Türbanlı Annemle Seks Hikayemiz-1 free porn video

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Merhabalar size yıllardır anneme karşı beslediğim gizli duygularımı ve anılarımı anlatmak istiyorum. Ben 25 yaşında bir normal yurdum insanı bir gencim. Öyle diğer hikayelerdeki gibi yok şeyim 30 cm yok şöyle yakışıklıyım gibi sözler beklemeyin benden. Sıradan bir Türkiye erkeği işte.

Babam 48 yaşında annem 45 evin tek çocuğuyum. Babam işçi olarak çalışıyor ve bilen bilir üç vardiya da çalışmak onu zaten bizden kopardı diyebilirim. Yemekten yemeğe görüşür gibiyiz. İşte olduğu zamanların kalanını da kahvede değerlendirir. Benim için varsa yoksa herşey annem. ancak o da maddi şartlarımızdan dolayı bir firmada temizlikçi olarak çalışıyor.

Anneme olan ilgim çocukluk yıllarıma dayanır. Oldum olası şişman olgun bayanlara karşı ilgim vardır. Annemde 45 yaşında oldukça dolgun bir kadın kocaman kalçaları kocaman memeleri tesettürlü olmasına rağmen pardösüsünden dahi rahatça belli olur. Hele birde giydiği kombin benim istediğim gibiyse onu izledikçe zevkten kendimden geçerim. Hangi kombin diyeceksiniz biliyorum. Öyle çok şatafatlı şeyler beklemeyin ailemden, anlayacağınız gibi maddi durumumuz iyi değil. Annemin siyah parlak bir eteği var, kalçalarına doğru sıkı baldırlarından itibaren aşağıya doğru uzanan bir etek bu etekle ne giyse hemen lavaboya koşar 31 çekerim ama bir de beyaz bluzunu giyip te o dolgun kocaman memeleri de ortaya çıktı mı sikim külotumun içinde boşalacak kadar olur. Lavaboya zar zor yetişirim anlayacağınız.

Aslında annemi çok arzulamama rağmen aklımdan hiç onu altıma alıp çatır çatır sikmek falan geçmez, neden bilmiyorum ensest duygusu olanlar hep öyle şeyler arzular ama benim anneme aşırı bir ilgim olsa bile aklımdan hiç onu sikmek gibi bir fikir geçmez. Ama onun birisi ile sikişmesini de izlemek istemiyor değilim hani.

Annem zaten zar zor iş görülen mutfakta uğraşırken arkasından geçerken kalçalarına sürtmek, hafifçe kalçalarına dokunmak en büyük zevklerimden. Fırsatını yakaladım mı annemi ellemeyi bir şekilde beceririm. Ona dokunmak şişman dolgun kalçalarını ellemek ve sikimi ona dayamak müthiş duygular uyandırır bende. Annem de ona olan bu ilgimi biliyor gibi sanki. Neden diyecekseniz bazen bu elleme işlerini abartırım az bir duraksar ama ses çıkarmaz. Ya Anadolu insanı işte bir kavga gürültü çıkmasını istemiyor yada azcık onun da kanında orospuluk var.

