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By 1980 Ian Abercrombie had parlayed chance, talent, hard work into a perch from which he soared. He yoked himself to the school newspaper just long enough to synthesize the three major reporting manual styles. (Chicago. Times. AP.) Quickly frustrated with school editors whose ‘lazy white man’ allegiances outweighed merit, he eventually bluffed his way into column inches on T-town’s morning paper, The Territorial.

While locals who’d made their journo bones ably staffed the periodical, its masthead ran top-heavy with diminished hacks who’d migrated to the cheap and easy less demanding West. Dubious bona fides aside, experience in any Top Five market clouded publishers’ judgment and carpeted many an undeserved path in rose petals.

Deficient as he knew his college clips were, Abercrombie’s brashness exceeded his proof. Maybe those doing the vetting hazily recognized in him who they’d been yesterday. Or had believed themselves to have been yesterday. Regardless he made the initial sale.

Once the fresh stringer figured the paper’s lay, Abercrombie connived off the usual newsprint stations of the cross. Collecting/distributing copy, tacking on inspired additions directly slurred from last calls, faking being regaled by that big story from ’61, he left to narrowbacks or mousy chicks speeding towards social dysfunction. He used every chance possible to hit the bricks.

Perhaps owing to his decided outsider status, Abercrombie noticed how vast segments of the community suffered neglected reportage. If it weren’t for sports, entertainment or crime, few would’ve known blacks, Indians and Mexicans resided in T-town. And forget pop culture.

Despite his large ego — a necessity — Abercrombie did not see himself as a savior. Just an opportunist. Far less hidebound than any Eastern newsroom, the Territorial staff looked upon his impetuousness amused. Their consensus was ‘who cared about marginal people?’ And fast fading fads? Pffft! Nonetheless it was the West. Risk while evading recklessness had tamed the region. Those it didn’t kill, thrived. Or were sent packing.

Abercrombie received one generous coil of rope.

Night of the reception for Professor Downs’ bestseller buddy, Abercrombie hadn’t gone as a reporter but as an invitee. However, should the guest of honor drop an epigram or two, preferably pithy and vermouth dry, dispense some brilliance, well, pad out and pen scribbling.

Downs himself had extended the invitation. Several of Abercrombie’s fellow low-rung strivers attended along with those few less self-absorbed graduates doggedly pursuing MFAs.

Unlike Abercrombie, the venue, the crowd therein, discomforted them. He imagined they preferred confinement in student hovels seen as scribes’ dens. Something about suffering for ‘craft.’ Right. There where dirty plates and laundry piled, these someday serious writers opened metaphoric veins. Anemic writing aptly demonstrated their thin understanding of the world.

At times, Abercrombie wished for an older adult’s humility. But then he reasoned false modesty worse than arrogance.

English department professors and their spouses, or, a-hem, that semester’s sweet young assistant, larded the guest list. Distinguished department supporters augmented them. Given the evening’s magnitude, Abercrombie broke out blazer and slacks, a button-down shirt and a badly-knotted tie. Standing easily in freshly-polished Oxfords, he felt overdressed though extremely presentable.

Guests made do on shrimp, an open bar and futile attempts at clever conversation. The generous circulation of older women, which at his age, 21, relative, struck him oddly. Those piquing him weren’t crones or haggard. Women throughout their 30s and 40s fluttered around Duff Scharlach’s gallery. Working on some antsy schedule, these women frequently landed, nervously burbled, then flew. He assumed most were faculty wives. Their flightiness seized his eye.

Not regal but many encroaching upon that attribute, one whiffed former easy attraction yielding to future labored allure. Most he could imagine younger. His age. Still very callow, Abercrombie somehow intuited beyond their self-enforced postures, pert appearances, they struggled against a kind of diminishment. Something behind their piercing eyes betrayed an awareness of insidious irrelevance. Of a shift. From getting by on raw sexual magnetism towards honing wiles.

That night he saw and grasped but never fully comprehended until his own 30s. Later among his age-set females lingering and loss clarified themselves in his male outlook.

The man of the hour demeaned the process feting him. Abercrombie wondered how many of his temporary admirers heard honesty and courage in the author’s contrariness, and whether the rest suspected drunkenness lubricated his erstwhile confessions.

‘Lear or Mailer?’ Abercrombie thought.

