- 2 years ago
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Anna stood in front of the full-length mirror on the back of her closet door, staring intently at the naked image reflected there. In typical organized Anna fashion, she started her body review at the top. She wasn't terribly happy with what she saw. Her hairstyle was the same silly bangs-and-ponytail look that she had had since fourth grade. "I look like Pippi Longstockings," she had lamented, but her mother had held firm - no 'fancy' hairstyle, or makeup, until she was sixteen. At least she had talked her mother and stepfather into letting her get contacts. Getting rid of her glasses had been a big boost to her self-esteem. But even with the contacts, and without the braces she had worn for the last two years, she still knew that the face staring back at her was, as she had heard one of her aunts say at her birthday party, "just on the good side of plain."
As Anna's gaze fell lower, toward the parts of her body that she normally avoided looking at, her spirits sank even further. Still no tits, she sighed. That wasn't entirely true, the new bras she and her mother had bought last weekend had been B-cups, but she would have been hard-pressed to exhibit any real cleavage - even if her mom had allowed her to wear something like the V-neck sweater she had seen that day. Instead, all she had in her closet were clothes whose neckline displayed ... well, her neck.
Her waistline was ill-defined. Her belly refused to shrink, despite all the sit ups she did. She wasn't fat, but she wasn't looking forward to bikini season either. Oh well, she sighed, adding another item to her let's-make-Anna-better list. Even though she hated running, maybe a little would help get rid of that last few pounds of what her mother still called 'baby fat'. Her legs were okay, she decided, not too chubby, and cellulite free. When she stood with her knees together there was still a small triangle of space at the top of her thighs, just under her pussy. She had heard somewhere that boys considered that to be sexy, but it didn't seem likely that she would be in a position to have any male notice that feature for quite a while. She still had trouble even getting boys to even look at her, so it wasn't too likely that anyone was going to see her naked anytime soon.
Her pubic hair was sprouting nicely. That was the only part of her body that was really beginning to look mature, she lamented. Do boys really like hair there? She wasn't sure any more, some of her more adventurous friends had been talking about trimming or shaving their bushes.
She turned around, and looked over her shoulder. With the slow development of her breasts, it looked like her ass was destined to be her best feature for awhile longer. She had learned that wearing tight jeans seemed to draw at least some attention from boys, even if they never seemed to make eye contact or want to talk to her. Her booty was good sized, round and shapely, but she had to admit that there was some danger that she was soon going to have too much junk in her trunk if she wasn't careful. She added more running, and less ice cream, to her self-improvement checklist. With one last sigh of disappointment, Anna stopped beating herself up about her appearance and got ready for bed.
Anna had decided that her birthday would be a good time for a critical self-examination. She had spent the last half hour coming up with a list of her strengths and weaknesses. The last step had been the long, slow look at herself in the mirror. She felt like her negatives far outweighed her positives. Sure, she was intelligent and hard working and witty, but all that meant was that she was dangerously close to becoming a teachers' pet and a nerd. It was still early in her freshman year of high school, but she would have to work fast to achieve her goal of becoming one of the cool kids.
As she slid between her sheets, she faced the stark reality that to achieve her main goal in the upcoming year— an active social life, with lots of attention from boys, especially Brad Dorman - was going to be a huge challenge. Brad was a dreamboat. Anna had had a crush on him since the fourth grade. Unfortunately, so did every other girl in the ninth grade at Jefferson High. She was pretty sure that Brad knew she existed, but she wasn't all that sure that he realized she was a female. It was obvious that she didn't have the beauty or voluptuous body to compete with girls like Jenny Hanson or Kate Bledel for the attention of her fantasy lover, or any other boy for that matter. She was going to have to use her brain and get creative.
Unable to sleep, her restless mind settled on the Fall Festival dance as her first action item of her fourteenth year. It was the social event of the year for underclassmen. The juniors and seniors had their proms, but for the freshmen and sophomores, the Fall dance was a must-do event. Normally Anna avoided even thinking about occasions like that, because it didn't do her any good. She knew that nobody was going to ask her to go anyway, and she didn't want to have her mom take her just so she could hang out with the other dateless girls, huddled by the snack table, hoping some dweeb boy would ask them to dance at least once.
This time was going to be different, Anna promised herself as she arranged her stuffed animals around her, perfecting her sleep space. She was going to get a date for the dance. If it couldn't be Brad, which the right side of her brain insisted was totally unrealistic, then she would find someone else to entice with her beauty and charm. That made her giggle.
Just as she was dropping off, she recalled the conversation she had had with her cousin Edie a few hours earlier. Edie was three years older than Anna and a lot more of a social butterfly. She had warned Anna a year ago that she really needed to change her ways quickly, or she would be doomed to a dull social life for the rest of her high school days. Edie was destined to be one of those people who looked back twenty years later and thought of her high school days as the pinnacle of her life. But still, Anna did respect her opinions, and often listened to her advice.
"Edie, it's just not fair," Anna had complained. "I'm plain, and I have a dull body. How am I ever going to get boys to like me? "
"Kiddo," he cousin told her, holding her shoulders to make sure she had her attention, "look at me. Do I look like a Playboy centerfold, or a Victoria's Secret model? No, of course not. Look Anna, we come from the same gene pool, and unfortunately in our family when it comes to sex appeal, that pool is kind of shallow. And yet, I get lots of calls from boys. I'm never without a date on a Saturday night, if I want one."
"So what's your secret?"
