How Anna Discovered She's A Little Whore Part 1 free porn video

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How Anna discovered she is a little whore
Part 1: The uninvited guest

The day started with a thrill of nervous excitement. I had been awaiting that particular Friday for quite some time, since it was the day that my parents would leave me alone for an entire weekend. My parents owned a large and successful company, so they always went on long business trips while dragging me along. After much persuasion I finally convinced my parents that I was old enough to be left alone for one weekend while they went away, since I was already 18. My parents, Gerald and Beatrice, knew I would not partake in any risky business in their absence, as I was such a good, innocent girl.

I kissed my mom's cheek as she walked past me to the car, my dad already bent over the boot stacked high with their luggage. "Now, Anna, be a good girl and please make sure that you are safe. Ok? You have our numbers on speed dial and your pepper spray is always within reach. Do you remember the code for the safety room?" Her baby blue eyes looked down at me in worry, her alabaster forehead scrunched up in concern as she gripped my shoulders. "Yes, Mom, I'll be good and I have everything I need to be safe. I know the safety code off by heart, and the neighbours are close enough to hear me scream. Don't worry, everything will be fine Mom." I gave her a tight hug, pulling her tennis fit body against my own less skinny frame. Mom still seemed worried as she pulled away, her head turning over her shoulder to look at my approaching father for reassurance. My dad stood taller than both of us, his tan skin and dark eyes creating a contrast with the appearance of my mom and I. He oozed dominance, and my mom instinctively melted into him as he pulled her against is side. "Don't worry my sweet, Anna will be perfectly fine. Won't you dear?" My posture straightened as my eyes lowered in respect. "Yes Sir, I know all the rules and I'll look after myself." I beamed as my dad rested a large hand on my head, messing up my hair in a familiar gesture of affection and approval. "That's my girl. Now Beatrice, we better be on our way. We don't want to miss the flight." My mom and dad both gave me one more hug, got in their car and departed. I waved them good bye, my heart soaring with the freedom that embraced me as the sleek sports car disappeared from view.

The very first thing I did as I walked back into the house was loosening my bra and throwing it on my bed. I sighed in comfort as my heavy bust bounced from the confines of my bra, my nipples instantly hardening in the cool air. My t-shirt was quickly replaced by a more revealing see through tank top that gripped my chest. I smiled softly, a tinge of excitement racing through me due to the naughtiness of my actions. Mom and dad are always so strict, I hate having to cover up all the time. My jeans fell to the floor, leaving my panty covered pussy and ass to peak out from beneath the edge of my tank top. I reached down, running my left index finger teasingly over my clit while moaning softly. "No Anna, now is not the time for that. We have other things to do." I scolded myself and pulled away my hand before I end up spending my first day of freedom spread eagle on my bed. I exited my room and went down stairs to the living room. I grabbed the TV remote and threw myself down on the coach, selecting the first movie of the day. I sagged into the coach, getting comfortable for the long night of movie watching that lay ahead.

I suddenly jumped awake, my head spinning with the heavy blanket of sleep that still lay over my mind. I blinked, my eyes stinging as the bright TV rolled the credit list of the movie I had been watching. The room was dark, very dark. I sat up, frowning as I switched off the TV and pulled myself off of the coach. I still didn't know what had woken me up, but the scratchy ache in the back of my throat seemed to be the culprit. I stumbled to the kitchen, the unarmed alarm system flashing a green light above the marble counter next to the sink. The dripping tap called me closer as I bent over the sink, angling my mouth so I could catch the water. I drank deeply, gulping down the cool water as the ache in my throat subsided. After drinking my fill I turned toward the kitchen entrance to make my way to my bedroom, when suddenly, as I neared the dining table my eyes caught a slight sheen of fractured light. Cold fright washed over my shocked body as the sight of the broken window registered in my mind. Glass lay scattered around the broken window, the glow of the moon reflecting against the wooden floor.

