Home Visit Part 1 free porn video

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A Home Visit
The first night...

I was surprised when my mobile pinged telling me I had a text message, no one sent me messages I didn’t like them, if you had something to tell me just call, it wasn’t hard was it?
I was even more surprised when I looked and saw it was from Jessica my step-daughter, she never ever called me let alone sent me text messages, I only knew what she was up to from my wife, she was the one she kept in contact with, after all she was her Daughter and she was the one contacted with any news, good or bad, I opened the message.
Hi David, Mum told me she was away for a couple of days but you were home, thing is I will be home later tonight for a couple of nights, hope you don’t mind I just need to get away from Uni for a break, anyway I will be home about 7ish, J xx
There goes my peace and quiet, I’d been quite looking forward to having the house to myself for weekend, oh well it wasn’t to be, it was five now plenty of time to make something for dinner, she would be starving, and no doubt would be using the washing machine and dryer non-stop all weekend, typical student, don’t get me wrong, she’s a good girl and never caused her Mum any problems, which meant she never caused me any either, she was a bright girl too, had her pick of university places, she had picked Bath because it was close and easy to get home when she wanted to, I would cook a Chili we had everything already in the house I would just have to nip down the local shops and grab a couple of bottles of wine and then I could relax.
It was just after seven when I heard the front door being unlocked and the thump of a bag dropped as Jessica let herself in and closed the door.
“ Hi David, it’s only me” I got up and went out to the hall, I’d better say hello and see if she needed any help with her bags or anything, she had changed since the last time she’d been home, her blonde hair was cut shorter and she was wearing jeans that had more holes than denim and a baggy t-shirt with some band on the front that I’d never heard of and looked like someone’s idea of a nightmare...grunge...still her choice, as she turned to hang up her jacket I couldn’t help notice that most of her bum was on show and very little underwear… I was shaking my head as I went into the kitchen to check on the food.
She lugged her bag into the kitchen and loaded the washer with the first of what probably would be several loads of her laundry, that done she sat down at the little table and I served dinner.
We chatted about Uni mostly, it seemed as if she wasn’t enjoying it as much as she’d hoped, the lectures were no problem it was the work she had to do away from Uni, it was the living in halls of residence she didn’t like, the lack of privacy, and most of the girls were stuck-up bitches so she’d decided to get away for a while, she was going to give it until the end of term and if things weren’t any better, try to move into her own bedsit, she would have to work part-time to pay for it and that meant no social life, when would she get to go out. I thought that the social life was what she was more worried about, that, and having to work to live, welcome to the real world I was thinking. She’d drunk a couple of glasses of wine with dinner and she had quite a flushed face, she wasn’t a drinker, but she’d finished them off quite quickly, she giggled as i emptied the last of the bottle into her glass, “you’ll be getting me tipsy if you’re not careful”
She asked if it was O.K. to take a shower, and get to bed, she said she was tired, of course honey it’s your house I told her, I’ll be down here watching T.V. if you need anything, she came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, I had a nice view down her top as she did, no bra and a nice little nipples, very nice indeed, I’m sure she must of noticed, she had a little smile on her face as she said “night Dave” and went upstairs, her little ass on show and a nice wiggle as she went.
I had never thought of her in that way before but she’d certainly grown up, I was getting hard at the thought of that sexy little ass.
I cleared up after the meal and opened the second bottle of wine and settled down to watch some T.V. I hadn’t heard her but she’d come downstairs and when I went for another glass of wine I was treated to the sight of her naked ass and pussy as she bent over to take her washing from the machine, the t-shirt she’d worn for bed had ridden up exposing her sexy holes, I couldn’t move, I didn’t want to move, what a glorious sight, so I quietly left the kitchen and made a noise so she knew I was about to come in, she jumped her hand on her chest, “ God you made me jump Dave, I was just sorting the washing out “ she didn’t realize she was holding a pair of the her skimpiest knickers in her hand, she saw what I was looking at and blushed bright red, and quickly hid them in the rest of her clothes, then giggled..”.whoops ,you weren’t meant to see them”.. I laughed and said they’d be a sight to see on, she agreed with me and said they were her best knickers only for special occasions, I found myself wondering how many special occasions that they’d seen action, I got my wine and waved the bottle, another glass?, “Yeah go on then,it’s not like I’m going anywhere later” she picked up her clothes and went upstairs.
A few minutes later and wearing a slightly longer t-shirt that at least came down to mid thigh, Jessica came into the lounge and plonked herself down on the sofa, I’d poured her a glass of wine and it was waiting for her on the coffee table, as she lent forward and picked it up i could see a small breast hanging forward through the armhole of her t-shirt, still no bra, good job her Mum wasn’t here to see that, she wouldn’t of been happy at all, but she wasn’t and I was more than happy to look, if she was showing it, I was always going to look it was just natural, she sat back and took a long sip, the red wine coating her lips, which she licked, god this was going to be hard, she had a little smile on her face, she knew I was watching her and was playing on it, she was teasing me, alright then I thought. I’ll play your game.
