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I worked nightshift in Chicago as a doorman and bouncer at a local bar. The nights were usually eventful enough that you noticed a lot of what went on on the streets. One of the local legends was a bag lady named "Mailbox Mary".

Mary was only about five feet tall. She looked to way about ninety pounds. Her age was not easily guessed, as she was so jaded with age and dirt that you couldn't really make an accurate guess. At first glance, you could guess her as anywhere from 35 to 50. She was that far gone.

On each Wednesday, we at the door gathered our money for her nightly visit. She'd order us to give her two dollars cash or else she'd squat and take a shit right there in front of our bar. This was such a gross sight that we usually didn't even hesitate. I remember the night when a new guy refused her. She did as she promised. She squatted right there and laid a gross turd that was so mean looking, if you gave it gloves, it could have beaten Tyson.

This kind of behavior was normal for "Mailbox Mary". Mary got her nickname from her strange habit of putting all her cash and change she collected each evening into envelopes, and mailing them from one of the local corner mailboxes to a destination unknown. Mary made LOTS of money. It was common for her to walk up to strangers and reach out suddenly to grab his balls. She'd hold his balls in her hand and say, "Now, you cocksucker, gimme a dollar or I'll twist em off!" No one ever took her seriously. She had the gimmick down pat. She knew she was notorious for her behavior and took advantage of it. People who knew her often just passed her some cash just because it was her. The other local panhandlers never got close to making what she made on the street. She was a deserving legend among them all.

After about a year of watching Mary work the streets, I was walking home at about 4am one morning. I'd just got off work at the bar and was making my way to the subway. I heard a sobbing down an alley. Now, an alley in downtown Chicago at 4am is not the place I'd normally go. But as I squinted into the darkness, I recognized the harmless figure of Mailbox Mary there. I hesitated for a moment, then something inside me felt that I should make contact here. I slowly made my way toward her figure there curled in a ball on the ground in the alley.

"Mary? Are you okay, hon?" I asked as gingerly as I could.

She looked up and was suddenly not crying. "Get the fuck away from me!" Then, just as suddenly, she covered her face and the sobbing continued.

"Okay" I sighed. Mary was definitely an insane woman. What could I do? Best to leave now and forget about it. I walked back to the main street.

"Wanna get laid?" she suddenly yelped out to me from behind.

I halted. I slowly turned. "Ahh, Mary, my girlfriend would kick my ass." I laughed. "But thank you for the offer." I had no girlfriend, but she didn't need to know that.

"You think I'm an ugly old hag, don't you?" she whimpered.

"Hell no, Mary. You are a looker. Hell, I'll bet if you cleaned yourself up, you'd be able to snag any guy on this street." I lied.

Mary just looked up at me. "You know," she started, "I make enough money that I can get a motel."

Knowing where she was headed with this, I veered her away from it. "That's cool. You oughta go tonight and use one. This alley is no place for a lady."

She slowly stood up. Suddenly I could see a look in her eyes. This woman was definitely schizophrenic. She had gone from sobbing to romantic to angry in less than one minute. "Listen you little prick!" she started, "I can also afford some other shit. I may just decided to take you there and **** your fucking ass!"

I sighed. "Oh Mary. What are we going to do with you?" I said sympathetically. I turned and walked off, forgetting the entire meeting.

A week went by. It was the following Saturday night, one week later, that I saw Mary again. I was walking to the subway station, and she was in a different alley. This time she was behind the Rush Street Hotel. It was a flea bag hotel. Rooms were dirt cheap. I figured she probably had a room there tonight and decided to avoid her. I just kept walking. But she yelled out to me.

"Hey you!" she yelled.

I pretended not to hear her and kept walking.

"You! Dammit you! Come here! I have something for you! Don't ignore me! Please?" she pleaded now.

I stopped for a moment and looked down the alley at her. She was all alone, standing next to one of those damned bag lady shopping carts. It was unusually empty. I sighed and slowly moved toward Mary. When I got up close she asked me if I could fix the wheel on the bottom of her cart. It seemed to be loose or something.

"Mary, I don't know anything about carts."

"I'll give you a dollar. Just do it you little piss ant punk!" she yelped. Man, this woman was whacked.

"Well," I grinned feebly, "since you put it so diplomatically." I bent over to see which wheel she was talking about. She hovered closer behind me than I liked. I started to turn to her, "Mary, which wheel....?" I never saw it coming. She had some sort of cattle prod. The shock went through me like a lightning bolt. I collapsed from the pain immediately. I was still semi-conscious though. I started to struggle when she zapped me again. I was in too much pain and blurriness to feel any panic yet. But it would set in.

