My True Love Index free porn video

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I was 25 years old; just got three months leave from the Marine Corps. I haven't made up my mind if I should go back to my family lives or not. That is the reason I went into the Corp, so I would get away from my sister Sara. Because I had feelings for her that I brother should have for their sister. Although I never told her I had to tell someone, and that person was my dad.

So, there we where I told him I was in love with one of my sister, one of his daughter; he just looked me. I was ready for him to hit me, swear it me or something, but he didn't do anything. So, I ask him why he wasn't hitting me or something. He said. "Son I know what you are feeling because I also have these feelings before.

When I was just 18, my aunt and I had a sex thing going on, so I can understand. So, which one Sara or Donna."

"Sara, dad! Its Sara!" I said. Boy was that great to get that in the open.

"What are you going to now? Does she know how you feel?" Dad said. "No dad she doesn't know and I can't tell her because I don't know what I would do if she said that she didn't have the same feelings for me. And dad today is the last day that you well see me for some time I have just enlisted in the Marine Corps."

"Now hold on son." Dad said. "Don't you think that going just a little bit over the top. What your mother, son, she will be heartbroken."

"Dad that is another reason I have to go. I can't let Mom know about this; when I go she will just sad, but dad if she knew this it will kill her and she will hate me and I can't do that to her."

"Just tell her that I love her and I might be back. If I can get over how I feel.

After dad and I was finished talking. I got up and hugged him good bye. I remember him to tell them that I loved them. But just has I was leaving I had to go and hugged him again, this time with a tears in my eyes, and to never tell Sara about us talking.

I haven't been home in two years, and even though I still had these feelings for Sara, I thought to myself the is would be right if I didn't go see my Mom and dad. So, decided that is would just show up and make everyone happy. On the day that arrived, I noticed that mom's and both of my sisters' car where there.

It went to the door and pushed the bell, then just want until someone open the door. I thinking that Mom would open the door, but that just didn't happen. The door opened up and their she was Sara, my sister, the love of my life.

Sara is the most beautiful woman in the world. She is 29 years old, 5'4" 95 to 100 lbs., fire red hair, green eyes that burn to your soul. Although, at the age of 29 she still look like a teenager. She worked to keep in shape. She did Tae-bro, karate, and kickboxing. Donna wasn't a bad looker herself, but Sara just stole my heart.

Like I said there was Sara, the love my life at the door. When she saw that it was me she jumped into my arms and hug me. She pushed all the air out of my body. Although, I didn't want it end; I had to stop her because I couldn't breath and I was getting a hard on.

When we got in the house she hit me in my stomach. All I could do was to fall to my knees. I looked up at her and said "Sara what the hell was that for?"

"That for you leaving Mom, Donna, and me without tell us bye. And because you didn't never write and call us."

"I'm sorry Sara, I said, but I had to before I did something that would make me hate myself."

"What would the little brother?" She said. I tried to make it look like I didn't her, but she is just like a lawyer. When she wants to know something she does. Then she ask me again. I told her that I had some problems had I just had to get out of Dodge before all hell broke out. I got and went to sit on the sofa and Sara sat love seat just talking trying to get me to tell my I left. I just look at her told her it was about a woman all that is all she going to know. She said OK, but I just knew she was going to try to found out.

As I was looking around, I notice Mom, dad, and Donna wasn't here. "Where everyone it?" I asked. "They went to see grandma and granddads this week and they ask me to stay here."

"So big sister what have you been doing when I was gone." I asked. "Well, I just broke up with this guy, named Mark. We talk about getting married, but that was before I caught him with someone in my own bed. I finished college, and got a job at this computer firm. That's about it. Now please tell me about this woman problem of yours."

"No, Sara and I mean no." I said, and I told her that was going to get some rest and went up to my room.

When I got up and went to the den to see what was on TV. I was watching show HBO. It was that bad it show tits and that all, but when Sara came I tried to turn but she stop saying that we where both adults and besides she loves this movie. So there we where; I wasn't paying much to the TV. I was looking it Sara. Then she said something that knock me right out of the chair. So I asked what she said. "I said; that my tits where better look then that." Oh, I said, I think I need a drink do you want anything."

"AJ are you blushing over there and don't change the subject."

I was think to myself that I was caught, but I thought I would just turn the tables on her so she would just leave me alone. So, I said, "They certainly are. Of course it's difficult to judge. I haven't seen yours in all their glory." Sara looked up at me and grinned. "Is that a request, b*o?" What the hell? Why not? It was, after all, a favorite fantasy of me I thought and said. "Well, it is the only way to make a proper comparison. So do you want anything to drink."

"Yes, I need something hard."

"Well, I hard. What about me?" What the hell was that? Did I just say that out loud? "Oh, is that so. I'm beginning to wonder about you, b*o. First you ask me to show you my tits and then brag about being hard." Well, I just laughed. "You started the boasting, s*s. not me."

"True," she said.

So, after a few minutes I said. "You have every right to boast, I might add, and I don't need to see your breasts to agree with you. If memory serves me, yours are much prettier than the woman's on TV." She giggled. "Well, I'd need to see your... uh, tool to make sure you are hard for me."

