Ma Première Sodomie free porn video

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Cette histoire m'est arrivée quand j'avais 19 ans. Elle a probablement contribué à influencer toute ma vie sexuelle.

Je venais de passer mon bac et fatiguée par les révisions je m'étais invitée chez ma tante Jacquie, à Grenoble, pour passer des vacances. Comme j'avais besoin d'argent, elle m'avait dégotté un petit boulot de serveuse dans une brasserie du coin qui commençait quelques jours plus tard.

Je pris donc mon billet de train, 8H de trajet entre Bordeaux et Grenoble, quelques bouquins et un petit sac de voyage. A l'époque, les jeunes femmes s'habillaient légèrement avec beaucoup de naturel, c'était courant. J'étais donc en mini jupe avec un petit corsage, c'était la mode, avec des bottines.

Les TGV n'existaient pas encore. Tous les trains étaient à compartiments, petits espaces de 6 places, où les gens pouvaient fumer, boire, manger, parler entre eux.

J'entre dans le mien. Il n'y a personne encore, je suis arrivée tôt, le train ne part que dans une demie heure, je m'installe près de la grande fenêtre et mes pensées s'évadent déjà. Je suis un peu inquiète car je n'ai encore jamais travaillé, mais je fais confiance à ma tante, elle va m'accompagner dans cette nouvelle expérience.

C'est à peine si j'ai fait attention aux trois hommes qui sont montés dans mon compartiment. Il y en a deux plus âgés, entre 30 et 40 ans (ça me paraissait vieux à l'époque!) et un tout jeune qui doit avoir mon âge, qui s'assoit sur la même banquette que moi, les deux autres en face. Ils sont montés ensemble et se connaissent. Ils commencent à parler entre eux bruyamment, sortent les bières et rient grassement. Je ne fais pas attention, j'ai pris un bouquin pour passer le temps.

Le train démarre, les trois hommes continuent de parler, surtout les deux plus vieux, et je commence à tendre l'oreille, attirée par les mots crus que j'entends soudain.

« Putain, ça commence à faire longtemps que je me suis pas fait sucer par une bonne cochonne... »
C'est sûr, c'est pas à la caserne que ça va t'arriver !
Et toi, le puceau, quand est-ce que tu te dégorges enfin le poireau ? T'aimes pas les filles ou quoi ?
Si si …
Regarde y'en a une de ton âge juste là, assise à coté de toi...faut que tu lui parles sinon je m'en charge ! Elle est super jolie en plus !

Je rentre la tête dans mon livre, croise un peu plus les jambes, et fais mine de ne pas entendre qu'ils parlent de moi.

Hé, le jeune, t'as une petite queue ou quoi ?
Non non, ça va ..
fais voir...
Non c'est bon, laisse moi !
Moi j'ai pas peur de montrer ma queue, on peut la comparer si tu veux ! Regarde !

Et là, le visage toujours caché par mon bouquin que je tiens bien haut, je vois en miroir dans la vitre du train, ce gros lourdeau qui défait son pantalon et sort un engin énorme, déjà en érection, avec beaucoup de fierté.

t'en as jamais vu des comme ça, avoue !

Le jeune militaire ne répond pas, il est sans doute gêné pour moi.

Putain, j'ai une de ces gaules, moi !

Il se caresse comme s'il était seul. Le deuxième rigole bêtement. La hiérarchie est claire : il y a un dominant, qui doit être le plus gradé des trois, un suiveur, à peu près du même âge et un petit jeune qui rougit et est toujours tenté d'obéir aux deux autres. Comme mon père était militaire lui aussi, je leur désigne arbitrairement un grade dans ma tête : Adjudant, sergent et 1ère classe, en tout cas pas des officiers on dirait.

Je n'ai pas peur des hommes, je me sens comme étrangère à la scène, même si l'adjudant continue de se branler sur sa banquette. Ils ne vont quand même pas me sauter dessus en plein jour dans le train !
Je mate quand même sur le coté. Le jeune s'est réfugié dans une revue de voitures pour ne plus participer à la scène, et n'ose rien dire à son supérieur. Le « sergent » boit sa bière en rigolant fortement.