I stumbled backwards, my arms swaying to catch myself as I was suddenly thrown off balance. I landed on the hard floor with a groan as the air rushed from my lungs at the impact. I was momentarily dazed, but as I stood up a tall figure above me made a scream bubble up my throat. "Someone hel....mhmm!" My scream was cut off as the person harshly pressed their hand over my mouth, causing my braces to painfully cut into my lips. "Shhh. Now now little girl, I suggest you keep that mouth of yours shut. If you cooperate then you'll walk out of this somewhat undamaged." My eyes widened at the threat of the clearly male criminal. "Phlsm dohnt," my words were muffled by his hand, but his laughter clearly showed he knew what I had tried to say. "Oh, little girl, soon you'll be begging for something else." He gripped my head with his other hand and dragged me to my feet, my scream muffled as I scrunched up my face in pain. I stumbled as he dragged me behind him, my nails clawing at the firm grip he had on my hair. He pulled me out of the kitchen and into the living room, pausing suddenly as if he was in thought. He pulled harder against my hair, making a shrill muffled scream bubble out of my throat. "Where is your room?" I shook my head, mumbling incoherent words against his hand, tears leaking down my cheeks. He sighed, let go of my hair and twisted my body around. Relief was short lived as he forced me to bend over the nearest couch and flipped up my tank top, my bottom squirming as the cool air hit my pussy through the thin material of my panties. He roughly ripped them off, causing the thin material to rip as it caught on my hips and then he shoved my ruined underwear into his jeans. A scream ripped through my throat as the man forced his palm down on my now unprotected ass. Agony cut through my bottom as he kept on spanking me, my body arching and writhing on the couch as my legs kicked out in a desperate attempt to escape. His hand suddenly came down again, but this time it rubbed softly against the red welts that spread over my ass. "Now, little girl, I will ask this one last time. Where. Is. Your. Room?" His voice was rough and the clear command in his tone sent a thrill all the way from my ear to my aching bottom. I lifted my shaky arm and pointed in the direction of the stairs that led to the bedrooms, all the while whimpering as tears dripped from my face.

He pulled me away from the couch, and my pepper spray which I had left lying next to the couch and again gripped my hair as he pulled me to the stairs. I stumbled and fell a few times as we ascended, whimpering each time as he pulled me back to my feet. We finally reached the top of the stairs and passed the first room, a bathroom that was used by our guests. We neared my room, the pale pink door standing out with my name written in black over the frame. I tried pulling him to a halt, mumbling into his hand as we passed my room. Confusion etched across my face as we neared my parent's bedroom. We stopped in the open doorway, the white and beige sheets of the king size bed glowing faintly in the middle of the room. "This isn't your room, is it little girl? The pink door was your room, wasn't it?" My reply was once again muffled, but my nod was a clear confirmation of his assumption. He made no attempt of heading back to my room, instead he lifted my struggling body and roughly threw me onto the silky sheets. I had no time to scream or make my escape before he was on top of me, his hand once more folded over my mouth as he gripped my wrists in his other hand. He sat on my waist, his legs on either side of my struggling thighs as he bent over me. I froze up as I felt something hard press against my nearly bare stomach. A gun? A knife? My naive mind was suddenly thrown into shock as he rubbed the hard object against my stomach and groaned softly in my ear. My whole body shook as panic overwhelmed me, I struggled below him, screaming against his hand as I tried to sink my teeth into his palm. He growled in anger and released my wrists, pinning my arms below his knees as he pushed is hand into his jean pocket. My once muffled scream tore momentarily through the air in a loud shrill crescendo, but was silenced when a musky piece of shredded pink lace was forced into my mouth. My voice caught in my throat as my eyes widened, my saliva soaking into the familiar material of my ruined panties.

He chuckled as he looked down at my shocked red face, my cheeks bulged and my lips stretched around the improvised gag. He seized my dazed state and quickly flipped me onto my stomach, slamming my face into the pillows that smelled like my parents, once more holding my wrists above my head. I heard a strange ripping sound and gasped as he tore my shirt from my body, leaving me naked below him. I started struggling again, screaming and bucking to free myself until a searing slap on my sensitive ass made me halt my struggles. "Hold still now, don't make me spank you again." I whimpered nodding as I held still, crying silently into the pillows as I heard him further tear up my already ruined shirt. I felt him pull my wrists towards the headboard, dread sinking into me as he firmly bound my wrists to the metal frame above my head. I heard him pull off the mask he had over his head, breathing in as his face was freed. "Now, I admit little girl, I thought this house was empty for a while and the perfect opportunity for me to get some quality goods. What I found though, surprised me...” I shivered as he spoke, his warm hand gliding over my young inexperienced skin." Instead of jewels, I found a young barely dressed girl passed out on a couch, her ripe little body draped over the cushions in such a naughty and provocative fashion. I just couldn't resist myself, little girl. I have to have you, I NEED to have you. I will have you."

