Warm Me Up free porn video

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Cindy swore the howling winds got stronger the instant the house was thrown into total darkness. The winter storm was not letting up and now she had no electricity. She knew from experience the old house would cool down quickly, and then stabilize at some ridiculously cold temperature.

She fumbled in the kitchen for the candles and matches she stored just for this occasion. She placed one lit candle in the family room and another in the living room. Later, she'd take one to the bedroom with her.

It was times like this the forty one year old woman almost missed her ex-husband—the only time. The alcoholic womanizer made a good salary, but that did not make up for the abuse she took from him. She'd made it through other storms without him and she'd make it through this one.

Cindy wrapped a comforter around her and sat on the couch, prepared for the long, cold night ahead.

Without the TV to occupy her mind, Cindy allowed all her demons to resurface. At the head of the list was her failure in the three years since her divorce to find and keep a good man. She liked to blame it on the fact there weren't any, but in reality she knew she was an attractive, smart woman who should have no trouble finding somebody.

She worked out religiously to maintain her figure; her hair was professionally styled (thanks to the alimony checks); and, she wore the latest fashions. Still, no serious relationships had formed. Cindy wasn't above flirting, either verbally or by what she wore, but nothing worked.

Her brief journey into despair was interrupted by a flash of light in the family room window. The only thing that could cause that, Cindy knew, was a car in the driveway. She bolted from the couch and pulled back the curtains just enough to let her see out.

Through the blinding snowstorm she thought she recognized her son's car. Only when he got out and began walking toward the front door did she know for sure it was Kevin.

Cindy rushed to the door and had it half open before Kevin could knock. He smiled as he entered, stomping his feet and shaking his coat to rid them of the wet snow.

"What are you doing here?" Cindy asked, pushing the door shut against the wind.

"Should I leave?" Kevin said.

"No! I just didn't expect you in THIS," Cindy said in reference to the awful weather.

Kevin took off his coat and hung it on the knob of a closet door. He brushed any remaining snow out of his hair.

"I have a portable generator in the trunk, and a space heater," he told his Mom.

"Kevin! I love you!"

Cindy gave him a hug and kiss, and led him into the family room.

At twenty years old, Kevin was caught between still trying to please his Mom and separate from her to create a life of his own. He had dropped out of college, but had a decent paying job that allowed him to buy a small condo.

Even in the dim candlelight, Cindy could make out the familiar features of her handsome son. Unlike herself, Kevin needed a calendar to keep track of his many dates. She was glad for him.

"Can you believe this storm?" she said.

"It's the worst I can remember for a long time," he confirmed. "I think I'll go out through the garage to get the stuff. I can already feel the house getting cold."

"I'd make you something to eat but I can't," Cindy told him.

"It's OK, Mom. We'll be fine."

Ten minutes later, the generator was on and the space heater was spitting out just enough heat to make the room bearable. The small amount of extra light it provided was equally appreciated.

Kevin and Cindy sat on the couch in relative comfort and talked, something they did far too little of. Kevin was beyond the age of idolizing his very pretty mother, but her looks still had an effect on him. Perhaps, even a forbidden effect that he was afraid to acknowledge.

In the dim light, her blue eyes sparkled. Her turned up nose and curvy lips had a more youthful look than her true age. Kevin often tried to dismiss his attraction to her well-formed figure, but especially now when she was in need of his help.

Cindy struggled with similar urges for somewhat different reasons. At her age, she could better handle the idea of being attracted to her son. But hers was brought on more by the fact that she was alone with a man who could provide for her. Yes, there were sexual undertones, but they were combined with a mature requirement for companionship.

Cindy was tired of being lonely.

In the midst of their conversation, the sound of a snowplow outside barely caught their attention. It was to be expected on such a night and they talked for another half hour.

Finally, Kevin said he'd better get back and Cindy once again felt the pang of loneliness. She tried to delay his leaving by asking him to move the generator and heater into the bedroom, which he did. But eventually she watched him walk out the door to his snow-covered car.

It only took her a few minutes to undress and put on a robe. The idea of sleeping in it sounded good to her in the still-chilly bedroom.

Cindy was in the hallway on her way to make sure she had blown out all the candles when she heard a knock on the front door. She stopped in her tracks. Cindy crept to the window and looked out as she had before. A car was at the end of the driveway. Was it Kevin's? She couldn't tell.

Cindy cautiously unlocked and opened the door a crack. It was him.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I'm stuck," Kevin said timidly. "I thought I could make it through the pile left by the snowplow. But now I'm in far enough I can't get out."

He was inside the house at that point and Cindy closed the door.

"Is the car OK where it's at?" she asked.

"Yeah. It's fine. I'm still in the driveway and nobody would be driving through that pile, I hope."

They looked at each other for an instant.

"Is it OK if I stay here tonight and finish digging it out tomorrow?" Kevin asked.

"Of course it is," Cindy said cheerfully. She tugged u*********sly on one side of the robe to close it a little tighter around her body. "Come on in. I'll get the candle lit again."

Soon, the room was back to the dimly lit state it was in earlier, minus the heater.

"You're going to freeze out here," Cindy said.

"Nah. The comforter is enough."

"I can get you another blanket," Cindy said.

"No. Really, Mom. It's OK."

She paused, debating with herself whether to suggest it or not. Then she said to him, "Or you can sleep in the bedroom."

He stared at her for a moment.

"But, where would you...," he started to ask.

"No, it wouldn't work," she said quickly. "Forget I said it."

Only the wind outside broke the uncomfortable silence in the room. Cindy used two hands to hold the top of the robe tightly around her neck.

"I'll be fine," Kevin assured her again.

Cindy made sure he had everything he needed before heading back into her bedroom. She pushed the door more than halfway shut and crawled into bed. She felt strangely comforted that Kevin was in the house with her. There wasn't much he could do to make the situation any better, but at least she wasn't alone.

She adjusted the robe and, in the process, paused to let her hand rest on one of her breasts. She closed her eyes and thought of Kevin. He was still so young, but she saw him now as a man. A man capable of...of being with a woman. Cindy pressed harder on her breast and felt the nipple hardening.

