Tell Me free porn video

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Tell Me By Monika Ikon It was a Friday night, in the middle of summer, and I didn't know it but my life was about to change forever. I had just come in from a quick before-dinner dip in the pool. Wendy greeted me with a drink and a sexy little smile that told me she was in the mood to fool around. I was beat from a very hard day at the office and a long hot commute home from the city, but I knew that my wife didn't expect to be disappointed. Fortunately, I always found it impossible to disappoint her. At five-six, one twenty, short dark hair, large almond-shaped eyes that bore a trace of her mixed Japanese heritage, full lips, and a body that was perfection all the way down to her suckable toes, I couldn't help but worship her. When she smacked the wet bottom of my tiny bathing suit I could feel the first stirrings of arousal. Since the summer started, Wendy had me wearing skimpier and skimpier swimsuits. At first, I had raised some weak protests, but Wendy waved off my pleas for modesty. She told me that since I had given over my body to her that it was up to her to see it dressed -or undressed- as she pleased. And so I found myself in a tiny little thong with a small triangle of orange nylon that barely covered my genitals and a thin little cord that disappeared between the tanned globes of my ass. "Run upstairs and get that wet bikini off," Wendy said, eyeing the bulge growing in the front of my skimpy bathing suit. She had never called it a "bikini" before and I felt a kind of rush when she referred to it that way. I think I must have stood there a moment too long because suddenly her voice came back to me and it was filled with impatience. "Tim, did I lose you?" "No, ma'am," I said, slipping easily into slave mode. It was amazing how naturally my submission had become. "Good. I want you upstairs, stripped, and lying naked on the bed. Now." I blushed. If she only knew what I was thinking... "Yes, ma'am," I managed, and padded towards the stairs, trying not to spill my drink. For the past six months, Wendy and I had been playing domination games. After two years of marriage, I had finally confessed to her my fantasies of submission. Wendy had taken to getting me to divulge my most secret desires during prolonged sessions of masturbation. She seemed to relish the power she had over me, bringing me to the edge of orgasm, until I was begging for release. She quickly realized that while she conducted my exquisite torture I would tell her anything she asked. Afterwards, I would always feel somewhat embarrassed and when I admitted to Wendy that I'd always wanted to be her sex slave, I was downright worried about how she would react. To my surprise, Wendy took my revelation in stride. She told me that she suspected something of the sort for some time. I hurriedly tried to point out that our mutual exploration of my submissive nature could make me a far more attentive lover. She rather dryly informed me that I didn't have to trouble myself over that. I kind of wondered what she meant but decided not to push things, especially when over the next several weeks Wendy enthusiastically set out to make my fantasies a reality. In no time at all, she had taken over the dominant role in our sexual relationship. What I didn't quite realize was that this was every bit as much her fantasy as mine, and that she had subtly begun to take control of other aspects of our lives as well. Once upstairs, I stripped off my bathing suit and lay naked on the bed, as Wendy had instructed. I noticed the wrist and ankle restraints already in place. The nipple clamps were on the nightstand. So was the package containing my condom. Wendy had taken my compliance for granted and that excited me even more. The drink she'd made me was really strong and on an empty stomach was going straight to my head. I was halfway drunk when Wendy came into our room some minutes later. She had removed her short skirt and was wearing a tight black nylon leotard cut high across the tops of her lean, toned thighs. The leotard had some kind of underwire support that pushed her small but lovely white breasts up and squeezed them together. Her long legs were bare but she wore a pair of high-heeled black mules that showed off her painted pretty toes. She walked slowly to the side of the bed to increase my anticipation. Then she had me put my arms above my head and manacled my wrists with the pair of padded leather restraints. With my wrists secured to the headboard, she had me spread my legs and snapped restraints around each of my ankles, securing my legs to the bottom of the bed. By now, my cock was standing at full attention. "You didn't think you were horny, did you Tim?" "No, mistress." "You thought you were too tired, didn't you?" "Yes, mistress." "You don't even know your own body," Wendy said. "That is why I am in charge. I know what you need and when you need it. Look at yourself..." I bent my head and looked down at my naked, bound body. "You are such a slut, Tim." "Wendy..." I gasped. "Shut up, Tim." She dangled a set of silver nipple clamps above me. "Does my helpless little slut want her tittie teasers?" I wasn't sure what Wendy was doing; she had never quite talked to me like this before. Why was she calling me a "slut"? Why was she referring to my chest as "titties"? And had she really said "her"? I felt a rush of both fear and excitement. My God, I wondered, did she know? Or was this just another method she was using to humiliate me? Before I could give these questions much thought, I was overwhelmed by the sensation of Wendy playing with my nipples. "Your titties are becoming so sensitive." Oh, there, she said it again... "Uhhhmmm..." Wendy squeezed my left nipple and let the clamp close on it. I felt a moment of sharp pain and then a familiar aching warmth that seemed to have a direct line to my throbbing cock. