158 Sarah`s Punishing Adventure free porn video

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158 Sarah`s punishing adventure
You my x-hamster readers know of this lady who was the subject of my series as Sarah, the series was set near Dover at my home, it was called ‘Sarah and the Silver Master’, and if you’ve read it you will know of the lady’s somewhat unusual basic need to be punished and used.
This lady is a member of our BDSM club based at my dungeon hidden in a chalk tunnel behind my home near the white cliffs. How-ever we have not been very active of late due to various reasons I won`t go into right now.
I was contacted by Sarah`s husband though she doesn’t know it yet, and he asked me to discipline his wife as she was “getting out of hand again” (his words not mine). Now for those who don’t know of Sarah and Tom a quick resume; Sarah has done various things over the years that have left her riddled with guilt. Slowly year by year the guilt has eaten away at her conscience like an acid etching away at her mind. To appease her conscience, she needs to be chastised and used hard occasionally it`s like a penance, a need, a release call it what you will.
Her hubby wishing to help her tried to fill her need for being used, whenever she asked him which she had a few times, begging him to chastise her, but he found that he could not bring himself to hurt his beloved lady. He has however turned out to be a pain voyeur, loving pain in others, but unable to inflict it. That is where I come in being a registered consultant in sexual mental anguish.
Luckily, I am also a sadist! Living as I do in an old farm house ½ mile from the village and with full dungeon facilities I am well able to help some of our more troubled folk let off steam while indulging my own sadistic pleasures, indulging my own sadistic pleasures and the fact that the patients pay for it is a bonus.
Sarah, however I don’t think of in that way at all, she is one of my more special cases being a strawberry blond, stunning to view, soft of skin and beautifully put together. Helping her is both a challenge and most a most enjoyable task, and that hubby pays handsomely if I film the whole thing or on occasions allow him to attend, is just a bonus. With Sarah, I would do it for free if she was penny-less, and I hope she knows it, but I need to live.
Anyway, back to this visit. Sarah had become very down since Christmas, and had not kept in touch as she normally does, Tom had contacted me and asked me to do something about her depression, also he said, he would be checking on her truthfulness, faithfulness and openness in their marriage by having me not say anything and waiting to see if she told him of her chastisement or visit so I was not to mention his involvement this time.
This being so I contacted her and asked why she had not been in touch and I received a reply almost instantly. It said; Hi Master, to answer your question honestly, no there is no reason for not contacting you just idleness and depression and I hope and expect to be thrashed as punishment for it Yours Sarah x
My reply was; On Monday, January 23, 2017, Eddy Longfellow wrote:
lol, you are in breach of contract, you are supposed to keep me occupied lol Well you can do a penance and talk to me to arrange it soon.
On Tuesday, January 24th, 2017, Sarah wrote:
I'd love to do a penance for you especially if you are prepared to mark the soft white skin of my back breasts and ass as I am feeling extremely guilty at this moment in time.
Sarah x
I said that as she couldn`t be bothered to have contacted me she should and would be punished and we set a date for early February when she said her husband was away, saying she wished to be chastised (she used the words scourged) on all parts of her body, she also wished to be humiliated and used excessively as a penance. She said as he was away she could recover and be ready for his return fresh and revitalised.
She said she would drive herself over and back regardless of her final condition. I therefore gave it some thought and sent her instructions as to her punishment. It said;
Sweet Sarah, you will appear at my dungeon, on Wednesday the 1st of Feb next at 12 noon, you already know its location, but you will be walking the last ½ mile, leaving your car in our usual pub car park. Having given it some thought I expect you to be dressed as follows; a white basque, white thong, black suspended stockings, not hold ups and patent high heels (with as high a heel as you can safely walk in remembering the distance involved though it is a smooth metaled lane.)
Over this assembly, you will wear just a poncho unbuttoned except at the neck. (if it`s out of date or not in your wardrobe demean yourself and obtain one it will do your humility good).
You will go into the pub and there you will explain to the landlord Mr Fred Keeper, (he`s known locally as creepy Fred,) that you wish to leave your car until this time on Thursday as you are going to Payne farm.
He will know who you are as I supplied him (and selected of my drinking friends) with a copy of this instruction so I expect there will be a few in.
You may have a drink on me Fred will see to it.
Before leaving the bar, Fred will fit handcuffs to your wrists in full view of the assembled drinkers. Fred is instructed to assist you though he will demand payment in the form of a grope of your beautiful breasts - you must comply with this instruction. They will all no doubt applauded as will your walk of shame knowing what you face and dressed as I specify it will stretch your self-discipline and resolve to the limit though I don’t doubt you for a moment. Its lucky for you the pub is at this end of the village and the locals know of me and my work if not of the extent or the details.
I give you warning now that I intend to use your body hard and plentifully over 48 hours without much let up. I am skilled with a belt, only I will determine how much I break your smooth skin and draw blood … so be warned it will happen so be prepared. You will appear as I order and you will be punished and broken and I promise also that you will be sobbing from the stinging pain I shall inflict on your beautiful body Either way you will allow enough time to arrive at precisely 12 noon at the farm gate, neither before or after though a leeway of 1 minutes is allowable either way as I don’t wish to be un-reasonable. Before; and I will add strength to your sentence, and after will mean the gate to my yard will be closed and the first part of your sentence will be carried out attached to the inner gate, naked and in full view of any villagers who have cared to follow you from the pub or are passing. You will greet me with the following words, “Master I have come to receive your chastisement, I am ready for my pain! Then you may if you wish add a plea not to be spared or some other plea about the sentence, which I may if you have complied take into consideration.”
If you understand and will comply please e mail me by return. Within an hour, the mail had come saying I was a hard master but she would be doing as I had asked.