Mademoiselle ?
Je ne réponds pas.
Allez soyez pas timide, à votre âge et jolie comme vous êtes, vous avez sûrement déjà vu quelques bites !
Peut-être pas aussi grosses !! s’esclaffe le sergent
Le ton monte

tu dois quand même aimer ça la bite, vu comment t'es habillée  !
Si ça se trouve elle a même pas de culotte cette salope !

Je ne réponds toujours pas. Ils sont en train de devenir agressifs, j'ai hâte que le contrôleur passe pour calmer les esprits qui s'échauffent. Je ne peux néanmoins pas m'empêcher de regarder leurs reflets dans la fenêtre. Le deuxième à sorti son sexe aussi et se branle. Le jeune est toujours le nez dans sa revue, muet.

Allez, laisse moi ta place, moussaillon, si tu sais pas y faire je vais te montrer, moi !
Le jeune obéit, ils échangent leurs places, et le plus gradé vient s'affaler sur la banquette à quelques centimètres de moi, la queue à la main.

Allez lâche ton bouquin, j'ai mieux à te proposer !

Il est déjà un peu ivre, je l'entends à sa voix. Sa présence à coté de moi est magnétique, bestiale. Je me sens prise au piège comme une proie dans la cage d'un grand fauve qui me tourne autour en attendant de me dévorer. Cette dernière image déclenche alors à ma grande surprise un petit jet de mouille qui vient tacher ma culotte. Comme si je n'avais aucun contrôle sur mon corps, je sens ma chatte se remplir de jus, comme pour se préparer à l'inévitable assaut.

Lâche ton bouquin je te dis !
Et il met un grand coup de patte dans mon livre qui vole à travers le compartiment.

Je le regarde alors dans les yeux. Il est surexcité, avec un regard de fou, branlant sa grosse queue pendant qu'il me dévisage. Je me lève et tente d'atteindre la porte, il saisit ma jupe qu'il déchire à moitié.
Je n'arrive pas à crier. Quelque chose en moi m'en empêche. Je me débats timidement, il a déjà la main sur ma culotte.

Putain mais elle mouille déjà comme une petite pute celle-là ! C'est ma grosse bite, hein, c'est ça que tu veux ?! A genoux !!
Ces deux mots me transpercent. L'ordre qu'il vient de me donner me fait vaciller. Il me tire à peine sur le bras que déjà je me mets à genoux devant son sexe magnifique, bien plus beau que lui.

Suce moi bien ! Mais ne t'étouffe pas ! Ha Ha Ha !!!

Il sait qu'il a gagné. Il fanfaronne. Je suis hypnotisée par sa trique, je l'enfourne. Elle pue le chacal, je suis un peu écœurée mais je tiens bon. Je me dis que si j'arrive à le faire jouir vite le calme va revenir.
Alors je le pompe à fond, j'y mets mes deux mains et toute mon énergie, je le branle de plus en plus vite pour faire monter la sauce et qu'il n'aie pas le temps de s'intéresser à mon cul.

Putain quelle salope !! T'avais faim hein ?!

A ce moment je sens une forme froide pénétrer ma chatte. C'est son compère qui m'enfile le goulot de la bouteille de Valstar dans la fente et commence à me ramoner. La sensation est divine, je commence à sentir monter la jouissance dans mes reins. Je continue de sucer de plus belle la grosse queue du chef, mais rien ne vient, il tient le coup malgré ma pipe infernale, se joue de ma bouche pendant que l'autre accélère encore dans ma chatte, me procurant beaucoup de plaisir malgré moi.

Prépare lui le trou du cul, je sens qu'elle est mûre !
A vos ordres, chef !
Il sort aussitôt la bouteille de mon sexe et commence déjà à l'introduire dans mon anus encore vierge. Heureusement ma mouille facilite le passage et le goulot n'est pas trop long, je n'ai pas mal et je ressens même des sensations agréables au fur et à mesure qu'il active le va et vient dans mon petit trou qui se détend. Je ne peux retenir quelques petits gémissements de plaisir quand il accélère encore le mouvement, jusqu'à me pilonner le derrière.

ça y est, elle est prête ?
Je crois, chef !

Il sort de mon étreinte pour libérer sa queue de ma bouche.

tu vas voir le jeune comment on encule les salopes ! Prends-en de la graine !