I gasped and cried out in protest as he forced my legs open, revealing my bare pussy to his hungry gaze. I struggled against him, my hips swaying and writhing to escape as he lowered his face to my untouched core. I cried harder, feeling his warm breath against my folds, my legs fighting to close. Then, suddenly, I froze up. My whole body tensed as a zap of sensation shot through me as a wet hot tongue glided over my pussy. My eyes widened in surprise, my mind swirling in conflict as my thighs relaxed and opened. His groan made me shiver and scream as his tongue buried itself into my pussy, it swirled in me as it coaxed my body to submit. I tried fighting again, my head shaking in denial as my body arched away from his mouth. He was licking me in a place that only I had ever touched, and he was making me feel things that I had never experienced. I felt my body react, the familiar arms of arousal embracing my virgin flesh.

I moaned. He stopped at hearing the sound, lifting his glistening face from my pussy. I could hear the sinister smirk in his voice as he spoke, his warm breath fanning over my ass. "Oh? What's this little girl? Are you a slut? Oh, yes you are, your wet pussy is a dead giveaway. You are a nasty little whore aren't you? You want me to use you? You want me to fill your little cunny with my cock, don't you? You want me to make you scream, don't you little girl?" My body shook and my hips thrust up towards his face as his words washed over me. Shame gripped my heart as my pussy gushed at the way he talked to me, I tried to deny it but I knew I couldn't. My body loved it, my nipples were hard as stone and my pussy was leaking down my thighs.

I cried out as a sting on my ass brought me from my thoughts, my back arching and my bottom wriggling as a new mark formed. "Answer me, now!" His voice was thunderous against my ear, his tone daring me to defy him. I screamed into my panties, my head feverishly nodding in confirmation as I wriggled my hips, my pussy aching with every painful throb of my ass. He groaned his approval, and suddenly gripped my hips, angling them upwards with my head still pressed roughly into the pillows. I frowned as I wiggled my hips, wondering when he'll lick my pussy again. Searing pain ripped through me as he suddenly forced his large cock into my pussy, his thrust so hard that the momentum nearly knocked me unconscious as my head slammed against the headboard. I cried out, my eyes rolling into the back of my head as my body was overwhelmed with pain. My walls clenched around him, gripping his cock as he tried forcing more of himself into my tiny opening. "Fuck! Oh little girl, you're so damn tight! Yesss." His sounds of pleasure above me were sickening as the pain soon turned to numbness as he brutally fucked my once virgin cunt, his thrusts making me clench my body and push back against him so that he doesn't bash my head against the metal again. He grunted above me, thrusting harder as he finally forced his entire cock into me with one particularly brutal thrust. My body froze up for a moment as his cock hit a spot deep in my pussy, and then a sudden scream ripped from my lungs as an overwhelming pleasure washed over me.

He laughed above me, stopping his movements to hear me whimper in protest and grind my sensitive pussy against his cock. "Oh, you are a little slut. You are a little whore who wants my cock, aren't you!" I moaned and nodded, grinding back to him, desperate for him to satisfy me. He fulfilled my wish as he pulled out his cock, raking the sensitive flesh of my walls over his ridged cock until only his head remained caught in my tight entrance. He gripped my hips tightly and fucked his cock roughly into my pussy, making my face scrunch up as a silent scream gurgled in my throat. His fucking bruised my pussy lips and abused my cervix as he used my body for his pleasure. I moaned and twitched bellow him as my body was overwhelmed with a sense of urgency, a need for something I could not describe. I whimpered and thrashed against him, my fingers clawing at my bindings. "You want it don't you little girl? Then cum for me! Cum over my cock as I pump my seed into your cunt! Cum as I fill your womb with my seed and breed you! Cum for me little girl!" I screamed as my body tensed up, his words creating a tidal wave of sensation to rip through my core. My pussy clenched and milked around his cock, right as I heard him cry out and thrust brutally against my cervix. Warmth oozed into my cunt as he came in me, overwhelming me with pleasure as I fell numb beneath him. He held onto my hips, keeping them from sagging as he emptied his balls in me. "That's a good little slut, such good little girl."...


