Meister - T - Gülden Feen Haar free porn video

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Meister – T –
Erziehungsplattform Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und Mann
Aus dem Leben eines Meisters.

Der Fetisch - Naturblondes langes Frauenhaar

"Gülden Feen Haar"

Rosig ist – ihr süßer Mund –
das tut heut – der Meister kund –
frisch gewaschen – oft die Haare –
diese duften – wunderbare –
nach der Rose – dann.

In der Hose – ganz weit unten –
trägt sie Busch - nicht bunten –
denn diese Frau – ist nicht rasiert –

leben tut sie – nun zu viert –
in schönem Hause – bei Berlin –
da wo will – heut jeder hin.

Gestern half – des Meisters Muse –
auszuziehen – sich bis zum Fuße –
und mit wonnig – schön entzücken –
weiß sie Meister– zu beglücken –
wie ihre Frau – des Meisters Schwester.

Ihre weichen Haare –
müssen fein gewaschen werden –
wachsen sollen – sie bis Erden –
dies sagt die Schwester – zu ihrer Frau –
und diese weiß – es zu genau –
was ist schön – auf dieser Welt –
kannst nicht kaufen – für viel Geld.

Es sind die Haare – ihrer Frau –
die im Bett – ist wilde „Sau“
oft spielt sie – mit ihrem Zopfe –
der gebunden – schön am Kopfe –
neckt damit – die Frauenbrust –
und schon rattig – mit viel Lust –
wartet ihre Frau – genau –
wie sie – auf sinnig Stunde – nette.

Doch zu vor – da geht’s ins Bade –
Schwester sagt – oh das ist schade –
muss jetzt - eine Weile warten –
bis zu sehn – ist dann der Garten.

Warmes Wasser – in der Wanne –
entspannt die Frau - genau –
und langes Haar – wird jetzt sogar –
entbunden – und nach drei Sekunden –
taucht der Kopf – mit süßem Schopf –

Wasser spült – das Haar nach oben –
hoch wird es – dann sanft gezogen –
von des Meisters Hand –
der diese Haare – oft schon band –
zu „Pferdeschwanz“ – der so ganz –
den Kopf – macht strenge.

Das gefällt – auch Menge –
Leute – die vor Freude –
schauen – auf diese Art –
von Frauen

Blondes Haar – Natur sogar –
wird sanft genommen –
und besonnen – wie im Traume –
massiert – mit Schaume.

Augen sind – nun fest verschlossen –
Wasser wird – weich drauf gegossen –
mit Entzücken – tut fest drücken –
auch die Geister – Schwanz vom Meister.

Dieser spricht besonnen –
„Ich will heute kommen“ -
um dir zu schenken – zum Gedenken –
Politur – aus der Natur –
die so gut – für Frauenhaare –
damit es glänzt – noch wunderbare –
in der Sonne – voll der Wonne.

Nur der Meister – darf das machen –
bei dieser Frau – „Versaute Sachen“ –
und die Schwester – gar von ihm –
spritzt mit Freude – auch dort hin.

Kannst gern sehen – blonde Haare –
das gewachsen – wunderbare –

streichelt mit Gesange –
gern – des Meisters Wange.

Kunst der Minne – freut dich sehr –
du bist Fee – und mein Begehr –
oh holde Frau – mit gülden Haar –
in deiner Brust – schlägt edles Herz –
mit innig Lust – und nie wird Schmerz –
für immer dein.

Es ist nur Lust – die jetzt kann sein –
ewig bist – du immer mein –
die "Muse" –
von oben Kopf – bis unten Fuße.

Rosig fein – ist Wange dein –
Augen blau - wie der Saphir –
ist der Himmel – über dir –
voller Sterne – die so gerne –
Funkeln – nur für dich –
im Dunkeln

Morgens – scheint die Sonne –
auf dein Haar – mit Wonne –

fest gebunden – ist der Zopf –
der wie Peitsche – schlägt um Kopf –
wenn mit Händen – du tust wenden –
ihn zur Seite – und mit Weite –
willst du schauen – in das Leben –
und nicht streben – wie von Sinnen –
nach dem Geld – und andren Dingen –
die Herzen – meist bereiten –
böse Schmerzen.