He looked a lot like his father, Cindy thought to herself. She saw an image in her mind of Kevin's father rolling on top of her, his hard cock ready to enter her. She squeezed her nipple while trying to remember the feel of the cock inside her. He made love hard and fast...mostly hard. Sometimes she liked that. Sometimes she wanted to be loved.

Her hand was inside the robe by the time she came back to reality. She wasn't cold anymore.

Kevin lay on the couch fully dressed and under two blankets for nearly an hour. The wind outside and the hum of the generator in Cindy's bedroom made every effort to keep him awake. He wondered if it was true certain things happened for a reason. He wondered if his Mom was as lonely as she seemed every time he talked to her.

Kevin reflected back on the front door opening and his Mom standing there in her robe, the front falling open just enough to hint at the breasts underneath. He speculated on what else she had on.

Finally, he rolled out from under the blankets and walked slowly towards her bedroom, attempting not to trip on anything in the dark.

When he reached her door, he leaned his head around the corner. Cindy was on her side, facing him with the covers pulled up to her chin.

"Mom?" he said softly.

After a pause, he said again, "Mom?"

The door opened easily and without a squeak. He inched his way toward the bed. Cindy never moved as Kevin took off his sweatshirt. A moment later he stood next to her bed in only his boxers.

Kevin considered grabbing his clothes and going back to the couch. He hesitated another half minute. And then he pulled back the covers just enough to clear a way for him to get into the bed.

He was embarrassed by the twitch in his cock—embarrassed at the fact he could find his own mother so desirable. Kevin was almost all the way under the covers when Cindy rolled onto her back. Her eyes never opened.

He debated what to do: Wake her? Let her sleep? Get out of the bed?

Now he wasn't sure how he could get out without fully waking her. Kevin looked at Cindy and the delicate rise of her chest under the robe. He pulled the covers down a few inches to reveal more of her fair skin.

Kevin was becoming convinced he was not leaving the bed voluntarily. He turned onto his side so his back was to his Mom. Maybe everything would be alright after all.

Cindy's mind didn't completely register what was happening when, twenty minutes later, she rolled to her left and her hand hit Kevin's back. Years of marriage made the contact seem natural. Until something kicked in and the fact she was not alone became obvious to her.

Cindy pulled away instinctively and she let out a quiet gasp. With eyes fully open, she looked at the back of the head of the man beside her. It could have been her husband. But no. It couldn't be.

"Kevin?" she murmured.

For some reason, she was glad he didn't respond. Cindy lay still for a moment to consider everything. She didn't remember him coming into the room. Could she have allowed him to lie down next to her?

Not having any answers, she had the urge to move closer to him—to make sure he was warm; to hold him.

She'd wanted to hold a man for so long. Oh so long.

Cindy slid her body closer to his. Their heads were on the same pillow now. She felt his body against her robe.

Cindy slowly put her arm over his side and let it come to rest on his body. He didn't have a shirt on. She could feel it. What, if anything, DID he have on? Her heart raced and her mind told her not to find out. Just let him sleep.

But he wasn't asleep.

Kevin awoke and took his mother's hand in his own. He pulled it so she was hugging him a little harder, a little closer. Cindy let him manipulate her hand and let it rest on his muscular chest. They stayed that way for several minutes.

Then Kevin rolled towards Cindy. She quickly rolled as well, ending up on her back. He looked over at her.

"I was freezing," he said, telling a partial truth.

"I thought so. Stay here if you want," Cindy said softly.

"I want to. Do you mind?"

She shook her head, unable to say the simple word.

"It felt good when you held me," he said in the darkness.

Cindy felt his hand take hers again and pull it onto his chest. She could feel the fine hair and the slight rise below his nipples. He wasn't holding her any more. She was touching him on her own.

They didn't speak. Cindy's hand roamed down as far as his navel and stopped. Kevin took the hand and guided it—lower. He didn't push it or pull it, just guided it. Cindy did the rest.

She felt his abs and his stomach. Finally, she reached the top of his boxers. As if receiving a clue, Cindy pulled her hand away. She was prepared to end it there, except that Kevin's hand was on her robe.

Cindy took a deep breath in and held it as Kevin slid his fingers inside the opening. He was above her breasts, almost to her neck. He slid across her soft skin. She tried to breathe naturally.

"Kevin," she whispered.

"Shhhh," he replied.

"You really shouldn't...," she said.

His fingers reached the top of her breasts. Each movement widened the gap in her robe. Kevin bent his fingers in the shape of the curve of her breast as he moved down. Soon, he nearly had one completely covered.

It was as if no line had been crossed until Kevin's hand made contact with Cindy's nipple. Her body stiffened. She could feel her heart thump.

Then, without rationalization from within herself, Cindy's hand went back to the top of his boxers. Cindy's actions now seemed to be driven entirely by what her son did. When he ran a finger over the top of her nipple, she slid her hand under the waistband of his boxers. When Kevin massaged the breast a little harder, Cindy moved her hand lower.

Kevin's cock reacted predictably. Even if Cindy had not moved her hand another inch, his cock would have soon touched it. But Cindy wasn't done moving her hand and contact was made very quickly.

They both froze for an instant. Then Kevin squeezed Cindy's nipple and her fingers slipped on top of his ever-hardening cock. They both expected the end to come soon.

Instead, Kevin moved his hand over to his Mom's other breast and Cindy slid her palm over his cock. When he squeezed, so did she.

Cindy loosened her grip and began a gentle rubbing of the shaft. Kevin moved his hand down until the belt holding Cindy's robe together came undone. She was nearly shaking when his hand returned to her tits.

He couldn't see her under the covers, but Cindy's pussy was now uncovered. Kevin suspected as much, but was taking his time proving the point. She was responding just fine to the manipulation of her nipples. His cock certainly agreed as it grew to full erection under her hand.

Ultimately, if she allowed him, Kevin had to find out for sure. He moved his hand down without opposition from Cindy and stopped just short of her clit. Clearly, she didn't have panties on. But making that final trip to her pussy was not easy for him.

Perhaps urged on by the increased pressure she applied to his cock, his fingers made their way to the very top of her slit. There he felt the bulge of skin that protected her clit. He reached inside and found it while Cindy let out an audible gasp.

Cindy didn't want him to stop, but she u*********sly did by using her hand to push down his boxers. Kevin removed his hand from her pussy to help her lower his underwear. Then his fingers returned, as did hers.