"s*s! Are you suggesting I show you my dick?" Laughing, she shook her head. "Not really. I'm just getting even."

"You're such a tease. When I was a teen you teased me to distraction," he commented. Another giggle. "I did, didn't I? I merely wanted to test my ability to attract a male. You were available and safe."

"Not so safe. I damned near jumped your bones a few times."



"I never suspected. Give me an example."

I wondered where this conversation was headed, but decided to play along again. "Okay. I remember one evening vividly. I was watching TV. Mom and dad had gone to bed, but you joined me, reclining on the floor in front of me. You wore a T-shirt to bed then."

"Still do."

"And panties, usually."

"Gave that habit up," she quipped and took another sip of Scottish liquor. The liquor was starting to affect her. "You must have changed the habit the night I'm talking about because when I glanced down, I saw your cute bare butt and all your other goodies, and they weren't covered by any panties." Another giggle. "Did you see my pussy, b*o?"

I nodded yes and finished my drink. I wanted another, but I had a raging hard-on and didn't want to stand. Even sitting, my erection was visible. Standing would provide a shocking display. I remained on the sofa and tinkled the ice in his glass. Perhaps Sara would take the hint. Instead, she grinned knowing I had a hard. "Pour us another, b*o," she said with a mischievous glint in her dark eyes. "Ah, perhaps we should slow down with the booze." I said. "Darn, and I thought you were trying to get me drunk and have your way with me." I laughed. "Now that's a pleasant thought, but I'd prefer you sober."

"AJ!" she gushed, acting shocked.

She chuckled and then became serious. "Don't tease, b*o. I haven't had any sex for quite a while. I'm liable to take you seriously and shock you by accepting your teasing offer." I licked my lips. "I'm not teasing," I said slowly and seriously, shocking myself with this boldness. It was the first time I had ever made a pass at my sister. Her eyes widened momentarily, and she glanced furtively at his tented pants again. Raising her eyes, she studied his expression. "You're serious, aren't you?"

"Very, Sara. I've wanted you for as long as I can remember."

"You've been the subject of many masturbation sessions of mine when images of you flash into my mind I become aroused." I wanted to tell her that I loved her, but feared she would think I was perverted. She blushed and looked away. "If we... We can't. i****t," she mumbled disjointedly, talking to herself. She gulped at her drink but found an empty glass once again.

As I stood and held out my hand for her tumbler. "I won't tell anyone if you won't," I said as I took her glass. I poured two more liberal drinks and added ice to both glasses. Before I turned toward Sara, I glanced down. My trousers bulged considerably and a wet spot was evident. My dick had been leaking. When I handed her the drink, she took it and nearly dropped the glass because her eyes had focused on the wet spot and bulge in my pants. I sat next to her on the couch, and we sipped our drinks at the same time.

"Did you ever fantasize about me when you masturbated?" I asked pushing the issue. "Uh-huh," her eyes kept moving from his face to his crotch and back again. She squirmed. "Would you like to see it, make that comparison you mentioned?" I asked, amazed at my own words. "No! AJ, I..." She glanced back down and suddenly smiled. "Yeah, show me the damn thing. I've wanted to see it since like forever." I grinned and a wave of happiness washed over me as I fumbled with my belt and kicked off my shoes. She gasped when I shoved my trousers and boxers to my knees and my hard-on flopped into view. It waved grotesquely in front of her. The purplish, bulbous head shined with moisture -- shinny pre-cum -- and throbbed as blood rushed through it.

"Damn, little brother, you're big! I guess I can't call you little any more." She licked her lips and raised her eyes to his. "May I touch it?" she asked in a little-girl voice. "Of course." I said. She wrapped her dainty hand around the base and stroked it expertly. I groaned, pulled her to me and kissed her, not a sister-type kiss, either. I kissed her with passion. She moaned into my mouth and kissed me back. Boy, oh boy, did she ever kiss me back. My big sister was a world-class kisser, I discovered. She put her entire body and mind into it. I had never been kissed so thoroughly before in my life. My cock throbbed in her undulating hand as she continued to kiss me, so I slipped my hand under the bottom of her T-shirt and moved it up onto her magnificent breasts. Her small nipples stiffened under my fingers as I tweaked, squeezed and fondled them.

We had to stop kissing momentarily so I could pull her T-shirt up and over her head, and then she helped me off with my shirt. "Mark was a damn fool," I whispered taking in the sight of her gorgeous breasts. "Why in the hell would he cheat on you? I would never do that to you."

"I know." She said has her eyes were glazed with lust, but a tinge of fear or worry remained on her expression. "What are we doing, AJ?"

"What we've both wanted to do for years, s*s," I mumbled as my mouth covered a stiff nipple. "Uh, I'm... ah, damn, that feels good. Wait, AJ." She pushed at me. My lips smacked as they released her turgid nipple. "I want to, AJ. AJ, look at me."

"That's what I'm doing. God, you're beautiful."

