A Loving Relation free porn video

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The sleek silver car purred its way around the hairpin bends of the misty Pyrenees, finally breaking through the cloud cover and emerging into the dazzling light like a bullet. Jeff pulled over at the first view point, astounded by the peaks of the mountains floating above the sea of white clouds.

"Mon Dieu!" Louisa gasped as she levered her way out of the car and stretched weary cramped limbs whilst admiring the view. It had been a long drive from Roquefort, starting at 6am, so it was a relief to have a break and such a spectacular one too.

"Wait a minute, stand right there and I'll get a photo. You look as if you're standing on the clouds like Venus rising from the sea! God you're a sexy goddess! Stand right there..."

Jeff adjusted the zoom and as Louisa's face came into sharp focus he could see a glint in her eyes, a slight curling of those lips, which he recognised all too well. He snapped the moment up, a tiny morsel of Louisa's provocative tease caught on film for keeps. She blew him a mock kiss and turned again to take in the view. Jeff sidled up behind her, snaking his arms around her waist and pushing his increasing erection into the small of her back. Her body shifted softly in response, a wordless acceptance, a complicit plea for more. Bending close to her ear Jeff murmured

"That was far too early to start, there was no time for me to ravish you Roquefort style. Now you've got me all horny and I don't think these lovely German tourists would appreciate seeing me fuck...the...hell...out... of... you...over the bonnet of the car. What do you think Goddess?"

His breath was hot and his penis strained against Louisa's curvaceous back. Her engines roared, longing for a rail to lean on so she could just bend over a little bit to allow him to slip her a length and ride her in the cool mountain air. However, she sensed this was probably not a recognised Dogging site, and resolved to move things on. Turning to face him in a swift movement, she kissed him lightly and walked quickly past him towards the car. Suddenly exposed, Jeff cursed and crouched down to disguise his tented trousers. He pretended to fiddle with the camera and took a few superfluous photos while his throbbing subsided.

Back in the car, Louisa sipped on lukewarm water and gave a smiley "Alright darling?" as he got into the passenger seat.

"Looks like you're in the driving seat now. Do you know where we're going, you minx?"

"Oh yes, and I know who's going with me" she hummed the old song as she turned the key and glided back onto the glittering road.

Pamplona was a sea of white and red, occasional splashes of green only serving to accentuate the dominance of the brilliant contrasts. The entire population sported the classic whites with jauntily set scarlet bandanas and cummerbunds. It was 3pm and already parks and even grassy islands in the middle of the roads were littered with comatose dishevelled revellers, some surrounded with a litter of empty beer cans and many covered in red wine stains. It certainly looked like party city!

Louisa checked in, her Spanish a bit rusty, made worse by the fact she had been dredging up her school French for the last few days on the drive through France. Now words that didn't come readily were colliding in her head, 'Franish'; half French half Spanish.

Their room was adequate, but fulfilled the main criteria of being 15 minutes out of the centre of town, where they had been warned there was no peace overnight as the partying continued 24hours throughout the 10 days of the San Fermin festival, otherwise known as 'The running of the bulls'. They had decided to stop in Pamplona as one of the breaks in the long drive from Edinburgh to the south of Spain. Coincidentally the famous fiesta was on so they decided it was an experience not to be missed.

Louisa went straight for the shower, as Jeff did his apparently obligatory male scan of the room; aircon controls, mini bar, TV, radio, windows and last but not least, the safe. Marking his territory, and satisfied that everything was in place, he turned his attention to the lure of the shower. Louisa hummed catches of the Ketchup song, mimicking the ridiculous, infectious dance moves as she rinsed the shampoo out of her long golden hair. Jeff bit his lip and ogled his wife as the suds fell in rivulets over her gorgeous golden tits and coursed down over her curved belly and on into the depths. Memories of former shower fucks darted through his racing brain as he whipped his clothes off and made a huffing sound, stamping at the ground and curling his fingers above his head, and then shouting "Toro!" lunged into the shower, pinning Louisa against the wall.

"Oh you're such a brute, I love it! Come on and give it to me my fucking rutting matador! I've been gagging for you since the Pyrenees!

"Yes and that was incredibly cruel..."he said as he spread her legs and thrust his purple headed monster deep into her soapy cloister "...incredibly naughty girl, you will have to take the full punishment, all of it you wicked little whore!" he gasped as he grasped her buttocks and pummelled into that glorious heavenly cunt. Hungry for more, Jeff's hand slipped round and caressed the sudsy pendulous breasts, nipples hard as Smarties, then continued his flow his down to the shaft of tight clit straining from Louisa's smooth pussy lips. At his touch Louisa's universe imploded into the screaming electric surge emanating from her clitoris and flowing in wracking waves through her body, blowing her mind as she felt Jeff ride the waves with her and his final thrusts, stiff as iron, spewed hot flowing liquid deep into her. The hiss of the water cascading over their inert bodies was suddenly deafening, as it slowly brought them back from whatever corner of the universe the climax had catapulted them into. "I love you Lou" Jeff whispered into her shoulder.

