Chapter 8: Into The Deep End (Nancy Series) free porn video

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When Ann and James came down to join her several minutes later, they were both smiling broadly and holding hands. Nancy couldn't help but smile herself as she thought to herself that they had no idea that she knew why he was smiling like that.
"So, did you guys have any plans for today or are you just hanging out with us?" Nancy asked.
Ann looked over at James with a silent question, and then replied, "We really hadn't made any plans for today. The party doesn't start until 8 o'clock this evening so if it's alright, we'd like to just hang out and visit with you guys."
"Paul went back to his place to take care of some things there and hold a work teleconference at 10 o'clock this morning. He said it would only take an hour or so and invited us all to relax in his pool," Nancy offered.
"That sounds nice!" Ann responded quickly. Remembering her sister's somewhat Victorian views, she asked, "What do you think, Nance? I would need to borrow a swim suit from you, if we went. And James would need to borrow one from Paul."
Her older sister replied, "Sure, but I don't know if you'll fit into any of my tops. Your boobs are a little bigger than mine are."
"I'm not really that big. I'm sure we can get something to work. If worse comes to worse, I'll just go out and buy a new one," Ann said. “When do you want to head over?”
“Whenever you want,” Nancy answered. “I’ve got mm taken care of around here. Let’s go up and see what we can find for you to wear.” Ann gave James a quick peck on the cheek. “Back in a bit, dear."
As they walked upstairs and approached the guest room, Nancy thought once more about her sister's sexual attitude. She began to realize how far apart they had grown since their teen years when they shared all their thoughts and secrets. Nancy couldn't understand how her sister could be so casual about sex, especially in front of others, but apparently, Ann's talk and actions didn't seem to upset anybody other than her older sister. Nancy suddenly wondered if any of her other sisters knew about Ann and James' lifestyle?
Nancy went to her dresser and began searching through the drawers for her swim suits. “I’m not sure that I have anything to fit you. I’m a 38B and you look bigger than that.”
As she tossed them out on the bed, Ann began looked at them. “This one’s cute,” she said and held a bikini top up over her chest.
Nancy looked back and frowned. “That one’s pretty old. I can’t remember the last time I could wear a two-piece suit, but back then, I was probably a 38C. It might be a little small on you.”
“No problem,” Ann replied. She quickly pulled her shirt up over her head and released her bra. Tossing both to the bed, she held up the top again and looked at it before sliding it on. She had to adjust the shoulder straps and when she finished, she turned to look at herself in the mirror. It was obviously small on her and her tits were bulging out over the top of the cups. “I guess you’re right,” she told her big sister and then slipped if off.
As she stood there topless while Nancy continued to search for more swim suits, Ann asked her, "Did you enjoy the performance?”
“What?” Nancy said looking up at her. Seeing the knowing smile on her sister’s face caused Nancy to blush. “What are you talking about?”
“You don’t need to pretend. We know you were watching us earlier in our bedroom. We actually planned for it.”
“What do you mean you planned for it?” Nancy asked in confusion.
“Just that,” Ann told her. “We decided that since you seemed to enjoy watching us on the sofa last night, perhaps you’d like to watch the full show. I opened the door partway and when we heard you coming up the stairs, we started making some noise to get to you look inside. “
“Oh my, God! I can’t believe you did that,” Nancy exclaimed. She could feel her face growing hot and flushed with embarrassment.
“Oh, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We like to play and have fantasy sex all the time, and it’s also kinda fun to know someone is watching. We would both check the doorway every now and then to see if you were still there, but we tried not to look too often because we didn’t want to scare you away,” Ann replied. “So, did you like it?” she asked with a wink.
Nancy remained speechless trying to figure out how to respond. A little voice in the back of her mind wanted to say, “Hell yes, I really got off on watching you guys have sex and imagined it was me in there instead of you”, but there was no way she could bring herself to admit it out loud. She looked at her sister standing topless in her bedroom talking openly about her sex life and had no idea how to respond.
Ann saw her stranded in indecision, so she went ahead and broke the silence. “You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. I can assume from the look on your face now and the fact that you watched us until the end that you did enjoy it. That makes me happy.” She then turned back to the bed to look through the remaining swim suits to try and find one that fit.
By the time they got on the road, the morning had already become a typical hot, muggy, summer day in Charleston. The air conditioner didn't have a chance to start cooling the inside of the car before they reached Paul's home, and everyone was already starting to sweat in the humid heat. Going inside, Nancy gave them a short tour of the house, showing them where Paul's guest room was, the kitchen, and the porch leading out to the pool deck. Leaving Ann and James in the den, Nancy went to the study to check on Paul.
As she went in, she found him sitting back in his office chair in just his boxers with his headset on and plugged into the computer. She startled him as she came up behind him and put her hands on his shoulders, but the serious look on his face was quickly replaced with a smile when he saw her. Reaching around, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled him over onto his lap. Nancy felt a pang of guilt pass through her from her earlier voyeurism as he kissed her and rubbed his hand over her back and waist.
She gave him a quick squeeze and mouthed that she was going to take care of her sister as she rose up from his lap. He nodded in assent, and then returned to the conversation that was continuing over the computer headset.
When Nancy returned to the den, she found Ann had already changed into the one swim suit they found that seemed to fit reasonably well. It was still on the small side and barely covered her breasts, but the bottoms fit well enough. Going to Paul's bedroom, Nancy found a pair of shorts that James could wear in the pool and brought them out for him to change into. Excusing herself, Nancy returned to the bedroom and changed into her swimsuit, a more modest one-piece affair, and rejoined the others who had shifted outside to the pool deck.
As she walked out into the bright sun, Nancy could sense James watching her and when her eyes adjusted to the brightness, she saw the half-smile on his lips. Ann was sitting in front of him on a chaise lounge chair while he rubbed some sun screen into her back, shoulders, and arms. When he finished, they exchanged positions and she did the same for him. Nancy was already well-tanned from her running as well as the time she spent at Paul's pool, but began rubbing some sun screen over herself as she sat down in the chair next to her sister.
