Punishment Day for NANCY
- 4 years ago
- 51
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This is a work of erotic fiction. Any resemblance to real people and situations is entirely coincidental. All of the characters in this story are over the age of 18.
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So many readers, so few votes. If you like this story, please register your vote with the stars at the end. It only takes a second but means a lot to the author.
Born only a year apart, Nancy and Janey had been inseparable when they were young. Had double dated countless times. Had gone to the same college. They had even gotten married to their husbands together in a double wedding ceremony. Still inseparable, they lived in almost duplicate houses on the same block and spent most of their spare time together. Luckily their husbands enjoyed each other’s company too so everyone in the foursome was very happy.
On their last trip to Vegas, Danny had convinced the group to attend a hypnosis show. He had always been fascinated with the idea of having control over another person and making them do his bidding. Yeah… Yeah… Hypnosis doesn’t work that way. You can’t make someone do something under hypnosis that they wouldn’t normally do anyway, but the fantasies were thrilling none the less.
Danny knew this, but he had seen some videos on the Internet. He had even gone to a show once when he was on a business trip, and surely those people wouldn’t normally stand up there and cluck like a chicken or bark like a dog. He had become obsessed with the idea of taking complete control of someone by hypnosis, and so had really pushed hard for the group to take in the show together.
Because he had pushed so hard, when the hypnotist asked for volunteers, the other three immediately pushed him out of his chair and voluntold him to get up on stage. Unwilling to take the plunge alone, Danny grabbed Nancy’s hand on the way by and dragged her up with him. When all the chairs were filled, the hypnotist began his induction.
As she sat there listening to the hypnotist babbling on, Nancy knew there was no way she was going to go under. She wasn’t feeling any of the things that the hypnotist was suggesting, but, wanting to be a good sport, she went along with him anyway. As the show proceeded it became clear to Nancy that Danny had actually gone under.
Being in Vegas, the tone of this particular show was somewhat more sexual in nature than those you might see elsewhere. The hypnotist had one woman become very aroused and squirm in her chair. One of the men actually humped a broom, thinking it was a famous movie star.
When it came to be her turn, Nancy wanted to stand and bolt from the stage, but she was in a little to deep for that already, and decided she better continue to play along.
‘Now. What is your name my dear?’
‘Nancy,’ she replied in what she hoped was a dreamy enough voice.
The hypnotist stopped momentarily and gave her a funny look, then continued.
‘OK Nancy, you came up here with a man. Is he your husband?’
‘No. He’s my brother-in-law,’ Nancy replied in the same dreamy tone.
‘What’s his name Nancy?’
‘Oh. And do you like Danny? Is he a nice guy Nancy?’
‘Well let’s see how much you like him shall we? Do you know what a lap dance is Nancy?’
‘Yes,’ she replied desperately trying to cover up her growing concern with the direction this was taking.
‘OK then, when I touch you on the shoulder, You will become a lap dancer. You will know that Danny there is a big tipper and you will make sure that you give him a reason to tip you by really grinding on him,’ he instructed.
‘Now Danny. You are back in college and have gone with some friends to a strip joint. Your buddies have bought you a lap dance and you intend to get their money’s worth. Remember that you are not allowed to touch the girls but if they touch you it’s OK.’
Nancy almost jumped out of her skin when the hypnotist touched her shoulder but she somehow managed to control herself. It took a second for the realization to sink in but then she knew that she had to get up or risk exposure. The hypnotist watched her closely as she stood and turned towards Danny and then he asked for the stripper music to start.
Trapped by her own deception. Nancy began to gyrate to the music and pretend to be a stripper. She’d gone to a strip bar once as a lark in her college days, so she just imitated what she remembered from that experience. It was embarrassing to be grinding her ass into Danny’s crotch and to feel his hard on pressing back into her ass crack, but less so than having to let the audience see she had been fooling them.
Danny was in heaven. This stripper was really hot. She kind of looked like someone he knew, but he couldn’t quite place it. God her butt was nice, and it felt awesome when she pressed it down and ground around on his hard dick. He knew he couldn’t touch her or he would be kicked out, but that didn’t stop him from pushing himself up and grinding her back.
‘That’s good Nancy, now turn around and sit on his lap facing him. Just straddle him and keep on grinding down like a good stripper. There’s going to be a big tip in it for you.’