The next thing I remember is that I was on the bottom part of the shopping cart. Actually, I was IN the bottom part. Somehow, because my 200 pound frame was too much for the little woman to lift, she had jammed me into the bottom of the cart. I was being rolled along the pavement. My legs and arms were cuffed together in a hog tied fashion. My mouth was covered with some kind of tape. I started to make some loud noises. There was nothing in my mouth, just the tape covering it. I realized that if I could yell out loud enough, perhaps someone could help. Then I felt the shocker hit me again and I was out like a light.

When I came to all I could hear was "Up! Dammit up! Get the fuck up!!" She was pushing me upwards toward something. "Get up or I'll shock you again! Up! Up!" I felt her little hands pushing me. I looked around hazily and saw the bed. She was pushing me onto a bed. I was too heavy for her. My legs were shackled and my hands cuffed behind my back. My head turned toward the woman and her profane noises. "Up you fuck! Up or you'll get it again! Up! Get up there!" I saw the prod next to her foot. I complied and struggled clumsily to the bed.

The next thing that happened was very quick. The woman was agile and fast. She somehow managed to get one shackled foot attached to a rope she had ready at the foot of the bed. Then she unshackled my feet. The other foot was immediately tied to the other corner by another rope that was waiting there. Then my neck was put into a collar that had a padlocked leash attached to it. My neck was pulled backwards and the leash was fastened to the head of the bed somewhere. Now my head was back on a pillow at the foot of the bed and couldn't move. My legs were spread vulnerably. My hands were cuffed behind my back still. If she removed those damned cuffs, I believed I'd have her.

Mary pulled out the cattle prod again. I started making begging noises. God, please. Not that again. Please! She set the prod between my legs, dangerously close to my crotch. Then she pulled a rope from the top corner of the bed and managed to squeeze her hands under my backside enough to attach the rope to one of my hands. She did the same with the other hand. Next, she quickly unlocked the cuffs and pulled one rope, attaching my right hand to the top of the bed. My left hand started to flail from behind me. For a split second I thought I was free, when suddenly she knocked me in the forehead hard with the handcuffs. I groaned. Within a few seconds my left wrist was tied to the top of the bed. There I lie, spread eagled. Fastened to the bed and at her mercy. How did this happen?

She stood at the foot of the bed. She was so ugly there. She had her hands on her little hips. She was wearing a pair of baggy black pants, an old gray sweat shirt, and a long coat that had hidden all her k**nap paraphanalia from me well. I'd like to say she began giggling, but she didn't. She cackled. It was the wildest cackle I'd ever heard. She was loving this. I was beginning to feel the panic stage.

She slowly began moving toward my face from the foot of the bed, crawling up my helpless body. Cackling the whole way. She took my face and put her eyes about an inch from my own. "You look scared." she grinned. I could feel her pulling her baggy pants off of herself as she spoke. I felt nauseous. Then I could tell she was removing her panties. Her face never left my own. She seemed to be enjoying the terror in my eyes.

Suddenly one hand reached up and ripped the tape from my mouth. The panties were shoved in. I had an immediate gag reflex. No matter. She had the tape back on in less than a second. "Now, sexy. Don't make a sound while I go clean up some." She hopped off of me, bottomless, and trotted into the bathroom.

I lied there listening to the shower run. She was singing. The panties in my mouth tasted like sweat and months of uncleanliness. I gagged a couple times, but fought the reflex as best I could. I struggled, but to no avail. The rope was too tight. My wrists would definitely have burns tomorrow, if she didn't murder me. I was so frightened. What was to become of me?

I heard the water in the shower stop. She was humming nonchalantly. She didn't seem to fathom or care what she was doing. This was just a sweet night for her. The fact that she was taking someone else's life in her own hands against their will was of no consequence. I had been k**napped. I was at her mercy. Yet, she was acting like this was a casual date or something.

The door to the bathroom opened and she entered wearing nothing but a large towell. She was so tiny that you could see nothing but her calves from the knees down. Her breasts barely protruded, pushing the white hotel towell outward just a notch. She was carrying something in her left hand. Smiling, she approached my gagged helpless body. I lie there, motionless, waiting for her next move. She was carrying a knife. I began to struggle. "Oh my god!" I thought. What was she up to? Was the knife to cut me or my clothes?

I soon found out. She lowered the knife to my neck and smiled. "Feel helpless, little boy?" she grinned. Then she pulled up on my shirt and began cutting hard. Within seconds my shirt was in shreds on the floor next to the bed. She dropped the knife long enough to remove my shoes and socks. Then she smiled even broader. She let the towell drop to the floor.