Babamın gece 12 sabah 8 vardiyasında olduğu bir gün annem işten geldiğinde babam da evden kahveye doğru yol almaya hazırlanıyordu. “Hayırdır çıkıyormusun bey” “he ya, az da kahvede servisi beklerim hadi eyvallah” diyerek çıktı gitti annem. ben o sırada evin salonunda oturmuş tv izliyordum. Pardösüsünü çıkarırken bile “of öldüm bittim” gibi laflarla söyleniyordu. İçeriye yanıma geldiğinde hala ahlamaları oflamaları devam ediyordu. “hayırdır anne” “çok yoruldum oğlum offf” diyerek oturdu kanepeye. Oturmasına oturdu ama beni de kendinden geçirdi. Gri parlak eteğinden taşan kalçaları ve sen bana sığmıyorsun diyen bluzundan taşan memeleriyle yanıma oturunca benim ufaklık hareketlenmeye başladı. Tv izliyor gibi yaparken bir yandan da onu süzüyordum baştan aşağıya. Karışık renkli başörtüsü dolgun yüz hatlarına o kadar yakışıyordu ki eşarbın içindeki pembe desenler bile dudaklarının dolgunluğunu hatırlatıyordu insana. Az iç çekmiyordum hani al okşa dese anında saldırırdım vücuduna. “Yemek yedin mi oğlum” “Yok anne babam yedi sadece ben seni bekledim” “Tamam hazırlayayım ben birşeyler de yiyeyim çok acıktım çünkü, bir de yorgunluktan yığılıp kalacam karnım bari doysun” sırf ona sarılmak memelerini hissetmek için “anam benim çok mu yoruldun” diyerek ona sarıldım. Amacımı bilmeyen annem de bana sarılarak karşılık verdi. Uzun uzun sarıldım ona. Vücudunun dolgun hatlarını hissede hisse de sarıldım. En sonunda “Yeter oğlum artık dur mutfağa gideyim de hazırlayayım şu yemeği” “Tamam annem” deyip birde yanağı ile dudağı arasına sevinmiş gibi öpücük kondurdum.

Annem mutfağa gitti bir şeylerle uğraşıyordu. Aslında mutfağa gidip bir şeyler almak bahanesiyle ona sürtmenin tam sırasıydı. İstediğim fırsatı da annem kendiliğinden yarattı zaten, “Oğlum gelsene bi şuraya” “Ne oldu anne” “Tabaklara ulaşamadım bi yardım et bana” mutfağa gidip “Hangisini istiyorsun” hemen uğraştığı yerdeki dolap kapağını işaret ederek “İşte şu en üstten bir alttaki rafta olan” arkasına geçip ona yüklenerek tabaklara ulaşıyor gibi bol bol sikimi yumuşacık kocaman götüne sürttüm. Hissetmemiştir diyemeyeceğim çünkü ben bunu yaparken onun hafifçe dudağını ısırdığını da fark etmiştim. Sikimi dolgun götünün tam arasına denk getirerek zor ulaşıyor gibi annemin götünü hissede hissede tabakları aldım. “İşte buyur sultanım var mı başka emriniz” “Sultanmış bak şu halime külkedisi gibiyim” “Sen benim gönlümün sultanısın” diyerek yanağına bir öpücük kondurdum “hadi ordan” sende diyerek güldü annem. “zevzeklik etme de otur şuraya yiyelim yemeğimizi” “tamam anne bir lavaboya gidip geleyim” diyerek koşar adım gittim. Amacım el yüz yıkamak değildi anlayacağınız gibi. Hemen sikimi acele ile çıkarıp 31 çekerek rahatladım. Toparlanıp elimi yıkayıp annemin yanına döndüm. Yemeğimizi yedik. Sonra ben tv izlemeye geçtim annemde mutfağı toplamakla uğraştı.

