Prey For Me Ch. 04 free porn video

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Pt. IV: CirCUMstantial Evidence

In the drive up Interstate 15 to Salt Lake City which took all night and part of the morning, Jack thought about how it was not one of his favorite places. He had been there twice before. Getting information was often like pulling teeth. One of the strangest places he had ever been, like a totally different planet. His past experiences, however, did prompt him to become familiar with Mormonism and the lives of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, among others.

Jack’s first stop was the Salt Lake City Police Department. He had asked Sam Hanson to call ahead and alert them of his pending arrival.

Sandra Burton was the chief’s secretary and she immediately recognized Jack by name and reputation. ‘You are rather famous around here, Mr. Davis. Everybody talks about you. The chief is not in, but please talk to the administrative sergeant, Dave Webb. He knows everything that is happening, and he is expecting you.’ She rang his office and Jack was immediately ushered in.

‘My pleasure, Jack. Sam Hanson called and filled me in on what you are looking for. Here is a copy of everything in our file.’ Webb continued, ‘Let me summarize what we know which is not much. Alicia Dunn is age 27, a redhead, 5’7′, 125 pounds. Very, very attractive she is. Wife number three of one James Dunn. Right, number three. James Dunn is a polygamist and one of the main spiritual leaders of the Latter-day Church of Christ. The church is actually a conglomerate that owns 27 companies at last count. Many of these companies are involved in computer hardware or software merchandising or providing internet services. The headquarters is just south of the city. Mr. Dunn did report his wife missing but he has not been a wealth of information. He has his own private investigator, Steve Hawkins, working on the case.’

The moment Jack heard Hawkins’ name he knew where he would find what he wanted to know. ‘OK, Dan, thanks,’ Jack interrupted abruptly. ‘Let me look over the file and I’ll get back to you.’

Jack called Steve Hawkins and they agreed to meet at a nearby restaurant. He knew ‘Hawk’ as by reputation only. Not a good reputation. Hawk was rumored to be an enforcer on occasion for various elements of organized crime. Now what was he doing working for a religious zealot and polygamist Jack wondered.

Hawkins was already in the restaurant and was seated at a small table and toying with a chef salad. He barely acknowledged Jack as he motioned for him to sit down.

Jack didn’t mince words, simply said, ‘Do you remember Vince Fabrizio?’ That got the Hawk’s attention quickly.

‘You, you’re the one who got him busted, right?’ Hawkins snarled. Fabrizio was currently on death row in a federal prison, convicted on kidnapping, rape and murder charges. Jack had discovered the body and led the Chicago police to Vince the Vicar of Vice as he was known. The victim was Fabrizio’s former mistress. Her father had hired Jack to find her. Hawkins had once served a stint as a bodyguard for the Vicar of Vice several years before the murder of the mistress.

‘Well, your old boss did have his former girlfriend’s breasts cut off and legs broken before they ended her young life. Just because she no longer wanted to screw Vince. Nice guys.’

‘You killed one of Vince’s men as I recall,’ Hawk commented. ‘Louie the Liar. They called him that because he had been indicted numerous times for hits but they never could pin him down. Witnesses disappeared. How did you stiff him exactly? I don’t remember that story ever being completely reported.’

‘Ah, ancient Chinese secret,’ Jack snarled sarcastically. ‘Why did you leave Vince’s employ?’

‘He caught me doing coke on the job. What the fuck do you expect with all the crazy shit those greaseballs were into? I couldn’t get any jobs with the mob after that.’

‘I’ll tell you what I know, then you tell me what you know,’ Jack said in a tone that could only be described as menacing. He told many of the relevant details pertinent to the disappearance of Laurie Johnston but only what was in the police report. He did not tell what he had subsequently learned and did not mention Danel. He did refer to the other similar cases he was about to investigate and added that he would bet big money there were more that had not yet been reported.

Hawkins looked puzzled as he began to speak. ‘I thought she just ran off. She was very unhappy the way I hear it and totally disillusioned with this polygamy business and her husband’s church activities. I can’t find any trail leading to where she might be. She was last seen standing in front of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, the former Old Utah Hotel, two weeks ago. A man was with her when she was last seen.’

