Deb Diane free porn video

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Deb Diane Janet L Stickney [email protected] She had covered the mirror so I couldn't see what she was doing, but with all the tugging, the heat from the blow dryer, the brushing and so on, I figured she was doing something with my hair to make it as feminine as she could. After all, I had seen the results of the makeup she had already done on me, and that alone gave me more than just a hint that maybe she had been right! Maybe she could make me look like a girl! I was allowed to see myself completely only after she had me fully dressed; you could say that I was stunned. Shocked even! All I could do was stare at the girl in the mirror, from the shiny dark brown hair that lay in waves around her face, down past the swell of the modest breasts, past the trimly snug waist and shapely hips, ending in what seemed like very long legs, that were perched in shiny black heels. The sleeveless black dress, a sheath, seemed to fit me perfectly; better than I had thought it would anyway. "You see? I was right! You're just darling!" "Thanks mom, just what I always wanted to hear." "Now, don't be like that! You said you wanted to go, even after I told you it was only for women and their daughters! Didn't you tell me that you couldn't understand why, in this day and age it was like that, and isn't it true that you insisted that I let you go? Well, now you can!" "Mom! I said that I couldn't understand why it was for girls only! I never once said that I wanted to go... especially as a girl! And I never, ever, insisted that I should go!" "I said that because our group is for women only! I just thought that since you sounded so demanding about it that you really wanted to go! And now that you look just deliciously feminine, you can come with me and see what we do at our meetings!" I just stood there, unable to come up with anything more to say, so... "Let's add some earrings and a necklace, and maybe a bracelet, you can put some lipstick on, and I'll get ready!" The big deal? It was the annual meeting of the women from several local societies; they always met and planned several big charity events, usually fairs, that run throughout the year, always culminating in the annual debutante ball. I questioned the women only position because there are many men out there that could, and probably would, add something; I did NOT question the policy because I wanted to get dressed up like a girl and go with her! But mom, in her skewed wisdom, didn't get that. But, I guess I wanted to make my point, that a guy could make a difference, and I did not resist very much when she did this to me. So, there I was, ready to join her at this meeting. I was not eager to go with her, but after my questioning about their women only position, she was very firm about it, so I didn't have a lot of choices... unless I absolutely refused that is; but for some reason, my mother seemed a bit eager to have me attend, and I just didn't want to hurt her. I'm an only child, a boy of course, so she never did anything with a daughter, because she never had one. That's why I figured, after a lot of thought, that getting all dressed up? This one time? Why not? Who would it hurt? And besides, after she was done with me, I guess I looked the part well enough. I knew that I didn't want to be a girl, so in my mind, it wasn't any big deal. All I had to do was watch my mannerisms. I wasn't even afraid when we left. I should have been. Mom had dubbed me Diane, a fairly common girls name that would not draw any attention to my true status. Taking the purse she gave me, she and I drove to the hall, went in, and joined others at a big round table. There was a lot of chatter, the typical agenda of items to be discussed, some points from the floor, and a bit of arguing. In effect, a normal meeting. Then the names of the people assigned to certain duties for the various events were announced. The list was long, and I ignored most of it, until they came to the last name. The Grand Duchess of the ball. The name I was told by the lady across from me, was always drawn by lot, right in front of us. The name drawn was my mothers! "Janet Stickney! You are our new Grand Duchess for this years ball! Congratulation! As you know, as Grand Duchess, all fees are waved for your daughter, but I'll bet that Diane will find a way to spend all that extra money on making herself look simply spectacular!" I had heard my name mentioned, but simply dismissed it, until a lady walked up to our table, and... "You'll get your official invitation in the mail within a few days Diane. Just fill it out and send it back, okay?" "But," I said, unable to simply deny that I was a girl and embarrass mom; but she jumped in, trying to save me. "Um... I'm not even sure that Diane will be available! We didn't plan on her attending, so...." "But she has to attend! You're the Grand Duchess, and she is such a lovely girl, it would be unthinkable for her to miss this event! Especially now that you have the title! How would it look to everyone if she declined? Why, your very membership might be in jeopardy!" Then I got it. Right between the eyes. That woman had made it almost impossible for mom to say that I couldn't attend, using the not very well veiled threat of dismissal from the society to enforce the fact that I had to attend! I looked at mom, suddenly very frightened at the very prospect of me becoming not only a girl, but a debutante to boot! Verging on a quick outburst, there were a number of things I wanted to say, but with mom squeezing my leg hard, I held my tongue because of the impact it would have on her and I. Her more than me. But on the way home... "I can't be a debutante! I'm not even a girl!" "Yes dear, I know that, and you must know that I certainly didn't want you to be a deb either!" "I know that mom, but they'll throw you out if I don't go! That lady even said that!" "Well, she is the big wheel in this event, and she does have the power to get me tossed out I guess, but I'd rather have her do that than make you do this... unless you decide that you want to try it that is, but that would be entirely up to you." "Try it? I've already tried it! Look at me! Even that old broad and all the ladies at our table think that I'm a girl!" "Yes dear, and I really appreciate your effort; you're doing so well that nobody knew, did they? Especially the ladies at our table! Not one of them figured it out! I don't know how you managed it, but they all thought that you were a very lovely girl!" "So... you want me to do this?" "I didn't say that honey. All I'm saying is that for you to do something like this, then it has to be your decision, not mine, and if you don't want to do it and I get tossed out, well, so be it. Some of those women can be a total pain in the ass, but, if you do want to try it, then we'll have to find out how to make you look... more natural I guess. I mean, those gowns are generally low cut or tight, so..." "I get it mom. Boobs and buns. Let me think about it." I went in my room to once again stare at the girl everyone thought I was, and wondered if I could actually do it. I mean, it didn't seem so hard to me, just a dress and a bit of makeup, and there I was! Being a deb might be a bit more challenging, but how much more? I just stood there looking at myself for a moment, suddenly wondering why I was even thinking such thoughts! I never wanted to be a girl in the first place, I only did it to make mom happy and prove a point about those meetings, yet there I was, contemplating the very idea that I could become a debutant! I must have been losing my mind! Then the thought that mom could not only lose her membership in the society, but also, her standing in the community would be seriously dented as well, and I knew that in her group, that could be bad; very bad. So, no matter what else, my being the cause of that kind of debacle simply could not be allowed to happen, no matter what. Mom and I had a good thing going; she let me do pretty much what I wanted, and I took care of my grades and the household chores, like fixing things. Since there was only the two of us, all we had to count on was each other, and this seemed to be one time when she really needed me to step up and be counted, no matter what I wanted. In my mind, there was only one conclusion I could come to. I had to do it. I had to become her daughter, at least for a while, regardless of what I wanted. But once I was done being a girl, I figured I could go back to being myself and life could return to normal. I had no idea what it meant to be a deb, nor did I know just how expensive, or hard it would be. Foolhardy notions are the province of the willing and the stupid, but I found myself willing to at least try it, or at the very least, find out how. Swallowing hard, and still wearing that dress... "I've decided that we don't have a choice mother. Not really anyway. I just can't bring myself to let you get tossed out because I'm chicken hearted; you know I'm not, and what's the big deal anyway? It's just one night, and with a bit of padding, heck, it should be easy!" After hearing her giggle... "Easy? You think this is going to be easy? You poor dear! No! It won't be easy at all! For one thing, all of the girls are required, no matter how many times they have been in the ball, they are all required to attend several dance