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It being an unseasonally mild, spring afternoon I had the top down on my somewhat ancient MG convertible as I cruised contentedly along the coast road. Passing the lopsided sign, half hidden in the long grass, that declared ‘Seadown – (for happy holidays) – population 13754’, I was amused to notice some wag had put a line through the number and above it scrawled ‘13756 and a half and hoping’. Chuckling I drove on basking in the warm breeze to the town where, it being still just off-season, I readily found a parking place before a small cafe/diner on the sea-front promenade.

Climbing out I spent a some minutes stretching lazy muscles while staring at the calm sea that gently lapped the sandy beach. Then, as a brief nod towards my duties, I set off to inspect the few shops the resort boasted.

Supposedly I was there to research how they presented their stocks of the products of Hope and Sons (toy makers to the masses), it being my excuse for playing truant from a stuffy office. Not that I really needed one, since I am Richard, the younger of the eponymous Sons of Hope. And, after a short career in the Royal Navy, now rejoice in the sinecure of ‘Development Director’.

Strolling past the local information centre I found that, unexpectedly for the close season, it was open – though hardly busy. A solitary young woman of around twenty, with elegant legs, dressed in a white blouse and light blue, knee length skirt, was occupied in stocking up the brochures and timetables that are the staple diet of such places.

One look and I was gone.

Was it lust, affection, desire, love? I knew not. ‘Tis said that most men merely look on a woman’s body as a source of pleasure, but from experience I knew that what I felt was more – much more – than the normal lusting after a seductive female. While I wanted this one, and I wanted her very much indeed – with her slight build, lightly rounded hips and dark hair tied back in a ponytail – it was not solely for sex.

It was, perhaps, fortunate that she didn’t notice me until I’d managed to collect my faculties. It also helped that lightning had struck me this way before. Twice in fact. Though in both cases the woman proved to be married and unavailable to become my consort and also, in addition to satisfying my lusts, provide friendship. Was this one to be any different, was it to be third time lucky? I could but follow my name and hope.

By the time she noticed my presence I had my emotions well under control. What we spoke of I cannot recall – I was more concerned that she wore no ring. Though I did note that her name tag read ‘S. Frobisher’.

After a brief conversation my supposed mission was on the back burner and since slowly, slowly, catchee monkey is good advice, I wandered back to where I had left the car and took myself inside the cafe/diner to plan a campaign to secure the heart, mind and body – especially the body – of young, nubile Miss Frobisher.

The eatery was clean and had the usual counter along the far side, fronted by four empty stools with half a dozen Formica topped tables scattered around the main floor area. Just one table being occupied by a pair of geriatric locals.

I collected a cup of coffee from a proprietor who seemed resentful at being disturbed in his contemplation of the racing page from the daily paper, and took a seat to one side of the door.

Slowly drinking the undistinguished fluid my brain searched for that masterful ploy, that grand scheme or stratagem to make her mine. All to no avail. I could come up with nothing better than finding somewhere to stay overnight and maybe do a little stalking until chance gave me a lead. Of course I could take the direct approach and ask her out to dinner. But, coming from a stranger, the outcome would be very uncertain. It could likely result in an immediate refusal and considerable postponement – if not the end – of any chance of capturing her heart. If I had been a local with the time for a long campaign I might have risked it, but as I was only visiting I needed some other path to her affections.

Perseverance and determination being often a necessary prelude to success, I invested in another cup of the mediocre liquid and continued to rack my overburdened brain cells.

I was beginning to despair my lack of inventiveness when a sudden roar of exhausts announced the arrival of a trio of motorcycles to park behind my car. The door bell tinkled and their riders swaggered in.

Possibly in his late twenties, with long greasy hair tied back in a loose queue, the leader looked somewhat older than the other two. All were dressed in faded jeans and black leather jackets, liberally adorned with a variety of badges, though I could discern no common theme to them. Arrogantly they demanded drinks and expectantly leaned back against the counter as if awaiting some prophesied coming.

The geriatric couple hurriedly left. It seemed the owner knew these newcomers of old for, having served them, he disappeared to the rear of the diner. As was to prove fortunate, the yahoos appeared to consider me beneath their notice where I sat half hidden behind a rack of picture postcards.

A few minutes and the door flew open. It was my Miss Frobisher being pushed inside by another two droogs!

She was valiantly trying to resist them, but their grip on her arms was too great and she was forcefully shoved to stand before the leader. He looked her up and down, a satisfied smirk spreading across his thin lips.