"No, look at me. Look into my eyes." I tore my gaze from her heaving breasts to her face. "What about i****t, AJ? You're my brother!" Her hand continued to fondle my hard shaft. "I guess my aversion to i****t isn't as strong as yours," I commented and groaned. Her busy hand had persistently increased my arousal. Suddenly she noticed she had continued to stroke my cock and jerked her hand away as if it were touching a hot stove. "But... It's wrong, AJ. We can't. I... damn!" She said.

I sighed and leaned back on the couch, removing my arm from around her shoulder and my fingers from her breasts. "Look, s*s. I want you. I want you more than I've ever wanted any woman It was you."

"It was me, what?" she asked. "You where the reason I left. Because if I stayed I would tried this much sooner, but I don't want you unless you feel the same way." She eyed his hard-on and gulped. "Oh, I want you, AJ. You don't know how much and for how long I've wanted you. But..."

"Put your T-shirt back on, s*s," I said with resignation as I tried to stuff my drooling cock back into my pants. "No, wait, AJ. I teased you. I haven't been fair. No fucking, not yet, maybe never, but..." Her hand returned to my cock, and she slid away from me on the couch.

I watched as her ponytail swung from side to side and her mouth surrounded the crown of my dick. She sucked and licked the bulbous head, and her cheeks hollowed as she sucked harder, taking about half my shaft into her wet, hot mouth. I groaned with pleasure.

One of my favorite fantasies was in the process of becoming a reality. My gorgeous, sexy, sister was giving me a blow job! My cock hit the back of her mouth, and she swallowed. She didn't gag; she swallowed, and my cock slipped farther into her mouth. She gobbled on it again, and swallowed even more of its length, and repeated the action until her chin rested against his balls and her nose brushed his pubic hair. I gasped. No woman had ever taken my shaft completely into their mouth before! But Sara had, and appeared to have accomplished the feat without undue effort. Her fingers fondled my testicles as she raised her head, licking and sucking his length as she moved up off of his hard-on.

She grinned up at me and smacked her lips; when her mouth moved off my cock. "You're good, s*s," I gasped. "Very talented."

"Thanks," she murmured and went back down on me. She took it all again and then bobbed up and down as she jacked off my cock with her hand at the same time. A few minutes later, she started to rhythmically rub the spot behind my balls connected to my prostate, and I lost it. "I'm coming, Sara!" I shouted to warn her in case she didn't want to swallow my come. Instead of backing away, she intensified her efforts, and a split-second later my balls lift and tighten, and my cock swelled up as sperm flew through my shaft and into her talented mouth. She gulped and swallowed each spurt so expertly not a drop escaped her mouth.

That was the best damn blow-job I have ever had, so I had to just set back and relaxed back on the sofa. Has I watched my sister used her mouth to clean my cock, which didn't need much cleaning. Then just out of the blue I pulled her up and kissed her, tasting I come in her mouth. She just melted against me, her body shaking with lust and need. I knew I could fuck her then if I just pushed the issue, but I wanted her full acceptance of the i****tuous relationship that I envisioned.

I knew one thing though. I knew that I had to taste her. If I could, I had to give her as much pleasure as she had just given me. So, I pushed her away from me and pulled off her cutoffs. She wore no panties, and her vulva was swollen and red and thoroughly wet with her juices. I gazed at her luscious cunt with its carefully trimmed pubic patch and licked his lips. "No fucking, not yet," I said, "but I can't leave you hanging, either." My mouth covered her beautiful cunt, and I licked it from bottom to top, encircling her clit with my tongue. She groaned and her hands went gently to the back of my head as she spread her legs as wide as she could. My mouth explored her pussy, discovering where and what pressure pleased her most, and then I concentrated on those spots, except for her clit, which I saved for the finale. Then I reached with my hands and tweaked her breasts while I savored her flavors and fragrances. I wanted three meals from her pussy every day for the rest of my life, and Sara's aroused scent had become my favorite odor. I fell in love with that cunt at that moment, relished it, and reveled in the utter pleasure that I gave her.

When I concentrated on her clit, tracing the alphabet one letter at a time with the tip of my tongue over the hard nubbin, she accepted the delightful sensations I created with my lips and tongue and climaxed quickly while I wrote the letter, "L," with my oral pen. Then I flattened my tongue against her clitoris and let her move through her orgasm. She relaxed only a few seconds and encouraged my to continue. So, I added two fingers inside her grasping cunt; as my lips and tongue remained active on her clit and other places she liked me to caress while I continued on through the alphabet.

I wanted my sister to have another orgasm, so I helped her achieve her goal, but discovered her goal was broader still when she urged me to help her through yet another climax before she collapsed and pushed my mouth from her satisfied pussy. She then pulled me up to her and kissed me -- soft, sweet kisses.

We touched each other tenderly and whispered endearing words of appreciation before Sara drifted off to sleep. The booze and release from sexual tension had done her in. I put my clothes back on, and found a blanket and tucked her in. She slept for three hours. While she slept, I rummaged in the kitchen.

One of the good things that came from being in the Corp, besides being able to kill someone 50 ways with my bare hands, is that I learned how to cook. So, I found somethings that I could use put together a mean spaghetti sauce, and I also had found a fresh loaf of French bread for garlic toast and the makings for a salad.

