Tickling Diane free porn video

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WARNING! This is adult oriented fiction of a strong sexual nature. If you are under 18 years of age or easily offended by such material, then click your browser's back button now. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website without obtaining the author's permission first.


Tickling Diane

by Night Owl

(Story Content:  MF/f, Bondage, Tickling)

My wife, Elise, and I were finally awarded the opportunity to meet with our new partner after several weeks of corresponding with her over the Internet. Her name was Diane Decker - a nineteen year old, brown haired beauty, just starting her first semester at the local community college near her home. She accepted our proposition to spend the evening with us for two reasons. First, she needed the extra money we offered her to cover for books and other expenses. Second, and most important, she had long wanted to explore a life-long obsession, so personal and so unusual for her, that she couldn't bring herself to even discuss it with her closest friends. That obsession was tickling.

We understood Diane's feelings about the subject, being ticklers ourselves. But the one thing Elise and I have learned, is that life is too short for secrets and that, ultimately, there are very few things that warrant secrecy. We began tickling each other when we were dating, and since then, our relationship has been filled with some of the most erotic and fulfilling adventures I have ever known. We experimented with bondage techniques as a means of intensifying the sensations, and came up with all sorts of role-playing scenarios. We even discussed inviting a third person into our sessions to spice things up a bit, and just recently, decided to finally give it a try.

We both agreed that our new partner should be a woman, the submissive type, both young and innocent-looking, yet open-minded enough to seriously consider what we had in mind. Most importantly, she had to be a true novice when it came to tickling, so we would be assured that her laughter was genuine and not just an act. In short, and at the risk of sounding elitist, Elise and I saw ourselves as true artists when it came to tickling, and we were in need of a blank canvas on which to practice our skills.

We found Diane on a local blog, called The Magic Touch. She lived in Littleton, which is a suburb just south of Denver, where we lived. At the time of our meeting she had just graduated from high school, and saw herself as a normal teenager, somewhat straight-laced, with just one quirk of deviancy. Tickling. Ever since she could remember, Diane would do anything to be tickled. She often teased the boys on the playground and challenged them to tickle fights. Her behavior seemed innocent at the time, but then as she reached puberty, it grew into a powerful obsession. What she couldn't get in reality (which really wasn't much due to her shy nature), she got through fantasy. She described it as a type of drug, to which she was so thoroughly and irreversibly addicted, that she felt she had no free will left.

For months, the three of us shared our thoughts and fantasies on the subject. We got to know each other personally, exchanged photos, and shared favorite stories about tickling. My wife and I tried to convince Diane that her obsession would only get worse unless she found an outlet for it. We also told her that if she ever decided to give tickling a try, she might be better off in the hands of two experts, meaning ourselves, and forgo any embarrassment of revealing this secret to any of her friends. We even offered to pay her for the trouble driving across town to our home. I could almost hear the nervous laughter from Diane on the other end, but she seemed very receptive, and even typed,

"We'll just have to try this some time because I think it would appeal to my masochistic urges!"

We continued our devotion in building a relationship with this girl, until finally, she agreed to meet with us in person.

That evening, both Elise and I had been waiting anxiously for her arrival, and as I answered the door, I was greeted with a sight that I could only picture in my imagination. The photo Diane sent us certainly didn't justify her appearance in person. She stood there under our porch light, trying to compose herself. Her large, brown 'doe' eyes and nervous smile made her look almost virginal. Her skin was smooth and fair, her dark brown hair fell just over her shoulders in loose, feathered curls. She had on a light jacket, with an Arapahoe Warriors logo stitched on the right chest - the name of her old high school.

Elise joined us at the door and we introduced ourselves. I felt her hand trembling a little as I shook it. I could tell she was hesitant, wondering what we were really like in person.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Diane," my wife greeted her warmly. "Please come in."

We stood aside and ushered her into the room, letting our eyes roam up and down her body as she took off her jacket. We had asked our guest to wear something provocative, but tasteful, and Diane didn't disappoint us. Her white sweater halter top was secure around her neck and across her lower back, leaving the arms, shoulders, upper back, and lower midriff bare. She had no bra on underneath, so we could see the tips of her breasts pointing softly through the light wool material. Her black shorts rode very high on her thighs, making her long legs appear even more so, and her leather sandals showed off her perfect bare feet. The outfit was simple, sexy, and most importantly, didn't detract from her innocence, making a delectable combination over all.

