Adventures In Oz free porn video

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Contrary to popular belief, Dorothy Gale was an incorrigible girl. To Auntie Em, and her other relatives, she was as innocent and pure as a Kansas sunrise. But what her Aunt did not know, is that Dorothy had become so curious and mischievous in her teens, she had become a naughty girl indeed.

Growing up on a farm in the middle of the Great Plains is no easy task for anyone. The nearest neighbor was three miles away, and the nearest town was a good thirty. But to an attractive twenty year old young woman, the isolation could be as difficult as surviving a harsh winter inside a log cabin. This "Farm Fever" as Dorothy liked to call it, nipped at her heels as a c***d, but after reaching her teens, the nipping had turned to a tingling between her legs.

She needed sex. And she needed it bad.

To make matters worse, Hunk, Zeke, and Hickory, three farmhands in their early thirties, had teased Dorothy with their charm and muscled chests, throughout her development. She teased them of course, attempting to lure one or all three of them into the barn as her Aunt baked pies inside the kitchen. But although the men may have been tempted by the pig-tailed beauty, they all knew better than to screw the farmer's daughter. For Hunk, Zeke, and Hickory had all known fellas who had made just that mistake, and had all wound up with a bullet in their back.

And then one summer afternoon, as Dorothy came bouncing up to the hog pen to deliver three glasses of lemonade to the men, the sky turned black as pitch, and the windmill spun like the wheel of a bicycle. It was a twister.

Zeke grabbed Dorothy's hand, dropping the glasses into the dirt, as the funnel cloud raced towards the farm like a runaway locomotive. But as they were running down the cellar stairs, Dorothy lost her footing and fell forward down the last two steps. She fell into darkness then, the sound of the tornado whistling in her head.

When she came to, Dorothy found herself in a landscape quite different from the cellar of her Kansas farm. She was outside, but the drab colors of the landscape had been replaced by a brilliant palette of blues, reds, greens, and yellows.

After her eyes finished adjusting, her ears picked up the sounds of tiny little voices coming from the bushes, and suddenly in the sky, there appeared a vision in pink. The woman floated down to the yellow street, and Dorothy's heart skipped a beat. The woman was stunning.

Her hair was blond and wavy, her skin as pink as the lacy gown she wore, which was practically transparent. Dorothy had never seen a woman as stunning as the one now standing before her, and it flooded her head with naughty thoughts that were exciting and new.

"They are shy." The woman said, her blue eyes sparkling like two sapphires.

"Who?" Was all Dorothy could say, for she was still staring at the woman's body. "Why, the munchkins, of course." And she laughed a sexy velvety laugh. "But no matter. They would only tell you to follow the yellow brick road, which is exactly what you must do."

Dorothy looked puzzled.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Glenda, the Good Witch. And I really think you'll like what you'll find on the road."

"Which is?" Dorothy asked.

The Good Witch leaned forward, her soft ripe breasts practically in Dorothy's face.

"Because," she said, "You'll find everything you've been wanting."

Dorothy thought she wanted the beautiful woman, but clearly there were things she desired more just down the road.

"Move on down the road girl." Glenda purred.

And Dorothy did just that.


She had walked a good half mile when the tiny houses she had seen when first awakening, gave way to vast open cornfields, stretching on either side of the road. She had seen cornfields as a girl, but her Aunt and Uncle did not grow it on the farm, and she was surprised that now twenty years old, the corn still stood above her five foot, six inch frame.

As Dorothy was studying the height of the cornstalks, she heard an all-too familiar voice, but she could not place it.

"Uh, could you give me a hand over here?"

Dorothy pushed her way through a row of corn to where the voice was coming from, and she was shocked when she discovered a scarecrow tied to a stake. But this was no ordinary scarecrow. It was amazingly human in form, as if crafted not by a farmer but by a sculptor.

"Yeah, up here." It suddenly said, and Dorothy jumped.

"Um, sorry." It spoke again. "I didn't mean to frighten you, but I sure could use your help getting off this thing."