Downs gestured for him. He made introductions. Abercrombie recognized the stately female figure beside Downs. Across the last three years he’d seen her waiting on lines at the Valley National Bank campus branch. Usually she dressed down, as if during some heavy-duty masonry repairs she suddenly decided a deposit or withdrawal was urgent.

The department chairman introduced him to Clare Chetwynd. Abercrombie placed Mrs. Chetwynd in her late 50s, early 60s. Tonight despite wearing what passed as Western couture and understated jewelry that clearly indicated one robust financial background, Mrs. Chetwynd didn’t have a society woman’s handshake. The matron’s firm grip increased her substance.

The blue-eyed ramrod gauging him retained shape around a bosom he doubted plunged much when unfettered. Her face hadn’t broken much, while rinse thwarted gray throughout her auburn sweep. Abercrombie needn’t dial back far to see a younger Mrs. Chetwynd as mantrap attractive — without taking the last step where vanity stumbled into ridicule.

‘Ian is the fellow I told you about, Clare,’ Downs said. Proud nearly parental inflection rode his voice. Abercrombie swallowed a grin.

She replied with an easy seductive purr. ‘Good. This country can’t have too many competent talented men.’

Her compliment impelled an already straightened Abercrombie to stand taller. Peripherally he noticed Downs further square his own shoulders. Mrs. Chetwynd pointed her comments at the younger man.

‘Bobby, oh, Professor Downs, gave us a sheaf of your writing. Your newspaper work is engrossing. It almost embarrasses me to realize how ignorant I am about our city. And I’ve lived here nearly 40 years!’

‘A lot of my stuff comes from the margins,’ Abercrombie said. ‘That is if people can be so safely described. Usually awareness of them is sufficient. Is it enough to know then ignore what’s underfoot? What I’ve tried doing, and what The Territorial generally allows, is basing articles on one premise: these are also your neighbors. A lot of subscribers find that disturbing, I hear.’

Probably hearing untimely precocity, Downs redirected focus. ‘But Ian’s fiction is much more artful. The, er, immaturity is giving way to twisty ambiguity.’ He turned to Abercrombie. ‘Ian, there are times when we amuse ourselves with your purported fiction pieces. Sometimes none of us can determine whether you’ve presented disguised facts or facts lacquered under fictionalization.’

Mrs. Chetwynd and Downs chuckled. Abercrombie kept mum. He knew silence heightened mystery, which would increase attraction, and therefore interest.

A female fourth voice opined. ‘Sounds like the entire modern literature canon since 1950. Should anyone be commending any practitioner of such facile skills?’

Naturally the newcomer drew their attention.

That voice belonged to a woman Abercrombie guessed in her late 20s. She’d teased the chestnut mane framing her heart-shaped face into a luxuriant hive. A poison green wrap dress bound on pleasant chest and faithfully adhered along
her fine womanly curves. Clogs shod her feet, shoes Abercrombie bet she wore for convenience rather than comfort.

Had she been a contemporary, he would’ve dismissed her ‘wise ass’ nature. Since she wasn’t, he settled on superior.

Obviously some relation to Mrs. Chetwynd, the woman had quite a distance to go before reaching distinguished. Intuitively he knew she’d eventually claim that status. Though not without resistance.

Instead, for now, she’d wend through velvet contrariness.

Blue eyes leapt from her tanned features. Upon her lips she’d applied a deep berry tint rather than some unnatural red. Only Mrs. Chetwynd introducing them kept her from pulling one unalterable moue.

‘This is my daughter Margot.’

The benefactress beamed at her issue. Margot extended a fine hand. Between rings glinting off every finger and bracelets clanking around both wrists, Abercrombie wondered whether the Chetwynd daughter could be any more encumbered. Her powerful grip, its duration, how her eyes challenged, favorably stacked Abercrombie’s estimation.

His little grin became hers. Mrs. Chetwynd recognized what transpired. Where motherly reproach might’ve been expected, she confounded Abercrombie through a slight approving nod. Downs looked on fascinated, his comprehension incomplete.

Margot broke the trance and time resumed. She mixed accusation with suggestiveness.

‘So you’re the man who’s going to make everything all right.’

Roberta Flack’s ‘Poetry Man’ resounded through her statement. Downs’ clarification was unwelcome cold water.

‘Indeed. We saw Ian as a perfect fit for what the project required. And everything dovetails so nicely, too.’