‘Tell me about the man, the biker,’ Jack interrupted. Hawkins looked almost shocked. ‘And the biker was tall, muscular and rode an expensive Harley, right?’

‘Well, yeah. I didn’t think the police had that information.’

‘They don’t. Tell me everything you know about him. But start with the Harley,’ Jack demanded.

‘The Harley was a 1993 custom built Fatboy.’ Hawkins pulled a small notebook from his jacket pocket. Many high performance parts and accessories. S & S rods and pistons, Edelbrock hand ported heads, Sifton 141 cam, PM 4-piston rear caliper, Lepera bare bones solo seat with gel pak, Merch performance case, Truett & Osborn flywheels, S & S Super-E with thunderjet, Dyna 2000 ignition and single fire coils, Pro-1 billet forward contols, Avon Super Venoms …’

‘OK, OK, I get it. Quite a detailed description and quite a machine,’ Jack interjected.

‘Yeah, well I got that information from the guy who sold it to the two bikers, who apparently could have passed for twins, just a week before Alicia Dunn disappeared. The one who purchased that Harley was named Danel Jones. The one who rode off on it was named Ezequeel. The same Ezequeel who was seen with the Dunn woman on at least five occasions, including that last day in front of the Smith Building. She was also seen on that Harley with this Ezequeel on two occasions.’

Jack had almost had enough. ‘Is there anything about this entire episode you found very unusual?’

‘One thing. The husband let me search her room. They had separate bedrooms. I guess you have to when you have three wives,’ and Hawkins guffawed at his own joke. Jack didn’t break a smile. He did not like this guy.

Hawkins continued, ‘I found some strange books in her room. Mr. Dunn was present while I was looking through her things and he was astounded that she was reading such literature, which he called pornography. The names of the books,’ he paused and referred to his notebook, ‘were Aranga-Ranga, The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night and The Perfumed Garden of Sheik Nefzauoi. All published by a guy named Sir Richard Francis Burton.’

‘Thanks. I will let you know if I find out anything about the whereabouts of Alicia Dunn.’ With that Jack got up and walked out, having found out what he wanted to know. He didn’t feel Hawkins could be of much further help.

Jack got in his Mercedes and headed toward Denver. He decided to take Interstate 80 because he wanted to stop briefly in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and visit an old friend, Samantha Aikens. He had helped her out of a jam when she was a dancer in Vegas and got her off cocaine.

Samantha’s mother Irene had answered the phone when he called. Her mother, Irene, Jack reminisced fondly. The one who hired him to go get Samantha out of the sewer. A grand lady and she paid him grandly for services rendered. Irene insisted that Jack stay for a few days and spend Thanksgiving with her and her family and friends. And her daughter, Samantha, of course. Irene actually encouraged their relationship and wished it was more than it was.

Jack and Samantha got together three or four times a year, whenever he was in the neighborhood. Samantha was thirty-six but still, no not still, Jack th
ought, even more beautiful than when she danced in Vegas. She had an eighteen year old son Jason who was born before she left for her showgirl career. She left Jason with Irene in Cheyenne for several years.

About thirty people came and went over the course of Thanksgiving day. One interesting character who struck up a conversation with Jack was an elderly Native American named Charley Red Cloud. He filled Jack’s head with all sorts of nonsensical stories, but Jack found it incredibly entertaining. Usually he was not one for crowded rooms and chit-chat but this old codger had him laughing so hard he was choking on his tongue. And

Irene and Charley kept up a constant battle of wits and verbal insults directed at each other. It was hilarious. Jack wondered if Irene was involved intimately with Charley. They seemed so right for each other in a very strange way.

Although Charley was thought to be mostly Shoshoni and was born on the Wind River Reservation, he claimed to be a descendant of Makhpiya-Luta, better known as Chief Red Cloud. Charley told the story of Chief Red Cloud’s victories over the U.S. Army that eventually resulted in the Fort Laramie Treaty in 1868.

‘All that of course went down the toilet when Custer began the Black Hills expedition in 1874,’ Charley explained. ‘Red Cloud refused to join Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse in the Lakota War several years later. He knew they would eventually be defeated and humiliated. Red Cloud chose to match wits with the white eyes in other ways.’