Wachsen tust du – mit dem Sein –
über Dinge – die sind ein –
Geschenk der Liebe –
und die Triebe – die dich führen –
sind die Geister – die nur kennt-
„Der wahre Meister“.

Homage - an zwei tolle Frauen -
eine die - tut gerne hauen -
nach beiden - muss Man(n) immer schauen.!

Hand in Hand - sie lieben sich -
gerne denken - sie an mich -
denn als großer Meister -
kenn ich ihre - wahren "Geister"!

Lieben tu ich - das ist wahre -
lang und blond - die schönen Haare -
die so wehen - fein beim gehen.

Hoch gewachsen - ist die Gute -
Frau von Schwester - mit der Rute -
Streng ist sie - und sie ist "DIE" -
die vor Schmerz - noch niemals schrie!

Schwestern sind sie - mir im Herzen -
gerne tun sie - mit mir scherzen -
nehmen mich - dann noch in Mitte -
so wie es - ist fein die Sitte.

Es macht so Freude - dann beim gehen -
wenn die Menschen - es auch sehen -
dass der Mann - da hält zwei Frauen -
die sich küssen - und lieb schauen.

Das können sie - so oft nicht lassen -
auch den Po - dann noch anfassen -
mit dem Finger - nah an Dose -
machmal schauen - andre Frauen -
dann so böse - hin zur Möse.

Meister der - der mag das sehr -
nimmt dann Hand - von Schwesters Frau -
diese weiß - nun ganz genau -
was ist zu tun - und nicht zu lassen -
Menschen können - es nicht fassen -
denn mit Luste - drückt sie Bruste -
mit dem Mieder - immer wieder -
hin zu mir.

Luder sag ich - leise so -
und sie fragt - dann auch noch "Wo ?"-
Lachten tun wir - alle drei -
ziehen weiter - dann im Mai.

Lese auch:-

Texte und Inhalte unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. © - Meister – T – 11.2017

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First experiences at an allboys school 23

Introduction: The last part of my second story about my experience with Fred at school This is the third and final part of my story with Fred at public school. After the wild night I experienced (part 2), things quietened down for a while. Fred had seen me come and I got the impression that he saw what he wanted to see, albeit with a bit of fun at the same time. Im going to fast forward a year, as unfortunately not much else happened in the meantime. We had just got back from our holidays...

2 years ago
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Giving a show insdie of the elevator

The elevator was going to the last floor, where I worked. It was really crowded that morning. And I was being squished among a lot of people. A wonderful start to that long day, I thought to myself. Suddenly, I felt it. There, again… definitely more than just a quick accidental contact. A pair of hands was stroking my round ass cheeks through my tight skirt. I should normally be offended, but that soft contact felt so good…It was not an aggressive groping. Those hands were exploring the...

4 years ago
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forced Bi

Recently I was out of town on a business trip and sitting in my hotel room viewing porn on my laptop. I decided it was time for a break, so I put on my clothes and headed downstairs to the lounge. I sat at the bar and noticed these 2 late 30's women at a table laughing, obviously drunk and talking loud. They were ok looking as one was skinny and fairly flat chested and the other was somewhat overweight with big tits falling out of her top. I had just finished my first drink and my second was...

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Sex With Married Bangalore Aunty

Hello friends my name is sampath I am from Bangalore, today I am going to tell you about an incident that completely changed my life, actually not only my life even my aunt’s life (heroine of this story). Before going into the story please mail me your response and feed backs at Ladies who want to have fun with me can also mail me at the same mail Id. This story is about my aunty, to be in detail my mom’s brother’s wife. Her name is shanthi, she is 28 years old happily married. To explain...

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Driving in Snow Ch 34

This work is an exploration of some possibilities of the spiritual and psychic side of sex. There is a good deal of sex in this work but it always occurs in a spiritual, synchronistic and loving manner. The spirituality expressed in this work reflects my present view of how the universe actually works. ********************************* For those who wish to read this chapter without having read the earlier ones, here is a very brief introduction. I still recommend that you read the earlier...