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Wendy, who was now holding a thin riding crop, looking intently into my face. "I love the way you are becoming conditioned to respond erotically to other parts of your body," Wendy said. "Here, here, here, here." She snapped the crop against my inner thighs, my tummy, my upper arms, the soft bottoms of my bare feet. She pointed to my straining cock. "Everywhere but here. Pretty soon I won't have to touch it at all." I must have looked as worried as I felt because Wendy laughed. "Oh don't worry your pretty little head about it just yet, Tim. We have a ways to go first. And by then, you won't mind a bit. I promise." But I was worried. From the very first night we played at mistress and slave, Wendy had made it clear that she no longer thought it appropriate for me to penetrate her. At first, I thought that this was just a temporary part of our role-playing and that sooner or later she would want to resume our normal lovemaking routine. I was wrong. At the end of every session Wendy finished me off without showing the least interest in having me enter her. It got to the point where I'd been disappointed so many times that I just stopped expecting it myself. As time went on and our roles began to extend more and more into our regular lives, the idea that I might put my penis inside Wendy seemed absurd to me. After a while, the thought of penetrating my wife seemed such a sacrilege that I doubted I could even maintain an erection long enough to do it. However, now Wendy was talking of not even bringing me off manually. Did she really mean that? Or was she just being cruel? Wendy lightly ran her long red nails along the underside of my swollen cock. It gave a series of little jumps. She laughed. "Poor little thing," she said. "You look so uncomfortable. I suppose you'd like me to pull you off?" "Yes, mistress." She flicked my cock with her finger, hard. "Bad girl," she said. "Wrong answer." Looking me straight in the eyes, she slowly, purposefully unsnapped the crotch of her leotard. Then she slowly ran her finger over the lips of her shaved pussy. Her creamy white shoulders shivered slightly and her dark eyes narrowed as she stroked herself with her finger. She let her eyes travel the length of my bound, naked body, from my face to my toes and back again. "Whose slut are you?" My voice trembled. "Your slut, mistress." "Will you do anything I ask?" "Yes mistress." "Without question?" "Yes mistress." Wendy looked to be at the brink of orgasm when she suddenly stopped stroking herself. She reached down and slowly painted my mouth with her wet finger. I closed my eyes and licked the taste of her off my lips. Then I opened my mouth and gently started sucking Wendy's finger. She pushed her finger slowly in and out of my mouth. I didn't realize what I was doing at the time. It just seemed so perfectly natural. "That's it, Tim," Wendy said encouragingly. "You look so cute like this." I don't know how long I sucked Wendy's finger, but eventually she climbed onto the bed. She straddled my head and imprisoned my face between her lean, strong thighs. Still bound, I desperately licked Wendy's already wet pussy, making it even wetter, while she loomed above me like a beautiful goddess, massaging her pert, pretty breasts, which she had removed from the little cups built into the lacy cups of her leotard. I slurped and swallowed Wendy's juices as I worked my tongue over her swollen clitoris. Soon, I felt the telltale little tremor that told me her orgasm was imminent. She reached behind her, grabbed my balls and squeezed, and I moaned in pain as I finished bringing her off. Several minutes later I was lying on my side, spooned against her, ankles re-cuffed together, wrists behind my back. She had slipped a condom over my penis, as usual, after noting that I was beginning to "leak." Now her soft right hand was around the shaft of my hard cock and she was slowly and teasingly pumping me. With her other hand, she played with my stiff nipples, still tender from the clamps. She brought me right to the edge of cumming and then she stopped, over and over again. Every time I was about to shoot she would squeeze and let me go, leaving me hanging. After so much of this torture, I was reduced to a jittery, trembling wreck. "You are so good like this Tim," Wendy crooned into my ear. "This is the way you need to be. So open. So honest. So vulnerable." "Wendy, please..." "It's okay Tim," she said, her hand once again pumping my cock. "You want to wear panties. It's okay, really it is, honey." Had I said that? Yes, of course, I did. I couldn't stop myself. I had been answering her questions all along, unable to censor myself at all. She brought me to this point every time we had sex. My life had already changed so much as a result of telling her my fantasies. Was I really prepared for it to change more? "And shoes... don't be embarrassed, honey. I think you'd look perfectly adorable in platforms. Big clunky sandals you can hardly walk in. Shall we paint your toenails? Oh yes, that got a reaction. We'll use pink polish to start, something you have to look twice to see. Or maybe we should just go all out and paint them black like those mall girls. What do you think?" She slowed her rhythm, interrupting what seemed my inevitable orgasm, and I moaned in frustration. My hands twisted helplessly in the leather manacles, my body stiffened all the way to my curled toes. "Poor, poor baby," Wendy cooed and kissed my neck. "You need this so badly, don't you?" "Yes mistress," I said breathlessly. "I know you do. Tell me, what kind of panties do you like, sweetheart?" I would have been too embarrassed to speak if it weren't for the fact that Wendy was now once again bringing me towards orgasm. Yet that fact