“ It’s so nice being home again, peaceful and no drama to cope with, shame Mum’s not here but it gives us some time to chat...in private” she was looking at me over her wine glass, tongue poking out as she took a sip, she’d nearly finished it so i offered to pour more…” mmmmnn that would be nice”... I showed her the bottle but didn’t move to fill the glass she was holding out, with a little smile she moved closer to me so i could pour her more wine…”thanks..Dave”... cheers Jess I offered her my glass and she touched hers to mine…” cheers and thanks for listening earlier” she was toying with her hair, twisting it around her finger as she sipped her wine, her lips were stained bright red from the wine, so tempting and kissable, she giggled…”I bet you liked my skimpy little knickers didn’t you?...” Naughty aren’t they? “... I answered yes to both questions and added that if they were so skimpy why bother wearing them at all…” Oh I only wear them when I go out to a pub or club, most days I don’t wear any”...”I prefer to feel open to the air”... Her eyes were still looking at me as she drank, seeing if she would get a reaction, I said that I always liked the thought of a pretty girl in a skirt wearing nothing underneath so arousing…”even better when the sun shines through her skirt, so sexy” she laughed and said I would love Bath in the summer it was full of sexy girls wearing next to nothing, I noticed her nipples had started to poke through her t-shirt, it wasn’t cold, but they were poking out nicely, I said she had better have the last of the wine and I would have a beer I had some in the fridge…” Let me go and get it for you”... she jumped up and went to the kitchen...Do you need a glass Dave?”, I said no I was fine without, she came back carrying all six cans I had in the fridge, “ I thought it would save...any interruptions” she sat back down closer than before and opened a can for me, she held her glass out for more wine, I waited before picking up the bottle… You going to fill me up then Dave?”, I had no doubt now that she was up for more than just a chat, I was going to play along and see where It led..”Of course I will Jess but your not empty are you?” She drained the glass and held it out…”Oh I’m empty Dave, so you can fill me up now can’t you?...right up” she sighed, “ Oh yes Jess I can do that if you want me to, would you like that?” She laughed,” Come on then I’m game”, she dropped the glass on the floor and pressed up against me, I set the bottle down and grabbed her, she smelt of strawberries from her shower gel, fresh and so edible, she grabbed me around my neck and pulled me onto her, her mouth locked on to mine and was sliding her tongue in and out like a cock, I sucked on it and held It, I was looking into her eyes and could see she was smiling, I let her tongue go…” I wondered how long I could tease you before you grabbed me, you lasted longer than I thought” she had slid her hand down and had found my cock already getting hard in my trousers..”.Mmmnnnn look what I’ve found” she was squeezing my cock and was unzipping me, she soon had her hand on my cock and was slowly stroking me...Oh Dave it’s soooo hard and hot for little me” she soon pulled it out and was sliding down to take it into her open mouth…” No rush, you can fuck me all weekend” with that she sank onto me and started to give me a lovely sloppy blow job, and wow she knew what she was doing, I wondered how many cocks had been in her hot little mouth and then her other holes?, I had started to push her down so she had to take more of my cock, she took it and I thought she could take every inch so I pushed her down harder, I heard her gag but still she sucked. She eventually came up for air and wiped her face that had a nice coating of her saliva hanging down it, and grabbed a beer, she took a couple of long swallows before telling me to lay back, I stretched out and put a pillow behind my head and got comfortable, she undone my trousers and eased them off followed quickly by my boxers, then she was on my cock again, this time licking up and down my shaft before teasing the head with her little tongue, god she was fucking good, then it was back into her waiting mouth it felt cool from the beer she’d drunk, I reached down and guided her head down and used her mouth like a cunt, she got the idea and soon her little blonde head was bobbing on my cock, I grabbed a beer and drank as i watched her giving me head, I loved it when she looked up and her eyes crinkled as she smiled with a mouthful of cock.
We both jumped when my mobile rang, it would be her mother, Jess handed me the mobile and resumed sucking, I answered, yes it was Jan her mum, I had a conversation about Jess with her Mum, while her precious little girl had a mouthful of my cock, I made her suck faster as I talked to Jan, the little slut nibbled my cock making me groan, I had to pretend my back was a bit sore and I had moved too quickly, I got rid of her saying I was just off to bed, well that bit was true at least, I would soon be banging Jess on her little single bed, nice and cosy, and if I had my way we be spending most of the weekend in there, coming out for beer and food. While I had the phone I decided to test her limits, i got the camera app running and told her to look at me, she saw straight away what i planned…”go on then, I don’t mind as long as you send them to my phone too” I took loads, she was looking straight at the camera the whole time. I sent them to her mobile and heard the ping to say they’d been received, she took my cock out of her mouth and asked…” shall I take your first load in my mouth, or would you rather my cunt or asshole?” I pushed her back down…” mouth first you dirty slut” and just the thought of taking her little teen asshole had me ready to cum…” that’s right get it in your mouth, I’m going to shoot so much cum right down your throat” she start to groan and I felt my balls grow tighter and then a lovely load of my hot spunk poured into her mouth..”Oh fuck yes, you dirty little girl, swallow it down, what a dirty slut you are.” She didn’t come off my cock until the last drop was swallowed and had licked my cock clean… “Mmmnnn Daddy needed that...she giggled…”and I’m going to be so naughty for him because all little girls are Daddy’s girls really”... “Will I have to be spanked Daddy?”