The department chairman reveled in how randomness created one small ordered circle. ‘Everything’ consisted of Abercrombie getting summer part-timer status at The Territorial, sharing adequate in-town housing until August, then spending the eighth month domiciled in a dedicated university residence as recognition for his writing skills.

The cottage, if one could imagine a flat-roofed adobe dwelling as such, usually hosted three graduate students for individual one-month stays from June to August. Stipends further sweetened the award. Peace and quiet, 30 days respite from monetary worry, ought have provided conditions perfect for creation. Stories. Novel chapters. Poems. Essays. Didn’t matter. Just conjure from desert air, beseech Erato, write. Or some such purple claptrap.

‘I sure could use another drink,’ Margot drawled.

‘Me too,’ Abercrombie said. ‘When you go, get me one.’

Surprise flickered across Margot’s face. Color rose in her cheeks, her eyes heated. She extinguished both quickly, a higher sense of regard their residue. Abercrombie saw fleeting approval from Mrs. Chetwynd. Maybe Downs understood their exchange to have been about cocktails.

Abercrombie’s summer circumstances would demand more than deadlines and summer daydreaming. Added to his seasonal labor, any frolics derived, he’d also been enlisted for the ‘Chetwynd bequeath.’

Before money, Dexter and Clare Chetwynd had worked. Post-war into the 60s they’d operated a photography business which glorified all aspects Arizona. Good chunks of their effort achieved iconic status. These became the visual staples which lured Eastern masses into western voids.

The couple also had foresight. Great desert tracts purchased for pennies during the early 50s were coveted by developers a decade later. That dirt became expensive.

Wealth amassed, prestige bought and secured, Dexter Chetwynd sought a legacy more meaningful than subdivisions suffixed by Estates, Gardens or Meadows. Merely endowing a chair at the university failed his grandiosity. However, the family did possess tens of thousands of negatives and prints chronicling Arizona before blacktop and urbanization. That was the long-ago country Dexter and Clare entered. It deserved remembrance.

Already sizable university contributors, donation of the Chetwynd photography collection in the late 70s encountered zero opposition. Naturally a companion volume would supplement the exhibition. And Chetwynd was specific about the writer or writers assigned: no natives, no one raised in the Southwest. He wanted an Easterner or Easterners who’d migrated West much like he (Philadelphia) and his wife (Cleveland). The task required fresh perspectives.

Despite lucrative potential, this job neither excited nor attracted any experienced department hands fitting the contributor’s criteria. Among themselves that summer were pros who saw scant upside in what many regarded as a vanity project. Furthermore, previous and guaranteed future piles of money to the university aside, much of the English and Journalism faculties considered Dexter Chetwynd a right-winger in the Barry Goldwater mold. Given his politics, they detested him.

Certainly the text would clearly center on the pictures and their times. Yet there was widespread sneaking suspicion conversations might likely drift into the country’s post-war amble. Chetwynd was renown for decrying, if not despairing, America’s gradual social fragmentation since the absolute unity of its bravest hours.

Moreover, what sane person wanted to stay in T-town over summer break, rummaging through dusty cartons while Chetwynd gassed about scrap drives and Victory Gardens!? No. Leave that task to someone young, hungry, and without a houseboat on Lake Havasu or beachfront rental somewhere along the Baja coast.

‘I hear you’re an exceptional athlete,’ Margot said. Her insinuation robbed the statement of all innocence. She and Abercrombie smirked. Downs replied.

‘Why, yes, Ian’s on our track team. Shot put and discus, isn’t it?’

‘And javelin,’ Abercrombie added.

Margot cooed. ‘Oooh, you’re soooo classic.’

‘Antique expressions form our here and now, Margot. They must be revived and revered, yes?’

Mrs. Chetwynd cocked an eyebrow skeptically. Downs remained below their rarefied air. He got dragged further when his buddy the bestselling author crashed their clutch. The guest of honor had been making one loud declamatory circuit throughout the gallery. He was drunk, all right, but not on anything brewed or distilled. He was intoxicated by the strongest ambrosia of all — indiscriminate reception of others’ fawning adulation.

Downs bathed in the spillover and basked in his friend’s glare. Suddenly the attendants trailing the author interested themselves in Downs, a man they’d shown indifference shortly after this evening’s initial greetings.

