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The Enslaving of Anna

©2004 by C. A. Smith

Chapter 1

There are whole books telling you how to deal with slaves. The hell withthem! I can train my own damn slave. I knew from the moment I met Anna thatI had to have her. Not just have her; own her. She wasripe for it, too. A wild little thing silently crying out for control. Wellnow, by God, she's going to understand the meaning of "control." And not byforce. She wants it. Needs it. Agreed to it in writing and with a blood oath.She's mine now, my property. She loves me. She fears me. She has acknowledgedthat the only purpose of her existence now is to serve me.

The key to that service is instant and automatic obedience. This does notcome easily and naturally to any human being, but to some it is the only pathto a satisfying life. With Anna, the contradictory elements of her character — thatunstable mix of shyness and exhibitionism, abject needfulness and chaotic rebellion — combinedto make perfect psychological clay for the molding of an ideal slave. In herold vanilla life when life's arbitrary rules ground her spirit down, she reactedby unleashing a hidden wild side that often got her into trouble. Shocked byher own behavior, she would then withdraw again into the hang-tail, guilt-riddenshell of her Catholic upbringing. She was a confused and unhappy child whogrew into a confused and aimless young woman — promiscuous and daringduring the anonymous excesses of spring breaks in Florida, cloistered and unsureof herself when back on her college campus. The wild Anna rode on a strangeyoung man's shoulders, snugging her crotch to the nape of his neck, baringher breasts for the chanting crowds with their video cameras in return forfree beer, giving her body over to multiple strangers when the beers overtookher Catholic inhibitions. Back in the dorm the shy hang-tail girl found itimpossible to express her true emotional and sexual needs to the multitudeof suitors who dated her for her beauty, screwed her for their gratificationand then passed on to more promising (i.e. less neurotic) pastures. The foolsfailed to recognize the wonder that lay just below the surface of the quixoticyoung Anna.

But I recognized it at once. I'm a lot older thanthe college boys who fumbled their opportunity to harvest this sweet treasure.I'm also a practicing psychiatrist and know a thing or two about how to coaxdark secrets from unhappy humans.

Anna was twenty-one, had just finished her second year at nearby St. AndrewsCollege and was dreading the third. I had concluded a stint as guest lecturerthere and met her in a pub that was popular with both students and faculty.Five minutes into our conversation I realized I was inordinately attractedto her. It was also clear that she was an extraordinary butterfly trapped insociety's web of numbing conformity. She obviously enjoyed talking to me, too.Four drinks later her defensive shyness crumbled and she let herself followme to a quiet corner booth. It was there I extracted her secret and knew justhow I was going to win her.

Like everyone, she wanted to be loved. Ached to be loved. But the boys whoverbally salivated over her lush body and exquisite face, who poured out theirdevotion with tender endearments, plied her with extravagant gifts and wooedher with ringing testaments of their adoration, bored her silly. She let themfuck her just to get rid of them. What really turned her on, she confided throughthe haze of her growing intoxication, was to be treated badly. She liked tobe roughed up, slapped around, taken harshly. Her fantasies involved a strangeman kidnaping her, tying her up and spanking her mercilessly when she triedto escape. She could make herself wet by imagining a scene where her abductordrags her into a motel room, beats her into submission, rapes her, then leavesher naked, trussed up and helpless, to be found the next morning by a shockedchambermaid. Next she suffers the added humiliation of being ogled by the hotelmanager and police as they struggle to undo her tight restraints, their fingersskimming across her belly and nipples, their eyes sliding to the sexual juicesseeping from her abused vagina, glistening on her inner thighs. But, of course,she was horrified by these fantasies, thinking they indicated some kind ofmental flaw.

