Eiffel - épisode 1 free porn video

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Eiffel – Chapitre 1

Cette histoire qui a changé ma vie se déroule à un moment où j’enchaîne des missions d’audit pour un grand éditeur de logiciel dans le coin du champ de Mars. Provincial et pas forcément très liant avec les employés de l’éditeur du fait de mon travail, j’ai pris l’habitude le midi de déjeuner en flânant vers la tour Eiffel et le Trocadéro.
J’y observe avec amusement le jeu du chat et de la souris entre les policiers et les nombreux vendeurs à la sauvette africains qui tentent de fourguer aux touristes leur camelote. Ma présence régulière et le fait que je sois toujours poli lorsque je décline leurs gadgets font que plusieurs d’entre-eux me reconnaissent et que nous nous saluons.
Un jour où je suis assis vers les bassins en mangeant mon panini, Abou – un quadra toujours souriant plutôt ventripotent – me demande s’il peut s’assoir à côté de moi pour faire une pause. Une fois ses kilos de camelote posée devant lui, il allume une cigarette et me demande avec son français approximatif marqué d’un fort accent africain :

- Toi tu viens souvent ici. On te voit avec les autres vendeurs.
- Oui j’aime bien venir me détendre le midi.
- Tu sais que moi Abou et toi c’est quoi ton nom ?
- François.
- Tu as la bague. Tu es marié ? Avec des enfants ? Moi oui mais au pays.
- Oui je suis marié. Et je suis à Paris pour un travail mais ma famille est en province.

Il acquiesce de la tête, pensif, en soufflant sa fumée puis me regarde sans se départir de son éternel sourire et dit :

- C’est loin. Je comprends. Si tu veux, tu viens avec moi et je te le fais. Je le fais bien. J’ai un endroit pas loin.

Je dois faire une drôle de tête car il croit bon d’ajouter en se touchant l’entre-jambe :
- J’ai une grosse. Tu vas aimer, oui.

Je ne sais pas trop comment réagir. Je sens que je suis pivoine quand je réponds :
- Je suis flatté mais je ne suis pas homosexuel.
- D’accord, pas de problème, tu es pas homosexuel. Je te dis, je comprends. Moi avec la famille qui est loin, je le fais avec d’autres, tu vois. J’aime niquer. Je nique beaucoup. Les femmes et aussi les hommes. Les hommes, juste je leur nique le cul. Alors comme je fais beaucoup, je sens ceux qui veulent. Toi tu veux.
- Mais non. Je n’ai jamais fait ça et je ne veux pas.

J’ai dit ça trop fort et les touristes qui passent devant nous se retournent. Le sourire d’Abou s’accentue car en répondant, mon regard s’est porté sur son bas ventre qu’il continue de frotter. Il fait en sorte que son sexe soit bien visible à travers le tissu et il a clairement un membre énorme. Sa voix se fait plus rauque quand il reprend :

- Tu vois, tu regardes la grosse bite d’homme. Surement parce que tu as une petite. Souvent les français c’est ça. Je sais, je nique souvent les français. Aussi avec leur femme des fois et après ils sucent la bite devant elle.

Des images se forment dans ma tête et je sens que je bande. Je sais que je devrais partir sur le champ mais je suis comme une souris devant un serpent. Abou se penche un peu plus vers moi et pose sans main sur ma cuisse tout en me disant à l’oreille cette fois :
- Tu viens maintenant avec moi, je vais te le faire. D’abord je lèche le cul. La langue dans le trou. Et je te mets une crème de chez moi sur le trou qui ouvre après en grand. Après je t’enfonce. Mais doucement au début pour bien écarter ton trou. Après je te le fais fort si tu demandes. Souvent c’est comme ça que veulent les pédés: fort dans le cul !
- Je ne suis pas un pédé.
- Alors on fera pas fort, pas de problème.

Il ramasse ses babioles et se lève ce qui fait que je me retrouve avec sa queue au niveau du visage. Toujours souriant, il mime un mouvement de bassin et dit d’un ton clairement autoritaire pour la première fois :
- Allez on y va là, François. Oui tu viens, tu me suis !

Je me lève, les yeux baissés, écœuré par ma propre docilité mais l’épisode n’a pas échappé à deux des nombreux policiers qui arpentent l’endroit et qui interpellent l’africain, pensant qu’il m’importune. Aussitôt, Abou s’éloigne, immédiatement imité par tous les autres revendeurs à la sauvette. Les policiers leur emboitent le pas et je me retrouve seul sans trop savoir si je suis déçu ou soulagé.

