Ma Première Sodomie free porn video

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Cette histoire m'est arrivée quand j'avais 19 ans. Elle a probablement contribué à influencer toute ma vie sexuelle.

Je venais de passer mon bac et fatiguée par les révisions je m'étais invitée chez ma tante Jacquie, à Grenoble, pour passer des vacances. Comme j'avais besoin d'argent, elle m'avait dégotté un petit boulot de serveuse dans une brasserie du coin qui commençait quelques jours plus tard.

Je pris donc mon billet de train, 8H de trajet entre Bordeaux et Grenoble, quelques bouquins et un petit sac de voyage. A l'époque, les jeunes femmes s'habillaient légèrement avec beaucoup de naturel, c'était courant. J'étais donc en mini jupe avec un petit corsage, c'était la mode, avec des bottines.

Les TGV n'existaient pas encore. Tous les trains étaient à compartiments, petits espaces de 6 places, où les gens pouvaient fumer, boire, manger, parler entre eux.

J'entre dans le mien. Il n'y a personne encore, je suis arrivée tôt, le train ne part que dans une demie heure, je m'installe près de la grande fenêtre et mes pensées s'évadent déjà. Je suis un peu inquiète car je n'ai encore jamais travaillé, mais je fais confiance à ma tante, elle va m'accompagner dans cette nouvelle expérience.

C'est à peine si j'ai fait attention aux trois hommes qui sont montés dans mon compartiment. Il y en a deux plus âgés, entre 30 et 40 ans (ça me paraissait vieux à l'époque!) et un tout jeune qui doit avoir mon âge, qui s'assoit sur la même banquette que moi, les deux autres en face. Ils sont montés ensemble et se connaissent. Ils commencent à parler entre eux bruyamment, sortent les bières et rient grassement. Je ne fais pas attention, j'ai pris un bouquin pour passer le temps.

Le train démarre, les trois hommes continuent de parler, surtout les deux plus vieux, et je commence à tendre l'oreille, attirée par les mots crus que j'entends soudain.

« Putain, ça commence à faire longtemps que je me suis pas fait sucer par une bonne cochonne... »
C'est sûr, c'est pas à la caserne que ça va t'arriver !
Et toi, le puceau, quand est-ce que tu te dégorges enfin le poireau ? T'aimes pas les filles ou quoi ?
Si si …
Regarde y'en a une de ton âge juste là, assise à coté de toi...faut que tu lui parles sinon je m'en charge ! Elle est super jolie en plus !

Je rentre la tête dans mon livre, croise un peu plus les jambes, et fais mine de ne pas entendre qu'ils parlent de moi.

Hé, le jeune, t'as une petite queue ou quoi ?
Non non, ça va ..
fais voir...
Non c'est bon, laisse moi !
Moi j'ai pas peur de montrer ma queue, on peut la comparer si tu veux ! Regarde !

Et là, le visage toujours caché par mon bouquin que je tiens bien haut, je vois en miroir dans la vitre du train, ce gros lourdeau qui défait son pantalon et sort un engin énorme, déjà en érection, avec beaucoup de fierté.

t'en as jamais vu des comme ça, avoue !

Le jeune militaire ne répond pas, il est sans doute gêné pour moi.

Putain, j'ai une de ces gaules, moi !

Il se caresse comme s'il était seul. Le deuxième rigole bêtement. La hiérarchie est claire : il y a un dominant, qui doit être le plus gradé des trois, un suiveur, à peu près du même âge et un petit jeune qui rougit et est toujours tenté d'obéir aux deux autres. Comme mon père était militaire lui aussi, je leur désigne arbitrairement un grade dans ma tête : Adjudant, sergent et 1ère classe, en tout cas pas des officiers on dirait.

Je n'ai pas peur des hommes, je me sens comme étrangère à la scène, même si l'adjudant continue de se branler sur sa banquette. Ils ne vont quand même pas me sauter dessus en plein jour dans le train !
Je mate quand même sur le coté. Le jeune s'est réfugié dans une revue de voitures pour ne plus participer à la scène, et n'ose rien dire à son supérieur. Le « sergent » boit sa bière en rigolant fortement.

Mademoiselle ?
Je ne réponds pas.
Allez soyez pas timide, à votre âge et jolie comme vous êtes, vous avez sûrement déjà vu quelques bites !
Peut-être pas aussi grosses !! s’esclaffe le sergent
Le ton monte

tu dois quand même aimer ça la bite, vu comment t'es habillée  !
Si ça se trouve elle a même pas de culotte cette salope !

