Dyan (pronouce Diane) free porn video

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As Dyan walks into an upper-class restaurant for a late brunch-business meeting, she stops in front of large mirror in the foyer to check herself. For this meeting she has chosen the gray pinstriped suit jacket with the matching tight skirt that ends just below mid-thigh and a silk, pink, button-front blouse. She checks her skirt to see if there is any trace of her garters that is holding up her sheer skin colored silk stockings. Dyan also turns around to check and see if the lines on the back of her stockings are straight. She turns around and faces the mirror again. She also double checks to make sure the lock to her chastity belt isn’t showing either, the one her Master, Scott, who’s also her husband, instructed her to wear. Scott also instructed her to wear the custom made double dildo, which fastens to the chastity belt. The dildos are both seven and a half long inches and placed so one goes inside the wearer and the other goes inside the person the wearer happens to be fucking. She double checked the outer dildo to make sure it is still strapped to her leg. Dyan also checks her oxfords for any stains or mud splatters. She decided to wear her leather black oxfords with the five-inch French heels. Since the French heels are three times thicker than the stilettos. Master ordered her to wear them because they have a more respectable look and an old world charm to them.

With a final approval, Dyan walk away from the mirror and continues into the restaurant. She walks past the tables and all everyone can see is a confidant and smart redhead with a knack for business. What everyone does not see is the scared little girl who needs a strong daddy to protect her from the nastiness of the world.

With her hair pulled back and wrapped in a bun, no one knows it can almost touch her ass. ‘Master loves my hair that long,’ thought Dyan, ‘he holds on to it for support when he’s fucking me in the ass.’

Now she’s getting excited and it’s making her pussy wet. While walking in these heels with a wet pussy, it causes the dildo to rub against all the right spots. Dyan has to stop thinking about her Master’s cock buried deep in her ass or she’s going to come, before she would reach her table.
After sealing the deal at the meeting, Dyan’s boss, Lori complimented her on her enthusiasm and the way she commanded the meeting.

“Thank you, Lori,” replied Dyan.

“I’m going to report your performance to our department head,” continued Lori, “and take the rest of the day off”, just before she turned and walked out of the restaurant.

Dyan thought to herself ‘how can I not be enthused with a dildo rubbing against all the right places,’ she continued to think as she watched Lori’s ass wiggle as she’s walking away ‘I would love to fuck that.’

Lori’s looks remind Dyan of Joanna Kerns, the mother on the old TV show ‘Growing Pains’, except with bigger boobs, tighter ass and hair that goes down past her mid back. She always wears skintight blouses to work, maybe to show off her big tits and flat stomach. She also wears dresses so tight, the snaps of her garters show through. The stockings that Lori wears are not like the ones Dyan wears. Lori’s are off the shelf stockings, mostly skin tone and tans and they don’t have the lines going down the back of the legs. For footwear, she only wears black pumps and one pair of boots, with clodhopper heels four inches or less. They are like the one you would buy at Payless, Macy’s, or JC Penny’s.

‘Man! If I was fucking her, I would have to set her straight in the Clothes, stockings and footwear department’, thought Dyan.

Dyan started to walk to the front door from her table. By the time she reached the foyer of the restaurant, she was greeted by her fifth climax since she entered the restaurant.

Dyan walked out of the restaurant only to see Lori standing by the curb in the pouring rain like a puppy-dog lost in the woods. Dyan walked over to Lori.

“Lori? Where’s your car?” quizzed Dyan

“In the friggin' shop! I hate waiting for cabs!” Lori snap back, frustrated.

“Why didn’t you ask me for a ride?’ Replied Dyan, “You know I would give you one.”

“I didn’t want to be any trouble.”

“Trouble? Honey, you’re my boss and my closest friend” ‘and I wish we’re lovers’ add Dyan mentally, “Of course you are no trouble. So, where do you want to go?

“Thank you, oh thank you!” Lori cried cheerfully.

Dyan and Lori decided to drive over to Lori’s apartment so she can freshen up and change clothes. In the car they chatted away a storm when the subject turned to clothes.

“I love the way you dress,” proclaimed Lori, “look at you, look - at - you. You look great! Especially the shoes, I love those shoes. I would kill for a pair of those shoes!’

“Oh come on,” Dyan replied smiling, “you would not have to kill anyone for these old things.”

“Old! They are not old.”

“Yes they are. I only used these shoes for evening events. They look wonderful with an evening dress. This morning I put on five or six pairs of shoes before my husband suggested trying these on. I tried them on and loved the way they looked with this outfit.”