Durant le reste de la semaine, je ne remets pas les pieds sur le Champ de Mars mais l’épisode avec Abou continue de me perturber et ça n’échappe pas à mon épouse Isabelle lorsque je suis de retour à Lyon pour le week-end. Elle met ça se le compte de ma mission mais je suis très embarrassé quand je me réveille le dimanche matin le ventre englué de sperme. Je me garde bien de lui dire que c’est après avoir rêvé que l’africain est ses amis me sodomisaient en me tenant plaqué à même le sol dans une cave sordide. Le dimanche, je rends visite à mes enfants chez mon ex-femme. S’il n’y a plus d’amour entre nous, elle me connait cependant suffisamment après presque 20 ans de vie commune pour voir que quelque chose cloche mais elle met aussi ça sur le compte du stress de ma mission.
De retour dans mon hôtel parisien, je passe un long moment à m’observer nu dans le miroir plein pied de la chambre. J’écarte mes fesses et ausculte mon anus. Je finis par me branler frénétiquement en me doigtant avec une rage malsaine jusqu’à ce que j’éjacule.

Lundi midi, je suis de retour au Trocadéro.

J’ai l’impression que tous les vendeurs à la sauvette me reconnaissent, savent ce qui s’est passé et se gaussent, ce qui n’est probablement que le fruit de mon imagination. Sans trop savoir ce à quoi j’aspire – en tout cas sans l’admettre – je reviens m’assoir là où Abou et moi avons eu notre dernier échange. Après quelques minutes, un des vendeurs s’approche. Ça n’est pas Abou, il est jeune et athlétique. Il s’arrête sur le côté et demande sans me regarder :
- Toi tu es François, oui ?
- Oui.
- Abou il est au pilier droit à la Tour Eiffel. Il a dit que quand tu reviens, on te le dit si on te voit.

L’homme repart. J’hésite un court moment et je me lève puis descends l’esplanade, traverse le pont et me retrouve devant la tour Eiffel. J’imagine que le pilier droit est le pilier Est donc je m’y rends mais en dehors de jeunes roumaines occupées à harceler les pauvres touristes avec leurs pétitions frauduleuses, aucune trace d’Abou. Je n’ose pas poser la question aux vendeurs noirs présents et je me dirige vers le pilier Sud. Il est là, occupé à tenter de fourguer des porte-clefs à des touristes Russes amusées. Il me voit et me salue de la tête avant de me rejoindre.
- Hééé bonjour François. C’est les autres qui t’ont dit que j’étais là ? Je leur avais dit pour s’ils te voyaient. Tu venais plus ? Tu avais peur ?
- Oui un peu.
- Mais là tu viens. Tu as envie que je te le fasse, hein ?

Il se délecte de ma gêne et de ma honte. Son sourire est toujours aussi large mais ses yeux sont ceux d’un prédateur ravi de voir sa proie acculée et soumise.
- Alors François, tu dis rien ? Tu veux dans le cul comme je te disais, oui ?
- Oui.
- Alors dis à Abou. Allez, dis comment tu veux ?
- Je veux dans le cul comme tu disais, Abou.
- Oui François. Dans le cul. C’est bien, François. Alors on y va. Tu vas aimer, oui !

Il hèle un de ses collègues à qui il donne son stock de babioles. Il lui parle vite en me regardant et l’autre sourit puis me fait un clin d’œil salace en se touchant le sexe. Je baisse les yeux. Abou revient vers moi et je lui emboite le pas.
- Viens c’est pas loin, François, dit-il tout en marchant. Bientôt tu vas jouir dans le cul, oui.

Nous traversons une partie du parc et nous éloignons de la tour Eiffel. Une fois devant un bâtiment en rénovation, Abou vérifie que personne ne le regarde et il fait pivoter une planche large qui permet de passer derrière la haute barricade qui sécurise le chantier. Il me fait passer puis entre à son tour et referme derrière nous. Nous sommes sous les échafaudages de façade. Abou longe le bâtiment puis descend un escalier qui s’enfonce sous terre, passe une porte métallique ouverte et traverse une petite salle faiblement éclairée par deux petits soupiraux dans laquelle s’entasse un tas de fatras. Je reconnais les babioles encore emballées que ses compagnons et lui vendent : tours Eiffel miniatures, perches pour portable… Je comprends qu’il s’agit de l’endroit où ils stockent leur matériel. Des matelas gonflables et des sacs de couchage sont entassés pêle-mêle à même le sol en terre. Nous traversons la salle en silence puis traversons un long couloir avant de passer une porte en bois qu’Abou referme derrière nous. Nous sommes dans une seconde salle. Un bureau en métal bancale occupe le mur de droite, le sol est recouvert de tapis élimés et un grand matelas épais parsemé de larges tâches suspectes occupe le centre. A l’instar de la pièce précédente, l’endroit est éclairé par deux soupiraux et baigne dans une odeur lourde de sueur et de musc.
Abou s’allonge sur le matelas et me lance :
- Enlève tes vêtements, ma chérie. Tu poses sur le bureau.