"Doing the most I can with what I have. Let me boil it down to a couple of simple rules for you. First, never turn down a date when asked, no matter what the guy looks like. When guys know that other guys have asked you out, and you said yes, it takes away a lot of their fear of rejection. Eventually you'll find yourself being asked out by a higher grade of male. Second, when you do get a date," Edie leaned forward to whisper the rest of her message directly in Anna's ear, "make sure they go home satisfied."
Anna's eyes got bigger. "You mean..."
"Yeah," Edie said. "I'm talkin' about puttin' out. A girl your age can start with hand jobs or maybe a blow job if you're adventurous. Hell, boys your age are usually happy if you just give them a dry rub in their trousers. I left more than a few semen spots when I was your age. When you get a little older you might have to start fucking them, but don't worry about that yet."
"Geez, Edie, don't the guys talk about you at school? Aren't you afraid of getting a bad reputation?"
Edie sighed. "Look, would you rather be a good girl, sitting at home on a Saturday night, reading War and Peace or whatever the hell it is that you nerds do, or would you rather be going to a party or a movie with some cute guy. Anna, all I am saying is that it works for me. You have to make up your own mind how you want your life to be."
Edie's words were still fresh in Anna's mind as she got ready for school the next day. Doing the most I can with what I have. That's what I have to do, Anna resolved, and it had to start that very day. It really was going to be the first day of the rest of her life - her life as a sexy, popular, smart girl that all the cute guys coveted.
On her way out of the door she grabbed her lunch bag out of the fridge like she did every morning. Her boringly organized mother always packed it before she left for work. This time, before she threw it into her backpack Anna opened it to see what her mom had packed in it. The contents were typical: a ham and cheese sandwich, a bag of chips, and a cup of pudding. Anna took the sandwich and chips out and put them on the counter.
"What are you doing?" Ray asked. He was the slightly less annoying of the two stepbrothers who had become part of her family when her mom had remarried.
"I don't want that crap. Mom just doesn't get it. I can't keep eating junk food if I am going to lose those few pounds that are keeping me from being ... sexy." It felt strange to her to use that word while talking to Ray, but it was too late to get it back. Besides, that was the kind of thing the "new" Anna would say.
"Uh, I think you look fine," Ray said, blushing. At fourteen, with teenage hormones raging, Ray had recently begun to realize that the annoying stepsister he had gained when his dad married Anna's mom was turning into a real girl, the kind that made him get sudden erections and sweaty palms. Unlike the super-critical Anna, Ray did consider her kind of sexy. He was finding himself becoming more and more attracted to her every day, even though he wasn't sure if it was allowed to have the hots for a stepsister.
Anna knew that Ray was one boy who definitely found her interesting. She often saw a bump in his pants when they hung out together, especially when they went swimming in the backyard pool. She liked to tease him a little, but the idea of even letting him touch her gave her the willies. Sure, stepbrother wasn't anything as creepy as having a real brother lusting after her, but still, they did live in the same house and shared the same parents. It just didn't seem right.
"Thanks, Ray, but I really feel like I need to lose a little weight, especially on my thighs." She pulled her skirt up a little to demonstrate her point, which caused Ray to almost choke on his toast.
She grabbed a cup of yogurt from the fridge and threw it in her lunch bag to replace the sandwich, then put the chips back in also. A girl does have to eat. Besides, she rationalized, they were lowfat.
On her way out the door, she saw a bunch of fresh bananas lying on the counter. That was when an idea began to form in her mind — a possible way for her to begin to transform her image, quickly and dramatically. It would require her to be bold and creative, even shockingly so, but she knew it was time. Her fingers wandered over the bunch, touching and inspecting each one, until she finally found the perfect one. She carefully removed it from the bunch and added it to her lunch.
"You really gonna eat that?" Ray asked. He still found it difficult to accept the fact that some people voluntarily ate things that were good for them.
"No, Ray," Anna replied with a smirk, "I'm going to stick it up my butt to keep me awake during History class." She noted that even as a joke, mentioning her private parts to Ray caused his cheeks to redden immediately. She did love teasing her somewhat dimwitted new relative. She gave him a quick wink and headed out the door.
She had been tempted to tell him that he and his brother were the inspiration for what she had planned that day. Prior to Ray and the rest of his family entering her life, Anna's sexual education had consisted of a couple of short, uncomfortable talks with her mother. Those had left her with more questions than answers. She was sure there had to be more to sex than what her mother described, otherwise why would everyone be so obsessed about it? Fortunately, her new stepbrothers had provided some of those answers, even though they weren't aware of it.
Shortly after Anna and her mom had moved into to Custer household, Anna's curiosity had driven her to go exploring one day when she found herself home alone for a few hours. She knew that Ray and his older brother Ben spent a lot of time on the laptop that they shared, so that was where she headed. They had conveniently left it on, with a screensaver of some swimsuit model that Anna didn't recognize, flashing. After starting the browser, she checked the download history. Just as she suspected, R and B as she called them, apparently were not aware that you can, and should, clear that file occasionally. Especially when most of the sites being accessed recently were porn-related.
She clicked on the 'My Documents' icon and drilled down to the 'My Pictures' folder. Sure enough, her dumbass house mates were not the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, and had made no effort to hide their stash. It was loaded with what seemed to be hundreds of pictures that left little to the imagination. Someone, probably Ben she surmised, had made at least a little effort at organizing their collection, and had set up some subfolders. Most of them had obvious titles, "Blondes", "Teens", "Asian", etc., but there was one that had her stumped at first - "KP". When she opened it, she quickly realized that those initials stood for Kiddie Porn. Well well, she mused, R and B were even filthier than she had thought. She quickly closed that folder, smiling at the power that just knowing about it would give her.