Lori told her that the shoes look great with her outfit; she also told Dyan that she has a confession to tell her. Really, what is it Dyan asked. Lori told Dyan that sometimes, no not sometimes, she always wished she could dress like her. Not that all surprised by Lori’s comment, Dyan told her that she is more than willing to help her with her style and dress. Dyan went on to say that she also has a confession. Lori asked her what it is. Dyan said that she wanted to give her a makeover since they first became friends, but wasn’t sure if she would get offended or not. Lori laughed and said I wish you had asked.

Dyan waited for Lori to get herself together so they start Lori’s makeover. Dyan was walking out of the bathroom where she made sure the outer dildo didn’t wiggle loose and let her hair down. As she was walking back to the front door of Lori’s apartment when she heard Lori calls her from the back bedroom. Dyan walked into the bedroom to find Lori dressed in her bath robe weeding through her hung clothes in her closet.

"I don’t know what to wear" replied Lori. Dyan replied that all Lori really needed to do is wear a t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of her highest heel shoe, preferably black. Lori said ok and went digging into her drawers. Lori commented that she didn’t realize that Dyan’s hair was that long. Dyan smiled and told her she was going to wait in the living room.

When Dyan reached the living room, she called Scott on the cell phone to let him know what she was doing and what she hopes she's going to do. Scott met Lori on many occasions and knew her very well. He has also told Dyan that he always wanted to make her his fuck toy also. Scott wished her a happy make over and she should let him know if she got to fuck Lori or not.

Dyan and Lori made there first stop at a shoe store. Dyan knows of this place because they not only sell everyday name brand shoes, but also fetish shoes that you can find only in specialty shoe stores.

Dyan wanted to know what the highest heel Lori can walk in is. Lori told her she can walk in four maybe four and a half inch heel. Lori picked up a shiny red patent pump. When Dyan saw that, she lightly smacked the shoe out of Lori’s hand.
"No, no" said Dyan; "patent and shiny shoes are man-made fake leather material, the longer you wear it the more the material won’t give and shape itself around your foot."

Lori listened carefully as Dyan went on to say that real leather has some give and will shape it’s self to fit your foot. So the longer you wear it the more comfortable it will become. They both went back shopping for shoes.

Dyan came across a pair of black leather over the knee boots that would look great on Lori. They zip up from the top of the ankle to the top of the boot. It also laces up in the back of the knee to the top of the boot so you can adjust the top of the boot to fit your thigh. It also as a one inch platform sole built into the boots so you can’t tell it’s hardly there and a five inch very thin heel. Not only did Dyan pick a pair out in Lori’s size, she got a pair for herself.

When Dyan got back, Lori was trying out a pair of black leather pumps with five and a half inch stiletto heels and a thin ankle strap. Dyan asked her if she can she walk in them. Lori said she didn’t know but she wants to try because she loves the shoes.

Lori rose to her feet and started to wobble a bit. After she gains her composer, she started to walk. To make sure she didn’t fall over, Lori’s back was humped over like and elderly woman with an arthritic back. Dyan got up and stood next to Lori. She instructed Lori to straighten her back. Dyan also went on to tell her that shoes with heels this high, she has walk with the balls of her feet and take shorter steps, try it slow until you get use to it.

Lori did what Dyan told her to do. After a while Lori looked like she was getting accustom to the higher heel. She walked back to where Dyan was sitting with a big grin on her face. "

What, you look happy now "Dyan told Lori jokingly.

Lori said "thank you, now I can wear very high heels and not look like an idiot walking in them."

Dyan said for her to get use to them before she went out, because if she has to stand for a long time in them will cause her feet to hurt.

Dyan then turned around and grabbed the box with the boots. She told Lori to try them on. When Lori opened the box, the smile on her face became bigger. She pulled one boot out of the box and started to caress it. Lori placed the boot on her lap and proceeded to remove the pumps from her feet. After she carefully put the pumps back into its original box, she grabbed the boot from her lap and unzipped it. Lori then carefully slid her foot into the boot. Then she arranged her jean leg so she can zip the boot over her jeans. After she was done zipping up the boot, Lori carefully laced the back; making the boot top look tight but not feeling tight. She repeated the process with the second boot, almost taking as long as the first. When Lori was done, she got up and walked around.

She told Dyan that she was surprised on how well she can walk in these boots. Dyan told her to go and look in the mirror.

When Lori saw herself in the mirror, she almost cried. She looked hot in the boots and told Dyan so. Dyan got up and walked over to where Lori was standing and wrapped her arms around her saying that she was happy for her. Lori said she was not removing these boots; she wants to keep wearing them. Dyan said sure, but we have to do some more shoe shopping.

