Sorrento Pt. 03 free porn video

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‘I have no idea what to call you,’ Anna said. Her voice, soft and gentle, washed over me like a warm breeze. ‘Mrs. De Carlo seems a bit formal now …’

‘Now that you came on my face?’ I suggested.

Anna laughed. ‘I was going to say now that we are lovers, but ok, now that I came on your beautiful face.’

I blushed. ‘It’s Katherine,’ I said, ‘but my good friends call me Kat.’

‘And do you consider me a good friend?’

‘I am beginning to think of you as a lot more than just a good friend.’

There was a long pause while Anna studied me, her beautiful dark eyes somehow reaching deep into my soul. There was an almost insane smile on her face that screamed happiness.

‘Okay, my lovely Kat, but now I have to go back to work.’ She kissed me, deeply and passionately on the lips, the sensations lingering long after she got up.

I lay on the bed for a while listening to the sound of the shower, then joined her in the bathroom. I apologised that I needed to pee. Peeing was something that I had only done in private since I was a small child, yet having known this woman for less than two hours, it felt natural to sit there while she looked on. Anna was not fazed in the slightest.

I sat and watched while she stepped from the shower and dried herself. She really did have the most beautiful body. I couldn’t help but stare at those pert breasts, fascinated how those large brown nipples responded to being rubbed with the towel. When she bent over I had a delightful view of her perfectly formed rounded bum cheeks, and that sweet puckered hole.

‘Have you ever had anal sex?’ I asked.

Anna looked at me. ‘Yes, and no,’ she hesitated. ‘Apart from some experimenting when I was a teenager, I have not had sex with men, but I do occasionally get the urge to feel something inside me, so I have invested in some toys.’

I sensed some nervousness in the way she was speaking, as if this was something she had never discussed. The fact she was now freely telling me gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. ‘Does it hurt as much as they say?’

She crouched down in front of me, resting her hands on my shoulders to keep her balance. There was tenderness in her eyes. ‘Have you never tried?’

‘I have never done anything. Sex with my husband is the only thing I have experienced, and I now think that has been very ordinary.’

‘Sex should never ever be ordinary, my sweet Kat. What is it that you want to experience?’

‘That’s the trouble, I don’t know.’ I hesitated, trying to make sense of the thoughts that were racing through my head. ‘You have made me realise that there are possibilities that I can’t even imagine. I want to experience more, but I don’t know enough to tell you what that means.’

She wrapped both arms around me and held me tight. I suddenly felt so vulnerable and exposed that I thought I might cry, something else I had not done, other than in private, since I was a small child.

‘I will help you if I can, and I am sorry that I have to rush back to work.’ She stood and passed me a bag from the shelf. ‘Those are my toys. Please play and enjoy them as much as you wish.’

I unzipped the bag, and pulled out a ten inch replica rubber penis, realistic right down to the pulled back foreskin and veins.

‘Perhaps don’t start with that,’ Anna laughed. She vanished into the bedroom.

I emptied the bag, lining the contents up on the floor next to me. When Anna returned, now fully dressed, she found me studying a six inch piece of black rubber shaped something like a miniature Christmas tree. I think I had worked out what it was for.

‘Anal can be painful at first. The muscles down there never get stretched, so the first few times can hurt, but when you get used to being stretched, it can be very enjoyable. If you are able to leave that inside you, it will help.’

I watched while she checked her clothes and hair in the mirror, then stood and kissed her. I wanted to say thank you. I wanted to say that I loved her, but somehow standing there with a dildo in my hand, nothing seemed appropriate. I just kissed her and smiled.

‘Ciao,’ she called as she slipped out of the door.

I ran myself a bath, and sunk down into its warmth. The combination of alcohol, sex, and hot water should have made me feel sleepy, but I was just excited by all that was going on. A different life seemed to be opening up before me, and it both scared and thrilled me.