Mrs bridges my cook/ housekeeper came to me in the last days of January and discussed the food needs for the next few days, saying she understood from her hubby, who Fred in the pub had tipped off, that we had a guest staying. She`s a granite faced soul of discression that one, and a treasure never divulging whatever happens in the house, which anyway I try to keep from her.as a matter of simple embarrassment.
I said we had and apologised for overlooking telling her myself.
She arranged to lay on simple foods that I could deal with saying she understood and would be taking off the two days the lady would be here with me. This is an arrangement I have with her under the regulation of care for mental health act, it`s to do with discression, patient confidentiality etc and normally Mrs bridges would not meet short visit customers, who tended to be solely in my study in which she never comes. With an overnight treatment, it is easier if she is not around giving me no barriers such as noise or visual humiliation for the patient etc.
Well, I hoped all bases were covered, I awaited Sarah`s arrival.
This next bit is as reported to me by Fred, so is hearsay as such but I will report it as accurately as I can, some in his own words.
It was an overcast day cool, but not wet so he was sat in the warmth of the bay window watching for her. The car drew in and parked promptly at 11am, from it, he told me, stepped a tidy lady, all long shapely legs and a determined look. She locked the car, and walked steadily and confidently, in her beautiful high heels up the steps and into the saloon bar. There were several of the lads in the public bar side (it being an island bar serving both bar rooms) and every eye was on her as she approached Fred now returned to his place behind the pumps.
She introduced herself just as ‘Sarah’ telling Fred that she wished to leave her car in the car park overnight as she was going up to Payne farm. He took the proffered keys then hung them up saying they would be safe with him and asking if she knew the way? She assured him that she did and then took a gin and tonic which Fred proffered, explained I had pre-paid for it.
She kept watching the clock behind the bar, working out the time for her walk. Conversation had almost stopped in the public side, all eyes being on the mirror behind this vision of a woman, up over the saloon fireplace which giving a perfect view of the lovely rear of Sarah as she stood against the bar. From her poncho pocket, she produced a pair of handcuffs asking Fred if he would be so good as to secure her hands for her and place the key on the string round her neck saying she “was aware of the demanded price for the service.”
He was round the bar to her side faster than a whippet, she turned and proffered her wrists but in so doing she caught sight of herself in the mirror. Fred said; that she smiled opened the poncho and bowed to her audience and giving her captive audience a fleeting look at her lingerie clad curvaceous body. the few voyeurs cheered and clapped, she counted 6 men. Fred explained that she was dressed in only lingerie, a silky white Basque and a matching thong with black stockings, high heeled patent shoes and he commented that she really was a classy looking woman!
The silky Basque gave little cover to her ample soft and pink breasts and even the nipples stiff pink and proud, were in view as she held open her poncho
Her rear view is as stunning, Fred describing it as having; “soft cheeks perfect for any man”
She turned back and stood for Fred to secure her wrists, then place the key, settling it between her breasts with a lot of un-necessary care before sliding his hand up to play with nipples and breasts, firmly gripping both of her soft orbs in his big hands and carefully and deliberately groped her beautiful breasts with enormous pleasure.
After he had enjoyed his grope, Fred had a smile on his old face that the lads tell me took a few hours to remove and right on time she said her goodbyes and that she would please like to see them again tomorrow. The door and help on the step being proffered by many willing hands and as she tottered across the road and away up our lane to the sound of cheering and a buzz of conversation returning to this old English pub.
Her walk to my farmhouse was followed by two teenage lads from the village, old carter`s boys, which made her smile, musing that they start early here in Kent. Checking her watch frequently while desperately trying to keep her footing in those dratted heels and to time her arrival to perfection.
She appeared at my gate at 1159 precisely she looked a little drawn and nervous but her eyes as always sparkled as she walked through the gate which I promptly closed
She took breath and then said, “Master I have come to receive your chastisement, I am ready for my deserved pain!” to her credit she did not ask for any leeway.
I sensed eyes at the gate and two lads, were both peering over the gates at my plaything.
Remembering my own youth and the few chances of a view of such a lovely woman in under-clothes outside playboy or fiesta, I removed her poncho and the lad`s eyes were like organ-stops, as I had her twirl for them before taking her inside to a chorus of “wow and cheers mate!”
Well; I took her indoors, heels clicking, footsteps echoing in the empty hall as I led her to my consulting room. She stood a vision of loveliness, her blond hair catching the light as she spun round under the dangling rope and spotlight in the centre of the room.
She held her hands where I could release them then as instructed and in silence she leant forward and took from her poncho pocket now on the desk, an elastic hair tie band and then scooping her hair up into a pony tail a she secured the lovely locks it in place with the tie she began unclipping her stockings from the Basque. I stood enjoying this as any red-blooded man would, this vision slowly and tantalizingly removing her clothing knowing I was here to give her pain.
I helped her unclip that beautiful figure hugging white silk Basque and it fell away to reveal her curvy ample belly and allowing her breast to swing free from the clasp of the restraining basque cups. She lowered her tiny G-string her mound covered sparsely with fine fair silky hair.
She then replaced her black high heel shoes back on her feet and carefully collected her expensive clothes placing them into a chair, along with the cheap and out of fashion poncho I had insisted on her wearing.
Picking up her cuffs and fitting one and then the other, then checking them for comfort, before stooping to catch the rope end. This she threaded through both cuff rings then tied them off in a big loop before her. She then stood under the lift, turned and faced me while waited just a moment while I offered her the box containing the straps and belts which she knew I would use on her relentlessly.
With wide eyed deliberation, she gently reached into the box and withdrew two leather belts. I wonder if she sensed that these had been used on other victims before her?
She bowed her head, and presented the first; I could sense her trembling slightly as she held them up, was she excited or fearful?
I discarded the rest still in their box. She bowed her head, and presented the first to me. It was a soft suede, pliable and 2" wide, "this is my first-choice Master” then she passed me a narrower supple leather belt more the sort for holding up jean`s, 1 ¾” wide, black and about 3 feet long. She whispered "Favor me sir, as this is my other choice, this is for the rest!”