Just by studying her mannerisms, I could tell Diane wasn't used to showing off so much of herself, not to mention the butterflies she must have been feeling just in knowing what she was about to submit to. Elise and I were also filled with anticipation and eager to allay any fears that our guest might have.

We lead her to the couch and poured some wine, then chatted awhile about other things - her school, our marriage, and so on. When Diane realized that we were just as nervous as she was about this meeting, her own fears began to melt away. The topic eventually turned to our favorite subject, and the question was asked,

"So where are you the most ticklish?"

Diane blushed furiously as she hesitated to answer. Discussing each others' fantasies seemed so easy over the Internet, but in person she suddenly grew shy.

"It's all right," I said. "The time has come for us to find out for ourselves, with your permission, of course."

Diane nodded.

We sat to each side of her on the sofa and began to gently run our fingers over those exposed parts of her body while noting what made her squirm and giggle. Fingertips softly glided around her neck, down her arms, and around her belly. She could feel gentle prods and pokes along her ribs and under her arms. Elise removed her sandals and explored the soles and bridges of her bare feet with light fingernail touches. Diane giggled and squirmed against me as I continued with my own explorations of her upper body. She was becoming very excited (as was I) from this subtle torture. We decided to move to the next level.

I opened and drawer in the end table and withdraw several different colored silk scarves, then I turned toward Diane and asked,

"Are you ready to try these out for size?"

She stared at the scarves for several seconds, as if gathering her courage, then replied quietly,


I took her right hand and ran one of the silk scarves across her tiny wrist. Her doe eyes grew wider with anticipation as I slowly wrapped the scarf around twice and tied it off, while Elise did the same with her other wrist. Then we guided her upstairs to our bedroom.

Diane gave us a curious look as we passed the bed and ushered her toward the master bathroom. She was about to ask why we were going there, when she saw the two large hooks in the ceiling above. I moved her into position, facing away from the tub so she could see herself in the full-length mirror on the opposite wall. She watched helplessly as I raised her arms high and secured each bound wrist to a hook.

Elise was standing in the doorway and taking this all in. She had elected to watch for awhile, to savor the situation before taking an active role. Her face was flushed with excitement, and an evil little smile graced her lips as she leaned against the door frame, letting her gaze travel up and down this young woman's helpless body.

I too, was feeling very anxious. The top Diane wore had a loose knit pattern to it, and I could see teasing little circles of her smooth, pink flesh peeking through the fabric. Underneath, her nipples were really struggling now to reveal themselves. I gently pulled her shorts down and slipped them off her feet. Her white silk panties showed off quite a bit of thigh and 'cheek.' With just one downward swipe of my hand, I could have easily removed them, exposing her treasures underneath, but I elected to leave them on for now, as well as the top.

I pulled out another scarf and tied her ankles together, then stepped back to gaze at our victim's reflection in the mirror. She was quite a sight standing there almost on her toes, unable to do more than squirm and sway a little. Her arms looked especially vulnerable, raised high as they were like a V with her naked pits stretched wide open for us. Below the halter top, her bare tummy dipped slightly inward under her jutting ribs.

Standing behind her, I touched her wrists and ran my hands lightly down her arms. Diane closed her eyes tight and pressed her lips together. She was trying desperately to suppress the laughter that would inevitably burst from her lungs. I wiggled my fingers into her armpits and savored the feel of those warm, deep, silky-smooth curves. Diane moaned and squirmed. She tried to bring her arms down to protect herself by twisting them against the restraints. A wasted effort, but nonetheless, fun to watch. I turned my attention to her breasts next, and couldn't resist playing with her nipples for a few moments through the sweater. I could feel them harden under my touch, as she sighed and began to rub herself against my body.

My hands then dropped to her waist, and for a moment, I held them there and stared into the reflection of her eyes in the mirror. I watched her breasts rise and fall underneath the top with each nervous breath, as the anxiety of knowing what was to come next welled up inside her.

I moved my hands away from her skin until just the tips of my fingers made contact, then I began to slowly flutter them around her waist and belly. I could feel her stomach muscles jump under my touches. She began to writhe around, trying to elude them, arms twisting again. She made little squealing sounds under her breath, but she still seemed very determined to hold her laughter in for as long as possible. I was just as determined that I would have this girl screaming for mercy, so I wrapped one arm around her upper body to keep her completely still, while I used my free hand to tickle her ribs. Elise decided it was time to join in on the play, and moving in beside me, dug her long, red fingernails into Diane's open armpits.

