Eiffel - épisode 3 free porn video

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Eiffel – Chapitre 3

Je passe les jours suivants sous antidouleur. Tous les jours, je vérifie l’état de mes blessures car je ne pourrai pas inventer un autre mensonge pour différer mon retour à la maison. Je n’ai qu’une crainte : que mon épouse voit les traces évidentes de mes déviances. Déviances que je me repasse en boucle sur la télé, me délectant en me branlant de me voir livré aux trois hommes comme la dernière des putes. Je suis fasciné par mon visage tantôt extatique, tantôt déformé par la souffrance. Ndallo a parfaitement compris ce à quoi j’inspirais sans même le savoir moi-même. Je suis fait pour souffrir et subir. Être son esclave.

Je passe un week-end idéal, me comportant comme un bon mari attentionné. Je baise Isabelle avec fougue, imaginant que je suis à sa place, soumis aux énormes bites noires. Le samedi soir durant un dîner aussi guindé que superficiel avec nos « amis », j’explique l’histoire des vendeurs à la sauvette africains de la Tour Eiffel, les décrivant comme une horde barbare qui importune les gentils touristes et j’en rajoute dans les postures réactionnaire comme le bon petit bourge provincial que je suis censé être. Lorsque je reprends le train dimanche soir, je mets la main dans mon manteau et je tombe sur le papier avec le numéro de Ndallo griffonné dessus. Les chiffres dansent dans ma tête et c’est comme si je quittais un déguisement pour enfin redevenir ce que je suis vraiment : une lope. Je tremble quand je compose le numéro.
- Bonsoir le pédé, ricane l’africain après deux sonneries. Tu appelais pas alors que j’avais dit de faire. J’étais en colère.
- Pardon Maître Ndallo.
- Non pas pardon. Tu vas avoir mal pour ça. Tu es où ?
- Dans le train. Pour Paris.
- Après tu vas ou ?
- Dans mon hôtel.
- Tu donnes l’adresse. Je viens te voir. Je veux te traiter maintenant, pédé.

Fébrilement, je donne l’adresse et l’heure à laquelle je pense arriver. Lorsque je suis devant mon hôtel, il est là. Je vois qu’il a fait un effort vestimentaire mais il reste bien loin des standards de l’établissement haut de gamme. Il s’en rend compte lui aussi et je vois que ça l’agace. Il me suit et je prends soin de discuter avec lui ostensiblement comme nous traversons le hall afin de lui donner la légitimité qui lui fait défaut. Vers les ascenseurs, un de loufiats s’avance et je l’arrête d’un « monsieur est avec moi » qui le surprend mais l’homme – bien que suspicieux – n’insiste pas. Une fois la porte de ma chambre passée et la porte refermée, Ndallo me fait payer son humiliation en repositionnant les statuts de chacun :
- A quatre pattes, chien de pédé !
- Oui Maître Ndallo…

Il traverse le vestibule, déambule dans la vaste chambre luxueuse puis reviens vers moi et me dit de me déshabiller. Pendant que j’obéis, il ouvre le bar, prend un soda et s’installe dans un des fauteuils en me regardant avec mépris. Il claque des doigts. J’avance à quatre pattes sur la moquette et une fois devant lui, je me mets à genoux et lui tends mon portable. Il part d’un rire grinçant puis allume l’appareil et me filme avant de lancer avec son fort accent :
- Voilà mon, pédé ! Mon pédé marié que je traite. Sa femme sait pas qu’il est la salope des africains. Qu’il aime le vi0l dans le cul. Et boire la pisse. Que c’est une grosse pute, hein pédé ?
- Oui Maître Ndallo.