She opened 'My Videos' next, and was not surprised to see a few dozen avi and mpeg files that turned out not to be from family vacations. That's where she spent the next couple of hours, not really getting aroused by the sights and sounds, but soaking up all the quirky techniques she could. That afternoon left her with a more complete understanding of the whole sex thing, especially about what boys liked. Her newfound knowledge might have been slightly skewed, with little of the love-and-romance part of relationships, but at least it was something. She wasn't flying blind anymore.
At lunch Anna took her regular seat; third table in the second row from the north wall, with her usual group. Her best friend Stephanie sat to her right. The other two girls were friends of Stephanie that Anna had learned to accept if she still wanted Stephanie as a friend. Across the table from Stephanie, to Anna's left, sat Ashley Danzinger, a girl whose beauty and maturity were way above that of her classmates. If you didn't think so, all you had to do was ask her.
Carol Lewis sat across from Ashley. Carol was timid, withdrawn, and totally in love with Ashley; not in a lesbian way, but in the same way that acolytes are drawn to Jesus. She longed to worship at the feet of the prettiest, sexiest girl in the ninth grade, the incredible Ashley. Carol felt like just being close to her somehow made her more attractive.
Stephanie was caught up in the Ashley aura also, but in a more controlled way. She felt that being accepted by Ashley somehow made her one of the cool kids. Even her dorky friend Anna appreciated the beneficial aspects of being one of the moons orbiting around planet Ashley. She was smart enough to know that Ashley attracted cute boys like the prettiest flower in the meadow attracted bees, and there was always the possibility that some of those spurned by the queen might turn their attention to one of the worker bees nearby.
After they sat down, Anna took a quick look around and confirmed that Ashley's spell was functioning as well as always. Half of the boys in the lunchroom were stealing sly glances at their table. The other half were staring openly at the incredible Ashley. It almost made Anna sick. She saw Brad watching them. She wanted to believe he was looking at her, but she was realistic enough to know that it was Ashley he was interested in. Ashley had noticed Brad also. "Do any of you girls have a date to the Fall dance yet?" she asked.
"Not yet," Carol sighed. "What about you?"
"I'm just waiting for Brad to ask me," Ashley stated confidently. "I expect him to any day now. Won't we make the most perfect couple?" she cooed.
Ashley's boasting almost made Anna gag. She checked again and verified that Brad was still looking their way, although his attention did seem unfortunately to still be directed solely at Ashley. It was time for Operation New Anna to begin. No more hesitation, no more promises to herself to to better in the future — the moment to reinvent herself was now.
Anna pulled the bright yellow banana out of her bag and began slowly peeling it. She forced herself to take her time, removing each quarter of the skin carefully, pausing after each motion to gaze at the exposed white pulp like it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She even managed to groan a little as she did it. As she had hoped, the slow, sensuous way she had bared the top half of the banana had attracted the attention of some of the kids seated closest to her, including all the girls at her table.
"Anna, what the hell are you doing?" Stephanie whispered. "It's kind of embarrassing. It's like your getting ready to make love to that damned thing."
Anna glanced up shyly, and saw to her satisfaction that Brad had at last turned his attention to her. They made eye contact while she slowly slid the phallic-shaped fruit into her open mouth. She didn't bite down on it. Instead, she pulled it back out slowly, gently, as if reluctant to have it leave her mouth. She was in a kind of trance now, eyes closed, not daring to look at anyone around her, afraid of breaking the spell. For the moment, her world consisted of just herself, the banana, and Brad she hoped. She bared another inch of the fruit, and slid the pungent shaft back between her lips, this time pushing even more of the now softening flesh between her lips. When she pulled it out this time, her mouth was wrapped around it so tightly that there was a loud smack as the pointed end finally slid out from between her lips.
She opened her eyes and took another peek at her growing audience. There were dozens of people watching now, but she was performing only for Brad, who was staring at her in slack-jawed wonderment. Afraid of having Brad's gaze leave her even for a moment, Anna locked eyes with him, peeled the rest of the yellow rind off, and pushed the fruit back between her lips once more. She could feel the end of it softening from the action of her saliva, which made it easier for her to push the whole length into her mouth. She knew it was time for the grand finale. With just the tip of the banana protruding from her mouth, and fighting the urge to choke, she closed her eyes again, and tried to act like a girl having an orgasm - and not someone with a strange allergy to bananas.
She kept the fruit buried in her mouth for a few seconds, while her digestive juices broke down it's integrity. She chewed up the soft part, then pulled the remaining, undigested part of it out of her mouth, still doing everything with tantalizing slowness. Brad's eyes were still locked on her as she put the finishing touch on her act. She let some of the soft, pulpy mess still in her mouth slide out, then caught it with her tongue and pulled it back in. She didn't know if it really did look like cum, but she figured it was a close enough substitute for a high school lunchroom.
That was when she became aware that an eerie silence had descended on the normally cacophonous cafeteria. By now, everyone was watching her. She hadn't expected to attract that much attention, but if that was the price she had to pay to get Brad to notice her, it was worth it.
It was Ashley who finally broke the spell. "Ugh, that was gross, Anna. What's the matter with you?" As usual, Ashley did not wait for an answer, but quickly tried to focus the conversation back in her direction. "Gee girls," she whispered, "Brad's getting up. I think he's on his way over here to ask me to the dance right now."