I asked her, "was she was happy that she had made the right selection?", she offered me a smile, as she fingered each belt between her fingers, saying "these will make it easier to punish my body Sir in the way I deserve, I want my body to be marked before I leave as a very permanent reminder"
She looked almost serene, a wonderful sight of a truly deserving woman. In position, she stood with her legs wide apart, naked other than her high heels and seemingly calmly awaiting the fitting of the metal spreader bar which was firmly secured to the floor. I soon had it fitted by kneeling at her feet, I glanced up and found myself opposite that soft and tender and it needs to be said wet labia. I could not resist kissing her and her eyes closed as my tongue lapped her musky tenderly damp womanhood.
Her voice brought me back from my reverie, she whispered, she did not want to enjoy sex with me today she richly deserved the pain she was here for and she said that she wanted me to begin the punishment and to secure her tightly.
First though, I bent her over roughly with my hands and spread KY Jelly directly on to a purple colored medium sized butt plug before gently locating her exposed asshole and pushing the intruder past her resisting muscles all the way home, accompanied by a squeal from the recipient, a delightful sound! Then while she way still bending over I unwrapped a Tampon and firmly inserted the sleeve into her already wet cunt leaving the short string dangling between her ass cheeks.
I then stood her and grasping the rope, raising it and tightening that soft cable till she stood unable to move, her arms stretched high above her,
Her patent leather 5” heels still touching the ground, the spreader solidly holding her feet from moving. I paused, taking in her lovely form as it stood unable to move, she was mine and with such feeling in her voice she begged me to use whichever strap I choose to mark her as painfully as I wished. Behind me the clock ticked and the abacus waited to mark off her enjoyment.
I calmly explained her sentence as follows;

• You will receive a full 100 lashes on your body - front and back
• The final 10 will be only on the front of your body including your breasts
• A further 10 will begin at the rear and will curve upwards between your legs, these will happen at my pleasure during the punishment, then after each of the first of these lashes I will be running the soft wet leather under your nose to allow you to smell the fear mixed in your womanly juices.
• There will be no warning as to the order of cuts on your skin. They will be interspersed with the remaining 80 harder strokes that will be delivered in the area that begins at your neck and shoulders and finish at your thighs
• Do not expect any of the strokes to be light