My profession was her shield. She felt safe confiding in me. I wouldn't belittleher, call her weird. That made it easy for me. I assured her that while herfantasies and sexual preferences were not ordinary and bland, they were definitelynot abnormal, that many others share her feelings and are excited by imagesof violence. A casual glance at movie listings supports that fact. I promisedto bring her some books on the subject. That, of course, was simply a ruseto set up a second meeting. Which led to actual dates. She soon realized Iwas not a vanilla date. I never asked her for a kiss, I just seized the backof her neck and kissed her, squeezing her breasts with the other hand. I nevertold her how lovely she was, but I let her see it in my eyes and in the increasingintimacy between us.

On the fourth date I drove her to my home, mixed three round of tequilas,then ordered her to stand up and remove her clothes. She blinked and hesitated,speechless. I repeated the order more sternly. An odd look crossed her face,but she stood up and did as she was told, slowly peeling off her dress andstepping out of her shoes. Dressed only in a bra and thong she hesitated again,her hands in midair.

"Go on. Those, too. Now!" I left no room for doubt in my tone.

Anna trembled visibly, warming to a fantasy becoming real, and reached behindher back. The bra came loose and she shrugged it off. Looking me steadily inthe eyes, she slipped her thumbs under the sides of the thong and pushed itdown, letting it drop to her feet. She stepped out of the ribbony tangle andnudged it aside with her left foot. She was magnificent, her young breastsfirm and upright, her figure trim, her skin a healthy pink and virtually unblemished,her pubic bush neatly trimmed to a racing stripe. I sat and enjoyed the sightof her without saying a word. The silence made her nervous, as silence alwaysdoes in our culture. But when she started to speak, I raised my hand.

"No. Don't say a word. Stand there quietly. Be proud of your nakedness. Letme take you in."

I let nearly two minutes crawl by, then told her to turn slowly, a full 360degrees. She took a deep shuddering breath and did an awkward, self-consciousturn. When she had completed it, I shook my head.

"No. Slower. More gracefully. Glory in your beauty. Show it off."

Her eyebrows flicked up, surprised at my criticism. But she smoothed outher expression, smiled slightly — getting into it now — and begana much more elegant turn. I rewarded her success with a nod. I let her standa few more minutes before rising from the chair where I'd been sitting. I walkedslowly around her, trailing the length of her long, dark, honey hair throughmy fingers. When I was at her side, three quarters of the way around, I kissedthe top of her shoulder, then gently bit her neck, then kissed her deeply onthe mouth, drawing her tongue between my teeth. In a sudden move I swept herup into my arms and carried her upstairs into my bedroom and stood her besidemy king sized bed.

"Now remove my clothes," I said.

She smiled a little coyly and began unbuttoning my shirt. When I made noeffort to help her, she unbuckled my belt, ran the zipper down and let my pantsfall to a heap. She glanced up at my eyes seeking approbation, but I kept myface blank. She sighed and went about the more clumsy process of removing myshirt, the maneuver requiring her to lean in and let her nipples brush againstmy chest. My cock, already at half mast, instantly came to full attention againsther thigh. She smiled more broadly, flipped my liberated shirt over to a chairand began sliding my shorts downward over my engorged member. I made no moveto help so she was forced to squat down where she could untie my shoes to completethe process.

"Get on your knees to do that," I told her.

She glanced up, clearly nonplused that I was continuing to order her around,and undoubtedly amazed that she was letting me. And enjoying herself.

She had been sitting on her heels, balancing on her toes. Now she rockedfirst left, then right, as she switched to a kneeling position. This was bothmore comfortable for her and, more important for my purposes, a more usefulposture. Kneeling can be sustained for long periods. It's a position whichcan be practical, worshipful or obsequious. Or all three. Anna had only begunto learn the joys of obedience. She was about to have her first taste of completesubmission and humility.

Both shoes were untied, my pants and undershorts pooled around my ankles.Still I did not move. Anna looked up at me and frowned. "Well, are you goingto help me here?" she grumped.

I adopted an ominous glare. "What did you say to me?"

She snorted with exasperation. "I said are you going to . . ."

I grabbed a fistful of her hair and twisted it, drawing a yelp of pain. "Ibelieve you meant to phrase that more respectfully, little one. Try it again." Iheld on tight and gave no indication of relenting.