Nancy’s face flushed red with embarrassment as she followed the hypnotist’s command and began to grind her pussy down onto Danny’s hard cock. This was almost too much. God if he did anything more, she would have to stop the charade. But if she did, then everyone would know that she had done the grinding of her own free will. She was trapped.
Danny slumped down in his chair to make sure to maximize the contact of his dick with the stripper’s pussy. Oh God she was hot and he was so hard he ached. She kept grinding down and he kept humping up. If this went on much longer, he was going to cum in his pants.
With a wave of his hand the hypnotist had the music stopped and returned Nancy to her seat. Everyone could see Danny’s hard cock straining at the fabric of his slacks and it caused a few titters of laughter.
‘Thanks for being such a good sport,’ the hypnotist whispered in her ear as she sat down. ‘Sleep’
Nancy was relieved to be able to hang her head and feign unconsciousness. ‘HE KNEW,’ her brain screamed the realization. ‘He knew and he made her do it anyway.’ She wondered if anyone else had seen through her deception.
Back at the table Janey and Dennis were enjoying the show. As they watched, Janey slipped her hand down into Dennis’ lap and squeezed his hardening member.
‘Hey,’ Dennis blurted. ‘They’re right up there on stage. They could see.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ Janey whispered as she kissed his ear. ‘They’re hypnotized. They can’t see a thing,’ she continued as she stroked him through his slacks while they both watched her sister gyrate on Danny’s lap.
As the show on stage wound down, the two secret lovers untangled and awaited the return of their respective spouses.
Back at the table, Nancy was humiliated. She had ground herself on her brother-in-law, on stage, in front of a hundred people, including her sister and her own husband. She had done it even though she had not really been hypnotized.
The mood at the table was high. Everyone except Nancy was chattering and laughing about the scene that had played out on stage. Danny couldn’t stop talking about how she had been such a hot stripper. Janey and Dennis kept goading him on, encouraging him to elaborate, which he happily did.
‘Hello again.’ It was the hypnotist standing beside the table.
Nancy froze as he smiled down at her.
‘You were great tonight Nancy,’ he continued as he smiled broadly. ‘Really great.’
‘Yeah she was,’ Danny chimed in. ‘I wish I coul
d get me some more of that action.’
When she heard that announcement Janey swatted Danny’s shoulder.
‘That’s my sister asshole,’ Janey hissed.
‘And my wife,’ Dennis added.
‘No it wasn’t,’ the hypnotist announced, much to Nancy’s surprise. ‘She was a stripper. In her head she was neither a wife nor a sister, she was a stripper, just doing her job,’ he continued, with a sly wink in Nancy’s direction. ‘She couldn’t help herself really, could you Nancy?’
Nancy was stunned. He knew. She knew he knew. He knew that she knew that he knew. OH GOD what was he doing? Where was this going? What was she going to do?
‘Well Danny,’ the hypnotist said with a smile towards Nancy. ‘Anybody can learn how to hypnotize people maybe you should study up.’
After that the conversation turned to the activities of the other on-stage volunteers and the
discussion of learning hypnosis was abandoned.
But Danny didn’t forget. He couldn’t forget. In the days that followed he became increasingly haunted by the idea of controlling someone through hypnosis. The things he could get Janey to do. Nancy’s stripper routine had whet his appetite. He made his decision.
Weeks of tapes, books, audio files, websites. Danny was a man possessed. He wanted this to happen. Total control of Janey’s mind and body. His sexy wife at his beck and call. Unable to resist. He was hard almost every time he thought about the possibilities, and he thought about them a lot. After several months of study, he thought he was ready.
Janey was nervous. Although she had insisted that Nancy and Dennis would be there for support if it actually worked, she was still concerned about what he might make her do when she was under. Oh God. What if she revealed her affair with Dennis? She couldn’t go under. She wouldn’t. No worries. There was no way he could make it work anyway. Was there?
Danny had developed his own version of an induction based on what were purported to be some of the easiest and most effective methods he had researched. He tried to remain serious, but Janey just kept losing her concentration and breaking out into giggles. The whole session was a disaster. How in hell could some guy mesmerize a group of people on stage and he couldn’t even get his own wife to stop laughing?
‘It’s all just too funny,’ Janey scoffed. ‘You are relaxed… You are tired… You’re getting sleepy… Did you really think that mumbo jumbo would actually work on me you idiot?’
Danny was devastated. He had worked so hard and not only did Janey not go under, she was mocking his attempts.