"This place is great!" Ann exclaimed. "So nice and peaceful with plenty of privacy. If I lived here, I'd be spending time sunbathing here every day."
"It is nice," Nancy replied. "And when it starts getting too warm in the sun, it's nice just to sit out in one of the floating lounge chairs and let the water help keep you cool."
"Did you guys want a glass of water or something else to drink?" she asked.
"Water or some iced tea would be nice," Ann responded.
"Water's good for me, too," added James as he stretched out on his chaise lounge and closed his eyes to the sun.
Nancy went back inside and checked the refrigerator to see if there was any tea. Pouring a glass for herself and Ann, she filled another glass with ice and water for James and went back outside. By now, Ann had turned over on her stomach and untied the straps holding her bikini top on so she could work on tanning her back completely. Nancy decided to follow suit and after repositioning her chair, she quickly lowered the straps of her suit from her shoulders and pulled it down to her waist keeping herself turned away from the others as she stretched out on her lounge face down.
She felt half-asleep when she heard the door open and looked up to see Paul coming out to join them. He was still wearing just his boxer shorts, which caused her to tell him, "Get back inside and put something decent on!"
He laughed. "I'm perfectly decent. You can't see anything more than if I was wearing a swim suit. And you know I don’t have any of those anyway." He pulled a chair up alongside Nancy and reached out to caress her warm back and shoulders. "You, on the other hand, have entirely too much on!" he declared.
Nancy ignored his comment and laid her head back down on the lounge chair and closed her eyes to enjoy the warmth on her back and legs. Across from her, Ann decided she had spent enough time sunning her back and turned over letting her top fall to the side as she settled on her back. Her breasts jutted up in the sun with her small reddish nipples dwarfed by the globes they topped. James gave Paul a knowing grin as they both watched her rub sunscreen over her firm white mounds and down across her slightly round stomach. Nancy continued chatting with Ann on a new topic with her eyes still closed, oblivious to her sister's display, while Paul and James carried on their own conversation covering work, lawn care, the college football ranking system, the designated hitter rule, and the decline of civilization in general. Their gazes constantly returned to Ann's pale breasts glistening under a sheen of sunscreen and perspiration in the hot sun.
It wasn't until almost 20 minutes later when Nancy decided to turn over that she noticed her sister. At that point, she bit back a comment knowing that all it would do is draw more attention to her sister. She also thought the lack of obvious reaction by Paul was a good thing and started to believe that her sister’s partial nudity wasn’t going to result in him saying or doing something stupid and hurtful.
Getting ready to shift her position, Nancy modestly pulled her suit up over her breasts, but left the straps off of her shoulders as she settled back into the lounge. Paul and James had shifted their conversation to discussing the pros and cons of swimwear, specifically bikinis versus one-piece suits using the two women to illustrate their various points. Not surprisingly, the two men both quickly agreed that swim suits were over-rated and the world would be a much happier place without any clothes allowed around the water for women. Ann's vocal opposition to this idea was loud and immediate. Her counter-proposal was to get rid of clothing for both sexes around pools and at the beach.
"We like to check you guys out just as much as you like checking us out, right Nance?" she asserted.
"You bet! What's good for the goose is good for the gander," Nancy replied.
"What do think, James? I think they have a point. Since men's swim wear is topless, I think women should also be topless," Paul joked.
"Hey, you don't have to twist my arm," said Ann as she peered through half-closed eyes in the sunlight. "I'm all for clothing optional recreation. Come on sis! You need to get with the program!"
Nancy tried to ignore her younger sister and the calls from her boyfriend and brother-in-law for her to drop her top, but they were insistent.
"Come on Nancy! We'll all adults and we all seen boobs before. Stop being such a prude!" Ann chided.
Realizing she wouldn't be left alone until she complied, Nancy gave in to their calls and peeled her swim suit down to her waist, revealing her well-tanned top. She was acutely conscious of how her small soft breasts drooped and lay flat along her chest when she reclined and in the back of her mind, she compared herself unfavorably to her younger sister’s near-flawless body. However, if anyone else noticed, they refused to comment on her less than perfect form. Instead, James was the first to state the obvious.
"Mmmmm.... It doesn't look like this is the first time you've sunbathed topless. What's with all the drama earlier? Are there any other missing tan lines we should know about?" he teased. Refusing to be baited, Nancy coyly replied, "Perhaps," and left the implied question unanswered. The conversation returned to less titillating topics and Nancy found herself becoming less concerned about her partial nudity in front of her sister and brother-in-law. Once again she was surprised at what she didn't know about her sister's life and attitudes. The only other moment where she began to get a bit alarmed was when Ann decided to remove the bikini bottom she was wearing to get a more complete tan. When Ann rolled back over on her stomach, James moved over to apply some fresh sunscreen to her back and shoulders, then down over her bare bottom and legs.
Ann's whole casual outlook on nudity and sex left Nancy somewhat at a loss, but Paul seemed similarly indifferent which became one less concern for her. It wasn't until later that she realized she had always equated nudity with sex and here she was in a situation where nudity was not necessarily a prelude or forcing function to have sex. When she thought about it, she had the same feelings when she first started seeing Paul and had to overcome her reluctance to sunbathe topless or completely nude with just him around. She used to kid him about being a closet nudist since he was always walking around his house wearing little or nothing in the mornings as he made breakfast, telecommuted from his study, or just relaxed with her.
It wasn't much longer before everyone decided to shift back indoors before they became sunburned, but following Paul's lead, they each jumped in the pool for a quick dip to cool off before heading inside. The cool water caused the women's nipples to immediately stand out, however Nancy had opted to pull her suit back up in place while Ann jumped in au naturel.