‘At last. Miss Busybody come to answer for her sins…’

‘You obnoxious bastard, Shawn Bolger. What right do you have…’ Furiously she continued to struggle in the grip of the two punks.

He reached out and deliberately undid the top two buttons of her blouse. ‘I told you…’

‘Don’t touch me,’ she shrank back as far as her captors would let her.

Ignoring her objections he continued unfastening buttons. ‘…not to interfere in our affairs.’

Her blouse was now fully open. He slid it back along and off her arms, dropped it to the floor and set his fingers to fumbling with the fastenings of her skirt.

‘What your sister does is between her and us,’ he said as the skirt fell to her ankles, leaving her dressed in only a lace bra and panties.

I couldn’t let this go on. But one against five, the odds were too great. Should I go for help?

She was twisting and turning. Trying to pull away. But the thugs holding her arms were too strong. Each had now one hand on her shoulder the other on her wrist. Pulling her arms back and up they forced her to lean toward her tormenter – who produced a knife.

‘Your sister pays her way by pulling a train for us…’

Sliding the knife beneath each of her bra straps in turn, he gave rapid upward yanks, parting them like threads. With the sundered straps dangling he slowly ran the cold blade down the valley between her straining breasts and deliberately cut through the thin material. The ruined garment fell away leaving the twin peaks of her shapely mounds bouncing free.

‘… And in return I keep her supplied with smack…’

The goons eased the pressure on her arms allowing her to stand nearly upright. Defiantly she glared at her tormentor, but couldn’t prevent an errant tear from sliding down her smooth cheek to fall onto a full, palm filling boob.

Turning the knife over he slid it down the side of her panties. The thin material split easily. Cutting the other side he pulled the material away exposing a lavish muff and leaving her naked but for her shoes.

An idea! It might work! I reached into the sample case I’d brought with me. Unable to take my eyes from the action I felt around until my fingers closed over the plastic, imitation revolver we had just added to our product line.

He grinned repulsively at her, ‘It would be nice if we had the same arrangement with you.’ He paused, his smirk broadening, ‘First you pull th
e train, … You don’t know what that is, do you?’

They were fully occupied. The leader with maltreating the woman I wanted, the others in staring expectantly at her enticing, naked body, their jeans bulging obscenely. Careful not to draw attention to myself I stood and eased a pace or two toward them.

‘It means we ride you. Each of us in turn. Don’t we guys.’ With a wide grin he looked around his acolytes. A couple thrust clenched fists in the air.’

‘Never,’ the girl gasped.

‘A real fun gang bang.’ Stained fingers grabbed her left breast and gave it a quick tweak. Making her yelp.

‘And when you get as good as your sister you can run the train there and back. On the outward trip we each get to fill your lucky cunt and on the return journey you take it up the arse. And if you’re especially good, why you get your reward. A nice, free fix of H.’

Bending slightly I grasped the edge of a table with my left hand and partially supported it with my right – the imitation revolver dangling from two fingers.

‘Couple of hits and in a day or so you’ll be begging to amuse us. Just like your sister.’ He lowered his hand and rammed a couple of fingers inside her slit.

Using the distraction of her scream, I took another step and heaved the table at the nearest of the captors clutching her arms. It was fairly light and flew high, catching him on the neck and bouncing him onto his fellow.

Thrusting the fake revolver in the direction of the ceiling I shouted, ‘Don’t make me use this.’

As the leader’s eyes followed my apparent weapon I took a last, long stride toward him and, balancing myself on one leg, I swung my free foot in an arc, just as I had when going for a drop-goal in my rugby playing days. Before he could react the point of my shoe caught him square in the balls. He gave a sharp squeal and doubled up in agony.

My left hand on my fancy’s arm I pulled her toward the door, all the while waving the apparent revolver at the remaining louts who stood frozen with surprise.

‘Out! Out! In the car!’ I bundled the naked and unresistant Miss Frobisher into my MG.

Fortunately the engine was still a fairly warm and fired first time. Foot hard down I accelerated away from the promenade and into the half dozen streets of the town centre.

There was no sign of pursuit – yet. Maybe they wouldn’t follow us, but I wasn’t going to bet on it.

A quick sideways glance showed my prize crouching low, arms protectively crossed over her full breasts. ‘Which way?’ I asked.

She turned her head to me. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Which way to your place?’