Actually, she didn't look half bad. Cleaned up and completely nude, I was surprised at how her petite body had a shape that you couldn't see through the bag lady image. Her breasts were small, but shapely.

There she stood, completely naked at the foot of the bed. She held the knife in her hand and glared at my crotch. I began to squirm as she put one knee on the bed between my legs and then the other. She started cutting at my jeans from the side of my left ankle. She cut and tore upwards silently. When she got to my hip, she avoided my underwear. I supposed she was making this "stripping" process last as long as possible. By her expression, she seemed to be very amused by it. She worked her way to my right hip, and began cutting downward toward my right ankle. In no time, my jeans were in shreds. She grabbed the uncut portion by the crotch and snatched it away, tossing the now useless jeans to the floor next to my shredded shirt.

Slowly, the naked bag lady began concentrating on my underwear covered crotch. She used the flat of the knife to begin stroking my penis through my underwear. She teased and taunted, pushing the blade up through my inner thigh of the underwear, just enough to let me feel the cold metal on my manhood. Then, slowly, enjoying her power over me, she began pulling down on my underwear.

Before my penis was in full view, it became slowly erect. I didn't think this was possible. But sure enough, I felt it begin to lengthen as she stopped teasingly tugging of my underwear. Within seconds, I could feel the head of my penis protruding from the top of my underwear on it's own. She let out another loud cackle. She was really loving this shit.

A second later, without the use of the knife, she tore my underwear off of me. "How's that, naked little boy?" she laughed. I muffled something back, not knowing why or even what I was saying. She put a finger under my ball sack and began slowly teasing my penis with the knife blade. "Should I cut it off?" I lie motionless, terrorized by her obvious insanity. "Answer me!" I instantly shook my head with a look of panic in my eyes. She giggled. "Why not? Might be fun." She kept teasing at my penis with the blade.

"Nah," she decided. "I wanna have some fun with it." To my relief, she flung the knife blade away. Next thing I knew, she had her hands around my shaft and was slowly lowering her mouth onto my penis.

A week earlier, if Mailbox Mary had offered me a free blowjob, I would've immediately declined. However, she was very good at it. She obviously enjoyed what she was doing to me. She licked and sucked fervently, like a starving man being fed steak. She made slurping sounds and was moaning as if she were the one whose genitals were being pleased by another. I began to squirm a bit, and suddenly she smacked my hip. "Sit still, you little naked fuck!" I froze. Why did she call me little? She was the tiny one here.

She sucked me to orgasm. I came with several gushes into her mouth as she swallowed hungrily. She stroked away at me while she licked and suckled. "Good little boy." she said. "That's my boy. I love cock. There's nothing better than cock. I could do this all night. In fact, I probably will."

Her hands began moving up my sides to my chest, her chin left my penis and she began kissing my stomach, slowly working her way up to my face. I could feel her pubic hairs sliding up my body toward my chest. She straddled my chest and looked down at me, both hands around my face, staring into my eyes, enjoying my helplessness. "I'm going to remove the gag, naked little boy. If you yell out I'll shock your balls every minute for an hour. You want to be shocked again?" I shook my head no. "You gonna behave?" I nodded.

With that, she ripped off the tape and pulled out the disgusting gag. It was immediately replaced with her crotch. I could feel her tiny inner thighs squeezing the side of my head. Her hands grasped my hair as she pushed my head into her. "Lick, baby. Lick until I cum and then swallow it all." I obeyed. She had obviously washed herself out well. She was very clean, and yet very wet with the odor of her womanhood. I thought my tongue would get a long workout, but she was so turned on that she came almost immediately. The cackler wasn't cackling. She let out a loud orgasmic moan into my mouth so loud that I was certain neighboring rooms had to hear it. She convulsed on my face over and over, yelling for me to lick it all. I sucked, swallowed, and licked as furiously as I could. Finally, she relaxed back onto me. Her head lie on my penis, her crotch still on my neck. She lied there for about five minutes.

Slowly she turned over and began to fondle my penis again. She slowly stroked at it, rubbing my balls and kissing it gently. I rose to the occasion almost immediately and she moaned her approval. Within a second, her crotch was in my mouth again, while she began sucking on me once more. In the sixty nine position, she started barking orders. "Lick it, boy! Don't slack off or I'll bite it off! Lick me!" She kept licking and sucking as I began my duty for her. I came in no time again. Not with her, but she didn't seem to mind. In fact, she seemed to like it.