Lori and Dyan also picked up two pairs of leather oxfords, one is the black Milan style with the four and a half pointed heels and the other is a black and white saddle style with the five inch heels. They also picked out two ankle boots. One was black rubber zip up with five inch stiletto heels and the other were black combat type work boots with four and a half inch heels. Dyan saw that Lori didn’t seem too worried when she forked over almost nine hundred dollars for footwear. And like she told Dyan, she walked out of the store wearing her new boots.

The next stop Dyan was taking Lori was a BDSM store where her master and her shops. It is the place where they sell real silk stockings. Dyan told Lori about the store’s stocking type but she also told her that the store is not one of your normal stores. Lori asked what did she mean by not normal. Instead of beating around the bush, Dyan just went ahead and told Lori it’s a BDSM store and asked Lori if she knew what it meant. Lori replied yes, she knows what Dyan was talking about and left it at that.

Soon they were walking into ‘Guilty Pleasures’ so Lori can buy some stockings made with real silk. Lori picked out her usual colors of nudes and tans. Dyan told her to throw in some black in the basket also. Lori said OK and grabs a few. Lori told Dyan she wanted to look around because she never been inside a store like this before. Dyan nodded yes and thought it might be a good chance to go into the dressing room to see if her ‘dick’ was sticking out, pressed against her skirt.

Dyan found Lori at the register already paying for her stockings and something else in a bigger bag. Lori was talking with Maya, the store owner. Dyan knows Mistress Maya from their play group. Lori noticed that Dyan and Maya know each other but dismissed it as Dyan always come here to buy her real silk stockings.

Dyan and Lori were driving to another store when Dyan asked Lori what’s in the big bag. Lori said it was her stockings. Dyan wasn’t buying it because there is tell tale signs that there is a box in the bag and she told Lori that. Lori said that it was her stockings that were in the bag.

"Tell me or I will call Maya and find out from her."

Lori said nothing. Dyan got her cell phone and started to press random number until Lori said no, no please don’t do that, it just to embarrassing for me to show you. Dyan told her that they are friends and Lori has nothing to be embarrassed about. Lori blushed as she pulled the box out of the bag. It was a leather chastity belt with silver locks and a seven inch dildo attached to the inside of the crotch. Dyan laughed out loud which cause Lori to get upset.

Dyan told her not be upset, because she’s wearing a belt like that right now. Lori looked at Dyan and suddenly busted out laughing also. Dyan went on to say that hers came with a dildo on the outside, like a man’s penis. Lori asked if she can see it. While carefully driving, Dyan pulled her skirt up to her waist to reveal her dildo. When Lori saw the larger dildo which was strapped to Dyan’s thigh her eyes went wide because she realized that Dyan was wearing it all day and now knows why she ‘checks herself’ a lot.

Lori started asking so many questions about Dyan’s dildo, being the better part of the day inside her pussy that Dyan couldn’t keep them straight. Not until she asked her why is there a dildo on the outside. Dyan stopped laughing and smiled at Lori. She told Lori that it’s a long story that she is not ready to tell yet. To change the subject Dyan asked Lori if she wanted to try on her belt. Lori’s reply was a big oh yeah; she hasn’t had anything in her pussy except for fingers in twelve years. Dyan said well, there’s some antibacterial sanitary wipes in the glove box; take it out of the box and wipe down the dildo really good. Lori told her she didn’t know how to put the belt on while wearing jeans and panties. Dyan said I’ll show you.

Dyan pulled her car into a shopping center and parked in a remote section, behind some dumpsters. While putting her car in park she told Lori to unzip her jeans and then pull them and her panties down over the boots. Lori did what she was told to do and with Dyan’s help managed to accomplish the feat. Dyan saw that Lori’s bush is also well trimmed. Lori then got one of the wipes out of the glove box, after she removed her new belt from the box. Lori carefully with Dyan’s guidance wiped the dildo clean. Dyan asked Lori if her pussy was wet. Lori reached down between her legs and felt her pussy was gooey wet, she told Dyan it was. Dyan told Lori to gently slide the dildo into her pussy. Lori placed the head of the dildo at the entrance of her pussy and gently pushed it in. Lori let out a gasping ‘oh’ as she felt the fake cock easily slide itself deeper into her fuck hole. It was like her pussy was sucking the dildo in by itself. Lori looked at Dyan and told her the toy feels really, really good and wants to fuck her pussy with it. Dyan felt her own juices flow wished that she was fucking her instead of the belt. Lori started to stroke her pussy until the dildo was completely buried inside her shaft. Lori asked Dyan to help her with the chastity belt. Dyan wrapped and tighten and locked everything to Lori’s slim waist and gave her the keys. Lori breathlessly thanked Dyan as she put the keys on her key ring. Lori than started to pull her panties and than she pulled her jeans on and than zipped them up.

