Wildwood Cabins Spring Break Pt.1 (loyalsock) free porn video

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It was a long winter for Dennis and Kim Cashman. Stuck in their Midwestern, upper middle class home while snow fell all around them, they could only dream of vacations and relaxation. Work d**g on, sometimes complicated by treacherous drives over icy roads.

Their daughter Erin, now nineteen and a college freshman, was in the Spring break mood. This was not unlike her normal weekend mood—hungry for alcohol and guys.

So it was with great anticipation that the Cashmans decided to return to the Wildwood Cabins Resort for the weekend. Their eventful first visit the previous Fall had convinced them they would return when the weather permitted.

The forecast was favorable and Erin packed with sunbathing in mind. A few sweatshirts for the cool evenings and mornings completed her wardrobe. In the master bedroom, Dennis and Kim discussed their plans while stuffing two suitcases full. Both of them already felt more relaxed, just preparing for the trip.

They weren't necessarily thrilled with taking Erin, hoping that by their early forties they would be able to spend more time alone. But they knew the tall, thin and attractive girl would be away from the cabin most of the weekend. What she would be doing concerned them only slightly. What they would be doing was much more pressing at the moment.

Meanwhile, John Marlin, owner of the Wildwood Cabins Resort, looked over the spreadsheet on his computer screen. Three cabins were rented this weekend. Not bad for the beginning of April. And there was always hope for "walk-up" business at the last moment. It was going to be a good year, he thought.

He hoped the recent addition of a small recreation center and pool would increase business. It better, he said to himself, when he considered the size of the loan he took out for the construction costs. And the additional personnel costs for maintenance.

It all seemed worthwhile when he visited the Resort's web site and saw the pictures of the pool area superimposed over shots of the cabins, surrounded by trees in glorious autumn color. Now all he needed were customers.

Dennis, Kim, Erin, and their luggage piled into the SUV and headed south. A bike on the roof would provide exercise for Dennis should he get tired of hiking over the weekend.

It would be a thirty-minute drive. Erin rode with headphones from an MP3 player over her long hair and Kim concentrated on a new book. The late afternoon sun shone bright and warm inside the car.

After checking in and renewing acquaintances with John Marlin, Dennis drove the SUV to the front of Cabin 1. Along the way, Kim and Erin commented favorably on the new rec center and pool. With temperatures expected to rise over the weekend, the water would be inviting.

The family unpacked, with Dennis and Kim occupying the single bedroom and Erin taking the loft overlooking the living room. With the kitchen basically sitting in a corner of the living room, the entire first floor was one big room with the exception of the bedroom and bath. For as much time as Erin planned on spending in the cabin, it didn't matter much to her.

A few minutes later, she asked for and received the keys to the SUV. With a simple, "I'll be back later," she was out the door. Not that this bothered her parents. Kim was hanging clothes in the miniscule closet when she felt her husband's arms wrap around her waist.

Despite her 5' 8" frame, Dennis towered over his wife. He was broad and muscular…and, at the moment, horny. His mouth found her ear and he nibbled lightly, knowing this excited her in spite of her protestations. By the time his hands had risen inside her sweatshirt to cover her breasts, Kim could feel the hardness of his cock against her ass.

"Honey, we have all weekend," she sighed. "Can't I even unpack?"

Kim looked back over her shoulder and smiled.

"Oh, all right," Dennis said. He removed his hand from under her sweatshirt and slapped her on the ass. She playfully swiped at his hand as he walked away.

They eventually got clothes put away before stocking the small refrigerator with a few supplies Kim had thrown in the car at the last second. She knew they could buy food in a nearby town, but also knew Erin and Dennis couldn't go an hour without snacking.

Soon, Dennis asked her if she wanted to go for a walk on the trail they had hiked during their last visit. Kim filled a water bottle and they headed out into the cool air. Quickly, the thick woods ate them up.