Pendant que j’obéis, il baisse son pantalon de jogging informe à mi-cuisse et prend sa verge en main. Il ne bande qu’à moitié mais sa queue est épaisse et longue, déformée par des veines saillantes avec un gland est de la taille d’un abricot. Tout le temps que je mets à me déshabiller, il se branle lentement sans cesser de sourire.
- C’est bien, tu as envie ! se moque-t-il quand je baisse mon boxer en désignant ma verge bandée à mort mais très modeste et encore plus ridicule en comparaison de la sienne.

Je m’agenouille au pied du matelas et enlève ses chaussures puis son pantalon. Il passe son pull et son t-shirt par-dessus sa tête. Il est musclé mais très gras, adipeux, et ça m’excite d’autant plus. Il m’attire sur lui, positionnant mes genoux le long de son bassin et se met à me peloter les fesses en les écartant. Il approche sa bouche de la mienne et j’ai un mouvement de recul. Je vais me faire sodomiser par un homme mais l’idée de l’embrasser me dégoutte. Il s’en rend compte et s’en amuse mais sans insister et il me lèche le visage puis l’oreille en enfonçant sa langue dans le conduit. J’ai les yeux fermés et je me laisse faire comme la lope que je suis en train de devenir. J’ai envie de sucer sa bite énorme et je commence à descendre le long de sa poitrine mais il me retient et me fait pivoter jusqu’à ce que soyons tête-bêche et dit :
- Vas-y maintenant tu peux sucer la bite de l’homme et moi je suce ton trou, ma chérie.

Je m’exécute. Je tête sa queue en le branlant, tremblant d’excitation. Abou écarte mes fesses en grand à deux mains et lape mon anus sur toute la longueur en appuyant. C’est la première fois qu’on me fait ça et je laisse échapper de longs râles d’extase. Il pilonne l’orifice avec sa langue et je pousse pour faciliter le passage. Les vagues de plaisir sont telles que je ne me rends même pas compte que j’éjacule. Après plusieurs minutes, Abou me remet face à lui. Il farfouille dans un des tiroirs du bureau et en ressort un pot en verre qu’il dévisse puis il plonge ses doigts à l’intérieur. Il s’agit probablement de la « crème de chez lui ». L’odeur est poivrée, piquante. Il repose ses mains sur mes fesses et se met à masser mon anus déjà dilaté avec. J’ai l’impression que mon trou s’anesthésie et gonfle. La sensation est étrange mais pas désagréable.

Il enfonce un doigt en moi et le fait coulisser. Une onde de chaleur éclate dans mes reins et je me mets à gémir. Son autre main passe entre mes cuisses et il badigeonne mon sexe et mes testicules de pommade. Le simple contact suffit à me faire éjaculer à nouveau. Loin de s’en offusquer, il me « trait » la queue pendant que je jouis en poussant des couinements pitoyables, haletant, et il en profite pour enfoncer sans difficulté un second doigt entre mes fesses. La main qui vient de me vider quitte ma bite toujours tendue malgré mon éjaculation et rejoint mes fesses. Abou amorce alors un lent travail de dilatation, deux doigts de chaque main profondément enfoncés en moi qu’il tire sur l’extérieur pour distendre mon orifice. Malgré la pommade, j’ai la sensation qu’il m’ouvre en deux et va me déchirer irrémédiablement mais je souffle un long « oui » sur un ton trop haut, presque féminin.
L’africain me fait rouler sur le dos et vient face à moi. De moi-même, je relève mes jambes et pose mes pieds sur ses épaules. Il guide sa verge entre mes fesses et souffle :
- Tu veux, ma chérie ?
- Oui Abou...
- Je sens ton trou ouvert sous ma bite. Tu as envie de ma bite, hein ?
- Oh oui… en entier…

Il enfonce alors son membre énorme en moi d’un coup de rein progressif et mesuré qui me coupe le souffle. Il s’immobilise, complètement à l’intérieur, son bide gras sur mes fesses.
- Ça va, ma chérie ? Tu n’as pas mal ?
- Non c’est bon…
- Tu veux que Abou te nique ?
- Oui Abou, oui : nique moi !