I reached over the edge of the bath and picked up the anal toy. With the bar of soap, I gently massaged the entrance to my bum, and then slowly positioned the dildo. The feeling reminded me of Anna probing me with her tongue, which excited me even more.

I pushed slowly. At first it seemed easy. I pushed a little more, suddenly reaching the point where the muscle screamed NO. It hurt. It seemed that less than a quarter of the thing was inside me. I lay there, tried hard to relax, then pushed a little further. Again it hurt, but I held still.

I continued in easy stages. The worst pain came as I reached the widest part, and I honestly thought the muscle would tear. I remembered pain of childbirth, but then there were people standing by with drugs and all manner of surgical equipment. This was all down to me, I had to deal with it alone.

Finally it slipped in, leaving just a circle of black rubber pushing into my cheeks on the outside. It is difficult to say whether the sensation was pleasant or not, I just felt full. That in itself was nice, but I quickly realised making the wrong associations with how it felt would not make it seem sexy.

I stayed in the bath until the water began to feel cold. Bed seemed the most practical place to get warm again, so that is where I headed, grateful that the room was a twin, and I had the option of a bed that was clean and undisturbed. I had drifted off to sleep when phone Rang. It was Anna.

‘I am in the back office,’ she whispered. ‘I’m afraid I cannot talk for long. Someone may come in. Your husband just phoned. I told him that I could not locate you. I hope that was okay.’

‘Of course.’ I did have a flush of guilt, but I knew that Tom would not have expected me to stay at the hotel all day just waiting for him to call. I was being irrational.

‘He left a message,’ she continued, ‘He said that he was staying over, and would call at 8.00.’

I wanted to scream with delight. Not only did I have the day, but now I had a whole night. A whole night to explore what ever I wanted. The only reason I did not shout, I did not wish to break the magic that seemed to be surrounding me. I could almost hear the smile on Anna’s face.

‘Will you have dinner with me tonight,’ she asked.

Of course I would have dinner with her. I could not think of anything more perfect. The time it would take to speak with Tom would give her a chance to change out of her uniform, and we would meet outside, away from prying eyes. The only difficulty I foresaw was the having to wait three hours.

‘Did you try what I suggested?’ she asked.

‘Oh yes,’ I laughed.

‘Oh boy. Give me ten minutes and call me at reception. I have to go. Ciao.’

Anna answered on the third ring. ‘Buon Giorno. Parlando Anna.’

‘Anna, it’s me, Kat.’

Good afternoon Madam, and how can I help you?’

I was at first confused, but soon realised that Anna was at the reception desk and giving nothing away. ‘You wanted me to call.’

‘Certainly Madam, we can help you with that. Do you have the recommendations with you?’

Recommendations. What were recommendations. ‘Do you mean the toys?’ I asked, ‘they are back in the bag in the bathroom.’

‘No problem at all Madam, I can wait while you fetch them.’

I jumped off bed and ran. I had no idea what was going on, but I could feel my heartbeat starting to quicken. I was getting excited. ‘Okay,’ I said, ‘but I have no idea what to do.’

‘My personal preference is to take several short breaks during the year, rather than one long one, but I am sure we can help you either way.’

I took out the small vibrator. ‘Anna,’ I asked, ‘are we about to have phone sex?’

‘Certainly madam. We are always happy to help you with reservations, whether it is in person, or by phone.’

I sighed involuntarily, and felt that now familiar warmth flooding my groin. ‘You want me to fuck myself with a vibrator?’

‘Of course, madam. A good choice if I may say so. If you would like to give me all your details, I will make sure we have everything properly noted.’

I turned the vibrator on and slid it between my legs. I was already wet and had no problem at all getting the cold buzzing plastic between my lips. I started to tell Anna exactly what I was doing, and how I was feeling, though I am sure that my now laboured breathing was far more expressive than any words.

‘Please madam, take your time. There is no need to rush. We want to make sure that everything is perfect for you.’