It was dark outside when she awakened. I sat across from her reading a novel that I had scrounged from the bookshelves. When her eyes fluttered open, she greeted me with a surprised look at first, which turned into a tentative smile. "So, you and I... it wasn't all a dream after all," she commented with a deep lazy voice and her smile broadened. "A dream come true for me," I said. She stretched and her perky breasts slipped out from under the blanket. My mouth watered and my cock started to get hard again. Her nostrils flared. "What's that marvelous scent?"

"Spaghetti sauce." She grinned. "You, kind sir, you could become addictive."

"That's what I hope will happen," I said.

The direction of my eyes took hers to her exposed breasts. She yelped and pulled the blanket up, and then with a curious look, she sighed. "Old habits die hard," she quoted, grinned and dropped the blanket. "I grew up with the concept that exposing myself to my brother was a no, no. I'd forgotten that you'd seen them earlier, sucked on them, played with them, and..." Her nipples puckered and lengthened with her comments, and she appeared embarrassed by her own words. Again, she pulled up the blanket and covered her excited breasts.

"The scrumptious smells from the kitchen are making my belly growl," she said. "Turn your back, and I'll get up and dress and then we'll eat."

"No," I said with a grin. "No?"

"No, I won't turn my back. I'm not stupid. I want to see you naked and walking away from me. You have the greatest ass in this hemisphere and beyond, and I wouldn't miss the opportunity for the world. You wouldn't deprive me of satisfying such a harmless, little fantasy, would you?" She laughed, pushed the blanket to the floor and rose gracefully to her feet. She exaggerated the swing of her hips slightly as she walked away from him and, at the entrance to the hall, looked over her shoulder to see of I was still looking at her. I reluctantly raised his gaze from her marvelous ass to her mischievous eyes. "Thank you," I said with a wide smile. She returned my smile. "You're more than welcome."

"Dinner in ten minutes," I said. She nodded and disappeared into the hall.

Later, I watched as my sister ate heartily. She had combed out her hair from the ponytail she wore earlier. Now it shined and framed her beautiful face. She wore jeans and a blouse, but remained barefooted, and I noticed she still wore no bra. As she ate, a dab of spaghetti sauce hung from the corner of her mouth, and I wiped it away with my finger and sucked the sauce into my mouth. "You're a sexy galoot," Sara commented. "Good cook, too. This sauce is delicious. What's your secret?"

"Red wine. After sauteing the vegetables, I added about a cup of burgundy before the tomatoes and tomato sauce -- some of the same wine you're sipping now." She dipped some garlic toast into the sauce and sucked it into her mouth. "Mmm, nice. You do know how to satisfy a woman, both in the kitchen and sexually. I enjoyed this afternoon, b*o. I needed to be loved. I needed the sex we had and more, but..."

"But I'm your brother."

"Precisely." She gazed at me with her sultry eyes. "Damn! What am I going to do with this serious itch you've given me? If you were any other man, I'd take you to my bed and use your tool to scratch the itch deep inside me until you squealed for mercy and the itch went away." As I laughed, I felt my cock lengthen in my pants. "You do have a way with words, s*s." She laughed with me. "Not really. Just being honest."

"Why is your aversion to i****t so strong?" She shrugged and said, "I don't know. I had the same upbringing as you, was taught the same as you about how wrong it is, but you aren't as averse as me. Why is that?" I just smiled. "Because I've wanted you since testosterone started seeping into my system. At first, I felt guilty about my desire for you. Just like I said earlier that why I to leave I thought it was wrong for me to fell this way."

"So, what made you change your mind about being guilty," she asked. When she asked that I didn't know I dad would like me to tell her what told me. So I said, "Well I had a talk with to wise men. One of these I can tell you about and the I will not is that OK." OK she said.

"Well, it was just after the thing of there in Europe, so the Corp thought that I need to 'cool down and to get out of a plane for and while. So I was sent to the Philippines as the "commanding officer the embassy. So I became friends with one of the locals that work in the "embassy. One day he ask me to come to his house for dinner, so I told him I would because I "was get sick with the chow line. When I got there I met who I thought was is wife. But, as the "night went along I heard something. At first, I didn't know what I heard was right until I was "getting ready to leave and I heard him call her s*s. So, I ask him if he would to walk back with "for a drink. As we where going he ask me if I had heard him calling is wife s*s. I said I did and "what I would to talk about. So there we where talk about it, and he was telling how got hurt "and their was no one to help him. That was until is sister came to help and one thing lead to "another and they confessed they love tell each other."

"That took me by surprise, and he knew that it did. Then I asked him how he could did that; "because with him being a Catholic it was a sin. He just told that if Adam and Eve where the "people to start the human race than there sons and daughters, and then the sons, daughters, 'and cousin. And then after the flood their where just Noah and is son and their wife's, so he "said the you can assume that i****t as happen. I told him didn't assume because he would "make an ass out you and me. Well, he said if I can't assume it then just logic because if that "didn't happen than the human race would have been dead a long time ago. And I just knew he "was right. So s*s what do you think."

"Your right about on thing he is wise, but I just going have to do some thinking about myself," she said.