This time Cindy took a firm grip of the cock and began to pump it more vigorously. He felt huge to her. He was warm, and thick, and throbbing. She stroked him harder.

Kevin rubbed his mother's clit and felt the moisture collecting outside her cunt. He used it to lubricate her. Soon, he was running his fingers up and down the entire length of her pussy.

Cindy was breathing harder. Kevin heard it, and considered taking one more action. His fingers loitered outside the entrance to her cunt. Then Cindy spread her legs. Kevin needed no other sign.

A single finger slid inside her. Then two.

"Kevin. No," Cindy sighed.

He almost pulled out, but heard the desperation in his mother's voice. Cindy's ass lifted off the bed and he increased the speed. A moment later he was back on her clit with totally drenched fingers.

"Oh God. No. No!"

They both rubbed frantically, beyond any point of no return that may have existed. Kevin was as hard as he could ever remember and could only think of where he wanted his cock.

He rolled over slowly and put his head on Cindy's chest, just above her tits. With one hand, he pulled the robe apart until the two sides lay at her side. Her entire body was available to him now.

Kevin moved down and lightly kissed the top of her breasts. The skin was amazingly soft and warm. He moved around one breast, past her cleavage, and onto the other one. Each movement brought him closer to her nipples.

Cindy was holding his cock, but the attention he was paying to her body caused her to stop stroking him. She simply squeezed the hard shaft, and that was enough for Kevin.

Finally, his lips were on a nipple. Cindy didn't move as she felt his tongue slide across the most sensitive area of her body. His cock twitched in her hand, but she remained still as he licked her harder. Then she felt his teeth and a tender pulling of her nipple.

"Kevin. Oh God, that feels good."

He sucked on the nipple and then the entire top of her breast. Kevin forced his mouth down onto her supple skin, impatiently trying to fit more and more of her into his mouth. He licked frantically, stabbing at the nipple as it grew.

Cindy moaned louder, gripping his cock tighter and feeling precum drip onto her fingers. Kevin was nearly on top of her now. She let go of his cock as it pressed against the side of her leg. Shivers went through her body at the sensation of a man—any man—so close to her.

All of a sudden, he was sliding on top of her. Neither of them expected it. It just seemed to happen, and it took a moment for them to recognize what was occurring.

Kevin lifted his head from Cindy's breasts and looked through the darkness at her face. Any apprehension she may have felt before was completely overtaken by a long-lost yearning. He moved up and kissed the side of her face. Kevin looked into her eyes and put his lips on hers.

He thought for a second she tried to say something. But he smothered her with a passionate kiss, forcing his tongue into her mouth and receiving hers back in exchange. Their bodies pressed together and Cindy wrapped her arms around his neck. During the length of the kiss, both of them felt the effects of his cock between them. Kevin began to push it against her pussy in simulated sex, and Cindy moaned her approval.

"I want you, Mom," he finally whispered. "I want to make you happy."

"We can't, Kevin. You know that."

"No," he replied quickly. "We can. Who'll ever know? I can feel you, Mom. Your entire body is telling me you want it. You already know what you've done to me. We can't stop now."

Cindy was about to speak when he slid a little lower, put his hand on her breast, and brushed his cock along the length of her pussy. She felt him against her clit. He rubbed harder and she arched her back. Her mouth was open, but she couldn't make a sound.

Kevin put the head of his cock between her pussy lips, just outside her cunt. He applied only enough pressure to confirm for both of them where he was. Cindy would either allow him to continue or not. She closed her eyes.

Cindy spread her legs wider apart.

Kevin pushed forward until he felt her body begin to close around the swollen head of his cock. Nothing was said between them as he moved into the most comfortable position. And then he pushed again.

This time he didn't stop until his entire cock was inside his Mom and he heard her whimper. It was clearly a sound of pleasure and he lied down on top of her.

"I love you," he told her softly.

She didn't respond vocally, but wrapped her legs around him in a physical indication of how she felt.

"It'll be OK, Mom."

"I know," she said. "I know."

With her heels dug into his ass, Kevin began to slide his cock in and out of her wet pussy. He wasn't sure what he expected, but the tightness of her hole surprised and stimulated him. His already throbbing cock ached even more the faster he pumped it into her.

Cindy tightened her legs and arms around him. She'd almost forgotten what it felt to have a man on top of her, thrusting a hard cock into her while she held him. Not in a million years did she think the next man would be Kevin, or that it would be so good.

His young cock filled her completely, threatening—it seemed—to stretch her beyond her limits. She wished, for a moment, that it wasn't so dark and that she could watch. But maybe that would only bring home the fact it was Kevin fucking her. Her son. She tilted her head back and just enjoyed the ride.

Kevin reached between the robe and Cindy's ass to pull her closer. His cock plunged into her harder and faster. In the darkness, he heard her soft voice.

"Yes. Yessss. Oh my God."

Kevin kept up a steady pace, despite a desire to be more aggressive. Perhaps one of his girlfriends would have wanted that, but he didn't want to disappoint his mother when she seemed to be taking pleasure in what they were doing. He'd go until the inevitable orgasms occurred—he hoped.

Cindy's robe prevented her from rolling the way she preferred when having sex. She found herself wanting to be on top. She convinced herself it was a sign everything was OK. An even better sign, she decided, was the fact her body was about to explode in an orgasm.

She struggled with the fact she was about to cum because her son was fucking her. She could hide it, she thought. But that would be unfair to him. Would she be too loud? Too quiet? Her heart pounded the closer she got.

Kevin knew he could cum at any time. Soon, he'd have to withhold it if his Mom had not already cum. Would he even know? Should he cum inside her? He heard Cindy's moans grow louder and more frequent.

"Ahhhhh. Kevin. I'm...I'm...almost..."

He lifted her off the bed and thrust his cock harder.

"God, yes! Ohhhh...Kevin...fuck me, Kevin!"

He had no doubt when her orgasm began. She constricted her cunt around his cock, squeezed her legs around his waist, and squealed with pleasure. Her body shook under him, rocking back and forth, up and down, as she came. At one point his cock came out of her, but he quickly had it back in and was driving it harder than ever.