Then Charley went into his annual Thanksgiving spiel. Irene spoke up sternly, ‘I wish you would just shut up, Charley. You have told this story every Thanksgiving for the past five years and it is getting a little old.’ But she let him tell it anyway.

‘Thanksgiving has been a lie for 362 years. It was murder. In Connecticut in 1637 the colonial militia surrounded a Pequot village and attacked just before dawn. More than 700 Pequot including the women and children were slaughtered. The militia celebrated with great joy after this massacre and convinced Governor Bradford to declare by law this deplorable incident a day of celebration and thanksgiving. The story of the Thanksgiving dinner in 1621 with the Pilgrims is hogwash. Never happened.’

Jack was totally speechless when Charley finished. Everybody else in ear shot was chuckling which made Charley even more agitated. He threw up his hands in the air as if to say the hell with you all. He pulled Jack aside.

‘Jack, these white eyes are fools. You, I believe, must have some Native American blood. You probably don’t even know it. I believe we are blood brothers. I want to share a secret with you. These others would think me just a rambling old fool.’

Charley Red Cloud told Jack the legend of the Sasquatch and he listened patiently and attentively for an hour. Charley described several encounters he

had himself with Sasquatch. Jack was spellbound. He also recalled vividly that the waiter at the casino restaurant had told him Lilith and the late Dr. Masterson spoke of Sasquatch.

Charley talked on and on and on. Jack had eaten too much and kept dozing off a few minutes at a time. Finally Samantha rousted Jack and delivered him from Charley with, ‘Jack, let’s head out to the cabin.’

The log cabin was built by her great-great grandfather just outside the northeastern border of the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest near Elk Mountain. Irene had considered selling it after the death of her husband but Samantha talked her out of it. It was a great place to get away, and to bring her lovers out of the sight of her mother and her son. Jack especially liked the solitude and quiet of the place.

The cabin was about a two hour drive from Cheyenne. They decided to take Samantha’s Isuzu Hombre 4wd Spacecab for obvious reasons. Depending how close they might decide to venture into the forest, the weather might be quite several. Due to blowdown some roads within the forest were nigh impassable. Jack took his large bag out of the truck of the Mercedes and put it in the back of the truck. Not only was he anxious to be alone with Samantha and her unusual sexual fantasies, he knew he would soon have the opportunity to test fire what was in the bag, his new weapons.

Jack opened the bag and admired the Ruger Super Redhawk .44 magnum revolver. He picked it up. It weighed three pounds and the barrel was 7 1/2 inches long. Samantha liked to shoot but he doubted she could handle this baby. He then picked up the Ruger KP97D pistol. It weighed about half as much as the revolver and was much better suited for Samantha. The idea crossed Jack’s mind that he just might give it to her for Christmas if she liked it. He planned to return in a month at the invitation of both Samantha and her mother Irene. Jack knew he would never give up his Glock 27 mini-pistol for the Ruger. He had taken to wearing cargo khakis and the Glock fit just perfect in the lower right pocket on his hip and Jack could get to it very quickly. There was also a Ruger KRLP-1236 12 guage shotgun in the bag. Jack had disassembled the barrel to fit the gun in the bag.

As they drove to the cabin and Samantha napped, Jack recalled how he came to acquire his new Ruger toys. Billy ‘The Kid’ Westbrook had given the three Rugers to Jack as a token of his gratitude. Jack would not accept money from Billy but he did take the guns only because ‘The Kid’ would not take no for an answer.

Billy was a gun dealer who lived just north of Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho, not far from the Canadian border. A close friend of Jack’s from the war days and a paraplegic who had lost both legs above the knees in a land mine explosion. Not that he ever let that get him down. ‘The Kid’ had a beautiful wife and three great kids. He also had a big van especially equipped with hand controls and on both sides of the vehicle he had boldly stenciled, ‘Billy the Kid. Gun Dealer Extraordinaire. Antique Firearms and War Memorabilia.’ Billy and his van were on their way to the Las Vegas Gun Show at Cashman Field scheduled for September 4th and 5th. The event was run by Claude Hall, another old friend, and Billy was Claude’s favorite vendor because of all the great stuff he brought and the attention he drew. ‘The Kid’ had hundreds of entertaining and funny stories and he was the star attraction for the entire two days. Of course, his Purple Heart, Bronze Star, pictures with several generals and one president, not to mention his wheelchair, just added to the legend.