We sat there in the quiet for sometime when I look at the clock. I remember that I told my friend that I was going to meet him. As I got to leave she stop me. "Are you leave me again." I notice she said me not us. "No, Hon not for it less three months, but I told Donnie that I would meet him. Why is there something you need me to do?" I said with a big grin. "No, It is late and I wanted you to see with me." I was grinning from ear to ear then, and she said. "No sex though; I just want to wake up with me in your arms."

"Will that can happen s*s; I will be back. So, I went and called Donnie and told me to meet me in the morning. And my sister and I went to bed. Yes, although I wanted something to happen but nothing did.

Well, I didn't get any sleep that, but of can blame me. With a beauty like the one I had in their arms. The last thing you think about is sleeping. About five in the morning my arm was getting a frog in it, so got up and look outside. I decided to go for a run, and left a note saying that I be back soon.

I like running it helps me think. So, there I was just run not thinking about the time until look at my watch and saw that I had been run for an hour. Well, turn a started to head back home until I thought I would make s*s some breakfast. Not just your average breakfast, so I went to the local store and got somethings. While I was in there I met some people there and they jus talked my head off. Everytime I tried to leave their was someone again telling me how good it is to see me. It finally took me two hours for me leave. Good thing is that I didn't have to pay the food because one of my friends was the owner of the store.

I got back home around ten o'clock. I put everything up trying to be quiet. After I was done I went looking for Sara, but I didn't find anywhere I the house. Now it was my turn to feel a lost. I thought that I had push her over the top of her limits. I sat in the bedroom where slept and just hugged her pillow. It had her sent on it. Then I notice that I had a tear in my eye. "I can't cry." I told myself. "I'm a Marine, Jar Head, a Dare Devil and Marines just don't cry."

Just then the phone rang I pick it to say Hello. "AJ. What is wrong." Someone said. "AJ talk to me." I knew it was my sister. "Yes," I said. Trying to sound like I wasn't about to cry. "AJ are you crying." Sara asked. No, I said. "I am a Marine. I get push off an Aircraft Carrier in a jet that goes from zero to one hundred fifty miles an hour. I just don't cry."

"You can't lie to me AJ. I know you are lying. So what's up? Plus you are not just a Marine you a human too that feels." She said. "Did I push you to far?" I asked. "Because if I did I can leave and we can go back the way it was and I will just forget about last night. You can tell Mom, dad, and Donna I will try to see some other time, and will go back to HQ."

"No AJ you didn't, what makes you think that and what is this talk about leaving?"

"Well, when I went for my run you where here, but as soon as I get back your gone. Not a note tell you be back. Like I did for you." I said with a hard tone.

There we where on the phone and we haven't said a singe word to each other for a few seconds, so I thought that I would be the to brake quietness. "I am sorry Sara."

"Sorry. Sorry for what?"

"I am sorry for coming home getting you all messed up; I am sorry that I left Mom, Donna, and you without saying good-bye; I am sorry for the way I just talk to you. I am just sorry."

"AJ, I'm not sorry that you didn't come home, but I am mad that you didn't me good-bye, and I am sorry that didn't you a note, but I did tell you last night that I was going to read about the stuff you told me about remember. Plus the over there is still on dial-up and have cable"

"Yes I do know. Well, what time are you coming back here."

"Well, not for sometime so goo and see your friend, but don't make plans for tonight because I am going to make you take me out for dinner and some dancing."

"OK, what did you want me to pick you up? Will six be OK?"

"Yes, See you at six. Good-bye." Then I said. "Sara."

"Yes, AJ."

"I love you."

"I know you do," she said with funny voice.

I just sat there thinking that to myself that some why she got dad to tell her about why I really feel.

The day was so slow. I did think that the damn clock would ever get to six. I tried to do everything that I could to get the time to go by fast. My friend and I went fishing, shot a few rounds of skeet, play some pool, where we won $500 by beating some jerks. Finally I was four had told Donnie that I had to leave because I had a date.

Most of the time I am ready to go I about ten minutes, but tonight I wanted everything to be just right. I called and rented a limo, made reservations at the grandness restaurant, order some roses in four different colors, red, white, pink, and yellow. After all that I went to showered and shaved.

I showed up it my sisters right six o'clock. I didn't have to wait on her one bit; because soon as got out of the limo she ran right to and jump I my arms. She planted the biggest kiss on me and I return it back.

She was dress to kill. She had on this tub black dress, with silk thigh highs, and high heels. I had and theory that she didn't have anything on under that dress, so I had her to turn around for me so I could just get a good look at her. Then she ask me. "Well, little brother do you like."

"Hell yes I like I going have to beat every guy off of you tonight."

"Thank you hon, but I promise there is only one guy for me tonight, and if anyone is going beat someone it will have to be me. Because now I know why women like men in uniform." I was dressed in my dress blues. Then she said, "I feel like I am in the movie 'Officer and a Gentleman.'" After she said that I reached down and sweep her off her feet and had her in my arms and told her, "Well I don't know if I looked better than Richard Gere, but you hell of a lot better than Debra Winger." Then she kissed me and I kissed her back.

As we where going to the restaurant, we where taking about my life in the Corp, about Mom and dad. Then she asked about the roses. "I love my roses, but why all the different colors."