I could hear a slight hesitation in Anna’s voice, and sensed that she was aroused. It made my heart ache knowing she would be stood there, in public, and unable to find any sort of relief, but equally, it made me all the more excited. She was doing this for me.

I pushed the vibrator into my now dripping vagina, upwards so it pressed into my bladder. The vibrations seemed to echo right through my body. It took a few minutes but suddenly I could feel myself getting close.

‘Anna, I am going to …’ I couldn’t finish the sentence. With the base of my hand pressed hard against my clit, and the tip of the dildo rubbing against my cervix, I came. Every muscle in my body tensed. I shook over and over. I screamed obscenities. I felt warm fluid escaping from me and running into the crease of my bum. I felt wonderful.

‘Anna…’ The words that were in my head were, Anna, I love you, but I had no idea how to say them.

‘Yes Madam, we have all that. Is there anything else we can help you with,’

‘Yes,’ I stuttered between gasps, ‘but you would have to be here in person for that.’

‘Then we will look forward to seeing you very soon.’

‘Yes, and thank you Anna.’

‘You are very welcome Madam, Ciao.’

Anna told me later that she had been so wet she thought it was going to be visible though her trousers, and had to beg another girl to cover her while she ran to the toilet. She confessed that she had to play with herself and had cum, and had to leave the now soaked panties in the waste bin.

We met at the appointed time and walked through the town, arm in arm, talking of inconsequential things as though we had known each other our whole lives. I don’t think I could have felt happier. The bar come restaurant that Anna took me to seemed to be owned and run by Anna’s uncles, aunts and cousins. Everyone seemed to be related to Anna and to each other, which meant a lot of introductions, hugs and kisses to go through when we arrived.

Unlike a lot of Italian families, they were content to just accept that I was Kat, a friend, and ask nothing more. It actually made me feel very much at home, as if I were eating with family. I immediately relaxed and started to enjoy. Perhaps because the atmosphere was so endearing, the pasta had to be the best that I had ever eaten, and having married into a large Italian family, I had a lot to compare it to.

While we enjoyed our food, and consumed far too much red wine, Anna suggested a game. Pick an ideal lover. The only restriction, it had to be someone we could see in the bar. The contenders were numerous.

Two older gentlemen sat in the corner playing chess and drinking brandy, I argued that their joint tally on years experience outstripped everyone else, Anna rallied that the pot belly’s might be a barrier to full and satisfying penetration. Our next, Aunt violet, we were at least able to agree that it would be a delight to get lost and never be found between her enormous breasts, or better still, her thighs. Roberto, the chef, had to be high on the list, because of the sensual way he wiped his face whenever he opened the ovens. We even considered the middle aged businessman, having dinner with what appeared to be a young female secretary, because he looked suave and sophisticated in his designer suit, and hungry for a lot more than pasta.

My favourite though, had to be the young waiter that looked after our table, he had a deliciously tight bum, which showed in his equally tight trousers. ‘A perfect choice,’ remarked Anna, ‘he is my cousin, and he claims that he has never had any luck with women. You could be his first.’

I did not know whether she was being serious or playful, so I asked her for her choice.

‘That is very easy. I would choose you, even in a room filled with a million people.’

I immediately wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her. The sound of mock applause and cheers arose from the surrounding tables and staff. I blushed. There had been several moments in the past eight hours, that had melted my heart, but this had to be the worst. Or best.

I really did not have the right words to express how I felt at that moment. What came out of my mouth was a slightly slurred ‘thank you.’ I was more than a little drunk. We both were. We sat in silence and held hands discreetly below the table. I felt like a teenager again going through the angst of my very first crush

Anna finally ordered coffee for us. ‘I am very glad that you like games.’

‘I do, especially ones that I can share with you.’

‘That’s good, because I had organised a little game for you back at the hotel,’ she confided quietly, ‘well, more of a party really.’

My mind hung onto the first word. Had. Past tense. It was not hard to know what was going on in her mind, it mirrored mine perfectly.