To Dorothy's surprise, the scarecrow's mouth moved just as a man's would move. She could almost see lips, although his entire face seemed to be made of burlap. Gathering her wits, Dorothy cautiously walked up to the stake, and began to untie the scarecrow's legs and arms from the wooden stake.

After a moment, she felt something hard brush her cheek, as she was working on a knot of rope. Moving her head, she noticed a large bulge had appeared beneath the overalls of the scarecrow, directly between his legs. Looking up at the scarecrow's face, she found him staring down her blue plaid dress. Dorothy had perfectly rounded breasts, but found wearing bras too uncomfortable on the farm. Today, as usual, she was without her bra, and she was therefore not very surprised to find the man, even if he was made of straw, staring at her breasts.

But what was the bulge? Did he actually have a? No. Dorothy wrinkled her little nose, but remember she was a curious young woman. So moving her hands from the rope to the zipper of the scarecrow's overalls, she began to unzip him. "Wha…what are you doing?" The scarecrow asked in a shocked and funny voice.

"Aren'tchya gonna untie me?"

"Eventually." Dorothy smiled, and reaching her hand inside the overalls, pulled out the scarecrow's member. It resembled a man's penis in size and shape, quick long and quick thick, except that it appeared to be made of corn. She ran a finger down the shaft, feeling the bumps of each yellow kernel, and the scarecrow shook, sending pieces of straw falling from above.

I wonder if it tastes like corn too. Dorothy thought, and lifting it to her pouty lips, she slide him into her mouth. The scarecrow shook again, letting out a soft moan. Dorothy realized that corn did not taste like much unless chewed, and she resisted the urge to bite the helpless man. Reaching up, she untied the rest of him, and he fell off the stake, directly onto Dorothy. He gazed into her eyes, and she felt she recognized him; that his voice and his face were somehow familiar.

Dorothy's dress had been lifted up from the fall, and she could feel his corn cock pressed lightly against the lips of her pussy.

"So, you don't wear those either, do you?" The scarecrow said smiling.

"You're a smart guy." Dorothy answered back.

But the scarecrow looked confused. "Actually I don't have a---"

Dorothy cut off his last thought as she reached his cock and pushed it inside her wet opening, lifting her legs off the dirt. He let out a long "ohhhhh" and began to thrust in and out of her. They were in a room of cornstalks, the sun beating down on their bodies, and Dorothy would never have guessed that she would have lost her virginity to a man like this. She, of course, let her Labrador: Toto fuck her from behind every now and then if she was really horny, but she didn't count Toto. The scarecrow had strong arms, a handsome face, and a cock which felt as if Dorothy was riding waves of pleasure.

"Ohhh please fuck me!" Dorothy pleaded.

The scarecrow held her arms, pinning her in the dirt, thrusting in and out of her wet pussy.

"Yess! Ohhh yesss! I'm gonna cum."

"Cum for me baby." The scarecrow said, and he pulled her dress up over her tits, so he could squeeze them in his hands.

"Oh God! I'm…I'm cumming! Yes! Yes! YES! She wrapped her slender legs around the man, and they collapsed together in the dusty dirt of Oz.

Dorothy woke to the sound of katydids and the discovery that the sun hadn't moved in the sky. What is this place? she wondered, getting to her feet, remembering the incredible sex she had just had with a man who was not quite real. Her body however, reminded her how real it had been, for her legs wobbled and her head swam.

Exiting the corn field, she found the scarecrow standing in the yellow brick road, looking very much like a c***d who had done something bad.

"Um, my, um, head's all full of stuffin'," he said, looking down at the golden bricks.

"You're quite good at stuffin,'" Dorothy replied, and she could almost see the color of blush in his cheeks, and she thought he was adorable.

They walked hand in hand down the yellow brick road, stopping occasionally to lie under the shade of a tree where Dorothy would ask the scarecrow to lick the trickle of juice that had run down her thigh. He of course would coyly oblige, running his very life-like tongue up her leg and over her dripping pussy. At one point, she clenched his straw hair so hard that a chunk of it came out, but the scarecrow simply stuffed it back under his wide-brimmed hat and continued eating her out.