Je ne réponds toujours pas. Ils sont en train de devenir agressifs, j'ai hâte que le contrôleur passe pour calmer les esprits qui s'échauffent. Je ne peux néanmoins pas m'empêcher de regarder leurs reflets dans la fenêtre. Le deuxième à sorti son sexe aussi et se branle. Le jeune est toujours le nez dans sa revue, muet.

Allez, laisse moi ta place, moussaillon, si tu sais pas y faire je vais te montrer, moi !
Le jeune obéit, ils échangent leurs places, et le plus gradé vient s'affaler sur la banquette à quelques centimètres de moi, la queue à la main.

Allez lâche ton bouquin, j'ai mieux à te proposer !

Il est déjà un peu ivre, je l'entends à sa voix. Sa présence à coté de moi est magnétique, bestiale. Je me sens prise au piège comme une proie dans la cage d'un grand fauve qui me tourne autour en attendant de me dévorer. Cette dernière image déclenche alors à ma grande surprise un petit jet de mouille qui vient tacher ma culotte. Comme si je n'avais aucun contrôle sur mon corps, je sens ma chatte se remplir de jus, comme pour se préparer à l'inévitable assaut.

Lâche ton bouquin je te dis !
Et il met un grand coup de patte dans mon livre qui vole à travers le compartiment.

Je le regarde alors dans les yeux. Il est surexcité, avec un regard de fou, branlant sa grosse queue pendant qu'il me dévisage. Je me lève et tente d'atteindre la porte, il saisit ma jupe qu'il déchire à moitié.
Je n'arrive pas à crier. Quelque chose en moi m'en empêche. Je me débats timidement, il a déjà la main sur ma culotte.

Putain mais elle mouille déjà comme une petite pute celle-là ! C'est ma grosse bite, hein, c'est ça que tu veux ?! A genoux !!
Ces deux mots me transpercent. L'ordre qu'il vient de me donner me fait vaciller. Il me tire à peine sur le bras que déjà je me mets à genoux devant son sexe magnifique, bien plus beau que lui.

Suce moi bien ! Mais ne t'étouffe pas ! Ha Ha Ha !!!

Il sait qu'il a gagné. Il fanfaronne. Je suis hypnotisée par sa trique, je l'enfourne. Elle pue le chacal, je suis un peu écœurée mais je tiens bon. Je me dis que si j'arrive à le faire jouir vite le calme va revenir.
Alors je le pompe à fond, j'y mets mes deux mains et toute mon énergie, je le branle de plus en plus vite pour faire monter la sauce et qu'il n'aie pas le temps de s'intéresser à mon cul.

Putain quelle salope !! T'avais faim hein ?!

A ce moment je sens une forme froide pénétrer ma chatte. C'est son compère qui m'enfile le goulot de la bouteille de Valstar dans la fente et commence à me ramoner. La sensation est divine, je commence à sentir monter la jouissance dans mes reins. Je continue de sucer de plus belle la grosse queue du chef, mais rien ne vient, il tient le coup malgré ma pipe infernale, se joue de ma bouche pendant que l'autre accélère encore dans ma chatte, me procurant beaucoup de plaisir malgré moi.

Prépare lui le trou du cul, je sens qu'elle est mûre !
A vos ordres, chef !
Il sort aussitôt la bouteille de mon sexe et commence déjà à l'introduire dans mon anus encore vierge. Heureusement ma mouille facilite le passage et le goulot n'est pas trop long, je n'ai pas mal et je ressens même des sensations agréables au fur et à mesure qu'il active le va et vient dans mon petit trou qui se détend. Je ne peux retenir quelques petits gémissements de plaisir quand il accélère encore le mouvement, jusqu'à me pilonner le derrière.

ça y est, elle est prête ?
Je crois, chef !

Il sort de mon étreinte pour libérer sa queue de ma bouche.

tu vas voir le jeune comment on encule les salopes ! Prends-en de la graine !

Un frisson me parcourt le dos...j'ai peur que sa grosse queue me fasse mal mais en même temps ma jouissance est montée en continu avec la pénétration anale, ouvrant mon sphincter à la sodomie. Ma tante m'a dit que c'était délicieux, qu'elle même en raffolait. Je vais bientôt savoir...
Le petit sergent me retire la bouteille du cul d'un coup sec, me faisant tressaillir, j'entends le chef qui crache dans sa main pour enduire sa queue de salive. Je ferme les yeux.
Réclame !

dis-le que tu aimes ça !

voyant que je ne réponds pas il me tire violemment les cheveux, il est en rage.
DIS LE !!!

