I Lost My Wife in a Card Game
- 3 years ago
- 36
- 0
Jack nervously sat looking over his cards and watching
the expression on the huge black man sitting across
from him at the table.
“Come on, Jack. Show me what you got!”
Jack’s fingers were shaking as he placed the cards on
the table. Jack had a pair of queen’s.
Leon began to laugh hysterically as he slammed his hand
along with his cards on the table for Jack to see.
“Let me see what you gonna do now, my man?”
“Leon. You know I don’t have any money. Please, let’s
play again. I’ll make it good this time. I promise.”
Leon laughed as he looked over at the other two men in
his entourage.
“You hear this guy? I think I heard this sorry piece of
crap here, wants me to give him another chance.”
“Please. Leon. I promised I’ll make good on this loan.”
Leon slammed his fists down hard on the table making
everything fall over as Jack sat back nervously waiting
to see what Leon was going to do next.
“Listen. Bro. I want my money you owe me and I want it
“Leon. You know I don’t have the money tonight. You’re
going to have to give me a little time.”
Leon reached over the side of the table and grabbed an
empty chair and tossed it across the room.
“What the fuck do I look like to you? Do you think I’m
a loan officer at the loan department of your local
Jack nervously shook his head as he tried to respond.
“Leon. You know me really well. I can come up with the
money. You just need to give me a little time and I’ll
make good on it.”
Leon walked next to Jack and held out his hand.
“Give me your wallet.”
Jack was shaking as he reached into his back pocket and
pulled out his wallet and gave it to Leon.
“Leon. I wasn’t lying to you. I don’t have that kind of
cash with me.”
“Shut up you fool, don’t you think I already know
Leon crossed the room and sat down on a sofa and began
looking through Jack’s wallet. He grabbed hold of a few
dollar bills and laughed as he tossed them onto the
floor. Leon began looking through the compartment where
Jack had his driver’s license and personal photo’s.
Leon was on a roll now as he took out the driver’s
license and showed the other two men in the room. Leon
fumbled through the little pages and turned the wallet
on end and looked at a photo that caught his eye.
“Wow. What do we have here?”
Jack nervously watched Leon as he quickly replied,
“That’s my wife, Natalie.”
Leon kept studying the photo which was a photo of
Jack’s wife in her bikini.
“Hey stupid. Tell me, what’s a beautiful redhead like
this, want with a stupid bastard like you?”
Jack didn’t know how to answer as he sat nervously
waiting for Leon to stop his humiliation. Leon flipped
another page where Jack had a nice close-up shot of his
Natalie had long red hair and Leon was studying her
smile and green eyes at the moment.
“Tell me something, Jack. I bet your wife Irish!”
“Yes. As a matter of fact she is Irish.”
“Oh. Good. That means she has a red bush!”
Jack was too embarrassed to answer that question as he
starred down at the floor.
“I want you to tell me in your own words, Jack. Tell me
your wife’s bush is naturally red.”
Jack swallowed hard as he replied, “Yes. It’s red.”
Everyone in the room broke out in loud laughter as Jack
sat feeling humiliated in his chair.
“I want to know something else about Natalie.”
Jack watched and waited as the huge man lean forward as
he studied the photo.
“Has Natalie ever fucked a black man before, Jack?”
Jack quickly shook his head that she hadn’t as he kept
starring down at the floor waiting to hear what Leon
would ask next.
“Tell me something, Jack. Is Natalie a good fuck? Is
she tight as I suspect she is?”
Jack’s body was shaking as he boldly replied, “I don’t
think I need to answer those questions. Can I please
have my wallet back now?”
Leon had an angry expression on his face as he replied,
“I’ll give you the dam wallet back when I’m ready. I
asked you a question so don’t make me come over there
and ask you again.”
“All right. Yes. She’s a good lover!”
The men broke out in loud laughter again as Leon sat
back in the cushion and fumbled through the wallet
Jack was getting very upset now because he knew what
Leon was going to find next.
“Fuck! What do we have here?”
The other two men leaned over so they could get a look
at what Leon had found. Jack knew that Leon had found
the photo that Natalie had posed for him showing her
tits and nice smile. Natalie was well endowed on top.
“Jack. You’re full of surprises tonight. I think I just
found a way for you to pay me back.”
Leon picked up the dollar bills off the floor and
tucked them inside the wallet and before he folded it
over he took out the photo of Natalie showing off her
large breasts in the photo and slipped it inside his
shirt pocket.
Leon stood up and gave the wallet back to Jack and
pulled up a chair next to Jack and sat down. Jack
nervously waited for the huge black man to speak.
“Jack. You’re going to fix me up with a date with your
wife. I don’t care what you have to do but I want you
to meet me at this club on Friday night and I want you
to have Natalie dressed appropriately for me.”
“Leon. I don’t understand. You’re talking about my wife
here. How can I allow you to touch my wife?”
“Listen carefully, Jack. I already told you what I want
as payment for the twenty-five thousand dollars you owe
me. I don’t care what you tell her or what you have to
do to get her at my club on Friday, but I expect you to
be there at eight.”
“Leon. Can’t we talk this over? I promised you I’d pay
you back. Let’s leave my wife out of this.”
Leon grabbed a hold of Jack’s shirt and pulled him over
the table and slammed him down on the floor.
“Don’t fuck with me or I’ll kill you. I told you how I
was taking back my money, now I want you to have her at
the club on Friday and I want to see her dressed in
something sexy. Do you understand me?”
Jack shook his head that he understood.
The two other men picked Jack up off the floor and
stood him up in front of Leon.