Il entame de longs vas et vient, m’arrachant un gémissement à chaque fois que ses lourdes couilles frappent mon cul. Je perds la notion du temps, jouissant de l’anus. Je ne suis plus préoccupé que par ça : être rempli, qu’il coulisse toujours plus loin. Dents serrées, je souffle d’une voix rauque pleine de tension :
- Vas-y plus fort…
- Attention ma chérie, tu es pas habitué pour enculer. Même avec la crème faut faire attention dans le cul.
- Je veux que tu le fasses plus fort.
- Tu veux la défonce, c’est ça, oui ?
- Oui Abou, je veux la défonce.
- Tu vois, je t’avais dit que tu étais un pédé, ma chérie…
- Oui je suis un pédé, Abou. Défonce mon cul de pédé…
- Bon alors oui pédé, je vais défoncer le cul, oui !

Je le vois sourire au-dessus de moi. Il sait qu’il a la maîtrise et que je suis sa chienne. Il accélère le rythme, me pilonnant. Il me retourne comme une poupée cassée. D’une main, il appuie sur mes reins et me cambre puis retombe sur moi de tout son poids, m’enculant vi0lemment d’un coup. J’ai le visage sur le matelas, la bouche ouverte et les yeux révulsés. Abou, les mains accrochées à mes hanches, me défonce frénétiquement. Je sens que je jute à nouveau mais la chaleur dans mon cul et les vagues de sensations qui m’irradient les reins sont si intenses que je ne m’en rends pas compte. Après plusieurs minutes sans ralentir, l’africain s’agite derrière moi. Il extirpe son membre brutalement et éjacule un flot de sperme sur mon dos en grognant puis retombe sur le côté en soufflant comme une forge. Je reste dans la même position. J’ai l’impression d’un grand vide entre mes fesses, comme si mon anus était béant. Je passe une main dessus et m’aperçois que c’est le cas. Abou s’en rend compte et souffle, encore sous le coup de son éjaculation:
- Le trou ouvert, c’est la crème. Ca l’écarte beaucoup mais ça part après. Je vais te donner une serviette comme pour les femmes, ma chérie. Tu mettras dans le slip. Après le trou redevient normal, oui. Je te donne aussi encore de la crème : ton trou va faire mal car on a fait très fort et t’as pas encore l’habitude.

Ce faisant, il sort un pot du tiroir et le pose devant moi puis il fouille mes affaires et sort mon portefeuille dont il retire la soixantaine d’euros qui s’y trouvent. Je ne réagis pas alors il vide aussi mon porte-monnaie intégralement en disant sans me regarder « pour la crème… ». Je lui suis gréé de ne pas dire que c’est pour m’avoir baisé comme une putain même si je trouve que je le mériterais.

Maintenant que c’est terminé, l’odeur de foutre et de sueur me dégoutte. Abou aussi me dégoutte. Et moi encore plus avec mon cul explosé, ma petite queue molle gluante de jus et le comportement de lope offerte que je viens d’avoir. L’africain le sait et il limite nos échanges au strict minimum. L’anus protégé par une serviette hygiénique qu’il m’a donné, je remets mon boxer puis me rhabille. Abou essuie à la vas vite les coulées de sperme encore humides dans mon dos et je fais de même pour mon entrecuisse et mon ventre. Une fois complètement habillé, je fais illusion mais je pue le foutre et le stupre. Il me raccompagne jusqu’à la rue et je fuis plus que je ne pars sans un mot.

Dans la rue, j’appelle le bureau pour dire que je ne me sens pas bien et regagne immédiatement mon hôtel ou je prends une douche bouillante et interminable avant de me mettre au lit. J’ai l’impression d’avoir une grippe. Je m’endors de suite, assommé. En fin de journée, je suis réveillé par une douleur sourde et lancinante. Mon anus s’est un peu refermé mais il saille entre mes fesses, énorme et boursoufflé. Je pleure de douleur en appliquant la pommade de l’africain et l’effet d’apaisement est presque immédiat. Je me rendors jusqu’au matin. Quand je me réveille, la douleur est toujours présente mais très diffuse et supportable et l’œdème s’est résorbé.