Ashley was partly right. He was coming over to their table, but alas - it wasn't the beautiful, brain dead Ashley he was interested in. Anna's amateurish erotic performance had done it's job even better than she had hoped. When Brad got to their table, he grabbed a vacant chair from another table, spun it around, and sat down next to Anna, with his back to the shocked Ashley.
"Anna, Anna, Anna," he said, giving her a special Brad smile, dimples and all. "What has come over you?" Anna wasn't sure if he was making fun of her, being his usual cocky, smartassed self, or if he had truly been entranced by her banana eating skills. His smile seemed sincere, not mocking, so she smiled back.
"So," he continued, "are you going to the dance?"
"I g-g-guess so," Anna stammered, angry at herself for betraying her nervousness so easily.
"Who you goin' with?" Brad probed.
"Well, no one has asked me ... yet." Anna smiled, her confidence growing. Brad was actually talking to her, just to her and not Ashley. She was living a dream, and since it was her dream, she knew what had to come next. She managed to turn her gaze away from Brad long enough to take a quick glance at Ashley. The stricken expression on her rival's face only made her own smile grow.
Brad's smile grew along with Anna's, as she waited for his reply. His famous chin dimple, one of the chief weapons in his arsenal of cute, deepened to the point where Anna felt she could dive into it and play. "Maybe we could go together," he suggested.
Before Anna could accept his half-invitation, the end-of-lunch bell rang. Brad jumped up. "I gotta run. My next class is all the way across campus. Look, why don't you skip sixth period so we can talk about this some more. Meet me by the main gate to the football field, okay?"
"Sure," Anna yelled above the cacophony of two-hundred teenagers all getting up and talking at the same time. "Football ... sixth period ... I'll be there."
"Foootttballl ... I'll beee therrr ... ooh Brad," Stephanie teased. "My God, Anna, are your panties wet? You're acting like you just met the Jonas Brothers or something. Come on, it's just Brad."
Anna wasn't about to let Stephanie burst her bubble. "Just Brad? And how often has Brad talked to you lately, or ever?"
"Well, maybe that's because I haven't acted like a slut in front of half the school. Honestly, Anna, was it worth it?"
Anna wasn't sure about that. She noticed that everyone was still staring at her as they walked to class — but now they were laughing and pointing. She knew she was being ridiculed, but at least she was finally being noticed. "Yeah, Steph, it was worth it."
"So, are you, Anna Barlow, honor student and general all-around geek, actually going to jeopardize your perfect attendance record by cutting Algebra to meet up with Mr. Perfect, for god knows what?"
"Of course," Anna said, unable to hide the grin on her face. "Did you see the look on Ashley's face. I'm not backing out now."
"Uh-huh, so just what do you think that Brad's price will be to get him to ask you to the dance?"
"Yes dummy. You don't think that Brad really just wants to talk to you, do you? You practically had a sign flashing over your head, saying 'open for business'. He thinks your easy, and expects to be rewarded for asking you to the dance."
Anna tried to defend herself. "Well, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I mean..." Her voice trailed off as she realized just how much she was beginning to sound like an airhead. Just like Ashley, she lamented.
AnnaKapitel 1 Lange hatte ich die Entscheidung hinausgez?gert, hatte, wie viele unverheiratete M?nner der unteren und mittleren Einkommensgruppen, die ?ffentlichen Bordelle und sogenannten Clubs frequentiert. Gr??tenteils aus finanziellen Erw?gungen: ein Auto, eine halbwegs anst?ndige Wohnung verschlangen schon einen nicht unbetr?chtlichen Anteil meines Einkommens, den frei verf?gbaren Rest wollte ich eigentlich so gro? als m?glich halten, da war an eine erhebliche Kreditaufnahme zur Finanzierung eines S...
ANNA I Anna sighed. "I don't see why I had to come in here with you when I could have been out shopping." Her husband James chuckled. "Well if you want to spend the money you have to earn it first. Didn't anyone ever tell you that? You just wait out here. I'll be out in ten minutes tops." He gave the back of her neck a little tickle and she smiled back at him. "I'll be timing you." James talked to Mr Johnson's PA and she put a call through. Anna took a seat on the big leather...
A Favor for Anna It was a cold day in December as I made the left turn from 101st street onto Maple shifting into second gear as I turned. I had ten minutes until my massage appointment and only two miles to go so there was no point to speeding. It was Friday and I had just finished work for the week, which was enough to put me into a good mood, but today was my monthly massage an event I always looked forward too. Adding to my good mood was the fact that it was sunny, a...
AnnaAnna got home from work early and set about her housework. It was a rather pretty day outside with a nice breeze, so she opened the windows and put on some soft music. Not much needed to be done, just some laundry mostly and perhaps vacuuming if she was feeling ambitious. No reason to be uncomfortable though, so she went into the bedroom and slid out of her work clothes. Once she was nude she caught sight of her reflection for a moment in the full length mirror and paused to stare at...
Anna logged off the computer and stood up. I bugged her, ‘Watch out for the wet spots.’ Anna looked down at the the red chair. There were darker spots where she had been sitting. ‘What’s that?’ She asked. ‘And do you see the little dots on the arms of the chair,’ I explained to her, ‘That’s when it squirts out really high.’ ‘That’s disgusting,’ Anna declared, yet looked carefully at the red chair. ‘Why is it–‘ I smiled, ‘Let’s just say he’s got a lot of pictures that remind him of you.’...