4 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 19

She could not believe her eyes. In fact, she was certain that she’d be put into therapy if she related what she saw to anyone. But there they were: Marian Randall and Julian Willis, together! To approach or not to approach them that was the question! Oh yeah, for sure it was one helluva question. She made the decision. She’d be talking to Ava first. Oh yeah! Ava had to be first. “You saw who? You saw them where?” said Ava. “I know. I couldn’t believe it either. I still can’t believe it....

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An Alien Moment

Dedicated to my wife Esu, who has kept me sane during months of illness. Thank you love. Our short story today is set 500 years in the future. Much has changed, much is the same... An Alien Moment. He sat looking at the dull, grey, dingy walls with distain. His eyes scanned the room looking at every detail. Every detail, but one. He could not bring himself to look at her. This was odd, she was after all his partner of some 15 summers. But if he looked at her she would cry, hell, he might...

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The Library By request

After stepping through a doorway to get out of the sudden downpour, she found herself in the library, her white shirt completely soaked revealing the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. She patted her waistcoat down and attempted to conceal her breasts but it seemed her entrance hadn't gone un-noticed.She decided that she may as well read a book whilst she dried off, walking down the fantasy section she noticed the person behind the counter was watching her, she smiled at him and he quickly...

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This blog is dedicated to all readers who have had sex OUT BEHIND THE BARN. Or in the barn. Or in front of the barn. Or beside the barn. Me, I’ve never had sex in those locations. However, I have jerked off behind the barn. And in the barn. And beside the barn. And in front of the barn. Anyway, this is about Tom and his wife Sally and Tom’s brother, Harry and his wife April. When I was a teenager, I needed all the money I could get and one Saturday I was working in Tom’s barn. Tom is a friend...

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I finally got her

I had been working at my new job, a MNC and the girls in the office were generally fun to be with. I had got to lay two of them within a month of my joining the office. I must mention that I am a rather handsome looking tall guy. Girls do tend to have hots for me. A girl who used to work in my old company also joined this new company. She is very thin, not tall just about 5’2” but very fair and beautiful. She is not sexy in the conventional sense but she always has this “Hands OFF” looks about...

4 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 13

Oceanus' rapid rise to power after its consolidation was instrumental in reviving what had been a declining market, namely slavery. Oceanus helped redefine the scope and structure of the slave trade, even down to the very basics such as the primary uses for slaves and how slaves were procured. While a complete discussion of the history of slavery in Narlass is beyond the scope of this document, a summary is relevant to understanding how Oceanus had influenced it. About a millennium ago,...

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Mom Ko Mila Anniversary Surprise

Yeh meri kamukta story ka 9th part hai. ye thodi lambi kahani hai lekin puri kahani padh kar aap sab ko bahut hi maza aayega. jin logo ne meri aage ki story nahi padhi wo log niche diye gaye link se meri aage ki story padh lijiye aur apna feedback jaroor bheje. Iss storty ke samjneke liye aage ki story jaroor padhe… Iss story ke sare character ke bare mai aage ki stories mai bata chuka hoo to jyada samay na lete huye sidhe story pe hi aata hoo…. Aaj ka din special hai. aaj meri mom-dad ki...

1 year ago
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James Junior gets a Pull your wire masturbation boy lesson

Dear Mistress Gail, I caught my 21 year old son masturbating in the bath the other day and noticed that he lacks the skills to um… polish his knob. I was wondering if Mistress would be interested in showing him the proper way - under Mistress’ expert supervision. Yours sincerely, James (Senior). Dear James (Senior), Thank you for you’re email. I would be delighted to do so. Please Contact Me on My cell to discuss session details, dates,and times. Wicked regards, Mistress Gail. James (Junior)...

5 years ago
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MackChapter 07

The first Tuesday in February is the first day of school so Mack and the Thomas kids walk over to the school. They were all at the school some time during the previous week to make sure the paperwork was all done and correct for them to start, as well as getting class timetables and the school issued textbooks. Mack is in Year Nine with his cousin James, Diane is in Year Ten, while Mary is in Year Eight. All of his cousins were born early in the year about a year apart while Mack was born...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ki Chahat

Hello guys I am ****** My dick is 7 inch long and dark in color.I will narrate the sexstory in hindi so that everyone could understand my story! Meri chachi ka naam megha tha! Uska complexion fair tha.Boobs ka size 32 d tha.Mere ghar ka toilet aur bathroom attached tha.Aur beech me ek window thi jisse mai us paar dekh skta tha.Jab bhi meri chachi nahane jaati mai toilet k bahane toilet chala jata aur chachi ko nahate dekhta.Pehli baar jab maine delha to mai hairan reh gaya uske kaale nipple...