Leaving the pool, they went back into the screened porch to decide what they were going to do for lunch and the rest of the day. Paul's shorts were too wet and heavy to stay in place, so he kicked them off without a second thought and went naked into the kitchen to make up a pitcher of margaritas and some snacks for everyone. Nancy was dumbstruck by his lack of modesty in front of her already nude sister. James went inside with him leaving the two women to chat alone.
Ann still hadn't shown any inclination to put some clothes on, which left Nancy feeling a bit disturbed again.
"Aren't you going to get dressed, now?" she asked.
"Not yet. I was thinking I might want to go back in the pool after a bit. It felt so good just now," Ann replied.
"I don't know that I like you sitting around Paul like that," Nancy said a bit heatedly.
"You need to get over that," Ann lectured. "A blind person could see that Paul is only interested in you. He might enjoy looking at some women, but believe me, he LOVES you, and I can't believe he'd do anything to jeopardize your relationship, especially not with me!"
"How can you say that?" Nancy persisted. "You hardly know him."
"I've known him longer than you think. We first met in a swinger's group when he was with his ex," Ann confided. "I think the whole thing was her idea, but he went along with it. He stood out a bit among all the men in the group and a lot of the women were interested in giving him a "test ride", but from everything I saw, he remained devoted to her. Frankly, I wasn't sure what he saw in her. I thought she was a stuck up bitch and the only reason she wanted to join the club was so she could have more men drool over her and show off her hottie boyfriend to the other women. Everything about her was fake. She had fake boobs, veneers on her teeth, botox on her face, and probably a few other enhancements that weren't immediately obvious. The only things that she was missing were implants in her ass, because she had what James used to call, an "ironing board behind." Even her personality was fake. The second best thing that ever happened to Paul was her running off with some dumb bastard. The best thing that happened to him was you, and I bet he knows that!"
Ann's sudden outburst left Nancy stunned with its revelations. Paul never spoke about his ex-fiancé since their first day together and had certainly never mentioned some of his previous "social activities." Feeling a bit deflated, Nancy sat back and considered her sister's statements.
She knew that if Paul was only interested in a woman for her body, he would have never given her a second glance. When she looked at herself critically in the mirror, what she saw was a 55 year old woman with short hair that wasn't stylish; a face that wasn't particularly remarkable; two small droopy boobs; almost non-existent hips; and a tummy that bulged out too much as the result of three pregnancies. The only things she did like about her appearance were her toned, muscular legs and arms.
Despite her own misgivings about her appearance, Nancy recognized that Paul never failed to compliment her various body parts whenever the opportunity arose. When the two of them went out together, he always made sure she knew he cared for her by the small gestures and courtesies he extended. She once listened in from the next room as he was talking about her to some of his friends who had been invited for dinner and drinks. She was embarrassed by the praise and admiration he heaped on her for all her accomplishments and talents. When she came back in the room with fresh drinks, Nancy felt a subtle change in how the others looked at her and spoke to her.
As she sat back in her chair silently thinking everything through, she had to fight back the tears that came from own insecurities that kept her from accepting that her relationship with Paul wasn't temporary until he left her for another woman or doomed to failure because she couldn't meet his needs. She had become so insular with her life over the past 25 years that it was hard for her to truly open herself up to another person and risk ridicule or dismissal. That was probably why she had become somewhat distant and detached from her sisters, especially Ann and knew so little about what they did or how they thought.
Paul and James returned with a tray loaded with various cheeses, crackers, dips, and chips, plus a large pitcher of margaritas and four chilled glasses. Nancy quickly wiped her eyes and put on a smile to cover up her brief self-reflection. She immediately noticed that James had stripped off his wet shorts to join Ann and Paul in their ‘natural look”.
"Oh hell," she thought to herself. "It's just a matter time before they start giving me crap again about keeping myself covered up." And in a move that surprised herself and everyone else, Nancy stood up, peeled off her swim suit, and leaned over to pick up a margarita before plopping back in her chair. As she sipped it, she was aware of everyone looking at her with approving smiles and their eyes were focused on her face, not the rest of her bare figure. Nobody commented on her sudden change of heart or made teasing remarks and when the conversation resumed, Nancy remained unusually quiet for a short while as she slowly accustomed herself to this novel environment, then slowly joined in with her normal exuberant and lively personality. By the time she finished her second margarita, she had mostly forgotten that no one was wearing any clothing and was enjoying the ribald conversation between Paul, James, and Ann.
When the first pitcher of drinks was finished, Paul got up to make a second pitcher and to replenish the snack tray for everyone. Nancy got up to help and hurriedly followed him into the kitchen.
"This is so bizarre!" she said in a low, excited voice. "How can you be so casual about running around naked in from of people you barely know? I mean, Ann told me about how you guys met at some swinger parties, and I'm sure you saw a lot of men and women without any clothes, but they were all having sex, not just sitting around acting normal."
Paul looked down at her with a smile, "It's no big deal unless you make a big deal out of it. When I was in the Navy, we pulled in to some overseas ports where they had nearby nude or topless beaches and all us Sailors had to go see what they were like. Once we got to the beach and saw everyone behaving normally, we started feeling self-conscious for being the only guys wearing any clothing and standing out like a bunch of goofy American perverts. So, we took our clothes off to blend in and after getting over the initial feeling that everyone was looking at us and judging our appearance, we found it wasn't any different than going to a beach here in the U.S. Once you get past the fear of everyone looking at your body in critical judgement and realize they don't care that you don't look perfect, it becomes more enjoyable."
Nancy moved into his arms and hugged him tightly, enjoying how his body helped warm her cool skin. They kissed briefly and she felt his hands moving over her bottom to squeeze it and pull her up a little higher against him.
"How come you never told me you met my sister at a sex party?" she asked looking back up at his face. "Did you ever screw her?"