She looked ahead then said, ‘Left, and follow the road to Broadale. Why?’

‘We’ve got to go somewhere. And that’s the safest I can think off. Unless you want to go to the police.’

‘No! No police. That’s what started this. Left again at that signpost!’

We were now out of the town and I had pushed the speed up hoping I wouldn’t meet anything on the bends. Turning the corner she had indicated we were in a typical country lane, just wide enough for one vehicle, with passing places every hundred yards or so.

A quarter of a mile more then she said, ‘There. That caravan.’

With a screech of brakes I stopped. ‘That’s where you live?’

‘It’s all we could afford after the house went.’

Sitting in the field between rows of apple trees and an ancient hedge the van was an old, broken down, rusting, touring model that I would have thought was best left to rot. Dismayed I looked around. ‘Not much good as a defensive position if, as they probably will, they come after us. Presuming they know where to come.’

‘They know all right.’

Questioningly I glanced at her.

‘From my sister.’

A brief gust of wind brought the sound of motor cycles.

‘Yes, they’re coming. No time to wait.’ I put my foot down and we sped on up the lane. ‘Where does this road go?’

‘It loops back and joins the main road to Broadale.’

‘Then that’s where we’re going.’

When the junction appeared I came to a halt, hoping they would stop to check the van and decide we had gone some other way. Turning I leant over the back of my seat and rummaged in my holdall. A quick fumble produced the dark blue, long-sleeved sweatshirt I had packed as a precaution against a change in the weather.

‘Here. Put this on. It’ll cover all the important bits. Can’t have us being stopped and arrested for indecency.’

‘I could have got some clothes from the van.’

‘No time. They’d have been on us before you got that pretty little frame hidden from view.’

Suddenly she realized I’d had plenty of time to appreciate her naked assets and blushed. ‘Thank you.’ She slid the sweatshirt over her head.

I studied her. It fitted surprisingly well, though pulling rather tightly across her twin bumps. And while it could have done with being a smidgin longer, it at least covered most of her butt and pussy.

Turning into the main road I set course for Broadale – the main town in this area. The gang would not be sure which way we’d gone so I felt that for the present we were relatively safe. Slowing down a trifle I let a line of vehicles catch up, then slotted inconspicuously into the middle. Driving sedately I could now take time to question my prize.

‘What was all that about?’ I asked.

‘I’d upset them over my sister, Emma.’

‘I rather gathered that. So what did you do?’

‘They’ve been feeding her drugs. Turned her into an addict. So I went to the police. Somehow that bastard, Bolger got to know.’

‘And what did the police do?’

‘Said they knew, but couldn’t do anything without hard evidence. And, anyway, were looking to have Bolger lead them to his supplier.’

I didn’t say anything for a mile or two. Just kept checking my mirror to see if we were being followed as well as taking surreptitious glances at her long, elegant legs while recalling those delicious, tip-tilted breasts with their covering of smooth, white skin. I could feel my cock stirring.

I tried to distract myself. ‘What does your sister have to say.’

‘She’s upset. Contrite. Wants to give up, but can’t.’

‘What about treatment?’

‘The waiting lists are huge unless you’ve got the cash to go to a private clinic. Which we don’t have any longer.’

What could I say to that. I kept what I hoped was a sympathetic silence.

Then she went on, ‘We were doing fine. About to take our exams and go on to college. Then our parents were killed in a car smash. A drunken idiot drove them off the road. That was nearly two years ago.’

I glanced at her. She was sitting rigid, hands tightly clasped, eyes closed, tears striping her cheeks and dropping onto those bare, shapely legs.

‘We got the money for the house. What there was of it after we’d paid the mortgage off. Looking back we should have spent it on tuition and living expenses until we graduated. But we decided it wasn’t enough, left it in the bank, and started looking for work. However, it was early summer and all the seasonal posts had already been filled, and we weren’t qualified for anything else.’

‘You say we. How old is your sister?’

‘Same as me, nineteen. We’re dizygotic twins. That means not identical. Though we’re sufficiently alike that most people used not to be able to tell us apart. But after what the drugs have done to Emma she looks ten years older. The other day someone thought she was my mother.’

She pulled the hem of the sweatshirt up and scrubbed the tears from her face, inadvertently giving me a clear look at the dark curls between her slim thighs. It was totally inappropriate, the wrong time, but I felt myself get steel hard.

‘Did you get jobs?’