Grimacing from the pain and looking a bit frightened at the unexpected brutality,Anna gasped and said in a small voice, "Would you please lift your foot soI can take these off?"

I smiled at her but did not let go. "Certainly." Using my grip on her hairfor balance, I raised each foot just high enough to let her slip the shoe,sock and clothing off and out of the way. She dropped her eyes to her workbut couldn't lower her head. When she was finished, I let her stare up at mefor a long minute. I smiled and nodded to let her know she was on the righttrack, relaxing my grip on her hair and caressing her cheek and neck with myfree hand.

"Now take my cock and balls into your hands."

She did as she was told, holding them as though she were offering a sacredoblation.

"Open your mouth."

She licked her lips and parted them, never taking her eyes off mine.

"You know what to do next. Do it lovingly, using your tongue and your lips,lathering my cock and balls all over, sucking them."

I could see and hear her breathing quicken. This exercise was turning heron in spite of her fright, or perhaps because of it. My own excitement wassuch that I was already close to orgasm. Tightening my grip on her hair, Ipulled her off me, picked her up and dropped her on the bed on her back. Startled,she started to pull her legs up, so I grabbed her knees, forced them apart,climbed between them and rammed myself into her. She cried out and squirmed,but I paid no attention, pumping rapidly until I exploded inside her. WhenI came fully to my senses I realized Anna's eyes were closed, her teeth baredand her own body bucking in sexual frenzy. I let her ride it out, waiting untilthe seizures slowed and stopped before withdrawing from her and rolling tothe side of the bed. I cupped a hand over her sex, slipping a finger into theorifice that was now dripping our combined liquors. She opened her eyes andsmiled at me. I twisted my finger around inside her for a few seconds, makingher moan, then drew it out and touched it to her lips. A look of incredulityswept across her face — she had obviously never thought of such a thingbefore. Then her expression softened and she touched her tongue to the finger,tasting the fruits of our lovemaking.

For that's what it was. Love. I knew I had to have this girl and I knew ifshe was not yet in love with me, she soon would be. I offered the one vitalingredient that was missing in her life, the ingredient essential for her happiness.And I was about to drive the point home.

"Get up, Anna," I said quietly.

She looked offended, apparently thinking that having quenched my sexual need,I was about to dismiss her.

"Get up," I repeated gently. "There's something we have to do. Come standover here." I patted the outside edge of the bed to the right of where I wassitting.

That seemed to reassure her. She rolled off the opposite side of the bedand came around to stand beside me, her eyes bright and inquisitive. "Yeah?" shechirped.

"I like you, Anna," I said, watching her face glow. "You're a very specialgirl. And I'm a very special man. You're different from ordinary women andI'm different from ordinary men. The wonderful thing is, we're both differentin the same way. We fit. We're a matched set, you and I. We're going to staytogether, Anna, because no one else will make either of us as happy as we canmake each other. Even though we've only been together half a dozen times, eventhough we've only been intimate this once, even so I know deep in my soul thatwe are a perfect fit, you and I, in spirit, mind and body. You feel that too,don't you, Anna?"

This was obviously moving a bit fast for the girl, yet I knew from our previousconversations, from our mutual body chemistry and from her own body languagethat she was falling in love with me. It was just a matter of getting her toadmit it to herself and say it out loud.

She closed her eyes and took a shuddering breath. "Yes. It's true," she whispered.I felt it the first time I met you at that pub. But tonight you scared me alittle. I'm not sure I know you all that well."

"I intended to scare you a little, because that's what you want. That's yourfantasy, isn't it. Having someone take control of you forcefully. That's whatturns you on."

She chewed her lip, unable yet to admit the obvious, but knowing it was true.

"You were a little embarrassed tonight when I ordered you to strip," I wenton, "and humiliated when I made you stand naked while I examined you. Therewas pain when I pulled your hair. But it all translated eventually into eroticpleasure, didn't it? It's what you've been craving all these years; rough sex,the feeling of being raped. And I delivered it, didn't I?"

