Pirates and Maidens
- 2 years ago
- 38
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She awoke and winced from the pain in her head. She didn’t open her eyes at first, just listened to the sounds around her. All was quiet. She was laying on a bed, on a ship. She opened her eyes and slowly sat up. She gingerly touched her head and felt the dried blood and matted hair. She looked around the small cabin she was in. She silently walked over to the door and tried the handle. It was of course locked. She realized with a shock that she was a prisoner. She had never been captured before and she cursed her own stupidity. It had been her own selfish pride that had gotten her into this mess. Her thoughts went to her crew and she wondered what their fate had been.
An hour later the door to her cabin opened and a tall, middle aged man with a sizeable belly stalked into the room. He stared at her, his gaze sweeping over her from head to foot. She glared, fury sparking in her violet eyes while he took her in. He approached her and reached out a hand to stroke her cheek. She slapped his hand away. ‘Don’t touch me,’ she hissed.
He gave her a surprised look and with a chuckle turned away. ‘The formidable female pirate, Catherine Veleslav. I can hardly believe my good luck at catching you so woefully and uncharacteristically unprepared. I will be quite the hero when I return you to England to be hanged,’ he said, his eyes twinkling.
‘Go to hell,’ she said quietly, her voice dripping with venom.
He again chuckled. ‘I’ve heard about your brazen nature and feisty temperament. That reputation is only succeeded by tales of your astonishing beauty. I see that neither has been exaggerated.’ His eyes swept over her again, hungrily this time. ‘I am the captain of the Eagle, Captain Edward Burnham at your service,’ he said gallantly. She only continued to glare at him.
‘Your clothes are torn and dirty and I’m sure you would appreciate a bath. More suitable attire will be provided for you after you bathe,’ he stated, his tone turning brisk. He approached the door and gestured for one of the guards to enter. ‘Take away Miss Veleslav’s clothes and replace them with the garment I gave you earlier. Notify me after she has had her bath.’ He turned to her with a smirk. ‘I will leave you in Jones’ capable hands.’ He then left the cabin.
The man named Jones stood staring at her. After a moment, he said, ‘The Captain said to give me your clothes.’
‘If you will please leave me with the replacement he gave you I will.’
‘No, you are to disrobe now,’ he replied, leering at her.
‘Fine,’ she said briskly and began to remove her clothes, her eyes not leaving Jones for a moment. She stood before him unabashedly naked as his eyes swept over her. ‘My change of clothes, please?’ she asked impatiently.
Jones tossed her a man’s shirt and left the room. She stared at the garment. Was this all she was going to be given? She laid it on the bed and waited for her bath. When it finally arrived, she endured the stares of the men carrying it and patiently waited for them to leave. She sank into the tepid water and vigorously soaped herself. She felt dirtier from the lecherous stares she’d had to endure than from the actual dirt on her person. She dried herself and picked up the shirt. She pulled it on and was glad that it came down almost to her knees, however, she was dismayed to find that the buttons had been cut off. With a sigh she turned back the long cuffs and sat on the bed, waiting to see what would happen next.
She had expected Burnham to return but instead she was given a meager dinner and left alone. It was three days later that he finally arrived.
‘Well, Miss Veleslav, how are you enjoying the voyage?’ he asked jovially, taking in her bare legs as she clutched the shirt closed.
‘Where’s my crew? Where’s my ship?’ she asked angrily.
‘Both your crew and ship got away safely. My only goal was to capture you, so after that was accomplished we quickly left your ship. Unfortunately my men did not want to leave right away and I heard that the injuries on your side were rather high and your ship did sustain quite a bit of damage. She should be alright though. Well enough to return to your hidden port.’
She looked up at him quickly, fear prickling her skin. He chuckled and said, ‘No need to worry. I don’t know of its whereabouts, only that all you pirates seem to have small islands, with hidden harbors.’
He fell silent, mesmerized by her near nakedness and beauty. He approached her, his eyes glazed with lust and Catherine felt a stab of fear in her stomach. She backed away, until she was pressed against the wall and he was so close she could feel his fetid breath on her cheek. She turned her head away, repulsed.