‘Listen man,’ Dennis chuckled. ‘Maybe you should try Nancy instead of Janey. Nancy’s been under before, you might have more success with her for your first attempt.’
‘Oh yeah,’ chimed Janey. ‘Do Nancy.’
‘Yeah,’ Danny enthused. ‘You’ve already been under once, so if you cooperate I bet I could get you to go under again. C’mon Nance. Please. Please.’
Nancy had felt bad for Danny when her sister had insulted his attempt to hypnotize her. She felt that Janey had been too cruel. Feeling sorry for Danny, she tentatively agreed to replace Janey as his subject.
As she sat in the chair listening to Danny’s induction, she could hear Janey and Dennis continue to heckle him. There was no way anyone could actually be hypnotized with all that chatter in the background. Nancy felt increasingly sorry for Danny’s plight and found herself wishing that she would actually fall into trance just to shut them up and stop the abuse. Then it hit her. She had gotten away with it before. She could do it again.
When Nancy’s head dropped down, even Danny was a bit startled. Nothing had seemed to be working. He had done nothing significantly different than before, but there she was chin on her chest, slow even breathing. Janey and Dennis were suddenly silent.
‘Nance… Nance… Can you hear me,’ he whispered. The soft mumbled answer seemed just about right, so he continued.
‘Nance… You are feeling warm and relaxed. You are safe and calm. Janey and Dennis are here to protect you so you can let yourself go deeper and deeper.’
Nancy almost giggled, but was able to control herself. He was hooked, and the silence from the other two suggested that they were hooked too. Good.
As the research had suggested, Danny began to try to deepen her trance. Nancy played along. After a few minutes of deepening the trance, Danny began to wake her up and put her back under. Through it all, Nancy played along. Waking up and nodding off on cue as if she were actually hypnotized.
As the session stretched on. Nancy continued to play along, but after a while she began to get bored and let her mind wander. It was at that moment that role play became reality and the next time Danny put her back in a trance she actually went.
It was the strangest sensation. She felt kind of like she was floating on air, but at the same time, she was consumed with the sound of Danny’s soothing voice taking her deeper and deeper into her trance. She really did feel incredibly good. Warm and safe and comfortable.
Danny noticed something different this time. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but she seemed much more limp, much more relaxed. Her body gone empty. Not wanting to push his luck, he took her in and out of trance several more times. Each time inducing her to go further down. To relinquish more of her self control. To sink deeper into comfortable, restful slumber. Each time reinforcing the trigger ‘somnus’.
‘Alright already,’ Janey blurted. ‘This is boring. Are you going to fuck around all night or are you going to get her to do something?’
Danny’s mind was swirling with possibilities. He had his sister-in-law under his influence. If he phrased it in the right way, it was likely that she would do almost anything he asked. But his wife and brother-in-law were sitting here as chaperons. Having gotten nods from both of the others, Danny began his instructions.
‘Nancy. You are now a waitress. You are working a fancy house party and you really need to impress your employer. There are only three people left at the party, but you are keen to serve them well. If you look at yourself, you will see that you are wearing dark slacks and a crisp white blouse as your uniform for the evening. When I count to three you will awake and you will be that waitress. You will not recall having been hypnotized, and you will not recognize any of us as anything other than party guests who you have been serving all night. One… Two… Three…
‘Well it seems like most everyone else is gone,’ Nancy announced as she looked around the room. ‘Is there anything else I can get for you?’
‘Sure,’ Janey piped up. Can you get me another glass of white?’
‘Yeah,’ Dennis added. ‘We’ll take another couple beers too.’
‘Certainly. Coming right up.’
Quick and efficient, Nancy walked to the living room a minute later with the wine and beers. After serving, she moved back to the doorway and stood there awaiting another order.
‘She’s play acting,’ Janey hissed under her breath. ‘She’d do that even if she weren’t hypnotized. We need to do something else. Something she would NOT do unless she really was really hypnotized,’ she continued with a sly glance toward Dennis.
‘Make her take off her top,’ she instructed Danny. ‘You’ve been trying to get a look at her tits for years. I’ve seen you. If you like her little titties so much, then why don’t you make her show us? That is, if you can,’ she continued scornfully.
‘OK. If that’s what you want. Is that what you want too Dennis? Is it OK with you? OK then,’ Danny continued after seeing Dennis nodding. ‘I can’t just tell her to do it. Let me think for a minute.’