Cindy mumbled words he couldn't understand. Her hair flayed across the pillow and her tits rolled on her chest. She felt the juices begin to trickle down her thighs the longer she came.

Finally, he heard something he understood.

"Cum for me, Kevin. I want you to cum."

Even before she was finished, he felt his balls contract and the first shot of cum flow up his cock. He plowed his cock all the way into her and held it there, letting out a long, deep groan.

Cindy continued to cum beneath him while her son's cock emptied load after load of warm cum inside her. They came together in mutual bliss, their sounds drowning out the constant hum of the space heater and generator. The bed rocked under them and the covers were tossed aside.

Cindy was done first, allowing Kevin to finish with a couple final, frantic thrusts.

The silence that followed, with Kevin lying on top of Cindy, seemed to last forever. Their breathing slowed once again and their minds cleared. Recognition of what occurred began to hit them. Kevin's semi-erect cock was still inside her. He pulled it out with some hesitation.

"Kevin," she murmured.

"Yeah," he said, almost as a question.

"That was...really nice," she stammered.

His head was on the pillow next to her, tight against the hair over her ear.

"I just wanted to, um, make you..."

"I know, hon. You don't have to say it. You were wonderful," she said.

They hugged for another minute or two.

"Will you stay?" she asked.

He nodded.

"Will you take off my robe, and your boxers, and lay with me tonight?"

A moment later, they were free of all their clothes and back together under the covers.


Cindy was the first to wake up in the morning and notice the electricity was back on. Kevin was asleep on his back and she put her head on his shoulder. She woke him by placing her hand between his legs, on top of the covers.

Kevin awoke with a jolt, and then grinned.

"Good morning," Cindy said in a hushed voice.

"Good morning."

She withdrew her hand, but snuggled closer. "The electricity's back on."

"Good," Kevin yawned.

"Do you mind getting up and turning off the generator and heater?" his Mom asked.

He rolled out of bed with her eyes glued to his naked body. It was the first she'd had a chance to see him in the light and she wasn't disappointed. When he was done and crawled back under the covers, she watched his cock, large even in its flaccid state.

"You know what this means, don't you?" she said.


"There's hot water."

He felt her fingers sliding along his stomach.

"Enough for two?" he said.

"Maybe if we go together."

Kevin pulled Cindy on top of him as she giggled.

"What makes you think I'd want to shower with my mother?"

She slithered up his body until her right breast was above his mouth. As she suspected, he pulled her down and began to suck on it.

"THAT does," she said.

He bit her playfully and she squealed, rolling off him. Kevin slapped her on the ass and said, "C'mon."

She willingly followed him out of the bed and studied his firm ass while they walked to the bathroom. She could feel her pussy responding already. When he closed the bathroom door behind them, she was nervously impatient to get under the water with him.

But she had to wait. He turned and took her into his strong arms, kissing her long and hard. Kevin nearly lifted her off her feet with the urgency of his kiss. By the time he was done, the erection Cindy felt the night before was starting to appear once again.

"If you don't want to...," she began to say.

"I want to. Do you?"

She smiled. "I wasn't going to let you leave without at least one more."

Kevin ran a hand across her breast and turned to start the shower. When he had it just right, he motioned toward the shower and said, "After you."

This time it was his turn to watch his Mom's body as she stepped behind the sliding glass door. He quickly followed and slid the door shut. Cindy was standing under the flowing water and Kevin marveled at the beauty of her tall frame with the shower flooding down and around every curve. He had not seen a mature woman under these conditions, and he liked what he saw.

Cindy was not the most self-confident person to begin with, and having her son inspect her the way he did made it even worse. She crossed her arms in front of her body.

"You're beautiful," he said to her surprise.

She blushed and smiled.

"I hope you think so," she said.

He pulled her arms down, stood closer, and kissed her while pushing them both under the full brunt of the shower. Cindy probed his mouth with her tongue, feeling the water flow between them in the most erotic way. She reached for his cock and he put his hand between her legs. Before the kiss ended, they were ready for more.

Cindy had done some wild things in her life. She certainly never considered herself a prude. But until the previous night, there were things she trusted she would never do—like fuck her son. In fact, she never had any intention of ever holding his cock, let alone allowing him to shove it inside her cunt.

Now she was faced with one more dilemma. She had a new urge. An urge that seemed too strong to resist.

Cindy kneeled down in front of Kevin.

She held his cock in the palm of her hand, watching it lengthen at her touch and from the flow of water over it. Cindy gazed at it a few seconds longer. Then she leaned down and kissed the bright pink tip.

Kevin stood stiffly, not believing what was happening. Surely, she would stop at kissing.

Instead, Cindy's tongue emerged and ran down the entire shaft, and then back again. She licked the end, kissed it one more time...and then opened her mouth.

Kevin watched in awe as his cock slid inside his mother's mouth. Her lips closed around him almost as tightly as her cunt had done the night before, and she began to suck on the cock. Kevin fought every urge to hold her head, but he couldn't help it.

His hand touched the wet hair on her head and he pulled her closer to him. Cindy removed her hand from the bottom of the cock and tried to take it all in her mouth. A single gag was followed by a series of deep throat thrusts that convinced both of them they should continue.

Soon, Kevin was rocking back and forth in a steady motion as his Mom kneeled in place. She put her hands on his ass and squeezed his firm cheeks while sucking the very hard and very long cock. A drop of sweetness on her tongue told her Kevin was getting closer.

Just as she was beginning to imagine what it would be like when he came, Kevin said, "Stand up, Mom. Please."

She would do anything for him at this point, but was disappointed to leave his cock behind as she stood.

"Turn around," he said.

With her back to her son, Cindy felt his hand on her shoulder.

"Lean against the wall."

She put both hands against the wet tiles. Cindy felt Kevin's hands on the inside of her thighs, nudging her legs farther apart. She complied, understanding now what he wanted.

Her pulse quickened when she felt his cock under her ass. It brushed against her pussy and then rested at the same spot as the previous night, ready to enter her. He did not ask and she did not need to tell him. Everything was OK.

Unlike the night before, Kevin was faster and rougher. He jammed the cock forward and Cindy's body reacted with a shudder of surprise and ecstasy. Kevin's legs slammed against his mother's ass and they were fucking once again.

He held her by the waist. Cindy pushed against the wall and lifted her head in glee when he accelerated the pace.