A few miles away, Erin was inside a convenience store pricing beer. She paid the k** behind the counter and began to leave. Using the reflection off the front window, she watched as his eyes followed her hourglass figure out the door. She liked them older--and bigger than she imagined he was. Nevertheless, she tried to put on a good show, walking with just a shade of wiggle in her ass.

Driving back into the resort, Erin noticed a car at the main office and, further down the drive, a car in front of Cabin 2. Things were picking up. She would have to investigate later.

Kim and Dennis had walked about fifteen minutes when they came to a break in the trees. A small clearing led to a steep drop-off, which overlooked a clear, blue lake. The couple walked through the clearing and slid hand-in-hand down the grassy embankment to the side of the lake.

They felt as if they had descended into a different time and space. The woods behind them were blocked from view and, across the lake, the trees seemed light years away. Dennis was warm from the hike and took off the light jacket he wore.

The couple sat next to each other on the grass, Kim holding her husband's hand. They talked about what they would do the next day, what trouble Erin would get into, and the quietness of their surroundings.

During a lull in the conversation, Kim looked over at Dennis, then down to his jeans. Her hand separated from his and slid between his legs.

"You still horny?" she asked softly. Her hand brushed along his thigh before reaching his crotch.

"Very," he said. The light touch of her hand was all it took to bring back the throbbing he had felt earlier.

Kim pressed harder, feeling the outline of his cock under the thick material. She smiled at him and returned her glance to her hand. The bulge was more evident now and she traced it with her finger.

Eventually her hand moved to the button above his zipper. It easily came undone and she opened the front of Dennis' jeans. Kim's hand slithered inside and instantly felt the hardness of his cock. Its warmth could be felt through the thin material of his boxers.

She put her hand inside the shorts and wrapped her fingers around the shaft. She could feel blood pulse through it as the cock grew even longer and harder. With little resistance, she pulled it out into the early evening air.

Kim put her free hand on Dennis' shoulder and pushed gently.

"Lay down," she said. Her husband obeyed without hesitation.

Kim knelt on the grass and moved her lips toward the cock's pink tip. She kissed it once before placing her hand around the base and lifting it away from his leg. The cock was already thick despite being less than half erect. Kim had come to appreciate this fact, not so much during oral sex, but rather when he inserted it into her tight pussy. She never felt as fulfilled with any other man.

But now it was her turn to please him. As her mouth closed around the cock and her tongue slid along the bottom of the shaft, she felt Dennis' hand on the back of her head. He lightly brushed her long, brown hair before holding her tight against his erection. Within seconds, Kim was sucking and licking a fully erect cock that extended far above her tiny hand.

Dennis closed his eyes and concentrated on the sensation of Kim's mouth and tongue working on his cock. Her hand stroked him with increased intensity as she focused on the cock's tip. Sweet precum seeped out and she moaned softly, knowing he wouldn't take long to cum.

She teased him by occasionally licking with long strokes before returning him to her mouth. Kim repeated this several times, sensing whenever he was close to cumming. Now her mouth moved to his balls and she lightly took one between her lips. The rough skin and hair, along with his scent, excited her. Kim considered lowering her own jeans to ride him, but decided against it. There would be time for that later.

Dennis' cock was back in Kim's mouth and she sucked on it furiously. He couldn't hold back any longer and announced the oncoming orgasm with a hoarsely uttered groan. Kim gripped the shaft harder and worked it feverishly with both hand and mouth.

Her husband stiffened, barked out his approval and shot a long, warm load of cum into Kim's mouth. He heard her moan with pleasure as a second and third burst of cum flew from his cock. Kim struggled to swallow, cum dripping from her lips. Dennis thrust his hips upward attempting to fuck his wife's mouth and she responded with a rhythmic bobbing of her head.

When she felt Dennis' orgasm subsiding, she sucked harder, resulting in involuntary shudders from her husband. The cock that was so hard and long a minute ago began softening between her lips. Eventually, the flow of cum stopped completely and he was limp.

Kim wiped the side of her face with the back of her hand and fell on Dennis' chest. They kissed passionately, the sweet stickiness of his orgasm transferring to Dennis' lips.