"First, I didn't know she was your sister until she came here last night, and I didn't want to freak you out by telling you about things I did in the past that I knew you'd have a hard time understanding. And secondly, 'no', I never had sex with your sister. I only went to three or four parties. I'm sure if I'd kept going, I would have eventually hooked up with her, but since I met you, I haven't been interested in screwing other women."
Nancy took comfort from his statements and laid her head against his chest for a moment. She felt her breasts pressing up against his midriff and thought she felt him stirring between her legs which suddenly made her feel special. Despite her self-criticism of her appearance, it was nice to know that she could still arouse Paul without any effort. Her hands moved down his back and over his nice ass, enjoying its smooth, hard, muscular curves that she always admired. She noticed his hands had begun caressing her back and the softness of her own ass in response to her attentions. She raised her face to meet his and their lips met for another long, soft kiss that left her feeling wet between her legs and Paul's swelling member rising up against her.
Remembering where they were and their company waiting out on the porch, she forced herself to release him with a smile while muttering softly, "Not now." Turning back to the kitchen counter, Paul resumed mixing up a fresh pitcher of margaritas and Nancy began replenishing the snack tray with fresh cheese, crackers, and fruit trying to recompose herself.
Without warning, she suddenly felt Paul's hand moving up between her legs from behind and trying to work inside her pussy. She instinctively tried to close her legs, but Paul's free hand wrapped around her waist and partially lifted her up to bend her over the island counter. Unable to deal with this new surprise, Nancy was distracted just long enough for Paul to slip two fingers up inside her warm cunt and begin fingering her. She briefly continued her weak protests, but it wasn't long before Paul had her completely wet and she relaxed as the pleasure mounted between her legs.
Paul paused momentarily to remove his hand and move his body between her thighs, grasping each leg and pushing her further up on top of the island. The coldness of the granite on her skin caused a chill across her body. Nancy moved her arms forward to hold the opposite edge of the counter, as she felt Paul spreading her legs and ass cheeks even wider. Leaning down, Paul began licking and nibbling between her cheeks starting just below her tight little brown pucker and working downward towards her swollen labia. She felt his tongue over her perineum and then licking up the juice from her pussy and trying to reach up inside her, but he met with limited success.
She momentarily forgot about her sister and brother-in-law sitting outside on the porch as she reveled in the feeling of Paul eating her from behind. It was a position she had never tried before meeting him and after the first time, it became one of her favorites. She felt his arms reaching up and around her legs from the inside to help support them while allowing his hands to keep her spread before him. He was practically lifting her waist up off the counter with her upper legs resting on his upper arms and shoulders in his effort to reach further into her pussy and to find her clit with his probing tongue. She sensed his frustration, but could do little to make herself more available.
Paul stood up between her legs and carefully pulled her waist just over the edge of the counter and she looked around to watch him finish stoking his cock to its full length, then move up into her. It easily slid into her dripping wet pussy and he wasted no time in pounding it in. Paul's hands held her firmly by her hips as he continued thrusting in and out, and Nancy continued to hold on to the edge of the counter to keep her body from rubbing uncomfortably across the smooth cold granite surface. The whole scene reminded her of what she had watched James do to Ann earlier that morning. She became briefly alarmed at the thought of her sister or James wondering what was taking so long and walking in on her and Paul, but at that moment, she felt Paul drawing himself into her and holding her tightly against his pulsing cock as he released it's warm load into her.
Paul bent over her and kissed her shoulder and neck as while she lay out in front of him, unable to move until he released her. She heard his breath slowing and noticed his cock was rapidly softening inside her before slipping out completely. As he moved out from between her legs, he helped Nancy off the counter to stand and turn around to face him. Her breasts were reddened from being pressed down on the counter surface and she felt a small trail of wetness leading from her pussy down along the inside of her thighs.
"What was THAT all about?" she asked.
"I don't know," he replied. "I just saw you standing there and had this sudden desire to taste you, and then one thing led to another," he continued a bit lamely.
"What if someone walked in on us like that?" she asked.
"The only people around are Ann and James, and it would take a lot more than seeing us have sex to make them uncomfortable," he answered.
"Maybe, but I'd be too embarrassed for words," Nancy concluded.
At that moment, they heard the porch door open and Ann walked in the kitchen.
"Hey you two! We were wondering if you got lost or something," she exclaimed.
"No, we were just getting ready to come back out," Nancy said as she hurried to get the snack tray and start back outside. Paul finished stirring the pitcher of margaritas before taking it and following Nancy out of the kitchen with Ann close behind.
After rejoining James on the porch, Paul poured everyone a fresh drink and Nancy offered their guests some food from the tray she was carrying. Ann sat back down on the wicker love seat next to James and sipping her drink, she noticed the wetness on the inside of Nancy's thighs, as well as the obvious post-coital condition of Paul's cock. Deciding not to embarrass her sister, Ann said nothing but smiled to herself at the recent changes in her older sister and hoping that Nancy would continue to accept and embrace her sexuality through new trying new ideas and experiences.
That evening, Ann and James headed out to their party leaving Paul and Nancy alone for the night. Paul took care of preparing dinner and surprised Nancy with a nice candlelit meal. The soft music and wonderful food left Nancy feeling a bit giddy as he took her bad to his bedroom after their dinner. He helped her undress with surprising gentleness that was a prelude to a long, slow, and passionate love-making. Paul spent nearly 30 minutes kissing, licking and caressing her entire body and it was so relaxing, she felt herself almost falling asleep under his gentle soft touch. When he finally entered her, he took long slow strokes; pausing frequently to just hold her close and kiss her while his cock completely filled her warm pussy.
When they finished, they fell asleep in each other’s arms and never heard their guests finally get back early in the morning. Ann and James left to go back to their home the following afternoon promising to visit more often and extracting a promise from Nancy and Paul to visit their home soon.