Finally, we were rewarded as her composure broke, and she began to giggle out loud. I released my arms from her waist and thrust my fingers up her sweater to tickle her ribs there. My wife continued the assault on her underarms. We watched Diane in the mirror, her face contorted with tortured laughter, her body thrashing and twisting in the restraints, trying to fend off the unmerciful onslaught of two expert ticklers. Her ass was really grinding against me now, and Elise noted with a tease how much I was enjoying it when she saw my hard-on straining against my pants. We tickled Diane non-stop for ten more minutes, leaving her breathless before stepping back to give her a break.

As she stood there trembling, trying to regain her regain her senses, we launched our second attack. Elise tickled her behind the knees, then ran her long nails up her legs, around her tush, and between her thighs, while I focused on her upper body again.

It must have been exasperating, being attacked so relentlessly by two sets of hands, twenty fingers in all, wiggling, scratching and poking her from all sides. I grasped the bottom of her sweater and pushed it upward, a couple of inches at a time, pausing in between to give her quick little tickles and caresses on her newly bared flesh. She jumped and giggled each time my fingers made contact. All pretenses of resisting were gone now. The sweater rose inch by inch up her ribs, up to her nipples, then she gasped as her naked breasts finally sprang free.

Meanwhile, Elise was working her talented fingers over her belly. She teasingly traced the outline of her silk panties, then gently tugged them downward, again inch by inch, exposing her dark pubes and the upper furrow between her smooth, round buttocks. I brushed my fingers lightly over her nipples until they became as hard as bullets and swelled to twice their original size. Diane's struggles became violent, yet my wife still managed to remove the panties and was now wiggling her fingers around the poor girl's privates while she twisted and squirmed to try and get away from them.

By the time we allowed Diane a second break, she was a wreck. She hung limply by her wrists, almost panting from laughter, with her top still bunched up over her breasts and her panties draped uselessly around her ankles. She was really sweating too. Moisture glistened from under her arms, as though beckoning us touch them again, but for the moment, we resisted.

We decided that we had kept her standing there long enough, and that it was time to move on to something different. Elise removed the rest of her clothing while I untied her, then we guided her out of the bathroom to the king-sized bed.

We stretched her naked body out on the plush bedding, secured her arms and legs to each corner with silk scarves. We stepped back for a moment to drink in the sight of our victim now spread-eagled, bound tightly, and awaiting our pleasure. Our devious, ticklish minds were almost overwhelmed with new possibilities.

Diane watched wide-eyed as I reached into a black bag and withdraw several feathers of various colors and textures. Elise and I each selected two feathers, and taking one in each of our hands, we began to glide them over her body. Elise chose to begin on her breasts, swirling the tips around and around the outer edges before lightly teasing her nipples. I moved to the end of the bed, and begin stroking the soles of her lovely feet. Not surprisingly, Diane was bucking and squirming, and rewarding us with screams of tortured laughter, all at the same time.

The feeling of power, the intensity of it, was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Numerous times I had tied my wife and tickled her, but it wasn't the same, probably because Elise always knew what to expect, while Diane had no idea what she was getting herself into. She was totally helpless and completely at our mercy. Her firm, young body was ours now, for as long as we wanted it, and there was no way of her knowing when this torture would stop.

I tickled the base of her toes before sliding the feathers around her arches and up over the tops of her feet, while Elise let hers glide into her armpits, then up and down her sides. Feathers were pulled between each of her toes, and dipped into her belly button. I worked my way up her legs, pausing to give the backs of her knees a few swipes. The smooth muscles inside her thighs twitched as I tickled them too.

We gave Diane another break, but only long enough for me to wrap a length of black cloth around her eyes, plunging her into darkness, and leaving her helpless to experience any sensory input except what we chose to give her. Throughout our session, she had begged and pleaded for us to stop, as much as she could, between her sudden fits of forced laughter. Now her power of speech had deteriorated into mindless babble. I wondered how much tickling a woman could take before losing her mind completely, and if that did happen, would her sanity would ever return again. Well . . . the three of us had all evening to find out.