The punishment will be in two distinct blocks of 50 the second just before you are allowed home. There will be a short break at every 5 strokes and you will be allowed down after the initial 50, when I will bathe you and rest you overnight.
You will not have a gag but for the second 50 you will be given a rubber dog bone which you will hold in your teeth to assist you to prevent undue noise. Should you drop it every sound above a groan will invite another uncounted stroke identical to the one that caused the noise.
During the second session, YOU, will signal by nodding to ASK for EACH stroke and if you take more than 30 seconds to request the following stroke. the previous stroke will be discounted from the total. Totals will be shown on the abacus counting frame, again in blocks of 5 and the clock will keep time for you, both as you see will be on the wall in front of you in clear view.
I lifted the pony tail and tucked it back into the elastic hair restraint to give me a clear target and took my place behind and to her right, her cry of "please master, do it, I deserve so much pain" that decided the timing and my choice of belt.
The first swipe of the softer Suede belt I had chosen landed with a flat extremely satisfying “thwack”, a red stripe marked the point of contact high on her buttocks an excellent ranging shot, her body tensed and bit her lip to stop herself crying out.
I could see her ass muscles tighten and clench involuntarily as she waited for the next sadistic assault on her willing body. I quickly flipped the abacus bead from left to right and without hesitation the leather swung again making a sickening but rewarding “thwack” sound against Sarah’s compliant skin followed by another well placed stroke and another bead moved on the abacus ‘counting frame’ as I watched this gorgeous woman’s body literally shudder as she received her punishment and we had only just started!
“shlop”, another well placed stroke, and I moved position and to get into a routine, “Thwack” another bead another mark, as I deliver a reign of blows, a pattern of welt lines started to develop across her back as the blood rushed to the surface, the fifth landed satisfyingly flat on her right shoulder just catching her tender neck inviting a satisfying “shriek” from her lips. Those of you who know me will also be aware of my sadistic pleasures and no doubt appreciate the skills and experience I have gained over the years and I mused that to be paid handsomely for my work is a wonderful bonus!
I quickly swapped belts and running the supple but harder black leather belt through my hands, I contemplated its efficiency with a smile on my face. Sarah was now leaning forward as far as she could, tugging at her wrist restraints with her head dropped forward, and her back arched sobbing quietly from my painful thrashing.
I said firmly, "from now on I will only add to the beads on each 5 strokes." She nodded, and apart from the quiet sobs so-far she had been as silent as she could manage, but her eyes held tears which I could see she was desperate to keep from bursting like a flood.
Using the visible line of her vertebrae, I delivered another three heavy blows on her damp and tender skin, the belt revisiting previous welts, causing her tender beautiful skin to open as if a sharp knife had slashed her open like a slave girl on the plantations receiving her punishment from her master. A bloody “thwack, splat, splat” then I slipped in one across her backside and a last one purposefully across her lovely big soft breasts, all measured steady shots that resounded around the room mixed with her pitiful sobs, perhaps of pain perhaps of shock.
I adjusted the abacus,10 strokes just 10, her eyes said it all as she watched the beads slide across 90 to go.
I waited allowing her to collect her-self, asking “Is your skin stinging?”, she said it was, I went and brewed tea, which I returned with a cup and placed it on my desk against the wall where it had been moved too, giving space for this punishment. Her eyes followed my every move.
“I suspect you were hoping to receive the punishment in one welter of blows,” I said between gulps of tea. She nodded “well missy you were wrong, you will receive the first 50 over this afternoon. I will bathe you to ease your pain and then I will dine you before you will be secured once more and allowed to sleep in an appropriate place, you not wishing sex You will then be exercised which will be early, then after breakfast I will allow you to again bathe partly to soften your skin, before returning you to this place for the final 50 harder and more accurate strokes. Do you understand?”
Her eyes wide now, she silently nodded, so again I asked “Do you understand?” this time she said clearly “I understand master, I deserve the pain and understand your wishes.”
I took up the strap and we began once more, Slap, another reddened line appeared across her rump which wobbled delightfully, another and still another, slap and slap again, another on her shoulder slap and a final one wrapping itself around her soft belly this one with more of a swoosh. She writhed, desperate not to cry now, as I shifted another 5 beads, then went off leaving her for a short break.
I returned after just a moment, the door being behind her, she could not quite see what I was doing, and I surprised her with a single swipe wrapping itself around her hips. Her body jerked partly with surprise partly with the sting of the leather, it was followed in quick succession by four more whap and whap, whap, whap, whap! Before she could re-act I sprang round her flipped 5 more of the beads, and left the room and her, to go and fill the bath.