Dyan put her car in drive and continued to their next store. While driving along, Lori mentioned that when the car hits a bump, it feels like the dildo is fucking her. Dyan told Lori that she will try her best to hit every bump until she came. Lori laughed until Dyan did run over a bump which caused her to gasp out an ‘oh my’. Lori turned to Dyan and giggled for Dyan to stop. Dyan laughed and said ok.

Dyan parked her car in the parking lot of a fashion boutique. As they were both walking across the parking lot Lori let out another ‘oh my’. Dyan turned to her and asked if she is enjoying the dildo buried inside her pussy. Lori told her that between the high heel boots and the dildo, she doesn’t know whether she’s coming or coming some more. Dyan said to make sure she don’t squeal out loud in the middle of the store when she does come. Lori just bit her lower lip and tried to walk as normal as possible.

Lori spent another three thousand dollars without even blinking an eye. Dyan helped her with picking out business suits. She got a black one with a tight mini skirt, a grey one about mid thigh skirt, and two blouses. Lori went ahead and bought herself a black leather short mini skirt and a matching black leather corset that barely covered her nipples and belly button. When Dyan saw her come out of the dressing room in that outfit she almost came herself. She walked over and pretend make sure the locks on her chastity belt didn’t show only to get a closer look. Lori first paid for the clothes and then told Dyan to wait as she disappeared back into the dressing room.

Moments later Lori reappeared in the leather corset and leather mini skirt. She was also wearing the black silk stockings that came up two inches from the mini skirt and the black boots. Dyan definitely wants to fuck Lori. She just hopes that Lori didn’t read the expression on her face.

Lori decided to wear this outfit as they left the store. When they got into Dyan’s car Dyan asked where to next. Lori told her since she has been to her apartment; she would like to know where Dyan lived. Dyan said ok. As they drove to Dyan and Scott’s house Lori asked Dyan if she looked good in the outfit she’ wearing. Dyan told her that all the men at the office would be jacking off under their desk if she wore that outfit to work. Lori giggled and asked that she doesn’t look fat in this outfit. Dyan’s reply was oh hell no.

Dyan closed the garage door with the remote so her nosey neighbors don’t become nosey. Lori grabbed all her shopping bags with Dyan’s help and put them all in the living room. Dyan went in the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Lori came in to help.

Dyan and Lori were at the kitchen table sipping coffee when Lori asked Dyan if she can keep a secret. Seeing how serious Lori look Dyan told her she can tell her anything and will keep it in confidence. Lori went on to tell Dyan that she’s bisexual. Dyan asked Lori if she can keep a secret also. Lori said yes. Dyan said she is bisexual also and also mentioned that she wanted to fuck the living shit out of her since they first met. Lori smiled and said she want Dyan to fuck the living shit out of her since they first met also.

Dyan stood and took Lori’s hand asking her to stand. After Lori stood Dyan gave her a deep kiss. When she felt Lori’s tongue slide into her mouth, she wrapped her arms around Lori’s waist and held her tightly. Lori responded by doing the same. After a few moments, Lori broke off the kiss and asked if Dyan is going to fuck her with the dildo between her legs now. Dyan laughed and nodded yes. Lori, with Dyan’s help took off her chastity belt and eased the dildo out of her pussy. She then got on her back on the kitchen floor and told Dyan to get on top and to hurry, she want to get fucked. Dyan just laughed at the comment as she took her suit jacket, skirt, and blouse off; leaving on the garter belt, bra, and chastity belt.

Then she knelt between Lori’s legs and gently lowered herself on top of Lori. Lori felt the dildo slide into her pussy when Dyan was on top of her. Lori went back to making out with Dyan as Dyan gently thrust her hips into Lori. Without breaking lip contact with Dyan, Lori told her to fuck her harder. Dyan pounded Lori’s pussy so hard; she felt the dildo in her own pussy start fucking her. Now she knew why Master told her to wear this chastity belt. Dyan is starting to love this chastity belt.

Suddenly Lori squealed out that she was coming so Dyan fucked harder. Lori wrapped her legs around Dyan’s waist and arched her back as one of the hardest orgasms ripped through her body. Dyan couldn’t stop coming hard herself. They both held on and kissed to each other waiting for their bodies to stop trembling.

Moments later, Dyan gently got off of Lori slowly pulling the dildo out of her pussy. After they both stood they went back to making out again. After making out, Dyan asked Lori what she thinks of Scott, her husband. Lori was a little hesitant to reply but Dyan told her she want her honest opinion. Lori told Dyan that he’s a total hottie and wants to fuck his brains out. Dyan laughed and told Lori that’s what Scott said about her. Lori laughed and leaned in to kiss Dyan again, Dyan return the kiss. Dyan asked Lori if she wanted to spend the night with her and Scott double teaming her. Lori squealed out a yes. Dyan told Lori that she has idea on how to get Scott home early.