"You don't know the meaning of the roses will let me yell you my fine look lady. The red roses means LOVE. The white roses means PURE. The pink roses are the best it takes red and white to make pink, so a pink roses means PURE LOVE. And last, but not least yellow roses mans TRUTH.

"So far, it's the best date I've ever had, AJ," Sara gushed and cuddled close to me. "And, it's just getting started." I said "I love your gentle touch; all afternoon I trembled thinking about how you touch me, how your hands feel as they move over my body. Yes, just like that," she whispered as I tested my theory that she wore nothing under the dress.

My hand on the inside of her thigh slipped over silky, warm skin as it traveled up to her wet vulva. Her trim legs separated, giving me access. She moaned and kissed me with passion, and en route to the restaurant, I gave her a small orgasm with my fingers.

The dinner was delicious -- a rousing success, but not as successful as Sara. She turned a few heads that night in the restaurant, both men and women, and when we arrived at the club to dance, I felt like the luckiest guy in the nightclub. I certainly had the most beautiful woman on my arm. I couldn't think of a place I'd rather be or a person I'd rather be with. We danced during a slow song. The loveliest woman I knew was in my arms, flashing me warm smiles, and the wonderful curves of her body pressed up and down my length. I wanted to suspend time, to hold her like this forever, but the song ended, and she stepped back away from me, furtively glancing down to eye the erection she had created and maintained for so long.

I enjoyed her body next to mine, moving against me, but I wanted to watch Sara really move, so we stepped out for a fast tune. The beautiful woman and the music became one as she undulated, twisted and turned and swayed so rhythmically and gracefully I had to stop to watch her, and I wasn't the only one to pause and watch.

She oozed grace and sex, a strange combination not easily achieved, as she moved around the dance floor. During one slow song, she pulled my mouth to hers and kissed me, a kiss that surpassed all her previous efforts, which I didn't think possible until she proved otherwise. She pulled away from the embrace and gazed up at me with her beautiful, dark green eyes -- needy eyes filled with yearning and love and lust, all at the same time. "I'm in love with you too, AJ, and I know that you love to I had always knew to." She whispered to me.

I could say or do anything. I stopped dancing, and just stood there with my mouth open. "Well, are you going to say something or are you just look like that all night long?" She asked me. "H... H... How did you find out." I asked softly. Here I am. A captain in the USMC. I fly jets with people trying to shoot me down. I have pushed another jet with its tail hook so the can get to safety. Even though I did all that, but this was the time I my life that I was really scared.

I had wanted to hear those words for so very long. The fingers of both of her hands moved through my hair as she continued, "I've been in love with you since you was twelve years old, maybe before, but I felt guilty about my feelings for you and tried to ignore them, tried to love other men, lesser men, worthless men, like Mark. I considered what happened with Mark punishment for loving you. I've known for years you were the love of my life. I cursed my perversion. I could never have you, I believed. i****t was wrong, frowned upon by society, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop loving you."

"Why didn't you say something sooner, Sara? You would have made me the happiest man alive because I've felt the same way about you for as long as I could appreciate romantic love. I love you with all my heart. I would have never left."

She kissed me again moaning into my mouth. "Take me my home, AJ. Take me my place not mom's and dad's. I want to make love with in my bed not theirs. I can't wait any longer. I need you now."

We hurried from the club. Our driver opened the door, and we tumbled inside and into each other's arms. The drive to Sara's home was short, and I dismissed and paid the driver at the curb. Sara waited patiently by my side. We kissed again just inside the door.

"I love your eyes on me, AJ," she said as she pushed my jacket off my shoulders. "They caress me like gentle fingertips and excite me beyond belief. Sometimes, you take my breath away with just a look."

"I haven't the slightest idea how to remove your dress. I can find no zipper, no buttons, no..."

She hushed me with a finger to my lips, bent and pulled the dress up over her head, and with a sensuous wiggle dropped it to the parquet floor. She stood before me wearing only her open-toed high heels.

"Get naked, AJ," she said simply and walked away from me toward her bedroom. She knew I would watch her and glanced coyly over her shoulder and smiled at me with a come hither look.

I had kicked off my shoes, and jerked my starched white shirt from my pants, but compared to her glorious nudity, I still felt fully dressed. I didn't want to let her out of my sight, so I followed her while removing my shirt. I struggled out of my slacks at the bedroom door and hopped around ungainly like I had a hot foot while taking off my socks. Sara graciously didn't laugh at my awkward, boyish behavior. My boxers hit the carpet as she turned to me and moved into my arms. My heart beat wildly. Finally, I would make love to the woman I had secretly loved for so many years, and joyfully and surprisingly, I had discovered that night she also loved me the same way.

We had wasted so much time and had so very much to catch up on, and tonight would be the beginning of our life-long journey together. She pulled me with her to her large bed, and we fell upon it still holding each other. Reaching with her dainty fingers, she encircled my hard cock and stroked it as I nuzzled her breasts, taking each into my mouth and sucking softly on her nipples.

"Fuck me, AJ. Now, please," she whispered. "I can't wait another second to feel you inside me."