Danny needed to give her a reason to take her shirt off. But he needed to do it in a way that her subconscious would not resist. So deep in thought, he didn’t notice Janey give Dennis a sm
ile and a wink.
‘Nancy,’ he whispered softly. ‘What are you wearing?’
‘A blue tee shirt and jeans,’ came the dreamy reply.
‘No you’re not Nancy. You forgot something. You forgot that you’re wearing a bulky pullover sweater over your shirt. The thick warm dark blue one. It was OK before, but it’s too warm for in here. When I wake you up, you will begin to feel yourself getting overheated and you want to take off your sweater. It’s a bit tight so you will ask your sister to help you so your shirt doesn’t pull up too. When I wake you up, you will not remember any of these instructions and you will not remember being under hypnosis. When I wake you up, you will just feel increasingly warm and then you will ask Janey to help you get your sweater off. You will have no concern about exposure because Janey will be helping to make sure your tee does not come off too. Now. I’m going to count to three and when I get to three, you will awake alert and refreshed. One… Two… Three…
When she woke up, Nancy was shocked at what time it was. She could certainly remember pretending to be hypnotized, but how had she not been aware that time was passing so quickly? And why was it so warm in here?
‘Is anybody else feeling warm? It’s really getting hot in here.’
‘Well if you’re hot, you should get out of that big sweater,’ Janey prodded.
‘Yeah. Good idea. I don’t know why I put it on tonight anyway. Here. Can you help me so my tee doesn’t pull up? I don’t want the guys to get an eye full.’
There it was. Even with all his study Danny was amazed that it had worked. Nancy had just asked her sister to help her take her top off in front of them. Oh my God it was actually going to work. He began to feel himself stiffen in his pants as Janey moved over to her sister and reached under the hem of her tee.
‘OK Nance,’ she announced. ‘I’ve got your tee, pull your sweater up.’
As instructed, Nancy crossed her arms in front of herself, grabbed the hem of her tee and pulled it straight up over her head.
Danny was mesmerized. With no bra, her entire upper body was instantly revealed to his appreciative gaze. He had seen parts of Nancy’s breasts before, down her top when she was leaning over, and through the arm holes of her tank tops when she had been bra-less. But this. This was the full monty. The areolae were bigger than silver dollars, and dark. Not as large as Janey’s, but darker giving more contrast against her pale skin. The nipples centered within those dark circles were full and plump, even though they were only slightly erect. God he was hard.
‘You know Nance,’ Janey broke his reverie. ‘You’re looking really good tonight. Let me take your picture. Go stand with Danny.’
Danny almost swallowed his tongue as his topless sister-in-law quickly moved to his side and pressed her naked breast against his bicep.
‘Smile,’ Janey prompted, as she pressed the picture button on her phone. ‘Oh. Yeah. Looks good. Let’s do a few more. C’mon Danny. Put your arm around her. Pull her in close.’
Danny wrapped his hand around Nancy’s back and lay his bare palm on her ribcage just below her breast as Janey took several more shots with her phone. His cock was now fully hard in his slacks and it was extremely uncomfortable. From his position beside her he had a full unobstructed view of her firm C cup breasts. It was a dream come true and he didn’t want it to end.
‘OK,’ Dennis huffed. ‘Enough. Let’s get things back to normal shall we?’
Nancy couldn’t really fathom what Dennis meant by ‘back to normal’ but she never had much chance to consider it before Danny whispered ‘Somnus’ in her ear and she returned to her hypnotic trance state.
‘Listen guys, I think we better make her do something else we can let her remember so she won’t be too curious about what we did to her when she was under. I’ve got a couple ideas, but you guys will have to play along. OK?’
‘Forget that,’ Janey replied with force. ‘You proved you could do it and I’m tired. Just wake her up. If she has questions, we’ll cover for you. Right Dennis’
After getting Nancy back into her shirt, Danny reinforced the somnus trigger one more time. Then fearing Janey’s wrath, he, instructed her to remember her actions as a waitress and forget everything about her sweater and it’s removal before bringing her out of her trance.
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(Disclaimer: In regards to the cover image, I do not own any intellectual property or proprietary rights. I have no association or affliation with the owner/owners of the image or any of their content. The image is being used for demonstration purposes only, with no monetary or personal benefit of its use. If the original content owners wish for me to remove it, i will do so without hassle.) (Also. The porn actress in the cover image is called Sinn Sage. The video the image is from is called...
