Leaving Home: The Story Of Candy Lane - CAW7 free porn video

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by Cheltenham

rape, porn film, coercion, sixteen, violence

Read the tags above. This story gets violent
towards the end at about the halfway point,
so if that isn't your thing don't read it and say
you didn't like it. This is a warning.

Leaving Home: The Story of Candy Lane

Contains a realistic portrayal of how some
smutty porn directors treat their female actors.
It isn't to be taken lightly.

Some of these women aren't lucky enough to
survive their ordeal and be able to tell what it
is they learned from making uninformed choices.

Leaving Home: The Story of Candy Lane

A Calling All Writers 7 entrant, xnxx [dot] com exclusive June 2011

Kate looked back at her home, now miles down a long and winding road. She questioned her choice, was it worth leaving her mom to that brute they had lived with? Would he make good on his threats to find her should she ever decide to flee from their house? None of that mattered. Her little brother Kyle, a blond haired boy huddled close to where she stood near the train platform and boarded the transport ahead of her.

The conductor came around and took tickets from everyone. He spent a few fractions of a second in Kate's vicinity, but tried to act like he wasn't fixated. "Tickets, please." She held them up and let go before his hand could interlope with hers. "Thank you little miss." He calmly said dismissively. In no way was she little. At sixteen, yes most guys thought she couldn't have been old enough to be a freshman in college or have a drivers permit but due to her intellect and academic focus, she achieved more in her short life than many people twice her age.

No one suspected Kate's abilities, nor did they need to. Everyone back home believed she was going to see her grandmother. Her brother Kyle remained under the impression that that was their destination, but he was wrong. Vegas was calling. Yes, it must have felt like a world away on a train. Yes, she could have planned ahead and brought her best friend Jenny along for the ride. This journey meant everything to Kate. It embodied freedom, fame, wealth and power. And at what cost? Something that already had been stolen when she was merely a child herself, by that brute of a man that her mom loved with all of her heart.

Four days later, they came up over a ridge where huge signs and lights flashed. It had been five days or would soon be once her watch struck midnight. She huffed and took her little brother's hand. "I hope I made the right decision," Kate whispered sorrowfully. Her voice wavered immeasurably as they exited the pressurized doors to the terminal. A woman in a rather expensive black coat stood against the interior wall of a vendor's alcove. "Hi. I'm Wendy. Wendy Weston of CVC Videos. We talked on the phone two weeks ago?"

"I remember you Wendy," Kate replied with a hesitant smile. "You said you have a cat named Snowball, right?" Wendy nodded and led them outside to a waiting limousine. The driver knew where to go because a word wasn't spoken between the two of them. He glanced in his rear-view at her conservatively clothed self and at her brother with a lewd expression, then visibly adjusted his belt obscenely while grinning.

"Roll the window up Thomas. We need privacy." Wendy ordered and watched the glass partition slide up to soundproof their compartment. "Do you recall the deal we talked about?" Kate nodded shyly. "This weekend might be tough for you. A couple of our best actresses will help you through the first few scenes, but once things get started I'd recommend just letting them do as they wish." Kyle overheard all of this and trembled. His hand clasped Kate's and she felt his fear mixed with her own.

They pulled up to a nondescript building and got out together. The driver stayed in the car, eying both Kate and Wendy to a lesser extent. Her brother nestled himself in his sister's lap, listening to what a taller man wearing a suit, Wendy and Kate were discussing. "Kate. Hi. My name is Egan. I'm the head of this company, CVC Videos." He outstretched his hand and took the girl's for a moment longer than he should have. She recoiled a little, sat in a wheel-bottomed chair and heard the rest of his speech. "I hope that you can be comfortable with us and make sure nothing that we suggest is against your wishes. There are conditions to our agreement, though, keep in mind. We require you to fill in the checklist. Once that is done, everything else will add to your final total. The two of you have accommodations in an upstairs suite, as I'm sure you're tired. When you awaken I can elaborate on specifics."

Kate's sky blue eyes peeked up from beneath her dark locks. She pushed it back and stood with Kyle. "We were on a train for nearly a week to get here. Both of us slept enough. I'm just looking to get this over with as soon as possible."