in itself made words difficult. Still, I managed to speak. "Thongs... and French cut... silk... I like bikini style..." "Have you ever tried my panties on?" "Yes..." "How sweet. I'll bet I know your favorite." I closed my eyes, rocking to the rhythm of Wendy's hand. It seemed like she was going to let me come. "You like those white lacy ones that tie over the hips with those little pink bows." Wendy didn't have to see my face to sense my surprise. "You weren't quite as careful as you thought, Tim. Why do you think I have you running around here in that itsy-bitsy little bikini bottom? That's what it is, after all. You have to know that, don't you? Did you really think you were fooling anyone into thinking that it's a man's thong?" I turned my face into the pillow to hide... what? My shock? My shame? My relief? My arousal? I had been wearing that bottom outside for half the summer. I mowed the lawn in it and washed the car in it. Dammit, I even had it on when our friends Laura and Joe came over for a backyard barb-e-que and swim party... "Oh, that almost did you in, didn't it," Wendy purred, squeezing my cock. "You look so sweet in your little bikini bottoms, Tim, you really do, but wouldn't you like to be able to wear the tops?" That was all the prompting it took from her. A moment later I was admitting to her that I wanted breasts, that I would like to start hormones, and eventually, someday, have implants. Wendy encouraged me by pumping me harder, rewarding me for my honesty. I told her that I wanted to have my lips and cheekbones injected with collagen. I told her that I wanted to have my voice-box shaved; that I wanted to quit my job and be a housekeeper and a nanny to the children she would have with another man. "That's it honey," Wendy said. "Don't stop now." I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. It was all coming out now, in a rush, in a flood of images and snippets of fantasy, all the secrets I'd harbored for so long. Almost all of it... "We'll start you off slowly," Wendy said. "Girls slacks and blouses at the office, sensible shoes. They'll begin to notice, of course, but at first there will just be whispers behind your back. On the weekends you'll wear girl jeans and then Capri pants, pink-trimmed sneakers, thick-soled flip-flops, and jelly- sandals. We'll have your hair styled like mine, short but feminine. Soon, you won't be able to hide what is happening. You'll come out to our friends first and then to the women at work, and, eventually, to everyone. I wonder what your father will say, Tim?" He would kill me if he knew. At the very least, he would disown me. It was his company and he'd been grooming me to take it over some day. If he knew what I really was, he would have me fired. I would never work in the industry again. "Don't worry sweetheart," Wendy said. "We'd manage. I'm sure you know how..." Oh God... "Don't come yet," Wendy said. "We're not finished." I felt so controlled, so helpless, so submissive. Lying behind me, her body pressed against mine, I couldn't help but imagine her wearing a plastic dildo, penetrating me. Her hand once again slowly resumed its up-and-down motion, and I wondered if the vivid image of her fucking my ass had actually founds its way to my lips. Oh God, what was happening to me? Was I really as weak as she said? Why did these fantasies arise every time I was turned on? I had tried to keep them buried for so long. Was this my true sexual destiny? "It's okay, baby-doll," Wendy said. "I know, I know..." What did she know? How much did she know? How did she know? It was unimportant. It was all unimportant. Wendy's hand picked up speed. It wasn't going to be long now. She continued to play with my nipples, whispering the whole time, her breath tickling my ear. "Tell me," she said. "You know that you need to. You need to come. I give you permission. Tell me. Tell me everything." She was right. I needed to tell her. I needed to come. And so I told her. I told her about the mega-doses of hormones that would effectively castrate me. I told her how I would expect that she take a lover and, eventually, a new husband. I told her that I would cook for them, clean for them, and serve them both sexually. And when she asked, I told her the names of all the unattached men we knew that would make a good match for her. As I did, I felt Wendy lightly touch my asshole and when I pushed my bottom back instinctively she slowly inserted her finger inside me. "Pretend it's Ron's cock," she said, choosing one of the men I'd mentioned, a friend who tolerated me to be close to Wendy. "Pretend Ron is fucking you and I'm watching, darling. Because that is what is going to happen. We'll call you Amy from now on and you'll clean the house and cook the dinners and you'll be our little sex toy. You'll suck his long hard cock while yours stays soft and limp and useless. And you'll put him inside me and watch me come in another man's arms. And afterwards you'll lick his cum from inside me. Is that what you want, honey? Tell me, tell me, my sweet little sissy..." "Wendy..." "Ssshh... enough for now." Wendy was pumping me freely now and I knew I wouldn't last long. I had passed the point of no return in more ways than one. I moaned to let her know that it was all over for me and she gave me permission to "let it happen." On command, I filled my "slut- sack" as she held me tightly, her hand continuing to jerk me off, her finger fucking me. She assured me it was okay, that I had been a good girl. And I knew that things would never be the same again. Wendy was going to take me all the way. It's what she wanted. It's what we both wanted. "Don't worry honey," she whispered, when it was all over. Her warm hand cradled my soft, spent cock. "This is only the beginning." Yes, I thought, feeling warm and sleepy and strangely content. Yes. Please. Tell me.