classes, to learn the basics, in waltzing, how to walk the promenade and so on, and the classes are held over the course of the next ten months, and that effectively ruins your theory that it's only one night! Then there is getting you fitted with the perfect gown, one that none of the other girls will be wearing, plus shoes and other accessories, and a few trips to the salon for styling and makeup! Then we have to deal with the fact that you don't have any boobs! We can probably deal with the rest, but those are going to be a must! So, no, this isn't going to be easy by any means, and while I appreciate the fact that you're willing to do this for me, I don't see how it can let you do this, nor can I see how it can be done!" "I don't either mother, but I think I know where to find out! Can I stay dressed this way for a while? I have to go talk to someone. Maybe I can find out how to do what you said?" She didn't stop me as I left the house; my destination? The only place in town that hosted female impersonators. I was going to go there to try and get some ideas, and maybe some help. I and some friends had gone there once, just to see some guys all dressed up like women, but it wasn't anything like what I expected. All of the performers looked absolutely real to me, and we were all shocked at just how feminine they were. That's why I went there. They had the expertise, and I had none. It was still bright outside, being only four in the afternoon, and I proudly held my head up as I walked into the bar. There were three people at a table, two of them clearly entertainers. "We're closed honey, comeback tonight." "I need some help," I said, "information if you like." "You look great honey, it doesn't look like you need any help from us!" "Thanks, but I need to be able to look like a girl... all over. Boobs and all, and well, I just thought that since you have so much experience, and you look so good, that maybe you might help me?" "I'll talk to her," one of the girls said, rising, then pointing at a booth. Once we were seated, I told her the entire story, including the reason I needed help. She listened without interruption, then... "Honey, I've seen lots of guys dressed as females come in here; they do alright I guess, but most people can pick them out quite easily, but from what you're telling me, that can't be allowed to happen, right? Well, to start with, you're one of the most natural looking girls I've seen in here in a long time, and that helps a lot, but what you need is for Stewart to help you. He is the absolute best, and we all use him on occasion. He's a whiz at making latex and gel filled forms that are virtually perfect in every way for boys that want to look like girls that is. I think that if you let him, he could give you a very strong boost in the right direction, and with a bit of help with your mannerisms, you might just be able to pull it off!" She gave me his number plus hers, then told me how to find Stewart. Then... "Don't ever come in here again honey, not if you want to pull this off. If just one person that knows you ever saw you in here, they might just figure it out. Okay?" I thanked her, then left to find Stewart. He was a younger guy, tall with glasses and a mop of unruly brown hair. He was very cautious until I gave him Tammy's name, then he opened up. I told him the same story, and as he listened, he was making notes. By the time I was done, he sat back and smiled. "I've been waiting for you." "Me? How did..." "Not you specifically, but someone like you. I've been working on several new things, new ways of making breast forms and my special panties, and I think I have come up with a gem; but none of the impersonators will use them because most of them have at least some breasts of their own, and the panty I make might detract from their... let's call it... social encounters. But you? You need be able to pull off being a girl for a long stretch of time, not just a few hours, and you might even have to prove it, which makes my new developments perfect for a girl like you! If you let me, I promise, that by the time I'm done with you, nobody will ever be able to say that you weren't born a girl!" "How much?" "A lot I'm afraid. The best is always expensive, but since you would be the first to try my new stuff, how about a twenty percent discount? It takes about a week to make the pieces after I do the molding, so..." "I have to talk to my mother first, can I call and make an appointment?" "Of course! Here's my number. Any time. If I'm not here just leave a voice mail and I'll call back." The minute I got home I told mom where I went, what I found out, and what Stewart said, then the cost, which seemed steep to me, but I didn't leave anything out. After all, it was just research, and it wasn't like I really wanted to be a girl forever, just for the ball! Mom listened calmly as I explained what Stewart had told me, then... "It seems that you have found a way to do this, doesn't it? That was clever, going to that bar I mean. But, I suppose they are the experts at this sort of thing. But, now that we know it can be done, the only question is, are you willing to give up a good portion of this year, maybe even all of it, just to become a girl? It won't be easy you know. Just how long did the Stewart say you would have to wear them?" "He was a little vague on that mom, except to say that the minimum, for the others he had made, was six months, so I can only guess that it'll be at least that long." "What if, after this is all over, you don't want to be a boy again; have you considered that?" "Not going to happen mother! This is just for this event, then presto! As soon as I can, then it's back to being me!" "If I let you do this, and I'm still not sure that I will, we'll see about that then won't we? I mean, a year is a very long time!" She paused a moment, then added... "You need to tell me that you are willing to do whatever it takes, other than this...padding, so you can go completely undetected, because I won't let you do this to yourself unless you agree to that!" "Yeah, I guess I can agree to that.. I'm not exactly bubbling over at the thought that I will have to be a girl, especially for a year! You know perfectly well that I've never worn a dress before today, but it's not that bad, and I'm not in school any more, so that's not a problem, right? It's not like I'm going to be a girl forever, and regardless of what you say, you like being a member of that society, which means that you need me to do this, no matter what I think, so okay, you got a deal. I'll do my best." Neither of us knew the import of that decision, nor what it would do to our lives. That's where the stupid part came in. We blindly decided to let Stewart do his thing, with no real idea of just how talented he was at making realistic body parts. I called, got him on the phone, and made an appointment for the next day. I showed up in my usual jeans and a tee, which didn't put him off a bit; he simply began the molding process once I was naked. The process took about five hours, as he was very careful to get it right. Measuring and so on, including my manhood, before he even began,! The rubber stuff he used was warm against my skin, but not uncomfortable, and peeled off easily. When he was done, he said he would call, and for me to bring a skirt and blouse with me, because I would need them. Ten days later he called, and as per his instructions, I was there early, a tote bag with a skirt and blouse in my hand. Once I was naked, he sprayed a chemical on my chest and lower parts, then rubbed my skin with a soft towel, leaving the rest for me. The spray removed all traces of body hair! The breast forms were laying on the table, soft, the exact color of my skin, and looking very real! He attached a pad to my nipple and two other places on each of my own breasts, then attached a wire protruding from the breast to each one of the pads before he set it in place, holding it there for about twenty minutes. The was no talking because he was very focused. When he had both of the breast forms stuck firmly on my chest and he was satisfied, he started on the panty, which I had not seen. The word panty conjured up a mental image of a brief, like women's underwear, but this was wide open in the back! After wiping me with a clean towel, which removed all pubic and other stray hairs, he began. My male member was covered by a sheath, then pushed down and back after I pushed my testicles back into their sockets. The panty was yanked into place, and he began to fix it to my skin, starting just above my pubes, all the way to the waist, then the hip padding as well. Over that he had me slip on a very tight pantybrief and just stand there. He did a few things with a heat gun on my breasts and at the panty seams, and by the time he was done, almost the entire day had gone by! When he finally stood me in front of that mirror; well, shock doesn't quite do it. From the neck down I looked like a girl, with no trace that I was really a guy, and no sign that the parts were not all mine! "Listen Diane," he said brightly, "there are panties out there that purport to do the same things this one does, and if you got a guy worked up enough, I suppose you could manage sex with a few of the others. Some have blood packets to simulate periods, and some just function as a urinary tract. None that I know of do it all, until now. With