"Oh, in that case. Wendy? Can you show our little actress to her dressing room? Your costar should be ready in ten minutes." They disappeared down a hallway, dimly lit and uninviting. The floors were scummy, unwashed in as many years as this building must have been standing, Kate thought. What Wendy referred to as her dressing room was nothing more than a bathroom with a safety bar on its left side, opposite the door. Ten hangers hung upon it. Further inside, a flimsy veneer cabinet to the back right held a mirror. To the right of it, in the middle of the room was a shower stall without a curtain. "I will let you know when he's ready, Kate." Wendy smiled and shut the door.

"Kyle," his sister began. "I have to star in a few movies. But these won't be in the theaters and I won't be walking down a red carpet. Keep this paper with you. It has a few phone numbers on it. If something should happen..."

He shook his head and grabbed her upper arms as she knelt in front of him. "I don't want anything to happen!", Kyle sniffled.

"Listen to me, please!" she insisted and pressed her nose to his. "If something happens, I need you to call the first number. They'll come and get you. It's a friend of mine. You'll be safe with them. This is where I was going to go with the money I'm gonna make during the weekend, but someone will come and get you." Her voice lowered. "Don't worry. I wouldn't leave you here in this place alone. My friend lives a few minutes away and he'll bring you to the safehouse."

Her little brother shivered and hugged Kate like he would never see her again. "I'll wait for you to come back." he barely spoke.

The door creaked open and Wendy's overly permed head peered through the opening. "We're ready for you. Put on the blue outfit and step into the hallway." Kate stripped off her clothes as Kyle turned away. The one piece dress covered her like a stretchy leg warmer. It bunched around the middle of her thighs and over the tops of her boobs. She felt uncomfortable being exposed so explicitly and when she tried to pull one end further up or down, it revealed the other. Kate stepped out of the door and Wendy walked her to a room that didn't appear to be much more than a club. Music was playing, men and women were dancing provocatively but the majority of them must have been sixteen or seventeen at first glance. The guys were old, severely so. Many were well into their forties, a group crowded around a girl that reminded Kate of herself must have been in their fifties. Still, others were cotton topped with toupees, wigs, perms and every trick in the book that failed to hide their baldness.

None of the girls seemed happy but then again neither was Kate. This was a business transaction and nothing more.

Wendy led her sixteen year old protégé into a spacious, dingy room and closed the door behind them. Two women, well past twenty clamored for her attention. They barraged her with questions and sat her in a makeup chair. "What's your name? How old are you? Is this your first movie? Do you know Calvin?" Questions Kate had no idea about, and honestly didn't care to know the answers to.

"My name? Are you talking about a stage name?" she finally responded.

"Yes, silly! We don't use our real names on camera. I'm Gina." The girl that stood on her right said matter of factly, with a typical valley girl accent. She had blond hair that actually fit her somewhat petite frame. Her teeth were nearly perfect except for a few on the bottom that were crooked. There weren't any blemishes on her skin and she must spend time at the gym. She didn't see an ounce of fat on the girl's body except for her backside.

"I'm Amber." replied a spunky brunette. "I used to be a cheerleader for the Cowboys back in '99 but I...picked up a habit from one of their roadies." She stood aloof, like an airhead. Her eyes were a deep black, beady color. The way her hair fell to the small of her back made her seem prettier, though her face could have looked better than it did. Her voice sounded uneducated. She hesitated, every few words were interrupted with 'um' or 'uhh' and it annoyed Kate. Amber looked the part of a former junkie, her skin was pockmarked with blemishes, scars, craters especially her face. But her body was enviably thin. Somehow, the girl retained her youthful perkiness. She guessed both of them were fluffers for the crew.

"I've been thinking of the name Candy Licks", Kate blurted between Gina applying makeup to her already flawless complexion and Amber washing her hair.

"It sounds good." Gina whispered.

"We are trying to have you look older. They want you to pass for eighteen, so a little magic will have to be worked in here." Amber smiled and it was almost enough to make her pretty. Almost.

She sat up after what could have been forever and her chair was turned towards a wall mirror.