"God, yes Kevin! Harder. Fuck me harder!"

They both reveled in the newfound a****listic approach and the sounds of their bodies and moans echoed in the bathroom. Kevin moved his hands up to Cindy's tits and crushed them against her chest as he drove his cock into her. Cindy put her own hand on her clit and rubbed it furiously while her nipples were being squeezed.

"Is this how you like it?" Kevin said from behind.

"Yes. Yes, Kevin! Ohhhhh, fuck yes!"

It lasted maybe sixty seconds. And then Cindy howled at the start of her orgasm. Her arms gave out and Kevin forced her up against the wall as he continued to fuck her. He pulled her ass back just enough to allow him to keep his cock inside her.

Then he came, too. Vicious grunts accompanied each blast of cum. A half dozen. Eight times he shot it into her. Cindy's ass was pink from the number of times he smacked against it.

She could barely stand when her son was finished. Kevin put his cock on top of her ass and rested against her. He nibbled on her neck and her shoulder, unable to get enough of the beautiful, sexy woman.

"Damn, that was good," Kevin said.

"After all that...now I need a shower," Cindy said, looking back at him.

"I can help.

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By now I hope you’ve all realized I had this story finished. I’m sorry for the panic I caused. I should have phrased my earlier disclaimer a little differently, as in: This is my last completed story for a while. Surely you know me well enough by now to know that I’d never start posting something that’s incomplete. Ah well. Here’s the ending of Hayden and Natalie’s story and I hope you’ll enjoy it. Happy Reading! MugsyB ,) *** ‘Hayden, there you are.’ Hayden turned at the familiar...

3 years ago
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Welcoming Sam

I live with my dad in Albany, New York. My parents have been divorced for about five years. My mom started fooling around with her boss and it finally got back to my dad. Never a pleasant situation. Since the divorce, he's dated some, one was hardly out of college. I sure liked her, but, I think they were just too different. He's a lawyer with a pretty big firm and he recently got married to a lawyer in the same practice but from New York City. They've known each other for a while and...

2 years ago
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Chloe Ch 02

Chloe woke with a start, there was movement in the room, she felt it. Noiselessly, she slowly twisted her head around on the pillow. She felt the presence more now, it was by the door, a vague shape in the dark. She moved her hand slowly to the light switch dangling from the lead to her bedside lamp. Click, she had shut her eyes and then opened them, her eyesight took in the room, seeing the guy all in black, night vision goggles whipped up as he rubbed his eyes. She stepped out of bed and slid...

1 year ago
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Death by BlowJob

My name is Michelle. This is the true story of the first time that I let a guy cum in my mouth during a blow job. I was one of those girls that never stood out in a crowd in high school. I was too smart to be popular . Those traits are exactly what attracted my first boyfriend (who later became my husband) to me.Freshman year of college, I'd been out on a few dates, but could never find someone to be serious with. There had been one guy that I liked a bit, but it never went beyond a drunken...

1 year ago
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Knocked Up At Home 8211 Part 1 My Hot StepDaughter

I’m Chandu, 39, with a 22-year-old step-daughter, Shravanti, who was getting bi-curious. She wanted to explore a man’s body for some things a lesbian partner cannot provide. Shravanti was a confirmed gay girl since her high school days. I had caught her scissoring (moving legs back and forth, between another girl’s legs, with both cunts riding on each other’s thighs) her girlfriend when she was just 19. Soon she bought a strap-on dick and got her girlfriend to pop her cherry. Since then, she...

1 year ago
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Victoria Per ScientiamEnd Notes

End notes: This story is dedicated to “Cliffie”, a senior Chief Petty Officer who served on the USS Liberty (AGTT-5) at the time it was attacked in 1967 in the Eastern Mediterranean during the “Six-Day War.” The Liberty was one of two unarmed American intelligence gathering ships that had been attacked during the Cold War, where sailors regularly went into dangerous waters to obtain information that our armed forces and national leaders could never otherwise obtain. Some of them paid the...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Piper Perri Tiny Piper Perri Welcomes Mandingo To Her Vagina

Attention porn pervs that enjoy petite blondes getting visibly skewered by long black dong. You have found a scene to quench your thirst. No wonder it’s called cam soda. Little Piper Perri is putting on her show and she has Mandingo over to deliver for her fans. Piper takes control and Mandingo seems to approve. The starlet two hands her meat missile and sucks the end while stroking. She works up the courage to climb aboard and there is a clear discrepancy in size. Amazingly, tiny Perri...

1 year ago
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Polyjuice Potion and the squib part 2 Sarah

Introduction: Squib tries to produce some polyjuice potion for interesting experiments… Part 2 of the series so far. Please read chapter one for background. Enjoy. ****************************************************************** *****Polyjuice Potion and the squib chapter 2 Sarah******* ****************************************************************** I still had some time before my parents came home. I was aware of the complexities of sex from my research on the internet. A man had a...

1 year ago
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Bullied by a bitch

"Okay, now stand on one food and shout: I am a stork." You clench your teeth and stare at the stupid girl. You won´t do it! "Stand on one food and shout: I am a stork, you moron or I will tell daddy everything," she says and pouts. The damn little brat is getting on your nerve. Her name is Samantha, she looks like an angle, 18 years old, with long blond braids, a face like a supermodel and an elegant figure a ballerina would envy her for. Unfortunately, her look is all she has in common with an...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Am I An Angel Or Devil 8211 Part 10

Hai guys back to you is deepthi.. I am very thankful to all those who send their feedbacks to me. Now coming straight to the story where I left… The morning when I woke up I felt little relaxed. I just remembered everything that happened within a week after my dad left me. I know that the whole college by now should have known about my slutty activities. Within a week of time, I was totally converted into a cheap like a slut by Shyam. I even let a stranger fuck me. To say the truth the sex...

2 years ago
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I Help My Friend to Get Pregnant

By: Sachin Sharma Hello to all SSI Readers , I found much of stories similar to my life, but I always hesitated to wrote something about myself and my story. But I did and now I always Read in this Category . The Incident Which I am going to tell You had been Happen 2 years ago. The lady was my colleague in my office and in same department. Her Name Was Priya (Changed Name ) . She lived in Noida sec-21. She Was Normal Looking Female of 24 Years . My Name is Sachin , 25 Years of age and...