I thought about the afternoon spent with the stallion. ‘When you say party, do you mean that I was going to be fucked?’

Anna giggled and smiled. ‘Yes.’

I sat and thought for a few moments. ‘If I am going to get laid, then you have to promise me two things. And I mean, absolute, cross your heart, hope to die, promise.’ I was definitely drunk.

She looked at me. Those big dark eyes again searching deep into my soul. ‘I will give you an honest answer to whatever you ask, but before I can promise anything, I need to know what the question is.’

‘Okay,’ I said, trying to process the long sentence. ‘If I am going to be fucked by anyone, anyone other than you, I need to know that you are okay with it. Because, if you are not, then neither am I.’

She sat, considering what I had said. ‘I want to show you and let you experience the true joys of sex. I want to do that while I can watch you and be with you. I want you to know what it is like to be had by men, because that is what you have craved. If you do not do it now, you will continue to crave it, and then you will do it without me being there to watch you and help you.’

‘I want you there. I know I will feel safe and protected with you there, but more than that, I want to share that joy with you. If this has become too difficult to share that joy, then I will not do it. I cannot do it.’

Anna swallowed hard. I sensed she was fighting back some strong emotions. I know that I was. ‘I promise you that I am okay with it. This is for you my dearest, sweet Kat.

‘Then you have to make me a second promise. One doesn’t work without the other.’


‘You have to promise that you will stay with me all night. You will not leave my side.’

‘What if I have to get up and pee? I am not sure I can go all night without peeing.’ She was smiling.

‘Especially if you have to get up to pee,’ I said laughing, ‘that’s the most important bit.’

‘Then you have my solemn and absolute promise.’

I held my pinkie out to seal the deal. I was not sure that it mean
t anything in Italian culture, but Anna clearly understood the gesture, and wrapped her little finger into mine. Then she pulled me close and kissed me.

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(This is the continuation of my last part so please read it first before reading this one. Thank you.) “Thank you, mom,” Rajesh whispered. “What for honey?” Riya raised her head and looked at him. “For showing me. You know, telling me about you.” “Yes honey, I enjoyed doing that for you.” “It is so exciting for me when you do that when you tell me how to touch you.” “You are a good student,” she giggled. “You are the best teacher.” “Nice lessons darling, better than school.” she giggled...

3 years ago
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Chelsies Dilemma Part 1

May 5 th , 2011 The end of the semester is fast approaching and I couldn’t be any more excited. Not only will I be done with class, but summer time will be upon us and that means I’ll get to work on my glorious tan, lounge around doing nothing…and…that fucking thing called work… It’s not entirely bad though. It’s a steady job I’ve held for the past two years and I’ve been fortunate to work for a very lenient boss who let me take some time off near the end of the semester to ‘focus’ on my...

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Manmoirs A Bonus From The Boss

Back to my summer job with Pepsi, who really did a terrific job with the female hiring that year. The talent went up a million percent. Now that I'm reflecting on that particular summer, I had my eyes on this gorgeous half-Asian girl who used to brag about the guys she was sleeping with behind her boyfriend's back. If she was looking for respect she wasn't getting any from me except she was drop-dead gorgeous. The first couple weeks I tried to get her attention, flirt with her, show off my...

Straight Sex
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The beginning

It was almost 9 at night on a tuesday, here I am sitting in my car waiting at a local desert cafe for a girl. Little did I know that this girl would be the most amazing girl I have ever met. She told me she had to work late so she would met me at a desert place around the corner from her place. I waited patiently until I saw a car that I knew was hers, she had told me what kind of car she drove so I just knew it was her. She was a beautiful woman, Auburn hair down almost to her shoulders, 5'6"...