“I don’t want you to say a word to your wife, nor do I
want you to do anything stupid like going to the
police. Do you understand what I just said?”
Jack nodded his head that he understood as the two men
carried him out the door as Leon hollered out, “Be
there at eight!”
They through Jack out in the parking lot of the rear of
the building. He slowly stood and brushed off his shirt
and pants and nervously walked toward his car. What was
he going to tell Natalie?
Natalie knew something wasn’t right when he came home
late that evening. His pants were torn and he paced
around the house until he finally got into bed.
“Jack. What’s wrong? What happened tonight?”
Jack could answer her questions directly but had
thought up a lie as he replied, “I had a flat tire
tonight and ripped my pants. Um… I ran into an old
friend tonight that invited me out to this club on
Friday. I told him all about you and he is anxious to
meet you.”
“What friend? Where did you know him? What’s his name?”
“His name is, Leon. We were in the service together and
he just moved into town and I told him about us and he
mentioned how he would like to meet you. I didn’t think
you would mind.”
“You never mentioned anyone with that name before. Why
all of a sudden are you telling me now?”
Jack nervously thought up an answer, “We were friends
for a short while during boot camp and just never
talked about him much.”
“What’s this Leon? Did you lend him money or
“No. It’s nothing like that at all. Leon owns this
club, which he wants us to meet him at this Friday and
asked me to buy you a new dress.”
Natalie was confused, “Who is paying for the new
Jack had to think fast. “Um. Leon said he would pay for
the dress himself. He just wanted you to look your best
when he meets you.”
It was late and Natalie didn’t ask anymore questions
that night. The next morning before Jack slipped out
the front door for work, she managed to catch him and
asked, “What do you want me to wear on Friday and how
much money can I spend?”
“Um. Wear something sexy, I don’t care what you spend
as long as it makes you look nice.”
Jack rushed out the door before Natalie had a chance to
ask him anymore questions and as she hollered out to
him he turned and said, “I’ll call you on my lunch
Jack had been able to finagle his way around any more
questions about Leon that week. Natalie was showing and
getting ready that evening while Jack paced the floor
again. Leon had called him at work yesterday and told
him not to forget about their date on Friday.
On Friday morning, Natalie decided to take her
neighbor, Alice along shopping with her for a new
dress. Alice was a petite blonde married to a guy named
Richard. Neither couple had any kids but spent plenty
of time traveling and going out together. Alice was
Natalie’s closest friend.
“Natalie. Who is this old friend of Jack’s that he
wants you to dress up so sexily for?”
“Alice. You know how men are. Jack is proud of the way
I take care of myself and Jack most likely wants this
guy to see that I’m every bit as pretty as he told
Alice picked out a sexy green dress for Natalie which
was low cut and showed off Natalie’s cleavage. It was a
cotton dress that fit tight but not extremely short. It
was short enough to show off Natalie’s fabulous long
Alice decided to buy a black dress since Natalie talked
her into going along on Friday since Richard was out of
town all weekend on a business trip.
They arrived at the club about five minutes before
eight and walked inside the dark club and past people
dancing on the dance floor as they searched for Leon.
Finally. Jack saw Leon sitting alone back in a booth in
the corner.
They approached him and Leon was well dressed in black
with his shirt unbuttoned almost down to his navel. He
wore large diamond earrings in both ears. Natalie and
Alice were surprised to find out that he was a black
man. Natalie looked at Alice when they saw how
muscularly well built he was.
Jack introduced the ladies to Leon who was very pleased
as he took each of their hands and kissed them. Alice
scooted around to the opposite side of Leon from where
Natalie sat. It was Leon’s idea that they sit next to
him in the booth.
They ordered drinks as Leon got acquainted with the two
“Jack. I didn’t know you were going to bring me a bonus
tonight. You’re a good man and you keep your word.”
The women glanced at each other as Natalie started the
“Jack told me you two were in the service together.”
“That’s right. We were. Jack told me all about you but
I didn’t believe you were this beautiful.”
Both wives kept starring at Leon’s large arms and his
wide shoulders. Neither woman was ever attracted to a
black man before but both found him very handsome and
charming. Their conversation went from talking about
how Leon and Jack met to the women asking Leon about
how much he worked out to keep in such great shape.
Leon seemed to have both wives’ attentions as he tried
to divide his contestation in half with each wife.
“Why don’t I take both of you ladies to my personal gym
here at the club and I could teach you both how to
properly lift weights?”
Leon had them sucked in when Alice mentioned that
Richard was gone for the weekend. They agreed to
meeting at the gym the next day. Jack just sat
listening to Leon as he made his moves on his wife and
Jack was in deep thought at the moment trying to figure
out a way to shift all of Leon’s attention over to
Alice and leave his wife out of it. OK. So he was being
a jerk sitting up his neighbor’s wife with Leon. What
other choice did he have?
Natalie and Alice excused themselves to go to the
ladies room leaving Leon alone with Jack.
“Listen. I want you to go stand near the bar and have a
couple drinks while I talk to your wife and Alice. Oh.
Don’t come back until I give you a signal. Is that
Jack began to stand up and walked out of the booth as
Leon yelled, “Hey. Thank you for the double treat!”
Alice and Natalie had returned and had slipped into the
booth on either side of Leon. Leon was very gifted when
it came to women and he knew it. Neither of the two
wives appeared to be concerned about where Jack had
disappeared to.
Jack stood next to the bar and ordered a drink and by
the time the bartender got around to handing him what
he ordered and turned around, Leon was out dancing on
the floor with Natalie in his arms. They were dancing
to a slow song and Jack noticed Leon’s hands were
holding onto her waist with his fingers touching the
top of her ass.