He grabbed her by the hair, turning her face to his. He pressed his wet lips to hers and she felt a wave of disgust. She struggled to free herself but he was stronger than she. His hand reached up and clumsily groped for her breast. He grabbed her roughly and she fought back the revulsion his touch brought. She relaxed in his embrace, pretending to relent. She ground her pelvis against him and when he parted his legs for her, she quickly brought her knee up. It connected forcefully with his groin and his hands dropped from her to clutch at himself as he staggered backwards. His face was pale and contorted with pain. She kicked his backside and he fell to the floor in a fetal position. She knelt by him and grabbed him by the hair, lifting his head off the floor. ‘Don’t ever touch me again!’ she breathed. She dropped his head and banged on the door, belligerently ordering the guards to rid her of him.
She sat on the bed, her knees drawn up to her chin, the sheet wrapped around her. She suspected there would be retaliation for her self defense and she had to admit she was afraid. Her mind went back over the events and she was struck by how similar they had been to what she had subjected Nathan to. He most likely had viewed her with as much disgust as she had her captor. At least she was prettier she thought with a small smile. She had a small porthole and it had been dark outside for quite some time so she thought perhaps she was safe for today. She extinguished the light and lay down.
She awoke the next morning to a guard bringing her breakfast. He placed the tray on the table and left without a glance or a word. She warily rose and donning the shirt she sat down to her breakfast. She spent a tense day, starting at every sound in the corridor but by nightfall the only persons in her cabin had been her guards bringing her meals.
A week passed before Burnham finally returned. He eyed her warily, well aware of what she was capable.
‘How do you feel, Captain?’ she asked him, glancing at his groin.
He only glared at her, not answering her question. Gruffly, he asked, ‘How are you faring? Is everything to your satisfaction?’
Surprised by his interest, she replied. ‘More suitable clothing would be appreciated,’ she replied dryly.
His gaze flicked over her. A small smile played about his lips. ‘My apologies madam, but we do not have any gowns aboard, so a shirt is all that we can provide.’
‘Surely you have a pair of trousers that will fit me?’
‘I do not consider trousers to be suitable clothing for a woman, so you must make do with what I give you,’ he replied still smiling, gazing at her bare legs. He approached her and standing arms length away, pulled a dagger from his belt. She tensed, seeing the blade and didn’t move as he pointed it at her. ‘Lower your hands,’ he whispered and she released her hold on the front of the shirt. With the dagger tip he parted her shirt, revealing her nakedness. His eyes shone as he stared at her, his breath coming faster.
Catherine’s own pulse quickened, not from excitement but from fear. If he threatened her with the dagger she would have no choice but to comply with his demands, demands that she knew would be made in bed.
Her mind again flew back to Nathan’s impr
isonment on her ship. How she had him shackled to the bed as she tormented him with her exposed breasts, her touch and her kisses. He had eventually given in, involuntarily surrendered to her. She would never give in to this man. He would never make her heart pound with passion, a groan of pleasure escape from her throat and most certainly not cry out in ecstasy. She stared back at him with icy eyes, her hands clenched at her sides.
‘Miss Veleslav, you are indeed beautiful. Yes, yes, very beautiful,’ he murmured.
No longer able to stand his eyes on her, she took a step back and pulled her shirt closed. ‘You’ve seen enough. I want you to leave,’ she demanded.
He stared at her for a moment and then burst out laughing. ‘It is such a shame that a gem of girl like you has to hang. But then again, with that temperament you would never have been able to keep a husband for long.’
Furious with him, she replied slowly, ‘I have no need for a husband nor do I wish one, now please leave.’
Replacing his dagger in his belt, he tipped his hat to her and left the room. Once she heard the key turn in the lock she collapsed onto the bed. She closed her eyes with relief that he hadn’t touched her this time. Her mind went back to Nathan shackled to the bed on her ship. How wonderfully helpless he had been, how enthrallingly helpless. Her hands slid down her belly and between her thighs as she gave in to the memories and desires she had been holding at bay since leaving him on her island.
The Veles limped into the harbor of the small island, her listing masts scraping the cliff walls, causing one to break off and fall into the water. She had been seen outside the harbor and the staff and remaining crew were already streaming down to the docks. Nathan was outside on the lawn with a few of his crew members taking in the sun when he heard the commotion. He overheard snatches of conversation as people ran past. ‘…she’s back so soon…’, ‘…masts listing…’, ‘…badly damaged…’. His heart caught in his throat and he joined the crowd waiting on the dock. He felt a cold stab of fear in his stomach when he saw the ship. Holes blown in her sides, masts broken and leaning badly, and the worst sign of all, hardly any crew on deck. The small boats were already out waiting and the injured crew was transported back to shore to fill the hospital that his men were just beginning to vacate.