"I'm hot, very excited, s*s. I'll come too soon."

"That's all right. I know how to get you hard again. Fuck me, damn it!"

I wasn't the only person in the room on the verge of an orgasm. Sara climaxed the second I entered her, and curiously, when I had no need to wait for her, my arousal dipped to a controllable level.

"Oh, AJ, you don't know how long I've dreamed of you inside me, fucking me, holding me while your cock fills me like this," she whispered when she recovered from her climax. "That's why I came so quickly. I've been fucking you in my mind for years. We've had years of foreplay all focused on the moment you entered me, and the thrill of it overwhelmed me."

Her cunt was amazing. Still pulsating, it massaged the length of my cock like a million little fingers with an occasional squeeze as a residual contraction struck her body from her climax. Her wet heat thrilled me, and I rolled to my back without loosing our connection. She straddled me and started to slide on and off my cock.

"The best," I muttered. "You the are best, sweet sister of mine, the love of my life." I fondled her breasts and my hands roamed over the cheeks of her ass and down her thighs. "You are so deep inside me," she murmured almost to herself. "So very deep, so very fulfilling." She squirmed against me while I was as deep in her as I could be. I felt her large and hard clitoris rub through my pubic hair, and then she slid her hips forward up off of my cock until only the crown remained inside her. The slide back took my breath away because I could relax enough now to appreciate the sensations their joining created. Now I understood her comment about years of foreplay.

"Home," I said softly. "I'm home where I should be." She sighed and agreed, still moving slowly, lovingly, on and off my throbbing cock. She kissed me, but quickly released me from the kiss as she quickened her pace. I grabbed her hips to stop her because if she continued I would surely climax, and I didn't want the moment, the sensations e shared to end.

"No, let me go, AJ," she insisted, so I let her go. I couldn't deny her for nothing. I could tell that she was reaching for another climax, but I didn't know if I could stay the course until she achieved her goal. The speed of her thrusts increased yet again, and I became lost in the feelings rushing through my body. She screamed with joy, and I felt her cunt grasp my cock with force as an orgasm overwhelmed her, and then I didn't know what happened over the next few seconds because I let the pleasure seeping through every pore of my body take me away to a place of pure exquisite bliss. When I could sense the world around me again, I was screaming my sister's name, and semen was blasting from my throbbing cock into her convulsing cunt. We had become one.

She collapsed atop me, but the weight of her little body didn't oppress me; rather, it thrilled me. I was still hard inside her, throbbing and feeling her continuing contractions. We kissed softly, and Sara rolled off me.

"I'm so in love with you, I can hardly stand the emotions rolling through me," I said. She whimpered and kissed me with passion. "I know how you feel. It's as if life just started for me, as if all the time before was a waste and inconsequential. I love you, b*o. I love you with all my heart." We made love again a while later, and then once more after Sara proved her prediction she could make me hard again. I went to sleep while still inside her. Sometime during the night, I awoke to wonderful sensations and saw Sara with her mouth wrapped around my hard cock. When she noticed that I was awake, she mounted me, and we made love for the last time that night.

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True Love In Goa And Unexpected Sex

Due to my writer’s block, I wasn’t able to write any new scripts lately. From the past couple of months I was really struggling to put pen to paper. I even lost a couple of projects because of this issue. I wasn’t ready to take any more. So I decided to go on a holiday, all alone and try to get my creativity back. By 5:00 pm, I directly went to the bus stop, bought a ticket and boarded the bus to Goa. It was a sleeper coach which had 2 berths combined on one side and a single berth on the other...

1 year ago
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True Love

True Love By Margaret Jeanette Mary Simons was babysitting her fifteen year old brother. She was seventeen and their parents were gone on another one of their week-end retreats. They often took three-day week-ends. Her mother told her to make sure to clean the house well while they were gone. She was picking up the living room and wondering why she had to do it all by herself. She wondered why Jimmy, her brother, didn't have to help. All he did was sit in his room and play...

2 years ago
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True Love Cant Be Lost

Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, it is based on a dream I once had. This story is strictly for reading enjoyment purposes only. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RECREATE OR COPY!! Hi my name is Matthew Clark. I am 23 yrs old and I have black hair and blue eyes. I stand 5 ft tall and I weigh around 120 pounds. My penis is 6 inches long and I am circumcised.The story I am about to tell you is one of bestfriends. Its also a story of love and compassion. In this story I lose my virginity and I gain...

4 years ago
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True Love Waits Part 1

By the cold blue light of the Winter moon, two small figures ran hand in hand into the undergrowth as the snow continued to fall all around them.The girl turned to her best friend and pressed a finger to her lips. Her younger companion nodded and huddled closer as they both stared wide-eyed watching and waiting to see if they had made good their escape.Reaching up, the older girl pushed the stray strands of her long black hair back under her red woolen hat as she tried to control the pounding...

Love Stories
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True Love With My Forbidden Super Hero 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, this is Shweta with the second part of my story. I’ve got huge responses from readers for my first story and I am very happy about that. First of all I would like to apologize because I couldn’t reply to some of you, but I am writing the second part of my story for all of you. Keep reading my stories and post your suggestions, that would help me narrating you my life. For new readers, I would suggest you to please read first part of this story .. Continues…… I looked at the clock it...