After I came she got off of me and went to the bathroom. She came back, stopping at the sink for a drink. She put the glass of water next to the bed and slowly straddled my chest again. "I love this, naked little boy. Wanna fuck?"

I didn't answer.

"I asked you if you wanna fuck, naked little boy. Answer me." I began to mutter. "Mary, please let me go..."

"NO!" she slapped me in the face. Her hips moved to my groin area and she started rubbing her pubics against me. Incredibly, I was erect again. She slid herself on top of me. She was so tight that I thought I'd blow my wad immediately, but didn't this time. She rode me hard at her own pace. She went from fast to hard to slow, cherishing every moment. Then, before I did, she came as loudly as before. She convulsed almost angrily, grabbing at my hair and biting at my ear as she orgasmed. When she finished she lay there on top of me again, not removing me from within her.

Then she slowly started again after about three minutes. This time she just laid on top of me, moving slowly, her hips moving up and down into me. I squirmed some and she didn't say anything to me this time. As she moved up and down she began nibbling on my nipples and ear, moving up and down my upper body with her mouth, tasting all of that she could. Then she grabbed me by the back of the head and shoved her tongue down my throat, fucking me slowly, getting more passionate by the minute.

Then suddenly she gave me a reminder of who she was by grabbing at my balls while she rode me. "I love this shit!" she cackled like a wicked old witch. "This is fucking great!" Without warning she sat up straight, still fucking me, and sc****d her long untrimmed fingernails down my chest, leaving painful scratch marks that I was surprised didn't draw blood. I yelled out and she slapped my face for my error. "Shut up!" Without missing a bounce, she suddenly had the tape over my mouth again. I was grateful for no panties in my mouth this time, and laid there while she had her way with me.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, I came again inside of her. She felt it and cackled again. However, she didn't stop. She kept riding me hard. I could see the sweat forming on her head. Somehow, she managed to keep me hard as a rock for a good hour of this. Finally, breathing heavily and feeling weary from her efforts, she lied down beside my helpless body. She caressed my chest for a minute. Her fingers moved their way down to my penis, then to herself. While I lay there, spread eagle, naked, gagged and helpless beside her, she began to masturbate. She just stared at my helpless naked body and masturbated to orgasm.

She did this several times. Finally, she reached over me to grab her water and took a sip. She noticed the remote control for the tv and turned it on. She lay there and watched tv for at least an hour, never touching me. I could see her touching herself every now and then, but never me.

She was watching a movie. A commercial came on and she turned her attention to me. She pulled a pillow from behind my head and put it on my face. "You know, I could smother you." I stayed motionless, not daring to respond. "Don't move, naked little boy." I couldn't see anything now. She repositioned herself to lie sideways across my stomach. I felt the water glass on my belly. She balanced it there. "If this water spills, you'll get it." she warned. Then she began to slowly stroke my penis.

She watched several movies. It went on forever. After the first hour she did remove the water glass, but she never removed the pillow. She simply enjoyed the luxury of the motel room, the cable tv, and the helpless naked man in her bed all at once. She stroked me all night. She'd intermittently stroke, suck, and slowly fuck me, watching tv all along.

I kept wondering if she'd ever let me go. I was her toy to play with. I must have came at least ten times that night.

Other than early in the night, she never made me eat her out again. She actually seemed to enjoy fondling and sucking me casually as she watched tv more than anything.

As I listened, I could tell that it must be afternoon by now. She had k**napped me in the early hours of the morning, after the bar had closed. She was watching soap operas and daytime talk shows.

My penis was getting a slow torturous workout of pleasure and pain. Every now and then she'd simply begin lightly tapping my balls, just to keep me awake and watch me squirm in protest.

Finally, she let me fall asleep. I dozed off hard. I did wake up enough to feel her loosen one wrist from the bedpost behind me, but paid it no heed. I was worn out and snoring by then. When I awoke shortly after, I realized she had left. I immediately sat up as much as I could. I managed to free my loosened wrist. With that I managed to free the rest of my body from the bed. I pulled off the tape from my mouth, knowing it probably left a mark. The collar and chain from my neck was gone. Mary's things were gone, including the cuffs, knife, and electric shocker.

I saw my shredded clothes on the floor. Next to them was her long coat. I tried it on. It barely fit. I checked my pockets and she hadn't robbed my ruined pants of any money.

It was embarrassing, but I went to the subway dressed as I was. People looked at me funny. Most of my legs were showing and it looked as if I might be naked under the gross coat, which I was. I did have my shoes and socks. I made it home okay.