Both Chetwynds spun away from the new mass. Margot momentarily occupied Abercrombie’s mind. He compared her confident sauciness to the blatant unformed charms of females his age. Margot’s allure bore a maturity none of those contemporaries yet managed. Though she toyed with him, her intent hadn’t been to injure. More of a flirty sounding out.

That she’d determined him worthy of such bestowal buffed Abercrombie’s already immense self-esteem.

Nonetheless rather than snuffle after Margot, Abercrombie remained among the newly-formed cluster. Behavior alone pegged Downs’ buddy as an ass. Abercrombie only continued to observe the man because should talent or dumb luck ever strike, he wanted to avoid his boorishness.

After thoroughly spreading verbal manure on that spot, the guest of honor spied another vista in Scharlach’s gallery requiring aggrandizement. His. He moved and admirers trailed him. Abercrombie wondered if his retinue resembled less enlightened eras’ royal caravans. He didn’t ponder long. Margot materialized with the ebbing furor.

In the interim she’d imbibed more than one cocktail. By her appearance those hadn’t been tippled in any lady-like manner. She verged on tipsiness. Her mouth had loosened and bleariness along with disappointment rimmed her blue eyes. Had she been a fellow student, Abercrombie would’ve feared an out
break of slurred, loud invective. Rather, she nudged him. Margot kept her voice low but made her intent clear.

‘I don’t usually need to ask. Don’t play dumb, goddamit! You know what I mean.’

Undisguised satisfaction crossed his face. Smart enough to recognize the upper hand, Abercrombie was still unschooled in its effective subtle application. He chortled. Margot’s funk deepened.

‘Don’t be smarmy, you prick.’

Voice never rising above undertone, Abercrombie said, ‘Good thing I’m an English major or I wouldn’t know what ‘smarmy’ meant. What do you need from me?’

Margot smiled despite herself. ‘ ‘Need’? Okay. I ‘need’ to understand how a boy barely into real manhood is putting me through paces.’

‘You’d be surprised and gratified at what they’re teaching in schools today.’

‘Maybe not as surprised as you hope,’ Margot said. ‘Maybe not as grateful as you expect. I ‘need’ to get something outside. Come with me.’

Little noticed, they left the gallery. Dim as these were, downtown streetlights obscured all but the brightest stars. Margot led them into night’s uninhabited portions. Soon both walked past vacant storefronts.

Flanking Margot, he appraised her behind. The clingy dress certainly enhanced that ass. Determined strides kindly shuddered all that rear musculature. Spying it, rudely thinking about it, started stiffening his cock. So much so he adjusted the tool swelling in his pants.

Margot halted their march at an alleyway. They squinted into semi-darkness. Nothing except a wall-hugging car, several strewn dumpsters and view of the next street. Here served her purpose.

She turned, faced him. Wordlessly Margot backed into shadow. After quick glances up and down the sidewalk he followed.

Margot unfastened her dress. Her garment didn’t billow as much as he expected. Her nipples and sex stained those sheer fabrics covering them. The car grill ended her retreat. There, she hopped atop the hood. Clogs slapped pavement. Her bare heels rested on the fender. Hands beckoned him forward.

Their convergence became instinctive synchronicity. Abercrombie’s mouth swapped wet heat with hers. While one arm encircled her waist, the fingers of his other fondled either succulent hanging off her chest.

Margot scooted towards Abercrombie and wedged him between strong thighs. After unfastening his slacks, she unbuttoned his shirt, The top pip cinching his collar remained untouched — his tie knot dissuaded her. She freed Abercrombie’s shirt tails then clawed up his torso. When fingernails scraped his nipples, Margot pulled her mouth off his and rubbed moist lips against Abercrombie’s broad hairy chest. One crown chosen, she licked the nib then nipped it. Her bite startled him.

Before he could express dismay or displeasure, Margot clasped pants and boxers and jammed them down his thick thighs. Gravity draped two kinds of fabric over his shoes. Abercrombie’s cock was lively and heavy in her palm. She couldn’t decide whether to hold it like a lever or a club. Margot’s other hand traveled down his shaft. She found his balls already ribbed tightly.

Fingernails skating along those scrotal ridges were mildly excruciating. In a good way. He flinched. His sharp air intake accompanied that response. She chuckled with soft malice.

Using him as support, Margot dropped her panties. She didn’t remove them but let that scrap dangle off an ankle. Bare now, she angled Abercrombie and shifted her hips.