"What do you think of your new look?" Gina asked sweetly.

Kate gawked at her reflection and trembled nervously. Amber caught her and guided her back onto the chair. "I'm a blond now?" she mournfully cried.

"Yes. This is the washout kind. We can't have someone recognizing you before any of us get paid." Gina added, touching Kate's shoulder. "This is what Candy Licks looks like. Inside, you are still the same ol' Kate." She embraced the girl and waited for everything to sink in.

Candy stood and shook off the nervousness.

The door opened again and Wendy stepped in. "Ka-"

She was interrupted from the get go. "Candy Licks."

Gina stood in her wake, hiding her smirk. "Go get 'em Candy!"

Amber whistled as the two of them left the room together.

"Okay...Candy. Your first scene is going to be with two guys. I'll introduce you beforehand, but the whole idea is that you and him have met at a club earlier and the opening scene brings you to his house. The problem is, his cousin wants a piece of the action too."

The nervousness crept in and her facade melted enough to reveal her underlying repulsion. She tried to keep some semblance of balance and held her chin up. It certainly didn't help that the 'actor' was hotter than most guys were back home.

"So this is the new star!" he announced with a sly smile. "I'm Leo. But off-screen, it's Chris."

She held out her hand and simply said, "Candy. Nice to meet your acquaintance." Kate didn't know where the self assurance came from. It shocked her to say the least.

He pulled her onto the set and talked her through the scene. "We can improvise our lines, Candy. Basically we are hot and heavy for each other. Kissing, hugging, groping on our way in through the door. But my cousin, Derek wants to somehow get a piece of you for himself. Eventually he convinces me that you want him to join us. And a word to the wise, ignore the cameras. Act like it is you and I, alone in a room."

"It is just us in a room, Rocco." She cooed seductively.

He walked through the doorway with her in tow and waited for the camera guy to call a take.

"And, take" he shouted from offscreen.

"Oh, Leo. I can't wait to get you down on your couch and finally get out of these clothes."

"Melissa, I would like nothing more than to give you a tour of my house. How much of it can be seen from your knees anyways?"

"Enough. Open the door. I can't wait any longer."

It swung after some fumbling and let them inside. He shut it and cradled her face in his hands. She sensed a telltale trickle of her juices down the insides of her thighs and swirled her tongue with his expertly. Leo slipped his hands beneath the fabric of her improvised miniskirt and couldn't feel anything underneath it.

"You are a dirty little slut!" he moaned in her ear, then knelt in front of her. His tongue licked the insides of her thighs and she spread them wide.

"Oh, Leo! Yes! Lick my cunny! Oh baby, yes!" She writhed for the cameras and felt him really going to town on her.

"So wet and tastes so good!" he mumbled.

The cameras still filmed but this scene would later make the cutting room floor. Everyone knows that porn stars, especially the males aren't supposed to actually please their costars.

She winced as he entered her soaked pussy with one smooth thrust. Her legs were in the air already and Leo pounded her with everything he had. Their loins slapped noisily like a slow motion clap, filling the room and the overhanging microphones with evidence of how soaked she was.

"Leo! Oh god! Mmmm" Candy shuddered against her better judgment and came all over his cock. He never let up. His shaft disappeared inside, withdrew and slipped right back repeatedly as the cameras zoomed in closer.

"She actually came", Kate overheard one of the guys brag.

They watched how her asshole continually clenched tight and saw another fountain squirt out of her urethra. "Ohhh! Ohhh! Deeper!" she begged without an ounce of self consciousness.

He couldn't hold back and shot a copious load inside of her, not having worn a condom. "Shit!" he said as his eyes rolled in his head.

Candy retained her composure and sighed contentedly. He withdrew as Derek came into the shot.

"What do you say the three of us have a little fun?" he joked and gave her the eye. "Huh? A game of hide the sausage? Pump the pepperoni? Swallow the sausage? Huh? Leo? Come on! I have needs too!"

The scene broke and Candy brought Leo off the set. "Did you shoot your load inside me?" she whispered.

He was about to apologize when she interrupted him.

"I've never squirted before tonight. You must know what you're doing because I've also never had an orgasm. I keep getting to that point where I think I'm gonna pee and stop because I think I might pee."