The phone on Scott’s desk rings and he notices it’s his house number.

“Hello Dyan?” answers Scott

“Hi Scott, its Lori

“Hi Lori is Dyan ok”

“Why yes she is fine. She is a little busy right now.”

“Busy, what is she doing?”

“Well, I’m bent over your kitchen table and she’s standing behind me, fucking me with her dildo. Ooh we were wondering if you’d like to join us and fuck both our brains out.”

Scott moves the receiver a foot away from his face and yelled “everyone, I’m going home right now!”

Scott arrived home to find both women on the floor in the living room. Lori was on her hands and knees with Dyan behind her fucking her hard, doggie style. Lori noticed Scott and told him to take off all his clothes and lie in front of her. Scott tore off everything until he didn’t have anything left on. This caused Dyan to giggle a little. Scott then lay in front of Lori like she wanted him to. Without missing a stroke, Lori lowered her head down until her mouth was filled with Scott’s good size cock. Soon she kept in perfect tempo of use Dyan’s thrust to swallow Scott’s cock.

Lori never thought in a million years that her day was going to turn out like this. Getting fucked hard by a beautiful woman she has the hots for while blowing her husband.

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I'd only lived in my house a couple of years when I started the garden. I was twenty-five years old and was working crazy hours at my small business.  Getting home around six-thirty in the evening left me little time to spend planting and weeding.  But, the destressing and solitude that it offered were worth the late nights.This wasn't my first time tending to a vegetable garden.  My grandfather and mother were both vegetable gardeners, and I helped them often as I grew up.  I knew the basics...

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Diane and JohnJohn had just masturbated the woman in the seat next to him on the plane during an overnight flight to Milan. The woman was in her mid forties, cute with black hair and nice tits. She was a small woman, around a hundred pounds.John was tall, handsome, and at least ten years younger than the woman. He was also a very resrved man.John had the window seat and she had the aisle seat until the lights were turned out then the woman moved to the empty seat between them and raised the arm...

2 years ago
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Deb Diane

Deb Diane Janet L Stickney [email protected] She had covered the mirror so I couldn't see what she was doing, but with all the tugging, the heat from the blow dryer, the brushing and so on, I figured she was doing something with my hair to make it as feminine as she could. After all, I had seen the results of the makeup she had already done on me, and that alone gave me more than just a hint that maybe she had been right! Maybe she could make me look like a girl! I was allowed...

4 years ago
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Delightful Diane

It was more than a surprise when an email dropped into my inbox the other day, totally out of the blue as they say and it come from someone who I hardly knew. You see I had been working on a project and had made contact with Diane who was an area supervisor, it did not work out so I knocked it on the head so to speak. That was four years ago. Well, surprise, surprise, an email from Diane popped into my Inbox with a very formal message enquiring how I was etc. We passed the rest of the day in...

2 years ago
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My daughter Diane

Note : This story is completely fictional!It happened one night when my 16 year old daughter Diane came home from a party drunk off her ass. I?ve always thought she was beautiful as I watched her grow up .I made a peephole in the bathroom so I could watch her. I watched her body form into a sexy woman. When she would shower I would take her panties and smell them while I jerked off dreaming of her pussy. Any way this night she came home very drunk about 1am. My wife and I were in bed I was...

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One summer while at the beach in San Diego. I went late to the old resorts beach showers to get the sand out of my ass and hopefully jack off with or suck my friend Scott. His place was dark like most of the rooms on a Sunday night in June. Only my sister was sharing the room with me and our parents were gone for two days. I pulled on the door but it was locked but I heard water and a few lights. As I turned to my room, the door cracked open and a guy I recognized signalled me in. Completely...

1 year ago
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My daughter Diane

Note : This story is completely fictional! It happened one night when my 16 year old Diane came home from a party drunk off her ass. I’ve always thought she was beautiful as I watched her grow up .I made a peephole in the bathroom so I could watch her. I watched her body form into a sexy woman. When she would shower I would take her panties and smell them while I jerked off dreaming of her pussy. Any way this night she came home very drunk about 1am. My wife and I were in bed I was dosing when...

1 year ago
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Chapter Two Allyson Opens Up to Diane

That evening, after supper, Diane and her boyfriend went to the local dance as usual. Now she began observing other couples dancing together more closely. Men normally would ask the ladies for a dance, but on occasions two women would dance together. This did not mean they were partners in the romantic sense, it was the social thing at the time, women who were not asked to dance, would occasionally dance together. She started noting small things, like where they placed their hands, and how...