...she licked her lips…” I promise I’ll cry… if you’d like me to” I pulled her up so she was on top…”Oh yes sweetheart Daddy would love that”... I got my first chance to see what she felt like my hands cupped her ass cheeks as she rubbed her cunt on my cock, such a firm ass and so small, one cheek easily fitted in each hand, god she will be tight when my cock was shoved up her asshole, she had started kissing my neck, hot breath on my ears, little gasps as i pulled her cheeks apart, I pulled her T-shirt up and felt her smooth skin in my hands and i was amazed she was so soft, her little mound was pushing down harder on my cock I was already hardening for her, she whispered such filth in my ear I was desperate for her and she knew it, “ Slut, Daddy call me your slut,your whore I get so wet when people call me bad names”...” Yes you little slut Daddy is going to teach you so many lessons, lessons that a little slut like you should of had years ago” she was groaning now as I told her what I was going to do to her holes, I was teasing her bum hole and it drove her crazy…” Bastard, stick it up me, fuck my little shit hole with that dirty finger daddy make your dirty slut scream”, I pushed in and she groaned as it began to open her little passage, deeper and her cunt was ramming against me as I drove her wild…” You dirty fucker forcing me to take it up my ass, Mummy will be so cross when I tell her what you did”... I pushed in hard and her scream was so fucking dirty,...” "You won’t say nothing, or Daddy will stop all your pocket money, would you like that?”...." No Daddy I’m sorry, you can do whatever you want I won’t tell a soul”...” Good girl, now whisper to Daddy and tell him how bad you’ve been at Uni." And oh what a slut she had been.
And this is what she told me as I fingered her asshole….
I started the very first night, a freshers party and to much to drink, I was so horny, I had let the boy I’d been seeing at home fuck me a couple of times before I left for Uni I hadn’t wanted to be a virgin when I got there, he was convinced that I would save myself for just him, fat chance, I’d always intend to have as much fun as I could and I decided I would find a bloke to fuck as soon as possible, I soon found myself spreading my legs in some guy’s grotty little room, I don’t think I even knew his name I didn’t care all I wanted was cock up my wet cunt, three times he’d had me spunking up me every time, I remember the walk back to my room, knickers full of last night’s cum that poured out of my freshly fucked hole, but smiling at the memory.
Then about two days later another cock, he’d rammed me most of the night on the sofa in the living room he shared with a couple of others, the next morning one of the others climbed on and had a go, I let him ride me while I was lying in the other guys cum, he fucked me and for the first time my mouth was used for him to shoot his cum into, I was a bit shocked, but he told me to swallow, and so I swallowed my first load, he laughed and said get used to it you’ll be getting plenty more, then he told me to fuck off, I was covered in dried spunk and could smell it as I walked back to the Halls of Residence.
Friday night was wild, a crowd of us pub crawling around Bath, I ended up up with a couple of locals not students they took me to a flat and there I stayed for the weekend, they done me together one in my cunt the other getting sucked off while he waited for his mate to finish then his cock was rammed up me, I lost count of the times they both had me, ten times at least, probably more, stopping only for booze and smokes, they did feed me though and at least they were polite, even dropped me off near the Uni on their way to work, they said they’d see me again soon if I wanted, yeah no problem, I thought I might just be able to remember the pub they’d picked me up in.
My cock got harder and harder as she told her story, my finger that had slipped into her asshole was soon joined by another, she groaned as she felt it stretched a little bit more, she was rubbing on my cock with her arms around my neck and told more of her tale, little groans every now and then showed me how horny she was I was going to fuck her so hard in every hole she had and she would beg me to do it to her.
She was getting fucked so often that she was getting the reputation as the blonde bike who would let anyone fuck her, and was she getting fucked !!!, against the wall outside bars, the toilets, bedsits, cars and flats. she was opening her legs in all of these places.
Her first anal was pushed over the bonnet of a car behind a pub, three men, all a lot older than her normal choices, they had stripped her knickers off and just rammed straight into her, she’d been gagged with her own knickers to muffle her screams and then all three of them had sodomized her poor virgin ass, they’d walked off laughing and just left her on the car, she had made her way back to her room sore and with cum leaking from her torn ass, and had cried the rest of the night, she was soon getting her backdoor fucked as often as not, and had gradually begun to actively encourage men to ride her ass, she wasn’t averse to having other women either, and had many great threesome’s and one on one sessions, she was bi and loving it, it doubled the choices as she put it, the girl in the room next to hers became a regular lover.
