanwhile, a few guardsmen were posted on towers overlooking the cost to make sure that the city stayed lit, and to ensure that incoming ships wouldn’t run into the rocks. As one guardsman stood watch on his tower,...

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Becoming A Bitch To My Bestfriend

Hi guys.My name is Rajath.I am a regular ISS reader.Since the stories posted are real.I am here to post my true story.And people,if my stories turn you horny then you can contact me. Let me introduce myself.I am 20yrs old.I live in Bangalore with my family.I am doing my engg 5th sem.I have medium built body and my height is 5.6ft.I have this peculiar personality or behaviour that i wanted to feel myself as a girl or slutty bitch. I am a bi sexual and interested in men too if they treat me...

Gay Male
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Unknown Waifish Model Chapter 3

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2003 Couture Waifish Model on Page Fifty-three Chapter 3 by Couture email: [email protected] (TG, MM, MC) When we got back home, the honeymoon was over. He even told me so. He had come home from work and by the look in his eyes, he was furious. "Okay little girl," he said, walking toward me, a looped leather belt swinging menacingly from his hand. "The...

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Office Sex

Tiffany called me from the other part time job she had at a small grocery store, telling me that she was fucking horny as fuck, from her boss smacking her ass when he walked by. She said, she didn't get off for about 3 more hours and didn't know if she can hold out that long. I suggested that when he walked by, bend over a little showing that her ass was sticking out a little for him to smack it and after he did, ask him if that was all he was going to do? Well she did just that. She seen him...

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A couple get a little carried away at a rest stop while playing with a strange cock

Hi, my name is Paula and the story you are about to read is completely true- with a name change or two. I’m a mostly happily married woman, late twenties with blue eyes and dark hair. I am studying for my PhD at a large Midwestern university in the USA. I’ve been married a couple years, and had a lot of fun. One of the things that really turns me on is “strange”. That is, the first time usually is the best time for me in many ways. All guys are different, you know....

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Then Came Johnson Chapter 2 Two Out of Three Aint Bad

Continued from Chapter 1: The Amish WayOn the first full day of my new lifestyle, that of a fulltime RVer, I met Anna a young Amish widow who also was transitioning from an old way of life to something new.  She was on her way to Florida where her Aunt lived and where Anna believed she could find a support infrastructure to help her as she left her old Amish way for a modern way of life.  We met at a truck stop where her bus had stopped for a rest break but accidentally left Anna behind.  I...

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John and Sarah

Note : This story is completely fictional! My sister and I were on holiday with our parents in Scotland, I was 19 and Sarah 18, we had been there three day’s, part of the visit was so they could visit old collage friends, not wanting have to listen to all the old collage stories, Sarah and I stayed at the hotel, we could have room service in moderation, we knew our parents could be back late and wasn’t bothered when they hadn’t got here when we went to bed. It was around 2am when the phone...

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Swati8217s Seal Opening Ceremony 8211 Part I

(This is part true, part fiction. Does it matter which part is true and which isn’t? The purpose of ISS stories is to give you a rock hard on (if male) or make you pouring wet (if female) and make masturbation or fucking enjoyable. Please send comments/ suggestions to ) “Ohh, darling, I forgot to tell you, I am going for a seminar to Coimbattore for a week” I told Rajesh as I slipped on my bra. He grabbed me, threw away bra and asked” When?” I was surprised “This Saturday. What is wrong with...

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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 27 Punishment

The time passed slowly and took its toll on her nerves. She realised fully what she had not noticed before, that there were no windows in the study. That meant that there was no indication of the passing of time from the sun. She put a finger to her throat to check the time passing by her heart-beat, which she knew should be something a little faster than sixty beats per minute. That idea she discarded quite soon as she found that her heart was beating wildly at times, and that she could not...

2 years ago
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Project ManagerChapter 10

Sandi’s efforts now with knowing that she was pregnant turned toward to finding a suitable location to build a house. She contacted the builder’s association for information on the builders that were building houses which she hoped would suit her needs. Nothing that she saw in what was currently being built interested her for various reasons. She contacted the relator that sold her house and asked her for a listing of individual lots that were for sale. There were a few remaining lots in a...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Evelyn Claire 06182019

Evelyn Claire has the looks of a super model and the sex drive of super slut! She loves her men “tall, dark and handsome”, so today, she’s making her Dogfart Network Debut with none other than super stud Jax Slayher! What starts as a passionate, love-making session turns to an all-out fuck session! Watch as Jax puts the beautiful Evelyn right up against the wall to bang her brains out! She returns the favor, riding his over-sized dick until she orgasms, over and over. Speaking...

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Megan Mormon American Princess

Megan had just arrived home for Christmas Vacation from Brigham Young University-BYU and seemed bum-ed-out. Megan had nearly failed all her courses and just barely passed; mom had gotten the word that Megan was into drugs and smoking marijuana. For weeks our parents had been silent with me around. For Later Day Saints my sister Megan is a failure. Megan hid in her room till dinner time. Dinner was uneventful, dad fired up the gas-grill on the patio. Everyone was silent as we ate steak, baked...

4 years ago
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You’re driving home from a Christmas party. You had a few drinks, but you’re not drunk. I’m a cop and I pull up to you at a traffic light. I ask, have you been drinking? You say that you only had one drink. I tell you to pull over to the curb. Then you say. Officer, I said I only had a drink and that you are not drunk. I say I don’t believe you and that you better pull over now. You pull over and get out of the car. I jump out of my car and place my hand on my weapon and shout. “Put your hands...

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