Lust notwithstanding Margot was dry and tight. His first poke came through teeth-gritting effort. Margot gripped what she could of Abercrombie’s dense back and ass. She seemingly willed him into her cranny.

He’d never screwed a woman as dry as Margot. Each thrust marbled thigh muscles, stressed hamstrings and tendons, then kept him lunging on the balls of his feet. These repetitions absurdly reminded Abercrombie of high school football drills, of firing off the line. Tonight’s below waist jolts nearly equaled that ferocity.

Her poor wetness removed all grace and pleasure from their sex. He rammed rather than stroked. Abercrombie needed to gather himself, refocus really, before pumping again. Margot’s head didn’t merely recoil through his force. It jarred. She clenched her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut during penetration. On withdrawal Margot’s lids fluttered and mouth flapped.

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We both embraced each other with a hug and kiss. Our hands explored each others body like we were trying to find the prize in the Cracker Jack box. You see, she used to be my hot little Spanish teacher about ten years ago, and for about the last three months, we have been having a secret affair. The sex is great and she is super hot for a 45 yr. old. She used to be very athletic and has kept her toned body even after all the years. Now back to the sex... Our tongues wrestled in and...

4 years ago
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Be Kind Rewind

When I was nineteen years old, I was living in Miami and going to college down there. My school fund was mostly depleted by my second year and I needed to look for work right away. So, I applied for several jobs but the one that stood out was at a well-known video store. I figured it would be a lot of fun and a new experience and, oh boy, was I right. I experienced a lot of firsts working there. I killed the interview, being a movie buff. Also, I was told later that one of the managers thought...

2 years ago
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My best friends mom in the shower part II

Jessica and I were standing there in the shower completely naked all wet and Holly was waiting for an explanation."What? You know I've been wanting to have sex with a young and sexy kitten," Jessica said."But mom, Carol is my best friend," Holly replied."I know, but it's not like she doesn't find me attractive. You told me you did, but you wouldn't have sex with me though. So I had sex with Carol," Jessica said.Did I just hear that right?"You asked your daughter to have sex with you?" I asked...

2 years ago
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Taking A Risk

Stephanie took a deep breath as she walked down stairs to her stepfather’s study, stopping outside the door she made sure her robe was hanging just right. It was obvious she had nothing on underneath. As she tapped on the door she felt her pussy start to dampen at the thought of the man on the other side. Her mother had married him five years ago, she doubted it had been because they loved each other, at thirteen she didn’t much care, her new step daddy was rich and she got whatever she...

1 year ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 32 A Friend in Deed

“You rowed to the middle of the ocean and waited for them?” Joseph asked Genrico. “Amelia had found a pennant with the DuBront coat of arms on it,” Genrico replied with a laugh. “We put it on a stick and waved it about once we were certain we were in the shipping lanes. Empress Yana recognized the insignia and, once she was close enough, she recognized us. She pulled us and the row boat aboard.” “That sounds incredibly ... foolhardy,” Joseph said. “I was so concerned about pirates that I...

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DevilsFilm Haley Reed Hazel Grace CumSwap Cuties

When Haley shows up at Jay’s place of work he knows she is looking for trouble. Horned out and always looking for action Haley even brings her friend Hazel with her. It’s almost closing time and Jay is trying to get out of the place but damn he can’t take his eyes off of the two of them. When Haley asks Jay if he would like to fuck her and her friend what is a guy supposed to do. Into the late hours, he fucks the two of them like a champion as they move all over the pool table...

4 years ago
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I was utterly devastated. I walked into the house, put my keys on the foyer table on my way to the kitchen, grabbed a glass of wine, walked up the back stairs to the master bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. With tears running down my face, I slowly stripped. I walked into the bathroom and filled the antique claw-foot tub with water as hot as I could stand it, adding a few sprinkles of bath salts and some baby oil. I lit the candles scattered all over the room, remembering the last time...

1 year ago
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Private Jessika Night Wild Girl

Jessika Night has come to Private Specials, Forever Young, ready to journey into the wild and release her primal instants as she takes a trip with her man Nikky Nutz that she’ll never forget. Watch these love birds get a room on as the gorgeous Jessika offers up her sweet pussy for a taste before returning the favour with a nice blowjob. Then enjoy this saucy teen in action as she puts her tight teen body to work, riding, grinding and getting fucked in all her favourite...

