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The venue was packed, and the lights had now been lit whilst the stage was set up, and the sound testing took place.
Fortunately, when we arrived the supporting act was on their last song, and how glad were we to miss their full set list, especially judging by their exiting track!
We decided that I had plenty of time to go to the bar, and get us some drinks, before the main band came on. The anticipation was building within the venue under the expectancy of the upcoming act, and Jill, not being an exception, was dying to get down to the front. With the bar starting to get swamped by the thirsty locusts of black PVC and leather cladded Metal/Industrial fans, I offered to go get our drinks due to the possible long wait, so with a wet kiss and stroke of my wife's pert bum, I left Jill to do her magic of procuring front row positions, which she had a great track record of achieving.
Ever aware that any guy would just let her slim alluring figure, barge and squeeze in beside them, not caring about having just been jolted out of the way by a pretty pale skinned girlie, with raven dark pixie hair and big doe-like peepers.
They would just be happy and content to have her standing beside them as an object of their attention, unashamed of any obvious stares they make, whilst imagining stripping my sultry wife, and fucking her mentally in an array of uncompromising positions.
That line of thought always spurred my cock to twitch and pulsate, I could feel the blood rush down my body and start to inflate my penis, so my focus was drawn to watching Jill squirm her way through the crowd. Jill's soft tush and pert breasts being pressed, and rubbed up against the other people in the auditorium is such a turn on, and seeing her little black and white tartan skirt ride further up her legs, baring her smooth thighs, and the rising curve of her ass, brought on an mental erection. Quickly followed by an increased swelling in my leathers, and I found myself having to readjust my cock to a more comfortable position. I tried to do so discreetly, but Jill caught me touching my aching groin as I rearranged and the shock on her face, swiftly changed to a cheeky wink and a luscious flick of her glistening tongue, causing my cock to swell in size and harden to the point of obvious excitement on my part.
With a pleased look and a blown kiss, Jill disappeared into the crowd. Only the sight of her obscured by the crowd, allowed me to break from my increasingly dirty thoughts, and turn my attention to getting our drinks.
Being pleasantly surprised the bar wasn't that swarmed after all, I moved awkwardly towards it at first, due to being quite aware of my wood showing, as I had opted out of wearing underwear this evening.
Luckily, it was more closely packed with few people there at the bar so no one could notice my exposed glory, giving me greater comfort, yet arousing me all the more at the same time, with the taboo of exhibiting so much of my excitement in such a way.

The bore of monotonously pigeon stepping my way to the counter, along with the other customers, only drove me to more erotic musings whilst I waited. Thoughts of Jill in the crowd right now, being 'accidentally' pressed into by some guys from behind, popped up in my mind, sending the flow of blood straight to my cock as I envisioned Jill raising her tush, so their crotch could rest just under her sweet cheeks, in so allowing my little minx to pretend that she doesn't notice their attention, and also for her to rub her little mound on their thickening bulge.

As I came within a row of two people ahead of me in line for drinks, I found myself soon behind a set of pretty Punk/Goth styled European girls, one with black and blue highlighted hair and the other completely bleached platinum, probably between the ages of 18-22, both had a multitude of piercings in their ears, noses, lips and eyebrows, along with an array of tattoos.
The one with platinum coloured hair had what seemed to be a vine like tattoo, snaking down from her neck, and seemingly across the side of her breast and possibly down her ribs. She was wearing a pair of high heeled, black leather boots, making her quite petite, as still the top of her head came only up to my chin. As well as donning a black frilly skirt under a net petticoat, worn over a pair of torn tights, and an off the shoulder long sleeved shirt, with a corset cinching in her already tiny waist, pushing out her small breasts. She looked pretty hot in her little outfit. She had looked over her shoulder twice since I arrived in the queue, and we had shared a look and even a smile on the second occasion.
Quite quickly I found her being dragged into my erotic thoughts too, especially due to wanting to find out how much of her body is covered with ink. Although they were speaking quite loudly to one another, I was unable to understand their conversation, as they spoke very quickly, and had an accent that was difficult to follow, definitely of a northern region.
As my ears became accustomed to their speech, they were rudely interrupted, as the guy in front, when finally served and now received his drinks, spun carelessly around, using his elbows to plough the people behind out of his way unapologetically, and nudged the girls in front of me harshly, in the process, knocking the platinum haired girl off balance, making her fall in my direction.
Instinctively my hands rose to support her arms as she fell precariously backwards, she steadied herself against the palms of my hands and, grasping onto my hips and thigh, she began to right herself. She seemed about to express her thanks, when on turning she lost grip on her heels and then again fell on me, this time causing me to almost fall too.