Hand in hand they wandered through the froth of white and red clogging the streets. Vendors lined the streets, selling every conceivable bit of cheap tack loosely associated with the bulls. Every few minutes a brass band would approach, blasting its' rowdy rumpus through one square and on into another, through the fine lacework of tiny streets, crammed with people. The heat was fierce, even at 6pm, intensified by the airless, overcrowded lanes. Waves of the stench of urine, alternating with bleach rose up from the filthy cobbles. The atmosphere became more intense the closer they got to the hub of the San Fermin Festival; the bullring.

The tiers of steps inside the Pamplona Bullring rose 100ft in a steep sweaty climb. They had reserved two seats in the 'Sombra', the shady side of the ring, more expensive but definitely worth the extra cost, as the heat was overwhelming, and Louisa furiously fanned herself. Perched on the rough concrete step, vertiginous on the uppermost level, they surveyed the glittering crowd, small movements of thousands of flapping fans making it shimmer like an ascending flock of birds.

The seats were filling up fast, a flood of people arriving just before it all began. A noisy crowd of 6 men bustled their way along the top row, and squeezed past Jeff and Louisa. An attractive dark haired young man now sat on Louisa's right, their bodies thrust together in the tight squeeze, an enforced intimacy not unwelcome on Louisa's part; she had a penchant for 'Morenos', dark eyed, dark skinned Latinos. The men produced a bottle of rum, several cans of coke, and a stack of plastic glasses, well provisioned for the fight. The Moreno lifted his rum and coke and gestured 'Cheers' to Louisa as he took a long drink.

"You guys have come well prepared!" Louisa commented in faltering Spanish.

"Ah, this is our tradition. You need your rum to get the blood flowing. Where are you from, have you come to see the Toros?"

"We've driven all the way from Scotland just to see the San Fermin." This was a bit of an exaggeration, but Louisa was drawn to flirt with his flashing eyes.

"Oh my, well I hope it's a good fight, the first matador is very good, very dangerous and brave. Is this your husband?"

On saying this, he leaned across Louisa and stretched out his hand to shake with Jeff, an uncharacteristic gesture in Spain in such an informal setting, but as he did so Louisa could feel his arm gently rubbing against her ample bosom and understood the gesture completely. She turned and arched her eyebrows at him as he settled back and he in reply lifted his tumbler to her with a dazzling smile. At that moment a deafening roar rose from the crowd and a cacophony of trumpets announced the beginning of the fight.

Although Louisa had been in Spain countless times over the past 20 years, she had never seen a bullfight. The next 30 minutes was a barrage of impressions and sensations never to be repeated: the blast of trumpets as the crazed bull careered into its own hell, the shouts of joy or derision from the madding crowd, the magnificence of the glittering matadors, their incredible macho egos emanating from their slender hips and permeating the entire ring. The sheen of dark crimson blood spurting from the fated bull, as jaunty blue and white fiercely barbed picados dangled from its shoulders. The goring of the first brave matador; a small victory for the bull in its last throes before knives stabbed frantically at its spinal cord, its final release from torture.

After seeing two fights Louisa couldn't take any more and asked to leave. They wandered in a bit of a daze round the thronging streets and slowly made their way back to the hotel to collapse into a hot sleep.

The following morning they drove slowly through the wreckage of the party city, the parks carpeted with white and red clothed bodies, the streets littered with bottles and cans. Council trucks slowly swept the squares with water hoses; there was too much rubbish to sweep up before the party began again.

Jeff drove on through the quiet countryside, heading towards Madrid where they planned to stay with his brother and sister-in-law for the night. His brother Paul had retired from the army 5 years previously and had settled in a small town near Madrid to enjoy an extended 'early retirement'. Paul was 3 years older than Jeff, taller and thicker built, and loved to play the role of 'the big brother'. There was always lots of fun, laughter and plenty drinking games when they got together. His wife Jackie was a bit frosty, and Louisa often commented to Jeff that she couldn't see why they stayed together. When the drinking games commenced, Louisa was usually in the thick of it, Jackie keeping a discrete distance, busying herself with clearing up, or reading a book. However, between them they were wonderful hosts and Jeff chatted animatedly as they approached their secluded villa in Altea.

Paul charged out of the house to greet them, picking Louisa up in a swirl, then bear hugging Jeff and almost knocking him over with a series of over enthusiastic shoulder slaps. "Oh man it's so good to see you guys! It's been too long, look at you!" He hugged them both as he led them to the house then suddenly stopped, remembering to add, "Aw shit man, Jack's had to go back to Bristol, her Dad had a stroke couple of days ago and he doesn't look good. She was really sorry to miss you, and she's left a load of instructions for me on how to look after you. I reckon we start with a beer and forget the list!"

Louisa commiserated with Paul, but actually felt a little relieved, they could just chill out and relax without Jackie frowning at her lewd behaviour...yes they could party!

After a couple of beers they made up some liberal G&T's while they caught up on news. Paul lit the BBQ and threw on a few chops and steaks while they chatted. Louisa wandered into the familiar kitchen and quickly made a tomato salad whilst sipping on her large G&T. The tension of the intense drive drifted away and she started to relax and get that happy G&T buzz. Just before she took the salad out to the gazebo, she decided to slip on a light dress which she'd just bought. It was a hot sultry evening and this dress was thin muslin, skimpy and cool. The boys, now well into their third G&T, simultaneously whooped and whistled as Louisa appeared with the salad. What she was not aware of was how transparent the dress was with the evening sun behind her, and it left little to the imagination.