They followed the road as it snaked its way into a thick forest. The sun's rays sliced through the branches of the trees and dancing on the bricks. Apples littered the ground, and they stopped to eat until a strange rusty voice interrupted them.

They spun around and saw a six foot tall metallic statue shining in the sunlight. He held an ax in both hands, and looked quite out of place in such natural surroundings.

"Oil can." The voice came again. The scarecrow and Dorothy exchanged looks. Could the voice be coming from this statue?

They walked over and Dorothy was amazed to discover that not only did the statue have a very human face, but like the scarecrow, the face seemed to be very familiar to her. The tin man's eyes were bright blue and gazed directly at Dorothy with a pleading expression.

"Oil can." The voice creaked again, and Dorothy surveyed the ground until she found a small can with a label reading: "LUBE."

"My jaw." The tin man said, and Dorothy raised the spout to the hinges of his jaw. Soon, the man began to move his tin mouth up and down with a creaky sound. "Ahhh. Thank you," he said. "I have been rusted solid here for decades. Could you please do the rest of me?"

And Dorothy, being the naughty girl she was, instantly had ideas.

"My, my," she said, shaking her head. "It seems as if all the men in this place are simply incapacitated. Just waiting for a girl like me to take advantage of them."

The scarecrow just looked confused at this statement, but the tin man's mouth dropped open. Dorothy licked her lips and fell to the grass and began to inspect the body of the shiny man. Unlike the scarecrow, there was no zipper between his legs, but a small square door with two hinges on one side and a tiny handle on the other. She lubed the hinges and squeaked open the door. Peering inside, she pouted when it appeared to be a dark and hollow room. But then, the tin man spoke again.

"Oil can."

Dorothy grabbed the lube and began to quirt inside the little dark room. Suddenly, it emerged; a long, shiny, silver cock, glistening from the sun and the lube dripping off it. Dorothy squealed with delight and instantly began to stroke it, the tin man letting out a creaky moan. This cock, however, she would not put in her mouth. For although she liked corn on the cob, she could not stand the taste of oil since it had gotten on her lips as a c***d watching her uncle work on the tractor.

So Dorothy quickly began to lube the rest of the tin man's hinges and joints, until he came to life, dropped his ax, and took Dorothy by the hand. He laid himself down upon the grass, and Dorothy, hiking her skirt up, straddled the tin man, her pussy dripping at the sight of his huge shiny cock.

The scarecrow, at this point, had leaned against a tree to watch, slowly eating an apple. Dorothy would put on a show for him. She placed her hands on the tin man's barrel chest, and slowly let herself down on his member. It slid inside her with ease, and she impaled herself inch after inch, until her naked bum rested on the warm metal of the tin man's legs.

It was like riding a mechanical bull. The tin man moved his legs up and down, and as Dorothy's tits bounced, she was forced to hang on. Steam rose in thick plums from the tin man's funnel hat, and he smiled with pleasure at the gorgeous slut on top of him.

"Ten years in solitude and now this!" He said. "Well worth the wait!"

"MMmmm, Yeah, Fuck me!" Dorothy yelled. "But wait. What....ohhhh,....what do you cum? Instead of cum?" Dorothy had to ask the question, because the scarecrow had filled her with corn oil when he came. It had felt fine, but she didn't want real oil inside of her. This may have been a strange world she was in, but she could still feel discomfort.

The tin man looked disappointed with the question. "Crude oil" he said. And Dorothy slid off his cock, but continued to pump him up and down with her hand. And not a second too soon, for the tin man began to erupt a tall fountain of black oil from the tip of his cock, as if she had just struck the right spot in the ground; black gold. Texas tea.

The tin man rattled, the pig-tailed girl smiled, the scarecrow was petting his corn cob cock.

Dorothy was loving the land of Oz.

At this point in the story, you might be wondering how Dorothy would be able to continue her stroll down the yellow brick road, which was now what she was doing with the scarecrow and tin man on either side. Well let's just say that Miss Gail was making up for lost time. She had craved sex for years, and the anxiety built up inside her on the Kansas homestead like mercury rising.