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I met Pam in my junior year at college. She had taken the seat next to me on the first day of Managerial Economics. As far as meetings go it was not an auspicious one. I glanced over at her when she sat down and that glance turned into a long appreciative look. She was a sexy looking ash blond, but what caught my attention were the long legs sticking out from under the short skirt and the pair of four inch 'come fuck me' heels on her feet. I have always been a leg man and high heels have...
Captain Foster believed my lies, patted my back and made me a corporal again. I got out of Morristown as fast as I could and back to staging ambushes. It became slow work as a winter storm and extra cold weather blanketed the countryside. We spilt up, went to seek whatever shelter we could find and promised to get back to work the next time the creeks were flowing. I headed for Trenton, despite the long cold ride, since I knew I would find a warm welcome in one or another bed there and might...
I was in a club I had never ben there before a friend had told me about it said it was a good spot to pick up guys and have fun so here I am at the bar looking around but after a drink or two I have to pee so I go to the little boys room for a tinkle I go into the stall because I like to pee sitting down its more relaxing that way and its how girls pee...I go into the stall in the back and put paper all around the rim first and then as I'm sitting there peeing I notice a cardboard sign on the...
I come from a large family, with aunts, uncles and cousins all over the place here in Scotland. During the 70's and when I was 15, my Dad got back in touch with one of these cousins who he hadn't seen since they were c***dren. They lived only an hours drive away on a farm, so one Sunday afternoon, Mum, Dad and I drove there for a visit.It turned out that Dad's cousin had three c***dren, two girls and a boy. One of the girls was only about 5, the boy was 8, but Nancy was a stunning fully...
It all started as harmless chat in an online adult chat room. She caught my attention and I was intrigued by her lusty manner. She was Scarlett and I became Rhett. We figured out when the best times to meet in the chat room were and chatted more and more frequently as time went on. I learned that she was married with three children and living in Puerto Rico where her hubby was stationed in the Coast Guard. I told her that I was also married with two children and living on the East coast of the...
First TimeI have always wanted to make love to my aunt Nancy. Many times I have seen her scantily dressed in panties and a T-shirt, a skimpy bathing suit, and even pantyhose and a bra. One time I even caught her lying on the couch wearing a robe that was open in the front, exposing her large tits. They are c-cups, but they look much larger, and she has very dark nipples, almost maroon colored. She has long dark-brown hair and a fairly trim figure, too. At the time this all took place I was about 16...
Note: I know several people who participate in the "LARP" (Live Action Role Play) called "Vampire-Masquerade". They asked me to come down to check it out. As they explained it to me, I asked how the characters were developed, and got some interesting answers. While the idea of joining in this activity doesn't hold my interest, I came up with this particular character, in case I ever do. Read, enjoy, point and snicker, whatever. I make no apologies to the fans of "Twilight" or "True...
This is pure fantasy I don’t know how it really works with transsexuals. Again feedback is appreciated. Please tell me how I might improve my writing, not just telling me you hate my writing. ***** ‘There’s Paul, gotta go.’ ‘Have fun.’ Nina struggled to maintain her smile until her roommate Keri left. Nina was happy that Keri had found someone who made her happy, but she just wished that someone could be her. Nina had been in love with her roommate for months, not quite since they had...
When I was in my late 20’s I was working at a company and I’d often take lunch the same time as Nancy She was in her late 30’s, maybe 40 something. She was pretty hot and lots of guys took her out. She liked to talk about sex, and how when she was horny she’d use ‘stuff’ to help her. I showed such interest, that we agreed to go out for a bite and go to her house after and ‘play’From our first date she had me mesmerized. She loved to show off and get me hot she would masturbate with all kinds of...
Baby Nancy Ich lernte meine neue Familie ?ber Facebook kennen. Meine neue Familie besteht aus Nicole 16 Jahre, Katja 12 Jahre und meiner Freundin 32 Jahre. Naja es ist nicht direkt meine Freundin, sondern ich, eigentlich 30 Jahre, lebe als ihre 3. Tochter in dieser Familie. Und nicht nur das, ich lebe als ihre Babytochter und werde behandelt, je nach dem, als w?re zwischen 2 und 4 Jahre alt. Au?erdem hat Heidi geerbt und ist recht wohlhabend, meinen Job habe ich aufgegeben. Meine Fr...
This is a chronicle of the most important two weeks of my life. First things first, though. I should warn you about this story. For, while the title is certainly accurate… and while this tale really IS about me hypnotizing the babysitter… and while it really IS about how this girl’s head was filled with all sorts of enticing and passionate suggestions… and while it IS about how these suggestions led her to engage in extremely arousing and exotic sexual relations with me… I feel obligated to...