...j'aime ça …
Plus fort !!
j'aime ça !!
Écarte les fesses !!

Il me tire toujours les cheveux pendant que mes mains se posent sur mes fesses pour les écarter.
Je suis incroyablement excitée...cette tension, l'autorité naturelle que cet homme rustre dégage, les mots qu'il m'a fait prononcer... je m'entends crier comme dans un état second, le corps cambré par mes cheveux solidement empoignés.

vas-y !! Encule moi !!
Supplie !!
...s'il te plait... sodomise moi...défonce moi le cul !!

Il me pénètre alors d'un coup sec, me faisant rugir. J'ai mal... Non en fait j'ai juste eu peur d'avoir mal, c'est de surprise que j'ai crié...l'assaut a été brutal mais sans dégât, je commence même à ressentir des sensations nouvelles, sa grosse queue tout entière est logée dans mon anus. Il ne bouge plus, commence à gémir, à pleurnicher. Il se déverse en moi, sans un mouvement de plus, calé au fond de mon anus, il n'a pas pu retenir son éjaculation.


D'un coup il a perdu toute sa stature. On dirait un petit garçon pris en train de se masturber. Vexé il évite mon regard, remet son pantalon et att**** sa valise.

On se casse !

Les deux autres le suivent, récupèrent leurs sacs et sortent du compartiment. Je me retrouve seule, à genoux, insatisfaite par l'orgasme que je n'ai pas pu délivrer, frustrée de ne pas avoir joui alors que le plaisir était si prometteur.
Je remets ma jupe abimée, ma culotte et me rassois. Je récupère mon livre pour reprendre ma lecture mais impossible de m'y remettre, je suis trop excitée, mon clito appelle furieusement ma main droite pour libérer la pression et je commence à me masturber frénétiquement profitant de ma solitude.

La porte s'ouvre. C'est le contrôleur.... on se regarde un instant qui m'a semblé interminable. Il est en arrêt comme un chien de chasse, la bouche ouverte. Je continue de me caresser devant lui, les yeux plantés dans les siens, en chaleur, j'écarte même encore plus les jambes.
Il devient rouge, son uniforme semble le serrer de partout, sans un mot il ferme la porte du compartiment avec son carré et tire le rideau.

J'ai envie qu'il me prenne comme ça, sans parler. Je me mets à genoux sur la banquette et remonte ma jupe lui offrant mes fesses et me caressant de plus belle. Je sens alors ses mains se poser sur mes hanches, puis sa langue titiller ma raie, me lécher tout du long, passant à toute vitesse de ma chatte trempée à mon petit trou bien ouvert.

J 'ai l'impression d'être dans un rêve, mon corps est devenu un unique instrument de plaisir, je retiens ma jouissance comme je peux pour profiter du moment. Je l'entends défaire son pantalon.
Je la veux, ma première jouissance anale, oh oui je la veux, plus que tout au monde !

Je me cambre pour mettre mon anus au premier plan, au niveau de sa queue. Il a compris et m'enfile en suivant, faisant exploser mon sphincter de joie, délivrant mes entrailles d'une attente insupportable. Il est déchainé, me laboure, je crie de bonheur et l'orgasme nous libère ensemble. La pénétration n'a pas duré plus d'une minute mais la jouissance est incroyable. Des images de films pornos me reviennent à l'esprit, Moana Pozzi, la Cicciolina, comprends tout. L'extase de la sodomie, le délice de l'enculage.

Il déverrouille la porte et sort du compartiment. Il n'a même pas vérifié mon ticket.
Je n'ai pas de mouchoir, alors j'essuie mon anus qui coule avec ma culotte, récupérant le sperme de mon assaillant surprise.

J'ai tellement de choses à raconter à ma tante ! Mais surtout lui dire que ma quête d'orgasme anal ne fait que commencer, comme si c'était une nouvelle vie. Elle va adorer.

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A Story about a Blowjob

Kiss, kiss, kiss, and lick of the tounge. You and your significant other are lock-lipped, rubbing each other up and down in a state of pure ecstasy. Every slight brush of skin that is connected carries the greatest tingle all across your body, amplifying arousal tenfold each time. Suddenly, the tounge scouring every crevis of your mouth retreats and you are pulled up by your shirt into a sitting position. Then, you're turned so your legs hang off the side of the bed, while your lover stands up...