Nathan grew more and more agitated when Catherine didn’t appear. He assumed she would stay on board until everyone else was off. He strained to see a flash of her mahogany hair or hear her shout out an order. Finally the last boat came across and she had not been in any of them. He grabbed a crew member as he stepped onto the dock.
‘Where is she? Where’s Catherine?’ he asked desperately.
‘She was captured, sir. We attacked a ship but she was too well armed for us. Captain ordered that we continue but the other, she turned on us and fired first, boarded us. They took her, we tried to stop them, but they were too much for us,’ he explained, the distress plain in his voice.
‘Where did they take her? Under which flag was the other ship sailing?’ he asked, fearing the worst.
‘England, sir. They’re taking her back to hang,’ the sailor replied quietly.
Nathan felt as though the air was being sucked out of his lungs, and a cold dread began to creep through his veins. They can’t hang her he thought. ‘You have to get her back. Get back out there and rescue her!’ he demanded.
‘How?’ the man asked. ‘Most of the crew is in hospital, and of those who aren’t, no one knows how to chart a course or navigate. I’m afraid it’s hopeless.’ He turned and headed up the drive to the house.
Nathan stood on the dock, staring at the crippled Veles. She couldn’t be gone, she just couldn’t be. But what could be done? As the man said, it was hopeless.
He turned to the house, heading back to the sick room to see to his men. That night, he returned to his rooms and was pacing through them. It was late but he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep. Dawn was breaking as he sat in a chair and watched the sun come up over the trees. He began to hear sounds in the house and soon his breakfast was brought to him. Along with it was a note from Simpson, Catherine’s first mate, requesting to see him.
He ate his breakfast and then went down to the hospital where Simpson was. He had been shot in the leg and was not yet able to walk. Nathan drew a chair up to his bedside and sat down.
After inquiring about his wounds and talking about the attack, Simpson looked up at Nathan, staring at him intently.
‘I want you to go after her,’ he said simply.
‘What do you mean?’ he asked, his heart quickening.
‘Take however many men are able on the Perun and go after her. When she is back here safely, you can go.’
‘I’m already allowed to go. She gave that order before she left,’ he said indignantly, however his pulse was racing and he could already feel her in his arms again.
‘You can sail away on the Themis, your ship,’ Simpson replied. ‘If you bring her back … safe,’ he added.
Simpson gave the order for all able bodied men to report to the ball room. He also stated in no uncertain terms that Nathan was in charge. He would be captaining the Perun. Several hours later Nathan had his crew, which was a mix of his and Catherine’s men, and they were loading supplies onto the ship. He had sailed the Themis and ships like her across the Atlantic before but he had never sailed a ship like this one. He stood on the dock watching the smaller boats rowing back and forth. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He could do this. For Catherine he could, and would, do this. His first mate, Thornton, had come through the voyage on the Themis in good shape and would stand by him on this trip.
Two weeks after Catherine had been captured, the Perun slid out of her harbor and onto the open ocean. Nathan was relying heavily on the Perun’s original crew to get them going as he wasn’t familiar with her rigging or how she reacted to maneuvering. After a few days he had a better feel for the ship and they were slicing through the waves searching for the Eagle.
After a week, Nathan began to get restless and agitated. How were they supposed to find one ship in the whole Atlantic ocean. The Perun’s original crew had assured him that they knew how to find ships. They knew the usual lanes the ships traveled through and they were confident that they would find her.
A cry came from the lookout that a ship had been spotted. Nathan picked up the spy glass and peered towards the horizon. Sure enough it was a ship, just a speck of white, too far away to identify. He paced back and forth waiting as they raced towards the unknown vessel. After ten minutes the lookout shouted down that it wasn’t the Eagle but from the lines of her, most likely another pirate ship. Nathan asked what they should do.
‘Hoist the jolly roger sir. Let her know what we are. If we pull alongside we can let them know we need to talk.’
Nathan watched as the black flag with the scull and crossbones was raised and waited. He peered through the glass and saw the same flag flapping from the mast of the other ship. They pulled up alongside and the captain of the Firewind, Joseph Burrows, came onto the Perun. Nathan and Holmes, an original crew member, sat down with him.
‘We’re looking for the Eagle, have you seen her?’ Holmes asked Captain Burrows after pleasantries and introductions were made.