While it was running, I went to the big chest freezer in the pantry and checked on the ice supply, then fed the dogs finally putting in the pre-prepared meal to heat. Using just the cold tap the bath took an age to fill so it was a good half hour till I silently slid into the consulting room. She was hung on the ropes trying to rest her leg muscles as best she could, I stood silently watching her tiny contortions, savouring the vision of loveliness hung awaiting my lash. I began once more, slap the leather bit onto the left leg back just above the knee, it brought forth a gasp of ‘AH’ so I matched it to the right, slap, higher again another pair slap, whap, then a final flurry of consistent strokes rising over her buttocks and her back, the tenth and last finishing in the small of her back, each one accompanied by a sound rising through the range to a full bodied ‘“AAAAAArrrrrr'gggrrr'’ as the last fell. I whispered 30 and moved another flurry of beads. Then I turned from the abacus to kiss this sweet-faced victim. Her lips tasted of the salt of her tear., Her back was “crisscrossed” with belt patterns almost looking like a piece of an a****l carcass hanging in a butcher`s shop, I could feel heat radiating from her abused and tortured body. I wanted to refrain from damaging her breasts until tomorrow when I had other plans for those beautiful soft targets of breasts and nipples.
“Would you like the next 10 or will madam wait a while?” her eyes flashed like diamond, I cannot remember her being so alive in my presence before.
She nodded and said “now master please”
I began the next 10 strokes slowly walking round her while consistently beating her torso, and swapping to the suede belt when I swung upwards through her open legs wrapping itself into her ready cunt with a wet sound that told of her avid sexual excitement. She screamed that time I can tell you and I was glad of Mr.’s Bridges absence. As I had promised I held the wet belt to her nose smearing her wetness and bloodied leather over her upper lip and whispering just 10 more and you can rest, to which she through tear filled eyes nodded. She then whispered "now please, master" which gave me an opportunity to deliver two stinging hard blows to her breasts, then as she contemplated her destruction I went to finish preparing her cold bath.
I collected the ice and added it to the water, then I returned and without ado laced into her with ten smart cuts up her back starting again at her knees. Again, she shuddered and tears fell, but to her credit she didn’t utter a sound.
A few second`s work released her legs from the spreader, and I lowered her to stand not knowing which part to rub first and removing her cuffs.
Bleeding from her ordeal and no doubt in incredible pain I led her to the bathroom on stiff legs, having been held still for some hours now.
She could see the ice floating, but without a murmur she stepped in and immersed herself totally gasping as the breath left her lungs.
I made her lay there for a few minutes then step out and gently pat herself dry leaving blood smeared on the clean white towel.
Still wrapped in her bloodied damp towel she sat at the table first drinking a glass of water looking down sorrowful, dejected and very unloved.
I treated her wounds with an agent to stem the blood flow and stabilize the bruising.
she sat, her skin rosy and striped in naked splendour consuming the hot and restoring food with relish, knowing she would need her strength
By 8 pm I had secured her wrists behind her and still naked I had bedded her down in the straw of dog`s hut, with ‘Rufus’ the Dane and ‘Paddy’ my wolfhound cross, my two dogs both being stud dogs I know not what they got up to during that long dark winters night but they had both proved they loved Sarah on previous occasions, and I knew they would keep her from harm and the cold.
I spent the night watching the filmed session, reliving the experience and enjoying the whole thing which helped me sleep, as It would many times over the next years.
Before dawn, I collected the two dogs and Sarah
A tired and bedraggled Sarah with straw in her hair and a livid scratch on the right of her belly, which I did not comment on though I did ask if she had slept well to which she said she had been warm and busy. I did not enquire further.
We walked over to the orchard, across the lane Sarah still naked and her arms pinioned behind her back. There are few out and about in the area at this pre-dawn time of the day.
The dogs as usual running for a favourite ball in turn, Sarah as their bitch, then fetching the dogs rubber bone which she was forced to retrieve with her mouth her hands being secure.
It was cool outdoors for her I`m sure, but it got their hearts going and we returned to the house as dawn broke. The dogs going back in the run and Sarah and myself indoors
I released her arms and sent her to shower, setting myself to cook breakfast. We soon sat over the food as we had for the previous meal, her naked, and me dressed as always in my head to toe black.
Over a civilised coffee, I asked if she had gained from the experience, or from the humiliation and to tell me of the highs and lows so far and of course what she was expecting.
Her reply fascinated me, she said
“from my point of view of the recipient of your harsh treatment. Which I have requested but as yet even as a shrink I suspect you can`t or don`t fully understand,