3 years ago
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Any Opportunity Will Do Ch 17

Kat and Josh are apart but missing each other as they pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. Will they get back together? This is a story full of Characters, with two lovers at its centre. As in life nothing is sure, and I have not yet written the end, so if you have suggestions on what should happen to the people in my story, please let me know and I will try to incorporate some of your suggestions. * Josh sat watching the world go by as John drove him home, the car speeding along...

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Daddy and His Girl Cows

Daddy and His Girl CowsChapter 1For weeks, the cow sluts in the barn have been excited. Daddy has been working on a new pump to use with our milkers, and it seems like it has taken forever! But finally, Daddy says he's ready to show us what he's made, and that he's going to demonstrate it to some of the other daddies who have, or want to own, milk sluts. Daddy says if we do really well, and are extra-good bitches, he might even pick one of us to do a milking demonstration at the State...

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My Sexy Times

I took the shower head off and held it between my legs, pointing up. I do this pretty often so it's nothing new. It's a great feeling in the morning, the warm water spraying against all the parts of my pussy at once while a rub my clit, forehead pressed against the shower wall holding me up while I poke my ass out a little and spread my legs open. It tickles a little when the stream hits my asshole but I like it. I was thinking about last night, and that's why I stopped. I decided I would...

1 year ago
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Eat it All CumSlut Creampie

I thrust into my wife and with a deep low moan shot several long spurts of my sticky come deep inside her pussy. I felt her vaginal muscles spasm around my hard cock almost pulling the sperm out from me, depositing it deep inside her juicy wet hairy pussy."Go on then." Angie said. "You know what you want to do now."I pulled my now limp cock out from her pussy and gently moved down her body to nibble on her hard engorged nipples."Keep going downwards cum eater," Angie said to me in a playful...

1 year ago
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Life Gets A New Blast Payal I Love You

This story is real and took place around one month back. Let me tell you about myself. I am Subh. I am no call boy stuff. I am a simple average looking plump Marwari boy, coming from a well to do family, of Kolkata. This was my first sex experience and was unexpected but gave me the feeling of ecstasy. I am in third year of my graduation and am a rank holder in academics. I have rarely given time in my life for sex as was always busy with books. College changed my life. Friends, Hookah, Drinks...

2 years ago
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Accolades to Jerry Sandusky Reposted

Introduction: The title is a joke the man is a Monster Im reposting, I missed the major theme. Sorry, first story, Ill get better…I promise. Good evening young ladies, I greeted the two of them as I came in the front door. My twelve-year-old daughter Martha and her best buddy Jamie James. Jamie was staying the night, her mother had a date and expected to be coming in late. That was fine with me, I liked Jamie, she and Marti had been friends since first grade, she was a good kid. Hi Daddy,...

1 year ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 18

I spent the rest of the night sitting in front of the laptop with the Chrome browser open Googling for ... well it seemed like everything, because there was so much I felt ignorant about. I did remember to throw Edwina's casserole in the oven. There was a post-it note on top with the cooking instructions. Probably something 27 year old Cooper would have needed, but a casserole is a casserole for a man my age, so in the oven for an hour at 350. I had some tomatoes and cheese that I had...

2 years ago
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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 32

Vanlo uttered a long sigh. He cast his tired eyes down at his patient. The bolt was out. The wound was closed and starting to knit. He applied more of the salve to it now that she could stand it, now that there was no longer raw muscle and tendon exposed, and it would start to knit a little faster. But the girl's skin was still deathly pale. The bolt had gone deep and nicked the major artery. Before they got her to Vanlo, she had bled profusely. Her breathing had been very shallow. She was...

2 years ago
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I want to Fuck you Again Pegged

It was hard, but I knew I should be honest with my wife. I told her that I had a fetish for 'chicks with strapon's'.Although it made me nervous, I felt like I had to admit that sexy girls wearing strap-ons got me very horny.She was an amazing woman, so that information didn't faze her at all. In fact, she started wearing a strap-on that I had bought her.She let me take some pictures of her. Those pictures replaced any other porn that I could ever need. I found myself jerking off to the sexy...