Now she was in a land where amazing sex with most amazing men could be found every few miles down this strange colored road.

The forest grew thicker as the three travelers continued their journey; the knotted, twisted tree branches like skeleton arms surrounding them. Soon, almost all sunlight had been blocked out, and Dorothy and her men were beginning to feel slightly apprehensive.

" you think there are w..w...wild a****ls in here?" the scarecrow stuttered.

"Gee, I sure hope not," replied the tin man. "You mean like lions?"

"And tigers?" said the scarecrow.

"And bears!" added the tin man.

"Oh my!" Dorothy exhaled, pointed to an area between two trees. There, in the darkness glowed two large yellow eyes.

They stood, fixed on the spot, afraid to move, and suddenly, there was a blur of fur as the creature charged towards them.

The scarecrow practically jumped out of his straw at this, and the tin man gripped his ax, but shook violently. Dorothy however, didn't flinch and raising her right hand, brought it down hard against the face of the b**st with a loud "SLAP!"

The lion's reaction was not what they expected. He began to sniff his nose, and blotted his eyes with the end of his tail.

"Wh-why didya have to hit me for?"

"Because you tried to scare us," Dorothy explained, bewildered as to the lion's emotional state. "But c'mon now, don't cry," she continued. "You're supposed to be king of the forest. Is that any way for a king to act?"

The lion looked up at her through his tears, and just like the tin man and scarecrow before him, Dorothy was amazed at how familiar he looked, for the lion looked not so much like a lion, as a man in a lion suit.

"King?" he said aloud.

"That's right," said Dorothy, and she smiled coyly. "Why don't you prove to me how manly you can be."

With this, the tin man nudged the scarecrow. "She really is quite the little tramp," he said, but the scarecrow just scratched his head.

Taking her hands in his giant paws, the lion led Dorothy to the side of the yellow brick road. He lay down on his back, and Dorothy could instantly see his kingly staff. Unlike the scarecrow and tin man, Dorothy did not have to remove his cock, for the lion was naked, save for his fur.

His cock was mammoth, and tan in color, and she worried if it would fit inside her. But the lion was impatient with her delay, and pushing down on Dorothy's shoulders, began to stick his prick inside her.

"Oooo!" Dorothy squealed in pain, but the pain quickly turned to pleasure as she lay down on the lion's tummy. It felt like having sex with a warm rug, and she twirled his fur in her fingers as he roared towards the tree tops.

"Let me get on my knees," she purred to the lion, and in a flash, he had thrown her off his belly, so he could position himself behind her.

But the moment the lion saw Dorothy's succulent ass cheeks, he started to have other tastes. Dorothy's heart skipped a beat as she felt the lion's long wet tongue slide down the crack of her ass. His claws grazed her cheeks as he spread her apart, and he slurped with delight her tight little asshole.

Dorothy looked over her shoulder at her two other men, and she called them over. She told the tin man to scoot under her so she could slide down his chrome cock, and told the scarecrow to take out his big corn cock because she wanted so desperately to suck it. But these orders were difficult to word as Dorothy's whole body shuddered at the pleasure of having her ass eaten out.

Soon, she had the scarecrow's cock in her mouth, her tongue sliding over his tip, while she felt the tin man deep inside her pussy.

Then suddenly, she felt the lion's cock push against her wet little rosebud and she felt her sphincter open like a blossoming flower.

"Ohhh yesss, please!" Dorothy squealed. "Fuck my ass! Ohhh please fuck my ass!"

The lion rammed her hard, driving his fuzzy cock deep into the bowels of her country ass, and the feeling of having three cocks inside, all of different textures, sent her over the edge.

"YES! YES!" She screamed out, and began to feel dizzy. Was she blacking out? Was it all too much for her? Oz was fading away.

When she woke, Dorothy knew she was no longer on the ground. She could feel soft sheets and pillows beneath her.

Was she still in...?

Dorothy rubbed her eyes and looked around. She was in her bedroom back in Kansas! Suddenly, entered her bedroom with Zeke and Hickory behind him. All looked worried.