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Money Well SpentChapter 10

Shaggy let her beg for awhile before breaking down. “All right, if you have to know.” He looked down at Lindsey, the tiny frame, the blue eyes, the blonde hair, and told her she had two names. “Half of them call you Fairy, half call you Angel, because you look like both.” Lindsey seemed pleased. Jen looked at him and he smiled. “You, they call Madonna. Not for the singer, but for the religious one. You held a baby once for a mother, just as the sun was going down. You seemed to glow, and...

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her best friend carolyn

Introduction: my wife had sex with her best friend I am a 37 year old guy from the Midwest, pretty much living the suburban dream. I am an airline pilot, making a good living, and I have a beautiful wife and three young kids. I have been married to my wife Michelle for six years, and we have been together for ten. She is the sexiest woman I have ever met, five foot five, with long wavy auburn hair, and curves that men cannot help but stare at. She thinks she is too heavy, but she is just plain...

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ParallelsChapter 1

Earth 38 - National City - Specific Location Unknown Kara Danvers, also known as Supergirl moaned. And not in a happy way. Her head was spinning and she found it hard to stand. Waiting for things to settle she looked around. The last memory she had was accosting two bank robbers, one of them had sprayed something pungent in her face and then ... nothing. She was seated on a standard wooden chair in a large nondescript room, about 30 feet across. Her chair was positioned within a blue box...

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Majorette 2 Night of Fire

Majorette 2: Night of Fire By Lynn LeFey Steven Andrews lay on his back, under his covers. In his mind, he was making love to a luscious, graceful majorette. Her blonde hair blew in an unseen wind, and she moaned with pleasure. They lay in each other's arms. He reached up to remove the crimson mask, but her hands stopped him. Who was she? His real-life encounter with this fantasy image last night seemed to be bordering on fascination. He got up, crossed to the computer desk,...

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The GILF Down The Hall

I was in my mid 40’s when this took place. At that time, I was living in an apartment on the 11th floor of a building in a downtown area. My job had me traveling frequently, and sometimes for extended periods of time. But during this time I was enjoying some time at home base following a six-week assignment to the great northwest (Washington state). There was a very nice lady that lived down the hall from me. Her name was “Gracie” and she was a widow in her late 50’s. Gracie was not a little...

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Thunder rumbled through the night sky as rain poured down drenching the streets with cold droplets. The city slowed to the speed of a small town; the occasional dog owner or a car going down the road. As the sun starts to set, a man leans against the frame of the porch door watching the night take over the day.Lost in thought, he stands oblivious to the growing storm while the thunder gets louder than before and lightning begins to flash. The wind picks up, and the pace of the city dies down to...

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What women want from men

1. When we talk 'listen', it shows us that you care about our feelings. 2. Men should be smart enough and understand that not all our bad moods are connected to PMS-ing. 3. Guys, developing an EQ (Emotional quotient) would help. That however, does not mean that they need to cry at the drop of a hat, it just means you need to be more sensitive towards us. 4. With women communication is the key, so try and talk to us often. 5. Here are some traits we wish men would display – chivalry, making an...

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Majgen Ch 019

Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Love and Legends)=—- ‘Morning greetings, Little Human,’ said Aejoa. ‘Morning greetings, Aejoa,’ returned Majgen, and yawned sleepily. ‘You just woke up?’ guessed Aejoa, studying her sleepy appearance on the viewer. ‘Ei,’ – yes, Majgen replied during a second yawn. ‘Inee told me you had called...

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California Virgin

Im back again everyone. After doing some thinking I remembered that I left one story out from my previous sex experiences. Hope everyone enjoys it. Remember, my stories are real because I went through all these experiences.There was this guy I knew that I played basketball with. He had a real hot girlfriend that was really sweet and always trying to make friends. She sent me a friend request one day and I accepted it. On her top friends she had this really cute white girl so I sent her a...

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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 6 Virginia

About one a.m., Dave looked around the bed and chuckled to himself. He had wiped out three women, leaving them speechless and in a state that Dave had heard of as ‘rode hard and put away wet’. The term had been corrupted from equestrian usage, and these days referred to the totally disheveled and exhausted appearance of the three women who’d been happily fucked past their limits and endurance. Lolly had initially captured Dave’s attention, so he gave her dedicated attention, even giving her...

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Helping Joel M2M

When i was a Junior in college, i was rooming with a friend named Joel. Joel was 5-9, blonde, blue-eyed guy that had a reputation with the girls as being a player. Besides his good looks, he was rumored to be hung like a horse, which I heard from more than one reliable source. For some reason, i had a curiosity to see his dick, not only soft, but hard as a rock. However, he seemed shy around guys and I never saw him without baggy shorts in our dorm room. To this day, i still do not...