After giving Diane's upper body the full treatment, Elise put her feathers away and pulled out two fude brushes made of soft horse hair. I decided to join her. While I used my brushes to tickle the girl's feet again, my wife gave her armpits another long dose of tickling. First she drew imaginary circles around them, then dipped her brushes into both ticklish hollows. With each thumb and index finger she twirled the brush handles. Tears flowed out of Diane's eyes, and she was laughing so hard I thought her lungs would burst. I dragged my brushes up her legs and tickled her ribs, while my wife moved to her breasts and teased both nipples with soft swipes and strokes at least 15 minutes.

We must have covered nearly every square inch of the girl's flesh with the brushes. Only the V of her body remained untouched. By then, Diane was moaning and begging us in her own mindless way to touch her there. Instead, we set our brushes down and tickled her body again with our fingers -- the deep, intense kind of tickling that drove our helpless victim into fits of silent laughter, her body thrashing violently against the restraints.

We gave her another break, but Diane could hardly remain still. Every nerve in her body so charged up now, that all it took was just one touch to set her off again, so we decided it was time to move in for the final kill. Diane tried to ready herself for what was next. With the blindfold on, she couldn't tell what we were planning, or if we were still even in the room for that matter. Then she moaned when she realized we were tickling her with our tongues. More giggles followed as we lapped at her armpits, then left moist trails down her ribs, around her thighs and back up to her breasts. Finally, I decided to stand back and watch my wife finish her off.

Lying on the bed between Diane's splayed legs, Elise took the fude brush again, and began softly and insistently stroking her pussy. Using brushes has always been my wife's specialty when it came to tickling. She had the patience and timing, and knew just where and how to use them. I remember being tied to the bed once, and begging for mercy while she teased my cock and balls with the damn things for almost an hour.

Now it was Diane's turn. The first touch made her giggle in nervous, delighted confusion. I could tell she had never touched like that down there. Elise dragged the wispy horse hairs around and around the girl's swollen labia, then up between. When the brush reached her clit, Diane nearly had an orgasm. Knowing she had little time left, Elise set the brush aside and continued the teasing of Diane's clit, only this time with her tongue.

The things my wife has done to me that wonderful appendage are mind-boggling, and now she was using it to stimulate this girl in ways that she had probably never experienced in her young life. I grew envious of Diane, and for the first time, really began to take notice the growing, aching feeling in my pants. I thought about masturbating, but resisted the urge, in the hope that Elise and Diane would soon be finished.

Thankfully, the wait had not been long, as my wife's skillful tongue was enough to finally push Diane over the edge. While the orgasm washed over her, we began to furiously tickle her belly and ribs again with our fingers. The combination of the tickling and her orgasm caused her to cry out with pleasure, and she nearly fainted from the intensity.

Afterward, we decided to give our new partner a long, deserved rest. We left her tied to the bed while I took Elise by the hand and led her into the next room. It was our turn to play now, and when we were finished, we would be back for another round of tickling. Needless to say, Diane was in for very a long night!

End ;-)

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I drove up to Wabasha that night wondering what the night had in store. Diane had invited me to come up to stay overnight on her parents' boat. We had been friends in high school, really more a friend of a friend (namely my girlfriend Shelley’s friend). My mind wandered to thoughts I didn't know if I dared entertain. I knew the rumors from high school about her promiscuity but had always ignored them. I suspected she had ulterior motives but things had always stayed pretty non-physical in the...

First Time
2 years ago
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Repeat PerformanceChapter 6 Diane

My date with Diane was great. She was quite a bit more grown-up than Belle, and had some expectations about what kind of escort she wanted. She had chosen me because she thought I was much more mature than the young guys she had been dating. I couldn't tell her just how much more mature, of course. We danced, and by the second slow dance, she made it plain she wasn't afraid of a little body contact. In fact, she wasn't put off by a lot of body contact, most of which she initiated. I spent...

2 years ago
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David And Diane

Things were a little frosty when I left the house that morning and they probably wouldn't be a whole lot better when I go home. This is a bad time of the year for me anyway. Everyone wanted to have a party; company Christmas parties, both mine and Diane's, half of our friends planning holiday parties and I am just not a party animal. Diane is pissed at me because I wouldn't go to her company party with her. She knows I hate to go to those kinds of parties; I didn't even go to my own company...