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To understand the extraordinary events of this true story, you need to understand what life was like in California in the late nineteen seventies and early eighties.Society was changing across the USA. Cultural traditions had been breaking down since the sixties but America is a big county with a strong, traditional, conservative religious heritage so the new norms of life were taking a long time to work their way into the population as a whole.The result was that, even in California, it was...

3 years ago
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Nancy Gets CaughtChapter 2 Nancy Gets Caught Again

It had been a few months since Nancy's first sexual encounter at work. Not a single day went by that she didn't think about how erotic that evening had been. However, she and Jeff had agreed to remain professional and did not engage in this type of activity again. The occasional breast squeeze or a tap on the butt was all that was ever given, and even that was rare. Nancy and Jeff had each dated others outside the office to limited success, each feeling the sex could not compare to what...

4 years ago
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Bus stop for Nancy

Nancy walked quickly to the parking garage, her last meeting finally over. It was very late, after 10 pm and she was the last one leaving. Nancy enjoyed her new position; she was 48 years old and finally made it to the top of the company. The new position meant more money and Nancy was able to afford some things she always wanted.As she approached her car, Nancy caught a glimpse of herself in the window of another car. One of the things she was now able to afford was a trip to the gym. Nancy...

2 years ago
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Aunt Nancy Comes To Town

Introduction: Aunt Nancy comes to town, her nephew and brother just cum. Nancy had lost her job out on the West Coast, not through any fault of her own, but due to corporate downsizing. Theyd eliminated 15% of the work force, and shed been in that group. Shed come back East when her brother Sam had offered her free room and board if she wanted it. Sam was a widower, living with Matt, his 18 year old son, and said he needed a womans touch around the house. She felt it was charity, Sam was an...

4 years ago
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Our fun with Steve and Nancy

Steve looked at me in awe as he drained his beer. I had quickly filled him in on the day’s events leading up to the present. Here we were, standing in the middle of my driveway, on a sunny Saturday afternoon. He was wearing a golf shirt, khaki shorts and sandals, and I was as naked as the day I was born. My hard-on had subsided somewhat but was still slightly swollen and my cum laden balls hung low in the early August heat. “Does Nancy know about the three of us last night?” Steve asked kind of...

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Our fun with Steve and Nancy

Steve looked at me in awe as he drained his beer. I had quickly filled him in on the day’s events leading up to the present. Here we were, standing in the middle of my driveway, on a sunny Saturday afternoon. He was wearing a golf shirt, khaki shorts and sandals, and I was as naked as the day I was born. My hard-on had subsided somewhat but was still slightly swollen and my cum laden balls hung low in the early August heat. “Does Nancy know about the three of us last night?” Steve asked kind of...

Group Sex
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Ben Nancy Ch 04

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Nancy Dillon was sitting at her desk, in her office, engrossed in reports the company’s domestic sales manager had dropped off. She was forty-five years old, but usually when she told people who didn’t know here what her true age was, they were shocked. She had honey brown hair that she had taken to wearing very closely cropped in the past year. Her pert, unlined face was still a very close match to the picture in her high school yearbook and, in fact,...

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Sally Nancy and Me

Sally and I were seeing each other pretty regularly now, everyone at the office knew about it and it was cool. We hadn’t moved in together or anything, but Sally would stay at my place every weekend and even a few nights during the weeks we would sleep together at one of our apartments. Sally had a roommate so we usually stayed at mine.It was Sunday morning and we were lying in bed together, I was watching a cooking show and Sally was kind of dozing next to me. She was laying on her front;...

Group Sex
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Nancyrsquos story

After watching a lot of porn a husband thinks of brining more people into sex with his wife, it all turns into a real gangbang….My friend Nancy told me this story, and I didn’t change anything in the plot.Nancy threw off the blanket and turned away from her husband.“We’ve discussed it a hundred times before,” she looked at her hubby in a very frisky way. “How do you think I can do it? How can you give me to another man? You don’t love me and don’t respect me!”“Nancy, I love you. If I didn’t I...

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Our Fun with Nancy

I must have been reliving the previous night’s events in my dreams because I woke up with my eight inch cock throbbing in my hand. I looked over at my sexy wife still asleep beside me and began to gently stroke my cock. I licked my lips as I rubbed the little drop of pre-cum over the head of my cock and could still taste Kim’s pussy from the night before.“Mmm. That looks so damn sexy babe” Kim said to me as she opened her eyes and fixed them on my hand working my cock so well. “Are you going to...

4 years ago
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Hypnotizing Nancy Ch 02

This is a work of erotic fiction. Any resemblance to real people and situations is entirely coincidental. All of the characters in this story are over the age of 18. The storyline and characters in this chapter will make much more sense if you read chapter 1 first. I appreciate getting feedback, both positive and negative, as long as it is constructive. I will not hesitate, however, to delete any nasty or abusive anonymous comments. I enjoy corresponding with my readers, and if you send me...