this panty you will, and I very strongly stress this, you will, function just like a normal female your age would, and you can do anything... with anyone, any normal girl your age could do. The sensors will allow you to sense touch, but it'll take a bit of getting used to. Also, I would guess that in about a month, maybe five weeks at the most, you'll have your first period, and I'm encouraging you to use tampons rather than pads so that you get used to the feeling of having something inside of the panty. Any questions?" "You didn't say anything about having periods!" "Yes, I know, sorry about that; it was a last minute addition, but since you told me that you had to be able to pass any inspection, well, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time! All girls have them Diane, so just go with it, and it'll become so natural that you won't even think about it!" "How long?" I asked. "Like I told you, at least six months, after that, I'm not sure. With the new adhesives and this new breathable latex, maybe up to a year, but I think a year is a very good guess." I paid the bill, then put on the skirt and blouse. No panties, no bra. It was more than just a bit airy when I walked out to my car for the drive home. I wondered how I was ever going to explain to mom that I was going to have periods! She would freak right out! But, it was done, and there was no going back, so I was stuck with it. Just as I walked in the house, mom saw me, and gave a small gasp. "Oh My! Look at you! You're gorgeous! You have a great figure!" "That's nothing. Wait'll you see this!" I cautiously raised the skirt and she saw what had become of me, then, after I sat down and she joined me, I told her what Stewart had told me. When I was done, she started to giggle, which turned into a roaring laugh that I thought lasted a bit longer than was necessary! When she regained herself composure... "Well, you've done it now! There isn't any doubt is there? I guess you'll be this years newest debutante!" "Yeah, but mom! Periods? I don't know anything about that!" "Fortunately, I do, so when it happens, just let me know when you start and I'll show you how to take care of it! Now, lets talk about feminine hygiene then get you measured so we know what sizes to buy!" It took me a while to get used to my new parts, and all that talk about hygiene was gross, but looking in the mirror, all I could do was stare at my new body. But after that, and during the next week, mom and I went out shopping every day, getting everything from bras and panties, to swimsuits, shorts, jeans, skirts and dresses. I had my full body waxed, that was fun, then my hair and nails were done at her salon, I got my ears pierced, and we bought all new makeup. I was swamped with so many new and strange things, and it was hard for me to fathom why girls needed so much stuff! But mom insisted that I would need everything, so I generally kept my mouth shut and went with the flow. The reality of my situation had become clear when I had to use the bathroom for the first time, and everything worked just as Stewart had said it would. That's when I knew for sure that Stewart had made a very special panty for me. Taking a shower was different too. All those new places to wash. I got used to the bra and wearing skirts, it was the time it took to get ready every day that was tedious. Makeup and hair just a prelude to picking what outfit to wear! After staying home for two weeks, learning to cope with my new self, I was getting bored, and mom suggested that since she had to go back to work herself, that I should join her in her office. She said I could work as a receptionist! With no other options, and no good reason to say no, I said yes, and the next day found myself at work! Answering phones, running errands, that sort of thing. Rather quickly I had begun to adopt some of the mannerisms most girls used, and working in an office filled with a lot of other girls, well, I had to learn, and fast, or I might be asked some ugly questions, so, to start with, I began talking like they did. Everything ending with a question mark. And when they started talking about some of the guys that worked there, well I joined in that too. I figured it would make me more like them. I had no idea they had already accepted me as one of them. Then one day... "Hi there! Remember me? Greg? From down in Engineering?" "Yes!" I said smiling. "I do remember you! You're the guy that scrambled his computer?" "That's me! Ah, listen. Some of us are going to get a bite to eat at Clancy's after work, and I was wondering if you would like to join me?" After going straight home every night, just to watch television, I was ready for a diversion, and not even considering that he thought of me as a girl... "I'd like that! I'll tell mom that you'll take me home?" "Of course! I'll meet you at the door?" When I told mom, she gave me an odd look, but didn't say anything more than to tell me to have a nice time. Then I realized what was going on, but I was so eager to go somewhere other than home that I put those thoughts out of my mind. I mean, it was just a slice, right? I touched up my lipstick just before I met Greg at the front door to the building. I already knew that guys sometimes looked at girls as possible mates, but I wasn't bending that way, and tried to put that out of my mind. Greg was courteous, drove carefully, and seemed to have a great sense of humor, and I instantly liked him, and felt comfortable around him. Then, when we walked into Clancy's, he took my left hand in his! Rather than make a scene, I let him hold on until we reached the group. But everyone had seen us holding hands, and made the obvious conclusion, especially the girls. I still had no idea what was happening. For me I was just being polite, and besides, in my mind it was just an outing for a slice. I slid into the chair, Greg sat close beside me. There were eight of us, all working in various departments, four girls, four guys. Since it was my first time out like that, especially with a guy, I was a bit edgy, and very careful about what I said, so Greg didn't get any ideas, but mom had told me that guys always have them anyway, so I did my best to make sure that his ideas didn't get him anywhere. We ate, talked, laughed, and even danced a little, then he took me home. For me, I was satisfied that Greg was a good guy, and I found myself drawn to him, as a friend of course. As he drew up in front of the house, his arm snaked around my shoulders, and he bent over and kissed me! Stunned at that, I opened the door and ran in the house. The mere fact that he had kissed me sent shivers up my back. I didn't think that I was like that, yet it was all I could do to understand why that kiss made me feel tingly! Maybe I was scared, maybe it was the seven weeks I had spent as a girl, but truthfully, it wasn't unpleasant. It was just that I never even considered kissing anyone but family, and now this! I managed to calm down a bit, and tried to logically figure it out, but kept coming back to the plain fact that he obviously liked me enough to kiss me! Me! Just at that moment, on top of everything else, I felt dampness in my panties, and knew that I was having my first period! I ran in the bath, hollering for mom on the way. Stewart told me it would happen sooner than this, but, oh well, it finally happened. Mom was very matter of fact about it, and didn't flinch when she saw red gunk running into the panties; in a very efficient, almost clinical fashion, she led me through it, the cleaning up, inserting the tampon, then telling me to change it every four hours for one whole day, and every eight hours after that until I stopped... in five days! Five days? Of that mess? Being a girl was starting to suck big time! I changed clothes, and as I did so, I looked in the mirror again, to try and see what Greg saw in me. What he saw was a girl, an actual girl, one that could function as one, one that was having her period, and also, one that was suddenly scared to death at the prospects of what lay ahead. There was no way that I could deny it; I had become a girl in every sense of the word, I even had a guy that wanted to kiss me! I flopped on the bed to figure out how I was going to handle it. There was only one conclusion to draw from what had happened to me that day. I simply had to accept the fact that becoming a girl was way more than I thought it was going to be, and if I wanted to get through it, my best, and probably only avenue, was to just let it happen. If Greg wanted to kiss me, so be it. If I wanted to kiss him back, I guess I would do that too. I mean, I might as well, given what had just happened; up to that point, even though I knew that becoming a girl was going to last a while, it had all been just a bit of dress up, but starting my period changed all that. I slipped on some shorts and a tee and went to find my mother. When I found her... "Mother?" "Yes dear?" "This is getting... I mean... Greg, he's so... he kissed.... and I feel so...." "Come sit next to me and tell me what's going on honey! What did Greg do? Did he hurt you?" "Only my ego mother. He kissed me!" "What's so bad about that!? He is kind of cute, and I know he likes you, so why shouldn't he kiss you?" "I'm not a girl!" "Well, you were not born a girl of course, but you are doing so well, and have become so feminine, that nobody knows the truth but