3 years ago
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Fashion Man 2

AUTHOR’S NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction containing adults in adult situations. The persons depicted do not exist nor have they ever existed to the author’s knowledge. This story is not to be read by, read to, or printed and given to any minor under the age of, oh let’s say 20. Situations may be portrayed which may be considered in bad taste, or downright illegal in some places and therefore should not be attempted unless you are a story character and not a real human...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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I Am Aaric Stone

I am Aaric Stone, Captain of The Royal Guard. Walking the perimeter of the castle walls is never a particularly enjoyable task, especially for a Vampire of the Second Order. There are four classes of Vampires.The First Order has been gone since Dracula passed. The Second Order includes me and the King and Queen, both of whom I have known since I was turned. The Third Order is made up of Vampires that I was tasked in creating, chosen for their promising talents when they were still human. They...

2 years ago
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Diddly Chapter 2

I watched the traffic without really noticing it. I paid no attention to the whispered conversation going on between the girl on whose lap I was sitting - whose name I still didn’t know - and her friends on the back seat. My mind screamed that what I was doing topped all previous reckless, dangerous adventures by miles. My heart thumped. I jerked when two pairs of hands suddenly grabbed my knees and pulled them wide apart. My legs were encased by strong thighs and the front of my flimsy skirt...

3 years ago
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Lustful Science Acquisition Trapping A Trap

I stood in front of my flat screen TV, my eyes glued to sights before me. I saw a family of four, sitting down and eating dinner. A mother and her three children, enjoying the company of each other before going their separate ways. The mother was of Irish and Japanese descent; her long blood red hair, beautiful almond eyes, creamy smooth pale skin, and heart shaped face was a wonder to see. She walked with a knowingly sultry gait and a smirk on her red lush lips. She washed dishes and...

3 years ago
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Cindys First Time A Journey of Discovery

I remember the day his family moved in next door very well.  I was gawky fourteen year old, ‘soon to be eighth grader’ when I first met Jack. Jack’s family was moving to Ohio from Providence, Rhode Island. They bought the house next to ours. Jack was a handsome, athletically built seventeen year old. He was entering the eleventh grade. I had just completed the seventh grade. I was very much a tomboy who liked sports. I played on the girl’s basketball team. I was a good student, who made good...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Horny Mum

Its 1 a.m in the morning and have just come from masturbating to your mother's rocking body. You go to the toilet to take a piss but on your way there you notice your mum's room is open. You take a peek inside and see her asleep with her nightie raised above her waist and one of her breasts hanging out.

4 years ago
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Mike and me and Kaitlin Part 2

All three of us were naked. Mike would be fine for a while.Nothing like a blowjob to calm a guy down. I wanted to talk to Kaitlin, and we’d do it in her room. Kaitlin and I gathered up our clothes. I took her hand. Naked and a little flustered, we walked up the stairs. As we passed a bathroom, I handed Kaitlin my clothes and stopped to wash Mike’s come off my face. I hadn’t realized I was grinning until I saw myself in the mirror. Her room was too pink. A twin bed stood against the far wall,...

2 years ago
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Back in Skirts Part 2

Back In Skirts Part Two: So everything seemed to me almost to be in slow motion. I would never normally be able to tell you what my mother or sister were wearing. But this was a day I would never forget. Trudy was wearing ripped jeans, a sleeveless white tee shirt and white trainers and Mum was wearing a leopard skin bodycon dress over a pair of fishnets and black 3 inch stilettos. "This shopping trip is about you my little gothic princess." Mum said hugging me "Or are you my...

2 years ago
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The Reflections of a Virgin on Sex

I’ve often sat and wondered what sex is like. I am a virgin in just about every technical sense. All I’ve ever done is kiss. And not even kissed enough for any real practice. It’s not that I’m asexual. I really like erotic literature, and I’ve even had thoughts of writing some of my own. But how can one write about something one has never done? All I really have to go on is my imagination and what I’ve seen in pornography. My intellect tells me that neither of those have much basis in reality....

3 years ago
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My Sister Makes her Escape story 5

A couple of days after I packed my stuff and left my apartment, my friend found me a stock broker who was looking for a girl. I was a little nervous when I first met him. He was 36, dark and attractive. He had a beautiful four bedroom house in the centre of London just a few minute walk from the nearest tube station and a twenty minute commute to University. I got on well with him and I was attracted to him on a physical level and so I moved in two days later. He fucked me the very first night....