1 year ago
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I Meet Diane

Time passed in a procession of daydreams and fantasies. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get that call, when late in the afternoon my phone rang! "Hello, is that my train companion?" a voice asked. My mouth went dry but I managed to stay cool and replied, "Yes it is, if that's my coat wearing lover?" She just gave a short throaty laugh and confirmed it was her. "What are you doing at the moment?" she asked. Even if I was busy there was no way I was going to turn down another...

2 years ago
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I drove up to Wabasha that night wondering what the night had in store. Diane had invited me to come up to stay overnight on her parents' boat. We had been friends in high school, really more a friend of a friend (namely my girlfriend Shelley’s friend). My mind wandered to thoughts I didn't know if I dared entertain. I knew the rumors from high school about her promiscuity but had always ignored them. I suspected she had ulterior motives but things had always stayed pretty non-physical in the...

First Time
2 years ago
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Repeat PerformanceChapter 6 Diane

My date with Diane was great. She was quite a bit more grown-up than Belle, and had some expectations about what kind of escort she wanted. She had chosen me because she thought I was much more mature than the young guys she had been dating. I couldn't tell her just how much more mature, of course. We danced, and by the second slow dance, she made it plain she wasn't afraid of a little body contact. In fact, she wasn't put off by a lot of body contact, most of which she initiated. I spent...

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David And Diane

Things were a little frosty when I left the house that morning and they probably wouldn't be a whole lot better when I go home. This is a bad time of the year for me anyway. Everyone wanted to have a party; company Christmas parties, both mine and Diane's, half of our friends planning holiday parties and I am just not a party animal. Diane is pissed at me because I wouldn't go to her company party with her. She knows I hate to go to those kinds of parties; I didn't even go to my own company...

3 years ago
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My first time with Diane

Diane was a young rep that visited me we always flirted, but this time went much further. We were in a meeting room in an upstairs office, she sat opposite me on the other side of the desk. We were flirting and for some strange reason started throwing screwed up paper balls at each other. One landed in her cleavage. I asked if she wanted me to remove it for her. She stood up and came around and sat on the desk in front of me.As she sat on the desk I leaned forward and slid my fingers down her...

3 years ago
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David To Diane

David to Diane by Katahn It was around 7pm when Dave finally rolled into the driveway of the home he shared with his wife Natalie. The sky was still a bright blue, with the wispy-streaky white- gray clouds that are the usual harbingers of a coming spring storm. His work at Kennotek had kept him late, again. He hoped this would provoke a fight with Nat, again. She hated the fact that work usually kept him late, almost as much as she hated his love of all things...

1 year ago
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Lady Diane

"Well, hello" A smile crept across my face as Diane walked towards where I was sitting having an Americano."Hey Di, how are you?" How to describe a force of nature like Diane? She's short and petite, about 5'1 and light enough to pick up one-handed. Her red hair cascades down her back to her perfectly shaped ass. There's no extra weight on Diane's tiny frame but she is perfectly shaped: legs and ass toned from running, slim, flat stomach despite having two kids and perfect, pert little...

2 years ago
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August, 2007 At the age of 58 years old, more than half of it spent in a miserable excuse for a marriage, I walked away and never looked back. I make no excuses for my behavior, other than to say I have no idea what took me so long. None of my family or friends could believe I had managed to stay with that miserable excuse for a human being for nearly 35 years and still remained sane. Quite simply, I was committed to my only daughter and had vowed to do my damnedest to make sure she didn't...

1 year ago
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JUAN pronouced JON

My name is Juan, I’m 32 single. I have been sex mad since I discovered one of my mother’s boyfriends fucking our neighbor’s son. It all happened one day when school finished early, some friends and I decided to go back to my place to play on my play station. I went ahead while they brought supplies. Our back door is left unlocked so I ducked down the side of the house quietly went in the back door noticing clothes strewn on the floor so decided to follow the trail. I stopped in my tracks...

4 years ago
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“Watch out!”  Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head.   Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys!   What are you trying to do?   Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head.   This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry scooped up the ball, grinning...

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I drove up to Wabasha that night wondering what the night had in store. Diane had invited me to come up to stay overnight on her parents’ boat. We had been friends in high school, really more a friend of a friend (namely my girlfriend Shelley’s friend). My mind wandered to thoughts I didn’t know if I dared entertain. I knew the rumors from high school about her promiscuity but had always ignored them. I suspected she had ulterior motives but things had always stayed pretty non-physical in the...

3 years ago
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Exploring with Diane

I’m so nervous about getting married. I have only had sex with my fiancé and have no other experience with men. Recently, we made love and I guess it was okay. I have no way of knowing if he was fabulous or if he really sucked in bed. I want to experience love with other’s before walking down the aisle with my fiancé. My name is Diane. I’m twenty five years old. I know I’m very late to the game. I wanted to give myself to the man I married. But, my fiancé talked me into having it and I wanted...