you and I, and didn't you just start your monthly? Only girls have those, right? You are, even though you're trying hard to deny it, becoming a young lady. All girls go through this stage, having doubts about themselves I mean, but I'm willing to bet that you're starting to like being a girl more than you thought you would, and are probably afraid to admit that, even to yourself!" I always hated it when she was able to cut through the crap and hit the nail right on the head. Slumping into the couch... "Yeah, I guess, it's okay, but I never felt anything towards guys before mother! I'm's like... then I started... this, and now... well it doesn't seem so odd to you! Am I crazy or what? Why do I think that Greg is so....." "Yummy? You're not crazy to like being a girl honey. I can understand it, I really can. You simply didn't realize the impact living as a girl would have on you, and you certainly didn't grasp, and probably still don't, just how pretty you are! I suggest that you simply accept the fact that you have become a female! In virtually every way you are a girl, and if Greg, or someone else, wants to take you out, then you should go. That's what girls your age do. It's how we find our husbands!" "But I don't need a husband! I'm going to be myself when this is all over! Remember?" "Given how much of a girl you have become I'm seriously beginning to doubt that, but maybe, we'll see. For now, I want you to enjoy yourself! Be the girl you have become!" She was no help at all, except to confirm what I already knew. I was a girl, I discovered that I wanted to be a girl, and I also like everything about being a girl. I went back in my room and lay on the bed. Then I decided that if I was going to be a girl, then I was damned well going to enjoy it, just like mom told me too, and reached for the phone. Having decided that I really am a girl, I called Greg to apologize for running in the house. He wasn't angry at all; in fact, he said that he was about to call me! "You like flea marketing?" "You mean, like going to a flea market and walk around? Looking at old junk? I guess, why?" "I like to go and just walk around, and I was wondering if you would like to go?" "When?" "On Saturday? Can I pick you up at... say... ten?" "Sounds like fun!" "Bye." After my revelation I knew that I would never be a boy again. There was no way that I could go back, and if that was true, then I had to be the girl Greg thought I was. And while mom would not agree, I just knew that I had to at least try it. I had to be the girl he wanted me to be. On Saturday morning, free of any thoughts about not being a girl, I got dressed in my shortest and tightest panties, a pair of short and snug but not extremely tight shorts, the ones that fit my girl parts really well, a top, ankle socks and my white walking shoes. I brushed out my hair, then took my time doing my makeup, finishing with a dash of perfume. Earrings and a bracelet and I was ready to go. Mom just harrumped when she saw me, but smiled when I told her Greg was coming to get me. In my mind I think she knew what I was going to do, but I had to know. I had to know if I was really a girl or not. He was right on time, and we left a few minutes later. I thought flea markets were full of cheap, tacky junk, but the place he took me was really more antiques and less junk, and it was huge! They had everything from old farm implements to jewelry and furniture, to old house trim! We were strolling through the jewelry section when I saw a beautiful ring. Stopping to check it out... "That would look great on your finger Diane!" "Can't afford it yet." "I can, let me get it for you." "I couldn't possibly let you do that!" "Looking for wedding rings," came a voice from behind us. "No," I said, "we're just looking, thanks." "A pity. You're a lovely couple, and I have a wonderful set over here, and I have it priced to sell!" "Can we see?" Greg asked. The rings were gorgeous of course, a full one carat marquis cut center diamond, with 26 channel cut diamonds set along the band, and a pair of Sapphire stones set next to the big stone. If I were a girl, and wanting to get married, I would love to wear that set! "How much?" Greg sounded serious! "$2400, and it's a steal at that price; I even have a picture of the woman that wore them!" "Greg! You're not thinking of buying them are you!?" "I might, it's a good deal, and I'll need them someday, so why not?" "Here," the lady said, "try them on; lets see how they look!" With that, she slipped them on my ring finger, shoving a bit because they were a little tight, but once on, they glittered in the light whenever I moved my hand. There was no doubt that some lucky woman would bring them to life again someday, but I knew it wasn't going to be me. My former life was tugging at my brain, making me think, foolishly, that I was not a girl, but I immediately knew that I was all girl, and as I pulled them off and handed them back, I knew that I really wanted rings like that. Greg looked a bit dejected but didn't force the issue, and we continued our stroll through the market. Stopping for a bite to something to drink... "Those rings belong on your hand Diane, you should have seen the expression on your face!" "It's way to early to even think about anything like that!" "Yeah, I know that, but to be truthful, you really do turn me on Diane, more than anyone I've ever met!" "Settle down big fella, eat your lunch!" We meandered through the market for another few hours, pointing out things that we liked. I had always liked crystal, and was drawn to the huge collections they had there, but the prices were well out of my reach. Greg liked old tools, and told me that he had a small collection that he displayed. On the way home we stopped for a bite to eat. "Want to see my collection?" "Is that like seeing someone's etchings?" I said with a grin. "I mean, you'll be a gentleman, right?" "I'll try," he said, "but around you it might be real hard!" "Try real hard Gregory! I'm not that kind of girl!" Well, after getting assurances that he would be a good boy, he and I stopped at his apartment. He had his collection displayed in a case with small lights to help expose them. He had some very odd looking stuff, but he knew what each piece was, how it was used and the year it came from; usually the 18th century with a few more pieces from the 19th century. His apartment was bright and clean, not at all messy like I had anticipated. Ferns and fake flowers dotted the room, with several paintings to break up the monotony of the white walls. He got us some soft drinks and we moved to the small balcony to sit at a small table. "This is very nice! You have a great view out here!" "Yeah. My dad helped me get it. He thinks I need my space." "I still live with my mom. Saves on the rent though, and besides, I can't afford a place of my own yet." "I can't either, so dad helps me out with the rent." I went in the kitchen to rinse out my glass, and he soon followed. Standing at the sink, I felt his arms go around my waist, then the touch of his lips on my neck. Suddenly shivering, he turned me around so I was facing him, and he kissed me with an obvious passion. I wanted to say no, I really did, but as that kiss went on, I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck. With that kiss he gave me everything the clothes and padding did not. He gave me not only a sense of power, but the knowledge that I had actually become the girl I looked like. Not the padding, not having periods, and certainly not the clothes. It was his... smell, his strength, his obvious manliness and the way he focused all of his attention on me that gave me a flickering sense that I might be willing to go further than I imagined. I felt weak in the knees just knowing that he wanted me, and strangely, I found myself wondering if I had really been a girl all along and didn't know it, but I also knew that it was time to find out. Greg was very well built, tall, over six foot tall, and solid like a rock. And me? 5' 7," tall, maybe 140 pounds on a good day, and soft, like a girl. He took me by the hand and we sat on the couch, then he kissed me again, drawing me into the web of delight that I had only wondered about, and feared. The way he touched me, held me, kissed me, and hugged me, was driving me to accept myself in ways that I never thought possible. Then he touched my breast, holding it in his hand like an orange, the softness of his touch was transmitted to my body through those sensor pads, and I simply could not bring myself to make him stop. It felt both strange, and wonderful at the same time. His hands roamed, touching my leg, hips, and tummy, all while he was kissing me. I was on the verge of collapsing in delight when he put my hand on his member. Hard, it pushed against his pants, a sure sign that he wanted more than a bit of kissing; I tried to pull my hand away, but he held it there, gently pushing me back against the couch, then he slipped his hand between my legs, rubbing up and down on my girl parts. I was breathing hard, but I moved his hand away, turning so he couldn't do that again. Yet my own hand was still firmly embedded against his erection. He moved my hand up and down in an effort to help him find relief, and while I was struggling to accept what I was doing, I did not stop him, and he moved, rather quickly, to release his member from his pants. Unlike the