Jack could see Leon Whispering in Natalie’s ear as he
held the attractive wife very close to his huge body.
Natalie was talking back to Leon as he spoke to her and
they seemed to be in discussion about something as
Natalie was moving her fingers as if she were
explaining something to Leon.
Leon was moving Natalie toward the corner of the dance
floor as they continued to talk. Natalie’s body was
leaning out as she held onto Leon’s large arms so she
could look in his eyes as he spoke. Leon suddenly
leaned forward and gave Natalie a little peck on her
Jack’s heart began beating faster as he took a long
swig of his drink and kept watching his wife with Leon.
Natalie was looking into Leon’s eyes now as he spoke to
her and suddenly leaned forward again and kissed her on
the lips this time. It was a short kiss but it was on
her lips!
Natalie appeared to be saying something to Lean as he
leaned forward again and captured Natalie’s lips again
and held the kiss a few seconds longer. Jack was so
busy watching them kiss that he didn’t notice that Lean
had moved his large hands onto Natalie’s ass and was
holding her tight.
They were in a very deep conversation now as Natalie
seemed to be explaining something to Leon again. Leon
tilted his head and gave Natalie another long kiss on
her lips. Natalie appeared to be kissing him back this
time. Jack took another long sip of his drink as the
song ended and looked back and got startled when he saw
Leon standing in front of him.
“Where in the fuck did you disappear too? Get your ass
back to the table and sit with your wife while I dance
with Alice. Oh. Don’t get too cozy because I want you
to excuse yourself again when I get back.”
Jack almost spilled his drink. He was shaking so badly.
He was acting like a total wimp with Leon. What else
could he possibly do? He owed this guy twenty-five
thousand dollars and he didn’t want to get hurt. He new
Leon had a reputation of doing great bodily harm to
people that owed him money.
Jack walked back to the table behind Leon and waited
for Leon to take Alice onto the dance floor and scooted
into the booth next to Natalie.
“Honey. I saw you kissing Leon out there on the dance
floor. What was that all about?”
“Jack. You told me to be real nice to your friend. He
was telling me about his best friend getting killed
over in Iraq and I felt sorry for him.”
“Natalie. Feeling sorry for him is one thing but
letting him kiss you and put his hands on your ass!”
“Jack. Listen to me! I don’t think Leon meant any harm
by doing that. He was only looking for a little comfort
from someone. Stop reading into everything you see.”
They glanced on the dance floor and saw Alice dancing
with Leon. It was a fast song and she seemed to be
enjoying herself.
It seemed to Jack that Leon was trying to gain her
trust. He wondered what Leon had planned and decided to
bring up Alice to her.
“Natalie. It looks like Leon and Alice are getting
along just fine. Why don’t we go home and let Leon take
her home?”
“Jack. Have you gone completely out of your mind? I
don’t know what’s wrong with you but will you stop
trying to act like a jealous husband and just enjoy the
Leon was walking back toward the booth with his arm
around Alice. They were both laughing about something
and Jack noticed Natalie looking uncomfortable as she
watched Leon holding on to Alice as they slipped into
the booth.
Natalie seemed more pleased when Leon scooted into the
booth right next to her and put his arms around her
“Jack. Why don’t you go catch our waitress and order us
another round of drinks?”
Jack reluctantly got out of the booth and flagged the
waitress down and told her what they wanted and
returned to find Natalie gone this time and Leon locked
in a passionate kiss with Alice. Jack didn’t feel so
bad seeing that Leon was hitting on Alice rather than
his wife. His buddy, Richard would understand the
situation he was in and would probably do the same
thing to him.
Natalie returned from the lady’s room and waited for
Jack to move out of the booth so she could slide inside
next to Leon. Leon had stopped kissing Alice by the
time Natalie returned. The waitress brought the drinks
back to the table just as Jack was getting back into
his seat Leon was smiling at Jack as if he were making
fun of him.
Leon motioned for Natalie to sit next to him as he put
his large arm across her shoulder and pulled her to him
and whispered into her ear. Natalie started to smile
and whispered back to Leon. Leon shook his head up and
down and laughed making Jack wonder what the joke was
all about.
Jack finally thought he got the joke when he felt his
dick straining against his pants. Leon must have
noticed he had a boner and brought it to Natalie’s
attention. Jack was so upset and nervous that
apparently he was excited seeing Alice kissing Leon.
Jack started to sip the new drink that was brought to
the table as they women talked and laughed with Leon.
Jack didn’t understand why Natalie and Alice were
acting so gaga with Leon. They were treating him as if
he were their favorite celebrity!
Jack finished that drink and ordered them another
round. He was getting drunk and had to pee. He slowly
got up from the booth and walked to the men’s room.
Walking back, he noticed how close the two women were
sitting next to Leon in the booth. It wasn’t just with
his wife but Alice too. ! This man must have a lot of
experience with multiple partners.
Jack was getting drunk. He knocked Natalie’s purse on
the floor as he slipped into the booth. He almost had
to crawl under the table to pick it up and noticed that
both Alice and his wife had their hands on Leon’s
thighs. Jack took a double take as Alice moved her hand
over the large bulge in Leon’s crotch.
What was Leon saying to these wives? What sort of power
did he have to make them act like a couple of hot
Jack picked up the purse and placed it on the table.
Leon was talking to the wives and turned and looked at
“I think you should take your husband home. He looks
like he’s ready to fall on the floor again.”
Leon helped Natalie carry Jack back to the car and put
him in the passenger seat. Leon stood outside the car
for several minutes talking to Natalie until Jack saw
him give her a kiss on her lips again.