"I guess you did."

"You guess?"

"Yeah, all right, you did. It was great."

I stood up and gathered her against me. "I'll tell you straight out, Anna.I love you and I want you. Not just for sex. I want you to be completely andutterly mine. You're not used to looking at life realistically, Anna, seeingyourself as you really are. You've been trying to cram yourself into a standardbox when you're way too exceptional to fit. So take your time if you want.Mull it over till you're ready to make a decision. You have two distinct choices.There's the flavorless, frustrating life you've led so far with occasionalrelief when you decide to be naughty and flash a little titty, which is quicklyoffset by guilt and shame. And then there's a whole new world where there isno guilt about the kinky and the erotic because those are the norms; and youneed fear no shame for doing what you love, because that's what's expectedof you; where you can be loved and respected and nurtured for what you reallyare. That's the world I offer to you, Anna. And when you're ready to join methere, tell me so. Will you do that?"

I felt her head nod beside mine. I held her and spread kisses over her facefor another minute or so, then took her shoulders and held her at arms length. "I'mgoing to make love to you again, Anna, and stay inside you for a very longtime. But first I'm afraid I need to discipline you for that disrespectfulremark you made, that little burst of exasperation when you should have askedme politely to move my foot. You remember that, don't you, Anna." It wasn'ta question. She nodded, looking puzzled. "Whenever you are disrespectful tome, from now on, I will correct you. The fantasies you've revealed to me expressvery clearly a strong inner desire to be punished. In your heart you want tobe disciplined. And I insist on it. Do you understand?" She nodded again, lookingdownward at her feet, smiling faintly, not sure what kind of discipline andpunishment I had in mind. But clearly titillated by the prospect.

Before she could ask, I sat down on the edge of the bed, pulled her overmy knees and gave her three quick spanks on her perfect bottom. She cried outand struggled to get away, but I held her fast. "I'm only going to deliverseven more spanks, but if you continue to resist I will double it."

"No wait! Please! That hurts!" she squealed.

"You may, of course, refuse the discipline, Anna. In which case I will sendyou away and that will be the end of it. The end of us. But if you want a chanceto be happy, to find the life you were meant to lead, if you want to pleaseme and be loved by me, and turn your fantasies into exciting realities, youwill say, 'Please Master, punish me. I deserve to be punished'."

She wiggled on my lap a few times while I held her firmly on my legs, thenbecame still.

"Say it," I told her sharply. "'Please, Master, I want you to punish me.'"

I felt her body tense. Finally, her voice quavering, she whispered, "Please,Master, I want you to punish me."

"Excellent." I immediately resumed the spanking, but this time the blowswere harder with four or five seconds between them to give her a chance bothto recover from each burst of pain and appreciate the full intensity of it.By the seventh blow both cheeks were bright red and she was close to weeping,but she had not tried again to escape my lap. I picked her up, gently placedher face down on the bed and carefully licked those wonderfully crimson moundsuntil she was fully relaxed again and cooing. By now I was hard again, so Iput a hand under her belly and drew her up to where I could guide myself intoher easily from behind.

"I'm proud of you, little one," I murmured as her body began to move, synchronizingwith my thrusts.

A long time later, after she had come five more times to my once, and aswe were letting the cool air dry our soaked bodies, she whispered, "I've madeup my mind. I do love you. I want to be yours."

"You understand, little one, there'll be more spankings when you're bad," Iwhispered back.

"I'm looking forward to it."

"And there will be harsher discipline as well."

"Will you hurt me?"

"Punishments always hurt. That's the point. But I will never, ever harm you.I absolutely promise you that. If you are to be mine, you must trust me onthat point. I will not allow you to suffer any serious injury. I will be yourMaster, Anna, your protector and lover as well as your disciplinarian. Do youtrust me not to cause you harm, Anna?"

"Yes. I trust you. But will they hurt a lot? The other punishments, I mean?Worse than the spanking?"