"My goodness boys, I never guessed how much you liked your salad!" she teased, pleased at the response she had provoked. Paul stood up and made a big show of taking the bowl from her and leading her to her seat in the gazebo. He openly admired her cleavage and commented on how radiant she looked; something in the air shifted and suddenly he became a predatory male, sniffing out the musty scent of the sensual female.

Over a very informal dinner, the wine flowed and the flirting between Louisa and Paul became more and more overt. Jeff observed the proceedings with interest, he always enjoyed seeing Louisa flirt and toy with other men. He was not in the least jealous, but rather he enjoyed the voyeuristic thrill and the close encounter aspect of it being his wife doing the flirting. As darkness fell, he sat back, sipped his wine and smiled; by this non intervention he gave Louisa the 'go-ahead' for however she wanted to play things.

Louisa was thrilled at such an unexpected turn of events, she loved spontaneity! She had always found Paul attractive, although not classically handsome, he had a kind intelligent face, a lot like Jeff, but he was much bigger, and had a male ruggedness about him which Jeff did not have. She was aware of the chemistry sparking between them, the extended eye contact, body language gesturing towards each other, and the wetness in Louisa's pussy drove her to imagine the equivalent process happening in Paul's taboo penis. She was filled with the image of his cock unfurling and stiffening in anticipation. She was aware that they were hurtling towards a point of no return, and frequently glanced at Jeff to make sure he was ok with the increasingly outrageous flirting.

Finishing off her glass of Rioja, she stood up from the table and announced she was far too hot and needed a swim to cool down. "Would you mind if I skinny dip Paul? There's no one can see into the garden from outside is there?"

Paul had a coughing fit, then stammered "Well no, I mean yes go ahead, I like to skinny dip as well when Jackie isn't around. Yes of course you go ahead!"

Louisa walked over to the pool easily slipping off the dress from her retreating form and casually letting it fall to the ground. The light from the gazebo shone on her shapely back, tapering into a neat waist then flowing out to full rounded buttocks, both men were mesmerised. As she reached the poolside, she turned and gave them the full frontal picture; generous breasts, slightly rounded belly and a little Brazilian strip gracing her prominent mound.

"Anyone coming?" she teased, before diving in at the deep end. To her surprise and delight, when she surfaced, she could see Paul hurrying towards the pool having slipped off his shorts already. His semi erection bobbed and pointed the way towards the pool and to Louisa. Jeff sat stretched languidly in his chair, puffing contentedly on a cigar, drinking in every detail of the seduction scene.

Paul cannon balled into the deep end with a yell, and surfaced near Louisa. For a few minutes they splashed and threw a ball to each other but quickly tired of the c***dish game. Louisa sighed and let herself float on the surface, her stiff nipples puckered on top of her floating orbs like buoys. Paul swam in slow circles around her floating form; a crocodile assessing its' prey. Just at that point Jeff appeared and offered to go in to get another bottle of wine, smiling at Paul and giving a hint of a wink to his bobbing wife.

As soon as Jeff disappeared into the kitchen, Paul approached her and put one strong hand under her back, one under her thighs and floated her to the side of the pool. Without a word he tilted her body so she became upright, facing the house and the full length of his body came gently against hers, the exquisite touch of wet skin brushing against her; then the gasp of a huge rock hard submarine probing its way between her wet thighs. Her body swayed easily in the water as she moved herself back and forth on his increasingly hard protruberance, arching her back as he caressed her breasts and waist under the lapping pool. It was delicious to experience a different body, so passionate and wanton, yet familiar. A shameful, lustful desire where there should not be, the taboo of being openly sexual with Jeff's brother, and Jeff watching on, as she now realised he was. He stood at the poolside naked and fully erect, she wasn't sure how long he'd been there, but he was engrossed. "Mind if I join you? It may be your pool, but it is my wife!"

Louisa felt Paul recoil and move slightly away, "Oh relax Paul he's teasing you! Come on up to the shallow end so I can look at you two miscreants" and with that she swam up towards the steps at the far end where Jeff was easing himself in.

Paul joined them and the brothers sat side by side on the steps, Louisa now playing the part of the crocodile swimming around her victims.

"You alright about this Jeff? I mean I didn't plan anything like this to..."

"Don't be daft, you old codger." Jeff replied, slapping his brother's wet knee. " Louisa is her own master, or mistress if you like, aren't you, you water snake?"

"Yesssssssss, yessssssss" Louisa hissed and swam to the bottom of the pool giving the men a full on vision of her glistening pussy as she dived. When she surfaced she swam towards them slowly and added, "Let me have a closer inspection of these two big rods." Taking a rigid cock in each hand she slowly stroked them in unison, then bending down, took Paul's enormous tip in her pursed lips, sliding his whole length into the back of her throat in one smooth motion. Paul groaned and lay back, his eyes open but oblivious to the stars above, nothing in his consciousness other than the wet firm mouth and flicking tongue surrounding his cock, the first blow job he'd had in years.