3 years ago
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I Meet Diane

Time passed in a procession of daydreams and fantasies. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get that call, when late in the afternoon my phone rang! ‘Hello, is that my train companion?’ a voice asked. My mouth went dry but I managed to stay cool and replied, ‘Yes it is, if that’s my coat wearing lover?’ She just gave a short throaty laugh and confirmed it was her. ‘What are you doing at the moment?’ she asked. Even if I was busy there was no way I was going to turn down...

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Dyanna my neighbor and her daughter

My neighbors were a younger couple with a young daughter. By young I mean about 6 years younger than my wife and I. A couple of weeks after I retired I was working in my back yard when I overheard my neighbor Dyanna talking to what appeared to be a friend, stating that her husband Ron and her were getting a divorce and he had moved in with his father about 75 miles south of us and closer to his job. Dyanna went on to say how they have not had sex in months and when they did it was...

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Chapter 1 Dan laid next to Dian in disbelief. "My god what is wrong with me, why did I let this happen? The questions swirled around in his head, as he listened to Dian's even breathing as she lay sleeping beside him. Dan could not belief that he had let it go this far, after all this was his dead wife's daughter that he had just fucked. Dian Jackson grow up in a middle class home. She was a beautiful young girl with rich black silk skin, long flowing brown hair and deep coco brown eyes....

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 4 The Masturbation

Over the next two weeks I watched and recorded a number of hot masturbation sessions unknown to the hot 23 year old virgin Jaimie, and a few of her MILF m_ _ _ _y and one of her parents fucking in their room. Near the end of two weeks, I even caught the preacher himself alone in Jaimie's room sniffing her worn panties and jacking off his little pecker over her bra, but that is another story for later!My favorite two masturbation recordings, other than her at night in the middle of the night...

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Once Again for the First Time

My day had been complete shit. I got up as usual, took my shower as the coffee was being made, then sipped it as I went through my morning routine. Styling my hair, makeup, deciding which dress I was going to wear to work, grabbing a banana and heading to my car.And when I turned the key, nothing happened. The radio did not come on, not a click, the battery or something else had given up. Disgusted I went back inside and called for a cab. 20 minutes late I walked into the shop and of course my...

2 years ago
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A woodland adventure Chapter Three

Chapter 3 "Fuck!" you say "God i need that so much, now slam that pussy you big horny bastard!" I pull out all the way, then ram it back in again, holding again for a second or two, then all the way out again and plunge it back in again harder and harder each time. Each thrust deep inside your aching pussy. "Oh yes.............thats it big boy...............pound that naughty girl...............fuck that tight little pussy...........God yeah" I begin to quicken my pace and the depth of my...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Charli Phoenix 08242022

Charli has one spoiled stepson on her hands. He is constantly milking his father for money and refusing to work. So today when he interrupts Charli during her golf lesson she gets a little miffed with her stepson as he actually blames her for stopping his father from giving him money for a concert he wants to go to. Then to top it off he interrupts again when she is fucking the golf instructor. Damnit, doesn’t he realize this is how she pays for the lessons and his father might appreciate...

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MAN OF THE HOUSE:Your flight arrives early 6:30 in the morning. OMG, you are so handsome, and with those sleepy eyes you look soo sexy. I pick you up in my office dress, mid thigh length business skirt, white shirt, short black jacket, stockings and heels. We hug and kiss at the arrival area then with your strong arm around my waist we walk to the parking side. We talk, giggle and chuckle, I am feeling so happy with you. Suddenly, I feel your hand slide down over my womanly behind, I smile and...

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Babysitter into the family sex circle

Nicolette Eagletown stood naked before the full length mirror in her bedroom observing her own beautiful body. Becky, as everyone called her, would be nineteen in two months. She was only 5’1″ and 100 pounds but it was perfectly formed in a 32C – 18 – 33 body and a lovely face with flowing brown hair, big chocolate eyes and flawless skin. She slipped on a pair of red bikini panties, then, a loose sweat pants tops and bottoms before slipping into cross trainers. She...

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Ever see another man face fuck your wife

This happened on our first wife sharing experience after Monica had sex with an american sailor some few weeks before, read the story. After ages of bedtime fantasy talk and especially Monica's encounter with the sailor it was time to take the plunge and finally invite another man to join us for a threesome. I would get to live out my fantasy of seeing my wife fucked by another guy and joining in and her to experience another man. What took place wasn't how we expected things to play out but...

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Mistress Nicki and Jen

Half an hour later, we were sitting together on the sofa with a glass of wine. “That was… amazing. I have never been so turned on in my life. And I would never have even gone in there by myself. Let alone do something like… like that.” I smiled and took a sip. “I feel as high as a kite.” Jen sat back on her chair and took a large mouthful of wine. My smile broadened. “You little slut,” I whispered. There was a pause, then Jen smiled, “Yes, I suppose I am.” “You’re still not wearing any...