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CD Dorm

PrologueAfter chatting with my very pretty CD friend Meeah, I decided I was going to write a little tidbit about my first CD encounter. Originally this was going to be a 100% true story. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your disposition, my kinky/fetish side came through in a few places. There were some things my roomy and I talked/fantasized about but never did. I’m penning them here to bulk up the story. Since this prologue is being written after the story is finished, I put truth...

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A Rare Beauty Part 1 of 2

It would be cliché to say that I saw her the moment she walked in the door, just as it would be both cliché and trite to say that it was love at first sight. Both would also be untrue.The truth is that I have no idea when she walked in; I was sitting at the bar, my back to the door, watching a football game, and I barely noticed her when she slid onto the bar stool two places to my left. Bored and horny after a sexless week of meetings and negotiations, with time to kill on a Thursday night...

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EverythingButt Sophia Burns Nicole Doshi Eager and Obedient Nicole Doshi Serves Sophia Burns

Nicole Doshi is bound in cuffs and chains. She awaits her domme, Sophia Burns. Sophia enters and slaps Nicole’s tits and clit over and over again. She opens Nicole’s ass with glass toys and a long plug, stretching her submissive’s hole and spreading that gape wide-open. Next, Nicole is on her back with her wrists and ankles cuffed together. Sophia delivers a hard strap-on fucking with ass-to-mouth. Nicole spits in her mouth and begs for more and so Sophia gives her a fist in her ass. Sophia...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 16 UNSEC Village

Everyone got up early and enjoyed Erving’s excellent serve-yourself breakfast. Everyone wanted to go see what the wizards were going to do, so they all went to Clarksville. The wizards were soon amused by the audience they had. As just about everyone from Clarksville also turned up. Lee had them all congregate across the river on the opposing high bank, from where they were going to work. Lee, Kyle, Tony and Sean did a quick survey of the area and agreed on a plan of attack. The got the...