khaki material, his member was velvety to the touch, just as hard, and way bigger than I thought. I mean, my own, when I had one, wasn't that big! Once again he moved my hand up and down, urging me to "kiss it", but I declined. Instead, I decided to help him find relief with my hand. I never had any intention of ever doing that, for anyone but myself, back when I could, but there I was, giving Greg a hand job! He moaned and grunted a bit, then suddenly stood up, and with a yank, pulled me to my feet. Holding me closely in his arms... "I want you Diane Stickney, and I want you now! I knew from the moment I saw you that you were the girl for me, and I was right!" Unable to fight off the tears, I started to cry. I realized that I wanted him more than anything. I wanted to be his woman, I wanted his love, I suddenly realized that I wanted to be his partner in life. He held me tightly in his arms, all while moving towards his bedroom. I was crying because I knew that any remaining vestiges of my manhood were about to be tossed out the window, and I wanted it. I wanted him to use me... like a woman, and I found that I was actually looking forward to it! I mean, why not? I had already gone so far past my original boundaries that I knew in my heart that there was no way of going back! After a quick trip to the bath to take out my tampon, and was once again in his bedroom, there was a fast and furious shedding of clothes, and for the first time, I saw him naked. Also sans clothing, he swept me into his arms, laying me on the bed before he joined me. There began my final transformation into a woman. He kissed me in places that drove me crazy, like on my belly, and the gentle caress of his hand against my butt gave me the shivers. But all is not one way, and I flopped him on his back and went to work. There were no second thoughts, no doubts at all as I began kissing him all over. I didn't even think about it as I stroked his member with my hand until I leaned over suddenly and took it, all at once, with no hesitation. My boobs were hanging free as I ministered to him, stopping before he could release, leaving him moaning and panting. It was a wonderful feeling to know that I was in charge. Rather than be under him for my first time, my deflowering so to speak, I straddled him, and carefully moved so that his member would slide into me. He simply lay back with his eyes closed as I moved on him. His hands were on my butt, pulling me as close as I could get, yet I deliberately slowed down, and even stopped once to make it last as long as possible. If I was going to be a woman, and have sex with a man, then I was determined that I was going to enjoy it! He finally erupted in a pulsing spasm that gripped him so hard that he grimaced! For myself, I rolled off of him and lay there, smug in the knowledge that I had succeeded. As I lay there, I silently thanked Stewart, knowing that he had helped me beyond words. It had always been my intention to simply attend the ball and quit this girl thing afterwards, but events had taken over my life, and as I grew more and more comfortable as a girl, I also grew less and less convinced that I could go back to being a guy. Now, with Greg laying next to me, still breathing hard because I had just screwed his brains out, I knew there wasn't any way that I would inhabit my former life ever again. I had become a woman, his woman, and I was glad. Stamina should have been his middle name, because a short while later, he reached for me, and we once again enjoyed ourselves, only I was on the bottom that time. To have him laying on me, holding me, caressing me, making love to me, was a thrill I did not think possible. And that panty? Well, Stewart made it so that I could feel his member against my body, through the thin membrane that layered between the panty and my skin. That's how I could tell how he felt inside of me. After that second time, I jumped up and went in the shower to clean up, salvaging my clothes from the heap on the floor by the bed. I touched up my lipstick and went in the kitchen to get another cola while he showered. He took me home later that evening, and as I walked in the house, mom virtually assaulted me! "It's very late Diane! Where have you been all this time? Did you go to his house? Is that it? What else did you do today!?" "Mother! Stop that! I'm a big girl now and I can do what I want!" "So! You did go to his house! What else did you do?" Boy, she sounded angry! But... "Mother, I can't go back to being a boy, I just can't! Not now!" "Not now? What does that mean.... not now? You mean you and Gregory.... did you submit to him? Is that it?" "Submit is not the word mother! I will only say that the panty worked exactly as advertised!" "So you did do it!" "I'm a woman mother, I can do that with a guy if I want to, and besides, I can't get pregnant!" With a sigh she sat in her chair, and began to tell me all about how guys use us, (women) they leave us pregnant, or with our heart broken, or sometimes they even hurt us physically. There were so many things about being a female that I didn't know, yet I had to know; to learn, and adopt my defenses from them. My mother was being very protective, yet she must have understood how I felt, why I had slept with Greg, and why I could never be her son again; how could she not? I never explicitly told her that Greg and I had slept together, but she knew because I had mentioned the panty, that my statement that I was a big girl, a woman. "I did not expect you to want this Diane, but, I'll admit that I saw all the signs; I guess I ignored them! So, now that you have decided that you're a woman, what next?" "I guess I'll have to legally change my name, get a new drivers license and so on, after that, I guess I don't know!" "You know," mom said softly, "that this is not what I wanted for you, but, the deed is done now, and there isn't any going back, is there? Especially when word gets out that you and Gregory... are an item!" "He wouldn't tell! He's..." "A man honey. Men tend to brag about their conquests, and like it or not, you have become one of his conquests; it might become more, and I hope that it does, but you might as well resign yourself to the fact that some men only want to put notches on the bed post!" "He's not like that," I wailed, yet hoped that I was right. Greg and I started dating on a regular basis; I had my name changed, got new documents, and went on working. He and I did not "do it," again for a very long time because I had to be sure. I didn't want to become a notch on his bedpost as mom put it. As the day of the ball drew closer, I got my gown, shoes and so on, then attended the ball just as required, with Greg as my escort for the evening. It was an elegant evening, and mom looked just great. Her escort was a lawyer friend of hers that she had started dating. About half way through the dinner.... "Take this," Greg said, "I want you to have it". "It," was that very same ring I had tried on! I was in shock, holding it in my hand tightly, unable to say anything! "Well," he said, "put it on! Let's see how it looks!" Taking it from my hand, he gently slipped it on my finger, then kissed me quickly. "Marry me Diane." In total shock, all I could mutter was.... "I... I... can't", and ran into the ladies room. My mother was right behind me all the way. When the door was firmly shut, I turned and cried.... "Mom! He wants me to marry him! I can't! I'm not a... he wants a real..." "Stop that!" she said, "Stop right this instant! He obviously loves you honey, and I know that you love him! You don't want to admit that, but everyone can see it! It's all over your face every time he's around! Everyone can see you glowing whenever he's around, and do not try to deny it! Now, if you want to marry him all you have to do is say yes! But you have to tell him the truth honey. Starting a marriage with this kind of secret is just about the worst thing you could do! You have to tell him honey. I can't and won't do that for you. Something like that has to come from you. Now, go out there and find him and tell him! Tell him that you love him dearly, then tell him the truth. You'll know what kind of man he is by his reaction." Greg saw me crying and gathered me by the arm, taking me out to the balcony. "What's the matter honey? Did somebody hurt you?" "No, it's not that. I have to tell you something, but I want you to know that I love you more than you can imagine." "What's going on honey?" "I... I can't have children." "So? We can adopt!" "You don't understand. I was born a boy, like you! That's why I cannot have children!" "But we had fabulous sex! And I know a girl when I see one, especially when they are naked!" "But it's true! I was born a boy! If... if you don't want to see me again I'll understand." "You're a girl now, right?" "Virtually, yes. Just a bit of surgery to make it true, but yes." "Then lets not tell anyone. We'll keep this to ourselves then, okay?" That night he undressed me slowly, and I enjoyed every moment he took to make me naked. Then it was my turn, and I absolutely know that he liked what I did for him. We made slow sensual love most of the night, and in the morning after I got home I enrolled in a program to make me a real girl. Mom did the legal work and within a year it was true. I was a girl, and I was eager to prove it to Greg, but mom told me to wait until our wedding night.