2 years ago
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Breathe Your Name

Breathe Your Name you are in my heart i can feel your beat and you move my mind from behind the wheel when I lose control i can only breathe your name ~ Sixpence None the Richer She could feel his breath on her forehead, warm and heavy, the effervescent mint of his toothpaste lingering in her nose. His perfume, the musky, citrus of Clive Christain 1872 she had gotten for his birthday last year, filled her senses and then he was gone. She opened her eyes slowly and watched him close the...

1 year ago
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Myself and Jenna Part 2

As I wrote once before, my first lesbian experience was with my best friend Jenna. This is part 2, my 2nd lesbian experience.A few months after meeting my hubby, Jenna and I planned to have a girls night at her apartment. Her boyfriend had a braai with friends and mine was away on business. It was a friday night, we ordered pizzas, had a few glasses of wine and we chatted. After eating we went to her room where we changed into our pj's.While doing our nails we chatted about our boyfriends and...

2 years ago
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Mommy and Me

It's another long, boring day at school, and I'm horny again. It's been a while since I last skipped, so I should be safe if I do it again. I successfully drive home without wetting myself, and as usual, check the driveway for cars. Neither of my parents' cars are parked, nor is my older brother's, so I know I'm safe. I want to do something especially dirty today. Not even dogs will soil the area where they sleep. . . but today I want to wet my bed. The need to pee isn't strong yet, so I...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 10

On Thursday I followed what had become the new norm. After school Keith and I went over to his house and got his stuff, then drove over to my house to get mine. Then around the block to pick up Linda and Holly at Holly’s house. Shortly after we were at JD’s house, and everybody was doing the usual creating a new party shuffle, while trying to pump me for information. I told them it was going to be starting in a city. And yes, only 1 character each, levels 5 through 7. Multi-class was fine,...

2 years ago
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FredChapter 3

Fred came into our lives screaming, half-naked, strapped to a gurney, and escorted by two cops and two EMTs. Pregnant. Craig, the Emergency Department doc on duty, told Sarah she was high, too. “Pregnant and stoned,” were his exact words, Sarah said. Bruised and with a cut lip. Her lab tests showed two STDs. Turns out she was more than a little bit pregnant. She was three months along. Sarah by then was six months into her second pregnancy. I wasn’t there. I was home with Susie and her...

2 years ago
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Hot Daughter Hotter MomChapter 8

After that first time, Lisa couldn't seem to get enough of Earl's huge cock. With his wife out of town, she slipped over for the next three evenings and he always fucked her into a screaming frenzy. Because Lisa didn't have to work on Saturdays, Earl dropped over to her house about ten in the morning. "Hi, honey," she beamed, giving him a hot wet kiss when she answered the door. "What do you have in mind?" "Fucking," he grinned. "Welcome," laughed Lisa. "My son is gone for the...

3 years ago
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Hope Is In The Lounge Part 1

Talk about a gorgeous fall night on the Gulf Coast that quickly turned erotic!She was dancing in front of the bandstand to almost every song. A very attractive face with a slender body and a nice rack that had a lot of single guys drooling. I found myself watching and wondering if she was staying at the inn or just in with friends for the music and dancing. As a good three-piece band, we usually packed the place on weekends.She looked very sexy and supple as she wiggled and shook that pair of...

Quickie Sex
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An Intimate Night

I opened the window, "How can I help you?" "Where are you headin'?", he asked "15th", I answered "I was going to 14th but no fuckin' cabs outta here" "OK, come on get in I'll drive you there" The man got up in my car, sitting next to me, and I started checking him out. He was a black man, about 35 yo, 6ft, a bit slim but firm, wearing a black leather jacket and a dark-blue jeans. I though about starting to work on that man, maybe he would let me suck him up in...

2 years ago
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Exhibitionist Wife Teasing an old guy

During the hot spell a week or so back we decided to go out for lunch. There was a pub a couple of miles away that we'd seen from the road that people had told us was worth a visit so we decided to give it a goWe sat outside at a table underneath a large umbrella and ordered some food and a couple of drinks. After we had eaten Mrs O said she fancied staying on for a couple more glasses of red wine so i told her to go for it. As the afternoon wore on the garden started to empty out until there...