Il enlève son pantalon de sport. Il ne porte pas de slip et sa grosse bite encore molle apparait. Il bouge mon portable lentement pour me filmer de mon visage à mon bas-ventre.
- Il bande déjà, le pédé. Il bande en pensant à ce que je vais lui faire mais même dure sa bite est petite. Une petite bite de pédé. Branle ta petite bite, pédé ! Oui plus fort. Stop. Prends tes boules dans la main et serre. Et frappe ta bite. Plus fort. Encore plus fort. Tu dois pleurer, pédé alors fais très fort. Non là tu fais pas assez fort. Tu triches alors moi je vais te faire…

Et il me le fait. A coups de poing jusqu’à ce que je sois à terre gémissant de douleur ce qui a pour résultat de l’exciter et de transformer son membre en un énorme pal d’ébène. Il souffle fort. Il me positionne à nouveau à quatre pattes, s’agenouille derrière moi, appuie son mon dos pour que je me prosterne et sois cambré au maximum puis me donne le portable.
- Maintenant je vais te vi0ler, pédé. Filme ton visage quand tu es vi0lé.

J’ai beau avoir pris la précaution de m’enduire l’anus avec la « pommade magique » après son appel dans le train, je réprime un hurlement, les dents serrées, quand il tente d’enfoncer son membre dans mon anus de force d’une seule poussée hargneuse. Il s’acharne jusqu’à ce que mon trou cède et que son ventre bute sur mes fesses puis sans marquer d’arrêt, il me défonce. Je laisse échapper le portable sous la douleur et il m’insulte dans sa langue, s’arrêtant le temps que je me filme à nouveau. Infatigable, il m’éclate le cul pendant plus de dix minutes, ne s’arrêtant que pour sortir entièrement sa verge et la replanter toujours plus vi0lemment. Je jouis du trou en râlant comme une femelle. Comme il coulisse trop facilement dans mon orifice complètement dilaté, il l’écartèle en glissant deux doigts de chaque main le long de sa verge ce qui m’arrache de nouveaux gémissements de souffrance. J’ai l’impression qu’il vient de me déchirer. Il m’attr@pe alors soudain par les cheveux et me décolle littéralement du sol pour me juter en pleine figure. Les giclées de sperme s’écrasent sur mon visage puis à mesure que le flot se tarit, il force mes lèvres et termine de se vider dans ma bouche. Quand il me lâche je retombe comme un sac sur la moquette. Il ramasse le portable que j’avais encore lâché pendant la saillie et prend plusieurs photos puis, satisfait, le jette sur le fauteuil et va dans la salle de bain. Pendant qu’il prend sa douche, je reprends mes esprits. Lorsqu’il ressort engoncé dans le peignoir de l’hôtel, je suis à nouveau à genoux devant le fauteuil. Il est amusé. Apaisé aussi. Il s’assoit et me regarde un moment en silence puis dit :
- Je vais dormir ici.
- Oui Maître Ndallo.
- Et toi tu dors par terre. Attaché comme un chien.
- Merci Maître Ndallo.
- Bien… cette semaine je vais revenir pour te traiter tous les jours. Toi, tu vas me donner de l’argent. Je veux aller en Angleterre. Tu vas m’aider pour ça.
- Combien d’argent ?
- Trois milles euros.

Comme je ne réagis pas, il croit bon de devoir argumenter :
- Je sais c’est beaucoup mais tu les donnes. Parce que je t’ai donné ce que tu veux et que je vais refaire toute la semaine. Et moi dimanche après je pars avec l’argent. Et avant, je te dis le téléphone d’un autre homme qui aime aussi traiter. Tu seras son esclave. Il te donnera ce que tu veux. Même mieux que moi parce que lui il aime les pédés comme toi.
- D’accord…

Durant le reste de la semaine, Ndallo me rejoint tous les soirs dans ma chambre d’hôtel pour me « traiter ». Afin de pouvoir continuer à filmer mon calvaire au mieux sans être encombré par mon portable, il m’a fait acheter un petit trépied sur lequel il pose l’appareil avant les séances. Après, le rituel est le même : il commence par me frapper de toutes les manières possibles et quand je suis à terre abruti par les coups, il m’achève en me fouettant au ceinturon jusqu’à me marquer cruellement. A ce stade, il est au comble de l’excitation et il me vi0le, toujours sans aucune préparation. Une fois « purgé » dans ma bouche, il prend son temps en commençant par m’attacher sur le fauteuil cuisses écartées et me bâillonne. Il torture alors méticuleusement mon sexe, mes tétons et mes testicules et termine en me dilatant longuement l’anus jusqu’à ce que je sois au bord de l’évanouissement, l’écartelant tous les jours un peu plus.