Jeff slowly stroked his own hard-on, revelling in watching Louisa's mouth suck on the turgid member, her head slipping up and down the full length of his brothers' erection. Saliva dribbled from the corner of her lips, swirling into the lapping ripples of the pool. She greedily licked on the swollen knob, supping up oozes of pre-cum, sending renewed pulsations of excitement through both men. Jeff became desperate for the feel of that hot wet mouth around his own prick. "Come here baby and give me some of that!"

Louisa drew her lips slowly from Paul's throbbing purple sheath, and moved seamlessly on to Jeff's, relishing the difference in girth, taste and size. Paul moaned audibly and just as he reached down to clasp his abandoned tool, Louisa drew her hand from the water and gently squeezed his full length as she gobbled her husband's pulsing rod. She felt elated and immensely excited as she played both brothers at the same time, moving from one to the other, keeping both at boiling point with intermittent blow jobs and hand jobs.

Before long, with the two men literally gasping for more, she pulled herself out of the water between Paul's muscular thighs. Without a word she stood on the lowest step, her pussy inches from Pauls' gaping mouth, then lowered herself towards his fevered spire. Her viscous juices had wet her whole cunt and labia, and she needed only a little pressure to slip his periscope into her entrance then with two smooth undulations, she eased his full length deep into her folds. Paul's breath hissed out of him, his face contorted as he strained not to shoot his load straight into her. He grabbed her buttocks and thrust his hips up against Louisa's spread legs, jamming his penis as deep as it could get, clasped by her sopping riveted vagina walls.

Jeff watched on mesmerised and fascinated as his wife and his brother bucked madly in the water, causing increasing slapping and splashing, the warm weightlessness of the water facilitating and accentuating the sensuality of their torrid fucking. He watched as if from a vast distance, orbiting around their frantic coupling, yet experiencing the magnetic draw which kept him spinning and swirling as his hand furiously shafted his rocket. He was suddenly brought back down to earth by the sound of Paul grunting deeply as he reared his body out of the water, thrusting fast and furiously. Louisa arched backwards forcing her clenched cunt onto the base of Paul's shaft, as Paul finally allowed the dam to burst and shoot endless spasms of pent up cum into her screaming hole. The force and passion of his inflamed orgasm sent Louisa into a spiralling climax of her own and together they cried out into the night finally flopping back against the steps as the water eddied around them, gradually subsiding into ripples.

Jeff had been sorely tempted to let himself go and jerk himself off as he watched the spectacle, however this was superseded by his urgent need to penetrate Louisa and fuck her hard. He leaned over and stroked her wet back, massaging her buttocks beneath the level of the water, and murmured, "Come on you guys, let's go into the house and dry off. I've got a big guy here who's needing your attention my lusty horny Lou."

Jeff helped Louisa out of the pool and they wandered over to the outdoor bar where the towels were stacked. They each picked up a towel and started to dry each other off. It had been such a mind blowing orgasm for Paul, he seemed quite spaced out and took his time in pulling himself out of the water to sit on the poolside. His own marriage had been on rocky ground for many years and the sex was virtually non-existent, apart from an occasional quick fumble when Jackie let her guard down after a few too many Chardonnays. This totally unexpected sexual explosion had unleashed all his pent up frustrations and although he felt physically quite drained, he was sexually empowered and could feel himself stir again as he watched Jeff rubbing Louisa's curvaceous back, his horizontal horn sticking proudly at her buttocks as he rubbed her dry.

As Paul watched, Jeff leant Louisa over the bar, and firmly and proprietarily pressed her feet apart. He had to have her now or he thought he might just cum before enjoying her heavenly pussy. His hand disappeared between her rounded buttocks, and fingers slipped over her slippery smooth labia and snaked their way into the wet dripping cunt.

"Oh baby you are such a naughty, naughty girl. You're going to have to take all of me now because I can't wait!"

With that he roughly thrust his bursting piston into her deep tight hole, already sopping with Paul's spunk. Louisa gasped with the force and the unaccustomed roughness of Jeff's entry. He was so engorged and turned on by the whole evening that he pummelled her, pulling her hips in to meet his manic thrusts. Louisa cried out "Oh stop Jeff, shit you're hurting me!"

In some perverse reaction, this catapulted Jeff into a frenzy and he exploded inside her, streaming huge amounts of jism in a prolonged and profound release. Everything seemed very quiet once Jeff's panting breath slowed and steadied. He withdrew his deflating dripping cock and drew Louisa tenderly towards his sweating body. He kissed her hair and whispered a loving apology. As they held each other, Paul approached saying, "Come on you two, will we try to make it into the house this time?"

As they walked across the garden, Louisa felt intimately connected to both men, and put one arm around each waist. She wanted nothing more than to lie quietly with both of her lovers, basking in the delight of having the intense attention of her two favourite men. "Can we just have a lie down together?" she murmured as they entered the house.

"Sure, come to my bed, it's kingsize." They flopped on to the bed, Louisa between the two damp bodies and the trio lay quietly. With one hand Louisa gently caressed Paul's torseau while the other interlinked with Jeff's fingers. Before long she detected a change in Paul's breathing and as he turned on to his side to face her, she felt his cock hard again, pressing into her thigh. His hands flowed over her belly and breasts and he shifted his hips into her in small pulsing movements. "Oh my god what a body you have, turn around for me would you?"