3 years ago
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My first time with Diane

Diane was a young rep that visited me we always flirted, but this time went much further. We were in a meeting room in an upstairs office, she sat opposite me on the other side of the desk. We were flirting and for some strange reason started throwing screwed up paper balls at each other. One landed in her cleavage. I asked if she wanted me to remove it for her. She stood up and came around and sat on the desk in front of me.As she sat on the desk I leaned forward and slid my fingers down her...

3 years ago
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David To Diane

David to Diane by Katahn It was around 7pm when Dave finally rolled into the driveway of the home he shared with his wife Natalie. The sky was still a bright blue, with the wispy-streaky white- gray clouds that are the usual harbingers of a coming spring storm. His work at Kennotek had kept him late, again. He hoped this would provoke a fight with Nat, again. She hated the fact that work usually kept him late, almost as much as she hated his love of all things...

1 year ago
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Lady Diane

"Well, hello" A smile crept across my face as Diane walked towards where I was sitting having an Americano."Hey Di, how are you?" How to describe a force of nature like Diane? She's short and petite, about 5'1 and light enough to pick up one-handed. Her red hair cascades down her back to her perfectly shaped ass. There's no extra weight on Diane's tiny frame but she is perfectly shaped: legs and ass toned from running, slim, flat stomach despite having two kids and perfect, pert little...

2 years ago
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August, 2007 At the age of 58 years old, more than half of it spent in a miserable excuse for a marriage, I walked away and never looked back. I make no excuses for my behavior, other than to say I have no idea what took me so long. None of my family or friends could believe I had managed to stay with that miserable excuse for a human being for nearly 35 years and still remained sane. Quite simply, I was committed to my only daughter and had vowed to do my damnedest to make sure she didn't...

4 years ago
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“Watch out!”  Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head.   Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys!   What are you trying to do?   Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head.   This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry scooped up the ball, grinning...

4 years ago
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I drove up to Wabasha that night wondering what the night had in store. Diane had invited me to come up to stay overnight on her parents’ boat. We had been friends in high school, really more a friend of a friend (namely my girlfriend Shelley’s friend). My mind wandered to thoughts I didn’t know if I dared entertain. I knew the rumors from high school about her promiscuity but had always ignored them. I suspected she had ulterior motives but things had always stayed pretty non-physical in the...

3 years ago
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Exploring with Diane

I’m so nervous about getting married. I have only had sex with my fiancé and have no other experience with men. Recently, we made love and I guess it was okay. I have no way of knowing if he was fabulous or if he really sucked in bed. I want to experience love with other’s before walking down the aisle with my fiancé. My name is Diane. I’m twenty five years old. I know I’m very late to the game. I wanted to give myself to the man I married. But, my fiancé talked me into having it and I wanted...

1 year ago
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Tickling Sara

I am an older gentleman who has been a widower for a few years. Since my wife passed away, I have been very lonely. I have enough money to live comfortably and some. I have been doing investment for some time and build up quite enough of a nest egg that I do not have to worry about my expenses, as well no longer have to invest the money. I live off of my interest from the savings and bonds. I decided to have some company by allowing neighborhood children to stop in, get snacks and...

3 years ago
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I Meet Diane

Time passed in a procession of daydreams and fantasies. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get that call, when late in the afternoon my phone rang! ‘Hello, is that my train companion?’ a voice asked. My mouth went dry but I managed to stay cool and replied, ‘Yes it is, if that’s my coat wearing lover?’ She just gave a short throaty laugh and confirmed it was her. ‘What are you doing at the moment?’ she asked. Even if I was busy there was no way I was going to turn down...

1 year ago
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Dyan pronouce Diane

As Dyan walks into an upper-class restaurant for a late brunch-business meeting, she stops in front of large mirror in the foyer to check herself. For this meeting she has chosen the gray pinstriped suit jacket with the matching tight skirt that ends just below mid-thigh and a silk, pink, button-front blouse. She checks her skirt to see if there is any trace of her garters that is holding up her sheer skin colored silk stockings. Dyan also turns around to check and see if the lines on the back...

1 year ago
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Tickling Our Fancies

As I arrived at work on Monday, I found an envelope resting against my computer monitor. April was across from me hard at work, or so it seemed. I opened the envelope to find an invitation to dinner at her place. As I turned I found her looking at me eagerly awaiting an answer. I said, “Of course, wouldn’t miss it.” The dinner was on Thursday evening. I asked if I could bring anything and she assured me that she had everything under control. The week seemed to drag on as if Thursday would never...