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Marriage Rehab

I am lying naked, on a cot, in a jail cell, if jail cells are ever pure white. Well, almost pure white. There are four black video screens on one wall. As the only non-white things in the room, they attract the eye.There is a large screen in the middle. It is at the eye level of someone seated in the room's only chair. The other screens are on both sides and above it. The cell also has a cot, a toilet, a sink, and a door with a small view port and a small slot at the floor, presumably for the...

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Grimm Tales Snow White

"It’s late, Jacob, and you promised me a bed time story. Did you forget?" Jenny’s lips formed a petulant pout, somehow managing to look alluring. Perhaps it the way the light illuminated the outline of her nubile body through the sheer nightgown she’d attired herself in. Or perhaps it was the manner in which she stood, hands behind her, most likely clasped in a submissive pose. Seated in the leather armchair in the study, a thick manuscript upon his lap, Jacob regarded his wife with a warm...

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How My Sex Life Came About part 6

Patty had a best girlfriend named Samantha. She was Patty's age, in her class at school, and worked with her. Everyone called her Sam as she was still that tomboy type. Sam was about 5’5” with brown curly hair. She had had fairly big tits. She wore glasses and was a little chubby but not in an ugly way. She had curves in all the right places she just kept them covered. In a way she and Patty were mismatched. Patty was sexy while Sam was plain at least with clothes on her body. Patty told...

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My Crazy Life 1 Michelle

I have written a lot of stories, and I believe I have a creative imagination. Because most of the stories are my fantasies, my main male characters tend to resemble me. This might quickly lead an astute reader to confusion, because in the various stories, my wife is either a nymphomaniac, or she's dead, or she left me for either a younger or an older man. My only answer is that to some extent all of those descriptions of her are true.Actually, we have been married more than thirty years. A lot...

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Just for FunChapter 2 Just a Fetish

Emily and I had fought before, but never like this. We were both lawyers, not that it helped. Some people have this idea that lawyers always argue like they’re in court, presenting evidence and rationally posing objections. When Emily and I fight, we get mean. I recognize it in myself - I’ll snipe at her, never letting her finish a point. In turn, she’ll change the subject ... typically onto some slight I’d performed in the last few days. I’ll get mad at her for changing the topic, she’ll...

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Hartford 2Chapter 2 More Mora

Slowly it dawned on Mora that all her sexual fantasies might come true, right here -- right now. Mora's lips parted and she absorbed Terry's swollen nipple into her mouth and sucked upon it. Terry moaned. It was a first for her, having both nipples suckled at the same time. The thrill shot right to her cunt and she trembled in Paul's arms. Terry released Paul's cock, leaving it to bob and jerk of its own accord. Closing her eyes, she felt compelled to touch this young girl before her,...

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No Ones Out of Your League

It had been a long, rough day ... eh, week ... no, month and year at my job! I don't quite know how I got suckered into getting a job at a jail, but I do know why I was being kept there. The paycheck was nice, and in an economy such as the one that our "Great White Hope;" ex president G.W.Jr has put us in, being with out a job isn't an option. (I'm sorry to sound racist in that last statement, but sometimes the truth just falls out of my mouth when I talk; but that's not the reason that...

3 years ago
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Slut Mother Gets Married Again Part II

Alternative Title - "A Whore and a Lady"=========================================== "I love you husband" my mother, dressed in burgundy wedding dress held her new husband's arm. She had picked the dress. Bob wanted her to wear white but she refused. Bob wore his black suit with a red bow-tie and kissed me mother deeply. I could see a bulge in his pants. It was clear that my mother hadn't let him cum for last few days, heightening his hormones and committing him to the ceremony. After the...

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Swallowing his load Part 1

My old friend Mike decides after a few months of flying under the radar, to randomly text my phone. I read the text and he writes, "Yo!! What's good? I out and about and need a co-pilot to take a ride out my friends house. It's about a 1 and a half hour drive to it, are you busy??" In my mind I'm thinking of all the kinky stuff I've done with him and his girlfriends over the years. I'm remembering being his cumslut, never wasting it always eating every bit of his load, even if he decided to...

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The LotteryChapter 87

At six o'clock, Kim's alarm went off and she reached over and slapped the top of the clock radio searching for the snooze button. When the alarm began making its annoying sound ten minutes later, Kim turned it off and stretched her arms above her head. Kim flipped the covers off the sleeping body next to her and poked Sally in the ribs. "Wake up, it's time to get ready." Sally rolled away and searched for the covers. Kim kept poking her and finally crawled on top of Sally and began to...