Salona geldiğinde üzerini değiştirmiş altında uzun bir etek üzerinde de bol bir bluz vardı. Kanepeye oturdu öylece tv izlemeye daldı. Bazen acı çekiyormuş gibi ah ve of diye inliyordu en son “off” dediğinde “ana neyin var” “oğlum çok yoruldum bugün kırılıyor vücudum şu bacaklarım çıkıyor” dedi. “İstersen krem sürüp ovayım biraz” “fena da olmaz haaa”” tamam o zaman uzan sen şöyle kanepeye” diyerek kalkıp Nivea kremi alarak geri geldim. Annem eteğini biraz sıyırmış vaziyette kanepeye uzanmıştı. Bacaklarından başladım yavaş yavaş kendi zevkimi çıkara çıkara dolgun bacaklarını ovalıyordum annemin. Sonra eteğinin altına doğru elimi kaydıra kaydıra baldırlarına doğru masajımı ilerlettim. Göz ucuyla da annemi izliyordum o gözlerini kapatmış rahatlamaya uğraşıyordu. Çok güzel tam istediğim fırsattı, bende zevkini çıkara çıkara bacak ve baldırlarını okşamaya devam ettim. Tabi bu okşamalarım anneme göre masajdı bana göre ise annemi okşamak. Elim yukarılara çıktıkça eteği de kocaman kalçalarının ucuna kadar sıyrılmış siyah külotu görünüyordu. Kalçalarını kapatmak bir yana o külotun içine nasıl sığıyordu annem anlam veremiyorum. Kalçalarının kenarına kadar arttırdığım masaj alanında nihayetinde kalçalarına da dokunmaya başlamıştım. Ohhhh sikim artık pantolonumu iyice zorlamaya başlamıştı. Elimle kalçalarının baldırı ile birleştiği yeri uzun uzun ovuyordum. “Nasıl iyi geldi mi bari ana” “hı hı az daha ov oğlum” “tamam anacığım” ellerim benim bir tanesi belim kadar olan baldırlarını boydan boya okşarken birden annemin dudaklarını ısırdığı dikkatimi çekti. Son bir cesaretimi toplayarak nerdeyse külotunun içine elimi de sokacak gibi yaparak baldırını ve kocaman kalçalarının bir kısmını sıvazlayıp bacak arasına doğru elimi indirdim ve amcığının kenarına da dokunarak bacaklarına doğru geri geldim. Baktım annemde ses yok aynı şeyi birkaç defa daha yaptım son hareketimde ağzından istemsiz olarak “ımhhh” sesi çıktı. Aslında tam zamanıydı etli amcığını okşamanın ama cesaret edemedim, korkumdan aşağıya doğru inip bacaklarına masaj yapmaya başladım. “Tamam yeter artık dedi annem” son defa elimi yukarılara doğru götürürken azıcık açılmış bacak arasında siyah külotunun ıslandığını fark ettiğimde içim içime sığmıyordu. Sanırım ben anneme masaj yaparken o da boşalmıştı. Annem eteğini düzeltip toparlanıp oturdu. Otururken belini tutuyordu. Hemen atıldım “Anacığım istersen beline de yapayım masaj” “Bilmem ki ağrıyor ama canımda uyumak istedi” “Sen bilirsin” “Aslında hadi yap, yap ta rahatça uyuyayım bari” “Tamam anacığım istersen sen yatağa uzan orda yapalım burada rahat edemezsin” “Doğru söylüyorsun orda sende rahat olursun” annem odaya gitti hazır olduğunda beni çağırdı. Annem yatakta altında eteği üzerinde sadece sütyeni ile yatıyordu “Anacığım şu şeyi de çıkarsaydın da rahat rahat ovsaydım şimdi krem olur o” annem ses etmeden ellerini geriye atıp sütyenin kopçalarını açtı ve kenara doğru indirdi onları. Offff ne muhteşem manzara, göğüslerinin yanlardan kaçan kısmı ile şu çıtırım diyen zayıf sıska kızlara en az 4 er tane göğüs yapılırdı be. Hemen iştahla bacağının üzerine oturup elimi kremleyerek anneme masaja başladım. ellerim boynuna doğru giderken o kalçalarına abanmak ince eteğinin üzerinden sikimi tam götünün arasına dayamak müthiş bir zevkti. Ben masaja devam ettikçe ve özellikle üzerine abandıkça annemden “ımhhh” diye ses geliyordu hafifçe. Ben bunun bir rahatlama sesi olduğunu biliyordum ama salağa yatıp “Anacım sert mi ovdum” dedim “Yok yok böyle iyi devam et” dedi. Bende yine devam ettim. Bir ara az yukarı doğru kalkıp kalçalarına biraz daha yaklaştığımda annemin de bacaklarını azıcık araladığını farkettim. O da istiyordu ama ikimizinde bunu dile getirmeye cesareti yoktu. Artık kabarmış sikim annemin verdiği aralığa girip çıkıyor pantolon etek üstü anneme dayıyordum. Yarım saat öyle ovaladım annemi ve ben de tam boşalma noktasına geldim. Az daha üstelesem eminim külotumu kirletecektim. Annemin “Sağol oğlum yeter bu kadar çok iyi geldi” sözü ile bu akşam ki zevkimin de bittiğini anladım. Olsun hayalimdeki kadını saatlerdir masaj numarası ile okşuyordum. “Hadi iyi geceler anacığım” diyerek kapıya doğru yöneldim annem de “iyi geceler oğlum” dedi ve hızla kendi odama geçtim.