Un frisson me parcourt le dos...j'ai peur que sa grosse queue me fasse mal mais en même temps ma jouissance est montée en continu avec la pénétration anale, ouvrant mon sphincter à la sodomie. Ma tante m'a dit que c'était délicieux, qu'elle même en raffolait. Je vais bientôt savoir...
Le petit sergent me retire la bouteille du cul d'un coup sec, me faisant tressaillir, j'entends le chef qui crache dans sa main pour enduire sa queue de salive. Je ferme les yeux.
Réclame !

dis-le que tu aimes ça !

voyant que je ne réponds pas il me tire violemment les cheveux, il est en rage.
DIS LE !!!

...j'aime ça …
Plus fort !!
j'aime ça !!
Écarte les fesses !!

Il me tire toujours les cheveux pendant que mes mains se posent sur mes fesses pour les écarter.
Je suis incroyablement excitée...cette tension, l'autorité naturelle que cet homme rustre dégage, les mots qu'il m'a fait prononcer... je m'entends crier comme dans un état second, le corps cambré par mes cheveux solidement empoignés.

vas-y !! Encule moi !!
Supplie !!
...s'il te plait... sodomise moi...défonce moi le cul !!

Il me pénètre alors d'un coup sec, me faisant rugir. J'ai mal... Non en fait j'ai juste eu peur d'avoir mal, c'est de surprise que j'ai crié...l'assaut a été brutal mais sans dégât, je commence même à ressentir des sensations nouvelles, sa grosse queue tout entière est logée dans mon anus. Il ne bouge plus, commence à gémir, à pleurnicher. Il se déverse en moi, sans un mouvement de plus, calé au fond de mon anus, il n'a pas pu retenir son éjaculation.


D'un coup il a perdu toute sa stature. On dirait un petit garçon pris en train de se masturber. Vexé il évite mon regard, remet son pantalon et att**** sa valise.

On se casse !

Les deux autres le suivent, récupèrent leurs sacs et sortent du compartiment. Je me retrouve seule, à genoux, insatisfaite par l'orgasme que je n'ai pas pu délivrer, frustrée de ne pas avoir joui alors que le plaisir était si prometteur.
Je remets ma jupe abimée, ma culotte et me rassois. Je récupère mon livre pour reprendre ma lecture mais impossible de m'y remettre, je suis trop excitée, mon clito appelle furieusement ma main droite pour libérer la pression et je commence à me masturber frénétiquement profitant de ma solitude.

La porte s'ouvre. C'est le contrôleur.... on se regarde un instant qui m'a semblé interminable. Il est en arrêt comme un chien de chasse, la bouche ouverte. Je continue de me caresser devant lui, les yeux plantés dans les siens, en chaleur, j'écarte même encore plus les jambes.
Il devient rouge, son uniforme semble le serrer de partout, sans un mot il ferme la porte du compartiment avec son carré et tire le rideau.

J'ai envie qu'il me prenne comme ça, sans parler. Je me mets à genoux sur la banquette et remonte ma jupe lui offrant mes fesses et me caressant de plus belle. Je sens alors ses mains se poser sur mes hanches, puis sa langue titiller ma raie, me lécher tout du long, passant à toute vitesse de ma chatte trempée à mon petit trou bien ouvert.

J 'ai l'impression d'être dans un rêve, mon corps est devenu un unique instrument de plaisir, je retiens ma jouissance comme je peux pour profiter du moment. Je l'entends défaire son pantalon.
Je la veux, ma première jouissance anale, oh oui je la veux, plus que tout au monde !

Je me cambre pour mettre mon anus au premier plan, au niveau de sa queue. Il a compris et m'enfile en suivant, faisant exploser mon sphincter de joie, délivrant mes entrailles d'une attente insupportable. Il est déchainé, me laboure, je crie de bonheur et l'orgasme nous libère ensemble. La pénétration n'a pas duré plus d'une minute mais la jouissance est incroyable. Des images de films pornos me reviennent à l'esprit, Moana Pozzi, la Cicciolina, comprends tout. L'extase de la sodomie, le délice de l'enculage.

Il déverrouille la porte et sort du compartiment. Il n'a même pas vérifié mon ticket.
Je n'ai pas de mouchoir, alors j'essuie mon anus qui coule avec ma culotte, récupérant le sperme de mon assaillant surprise.

J'ai tellement de choses à raconter à ma tante ! Mais surtout lui dire que ma quête d'orgasme anal ne fait que commencer, comme si c'était une nouvelle vie. Elle va adorer.