"Are you feelin' alright Dorothy?" Hickory asked.

"You hit yer head pretty hard," added Zeke.

"Oh, I had the most wonderful dream!" Dorothy exclaimed. She studied the faces of the three men and instantly, it dawned on her why the scarecrow, tin man, and lion and all looked so familiar. "And you were there Hickory," she said. "And you Zeke. Oh and you too Hunk!" Dorothy looked around. "But where...where is Auntie Em?" she asked.

"Why, your Aunt and Uncle went to go find you a doctor. I reckon they'll be gone for at least a few hours."

Dorothy grinned. "Then what are you waitin' for boys?" And throwing her arms over her head, removed her dress.

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 I stopped at the corner of Churchill Road and Stirling Avenue. Heavy snow was falling and settling on the ground. The old Seaman’s hall clock strikes eight in the distance, it’s chime carrying on the still of the night, across the town.As I pass the Black Sails pub, a rousing chorus of ‘I’m forever blowing bubbles’ spills out into the street. Through the orange glow the of misted-up windows, I can see Archie in the centre of a small mob of people, glass raised, bellowing at the top of his...

Wife Lovers
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brother pt 1

Randy was happily surprised to discover that his little brother is a big slut! I honestly didn’t ever plan to fuck my little brother. And I really don’t give a damn if you believe me or not, but it was Billy that came on to me. Now, I will admit that I was horny as a three-peckered goat, that first night. And seeing as how I was a lot older and a lot bigger than him, I suppose I could have made him stop. But like I’d said, I was about to bust a nut even before I went into the bedroom Billy...

3 years ago
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First time with a married womanTRUE STORY Part 2

I'm going to tell you a couple TRUE of stories that happened 15 years ago when I was in my early twenties. Few information: English is not my mother tongue, and this is my first time to write ANY STORY.Link to Part 1: could not believe what a great day that was. I was laying in my bad, still trying to understand what happened. I was so excited because of what happened, and because of...

2 years ago
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Bye Bye Virginity

My name is Melissa and this is my first experience of sex. I am a petite white female with light olive skin tone and small breasts but a nice round butt. I never could forget this day and neither will my friend Stephanie.Mother yells to me and says "Stephanie is on the phone, pick it up in your room!". "Ok, I got you can hang up now" I told her. "Hello Stephanie what's up girl?" I asked, "nothing much just wonder if you want to come over and hang out for a bit, I am bored and don't have...

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A Birthday Lesson

(Two Uncles teach a niece how to behave)Hello, my name is Clara, and I am going to tell you about the time I learned what it really was to be fucked. I was adopted at age 7, by my mother Nina, and now I am eighteen... On the say of my 18th birthday, my mother threw me a huge bash, invited all the family and my friends, and let me tell you, it was something I will never forget.On the day of my 18th birthday, it was hot and humid, the kind of humid that makes your clothes stick to your skin. I...

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My First Sex Encounter With Old Man

Hello all ISS readers. I am Rahul age 21 from Mumbai, India. I am regular reader of ISS and I love it. My body stats are Height 5′ 8″, Waist 30, Weight around 50 KG. This is my first SEX experience I want to share with all and it’s gay!!! Actually I had few incidents like touching and rubbing in Mumbai local trains before but never had SEX. So I was virgin. So this also started from Local Train only. I was traveling from Churchgate to Dadar in evening around 5:30 to 6 in Borivali Slow local and...

Gay Male
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A Dream0

but as usual, I and the rest of my office was called in. However, I have promised to take you to the symphony, so you know that I'll have the problem fixed in no time. I know how much you love to feel the music thrumming through your body. I know how listening to the Pops gets you all wound up. I am bent over my keyboard, when a sudden silence causes me to look up. All eyes in the room beyond are turned toward the entrance, which I can't see from my desk. Next, I hear slow measured...

3 years ago
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Tabbys Afternoon in the Park

I called you this morning and commanded that you meet me in the local park at our special bench.  This time of the afternoon, the park is fairly deserted, but it’s not a guarantee.  You arrive early and go to our bench.  Sitting down on the rough bench prickles your bare ass, because of course, you’re not wearing panties or bra under your cotton sundress.  Part of my regular instructions is that you are to be bare and ?available? to me anytime I ask.I arrive just a few minutes later and join...