I couldn’t wait any longer I wanted what she had be giving to all the others and now it was time, I pushed her off and got up, picked up a couple of beers and grabbed her hand, she was more than happy to be led up to her room and she was soon stripped and ready, “ Which hole first Daddy?” I laughed, “What do you think” she was smiling as she lay face down and opened her legs, “ Take me hard Daddy, I’ve been a bad, bad girl” She spread her cheeks and could see her cute little hole, “ Yes Jessy you have and now you have to pay” I climbed between her legs and thrust my cock right up her. She gave a long groan as she felt her ass being opened up and then I was banging her sweet ass, I don’t think I had ever wanted anyone as much as sweet Jess she was just a perfect little slut and she was groaning in pleasure as I went at her…” Fuck yes Daddy, do your little slut in her ass, make me your little whore”, she was pushing her ass onto my cock in perfect time to my thrusts into her, I could see regular visits to Bath in the near future,...” Don’t worry sweetheart Daddy’s going to be visiting you every week, you’d like that I bet”...”Fuck yes Daddy anytime you want me I’ll be there legs spread and cunt dripping for Daddy’s cock” I was pushing her head down as I took her, she went wild, “ That’s it Daddy, that’s how I like it, make your whore take your cock in her ass,” I slipped one arm underneath her and lifted her little body up and onto my hard cock, pulling back so she was getting it deeper, “Mmmmm, God that’s good Daddy I hope you fuck my Mum like a slut too”, I hardly ever fucked her mum and certainly not like I was shagging her daughter, “ I’m going to pull out and you’ll do my cock with your mouth, get it open for my dirty cock” I wasn’t going to last for much longer and she would suck me off and swallow her second load, “It’s ready Daddy come and take it”, I pulled out and moved around so I could fuck her mouth, grabbing her hair and fucking her open mouth, she was looking up at me as her mouth was filled, her eyes bulged as my spunk flooded her mouth,” Swallow slut, come on bitch get it down your throat", I watched as she swallowed, just one little dribble escaped and she soon licked that off her face, the next time she was having it over her face and I would feed it to her.
She was on her back now and I got a good look at her shaved little pussy she opened a little wider and i was soon licking her lovely wet slit. She had a big clit that was sticking up and just begging to be licked and I was more than willing to do just that, I worked it hard, looking up at her as she bit her lip and just enjoyed herself, little grunts and groans that got louder as I ate her out, “ Yes Daddy, fucking hell yes, I’m going to cum Daddy, oh my fucking Gooooooddd”.
Fuck did she cum, long and loud and wet, her pussy squirting little bubbles of creamy juices that i took great pleasure in licking out of her, sliding my tongue inside to get every creamy drop, she was groaning every time she felt my tongue so much as touch her near her clit, “ Please Daddy no more”, I gave her one last lick on her clit and she jumped off the bed, hands between her legs trying to stop the waves that were still rippling through her teen pussy, “ Oh wow, fuck that was a good one” she collapsed onto the bed and cuddled up to me still purring, so sexy and cute.
She was soon ready for more and this time her cunt would be receiving my cock, she was already stroking my cock back to hardness I really couldn’t get enough and we still had another day and night of play still left, I was thinking I might have to find my old video camera and tripod and capture her in action, I asked her what she thought of the idea, she laughed and got up and went into her bag, she had her laptop out, she quickly started it up and searched for a connection, she went online and then smiled, “ Here you go”, she had logged on to a porn site” It’s pretty shit really I’m sure we could do better” I was watching a grainy video taken on someone’s phone by the look of it of Jess being fucked by some young bloke, it was jumping around so much that most of it was unwatchable but I could see that the man had changed and she was taking another cock up her, It was filmed in someone’s bedroom, it lasted about five minutes,” It’s shit I know, they put it up without asking me good job it’s so bad, unless you really knew me that could be anyone, they told me what they’d done a few days later asking if they she wanted it deleted?" Why bother it was already out there deleting it was a waste of time, and like she said, it could be anyone. She put the laptop away and got back on the bed and carried on wanking my cock, tomorrow I would make a better one and she could save it and watch when she wanted, She gave a little groan and giggled,” I’ve just had a really dirty thought Daddy”, she whispered into my ear, my cock was hard in seconds and i was soon back between her legs banging her sopping wet hole, I got her on top and told her ride me, soon she was lying flat on top of me gently riding me, hardly moving her ass, she was teasing my cock, allowing just a couple of inches inside, it was such a fantastic feeling, I closed my eyes and just let her play, twenty minutes or more she did this, gradually taking more cock inside as she started to groan, I had been so relaxed that I didn’t realize that she had brought me to the point that i was about to cum, she moved faster panting and biting her lip, I felt her pussy grip me tighter and she started to cum, seconds later I spurted my cum inside, both of us climaxing at almost the same time, I’d never managed that before, as she rolled off I got to see my cum dribbling out of her, as far as I was concerned I didn’t think I would be able to beat that moment.
About 30 minutes later she said she had to pee and while she was up she would get the last couple of beers, she was gone about five minutes, when she came back we both got into bed, I knew I was done for the night. She hadn’t said much while we were drinking our beers but she was grinning, finally she couldn’t stop herself laughing and she told me what was so funny, “ I called Jo”… and, I said a bit puzzled, “ She’ll be here tomorrow lunchtime”.. The penny dropped, Jo was the girl in the room next to Jess, the one she fucked now and then, that had been the naughty thought she’d had earlier, a threesome. She'd thought Jo might be up for it and she’d called her, and Jo had said yes,” I had to promise I would share her bed for the next couple of weeks as payment, but she liked the idea of an older man fucking two teen sluts, so she’ll drive up in the late morning” I was speechless, I’d thought it was just a little fantasy, “ You’ll like Jo Daddy, she’s tiny and fit as fuck ...and really, really dirty." It looked like I would need to get all the rest I could, tomorrow could be a long day….. To Be Continued..