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Alice worked for the department store for several years. Recently she witnessed several changes. The corporate executives brought in new managers to increase sales. Mr. Jake Benton was assigned to the store where Alice worked. When Mr. Benton spoke to the group where Alice worked he stressed that there would be lay-offs and poor performance would be grounds for termination. Alice remembered how large Jake Benton looked. He was black, over six feet tall and appeared extremely muscular. He...

4 years ago
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Beth Cant Resist a Big One

What a beautiful summer day! It was early afternoon and I was out in the back yard doing the regular weekly chores on the flower beds and lawn. Jim, our new neighbor was also out doing the same in his yard. I knew his first name from when he had introduced himself a few months back as he moved in. We hadn’t really shared much else since except a casual nod of recognition when we passed each other in our normal day to day activities. Jim looked to be about thirty five, physically fit, with a...

3 years ago
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All Things to All People Ch 04

Street Walker What has gone on before When graduate student Cynthia Halverston was poisoned by a compound she was working on, it turned her into a willing vessel for any man’s sexual fantasies. Her sense of smell has been magnified while her sense of self has been weakened so much that her mind, in a desperate bid for survival, adopts what men around her secretly desire as it’s sense of purpose. Only strong scents such pine cleaner or eucalyptus can keep her from detecting the desires of the...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e3 Mithali Sikdar 21 from Darlington

We’re sitting at a crossroads in an old residential area. A shop on each corner – we’re looking at the first, a small convenient store – blue and white signage above the door reads “SAMMY’S STORE”. Then we pan around to the other side of the street, a mobile phone store, with similar signage, this time reading, “SAMMY’S MOBILES”. Then across another road to look at the third corner, another store with similar signage, this time a fast-food outlet, named “SAMMY’S CHIPPY” And then to across...

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Kristin 4

Over the next few days I was consumed with Kristin and confused about my feelings toward him. We texted and spoke several times over the next few days and kind of evolved into a more emotional relationship. Up until then it was mostly just sex. We were able to talk about life in general and just like most people on a relationship about each other’s feelings. It seemed we became closer by talking at length sometimes on the phone. It got so I was very comfortable calling and talking at any...

1 year ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 53

August 10, 1979 At 11:00 in the morning, the temperature was already 82 degrees but it felt like 92 and the forecast suggested that temperatures would be reaching the high 90s by the late afternoon. Tim was seated on the step before the front door, waiting for their university guest, Dr. Frank Hennequin, to arrive. The visiting professor was an historian specializing in studies of the French support of the American Revolutionary War. Tim wasn’t sure what to expect, but the professor was...

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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 2

Please read this chapter after reading the previous chapter, as I have updated the first before posting this one. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. I welcome constructive criticism. Thanks to Mfan and others for proof reading and support --------------------------- In the morning Bob convinced his wife he was getting out early to meet up with the “lads”, for a surf lesson (a lesson that oddly none would make except for this one lovely young lady...). Thankfully, as normal for the...

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Ek Young Lady Unki Nanad Ko Choda

Hi friends, mera name amit sharma hai. Mai dehli se hu lekin currently me muradabad(up) me ek acche bank me ek post par job karta hu.Esliye mai muradabad me ek rent ke room me alone rahta hu. Last month mere sath ek incident happened hua jisane meri life change kar di.Ek din mai office ke kam se sambhal gaya tha toh muradabad return me late ho gaya aur evening ke 8 baj gaye, andhera bhi bad gaya tha. Mai bike se sambhal gaya tha toh evening me jab apni bike se muradabad return ho raha tha. Toh...

2 years ago
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Little Sisters Dilemma Part III

“Sarah, get the hell out of here!” Joanne screamed, “and stay the fuck out until I get dressed, or I’ll shove my hand up your ass and give you fucking haemorrhoids!” Our sensuous little world of loving incest had been broached by my sister’s friend Sarah, and we had been caught in a most compromising position. My now-flaccid cock was still captured in my sister’s ass, and she had clamped her rectal muscles in an attempt to hold me there. The only thing between this steamy scene and Sarah’s...

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A dream cum tru

As Satya got up from his bed, he could sense a feeling of deja-vu....He felt as is the entire day ahead was planned, and he exactly knew what was about to happen. He walked to the bathroom, without any clothing, to get himself prepared for the day ahead. he had a big day ahead of him, oh yes, he did! After writing frantically to his screen-Goddess Anna Nicole Smith for nearly thirteen months, she had finally replied back, and most importantly, with an invitation to meet her person. The...

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