Natalie walked around to the driver’s seat and closed
the door.
“Where’s Alice?”
“Oh… Um… Leon said he would drive her home.”
Jack couldn’t understand it. Alice lived right next
door to them. They pulled out of the parking lot and
saw Leon’s car pull out in front of them and turned in
the opposite direction that would take Alice back home.
Natalie appeared to be concerned but not for Alice. She
seemed more jealous as she waited a couple seconds to
pull out into the road.
Jack was so drunk that he fell asleep on the way home.
Natalie woke him and helped get him into the house. She
took his clothes off and got him into bed and began
taking her things off.
Natalie surprised Jack when she took hold of his dick
and began sucking on him until he was hard and mounted
his dick as quickly as she could. She rode him like he
was a stallion. Jack held onto her ass while she
bounced up and down on top of him. Her large tits were
dangling down in front of his face so he sucked on her
nipples making her more excited.
Jack knew why she was so horny. Leon had gotten her
this way. After five years of marriage, he finally
found out that his wife got turned on by black men.
Maybe it was just Leon!
“That’s it. Fuck me! Squeeze my ass!”
She was talking dirty and trying to get him to respond.
Jack couldn’t help being so drunk but squeezed his
wife’s ass while she rode him like a bronco! Natalie’s
whole body began to shake as she reached her first
orgasm and started to scream, “Oh. Yes… Give it to
Natalie was lifting herself up off Jack so high that he
got dislodged from her tight pussy and tried to get it
back inside her while she continued to have her orgasm.
Jack started to arch his hips up and worked up a steady
rhythm until he shot his load of cum deep inside his
wife. Jack began to go soft as soon as he spewed his
Natalie was disappointed and wanted more and got out of
bed and took out her vibrator out of the dresser
drawer. Jack watched Natalie play with the vibrator
until she had another orgasm. Jack had fallen asleep as
Natalie played with her clitoris.
Jack was awoken by the sound of the phone ringing. He
looked over at the clock and saw that it was after
three in the morning. Natalie answered the phone.
“Oh. Hi Richard… Alice should be fine, she is with a
friend of ours and should be home any minute.”
Right when Natalie finished her sentence, Jack saw the
lights of a car pull into the driveway next door and
heard a door shut.
“Oh… Great. I’ll talk to you, tomorrow… Bye.”
Natalie hung the phone up and turned to go back to
“Who was on the phone?”
“UH… It was Richard looking for Alice but she just
got home when we were on the phone.”
Natalie fell back asleep almost immediately. Jack knew
that Leon must have taken Alice back to his place. He
probably screwed her! Well. At least he didn’t have to
worry about Natalie screwing Leon. Everything worked
out like he had hoped.
Natalie and Jack woke up about the same time the next
morning. Natalie got in the shower while Jack fixed
coffee. Jack, walked out in front of the house to get
the morning paper and saw Richard standing in the
“Hey Richard. Is everything OK this morning?”
Richard ran over to speak with Jack.
“Yeah. Everything is fine. Listen. Alice is still
asleep and I got to run down to the hardware store and
get a new head for the shower before she wakes up. Can
you keep an eye on the house while I’m gone?”
“Yeah. Sure. I’ll be right here until you get back.”
Jack waited as he watched Richard pull out of the
driveway. He was curious about last night and this was
his chance! Jack ran to ?Richard’s front door and
slowly opened it and walked into the house.
He slowly walked toward their bedroom and saw the door
was open. He listened very carefully to make sure that
Alice wasn’t awake yet. He slowly walked and leaned
into the doorway and saw Alice was sound asleep.
She was naked and didn’t have any covers on her. She
was sleeping on her side with her legs curled up
against her chest. Her long blonde hair was flowing
around the pillow. Jack almost felt like getting into
bed with her.
Jack looked around the floor looking for the dress and
panties she wore last night. There they were! On the
chair in the corner of the room! Her heels were sitting
on the floor in front of the chair.
He had to know! Jack slowly and gently walked into the
room keeping an eye on Alice as she lay sleeping just a
few feet away. He eased himself closer and was able to
grab the black panties that were lying on top of the
dress and slowly backed his way out of the room.
Jack stood near the front door and decided to just take
the panties with him and walked outside and across the
front lawn. Jack waited until he got into the house and
examined the panties.
They were still damp and Jack could see large white
stains around the crotch area. He sniffed them next!
Yes! They smelled from cum! Male cum and very strong!
There wasn’t any doubt in Jack’s mind that he smelled
Leon’s cum on those panties. He must have screwed her
last night.
Jack hid the panties so Natalie wouldn’t find them. He
laughed to himself as he thought about Alice. She would
be looking for these and wondering if she left them at
Jack didn’t care. He figured he was in the clear now
that Leon got a little white pussy. Jack poured his
coffee and began working on his computer. An hour
later, Natalie walked into the room dressed in tight
black shorts and a halter top with heels. She walked up
to Jack and kissed the side of his face.
“Honey. I’ll be home later this afternoon. I’m supposed
to go with Alice to Leon’s gym and work out with him.
He’s going to show us how to lift weights.”
Jack was surprised and shocked. He figured it was over.
He stood up and followed Natalie to the front door
where he gave her a kiss.
“Honey. If you get hungry, you’ll find meat in the frig
that you can make a sandwich with. I’ll see you later.”
Natalie was gone within seconds. Jack looked out the
front window and saw Alice getting into the car with
his wife. His cell phone was ringing so he ran back to
answer it.
“Hey. Jack. Did your wife leave yet?”
“Yeah… She just backed out of the driveway.”
Leon laughed into the phone.