2 years ago
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Double VisionChapter 2

The next day Jenny had Ron meet her after school and she introduced him to her sister, Julie. To say they were twins was an understatement. Ron was not able to tell the two apart, even standing less than a yard away. They had a good laugh as Julie said she couldn’t figure out why he kept waving at her, and thought it best to stay away from the lunchroom oddball. The bookend sisters told him about trading spots on occasion in classes when one or the other knew the material better, or just...

3 years ago
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For Want of a MemoryChapter 32

Kris stopped pacing and just looked around the apartment. It didn't feel like home. He wondered if it ever had. There were personal objects scattered around. Some of them held meaning, but there were others that were just things. He hadn't missed them when he was gone. He'd missed knowing things about himself, but he hadn't missed any of his "stuff." He hadn't missed any people either. He was missing people now, though. Missing Lulu and Ambrose was a given, but he also missed Jessica,...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Eva Lovia Flipping The Script

Movie making can be fun, but seriously, who needs a fucking script to make porn? Okay, maybe some people need a story or theme to get hard, but this is Bang Bros. I assure you, Eva Lovia will look just as amazing getting fucked with or with out a stupid set up. Eva is one of the hottest ladies in this biz. I only say one of the hottest because I don’t want to hurt anyone else’s feeling. Not only is she fine as hell, but she truly loves to fuck, and she is so fucking skilled at it. Watch this...

1 year ago
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Kyles Porch Ch 02

These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. Part two of eight: Birds, and a naked girl? * I vowed to take some pretty drastic actions to avoid any problems. At...

3 years ago
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IBE The Days Of WanderingAddendumBoston

RIIINNNNGGG RIIIINNNNNGGG RIIIIINNNNNGG. I woke up and slammed the old alarm clock by my bed off. It was six AM, and I had to get up for work. Kelly lay beside me, her 35 year old body still sexy, on our four-poster bed. She was in beautiful shape, but she didn’t have to get up for a bit yet- her first class was at ten, and she didn’t need to feed Lucy for a little while longer. It was my turn to get the kids ready for school. I turned and cracked and creaked the aching joints of my aging 52...

4 years ago
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deepest darkest descent holiday pt 2

so id had a 50 man gangbang had 50 loads of black cum in my arse and pussy it was the last evening of my holiday my dress instructions were white see thru cropped at the knee pantyhose with niggar whore on the waistband front and back with matching bra top at dinner jerome and anna joined us anna was dressed in sma eoutfit but in black and on her waistband was jeromes whore jerome told us that he and a few friends actually owned the hotel they had just bought it and they wanted to turn it into...

1 year ago
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I shared my wife with another man

Nancy and I have been married for 10 years, and our sex life is fantastic. We are open and adventurous, but had never brought anyone else into our bed. Sometimes we would watch porn, and while watching, I would ask her about what she had done with other guys she had before me. Nancy was not what I would call loose, but she has been around the block a few times, and I enjoyed hearing how she satisfied other men. Sometimes I would ask her if she had a desire to enjoy another cock, and she always...

3 years ago
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Celebration sex part 1

My girlfriend, Sarah, and I have been together for a few yers, having started dating during school. We were one of those couples where everyone knew we liked each other before either of us realised, so there was no surprise when we got together. We were each others first, and have continued to enjoy every aspect of our relationship, in particular the adventures in the bedroom.For our three year anniversary, we went for a meal in the local city, and booked a nice hotel room to spend the night....

Straight Sex
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The story of Beth

One particular women, Beth, I was sexually involved with was open to all kinds of things. Our relationship, if you want to call it a relationship was strictly sexual. We never went out. Sometimes I would sleep over at her apartment. When we did get together, she always asked me what I wanted to do. Our first sexual encounters were plain old vanilla sex. Missionary fucking and blow jobs. One day I thought, can I push the envelope. I was fucking her doggie style and looking down at...

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Cat Fight 27 The Last0

tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p'uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k'aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco...

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Im the woman in charge

You are with me as consciousness dawns. The morning has begun to glow. I hear a bird. Some of the night leaves me. I sense your body. You are hardly touching me. We went to sleep entwined. The loving had been dramatic. Energetic. Two well-toned bodies making their music. You satisfied me. I drew out of you all you had. Then we let each other sleep. Recovering. Unwillingly and unwittingly we parted. I rolled over one way, you the other. Only our buttocks remained engaged. Smiling at each...

2 years ago
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Chapter 12 Serving Two Men Betraying Both Panty Assault Branded And Penis Cake

Darting between two men’s fluttering guppy tails assured my desirability. While empowering, shifting back and forth to reciprocate their attention was stressful. The anomaly of segregating my faithful wife persona from cheating adulteress caused exposure paranoia.Hiding the good wife from Edward was easy. He knew I was married, wasn’t interested in my family life and only demanded devotion the brief times when with him. I obediently wore attire, cosmetics, and jewelry he selected as proof of my...

3 years ago
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Tiny Dancer

She looked down and I watched her eyes widen in surprise. She had the loveliest eyes, bright blue, blue enough to even be seen in the limited light of the club. She flashed me a dazzling smile. “You sure about this sugar?” she said with a voice as sweet as her affectation. Sure about what I thought to myself as I watched the light behind her explode her hair into a golden halo. Am I sure I can keep from falling off my chair? Am I sure I want to taste those sensuous lips just a foot from...

3 years ago
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The Story of Caya

http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/b4831-the-story-of-caya.htmI became pregnant my first night at Arun market. By the time most of you get to read this story I would have given birth. Already I have a name for the c***d, be it a boy or girl—I pray for a boy though—I will call him (or her) Arun, after the market. It's only fitting that he (she) answers the name of the place where he (she) was conceived. Unfortunately I won't be able to mother him (her) when that happens, but from seeing how...

3 years ago
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Punishment ParkChapter 2

Tanner took great pleasure in interviewing numerous bimbos for those menial tasks of hostessing etc., installing many after sampling the virtues of their flesh, which nearly all were most obliging, but recruitment of administrative staff was a little more difficult ... though external forces made the task a little easier. Hortense loved the idea of owning a journal such as that published by Tanner, not to mention the park which he was opening in conjunction with it; something which excited...