"Some will hurt more, some less. It's for your pleasure as well as your correction,little one. Remember your dreams? You like it rough. The possibility of painexcites you. Isn't that true? The fear, the anticipation of pain makes yourfemale places tingle."

"Yes," she breathed.

"And after it's over, the sex is amazing."


"But there's more than that. Much more. If you truly become mine, littleone, your life will be totally changed. Where before you were adrift, unsureof your direction in life, you will become completely focused. You will haveone laser-clear purpose, one uncomplicated function, one simple reason forexistence."

"Which is?"

"To serve your Master. To make him love you more every day, if that's possible."

"Sounds like the perfect plan to me, Master," she giggled, snuggling closer.

Sweet Anna. She thought that because a dozen or so boys had tasted her fruit,she was sexually experienced, worldly wise. But in terms of the world I wasleading her into, she was a virgin.

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Disney Princesses lust pt 3 FrozenElsa and Anna

Introduction: Final chapter in the Frozen Kingdom Chapter 3 Disclaimer:None are the Disney characters used in these stories are not mine but only used for enjoyment.All characters belong to Disney. The wedding was the most beautiful in the kingdom.Everyone attended and watched Roy silvan wed Elsa and Anna,their princesses.Most if not all of Arendelle was in attendance as the three shared their vows and left the cathedral amidst screams and shouts of joy from the people.Elsa and Anna blushed...

2 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 24 Training Anna

Anna was out of breath. She raced through the ritual of getting undressed and oiling her naked body before crawling into Villa. She almost tore her skirt when the zipper got stuck. It left her balancing on one bare foot. "I did it, Mistress!" she gulped. "I went there and did it." Angique looked up from her sketchbook, smiling and yet almost embarrassed by this grown up woman acting like a breathless girl. Her eyes followed Anna's hasty hands spreading fragrant oil all over her body....

3 years ago
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Kidnapping Enslaving A Waitress

Kidnapping & Enslaving A Waitress A Piece of Fiction by THE Traveller CHAPTER: 1 A SCARY DUNGEON TO KEEP THE ABDUCTEE It took me a good two years to turn my really big basement into a ready tooperate dungeon. I designed the dungeon so that it would contain the ultimateamount of bdsm related accesories and devices. I carefully picked every equipmentthat was needed... to enslave a woman. For hours, I would keep making sketches of how I wanted the dungeon to looklike. Then for another couple...

3 years ago
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The Making of Anna

Chapter One, Discovery Such a fine example of pure beauty was Anna, I had to have her as the premier model for my designer line of lingerie. She had everything a man could want in a woman and so much more, with a slim waistline and simply perfect breasts and the most provacative legs I’ve ever seen before. My name is Derek Le Blanc, and I discovered Anna as she strolled down the streets of Milan with a mere whisp of a red dress upon her petite, yet delightfully portioned body. Naturally full,...

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AnnaBy Carrie Anne ??????????? It had been one of those days?a Friday when everything that could go wrong at the office had gone wrong.? The payroll clerk had royally fucked up and paid everyone a thousand dollar bonus.? It has taken her forever to void out those checks and fire the payroll clerk.? Last time I will hire a man for position, she thought to herself as she drove home.??????????? Sheer exhaustion kept Anna home that evening instead of driving over to Biloxi with friends to...

4 years ago
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Ticket To Anna

Sis opened the door to her room and she looked frightened and beautiful. She was wearing a white blouse unbuttoned and held together with a ribbon under her breasts and no bra. Her skin in the gap of the blouse was tanned and healthy and cleavage showed, my eye's dropped to her white cotton panties and her mound outlined. "Remember I keep my panties on" she whispered in a low voice, both excited and frightened. It all started with the ticket's I won from the local radio station for that...

1 year ago
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Feasting Anna

© 1999 "You're my best friend. Do you know that?" Anna said, gliding a finger over the cool granite counter. "You're my best friend, too." Seth replied, looking up from the avocado he was slicing to smile at the top of Anna's wavy blond head. "He was wrong, Anna. He could've at least pretended to be a man and explained how he felt." Seth shook his head, angry that 'the asshole' hurt his Anna. Dried tears still showed on her beautiful face. "I guess I didn't give good...