School was going to let out for summer soon, and with the completion of my 8th grade year I would be getting promoted to high school. I was now 14 years old, and I could only guess that classes and tests just got more dull and trying from then on. My newest concern about the rapidly approaching end of the school year was losing some of my friends when we had to go to different schools. I would miss my band mates, and my football team, but nobody more so than Anna. I knew Anna by...
Sometimes I like to take a short vacation and one of my favorites is to book a cruise through a chain of islands south of here. The cruises usually last five days and four nights, leaving on Monday early in the afternoon and arriving back in port on Friday afternoon. I eat and sleep well and see the sights, but the real reason for taking the cruise is to avoid my lady friends for a few days. My normal sex life is very active and by taking this cruise, I avoid women and remain celibate for the...
There is nothing worse than being drunk at a party where everybody has hooked up with somebody. Anna and Josie were roommates, and both had struck out. They were walking around the party seeing if anybody was available to flirt with.They went to a frat party that was fun but either most of the people were dating or other people just wanted to fuck anybody they met. Anna was not reserved but she was not a slut either. Josie was bisexual and was flirting with a girl in the beginning of the...
LesbianAnna had never failed in any subject, till now. As she walked down the hallway, thoughts were racing through her mind on how she would face her mom. She could imagine those loud fierce words that she’d have to endure soon. She felt miserable, like a total failure, and kept on imagining how she could have been better as she dragged her feet towards the computer lab to find her best friend. She wanted a shoulder to cry on, someone to reassure her that she isn’t a complete failure. As she pushed...
My fiancé,e Introduction : This is a true story. It was happened about 15 years ago. At that time we were young, ignorance and innocent in exploring sex. ———————————————————————————————————————- I had been dating my fiancé,e for sometime. Today I decided to take her cherry a week after we were engaged . I was 22 then and Anna was 17 y. o. I took her to a lodging house in the out-skirt downtown which I had surveyed the other day. It was a bit run-down and old but quite cozy and...
On the beachKay and Sam showered and sun lotioned up, Sam wearing a black revealing bikini that barely covered her tits or fanny, with a fine chiffon wrap that covered but showed off her body and Kay in stunning a stunning white bikini that showed off her sexy tanned body, completed with a loose fitting kaftan. Ready for sex said Kay, ready replied Sam. Do you think you could fuck Andy this morning, did you here last night, only woman apart from me that he’s had sex with was his wife. He’s a...
We had arranged to meet at the local coffee shop. As soon as I walked in, I could see you over in the corner. Would you recognize me? I wondered. As I walked over towards you and you looked up and smiled, your eyes were the first thing I noticed. I recognized them from the pictures I had seen, but your eyes had never looked that alive in your photos. They completely gave you away the fact that you were ready for us to meet. I stammered slightly saying hello as I sat down opposite you. After we...
BDSMAfter our little trip up north I could see Anna was getting deeper and deeper into the whole swinging idea. She preferred to meet people for sex rather than go to a club or hotel and pick someone up. I agreed with her and we quickly became frequent visitors of swinging websites. We got chatting to few other couples from various parts of the country and were planning some arrangements to meet up. During this time we were also receiving e-mails from Susan and John about future events at their...
Looking Out For AnnaIn appreciation for the many dinners Anna and her husband Allan had given Jim, a single male friend, he offered to take them out for a special dinner, drinks, dancing. Anna was overjoyed at the chance to go out for a change, and really dressed to the nines, wearing her best slinky black dress, long black lace stockings, high heels, and her special expensive uplift bra that showed off her full breasts and cleavage to the max.The couple and their friend enjoyed a good meal,...
This is a story about a woman scorned. A not so tall tale about revenge. This is the story involving a pretty girl, college, stereotypes, and sports. This is the revenge of Anna.As Anna put on her lip gloss, red was the color of her choice. Red was also one of the school colors. She showed off her lipstick as she puckered her lips in the mirror. Red was also the color of jealousy as Anna rocked her hips in her dress that showed off her legs and her assets. She knew she looked good in it. Anna...
Group SexThis is a story about a woman scorned. A not so tall tale about revenge. This is the story involving a pretty girl, college, stereotypes, and sports. This is the revenge of Anna.As Anna put on her lip gloss, red was the color of her choice. Red was also one of the school colors. She showed off her lipstick as she puckered her lips in the mirror. Red was also the color of jealousy as Anna rocked her hips in her dress that showed off her legs and her assets. She knew she looked good in it. Anna...
Group SexAlthough Cyprus was pretty mind blowing Anna and I both agreed we had gotten a little carried away. We had done more than we had planned and wanted our next experience to be a little more controlled. Anna had found a hotel that catered for swingers new and experienced. I was shocked at first as she had been reading up on these hotels for a few weeks before telling me.When we looked into it together we were both very excited about visiting one of these hotels? I was even more shocked to find...
I suggest reading Watching Anna first.I knew I wouldn't divorce my wife for her infidelity once I had received counselling and confronted her. The counselling was more to help me understand why I wanted to see my wife being fucked by another man and how to handle it. Of course I was advised on how not to cross the boundaries of marriage and this fantasy in particular. My wife was being advised on her cheating. Anna confessed it was her first time cheating on me and that it was a mixture of...