2 years ago
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Aunt Nancy Comes to Town

Nancy had lost her job out on the West Coast, not through any fault of her own, but due to corporate downsizing. They'd eliminated 15% of the work force, and she'd been in that group. She'd come back East when her brother Sam had offered her free room and board if she wanted it. Sam was a widower, living with Matt, his 18 year old son, and said he needed a woman's touch around the house. She felt it was charity, Sam was an attractive guy and could easily found a live in girlfriend to help...

2 years ago
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Hisar Ki Nancy Ki Chudai

Hello friends, mera naam Vicky hai or m 25 years ka hun. Main hisar ka rahne wala hun Main aj aap se apni ek sacchi kahani share karne jar aha hu. Ye aj se 3 saal pahle ki ghatna hai jab m hisar ke ek famous college main padhta tha. M ka student tha or padhai me kafi intelligent bhi tha jis ki wajhe se meri harmare sction ke har student se acchi banti thi kyuki m har person ki help karta tha chahe wo ladka ho ya ladki or un sab m se ek ladki thi nancy( name changed due to privacy) jis ki...

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Ben Nancy Ch 21

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Nancy monopolized the conversation as she drove to Ben’s apartment. She prattled about her daughter, her work, everything but what he wanted to talk about. When they got to his apartment he asked her if she could come in for a few minutes. Nancy was delighted by Ben’s invitation, but wasn’t sure what to do. She wanted to go in, but was frightened to. ‘Ben, I…I really should get back to the hospital,’ she said. ‘Dawn must be wondering what happened to...

2 years ago
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My wife Nancy gets used

Are you sure you don't mind?" Bob could tell Nancy was anxious for his approval, but really wanted to go out and celebrate with her new coworkers. She had just started back to work three weeks ago, and was enjoying the opportunity to have 'grown up' conversations that didn't consist of 'guess what the k**s did lately'. "Sweetheart. Go." Bob replied, "Just be sure to get a pretty new outfit with the bonus." Nancy was diligently building a 'go to work' wardrobe, and Bob was willing to give her...

1 year ago
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Nancy Nertured

Nancy lost her mother at a very young age. She left her father Walter Kent, younger brother Ray, younger sister Sue, to pursue her studies, finally landing in the job of a teacher of History in a private school in Florida. Her dedication made her a very popular teacher in the school, but in her personal life nothing worthwhile happened and every body assumed her to very frigid and called her a loaner. After almost 10 years away from her family Nancy now all of 26 years took her first vacation...

3 years ago
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Hypnotizing Nancy Ch 01

This is a work of erotic fiction. Any resemblance to real people and situations is entirely coincidental. All of the characters in this story are over the age of 18. ***** I appreciate getting feedback, both positive and negative, as long as it is constructive. I will not hesitate, however, to delete any nasty or abusive anonymous comments. I enjoy corresponding with my readers, and if you send me an e-mail I will respond. So many readers, so few votes. If you like this story, please...

1 year ago
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Ben Nancy Ch 22

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Chapter twenty-two Dawn was sitting in the waiting room outside the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital, waiting for her turn to go in and sit with Trish. She was surprised, and delighted, when she saw her mother walk in with Mr. Morris. She jumped to her feet, ran to her mother, and hugged her. ‘Mom!’ she exclaimed, ‘I’m really glad you’re here. You were gone so long I…I was worried about what was going on.’ She released her mother, stepped back,...

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Nancy For Lunch

In a little less than an hour’s time, I had concluded an advertising pitch in downtown Chicago, just a couple blocks off Michigan Avenue. The client interrupted me early on in my presentation and asked me five or six rapid fire questions. It may have been the strong coffee I drank that morning, or the adrenaline of my first big meeting at my new job, but I handled each question he asked me and then shut up, just as my boss had instructed. After his last question the client said “I’m good with...

Straight Sex
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The CircleChapter 50 Nancy

Brad, Sandy, and Stacy stood just outside airport security and watched as the passengers arriving at the city airport flowed from the planes to the main concourse, and then headed for the escalators to go and get their luggage. It was Friday evening. Brad kept looking at the photograph of his daughter, and then looking up a scanning the crowd, looking way down into the secure area as deplaning passengers streamed towards him. Suddenly, there she was. A brunette with long hair tied back in a...

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Nancy awards her cherry

Hello all ISS readers! I am back again with a hot sizzling story. As you knows me I’m Abhishek Singh 18 male living in Delhi near mother dairy of Pandav Nagar. I will hope that u will enjoy the story. Mail me any comments, queries or anything on or She never understood herself in that regard. She knew she would eventually loose her virginity and twice she thought she had found the right guy to do it. Each time Nancy backed out realizing at the last minute that it was the wrong guy. Both times...

3 years ago
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She Called Herself Nancy

Somewhere in the Black Hills of South Dakota lived a woman by the name of Magill but everyone knew her as Nancy. So let's call her Nancy from the Badlands of South Dakota.She lived in a very small rural town where everyone knew each other. Whatever you did in town was broadcast like breaking news on national TV. Everyone was okay with that because it was one of the town's sources of entertainment. The other was sex.Nancy's husband was Virgil who went to North Dakota to work on the pipeline....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Nancy Would You

Dave Betterman woke up Friday morning with a stiffer than normal morning erection. He had been having a wonderful dream involving his girlfriend, Nancy, and his sister, Amy. The three of them were naked in his parent's big bed. He had been lying on his back eating out Nancy while Amy bounced up and down on his cock. His sister's tight pussy squeezed his cock in a most delightful way. Huh? His sister's pussy was doing what? As he slowly gained consciousness, his mind flashed back to the...