So there I was, in a half squat, and to my embarrassment with a girl in almost the exact manor I was earlier fantasizing my sexy wife in; with her body cradled in my arms, and with my hard-on pressed against the small of her back and her ass cheeks.
Hearing her gasps as her soft cheeks squished against my groin, I quickly righted her and moved swiftly a step backwards, fearing her retaliation, even though I'd happily enjoyed the moment to have lingered.
However, once steady footed, she turned and faced me, her gaze lowering to my crotch and raising up to meet my eyes. She smiled wickedly and said: “Thank you”.
Stumbling over my own words I replied with “You're welcome”.
“What a jerk! Huh?”, she said in an European accent, with her eyes still wandering down to the bulge in my trousers. And mine flowing down to her bosom.
Coming closer and getting on tiptoes she whispered in my ear: “Do you like what you see”, making my face heat with embarrassment of being caught out. Yet I quickly recovered and whispered back to her: ''I do...Very nice, you have beautiful skin. And what about you?” I chuckled, realizing that she too should be somewhat embarrassed with her stares at my body, but seeing she wasn't at all ashamed, my confidence bloomed and I continued: “You’ve had more than a look”, ensuring she recalled all too well her own gazing eyes at my crotch just seconds earlier.
She in return blushed, and gave a slight giggle before tugging at my shirt to indicate for me to bend down, so she could again whisper in my ear:
“Oh I have, I felt it too!”. She laughed as her voice echoed in my ear: “Very nice too...Tell me, does it always go around in such a state?”.
“Not always, but I must say pretty often”, I laughed at my own joke, and fortunately she did too.
It was then that her companion turned to face us from the bar and passed on a drink to her friend whilst smiling at me. She spoke very quickly in her language to her friend.
Then my new acquaintance said to me: “It looks like your turn now!”.
“Thanks”, I replied and then stepped aside for them to pass by. Yet before the platinum haired girl walked away, she said: “Thanks again for saving me from dropping on my ass”, she then reached up and with planting a kiss on my cheek, added: “Although it might have been a softer landing if you had let me fall.”.
Smiling, she gave me a wink, before moving away with her friend, whom she had obviously translated her last comment to, which resulted in a burst of giggling from them both.
I admit, it took me a brief moment to figure out what had been said, then chuckling to myself I propped up against the bar to order drinks for myself and Jill. Looking over my shoulder, I caught the girl doing the same, she gave a little wave before disappearing into the crowd.
After obtaining our beverages, I squeezed and excused my way through the mass of leather outfits and tattooed skin, towards the front. I had just reached the second line of the horde, to make a quick search for Jill, when I suddenly felt a roaming hand pawing at my crotch. Instantly I knew she was just in front of two very tall guys that I found myself standing behind.
Jill turned to them, spoke a few words and indicted my presence, they turned their heads to look down at me, before turning aside to offer me a space next to my wife, each giving me a slight grin and a nod of the head. It appeared that Jill had struck up some sort of conversation with them earlier, as hardly a word passed between them, yet I was expected, and their looks at my wife seemed to say that some sort of a moment had been shared with them all.
This feeling was strengthen by me noticing that Jill's skirt swung momentarily, and their hands closest to her body were swiftly pocketed upon my arrival, and the looks on their faces, almost of disappointment, had all been caught in my peripheral view, I thought, but I put it down to my imagination as the auditorium was dark, and the movement was so slight it could have easily been a flight of fancy on my part, having just come from my recent encounter.

We had a little wait for the forthcoming band, which we passed by drinking our drinks and having small talk with Jill's new found acquaintances, but the talk ran pretty thin after exchanging names, and a few compliments on Jill's outfit, ending with the 'all too well' known statement that I'm a lucky guy, which I normally get from the guys that come in contact with Jill.
When I felt that the pleasantries had passed, I pulled Jill in closer to me and started reciting my little encounter to her, as I knew she would enjoy hearing it.