3 years ago
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True Love With My Forbidden Super Hero 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am Shweta from trivandrum, Kerala. I would like to share my experience with all of you. First I will describe myself. Iam a 30 years old female, married to my husband rahul who’s working in an mnc at bangalore at present. I have a good body, which any men would stare at . My figure is 36d 34 38 with 65 kg weight and 5’5″ height. I am a typical housewife, living with my husbands parents in kerala. I’ve never thought of anything odd in my life, but my life has changed forever now. Its been...

1 year ago
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True Love

True loveTags : Author : Hi Hi Book : Slut Mother Story : Slut MotherMy Secret GardenMarriage HelpThe ActressbrothersSafe HavenA Beautiful JourneyTrue loveEating cum from my prosititute mother's assholeWhite Whore for Black CocksHouse of Debauchery IIGina becomes a ProstituteHouse of Debauchery IHow My Mother became a ProstituteMotel MamaSlut Mother, The New LessonSlut Mother Gets it up her AssSlut Mother Gets Married Part 2Slut Mother Gets Married Part 1Sluts and...

2 years ago
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Loves MastersChapter 4 Summer Camp Lovers

That evening, Penny fucked me in the ass with the strap on while Suzi did the same to Joey. Thankfully it didn’t last very long before Penny demanded I lick her again. Joey didn’t get off as lightly, but then he got to fuck Suzi the regular way afterward which I didn’t get to do until that night in the shower. Saturday was the last full day of camp for the kiddos and it was the standard celebratory events we all remembered from when we had attended camp. There were dunking booths, tug of...

3 years ago
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the Night Whispers Index

We're here, Kira.It was the first time I'd heard Jackie's voice while watching someone else's experiences.Kira was seated on the edge of Dex's bed, my son hunched over with his back against the wall at the top of the mattress, his hands held over his crotch. I couldn't help imagining that the opening in his boxers might have otherwise shown his genitals. My daughter watched him quietly, then said, "okay ... they're watching, Dex. So ... can we talk?"He shrugged."I'm sorry you had to find out...

3 years ago
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True Love Found

I was raised an only child by very strict Protestant parents.  As a girl born int the 1950's, it was expected you would grow up living at home until you were married and then have your family.  Sex before marriage was not permitted and that was drilled into my head, daily.   From the time I could talk, I wanted to be a nurse, and when my dad had his first heart attack when I was five, he was admitted into a Catholic church run hospital.  In those days, children were not allowed to visit, but...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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True Love

Daniel was 18 years old. Ever since meeting his girlfriend Tiffany, he never bothered looking at other girls. She was profoundly beautiful, and had a figure that makes people wonder why she wasn't in modelling. Strawberry Blonde hair as soft as silk to touch, which smelt like daffodils in the springtime. Her skin from head to toe was as soft as her hair, and her hair covered her breasts when she stood naked infront of her mirror. She had a perfectly flat stomach, which arched down from her...

First Time
1 year ago
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Loves Journey

Love's Journey -------------------------- The flowers are in bloom In the early weeks of May The little boys chase frogs The girls just sing and play. Above a field of green Beneath a tree of pine Two friends sit side by side Two lovers intertwined Moral laws be damned Let only God lay blame Love shall rule the day Though chromosomes the same. Years and years as brothers Divide by hate and pain Wandering the desert Stuck out in the rain. Separate bearing...

2 years ago
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Loves Awakening

This is the third and final part of my story about my unexpected love for my beautiful neighbour. Links to the other parts are available on my profile page as usual. Love's Awakening A warm wetness was working it's way up my legs. Although I knew I was dreaming, I savoured the sensation as it paused. Roughness followed on from the slippery heat and in my dream, my skin tingled. Again the wetness, higher this time it caressed my thighs both inner and outer. I could feel small fingers grasping...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Everybody Loves Raymonds Wife

Everybody Love's Raymond's Wife (Chapter's 1-5) Warning: This story is fiction, and should be treatedas such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, andcontains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or readingsex stories upset you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in yourlocation, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work. Copyright by NotMy Story. Reposting or any other use of it is strictly prohibited withoutthe express, written permission of...

3 years ago
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Loves Equal Loss

Copyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...

3 years ago
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True High School Love

I arrived at school that day, on time, ready to go. The faculty introduced us to themselves. We were also asked to introduce ourselves. At that moment, I saw her. Her wonderful black hair complimented the curves of her body. It was an almost black brown color, and wavy-straight. She was a rather pale girl, with a clean, smooth, and innocent looking face. Her lips were a medium red, but they looked very kissable. She had brilliantly white teeth, as I recall. She was about 5’5” in...

3 years ago
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True Love

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." (2 Corinthians 13:7-8) "Mommy, tev me another story!" Alicia demanded, pulling her blanket up to her chin, and fixing her mother with her large, expressive eyes. "But I've told you so many already!" her mother exclaimed, tucking back a strand of hair from Alicia's face. "Pwease?" Alicia begged, with all the innocence of a three year old. "Oh, okay then," her mother relented,...

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