He looked at Nathan and replied, ‘Yes, we saw her a few days back. Thought about trying to take her but she showed her cannons and we left straight away. She’s heavily armed and I wasn’t in the mood to take the chance.’ He looked around at the men seated at the table. ‘What’s your business with her?’ he asked suspiciously.
‘They have Catherine Veleslav,’ Nathan replied bluntly. ‘We’re going to rescue
‘Catherine Veleslav?’ Burrows asked incredulously.
‘You know her?’ he queried.
‘I’ve never actually met the lass but she’s legendary as far as pirates go. Not many women take up this trade and none do it as well as she. If you’re going after her, we’ll join you. I didn’t want to face that ship on my own but with both of us and to rescue the fair Miss Veleslav, well that’s a different matter altogether!’ he exclaimed, pounding the table happily.
Nathan felt his spirits soar. He had been losing hope of finding her but now there was a chance.
‘Follow us and we’ll find her,’ Burrows said, rising from the table.
He quickly returned to his own ship and soon the Firewind was being followed by the Perun, to retrieve her captain.
…to be continued…
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These first chapters will be about setting up the story. At the moment I'm going to recommend to read Anne West's story as that's the one I'm gonna be focusing on the most until I feel like i have written enough to pursue other characters and possibilities. When it comes to the mens side of the stories I recommend Edward Lee, as that at the moment is my secondry objective of characters. I have a rough idea of what to do with those characters so they will be receiving the most amount of updates.
BisexualLooking out of your cabin's window, you marvel at the beauty and ever-changing tunnel of supra-light speed. Colors and shapes pass by and disappear behind the ship as it speeds closer and closer to home. The voyage aboard the Royal Saturn could not have been better. Three weeks sailing the star ways on the most luxurious cruise ship in the known galaxy was the best graduation present your fathers could have given you. With ports of call like Sevag 7, Rollad 3 and the Straeb Cluster, you've been...
My wife Penny and I had been looking forward to this trip for several months now. Our best friends Mac and Diane were coming with us, along with some other dear friends we hadn't seen in well over two years now. Jim and Stacy had moved away out of state in order to take a better paying job. When we first mentioned the idea of renting a houseboat for a week, cruising Lake Powel, they were more than excited to join us as soon as we could get things set up. Jim and Stacy were the perfect odd...
There was a letter on the doormat when we let ourselves in and Cassie squealed with delight when she recognized the handwriting, "It's from Sally and Mandy" She read it, then read it again, and passed it to me with a smile on her face, Basically they were saying that as there'd been a fire in their school, it would be closed for the three weeks that were left of the term, they were bored during the day, could they come and see us? I couldn't help the grin on my face (or was it a...
I didn't see them for over an hour when we got back, but I heard them, lots of girlish squeals and giggles echoed from upstairs as I wrestled with the assembly instructions for the barbecue, at one stage I caught a glimpse of Cassie's sexy little bottom running upstairs after she'd made a brief foray into the kitchen for a bottle of vodka, Finally I got the damn thing together and it actually lit first time, pouring myself out a well earned drink, I sat on one of the garden chairs and...
We all slept together in the huge king sized bed that night, me and Mandy in the middle of the other two, several times during the night I awoke to find myself pressed up into a soft pair of naked breasts, hands gripped my penis and I felt hard pointed nipples in my back. It wasn't the most comfortable night I'd ever spent but it was certainly one of the most erotic! We ate breakfast, a good old English fry up of bacon, eggs, tomatoes and fried bread and then called a taxi to take us into...
We all cried that night, it had all been perfect, we were all going to work on our boat, yes, our boat, because that was the way I thought of it, it was a way for us all to forget our harsh upbringings and yet a means to do something useful with the amazing legacy left to me and Cassie! Gradually, as we sat together in the lounge, the girls let their story unfold, their mother had been just thirteen when she fell pregnant with them and she didn't even know the name of their father, he was...
We took the documents into Mr Kitson the following morning, he read through them carefully and sighed as he sat back in his chair and looked at us over his glasses, "This explains a lot Chris" he said smiling, "You see, I acted for your parents in everything they did, so when they tragically died, I just couldn't understand why there was no money, now I know, you now own a pub as well, or at least you will do when you pay Jack the ten thousand pounds still outstanding" Cassie squeezed...