I saw Nancy on the street seeing her husband off in the car, I casually asked her where he was going and she replied he's taking the car for a service. So I came in the house and got a virtual hard on immediatly, five minutes later I saw Nancy walking back from the shop and I called her in.She came to the door and asked me what I wanted, I said "Can you come here for a minute", she came into the kitchen and I said "Look out of the window", as she turned round, I lifted up her skirt and started...
This is my story about Ms.Sakina, she was our English teacher, and I guess Ms. Nancy my French teacher with whom I had sex would have told her about it. You can read that story (Frenched By Milf French Tuition Teacher) Anyway, one day after school, Ms. Sakina, called me and told me that I had to improve my marks in English and I can come to her home for tuition. I was always fascinated by her, she was fair good-looking, with big boobs, she would always wear a sari and her navel would be...
My name is Mike. This all started last summer. I had just finished high school, turned 18 and was soon going to college. The place my aunt lived was somewhat rural, but it was a large neighborhood. This neighborhood was a lot closer to the college I was going to, since it was only a half an hour away. My mom suggested that I go live with her to save money on gas. My aunt was 41yrs old and still pretty hot for that age; at 5'6" she had slightly wavy black hair that went just below her...
IncestHi, I am Nancy. This is my first story. I hope you like it. Please do leave your feedback. After my graduation I was looking forward to move to a better place, somewhere more peaceful and silent. I decided to move to Southport, a very peaceful place near the sea. I took a house near to the sea. Here the culture was different people lived in houses instead of flats with garden around them. I started looking for a job. A month passed by but I couldn’t find anything. I was also into BDSM. I used...
I heard the words that Carmine spoke with equal parts of sadness and shock. I heard him say that he blamed himself for what he did. It was news to me that he felt that way at all since the lawyers had convinced me that he wasn't guilty of trying to kill Hugo because he was truly impaired in his judgment because of the extended hours he was working. Even the DA said so, but he couldn't do anything when Carmine decided to plead guilty! But I could see his side of things as well. Carmine was...
The first person I tried to hypnotize was my roommate. He wasn’t cooperating too well, joking and laughing as I intoned my chant that he was sleepy and that he should concentrate on my voice as he fell asleep. After three tries I gave up on him and turned to other quarry. I was home for some break in school when my younger sister wandered into the living room complaining she was bored, she had nothing to do. Mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner; dad was messing around somewhere so it was...
This will be my last hypnosis story for a while and for those waiting on the sequel to Control: Who Wants it?, it is coming I just have a number of stories written that I want to post first. The problem is that I want to make sure that the sequel is good enough. Milla sighed as she tried not to be too obvious as she stared at Calypso, the cutest girl she had ever met. Milla was still struggling with the realization that she liked girls, she hadn’t decided if she was going to give up on boys...
For Nancy…The sunny afternoon brought on by the lovely sunrise at the break of dawn. You’ve been sitting on the hillside for hours, thinking, will I be over the hill and far away, or close to you? Your focus is tested with the distraction of me in your mind, with how we’ll be in person. How I’ll look at you when we lock eyes? What my body language will say when I extend my arms for you to fall in? Your thoughts battle in your mind, filling you with anticipation. Exhilarated, thrilled and full...
If you've seen my other post about Nancy you'll know it's been quite a while since I saw her. Furthermore, aside from that one night, I've not had sex with her. But, that's okay. I have a very fond and favorite memory of that night and every time I see her I flash back to the night I made her mine and filled her young pussy full of my seed. I fantasize that I was the first man to have that pussy.So, with that backdrop, you can well imagine my surprise when I saw her at the local grocery store...
My aunt lived in a very rural trailer park out in the country. She was single and needed some one to help her around her property. So my mom sent me to stay with her through the summer. I got there we hugged and she told me to sit down and relax. She made me lunch and then sent me out side to rake leaves. My aunt is a very bossy and dominant person who will tell you what to do and make you do it. My aunt was a wild country girl and very hillbillyish. She was also a alcoholic and drank every day...
She was about in her mid 50’s but had what looked like a nice figure. Not voluptuous, pretty average. Probably an average set of tits and not beautiful, maybe not even pretty, but a little enticing. She walked her dogs two to three times a day, and always between my house and the neighbors. She lived across the street. We barely spoke to each other. I was sitting on the chair by my front door when she walked by with the dogs. I called out to her, “Nancy, got a minute?” She reluctantly walked...