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Solo Masturbation with B

Luckily for me, my parents and brother weren't going to be home for a few hours, or at least that is what I thought. So based on that I decided I would satisfy my sexual urges with some manual stimulation. Unfortunately I don't have any anal toys at home, so I had to improvise. I'm one who enjoys some good strong vibrations, particularly on my anus and behind my balls against my pelvis. I turned on some BBW cheerleader porn to watch, and I got myself comfortable on my bed. By now I...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 27

The doctor's eyes widened. "Mistake?" "Yes. I stupidly let two boys have sex with me. I was half drunk, so failed to stop them. They were pathetic, but managed to do enough to get me pregnant. I was just as stupid, having no protection because I never expected it to happen. Later, neither of them wanted to admit anything. I have learned from that, doctor. The first baby that I have, is going to be fathered by a man who knows what he is doing, and is a responsible person. If I have any...

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Corporate Bodies Pt 04 Fidelity

Chapter FifteenIf I ever needed proof of my wife’s genius as a psychologist, then the next few weeks provided it in bucket loads. However doubtful I had first been about the principle of separating Amanda, the sweet wife and mother from Mandy the whore, they were completely dispelled. I could see it working in front of me.After a few hastily corrected slip-ups, it was clear that with hard work and patience she really could switch her mind between the two personalities and as she managed to do...

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Road TripChapter 38

Tuesday, the bar Laudermist was in the second day of a two day closing. The staff refurbished. A few of the older barmaids began to pack up for a months paid vacation. No amount of tips was worth dealing with college kids. The walls behind the stainless steel urinals were reinforced with a half inch of welded steel. The fence enclosing Laudermist’s sand beach was erected. During normal business, it didn’t matter ... for the coming month that 200 feet wide stretch of sand from high tide to...

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Foxy Roxy

Roxanne groans as she tosses the throw blanket off to answer the door. Before she reaches it, the doorbell rings again. “Alright!” she shouts. “I’m coming... ! I’m coming... !” When she opens the door she finds a man about her age standing there in a Package Express uniform. “Roxy Carters?” he asks. “Yeah, but only my friends call me Roxy,” she corrects. The guy rolls his eyes. “It says Roxy on here,” he says. “Look, I only read the name, I don’t judge.” “Yeah, whatever,” the girl puffs....

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Running into Coverage Ch 45

Chapter Four cont’d As the later morning drew on, Hadley woke to the aroma of food cooking. Sometime after another thrilling session of who could top who, they fell asleep against the pillows. The clock displayed it was almost ten. With great reluctance she crawled out of the huge bed and followed the delicious scent down the hallway. The television set was turned down low and naturally fixed on Sports Center. A broadcaster could have been speaking gibberish for all she knew, but it captured...

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Part 5

Part 5It’s now the second day of the weekend. Mistress Marie woke me up with sweet kisses on my lips and neck. She whispered in my ear that I was a good sub yesterday, and that she hopes I will be as good and entertaining again today.“Now go and make breakfast for us”. As I was getting out of bed Nurse Joanna and Sandra came in to the room. They handed me some clothes and told me to put them on.I looked at the clothes just handed me. OMG! It was all feminine lingerie; purple lace bra, sheer...

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A Cloak of Lies Ch 13

A Cloak of Lies ‘I won’t let you die,’ the angel said. Brick grunted as she applied more pressure. He thought he could stand any pain as long as he could look into her eyes. They were the greenest he’d ever seen. A tumble of red-gold curls brushed his face as she worked to stem the flow of blood. The hair felt like warm silk against his skin. Never had he seen anyone like her. ‘I’m sorry if this hurts,’ she said in a voice as wispy as a summer breeze. ‘I been hurt worse,’ he said. ‘We...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 2 Catgirls Naughty Fun

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Women Part Two: Catgirl's Naughty Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Chapter Four: Realized Desires Sven Falk – Despeir Foothills, Kivoneth Princedom, Strifelands of Zeutch I had never been more dumbfounded in my life as I looked down at my sister's pussy lips spread open by Zanyia's naughty fingers. That pink, glistening tunnel, flexing and clenching as my sister squirmed beneath the lamia, beckoned to me. I had dreamed of sliding into her tunnel for...

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Tested by Lothar

TESTED BY LOThARCHAPTER 1 AWAKENINGSWritten by: Charles E. Campbell(With this story, it is my intent to begin exceptionally slow, trying to create a sense of the situations, background, and circumstances leading to a young woman’s willful slavery and ownership. It is written in three chapters, building slowly at first, and then rapidly escalating as her ultimate life long goal is finally achieved.)   Butterflies in the stomach? Butterflies? Talk about a God damned understatement. I’d like to...