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My second visite to you chanell my private prosti

Yesterday I had another adventure with Chanell the prostitute where I had been for the first time a few months ago.As a man alone you sometimes really want to feel a woman physically.After the last experience with her, I decided to visit her again yesterday.I have not regretted it!Chanell is a latino woman with wonderful breasts and a very feminine body.Very sweet atracctive and sexually knows what she is doing ..When I arrived, I was asked which girl I wanted, Chanell saw me ... she smiled at...

4 years ago
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Uma Mageswari Aunty Who Visited Me After 2 Visits To Her Office

I work as a sales staff with a leading company. My work is to meet clients and in this way i meet a lot of ladies in different offices. I am a play boy and have had good times with a dozen ladies in different client offices. But one lady by the name Uma Mageswari a brahmin who works in a export firm at a Industrial estate near Poonamallee who is about 34 years old and who has 2 children was a very easy target for me. As I look handsome she was a easy kick. I have been to her office only 2 times...

1 year ago
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Expiration Examination Visitation Preperation

Brooke White apprehensively approached the Slater Funeral Home & Mortuary. It was the only facility of it’s kind in the county and it was a place she knew she would soon be. Brooke, who was only 19, was surprised when she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour almost a year earlier. She didn’t feel any different, apart from the frequent headaches, she was still the adorable bubbly girl she had always been. It was her father’s idea to bring her to visit Mr Slater, the funeral director....

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Homer loves Mindy simmons

Homer Simpson falls in love with co worker Mindy Simmons who is very sexy she is attracted to him too Homer and Mindy are working together and she's flirting with him and he is so attracted to her he thinks about her naked in his dreams she's a young beautiful redhead with green eyes and red lips he wants to kiss her she feels like kissing him too he leans in kissing her she keeps kissing him then says to him Homer I'm in love with you he says me too Mindy they are in the hotelroom they are...

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Confessions of a Catholic Schoolgirl chapter 5 Garys visit

“C’mon, Julie, you’re fucking with me?” Gary exclaimed.“I’m really not.”“I don’t believe you…well then, Marc is fucking with you…no way he said that,” Gary insisted.“Gary, I understand your apprehension, but trust me on this: Marc is not only okay with your visit, he suggested it,” I assured my brother.“So, let me get this straight, you told Marc all about us…all the stuff we did as teenagers? And his reaction is to invite me for a visit? Somebody is fucking with somebody.”“I thought so too...

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Homeward Bound

The automatic doors at head office opened. Immediately, like a blast furnace, the heat struck, taking my breath away. England was experiencing the strangest summer in years. It was either monsoon rainfalls or temperatures so unbelievably high that no one wanted to venture outside for more than a few minutes. Everyone hated the rain, but having to work in heat topping thirty degrees certainly couldn’t be called a picnic.“Jesus, it’s so bloody hot,” I muttered, walking towards the car park. James...

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My Mothers Visiters PART 2

Alex couldn’t jerk off enough, his balls were continuous full and swollen and begging for release. A release he gladly allowed himself. He found himself looking at his mother in a whole new light. He caught himself staring at her thick ass or down her shirt at her heavy breasts whenever he could. Looking at her long smooth legs while she drove him to school made his cock scream and he started every day jerking off in the boys washroom before class. Except Friday. Friday was the...