Afin de profiter pleinement des sept jours qu’il m’a accordés- mais aussi pour éviter d’avoir à justifier les multiples traces de flagellation qui zèbrent mon corps des pieds à la tête - j’avais une nouvelle fois utilisé le prétexte de la charrette avec Isabelle et posé à la volée une semaine de congés. J’ai bien senti au ton de ma femme qu’elle n’avait pas apprécié et il en a été de même avec mon employeur. Je gérerai ça plus tard.

Le dimanche arrive. Ndallo me demande l’argent, m’indiquant une « surprise » pour ce dernier jour puis il exige que je me rase le sexe et l’anus. Je refuse catégoriquement, lui expliquant que je ne pourrai jamais justifier ça auprès de ma femme. Il se fend de son habituel sourire méprisant et me dit :
- Tu peux raser parce que tu vas envoyer des photos à ta femme sur ce que tu fais. Je vais te dire lesquelles.
- Non Maître Ndallo, tu ne peux pas me demander de faire ça.
- Si je peux. Et je veux. Peut-être qu’elle va aimer. Peut-être pas. Mais après, tu es libéré car elle sait que tu es un pédé et ce que tu veux qu’on te fasse. C’est la condition si tu veux que je donne le téléphone du nouveau Maître. Et c’est ta dernière punition avant la surprise de ce soir. Et regarde… tu as peur mais ton petit sexe est dur. Qu’elle sache que tu es un pédé te rend dur. Donne le téléphone, je te montre les photos que tu envoies.

Il sélectionne d’abord parmi les premières photos celle où on me voit allongé par terre avec Soussa et Nanga qui me pissent dessus et une autre pendant qu’ils m’enculent et me font sucer. Il ajoute ensuite deux clichés parmi les plus récents quand je suis attaché sur le fauteuil les cuisses écartées et qu’il me supplicie. Sur la première, il distend et broie mes testicules. Sur la seconde, il écarte mon anus béant en tirant sur les bords à deux mains. Sur tous les visuels, mon visage parfaitement reconnaissable est un écœurant mélange d’extase et de douleur.
- Voilà. Toi tu choisis les mots avec mais avant d’envoyer, tu me montres.

Je tremble en écrivant « Voilà ce que je suis. Pardon. ». Ndallo lit, sourit et me dit « Bien. » Je joins les quatre photos au message et j’envoie le tout à Isabelle, une insupportable boule de trouille dans le ventre. Ndallo me regarde presque sans mépris pour la première fois puis il griffonne sur le bloc à côté du téléphone de la chambre et me tend le papier :
- C’est le numéro de ton Maître quand je suis parti. Lui il va aussi te traiter comme tu aimes. Mais maintenant on rase le cul et on prépare pour la surprise de ce soir.

Il ne me rase pas que le cul mais le corps tout entier. En fin de journée, nous partons en taxi pour la péniche. Il m’explique qu’il fête son départ et que je vais avoir « pleins de grosses bites noires ».

De la musique traditionnelle s’entend du quai et une demi-douzaine d’africains fume des cigarettes à l’extérieur. Ils saluent tous Ndallo avec enthousiasme, surtout quand il me désigne, me fait tourner face à eux et prends mes fesses à deux mains en leur lançant une diatribe qui les fait rire. Nous passons la porte et plusieurs autres types saluent la star du jour. La pièce qui servait de stockage a été dégagée et remplacée par une table avec boissons et victuailles. Nous passons dans la pièce arrière ou avait eu lieu la séance avec Soussa et Nanga. Un grand matelas a été posé au centre de la pièce devant le canapé.

Je comprends que c’est là que je vais passer la soirée.