Hemen soyunup yatağıma yattım ve o anları hayal ederek sikimi okşamaya başladım. Bir iki okşamadan sonra öyle şiddetli attırdım ki ilk döllerim yatağın dayandığı duvara kadar fışkırdı. Sonra gözlerimi kapayıp annemin amını ve götünü çıplak olarak okşadığımı hayal ederek bir posta daha 31 çektim. Hayallerimin kadını annemi düşüne düşüne uyuya kalmışım. Sabah kalktığımda annem işe gitmiş babamda eve gelmişti. Hemen hazırlanıp bende işe gittim. İçimden en çok arzuladığım şey birgün cesaretimi toplayıp o kocaman değirmen taşı gibi kalçaları ve karpuz gibi memeleri doya doya okşayabilmek. Hele bir de etli tombul amcığını da okşayabilirsem sanırım dünyalara o keyfi değişmem devam edeceğim.

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"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling ****** Gwain - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop He loved his Princess deeply, yet because of her royal station, and his lowly stock, he stayed away. On the very night he finally was going to express his love for her, she is confronted by a sorcerer bent on...

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CivilityChapter 4

I stopped in to inform Janet that I would return after lunch. "Have whatever you and Lila want ordered in," I said. "Mo has menus from about a million places." Mo — don't you dare call me Maureen — was my secretary. She was perhaps 240 years old. She had been old when I was a child and that was 30 years before. But she still was going strong. She had been my caregiver as a child (Mo hated the word babysitter, too). She was my caregiver as an adult. I filled the muscle I brought along...

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Sexual Journey Of A Cheated Tamil Woman 8211 Part 2

Hi all, thanks for your support. When I reached that Industrial Estate, I failed to find my boyfriend. I was helped by Uncle (Ramanathan, 55) who cared and took me to a bachelor’s room. It was a traditional type of home, looked too old, and had four rooms and a kitchen. The toilet and bathroom were built outside of the home. I saw a bachelor’s room for the very first time in my life. There were ten people, ages 19 to 45, living here for work like welding, security, and helpers in the factory....

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How I ended up having sex with a stripper Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

It was a normal Friday during the summer month of the year. Me and my friend had decided on visiting a strip club far away from the city which was famous for 5 strip dancers who used to run it. The strip club was very popular because of the variety of themes that the boys incorporated in their dance and strip shows. I had never seen their pictures but had heard a lot about these strippers. I was excited to visit this strip club as I had never been to a male strip club. I had never thought in my...

Real Hookup
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The Night With a Demon

It was a Friday. I was sitting in my English class. And despite my new found friends, I still liked sitting alone. I could focus and work better. Then the door opened and our vice principal came in with a boy walking behind him. This boy...wow. Dark black (darker than Joshua's, the total absence of colour) spiky hair. Pale skin. Clean shaven face. He wore a black "Breaking Benjamin" Shirt. Black jeans with a chain on them and combat boots. He carried a black bag over his...

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PI by tenwaters Aug. 13, 1999 In his modern second floor office, within the Bala Cynwood office complex, the CEO of Weed Investigations is struggling with grave financial matters. Five weeks of following Mrs. William Sims has revealed no sign of any hanky-panky, Mrs. Sims seams to be not only a faithful wife but a pillar of the community, a great disappointment to Mr. Sims. Mr. Sims is the type who won't pay for a reality that differs from his expectations. With the rent...

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Second ChanceChapter 9

When I boarded Air Force Two I was in shock. The plane was beyond anything I could imagine, and I got a pang of guilt, thinking about the cost of it all. There was little time for guilt because my pilots were waiting for me at the door, anxious to welcome me aboard my plane, and see to my every need. "Colonel Charles Farmer, Sir. I am your pilot. The first officer is Major Geoff Raines, and we are pleased to have our third flyer, Captain Audrey West, who is breaking in this month." Mr....

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Octoroon Odyssey

                               Octoroon Odyssey                                   Chapter 1                                  TJ Ryder                              http://www.midnightx.com/    Ashley Wilkison, young prince of Goldenrod Plantation, dearly loved his second cousin who lived in Tana House, an equally large plantation in Georgia, and eagerly rode his arabian stallion over there despite his father's concerns; for he and his father's older brother had some mysterious but deep friction...

