Türbanlı Annemle Seks Hikayemiz-1 free porn video

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Merhabalar size yıllardır anneme karşı beslediğim gizli duygularımı ve anılarımı anlatmak istiyorum. Ben 25 yaşında bir normal yurdum insanı bir gencim. Öyle diğer hikayelerdeki gibi yok şeyim 30 cm yok şöyle yakışıklıyım gibi sözler beklemeyin benden. Sıradan bir Türkiye erkeği işte.

Babam 48 yaşında annem 45 evin tek çocuğuyum. Babam işçi olarak çalışıyor ve bilen bilir üç vardiya da çalışmak onu zaten bizden kopardı diyebilirim. Yemekten yemeğe görüşür gibiyiz. İşte olduğu zamanların kalanını da kahvede değerlendirir. Benim için varsa yoksa herşey annem. ancak o da maddi şartlarımızdan dolayı bir firmada temizlikçi olarak çalışıyor.

Anneme olan ilgim çocukluk yıllarıma dayanır. Oldum olası şişman olgun bayanlara karşı ilgim vardır. Annemde 45 yaşında oldukça dolgun bir kadın kocaman kalçaları kocaman memeleri tesettürlü olmasına rağmen pardösüsünden dahi rahatça belli olur. Hele birde giydiği kombin benim istediğim gibiyse onu izledikçe zevkten kendimden geçerim. Hangi kombin diyeceksiniz biliyorum. Öyle çok şatafatlı şeyler beklemeyin ailemden, anlayacağınız gibi maddi durumumuz iyi değil. Annemin siyah parlak bir eteği var, kalçalarına doğru sıkı baldırlarından itibaren aşağıya doğru uzanan bir etek bu etekle ne giyse hemen lavaboya koşar 31 çekerim ama bir de beyaz bluzunu giyip te o dolgun kocaman memeleri de ortaya çıktı mı sikim külotumun içinde boşalacak kadar olur. Lavaboya zar zor yetişirim anlayacağınız.

Aslında annemi çok arzulamama rağmen aklımdan hiç onu altıma alıp çatır çatır sikmek falan geçmez, neden bilmiyorum ensest duygusu olanlar hep öyle şeyler arzular ama benim anneme aşırı bir ilgim olsa bile aklımdan hiç onu sikmek gibi bir fikir geçmez. Ama onun birisi ile sikişmesini de izlemek istemiyor değilim hani.

Annem zaten zar zor iş görülen mutfakta uğraşırken arkasından geçerken kalçalarına sürtmek, hafifçe kalçalarına dokunmak en büyük zevklerimden. Fırsatını yakaladım mı annemi ellemeyi bir şekilde beceririm. Ona dokunmak şişman dolgun kalçalarını ellemek ve sikimi ona dayamak müthiş duygular uyandırır bende. Annem de ona olan bu ilgimi biliyor gibi sanki. Neden diyecekseniz bazen bu elleme işlerini abartırım az bir duraksar ama ses çıkarmaz. Ya Anadolu insanı işte bir kavga gürültü çıkmasını istemiyor yada azcık onun da kanında orospuluk var.

Babamın gece 12 sabah 8 vardiyasında olduğu bir gün annem işten geldiğinde babam da evden kahveye doğru yol almaya hazırlanıyordu. “Hayırdır çıkıyormusun bey” “he ya, az da kahvede servisi beklerim hadi eyvallah” diyerek çıktı gitti annem. ben o sırada evin salonunda oturmuş tv izliyordum. Pardösüsünü çıkarırken bile “of öldüm bittim” gibi laflarla söyleniyordu. İçeriye yanıma geldiğinde hala ahlamaları oflamaları devam ediyordu. “hayırdır anne” “çok yoruldum oğlum offf” diyerek oturdu kanepeye. Oturmasına oturdu ama beni de kendinden geçirdi. Gri parlak eteğinden taşan kalçaları ve sen bana sığmıyorsun diyen bluzundan taşan memeleriyle yanıma oturunca benim ufaklık hareketlenmeye başladı. Tv izliyor gibi yaparken bir yandan da onu süzüyordum baştan aşağıya. Karışık renkli başörtüsü dolgun yüz hatlarına o kadar yakışıyordu ki eşarbın içindeki pembe desenler bile dudaklarının dolgunluğunu hatırlatıyordu insana. Az iç çekmiyordum hani al okşa dese anında saldırırdım vücuduna. “Yemek yedin mi oğlum” “Yok anne babam yedi sadece ben seni bekledim” “Tamam hazırlayayım ben birşeyler de yiyeyim çok acıktım çünkü, bir de yorgunluktan yığılıp kalacam karnım bari doysun” sırf ona sarılmak memelerini hissetmek için “anam benim çok mu yoruldun” diyerek ona sarıldım. Amacımı bilmeyen annem de bana sarılarak karşılık verdi. Uzun uzun sarıldım ona. Vücudunun dolgun hatlarını hissede hisse de sarıldım. En sonunda “Yeter oğlum artık dur mutfağa gideyim de hazırlayayım şu yemeği” “Tamam annem” deyip birde yanağı ile dudağı arasına sevinmiş gibi öpücük kondurdum.