2 years ago
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My sister inlaw First Time

The names have been changed to protect the innocent.June is a blonde, 5' 6" 38D still in good shape inspite of her age which will remain a secret.I have always wanted to fuck her but never thought she would be interested. How wrong could I be.It all started when I was giving her the usual greeting peck on the cheek. However, this day I pressed close to her right tit so I felt it press against my chest. Since that day she seemed to treat me differently, I liked that.One day I had to give June a...

3 years ago
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The Accident

It all started on a Friday. Billy Maxwell was a fifteen year old boy, with raging hormones. He is around 5’ 8”, has brown hair cut into a bowl shape, bright green eyes, and a skinny, pale complexion. His mother was constantly telling him to get out more, but all Billy could ever think about, were girls. How he would stare at them in class, hoping one wearing a skirt wouldn’t be wearing panties, and hoping so desperately to see what he desires most, their pussy. He was thirteen when he learned...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Lina Luxa 2 Moving Men With BBCs DP Young MILF

Young MILF Lina Luxa is filling her pink pussy with a massive black dildo when shes interrupted by one of the Black men moving furniture into her new house. Of course, Lina planned the entire situation out and aims on replacing the black dildo with two real Black cocks. As soon as the moving man sees Lina with her legs open, hes powerless to do anything but place his BBC inside of her holes. Minutes later, the second moving man who also happens to have a BBC joins the fun, and soon Lina is...

1 year ago
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Dyked Nicole Ray Tiffany Rain Resisting Temptation

Nicole woke up in the middle of the night super scared that someone was going to break into her home for no reason. Seeking security, she went to her stepmother‘s room and tried to cuddle with her, but Tiffany did not want it. Nicole wanted to understand why, and tiffany figured that she might as well spill it. All of her other marriages were ruined by similar situations. You see, just the warmth from another female drives Tiffany insane, and she cant hold back her lesbian desires. Nicole was...

4 years ago
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Summer Fun

It was the first proper day of summer, the sun shone brightly and there was the almost inaudible buzz of insects flitting from flower to flower. Emma loved the summer, she loved being outdoors and this was her first opportunity to bask in the heat. She dusted down the sun lounger and positioned it in the sun in her back garden. Then after slipping into a two piece bikini and wrapping a sarong around her body she went outside with a book and a glass of lemonade. She had been out there for half...

4 years ago
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Padhai K Bahane Chudai

Hello dosto..Mera naam Satish hai. Mai kafi tym se ISS ka regular reader raha hu aur ab Mai bhi apni ek story share karna chahta hu.. Mera ek dost hai Rajesh.. hum dono doctor hai aur sathme MBBS ka education khtm kiye.. uski so choti behen thi Anjali.. wo dikhne me thodi choti this lekin bahot Sundar thi.. wo bhi MBBS padh rahi thi aur Abhi 1st yr me thi.. Mai padhai me humesha Rajesh se accha tha aur so muzhse padhne me help leta tha.. aap log ko pta hoga ki MBBS ka first yr kafi hard hota...

3 years ago
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OceaniaChapter 4

Grace's popularity had peaked and plateaued; she now entertained clients less often than most of the other girls due to the high price Mason demanded for her services. Mason had started dealing with a new slaver and had been acting secretively for several days. He'd intimated for some time that he was in the market for a new girl; one that would set him apart from his few competitors. Rumours soon abounded about the latest acquisition but no explanation was offered as to why she remained...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 140

The band was back together. Or at least that’s how it seemed to me when I walked into Liz’s conference room with her and Morrie Epstein. “Ain’t this a motley crew,” I said. “I want Brian to be the drummer!” Jill said, laughing at her own wit. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, looked befuddled. Dom leaned over, held his hands a foot apart and whispered in his friend’s ear. Brian grimaced, lowered his head and shook it. “That means you have to be the centerfold girl,” I said, coming to...

4 years ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 14

Penelope, in and out of consciousness, does her best to help aid Hazel to carry her through the forest. It isn’t easy, but after several moment of rest, the pair finally breaks free of the dark place and into a clearing at the edge of a village. Though the cat has never been here before, she knows that this is the place they are looking for. Immediately, her eyes catch the sign of the inn. “We’re nearly there,” she tells the witch. “I negotiate us a room for the night.” “How do you plan on...