3 years ago
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Meeting Anna

I heard a joke once, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him you have a plan.” Well, I can vouch for that one. After three months at sea, working on a Norwegian freighter, I finally signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way to Copenhagen, my original destination three months earlier. My plan was to go to Paris and the Left Bank where my favorite expatriate writers lived in the twenties and then to Copenhagen. After waiting at the Scandinavian Seaman’s Office in Brooklyn for several weeks,...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Watching Anna

For men who like to watch their wives having sex with other men, no explanation is necessary. For men who don't understand this fantasy, no explanation is possible. Although I enjoy wife sharing and some wife cheating stories I always felt confident that I would never want to act any of them out myself. I also felt that if my wife Anna ever cheated on me that would be it, no second chances. If I were ever so unfortunate to actually catch her cheating I believed I'd probably end up in prison...

Wife Lovers
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Beautiful Anna

It was a Thursday night, my 18th birthday and I was out clubbing with some friends. After flirting with so many girls and women of all ages and drinking quite a lot I became very tipsy and each female blurred into the next.  Then I saw her, standing near the dance floor a goddess a sculpture of perfection what sort of chance would a boy like me have? I’ll tell you non, zero, zilch not a fecking hope. I am 5’10, weigh around 168lbs, no muscle definition (Though i have muscles and i am no...

3 years ago
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Alice and Anna

Let me start by telling you a little about myself, I am 30 years old, 6 feet tall and have a somewhere between chunky and fat body, certainty no “Brad Pitt” I am married and have 2 kids. My wife Alice, is awesome about 5 foot 5, with flaming red hair, and 135 pounds of tits and ass. We got married pretty young and just celebrated our 13 th anniversary, in fact, that is the day I am talking about. It started like any other day, we got up got the kids off to school then settled in front...

3 years ago
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Life With Anna

Denise was, quite simply, a bad mother. You may think stuff like that doesn't happen in America today, but I can assure you as a man in my line of work, it does. I dated her for a while, saw how she treated Anna, and dropped some hints about a friend I knew who worked in adoption. She was only to quick to think it through, and the next time I saw her, she bought it up. 'I'm finding her incredibly hard to deal with.' she said, Anna colouring at the table. I nodded, although I didn't...

3 years ago
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Mistress Anna

Mistress Anna by Snow_Girl This story is on the darker side, and also has the most open ending. If anyone would like to continue the story, please feel free. As it is, this may be reposted to any free archive. E-mail me at [email protected] if you like. **** I He waits in his hotel room for the knock on his door, palms sweating. Hours ago, in a phone booth on the sidewalk, Chris found a flyer for a Mistress Anna. She was a blond goddess dressed in knee-high leather...

4 years ago
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Jerrys World Anna

Beverley’s words were comforting and made me feel wanted as to be honest she was all I have and although I wanted to experience life I didn’t want it to be at her expense. I put my hand on hers and squeezed it and we looked in each other’s eyes, “Thanks sis, love you” I said softly and bless her she put her head on my shoulder, “Love you too bro” she said and we kept our hands together on my thigh, it was nice.I didn’t stay up tonight as the beer had knocked me a bit so when Bev announced she...

1 year ago
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Aunt Anna

When she opens the door, I am surprised to see how much Aunt Anna has changed. ”Come in” she cries,” and hang your coats up over here”My girlfriend enters the apartment first and the two women exchange a cordial hug and greetings. They have never met before and I am amused to see how they surreptitiously study each other. Aunt Anna turns to me and compliments me upon the beauty of my companion, chiding me for never having introduced her before. I protest that this would have been difficult as...