“Hey. Man. Why are you so depressed? Your going to
cause me to feel sorry for your ass next!”
“Did you fuck Alice last night?”
“You must have been sniffing her panties this morning!”
Jack knew he was just joking around but he also knew
that Leon was serous about screwing Alice last night.
“OK. I don’t need anything else from you as long as
your little wife is on her way here. Listen. Let me
remind you about the money you owe me. Your not out of
this just because I fucked your wife’s girlfriend.”
The phone went dead and Jack through the cell phone
into the sofa cushion. He was pissed but felt helpless
at the same time. He knew he would be in trouble if he
tried anything with Leon. He thought how horny Natalie
was last night and knew it was all for Leon and not
him. What was wrong with her? Why did she want that big
black cock?
“You seriously want to play this?” “Of course, we all need to learn more about the human body and there is no better place then right here right now. Besides we need a little bit of fun tonight!” That was Tommy. Always the one who got everybody in trouble, Tommy was the one in the group that everybody decided didn’t need to learn anything more. At 19, he had seen more then most people twice his age have seen. “Hell, why not, it might be fun” said Shannon, to the shock of everybody. Shannon...
“You seriously want to play this?” “Of course, we all need to learn more about the human body and there is no better place then right here right now. Besides we need a little bit of fun tonight!”That was Tommy. Always the one who got everybody in trouble, Tommy was the one in the group that everybody decided didn’t need to learn anything more. At 19, he had seen more then most people twice his age have seen. “Hell, why not, it might be fun” said Shannon, to the shock of everybody. Shannon was...
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"Who wants to start," Paige asked excitedly as she shuffled the cards!?! "This was your idea, Page," Anna replied nervously, "I think you should lead it off, don't you girls!?!" Both Glenna and Mo nodded their heads in unison and while waiting for Paige to finish shuffling the erotic game cards!!! "Okay," Paige replied with a shiver, "I'll go first but you all gotta promise to play at least one round, agreed!?!" The three other girls glanced back and forth between each other before Mo replied,...
LesbianI'm a late forties married milf with an overactive sex drive. I have a job that takes me out of town some with overnight travel. That's my playtime. I had been playing some online card games for a few years on a site where you can chat with other players during the games. I'd been flirting with a man named Jerry for a couple of years. We'd always talked about what it would be like if I traveled to his town and the things we would do; flirtatious sexy talk. So when I found out I would be going...
My wife and I experience swinging for the first time. I am Gary and My wife at the time was Connie, we were long time friends with another couple who we often did things with like hiking, movies and playing the card game "Hearts" a couple of times a month. During the card games we often had drinks the girls liked Vodka Sevens and Jim and I like Scotch and Soda. This a true story about what happened in the beginning bringing Jim and Marilee closer to Connie and I and the strengthening of...
It was a Saturday night and the five of them were bored, Greg; a tall sanding blond hair sat on the couch. Next to him saw a petty little number, Suzette, her brown hair fell over the sides of her back. Heather was sitting crossed legged on the floor. She was a hot little number, with a button nose, freckles and bright red hair. Next to her , sitting with his leg spread out was Mark. He worked out and had a rather macho attitude to match his buzz cut hair. Lastly sitting in the rocking chair...
There are many stories involving husbands, wives and couples playing cards. Those that are proclaimed as true seem as if they were dreamed up and as such don't have much reader appeal. I have only read one or two so called true stories in this category that have really caught my attention. I can only hope this true story of my wife and I does the same with you. Just so you will know what I describe here took place more than twenty years ago. I guess I'm what you could call an average sort of...
I was playing poker with three of my friends and had lost almost all of my money. My wife was really pissed off at me for losing so much money. Two of my friends called it a night, and that left me and Calvin. Calvin had been the big winner that night, and my wife asked him to give me back the money I’d lost. He looked at her for a few moments, then looked at me and said, “I’ll make you a deal.” He said that he’d give me a chance to win it back, if my wife would...
I looked at Michelle's cards spread out on the floor showing a ten high. That was the low hand so it was her turn to take something off. I looked at her and wondered if she'd call off the fun and games at that point. Instead she sighed, smiled shyly and reached behind her back, unfastened the clasp to her bra and slipped if off without hesitation. She put her left hand back on the floor and leaned on it while sitting on her left hip. She smiled again at a few "ooohs" and "aahhs" and a...
I was playing poker with three of my friends and had lost almost all of my money. My wife was really pissed off at me for losing so much money. Two of my friends called it a night, and that left me and Calvin. Calvin had been the big winner that night, and my wife asked him to give me back the money I'd lost. He looked at her for a few moments, then looked at me and said, "I'll make you a deal." He said that he'd give me a chance to win it back, if my wife would ante up one piece of clothing in...
As you know, I live in a modest neighborhood and have very nice people on all sides of my house. The lot sizes are generally around an acre each, so no one is looking in your windows. One of my neighbors is a couple in their mid-thirties (Pam and Mike) and I’ve found out from a mutual friend that they have been experimenting with “swinging” with other couples. From what I was told, they’re usually hetero-swaps… but I believe when the lights are low… every one...
It all started when I needed an SD card for my phone, the old one had stopped working. I went to the electronics drawer and found one that had the right amount of storage. But before putting it in my phone I decided to first copy any folders before formatting it. It was not one of the usual brands my wife and I buy, I thought but maybe it had come with something we had bought; us both being electronic junkies.A week passed and one Saturday while my wife, Amy, was out at some art show she had...