Same as Deb Diane Videos

4 years ago
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Deb at Walmart

My wife Deb is 58 but in great shape and very pretty. We both keep slim and exercise regularly. She has a luscious set of big titties that hang nicely. Even at 58 she looks great when going braless in a sheer top and it drives men nuts. They can’t take their eyes off of her. Deb is submissive to me so when I tell her to wear one to go out, she does it. She knows that refusing to do so will result in a spanking. Two weeks ago we went to Walmart because I wanted to buy her a couple of "whore...

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Debs Superbowl Surprise Part 1

No hot drunken sex for me tonight. That thought just kept rolling stupidly through my brain, broken finally by a deep rumble of a voice across the bar top.“What’ll it be Ryan? The regular?”“Yeah, a JD and make it another double.”Barry the bartender, yeah, really that was his name and he took shit for it all the time. Well, good natured shit cause you don’t want to piss off a 6’6”, 300 pound black man with a cudgel stored beneath the bar top.He grunted, poured, slowly chewed his inner cheek and...

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Deb my horny coworker

A friend of mine wrote a story on here about a sales conference he had gone to and his experience. He encouraged me to share it with all of you. I had not thought about Deb for a long time, but his story got me thinking about her. Sorry for the long story the end is worth itA fw years ago, I was involved with a direct marketing company, where we sold items at home demonstrations. The sales force was comprised of 98% women. I know, sounds sort of feminine. I can assure you, I am not feminine at...

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Debs Rest Stop Gangbang

On our recent trip back from New York, we were getting horny thinking about some time alone just the two of us in the motel room we had booked. We had been crammed together with a bunch of relatives while staying upstate and were looking forward to some loud hot sex."It will be nice to be able to let loose and make some noise." Deb said"Yeah. I was getting tired of having to cover your mouth so your moans wouldn't be heard by everyone else I the house," I said laughingly."I'm Really horny! I...

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Synopsis: Featuring a great deal of BDSM. Mostly F/f F/m. Body modification (getting nasty). Pretty serious 'Ds' situations and plenty of sex. Has some plotting, some charater development and features a couple of characters that you will recognise if you read my first effort 'Denise'.Comment:I wrote Denise in 1998-2000 and this one a couple of years later around 2001-2004.  Third person prose sure suits the subject matter better (in my opinion) and I do notice that practice practice practice is...

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It was the opportunity she needed. And at just the right time.Diane had been out of work for a month, and her finances were running low. Very low. She had enough to pay her rent for two weeks, as long as she ate meagrely. But she had been doing that since she lost the job to that bitch Ann. Ann had been taken on trial at the same time as Diane, but where as Diane did her job, Ann was doing the boss. It was no contest. When the time came to make a choice. Jeff had chosen Ann, and more sex, over...

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Diane by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) It started when I was nine years old. I have two sisters, Linda is three years older than I am and Denise is my twin. One day while we were playing Linda decided we should play "dress up", her favorite game. She found a pretty dress for her and one for Denise After getting all dressed Linda looked at Denise and said, "Let's find something for Denny to wear!" They rooted through their things until they found a pair of pink nylon panties...

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Sharing Diane

I want to thank you for always printing an abundance of stories from couples where the husband likes to see his wife with other men. I too had long wanted to see my sweet Diane taken by another man. After much prodding, pleading and planning I got my wish, and a whole lot more. I know have a truly wanton wife, gourmet restaurant cook in the kitchen, and a complete slut in the bedroom. Diane and I married young. We were both 23 and fresh out of school. We met our senior year in a large Midwest...

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Introduction: He was a 21 year old virgin who needed help. Watch out! Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head. Two young men came running towards her. Jesus, guys! What are you trying to do? Give an old lady a heart attack? she asked, laughing. Old, my ass, mom said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head. This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend,...

1 year ago
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Teaching her son's best friend...“Watch out!” Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head. Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys! What are you trying to do? Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head. This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry...

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Nurse Diane

I was around 25 years old when I was hit by a drunk driver. He ran a red light and t-boned me right in the driver’s side door. The impact broke my left ankle, left tibia and fibula, femur and hip. It also fractured my left arm in two places along with my collar bone and three ribs. In the emergency room they determined that I needed surgery to repair my hip, leg, ankle, arm and collar bone. I was wheeled up to the operating room and it wasn’t long before the pain stopped and everything went...

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Chapter Two Allyson Opens Up to Diane

That evening, after supper, Diane and her boyfriend went to the local dance as usual. Now she began observing other couples dancing together more closely. Men normally would ask the ladies for a dance, but on occasions two women would dance together. This did not mean they were partners in the romantic sense, it was the social thing at the time, women who were not asked to dance, would occasionally dance together. She started noting small things, like where they placed their hands, and how...

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On the Road With Diane

Man it was fucking cold! I hate sleeping in my clothes but there were only two options, go to bed cold or go to bed freezing. I struggled under the covers of the cheap motel bed fully dressed thinking I could take my pants and shirt off after the bed warmed. I never did that night. I shivered and chattered for hours, forcing myself to get up and desperately twist the useless fucking thermostat knob 720 degrees in both directions. The clerk told us when we got the room the heat might be out...

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Jack And Diane

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Tickling Diane

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This is adult oriented fiction of a strong sexual nature. If you are under 18 years of age or easily offended by such material, then click your browser's back button now. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website without obtaining the author's permission...

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Frank and Diane

The day showed no signs of being a disaster when I woke up. The alarm went off at five and my wife Diane reached for me and pulled me back down as I started to get out of bed. She kissed me, slipped me a little tongue and her hand reached for my cock. Twenty-five years and the woman could still turn me into a quivering wreck. She pulled me on top of her and as my cock parted her nether lips she said: "Make it a good morning lover; make it a very good morning." I pushed into her and she...

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Lee and Diane

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Louise and niece Diane

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DEB’S SUPER BOWL SURPRISE: Part 2This story is based on the fantasies of ahrnycpl4u at xham. Printed with her permission.Remember, we left off from Part 1 with…Deb twisted her head and smiled so sexily and whispered to me, “Ryan, please Ryan. Get them ALL to fuck me tonight.”-------------------------I audibly gulped, which she heard and it caused her to giggle. 'I had to give myself time to think. Did she really know what she was asking?’First, her dress, I pulled it over her head, cast it away...

1 year ago
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Copyright© 1995 All rights reserved It was my second furlough in London, and much different from my first. On my first, I had hooked up with three other kids, one guy and two girls, for my week's leave. This time, I was going to go it, on my own. This was the Christmas season, of the same year. I actually got there on Boxing Day. That is the day after Christmas, and there were a million kids on the streets. It drove me crazy, until I had it explained to me. The city was much more festive than...

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Braving Diane

It all began 15 years ago but I remember it as clearly as if it hadhappened yesterday. I was with my best friend at the time Diane, we were celebratingour 30th birthday together. Nothing big, nothing fancy, we'd both left ourk**s and husbands at home and gone off on a spa-weekend together. Dianeand I had been best friends since college, I've never had anything butfriendly warm feelings for her, perhaps too friendly but I've never desiredher in a more intimate, sexual way, to this day I still...

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Adulterer Wife Diane

I'm not a writer so bare with me. I work on a merchant ship enroute to Africa and Europe and out to sea for 8 to 10 months durations. I inherited this job from my grampa and dad and I had to go to nautical school for 3 years. I couldn't just give up on this job. Dian was 22 when we married and asked me to take a land job but wouldn't. The shipping line owners are family friends to us and they paid me so good with a promise I'll be cheifmate someday, no way I'm walking away. Diane quit her job...