On the humiliation side: She said that if she had had more time yesterday she would have allowed herself to be used completely by Fred and the boys, as a symbol of her humility before the males of the village but she had not the time, wishing to be here and not to disrespect her master.
She then said “About my punishment, I must emphasise to you if you will allow, that it stems from most women normally feel the intense pain and suffering of our species during c***dbirth, me having squandered the opportunity in my past and it now being something I have never and cannot ever experience, I feel that in atonement I wish instead, well perhaps its more that I feel I must, suffer at the hands of my master, a similar deliverance of pain so I can truly call myself a woman.
I'm not sure if you can understand this thinking but it's important to me to "deliver" my body completely to you, that I desperately need you to draw blood from my body as a worldly reminder of the suffering women must endure. It`s to make up for the fact that I could never deliver another human being from inside my womb due to my past life and I need to be punished for it.” Her pain last afternoon she said had made her cry, though it was milder than she had hoped and no doubt again today she would cry and be made to scream, but she wished me to mark her in all respects,
Her eyes held tears, and I said I just about understood and thanked her for her frankness. She then added that; “during the night she had been violated by both of the dogs, though as it was dark in the unlit shed, she was disoriented and didn’t know in which order. She had totally enjoyed the experience, so for that too, she wished to be chastised after her main punishment but to ensure her marking, it must be with a studded belt. She went on; “I desperately want you to ‘mark’ my soft white skin as your signature, I want to carry scars of your "corrective treatment" with me for the rest of my life as a mark of my own determination and to mark myself as a lower order female species giving out as a clear message to any man that sees them that they must take back the power over women which is rightfully theirs.
returning her to the pub today she felt that, with my permission, she would allow all the six men from yesterday and Fred to use her damaged body till they were satisfied, before she returned to her home I pondered all her thoughts then I said that “I have no wish to mark either your magnificent breasts or your sex beyond the strap I had used yesterday, but I would administer three on her backside with the studs for enjoying my dog if that would appease your wishes.”
Her eyes lit up, then she said “had she my permission to have herself used at the pub?”
I picked up my phone, dialled it and said “hi Fred, do you remember the lady with the car from yesterday?” he said he did (as if he would forget that figure) “Well Fred as part of her punishment, could you accommodate her this afternoon in the small private room please, she needs a bed and some companionship from the usual six who were in yesterday and of course your good self.”
He nearly dropped the phone asking if I was serious, I assured him that I was and that the proviso was that they did not mention to her certain wounds and marks on her person which she had received at her own request, and that they did not all crowd in at once! He said he would look forward to it and I placed the phone on its cradle.
She nodded her thanks, then cleared away the plates and washed up, humming to herself.
She returned to me and donned her cuffs, and stood impatiently while I took a call about another patient then set the answer-phone.
I took her hand and she whispered “thank you for your pain and understanding master,” as together we returned to the consulting room. From the box, she carefully selected a studded belt about 3” wide It was a vicious looking strap with pointed studs that spoke of real pain. She handed it to me and said the two words that I caught, they were; “please” and “hard”. I placed it on the desk. Almost eagerly she attached the rope to her cuffs as I did the spreader bar Today there was no heels nor stockings, so she stood on the cold linoleum floor in bare feet as I tightened that rope. This time at her request just a tad more tightly so she could move just a little less.
I offered her the bone to bite but she refused saying “just for the extra 3 please master I wish to scream if you will allow me too.
And so it began, roughly in the same way as the previous day 5 strokes and then a break while the abacus beads were moved, each stroke harder than yesterday each with a cry of “argh” or “ooh” and a stripe of red on her already marked back, buttocks, legs or her shoulders. 20 was soon reached tears streaming down her cheeks slashing down her breasts accompanied by a sob with every stroke.
I gave her water then gently reminded her that her breasts were next, and her soft and pliant sex. She nodded and said “please Sir don’t spare me, I need to feel my pain”
Splat without warning, the next stroke hit her between her legs she screamed and I held the leather to her nose as I had said I would, splat, a second in the same area, she howled, like a banshee, her head the only thing that could move shaking from side to side with the pain. Thwack a shot across her breast, above the nipple, a red line appearing on the milky skin,