4 years ago
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A summer to remember

Summer! I love summer and the one I'm going to tell you about was a summer to go down in the annals. I was young, footloose and fancy free, and I was on holiday.I’d better explain. All those years ago, I had been invited to spend the summer holidays with my friend Pete and his parents. He lived in a northern seaside resort and I had just moved from there to a midland industrial city. No contest, I was going! The sea, the sun, the girls…Ah the girls, that also explained why I was laid up in bed,...

2 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XV

A sissy called Jezebel Part XV - An exhausted Jezebel is taken to sissy nap time at the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Is Jezzie going to have a restful, restorative nap, or perhaps a sexy nightmare? The headmistress grabs my hand and pulls me into the hallway and takes me to the nap room. Mistress Kennoch is the monitor for the nap today. My classmates are dressed in all sorts of wonderful frillies, baby...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 28

Joey decided to go check out the boys that were blackmailing Constance Fagan, their English teacher. He wanted to get some background on them before confronting them and decided to go visit Austin Whittington’s home first. It was at his home where Constance was originally drugged, rape, and blackmailed. It was one O’clock in the afternoon when Joey rang the doorbell at the large fashionable Whittington’s home. He was surprised when a beautiful woman, which looked to be in her late thirties,...

2 years ago
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Suppressing the Rebellion

"How could I be so damn careless?" Irina thought to herself. On what had been her first assignment -- a relatively simple one -- she had gotten caught by the occupying forces. One of their troops, apparently dressed as a civilian, had seen her attempting to plant the small incendiary device. He radioed for backup, and before she knew it, she was surrounded.Now she found herself hooded and handcuffed, riding in a military transport to some unknown destination. She felt sick to her stomach. She...

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AngelaWhite Angela White X Rico Strong 10042016

Watch Rico Strong’s big black cock stretch my tight little pussy and ass. You’re going to love the extended tease sequence that is expertly captured by Chris Streams. The macro shots of the delicate lace and satin lingerie and the close-ups of my eyes and lips draw you in to make you feel like you could reach out and touch me. The sensual lingerie and angelic light in the tease contrasts with the fast-paced and hardcore anal sex. Rico rams his huge cock into my holes until I swallow up every...

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The Trade OffChapter 23

Lucy"I want to start Dave by letting you into another secret because I think I can trust you. Since I made my pact with Charlie discovered that my mum and dad were in the same kind of relationship." "Are you telling me that your mum is a submissive like you?" he asked. I suppose that is what most people would assume when they heard me say that" I laughed, but No! My dad is the submissive. I am not going to go into details but I think he lived a kind of sordid existence until he met my...

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Birthday Treat

Birthday TreatAfter being with the same man since I was 16 I finally decided at 36 it was time to explore my sexuality with other people. I had the absolute time of my life experimenting and experiencing many different sexual things that I decided to share one.It was the usual routine for a Friday night. Get home from work, shower, hair and makeup, dressed and out to the local pub which always had a karaoke/disco. I remember this night very well because it was my birthday the next day. I’d...

2 years ago
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Dileep Enjoying With Hot Twins

Hi guys. We are Archana & Arathi again. The twins. This sexstory is a detailed description of how we enjoyed with the hottest guy in the whole world that is Dileep. This story includes some of the best moments in forms of scenes. SCENE 1: AT HIS HOME It was a rainy morning. Cold weather. We 3 came to College. Once we met at college before the 1st period could start, we bunked, sat in his expensive car. Went to his home. Once we reached his flat. We sandwiched Dileep in between us. He was...

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Jack and JillChapter 47

I swallowed and pushed the button next to the front door. I could hear the chimes of their doorbell going off. They still reminded me of something I'd hear in a cathedral. Jill opened the door and held it open. Dressed in white shorts, just long enough to cover her butt, down to the tops of her legs. She had her Perlione's tablecloth shirt on. The one with the red and white squares, tied off under her bust. Her hair looked like it had been brushed within an inch of its life. It almost...