"That was marvelous," Dennis said. "You're wonderful."

"It was my pleasure. Now you might want to get dressed again before the next couple comes along."

Dennis smiled and pushed his cock back inside his boxers before pulling up on the zipper and fastening his jeans. They sat together, enjoying the calm of the lake and the dusk light.

Erin Cashman sat on the back porch of Cabin 1 with a beer in her hand and her feet propped up on the chair in front of her. Her eyes swept the woods behind the cabin before settling on movement behind the adjacent cabin, a hundred yards or so to her right. A figure was hovering over a grill, poking at it with an object she could not distinguish. The figure was a man, she was certain of that.

Soon, a second man appeared from the back door of the cabin carrying something—a plate, she thought. More movement preceded their both going into the hovering mode. A few seconds later, they seemingly looked in her direction before disappearing back into the cabin.

It was hard to tell from her distance, but Erin thought the guys looked to be in their thirties. But it was growing darker. She could either take a walk and try to find out now, or make it a project for tomorrow.

She took the last drink from the bottle and sat it on the porch floor. She was going for a walk.

Erin headed down the trail next to the cabin, but when it reached the entrance to the woods, she veered off to the right along the edge of the trees. With her hands in her jeans pockets and her sweatshirt rubbing against her bare nipples, she ambled through the thick grass. When she was within about fifty yards of Cabin 2, the back door opened once more and one of the men emerged onto the lighted porch.

She saw plainly now that he was, indeed, a fairly young, tall man. She continued walking, her eyes never leaving the porch. Her movement must have caught the man's eye, as his head rose and their eyes met. After a moment's hesitation, Erin waved. She had already altered her path more toward the cabin when the man waved back.

Now within reasonable shouting distance, she said loudly, "Hi. Smells good." In fact, she had picked up on the aroma of steak and wasn't making it up.

"Hi," came the response. "We have enough to share."

Erin was now approaching the porch and the man could clearly make out her long hair, striking facial features and shapely legs in tight jeans.

"Oh, no. I couldn't. We're gonna…"

"Ah, c'mon. Are you having anything better than steak over there?"

The assurance with which the question was asked made her giggle. That produced a smile on the young man's face.

"Well, probably not. I'm sure Mom will have something she considers healthy," Erin said with a tinge of sarcasm.

"Then come on. There's plenty of beer, too."

Erin stepped onto the porch. "Well. In that case…"

The man introduced himself as Matt. He placed two large steaks on a plastic serving platter and handed it to Erin. With Matt holding the door open, they entered Cabin 2.

Once inside, Erin hesitated for a second and let Matt lead the way. They turned into the kitchen/eating area and were greeted by the second man.

"Tom, this is Erin. She's from the next cabin over. She's gonna join us," Matt announced.

"Hi, Erin. Let me take that," Tom said, reaching for the platter.

Matt had already opened the cabinet and pulled down a third plate. He got a set of silverware from the drawer and quickly added a place for Erin at the table. A chair was pulled around and, just that quick, the young woman had joined them for dinner.

"Have a seat," Matt said politely. "We have water, pop and beer."

"Beer is fine," Erin said with a smile, pulling her seat closer to the table.

She looked across at Tom, estimating him to be about thirty. He was not strikingly handsome and was shorter than Matt, but his blue eyes and a light 5-o'clock shadow made him attractive to her. Both men were in obvious good shape and apparently somewhat successful, based on the quality of their "casual" garb.

Matt brought Erin a beer, apologizing for no glasses, which Erin excused them for. The steak had been cut into several equal pieces and, along with salad and heated up frozen corn, was placed in the middle of the table.

Quickly, everyone had their share and was digging in. The conversation centered around when they had arrived, how long they were staying, jobs, and Erin's family.

"Your Mom must be very beautiful," Tom said.

Erin blushed instantly. "I'll tell her you said that."

"Invite her over," Matt said. "We'll have fresh fish tomorrow. Right, Tom?"

"Hey, you're the guide. Don't make promises you can't keep."