A change of target, and Smack the leather biting into the fleshy belly stinging and marking as it went, another before the pain reached her brain , across the other breast, thick and fast now, cuts across the tender breasts, her belly and her soft cunt-meat, her voice becoming horse with screaming , head thrown back her bladder loosening with the pain her water flowing to the lino in a torrent, almost frenzied the leather rose and fell, a tiny rivulet of blood against the pink areola, of her right nipple A desperate attempt to balance things and a second more free running cut appeared from her left nipple,
The sight steadied me, a single last cut at her belly and it was over 100 cuts. I flung down the leather stained with her life blood and wet with her cum. I flung the beads from left to right and I strode out to collect myself away from her revelling in her gore and joy.
I drank a cold juice, took deep breaths and poured another, my heart returned to a more normal rhythm. Refilling the glass, I returned to her and held it to her lips so she could drink.
She looked grateful and both somewhat restored I gently fingered the nipples to check the cuts. They were more colourful than deep bruising was appearing as small and discoloured patches of tenderness here and there that proclaimed misuse of the soft flesh.
She fixed me with her eyes and said the one thing I dreaded, “and the dog?” She was asking the near impossible of me, that I mark her arse if possibly with a long-term scar.
I knew I had promised, she knew that it was a hard thing after such a good session for even a sadistic soul like me, but she wanted it so much and knew that I would not, could not refuse her on this day.
Reluctantly I fetched the studded belt and held it up to her lips, she kissed it, then said “please ease my ropes so I can present a better target sir,” and this I did losing the rope so she was only secured by that fixed spreader. She leant herself forward from the waist, presenting me with a target it would be hard to miss, but I tightened the rope once more as her swollen labia was protruding and I had no wish to deprive her or Fred or the boys.
I asked again if she was sure, and she nodded and whispered “please, mark me well, sir.”
I jammed the old and chewed bone into her teeth then I raised my arm and with an ominous swish down came the studded monster, she screamed, oh how she screamed and I stood back in awe as I saw the marks, she sensed my hesitation and cried out “Again!” dropping the bone. I did as she asked, again the scream and without telling I again swung the leather. It struck and I threw the thing into its box, my eyes on the pattern of tiny punctures across her skin, droplets of red marked the sites of the stud-head`s, three overlapping patterns, covering that once dainty backside.
I fetched the mirror from the hall she craned her tearstained face to see her devastated seat. And then she smiled a faint smile perhaps but a smile none the less, as she sobbed her thanks.
I released her and she with help showered, then I spent some time applying antiseptic, and a plaster on her breast.
She rested naked face down on my couch until it was time, she stood and with my help, I put on her stockings and her heels, then that poncho she hated so much. Nothing else, it didn’t seem to be worth it. she asked for the handcuffs but instead I fitted her with cuffs and a collar so her hands were held at her throat, I bagged up her own cuffs and the underclothing, and together we set out a little slower this time for the pub in the village.
We had just shut the gate when the carter boys appeared, more sure of themselves now they stood in the roadway watching us approach.
She smiled at them, other than her legs there was little for the boys to see, an arms-length from the open-mouthed lads she stopped, standing tall for the two, her sex just in sight under the edge of the poncho. The lads mesmerised, she smiled, then we wobbled on, the two boys stunned and gawping after us like slow moving shadows,
A car approached as we came to the bigger road, we waited till it was past and we crossed to the pub, greeted by Fred.
I took over the bar and Fred, my escort, having her poncho from her and making her twirl naked for the boys before they vanished into the small private room. Luckily the pub was otherwise empty.
I took her car keys and placed the bag in the car, fetching her more usual coat from the motor, hanging it with the keys. It was an expensive Burberry camel coloured raincoat with belt, and it was just what I expected from such a sophisticated and monied lady.
There were mutterings about her marked breasts and backside but I explained it was by request, as was the offer of her body they were about to enjoy, that quietened the dissenters.
35 minutes later Fred appeared, to be replaced by one of the boys, each of the crew following at about half hour headway, each arriving back in what they called ‘their bar’ looking sated. Fred went back in and after a while helped a very tired looking Sarah back into the bar.
I released her from my wrists and collar restraints, she kissed me, thanking me for my work as seed ran wet down her long legs, her stockings wrinkled and loose around her ankles, her mascara had run her hair was a mess, and as she reached up and retrieved the car keys and coat, she smiled letting the lads have a last look at her body before wrapping herself in this symbolic mantle of a coat, then, blowing the boys and saying a firm goodbye and giving me a kiss, she roared away in her little car. The adventure was over and I wondered if she would ever grace my doorstep again.
That old poncho now adorns pride of place in the trophy case in the boy`s bar, and is now and then smiled at by six happy souls and a landlord. Under it is a plaque it simply says ‘Sarah,’ and bears the date and the words ‘thank you!’