Whenever Billy made the trek to Las Vegas every couple months for a gun show he always stopped for the night at a motel halfway there just off Interstate 84 in Twin Falls, Idaho, not too far from the Nevada border. The owner of the motel, Freddy, and Billy had become fast friends over the years. Freddy usually had a substantial gun order for Billy upon his arrival and they would sit around reminiscing and sipping Southern Comfort for hours. Freddy would always make sure his friend’s favorite room was available and he would push the bed up against the window so Billy could push open the curtain and look out the window getting out of bed which took him about ten minutes to do.

Jack snickered and thought about how damn lucky the two guys who stole Billy’s guns didn’t try to rob him and instead broke into his van. ‘The Kid’ could outshoot anybody Jack ever met and had a piece of one sort or another just about everywhere you could think of. The only thing Billy couldn’t do was move very fast or easily get around, as in, walk into a crowded bar looking for somebody or run after a bad actor. Although Jack admitted, Billy could make that wheelchair roll pretty fast when he wanted to and he drove that van like a bat out of hell. The only thing that surprised Jack was that it wasn’t painted camouflage and didn’t have a .50 caliber machine gun turret mounted on the roof.

As soon as the alarm sounded in his van, Billy looked out the window and saw the two men quite clearly. He saw their white Toyota
Tacoma pickup and he saw the Washington state license plate although he couldn’t make out the number. The men were scared off by the alarm and just took two crates of guns out of the back of the van before they fled. What they took was Billy’s favorite guns and not ones they could readily sell. They took the ones he just showed off and would never sell. But how would they know without looking inside the crates. They took the French Model 1822 Service Pistol, the Civil War Lemat Percussion Revolver, the British Flintlock Sea Pistol, and the Silver Mounted Queen Anne Pistol and the Blunderbus with the spring bayonet.

The police arrived within fifteen minutes but Billy did not tell them what all he had seen. What he wanted was what to him were his priceless guns back and not a lengthy investigation, a bureaucratic nightmare and his possessions to be held as evidence indefinitely. He called Jack immediately because he knew he was in Las Vegas because they had planned to meet at the gun show.

It took Jack less than a day to track down the two men in the Toyota and the guns. Sure enough, they headed right up Interstate 84 toward Seattle just like he figured. He found them in a bar on the outskirts of Pendleton, Oregon. In a brief ten minute conversation he convinced them to haul ass to Las Vegas and return the guns to Billy who could be found at Cashman Field. They didn’t seem like bad guys to Jack, just stupid. Of course he looked at their identification and made a phone call to verify that they had never been in any real trouble with the law like they told him. Billy ‘The Kid’ had his guns back before the show even began and demanded Jack pick out what he would like from his amply stocked Ruger inventory. What really amused Jack was that these two guys were with Billy at his table helping him when Jack showed up. He could only imagine the lecture these two had endured. Much more conducive to rehabilitation than the slammer and of that Jack was certain.

Samantha began to stir and wake from her nap. Jack thought about how fond he was of her. And her mother. And her son. It wasn’t anything like love, at least on his part, but she was a true friend and a great sexual playmate. They both understood their relationship for what it was. Although Samantha had never been married, she was once engaged and very close to the wedding date when her husband-to-be, Richard, committed suicide. A very tragic story but it had nothing much to do with Samantha. Richard had embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from his employer and was found out and about to be arrested when he decided he didn’t want to face the music.

The fantasy Samantha always liked to play with Jack was that she was a virgin bride. She would put on the wedding dress she never got to wear for real and the evening would progress from there. Each time he played the Newlywed Game with Samantha there would be slight variations but the eventual outcome was the same. After the wedding night they would pretend they were on their honeymoon. Jack somehow never tired of Samantha’s fantasy and looked forward to being married again, although he had never actually been married. And he thought it very humorous indeed how convincingly Samantha, a former Las Vegas dancer, could play a virginal young bride. She definitely should have been an actress he thought.