I've seen Mary many times since then. She either ignores me or grins. "Gonna have to do it again sometime, baby!" she'd yell from across the street at me. I'd keep walking, pretending I had no idea what she was talking about.

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After the fun we had visiting the cinema recently we had to go back for a return visit.This time we decided to leave earlier as Mrs Van wanted to go for a walk around Cardiff Bay.As usual Mrs V was dressed to kill. A black see through top with no bra, seamed black stockings and killer heels. She was not wearing any pants or a skirt. She wore a long coat to below the knee and beneath this her lower half was totally naked. She looked amazing.As soon as we got in the car she was up to her tricks....

3 years ago
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Kaise Maine Aunty Ko Belgaum Me Choda

Hi everyone I am big fan of iss and this is my first story, To contact me Girls & aunties feel free to contact. Story ke pehle mere bhare me bataunga mai mysore ka rehane wala hu magar abhi mere education ke karan se belgaum ko shift hua Mera nam rakesh hai (name changed) mera height 5.9, dikhane me weight hu our athletic body hai. Abhi main part mera lund ghora hai lamba our chouda hai, etna bhol sakta hu ki kisi bhi girl ya aunty ko satisfy kar sakta hu Now to the story Jab mai mysore se...

4 years ago
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Deaf Dumb Blind

We had been in this flat for three weeks now and had not yet given any thoughts as to where we should live next. We’d spoken about how well we seemed to be coping with each other with our disabilities but not of our future accommodation. This gave rise to my own house which was in Windsor, quite some distance from where we went for our lessons in Braille and hand gestures, and was quite sure that it wouldn’t be suitable for us. It was a detached house in about two acres of ground and had four...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Passing GlancesChapter 3

Gabe drove Sarah home, again walking her to the door and kissing her for several long minutes. His hands learning the curve of her ass, hips and breasts. His fingers rubbed her nipples and he grinned against her neck when she arched her back, pressing her tightened buds closer to his palms. "I'm going," he told her. She giggled. "You've said that several times in the last five minutes." "I know," he whispered and squeezed her firm ass cheeks. "Mmm... that feels nice," she told...

1 year ago
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Masturbating on My Citys Public Bus

First off outdoor masturbation is my biggest turn on. I've done it so many times outside that I lost count. I don't know why I like it outdoors but I think it's a combination of this. I've always liked my penis and balls, I got bored doing it at home all the time, and I love the risk just knowing i'm out in the open. I love my balls and I make sure I always shave them till they are baby soft. When I go on my ventures most of the time I try to dress as light as possible so it's easy to take them...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Marathi Aunty

Hello to all..!! I am Shekhar, 25 years old, from Nashik. I am a simple next door guy, a working professional, passionate for sex and ISS. Life is full of surprises and you dont know what happens to you at any point in life. Never did I thought of having a nice sexual experience with a mature housewife . Now i begin my story…. I was once returning from Mumbai to Nashik by bus. It was afternoon time. I boarded the bus and occupied back seat, though the bus was half empty. As the bus reached next...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2100 Next Gen

I breathed a sigh of relief when I got home from Seattle on Saturday the first of July. I'd had only three days shooting and April and her crew took off Thursday morning. I planned to spend a couple days with my family and Dani agreed to stay with me. Thursday and Friday had been good, but also trying, days. Maddie had just turned six years old and would go to first grade in the fall. That meant that she knew everything and would not listen to anyone telling her differently. She was...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 23

Victoria Preston Aware her ‘work schedule’ meant his Aunt Vicky had a free day, although by now quite used to her nephew Dan coming and going as he wished, Victoria Preston was none the less surprised and alarmed to see to see her nephew Dan confidently striding into her bedroom the morning after his Mother had ‘entertained’ Annie Day. In fact fresh from being on the receiving end of a great blow job from his Mother Catherine, Dan was carrying out the request of Annie Day that he check up...

2 years ago
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NarutoThe lemon games chapter 1Tsuname0

Tazuna's house, in the dead of the night. He had his own room because Tazuna had his own room, Tsunami and Sakura were sharing a room, Inari had his own room, and Kakashi and Sasuke were sharing a room. It was just after the battle for the bridge in fact. A huge party would be thrown tomorrow He was resting until a large book appeared out of nowhere and dropped…right on his groin. "Sonofabitch!" Naruto shouted rolling onto the floor and smacking his head into it by...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 249 Welcome Newcomers

Better not show off, they will resent you. All four are already cool enough around you to see the women change bras or pull off their t-shirt. When we got close to the dorm, the two who had changed bras found it was a good suggestion. Both started to slow down to cool off. The woman with the a-cup breasts asked, “Since you haven’t even broken a sweat, do you mind being my bodyguard as I go run some laps on the track? I’m trying to increase my stamina so I can run faster for longer. I’m on...