Annem mutfağa gitti bir şeylerle uğraşıyordu. Aslında mutfağa gidip bir şeyler almak bahanesiyle ona sürtmenin tam sırasıydı. İstediğim fırsatı da annem kendiliğinden yarattı zaten, “Oğlum gelsene bi şuraya” “Ne oldu anne” “Tabaklara ulaşamadım bi yardım et bana” mutfağa gidip “Hangisini istiyorsun” hemen uğraştığı yerdeki dolap kapağını işaret ederek “İşte şu en üstten bir alttaki rafta olan” arkasına geçip ona yüklenerek tabaklara ulaşıyor gibi bol bol sikimi yumuşacık kocaman götüne sürttüm. Hissetmemiştir diyemeyeceğim çünkü ben bunu yaparken onun hafifçe dudağını ısırdığını da fark etmiştim. Sikimi dolgun götünün tam arasına denk getirerek zor ulaşıyor gibi annemin götünü hissede hissede tabakları aldım. “İşte buyur sultanım var mı başka emriniz” “Sultanmış bak şu halime külkedisi gibiyim” “Sen benim gönlümün sultanısın” diyerek yanağına bir öpücük kondurdum “hadi ordan” sende diyerek güldü annem. “zevzeklik etme de otur şuraya yiyelim yemeğimizi” “tamam anne bir lavaboya gidip geleyim” diyerek koşar adım gittim. Amacım el yüz yıkamak değildi anlayacağınız gibi. Hemen sikimi acele ile çıkarıp 31 çekerek rahatladım. Toparlanıp elimi yıkayıp annemin yanına döndüm. Yemeğimizi yedik. Sonra ben tv izlemeye geçtim annemde mutfağı toplamakla uğraştı.