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A new day dawned and there was no alarm clock to wake us from our sleep. I woke up, laying on my side, to the feel of a warm and very naked female body curled into me. My cock was hiding away stretched out between her thighs and against the outer lips of her pussy. My lower arm was stretched out and being used like a pillow while my upper arm was across her warm body with a nice handful of all natural, firm breasts in my grip. Her arm and hand had my hand clasped firmly to her breast. The A/C...

4 years ago
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Reflections of a Love Slave Ch 02

“Leonius … Leonius” … his name rolls so easily off my tongue but even now, I dare not speak it. Instead, when my lips form the words, all that comes forth is “Master”. I’ve spent the last two years trying to drive the haunting, yet comforting image of him from my mind and heart and thought I was doing pretty well. In the few times I have been at his feet since his return, I have been painfully reminded that I have failed in this endeavor. His existence as the driving force in my life still...

4 years ago
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A New Dress

Dear Diary, It all started a week before my parents left for 2 weeks. As soon as I heard that, I started to plan and plot my dressing. I ordered some supplies online; a powerful body-con red dress, a black short sleeved blazer, a pair of delicious cut out heels in black, and hair extensions. I also added a beautiful large white pearled necklace with the dress. I had it timed out right so the items would arrive after my parents' departure. So, the night before I dropped them off, I...

3 years ago
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Long Haul

Alice was so beautiful she took my breath away every time I saw her. I asked her out a couple of times and she turned me down on both occasions. The second time was just after she split with Dougie Laughery and I thought I had a real chance this time. Dougie was an asshole, I had been competing with him toe-to-toe since junior high. I couldn’t see what Alice saw in him even before he had been caught with his pants down in company with Sissy Hollins, whose reputation went before her almost as...

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Found Neighbor on Grindr

I was horny so decided to go onto Grindr to find a hook up. I live in a vacation area where most of the houses are used for short term rentals. I have had been lucky enough to hook up with people on vacation here several times. I was excited to find someone only 100 feet away. I knew this was the house next door to me, so I sent a message saying, “hey neighbor, want to hook up?”I was shocked when I got the reply, “I did not know you are gay”. That was when I looked at the window and realized...

4 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 27

Jack went out of the office, clocked out, then went to his car. He looked at his watch - 4:45 pm. He picked up his cell phone from the center console of the car and dialed Mr. Williams' number. He told the older man that he would be there in about forty-five minutes to get the puppy. Then he called Ariel. He knew she was still at work at the daycare center so he left her a message on the answering machine. "Hi honey, it's me. I just wanted to let you know that I will be about a half hour...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasures part III

Introduction: Steves true story of lust and sex continue with his mother in law Prying Eyes I had seen enough on the local little remote security camera I had picked up at Radio Shack. It wasnt high enough grade to get the pictures I wanted. I wasnt sure I was seeing what I was seeing. Was my wifes son Zac really drugging her? Was he really having sex with her? It took three days but I got what I wanted and UPS second day delivery brought it to me. It was a nearly invisible pinhole camera...

4 years ago
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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 11

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Eleven Mother and the Mall By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to sound of gentle rain that made me want to be lazy and stay in bed. Mother snuck in during the early hours and had my back nestled to her. I had been savoring every second of her warm, caring, sleeping embrace. The pitter, patter of the rain in the ear plugs had blocked the truth from reaching me ears. The enjoyment of her arms wrapped around me and her leg over mine while totally engulfed in her motherly...

3 years ago
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Mass Effect

During the Lazarus Project, a Cerberus scientist secretly installed a chip which causes uncontrolable sexual urges. It was never activated beause that scientist went into hiding after the attack on the Lazarus Research Station. However, that scientist has now tapped into the Normandy's bugs and camera's, and has activated it to see it's effectives.

3 years ago
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A Kind of Homecoming Part 2

A kind of homecoming (Part two): In the first part of my story I shared with you how my husband Rob had got demobbed from the military. It had been hard being a military wife, not knowing if your husband was ever going to come home again or if he was going to come home was he going to be maimed? On top of this I was not getting enough sex because Rob was never there. I explained to you how I had become an escort girl because I wanted more money and because I missed having a man in...