3 years ago
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Looking After Anna

I got up late as probably needed the sleep, Lisa had gone to work and a note saying she was seeing friends later so would be late home, I did my usual morning routine and decided to go online and see if any of my friend were on Skype. I saw that Jeff was online so sent him a good morning message but seemed ages to get a reply so just assumed he was busy; Jeff and I usually chat a couple of times a week and have become good friends. Jeff finally replied and apologised for the delay but had some...

4 years ago
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Watching Anna

For men who like to watch their wives having sex with other men, no explanation is necessary. For men who don't understand this fantasy, no explanation is possible.Although I enjoy wife sharing and some wife cheating stories I always felt confident that I would never want to act any of them out myself. I also felt that if my wife Anna ever cheated on me that would be it, no second chances. If I were ever so unfortunate to actually catch her cheating I believed id probably end up in prison on a...

2 years ago
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Watching Anna

For men who like to watch their wives having sex with other men, no explanation is necessary. For men who don't understand this fantasy, no explanation is possible. Although I enjoy wife sharing and some wife cheating stories I always felt confident that I would never want to act any of them out myself. I also felt that if my wife Anna ever cheated on me that would be it, no second chances. If I were ever so unfortunate to actually catch her cheating I believed id probably end up in prison on a...

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Sister Anna

The sun was warm. Sister Anna was enjoying the heat on her face as she sat on the bench in the small garden area watching young Manny Garcia tending to the flower garden. She almost had the rectory to herself. Father Leary was out on his Saturday rounds as usual. This time he had taken young Father Lester with him. That only left herself and Sister Hortense who was in her room taking a nap. Hortense was sixty years old and enjoyed a nap whenever she could find the time. Manny was a fine...

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It’s amazing how you trundle along through life, and then something comes along and throws everything out the proverbial window. That happened to me the other day. It was unplanned and uncalled for. There was no need for life to do it. I mean, there are plenty of other people in the world for it to pick on. Why did it choose to rain on my parade? I’m thirty, been around a bit, and I know, quite happily where I’m going. At least I did. I have a long-term boyfriend, he’s not perfect, then again,...

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First holiday with Anna

Our first holiday abroad on our own had been booked to Spain for not long after my Girlfriend's 18th Birthday. I couldnt wait to have her alone in the sun for two weeks on our own. We still both lived with our parents so getting a place to ourselves wasnt always easy. To be fair to her she was very resourceful in making sure I was kept satisfied!Anna and I had started to push the boundries sexually and she had been very open about the fact she would be happy to try pretty much anything I...

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It's amazing how you trundle along through life, and then something comes along and throws everything out the proverbial window. That happened to me the other day. It was unplanned and uncalled for. There was no need for life to do it. I mean, there are plenty of other people in the world for it to pick on. Why did it choose to rain on my parade? I'm thirty, been around a bit, and I know, quite happily where I'm going. At least I did. I have a long-term boyfriend; he's not perfect, then again,...

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Alan and Janine were best friends. As long as they could remember they had been together. They went to the same university, and when they graduated they shared a house in the city. Though Alan was out of work, Janine made enough at her new job to support them both. They shared everything, and considered themselves lucky to have such a wonderful friendship. Everything seemed perfect... Except for one thing. Even though their relationship was purely platonic, it did cause problems for Janine...

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The History of Anna

The History Of Anna - Part One How about a quick trip down memory lane. I'd like to let you in on how I got started. I have a sister and one day when I was about 13 and she was 18, I was pissing her off as much as I could. She made the comment that she wished she had a sister instead of a brother and became quite upset with me. I told her that she was stuck with me, so she had better get used to it. She, on the other hand, had different ideas. It was Friday and my parents had...

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Watching Anna

For men who like to watch their wives having sex with other men, no explanation is necessary. For men who don’t understand this fantasy, no explanation is possible. Although I enjoy wife sharing and some wife cheating stories I always felt confident that I would never want to act any of them out myself. I also felt that if my wife Anna ever cheated on me that would be it, no second chances. If I were ever so unfortunate to actually catch her cheating I believed I’d probably end up in prison...