It took six months before we got any kind of return for our huge investments, Jane did a very wise thing in renting out her house on a long term lease through Mr Kitson and the three of them moved in with us. Jane proved invaluable to us, she showed me how to claim back money we'd paid out for items which would become company assets by the system of taxation in our country, she showed a hard side to her personality when dealing with the builders renovating the pub, it was raining one...
It was quite a night, Jane and the twins loved it behind the bar and all the attention they received from Sean's gang, a representative from the brewery was there too and commented that he hoped there would be many more nights like this, "Especially when we start charging for our supplies" he added and drifted away to speak to someone else, "What did he mean by that Jane?" I asked the pretty new landlady, "They supplied the booze tonight for free" she replied, "This is what's...
Mondays, Jane didn't open the pub until eight p.m. so once the delivery men had replenished the stock, I decided to tidy up the garden at home whilst Jane went over the books, Cassie had the time of her life bombing around the lawns on a ride on mower, not the most ideal form of transport for a pretty sixteen year old in a mini skirt and without panties, but both me and Jane enjoyed it immensely! The twins were cleaning the boat along with Shamus, quite a long job after the previous day's...
"Oh God yes" I knew it" Cassie said softly, "She's been looking at her mum all night, oh fuck Chris isn't that the horniest sight you've ever seen?" Sally was fast losing control of herself as Jane's tongue delved into the sweet, wet, moisture of her daughter's pretty little cunt, "She's going to let her bladder go in a minute" she whispered as she clung to me, "She's got that look on her face, believe me Chris, I know that look" She did let it go, somewhat uncertainly, but...
The Captain leafed through my minutes and read them for a moment before putting them down. I was still standing by the door so she told me to bolt the door from the inside and take my jacket off ... I turned around to see her throwing her jacket onto the floor. 'It's time to see if you can satisfy me in the other way I need you to. Time to earn your reprieve', she told me seductively. 'Certainly Captain', I told her with a smile on my face and she held her hand out and pushed me onto...
'Cabin Boy. WHERE WERE YOU?', the Captain bellowed as I entered her quarters. 'Sorry Captain. Tara asked me to drop off some binoculars to the Crows Nest', I replied honestly. 'SHE DID WHAT?', the Captain replied and looked at me. I shifted nervously as her eyes bore through me. 'Is there anything else you want to tell me, Cabin boy?' 'Yes Captain. Jacqueline was naked in the Crows Nest and playing with herself', I answered. 'And you did what?', she asked. 'I gave her the...
The last few boxes of the cargo was moved down into the hold as the ship made steady progress through the waves. The wind and waves were much stronger, and it was harder to carry heavy boxes down narrow stairs as the ship bounced across the sea. Morale amongst the crew was noticeably buoyant. The Captain smashed open the last box to be loaded and proudly held aloft a nine-inch long slab of gold metal. 'An ingot. A gold ingot. This is our greatest ever haul', she declared triumphantly. A...
We were interrupted when Suzanne appeared, looking bedraggled and exhausted. There was a slightly awkward exchange as Tara said her goodbyes and got dressed, while Suzanne pretended to not care that we had been enjoying ourselves in the bed she shared. 'You OK?', I asked her to break the stony silence. 'Fucking knackering being up there. All my leg muscles are in agony. And its just started lashing it down', she moaned. I resisted the urge to remind her that it was her own fault, and...
I was ready to wake the Captain up at dawn and hesitantly knocked sharply on her door. There was no answer, so I tried again and again. When I opened the door, the Captain was not there and so I walked up onto the Main Deck and then the Upper Deck. 'Ahh ... Cabin Boy ... I have no need for you this morning', she told me from the other end of the Upper Deck. 'Yes Captain', I told her and went to leave. 'Go and help the crew in the galley', she bellowed and I went off to help Hannah...
I was dressed and ready to continue my training in the afternoon, when Tara failed to appear on the Upper Deck when she promised. I gazed out over the unforgiving, choppy ocean when she re-emerged five minutes later with a small box and a bag on the Upper Deck. 'I have the afternoon off', she explained, 'So its some weaponry training for you. These are training swords, but the end is blunted' Tara removed two wooden weapons from the box and the ends of the blades were cut off and...
I awoke at dawn and eagerly got myself ready. I had a good feeling about the day and was raring to go. My muscles were aching slightly after the exertions of yesterday but after a quick stretch in the shower I felt rejuvenated. The Captain ate her breakfast in silence and I did not feel comfortable bringing up my issue of being the only person who got punished for Holly. Surely, Holly getting punished for Holly would be fair also! I cleared up the breakfast things and was outside the...