Three days later Jack arrived in Denver. This time the missing woman was the youngest sister of a Roman Catholic priest. Jack had the police report faxed to him while he was being entertained by Samantha in Cheyenne. He also called the priest, Father John Murphy, from there and made an appointment to meet at his church, Saint Peter’s Cathedral.

Father Murray was very distraught and somewhat incoherent as he talked about the disappearance of his sister, Kathleen. Jack already knew from the police report she was 23, a graduate student at the University of Denver, 5’5′ tall, 115 pounds, long blonde hair and quite a knockout as evidenced by the picture that came with the police report.

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Prey For Me Ch 07

Pt. VII: Cowgirls & Indians Brett and Caitlin chatted incessantly on the return flight to Cleveland where they left their cars. Mostly he wanted to talk about the case and she wanted to talk about Jack Davis. ‘Brett, please tell me more about Jack. I know some of the story. Forty-something. Navy Seal and then the C.I.A. One of the most respected P.I.’s in the business. That’s obvious by the way the police talk to him. What about his family?’ ‘I’ve known Jack for more than twenty years. I...

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Prey For Me Ch 12

Pt. XII: The Yakuza Jack began to stir about noon. Something under the covers made him quite alert. Kim encouraged him to rise in more ways than one with her warm and wet lips. When she finished she stuck her head out from under the covers and said coyly, as cum dripped from her chin, ‘Thanks for breakfast.’ Over coffee Jack and Kim discussed their strategy for questioning the yakuza. Jack had told Kim about the meeting he and Caitlin had with Nobura Isaka, the senior advisor to the oyabun,...

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Prey For Me Ch 19

Pt. XIX: Matches Made in Heaven (or Hell?) Jack explained to Caitlin, Kim and Sal his activities regarding the ‘locusts.’ Araqiel, Kakabel and Penemue have been frequenting a certain establishment, The Horny Devil. One of the real hotspots in Reno, even the casino crowd likes to show their faces. ‘I have been unable to follow the three to wherever they call home. They seem to just disappear in the forest. I followed them into the Tahoe National Forest and south to the Hell Hole Reservoir...

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Prey For Me Ch 14

Pt. XIV: The Bait Jack persuaded Kim to pick up Caitlin at McCarran International Airport. ‘It will give you a chance to get to know one another. I’m going to meet with the governor’s daughter, Sal Bridge.’ ‘Sure Jack, I’ll go get her. I feel like I already know her quite well. Do you think Caitlin made reservations at a hotel?’ ‘I doubt it, why do you ask, Kim? Caitlin most likely assumes I will get her a room at my hotel, which I certainly will do if that’s what she wants.’ ‘My friends,...

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Prey For Me Ch 01

Pt. I: The Locusts Like locusts, they came swarming out of the Badwater Basin of Death Valley. They rode smoking Harleys in groups of ten. Each day another group of ten wove their way through each other’s dust clouds on the road from the abyss to their assignations. The names of the leaders of the locusts, Samazaz, Araklba, Rameel, Kobablel, Tamlel, Ramel, Danel, Ezequeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqlel, Samspeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael and Sariel would soon be on the lips...

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Prey For Me Ch 03

Pt. III: Mysterious Disappearance Several weeks after her strange encounters of the sexual kind with Danel, Laurie had some unusual but familiar feelings. She went to the local drug store and purchased an ANSWER PLUS home pregnancy test. Purple haze. On the way to the store she sang … ‘Purple Haze all in my brain, Many things just don’t seem the same. Acting funny but I don’t know why. ‘Scuze me while I kiss the sky. Purple Haze, all around. Don’t know if I’m coming up or down. Am I happy or...

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Prey For Me Ch 18

Pt. XVIII: Safari Snatch Caitlin, Kim and Sal rode their Harleys from Dyer, Nevada, across the border and into California, heading north. They crossed back into Nevada at Topaz Lake and headed up I-395 to Reno. Right up to the casino-hotel where Thomas Peterson had been murdered they rode. Jack had reserved the other super suite for them. Peterson lost his penis and his life in the Roman Super Suite. The three ladies were staying in the Safari Super Suite. ‘This is incredible!’ Sal gasped as...