Introduction: Sexual fantasy with Anna leads Jason to finally buy the five year old girl off her mother, and after three years abusing her, he finally takes her virginity Anna was five when her mother sold her to me. Struggling with money, Denise Bradshaw had just lost her husband to the women next door, and heavily pregnant with his latest child, she was suffering. I met her in the supermarket on a rainy afternoon as she was buying nappies for her daughter. Anna was a skinny blonde child,...
Author's Note: My first story, "An evening with Anna" was a fantasy inspired by other storied I've read here and on other tg fiction websites. I didn't really plan on writing any more stories. However, once I started writing, I got quite attached to the character I had built. I now want to see where I can take it. This story takes off where the last one stopped. So without further ado, here is the next installment in Anna's story. A Date with Anna by Hazel M Golden sunlight...
Anna Prologue: Setting Goals Ok, it's got to be here somewhere. I'm sure it's in the bottom desk drawer. Maybe in the folder labeled "personal papers." Damn, no. Ahh, found it! What's it doing in with my old tax returns? No matter, at least I found it, my life goals check list. Back in middle school, Ms. Becker assigned her class to write down their goals for the coming school year, and for extra credit, what your goals were for when you were twenty-five, a grownup. It was about...
Introduction: Final chapter in the Frozen Kingdom Chapter 3 Disclaimer:None are the Disney characters used in these stories are not mine but only used for enjoyment.All characters belong to Disney. The wedding was the most beautiful in the kingdom.Everyone attended and watched Roy silvan wed Elsa and Anna,their princesses.Most if not all of Arendelle was in attendance as the three shared their vows and left the cathedral amidst screams and shouts of joy from the people.Elsa and Anna blushed...
Anna was out of breath. She raced through the ritual of getting undressed and oiling her naked body before crawling into Villa. She almost tore her skirt when the zipper got stuck. It left her balancing on one bare foot. "I did it, Mistress!" she gulped. "I went there and did it." Angique looked up from her sketchbook, smiling and yet almost embarrassed by this grown up woman acting like a breathless girl. Her eyes followed Anna's hasty hands spreading fragrant oil all over her body....
AnnaBy Carrie Anne ??????????? It had been one of those days?a Friday when everything that could go wrong at the office had gone wrong.? The payroll clerk had royally fucked up and paid everyone a thousand dollar bonus.? It has taken her forever to void out those checks and fire the payroll clerk.? Last time I will hire a man for position, she thought to herself as she drove home.??????????? Sheer exhaustion kept Anna home that evening instead of driving over to Biloxi with friends to...
The Enslaving of Anna ©2004 by C. A. SmithChapter 1 There are whole books telling you how to deal with slaves. The hell withthem! I can train my own damn slave. I knew from the moment I met Anna thatI had to have her. Not just have her; own her. She wasripe for it, too. A wild little thing silently crying out for control. Wellnow, by God, she's going to understand the meaning of "control." And not byforce. She wants it. Needs it. Agreed to it in writing and with a blood oath.She's mine now, my...
Sis opened the door to her room and she looked frightened and beautiful. She was wearing a white blouse unbuttoned and held together with a ribbon under her breasts and no bra. Her skin in the gap of the blouse was tanned and healthy and cleavage showed, my eye's dropped to her white cotton panties and her mound outlined. "Remember I keep my panties on" she whispered in a low voice, both excited and frightened. It all started with the ticket's I won from the local radio station for that...
© 1999 "You're my best friend. Do you know that?" Anna said, gliding a finger over the cool granite counter. "You're my best friend, too." Seth replied, looking up from the avocado he was slicing to smile at the top of Anna's wavy blond head. "He was wrong, Anna. He could've at least pretended to be a man and explained how he felt." Seth shook his head, angry that 'the asshole' hurt his Anna. Dried tears still showed on her beautiful face. "I guess I didn't give good...
I heard a joke once, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him you have a plan.” Well, I can vouch for that one. After three months at sea, working on a Norwegian freighter, I finally signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way to Copenhagen, my original destination three months earlier. My plan was to go to Paris and the Left Bank where my favorite expatriate writers lived in the twenties and then to Copenhagen. After waiting at the Scandinavian Seaman’s Office in Brooklyn for several weeks,...
Straight SexFor men who like to watch their wives having sex with other men, no explanation is necessary. For men who don't understand this fantasy, no explanation is possible. Although I enjoy wife sharing and some wife cheating stories I always felt confident that I would never want to act any of them out myself. I also felt that if my wife Anna ever cheated on me that would be it, no second chances. If I were ever so unfortunate to actually catch her cheating I believed I'd probably end up in prison...
Wife LoversIt was a Thursday night, my 18th birthday and I was out clubbing with some friends. After flirting with so many girls and women of all ages and drinking quite a lot I became very tipsy and each female blurred into the next. Then I saw her, standing near the dance floor a goddess a sculpture of perfection what sort of chance would a boy like me have? I’ll tell you non, zero, zilch not a fecking hope. I am 5’10, weigh around 168lbs, no muscle definition (Though i have muscles and i am no...
MatureLet me start by telling you a little about myself, I am 30 years old, 6 feet tall and have a somewhere between chunky and fat body, certainty no “Brad Pitt” I am married and have 2 kids. My wife Alice, is awesome about 5 foot 5, with flaming red hair, and 135 pounds of tits and ass. We got married pretty young and just celebrated our 13 th anniversary, in fact, that is the day I am talking about. It started like any other day, we got up got the kids off to school then settled in front...