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A Twilight KnockoffChapter 18

The house was dark when we pulled into the driveway, my jeep sitting in lone splendor. I sat very still as they searched every shadow, identified every scent, sound and feature and searched with their minds for any sign of an attack. The engine shut off and still we waited. "Let's go," he said finally. Chadwick watched as Morgan unfastened the harness, my shaking hands unable to do much. I may be able to keep calm in serious situations but I do shake, something about releasing excess...

4 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 28 Revenge

"Please, Anna, stop this." The place was packed with people. Some sat, but most ran in and out buying coffee in tall containers — coffee with odd flavors and spices, chocolate, milk and sugar. Or they stood at high tables and counters, talking while they guzzled down their brew. They weren't drinking coffee, Angique thought — they were having shots of caffeine. She and Anna sat at the back of the room in leather club chairs, a low table between them. Anna had invited her to talk at this...

2 years ago
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Maths Never Got So Exciting

I was studying in diploma when this happened with me. I was very week in maths as a result I had failed my first exam. So my parents got worried and the very next day they came to my college to talk to my maths teacher. She is young around 24 at that time. Her figure is 34d-26-34 a perfect hourglass shape. I used to constantly stare her when she was teaching in classes. That’s the main reason that I had failed in the subject. Not only me but many of my friends too. So coming back now so my...

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18 Year old virgin with a mature mum

At 18, I was on top of the world. My parents had bought me a car today for Leaving high school with honors. I could not wait to show it off to my girlfriend. We had been going out about two months and I was hoping that I could get my first taste of pussy to top off my amazing summer.I drove over to my girlfriend Ann's house. It was early, about nine am. She was gone for the day with her dad and sister. Her mom, Dawn was home and invited me in. Dawn and I got along really well. We always flirted...

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Devlins StoryChapter 57

"You were there the entire time and you didn't mention your past once?" Krissi smiled. "I think that's marvelous." It was three days after Devlin had returned from Florida. They were in downtown Bloomington walking toward campus. The wind was blowing, snow was falling, and they were both bundled up against the cold. "There never seemed to be that right moment for it," Devlin said. She stopped in the lee of a building and took a breath. "Bad one out today." "It's supposed to get...

3 years ago
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I Love Fucking Married White WomenPT2

On Friday Mary set the time for her and Jerome to get together for the first time. They agreed that he would follow her in his car to the road behind her house. He would then park his car on the strip mall lot and get into her car. That way she could pull directly into her house garage. Once the door to the garage closed they would exit the car and move into the house. He would leave the same way. That way no one would know she had a man, especially a black man, in her car or her house or her...

3 years ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 2 Things Are Going Swimmingly

The next morning, Taylor finished up his breakfast and was heading back to get changed when he noticed that something was missing from his room. "Aunt Agnes!" Taylor shouted. "Have you seen my bathing suit?" "I don't think so," Aunt Agnes shouted back as she climbed the stairs. "Where did you leave it?" "It was on the chair in my room," Taylor said as Aunt Agnes walked in. "Was it underneath that pile of dirty clothes you had sitting on it?" Aunt Agnes asked. "Maybe,...

2 years ago
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Wife Fist Fucks Me

It all started one night when my wife and I were fucking on the couch when the subject of ass fucking came up. I have been fucking my wife in the ass since we were first married, at first she didn’t like it but now I can fuck her pretty asshole any time I want. As I am fucking her she just reaches down between her legs and rubs her clit till she cums all over herself.Any time she is on her period she prefers to be ass fucked, that is just fine with me because her ass is a lot tighter than her...

1 year ago
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SeducedByACougar Ariella Ferrera 22829

Ariella Ferrera isn’t just hot, she’s an angel! She’s so kind that she’s opening her home to her friend’s son Richie, who’s attending a college situated near her house. She’s renting him a room at an amazing rate, she’s making him lunch, AND she has big tits? Huge score for Richie! That fool’s so damn happy about it all that he immediately goes to his room and starts stroking his cock, and Ariella sees him! Does she stop him? Hell no. The horny cougar waltzes right on in and tells him to keep...