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Prey For Me Ch 15

Pt. XV: Biker Babes The bait rode to see Spike in Sal’s Land Cruiser. Obviously the three women would not fit very well in Kim’s Miata. Caitlin mentioned the time she sat on Brett’s lap in Jack’s Mercedes SLK convertible. ‘I’m looking forward to getting on a bike again,’ Caitlin reminisced. ‘It has been awhile. There is something about riding a motorcycle that makes me real horny. I don’t know if it’s the vibration I feel between my legs or just what. A real rush.’ ‘What doesn’t make you...

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Prey For Me Ch 05

Pt. V: The Good Doctor Brett Sanderson had anticipated some difficulty in persuading Caitlin Cornplanter, Ph.D., to accompany him to Las Vegas and meet with Jack Davis. He couldn’t have been more wrong about the good doctor’s enthusiasm for the endeavor. ‘First, Brett, call me Caitlin,’ she interrupted when they spoke for the first time on the phone. ‘Second, I am already somewhat familiar with the matters of which you speak. I have an on line friend near Las Vegas, Nathaniel, a fellow Native...

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Prey For Me Ch 06

Pt. VI: The Screech Owl During the short ride to the scene of the crime, or at least where the victim was discovered, Caitlin did all the talking. ‘Do you know Las Vegas is by far the fastest growing city and has grown 55% in the past eight years? Do you know over 150 people move to Las Vegas every day? Do you know Las Vegas has four churches for every casino?’ On and on she went. Jack was getting slightly irritated at her incessant yapping but Brett didn’t mind at all. She was sitting on his...

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Suddenly I stopped the car. A woman, alone in the middle of the night? Out here in the middle of nowhere? Well, not really nowhere, but at this highway we had to take on our way home from a late visit. She did not seem to be hitchhiking. She just stood there beside the road. Whatever, a woman, alone in the middle of the night at a lonely road in the dark... Driven by my curiosity I stopped the car. A few steps behind her our car stopped. She came to our car. “Can we take you somewhere?”, I...

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Prey In The Bar

He sat at the bar, smoking a cigarette and drinking the terrible excuse for Scotch the bartender had served him. He was on his fourth, but who was counting. He looked down the bar at the skinny little emo chick that was giving him the eye and thought to himself that she might be fun for a night or three and wondered if she just liked older guys like him because of his experience or if she had daddy issues.He signaled the bartender and sent the girl another of whatever it was she was drinking...

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Hal Decker pulled on his turtle neck sweater and padlocked is locker and yelled to the attendant, "Seeya in a couple of days, Jimmy, have a good one!!!" It was a crisp and clear September evening in Minneapolis, and Hal was thinking about how much better he was feeling since he started working out twice a week as he approached his car at the far end of the parking lot!!! He was just about open the door on his new SUV, when out of nowhere a vice like grip around held his arms tight to his body,...

Group Sex
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Letter from Hartford

LETTER FROM HARTFORDDear Shoeblossom:Miguel awaits me, as he and his assistants prepare the cocaine with baking soda. Mig gives orders mostly, and the fellows chop and mix the drugs, and suddenly, there I am in my snug little Hello Kitty top and cargo pants. I’ve been out shopping with Miguel’s Platinum Visa, and  I grin at him loopily.?Remy, honey how are you?? Mig smiles at me. His partner, JaVaughn is always amazed at how respectful and worshipful Mig seems around me. As one of the biggest...

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Carols forfeit

My husband Mark, a prison governor had caught me having affairs several times over our ten year marriage, but this time was different, this time he had caught me naked in our bed with a neighbour. I am not unattractive and still have a good figure after having our two children. I have a good career in advertising and a nice house, a good life with money in the bank. I wear business clothes in the week and like to relax at weekends, but Mark works shifts and although I love him dearly I...

Group Sex
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The Foreigner

The ForeignerHe looks kind of cute, sitting a bit to the side from the busy road, studying his map. Next to him on the floor, is his rucksack. -She says Hi, can I help you?+ She looks stunning. Her eyes are captivating. -Where do you want to go?+-I want to see the museum+, he says. She shows him on his map. She is close to him, her perfume is intoxicating. He soaks it in all too easy. -You travel alone?+ -Yes+, he says. -You need to be careful, there are many thieves here who try to take...