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Warrens WomenChapter 6 Saturdays Fancy Judy Nancy

The girls: Nancy Artz and Judy Caporale Warren's buddy, Eppy: Epsolen Anderson noted jazz saxophone player Warren met them at the Jazz Festival on the Fourth of July. They were both cute, and dressed alike in tank tops and short shorts. The taller, a brunette with a dynamite ass and legs, albeit small breasts. The shorter a busty blonde, well a bottle blonde anyway, and also possessing great legs. He spread his blanket out close to them, after asking if they'd mind. They didn't and...

2 years ago
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Nancy and Hale

Christy has invited Mike over, as he parks in front of your house, her new neighbors are walking there dog on the sidewalk. They say hi to Mike and intro themselves. Mike tells Hale and Nancy that he is visiting his friend Christy. They say they have not met her yet. Mike tells them, “after you take the dog home, come over and we can have a drink together.” Mike comes into the house thru the backdoor as usual. He hears the water in the shower. “Hey babe, I’m here,” Mike yells out. Then...

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Ben Nancy Ch 24

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Chapter twenty-four Ben Morris, dressed in a tuxedo, was standing in Nancy Dillon’s living room, in front of the glass sliding doors that led out onto the deck behind the house. He was more nervous than he’d ever been in his life. Next to him, on his left, stood Nancy’s oldest son, Mike. On Mike’s left stood Nancy’s second son, Bill. In front of him stood Reverend Albers, the pastor of the church Nancy attended. Behind them, seated in folding chairs,...

1 year ago
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Story is an incidence that will reveal the truth between a younger brother GARRY and elder sister NANCY. Hello Readers ! I am back again with my story.I hope you have enjoyed my earlier writings.I have lost my virginity to my hot mom LOUSIE.I have seen my sisters having sex together.NANCY as well as NINA is lesbian but i am not a gay. NANCY......A 21 YRS......GAL........BOLD...........HOT....SEXY.........WILD........HAVING LOVELY BREASTS.......ROUND SHAPED BUM...........STRONG...

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Ben Nancy Ch 17

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Nancy was making breakfast when her daughter, tears streaming down her cheeks, burst into the kitchen. ‘Mom! You…you aren’t going to…to believe what I…I just…just heard on…on the…radio!’ Dawn sobbed. Nancy asked gathered her sobbing daughter into her arms. ‘What is it, Honey?’ she asked. ‘What did you hear that has you so upset?’ ‘They…they…they said…a…a girl…was…was beaten and raped at school…yesterday…’ Dawn sobbed. ‘My God!’ Nancy whispered. ‘Did...

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Nancy and the Hot TubChapter 6

Both Nancy and Mary had for years found girl-girl kissing to be appealing when they saw it in a movie or on TV. Nancy and Bill had taken more opportunities to watch erotica than Mary and her husband, so she was more well versed in what women did after the kissing. But as much as seeing girls lock lips had tantalized both of them, neither anticipated that they would ever really kiss another woman. Nor did they have any clue how much fun they would find it if they did. Nancy and Mary held...

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Returning to School Nancy

This actually precedes the "Returning to School - Ellen" stories I've already written. Initially when I returned to school, I was initially enrolled in night school at one of the local universities while I was working. When I started my initial transition from night school to full-time day classes, they had a program where you could attend both which I took advantage of primarily because it was less expensive. When I did the initial transition, I had left my girlfriend of 3...

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Nancys Alluring Ass

It's been a long time now since high school. You'd think I would just let some things go but then I recently heard from an old friend and we exchanged emails which was a lot of fun. Of course, eventually, we got around to the girls we dated and he asked If I ever say my main squeeze from back then, Nancy. Unfortunately, the answer is no but I still think about her from time to time.I thought about Nancy and her gorgeous "surfer girl" looks. You know, the straight blond hair, tanned complexion...

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Nancy and I Skype Sex

Author’s note: This story was inspired by a lady LUSH author. She knows who she is. The facts contained herein are true. However, the names have been changed to protect the guilty. I met Nancy through Lush Stories. We started the relationship as most such involvements begin. I made a private comment on one of her stories and we began corresponding on Lush and eventually moved over to e-mail. We exchanged pictures that neither of us wanted to be public on Lush and our messages became more and...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Nancy meets Monte

Nancy meets Monte By sub_nancy_cd Looking in the mirror of the ladies washroom at the airport, I fix my hair and make-up, I was glad I decided to wear my hair up in a ponytail, it made me look cuter. I wore my black mini skirt a white blouse with smart lace surrounding my breasts. I wore white pantyhose and my three inch black heels. I turned back and forth in the mirror, thinking to myself, its been 4 years since I met Monte on- line. He knew I was a crossdresser on hormones and...

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Sex in the Hospital With Nancy

Recently, I visited a friend in the hospital. As I walked through the hallways, I was overcome by the fond memories I had experienced while training there many years earlier. This is the story of Nancy, my preceptor. Your ratings and comments are greatly appreciated. I was training at a local hospital to become a medical technologist in the late 1980’s. I had decided to enter he medical field because: one; I needed a job that paid better than my current one, and two; I actually enjoyed the...

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Warrens WomenChapter 7 Saturdays Fancy Judy and Nancy Part 2

They all piled into Warren's car, and took off. After about two minutes or so, Judy turned to Eppy what sat beside her in the backseat. "He lives close by. We should be there soon." "You're right and you're wrong girl," he said in his deep voice. "See, Warren wants to take us for a ride first so you and I can get acquainted. Actually, he's taking us in a great big circle." "Acquainted, huh?" "Ummmmm, like this," and he lowered his head and kissed her gently on the...