3 years ago
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Adams ApplesChapter 5 Beat the Clock

“RAMSEY, THIS IS DOCTOR SIMPSON. Do you have a minute to talk?” “Sure, Doc. Am I late for a checkup?” I sat up straight. There’s nothing to get your attention like having your doctor call out of the blue and say, ‘We need to talk.’ It was a slow news day and I couldn’t figure out why Doc Simpson would call me. “We’ve had some interesting developments over at the hospital. You’re the only person I know with an eye for real news. It has to do with dropping birthrates. I think we’re onto...

1 year ago
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A Canvas Fantasy

A Canvas FantasyThe old painting from uncle William’s attic was gone now, lost in the fire of ’84. The house was saved, but at the cost of my access to my uncle’s collection of girlie magazines and other pleasantries so important to a boy of that age. The painting, though, was what I remembered best. It was done in classical style so far as I knew about such things. The woman was not smiling seductively towards the artist. Hers was not an enigmatic look such as is found on the Mona Lisa. She...

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The motherdaughter tease

Make sure to get your homework done before cheer practice sweetie.” I said to my daughter Alissa before I tossed my bag full of school supplies on the living room couch. It had been a long stressful day, though as an elementary school teacher just about everyday is stressful. It is all worth it though to hear my young students tell me the one phrase that lifts my heart every time, “I love you Ms. Kelli”. I preferred them to call by my first name in that way, it made the connection feel deeper,...

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Tall and Salty

I have a confession to make. You’ve read my story about my online seduction? The one I called short and sweet? Yes, that story. So now that I have your attention, I’ll ask your indulgence, as I tell you the rest of the story, or at least what I know so far.My confession?I was wrong. So very wrong. But now I have a chance to correct my errors.I thought the online seduction had been short and sweet.Wrong.I thought that what was left unsaid was actually more evocative than what we had actually...

Oral Sex
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wife finds new way

this a a true story from a close friend. I will not use there real names. Shelly and Mark have been married for 40 years have 2 daughter one 39 the other 37 both married. Mark is real quite type of a person almost femine. When her daughter married and move away Shelly was alone alot. So to keep busy she would go to local health club and work out Shelly is very nice looking woman she is 60 but looks 30 with a 40d-29-36 at 5'5". This where the story gets good she wear a very tight exercise...

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A sleepover to remember

Becca, Kelsey, and Vikki have been best friends since the 3 rd grade. Even now as juniors in high school and 17 years old, they still stay the night at each other’s houses. This weekend, Kelsey and Vikki are staying over at Becca’s house. Becca’s mom had left for the weekend letting the girls have the house for the weekend. Kelsey and Vikki arrive carrying small bags with their clothes in them. Becca is a 5’6 redhead. She wears shirts that just barely hug her 34B breasts and shorts that don’t...

2 years ago
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The Bet

Finally the weekend arrived when I would spend time with my girlfriend. We both were longing for each other. We spent Friday evening and Saturday afternoon making love till we just could not and that evening i set out with her in a disco though I couldn’t dance to fast tracks it was few days before Valentine’s so up until late night the music was slow in tempo I danced for some time when a girl caught my eye. She was wearing a blue mini skirt which just revealed the beginnings of her milky...

3 years ago
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Busted Wearing Panties Ch 05

tranny – bisexual – bdsm – strapon – anal – couples – transformation – lesbian – double sided dildo This time Emily and I got up and left Jessica and Chrissy. We went to our room, as I stripped out of my pretty outfit as Emily jumped into the shower. We showered and went to bed. I don’t remember anything until I heard Jacob and Lana in the kitchen the next morning. I woke up and Emily rolled into my arms and kissed me on my cheek, ‘Morning my love.’ I kissed the top of her head, ‘This...

1 year ago
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FirstBGG Darcy Dark Kristi Balloon master satisfies two cuties

Darcy Dark and Kristi love balloons. Their mutual friend says he is a master of making toys out of balloons. Sure, both cuties feel intrigued and excited and ask him for a master class. First, he makes a balloon dog and gives it to Darcy Dark. Sure, Kristi wants a dog for herself, but the dude decides to do something spicier for the hottie. He makes a balloon dick, and asks if it fits him. Darcy Dark and Kristi take the initiative into their hands and mouths and give him a passionate threesome...

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Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye - you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being in...