The sail proved to be a nice distraction for the Captain who seemed at ease ordering her crew around while her juices dripped down her legs and she was half-naked. I brought her some clothes and her boots out to her after tidying the room, which she did put on eventually. Tabatha gave me an all-knowing look but the amount of noise the Captain makes when orgasming I was sure that the entire ship knew she got herself off. Not that it bothered her, or indeed anyone else. It was after-all...
I woke up at dawn and got ready without disturbing the Captain. I was concerned at first by her complete lack of movement but her breathing indicated that she was fine and so I sought out the toilet, then a shower, then breakfast. The Captain stirred as I came into the room carrying two trays laden with food. 'Before you ask, I am fine', she told me as she swung her legs out of her bed. The Captain was a little exasperated with me trying hard to look after her, and when I offered to help...
The Navigation Room was not designed for comfortable sleeping, but Tara and I managed to use some old bedding, the towels and a musty duvet to fashion a mattress and bed and we settled down for the night. Tara was not in the mood to talk to me, being tired and so all I really got was a warm cuddle. The following day, Tara and I were awake and up before the rest of the crew. We had a quick shower, used the lavatory and got breakfast before I woke the Captain, whose wound was still weeping. I...
The Captain was awake when I returned naked from the shower with my clothes under my arm. Amanda was still in my quarters and I still had to go in for clean clothes. I had forgotten to do that prior to my shower and didn't want to get changed in front of Amanda who was beginning to stir. The Captain leered at me while I did get change and made a number of rude comments before dispatching me downwards to get her breakfast. I returned with a tray of toast with jam and two steaming mugs of...
Tara and I knocked on the Captain's door and upon being called in, two naked members of her crew burst in her office dripping wet. She burst out laughing and got up from her bureau. Looking down at Tara's thighs that had my cum dripping down it she scraped her finger up her leg and held it out in front of Tara. 'You have been a busy boy, haven't you', she said looking at me. I nodded, cold and self-conscious. It was irrational. I was often naked in front of the Captain but this time it...
During the first couple days on her makeshift raft, she had been able to stay alert and awake. Now, it was nearly impossible to keep her eyes open. She drifted in and out of sleep, finding that each time she opened her eyes, the sun had crept higher into the sky. Her mind drifted and she dreamt of hearing voices. She laughed softly as she dreamt of being rescued and placed in a big feather bed. Men came to her and waited upon her, pampered her. She could almost taste the fresh water on her...
This story was previously posted on this site. The text below has been re-edited. *** ‘You’re a heartless bitch,’ he shouted as he stuffed his male parts into the jeans he had just snatched on over his legs. He yanked the fly closed and grabbed his T-shirt off the floor. Cramming his arms into the sleeves, he yanked it over his head, dragging it down to cover his torso. ‘They’re right about you. You’re the queen of glaciers.’ He dropped into a chair and pulled his shoes onto his feet without...
A widower is seduced by his teenage daughter. (M/f-teen, ped, inc, exh, 1st, oral, mast, anal, rom)***I guess it was all my fault. My wife walked out on my daughter and me, four years ago. Kasey was only ten at the time. My Ex had found a new life and one day when we got home she was gone. A note that didn’t say enough was on the kitchen table. My daughter took it very hard. Me, I never saw it coming.When my wife first left, our daughter was so upset she got in the habit of climbing into bed...
Author: Slaveboyusa Please send comments to: [email protected] Title: Thief of Hearts Summary: At age 38, Tina Harlot is ready to settle down. But, what you don’t know about her is that she is an international jewel thief. She has stolen priceless diamonds from all over the world. But, she has not captured the most valuable jewel of all, the human heart. Tonight, Tina does her final job. It is 6pm on a December night and Tina Harlot is perched on the roof a Central City bank. There...
Keith Jones – Pirate Fooks – Gunnery Terry Brakston - mate Micky Folliger – new mate Big George - crew Monique Debeer – governess (30+) Madrigal – brown hair eldest sister (19) Melissa – light brown hair second sister (17) Angela – blonde third sister (15) April – light black maid (17) May – flat and black haired maid (17) June – brown haired (17) Augusta – pale hair( 39) Zanubia – pale straw hair (25) Nell – cook Bill Non-mad Bill to distinguish him – handiman and husband to Nell The ship...