2 years ago
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Hypnotizing Nancy Ch 03

This is a work of erotic fiction. Any resemblance to real people and situations is entirely coincidental. All of the characters in this story are over the age of 18. The storyline and characters in this chapter will make much more sense if you read chapter 1 and 2 first. I appreciate getting feedback, both positive and negative, as long as it is constructive. I will not hesitate, however, to delete any nasty or abusive anonymous comments. I enjoy corresponding with my readers, and if you...

1 year ago
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Ben Nancy Ch 20

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Chapter twenty ‘Ben wants to see me?’ Nancy said. She was standing in the hospital corridor outside the Intensive Care Unit, talking to Will on her cellular phone. Dawn was in Trish’s room. Trish’s parents told them the doctor said every day the girl hung on, her chances of recovery improved. ‘Your young friend tells me he didn’t do it,’ Will told her. ‘And I believe him. Unfortunately, the way he’s acting, he could wind up sending an innocent man –...

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Taking Nancy Kerrigan

Everyone who watched the news around the time figure skater Nancy Kerrigan got attacked just prior to the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer knows the whole story. We don't know the full "who knew what and who influenced what" details but there was enough discovered to send some folks to jail, to basically ruin Tanya Harding's amateur skating career, and to catapult Nancy Kerrigan into a limelight that she never would have achieved otherwise. Nancy might not agree but she got a huge amount of...

2 years ago
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Nancy was unable to shake the feeling that today was going to be special, but had no idea why. She had tried to write some more of her thesis, but it was warm outside, and she couldn't find any motivation to sit here in front of the computer. This thesis had been much more involved than at first thought, and she was tired of the struggle. Maybe a walk would clear her mind. Nancy had been staying in the farmhouse for two weeks now, and the quiet and seclusion had definitely improved both the...

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Nancy and her mom share a man

Note : This story is completely fictional!Forty year old Charles increased his sex stamina to twenty minutes. He had been practicing to keep his prick from ejaculating early when he had sex. The first thing he did was go to a bar to find some slut to bang. Charles ask a red head if he could buy her a drink. He introduced himself and she said her name was Nancy. When he saw a ring on her finger he ask."Are you married Nancy?""Yes, so what" she replied.The woman was beautiful and he wondered why...

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Oh Nancy Chapter 2

Oh Nancy - Chapter 2'Nancy' reached the master bathroom and flicked on the light switch before heading towards the sink countertop and mirror. She took a moment or two to gaze at herself in the mirror, fascinated by the gooey and sticky mess left on her neck, upper chest and curvature of her breasts.She dipped her middle finger into the gooier parts of his seed and scooped up a little on her fingertip to bring it to her lips. She wrapped her lips around her digit and closed her eyes as she took...

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Nancy and Sheri

Nancy woke up. She heard the unmistakable sound of sex coming from her parents bedroom. She was disgusted by the squeaking bed and squeals of passion from her mother. Nancy covered her head with a pillow but it didn't help. Her mother was very open about sex and sometimes she told her more than she wanted to know. Nancy got out of bed and angerly marched down the hall to her parents bedroom. She was going to tell them to stop.The door was open and Nancy could see her mother's legs wrapped...

1 year ago
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Nancy and the Boss

Nancy and the BossByJohn TagliaferroPART ONEMorning With The Kneelers?Oh, yum, good morning Little Mister,? Sarah said with a moan as she woke to her husband deep inside her wetness, ?hope you are not too close, I am just getting warmed up.??Ah, Miss Sarah, you sounded in full fury during your vocal dream only a few moments ago,? Edward responded with a powerful thrust.?Really now?  I don’t remember,? she feigned ignorance of her vivid reliving of a swap session the couple had just a few weeks...

2 years ago
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Mikey and Nancy Mickels Part 1

I would like to say my mom got married and pregnant but that just did not happen. I do not know who my father is and my mom says he could be one of several people to include a student of hers that she tutored from time to time. What she does do is take accountability and she says that she was never forced to do anything she did not want to do. I have always suspected my Grandfather, they were always very close, and when Grandma Died, we moved in with him and sometimes I hear noises coming...

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Meals on Wheels 2 Nancy

As I walked up to Nancy’s house, I was a little depressed at the fact that I would not be doing any freaky experimentation with Ruth, so I had a little storm cloud hovering above my head. I was quickly snapped out of my bad mood when I was hit with the scent of chocolate chip cookies baking. The front door of Nancy’s house was open, and the smell of the cookies was drifting through the screen door. I came up to the door and rang the bell. Nancy poked her head around the corner from the...

3 years ago
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Nancy and the Hot TubChapter 4

Nancy knew she had gotten her husband turned on with her phone call the night before. She was certain he had begun masturbating while they talked, even though he hadn't admitted it. She didn't care if he did. In fact, she found it kind of cute that he got himself off while she was away. And of course, the hot tub events of the previous evening had turned her on as well. But she knew that what she had to report this time would be infinitely more exciting than what she had shared the day...

4 years ago
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A Night Out With Nancy

Let me tell you a little about my wife, she is 49 years old, a little over weight but that only adds voluptuousness to her all ready large “36D” tits and her beautiful round ass. She was raised a Mormon, but in my hands has become a really nice slut who, with a couple of drinks in her and some coke up her nose, will do the dirtiest sexy things. I like to see my wife dress provocative when we go out on nights like this, and tonight she didn’t disappoint me. She came down stairs dressed to...

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