3 years ago
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An unexpected shag With my sister PART 2

"Mum just said she's going to be at least an hour working and dads not due back for a while," Helen said with a big smile. I decided not to put the dvd back on as it had sex scenes in it, even though it would of made us hornier I'm sure mum would hear moaning and come barging in, so I put on some music instead, loud enough to cover our noises but quiet enough to hear other peoples. Helen came straight towards me and passionately started kissing me, sliding her tongue in my mouth....

3 years ago
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My Second Julie Experience

The timeframe is Spring of 1986... about two months since Suzanne's cousin got in trouble. It had been a long time since I had seen Julie. I was expecting anything to be different this weekend. The guy that shared the house with me was gone for the weekend and I was just trying to decide whether to make a drive to the city... or just stay home and watch television. My mind was to be made up very soon... as I heard a knock on the door. It was Julie. I was totally surprised, and as...

4 years ago
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My Wifes Daughter A Quick Study

It was a regular evening as I watched TV with my new wife, her daughter and an adventure I certainly wasn’t ready for. This is a quick description and I hope you enjoy it! My wife, her daughter Ally and I were watching TV but Mary was actually more interested in the book she was reading, hardly even glancing up at the TV. I was watching her daughter very carefully. Ally knew I was watching her and was no doubt finding this experience very exciting. She would glance at me, see my entire...

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The massage

The massage. Taking my courage in both hands I knock on your door. You answer, and take in my case with a smile.“My masseur?” “Yes.”“Come in then, I’ve got the room ready, just as you asked for.” We went up the stairs to a bedroom. Scented candles gave the room a warm glow and soft romantic music came from some hidden speakers. The bed was a large double, made up with soft duvets and several towels were laid on it. “Is this ok?” You asked. “Perfect” “Good, I’d better get ready then, will you...

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HalloweenChapter 4

Jess snuggled up to Chris hearing his breathing change as he drifted off to sleep. It was a sticky situation, no doubt about it. She had jumped on the situation without a thought for what it would do. She thought it was just a bit of fun. She knew he enjoyed it, but she never once considered that it would ever be anything more than that. The fates, situation, whatever, conspired to make it more involved, more difficult than a bit of fun. She really hadn't meant to forget the solvent and...

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Becoming More Than Friends

Hi my name is Roxie, I am five feet seven inches tall. My long blonde hair compliments my blue eyes. My friend, Monica is five feet five inches tall. Her hair is a darker blonde than mine. She has blue eyes that I swear, sparkle all the time. We have been best friends since junior high school. Graduating from high school, we went to different colleges. I went to school in Arizona, Monica attended school in Florida. There were many texts, emails and phone calls when we were not back home for...

1 year ago
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Gilbert made me his boytoy

Gilbert rode me for an extremely long time, I don't know how long just that he was lust filled and with his penile glans numb he wasn't near about to cum. Gilbert whispered to me '...shit I ain't never fucked this long before told you I'm gonna make you luv this dick...' After some time I could tell that Gilbert was getting tired, he would stop hunching into me and start grinding but it was half hearted than when he started. Finally he said damn I'm gonna cum, shit I'm gonna cum in your ass...'...

2 years ago
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His Lucky CharmChapter 13

Death of a Friend Winter 1863-1864, Denver Territory and Missouri The Tremaynes had a quiet Christmas in their home. They attended Christmas Service in the Assembly Hall. The thing that marred the evening for Jim was the log-winded sermon by that pompous ass John Chivington who droned on and on, and he was more than relieved when the closing prayers were spoken. On the next morning, after breakfast, they exchanged gifts. Everybody in the household was included, and for once, they all sat...