Salona geldiğinde üzerini değiştirmiş altında uzun bir etek üzerinde de bol bir bluz vardı. Kanepeye oturdu öylece tv izlemeye daldı. Bazen acı çekiyormuş gibi ah ve of diye inliyordu en son “off” dediğinde “ana neyin var” “oğlum çok yoruldum bugün kırılıyor vücudum şu bacaklarım çıkıyor” dedi. “İstersen krem sürüp ovayım biraz” “fena da olmaz haaa”” tamam o zaman uzan sen şöyle kanepeye” diyerek kalkıp Nivea kremi alarak geri geldim. Annem eteğini biraz sıyırmış vaziyette kanepeye uzanmıştı. Bacaklarından başladım yavaş yavaş kendi zevkimi çıkara çıkara dolgun bacaklarını ovalıyordum annemin. Sonra eteğinin altına doğru elimi kaydıra kaydıra baldırlarına doğru masajımı ilerlettim. Göz ucuyla da annemi izliyordum o gözlerini kapatmış rahatlamaya uğraşıyordu. Çok güzel tam istediğim fırsattı, bende zevkini çıkara çıkara bacak ve baldırlarını okşamaya devam ettim. Tabi bu okşamalarım anneme göre masajdı bana göre ise annemi okşamak. Elim yukarılara çıktıkça eteği de kocaman kalçalarının ucuna kadar sıyrılmış siyah külotu görünüyordu. Kalçalarını kapatmak bir yana o külotun içine nasıl sığıyordu annem anlam veremiyorum. Kalçalarının kenarına kadar arttırdığım masaj alanında nihayetinde kalçalarına da dokunmaya başlamıştım. Ohhhh sikim artık pantolonumu iyice zorlamaya başlamıştı. Elimle kalçalarının baldırı ile birleştiği yeri uzun uzun ovuyordum. “Nasıl iyi geldi mi bari ana” “hı hı az daha ov oğlum” “tamam anacığım” ellerim benim bir tanesi belim kadar olan baldırlarını boydan boya okşarken birden annemin dudaklarını ısırdığı dikkatimi çekti. Son bir cesaretimi toplayarak nerdeyse külotunun içine elimi de sokacak gibi yaparak baldırını ve kocaman kalçalarının bir kısmını sıvazlayıp bacak arasına doğru elimi indirdim ve amcığının kenarına da dokunarak bacaklarına doğru geri geldim. Baktım annemde ses yok aynı şeyi birkaç defa daha yaptım son hareketimde ağzından istemsiz olarak “ımhhh” sesi çıktı. Aslında tam zamanıydı etli amcığını okşamanın ama cesaret edemedim, korkumdan aşağıya doğru inip bacaklarına masaj yapmaya başladım. “Tamam yeter artık dedi annem” son defa elimi yukarılara doğru götürürken azıcık açılmış bacak arasında siyah külotunun ıslandığını fark ettiğimde içim içime sığmıyordu. Sanırım ben anneme masaj yaparken o da boşalmıştı. Annem eteğini düzeltip toparlanıp oturdu. Otururken belini tutuyordu. Hemen atıldım “Anacığım istersen beline de yapayım masaj” “Bilmem ki ağrıyor ama canımda uyumak istedi” “Sen bilirsin” “Aslında hadi yap, yap ta rahatça uyuyayım bari” “Tamam anacığım istersen sen yatağa uzan orda yapalım burada rahat edemezsin” “Doğru söylüyorsun orda sende rahat olursun” annem odaya gitti hazır olduğunda beni çağırdı. Annem yatakta altında eteği üzerinde sadece sütyeni ile yatıyordu “Anacığım şu şeyi de çıkarsaydın da rahat rahat ovsaydım şimdi krem olur o” annem ses etmeden ellerini geriye atıp sütyenin kopçalarını açtı ve kenara doğru indirdi onları. Offff ne muhteşem manzara, göğüslerinin yanlardan kaçan kısmı ile şu çıtırım diyen zayıf sıska kızlara en az 4 er tane göğüs yapılırdı be. Hemen iştahla bacağının üzerine oturup elimi kremleyerek anneme masaja başladım. ellerim boynuna doğru giderken o kalçalarına abanmak ince eteğinin üzerinden sikimi tam götünün arasına dayamak müthiş bir zevkti. Ben masaja devam ettikçe ve özellikle üzerine abandıkça annemden “ımhhh” diye ses geliyordu hafifçe. Ben bunun bir rahatlama sesi olduğunu biliyordum ama salağa yatıp “Anacım sert mi ovdum” dedim “Yok yok böyle iyi devam et” dedi. Bende yine devam ettim. Bir ara az yukarı doğru kalkıp kalçalarına biraz daha yaklaştığımda annemin de bacaklarını azıcık araladığını farkettim. O da istiyordu ama ikimizinde bunu dile getirmeye cesareti yoktu. Artık kabarmış sikim annemin verdiği aralığa girip çıkıyor pantolon etek üstü anneme dayıyordum. Yarım saat öyle ovaladım annemi ve ben de tam boşalma noktasına geldim. Az daha üstelesem eminim külotumu kirletecektim. Annemin “Sağol oğlum yeter bu kadar çok iyi geldi” sözü ile bu akşam ki zevkimin de bittiğini anladım. Olsun hayalimdeki kadını saatlerdir masaj numarası ile okşuyordum. “Hadi iyi geceler anacığım” diyerek kapıya doğru yöneldim annem de “iyi geceler oğlum” dedi ve hızla kendi odama geçtim.