Ndallo retourne dans la pièce principale et revient avec un grand sac en papier. Il en sort une gandoura aux couleurs criardes, une perruque blonde et des babouches assorties avec la gandoura en disant « Ta tenue pour la fête. Mets-la. » Pendant que je m’exécute, il installe mon portable sur son petit trépied « pour le souvenir ». La sensation d’être nue sous cette sorte de grande chemise est étrange mais agréable. Ndallo ajuste la perruque, visiblement satisfait, puis dit :
- Toi tu restes ici sauf si j’appelle pour que tu viens à côté. Si les hommes viennent ici, tu fais comme ils veulent. Ils savent que tu es un pédé même si tu es avec les vêtements de femme, d’accord ?
- Oui Maître Ndallo.
- C’est bien. Tu as mis la crème sur le trou ?
- Oui, c’est fait.
- Bien. Parce que ce soir tu vas beaucoup être enculé, pédé.

Il ressort et moins de deux minutes plus tard, j’ai mon premier visiteur. J’ignore combien d’hommes je suce ce soir-là. Encore moins combien me sodomisent. A mesure que la soirée avance, ils sont de plus en plus vi0lents et vicieux, désinhibés par l’alcool et l’herbe qu’ils fument en masse. Après que j’ai été saillie à la chaîne dans la pièce du canapé, on finit par me faire venir dans la salle principale. Je me retrouve alors à genoux, encerclé par une dizaine de membres plus ou moins durs que je suce alternativement devant tout le monde pendant que Ndallo, fidèle à lui-même, filme en commentant. Ma gandoura n’est plus qu’un torchon déchiré imprégné de sperme et de pisse et ma perruque a disparu. Ils me font boire et fumer. Je ne suis plus qu’une poupée cassée qu’ils se repassent en riant. On force toute sorte d’objets dans mon cul qui reste béant à force de sollicitation. Je sors de ma léthargie passive quand on me tient à terre, cuisses ouvertes, et qu’un noir que je reconnais malgré ma conscience approximative comme étant Soussa écrase sa cigarette sur ma verge en riant. Ndallo l’encourage à recommencer sur mes testicules et mes tétons mais l’arrête quand il souhaite s’en prendre à mon cul. Puis ma « tournante » reprend de plus belle et je perds totalement la notion du temps.

Quand je me réveille, je suis sur le canapé avachi sur un grand noir qui ronfle comme un sonneur et mon corps n’est plus que souffrance. Il fait encore nuit mais je sens que cette fois, même mon visage n’a pas été épargné Ma paupière droite est gonflée à force de gifles et mon arcade gauche saigne légèrement. Bien entendu, mon anus est défoncé comme il ne l’a encore jamais été. Les brulures de cigarettes sont superficielles mais extrêmement douloureuses surtout quand je me mets à bander contre toutes attentes. Le jour commence à poindre et je distingue des formes endormies un peu partout. Le plus silencieusement possible, je récupère mes affaires et me rhabille. Ndallo a mis mon portable et le trépied dans la poche de mon pantalon. L’écran est fendu mais l’appareil s’allume. Je prends sur moi pour ne pas regarder la vidéo de la soirée de suite. Je sors de la péniche avec précaution, enjambant d’autres corps abrutis par les excès dans la pièce principale et je rejoins la route qui surplombe les quais.

Deux minutes plus tard, je suis dans un taxi qui me ramène à l’hôtel. Je dois vraiment avoir une tête à faire peur car le portier me propose d’appeler un médecin. Une fois dans ma chambre, je constate que les ecchymoses sur mon visage sont plus impressionnantes que graves. Après ma semaine de congés improvisés, je sais que je ne peux pas me permettre de ne pas aller travailler malgré mon état. Je prends une longue douche et une fois que j’ai ingéré des antidouleurs, je me sens mieux même si je suis éreinté. Je m’habille et débarque au bureau avant 8 heures.
Mon chef de mission est déjà là et il pousse un cri de stupeur quand il me voit. J’invente à la volée une histoire d’agression qui le terrifie et il m’ordonne de rentrer chez moi après avoir été voir un docteur. Je retourne à l’hôtel, n’appelle personne mais dors toute la journée.