3 years ago
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Visitings the Dun Bare Bar

"The Dun Bare Bar, is slavery supported. Sexual slavery of cource, but most of the girls who serve there are unwilling. So. You won't talk to them, and you won't feel pity for them." He picked up a short black mini and a see through white shirt for her to wear and went about untieing her. "But Master, how do they keep the girls there unwillingly?" She asked as she began to get dressed. Underwear wasn't allowed and the skirt showed a bit of her pussy, and a bit more of her ass....

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Visite chez le meacutedecin

Tu es arrivée dans ma salle pour des examens de routine, surprise de me voir ici tu commences a entamer une conversation, après quelque minute pour expliquer le pourquoi du comment j’ai fini ici je te dis d’aller enlever ton pull et te mettre sur la table.Tu es assises dos contre moi, je commence à te faire les premiers examens, je viens poser ma main gauche sur tes épaules je te sens te crisper par le froid du stéthoscope, je te dis en souriant que tu peux te détendre. Je passe ensuite a tes...

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Weer eens op visite bij Jos en Jan

Ik had afgesproken om rond 20:00 uur bij hen te zijn, dus rond die tijd belde ik bij hen aan. De deur werd geopend en Jos nodigde mij uit om verder te komen naar de huiskamer waar Jan zat te wachten. Ik nam plaats op de bank en er werd mij een kopje koffie aangeboden, waarbij het gesprek van start ging, gewoon over wat we allemaal in het dagelijkse leven beleefde op werk in in vrije tijd.Na een tijdje streelde Jos wat over mijn rug waarna hij mij een intense kus op mijn mond gaf. Zijn tong...

1 year ago
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Bij Jos op visite

Hij doet open en heeft een t shirt en een joggingbroek aan. Hij is al opgewonden zie ik. Zijn gezicht ruw van de stoppels. Bij binnenkomst kus ik hem meteen. Ik leun achterover tegen de muur naast de voordeur en hij drukt zich tegen me aan. Langzaam, zachtjes verkennen onze tongen elkaar, alsof ze weer moeten wennen aan het samenspelen. Mijn rechterhand daalt af naar zijn broek en ik kneed zijn lid. Hij wordt direct hard in mijn hand en hij fluister in mijn oor: "ik ga je suf neuken!" Geil als...

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Super Boys Last Visit to the 30th Century

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. Here is a story line I have worked up with help from my new friend Rafael in Brazil. We are going to be doing a large number of stories using comic book characters, somewhat along the line of the JLA stories I did with FFCSKRULL2 a few months ago. Watch for massive numbers of changes to...

2 years ago
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Memories Revisited Teach Your Children Well

Memories Revisited: Teach Your Children Well By Heather St. Claire It was Saturday, and the city was still waking up. Although the stores at the Twin Pines Mall were not yet open, their employees, delivery people, mall walkers and others already had the structure pulsing with life. Inside one of those stores, a clothing shop for plus-sized and tall women, the owner was having tea in her break room with a customer who required special considerations?because he was a man. Eric Madsen...

3 years ago
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Memories Revisited Closing Up Shop

Memories Revisited: Closing Up Shop? By Heather St. Claire Most people like to think they live well-ordered lives, that they are the masters of their destiny, rather than victims of random fate. Try telling that to Alexis and Charles Boyd?not that they would have any idea of what you were talking about. On the surface, they look to be a perfectly ordinary young couple; as far as they know, that's exactly what they are. Two young teachers at the same high school who fell in love...

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Home Visit Nurse

It makes me laugh seeing on the news at the moment about how nurses are treated badly etcetera, it made me think of how badly I was treated by a nurse that visited my home a few years ago, this is a true story.I had had an operation and left hospital, but needed to be treated for open wounds by a home visit nurse for a few weeks until they healed sufficiently. The first day of my nurses arrival was the Monday morning and my Parents were there to meet her, it was 10:30am and she rang the...

1 year ago
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Sally and her black lover Eddie invite me to visit

Sally and her black lover EddieInvite me to Visit(Third in a Series)[Author’s note: This is a true story. Sally and Eddie really do exist and live in Pennsylvania. Sally’s story was related to me through voice messages and e-mails and I agreed to write it down and publish it so that large, mature white women can realize that there are men in this world who appreciate and worship large women. Sometimes the worshipers are white men and other times the worshipers are black men. But, no matter...

3 years ago
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A Visit to a Swinger Party

Hi, this happened last Thursday. Hopefully it will give reader an idea of what really happens in a swinger house.THE PROPOSALSo my good friend Camila invited me to attend a swinger party that she visits before and I accept her invite. She is 24 and a very beautiful woman. I meet her through other friends that I had relations. She also has this secret slut life like me. The party was free for single women. Couples paid a fee and alone males were only by invite.THE CLOTHINGI decided to wear...