Hemen soyunup yatağıma yattım ve o anları hayal ederek sikimi okşamaya başladım. Bir iki okşamadan sonra öyle şiddetli attırdım ki ilk döllerim yatağın dayandığı duvara kadar fışkırdı. Sonra gözlerimi kapayıp annemin amını ve götünü çıplak olarak okşadığımı hayal ederek bir posta daha 31 çektim. Hayallerimin kadını annemi düşüne düşüne uyuya kalmışım. Sabah kalktığımda annem işe gitmiş babamda eve gelmişti. Hemen hazırlanıp bende işe gittim. İçimden en çok arzuladığım şey birgün cesaretimi toplayıp o kocaman değirmen taşı gibi kalçaları ve karpuz gibi memeleri doya doya okşayabilmek. Hele bir de etli tombul amcığını da okşayabilirsem sanırım dünyalara o keyfi değişmem devam edeceğim.

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The washer’s on the fritz, so Casey Calvert is having to do her and her boyfriend’s laundry over at his friend Lucas’s place. While she’s there about to throw on a spin cycle, Lucas gets to know Casey a little more…especially how she’s a bit tired of her boyfriend’s immature, lazy and irresponsible ways. Lucas can’t say much because that’s his good friend she’s talking about, but when she grabs his dick and tells him she wants to suck it, all he can say is YES, PLEASE! The moral of the story...

3 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 87 A Mission to Complete

The task force jumped on time. A couple of the Castle ships actually entered a few second before Zulu opened up its jump point, but there were no major problems. Admiral Redmill was livid at the level of problems in the navigation and helm operations. He kept trying to blame Ipanema and Corsica. My few communications with Captain Prescott during the short run to the jump point were tinged with anger as both of us tried to reign in sarcastic responses to the Admiral. We entered jump and...

3 years ago
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Last Night of Freedom or Is It

Last Night of Freedom = Lifetime of Freedom - my ending to Catesby's Last Night of Freedom, from 2002. Last Night of Freedom Catesby's own resolution of the story was distasteful to me. The bride to be, on her last night of freedom sucks off a stripper, dances nude for half the town, and fucks the best man and groomsmen, doing things for all of them she'd never done with her fiancee. Such a darling bride to be... In this version, Behavior has consequences. There are too damn many...

2 years ago
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Sibling Seduction Ch 24

At 4:30 the phone rang. It was Amy. She had been masturbating all day and could no longer take it. She was lying in her bed naked, hand between her open legs, fingers caressing her horny slit. Jeff watched Bonnie talk to their sister for a few minutes before handing the phone over to Jeff. Jack got up to go have a shower. “Hello?” Jeff said, sitting on the couch in the living room. ”Hi!” Amy said, fingers frigging her clit. “Hey!” he replied, “what are you doing?” “Playing with myself.” He...

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The Gift

I jumped at the sound of the door opening and lifting my head from Brad's shoulder, saw Ashley coming through the door."Hey guys!" she exclaimed, as she removed her long coat and hung it up next to ours in the closet in the front hall."Damn, she drives me crazy in that outfit." Brad said softly from where he was sitting next to me on the couch.I'm sure many wives would be upset at their husbands for checking out a pretty girl half their age. I, on the other hand, had already been thinking the...

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The Gardener

The Gardner. My name is Robert and my wife of five years is called Angela and earlier this year we signed up to a bigger mortgage than we could comfortably afford to pay but we simply had to buy the cottage we now lived in as soon as the estate agent showed us around it. We had often dreamed of owning a spacious cottage in the country and to find one so secluded and possessing the period features we craved, as well as having a large garden, meant that we had to break the bank to make sure it...

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What my son was reading last night

That's My Mom!I was up in the attic looking for something when I knocked over a box that belonged to my mother. A bunch of National Geographic VHS tapes fell out and several diaries that my mom wrote as she grew up. I opened one up and flipped thru it thinking it was stupid stuff till I came across the caption "Gave my first BJ today". I stopped and just had to read what mom had wrote. It said that she gave her friend's, Shelly, older brother a blow job. His name was Chuck and it seemed by the...

4 years ago
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I met a MILF

Fucking a woman who is much older than you can be very exciting, this guy tried the hot MILF’s pussy and he really loved it…I had been attracted to her since I saw her for the first time: she was walking down the 9th street by my side: she was 32 and I was 18 at the time. So I didn’t even hope to have a slightest chance to make it out with such a gorgeous milf! At that moment I thought she was the sexiest and horniest mature lady all over the planet, and that the cock fucking her was the...