Leo hugged her. "If you are pregnant, I'll gladly help raise him or her up the best way I can. Far from this institution and I will break free myself."

"So, what's left of the scene?"

Leo elaborated but stopped and said "basically it involves a DP."

"Let's go back in there, my stallion!" she said into his ear.

They emerged from the doorway just as the director took his seat. "Take it from Derek entering the scene. And action!"

"Needs?" Leo started in on him. "You're a pervert. Nothing you need can't be taken care of with your hand and a bottle of lotion."

"Hey! That's no way to treat your cousin. Look, I just want a little pussy and after that I will leave the two of you alone."

Candy looked between the two of them and smiled her widest of the last twenty four hours. "Come and get it. Derek, get on the couch before I change my mind."

The scene ended for a lunch break, after which the actors returned to complete an additional dozen scenes. It filled her list except for one line. "Gang bang"

Candy had shot three days worth of filming in four hours and every orifice hurt, especially her ass which had been used by two well hung studs. They drilled her for a good fifteen minutes each before they erupted with seed.

Leo waited in the wings and made sure his favorite costar survived the ordeal. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm in pain. There must be a way to get a basin full of ice so I can sit in it." She asked him sincerely.

"One more scene and they'll pay you in full. All you need to do is get the camera-guys off. They don't have to fuck you, just do a round robin. I'll make sure they value it. I hope you're getting more than a couple thousand for this." He whispered between them as she lowered herself into the ice.

"Ten grand. It is enough to get me and my brother safe. That is all I'm worried about."

Leo nodded and talked to the director, who agreed to the terms with Kate in the beginning. He walked over and signed his name next to a printed statement that he would value a one woman, four guy sick off in place of the gang bang. No one expected Candy to film a marathon during her first night.

She pushed some of the ice cubes inside of herself and beckoned the camera guys over. "Let's get this over with."


One of the guys pulled down his pants and revealed a grossly large cock. "Okay Candy, I want to be first."

She smiled and sucked him into her throat, half of it choked her. He pushed the back of her head closer and tried to force it down. Leo saw her choking but did nothing. She pushed him back and another guy used her mouth. Another one pulled her face over to him, thrusting his cock down her throat in one go. They didn't care about how harshly she gagged and struggled to breathe. It was the conclusion to one of his biggest films, a collection of vignettes and a new scene touted to be one of the hardest, boundary pushing acts of sexual depravity yet.

Candy crawled away from them with the cameras filming. The guy that tried to suffocate her with his cock pulled her by the ankles back to their makeshift circle. "Oh no, you aren't getting away that easily!" He knelt down between her splayed legs and pushed his cock inside of her ice cube inundated cunt. "You sure are a weird one," he growled, "ice cubes in your pussy? fucking slut!" Of course, the cheesy elevator music would drown out any screams of protest and insults by either cameramen or directors.

He drove himself all the way and another guy laid down beneath her. His cock sought her abused asshole and plunged deep. Both of them rammed their large extremities into her petite five foot tall body, with holes that were equally tight to match. She sobbed as the abuse went on for over an hour. Neither guy could cum and raped her harder. A third guy straddled her chest and pressed the nearly flat mounds of her breasts together. They were nowhere near as big as most porn stars and he grew frustrated quickly. His cock plugged her mouth, slid into her airway and stayed there until one of the guys erupted as in her exasperation, she tensed up around both guys. The one inside of her pussy continued to ravage her brutally. Her throat and pussy relentlessly received cock after cock over the course of three hours, all while being filmed in high definition.

Candy lost consciousness halfway through and woke up in a puddle of cum, blood and her own juices. Leo was crying and showed her that the director had paid her twenty grand. Everyone else was gone from the set except Wendy. "Get dressed, Can. This place is about to be swarmed by the police in fifteen minutes. I brought Kyle to the taxi. Get out there, now!" Leo followed her once she'd managed to dress and sat in the backseat..

"What are you doing here?" she wondered and hoped the searing pain would cease.

"I'm making sure you are alright."

"Don't worry about me. You did nothing to stop it and that makes you no better than them."