This retelling got Jill very excited, and I soon found her hands roaming over my arms and chest. But shortly her caresses travelled further down, settling at my crotch, where she began to cup my balls, giving them gentle tugs and squeezes over my leather trousers.
“Can you see her?”, Jill asked, but even with stretching my neck behind the two pillars of men, that gave my darling wife and myself these great positions, I was unable to catch sight of the girlie.
“Sorry hon, no luck.”, I replied.
“Oh well, maybe you'll see her when we leave... Let me know if you do”, Jill requested as she shrugged.
“Of course I will baby”, I said, “Tell me, my sweet, how were you able to get these guys to give up such a fantastic spot?”, I questioned my resourceful wife, although having a good clue about the answer she would give. Yet, I was curious for the whole story, and her exact answer.
I witnessed then one of the most cheekiest smiles I've ever seen on Jill's face, just before she dropped her head, and shyly muttered a distinctly unbelievable reply:
“Ah well, you know, I just asked politely”, before hugging me close to her petite body, and burying her face into my chest in a lame attempt to further hide any giving expression.
But with a little thought on my part, and with Jill giving away a lot in her reaction, the puzzle pieces came together.
Now being able to trust what I thought I caught sight of, I enquired if she had been naughty, and that if our great position to the stage was maybe due to a slight offering on her part.
Her eyes flashed straight at mine, likely to gauge my reaction to figuring out what might have had occurred in my absence. My smile appeared to reassure her, as she brought her lips to my ear whilst still pressing her bosom into me, and told me how she had gotten her way through the crowd with a few bumps and apologies, but found herself against these guys, and could not see anything or find any way around them, so she thought that, if she'd ask them politely, they may let her in the front, out of kindness.
Which they did after a fashion, and after passing a few incoherent words to one another, which Jill noticed and it made her feel a little suspicious at first.
Then she said: “They parted, and made no qualm about it, however only the shortest of moments passed before one of them asked me if I was by myself'. I thought then, that my suspicions were right.”, she explained, “But, I told them the truth and said that you were getting us some drinks, and would soon come and find me.”
“How did they take it?”, I asked.
“Well, they expressed a sort of exaggerated indignance, and tusked to each other...but I asked if it's still okay that they'd let me pass, along with you coming to join us, and they agreed it was alright. It did feel like they were... despite my offer to move... getting short changed, and I don't know why, but I asked if there was anything that I could do to make up for it”.
Jill told me then that she caught the wink shared between them both, and realised that she might have just put her foot right in it, with that retort.
“They told me not to look so worried, I tried to protest that I wasn't, but it appeared that I didn't cover my surprise too well...” she then carried on: “You see the guy to your left, the one with the bald head and greying beard, he put his hand on my shoulder and bent down to whisper in my ear, telling me that I was the most attractive woman here! Of course I thought, he's so lying, yet I don't know why... for he's really not even my type and all... but him telling me that, and maybe the grasp he had on my shoulder, actually made my legs weak... And it got me a little wet!”, Jill giggled at that last sentence, making her face glow and beam with beauty, and I kissed her once on each cheek, telling her how cute she is. She smiled, and continued:
“I thanked him of course, although shamefully blushing at his comment, and then asked him what it is I could possibly do in return for them making space for me and my husband, which I made sure they both heard. He quickly told me that they would only like to feel me up a bit before you came to find me. That really threw me, yet I managed to tell them, that I really wasn't sure about that, and that someone might see”, Jill told me before exclaiming how much she felt like a slut for that last sentence!
“Oh honey, you must think the worst of me!”, she stated, but I assured her that wasn't the case and urged her to continue with what happened, feeling my cock strain terribly in her grasp.
We kissed for a moment, one arm over my shoulders and the other hand of Jill's still clutching at my shaft, and squeezing firmly at my balls till they ached, whilst I let my hands fall to her waist, then down to her pert butt, giving it a squeeze. Breaking our smooching, I again urged her to continue with her re-encountment.
She took a deep breath, before bring her lips up to my ear to whisper: “I love you”.
I returned the sentiment and held her tightly till she spoke, saying:
“Then they said that they wouldn't go too far with touching me, but getting a feel of my body would really make their night.”
I laughed out loud, although not all too shocked with their request - I would have dared to ask for the same.
“Ha! I know they were making all that shit up”, Jill said “Yet it's still nice to be wanted, so I agreed! I couldn't believe it honey, but I thought, fuck it, I know you wouldn't be jealous, in fact I thought you would be proud of me!?”.
“I am, my love, that's for sure, you are too cool, and so sexy... So did they?”, I asked.
“At first they were very nervous, but as soon as the guy on my left took courage and started to stroke my back, the other guy, who barely spoke, went straight to my arse.”.
“It's always the quiet ones that are the worst!'”I retorted, “So, how was it?”, I asked.
“It actually really freaked me out at first, especially in this crowd, I felt my body freeze as their hands touched me, and I was really stiff, but no one noticed, I think, I did look around but it really didn't seem that anyone could see them doing it. I do admit, I would have liked to have seen your face finding me with these two huge guys, and with their hands all over my bum!”, she said with the cattiest of smiles.
“I'm sure you would have, you little tease!”, I replied whilst applying a firm kiss to the top of her head: “Please continue honey, you are getting me turned on.” I confessed.
“Oh really, I had hoped you wouldn't have minded, and I can see you definitely don't!”, she replied as she groped my increasing bulge.
Our conversation was suddenly disrupted as the stage erupted with a deafening roar from the speakers, indicating that the main band were soon to come on. Jill turned to face the stage whilst still keeping her hands over the front of my leathers, and squeezing my cock through the fabric, making me groan and lean into her.
I whispered in her ear how much she was turning me on, and I asked for her to squeeze even harder on my dick, which she managed very well, even through the tough material.
Jill glanced at me smiling, and told me how much she loves holding my cock, and how wet her panties are for doing this in PUBLIC!
I told Jill how sexy she is, and that I love her even more for her confidence, and for being so slutty!
With a twinkle in her eye, she used her other free hand to grab my belt, and pulled me closer to her so I was really squished up against her sweet body.