In college, my wife Tina and I lived in a private apartment near the campus. We had been married for a couple of years. Tina is very athletic and fit but even though she is trim she has rather large pendulous breasts. Men stare at her chest all the time. In the beginning, it bothered me and Tina kept teasing me about it. She rather enjoyed the attention and often flirted with other guys on campus.Two of the guys she always flirted with were my good friends Andy and Jim. The three of us played...
College SexHotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...
Wife LoversFriday night I hung the phone and told my sweet Ana that some of the guys from the neighborhood would come home to play cards.My wife smiled and suddenly her eyes lit on, asking me if Aaron would be part of the team. I stared at her, knowing she had been horny for Aaron, a handsome giant muscled black guy. He was divorced and I had noticed he was enticed by my sensual wife…My sexy Ana was dressed in her tight jeans along with a flannel long sleeve shirt. She said that she should change to a...
I was quite excited to play cards, my 2 friends came with another friend of theirs, ive never met this guy but he was huge size like almost 2 times my size and he came in the house, mom then came out of her room wearing a t shirt and skirt. I was about to join them play when mom said i cant play until i work and start having my own money, but she said i will be serving drinks for them and can watch them, The first few games mom started winning and she was drinking more but after a while...
Hey I’m a junior in high school, and am from California. I pretty much blend in with everyone else, you know go with the flow type of guy. Any ways I go to a small school, barely 800 people. We have 4 classes a day, but they’re one and a half hour each. Any ways my first class is Calculus, which gets pretty boring most of the time. There aren’t any hot chicks in there except for maybe two. But the one I’m most interested in is Rachel; she sits right beside me in the next row, and falls asleep...
EroticMy wife becoming a hotwifeMarie's journey from housewife to hotwifeThis is a true story about my shy demure wife's journey into exhibitionism and into being shared.I am Eugene and my wife is Marie. This a true story about her journey from a woman who would never even think about cheating, to the role of my hotwife and on to slutwife. She was 5'4"and tipped the scale at about 135 but she carried it well. Her best assets were her 38D tits with very prominent dark nipples which she always tried to...
A few weeks ago, my wife Krista and I attended a party at her friend'shome. It was an informal affair, just drinks and snacks. There were about9 or 10 couples there, all of us married and in our late twenties. It wasa holiday weekend and everyone was drinking quite a bit. The host had madearrangements so those who lived beyond walking distance could sleep over.This made the drinking a little heavier than normal.My wife was a little tipsy. I could tell because she was flirting with allthe men...
POSTCARDS FROM THE ESTATE: MY WIFE, MY PIMP, PART 1: I BECOME A WOMAN 1946EW "Remember," my wife said, kissing the tip of her forefinger and pressing it to my lips lightly, so as not to muss my lipstick, "Keep track of everything you do with the St. Clairs. We've let them have too many extras." I kissed her finger looking directly into he eyes. Wordlessly, I opened the passenger side door and swung my nylon-encased legs out, planting my three-inch heels firmly on the pavement...
Recently I watched my favorite movie reviewer upload about what he think the new Picard Show should be about. Alot of his ideas where almost exactly like the once I thought about. Some differences here and there. So i figured I'd write it down. Don't really have a place other than here to write it so I might as well do it here. Just to get it down. First off this is not a script really just a concept. Some dialog. Some quick jumps, some long lingering scenes that stick in my head. I’m just free...
I have a way of really pissing off my wife. It’s not that I do it intentionally, it just sort of happens and then the shit hits the fan. For several years now she has been after me to stop hosting the football beer drinking bashes that had grown to be a tradition in our home. In all actuality my friends did act like a bunch of high school punks when we got together and we all would end up drinking too much. The drinking was another sore subject with her. She wanted me to slow down. I had every...
EroticFrom Cardiac Surgeon to Housewife By Kathy Smith Sheldon Friedman, MD ScD was a full Professor in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Columbia Medical Center. He has 7 children (from 17 years old to 6 year, the oldest is a girl) and a gorgeous wife, Hannah (she is very petite, 4'11" with huge plumb breasts, 'DD'. She has dark brunette and dark eyes. Her face would knock any guy away!). Sheldon is very thin, 140 lbs., and very tall, 6'3". His face, well, it's not pretty, nor handsome. ...
"Why don't you join us?" Paul said, pointing to the chair between us. "Oh I'm not much good at cards, plus this is your night, I don't want to cramp your style" Beth responded. "Nonsense, cards are better with more players plus I'd rather have you to look at than his ugly face" he gestured towards me and the two of them laughed. "Maybe just a couple.of games then" and she sat down. An hour later, Beth had played with pure beginners luck. She'd won almost every hand and was...
Sriram Iyer had dreams of moving and working in the USA since he was young. He grew up in a conservative Brahmin household and only studied while growing up with no social life. His hard work paid off when he was able to get engineering seat at IIT Madras and succeeded well getting his degree. He applied for colleges in the USA for masters and was able to get a good college in New Jersey, USA. He worked hard finished his masters and got an IT job in North Carolina, USA. When he started his job...
It was day one of the new NFL season and the boys and I were set to watchsome football. I had just put in a big screen TV and naturally all myfriends wanted to watch the first big Giants game on my new set. The Giantswere playing the Packers this afternoon. It was with great irony thatbefore half-time was over the only Giants we cared about were those packingour shorts.The boys showed up about 12:30 with beer and munchies in tow. It was theleast they could do, since I was providing the TV. I...
It was one summer holiday, myself, my sister Gemma and her two friends Rachel and Holly, were hanging around at home rather bored. Someone suggested playing cards. One of the girls I think. We played a few hands, when Rachel and Holly whispered to each other and then whispered to Gemma.gemma then said that we should play strip-jack-naked, I was a bit suprised but I had a three to one chance of seeing one of the girls naked I was definatly up for it. I fancied both Rachel and Holly, so to see...