4 years ago
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Shadowsblade Testing finals

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

4 years ago
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Winter War Legend of the Snow Fox

In a move that has shocked the political world at large; the governments of Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have concluded and signed a treaty of mutual non-aggression. The released statements of many world leaders has ranged across the spectrum, from ones of rejoicing that the prospects of another great war in Europe has been avoided, to others who unofficially are seeking more information or are involved in a series of ‘intense discussions’ with allied...

4 years ago
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What We Do for LoveChapter 4 Evelyn and Kathy Get Acquainted

After school, I stopped in to see if Kathy was home. Kathy Griffin is the real name of Lotta Rain. When I rang the doorbell and said who I was, Kathy buzzed me right in. She answered her door wearing an all-latex outfit, which made me do a double-take. Her boobs, while tightly encased in the shiny black outfit, were pushed up as far as they could go without nipple popping out. The skirt only just covered her groin and included really big pleats, like a window covering would have. Being latex,...

2 years ago
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Motel Pool Part 2 of 3 Mg cons rom

Motel Pool by SpectreOfHell Part 2 of 3 Morning came too early. John had barely slept the night before. He had waited for Kim to arrive and she never did. That scared him almost out of his skin. Her parents had found out, he just knew it, and the police would show up at his door any minute to take him away. What had he been thinking? Having sex with a c***d? But then he would think about her, his sweet angel, and the risk fell into proportion. She hadn’t entered his heart, it felt like she...

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Bhai ho to yesa

Hello , mera naam kiran hai me 38 saal ki saadi suda mahila hoon,me madhy pradesh ke ek chhote se shahar ki rahne waali hoon ,mere priwaar me, me ,mere pati 47saal,mera beta 14 saal aur beti 17 ki hai, mere pati job karte hai, unhen 8 saal se dame ki bimaari hai es karan thoda sa bhi saririk kaam karne se unki saanse ukhadne lagti hai ese karan pichle 8 saalo se me sex ka sukh nahi le paayi aab to sex ki ikchayen bhi mar si gyi hai ..lekin mera badan aabhi bhi bahut sexy dikhta hai bilkul jaya...

4 years ago
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My Dates

Introduction: Guys goes on a business trip and meets an interesting family I was staying at a hotel out in Long Island for a few days. I had some work that needed to be done but nothing stressful or time consuming. The weather outside was cold and crappy. This winter was a little more than usual. Too bad I could not have scheduled my trip for a better time. But this was one of the nicer hotels so my luck was really not so bad. I checked into my room and settled in a bit. Then I wanted to go...

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Black DominanceWhite Submission

[A story for Robert...he knows who he is!]He'd been chatting with Dennis, an older black guy, for a week before making arrangements to meet him face to face, and as Robert got ready to leave his parents house, he felt that butterfly sensation in the pit of his stomach that was the expression of both nervousness, as well as excited anticipation. The feeling was similar to the time when Robert, as a young boy, did his first-ever dive off a diving board; with that growing sense of uncertainty, and...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1: The Green AlbaThe room is deaf and silent, the only thing you will hear are the ticking of the clock and the sound of computers clicking. It’s really a slow day here at LifelineIT, a computer specialist shop at downtown Detroit. I was assigned at the repair department. There are only three costumers today, the two clogs in the cartridge and the other one only wants consultation about her pc overheating. Now I am stuck making “reports” about the store’s inventory which sucks because...

2 years ago
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Talk to you after class part 2

Jake walked into West River High School on Monday morning in the same way he always did, slightly sleepy and several hours early. This earliness wasn’t born out any particular desire to be at school mere minutes after its doors were unlocked at seven in the morning. More that it was born out of his desire to not have to walk to school, and the possibility of getting a ride from his father who worked in the area and started his shifts at seven thirty.  After depositing his books, bag, and...

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Bad Girl AmberChapter 15 Dean Is Rewarded

"So, did you enjoy doing that, Sweetie? Did it give you a nice big hard-on?" I ask Dean. Looking down I can see that it did. He's got quite a bulge. I let him know I've noticed, pouting and licking my lips appreciatively. I love flirting with Dean. He's really quite a dish. "Yeah, Gorgeous, damn right it did," he grins. "Got me quite wet too. Hey, so do you fancy rubbing that cream on my sexy legs now?" "Oh yeah baby." "Really IS your lucky day, Hunky, isn't it?" I giggle...

3 years ago
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Getting Help With My Story

Erotic story writer gets much needed help from his girlfriend...Getting Help With My StoryFor those of you out there who have been closely following my life story you are probably aware that I started writing sex fantasy stories and posting them on a fantasy web site. It is something I have been having fun with for several months now. Far from being embarrassed about it, it is not something I keep a secret. I readily tell my friends about my new hobby, though usually only if they ask me what I...

4 years ago
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Surefoot Imbarrazzo Ch 01

Thank you to all the kind words and compliments from the readers of my stories! I’ve made slight changes to the names of some of the characters, but they’re recognisable enough. ***** USS Surefoot, Deck 2, Alpha Squad Quarters: Jonas was certain he had felt more physically exhausted in his life. Damned if he could think of when. Alpha Squad had woke up an hour before, at 0630 hours, determined to take advantage of the quiet hours and get a workout in the gym. Which was fine, usually,...

2 years ago
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Bike Ride Leads To Orgasm

When I was in my mid-twenties, I moved into my first apartment and got settled. I took my morning bike rides around town and never had anything happen that would be considered out of the ordinary. That is, until one fateful morning... I started my bike ride and as I went along, a woman yelled out as I went past - "Hey, Babe!" I thought she said my first name, so I turned around and rode back to her. When I got up close, I realized I did not know this woman. She came over as I was still standing...

3 years ago
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Sanjana 8211 The Elegant Sexy Lady

Hi, this is Amit once again with one my recent encounters. For starters, I’m from Mumbai, 36 yrs, 5’10”, athletic, good looking and one with a high drive. I travel a lot and this has given me opportunities to experience some of the best sex with some of the best women. Do write back on Now, for the sex story. It was one of the usual travel days for me on work. I had to visit Dehradun on a business assignment and I took a flight from Mumbai, via Delhi. It was an early morning flight and then a...