The taxi drove into the cresting sun and ended up at a refuge somewhere in upstate Nevada, where Kate would receive medical attention. Her brother and her finally might be free of their stepfather but now millions of guys would have her likeness on video.

After having been bandaged up, Kate turned on the television.

"A few hours ago, a car propelled itself off the side of a road and down an embankment. The occupants of the car were dead on impact and whatever had been in their car is too badly burned to recognize, along with their bodies.

The occupants were believed to be a fugitive smut director named Chauncy Derden, and four of his cameramen. They escaped the Nevada penitentaries, weaseled their way out of court, and even sidestepped their way around the police force. But there was no way they could cheat death."

The announcer paused and read off a page handed to him. "This just in, Kate Dresdin has been found badly beaten and dead, lying in a ditch just outside of her hometown."

"That's supposed to be me!" she whispered with Derek sitting beside her in bed.

"There are no witnesses, but the family is severely distraught. No word on the location of her brother but he is presumed to have met the same fate."

She pushed the power button on her remote and drifted off to dreamland, reveling in the permeating narcotic in her bloodstream.


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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

3 years ago
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Lane Bryant Sissy

Lane Bryant Sissy By nysilksissyboi Wow, Who ever would have though a chance visit to a mall to handle a panty fetish, would have my life end up the way it has! Ever since I can remember as a kid, I have had a silk/satin fetish, even would steal my sister's panties as a kid and wear them, a few times a dress or slip but nothing more than that. AS a teenager and in college, I bought myself men's silk underwear and nylon briefs and a few robes and shorts to deal with my...

3 years ago
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Nasty Auntie Candyrsquos Living Sextoy

(When I wrote this, I thought of Candy Sample. She's been a fantasy of mine since I was a teenager. My dad had a few of her movies I use to sneak into my room at night. lol) John woke up, blinking in the light that was beginning to fill his bedroom. He could hear his aunt Candy watering the plants outside. John had woken up with the usual hard cock, wanting attention. Of course, being 18, he expected it, he'd be a lot more concerned if he didn't wake up with a hard-on. He grasped his cock,...

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Mitch and Candy 3

Mitch was the first to wake up the next morning. He kissed Candy on his back and shoulders and then brought his sticky cum covered hand from Candy's cock up to Candy's mouth.Mitch whispered in Candy's ear, "Wake up, sweety."As Candy started to moan Mitch slid a cum covered finger into Candy's mouth. Candy instinctively sucked it clean. He moaned afterward and said, "God, I thought last night was a dream."Mitch kissed Candy's cheek from behind and said, "Mmm, no it wasn't a dream baby. Did you...

Gay Male
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A First For Gracie Sami Candy and John get together Part 2

John was dreaming, had to be dreaming.  Sami’s breasts were in his face, one nipple in his mouth.  She was riding him cowgirl style moving her hips back and forth on his raging hard on.  “That’s it, Miss, just like that,” he moaned as she rode him hard.  Then she started bucking up and down on his cock. “Oh fuck, I am going to cum,”Suddenly, he woke up.  He was indeed cumming but it was into Sami’s mouth, not her pussy as he was dreaming.  He looked down at her as she took every rope of cum he...

Straight Sex
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Pieces of Candy

The wireless network downloading the codes managing Candice's internal simulators began to sync, pleasantly warming the sim card in the small compartment tucked behind her ear. The routine was nothing new to her and was a significant step towards preparing for her next guest.'How very odd,' she thought as she assimilated the digital instructions. The idea of being changed by the mainframe commands unsettled her.  She could not recall consciously thinking about it before, but she was pleased...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Candy Martha

Candy met Martha at a friend's party. She had noticed Martha moving around the room. Everyone else seemed to notice Martha too. It was, she mused, not only because of Martha's generous proportions -- but also because of her easy laugh, booming voice and the animated way she flung her arms and head when chatting. You could see Martha was accustomed to being noticed and she did nothing to make herself any less the centre of attention by her style of dress, which was a loud floral clingy number...