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The Bad Girls Club Chapter 4

"Oh, my Go-uack!" was all Kim got out before I shoved my nine-inch cock down her pretty throat.I pushed in as deep as I could go before her gag reflex kicked in and she bucked and turned her head, trying to dislodge my cock. I pulled back out and she choked and coughed. "You mean to tell me that for all your smart ass talk and all your bragging, you can't deepthroat a cock? You aren't much of a slut, are you? Hell, you barely got half of me in your mouth! What would the guys say if they found...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Gangbang 8211 As Above So Below Part 2

She hails from a time and place unknown- a ravenous siren with howling primal bloodlust, commanding all who fall prey under her spell to indulge in her darkest desires. Prepare yourself for the spectacle you are about to witness. The most vile, evil, debaucherous sexual acts ever to be captured for your shock and amazement. Through ritual fire and lust our true demons show- the gangbang of Joanna Angel. As above, so below. Watch our Queen spiral into sexual depravity as she takes on five huge...

2 years ago
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tim and i and mom and dad

We were 13 and 14 when our parents called us into the family room. They were wearing only robes. We were told to strip naked and stand in front of them. When we did this they both began to rub our bodies. Mom was rubbing Tim and dad rubbed me. They started with our backs and rubbed down to our asses. At the ass, they gripped our ass cheeks and squeezed them for quite some time. It really felt good. They then spread our asses and looked at our assholes and rubbed a finger aroung the bud. This...

4 years ago
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Futas Wild Passion 04 Futas Incestuous Dream

Chapter Four: Futa's Incestuous Dream By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I was eager for my little sister's plan to find out if our older, twin sisters did more than “study” all the time in their bedroom. The idea that Sara and Tara were in there making love, committing lesbian incest, inflamed my imagination. It wasn't something I would have considered before I entered into my own taboo relationship with Allie. She was kneeling on my...

3 years ago
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Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Lauren broke our kiss, her hands on my upper arms and gently pushed me away. Her eyes wandered over me. ‘Perfect. I love the blouse – just right. Well done.’ She pulled me back for a deeper, hungrier kiss and once again her hands roamed over my arse but not once did she seem to want to check the jewel was in place as she had instructed. ‘Now you must come to our table. We have two friends joining us. You will recognise them both. I need your absolute promise that you will never reveal any of...

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Big Mutha Truckers1

Lethbridge building in Mahwah and made his way to his cubicle, as he had done nearly every workday for the past 10 years. "Morning Yrral!" Einreb said as he passed Yrral Allemoc's cube at 10 to 9 on a Monday morning. "Morning Einreb!" Yrral called back. "Where's Gerg?" Einreb asked. "I don't know; he's going to be late in a minute," the boss said. Sure enough, the receptionist then announced over the PA system, "Attention please! The time is now nine...

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Doctor visit0

She jumped up and ran to her closet to find some clothes. All that currently covered her petite athletic frame was a pair of white boy panties and a t shirt. She stripped down to her little panties and pulled a soft spaghetti strap cream colored summer dress on over her head. She never ever wore a bra as her 19 year old frame currently kept her double d breasts firm as could be. Those besides her ass were her best feature. She slipped on some sandals, jumped in her Jeep and drove...

2 years ago
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Does It Rub Off

I met her eyes across the room and she smiled a knowing smile and then turned her attention back to the woman she was talking to. That little knowing smile had said it all, loud and clear, "You want me and I know it." She was right. I did want her, but I also knew that I could never have her. My relationship with Tasha had not gotten off on the right foot. I had not wanted her in my department and I'm afraid my feelings about that were well known. When the opening occurred I had submitted...

3 years ago
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Sisters Helping Hand Chapter 01 Sis Helps My Anxiety

But when I try to hit on a girl, I freak out. My stomach tenses up into knots and my throat goes dry and raspy. Every time, without fail, when I see a girl I find attractive, it happens. I’m 18 and I wouldn’t say I’m particularly ugly. I’m not a model or anything, but I get plenty of looks from girls around campus. I play a lot of sports and hope to jump into uni on a football scholarship. But that damn vee card… I know it’s not a big deal, most guys are still virgins at my age. Well, if you...