"There's a market in Logan," Erin said dryly.

Both guys laughed loudly, followed by stories of previous fishing trips gone bad. When the tales ended, dinner was over and the table was cleared with everyone's help. Erin was feeling very comfortable with the men and was uncertain whether to stay or give an excuse for leaving.

The decision was partly made up for her when Matt asked if she could stay a little while longer. She balked at first. When Tom suggested she check in with her parents and return later, she was slightly offended. Wanting to show her maturity, she said she would stay. Besides, she was in the mood to begin flirting.

They moved into the adjacent living room. Before sitting, Erin went to the fireplace mantel and reached up for a framed picture. She could feel the eyes on her ass, held firmly in her tight jeans. Her sweatshirt rose, revealing a few inches of skin above her waist.

"Isn't this beautiful?" Erin asked to no one in particular while glancing at the picture of the cabin in winter.

There was no answer, but her show had not gone unnoticed by the guys. She put the photo back and turned to take a spot on the opposite end of the couch from Tom. She sat with one leg under her and the other dangling from the couch.

"Are you guys married?" Erin finally asked after a brief silence.

"I am," Matt responded. "Tom's not…yet"

"And it won't be as soon as you think," Tom answered back quickly.

Erin smiled at the obvious inside joke among the two. "So the women didn't come with you?"

"Nope. Just us this time," Matt said. "It might get very boring."

"Do you think we'd have any luck at that Logan market?" Tom asked Erin with a straight face.

She laughed. "Hardly." After a pause, she added, "You'd have better luck from the next cabin over."

She was looking at Tom, but waited for a response from either guy. It came from Matt. "With you or your Mom?"

"That's hard to say. I'll have to ask her what she's doing tomorrow evening," Erin said. "Invite us over for dessert."

"I thought you WERE dessert," Tom said.

Erin had been around enough to know she was in control of what happened next. She was energized by these two nice-looking guys and the intimacy of the cabin. She was horny. And she was apprehensive.

The thought of having sex with two strangers she had met half an hour ago somehow invigorated her. The idea that she dictated how and when it would occur was more intoxicating than the beers.

She looked at Tom.

"You're still hungry?" she asked.


They stared at each other from opposite ends of the couch, just a few feet apart. The tension filled the room.

Erin stood up and walked in front of Tom. Gracefully, she placed her knees on the couch on either side of his legs. Her body was inches from his, her sweatshirt-covered breasts directly in front of his face.

Erin lifted the sweatshirt excruciatingly slowly. Matt, from his chair across the small room, saw the girl's back begin to appear. Tom saw a flat stomach, then a navel with a tiny ring attached, followed by more smooth skin. She wavered teasingly at the base of her breasts before raising the sweatshirt higher.

Her breasts were drawn upward as her arms extended over her head. One after the other, she removed her arms from the sleeves. While Matt marveled at the glorious symmetry of her back, Tom couldn't take his eyes off the girl's firm breasts and pink nipples.

He barely noticed as the sweatshirt fell to the floor. What he couldn't fail to notice were the breasts edging closer to his face. The lap dance had just started and already he felt the pressure of his cock pushing against the inside of his jeans. His hands stayed at his side, but there was no mistaking Erin's intent.

Tom opened his lips and accepted the nipple from Erin's right breast. As soon as his mouth closed around it, he raised his hands and cupped a breast in each one. The soft flesh gave way to his fingers and Tom squeezed, taking more of her inside his mouth.

Erin tilted her head back, letting her long hair fall away from her shoulders. The sensation of the man's mouth and tongue on her erect nipple sent a shiver down her body. She lowered herself, wanting to feel him against her ass. The girl wasn't disappointed as she felt his ever-hardening cock through both pair of jeans.

She gyrated her hips, rubbing against him with long, slow strokes. Tom put his hands on her back, then slid them down until his fingers disappeared inside her jeans. Erin arched her back at the incredible feeling of his fingers on her bare skin, followed by the hands on her ass, squeezing softly.