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Lois Lane Sex Slave

Lois Lane: Sex Slave By EchotangoCaught snooping around a warehouse Lois suffers a terrible fate?Chapter One: Capture?And it was confirmed today that Superman will remain away from Earth on a top secret mission for the next three months, the white house said?? Lois Lane listened to the radio and smiled, Superman had left town over a week ago and the twenty-six year old brunette had broken the story three days before and now the radio was finally catching up. She felt like chuckling with glee...

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I was just puttering around the house on my day off when there was a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone so I slipped a shirt on and went to see who was disturbing my peace. A little about myself – I'm a 32 year old widower, no k**s. My wife died in an accident almost a year ago and I really hadn't been up to putting myself “back on the market,” so to speak. I stand 6-foot-5 and tip the scales at just more than 230. I'm in pretty good shape, not muscle-bound, but toned.I opened the...

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Adventures of Big Boob Candy Trailer Park Whore

I had lived in the Old West Trailer park just outside of Las Vegas for 4 years. I had a string of bad luck at poker and craps. I had lost my house, my wife and my dog over a short period. Being 23 years old and broke sucks big time. I now play poker tournaments on the Internet and have won enough to pay for a trailer and beer. I have open my second beer since I started writing this story. I am not sure how it happen but I am glad it did. It all started about a month ago.I was hanging my wash on...

2 years ago
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I Call My Sugar Candy Pt 1

Another story from Lit xCandy was happy -- she was naked on her bed, wrists tied to the headboard, one either side, forming a "Y." Candy's ankles were tied to her wrists, so her pussy (shaved the way Sir liked it) and her tight little arse hole were displayed to anyone coming into the room. Yes, Candy was totally naked; totally exposed; totally helpless -- and totally happy. Already moisture was gathering between her legs, and her nipples were hard on her large firm breasts. Candy was a...

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Eating Candy

My daughter Lisa brought home her friend Candy for the first time. My daughter Lisa is about 5'2” long black hair with a very slim body. Her breasts are a full B cup, which is large for her age and body. Her stomach is very flat and her ass is amazing. She loves wearing tight jeans and midriff shirts. She drives me crazy and she knows it. She came home after school with her new friend Candy. Candy is about 5'5” long blond hair and a great body too. She looked to be a nice B cup with...

1 year ago
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Mitch and Candy

Mitch was six feet tall, two hundred and thirty-five pounds, blond hair, and blue eyes. He was thirty-five years old and worked construction.He especially liked virgins, they were so eager once they got past their shyness. Sometimes he had to take guys by the hand and literally show them what he wanted them to do.Mitch’s boss had just hired a new guy for the construction crew about a month ago. The boss told everyone he was fresh out of high school and for now, he was just a helper. His name...

Gay Male
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Candy And Her Sugar Daddy Go To The First Erotic Amusement Park

When you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that's why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It's a win-win situation.I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...

3 years ago
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Candy Pink

Candy Pink By Barbi Satin Chapter 1 Life pretty much sucked. I was the son of Ralph and Cindy Cassella. They named me Ralph Junior and my dad was thrilled to have a son he could raise to live out his past glory. My dad wasn't a bad guy and never abused me but I knew he was disappointed. He worked as a contractor in the present but he still lived in his glory days of High School. Dad was an all-state full back on the football team in the fall and the best hitter on the baseball...

2 years ago
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Candy is always good when you share her

Introduction: Another threesome with Candy, per request of a friend. As you tilt your head back to finish the rest of your beer, you notice the dark sky above is scattered with stars. They are kind-of hard to see through the rising steam coming from the hot water bubbling around you. Candys giggle brings your head back down and you notice she is holding a fresh opened beer out to you. Smiling at her, you take the cold bottle, with beads of water dripping down the sides, and hand her the empty...

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The House on Sorrow Hill Lane

The House on Sorrow Hill LanebyDr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&DPART ONEIt was an icy February night in 1910. Emily could see nothing from the bedroom's leaded window but upper branches of skeleton trees lit up by the full moon's light. Below this the gardens were shrouded in fog. She had seen one fine day blessed with sunshine since she had come to Nine Acres and had remarked that she was sure the sprawling gardens looked beautiful in summer. The back of the house led on to a large lawn...