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Adulterer Wife Diane

I'm not a writer so bare with me. I work on a merchant ship enroute to Africa and Europe and out to sea for 8 to 10 months durations. I inherited this job from my grampa and dad and I had to go to nautical school for 3 years. I couldn't just give up on this job. Dian was 22 when we married and asked me to take a land job but wouldn't. The shipping line owners are family friends to us and they paid me so good with a promise I'll be cheifmate someday, no way I'm walking away. Diane quit her job...

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Rick Smith was feeling pretty good as he stood contentedly in the hot shower. He was still smiling after remembering his meeting yesterday with Larry his boss. Rick had done well over the past two years, and his company had recognized it, finally giving him a shot at landing a very important account. "You've got Cart Blanch on this one Rick," Larry had told him. "Whatever it takes, no matter what it takes, you bring this one home for us. It can make the difference of a good year or a great...

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Hypnotic Destruction the Taking of Aunt Diane

Michael only thought of two things the entire week, and it wasn't work either. He thought about how he had sex with his four favorite cousins, in the same room at the same time! He also thought about how his Aunt Diane had come on to him and how he had vowed to take Aunt Diane with her massive mammaries during the following weekend! It was now that next weekend. Michael's cousins had not come around during the week, so he'd thought that he would visit some of them after popping by Aunt...

1 year ago
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I'd only lived in my house a couple of years when I started the garden. I was twenty-five years old and was working crazy hours at my small business.  Getting home around six-thirty in the evening left me little time to spend planting and weeding.  But, the destressing and solitude that it offered were worth the late nights.This wasn't my first time tending to a vegetable garden.  My grandfather and mother were both vegetable gardeners, and I helped them often as I grew up.  I knew the basics...

3 years ago
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Diane and JohnJohn had just masturbated the woman in the seat next to him on the plane during an overnight flight to Milan. The woman was in her mid forties, cute with black hair and nice tits. She was a small woman, around a hundred pounds.John was tall, handsome, and at least ten years younger than the woman. He was also a very resrved man.John had the window seat and she had the aisle seat until the lights were turned out then the woman moved to the empty seat between them and raised the arm...

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Deb the College Piss Whore

Debbie sat at her desk and flipped on her computer. First, she sat and stared at the Google Chrome emblem on her screen not knowing what to type. She needed an outlet to let herself go with no one who knew her. She wanted just to crank up her kinky side to the max if she could. She began thinking about her all time fetish, wetting or commonly known as pissing herself. She loved it, hell she loved everything about piss, she got turned on just thinking about it. Her first time was her last...

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Delightful Diane

It was more than a surprise when an email dropped into my inbox the other day, totally out of the blue as they say and it come from someone who I hardly knew. You see I had been working on a project and had made contact with Diane who was an area supervisor, it did not work out so I knocked it on the head so to speak. That was four years ago. Well, surprise, surprise, an email from Diane popped into my Inbox with a very formal message enquiring how I was etc. We passed the rest of the day in...

2 years ago
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My daughter Diane

Note : This story is completely fictional!It happened one night when my 16 year old daughter Diane came home from a party drunk off her ass. I?ve always thought she was beautiful as I watched her grow up .I made a peephole in the bathroom so I could watch her. I watched her body form into a sexy woman. When she would shower I would take her panties and smell them while I jerked off dreaming of her pussy. Any way this night she came home very drunk about 1am. My wife and I were in bed I was...

3 years ago
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One summer while at the beach in San Diego. I went late to the old resorts beach showers to get the sand out of my ass and hopefully jack off with or suck my friend Scott. His place was dark like most of the rooms on a Sunday night in June. Only my sister was sharing the room with me and our parents were gone for two days. I pulled on the door but it was locked but I heard water and a few lights. As I turned to my room, the door cracked open and a guy I recognized signalled me in. Completely...

1 year ago
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My daughter Diane

Note : This story is completely fictional! It happened one night when my 16 year old Diane came home from a party drunk off her ass. I’ve always thought she was beautiful as I watched her grow up .I made a peephole in the bathroom so I could watch her. I watched her body form into a sexy woman. When she would shower I would take her panties and smell them while I jerked off dreaming of her pussy. Any way this night she came home very drunk about 1am. My wife and I were in bed I was dosing when...

1 year ago
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Chapter Two Allyson Opens Up to Diane

That evening, after supper, Diane and her boyfriend went to the local dance as usual. Now she began observing other couples dancing together more closely. Men normally would ask the ladies for a dance, but on occasions two women would dance together. This did not mean they were partners in the romantic sense, it was the social thing at the time, women who were not asked to dance, would occasionally dance together. She started noting small things, like where they placed their hands, and how...

2 years ago
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I Meet Diane

Time passed in a procession of daydreams and fantasies. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get that call, when late in the afternoon my phone rang! "Hello, is that my train companion?" a voice asked. My mouth went dry but I managed to stay cool and replied, "Yes it is, if that's my coat wearing lover?" She just gave a short throaty laugh and confirmed it was her. "What are you doing at the moment?" she asked. Even if I was busy there was no way I was going to turn down another...

2 years ago
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I drove up to Wabasha that night wondering what the night had in store. Diane had invited me to come up to stay overnight on her parents' boat. We had been friends in high school, really more a friend of a friend (namely my girlfriend Shelley’s friend). My mind wandered to thoughts I didn't know if I dared entertain. I knew the rumors from high school about her promiscuity but had always ignored them. I suspected she had ulterior motives but things had always stayed pretty non-physical in the...

First Time
2 years ago
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Repeat PerformanceChapter 6 Diane

My date with Diane was great. She was quite a bit more grown-up than Belle, and had some expectations about what kind of escort she wanted. She had chosen me because she thought I was much more mature than the young guys she had been dating. I couldn't tell her just how much more mature, of course. We danced, and by the second slow dance, she made it plain she wasn't afraid of a little body contact. In fact, she wasn't put off by a lot of body contact, most of which she initiated. I spent...

3 years ago
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On my recent post, I detailed my experience with "Deb." She is a long-time friend, and sometime intimate partner.This post-script is merely to say I received an InstantMessage from her tonight. In the message, she indicated how much she enjoyed our cyber-sex experience. Further, she commented how - after seeing me pleasure myself to her masturbatory action AND watching me cum on camera AND having multiple self-induced orgasms - she went to bed, took out her favorite motorized "friend" and had...

2 years ago
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David And Diane

Things were a little frosty when I left the house that morning and they probably wouldn't be a whole lot better when I go home. This is a bad time of the year for me anyway. Everyone wanted to have a party; company Christmas parties, both mine and Diane's, half of our friends planning holiday parties and I am just not a party animal. Diane is pissed at me because I wouldn't go to her company party with her. She knows I hate to go to those kinds of parties; I didn't even go to my own company...

3 years ago
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My first time with Diane

Diane was a young rep that visited me we always flirted, but this time went much further. We were in a meeting room in an upstairs office, she sat opposite me on the other side of the desk. We were flirting and for some strange reason started throwing screwed up paper balls at each other. One landed in her cleavage. I asked if she wanted me to remove it for her. She stood up and came around and sat on the desk in front of me.As she sat on the desk I leaned forward and slid my fingers down her...

3 years ago
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David To Diane

David to Diane by Katahn It was around 7pm when Dave finally rolled into the driveway of the home he shared with his wife Natalie. The sky was still a bright blue, with the wispy-streaky white- gray clouds that are the usual harbingers of a coming spring storm. His work at Kennotek had kept him late, again. He hoped this would provoke a fight with Nat, again. She hated the fact that work usually kept him late, almost as much as she hated his love of all things...