As the lights of the venue begun to lower, and the tightly packed crowd was submerged in darkness, all of our lewd behaviour was far greater concealed, and all of my attention was focused on Jill's frisky fingers, that tugged and manipulated my swollen penis.
“Do you like me doing this baby? Does it really get you so turned on when other guys touch your slutty wife?”, Jill asked as her head tilted backwards, and rested on my shoulder, whilst I felt her ass pressing against my crotch, and rhythmically swirling around my erection with alternating upward pumps, and long slow downward grinds as she positioned me between her ass cheeks, right to the point that the ridge caused by my thickening pole had Jill's skirt fully risen up.
“You know it's such a thrill thinking about you flaunting your stunning body, and even letting others feel you up. Did they get any further than touching your cute tush?”, I enquired, hoping that the two guys had further exploration of her firm and supple assets.
“Unfortunately not honey, you came back far too soon, I did feel one of them edge towards my pussy though, and I really wanted him to do it.”, she divulged, blushing across the bridge of her nose from cheek to cheek.
“Ah fuck... My damn timing, I knew I caught something, I thought I saw their hands sliding out from under your skirt, but I had imagined it was just wishful thoughts, I wish I had spotted you and held back to watch!”, I confessed my disappointment to Jill.
“Well, you can always imagine that they did, I surely will, and maybe I can make it up to you, so you don't feel you've missed out on too much this night.”, Jill whispered over her shoulder to me as she unzipped my crotch and quickly burrowed her hand into my leathers, then teasingly stroked the skin of my cock with her fingertips.
“Fuck, honey, what are you up to?”, I croaked from the astonishment of having Jill caress my throbbing meat.
“Just having a little fun, and pleasing my sexy hubby for being the coolest.”, she responded, prior to wrapping those same fingers around the base of my shaft, drawing a groan from within me as she squeezed on my erection, causing carnal pangs to surge from my groin and throughout my body.
Shockingly in a swift motion Jill astounded me even more by pulling out my entire length, tucking it directly between her soft burning thighs.
I was perturb and just stood motionlessly behind her, taking quick glances from side to side, checking for any expressions of outrage or bewilderment, from any of the people pressing firmly around our embracing bodies. No one showed any sighs of such, luckily the band had just walked on so for the greater majority the focus and attention was directed to the stage, although a few sidelong peeks were made towards my alluring wife in her teasing outfit from some of the guys beside us.
With the constant attempts to jostle us away from our popular positions, my cunning cutie had procured for us, I feared that my erection would spring free and become exposed, even though Jill had ensured that it was kept out of sight. Yet anxiously I gripped Jill's waist hard and unflinchingly. The firmness of my grasp provoked her to buckle and melt in my arms, she purred against me, her scent filling my aura and intoxicating my wits, and I couldn't concentrate on anything other than the radiating heat coming from Jill's satin panties.
I held steady with my cock pressing against Jill's moist crotch, the sensation and daring of her actions blew my mind, producing precum to seep up my shaft, leak out on to my foreskin, and further spilling on to Jill's legs as she squeezed them tighter together to camp onto my rod, which made her noticeably quiver as I held her to my body.
I soon got over my shock and with the blood now fully sunken to my groin I had little control over my own actions, and blissfully began to slowly push my cock back and fourth between Jill's thighs, as the crowd began to bump and grind about us.
The feeling of my foreskin being drawn back, exposing my helmet as it crushed against Jill's twitching enveloped pussy sent tingles down my shaft and throughout my being.
My thrusts automatically became longer and harder, holding her more firmly and closer in my arms. Noone still seemed to have noticed so far, so in a quick daring move, I released my hold on Jill's waist and slid my hands down and under my wife's skirt. Taking a brief moment to enjoy stroking and kneading her soft juicy bottom (just like her acquaintances had done), before I begun to tug at her little black panties with white lacing, covering the seams to give them that classic French maid look. With my fingers running along those same lacy seams, reaching the top, I started to inch them down, just low enough so I could slip my meaty shaft over the waist band, and right under her smooth, plump and soaking pussy lips.
The heat radiating from her little wound caused my cock to twitch and pump furthermore, Jill's moans hummed in my ear as I wedged my helmet between her drenched and puffy folds of skin, curbing my enthusiasm to penetrate into her dark wet depths. However, after only seconds of nudging at her invitingly moist hole, I couldn't bare not being inside her any longer, yet biding my time, I positioned myself at her opening, waiting for the calculated moment to come.

Shortly it came...
Holding steady the hardened dome of my cock against Jill's soft, plump pussy lips, was a feet of will-power. Excruciatingly so, for when I felt the warm juices of her honeypot trickle down my frenum, a small spurt of precum discharged, as my cock jerked at her opening, I had to buck my hips backwards to avoid entering her any deeper and in doing so my helmet came away from her clenching lips. That was when an expected surge of the crowd pulsed into us; a huge wave of heavily intoxicated cheering fans bound into me at the exact instant I had waited for, providing the desired force to thrust deep and hard in my wife's covering quim. My fat purple mushroom savagely split Jill's pussy lips apart, and impaled her on my rigid spear.
I heared a faint gasp utter from Jill's lips, and instinctively she grasped onto the railings as the combined weight of my body, and the hundreds of fans forced me hard inside her, stretching her pussy wide open. Instantly Jill's juices flooded over my helmet, seeping out of her filled channel, and dribbled down onto my tightening nutsack.
Using every wave of the crowd as an aid and cover to pump my pulsing rod into her tight slit with greater intensity, I delved far deeper and more forcibly into Jill's wet cavern than ever before. Her pussy clamping onto my cock felt agonizingly delightful. Savouring the tightness of her little hole, I swirled my cock around inside her, concentrating on feeling all the walls of her pussy, as the crowd ebbed and swayed along with the first song.
Feeling very impressed with our discreet and sneaky fuck, I really took my time with every stroke, stuffing her more fiercely with each inch of my pulsating pole.
As the third song began to play, it just passed my wondering mind what was the second song the band had just performed, when I felt Jill's soaking cunny begin to snap hard and tightly onto my ridged shaft: “I'm cumming baby...Ahhh,”, quietly cried Jill, as she threw her head back onto my neck, with her mouth wide open whilst her whole body shook, and melted in my arms.
The tremendous pressure on my cock from her orgasm caused a chain reaction to my balls, and with deep clenches I suddenly felt the first dose of spunk rising up my shaft.
Pulling out quickly, as the ecstasy of my cum bursting forth came over me, I started to spray all over Jill's continually trembling pussy, causing my cream to drip into her already juice soaked panties. I proceeded to massage my spunk coated mushroom between her hot ass cheeks, smearing my spunk all over her bum and on the inside of her skirt, the fabric stuck to my throbbing helmet as it twitched the last drops of fluid from within my shaft.
I held onto Jill tightly to hide my semi stiff dick, before sneakily tucking it back inside my trousers, whilst Jill discreetly pulled her panties back up, telling me how good they feel on, drenched in my cum as she turned and kissed me deeply.