This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife. As I left off my wife had come to grips with her friend and husband having a cuckold marriage. Bonnie certainly did not approve but did not want to loose a good friend. Some weeks past before they talked. Sharon asked if my wife was freaked out about everything. Bonnie told her that what she and her husband did was between them and she was not going to pass judgement. They continued with their friendship as normal. A month had passed and Sharon...
This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife. As I left off my wife had come to grips with her friend and husband having a cuckold marriage. Bonnie certainly did not approve but did not want to loose a good friend. Some weeks past before they talked. Sharon asked if my wife was freaked out about everything. Bonnie told her that what she and her husband did was between them and she was not going to pass judgement. They continued with their friendship as normal. A month had passed and Sharon...
These series of articles was from my previous Xhamster page. I have copied them over and will continue the series to bring it up to present day.When my wife first met Dr, Sharon C. it was her first day at work. Sharon was an orthopedic surgeon and my wife was her new assistant. Sharon was your typical doctor...driven, confident, and the boss. My wife was more nurturing and had a better bed side manner. They were opposites but the made it work. They did share a lot of interests and became good...
When my wife first met Dr, Sharon C. it was her first day at work. Sharon was an orthopedic surgeon and my wife was her new assistant. Sharon was your typical doctor...driven, confident, and the boss. My wife was more nurturing and had a better bed side manner. They were opposites but the made it work. They did share a lot of interests and became good friends. We had hung out with Sharon and her husband Jake many times. Sharon's bitchiness wore on my wife. Bonnie would constantly say she was...
Where we left I was relaying the story told to me by my wife of just what happened in that fateful afternoon when Bonnie almost instantly changed from a wife and mother to a Hotwife in need of cock. She was being seduced by Hank...Hank is an older gentleman who seems to have the power to turn women into insatiable whores. He did this exact thing to my wife, and she has never been happier. As with part 3...this part was told to me as well by my wife some two weeks after the event. Bonnie had...
Where we left I was relaying the story told to me by my wife of just what happened in that fateful afternoon when Bonnie almost instantly changed from a wife and mother to a Hotwife in need of cock. She was being seduced by Hank...Hank is an older gentleman who seems to have the power to turn women into insatiable whores. He did this exact thing to my wife, and she has never been happier. As with part 3...this part was told to me as well by my wife some two weeks after the event. Bonnie had...
My name is Ajit, and this incident is about 4 years Ago revolves around my friend Aniruddha (34) his hotwife Anushka (31) (Names are Changed). They were both happily married couples from Mumbai for about 4 years with no children. Let’s call my friend Ani. He is a Chartered Accountant who loves his job and is a caring family man. He was the happiest and optimistic guy I knew of. He was there for his friends and family and was always sweet and kind to everyone. He and Anushka were dating since...
With grateful respect to Bill Hart and his creativity, I decided to try an SRU story. It can be archived by Mindy, and by anyone else who has Bill Hart's permission to archive SRU stories, as long as there is no charge for access. SRU - Pick A Card By Brandy Dewinter "Shelly, please, don't go out tonight. Or, let's go somewhere we can be together." "Why, darlin' there's no reason we can't go out together tonight." "You know I can't go to those smoky...
Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful, lush green oasis: a Caribbean island at the height of its affluence. Zendea is a beautiful tropical island. It looks perfect on the outside but it’s the underground action that really keeps it afloat. When Rosa’s head hunter arranged for a special meeting, hinting that a unique employer was interested in her talents, Rosa was intrigued. As it happens, The Black Knight Intelligence Agency had been following her for some time. “A half a million upfront...
InterracialIf you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
The Friday Night Card Club has been a staple of life at the Westhill Country Club for over seventy years. The criteria for membership are simple. You have to be a member of the country club. You have to be invited to join. You have to be a woman. And, most importantly, you have to be willing to abide by all of the rules of the Card Club.The first rule of Card Club is: NOBODY talks about Card Club.The Friday Night Card Club meets at the old clubhouse located at what is now the back of the golf...
BDSMCARD TRICK The alarm wouldn’t stop ringing. In my waking stupor I though it was the alarm. Well maybe not. I reached over and swatted the snooze button on the clock, but the noise didn’t stop. Oh hell. The sun was out and it was way too friggin’ bright in my bedroom for this crap to be happening. My headache was with me full force as I rolled to the other side of my bed and fumbled for the cordless phone. And of course, it...
The Last Card Copyright Oggbashan January 2019The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.Sixty-one years ago I had given Margaret a Valentine Card. It had ‘With All My Love’ written above my name.I had been inspired to buy her a card after her bicycle tyres were punctured. One...
My wife and I joined a couple for a night of drinking and cards. My wife is in her late 20’s, about 5’3″ and 125 pounds of exquisite flesh. She has large tits with nipples that can stick out about a quarter inch. We went to visit Carl and Kathy, who are very close. Kathy is only 23 and is short and slight. She has a blond pixie haircut and her small titties compliment her 100 pound frame. We sat down to play a game of spades with Kathy being my partner. The rule was, whoever...
Hello again. I’ve been writing these stories to tell you how my wife became a slut. I’ve really enjoyed telling you about our little adventures. Anyway a little catch up, we decided we wanted to try a threesome and that is when we meet Michael and we have been having fun ever since. Michael is basically been living with us now and we all fuck all the time. I’ve never gotten jealous even though Michael has a bigger cock than me and I know Anna loves to fuck and suck his cock more than mine but I...