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House Slut 38 48 Hours Sex Candy

An Uber pulled up outside the warehouse after a short wait, Tegan shivering in the cool early morning air wearing barely anything – less than she had started with. She made no effort to conceal herself, beyond the point of caring. As they drove, Candy - if that was her real name - continued to cling to Jackson as they crammed together in the back seat, shooting glances at Tegan. “She looks like she’s had a rough night.” “Don’t worry about her, she’s fine.” Jackson insisted. “Isn’t that...

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Sweet as Candy

JAYAbout four years ago, my sister was 34, ten years older than me. She and her husband have a daughter, my niece Candice, generally called Candy. Candy was sixteen and still in school at this particular time. I had watched Candy grow from a gangly, self-centred little kid who, when my sister visited our house, would follow me around all the time as if permanently stuck one pace behind me, wanting to know the answer to every question in the world, to a devastatingly beautiful young girl who...

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Sweet Candy

by BrettJ © 2009 The attractive young woman’s real name was Candace Morrell, but because of her half-Brazilian heritage and sensual skin tone, everyone had called her “Candy” since she was little and the name had stuck. It suited her, because the petite, 5’2” beauty was as sweet as candy and possessed a sexy, 34C-25-33 figure, with gorgeous brown eyes, chestnut, wavy hair, and a remarkable butt that jiggled nicely when she walked. Candy could be easily described as a “feast for the...

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Babysitting Candy

Introduction: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of Babysitting Candy When Jessica turned fourteen, her mothers best friend and neighbor asked if she would like to earn a little money babysitting her daughter when she wet out. Jessica was thrilled at the idea of earning her own spending money. Besides she thought her mothers friend Tina was very sophisticated and looked upon her as the kind of woman she wanted to be when she grew up. Jessicas family lived on the edge of...

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Candy And Marlene

I looked out the window at the freshly fallen snow. Up and down the street the houses were all decorated for the season. Santa's and reindeer on the roofs, Nativity scenes in front yards, outside trees strung with lights and inside trees shining through windows. Holiday spirit was everywhere, everywhere but in my house. I turned from the window and took in the scene. The tree lying on the floor, shards of glass from broken light bulbs and shattered Christmas ornaments. I suppose I should have...

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Candy is always good when you share her

Candy’s giggle brings your head back down and you notice she is holding a fresh opened beer out to you. Smiling at her, you take the cold bottle, with beads of water dripping down the sides, and hand her the empty bottle. She swims back to the other side of the tub to throw it away. Her bare ass slips out of the water as she leans out, and you lean back and sip the ice cold Bud Light, watching the water sliding off her tight, tan ass. At of the corner of your eye, you notice Alison, Candy’s...

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Babysitting Candy

When Jessica turned fourteen, her mother's best friend and neighbor asked if she would like to earn a little money babysitting her daughter when she wet out. Jessica was thrilled at the idea of earning her own spending money. Besides she thought her mother's friend Tina was very sophisticated and looked upon her as the kind of woman she wanted to be when she grew up. Jessica's family lived on the edge of town in a pretty new housing development. Every house in the...

2 years ago
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Teachers CandyChapter 5

Monday's school day was over. I gathered anything I needed to bring home. Bethany would meet Valerie and me at my car. Yesterday I bought a king-sized bed and had it same-day delivered. It was fun trying it out last night. Today I needed a nap so I planned to go home and literally sleep. Valerie waited for me but Candy also hung around after the other students left. Of course! How could I forget about Candy? She was the reason Valerie and Bethany lived with me now. She rightly should be...

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Candy for candy

Candy for candy In her private moments, she referred to herself aloud, in the first person, as candy. She sashayed around her beachfront apartment adorned in a Rydell High cheerleader uniform, saddle shoes and of course, a color coordinated frilly apron, wrapped snuggly around her shrinking waist. Mistress was perched in a director's chair in the corner of the living room, out of sight from the sliding doors that opened up to the semi-private veranda. As she daintily feather...