2 years ago
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Judy and Her Itsy Bitsy Bikini Episode 4Prologue

After Judy in her Itsy Bitsy Bikini caught him spying the nubile bodies frolicking in the their condo complexes pool area, bachelor Steve Roberts was offered a dinner companion. Judy. Steve had been reading a recently purchased book and with just about each turn of the page he slyly searched out the best of the best, savoring them in his imagination. Or so he thought. Young, precocious girl that she was, Judy was just as actively searching for stud material as much as Steve was searching...

2 years ago
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Rosie and Steve Part 5

Introduction: Rosie pines for her massive cock and Steve gets revenge Rosie wasnt quite herself. For a few weeks now shed been moping around the house. She felt like there was something missing. Steve was working from home, he told Rosie that his part of the project was over, which it was, but he just couldnt concentrate at work. After witnessing Rosie cheating without his consent last month, he still didnt know what to do about it. He was naturally laid back, which annoyed Rosie sometimes,...

2 years ago
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Flashing after a party

A little about myself, I'm a 23 year old female from Australia. I love exhibitionism and my fiance (then boyfriend) encourages me to dress sexy and constantly buys me revealing tops, dresses and skirts. I rarely wear a bra or panties when out in public. I love when James tells me people look at my hard nipples poking out of my top or my juicy ass (no panty lines visible) in my tight skirts or dresses. I also love the easy access it gives James and I'm constantly wet when I go out dressed a...

1 year ago
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Horny BBW Redhead

I first started chatting with Sharon through a dating website about 8 years ago. I have always had a thing for big girls so I joined a BBW site. I got chatting to a few of the women on there and then I got a message from one particular woman. She was mid 30’s, Redhead, (Bust Size) Massive and from Birmingham but she had no photo. I thought I’d just send her a message back saying I like your profile but cos there was no photo I thought that would be it. About half an hour or so later I got a...

2 years ago
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Snowball story writing

If you don't know what a snowball story is, read this: This works somewhat like Image Inspiration Chapters. However, after someone writes a chapter, someone else has to continue that story with another chapter. Try to end each chapter open-ended. Note: Stories with an asterisk * have no stories yet.

4 years ago
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Club Rogue

Work was slow and I was thinking about my other job, my boss there was amazed to how much men came to see me and how much money comes in. I did not really care about the money, I was able to be me and no one knew who I was cause of my stage name and I always wore a masque. My fiancé called me to tell me he would not be home until late, his cousins and friends were kidnapping him for the night, which was fine I told him I had to go to my second job anyway. He did not know I stripped on the...

4 years ago
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My submissive experiance

So I was on here looking for a lass to use and abuse me humiliate me. After weeks a lass sent me a message saying her and her girlfriend is looking for someone with a cock that they both can use and abuse inflict pain humiliate in their message they put you have to be willing to take extreme pain and be Forsed to take i*****l d**gs. So I have always wanted this to happen to me so I wrote back saying yes they can do anything to me. They sent me were to meet them that night. So the time comes and...

3 years ago
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Wes and LesChapter 15

I shook my head. Mom had never touched me there before. If I didn't know any better... No Way. Well, I guess I needed to start with Les's treatment. Obviously this ointment Mom gave me would do the job better than her lotion. I knocked on her door. "Who is it?" "Dr. Wes." "Come in, Dr." I walked in the room. She was still lying on her stomach, a big square under the blankets where her butt should be. "Boy, I'd sure like to get into your box." "Ha, Ha. You'll be lucky if I...

2 years ago
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Sleeping With Beauty

1 I was late, of course. By the time I arrived at the court, I was greeted by an eerie silence, walking through rooms and rooms of people sitting, slouching, laying, all of them sleeping as if frozen in time. I slowly paced the long hallways, quiet rooms and courtyards, stripping off more and more layers of my gown until I was completely naked, enjoying the freedom, the feeling of a cool, light breeze on my breasts, safe in the knowledge that nobody could see me now as I set out to enact my...