The rest of the gig was highly uneventful, after our own little performance, yet they played very well and the rest of the crowd seemed to have enjoyed it. Time flew pretty quickly and it didn’t seem all too long before the crowd were chanting “Encore!”, as the band left the stage.
Within only minutes passing by, they returned and, as the crowd quietened to allow the singer to introduce the upcoming song, Jill whispered to me... “Encore, honey?”.
Her smile said more than enough... I knew she wasn't talking about the band's expected return at all. That was soon confirmed, as I felt her juices swarm all over my cock again, when I found myself slipping deep inside her, for the second time at that gig.

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Part 3- Conclusion Michelle sat at the bar of the Electric Raven nursing a Mike’s Hard Lemonade. She was wearing a mini-skirt and a belly-baring crop top with a good deal of exposed cleavage. It was about the only thing she could wear and still be able to function. She still felt a low ebb of intense arousal and her hips wriggled unconsciously, but she was able to think at least semi-clearly. Michelle was finally coming to terms with her condition. She was for all intents and purposes trapped...

3 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 43 Something To Talk About

August 21, 1983 Beams of morning sunlight shone in a dazzling fashion around the periphery of the window shades. I awoke with a start, momentarily confused at my surroundings. Then, I remembered where I was, and what had transpired last night. I became aware of who was lying next to me in the bed, and my heart leaped with joy. I turned to look at her. Inez was facing me, her face a mere inches from mine, still fast asleep. I savored the close-up view of that peaceful, angelic face for a few...

4 years ago
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Date Night My Descent Into Slavery

Date Night. My Descent Into Slavery.------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 1 FRIDAY Tonight was "Date Night" and as usually was the case, I'd spentthe day in a high state of anticipation. My wife, Chris, and I hadcreated the "Date Nights" several years ago to merge our divergentsexual desires into a mutually satisfying relationship. My sexual tastes ran to the more exotic side of the spectrum:...

2 years ago
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The Midweek MatchA game of two halves

It was a miserable Wednesday night.Pissing down outside and me and Tommy were sitting in our local watching the football on T.V. It was his team that playing in the early stages of a European tie against some useless no hopers from Latvia or somewhere like that. They were beating them two nil but it had been a crap game.the top striker had been replaced at half time after scoring the two goals in the early part of the game,but since then it had been long and boring. Tommy was enjoying himself...

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Maggie Green 400 176000

Maggie Green was born in Ann Harbor, Michigan, on August 4th, 1977. Not much is known about her youth other than that Maggie worked at the mall.Titties and TriviaAround her mid-twenties, Maggie got a job hosting a sports trivia show called Sports by Brooks. She did not earn the job via her expansive library of sports trivia knowledge. She got it because of her giant fucking tits. The things are all natural and the size of genetically modified watermelons. If one fell on your head, your spine...

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The Goldbergs Control Anyone Get A HeadChapter 4

FLASHFORWARD: After more teasing in the living room Beverly and Erica manage to get a short reprieve upstairs to discuss what just happened while the JTP call their mothers and ask to stay for dinner. The JTP wanted to stay and watch what happened next! “What the hell?” Erica had a churlish expression of disgust on her face. She was still naked except for her pink headband and leg warmers she had worn downstairs. Erica and her mother didn’t have long before they would be expected to return...

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Learning Curve Part 2

"You know what's hotter than a kiss from the right person?"Although May heard her words, it took her a few moments to realise she had been asked a question. She thought for a few moments."I don't know," she stared into Scarlett's eyes.Scarlett coiled herself around May a little tighter, she put her mouth close to May's ear and whispered, "A kiss from the wrong one!"May absorbed those words. They could be taken in many different ways, but most of those ways were filled with excitement. Even with...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 17

I called in the afternoon to see when we could get together that night, but he wasn't there. I left a message. It struck me as curious, but I had enough work to keep me busy that I didn't give it much thought. I called that night and left a message. I couldn't imagine where he could be, but I had countless pages in front of me and speculating on his whereabouts was not going to get me through them. Monday: no answer, message, no return. I was starting to panic. Had something happened to...

3 years ago
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The Omega TouchChapter 12 Power and Responsibility

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:30 PM Tricia closed the door behind her as she entered Annie’s room. Annie was still sitting in her chair, watching her roommate. “He did it,” said Tricia. “He pushed a power into me.” “Something we both knew was going to happen eventually,” said Annie. “I didn’t even feel it happening. I just felt like I could take on the world.” Tricia sat down on the bed and stared at the door. “I don’t know what to think right now ... I wonder what else he can do?” “That is...

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The Two Rooms at the Back

One of my favorite things to do after a long, tedious night at work was to visit the adult bookstore. I used to tell myself “I’m just going to go watch a little porn” as I went into the next room where all the video booths were but really, deep down it was to rationalize my love for the anonymous (and very hot) sex that I knew I would find. I could tell myself whatever I wanted but the excitement I felt as I walked through the door told me it was just a lie. Tonight was no different. The whole...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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K9 Surprise

Seyla chuffs hot breath through the rag, stuffed inside and duct taped to her mouth. "...face really. It's taped to my face." She thinks, wiggling her cheeks a bit, seeing how much room she has. He was kind enough to Vaseline her lips after tying her, before the tape.Ralph has been unusually kind tonight: helping her remove her jacket, gently undressing her, pulling slowly as he tightened the knots, kissing her after he secured her blindfold. "Starting to freak me the fuck out a little." she...