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Educating Anna Part 10

Only when she was home could she really relax and be herself, most of the time she’d watch TV with her family or if there was nothing on she’d be in her room on the computer playing games or talking to her friends. One Friday night Anna’s parents told her that the whole family were going to her aunts for the next day, Anna did not get along with her cousins so that night she decide to pretend to be ill, the next morning her mum said that as she wasn’t well she would have to say at home and...

2 years ago
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AnnaAnna got home from work early and set about her housework.  It was a rather pretty day outside with a nice breeze, so she opened the windows and put on some soft music.  Not much needed to be done, just some laundry mostly and perhaps vacuuming if she was feeling ambitious.  No reason to be uncomfortable though, so she went into the bedroom and slid out of her work clothes.  Once she was nude she caught sight of her reflection for a moment in the full length mirror and paused to stare at...

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Educating Anna Part 30

At lunch that day Anna was sitting behind some girls from her class when she heard one of them tell the other that someone she knew had seen Susan with an older boy from the school and they had been having sex in the local park, shocked at this Anna decided she had to speak to Susan and find out if it was true, so after school that day Anna waited for her on her usual route home. When Susan came into view Anna could see she had been crying, forgetting about why she was angry with Susan,...

2 years ago
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My Wife Anna With My Best Friend

I woke up and rolled over to look at the clock. It was two fifteen am and then I noticed that Anna was not in bed. At first I thought she must have got up to go to the restroom and I fell back to sleep.I woke up again and looked at the clock and it was now two forty am. Anna was still not in bed.I got up and walked into the master bathroom to see if she was sick or if something was wrong. She was not in there.I opened the door and walked down the hall and I heard voices.Seth my best friend from...

2 years ago
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My Wife Anna With My Best Friend

I woke up and rolled over to look at the clock. It was two fifteen am and then I noticed that Anna was not in bed. At first I thought she must have got up to go to the restroom and I fell back to sleep.I woke up again and looked at the clock and it was now two forty am. Anna was still not in bed.I got up and walked into the master bathroom to see if she was sick or if something was wrong. She was not in there.I opened the door and walked down the hall and I heard voices.Seth my best friend from...

2 years ago
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Stroking Him for Anna

Anna logged off the computer and stood up. I bugged her, ‘Watch out for the wet spots.’ Anna looked down at the the red chair. There were darker spots where she had been sitting. ‘What’s that?’ She asked. ‘And do you see the little dots on the arms of the chair,’ I explained to her, ‘That’s when it squirts out really high.’ ‘That’s disgusting,’ Anna declared, yet looked carefully at the red chair. ‘Why is it–‘ I smiled, ‘Let’s just say he’s got a lot of pictures that remind him of you.’...

3 years ago
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Anna Kournikova at Marineland

Besides being a world-class tennis player, nineteen-year-old, Russian born, Anna Kournikova was also in great demand by the sportswear companies. Her supermodel good looks made her the top choice by them when they had in mind for the female clientele. This made her tennis competitors envious and jealous of her financial success because she was so much prettier than themselves, yet not as good a player as they were. This time it was a swimsuit company that had hired her good looks to promote...

1 year ago
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Anna is all grown up

Anna stands 5’2” tall with dark brown hair spilling curls over her shoulders. Her smile and laugh are very infectious. When her killer smile breaks out, her big brown eyes light up. She has a trim figure with B-cup breasts and smooth, flawless tan skin. Her pussy is always shaved clean with little labia that look like shiny butterfly wings when she spreads them. Her waist is small, but her glutes are round and her hips are wide, and when she touches her knees together you could almost toss a...

1 year ago
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Away with Anna

School was going to let out for summer soon, and with the completion of my 8th grade year I would be getting promoted to high school. I was now 14 years old, and I could only guess that classes and tests just got more dull and trying from then on. My newest concern about the rapidly approaching end of the school year was losing some of my friends when we had to go to different schools. I would miss my band mates, and my football team, but nobody more so than Anna. I knew Anna by...