An Evening at the Opera with Her Nancy With his wrists attached to a lacing bar Jaycen watched Basilia, his lover and demanding husband, walk over to the wall and pull on the rope attached to the pulley above Jaycen. Gradually the bar rose upwards pulling his wrists with it until his arms were vertical, but still it continued to rise until he was standing on tiptoe. Only then did Basilia tie the rope to a stanchion mounted on the wall. He turned his head and watched as best he...
Hi Id likes to tell you a story that happened to me when I was 18.I had just graduated high school and still lived at home. I was raised by my dad and grandparents. My fathers brother lived about a mile away with his wife Nancy who id known since I was a kid. My uncle worked a lot of hours for years, basically ignoring her. She uses to ask me to go to the drive in (when they still had them) and I liked going she had always treated me like an adult and talked to me that way. Anyways this time we...
IncestI had just finished washing one of the dogs, getting him ready for neutering when Ruben called. It was a cute little Poodle, a miniature white almost ten months old. He was happy now, not knowing what was coming. Actually, it didn't hurt and they never knew anything was done. I pulled him out of the tub, wrapped him with a towel and put him down on the table where I would use the blow dryer to complete the job. His tongue was trying to reach my face as I rubbed him with the soft towel. I...
100% fictional! My name is Mike. This all started last summer when I had just finished high school. I just turned 18 and was soon going to college. The place my aunt lived was somewhat rural, but it was a large neighborhood. This neighborhood was a lot closer to the college I was going to, for it was only a half an hour away from the college. My mom suggested that I go live with her to save money on gas. My aunt was 41yrs old and was still pretty hot for that age; at 5'6" she had slightly wavy...
Incest*** Everyone in this story is over 18 and its fiction. Hi Id like to tell you a story that happened to me when I was 18.I had just graduated high school and still lived at home.I was raised by my dad and grandparents. My fathers brother lived about a mile away with his wife Nancy who id known since I was a kid. My uncle worked a lot of hours for years,Basicly ignoring her. She use to ask me to go to the drive in (when they still had them) and I liked going she had always treated me like an...
IncestMAY 24th I returned from my run at 9:30. It was a cool day, and I was chockfull of endorphins ... a real runner's buzz. "And how are YOU this wonderful morning, Dawn?" I chirped, bursting into the kitchen through the screen door. I came up behind her, sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar, and gave her a little peck of a kiss on her left cheek. "Mr. Torrance!" she exclaimed. Her hand went to her cheek, and she looked down and blushed beet red. "Sorry," I answered, pouring myself a...
MAY 24th I returned from my run at 9:30. It was a cool day, and I was chockfull of endorphins … a real runner’s buzz. ‘And how are YOU this wonderful morning, Dawn?’ I chirped, bursting into the kitchen through the screen door. I came up behind her, sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar, and gave her a little peck of a kiss on her left cheek. ‘Mr. Torrance!’ she exclaimed. Her hand went to her cheek, and she looked down and blushed beet red. ‘Sorry,’ I answered, pouring myself a cup of...
May 28th Tina came rushing into my office, too eager with suppressed information to heed my warnings about the room being ‘off-limits.’ The babysitter, who had just walked with her all the way from preschool, was hot on her trail in an attempt to corral the little filly, but she was running a distant second. ‘It’s her birthday!’ my daughter squealed. ‘It’s Dawn’s birthday!’ And so (I learned, after a bit of pointed interrogation) it was. Number twenty-three. The three of us wandered into the...
It’s been an anxious week as you waited for your package to arrive. Your mother had been teasing you about how gullible you are all week but you remained hopeful that this last ditch effort would finally help her quit smoking. With your encoder has tried the gum, a patch and even tried going cold turkey at one point. None of her prior efforts lasted more than a few weeks and after all those failures she was even more convinced than ever before that she would never be able to quit. After opening...
IncestMay 28th Tina came rushing into my office, too eager with suppressed information to heed my warnings about the room being "off-limits." The babysitter, who had just walked with her all the way from preschool, was hot on her trail in an attempt to corral the little filly, but she was running a distant second. "It's her birthday!" my daughter squealed. "It's Dawn's birthday!" And so (I learned, after a bit of pointed interrogation) it was. Number twenty-three. The three of us...