1 year ago
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Forge of StonesChapter 19

General Tyrpledge was riding his horse making an inspection of the City walls from a safe distance, his personal guard along with his adjutant following him from a respectful but close distance. He still could not believe he had been tasked with the sacking of Pyr, and if it came to that, its razing. The Castigator had been blunt in his orders and frugal in his explanations. He had told him that the Patriarch was in league with a cluster of rebellious religious fanatics that wished for total...

4 years ago
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A Fantasy Roleplay Game With My Boyfriend

A role-play with my boyfriend.. (RAPE) I have gotta say, the actual reality of being raped, whether you're a real woman, a TV, or even a guy, is pretty horrific. If it was being done by several men, it would be a very painful, potentially physically damaging, unpleasant experience. It sounds horny and slutty, the ultimate submissive position to be in, but by the third or fourth hard fucking, it would be all pain and no pleasure for me. So I can't say I like the idea in reality,...

3 years ago
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Fantasies Leading To Twists And Turns Part II

Continuing from the last story, me (Amit), Shreya and Naveen had a sound sleep after our awesome session of threesome. We all enjoyed it to the fullest and every one of us had the inner desire to have it once more and to take it a little further. We three slept naked with Shreya in between us. In the morning I woke up early. Sunrays were coming inside the room and the room was lighted. I got up and looked at Shreya and Naveen. They were still in deep sleep. But the sight of them made me excited...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Reagan Foxx Lusting For Mommy

Over wine, Damon Dice confesses to his best friend’s mother, Reagan Foxx, that he grew up lusting after her. It just took their matching on a dating site for him to finally act on his desires. When Reagan is reluctant to fuck her son’s best friend, Damon takes her into her son’s room and shows her a nude photo her son has of Damon’s mom. Realizing that their relationship is not all that unusual, the pair begin fooling around. Damon dives face first into Reagan’s...

2 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi8217s Servant8217s First Fuck 8211 New Comic Video

Savita Bhabhi’s stud servant, Manoj, tells her about his first sex. He describes how sexy his first girlfriend was. She wanted to lose her virginity to Manoj as she was going to get married after that. Listen to Manoj describing the village belle. Read the dialogues in English as you hear their sexy moans.   You can watch more such Savita bhabhi hot sex videos. If you want to watch the full episode, join SavitaBhabhiVideos Telegram channel. You can join by clicking the button given below....

3 years ago
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Erotic Story White Lace Fantasy

It was getting time for my daily masturbation and I was horny.I had also been texting one of my guys and he had me quite aroused.We were talking and making plans to meet up soon.I had also been emailing my submissive "2" about scheduling our next play session as well/Backstory:The first porn videos I saw, when I was younger, included "Debbie Does Dallas" and something I think was called "A Hundred and One Nights" with Sheharazade or something like that/That second one had a few different...

1 year ago
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DeepLush Vienna Black Indulging In Her

This scene features Vienna Black and I for our second time together with even more intense chemistry and energy. We get really aggressive and fuck all over the couch in a bunch of different positions. She rides my cock unbelievably well and I flip her over and have my way with her more. There’s POV shot during the blowjob portion and with her riding my cock facing the camera. I hold her down and fuck her really hard while using a hitachi on her multiple times until her legs are shaking...

2 years ago
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My Family Ladies Prostitution Life

Hello all, I’m Susheel age 25 working in a software company. Coming to the details of my family, we’re three. I, my mom Latha and sis Ramya, mom was now 45 and sis 29. My father left my mom when I was 10. My mother was not the main wife to my father she is like a “keep “to him. My mom looks beautiful and she maintains her physic well. She came from a poor background; her parents left her when she was 18 thinking not to be a burden to her. She uses to do prostitution before marriage to lead her...

3 years ago
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Sex Deprived Milf Fucked Hard

Hello readers, this is Sid, age 28, a working professional from Bangalore. I am here to pen down a real erotic incident. It happened with sex deprived voluptuous milf named Dhanya, aged 42, with mouth-watering curves (36d-32-38). She was a mother of 2 fully grown kids and wife to a workaholic hubby who works in a merchant ship. So she used to stay alone in Bangalore as her kids are in the hostel in different cities. Now coming to the story, it was a Saturday night. I had a couple of drinks and...

2 years ago
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My first time

I met him on a dating website. I had changed my search parameters to see the people in other sections of the website. I was there for women but searched for men just to look around and see what others typed in their profile. Apparently i clicked on his profile because the website told him i was on it. Before i knew it i had a message from him. He was 5,5, 140 pounds, 24 yrs old, slim, hispanic, and gay. I had never done anything with a guy before but he said i was cute and wanted to know if i...

1 year ago
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VIP Pussy

Your wife may promise VIP Pussy, but does the old bag really deliver? I’m just kidding, of course, because we all know nothing can come between you and the ol’ ball and chain. Besides, who’s got anything left to spend on OnlyFans subscriptions and paysite memberships after taking the waifu pillow out to a nice dinner at KFC? Sometimes all a man wants is the kind of VIP treatment you can only get at home in your mom’s basement after everyone finally goes to bed, without having to dip into the...