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Eve and I were roommates in college. I was well aware of my attraction to women when I got there as a freshman, so when, at the beginning of our junior year, Eve and I first met in our new dorm room, I knew I wanted her right away. She was so beautiful, and so strong, and yet there was an intense vulnerability to her that drew me in right from the start. She hadn't ever been with a woman, though, so for the first several months I just kept my feelings to myself. Every once in a while it...

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Green Berets for the Sexual RevolutionChapter 17

As the constructive confrontation with Betty wound down, I was glad that Carol's apartment, with its recent expansion on its floor, had plenty of guest space. It scares me to think of it, but this place may be reminding me of Heinlein's Nest in Stranger in a Strange Land -- at least in the sense that people are absolutely open about sex. Art, Cathy, and Edie had adjourned from the literal love seat of the living room to a comfortable bedroom, where, I hoped, they'd pace themselves....

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Lust or Love

I felt a bead of sweat run down my brow. My eyes followed her hands, lazily moving over her shoulders, down towards her chest, reaching the top of her breasts. The cloth continued it’s path downwards, seeming to push her hands rather than the other way around. Her fingers trailed the soft curves of her breasts, momentarily leaving white lines in the skin. I felt my breath stop as the cloth strained and stretched, starting to slightly dig into the two wondrous gifts in front of me. Two...

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We were fully engrossed in erotic game play when Brad went to great lengths to dress me like a prostitute and send me out on my own. It was really neat that he got himself new dork clothes and dressed up like a handsome Greek man. He even shaved his head and wore a fake mustache. His gay friend from the theatre arts classes really fixed him up. When he finally made his play, I was already wet from wearing my slut outfit and dancing with the guys in the club. At first, I did a double take....

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Masishen StrandedChapter 21

Steve, Mike and Ernesto lay trussed up, bound at the ankles and wrists, arms behind them, in the back of the van. Two bandits sat in the front seats, windows rolled down, watching their Captain with the bare-breasted woman standing beside the Mercedes. One, speaking in Spanish, was making rude comments to the other about the woman's exposed breasts. Steve felt something poking him in the back. He turned his head but was stopped with a wash of pain from the blow he'd taken from the rifle...

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My Forbidden Fantasy

Cole was a wonderful boyfriend. He does a lot for me, and we’ve been together for more than a year. I love his sandy brown hair, and his hazel eyes, and his big muscular arms. And I love the way he holds me, cuddles me… and fucks me. Everything was fine until my selfish eyes cast a look at Frankie. I was at a party with my best friends, Savannah and Hailey. We were nowhere near my home town, some place 45 minutes north. We just wanted to party, get loose and wasted. And we were well on our...

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The Wivesrsquo Revenge Part 1

The Wives’ RevengeMichelle was a 22 year old and single, she was the local flirt, She boasted often of not having to go without sex but yet she never seemed to have a permanent boyfriend. In the small town she lived in the local gossip was that she was known for fucking only married men and high profile ones too, Doctors Lawyers Police chiefs.She trawled the net to find them, One Tuesday Morning she received a strange invitation via her email, she had spent the previous weekend fucking the town...

2 years ago
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Sex With Busty MILF Who Was Lonely And Horny

Hello, everyone. I am Rocky. I am new to ISS and this is my very first story. This is about a true incident that happened a few months ago where I happened to be very lucky to have hot sex with a milf. Let’s start the story. P.S. The name of the characters in the story are changed for privacy reasons. I was working for a company in Delhi and recently shifted to a new apartment with one of my friends. The society was very good and big with almost all the requirements and the families living...

3 years ago
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I Found The Right Girl Mff Anal Swinger

My name is John and I'm in my late 20s. I meet Tim and his wife Kathy at the rec center pool when I moved into my condo about a year ago. I became good friends with Tim almost immediately. They're in their 30s and Kathy is a very attractive woman. They are a very out going couple and have the best parties. While most of their guests are married they invite me whether I bring someone or not. Since then I've probably spend more time in their hot tub than the swimming pool although I do spend some...