4 years ago
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Please Not Like This Ch 03

I took some time away from this story but recently felt the need to finalize it. There are many different samples of other sections here (i.e. bdsm, anal, non-consent, romance, etc..) please read through and if need be revisit the other chapters. Thank you MV Months had passed and Chad and Charity had engaged in many a wonderful nights teasing and discipline. But finally something had waned, the girl had continued her conversations with David secretly while Chad had been at work. Then one day...

2 years ago
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Stephanie As Raped As Can Be

I was 18 and graduating that year. I'm Asian and 5'9. My cock was only about 5 inches. Although I did martial arts so I was well build and athletic, my ex GF told everyone that my cock was small, so I was kind of a loser and no chick wanted to date me. Stephanie started dating one of the biggest douche bags of the school. His name was Ben, and he was one of the receivers for the football team. He was 6'2 and buff as hell. Scary to be honest. One day during lunch he walked past me...

4 years ago
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Trapped In A Sensual Whirl

I couldn't believe how much I had enjoyed my first adventure on my bi side with Mary. I had been very much against same-sex relations all my life for some reason. Probably just my upbringing.Now, I had experienced another lady bringing me to several orgasms, and I had repaid her the same way. Not only that, but she was beautiful.When I told Gary, my hubby, all about it, it drove him wild. It was pretty clear that both hubby and I wanted more of it, and we were both very impatient about it.Mary...

1 year ago
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SisSwap Venice Rose Ava Davis Mardi Gras Swap

Ava and Venice went hard during Mardi Gras and flashed enough guys to earn themselves a ton of beads. But their stepbrothers, Elias and Nick, took the heat for their stepsisters sneaking out. Now, Elias and Nick want Ava and Venice to make it up to them, so they steal the girls’ beads and tell them they’ll have to work hard to earn them back. Things start simple enough, and the girls show their stepbros their tits. But it doesn’t take long for the night to escalate into a full-blown fuck...

3 years ago
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Alexandras Gift

“It’s good to see you again, Paul,” Lady Alexandra said, her gentle voice contradicted by the black leather bustier she spilled out of and the matching high, laced stiletto boots accentuating her long legs. She held a black riding crop she held in her hand and black cap perched on her blonde head.  Her bound, gagged masked and leather-clad husband moaned something in sympathy.  I understood.  Sadists are not unnecessarily cruel, and most pain has nothing to do with pleasure. “I had to get away...

4 years ago
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Young Black Cock I was Addicted

It was my second year as professor at Western University. I had a Ph. D in Fine Arts and was instructing first year oil painting.The curriculum was mainly still life and landscape but did include some figure painting.For the figure painting I employed a willing student who would pose for a stipend from my limited budget. Usually it was a female student but this year a well-built nineteen-year-old male volunteered.Brad had the body of Adonis. Was a blue eye blonde with well defined muscles. He...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Carter Cruise Whitney Wright Real Magic

Carter Cruise and Whitney Wright are looking for a book to read to complete their respective assignments for school. As they go through a selection of books together, they can’t seem to find one that peeks their interest. When Carter finds a book on magic she’s intrigued. Whitney scoffs at the idea saying that she needs a serious topic to write about. But when Carter finds some sex spells in the book she can’t stop herself from reading them. When she finds a spell that will...

2 years ago
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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 5

We were wheels up by one and landing at Salt Lake City International by five thirty after gaining an hour to the time zone change. Instead of a suburban waiting for us, there was a Mercedes Sprinter rigged up as a passenger van. It was almost as comfortable inside as Jake’s jet! It was only about forty minutes’ drive time out to Deer Valley where the lodge was located. The house that was part of the trust was one of a group of McMansions that were built at the top of a hill to take advantage...

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Family Lessons 8 by Darklord

She saw her mother standing naked, her back to the door, and her father watching her as she swayed in front of him, his hard cock grasped in his hand. Her mother's body looked great, but she wasn't prepared for the sight of her father's engorged cock. She remembered the day before when her brother had fucked her, and compared the two cocks, father and son. Her Dad's was thicker, but her brother's might be a little longer. She's have to see them side by side to really tell. She stood...

4 years ago
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I was sick on the couch in my red cotton pajamas on Thursday afternoon. I was on my back with my head propped up by a pillow, so I could watch TV. Daytime television was awful. Between the soap operas, the chick talk shows, and the reruns of shows no one watched when they were originally on, I discovered I somehow watched Barney the Dinosaur for fifteen minutes before I realized what it was. It demonstrated how sick I truly was today. "You're watching Group Date?" said my sister's...

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