3 years ago
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Strange Relationship ndash Chapter 2 Version 3

(Author's note: this is an early version of a much longer erotic novel. It's been through a lot of edits, but I really like some of the early versions that got canned. I hope you don't mind me reproducing them here. Of all the stories I've written - which is a lot! - Caitlin is one of my favourite creations, and I'm always looking to giver her greater exposure, as are the men (and women) in her life! You can follow her continued adventures in the different versions of the story called "Strange...

2 years ago
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Daughters Breast Milk by fbailey

Alyssa and Zelda are my sixteen-year-old twin daughters. Two c***dren were all my wife and I ever wanted so when we knew it was twins we picked out our names. We decided on A to Z. If it were to be one or two boys it would have been Allen and Zachary. The first one born became Alyssa and of course the last one became Zelda. Last being only three minutes later.My wife died in a car accident when the girls were twelve years old. She hit her head hard on the steering wheel and was pronounced brain...

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Islands in the Stream

East of Eden The Devil’s name was “Vanity.” And my wife was far too easily seduced. All her life Heather had been cute, but a little chubby. So, after the kids left home she started exercising. It was just to kill time at first. Then things changed – drastically! The more she worked out, the shapelier she got. Her body became her obsession. And she was reborn a goddess. That was when the flirting began. For the first twenty-two years of our marriage, we were a companionable and loving...

4 years ago
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Parthas ParadiseChapter 15

New characters appearing in this and other chapters: Admiral Stanfield Commander of Task Force Franklin, and the Heavy Cruiser Benjamin Franklin, 5’-10’’ tall, 180 pounds, 52 years old, gray hair, hard eyes. CPO Wurst, Klaus Chief Petty Officer, Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marines, 5’-11’’ tall, 170 pounds, 37 years old, dark blond hair, blue eyes PO Asthon, Zawe Petty Officer, Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marines, 5’-8’’ tall, 145 pounds, 36C-24-36, 31 years old, long black hair in...

4 years ago
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My First Submissive Encounter

“You’re not freaking out are you?” My friend Amy asked looking frantically at me. She had just told me her biggest secret; she ‘belonged’ to a woman named Nina whom she lived with and had a dom/sub relationship with – big deal.“No I’m fine,” I laughed, hitting her playfully across the shoulders. Amy relaxed and smiled at me; I could see the relief in her face.“Good, because I really want you to come over but they said I had to tell you because well…” she hesitated, looking awkward again.“It’s...

3 years ago
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First StrapOn with my Girlfriend

The door opened before me, and I quickly stepped in, my heart racing. Dave gave me a big hug, which somewhat calmed my nerves. I gave him the bottle of wine, and suggested a glass might settle me. I sat in the recliner, and took a healthy sip when Dave gave me a glassful. I felt the warmth as it spread from my stomach.Dave showed me the strap-on he had bought. I handled it gingerly, and examined how it worked. Dave sat on the edge of the bed in his robe as I did. Out of the corner of my eye, I...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 42 I Do Know What I Ought to Do

January 2, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “Well?” Clarissa asked after I returned to the great room. “Wait and see. Angie’s next appointment is a week from tomorrow. I’m hoping Doctor Mercer waits until then to talk to Angie, but I’m afraid she’ll call Angie’s mom and THAT will cause Angie all sorts of heartache and might even set off her condition.” “Wouldn’t Doctor Mercer know that?” “Yes, but the problem is that Angie did something Doctor Mercer thinks is inherently dangerous. She’s almost...

1 year ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 37

October 19, 1977 The university’s semester was half over and Benny had mid-terms this week. He wasn’t exactly stressed out by them. His math class was a snap. He did have some concerns about the English class, which was taught by a woman who was in love with poetry; and the history class, which was taught by a ‘memorize the event and date’ type of professor. His chemistry class was something new for him, and was requiring him to work at learning new material. He was also taking a government...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 228 A Mans Back 1The Street Fighter Returns

(Inside a gathering of people stand Sanosuke, a young girl, a street tough and his leader, a heavyset man named Fudozawa. Sanosuke has just laid out another tough on the ground.) Underling: Who're you?! Sanosuke: What does that matter? You gonna fight me, or not? These days I just can't settle down. I don't care anymore. I just wanna get out of this bad mood. Underling: You little punk... ! Fudozawa: Wait. (to Sanosuke) You must not be from around here if you think you can talk like...