1 year ago
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Love is a 5 Way Street Chapter 1

Killer Tuna Redux 2 - Love is a 5 Way Street: Chapter 1Freddie really didn't want to wake up, but as the dull vibrations from his phone alarm shook the nightstand next to him, he didn't have much of a choice. He only had himself to blame really, as he set it himself, so he could awaken 5 minutes before Jade's alarm went off. Slowly, he rolled to his side to see his girlfriend fast asleeep on her side, something she certainly deserved after all the action of the previous day.The Seattle-ite...

3 years ago
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Phone MailChapter 7

Tim and Steve watched the big ass bounce as she ran across the yard. Both guffawed when one of her large tits broke free and bounced about. When she made it to the porch, they looked at each other and Tim raised his hand up as Steve gave him a high-five. Putting the car in gear, Steve pulled away from the curb. “Oh my God! I can’t believe we fucked Josh’s mom.” He paused, then added, “Josh can never find out.” Tim let out a snort, “Yeah, right.” Steve looked over to his friend, who had a...

3 years ago
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Little Chain Gang BangsChapter 3

It couldn’t have been more obvious. These boys had been told, over the last couple years that a person earned food by raping white women. As horrific and incredible as that sounds, teenagers have a strong sense of self-preservation and privilege. Huso had proven it, to Mindy at least, and somewhat to me. My mind raced to find a way to save her and myself. When Huso and the boys meet in a welcoming hug, they instantly formed a tight unity of purpose. They wanted to free their fellow...

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The Mirror of Fate

THE MIRROR OF FATE By M. L. Powers As I reflect on this story I find it hard to believe that it could ever be possible. However, I am living proof that it was in fact possible. My name is Tommy Gardener. Well more to the point, it was my name. It all began 7 years ago, one night when I was unable to sleep. I had these nights on occasion and usually ended up watching TV or reading in attempt to fall asleep. This night however, I figured I'd install the new CD pinball game...

4 years ago
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Day of My Life

My name is Matthew Colister and I am 5' 11". I am 15 years old and most people tell me that I am really tall for my age. Thats not the only thing though. I have a long cock that measures 4 inches when its limp and 8 inches when its hard. I've never had any real sexual expierence except with my hand but all that changed when I met Ms. Warren.... One day on a hot summer day and I was doing some hard labor that my mom asked me to do while she was gone. I was cleaning out the pool in my...

3 years ago
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My Mother gets her Fanny Shaved

My Mother gets her Fanny ShavedI was on my own last night in my bed, my mother went home as my father came back off his trip early. She has just arrived and is collecting the washing for the machine, she wants her basques, knickers and thing washed. My mother asked if I could shave her fanny for her today, but we are waiting until the nurse has been, around ten, we hope.After a bath, breakfast and the nurse, we are back in the bedroom, my mother is in jeans and tee shirt.“Where do you want...

2 years ago
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Tasty Cakes

Mr. Tracey blots away the beads of sweat that accumulate on his brow with a polka dot hanky. He folds it into a neat square and slides it back into the breast pocket of his faded denim blazer. He looks particularly disheveled as he sips from a white ceramic mug that reads ‘HOT FOR TEACHER’ in bold black Helvetica font. It’s probably filled with Jim Beam, I decide. His thinning hair is heavy with oil and is combed carelessly over to one side. Some of the longer strands seem to defy gravity as...

Gay Male
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Annie Decides Part 1

I was driving home from our friends Elanna and Mark’s home with a smile on my face and Mark’s cum in my pussy. I was excited and had made my decision to start dancing at the gentlemen’s club where Elanna dances but first I had to get my husband Rob to agree that it would be ok. Rob and I had met Mark and Elanna when we joined our swingers group the year before and had become good friends with them.Elanna is an exotic dancer and at each of our group parties, Elanna would start the party off by...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Kingdoms

Chapter 1 “Calling – first MILF victim” Qara Ya'Kin sit on bed with her legs spread. She was 18 year young woman. She had shapely B cup breasts. Her black hair were reaching the end of her neck. She had a slim figure, like every woman she knew.Between her legs knelled Io Reyure. She was 44 year old woman with enormous - but shapely E cup breasts. She had long brown hair. She had given birth to 14 daughters, but one could not see that in her shape. Both women were wearing only boots, stockings...

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