4 years ago
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El Yes Wed Like Some of ThatChapter 10

Awakening any head of state in the early morning hours, is admittedly, not a smart move. Doing so to a possible 'ally', could be likened to stepping way out on a very shaky branch. As he was sipping his cup of wake up tea, Pakistan's Prime Minister was wondering if the U. S. had finally lost all sense of reasonably civilized behavior. When he judged that more than four of his brain cells were working, he waved his hand for the phone headset, answering with, "Yes?" "Hold for The...

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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 4

Hi, This is Claire. So far it’s been my loving husband Neil who’s described what’s happened to us since our younger daughter Caitlyn left for college. I’m happy for my beloved to carry on doing all the heavy lifting (After all, that’s what husbands are for!). But I’d like to add my two cents' worth before Neil continues.I guess I’d like to really expand on and give everyone a better understanding of my feelings and thoughts. Neil’s done a great job giving a good summary of where I was coming...

Wife Lovers
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Boy 80

Tim was 15 years old, a sophomore at William Blake High School. Since the start of the school year, he’d sucked 79 schoolmates. No sophomores, freshman boys only. Tonight would be schoolboy #80. Twenty to go. “Jesus,” he muttered. “I’m so sick of sucking cock.” Technically not true: what he hated was the effort involved in getting cock in his mouth. Sucking cock, he liked. He’d never sucked a boy before September 4th. Not that he didn’t want to. But discovering this strange ability over the...

3 years ago
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My Breanna My Darling SUPER MEGA FIX PART 1

She seemed more excited than usually that day She knocked me out of bed saying, "WAKE UP!!!" One thing you need to know is that my mom is CRAZY and gets excited over anything. "YOUR GOING TO MISS THE BA US." (She sang out bus) "Ok mom, Fuck" I get up Put my clothes on, And left out the door. At my school i am the most athletic on this Scoreboard a kid started. We have an advanced gym class that i take, i even instruct some times. I get back to my house (A pretty big house, You...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 Flight and Rebirth

Introduction: Harry prepares to leave Privet Drive forever. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 1 With a faint pop, that was almost drowned out by a loud clap of thunder, three men appeared before the high, forbidding gates of Malfoy Manor. One of the figures fell immediately to the ground as suddenly, a stroke of lightening illuminated the faces of Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape. Help me get him...

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 23 Client Relations

"Listen, Sheldon," Sylvia said, "I've got a problem." They were at Sylvia's office, going over plans for the new building. She went to the door and closed it. "What's up?" Sheldon asked. "You remember what I said the day we met? I don't date clients?" "Yes. And I was kind of surprised — pleasantly — that you changed your mind. You're pretty decisive." "Yeah. Well, I've made another decision. It's over and I shouldn't have broken my rule." Sheldon was surprised. "What...

1 year ago
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Fun on a hot summers day

The 3 of us were heading out to the cabin in the Jeep. It was hot so we all had shorts on, but I was wearing a small tiny strapped t-shirt. Since it is a few hours’ drive. We were learning allot about each other. What we liked, music, food, animals, etc. We finally arrive at the cabin and toss our things in the bedroom. You wanted to go fishing right away. So, off we go again heading to a remote spot on the river that you found. It was pretty, a lot of trees and shade and secluded. We baited...

Group Sex
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Stop Teasing Me

 It was a Saturday morning. As usual, I woke up accompanied by a rock hard morning boner and feeling super horny, but no wife in sight to help me get rid of it. It had been a few days since my wife and I had the opportunity to have some alone time. Should I quickly rub one out? Or would we have time today to sneak in a quickie?I just never knew what to do. I decided to wait, it’s always better when you have someone to help release the tension, but I needed to keep busy. I made everyone...

Straight Sex
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My client

Hye, namastay and salam. This is sangeen from peshawar, pakistan. The story which i m going to narrate might not be very good for u but it is not fake fictitious or mere fantasy it’s a 100%real true incident except names and addresses. Well i m a lawyer by profession i m married age 39 years. Its 2 years old occurrence, i got case of divorce from a nearby district mardan where a lady was seeking divorce from her husband. The husband was heroin addict and she wanted get rid of him. I prepared...