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Brett and Amber Part III

I looked for Brett, I couldn't find him anywhere. Then I saw a man sitting on the couch. Helen straddling his legs. His cock was halfway up her pussy. It was Brett, I saw the small birthmark below his kneecap. Helen saw me looking and gave me a big smile. BITCH! She didn't have to flaunt the fact that Brett was fucking her and she was liking it.Curtis walked up to me, he lifted me up and sat me on a big cushy chair. He spread my legs, putting each one over a chair arm. My pussy was exposed, and...

Group Sex
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My Brothers Little Secret

I have two brothers, Bobby who is 15, and Chris who is 14. All three of us were like a spitting image of our dad, with the exception of Bobby having ear-length blond hair and my mother’s green eyes, and Chris having short, ginger hair inherited from Mom’s mother. And they are not nearly as badass and attractive as I am. Well, it was November, and those two little brats played a highly amusing prank on me at school. I acted like I was cool with it, but I really wasn’t. I resented the fact...

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Pick up in Seattle

My lover, Jim, and I had just finished dinner in a great motel diner in the wonderful state of Washington. We decided to go for a drive downtown. We wanted to find out where the hot cruising spots were. Serendipity would have it that we just sort of stumbled onto a few great places. We saw several men walking the streets. Hot-looking men, too. We cruised up and down a certain well-to-do street (that seemed to be a real hotbed of bodies) a few times and then parked our car and walked...

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Into the Lions Den

I drove to the adult theater that I had been too before, parked and headed in. I walked in, went to the counter to pay and the clerk gave me a once over."Ladies are free on Friday nights," he said.Did I really pull off the appearance of a girl? "Oh, I'm not really a girl," I said, not wanting to cheat the establishment out of revenue."Hot stuff, you are close enough for my tastes," he said with a dashing smile. "Have fun up there." He then winked at me.I really wanted to be a pig tonight and...

2 years ago
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A Routine Sunday

In which a routine marriage is revived by the vagrancies of the weather and the attentions of a good neighbour. That fateful Sunday started off with the same old routine. We’d been married for just three years, Michelle and I, but that was enough for us to settle into that comfortable routine. Work was routine, play was routine, life was routine. Worst of all our sex life was routine. So, following the old Sunday morning routine, I pecked my wife’s cheek and drove...

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Susans Island Man

The vacation last year started like every other. Susan my wife and I had decided on a Jamaican holiday. Married for 9 years, we were looking for some kind of adventure. Sex was pretty straight, that is no swinging. Susan recently turned us on to x-rated movies to spice things up. In fact it was a movie we had recently seen, that had given us the Jamaican vacation idea. Looking back, I remember how turned on Susan got during an interracial scene. We actually watched that movie twice, and the sex...

1 year ago
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True Love

"No baby, please don't go." "Jesse, you know I have to. It's just for a week." "I know." Staring into my wifes teary eyes was not making me leave home for my first business trip any easier. I put my stuff in the car and told her I'll be right back. When I was walked back in, I noticed that she's changed into her pull-over nightgown. As far as her night attire goes, it's the one that I find the most sexy. Since my first order of business was just checking into a hotel, I was just wearing a...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Pussy

My wife’s pussy is amazing and always leaves me wanting more. Her pussy is very sensitive to the slightest touch yet it loves to be manhandled and stuffed to the max. After over 20 years of wet pussy- splitting orgasms and kinky explorations she still opens up for more and more. When we were first together I would touch her all over when we would go to bed and quickly learned where her “hotspots” are. Her nipples are very sensitive and when I play with them she gets very wet very quickly. I...

4 years ago
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Desperate for Sex

During my freshman year in high school I realized I liked girls. I had never really told myself I was lesbian or bi or anything. It was just something I discovered. I found myself looking at girls and not boys. I would try to catch a glimpse up a skirt or down a blouse. By the end of the year I was convinced my liking girls was not just a phase and wanted to do more than just look at them. The problem was I didn't know how to meet other girls who liked girls. I thought I was the only one at...

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The Discovery

The two of them sat snuggled close together on her living room couch. She lay her head on his chest and could hear his heartbeat.  She thought about how he had so casually mentioned that he had spanked several women in the past.  She had a difficult time reconciling what she perceived to be such abusive behavior with such a gentle and loving man as he.“So, women just asked you to spank them?” she asked him.“I told you, that’s not something I need,” he responded. “You said you’re not into that,...