1 year ago
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caught out

I do not consider myself gay, nor do I think I am bisexual, but I do enjoy a nice big cock. I am not attracted to men at all and under normal circumstances find any and all homosexual activities quite disgusting, until I get really horny that is. When I get all hot and hard, I can't help but want a cock in my hand, mouth, and ass and eventually a big load of warm, sticky cum on my face and in my mouth.Another odd thing that found myself craving to do when I got horny was dress up like a girl. I...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 30 Some More Equal Than Others

Gwen disengaged her mouth from my flaccid penis. "It's no good babe ... it's like flogging a dead horse." Earlier that evening I had lost wood during a session of rumpty pumpty, and Gwen had been forced to give mouth to groin resuscitation to restore my libido, which unfortunately was a wasted effort. This wasn't the first time over the last few days I had failed to give Gwen the shagging she deserved; the shagging she expected and, quite rightly, she got bloody angry when I didn't...

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Five Alarm Fire

When Lockhart stepped off the fire engine, I couldn’t help but stare. His shirt stuck to his chest with a mixture of sweat and water, showing every inch of definition of his bulging chest. His arms jut through the sleeves of his shirt like two powerful tree trucks through rock; the tattoos reaching from his neckline and shoulders, stretching across every free inch of skin covering his arms. The color of his eyes matched the ash that was smeared across his face and down his thick neck. Walking...

Straight Sex
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My Black Lover Turns Me Out To Do Whatever Im Told

  George and I got our composure together, as I pulled out of the parking garage heading towards the repair shop. George spoke up and asked "what I would be doing tommorrow night", since Poppy was out of Town? "Well I'm not sure, I will just kick it at home" I replied, wondering why he was asking. He is married afterall. "I had a great time with you Tai, and would like to see ya again" he said while stroking my inner thighs right up to my now again wet labia. "Uh, I dont know, Ive never done...

3 years ago
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Fantasies of Fucking

Video games, TV series, anime, movies. Media has given us so much to watch, play and talk about. In many of those we also find many women that just stick on our minds longer than you'd think. They could charm you by their personality, actor that plays that given character or they are just straight up hot. And I'm sure we all have at least a couple that just stay on our minds the whole. That's why I decided to write these stories where we see our favorite (mostly female) characters in situations...

2 years ago
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Anita Ke Sath Dosti And Sex

Hi friends mera nam vijay hai, mai pune me ek software company me kam karata hu. Ye meri first story hai agar koi galati ho jaye to maf kar dena. Mai apane bare me batata hu, meri age 30 hai, meri height 5ft 7inch hai. Meri average body hai. Mai apani story pe aata hu. Ye story six month pehile ki hai, jab mai kam ke like goa gaya tha. Waha ek 5 star hotel me ruka tha. Muze saturday sunday off tha. Generally say log goa me beach pe date hai ghumne k liye, lekin mai wise hi hotel ke swimming...

1 year ago
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The Tease at Work 2

“Get my shit and leave? I don’t fucking think so. I took your shit for almost an hour. I watched you get off over and over again. And you think I’m going to leave without getting something out of this arrangement?” “W-what are you going to do?” she asked. For the first time since I came in the room, she wasn’t totally in control anymore, and she wasn’t all together pleased about it. In fact, she almost seemed a little scared. “Relax, I have no intentions of forcing myself on you. In fact,...

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Cheerleader fuck Fiction

I'm a part time student in collage. I love going to the basketball games, not only to watch the games but also the cheerleaders. They are so sexy in there short skirts and sexy legs. When they are held up in the air my the male cheerleaders and raise there leg up, I get so turned on looking at there crotch, know it that just under those tights is a warm sweet pussy. Having said that, this is my fantasy:After he game I hung out near the lockroom giving high five to the payers along with a small...

4 years ago
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Butch and Stacy 12

Butch and Stacy 12 Since I came out of my coma I have seen myself as Stacy the girl. Now I am told that for most of my life I have been Butch, a guy. Who am I? WHAT am I? Is there any place in the world for a creature like me? ............................... The very next day mom and I moved into our apartment. It was spacious, bright, and modern and I had a huge bedroom to myself with my own bath. I wanted to be happy, but instead I was miserable. I had asked Liz about my past...

3 years ago
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My Hot Dorm Mate Part 2

Now that I’d gotten a secret taste of my dorm mate Mark’s smooth, worked out body and amazing cock the other night (not to mention my first mouthful of cum that he didn’t even know about!), all kinds of new fantasies ran through my head. Fortunately, Lisa was a total temptress which helped to keep my Mark obsession in check. She must have noticed some new sexual energy in me or something because that very next week I’m pretty sure we were naked WAY more than we were dressed! Who needs...