By now, Tom had taken advantage of both breasts, sucking on them until the nipples seemed to be on the verge of bursting. To his surprise, his own shirt was being lifted over his head. He separated himself from the girl's breasts just long enough for the shirt to be discarded.

As he prepared to continue his exploration of her chest, Erin slid backwards and knelt on the floor between his legs. Without pausing, she reached for the top of Tom's jeans and unsnapped them. Just as quickly, she had his zipper down.

Erin began to pull the pants down, then took off his shoes before yanking the jeans completely off. Her eyes fell on the noticeable bulge in Tom's boxers as she crept forward once more. The girl's hand lightly touched him and then encircled the cock. The thin material of the boxers let her feel him harden.

Tom couldn't help but get further aroused at the sight of Erin's breasts hanging freely under her body. They swung gently with her movements and he wished they were back in his mouth.

Erin repositioned Tom's cock so that it emerged from the opening in the front of his boxers. It twitched into place, pointing at a forty-five degree angle between Erin and Tom. She stroked it twice before moving her head closer.

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Summer was in its last legs at Duskville, a small town in Michigan. In this quaint little town, there was a large, numerous family, the Bishops. Once the biggest ally of the town founders, the Ravers family, with even a connection forged by marriage, they didn’t quite enjoy the same success and wealth of their allies, and ended up taking the route of a “normal” middle-class family throughout the history of Duskville. As fate would have it, though, the current generation saw the two clans...

2 years ago
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Spring Break at the Beach Part 1

I walked out of class exhausted. It was a long day, and I embraced the breezy Spring air as I stepped outside. Julia, one of my friends at college, was standing outside. "Hey," she said. "Hi," I replied back. "Sooo..." she began, "Looks like we have something to do for spring break." "Holy crap, really?" I asked, surprised. We had been looking for something to do for spring break, but all the decent beach houses on the shore were either taken or too expensive. Our little circle of...

3 years ago
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spring Break2

When we got off the plane, I was so excited to see Alex, I couldnt wait to start my spring break. Then I spotted him, wearing a typical Florida attire, Shorts, a tank top and sandals. Maybe it was the excitment of beaing away from home, maybe it had just been along itme sinve I had seen Alex, but he looked great, even Jen whispered under her breath "your brother is hot". And I had to agree with her, Alex is a little over 6' tall, tanned, and the tank top showed off his well defined arms...

4 years ago
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Black Spring Break

The best fun I’ve ever had was during vacation. Ever notice that when they show Spring Break videos featuring college students having fun, they almost never show black students? That’s messed up, you know. I guess that’s why my friends and I decided to make our own black-themed Spring Break video. Show the world they were wrong and display once and for all the fact that black male and black female college students can get down with the best of thing. After all, I’m pretty sure our ancestors...

1 year ago
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Spring Break in Mexico

Spring Break In MexicoIn the Spring of 1984, I had the unbelievable gift of going to Mazatlan, Mexico with my stepdaughter. As most, if not all stories on xhamster are fantasies or at best, some one’s dreams, this is a true story in every detail. Hope you enjoy it.MEXICO SPRING BREAKWe had parked my car on the Arizona side of the border. My stepdaughter and I were on our way to Mazaltan. She had won a bikini-contest the spring break before, and having no current boyfriend, asked me to go with...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 221 Spring Break

We were pretty somber the day after the party. Sheriff Donaldson called to say that Cathy had definitely been drugged, but that she would be all right since we'd alerted him about her condition. Brenda came to collect Dawn first thing in the morning and they went to visit their friend in the hospital. We sat at the table wondering if we could have or should have done something more or different. Both girls were a bit more reserved when we met in class. Cathy gave me a whispered, "Thank you....

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 256 Spring Breaks

"I don't want to go," Danielle said defiantly. After our food chemistry exam Wednesday, the triplets had come out to the ranch to run their next experiment in French cooking and I decided to join them. I'd made a stop when we got home to go to Theresa's and play with the babies. Of course, at three months, playtime mostly meant holding my son in my arms while Theresa and I talked. Doreen had only two months off and had gone back to work after Valentine's Day. Theresa had taken on the...