Oral Sex
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Mr Banks

No one forgets their first time. It was the summer of ’05 that I turned 18. It was the summer of ’05 that changed my life. That summer, I was exposed to the world of sex. Not just any kind of sex though, no, it was mind blowing, earth shaking, send me to heaven and back sex. It’s not like I was totally inexperienced though. I had boyfriends throughout highschool, I went to some of the ‘bases’, but I never ‘hit a home run’ with any of them. Some might ask, why wait so long to lose your...

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Boxing Day fun

Just got home. 4.30pm and it’s already dark. I’m still wearing the stockings and little pink cardigan I put on this morning but the dress and lacy shawl are hidden in my small back pack.A guy messaged this morning asking if I would meet. I agreed and asked if he wanted me to dress as a girl. He replied, “Yes.”After showering I came back downstairs and took off my dressing gown. I walked naked to the wardrobe and took out my black lace suspender belt and stockings, a tiny pink dress that barely...

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Sunny TooChapter 26

All this had taken place on my Saturday ... my Saturday to cook breakfast. When it had first began ... my Saturday ... it was exploratory. What do they like? But more important ... what gets left on the plate? Sunny side up was the cats favorite leftover. The buttered oven browned, thymed potatoes were well received for a few months. The capers weren’t ... in anything. Kippers ... not so much either, I loved them but the girls? Another tidbit for the cats. What eventually became my staple...

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Mother Takes Sons Virginity

As I wake up the next morning with a sore throat courtesy of my son relentlessly face fucking me a few hours ago, Trevor is in the shower. Yesterday afternoon, I was looking forward to a lazy Saturday after a stressful week at work. Then last night happened and I'm immediately nervous that Dylan or I will somehow accidentally reveal our secret to my husband. That makes me feel sick to my stomach with anxiety. Then, I sit up and Trevor opens the bathroom door with a cloud of steam...

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BrownBunnies Kinsley Karter The Dick Kinsley Wanted

Kinsley Karter is relaxing by the pool when she’s introduced to Pressure. It was perfect timing, Kinsley needs some more oil rubbed all over her perfect body. Pressure is more than happy to assist her. He starts to give her an oil massage before fingering her pussy. She loves how good it feels and can’t wait any longer to see his dick. She pulls it out and is amazed with how big it is. She starts to suck it before taking him inside. Once they’re inside, he fucks her is multiple positions, even...

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MageChapter 88

“Well done, the Shayetet Kheshig,” Roxanne congratulated Birry, Brinont and Quruth at the beginning of the debriefing. “The Dökkálfar once again proved they are amongst the most dangerous of our forces on the battlefield.” “We are honoured,” all three intoned with a slight bow and a palm placed to the chest. “Casualties?” “Light, only sixty-three of our number, with two Mazdani, three Athenian Yr’ch being the others,” Birry replied. “We mourn their loss and will say their names with pride...

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Sons Revenge 3

Son's revenge 3 A year had passed since Rik had returned to Woodchip. He returned to rebuild his relationship with his mother Jodi. He began a sexual relationship with Jodi and her adopted daughter Ashley. Little did he know that he had walked into her nightmare. Jodi was raped and abused by her boyfriend Ron and Rik's old enemy Jack. Rik killed Jack and put Ron in jail. Shortly after, he started his own private company helping people closer to home rather than overseas. Happy ending!...

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lanas story

Introduction: i posted this once but it got deleted anyway hope u enjoy this is a story how my life changed forever Im Lana . Im 10 Im going to tell you how i was changed into a death angel in other words i am a vampire this happened 2 years ago part 1 the day started out so nice it was a mid summer day and i was tanning out by the pool in my bikini. then i heard my mom calling me in the house for lunch but what i didnt know was in the shadows a creature was watching me. i went to my room...

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Life Under MistressChapter 4

Weeks later I came home to find Grandpa sitting in the den apparently waiting for me. “Come on in kid and have a seat,” Grandpa called out on seeing me. “Why shouldn’t I call Mistress Red Grandpa, or should I say Papa if that’s who you really are, you bastard!” I shouted at him. “Well if you know anything kid you know I’m not a bastard, ha, ha, and Mistress Red and company are watching reruns of last weeks camera footage while we talk if your wondering. I could have just ported you to my...

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