Louisa flipped onto her side smiling at Jeff as she curved her buttocks outwards towards Paul's erection. He slowly fitted it between her golden butt cheeks, and slipped effortlessly into her wet pussy, this time relishing the sensuality and luxuriating in the slow rhythm. As they moved together, Jeff got onto his knees and rubbed his own growing cock in the direction of Louisa's groaning mouth. Louisa desperately wanted both men at once, and reached greedily for her husband's swelling penis. The rigid veins protruded and the length hardened to rigidity as she masterfully sucked and licked his tool. Paul's thrusting became stronger and Louisa's body rocked between one brother's shafting and the other brother's mouth fucking. She felt crazed with such power and excitement that her own body bucked and she let out short muffled cries of lust through her stuffed gullet. Paul grabbed at her hips as he shuddered to another climax. As Louisa grew to her orgasm she could feel Jeff hardening to the ultimate level and start to thrust uncontrollably into her generous throat. He was past the point of return and Louisa gagged as she felt bursts of hot cum coursing down her throat, his cock forcing itself even deeper in the final climax.

All three were sweating and stunned at the intense eroticism as waves of sleepy satisfaction coursed over their exhausted glistening bodies. Louisa and Jeff moved quietly into their accustomed sleeping position, her head resting on his chest, while Paul sleepily turned to spoon her back and gently stroked her hip until they all drifted off into a long, deep slumber.

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The story happens when I was a student of 12th standard. My dad was a rough and gentle in nature but he was undiscovered until when I explored him. My mom was a homely busy lady looks all the farms and home. Ours is a home with big campus and big agricultural land with lots of workers at home. And my mom manages all those and my dad runs a steel molding plant. My elder brother studying in college away from home and I stay with my family. My dad employed lot of workers in the plant from...

1 year ago
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Me And Maid A Relation

This is Jitesh 38 year of age, people say, luck turn each human to its own destiny. I was a straight forward, less talkative and cheerful man, I struggled a lot in my life, after lot of struggles, I somehow settled with a state govt job, in Tax Department as Assistant Commercial Tax Officer. Slowly Married happily blessed with a beautiful wife, and then with a son. But suddenly some dark shade came in my life, after 9 years of married life, lost my wife, when she was about to deliver our second...

3 years ago
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One Weird Relation

For my 18th birthday, I had asked to repaint my room. After a long discussion, my parents decided that it would be a great idea. That evening, I could not sleep in my room. My brother has a bunk bed that we shared when we were smaller, so for the night it was decided that I would sleep there. My brother always slept on the bottom, which left me with the top bunk for the night. A little about myself. I’m now 18, with short, brown hair and brown eyes. I’m petite; my breasts are a bit...

1 year ago
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Baring No Relation

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.He stroked his erect penis first with just his cold fingertips, tracing his way up from the base on the topside of the shaft, circling the rim of his helmet, and then down the underside, to his balls. But it was too painful in the icy night air to finger those – he didn’t want them to disappear altogether! He was thinking of her again. He loved how she smiled softly at him when they saw each other,...

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Bus journey leads to a nice relation

Hello Friends this is Rahul, 24 from Kolhapur().I have been reading this site regularly and i feel i must share my first experience with u. Let me tell u about me. I am tall muscular and reasonably handsome and looks very sincere.I am working as a software engineer in a reputed MNC firm at Pune. And i regularly visit kolhapur, at least once in a month.I usually travel by State Transport busses because they are full of good ladies.Now without wasting time lets come strait to the story. It was...

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Tenant and landlord relation

Nicole looked nervously at the front entrance to her apartment from across the street, a slight wind caught the stray strands of her long black hair, giving her some respite from the mid-afternoon sweltering summer heat. . The pretty 21 year old college student had walked around the building 3 times deciding how best to avoid Bob Harrison the dirty fat smelly landlord as she was 2 months behind in her rent. It had only been 6 months since she moved into Jersey, New York and she was already...

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A Public Sexual Relation

I have always been an exhibitionist. My mother loves to regale the story of how at two years old at my weekly ballet lessons, I would literally fight to be at the front. At secondary school after P.E I was never one of those who cowered beneath their towel dreading the communal shower. I would strip right down and run straight in. I wasn't ashamed of my body and I couldn't see why anyone should be ashamed of their but each to their own I suppose. But as I got older, my exhibitionism started...

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Close Neighbour with close relation

Hi this is Vasanth again. Let me give you another incident that happened in my life with the girl next door where i am staying currently. Her name is Shalini. She is a north indian staying with her husband. She just got delivered to a baby girl. I didnt have any intentions towards her till she returned back from her delivery. After delivery she used to wear sleveless nighties with no Bra and as she had t feed her baby. Many a times, i had a glimse of her naked breast. her breasts are not so...

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South of Bikini Newfound Relations

South of Bikini Episode 3 "Newfound Relations" 1320 hours, Palmyra Atoll, April 3rd, 1944 "Skipper, Admiral Demmit asked me to give you this." My Ex-O said as I reached the bottom of the Bridge ladder. After fixing my skirt and tucking in the loose tail of my blouse, I took the proffered letter from Jack. We had just cleared the Atoll's lagoon/harbor and set course for Hawaii. The note was hand written by the Admiral...