3 years ago
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Quickies turned Marathon 4 Anna

My Best friend, Kristoff, and I were driving together to Kristoff's family reunion. We always hung out together and talked about girls together and we pretty much were inseparable except for when one of us was trying to get laid. We arrived at the reunion, it was really nothing spectacular except for this one girl, my best friend's cousin. She is a redhead with long straight hair (Ok, I admit, early on in my sexual promiscuity I had a weakness for redheads). She had good hips and a nice round...

4 years ago
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Hi, I'm Anna Fontane. I'm 18 years old, about 5'8" waist length very curly brown hair and orange eyes. Yes, orange, most guys tell me they totally love my eyes because they look devilish and fiesty. I wear a 38 c-cup and have a little 29 inch waist. My ass has been lovingly described as "sweet as a peach" and most men I've met have either stared or groped at it on more than one occasion. But, the story I'm about to reveal to you isn't one about how all men normally drag their tongues on the...

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Alice and Anna

Have you ever had one of those days where when you think back on it years later, you think to yourself, “there is no way that happened to me” I am pretty sure that today is one of those days. I just had what could very well be one of the best days of my entire life.Let me start by telling you a little about me, I am 30 years old, 6 feet tall and have a somewhere between chunky and fat body, certainty no “Brad Pitt” I am married and have 2 kids. My wife is awesome about 5 foot 5, with flaming...

2 years ago
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Truth or Dare Anna

Since she was bored, she figured she might as well go down and spy on them to see what they were up too, so she headed downstairs. Once she got downstairs she quietly poked the door open to see what they were up too. Spin the bottle, of course if there was any game dumb enough for them to be playing that was it. It was Jesse’s turn to spin the old glass bottle. It spun round and round and the top pointed at James or Jimmy as they called him. He was the pitcher for the baseball team and had...

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Hi am lisa raven Smith this is my first time with hot anna, this is anna first time with a girl we are both s*******n in college, at Birmingham.Well it really felt awkward at first, for the both of i got each of us a drink, and we sat down to find out a little more about each other's likes and dislikes ' in bed ' what turned us on when we were either with another woman, or in her case thinking about it.Started off saying she liked thought about kissing another woman, and wanted to know how i...

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A bike ride with anna

Hi. My name is Josh. My story is about the summer my sister Anna and I shared when I was eighteen. She was twenty at the time. My story begins about three weeks into our summer break. I had just broken up with my girlfriend Jill. We had been dating all year and I thought it would last forever. She needed to spend time with others and wanted to see others this summer. No of her reasons were very good. Well, we separated. I was devastated. I didn't understand what went wrong. For about a week, I...

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Enslaving Rico Part 4

Enslaving Rico chapter 4 Scouted It was a rainy Wednesday afternoon and the gymnasium of Eagle high was lit up with roars of cheer. This is an important game between the two rival schools because this particular game is visited by many basketball scouts; they watch amateur players and give them scholarships in college if they prove skilful enough. Rico was really putting an effort in this game as he is everywhere, he was dominating in score, assists and rebounds his coach was really...

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Enslaving Rico Part 3

Enslaving Rico chapter 3 Milky Revenge Rico couldn’t decide what to wear today because for one thing, he neither has thick briefs nor boxers to cover up his condom wrapped dick with a taped vibrator inside. He was not hard because the vibrator wasn’t turned on yet but oh the horrors he was about to face was going to be unbearable. He decided to put on a jock strap and on top of that, a boxer briefs to really hide his humiliating endeavour. Surprisingly Ben texted him earlier that...

2 years ago
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Enslaving Rico Part 2

Enslaving Rico chapter 2 A First Cup It was Monday morning and Rico woke up with a semi hard cock he grabbed his dick only to realize he was bound by the cock cage that Ben put on him. The cock cage was preventing him to jerk off. He was naked in his bed as instructed and all cameras in the room were recording his every move, of course on the other side of the camera was Ben. Rico got up and got dressed for school he wore jeans and the school jersey. He came down stairs and he poured...

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