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Daddy forces me to strip and show him my virgin teen pussy

Tight-lipped, not wanting to sass him for the “worth the trouble” comment and then land myself into an even bigger mess, I simply shook my head. I didn’t feel confident in my body at all. I wasn’t one of those girls who could pass as a porno model, with thousands of Instagram followers and guys lining up to kiss my ass, literally and figuratively. My breasts were on the smaller side and I was naturally thin - so much so, to the point my hip bones protruded and I looked a little elvish. But...

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DeniseAn adult novel of sexual slavery and service.Written By Miss Irene Clearmont.Copyright ? 1998/1999 Revisions ? 2011Synopsis:Miss Denise Arden Lamont renews her friendship with an old university friend, Kathy. Kathy has always been rather curious in her choice of male friends and indulges herself in training them.As Denise slides into this dark world of sexual slavery she becomes entrapped by the evil Miss Clearmont whose appetites for malevolence and vice know no boundaries.*****This was...

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The Muse

The Muse By Anon Allsop The American Heritage Dictionary defines a 'Muse' as a guiding spirit or a source of inspiration. For an author, a Muse is a very powerful and helpful ingredient to have on your side. Join us as we look in on a struggling author... what will he do when he comes face to face with his Muse? ****** "This has continued for almost six months!", I thought and sighed, drumming my fingers upon the mouse pad. I had been trying to compose a short...

4 years ago
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Losing Consciousness

Thick ivy clung to the stone walls of an old building. A petite woman retreated to the recesses of the faculty dormitory. Staff were required to help out maintaining the school (along with many of the students) for several months at a time. It was more charity work than anything; but for a certain teacher, it was everything she ever desired in her life. Alair Mockwell was born in the rapidly receding rural areas of Britain. Jobs were hard to come by, and she was thankful to have found such a...

Mind Control
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Lust 3

In the morning, I woke up early and made breakfast. When the kids came down, I served them some cereal and grabbed the banana my daughter had put in her ass the night before and gave it to my son. I looked at my daughter’s face when she saw that it was the same she had used, and it was great. After that, they both went upstairs to get ready to leave and I took a shower so I could be ready for the security system people. After my shower I went back downstairs to get some stuff for the kids,...

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My wife and the parts man

My wife used to bring my lunch out to me every day I noticed she was paying particular attention to our parts man. One time I heard her ask the parts guy when he was going to take her out to lunch. He had no idea that my wife was a nymphomaniac anyway after her asking him a few more times one evening she told me he was going to bingo I never thought anything of it because she did go occasionally. She started going to bingo three nights a week I found out what was going on when I opened the...

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Sex education0

They quarreled a lot as siblings usually do, but this time they were talking together in their best of mood. They took great care not to be heard by their parents because they were talking about certain things they knew their parents didn't want them to talk about. Joe had learnt some words at school and certain facts of life from some older boys and now he was educating his sister. - You know that you have a vagina which is also called a pussy? And I have a penis and a scrotum which are...

1 year ago
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COBRANDO 1ordf parte

Desde hacia un tiempo tenia un amigo, más o menos fijo, con el que quedaba en su casa y me follaba muy bien. Era su putita, como el decía y yo hacía todo por complacerle.Era madurito, bien conservado, depilado y vicioso, con ganas siempre de hacer cosas nuevas, probar, etc. etc. Me hacía vestir de cosas que le ponían. Me marcaba una especie de guión y yo, su putita, se lo hacía. Me compraba la ropita y los zapatos que quería que me pusiese, los juguetes con lo que me penetraba o me excitaba,...

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Hi,Some of you will have read about the first few times I fucked my brother. If you have you will know that I was way under legal when I started. Anyway what is legal? I come from the US and in some states you can marry at 13 but not fuck till you are 16 stupid or what. Anyway my cherry had been poped long before my eldest horny brother noticed I had tits and a sweet sweet cunt.I mentioned before that a lot of our fucking happened in Mom and Pops barns. You could get out of the way up in the...