1 year ago
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Lady Diane

"Well, hello" A smile crept across my face as Diane walked towards where I was sitting having an Americano."Hey Di, how are you?" How to describe a force of nature like Diane? She's short and petite, about 5'1 and light enough to pick up one-handed. Her red hair cascades down her back to her perfectly shaped ass. There's no extra weight on Diane's tiny frame but she is perfectly shaped: legs and ass toned from running, slim, flat stomach despite having two kids and perfect, pert little...

2 years ago
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August, 2007 At the age of 58 years old, more than half of it spent in a miserable excuse for a marriage, I walked away and never looked back. I make no excuses for my behavior, other than to say I have no idea what took me so long. None of my family or friends could believe I had managed to stay with that miserable excuse for a human being for nearly 35 years and still remained sane. Quite simply, I was committed to my only daughter and had vowed to do my damnedest to make sure she didn't...

4 years ago
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“Watch out!”  Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head.   Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys!   What are you trying to do?   Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head.   This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry scooped up the ball, grinning...

4 years ago
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I drove up to Wabasha that night wondering what the night had in store. Diane had invited me to come up to stay overnight on her parents’ boat. We had been friends in high school, really more a friend of a friend (namely my girlfriend Shelley’s friend). My mind wandered to thoughts I didn’t know if I dared entertain. I knew the rumors from high school about her promiscuity but had always ignored them. I suspected she had ulterior motives but things had always stayed pretty non-physical in the...

4 years ago
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Exploring with Diane

I’m so nervous about getting married. I have only had sex with my fiancé and have no other experience with men. Recently, we made love and I guess it was okay. I have no way of knowing if he was fabulous or if he really sucked in bed. I want to experience love with other’s before walking down the aisle with my fiancé. My name is Diane. I’m twenty five years old. I know I’m very late to the game. I wanted to give myself to the man I married. But, my fiancé talked me into having it and I wanted...

2 years ago
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Debbi From Frumpy Wife To Kinky Slut

Chapter 1Debbi and Mark appeared to be the perfect couple. He was kind, intelligent, thoughtful, goodlooking, sporty and in a well paid job with good prospects. Debbi was incredibly attractive with astunning body and a bubbly personality. They both commuted into the city centre for their work,she as a secretary and he as an insurance assessor. Mark's parents had bought them a nice house.But they found out early on in the marriage that Debbi couldn't have c***dren. Mark tried his best toreassure...

3 years ago
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Debs Threesome fantasy

Deb might not have been the best looking girl I dated but when the shy girl who worked in the church got her clothes off, she had a great body and could fuck like no other woman I had been with. We decided one night to go out to a movie and maybe a few drinks afterwards. As we were leaving her apartment she got a call from her friend Tom that she had known for many years. I had always wondered why they had not dated but both had always said they were too good of friends. We decided to meet him...

4 years ago
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Deb at a strip club and after

I met my wife about a 3 decade ago. She already had quite a few notches in her bedpost, and also a few guys she still "played" with from time to time without her boyfriend of the moment knowing. By 4 months after we met she had realized she could do what/ who she pleased and it only made me happier as long as I got pictures or watched. We made arrangements to go out to a strip club with an old boyfriend and she told him to bring his buddy from work who has about a 9 inch cock. I drove my Chevy...

3 years ago
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Deb and Jays first time swinging

We had been to a party with our friends Kate and Andy an had a few too many drinks, however it was back at their place after that things got interesting. Kate is slim and sexy, very outgoing while Andy is the quiet type with an athletic body that Debbie always liked. So it was back at their place over a few more drinks that talk got to sex as usual but tonight it was different somehow more intense. Kate as ever was quizzing Debbie about her boobs as she has small titties about 32b, but lovely...

3 years ago
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Debi and the Boys Part 2

'I can't wait till you get home. I need a good fucking.' Debi responded, and she meant it. Even though she came twice on the vibrator, she was in need of a real cock to completely satisfy her. She looked at her bikini laying on the floor and thought about following her husband's suggestion from earlier. But first she decided to spy on the boys the way he had the previous day, so she went across the hall and into his office. She saw them huddled around Kyle looking at his phone again and...

3 years ago
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Debs Family Farm Training

by Jake Spear Chapter 1 Deb worked as she hummed, packing for her family's summer vacation. She had started a week ago but, with 4 children and a husband to pack for, it seemed like a never ending task. "Just one more load of wash and I'm finished," she thought to herself. Deb's husband Mike had spent the last two nights, after work, packing the mobile home with supplies for their trip. Tonight Mike would load the last of the clothes and supplies into the mobile home, and...

4 years ago
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Debs Unforgettable Birthday

Deb was a week from turning thirty-five but she wasn’t in the mood for celebrations. In fact, she’d been depressed for nearly six months because her husband, after fifteen years of marriage, had left for a younger woman. He was the only man she’d ever been with, having been high school sweethearts and getting married two years after graduation. Deb worked from home on her laptop and, after her husband left, she’d basically moped around the house, only venturing out to shop. Her best friend,...

3 years ago
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I Meet Diane

Time passed in a procession of daydreams and fantasies. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get that call, when late in the afternoon my phone rang! ‘Hello, is that my train companion?’ a voice asked. My mouth went dry but I managed to stay cool and replied, ‘Yes it is, if that’s my coat wearing lover?’ She just gave a short throaty laugh and confirmed it was her. ‘What are you doing at the moment?’ she asked. Even if I was busy there was no way I was going to turn down...

1 year ago
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Dyan pronouce Diane

As Dyan walks into an upper-class restaurant for a late brunch-business meeting, she stops in front of large mirror in the foyer to check herself. For this meeting she has chosen the gray pinstriped suit jacket with the matching tight skirt that ends just below mid-thigh and a silk, pink, button-front blouse. She checks her skirt to see if there is any trace of her garters that is holding up her sheer skin colored silk stockings. Dyan also turns around to check and see if the lines on the back...

4 years ago
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Debby the whores office submission

She straightened her clothes and washed her hands, then flushed the toilet for good measure before pushing open the bathroom door and running headlong into her boss. By his casual stance, she knew he'd been standing there waiting for her to emerge. She could feel her face flushing, but there was no way he knew what she was doing in the bathroom.He smiled down at her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I think we should take a walk," he said in a way that suggested she didn't have a...

3 years ago
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Debra Meets a Dominatrix

Debra so wanted to know what is was like to be disciplined as an adult. It was an ongoing fantasy of hers. Debra, 27-years-old, was so scared when she first met 43-year-old Karen at the Club. She knew it was a spanking party but that wasn’t the reason to be scared. That was because she knew she was going to experience her fantasy and was concerned it will not be what she had hoped for. She decided to go because her close friend, Lisa, suggested she attend having just a few days beforehand...

1 year ago
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My name is Joe and our story started four years ago when my wife caught me watching women having sex with dogs on my laptop, but instead of rowing with me she took an interest herself. She has always been very domineering whilst I am the opposite and very submissive we talked about it and she said we should spice up our sex life. We have being married for twelve years but we have no family because my wife Debra cannot conceive, she is thirty two years old five foot eight tall with a lovely...

3 years ago
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Any visit back to the home town has been made with mixed emotions. It is a city whose current condition can occasionally evoke the promise of yesterday—to those who remember that yesterday, at least. But the city of today, ah that is another story. Kent did chose to drive down the street of his infancy and childhood. It is good, he thought, that the trees whose name it bore were not chestnuts or elms, but at least a tree that could be found elsewhere in the city. But this street of many...

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