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1 year ago
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One Is the Loneliest Number

Special thanks to my proof readers. The streets are alight with strings of Christmas lights accenting the colors of the season. It appears the few people moving about are so preoccupied with their thoughts, they don't even notice the wonders that lay before them. For me, it reminds me of the times in the past when my wife looked forward to her gifts under the tree and in the weeks prior to Christmas, badgered me constantly, hoping to get me so annoyed I would give in and tell her what they...

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The Real Enemy

THE REAL ENEMY by Jenny North In hindsight I should have listened to my instincts before I entered the bar. I'd had a feeling there was something hinky about the place but the second I walked in I knew I'd made a serious mistake. At first it seemed like any other bar with a bunch of regulars there to drink, watch the game, and maybe shoot some pool. But right now the only sound was coming from the game on the vidscreen, because everybody had stopped to stare at me. That in itself...

2 years ago
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Red Silk Scarves

Disclaimer: This story is a total work of fiction. It has no relation to any real life people. Red Silk Scarves He knew exactly where to start. A gently placed kiss on the flesh underneath her navel and right before her jeans started. He could feel the gentle vibrations coming from the vibrator in her in her pussy. Set on a frequency strong enough to get her close but low enough never to bring her there. He loved her like this. In a deep state of need where there was no escape. Where...

1 year ago
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The Worst Part of Town

This is a bit of an experiment for me. I'm going to write this story with your help! Every day I'm planning on adding a chapter to a branch that garners the most up-votes and does not already have a continuation. So click that thumb ☝️ at the bottom of the chapter to choose the right path for the character! Customize! Pick name(s) for yourself by clicking customize on the right, and editing fields. Theme Warning! There will be some dark themes explored, stories will contain a whole bunch of...

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Me And My Mom8217s Boyfriend

Hi this is Rishika with you with my real life story happened last month let me describe you about my self i am doing my bsc from USA i was born in india but we left it 5 years ago due to the death of my father my family is of 2 member just me and my mom although my mom has a boy friend he is of 34 and he loves my mom nikita which is 38 years old mos boyfriend name is dexter he is the citizen of US only we are also but he is born there only fair in colour and he belongs to us only he is 6.2 feet...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Fest

My wife was a woman in a bit of an emotional or moral turmoil. On one hand she wanted to explore but on the other she was a complete prude. When we were at home she dressed in a very conservative manner seeming uptight all the time. The only exception was when we went on holidays when she would loosen up and wear bikinis and somewhat revealing clothes – not much mind you but certainly more than she did at home. We had discussed going to Key West for Fantasy Fest a number of times and looked at...

2 years ago
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Taken to be a Shemale Lover

I had went to work at the burger joint, when the manager informed me that 'I have too many people on payroll today, I need you to clock out and leave.' This is what happens when you work for a fast food joint, all the k**s that go to school and can get a permit flock to the fast food places. At least you get some training in how to be on time and understand job responsibility. As I was working towards the park a coral blue car passed by, it pulled into the lot across the street and came...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 6

Introduction: Catherines Excellent Adventure Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 6 Catherines excellent adventure Catherine wanted to leave the parking lot right now, worried that her boss might see her with these two black men!. Her boss was an older successful business man of some sort of mixed ethnic South African race. But to look at him you would never know it. He was rumored to have made a small fortune and had been involved in the illicit diamond an ivory trade of the black...

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Alex and Vicki Business With Pleasure

As a business owner, it’s common for me to take a client ‘that I like’ out for dinner and drinks. On occasion, I’ll invite a client that both Vicki and I like to our home. With Tara away for the weekend, we invited one of my first clients, Terry and his wife Sally, over for cookout and a sleepover on Saturday night. Like Vicki and I, Terry and Sally are both in their early fifties. They are both small town people that opened one restaurant years ago, and then another, and then they just kept...

4 years ago
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Beths Awakening Ch 01

Chapter One, Beth Makes a Discovery Now and then I awake in the night, scarcely able to believe my good fortune. I’m going to share with you how I, Elizabeth, Beth, for short, blundered into an alternate universe, and discovered the ongoing amazement my life has become. I’ve always considered myself an average middle-class housewife and mother. I met my husband of eleven-plus years, Rick, when we were in college. We dated and eventually did the ‘beast with two-backs’ a few times before Rick...

1 year ago
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Pimping Out My Bff Just to See Her Squirm

My name is Kathy Sullivan and you may remember me from reading that story about Trish Mulligan getting felt up on the train by those terrible boys. It is certainly true that Trish is definitely my BFF because we grew up together and even took showers and baths together and washed out each other's rumps with soapy fingers and lots of giggling. I found out from that incident on the train that I liked seeing Trish get all humiliated like that by being degraded right in front of me. It made me...

4 years ago
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Two Naughty MomsChapter 8

Janet paced nervously around the living room, occasionally pausing to rub her hand feverishly against her aching cunt. It was almost noon and she still hadn't dressed. Her bathrobe swished around her ankles, bulging out as the fabric stretched across her huge braless tits. So horny, she thought anxiously. So fucking hot... Mike had gone off to school and Janet knew that she now had to rid herself of her obscene desire for his body. She just couldn't go on fucking her own child. She had to...