1 year ago
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Verry Incestuous Relations

Introduction: Cindys twin teenage boys dedicate themselves to seducing their gorgeous mother, her breathtaking sister and her luciously ripe bodied cousin with randy results VERY INCESTUOUS RELATIONS CHAPTER 1 BOYS WILL BE (NAUGHTY) BOYS – DRINK UP COUSIN: After breakfast Margie sent her husband off on his regular week long sales trip. When his car had disappeared out of sight she went back inside to plan out her week. For the last month, she had been promising her mothers sister, Cindy,...

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South of Bikini 3 Renewed Relations

Alexandra Fleming awakes to witness her daughter Cassandra's gift has arrived. Several previously mentioned paradoxes reach finality. Episode 2 "Renewed Relations" Sanford Fleming house, Long Beach, California, 0630hrs, April 23rd, 1953 "Momma." That same dream had crept into my sleep again. Why did it constantly seek to ruin any full night's sleep I desperately needed? "Momma." The soft sheets, fluffy pillow, and warm blanket made me not want to answer the small...

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Lisa Performs Customers Relations

Lisa Performs Customer Relations Bob owned an efficient and profitable company in a large country town north and west of the city. He and I had done business together for a couple of years now. I sold and he bought my company’s products. We knew a little bit of personal information about each other, that he was a widower, that I was a contentedly married wife and mother, and that our respective c***dren were grown up. I usually overnighted in the local motel. Occasionally we had a meal...

3 years ago
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StudentTeacher Relations

STUDENT/TEACHER RELATIONS It was turning out to be quite the lovely day. The sun was shining brightly, only becoming obscured as the occasional white, fluffy cloud drifted in front of its rays. My sunglasses on, I walked at a nice, leisurely pace. I was quite familiar with where I was going, having become pretty sure of the college campus's layout from frequent trips to it. I glanced at my watch, pleased to see that it was only half past twelve; I had plenty of time to make my...

1 year ago
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Black Friday III Revolutions Revelations Relations

Mark Kinsey woke to a few moments’ disorientation. This was not his bed, or his room, and his sheets did not normally feel like naked women. Then the previous day’s events hit him in a rush. He had been picked up! There had been a small riot at the Macy’s during the pickup. He had ended up with five concubines including three Vietnamese-American women: a mother, Mai Williams, and her two daughters, June, nineteen and May, sixteen. Eight-year-old Tranh was with them as well. Sandra Jenson was...

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Cordial Relations

“Oh shit,” Rachel Parker exclaimed as the twenty-five-year old redhead recognized the well dressed older woman standing at the corner bus stop, not ten feet from the building she had just exited. Her outburst had been louder than she’d realized as both of her companions turned in her direction. Mary Ann Bradley, standing to Rachel’s left, had been a friend since high school while Brenda Phillips, on Mary’s left, had only met the two of them at another club a few weeks before. Realizing that,...

2 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 54 Normalizing Relations

“My Queen and King,” the royal herald announced in a loud, trembling voice. His brown eyes were wild and his milky skin even paler than usual. Shaking noticeably, his eyes kept flashing back to the six robed figures standing close to him. It was as if he wanted to be sure they were real and was terribly afraid they’d disappear when he glanced away. Or maybe, that they’d consume him if he weren’t watching diligently. The figures were passingly strange. They were all tall, each of them at...

4 years ago
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Loving Parent

Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...

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Loving a Witch

I wrote this story four years ago and posted it on a BBS I was a member of. You may archive this story, or repost it for provided do not realize profit by doing so, provided you do not change the story and provided that you do not claim credit for the story. This story is intended for the entertainment of adults who enjoy stories involving sex, romance and a touch of the kinky. If you do not enjoy these stories, are underage or are in a jurisdiction where such things are not legal,...

3 years ago
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The Shiny LadiesChapter 26 Family Relations

Rachel was standing in front of room A-12, waiting for Alice. "We have a problem," she said. "Can we talk inside?" asked Alice. "No. Next door is empty. A-11. We can talk there." Once they were in the room, Rachel started in. "It's these two newbies. Corrine and Nancy." A knot formed in Alice's stomach. She knew what was coming. "They seemed nice enough, at first. "But a new woman came in our room. I think her daughter is immune. "She fell on her knees, went through the...

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Loving My Daddy Part 2

When a handsome masculine and virile Daddy comes to visit me, the first thing I do is make sure I'm looking good, smelling good and ready to please him in the way he wants. I feel it's my duty as a loving, worshiping bottom that I'm good and clean, especially in my asshole and up inside my horny rectum, and that my body will be available in any way Daddy wants me to use it to satisfy his needs. Regarding Daddy, I don't mind if he's not super clean. In fact, I love it when Daddy has a manly funk...

2 years ago
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Loving Little sister and Friend

Loving Little sister and FriendPrologue Rachel is my younger sister by three years. Since we were little she and I have been best buddies. For the most part we have always gotten along great together. I love playing games and hanging out with her. She's the happiest person I know and has the cutest smile and the most adorable laugh ever. She is so fun to be around and she's kind and friendly to everyone.As her older brother, naturally I enjoy teasing the hell out of her. I learned early on that...