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Hot summer with Aunt Sue

Hot Summer with Aunt Sue......As a teen, I spent many a year holidaying at my Aunt Sue’s. Not all year, but a week here and there, usually over our hot Summer months around Christmas. Aunt Sue was my Mom’s elder sister, and had always been my favourite....I guess it was because she used to refer to me as “her little man”.Hello, my name is Timothy, or Timmy as my Aunt liked to call me.Aunt Sue was widowed; U. Jim had passed away at an early age, electrified at his work. Aunt Sue never really...

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phone sex

She feels my touch my breath on her neck my lips on her breast tongue on her nipples. Skin to skin my hands on her clit massaging her inside and out till there is nothing left to do but make it whole. Start of soft and gentle light touches and an slow build up of rhythm changing position as I get used to the way our hips move together. Getting faster and harder as the room starts getting hotter and we start to make the floorboards creek the bed shake and the headboard leave dents in the wall....

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FamilyStrokes Mira Monroe Pinch Me I8217m Irish

It’s St. Patty’s Day, which means you get pinched if you’re not wearing green. Rusty takes this tradition seriously and takes every opportunity to pinch his stepdaughter, Mira. She’s used to his pranks but shows him she knows some gags herself. With her stepmom, Ryan, in the kitchen, Mira kneels behind the counter to suck her dad’s cock secretly. Rusty is baffled but doesn’t want Mira to stop. Later, Rusty finds Mira on the couch in green lace underwear. Even though she’s following the rules,...

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Lazy Evenings

‘I think they’re finally asleep…’ I closed the door softly and he looked up from the computer. ‘Getting any writing done?’ ‘A bit…’ he looked back at the computer and shook his head. ‘I’m stuck.’ I came to stand behind him at the desk and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, planting a small kiss on his neck. He put his hands on my arms and leaned back a bit, making a soft, contented sound. ‘I’ll figure it out eventually.’ We sat in comfortable silence for a second, both staring at the...

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Your Naughty Little School Girl

All the breath in my body disappeared the instant your mouth covered mine. I can feel your hot breath against me, the sweet taste of your lips and tongue driving me wild. My body slides against yours, all the most sensitive places coming into contact instantly. Already, I can feel my wetness dripping down onto my legs. You pull up my shirt and then my bra, so that you can reach my stiff, aching nipples. But it’s not until I feel your fingers caress my soft skin that I remember where we are....

3 years ago
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Memories of a Mortician Mortuary Montage

Age: 21 Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to suffocation Other Injuries: Nil Time between death and delivery to mortician: 12 hrs Notes: A night out at the club turned tragic for a pretty young woman when a stampede resulted in her being suffocated to death. Luckily, her sweet body remained unscathed when she was delivered to the mortician. All dressed to party Crushed by people, air deprived Your hot body, limp (All the costumes featured in this story have been featured in past...

4 years ago
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When Two Souls ConnectChapter 12

Dressed in his boxers and a tee-shirt, Jack was sitting beside Erin at the kitchen table. He watched her take a bite of her sweet and sour chicken that he had ordered in after helping her with a shower. Along with her panties, she was wearing one of his old flannel shirts that had faded so much the blue color looked gray. The shirt came to the top of her knees. He had insisted that she stay the night with him and she hadn't argued with him. She had simply nodded and let him take care of her....

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Deanne and Me Chapter Four

It was early in the morning when I went to my truck and started off on my mission. Almost a year had passed since I last saw Deanne. Yes, I had been missing her. She really is a wonderful person but I must admit that I had been thinking more about her as a sex partner while driving to the airport. Her magnificent body had given such pleasure to me that I was hoping she would still be interested in me sexually. Having arrived at the airport early, I was wandering around to pass the time until...

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Porn has shown the world the complete insides and outsides of many different women that come from all kinds of backgrounds – nobody 30 and under can say that they haven’t jacked off to a cute Asian babe stripping, or a sexy ebony chick riding dick like her life depended on it. By now every race knows what every other race’s women look like clothed, undressed, and bent over on a bed while getting slammed by some guy’s meat rod. Now I don’t like to play favorites when it comes to which race...