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LoriCorp Top Performers

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I couldn't remember where I heard that from, but the saying has stuck with me. I attribute at least part of my success to my wardrobe. How else could I leapfrog my fellow co-workers to become an account manager within three short years of graduating from college? Sure, expensive suits and sharp shoes cost money, but I was always convinced it was an "investment" in my future earnings. That, and looking good gave me the confidence I needed...

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CynthiaChapter 3 Bradford

I was beginning to believe that Cynthia was a trooper. She did at least her part in our daily living and she coddled me when I was hurt and slightly disabled for a day. She will still have to change bandages tonight. Maybe by tomorrow, I will get these off my fingers so that I can do it myself. She fixed a tasty green salad and steamed some broccoli while I grilled the chickens. We watched the evening news as we ate dinner. She had some nice Australian white wine and heated some hard rolls....

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XNXX Forum

Forum sites have sort of gone out of fashion in recent times. Mostly because people have moved on to some more interactive things which include clean user interfaces where you can jump straight to the content without having to browse through an entire post just to get to it. Forums were really popular back when porn sites weren’t a thing because this was the only place where you could actually find some erotic content to jerk off to for free. This means that you were no longer confined to your...

Porn Forums
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Of LateI Think of Clifford

Looking out the window of the seedy roadside café where she worked, Lisa noticed him even before he had a chance to walk through the door. He came in dressed in sharply pressed slacks, wearing a conservative sport shirt, with an unusual expensive design, and a light suede jacket. By the way he was dressed, she immediately rule him out as one of the good ole boys who too often frequented the café. It'll be nice to wait on someone different for a change, she thought, as she made her way toward...

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The Ravaging In The Forrest

Sandy was walking in the forest for about an hour, it could have been longer or shorter it felt right to her it was warm and a hot summer night. She felt energised and vibrant in the forest the air was moist and damp, the sound was intense may it be bird or insect the orchestra was in full sound adding to the appeal of being in the out doors. It was approaching dusk but being a beautiful Summer night there was still abundance of light. Sandy was a beautiful 19 year old women, ...

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The forrest

It was a raining sunday, and i had been teasing daddy all day in the naughty way, but without it leading to sex, i knew daddy loved it. I know when i tease him like this he suddenly explode in a rough way and this was what i wanted.Being in latex/rubber most of the day was a normal thing to me, daddy loved me like that, daddy`s sissy girl should always be in latex also when i sleep, and over time i had a pretty awesome collection, daddy was spoiling me with latex presents.As expected, daddy got...

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Sexy EGirls Forum

Are you looking for a forum dedicated to Sexy-Egirls? I’ve never made a secret of my appreciation for the new wave of Internet sluts blowing up sites like OnlyFans, Instagram and Snapchat. Hell, if you’ve read my review of the Sexy-Egirls site, you know I’ve spent a fair amount of time cranking my dick at the ever-growing collection of leaks they’re putting together. The fine freaks who run the show over there also have a thriving forum that’s been getting more and more attention...

Porn Forums
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Susans Forfeit

My husband David likes me to play sexy games; He (and other men) says I’ve got a great body and he likes me to dress provocatively and tease him and his mates and any other males watching. We’ve played this game almost from when we started going out. Essentially a dare I can bottle out of, but will cost be points. And a forfeit will burn up those points. So an example, A dare:- in a restaurant with 2 or 3 other couples and I have to let my dress slip till one whole nipple (or maybe breast...

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Sorry Mother Forum

There are plenty of places you can go to when you want to get off to leaks, and among those, forums are a great source of this kind of content. But then again, not forums feature leaky fap material. Well, you came to ThePornDude for a reason, and that’s because I have listed all kinds of websites packed with all types of content. Here, you will always find what you are looking for, or at least something to get your damn ass off!Today, my focus is on a platform that avails all kinds of leaky...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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3 Days Henceforth

This is my first attempt at writing TG Fiction. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. 3 DAYS HENCEFORTH I sat at my computer bored, not having much to do. My job is the Internet Sales Manager at a small new car dealership in rural Georgia and lately the Internet traffic had slowed to the point I didn't even have any leads to track down. I had already been to every lead provider site we subscribe to and checked the web traffic to see if our cars were getting any hits....