1 year ago
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My gfs nice mom Part 2

Sure u can join, with under five minutes my gf was butt naked. Now her and her mom were both on their knees sharing sucking my dick while I'm sitting on the couch, my gfs red hair was shining as her soft pink lips swallowed my 7 inch dick whole oh fuck! Yess....yes!.....slowly her head bobbed up and down her warm mouth sucking me away.... Then her mom pushes her to the side move over don't be a greedy little pig. They both giggled, then my gfs mom completely swallowed my cock like it was a...

Erotic Fiction
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Another Level For Timmy Part one

Another level For Timmy (Part one) It was Christmas eve and Madge had gone over to Ruth and Timmy's for dinner and to open presents and spend the evening. Ruth was a bit saddened to hear that Madge was going to be moving away to a new town soon. And she had also been chatting with Madge over coffee about Timmy's little problem of liking to wear ladies things even though she didn't wear much in the way of classic feminine clothes. Then Madge admitted to catching him in her nylons,...

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Joyce And Debbie Joyce And John

I first met Debbie during year one at the university. We shared some classes and lived in the same accommodation block, but weren’t close, just acquaintances. We lost touch in year two because I moved off-campus into a small flat that I rented with Maria, another classmate. This flat-share worked well and continued into my third year. However, during the spring semester, love or lust must have been in the air; Maria decided to shack up with her boyfriend. I would probably have done the same had...

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How to Tame a Dragon Ch 01

Copyright2012©totallyatease **I’ve been told that this story is terribly corny, and I have to admit that it is in places, however I do hope that you enjoy it – faults and all. Also it is very much a romance rather than an erotic story and so I have been hesitant to post it on this site. On the plus side this is a finished story of about 11 chapters and so if people do like it, then I’ll be able to post on a regular 3 – 4 day basis.** She only agreed to do it as a favour to her sister — but...

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First time with an oldie

Hello readers, am suma jayaram again. This is my second story which i narrate on this site. The first one was of my own, but this is an incident which took place years before with a friend/classmate of mine.her name is sindhu.i met her during my post graduation,at a reputed college in kerala.we became thick friends very soon as we share the same hostel room. She s 5 6 tall, of wheatish complexion, and well shaped. She was of course the most sexiest one among our group. We spend our weekends and...

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My Adventure in Babysitting

I recently started baby-sitting in order to help pay for my college expenses and I must say the experience was more than a little exciting. While I was in high school I babysat but I never had any sexual experiences with any of the families I sat for, but now about every third client I have seems to want to bed me and more than a few are single women who want to have a safe no strings attached tryst with another woman. Before I get too far ahead of myself I should tell you about how it all...

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Hindu Bhai Muslim Behen

Helo dosto aaj mein apk sammne apne garam aur nazuk bhabhi jaan ki ek maasum aur natkhat behen k baare me likhne ja raha hu. Bhabhi ki behen :naam naziya Naziya mere bhabhi ki real sister hai Uski umar 26 saal aur rang gora chrhera maasumiyat se bhara hua jism garam aur naazuk badan Ek baar mein apne bhabhi k behen naziya humare ghar rehene aai hui thi uska kuch kaam tha delhi mein to apne behen k ghar rehene aa gai aur mein apne baare me batana bhul gayapa logo ko (mein …… 28 saal ka hu aur...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 846

These are compliments of Joe S. Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, Brian Williams and a tough old U.S. Marine Sergeant were captured by terrorists in Iraq. The leader of the terrorists told them he’d grant each of them one last request before they were beheaded and dragged naked through the streets. Katie Couric said, “Well, I’m a Southerner, so I’d like one last plate of fried chicken.” The leader nodded to an underling who left and returned with the chicken. Couric ate it all and said, “Now I...

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