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Val had a problem, a serious one too. It was her son, for the last 2 to 3 months he had been getting closer to her, but being his mother, she loved it. He was attentive, kind, complimentary, and loving, very loving.He had always been closer to her than his dad, who was gone now, gone for the last 3 years. Val had had enough of his philandering and thrown him out. Craig had been 16 at the time. He did miss his dad, but he got used to it quickly because it gave him his mother, he had no...

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Loving Joy

POV: Kaylee"Are you still feeling bad about Joy?" she asked, sitting next to me."Yes, but the situation was maybe bad on both of us. Joy was just having intimate issues, and her parents are just free spirits. Before I go any further, Mom, are you my loving mom or the judgmental one?" I asked, peeking at her."Kaylee, you know damn well, I have to be both. You don't get anywhere in life solely hearing the things you want to hear, so tell me what's wrong. You've spent endless hours with...

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Loving Dad to Help MomChapter 3

I asked mom, "Mom, is it alright if I kiss, lick and suck your husband's cock?" She said, "Of course it's alright darling. He is your father, so it will be very loving of you to kiss, lick and suck his cock. Suck your father nicely... let him know how much you love him... go ahead Joy, suck your father's cock." Mom kept repeating and stressing the word 'suck'. "Mom, it's so big!" "Yes, darling his cock is a huge one, isn't it?" "How big is it mom?" "I have measured it....

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Loving Little sister and Friend

i****t/TabooLoving Little sister and FriendPrologue Rachel is my younger sister by three years. Since we were little she and I have been best buddies. For the most part we have always gotten along great together. I love playing games and hanging out with her. She's the happiest person I know and has the cutest smile and the most adorable laugh ever. She is so fun to be around and she's kind and friendly to everyone.As her older brother, naturally I enjoy teasing the hell out of her. I learned...

2 years ago
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Verry Incestuous Relations

CHAPTER 1 BOY’S WILL BE (NAUGHTY) BOYS - DRINK UP COUSIN: After breakfast Margie sent her husband off on his regular week long sales trip. When his car had disappeared out of sight she went back inside to plan out her week. For the last month, she had been promising her mother’s sister, Cindy, that she would go and visit her. Since her mother, Mona, was still out of town, Margie decided that this was the perfect time to call Cindy to see when she would like to get...

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Helen Space SlaveChapter 16 Domestic Relations

Dina seemed to be satisfied with Helen's move to the tiny sleepingroom as establishing that Helen couldn't boss Dina about, while Dina could persuade Hugo to do as she wanted. Helen thought this was petty and was torn between two possibilities when making plans. On the one hand she could have Hugo sell Dina and buy someone younger, to whom Helen would be able to relate; on the other hand there was the fear of taking in a rival for his attention, as Karl had done to Paula. For the time...

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Loving wife becomes a slut 1a

Best read after chapter 1..I forgot to add this bit!https://xhamster.com/stories/loving-wife-becomes-a-slut-ch-01-790632I couldn't help whispering to my open mouthed husband, "That's O.K. isn't it?" as cheekily as I could.His cock was clearly semi erect and his eyes eager and full of excitement as he approached. I knelt up and handed him the camera. Then swept up in a wave of lustful desire, madness and a rush of blood drove me to pretend to over balance. As I fell forward my hand dropped , the...

1 year ago
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Loving My Mom

POV: KayleeWe both kissed one more time, and then we both got dressed. Needless to say, we both smiled at each other numerous times, even for just two minutes. I finally made my girlfriend feel really good the way I always wanted to, and I felt to be walking on sunshine.Then I let my hand out, and she took it. "I love you, Kaylee," Joy said, before kissing me."And I love you, Joy. I know this might be a lot to ask, but with my mom here, do you think it'd be alright to ask if I could move in...

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Loving Courtney Epilogue

Courtney, now twenty-one, is in her third year of college studying to be a Social Worker. She is showing remarkable talent in the field most likely because of her own experiences in the 'system'. I have to believe that after what Courtney went through, she will fight to do all she can to insure that what she endured will NEVER happen to a child assigned to her. Courtney aced her GED exam just one day after her eighteenth birthday and we were married in a small, private ceremony just a...

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Loving Roger

Loving Roger By Adriana C It was as the dancing was coming to an end that I fell completely under the spell of my role. Roger and I had been having a great time together on the dance floor all evening. Well, since I lost my inhibitions and had allowed him to take control leaving me to abandon myself to the music and to simply respond to the movements of his body and the pressure of his arms. At first the heels and the long skirts were difficult for me. I never did really get...

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Loving me Loving you

Loving Me, Loving You By Mr. Ram Julia Ohara was fuming, She'd just found out that, 'That buffoon', Andy Flarity, had also applied for the position as Dr. Hickenlooper's research assistant. 'He'll probably get it too,' she thought, 'he's lucky like that, damn it!' Andy, on the other hand, was only mildly concerned when he saw that Julia had also applied for the assistant's position. He thought that Julia had an excellent chance at being picked for the job. Luck...