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Indian Wife Fucks A Young Boy 8211 Part 1

Hi you guys…We are back and we have another true incident this time…..As always pretty far from home….Me and my wife had just gone to a hill station for our holidays….Delhi is too hot at this time…..Well we had taken a guest house which had a total of 4 rooms but only ours was booked….So we pretty much had the place to ourselves….Well the watchman lived with this son who was about young and they lived behind the guest house in a small room…. Well when we reached the watchman was about to leave...

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Im Wonder WomanChapter 3

I imagined this would only be a one off story and not a continuing series. But, due to popular demand, I wrote a sequel. And, now, a sequel to the sequel. We will be moving past the Halloween theme in the first sequel and continuing in a new, to me, direction in this one. I don’t know if there will be additional chapters after this third one or not. Let’s just see where this one takes us. Since this is my fantasy, in the world of my creation there are no STD’s or unwanted pregnancies. Also,...

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Hawk A Dove Ch 02

(A special thanks to Mystic-Arrival, not just for editing but for putting her special touch in this story. Thanks a million S~) Gray Hawk and Little Dove lay under the sparse shade of the thin tree in the meadow of knee high grass and wild flowers. The distant snow capped mountains offered no coolness to the sun’s warmth as it rose. Lying there together wrapped in each other on their day of joining, their skin became sticky and tacky against each other as the warmth grew between them. Little...

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Dragon ClansChapter 23

The first rays of sunlight, usually missed by most the morning after the festival opening, shown brightly upon Michael and Tera as they ran smoothly up the ancient lane making their way out of town. Michael had risen early, the gray hued light of dawn just becoming visible and filtering into the room. Lying on his back he stared up at the ornate 17th century ceiling. It's latticed woodwork and deep rich colors reflected its age as well as the craftsmanship which wrought it. Valerie was...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 44

They kept Joan until Wednesday evening and the woman had the time of her life. It wasn't constant sex, but there was constant companionship and a level of acceptance she'd never felt before. Wednesday afternoon, she found herself alone for a short time in the master bath. She stood looking at the mirror, wondering what all these people saw in her. She could admit she wasn't bad-looking... for forty-two. But the women here were just unbelievably beautiful. Why were the men and (she...

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The Standin

The Stand‑inThe casino was packed with people trying to win a fortune but most were well on their way to losing a fortune. Kim however had just inherited a small fortune and was making her way through the crowded casino to her favorite machine. She had come to the casino mostly to escape her overbearing and jealous boyfriend. Reaching her machine she began playing and was soon so oblivious to the world around her that she didn’t notice the eyes stalking her. Lupe and Ruby were sisters both were...

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Looking for Gentry part 6

I'm not the first to lie beside the wall of someone's sleeping body, a wall that you had hoped would mark the border between the world and two people on their rumpled plain of sheets and blankets kicked aside. A wall instead between them, huge and still unbreached. One heavy body, rumbling and indifferent. A smaller one, a hand plucking at a satin strap, staring in the darkness, wondering how to make things right, and if they'd ever be. And if, of course, it really was all her fault, in...

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I came home from work the other day and heard my wife Suzy in the kitchen making dinner. She was also on the phone to her sister. It was on speaker so with that and the kitchen noises she hadn’t heard me come in. Something that was said made me stop and listen. I heard Suzy finish a sentence with “…having an affair.” “Why do you think that?” said Carrie. “We don’t have sex much anymore.” “Mmmm,” said Carrie. “Do you offer it to him?” “What do you mean? I’m always here.” “I didn’t ask that....

Love Stories
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A Tour Of The Isle Of Lesbos The Task

Girard was still trying to catch his breath as Velma sat between his legs and continued to hold his cock. Words were not necessary, because they both knew what she would want next. To their surprise, they were interrupted by Willa, who approached them. She was tall; taller and noticeably younger than Cena. She stopped and looked down at her Mother’s hand, which was still slowly stroking Girard. “Cena says we may only have his seed once each,” she said, her hands on her hips. Girard could not...

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Astrid our first cuckcake

At 24 she was younger than i would have normally swiped on, but she was cute and had an infectious smile & a wicked personality. We'd been chatting for a few days & we had both been on the fringes of each others age limits but we got on like a house on fire. To be honest i didnt have high hopes for Tinder but here i was butterflies in my belly and a little excited that this meet might actually happen. Usually when i get excited about these sort of things, something always seems to...

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