3 years ago
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tickling fights always end in fucking

I had always fancied my fiances sister from the 1st moment i had laid eyes on her.After months of harmless flirting over msn chat things started to heat up after a conversation about silk pyjamas, so arranged for her to stay the night, with my fiance working the next day i knew we would be left alone.I awoke at 9am to an empty bed and the sounds of someone washing up in the kitchen, i waited and just as i was begining to lose hope the door opened and there she was, standing in the doorway in...

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Chapter 1 Dan laid next to Dian in disbelief. "My god what is wrong with me, why did I let this happen? The questions swirled around in his head, as he listened to Dian's even breathing as she lay sleeping beside him. Dan could not belief that he had let it go this far, after all this was his dead wife's daughter that he had just fucked. Dian Jackson grow up in a middle class home. She was a beautiful young girl with rich black silk skin, long flowing brown hair and deep coco brown eyes....

3 years ago
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Tickling his Testicles

Lillie Soto had a bit of a reputation. Tradesmen often spent longer at her house than any other and several marriages breakups in the area had been blamed on the dark haired beauty. So when she asked her neighbor Roy McKinny to fix an outlet in her bedroom he was a bit uneasy but on the other hand Lillie was a real sexy dish and a very persuasive one.He was just a young guy, still living with his parents and his mother certainly didn`t want him to go in that woman`s house but he went anyway....

1 year ago
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Tickling my girlfriend backfires with messy consequences

My girlfriend and I are laying in bed on a sunny Saturday morning, letting our breakfast digest. She’s 5’4′, light Italian skin that is tan from running in the sun, large D cups on her slender frame, and is laying on the bed in one of her shirts and a pair of my boxer shorts on her hips. I’m laying next to her reading a boring book, and of course feeling quite horny. Just looking at her as she uses as her computer starts making me get hard. I’m wearing boxers and no shirt, and my dick starts...

1 year ago
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Tickle Abuse

Just looking at the name, TickleAbuse obviously ain’t going to be for everybody. Hell, you could split the title in half and still get the same effect looking at either side. Both tickling and abuse can either be somebody’s worst nightmare or spermiest wet dream, but it really depends on what you’re into and what kind of mood you’re in, not to mention who’s involved. The hentai weebs might be interested in some monster tickling, but the rest of us pervs would rather watch if pretty girls are...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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TICKLE.TXT by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation It had been a long boring day taking an in-house class on a new computer application. The only high point of the day was that the class had three of my company's prettiest women in it. But I was glad the class was over; in fact it was a little past quitting time when I returned to my desk to check the mail. And there, out of the blue, sitting in my chair, was my online mistress! "Mistress! What are you doing here?" And since she only had...

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Mornings were never lost on us. Especially spring mornings. Early. In ourreverie. Early in the day when poetry made trees greener than the daybefore. And grass more springy and fuller and richer seeming. More thanloam. And the beauty of the sky was crystal fragrance. As has never beenbefore. And the joy at ties of rainbows or chandelier dawns was that theywere shared together. And we touched up in our morning bed. Stretched ourhands and found each other, close and closer still. Not had to sail...

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Tickle Torture

Jake and Kevin sat together on the floor in Kevin’s dorm room, working on their calculus homework. They were in the same class, though Kevin was a year ahead of Jake, a mere freshman. Kevin put set his pen on the floor next to him and rubbed his temples just beneath his shortly cropped black hair. “I really don’t get problem number six. I’ve tried it ten different times and I keep getting a different answer.” “Let me take a look,” the younger blonde said, holding out a hand. The sophomore...

2 years ago
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Tickle Fantasy Shackled for the First Time

It’s a late, October rainy night, the wind is blowing outside, and I’m all alone curled up on our couch with a book, with a few lamps on and a candle lit, flickering beside me. A velvet blanket is tossed lazily over my bare legs, I am wearing my husband’s long black T shirt with my favorite pair of silk underwear underneath, and the most comfortable socks I could find keeping my toes warm. My blonde hair is freshly washed, falling down to my shoulders smelling sweet. I am reading one of my...

3 years ago
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Tickled for Revenge Teased and Tied

It had been weeks since my husband, Derek and I had really seen each other, him being so busy with work and with me finishing up a summer class. We had recently gotten into a heated debate which ended in a stupid fight. I was giving him the ultimate silent treatment by freezing him out, but it backfired, instead of him chasing after me, he simply ignored my slight attempts to make up. I secretly wanted him to apologize for some hurtful things he had said, and craved his attention. I missed his...