Premium Latina Porn Sites
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A Private Affair

Octavia made her way along the narrow walkway which led to the crannog roundhouse. The equinox gathering would feature a re-enactment of an ancient pagan festival going back in time to the year AD 500. As Octavia drew closer, it was obvious that she was one of the last to arrive. The rest of the party were already in jovial spirits and drinking wine from pewter goblets and singing heartily. She then caught sight of her friend Gwendolyn and made her way across to sit with her at the huge...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 553

The night was quiet followed by breakfast as a low-keyed affair. I was in my office at 0730; it felt good not to have to make the run to Washington. It allowed me to do something that I had only been able to do sporadically for the last six months. I started down the list of embassies, video conferencing with our security team leaders at each and doing it by the time zones. I wanted to speak to the day shift supervisor. All of them were startled to find me on their VCATS screen instead of...

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The WolvesChapter 15

Earth Lehua, Hawaii August 13, 2019 15:02 HST (21:02 EDT) My sisters were very excited, and I think Omar, Yuki and my mom were as well. They’re just better at hiding it. I found that with my long neck, I was able to get a good look at myself. Where Ilnod was a carmine red like his mother, my scales were varied in color. I wasn’t quite rainbow colored, but it was close. There were small swept back spines running along my back and all the way down my tail where they tapered off into a large,...

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New Plumbing

New Plumbing A Short Story By Maryanne Peters He sat down in the aisle seat. I was at the window. It was only a small plane so there was just the two of us. I was on my home that evening. I had come straight from a meeting and I was in my best business suit. The skirt was fairly short and I had only nude pantyhose and a smart pair of heels. He admired my legs as he fastened his seat belt. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I was not until we were airborne that he spoke to...

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A Chance Encounter

Part Three. Saturday evening arrived and after my shit, shave, shower and shampoo, got dressed as Sally did and were ready to go out when the buzzer from the gate sounded. Giving K9 a pat and telling him to be a good boy and look after the house, we went out. ‘No need for two cars,’ John said at the gate, ‘we’ve brought ours. Bob, this is Carol. Carol, meet Bob.’ He was introducing me to his quite attractive wife. ‘Hello Bob. John’s told me a lot about you,’ she said with a bright smile and...

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Ex girlfriend and her roommates watching

This is round 3 of a set of true stories from my ex girlfriend from college. Please read the first two of my stories before this one. I hope you like this one. This story is about 6 months after the last one ended. Dana had fully become my sexual dominatrix. She controlled all of our sexual activities and I loved that about her. I loved satisfying her and she she loved to be satisfied. This story starts at a house party she was having with her 2 roommates. There were probably 30-40 people at...

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Enemy Ch 04

It had been 7 whole days 7 unbelievably long days 7 brain boggling, heart mutilating, never ending, devastatingly long days. He couldn’t take it anymore. He weighed his options, he took 7 whole days to completely analyze the situation, overestimate the repercussions and prepare himself for the worst case scenario, IF they were ever caught. Bianca Rose was more important than any repercussions, so it was just a chance he had to take. He could not stay away from her for another second!...

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Every Last Drop

She got up from her hands and knees. Her bathroom was pristine; scrubbed and cleaned to perfection like the rest of her flat. Putting the cleaning things away in the hall cupboard she wandered through to her living room. This was her favourite room - the large comfortable sofa and armchair with matching cushions, neatly stacked bookshelves and the beautiful cream carpet all complimented her need for orderliness and cleanliness. With a shiver she ran her hands over her taut stomach and up to her...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 5

Mark was still sitting in the lay-by an hour and a half later when he saw Flick's car pull in behind him. He opened the driver's door to greet her and found himself knocked backwards against his car as Flick launched herself at him with a squeal of pleasure. He felt her arms hugging him fiercely and her lips were planting wild kisses all over his face. Mark returned the hug and accepted the unbridled expression of her feelings for him. "I'm really pleased to see you too, baby," he...