2 years ago
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Mia Chapter 10 Spring Break Part I

Mia felt the cold breeze of the air-conditioning make the hairs on her arm stand on end. The warmth from the setting sun was still beating down outside the car. Looking over to the driver seat through drowsy eyes, she smiled inwardly at herself as she admired the view of her boyfriend Jesse. They had already crossed quite a few state lines as they got closer and closer to their spring break retreat. Daytona Beach was the destination and they were planning to stay for the full week. Mia relaxed...

2 years ago
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Spring Break Slave

Spring Break Slave By humbleslave "You fucking bitch!," I exclaimed for about the one hundredth time as I saw her holding up a DVD as she boarded the plane. A week ago, I had landed in Mexico, a regular college guy looking to blow off some steam on spring break. What I am now, and will be in the future, entirely depends upon the devious mind of the girl who just boarded the plane, whom I know only as "Mistress Ashleigh." I met Ashleigh my first night in Mexico. Returning to...

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Spring Break

Bonnie, Tina, and Denise had been dreaming of Spring Break all winter long, and now it was finally here. They were juniors in college and, as such, all finally able to legally drink. They had planned for over a year and managed to rent a three-bedroom condo online using Bonnie’s older brother Joe’s name and credit card. Joe was twenty-nine and happy to help the girls out. He remembered how much it sucked being too young to rent a hotel or a car when he was Bonnie’s age and had relied on an...

College Sex
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Power Chapter Twenty Spring Break

We kept up our same rhythm until Spring Break. Sylvia and I decided to stay at the college, while Jay and Valerie both went home. Sylvia moved into my room and we only got dressed to go to the dining hall. The dorm was mostly empty, so we fucked everywhere we could. It got warm one day so we spent the day at the pool. I was required to swim nude, and Sylvia chose to do the same. We met a couple of girls there that neither of us knew. They were admiring my uncut cock and asked Sylvia if it was...

4 years ago
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Power Chapter Twenty Spring Break

We kept up our same rhythm until Spring Break. Sylvia and I decided to stay at the college, while Jay and Valerie both went home. Sylvia moved into my room and we only got dressed to go to the dining hall. The dorm was mostly empty, so we fucked everywhere we could. It got warm one day so we spent the day at the pool. I was required to swim nude, and Sylvia chose to do the same. We met a couple of girls there that neither of us knew. They were admiring my uncut cock and asked Sylvia if it was...

3 years ago
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Spring Break

SPRING BREAKI love going to Spring Break ever since I was a freshman in college. I also love fucking well hung black men since I discovered them in my sophomore year. It was during my second Spring Break that I combined them and never looked back. Getting married, I never kept any secrets from my husband who full well knew that during my college years I had a big thing for well hung black studs, especially young ones that could go all night. We are both white, 30 years old and straight. ...

1 year ago
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Mary and Tracy missed spring break

Mary and Tracy were spoiled sisters. They were pretty young blond girls who were sluts in college fucking anyone and everyone who made a pass at them. Their mother knew that. She had caught them with the red headed paper boy when they were twelve and thirteen. Tracy had her blouse off and her panties were down around her ankles. The paper boy was sucking her little breasts and Mary was undressed masturbating her pussy watching. She did not scold the girls. She took them to the doctor and put...

Group Sex
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Submissive Ssters 8 Springs Offsprings

I count our blessings at Crete, with my bred babes all four due to deliver some time in early SpringI count our blessings of making lots of money in Autumn, servicing at the I count our built-up income and ask our mighty Mama to propose a proper place for all us, for all SpringI count our built-up experiences gathered: well integrated into the local Crete community, Mom thanks!I go with Grandma on an inspection tour of several nearby premises, finding a villa with a view at the seaI go with...