3 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 23

I woke early, snuggled between my big babe and a slim slinky woman. When Bobby is snuggled to your back, she seems to encompass you, surrounding you with her large arms, and often with a leg thrown over you so you can't get away. (That's what it seems like anyway.) My mind wandered, thinking of all the teasing, and what seemed to me to be an all out orgy last night. I had actually been together with the beautiful intriguing redhead, Shannon, the classic Zena, and, oh my, another big babe,...

4 years ago
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My Outing With Mr O

A couple of weeks had passed since that special day and I’d been torn by a mix of guilt and ecstasy, every day, reliving those moments with Mrs G and Mrs O. My high school days were coming to an end and next year I would be in college. I had not been asked to babysit at any of the three houses since Mrs G and Mrs O had taken me. So, I’d had to fantasise about wearing lingerie at night when I pleasured myself. The long weekend of June 24th approached, usually the O’s spent this weekend at...

1 year ago
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Stuart part 8

"Mmph," I moan as I feel a gentle breeze blow on my left ear, worsening the thumping headache caused by the alcohol I drank last night. "Wake up," a familiar voice whispers, before the breeze on my ear resumes. "Stop that," I moan. "I'm on holiday, I don't want to wake up..." "WE'RE on holiday," my fianc?e reminds me, her blowing turning from a gentle breeze into a hurricane as she blows directly into my earhole. "Ugh," I moan. "Can I at least shift this hangover first?" "Tell y...

3 years ago
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Teens 3

Story 3 Lately I was feeling sick and bored of my relation with Chris, my little slave guy. I was exhausted and in a big lack of new ideas with him anyway. Also, I knew he was feeling quite the same, so I really didn’t mind when, one day I walked in our room and found him fucking Marry like an a****l. Actually it was a very funny scene for me: no chains, no cuffs or whips, no nothing, than him and Marry and her crazy lame hippie love. Sure I couldn’t help a smile and a big laugh on the inside,...

3 years ago
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The Trial Part Four

The Trial Part 4 It turned out to be far simpler than I had expected. "Are they a better fit, Peter?" She already knew I was in panties from her weekly examination of the ruins of what were originally my reasonably well-filled sack. My Blush Index went up slightly, but only slightly, this time. "Yes, Claire, they are. They are very different from my Y-fronts but I can't say they are at all uncomfortable under the circumstances." She smiled. "Well, they are made for the...

3 years ago
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Turning On The Sirens

Sometimes, it's the small things that shape one's destiny. In Hayley's case, that thing was a little alarm that went off one rainy college evening just as she was about to get off while making love to her boyfriend Nathan. She's now compelled to tell what happened that night to her best friend Sarah.  * Hayley walked through town with her best friend Sarah. They were on route to an outdoor concert in the park situated in the middle of town. It was a beautiful spring day and she had the whole...

2 years ago
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My Little Granddaughter

I have the cutest little granddaughter you ever wanted to see. Jessica is four years old and is just as pretty as her mother, my daughter Heather. Heather got married at eighteen to her husband when she was six months pregnant. Harold was twenty-one years old and not very likable. I always thought that he was a loser and that she could do better. Apparently I was right. Well one day when I was home alone I was in the bathroom taking a shower. When I got out of the shower and was drying my...

4 years ago
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Anita Was The Housemaid

I did not like her food at all. the only thing was that i liked her. i had seen her around the house for a long time and i had gotten used to her. she woke me up in the morning and till i slept she was with me. she even appeared in my dreams. i will not lie about it that she was my crush. there was nothing unusually hot about her, just that she was slender and short and had a sexy waist. i had had the pleasure of holding her waist a lot of time. she stood on the stool to fetch somethings from...

4 years ago
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A Knight in Shining Armour

Author's Note: In this story, I have used section dividers to indicate achange in either place, time or both. I have also used section dividersto separate the same event from the perspective of a different character. --- o -- What happened that night was never far from Julie's mind. Julie closed hereyes for a moment. Instantly her memories of fourteen years earlier came vividlyto mind. She was just completing her sophomore year in college. She had justhad her 20 th birthday. Julie was...

3 years ago
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The Howling Family

My punishment, as always, was to stand naked and totally still in the room while my mother and Uncle made breakfast and talked. I could feel my Uncle's eyes roaming my naked body like little biting gnats. It wasn't as if he made an effort to hide his gaze. I didn’t look at him, I didn’t need to. Even now, I knew that my Uncle's eyes were lingering on my breasts. My nipples tightened and grew. I hated my own weakness. He would take my hardening nipples the wrong way. This was my punishment...