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Fantastic Train Journey

Hi, this is 22nd story written under the pen name of Sultana Sinha. My real name is Aloke a 36 yrs old, married Male from Patna Bihar. Many readers mail me thinking I am female. If you like the story, please say so via mail This story is 11 yrs old. I was going to Mumbai to join College of Arts to learn painting after graduation. I boarded Guwahati Dadar Exp at Bhagalpur and took my seat in two AC. A very beautiful newly married woman along with a boy, who seems to be her brother were seating...

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Acquiring Her Panties

The annual convention of sex therapists was held at the Ballymore Hotel Ocean Beach Recreation Centre and, as always, Friday evening was the shakedown function where everyone would mix, drink and yarn and set up room swaps for the duration of the two-nights at the hotel. The cocktail party commenced at 7:30 and between four and seven was the period in which the convention organizers set delegates a mystery task based only on a two or three-word clue. As there was a $5000 prize to the winner,...

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Alex to Alina Chapter 9 The Neighbor

Chapter 8: The Neighbor I awoke the next morning feeling insanely relaxed. I lay there for a while, with my eyes shut, not thinking about anything and just enjoying the feeling. When I did open my eyes, I was shocked to see how I was still dressed. My breasts looked huge, and I couldn't see past them. I sat up and looked down at my body... How had it come to this? This wasn't a man's body anymore. Why couldn't I stop? I slowly wriggled out of the outfit and my lingerie, and...

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A Fist Full of Dollars

It was well past sunset when the train pulled into the Turkish town of Arbad. It had been a long trip and a good night's sleep would not have been unwelcome. "Well according to the brochure and the 'let's go' book there are hotel representatives at these stations. They welcome tourists and if they haven't booked anywhere, will recommend accommodation", the woman said as she picked up her bag. Her husband gave a grunt. For his part he didn't even want to be here, a Muslim country was not...

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Bar Girl Ch 04

Chapter 4. ‘Pool Party.’ Pool Party at Poco Jo’s and aftermath. Chuck. Hygiene. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Papa Adam and Mama Claire. House Robbery, and Nice with Ice. The next morning, Blen, Amor and Girlie looked forward with excitement to the pool party. Girlie had spent some time by a hotel pool with her customer, though they had not swum. Amor’s first night bar-fine had stayed at a hotel with no pool so, like Blen, she had never even seen a swimming pool other than on the TV. Amor was...

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A Cautious Man Ch 2124

These are the final Chapters in the story of Bill Orton. As I said in the beginning, it was initially inspired by an old Bruce Springsteen song. Bill isn’t a perfect man, but he is a decent man. He deserves a better fate than has befallen him to this point in his life. As always, I am grateful to ErikThread for his careful and prompt editing. Any errors or omissions are entirely my responsibility. * Chapter 21: ‘Do you still have the lovely black dress you wore on our first date?’ Bill...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 6 Loves Nature

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Six: Love's Nature By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264for beta reading this. Chapter Sixteen: Love's Nature Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The room Priestess Thea led me to was surprisingly homey. It wasn't what I expected given the solemn grandeur of the rest of the Temple of Luben. An open window looked out at a small garden, lacy curtains framing it. A table set in the center, the...

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HandsOnHardcore Ginebra Bellucci Biker Bangs Fans Asshole

Biker John Price is a successful racer and wins one race after the other. His biggest fan is Ginebra Bellucci, a brunette Latina Milf with wonderful brown eyes and gorgeous natural tits. The Spanish bombshell seduces the handsome sportsman in the garage by showing him her curvy butt, sliding down her jeans and letting him cram his face between her sexy buttcheeks. Today’s Hardcore XXX porn scene by the DDF Network is a 4K masterpiece, packed with all the goodies you don’t want to...

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Dominique Wet Dream

Dominique, the new girl in my class and my obsession, straddled me, and I could smell her, I could feel her body heat. The hairs on my body stood erect. I stood erect. Her little shirt was cut just below her breasts and her nipples held onto the fabric as she moved on top of me, sliding up and down my stomach and hips. I watched her perfect breasts move, the nipples outlined and pronounced. She sat up and leaned back, her body arching, and her crotch thrusting forward. Oh Jesus, I could see her...


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