2 years ago
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Another College Spring Break Junior Year

(Episode 21) This story is about spring break of my junior year in college and follows “Make-up Sexathon!” Weeks before spring break, the girls in my close knit gang of friends came up with the marvelous idea that our entire gang should spend spring break together. I was absolutely delighted with that idea. In fact, it erased the dread I had harbored deep inside about the possibility of Jennifer and I going on separate spring breaks. The worry over any potential damage that would do to our...

2 years ago
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Spring Break

It's Spring Break. The women in the Our Bodies Ourselves group have gone to Ft. Lauderdale FL. Well, not everyone. My name's Dave, I'm Susan's boyfriend. Is it OK to say that? It's not OK for me to call her my girlfriend, she's my womyn friend. Oh, well. Susan, Charlene and Katie's Gyrlfriend Allyson have all gone to FL. (I guess it is OK for two lesbians to call each other gyrlfriend. At least if they do it with each other.) I guess Susan thought it would be safe to leave me on my own...

2 years ago
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Spring Breakers with Selena Gomez Vanessa Hu

written by jerojerome It's my first full story and English isn't my first language...therefore sorry if there are some (or many) mistakes ... I always wanted to become a stage director or film producer since i saw girls like Victoria Justice (my dream girl), Selena Gomez or Vanessa Hudgens on tv (and i can't count how many times i jerked off to them). For that reason i moved immediately to hollywood after i finished school. It was hard to get one of these good jobs for a 19 year old guy like...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 44 Spring Break 1982 Part I

March, 1982, Milford, Ohio As I drove along I-65, I thought about what Stephanie had asked for and what Bethany had said without even knowing about the request. Of course, because Bethany and I were so in tune, she might have actually had an idea that I was struggling with getting involved with my sister again. I kept turning it over and over in my mind and I kept coming to the same conclusion — that I shouldn’t do it. I was torn between doing what Stephanie wanted and doing what Kara and...

3 years ago
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Togetherness FChapter 7 Spring break

Usually, Marilyn could study better at Andy’s than at the house. Sure, they made love before getting down to work, and on Saturdays she cooked a meal. When they did sit down to study, though, his example kept her studying longer and with fewer breaks than the constant coming and going of the study room allowed. Even if he said nothing, even when he didn’t know what she was studying, Andy’s presence seemed to communicate, “Studying for tomorrow afternoon? You should have that done and be...

2 years ago
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The Girls Next Door 9 Spring Break Pt1

The Girls Next Door – 9 Spring Break Pt.1 When my alarm went off I rose up and looked around. On one side of me was CJ, an 18 year old brunette lying on her side, facing me with the covers kicked off. Her hair was in pigtails and she was clutching a doll between her 36C breasts. On the other side was Anna, another pigtailed brunette, 15years old, laying on her back, her 34D breasts pointing towards the ceiling? I leaned over and took one of Anna's nipples in my mouth. As I sucked on...

3 years ago
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Spring Break

Spring Break by captv8td [email protected] 1Spring break couldn’t have come soon enough for Anna.  School was hard this semester and most of her courses were boring.  It had been a grueling two months and she needed a break.  She and her friend, Amy, were finally free.The two girls had planned the road trip at the beginning of the semester and now they were on their way to Arizona where Amy had an aunt and uncle.  They planned on staying with the relatives and working on their tans...

1 year ago
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Spring Break Part 1

It was late on a Thursday night around 11. I was texting my best friend Brandi about the guys off of SuperNatural. That's when she asked if I wanted to hang out with her on Saturday through next Saturday for spring break. "I'll have to ask mom but in sure it's fine" I just turned 18 the month before and this was going to be our last spring break together before the summer and I go away for basic training. I head down stairs and ask my mom if it's alright me and Brandi hang out for spring break....