3 years ago
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22 And Still Virgin

Hi, guys, this is raxxx(name changed) since the people I know are regular visitors of this site. I have been reading stories from ISS since 5 years. But this is the first time I am sharing my experience so if there are any mistakes please excuse. Before I begin with my sex story let me tell you about myself, I hail from North Karnataka with a dick size 5inch. I am currently doing my Masters in Bangalore. Without wasting your time I will come to the sex story.This is a real sex story which is...

2 years ago
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Laundry Day

          New to the Apartment Jeff headed down to the laundry room in the basement of his building. With just his College sweater and sweat pants he was not planning to impress anyone, hey it was just laundry day. The elevator opened and he walked down the hall to the door, as he unlocked it he was greeted by the sounds of machines and chatter. The room was full of people and all the machines churned away, baskets lay in wait for the next machine. Jeff sighed and realized that maybe Sunday...

Straight Sex
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Jacking Off

Dave showed up at my house a few days later and showed me the contents of the bag he was carrying. A nice stack of playboys. He borrowed them from his dad's stash in their garage. "You want to head out to the fort and check these out?" "Yeah, let me finish up breakfast," I said ... Dave sat and chatted with my mom for a few minutes and then we grabbed our bikes and headed out to the woods. The woods was a five or six acre patch of trees near my house that had not yet been developed. We...

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Brick And Mortar

Crain was a thirty-eight-year-old man who loved doing three things; first was racing fast cars, not as a career but just for fun. Second he loved surfing. He had surfed all of the west coast of the US and Mexico, plus Hawaii. Third, or perhaps first, was sucking cock. Amend that. He loved cock, period. He would be hard pressed to decide which he liked more, cock down his throat or up his ass. When Crain was fourteen he felt something was wrong. He didn’t know what, but he knew something was...

Gay Male
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Mother and Daughter a Triology

Story 1: The Hazards Of Duke The aluminum bowl in the corner of my kitchen floor was unusually large, especially for a dog's feeding dish. But, it had to be... Duke, my neighbor's dog, ate more pounds of food in one day than I ate in a week. My daughter accuses me of hating dogs. I don't really hate them, I just don't like them much. And I think they should be kept outside... a house is for people, at least that's what my mother used to say. So, finding myself babysitting the most...

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Sissy Storage

The only sound that kept me company couldn't be heard by anyone but me, and though it was of a slow rhythm, it sounded like wardrums within the confines of the thick leather sensory deprivation hood that my owner had secured over my head.Sensory deprivation of my sight, deprivation of my ability to feel.. but not smell.. and ironically, not my ability to hear either. The high-grade foam earplugs he had stuffed into my ears before sliding his hood over my head acted as an amplifier for every...

2 years ago
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My wife Kathy Began Swinging

I met Kathy at a college football game. Beth, a mutual friend who worked with Kathy, introduced us. Beth is a buxom brunette with a great face and smile. She stands a well endowed 5’6″, 130 pounds, with a tight little behind. Kathy on the other hand, has light brown hair, almost strawberry blond. She also has a great face, but smaller breasts and a great butt. Beth had been married for a few years before Kathy and I were married, but her husband was a gambler and a philanderer. It...

3 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 2

PaladingoesAteMyBaby: It’s sad that not one of the girls recognized Hall Dunford from anything - not his YouTube channel or his stint as Ensign Nigel White on Starship: Gaia. If he becomes the next Doctor like I’ve heard, everyone in England will know who he is and he’ll be the world’s most famous nerd. But people in America who can name every one of the Real Housewives of Bumfuck, Michigan have no idea who he is. TrollhouseCookies: “World’s Most Famous Nerd” is like “sexiest heifer at the...

2 years ago
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Transfictive Dream

Transfictive Dreams By Alan Teague Bittig It is four thirty in the morning. The night has peaked; the darkness is complete and inescapable. Thick mist rises from the ground and coats the air with a heavy, sad smelling perfume of ozone and pollutants. I am walking down a lonely street in the temporarily abandoned heart of the cities downtown. Just two hours ago these streets swarmed with thousands of reckless bodies, this road played stage in countless dramatic...

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