2 years ago
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The Visit

The Visit Author's Note: This is a sequel to A Secret Shared. I was heading for South Texas to visit an old friend. It had been more than 20 years since we had spent any time together, and what a weekend that had turned into. This trip wasn't an attempt to rekindle anything, far from it. I was taking a trip to visit friends before deciding where I was going to live following my divorce. The only concerns I had now were keeping enough clean clothes and finding a golf course wherever...

1 year ago
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Home visit

Home VisitI was now a junior member of a gay cruising site. My basic membership allowed me to seek out cruising locations throughout the world. I could search other members of the site, able to click on up to ten profiles per day. I found my town listed and was surprised that a place so small could have so many cock seeking members. Most of the profiles came with a photo. To view all the members photos you had to take out full membership at, what I thought, was quite a high monthly subscription...

3 years ago
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Simon Gets A Visit From His MotherInLaw

"I have asked my mother to visit this weekend," announced Cindy Harrison to her husband Simon.Although a lot of men would be disgruntled to hear that their mother-in-law will be visiting, it was not so much hearing that she was coming that caused Simon to gasp, it was the actual phrase.If Cindy had said, "Mum is coming this weekend," or, "My mum is coming for a visit," or similar it would not be a problem but that particular phrase meant only one thing. Yes, sixty-four-year-old Mandy Bloomfield...

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Homecoming Princess

Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...

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Nurse Mom Chapter 8 Aunt Pam drops by for a visit

Mom piled onto my scheduling issues when she told me that Aunt Pam was going to be on a road trip, and she wanted to stop by for a night or two. I asked when, and Mom said that she would be here tomorrow around lunch if it was okay. I said I didn't have a whole lot of options, it isn't like I can say no! I asked if Uncle Nick was going to be coming as well, and Mom just gave me a look like I should know better. Uncle Nick never traveled if he could avoid it. Mom loved to point out how...

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Wild Sex With A Colleague On Us Visit

I am a 40 year old, Engineering Manager with a Software Development Services company. I used to be very active in sports, I try to stay fit and do regular workouts, so I don’t look my age at all. I have big arms, chest, thighs etc. anyone can tell that I go to gym regularly. I am married but the sex life is not great and since I am out of time, I hire high profile escorts from time to time. I would prefer a girl friend experience but so little time at hand and risks I have not tried it. Our...

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The stalker Visit Two Day One0

Chapter: Visit Two, Day One Friday Evening Mike hid in a side room in Sally’s home. He knew she would come straight home, and get in the shower. He would surprise her there. This way he could go make sure the door was locked behind her. The things he had brought were vicious. She would learn to obey weather he was there or not, but soon when construction on the basement was done she would live with him. He had talked to the contractor today he had said a month which meant really two. But he...

1 year ago
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Visit From Her Dad

Introduction: My wifes dad makes his visit with a purpose When Nicoles dad, Frank, arrived at the airport, I was in charge of the kids, luggage, and being the driver. Nicole was dressed in a sundress without a bra or panties under it. The morning he was flying in, she took a shower and shaved herself smooth for him. Her stomach was a flutter with anxiety. She was more excited about seeing her father than our four-year old, which is hard to do. The kiss given to her father when she saw him was...

2 years ago
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Mom's College Visitbysethp©2010 all rights reserved.Jenny Crawford was excited. She had just gotten off the phone with her son and made plans to go up to visit him this weekend. He'd picked a college just out of state and it wasn't easy for him to come home to visit. In fact she hadn't seen him since Christmas and then he'd only stayed for a couple of days before returning.She tried to get her husband, Bill, to go with her, but as usual he was a stick in the mud and would rather sit around...

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Jenny Crawford was excited. She had just gotten off the phone with her son and made plans to go up to visit him this weekend. He'd picked a college just out of state and it wasn't easy for him to come home to visit. In fact she hadn't seen him since Christmas and then he'd only stayed for a couple of days before returning.She tried to get her husband, Bill, to go with her, but as usual he was a stick in the mud and would rather sit around reading or watching bowling on TV. That was fine with...

1 year ago
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Girl RefurbishedChapter 7 Site Visit

Joe "Jesus, Joe! What on earth were you thinking?" Albert Palliser blurted. "Al, this is not about thinking. I told you," I returned defensively. "Damn it! You're not a teenager. Grown-ups have some control." "Well, then maybe I didn't want to be a grown-up. For once I'm not following the fucking rules. What? You wanna fire me?" Al glowered at me. You see, he's my boss, and I just told him that I'd fallen for one of my parolees. He did not take too kindly to it. He took...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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My Visit To Rio Carnival

I was just eighteen then, still at school. I had taken a drop that year. So I was visiting my aunt in Canada. Since it was my first trip to North America, I also wanted to visit the USA and some countries in South America. After visiting the USA, Jamaica and Mexico, when I arrived back in Canada, it was the first week of February. I still had a few months before school and some money remaining.I informed my aunt that I would visit France and some other countries. However, from Charles De Gaulle...