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My foot fetish fantasy fulfilled

On the Saturday morning of my 23rd birthday, I got woken with a phonecall. It's my girlfriend Cara. She says "Baby, I've organised a surprise for you. I'll be bringing it to yours shortly, so make sure you shower, and just lie on the bed with your blindfold on and your white robe. No taking off the blindfold till I say you can.""Oh wow!" I said "I like where this is going, babe.""Today is all about you, so of course you'll like this is going. See you soon. I promise today will be a fuckload of...

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Rigor MortisChapter 9

I knew I should be working on running down the leads in Raymond’s unfortunate demise despite my Uncle’s reluctance to stir things up. It was like we had stepped on an ant-hill with all the Internal Affairs sleazebags poking their noses into the everyday happenings of operational policing. I had to admit it was well within the realm of probability that Raymond’s death was linked to the investigation work he was doing for me on the Donnie Anderson case. Of course that narrowed down the list...

4 years ago
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Full Fledged Suck Puppet

By my mid teens I had already sucked alot of cock, mostly in toilets within 30 miles, sometimes they would take me for a ride somewhere, or take me to where they lived and played with me there. Sometimes there was more than one cock, this mostly happened in the toilets. I like being stuck in a toilet cubicle on my knees, in my white pantys, two or more men and their cocks pressed up against me, their cocks slapping my face and forcing their way into my mouth, no room to move in such a cramped...

1 year ago
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Please dont walk away 11

Then after that everyone slowly helped me up. We slowly went out the door and to the car. We had come up with a plan for this. We mapped out the way to the hospital and what entrance was best. That was a happy night. Even though I didn't get to cook my excellent husband dinner. It was a little early though. But the baby was coming. So it's not like I could tell the baby to stay there for 2 more weeks. But it didn't matter once she was out. After all that, they cleaned up the baby and everything...

2 years ago
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Star Trek Voyager Second Season

Star Trek: Voyager - Second Season Synopsis: After critical damage to engineering leaves Voyager nearly powerless, Harry Kim's landing party changes its mission from resupply to locating some new dilithium crystals to replace the stocks of the crippled Voyager. But something unexpected happens on the planet - something that doesn't begin to manifest itself until long after the starship departs. Note: "Star Trek" and its characters are registered trademarks of Paramount...

3 years ago
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Holly Willoughby Insatiable part 2

A long black car turned a corner and stopped momentarily, its headlamps illuminating Holly’s naked body, bow-legged she started to stagger away from it when it began to move. It pulled alongside and as she was not able to move quickly a door opened and yanked her inside.“My God, it IS you!” a middle-aged plump and rather greasy man in a suit looked at her wide-eyed. The door was pulled shut by a very large man who was scowling at Holly. “You’re the biggest story in the country right now! What...

3 years ago
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Reverse Fucking

By: AWC No, Not an A+, not even an A. Just a C or even a D would be enough for Ben. He flunked his midterm Chemistry paper but the worst was that he was already on the academic probation and if he could only get at least a D, he would still fail but would not be thrown out of college. He was not very confident but he was acting like one as he walked through the corridor to the office of Professor Eleanor. When she returned the paper to Ben with a big F, she had also written a note on the...

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Fucked by a Friend

Shaun is online. The message popped up on my desktop making that annoying pinging noise. The damn noise I could just not figure out how to turn off. The pop up stayed there as I glared at it. Old familiar feelings coursing through my veins, heading right for my lower regions. I sighed. I needed to stop the mixture of excitement, wrongness, and horniness from reaching my pussy.It was a sigh in vain. I was currently in a committed, monogamous relationship with a good hearted, successful boy...

2 years ago
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Hi Friends I Am Vijay

Hai nenu indian sex stories ki kotha….Na jivitamlo jarigina nijamaian sangatana… Hai friends, I am vijay, nadi b.Tech complete aindi.. Job searching kosam hyderabad ma mamaiah vala intiki vochanu. Ma atta peru sneha,age 38 super ga untundi….Valaku oka kuturu peru divya, b.Tech 3rd year chaduvutundi..Divya nenu chala close iddariki studies lo competition but oka 3 years tarvata divya nu chusa deva kanya la undi…. Oka roju nenu tcs interview ki vellanu a roju jaragalsina na interview postpone...

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