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Karas Spring Break 3

Kara pushed open the door to the shower and took a couple of steps inside. Stopping abruptly at what she saw, she quietly stepped back out and carefully closed the door. She looked at it. Stenciled lettering clearly said 'Women'; it even had the correct international symbol below it. Looking about she reaffirmed what she had seen on her walk from the boat; the marina was deserted. It was seven in the morning and the few marina guests, likely spring breakers, were still asleep. She was beginning...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Spring break

Note: not my story, but a good one...My freshman year in college I got the chance to go to spring break with a group that was mainly seniors and juniors. I didn't know it at the time but it was probably because I had a car. We were having a great time taking over the streets of Palm Springs, and generally being drunken maniacs. I was hanging with Steve, Bruce and Sheila, and I got IDed going into a bar. I think Steve and Bruce would have passed on going in, but Sheila wanted to check out the...

3 years ago
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Beckys South Beach Spring Break

FRIDAY, March 10 2006 — SOUTH BEACH, MIAMI, FLORIDA "Oh look Mandy," I cried as we turned left off 5th Street onto Ocean Drive and saw the white capped blue waves breaking on the famous beach to our right, while on our left the architectural splendor of the Art Deco district flashed by. I could feel the excitement of Ellie and Crystal behind me as Mandy slowed her red A-6, as engrossed by the passing scenery as the rest of us. "There it is!" Ellie screamed in my ear, her arm pointing...

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Spring BreakChapter 1 Sunday Monday

Sunday Melinda, Katie, Carl and I picked up Leah at the airport on Sunday morning. She got an early flight in, and with the two hour drive to Orlando, we would get to the condo right about check-in time. I waved to Leah as soon as she got off the plane. She ran over and gave me a big hug. I held her tight and gave her a friendly kiss. Melinda watched along with Katie and Carl. Even though she had talked Leah into coming down and had spoken to her before, I knew Melinda could be mean and...

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SaMs Place Chapter 13 of 15 Spring Break Reposted to correct problems

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

1 year ago
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SaMs Place Chapter 13 of 15 Spring Break

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

3 years ago
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Tiffany goes on spring break Ch 1

Sandy, my best friend in the whole world, invited me to join her and her boyfriend Rick on their spring break trip to Miami. Rick and a bunch of his fraternity buddies had pooled their resources to rent a van for the week. The guys planned look for a cheep hotel once we arrived in Miami since all we would be doing there was sleeping and showering. Well, the day before we planned to leave we all got together mostly so Rick could introduce me to the rest of the group. I already knew one of...

4 years ago
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Cole and Ellen Do Spring Break

Being yesterday’s hero took some getting used to. Cole Reynolds was no longer the star quarterback. No, at the tender age of eighteen, he was a has-been, already looking back with nostalgia at those thrilling Friday nights on the gridiron, sharing the heat of battle with his loyal teammates, cheered on by his adoring fans. But life goes on, and for him that meant getting through his last semester at Damascus High, applying for college and keeping himself in shape to perhaps play college ball....

3 years ago
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Spring Break

Spring BreakChapter 1: The VideosIt all began the spring of my first year in college. Spring break was a week away, and my friends were planning a road trip to florida for the week. Seeing as how I was completely broke, I couldn't go with them, and was forced to spend the week at home with my mom. I figured I could at least watch some Girls Gone Wild, maybe feel like it was really spring break. I was pissed that my friends would be getting so much action, while I sat at home and played scrabble...

2 years ago
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Mia Chapter 10 Spring Break Part II

For Jesse, ‘Boys Day’ turned out to be some of the best fun of Spring Break so far, even though he was reluctant at first to even leave the condo after his escapades in the shower with Mia that morning. After the first hour with the guys, Jesse was glad to be spending the day with them. Mark, his flatmate from university, goaded him into cutting loose for the day, suggesting water sports and cruising the beach. Jesse wasn’t stupid though – it was mostly a tactic for him to be Mark’s wing man...

3 years ago
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spring break

My hands held the back of her head in place, her nose was pressedagainst my stomach, my cock slid down her velvety throat and all I could think of was how glad I was that I had jerked off earlier in the day. She was so good at giving head that it was almost scary.  I was glad I took care of my own business earlier, fore if I had not, I would have shot my thick load down to the caverns of her belly long ago, ending what was turning out to be the greatest night of my life. Her name is Marcy, she...

Straight Sex

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