Master Eddy

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82 punishing Aviss daughter

82 punishing Avis`s daughteranother story by AvisWhen Mike had taken the black man upstairs and had seen him out with a thank you for his services, he came back down stairs where me, Jon and Carol were still sitting and talking. Mike had made it known that Carol was to be punished for having sex with a black man, a routine that they did after such an occasion. We were all still naked and once Mike took off his robe, we knew it was time for one last act. Mike went to the corner of the bedroom...

3 years ago
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Punishing MIL

Punishing MIL I have been married a couple of years back and had one son of 3 years and my wife was expecting another in a few months and the gynae had instructed us not to go in for sex due to certain complications. As per her daily routine my wife told this thing to her mother living in a city about a 1000 kms away. My mother in law had been a real pain in the ass as she kept on teaching vices to my wife related to my parents and my close relatives due to which I was having tough times in my...

4 years ago
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Mick and KeriChapter 19 Keri Mick and Friends Have An Adventure

Keri’s nipples are so impressive. When fully erect they are about an inch long and about three quarters of an inch wide. When unaroused they are the same width but shrink to less than half an inch long. The surrounding areolas are a rich brown red clay color and surrounded by many smaller Montgomery Glands. It would seem that her nipples are attached directly to her clitoris. If my hand brushed her pussy her nipples pop up fully. If I pinch a nipple her clit swells. If I do both at the same...

2 years ago
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Chapter 12 Punishing The Bengali Teen

Chapter 1.2 – Punishing The Bengali Teen Actually, Tom and Jerry show was over. Joginder glanced towards the TV after making his statement and saw that some other show was airing. He didn’t know about it. “Which show is this one?” he chuckled. Riya followed his eyes, glanced back at the screen for a moment and then resumed looking at her toes. “I asked what the name of this show is,” he said, loudly. Riya quickly looked up, startled by his voice, and looked back once again, taking her time,...

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Samantha does the punishing

Samantha does the punishingby Sarah Sloan Samantha has felt Richard’s cane several times. It was never his fault, she had brought it on herself. When he used the cane it was so vicious, it was agonising torture. Now it was her turn and he was silly enough to think it was just a game and let her tie him to the bed. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Richard and Samantha woke up late. He patted her bum and she squealed ?Ouch,...

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Rocky Bullwinkle A Lost Adventure

We begin our story in the tiny hamlet of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota USA, population 27, where two of its leading citizens reside; Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. It looks like they're involved in some intense study. Let's listen in. "Do you have any tens?" "Go fish," said Rocky. Well, it looks like they're more involved in leisure time activities. Unfortunately, a couple of dark figures are approaching their quaint cabin that is sure to break up this relaxing...

2 years ago
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A new adventure

Anne and I have been been married ten years next month. Like many marriages ours has hit some rough spots along the way. About four years ago our journey was dealt a severe blow involving deception and lies. It all started when I came home early, with plans to surprise her with a early anniversary dinner and romantic evening. I could hear the bath running and decided to share my plans when she got out of the tub. I grabbed a beer and noticed Anne’s laptop open on the dining table. I took a...

3 years ago
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A new adventure

Anne and I have been been married ten years next month. Like many marriages ours has hit some rough spots along the way. About four years ago our journey was dealt a severe blow involving deception and lies. It all started when I came home early, with plans to surprise her with a early anniversary dinner and romantic evening. I could hear the bath running and decided to share my plans when she got out of the tub. I grabbed a beer and noticed Anne’s laptop open on the dining table. I took a...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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South American Adventure

South American AdventureChapter OneThe pub was packed with noisy students laughing, joking and drinking.  It was noted for it.  After all, it was the closest to one of the main university halls of residence and as such was very popular.  Cindy sat alone in a corner, hoping her friend would hurry up and arrive.  A quiet, shy girl in her first year at University reading Geography, she did not mix or make friends easily and actually found it quite difficult to be alone in such a lively...

2 years ago
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Belize Adventure

Author’s Note: Thanks, again, to snooper, my editor. Those of you that have read African Adventure will notice a significant passage of time between that story and this one. There is another story that comes between these two and deals in detail with events that are alluded to or briefly referenced in this story. I have elected not to publish that particular story on Literotica because it’s mostly adventure. Frankly, there’s far too little sex to interest most Literotica readers. The story was...

4 years ago
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Sexual Awakening Part Two Italian Adventure

Nan’s encounter with Andre had left her full of confidence and newfound sexual energy. She learned that not only could she enjoy sex, but desired it. And while her fling with Andre was completely gratifying, it also sparked a flame deep within her and the fire was building. With the French countryside well behind her, she fantasized about André as the train moved on. They had said goodbye in Austria, and now she was headed to Italy. She had always been fascinated by the tales of ancient Rome....


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