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Loving Images

As she finishes the tongue bath, he sighs contentedly into the pillow. After the slow, romantic lovemaking they had shared earlier in the evening, the lengthy cool-down activity is an appropriate reflection of the fire, now merely coals in the fireplace. But at last, she kisses him between the shoulder blades. After pulling the heavy blanket over them, she lays upon him and reaches for his hands. After a few brief whispers of sweet nothings, they drift off to sleep, each dreaming of romantic...

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Loving Trip With Foreplay 8211 Part II

Hi…friends this is my first time experience I’m sharing with you. I am Sonika 21 with average color 32 24 32 I’m 5’8” I have a bf… Quite good build and a perfect match for me. It was quite high time we were together and didn’t have thought of doing sex. But we usually used to share stories. And imaginations. Once my bf Atul was getting leave for 20 days we planned a trip for Jaipur for 5 days….we were very excited for the trip but not planned to have sex still we planned to meet in Delhi n from...

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Loving Sisters

Naida, was adopted from Russia when she was six months old. She is 5’8 inches tall, shoulder length deep dark brown hair, slim muscular body, beautiful long legs, and a tight butt, with firm perky 36B boobs. Naida was an above student, played a lot of team sport such as: soccer, baseball. Volleyball, basketball. Mei-Li (Mei), was adopted from China she was five and half months old. She is 5’, waist length shiny black hair, maybe 93 pounds, beautiful eyes, and a body that was straight...

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Loving DaddyChapter 2

Later that night, young Jena started her seduction of her Daddy. She casually walked into the family room wearing a white see-through nightshirt and a small pair of matching white bikini panties. Her slender hips sway side to side as she slowly walked towards her prey. "Can I sit with you, Daddy?" Jena asked in a low and very seductive voice as she gently eased her inflamed body onto his lap. Once settled on him, Jena could feel his big cock coming to life under her. "Mmmm, what's that,...

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loving my mother

Mama - 59 yrs Me - 33 yrs Riko - Japanese slave 20yrs Xanny - Thai Slave - 25 yrs Parisa - Thai slave - 35 yrs "Who is she to you?" "She is my mother, my mistress and my lover. But she is more than that - she is my whore, my slave, my pain-slut, my toilet" "And you to her?" "I am her son, her master and her lover. I am her slave and toilet!" "I love xiao mama because she spends every waking moment trying to discover new perverted ways for us to enjoy each others bodies. When we are not...

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Loving Change

Loving Change Are you sure this will work?" the young woman asked quizzically. "Money back guarantee," the elderly clerk replied as he folded a long silk pink slip with a bottle of unmarked lotion and put both in the bag. "I hope he likes it," the women said as she took the bag and headed back into the mall. "I know she will," the clerk stated out of earshot of the young woman. *** *clink* The touch of wine glasses signaled more than six lunar cycles. "That was a...

3 years ago
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Loving Alternative Marriage

Please feel free to leave feedback. I would love to hear your comments, suggestions and criticisms. By all means please let me know if this story is a turn on for all girls and admirers out there. Nothing makes me more excited xoxoxo The following is told from the authors perspective. Joyce had a wonderful day at the office. She received an unexpected call from her new Vice President Charles who had just been promoted from corporate attorney. She knew Charles very well. ...

1 year ago
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Loving Lisas Pretty Pink Pussy Petals

Lisa, Bluest of Eyes, this is for you. … Loving Lisa’s Pretty Pink Pussy Petals (Part one) Tears Summer is a bitch when water is scarce. Hell, it hasn’t rained on our Western rangeland for months! If this drought doesn’t let up, I’m gonna have to start selling cattle. Damnit, this is a lot of responsibility for a guy of only twenty-one years in age! These are just some of the thoughts running through my mind as I was barreling down the long gravel road towards home. My...

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Loving Erica Mf fatdau rom PART THREE end

Loving Erica by SpectreOfHell Part 3 Things were normal at dinner and the rest of the night. Except that Erica and I kept looking into each other’s eyes and smiling like idiots. Was this really happening? Was my daughter willingly becoming my lover? Later, she got her bath and returned in one of her short gowns. Helen was starting to doze in her chair. Erica sat on my lap and I got instantly hard. Erica wiggled and giggled, and I realized she’d always known the effect she had on me. She...

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Loving Erica Mf fatdau rom PART THREE end

Loving Ericaby SpectreOfHellPart 3 Things were normal at dinner and the rest of the night. Except that Erica and I kept looking into each other's eyes and smiling like idiots. Was this really happening? Was my daughter willingly becoming my lover? Later, she got her bath and returned in one of her short gowns. Helen was starting to doze in her chair. Erica sat on my lap and I got instantly hard. Erica wiggled and giggled, and I realized she'd always known the effect she had on me. She...

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Loving Wife 4

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and fantasy. It is not intended to represent any existing situation or person. You shouldn't be reading this if you're under 18. Introduction: This is the fourth and last installment of a story about a loving couple and how they filled their individual sexual needs. LOVING WIFE - 4 By Libnos I woke the next morning and saw her sleeping beside me. Her hair was strewn across the pillow and she was sprawled in a face down position under...

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