1 year ago
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Having Anna for Dinner

A brunette girl, who appeared sixteen years old, lay on the floor watching TV with her younger sister, a blonde girl who was six years younger. Their father had lost his job about a year ago and was only recently able to find another. He hadnt gotten his first paycheck yet, and wouldnt or several weeks. The brunette propped herself up on her long, thin arms. Is there anything for dinner today, mom? Im afraid not, Susan. We dont have much food left, their mother called back. They were lucky to...

2 years ago
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The Remaking of Anna Plowright

Prologue Anna Plowright trudged grimly along the country lane towards her cottage still two kilometres distant. She was soaked to the skin. The rain bucketed down and reduced her hair to a stringy ruin, and found every available gap in her clothing to trickle down her back and between her breasts. When she had set out that morning for her daily ten-kilometre walk with the dog, the sun had been shining, the skies clear. Then apparently from out of nowhere clouds began to rapidly pile up, and...

2 years ago
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Watching Anna Ch5

Anna and I had resumed chatting on line with other couples since the Halloween party. Although we had plenty of offers we didn’t feel the need to rush into anything. We both had settled on the fact that swinging was something we both wanted in our lives but we had put ourselves in situations beyond our control. In a clear state of mind you think you know what you would do but sometimes you expose yourself and in this type of lifestyle you have to know your limits. We very quickly met a lovely...

2 years ago
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Watching Anna Ch5

Anna and I had resumed chatting on line with other couples since the Halloween party. Although we had plenty of offers we didn't feel the need to rush into anything. We both had settled on the fact that swinging was something we both wanted in our lives but we had put ourselves in situations beyond our control. In a clear state of mind you think you know what you would do but sometimes you expose yourself and in this type of lifestyle you have to know your limits. We very quickly met a lovely...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Anna Open Marriage

My stepson Allan and I were sitting in his back yard, enjoying a beer and talking in general. I complimented him on how nice his wife Anna looked today, and what a lucky dog he was to have such an attractive and sexy woman. He shrugged. "Yes, Anna certainly takes care of herself; she's still a very attractive woman. But .. I donno .. the excitement isn't there like when we were first going together or when we were first married, you know?" He shook his head and asked, "Did that ever happen...

1 year ago
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The Life Anna Endured

She laid, crumpled and destroyed in the middle of the kitchen. She had no idea what she had done wrong but it was apparently something terrible in his mind. Anna hadn’t always lived this way. Nope, at one point in her early 20’s she had been a viable contributing person. She held down a good job that she was proud of. Made good money, and held her own. In fact some people in her work field considered her intimidating. That all changed shortly after she met him. He was a handsome strong man,...

2 years ago
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Anna Too Many 2

-- Too Many For Even Anna! 2--[Synopsis:My attractive daughter-in-law Anna had come to me with a very personal request. She'd always been fascinated with the thought of several men having sex with her, taking turns or even together. She asked me if I could arrange it, without her husband knowing.I collected two friends, the three of us met with Anna, and she enjoyed several very exciting sessions with us.All seemed to be going well, we were all having a good time .. but good things don't last...

1 year ago
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Sexy Seduction of Awesome Anna by Pretty Petra, as Young as YummyI see Anna enter my sexshop for ladies only in old Amsterdam at my closed circuit and immediatelyI know that my last shop-assistant, my only granddaughter Petra, will not let her leave untouched.I raised her from young age, after her parents died in a car-crash. Petra copied my sexual taste.I see what we both love in looks: tall, slender, small breasts, wasp-waist. Even a real redhead!I sit upstairs in our private rooms and smile...

3 years ago
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Anna 1 Anna and the Firemen

Trying to ignore the pain in my back, I gently squeeze Anna's firm buttocks. Such a sweet ass she has, a great handful to hold on to, to pull her against my penetrating cock as she rode me to an orgasm.She's collapsed on my body now, her heavy breathing still puffing against my neck as she cuddles in post-orgasmic satisfaction. I squeeze her buttocks again. Let her get her breath back, and then maybe I can roll her over, throw her legs over my shoulders, and fuck her hard and fast for my own...