4 years ago
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Routines who says they are boring

This is my fantasy Its 7:30 Saturday morning and I'm in my recliner sipping my morning coffee. I've been up about an hour. Long enough to do my morning things of getting showered and shaved. Had a small bite of breakfast. Now I can relax with my morning coffee, anticipating the coming day. Without really watching it I have Kali's favorite cartoon program on the TV. Upstairs on the second floor I hear the shower shut off and a few minutes later the voice of my wife call out, "Hurry up, we...

3 years ago
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Curious About Sex

Kate had been walking in the park for almost two hours, walking and thinking. She had just turned fourteen and like most freshmen in high school she was tremendously naïve when it came to boys. Also like most teenagers she was curious about sex and she wanted to know was what it was all about. What did it feel like to kiss a boy? Did people really stick their tongues inside each others mouths ... and if so, why? What did a cock feel like? Did girls really suck on boys' cocks and then swallow...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Sophia Burns Anal Gaping Cum Facial

Sexy in black lingerie and high-heel fetish boots, Sophia Burns narrates a hot intro. The nasty brunette strips and teases to kick things off, soon teaming up with award-winning stud Mick Blue for a frisky backdoor romp. She warms him up with a slobbering blowjob, choking as she fights to get all of his big cock into her throat. The action heightens when Mick bends Sophia over to power-fuck her pink pussy. The couple kiss and caress passionately as Sophia rides rod. Next, Mick slides his...

1 year ago
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Swapping Fathers 41

After getting the grand tour of the rest of their magnificent home, including spending nearly an hour outside in their beautiful gardens, we finished sipping our drinks on the edge of the pool with our feet dangling in the warm water. I didn’t want to leave. But if we were going to spend the night, we needed to get home and pack for Jim’s trip to N Florida and my stay with Kim. Mike got us out the door with the promise of the best steaks we have ever had if we got back in time for dinner. He...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 960

This one is compliments of gsears4now There are two ways of saying the same thing with very different implications: “Bless me Father, for I have sinned.” versus: “Daddy, I’ve been a bad, bad girl.” Name for a gay bar: “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure” What did the porn magazine collector say to his stash every night? “Good night, sweet prints...” This bunch is compliments of Allan A man goes to the clinic and makes an appointment with an ophthalmologist and an urologist....

2 years ago
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Glamour Shots Chapter 28

I was pleased to discover that we’d be able to get a table after only a short wait. With last-minute plans on a Friday night, a short wait was not a sure thing by any means. We spent the time at the bar, where I had the pleasure of watching Alli, short skirt and sans panties, try to slide up onto the high bar stool without becoming intimate with the room. She slapped my arm when she saw me smiling at her struggle, and then I stood alongside her at the crowded bar, the two of us conversing in...

Wife Lovers
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My Wife got blacked 3 My Toy Boy sex

Well after all this time I cand finally give the update on my young Toy boy, he was actually 18, and called Ibrahim, not Josh, simply because he did not like his real name! So I will call him Ibrahim ok! I finally received another note through my post box asking me to meet him at a certain local bar, which I knew about and had visited in the past, a lot of coloureds hang about the Rest!! about 10 minute taxi ride from my home. The meeting was to be three days after I found the note, this...

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Sneaking Up On Margaret

It was Sunday, and Pst was up early to help the minister with the morning service. Margaret made breakfast for the three of us, and told me I could stay home an relax due to the fact I wasn't a member of their religion. Pat left, and Margaret poured herslef another cup of coffee, and sat down at the table with me. In a soft and warm tone, she said, "Trev...what has been goin on between us may or may not be strictly moral, but I want you to know that it has made me feel more alive than I've ever...

2 years ago
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Super FluChapter 23

Darkness had fallen hours ago and Shelley, Sarah, Juanita, and Jessica all took turns pacing to the front door, staring out into the night, listening for the sounds of horse's hooves. When Junior had not returned by the time they had finished burying Watts, Matt had caught up one of the other horses, threw a saddle on and went off to take care of the cattle. He had seen no sign of Junior, and figured the man just needed to be left alone. The others had finally went to bed, only Junior's...

3 years ago
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Doctor of Desire Ch 03

Chapter 3: Guardian Devil She wasn’t Sister Mary Aloysius when he met her. Hadn’t been for several years. Actually, her real name was Gerta. But even though she had left orders because she had ‘impure thoughts’ that grew and grew until they erased her ability to spend quality time in prayer, she was unable to develop a real intimate relationship with anyone. Casey spoke with her ‘ex’ Mother Superior, confessing that his role was to help her develop her normal sexuality. He did not detail...

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