Group SexThe alarm wouldn't stop ringing. In my waking stupor I though it was the alarm. Well maybe not. I reached over and swatted the snooze button on the clock, but the noise didn't stop. Oh hell. The sun was out and it was way too friggin' bright in my bedroom for this crap to be happening. My headache was with me full force as I rolled to the other side of my bed and fumbled for the cordless phone. And of course, it fell on the floor. Almost comically as I reached to the floor...
Chapter One I have been dating Sophie for almost five years – ever since she arrived from Latvia and worked as an au-pair to my neighbour. At first, it was mere lustful attraction, and used to enjoy watching her sunbath topless in the garden from my first floor flat, but when I finally plucked up the courage to ask her on a date, it was the person who attracted me more. Three years ago, she got a job as a Housing Officer, helping to accommodate other Eastern Europeans in Britain and my several...
The guy in front of her wasn’t having a good day. They were in line at her usual lunch place, waiting to pay, when he dropped his CAP card. He’d pulled his credit card from his wallet and his CAP card came out as well, landing with his name and score showing: Carl E. Brennan 7.1. The big 7.1 was impossible to miss, and Harriet didn’t miss it. Looking worried, Carl quickly picked up his card and turned to pay the cashier. Harriet left her food at the counter, followed him out and saw him go...
Trees. Mountains in the distance. I always admired nature's beauty, its calming indifference. It began to rain, just a slight drizzle. I flipped on the wipers. It was a lovely autumn day, the sky was a bright blue with whisks of white clouds. I was driving to Mr. Ettington's estate on request. It had been several weeks since the birthing of his half-breed and he wanted to thank me in person. I drove through the gates leading to his home. Mr. Ettington had considerable wealth and his...
Card Sharp by Some Writer "You fancy her, don't you?" Jane asked after Nina left. "Maybe," I said, trying to be nonchalant.But Jane could always tell immediately what I was thinking - I shouldn't have even bothered.Anafter-effect of having gone out together for a few years. "I knew it," she said excitedly."So are you going to ask her out?" "Maybe." "You'd love to fuck her wouldn't you?" "Do you have to be so coarse?" I asked, rolling my eyes in an exaggerated manner. "It's true though...
Lady Tether and the 3 Little Discardsby A. P. Damien28 paused to pour another cup of coffee. "I really don't think age is important. Looks are. But I think my skin is getting dry. One year, maybe two. Then she'll discard me." The brunette did look a little more mature than the other two. Her only clothes were bright red vinyl boots, gloves, and a bikini bottom. "And your life will be, too. Doesn't that matter to you?" 272 was a brand new slave and seemed fascinated by 28's upcoming death. "Yes,...
Copyright Oggbashan January 2005 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * This morning, Valentine’s Day, my post was the usual bills and advertising rubbish except for one large envelope addressed in a hand I didn’t recognise. I took the post through to the...
SRU: The Card Deck By JRD William "Billy" Lucas wandered through the mall, looking for something to do for the night. It was "game night" for him, his wife, Lucy, and his neighbors, Luke and Wendy Johnson, their best friends and sometime "playmates". Game night was a time for the four of them to get together and play games, many times sexual, but just as often not. But game night was getting boring. Unless he found something new in the mall, they'd probably have to pull out the...
I had been working at the plant for two weeks before the guys finally invited me to their weekly poker game. I had just gotten a job at the auto plant in town. It was a sweet gig, with the standard 40 hour work week, a simple job operating a machine on an assembly line and a crew of some of the most raucous and funny co-workers I'd had in a very long time. i was making good money, some new friends and generally having a great time. During some of the lunch breaks I had heard a few of the...
If you read previous stories, you will see at the church ladies retreat I had the preachers wife Pam, my sex slave cum slut, seduce my wife. Since that time, Pam had met with her 3 other times for romantic love making sessions, all of them caught on film.If you read my last story about the BBC gang bang my wife Charlotte had, this is the follow-on after she was devastated I found out she "cheated!"While I had my wife Charlotte set-up by Ed, her BBC 24 year old boy toy lover, and he had her...
I didn’t know what to think, how was I going to come up with the money to pay the Gold Card bill? Yeah I had been extravagant trying out all those premiums, especially with the TVs but still I never imagined it would be over six thousand or so. Six thousand? Damn what am I saying? Six thousand in just two weeks and damn, they are charging me almost twenty-five thousand dollars. I went ahead and threw on some clothes so I could head over to Susan’s. Maybe she could help me figure something...
Reception ?So that’s for three nights then. H ave you stayed with us before, Sir?? the receptionist smiled as she handed me back my credit card as I checked in to the hotel. The badge on her right tit said ?Angela – Duty Receptionist?. I wondered how welcoming she might be later. ?Ah, oh, yes,? I replied digging out another piece of plastic from my wallet and passing over my loyalty card, keen to collect the points that would offer me some possible future discount or other uncertain benefit....
"Good morning sweetie," Mike had been up drinking coffee and writing on the computer for his usual two or so hours already. As Jan groggily made her way to the motorhome's small bathroom, Mike continued, "are you ready for coffee?" "Yea, please," was all that Jan could manage. Mike was a morning person and Jan tried to be. But, after so many years of marriage that was about all she could manage. Mike saved his work on file and fixed Jan her coffee. He knew exactly how she...
Like to cook? You become a chef. Have an interest in education? Most likely end up a teacher. Me? I wanted to fly, so I became a pilot. Over the years I finagled myself a pilot license with several ratings, then later a spot with an Air National Guard outfit. Unfortunately none of the big airlines was hiring when my time was up, so I had been with a little regional carrier for about two years now. Throughout my trials and tribulations the only constant in life was Amy my wife. My lovely Amy...