4 years ago
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Curious Comparison

My wife and I were having a quiet night in with a friend who decided to visit and chill with us, we were chatting away about all-sorts and listening to a chillout cd in the background when the topic of abs came up and our friend was showing off his almost-6-pack.My wife was definately impressed as she enjoys a good looking body like most people, then she asked me to stand up and compare my non-existent 6-pack with his. I did so and although it didnt look anything like his, she continued to prod...

2 years ago
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I Still Got It

It was a typical Thursday in September. The weather wasn’t too bad that day, but I wasn't expecting any fun until Saturday night at the swinger’s party. As I was heading home from work I got a text from my husband saying he won’t be home for a while, since he was taking his son shopping.I decided to grab dinner at a local place that I like. It was the perfect place for dinner that night, since it was dollar oyster night. The bartender and a waitress, that kind of know me there, greeted me when...

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Married Chinese Lawyer First Encounter Story

So like I explained in my post about the Married Chinese Lawyer introduction, I met her when an ex-gf of mine introduced me to her as a fuck buddy. My ex was a cuckqueen, she enjoyed watching me fuck the lawyer who was a good friend of hers. It was just purely a fuck buddy entertainment relationship for my ex. I had only met her a few times and only knew her first name. Had no idea what she did, how old she was or any other information. It was just to fuck her so my ex could watch and enjoy and...

2 years ago
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Family Game Night

"It's your turn, Mom," Sean said as he waited for his mother, Amelia, to roll the dice. "Are you sure about these rules, Sean?" Amelia asked with slight frown as she looked down at the octogonal playing board. It was the strangest board game she'd ever seen and Amelia couldn't help but wonder where her son had found it. It looked like an antique. "Yes, Mom," Sean assured her with a sigh of frustration. At least I think I am, Sean admending silently. The rule card for the game read like badly...

4 years ago
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Juhi Sex With My Flatmates Boyfriend 8211 Part 4

Hi, Guys, my name is Juhi, this sex story is about when I was 25, my stats back then were 34D, 28, 34 and honestly I was really happy and proud of my curves, I wore all sorts of sexy outfits, dresses, shorts, tights, denim and was very very open for fresh sex. So, recently I had picked up a job in an Advertising Consultancy in Mumbai and took up an apartment in Andheri, a 2BHK that I shared with a girl called Risha. Risha was an aspiring model, her stats were 34B, 26, 32. I believe, Sex is so...

2 years ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 16

King Kenneth was smiling smugly after making his shocking announcement. I knew that the smile would leave his face quickly, if I didn't stop Brenda from launching herself at him. Just to be on the safe side, I put one arm around her waist as a kind of anchor. "What do you mean you have arranged his marriage?" Brenda demanded. The King gave her a dirty look and spoke to me, ignoring my girlfriend. "There has been bad blood between Axon and Scania for over three hundred years. A...

1 year ago
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Din Rat Mousi Ko Choda 8211 Part II

HI friends I am back my name is Dev & mail id is plz reply my story . in last story u read how mousi and me kaisse ek dusare ko apne hatho se mutth mar kar shant kiya tha aur aab aage maine mousi ko kaha tum bhi sexy aur garam ho aur unki chuchi ko apne muuh maine leke chus raha tha aur hatho se dusre chuchi ko dabaye raha tha wo mere sir ko apni chuchi pe dabaya tha aur muuh se sssssssshhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh oooooooo chus isse aur chusss merrrrrrreeeeee chuchiiiiiiii kkkkoooooooo bahot...

1 year ago
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My County Tis of MineChapter 3

Her mom looked up and said, "You're just in time, I got this fine prick all cleaned up for you. You get undressed and hop in, I'll get the lord and master a glass of ice water, can I get you one too? As Kathy walked towards the kitchen I was drawn to watch her ass. Every time I saw her naked, the firmness of her body amazed me, and now as she was walking away I could see the color in her ass from my spanking. Boy was that a turn on! But the exposure of firm 17 year old tits will always...

2 years ago
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camping with my friend

he convince me to ''just try''we were both a bit drunk , all these rhum n coke around the fire with his mom and dadwe went to the shower and i saw my friend huge black cock for the first timemaking me feel weird around him naked in the shower , such a big cock i coudnt stop looking at itwe washed ourselfmy friend getting his fat cock washed as i look look at him stroke it slowly in the water''yo dude you keep looking at me, wassup you like my cocl?''''ahahah sorry man its so big i neer seen...

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