Denise was, quite simply, a bad mother. You may think stuff like that doesn't happen in America today, but I can assure you as a man in my line of work, it does. I dated her for a while, saw how she treated Anna, and dropped some hints about a friend I knew who worked in adoption. She was only to quick to think it through, and the next time I saw her, she bought it up. 'I'm finding her incredibly hard to deal with.' she said, Anna colouring at the table. I nodded, although I didn't...
Chapter One, Discovery Such a fine example of pure beauty was Anna, I had to have her as the premier model for my designer line of lingerie. She had everything a man could want in a woman and so much more, with a slim waistline and simply perfect breasts and the most provacative legs I’ve ever seen before. My name is Derek Le Blanc, and I discovered Anna as she strolled down the streets of Milan with a mere whisp of a red dress upon her petite, yet delightfully portioned body. Naturally full,...
Mistress Anna by Snow_Girl This story is on the darker side, and also has the most open ending. If anyone would like to continue the story, please feel free. As it is, this may be reposted to any free archive. E-mail me at [email protected] if you like. **** I He waits in his hotel room for the knock on his door, palms sweating. Hours ago, in a phone booth on the sidewalk, Chris found a flyer for a Mistress Anna. She was a blond goddess dressed in knee-high leather...
Beverley’s words were comforting and made me feel wanted as to be honest she was all I have and although I wanted to experience life I didn’t want it to be at her expense. I put my hand on hers and squeezed it and we looked in each other’s eyes, “Thanks sis, love you” I said softly and bless her she put her head on my shoulder, “Love you too bro” she said and we kept our hands together on my thigh, it was nice.I didn’t stay up tonight as the beer had knocked me a bit so when Bev announced she...
When she opens the door, I am surprised to see how much Aunt Anna has changed. ”Come in” she cries,” and hang your coats up over here”My girlfriend enters the apartment first and the two women exchange a cordial hug and greetings. They have never met before and I am amused to see how they surreptitiously study each other. Aunt Anna turns to me and compliments me upon the beauty of my companion, chiding me for never having introduced her before. I protest that this would have been difficult as...
I got up late as probably needed the sleep, Lisa had gone to work and a note saying she was seeing friends later so would be late home, I did my usual morning routine and decided to go online and see if any of my friend were on Skype. I saw that Jeff was online so sent him a good morning message but seemed ages to get a reply so just assumed he was busy; Jeff and I usually chat a couple of times a week and have become good friends. Jeff finally replied and apologised for the delay but had some...
For men who like to watch their wives having sex with other men, no explanation is necessary. For men who don't understand this fantasy, no explanation is possible.Although I enjoy wife sharing and some wife cheating stories I always felt confident that I would never want to act any of them out myself. I also felt that if my wife Anna ever cheated on me that would be it, no second chances. If I were ever so unfortunate to actually catch her cheating I believed id probably end up in prison on a...
For men who like to watch their wives having sex with other men, no explanation is necessary. For men who don't understand this fantasy, no explanation is possible. Although I enjoy wife sharing and some wife cheating stories I always felt confident that I would never want to act any of them out myself. I also felt that if my wife Anna ever cheated on me that would be it, no second chances. If I were ever so unfortunate to actually catch her cheating I believed id probably end up in prison on a...
The sun was warm. Sister Anna was enjoying the heat on her face as she sat on the bench in the small garden area watching young Manny Garcia tending to the flower garden. She almost had the rectory to herself. Father Leary was out on his Saturday rounds as usual. This time he had taken young Father Lester with him. That only left herself and Sister Hortense who was in her room taking a nap. Hortense was sixty years old and enjoyed a nap whenever she could find the time. Manny was a fine...
Shopping, I come across fresh bananas in their bins. My mind wonders….That damn job of his is consuming him! We've only been married six months, but he hardly notices me anymore. "I'm tired honey," I can hear him say again. Has the honeymoon already ended? I need to do something….The decision is made. I grasp a bunch and lovingly caress them before carefully bagging them."Please put the bananas on the top of the bag," I ask.The bagger smiles as if she knows my thoughts, my plans.Getting...
SeductionIt’s amazing how you trundle along through life, and then something comes along and throws everything out the proverbial window. That happened to me the other day. It was unplanned and uncalled for. There was no need for life to do it. I mean, there are plenty of other people in the world for it to pick on. Why did it choose to rain on my parade? I’m thirty, been around a bit, and I know, quite happily where I’m going. At least I did. I have a long-term boyfriend, he’s not perfect, then again,...
Our first holiday abroad on our own had been booked to Spain for not long after my Girlfriend's 18th Birthday. I couldnt wait to have her alone in the sun for two weeks on our own. We still both lived with our parents so getting a place to ourselves wasnt always easy. To be fair to her she was very resourceful in making sure I was kept satisfied!Anna and I had started to push the boundries sexually and she had been very open about the fact she would be happy to try pretty much anything I...
It's amazing how you trundle along through life, and then something comes along and throws everything out the proverbial window. That happened to me the other day. It was unplanned and uncalled for. There was no need for life to do it. I mean, there are plenty of other people in the world for it to pick on. Why did it choose to rain on my parade? I'm thirty, been around a bit, and I know, quite happily where I'm going. At least I did. I have a long-term boyfriend; he's not perfect, then again,...
LesbianAlan and Janine were best friends. As long as they could remember they had been together. They went to the same university, and when they graduated they shared a house in the city. Though Alan was out of work, Janine made enough at her new job to support them both. They shared everything, and considered themselves lucky to have such a wonderful friendship. Everything seemed perfect... Except for one thing. Even though their relationship was purely platonic, it did cause problems for Janine...