2 years ago
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The Wakefield Cases The Licentious Life Of Mr Lacey Part 8

I embraced the small woman in front of me. She was wet and shivering. One of her hands grabbed my shoulder and we stood there holding on to each other in the rain. She was holding something between us which I was pressed uncomfortably against. Her hair clung to her head, heavy from the water. My face and hands were freezing cold and every raindrop hit me like an icy bullet. I opened my eyes and looked out over the empty street. In the light of the street lanterns you could see the water...

2 years ago
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I was born in Harrogate, England, in the mid 50’s. My Mum was a housewife at the time, my Dad was in the building trade. It all started, my love of nylon that is, with my Mum, when I was about 5 or 6 years old. Like a lot of housewives of that generation she liked to wear pretty feminine, clothes, even when doing domestic duties. I don't remember my Mum wearing trousers until many years later, it was almost always skirt’s, sometimes a dress for a posh do, during the 50’s and 60’s. I often...

1 year ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 25

As I was afraid would happen, Saturday turned out to be a blustery, gray day, with a threat of rain. Steve woke me up with a kiss, and, after quick bathroom visits, we were soon entwined in a loving embrace. The day was getting off to a marvelous start! Much later, as we were lying happily in bed, I stretched and exclaimed, "My, that was nice!" The hug and kiss that Steve gave me in response made it evident to me that he felt the same way. He got up, saying, "I'll finish in the bathroom...

1 year ago
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A Tale of Two Sisters

It was mid-July, and I was starting to get desperate, so I gave my mother a call, hoping for an easy out. I scored. She immediately began talking about the usual first-two-weeks of August. With no exceptions, the first half of every August of my life has been spent with my family at our cottage out on the Sound. "I know your life is in shambles right now, but you don't want to miss it. It's probably going to be the last year, because I'm thinking seriously about selling the...

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An Unexpected Pleasure

My name is Jan, and I am in my late 40s, and like to keep fit. I would like to relate to you what happened to me last week.You see a young couple from down the end of our street who were in their late teens I would say and that I had got to know quite well over the years, asked me if I would be kind enough to take some photo's of them both together. Only too happy to oblige, an evening was arranged for me to visit. Once I had arrived this is what happened......They sat me down and asked me to...

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Eveline Dellai Valentines Day Anal

Strutting into a palatial estate, Eveline appears to be a princess on parade as she receives some gorgeous Valentine’s Day red roses from her man who has sprinkled rose petals all over the room as a generous display of his love and lust. Taking off her sexy black high heels, strap by strap, Eveline starts to feel so horny for her man, aching to feel his big black cock all over her juicy pussy lips. Like a cat in heat, she starts rubbing her tight pink pussy lips, fingering that sweet juicy pink...

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Our Place

I think I've finally made up my mind about what I want to do if and when I grow up. I'm a junior at the university now and I've been vacillating between two majors since I came here but now it seems to be coming together. I've always enjoyed writing and I've kept a journal since I was about ten so it's fairly extensive. Now I'm thinking about tackling a book. It wouldn't be an autobiography, though. I'm not interested in sharing my whole life with the world at large but I think I've...

3 years ago
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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 48

I'd continued to keep my apartment long past my desire to remain there. My lease had been up at the end of February but I simply switched over to month-to-month, and renewed twice more. It was where I'd lived with Susan, and I had this vague idea that if she did decide to come looking for me I needed to make it as easy as I could for her. By May, though, my landlord had enough of that; either I needed to sign a new lease or get my butt out so he could find a replacement tenant. And it was...

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Growing up together

so my wife and i have been married 14 years pretty good years unitl one day I was using her phone arguing with our son when he hung up on me. When I went to call him back... up pops a picture (naked) of my gorgous latina wife with one tit hanging out. I of course went her and said what this??? My wife who seemed so innocent just hours before is now showing me her sex page and confessing the love of role play. angry at first i soon realized this gorgous woman with perfect round tits sexy wet...