2 years ago
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Arousing Anna Part 3 Hotel Heat

As the taxi faded out of view, Anna and Mike made their way towards the large double doors of the Algernon hotel. A uniformed doorman touched his cap with one hand while holding open one of the doors with the other. “Good day, madame,” he said, reminding Anna that no one else could see Mike except her.“You approve?” joked Mike, waving an arm around the imposing entrance hall.To Anna, it was a palace of a place. Massive chandeliers, pillars to a decorative balcony, swathes of brocade curtaining,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Anna 1 Anna and the Firemen

---- Anna 1: Anna and the Firemen ----Trying to ignore the pain in my back, I gently squeezed Anna's firm buttocks. Such a sweet ass she had, a great handful to hold on to, to pull her against my penetrating cock as she rode me to an orgasm.She'd collapsed on my body now, her heavy breathing still puffing against my neck as she cuddled in post-orgasmic satisfaction. I squeezed her buttocks again. Let her get her breath back, and then maybe I could roll her over, throw her legs over my...

3 years ago
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I Cruise with Anna

Sometimes I like to take a short vacation and one of my favorites is to book a cruise through a chain of islands south of here. The cruises usually last five days and four nights, leaving on Monday early in the afternoon and arriving back in port on Friday afternoon. I eat and sleep well and see the sights, but the real reason for taking the cruise is to avoid my lady friends for a few days. My normal sex life is very active and by taking this cruise, I avoid women and remain celibate for the...

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Banana Anna

Anna stood in front of the full-length mirror on the back of her closet door, staring intently at the naked image reflected there. In typical organized Anna fashion, she started her body review at the top. She wasn't terribly happy with what she saw. Her hairstyle was the same silly bangs-and-ponytail look that she had had since fourth grade. "I look like Pippi Longstockings," she had lamented, but her mother had held firm - no 'fancy' hairstyle, or makeup, until she was sixteen. At least...

2 years ago
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Annas Shower With Mommy

The bathroom was filled with steam. Anna and her mother had been in the shower for about 30 minutes now. It was Anna's birthday, and her mother Sharon had promised her a wonderful night. It was late in the evening. After spending the day with her friends, Anna had met her mother at home.Sharon walked in the door from work, tossed her purse on the couch, kicked her heels off, and wiggled a finger at her daughter, motioning her to follow her into the bedroom. Anna obeyed.As Anna walked into the...

1 year ago
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Annas Shower With Mommy

The bathroom was filled with steam. Anna and her mother had been in the shower for about 30 minutes now. It was Anna's birthday, and her mother Sharon had promised her a wonderful night. It was late in the evening. After spending the day with her friends, Anna had met her mother at home.Sharon walked in the door from work, tossed her purse on the couch, kicked her heels off, and wiggled a finger at her daughter, motioning her to follow her into the bedroom. Anna obeyed. As Anna walked...

4 years ago
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Anna K and Jennifer Capriati

Chapter 1 Jennifer Capriati was feeling on top of the world. She was finally back where she knew she belonged, at Wimbeldon, advancing toward the finals. Her last match had been a grueling one that seemed to drain the life from her. Though feeling great about her chances at making the finals, she was exhausted both physically and mentally. After the usual barrage of post match interviews, Jen made her way to the locker rooms to shower and head back to the hotel for some welcome rest....

4 years ago
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Anna 2 Anna and the Morning Visitors

Anna has me come over. She tells me it's been days since I had sex with her, and she understands. I'm not so young, I can't fuck as often as the younger men, but that's okay. She enjoys it very much when I just watch her playing with herself, when I help her pleasuring herself. She likes sucking on me, she likes me inside her even if I don't want to fuck her hard and come inside her.She then says she wants me to do something special just for her. She will suck me until I'm hard, and then...

3 years ago
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Educating Anna Part 20

As Anna revealed the details of her adventure she realised that she was becoming aroused again and could feel her pussy dampening, looking at Susan she also realised that her friend did not seem very surprised at her confession. As Anna was about to ask why Susan wasn’t surprised the bell rang announcing that lessons were underway, all Susan said was ‘we’ll talk later...’ and then she disappeared into the milling crowd of students. All through the day Anna kept thinking about what had...

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