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The Total Humiliation of Candy

The Total Humiliation of Candy By Christine Day One: The Meeting It all started 3 years ago when I decided to go to a party on my own. The idea was to pick up a girl and maybe if I was lucky to get laid. During the evening, I was approached by a real nice lady named Janet. I was very attracted to her. She was about 5'7" and was very slim and was wearing a very short black leather mini skirt with very high heels. Just the look of her turned me on. We danced to several numbers and in...

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Candy Jimmy and Me

Okay, I admit it. I am one of those guys who would like to see his wife with another man and to anyone else the reason I want to see it would probably make absolutely no sense. But what the hell, there are times it makes absolutely no sense to me either, but for twenty-two years I have wanted it, my wife knows I want it (but not why and I don't ever intend that she ever finds out) and for ten years now she has been saying "maybe some day." The story starts almost two years before I met...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 7

Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 7 Penny Lane

I heard Sarah gasp but I kept my eyes on the nurse I had not been introduced to yet. She had an odd grin on her face. "David, call Lt. Cable," Grandmother said. "Have him bring someone from forensics," I added. Peter, who evidently was handling communications, just nodded. Doctor Bales' knuckles turned white as he squeezed the arms of the chair. "Watch him close! If he moves his hands, shoot to kill!" David barked to Beth, who had drawn her gun. The slight click of the safety...

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CD Mistress Cheyenne cant fight the craving for Candy

Almost two long weeks had passed since my first meeting with my new slave Candy. Our first encounter was special and my sexy new sub had not left my mind since he walked out of my door. His juicy ass and hard thick cock have filled my thoughts each day since. I had found myself wildly attracted to Candy and lusting for him constantly. After deciding that ten days was long enough to make him wait I called Candy to set up another meeting. His phone barely got a full ring out before he...

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CD Mistress Cheyenne cant fight the craving for Candy

Almost two long weeks had passed since my first meeting with my new slave Candy. Our first encounter was special and my sexy new sub had not left my mind since he walked out of my door. His juicy ass and hard thick cock have filled my thoughts each day since. I had found myself wildly attracted to Candy and lusting for him constantly. After deciding that ten days was long enough to make him wait I called Candy to set up another meeting. His phone barely got a full ring out before he...

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Baby Candy chapter 3

Dear girls, thank you so much for all those encouraging comments you posted. I hope this latest version makes my sissy baby readers here make lots of squirty messes in their nappies! Hugs from Baby Jennie Chapter 3. Reduced to Babyhood We soon arrived at her friend's place, a huge old-fashioned red brick cottage on a half-acre block. It had two floors, with a wide tin-roofed veranda on two sides. I clutched the damp towel against my trembling frame with my free hand as my Aunty...

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Teachers CandyChapter 3

The next day I spanked and fucked Candy and Valerie on my teacher's desk. Candy was finally quiet during class now. She knew if she wanted to get the spanking and fucking her young teenage body desired she had to behave properly. I did the same with Candy and Valerie after class all next week. I was giving the paddle and my cock to two high school girls. What a three weeks! On Monday, the class emptied except for two girls, Candy and Valerie. Candy closed and locked the door as normal...

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Further Adventures of Lois Lane Virtual Reality to Actuality

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. As opposed to most of my Lois stories which are based upon past comic books, this one came to me while watching a rerun of a Lois & Clark episode on TV last week, in which Lois was trapped in a VR world. This story ends wide open, with the possibility of at least 4 or 5 more stories...

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Candy returned to her father’s plantation on the banks of the Mississippi river after having attended a finishing school on the east coast. She was beautiful; tall with strawberry blonde hair, pale blue eyes, and large breasts. She avoided too much sunlight since her skin had a habit of freckling rather than tanning. Her twenty-first birthday was arriving soon and her father asked her what she wanted. Candy told her father that what she wanted the most in the world was to own her own slave and...

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Baby Candy chap 18

Thank you for all those encouraging comments. Please keep posting your responses here. I love to read what you think. BJ Chapter 18. Melody and Cindy. It was only a three-block walk - I mean waddle to Melody's house, although with the thick wad of cloth stuffed between my legs, it seemed to take half the morning. It was another perfect mid-west Summer's day - hot and dry, with barely a hint of breeze. That goodness every street was lined with towering eucalyptus trees, providing...

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