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In My LifeChapter 2A

Maria had no doubt what would happen next. She saw the rage in Emerson's eyes and knew he would fight Hogan. What she didn't know was how the fight would go. Emerson had learned long ago to keep his temper in check. He had lost it on occasion and the results worried him. He had made it a practice to remain in control of his emotions. This time, it was impossible for Emerson to control his feelings as he saw what Hogan had just done. Stepping between Hogan and Maria, Emerson looked Hogan...

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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 5

Before my wives and I left on our honeymoon, Sandy and I had hired two lawyers, Grant Baker and Kenny Natron, to help us start our new business. They set up an appointment with us for today to discuss their progress and to ask us questions. It was ten minutes to two in the afternoon when Cindy called to let me know our two lawyers had arrived and they and Sandy were waiting for me in our conference room. We were starting to get really busy, so I definitely needed to find someone to be my...

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Court Ordered Spankings

Growing up in a small town you know everyone and everyone knows you. I started a summer job at the local diner as a waitress to earn a little extra money between school terms. The local Sheriff, John Stone and my good friend Judge Bob Mahoney eat breakfast every morning at the diner and were pleased to see me serving them. Mrs. Martins that owns the restaurant supplies us girls with a simple uniform dress. The dress fits me real tight around my hips since my measurements are 35-22-37, a fact...

2 years ago
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Enslaving Rico Part 2

Enslaving Rico chapter 2 A First Cup It was Monday morning and Rico woke up with a semi hard cock he grabbed his dick only to realize he was bound by the cock cage that Ben put on him. The cock cage was preventing him to jerk off. He was naked in his bed as instructed and all cameras in the room were recording his every move, of course on the other side of the camera was Ben. Rico got up and got dressed for school he wore jeans and the school jersey. He came down stairs and he poured...

1 year ago
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Exotic Massage

Hi, To all u ISS readers, this is my second time in here and i was really surprised with the response to my first story in here ” achanak mulaqaat” …. And not wasting ur time i come to the story… Jaise ki meri aadath hai mein sunday long drive par jhatha hun vaisa hi kuch plan kiya tha last Sunday and before that maine socha kaafi time hain tho kyon na GVK one (new shopping mall and multiplex in hyderabad) main aise hi ghoom liya jaaye ,mera aisa koi intention bhi nahi tha ki koi ladki ko...

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Driving Britney Spears

The pressures of being a teenager and being famous can sometimes be just too much to handle. Often these young k**s turn to harmful things like drinking or d**gs to escape the harsh reality of their lives. My name is Bobby and I can relate to the tremendous stress these teen idols go through day in and day out. You see, I am Britney Spears’ personal limo driver. I’ve known Britney since she was 11 and I’ve watched her grow into a very talented and beautiful young teen. And the pressure she...

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2005 Mein Urlaub in Tunesien

Diese Geschichte und alle Threats von mir erzählen Euch von meinem Urlaub in Tunesien, den ich nach meinem Abitur mit meiner besten Freundin Anja im tunesischen Ferienort Hammamet 2005 verbracht habe. Ich werde Euch meine „interessantesten“ Erlebnisse hier von Zeit zu Zeit erzählen, ich würde mich aber auch freuen, wenn ihr Eure eigenen Vorstellungen mit einfließen lassen würdet, und schreibt, was nach Euren Phantasien hätte passiert sein können. Meine Threats werden am Anfang immer als „reales...

4 years ago
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Blackmail Come True Chapter 4

Dear Readers, I highly encourage you to read chapters 1-3 before proceeding, that being said, I think this installment is probably still pretty enjoyable even without those. Just to catch everyone up our protagonist Jack McGarrity/Kimberly Leigh Noel is a recently divorced man in his late 20's. His wife asked for a divorce after finding out about Jack's secret obsession with crossdressing. Jack is currently being blackmailed by a "secret admirer" and has already been forced into a...

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