1 year ago
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French Poodle Sissy conclusion

The way I saw it, Elise Bentley had pretty well wiped out any ethical obligation I had to her by refusing to pay me my fee and getting me stuck in this awful situation. Now.I could turn my attention to her husband's plight with a clear conscience and try to find some way of getting him out of his awful. captivity. So I bided my time, meekly obeying every order our captresses gave, and submitted to being transformed into a ripe, sexy, silly-looking girl-thing... Today it was time to...

1 year ago
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Serving driver

Kavitha got of from sleep with the noice the alarm making.she looked at it ,she shocked to what she saw it is already 7:30 ,she jumped from the bed and ran to her daughters bed room.There her two daughters manish(13) and preeti(10) are fully asleep.immidiatly she woke them up and send them to the bathroom.she hrriedly went to kitchen to prepare the tiffin for her daughters.she hard the sound of their car.she made everything ready and called their daughters.they are ready with their bags.she...

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The Bachelor Party

DEDICATION This small story is at once a dedication to, and an indictment of, the bachelor party that my youngest son roped me into organizing and funding. I honestly think young men expect their fathers to provide a wild last hurrah, complete with babes and free flowing booze. As a responsible parent, I did help to make it quite a memorable night, but alas, not as wild as he might have envisioned. The Bachelor Party By Ashley ...

2 years ago
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able was i ere i saw elba I think people tend to dismiss him as that blow-hard with a beard. Thinking like that, why wonder when you're cut down? Because that's propagating the oft-fatal error called underestimating the enemy. Overestimate, I always say, play up to that esteem and they're suddenly your friends. Let people underestimate you; that gains you tons of maneuvering room. Castro may well be one of the most stubborn of men, but he's highly intelligent; never has he allowed his...

3 years ago
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Kidnapped Daughter

Christmas 2005 "Hi, it's me," I heard pouted down the line. "Ohhhh, great," I replied facetiously back to my daughter. "What?" the little bitch croaked, although I immediately realized I couldn't fairly describe my daughter as little anymore. "Nothing... nothing. What do you want anyway?" "It's almost Christmas," my twenty-three year old daughter started. So fucking what, I thought. Surely she doesn't think she can get any more blood out of her old man. "You're...

2 years ago
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Oh Mr Patterson

Love at first sight can be a beautiful thing for some people, when it's the right person that is. Cupid struck me with his arrows and I had fallen head over heels for someone. He was perfect, just my type. His jet black hair, with the odd spots of aging silver was always neatly trimmed and slicked back. His eyes were a steel blue-gray colour which made me melt each time I gazed into them, and he had the clearest, most smoothest lightly tanned skin. He was incredibly handsome and I was smitten,...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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The return of Gina part 2

Gina and I talked about our unplanned stop on the way to her home, but admitted it was hot and that we will have to meet with them again. Gina says she would love to eat Sharon cunt. We arrive at her home and tell her that being a doctor must be going well for her, this is one hell of a house. She has to roommates also doctors. She notices me looking in awe and says in a k**ding way, please tell me you are not going to look at me as a sugar mamma because I have a nice house. I told her that...

1 year ago
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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 22 Stepping On Tigers Tail

Dave woke up at his usual six o'clock the next morning, after his morning routine, he tapped lightly on Alec's door. Alec opened it immediately and slipped out with his clubs. Dave drove Sarah's car to the golf course and he was happy he was only going a short distance. Driving on the left side of the road felt very strange - he was constantly tempted to slip over to the right side. When they arrived at the course there were only a few staff around and Dave politely asked a man about...

1 year ago
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Falling In Love With Kyle Chapter 2

Damn it. It was just a dream, again. I’d been having dreams like this ever since the first day at the dorms, and increasingly so since he asked me out two days ago. It was the morning of my date, and when I remembered this, my stomach filled with butterflies. I laughed at myself. What is wrong with me? I was acting like a little kid, going on my first date. I could handle this. It was one date, and it’s not like I’d never done it before. It would be fine. I got out of bed and went...

4 years ago
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Swinging Couple turned me BI

It was getting late in the summer. A terrible summer for Casey. At 24 she felt she should be dealing with the good things in life. Building a career, getting engaged, travelling, the goods things that young people do. Unfortunately she lost her job after her employer was bought out by a multi-national, her fiancée lost faith in her being unemployed, and left her. Casey went into a brief depression, lost faith in herself, stopped job hunting lost her apartment, and moved back home with...

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BongaCams Spy Shows

Everyone knows BongaCams, but their Spy Mode is another matter. The feature is often overlooked, lost in the shuffle of all the other sexy, fun shit the website has to offer. I wonder, of the half-million pervs tuning in every month to watch live sex shows, how many of them even know about the voyeuristic pleasure of the spycam. Spy mode is pretty much what it sounds like: letting you peek in on another user’s “private” one-on-one sex show. If you thought peeking in your neighbor’s windows was...

Live Voyeur Cams
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mind controller chip 2

When I saw him laid there I knew I was going to get him to fuck me sooner or later. I woke him up and removed his chip patch. Then I fed him. I checked that both chips and wrist bands were fully charged. and Put sheps patch on and then mine. It was a nice warm day so I removed all my clothes rather than get them messed up and sat on the sofa. I checked all my settings. I turned my inhibitor up to a point where I was comfortable thinking about having sex with a dog then added another ten...

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Quinns Saga

Quinn's Saga Chapter 1 It was a pleasant early summer day in the suburbs of Madison, Wisconsin, when eighteen-year-old Quinn Lindburg came down the stairs into the living room. He saw that his two cousins, Jill, and Meg had just arrived for the summer at his home. He smiled as he watched them excitingly chatting away with his younger sister Avery. All the girls were sixteen, and they were as close as sisters. Jill had come down from Minnesota, while...

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The Cosca Episode 1 Family ValuesChapter 2

Ray felt numb. The implications of what Joe had been telling him were staggering: on the other hand, it might all be a fabrication. Perhaps the "entertainment" might offer some kind of validation of what he had been hearing - but he hoped not. Shortly after Joe left the room, Ray heard footsteps approaching, and was not surprised to hear the doctor's voice. "Hello again, General," he said. "I trust that you are still comfortable?" "I wouldn't call it that," Ray responded, "but I...

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