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I was glad to be returning home again. Every since the first time I put on a pair of my mom's panties I could not stop wearing panties. During a visit after boot camp, I snuck into my parents room to get several pairs of my mother's panties from her dresser and her hamper to take back with me to my duty station. On another visit I had taken two pair of my mom's panties to bed with me. I used one pair to sleep in and the other pair I would use in the morning to catch the sperm as I masturbated...

2 years ago
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Hometown Visit

I had just made a $300,000 score and was feeling pretty good. My flight home stopped in the town I grew up in so I thought I would be nostalgic and spend a night there. It had been a dozen years since I left and not a whole lot had changed, all of the landmarks were there but it seemed shabbier and more run down than I remembered. I checked into the most expensive hotel in town and set out to explore my old haunts. Big mistake. My memories growing up there were not good ones. I had been picked...

Wife Lovers
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Homecoming Themes

This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at http://www.mcstories.com/ChangesTrick/ChangesTrick.html. Go ahead and read that story as well....

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103 gran takes us to visit the duke

103 gran takes us to visit the duke Life trotted on as it does for pauper or king, in our case for me it meant, a night of vanilla lust with alternately aunt May, or granny Rose, then perhaps a day or two resting followed by another with one of them. Most youngsters of my age would have given gold to be in my place, but I found it after a while a bit tiring. Don`t get me wrong no way would I have changed it but, like all things regularity breeds tedium. I need not have worried, my gran...

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Second Visit To The Master and his men

Gloria somewhat nervously called The Master’s mobile phone. It had been a few months since she’d contacted him, longer than she had intended, mainly because her husband had not been away on any business trips. The previous night her husband had told her he was going overseas for two weeks, departing on Sunday evening. She couldn’t help herself; she needed to make this call. The Master answered and Gloria reintroduced herself. Of course he remembered her. While he had many clients she was one he...

2 years ago
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=== Homesick === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. ----- We'd all gone to see the new _Tombs of Atuan_ movie, Mom and Dad and Kiara and me. On the way home, we chatted about the movie and got into an argument about whether they'd gotten Ged and Tenar's relationship right. Those were the last normal moments of our lives. Then Dad turned into our subdivision -- still normal --...

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Memories Revisited A Scrapbooking Store

Memories Revisited: A Scrapbooking Store By Heather St. Claire Diane McMasters took off her scarf and coat and hung them up in the stockroom of her new scrapbooking store, Memories Revisited. It was a crisp, bright early November day. Diane loved the holidays; she was already looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas: the decorations, the gifts, the time with family, and most important of all, the opportunity to give thanks. Just a few weeks earlier, Diane had purchased the...

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Memories Revisited Fixing Gods Mistake

Memories Revisited: Fixing God's Mistake By Heather St. Claire Diane McMasters poured another cup of coffee for herself and her husband David. The morning sun was streaming into their kitchen and glistened from the stainless steel appliances. The kitchen was big, modern and filled with light?every woman's dream. Diane had particular appreciation for it because David had built it with his own hands. His success as a building contractor had made it possible for their family to enjoy...

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Old Before His Time Revisited

Old Before His Time Revisited By Cheryl Lynn This story was originally posted by Verna Benson, one of my favorite authors. I have no way to contact her for permission to expand on her story. Vera if you object I will have this deleted. I recently became reacquainted with it and had to stop my work on a new joesixpack.com story to do this. It just popped into my head and had to write it down. Not for the squeamish or gentle reader. The usual disclaimers apply and may be downloaded...

1 year ago
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Womens House of Detention RevisitedChapter 2

The original three chapters of this story were called simply "The Women's House of Detention". As I explained in my introductory chapter of this continuation labeled (Revisited) the locale of the "Women's House of Detention" was real and existed in the heart of Manhattan. Most of the referenced points of interest have changed drastically over the years. The decline of ornate movie houses, the closing of large faith-based hospitals, even the complete re-vamping of Washington Square into...

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A Second Visit from Saint Michael A Halloween Story

A few of the references in this sequel will make more sense if you have read “A Visit From Saint Michael,” but it does stand totally on its own and can be enjoyed even if you have never read the first story. This story centers around non-consensual pain, humiliation and slavery. If such a premise disturbs you, then I would advise you to skip this story. Or you can skim past those sections and read a very interesting tale involving one of the “old gods” of Mexico and much of South...

2 years ago
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Visit From Her Dad

The kiss given to her father when she saw him was deeper than I thought a kiss would be between a father and daughter. Frank took an arm and wrapped it around her waist while his lips locked onto my wife’s. He looked at me with a bit of a knowing smirk. Apparently, she had told him that I knew what happened when she was back there. I was carrying our newborn and rolling his luggage in front of Nicole who was holding her father’s hand. Frank was holding our oldest child. If you were an...

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