2 years ago
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Fucking Uncle Wife

Hi! I am Vasanth again with my new experience with my Aunty, I was 28rs at that time my aunty was 32yrs they ware married for 13yrs & had no kids they ware trying for one this happened when I had to visit they place for some work. She is 5.5” white with blue eyes good figure. It was month of June it was raining I got down in railway station & called them priya aunty told Uncle was Out station & she can’t come alone so I managed to reached home by auto she open then door Till then I was went she...

3 years ago
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A Valentines TraditionChapter 2

So anyway, Valentine's Day 2010. Or more specifically, the day before Valentine's: last chance shopping! It was my idea; as a kind of joke Valentine's gift, I said I would take him lingerie shopping. Not lingerie buying; buying would be breaking the no-gifts rule, but shopping's free so it doesn't count. Geoff agreed pretty readily. What guy wouldn't, really? To see their wife trying on all those sexy outfits? I loved it too; it's just another way of getting him horny in a place where...

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Right Under Your NoseChapter 3

JOHN After Jenny left that morning, I spent most of the day staring at my ceiling thinking about everything she'd said. She was right unfortunately. I never really let myself go in my relationships. I went into them knowing they would end and always saved myself from getting too badly hurt. The flip side, is that I never really let myself be myself. I always catered to their needs and desires. Well, not totally, but it was better to be passive and agreeable than argue. And most of the time,...

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Facebook Chat Leads To Sex With Hot Chick In Goa

Hello Indian sex stories readers… It’s been always a pleasure to read the sex-periences of you guys… Which encouraged me to share my sexperience wit you people. It’s my 1st time i’m writing a story… The story may be a little long…So people please bear with me… and excuse me for and e grammatical mistakes and all… To start with let me introduce myself… I’m … from goa… 27 yr old… a happy go lucky guy having an average athletic build… and a littlebeer belly.. I always wanted to be a one woman...

2 years ago
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The Boy Next Door

The Boy Next Door Chapter 1 Between some family money and her divorce settlement, Trish Wilkins could live fairly comfortably without having to work at a full-time job. Now in her late twenties she knew she was considered quite a hottie by most men, and never hesitated to exploit that advantage to get men to do what she wanted them to do. Ever since she was a teenager she had recognized she was different from other women her own age. If there were ever any doubt of that the details...

3 years ago
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angelas house

this happened about four days after the first incicdent. i still couldnt beleive my luck, and she had been flirting constantly with me. the friday came and i got a text quite early with an adress and a time, and a photo of angelas huge tits. wasnt much thought involved, i knew i was going.i replied to let her know i wasnt entirely sure where the adress was so she met me at a nearby shop. she had a short skirt and a coat, but i couldnt see underneath that yet. a short walk and we arrived at...

1 year ago
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My first time with babysitter

Note : This story is completely fictional! I live in a town in U.S.A with my family. We are a well to do family and we have a big ship-building business. I also have a sister who is younger to me and really is a scamp. To manage her Mom engaged a baby-sitter – a female baby-sitter (a rosy-nippled baby-sitter). We had her since I was in 5th grade and my sis was in 1st grade as my mom was a working lady and the Amy (the baby-sitter), in addition to baby-sitting my younger sister cooked for me. In...

2 years ago
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Me And My Mom

This Is All True, when I was younger I never once thought about having sex with my own mother, my friends moms sure but not my own, never even thought about any family member that mom is 5'3 155lbs not fat at all a little extra meat in the right places {tits, thighs, ass}she has dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes huge DD tits so very sexy. she is now in her early 60'swe first had sex 20yrs ago and still do to this day. nobody knows, not my family, wife no one.when I was...

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Maid Service

so good, especially in a hug. His damp, naked-yet-towel-clad body felt so warm against my fully-clothed body. Then, I went downstairs, clocked out for the night, changed into some clothes, got my overnight bag, and came back to Randy's room. I knocked on the door and Randy let me in. As I went inside, I took the "Do Not Disturb" sign and placed it in front of the door. "Wow, you came back quickly! Please come right in." Randy said to me. As soon as Randy and I went into his bedroom, I...

3 years ago
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Sweetheart did I hurt you

I had been waiting all day in school now. It was a short day, only a few hours, but I had still been staring down the clocks waiting for the final bell. Today would be the day when Jon and I have our first time alone in a bed. Not that sex in the park or movie theater hadn’t been amazing, but this was different. I felt my white lace bra rub against me, exciting me only further, causing me to not even hear the bell. I ran out of my class and there he was, my perfect boyfriend. Jon, hair like...

4 years ago
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Someones Death

A soul passed from earth to somewhere else and the halls are still dark, the hospital still smells of urine, we still laugh and talk over our coffee about sex, old times, and the new conspiracies. The souls come and go. We supervise their shell while their spirit floats away and then we cover them with a sheet, wheel them down the hall, and place them in the morgue. While they die we push drugs into veins, rush around, feel we can stop the whole natural process, do our best to defy God, and...

2 years ago
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The Girl With No NameChapter 17 The Battle of Horkustk Ris

The Grand Duke and his entourage left the capitol and crossed the Rika Chorna river in a fleet of ferries. He commented to his commanders that, if he survived the upcoming war, he’d have to build a bridge to span the river closer to the capitol. It was ridiculous to have to cross like this, in boats like common cargo. The Danubian Royal Army already was encamped on the south bank, opposite the city. As soon as the sovereign showed up, the men began their trek southwards. There were 9,000...

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