For men who like to watch their wives having sex with other men, no explanation is necessary. For men who don’t understand this fantasy, no explanation is possible. Although I enjoy wife sharing and some wife cheating stories I always felt confident that I would never want to act any of them out myself. I also felt that if my wife Anna ever cheated on me that would be it, no second chances. If I were ever so unfortunate to actually catch her cheating I believed I’d probably end up in prison...
(You really need to have read the previous parts. A double helping of pervitude this time... Enjoy!)5. Jane's Third TestimonyTime for me to take over again. Joe's little comment was, of course, a reference to my peeing on the potty (see earlier parts). He had obviously enjoyed it, though in many ways it still seemed a pretty disgusting thing that I did. I think I had wanted to forget that particular episode, but Joe clearly hadn't. I wondered what Anna would think when he told her, which I...
My Best friend, Kristoff, and I were driving together to Kristoff's family reunion. We always hung out together and talked about girls together and we pretty much were inseparable except for when one of us was trying to get laid. We arrived at the reunion, it was really nothing spectacular except for this one girl, my best friend's cousin. She is a redhead with long straight hair (Ok, I admit, early on in my sexual promiscuity I had a weakness for redheads). She had good hips and a nice round...
Hi, I'm Anna Fontane. I'm 18 years old, about 5'8" waist length very curly brown hair and orange eyes. Yes, orange, most guys tell me they totally love my eyes because they look devilish and fiesty. I wear a 38 c-cup and have a little 29 inch waist. My ass has been lovingly described as "sweet as a peach" and most men I've met have either stared or groped at it on more than one occasion. But, the story I'm about to reveal to you isn't one about how all men normally drag their tongues on the...
The History Of Anna - Part One How about a quick trip down memory lane. I'd like to let you in on how I got started. I have a sister and one day when I was about 13 and she was 18, I was pissing her off as much as I could. She made the comment that she wished she had a sister instead of a brother and became quite upset with me. I told her that she was stuck with me, so she had better get used to it. She, on the other hand, had different ideas. It was Friday and my parents had...
Have you ever had one of those days where when you think back on it years later, you think to yourself, “there is no way that happened to me” I am pretty sure that today is one of those days. I just had what could very well be one of the best days of my entire life.Let me start by telling you a little about me, I am 30 years old, 6 feet tall and have a somewhere between chunky and fat body, certainty no “Brad Pitt” I am married and have 2 kids. My wife is awesome about 5 foot 5, with flaming...
IncestSince she was bored, she figured she might as well go down and spy on them to see what they were up too, so she headed downstairs. Once she got downstairs she quietly poked the door open to see what they were up too. Spin the bottle, of course if there was any game dumb enough for them to be playing that was it. It was Jesse’s turn to spin the old glass bottle. It spun round and round and the top pointed at James or Jimmy as they called him. He was the pitcher for the baseball team and had...
Hi am lisa raven Smith this is my first time with hot anna, this is anna first time with a girl we are both s*******n in college, at Birmingham.Well it really felt awkward at first, for the both of i got each of us a drink, and we sat down to find out a little more about each other's likes and dislikes ' in bed ' what turned us on when we were either with another woman, or in her case thinking about it.Started off saying she liked thought about kissing another woman, and wanted to know how i...
Hi. My name is Josh. My story is about the summer my sister Anna and I shared when I was eighteen. She was twenty at the time. My story begins about three weeks into our summer break. I had just broken up with my girlfriend Jill. We had been dating all year and I thought it would last forever. She needed to spend time with others and wanted to see others this summer. No of her reasons were very good. Well, we separated. I was devastated. I didn't understand what went wrong. For about a week, I...
IncestHello, my name is Annie, but you should call me Mistress Anna.David invited me to collaborate on this episode, and I’ll allow him a few paragraphs if he follows my rules to the letter (no mention of those horrid c***d-like sexbots he loves to play with).After the sex in the park, posh slut and Mistress Anna met up with slut’s son Mike in the Anchor Pub. “Mum, meet my new girlfriend hannah - I think you’ll agree she makes a pretty hot sub”.hannah was about Mike’s age (17), but looked a lot...
“What have we done?” Lily Cortales moaned as four moms sat at my kitchen table over coffee on Saturday morning. “I must be out of my head.” Yesterday, we’d dropped our children off at the Starbridge Dude Ranch. Not only that, but we’d agreed—Agreed!—to let them stay in the same cabin. All based on this flimsy sheet of paper lying on the table in front of us. At my request, Saul Gordon had typed up a copy of ‘The Agreement’ and while we sat at the table at the ranch, our five children signed...
I was 27 and single and enjoying being free sort of the ‘sworn to fun loyal to non’ stage in young adulthood. I lived alone in a 1-bedroom apartment and loved working on my motorcycle which I kept in my living room. Most Friday nights for me were jamming out to music, enjoying a few beers and tinkering with the bike. I dated occasionally but nothing serious. There were a few cute single girls living in my apartment that I saw around and always said hi but never really pursued them. I had had a...
She had been my friend a long time but she was acting odd of late She was spending a lot of extra time at her new summer job as a flag girl on a construction crew She had no time and no energy for her friends and she claimed that it was all sitting around on a chair She had also been dressing UP for such a job makeup and lipstick seemed out of place But as she was my friend i let it go at that until that fateful day I was called out of town to drop off some supplies to a construction...