1 year ago
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My CoWorkers Wife Part 1

My co-workers Wife.It all started when a guy I worked with at the time said that his Mrs. needed to meet someone to hang out with. He was recently married and his bride had just moved here from 500 miles away and knew no one in the area. So I told him that they should come over to the house this weekend. The job that we worked at always had us on the road and we were lucky to be home 2 weekends a month. But anyway, they came over that weekend and our wives made friends quickly. They didn’t go...

1 year ago
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Fuck in Hole

I love my job. I’m one of those lucky ones who gets paid for something they enjoy doing. Nice work if you can get it… and believe me… I can. Take this as a case in point… It was just a neat, respectable suburban street, neatly lined with trees, but nothing out the ordinary in stockbroker land. The cars in the drives of the mainly detached houses were BMW, Mercedes. The couple let me in. After a few pleasantries and a brief chat about what they wanted and what I did and what it was going to cost...

Cheating Wifes
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New Company PoliciesChapter 1 Once there was a girl

Five months later. Susan finished booting up her computer. Once again she was faintly annoyed by the mandatory garish logo she was presented with for her desktop wallpaper. The picture depicted a scantily clad woman with improbably large breasts, barely contained within a minuscule lace bra. The woman was holding a large dildo pointed towards her open mouth, she appeared like she was about to lick the toy. Below, strategically placed so that anyone looking at the image could not be sure if...

1 year ago
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Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud At Home

It’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going to do it, someone else has. Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud - At Home It’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going...

3 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 15 Anyone Up for a Foursome

“So ... do you still wish you were paddling your way down that river somewhere or do you prefer it here - pounding my rhino horn with your rhino horn?” Keith opened his eyes momentarily on a downward thrust into Gemma’s warm body. Her legs were up and around his legs and her arms were hanging on tightly around his back. Keith was experiencing that wonderful surge within his hard penis moments before a man knows he is about to blow his load. He could feel his foreskin being dragged back and...

2 years ago
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First time meet

You get off the train, feeling nervous. You've chatted to him for weeks and exchanged hundreds of pictures, but you have never seen him in real life, and now you are going to meet him, two of his friends, and you are planning on having them all.Your pussy leaks at the thought. You see him standing at the exit, 5'7, wearing tan cargo pants and a leather jacket. You're wearing a low cut summer dress, which shows off your legs and your ample bosom nicely. He greets you with a quick hug and leads...

2 years ago
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Exploring Our Wild Sides

Hi All, This is a sex story about how I and my girlfriend fulfilled a fantasy of ours. Read on for more information :) I met my current girlfriend while we were still in India, about 5 years ago. After getting our respective undergraduate degrees, we moved to the states for more education. Long story short, we stayed together through 2 years of long distance obstacles and are far better off for it. We currently live together somewhere along the US east coast. My name is P and her name is L....

4 years ago
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What Hides in Lexis Silence

We were vacationing, my mother, and little sister, and I. We came to visit my grandma in Brazil. She lived in a little town that was created siding a paradisiacal beach called Agua Azul. That translated literally as Blue Water and, oh boy, was it blue. The portion of sea that reached those parts was a beautiful mix of green and very light blue, translucent, and the waves crashed softly onto the constantly burning sands. We left winter at home to arrive in the hottest South American summer I...

3 years ago
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The Yes Man part 1

Well here we go, perhaps I need to change my outlook on life, perhaps I should explain, I had just read the Yes Man by Danny Wallace, and it made me think did I said Yes very often, the answer of course was No. I did not want to fly all over the world, but I wondered if I should say yes more often? Perhaps I should introduce myself, my name is Fred and I am a thirty something, married to Bev and working in Personnel, sorry Human Resources, forgot change of name since I started work. I...

Straight Sex
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Being For Benefit of Mr Kite

I waited as the secretary announced my name into her intercom. I was mildly surprised when she looked up at me, smiled and said, "Mr. Foster will see you now, Mr. Kite. Please take the elevator to the fourth floor and then go through the door on the left." I knew that George Foster was the manager of this Eastern Security franchise, a firm specializing in gathering information, for a fee. I knew from my internet research that the company had over fifty offices throughout eastern United...

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