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Chaturbate Performer

Who’s your favorite CB Performer? I know that’s kind of a tricky question when it comes to any adult site, and Chaturbate is the giant of webcam sex sites. Hell, I have a hard enough time choosing my favorite camwhore performing on the platform at any given moment, let alone trying to name an all-time favorite. But, of course, it’s OK to have many, many favorites, as I do. The only time that might become a problem is if they’re all putting on live pussy-diddling and butthole-fingering shows at...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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AdultDVDTalk Forum

Adult DVD Talk Forum! So, we’ve got a forum on our hands, have we? Well, I’m here to dissect every porn site and that includes adult forums that you might have or might never have heard of. is certainly one of those places that deserves our attention because it’s a fairly massive forum that has a lot of engagement and we’ll see exactly why that is. I mean who even buys porn DVDs these days. A lot of people apparently, I didn’t really expect that if I am to be completely...

Porn Forums
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ThotsBay Forum

Did you know Thotsbay has a forum? It isn’t uncommon for a free porn site to have a message board, but it isn’t all that common for those message boards to be hopping places. The one on Thotsbay is different in part because there’s actually something going on in there. In fact, it’s arguably a cornerstone of the website, where you can see and crank off to a lot of the material before it even hits the front page.I already wrote an extensive, lengthy review of, so I will focus on the...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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FapFappy Forum

I’ve covered Fap Fappy, but their forum deserves a little bit more attention than I gave it in my original review. It ain’t all too uncommon for an adult website to build a message board into their operation, but between you and me, they’re usually bullshit. The forum at FapFappy, on the other hand, is a hopping place. In the world of online pornography, a lot of activity typically translates into a lot of fapworthy content, and this joint is a prime example of the phenomenon.In case you missed...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Voyeur House Forum

I spent the morning in Voyeur House TV’s forum, and it’s given me a lot of insight into the main site and their live peeping-tom cams. Message boards on any porn site can be a really hit-or-miss affair, and I’d say that most of the time they’re missing. This one has a bit more going for it, so it ain’t just the same gaggle of perverts talking about how hard the boobies make them and begging for sexual favors from pornstars who would never read their messages. Some sites establish a forum on the...

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Sexy And Funny Forums

I remember when porn forums were treasure troves of hot porn that you wouldn’t find anywhere else on the internet. These sites thrived even when other porn sites were first coming out. Why? Well, connections weren’t great back then. It was easier to watch a gif of some hot bitches tits bouncing on a forum than it was to try and load an entire video on shitty, dialup internet service.They’ve been on a bit of a decline lately, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still some great forum sites out...

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Vintage Erotica Forums

Oooh!! I'm a big fan of the classic old Vintage Erotica Forum! Porn sites are a great place to get access to smut, obviously. But if you're into certain niche types of porn or unable to find exactly what you are looking for like a certain movie, magazine, or some other kind of print porn, googling around will only get you so far. This is particularly true when it comes to vintage porn.Vintage porn is great, but let's face it – it's a pain in the ass to find even decent...

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Writers Forum

AUTHOR'S NOTES This is a re-write of one of my first efforts. Back then I thought it marvelous to knit improbabilities into spectrums of predilection. But of course it hardly worked, except maybe for readers with checklists. In my re-write, the stretch is a tad more bounded and takes just half the words. And my oh my! That earlier version reads as if I combed through 300 supposedly-erotic stories for sticky-wet adjectives to string together. I apologize to any of you who tried to read it....

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The Enforcer

Paige was a professional escort…with an attitude that had cost her a few positions. She was good at her job but was lippy with the clients sometimes. At her current job she had gone out with a very important client who had tried to grope her in the limo and she punched him the face, breaking his nose. He reported her, and though he had no right to grope her, Paige was also at fault for punching him and breaking his nose. This was costing the company big bucks to keep this incident quiet. After...


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