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A Winters WarmthChapter 9

I woke up sandwiched between two little heaters. There was no denying the effect of body heat times three. I looked at the clock, which told me it was just after seven o'clock. I'd essentially spent the entire night in bed with them. As much as I wouldn't have minded staying there, I decided that for propriety's sake, I needed to at least make an appearance in my room. I extracted myself from the mass of flesh, kissed each of my girls on the cheek, slipped on my pajama pants, and quietly...

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Week End With Joy

This happened many years ago but I do still remember most of the actual events. I was in the Navy, stationed aboard an aircraft carrier. We had just come out of a typhoon as we were headed home from a Viet Nam tour. Needless to say we acquired a lot of aircraft and structural damage to the ship and had to spend close to a year in dry dock, for repairs to the ship. The good thing about it is that dry dock was only about a four hour drive from the small town that I grew up in so I got to go...

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Be Sarah

Sarah slept a sound sleep with Cara's arm wrapped around her. Her sleep was the deepest, most relaxing night's rest she ever had. Sarah was going to wake up more recharged and alive than she ever had as James. The new lady was going to need all the energy which came from her sleep of the just. She has just started to be. If a person was really alive, they are always changing and becoming who they were. This was no different for Sarah. The past month was one of personal growth for the...

4 years ago
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BurrChapter 54 Making Amends

Mrs. Ford called on Saturday evening. "Don't come to my house tomorrow night. You're not welcome here, ever again." The softness in her voice that I had grown so fond of was missing. Somehow I knew that her anger had something to do with Josh witnessing me eating Colleen's pussy in the cottage. "I got into a little trouble when I was fourteen," I said, falling back on the old chestnut that had proven so successful in the past. Women had a soft spot for tales of misfortune and mine...

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Living in Nevada a Long Time Ago 3 Snow Storm Ends

Waking up with my cock between Carmen's ass cheeks is heaven for sure! But as soon as she started moving around my bladder signaled piss now..still bleary eyed and not tuned into time, place and day, I staggered into the bathroom and just as I released my stream into the toilet I heard the door opening and Carmen jumping out of bed! I heard her say "Cheryl how did you get a key and what time is it??" I could hear Cheryl laugh and tell her " I know the desk clerk and she knew you guys.."...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 11Gemma and my twins

As I drove up to the house, I noticed Gemma’s car parked in the drive way. She must be here for a swim, I thought. While my husband was overseas, Amy and Becca, my 18-year-old twin daughters, were also home. So, regretfully, Gemma and I wouldn’t be able to follow a swim with some sexual fun. How wrong I was!Gemma lived in the next suburb and, for the past few months, we had been lovers. She was more aggressive than I was and tended to push my sexual boundaries. She had been the first woman—and...

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I Insist

Sitting up a little straighter, I raise my hand to get the waiters' attention. The gentleman acknowledges me and walks over.“Can I have the cheque when you have a moment, please?”“Sure thing honey, you sure you don’t want to wait a little longer?”“I think half an hour is embarrassing enough.”The waiter gives a tight, polite smile, nods and leaves me sitting here alone. I use this time to think maybe there’s a slight possibility my blind date came in, saw me and left. That can’t be true, can...

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When a Mother Models

Gwen couldn't believe her son's report card, as he stood there beaming happily in the kitchen. In high school he had been an average student at best, and that was mostly due to the fact that as a starting wide receiver on the school's football team. The 38 year old blond thought her son had often been given extra help by his teachers, just so that he wouldn't be kicked off the team for academic reasons. When he had been scouted by LSU, it was also clear to her that it had more to do with her...

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Dog Lovers DiaryChapter 4 Girls Best Friend

September 17, 1970 Dear Diary: Sweet sixteen! Thought I'd never make it, but here I am. I have to thank Tara for it too. "Tara" is the name Jane Hawser's taken; it came to her on a boss D.M.T. trip. She's about the hippest girl at Langousta High. Merrilee's now going out with... and going down on... white boys and having the time of her life. All it took was a little nudge in the right direction. Oh, also, she got a dog of her own... a monster German Shepherd, all glands and hormones,...

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