‘I was lucky. The Council had an unexpected vacancy in the Information Centre. It was meant to be a start. Instead things got worse.’

< br> ‘I was working the day Emma went out with a crowd. I think one of them must have given her something. That date rape thing.’


‘That’s the one. And when she came round – while she was still confused – gave her something else to get her hooked. Anyway I didn’t know anything about it until the money started disappearing to buy her drugs. Soon we were broke and couldn’t pay the rent. All we could do was move to that van.’

‘Then how does she keep on paying for the drugs?’

‘She can’t. But that bastard Bolger keeps her supplied. In return she has to give herself to him and anyone he decides to lend her to.’

I couldn’t think of anything to say to that.

At last we were coming into the outskirts of Broadale and I started looking for a place to stop. It wasn’t long before we came to a row of hotels, and then, set back from the road, a motel. Not grand, but it seemed clean, so I pulled in.

‘We need a base for the night while we think what to do next. This will do temporarily. Just sit tight.’

Parking the car where it couldn’t be seen from the road I walked to reception and booked a double room. She might not like the idea of sharing but I wasn’t letting her out of my sight. At least there were twin beds which might help to reassure her that she had a choice and I was not going to force myself on her.

Inside, she sat on the edge of one of the beds while I dumped my bag on the other.

‘There are soap and towels in the bathroom,’ I remarked. ‘Why don’t you freshen up a bit. Then we can have a council of war.’

She didn’t reply and I saw she was silently crying again. Pulling out a handkerchief I gently wiped away the tears. ‘It’s all right now. We’ll get it sorted. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.’

She sniffled a bit, ‘Thank you.’ And put a hand on my arm.

Spontaneously my arms went around her and pulled her close. My lips found hers and pressed hard. Without planning or thinking – almost inevitably – my hand slid under the sweatshirt and found her breasts. Her head and shoulders fell back onto the bed pulling me with her, pressing her lips to my mouth as hungrily as I was kissing her. Then her legs parted and she raised her knees. She fumbled at my belt.

I lifted my mouth from hers. ‘Let me do that,’ I said as I tugged the sweatshirt up and, hungry for her, took a nipple between my teeth.

My belt was swiftly undone and she reached between us to touch and encircle me with her fingers. Trousers and underpants were thrust to my ankles and I was between her thighs. She tossed her head back and pushed her heaving breast against my hot lips. Sliding my hands to her hips I held her as, urgently, she guided my rigid cock to its rightful home.

I thrust hard and deep once, twice, thrice in a white hot burst of passion. My hands were clutching and kneading her tits. She was moaning, her fingers digging into my buttocks urging me ever deeper.

I had lost control. My hands slid round her waist and down to grasp the cheeks of her arse. I pulled her to me as four, five, six times I hammered into her. I was thrusting frantically. She lifted her legs and locked her heels around my back, her cunni muscles squeezing my shaft hard, urging, demanding me to fill her. Her fingernails raked my back. She bit down hard on my shoulder, stifling her sobs.

We were locked in a storm. We were an inferno of need. Until, simultaneously, we cried out and exploded.

Trembling with the force of our union, her arms hugged me tight until our pulses slowed and my now limp weapon slid from her. Gently I unwrapped her arms and got to my feet.

As I regained my clothes she said, ‘God, what came over me? I’ve never acted like that before.’

‘A delayed reaction to danger. Quite natural and common. In times of trouble our instincts make us look to preserve the species.’ I stepped into the bathroom and found a hand towel. Still drained by her outburst of passion she lay still as I cleaned and dried her thighs and belly. Delicately I ran my fingers through the fine hair of her muff.

‘You know, over the years I’ve had my share of women, but I’ve never found one like you. You really are beautiful.’

‘Am I?’

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 6

I walked into the freshman hallway of the school and made my way to my intended target. She was, again, talking to Lexie and facing away from me. She was filling out a set of acid washed jeans rather nicely, a pink sweater over another button down long-sleeve. This time Lexie didn’t raise her eyebrows as I approached. “Parker,” Lexie announced, suddenly surprising Deedee. “You’ll be a dear be sure to bring your home jersey for Deedee to wear tomorrow morning? I stared blankly for a moment,...

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Ians Indiscretions Wife on the phone secretary on the bone

It was barely a month ago that I discovered my husband was having an affair again.I appreciate to many women that revelation would be heart-breaking, but to me, hailing from France as I do, it wasn’t a huge deal anymore. As a young and impressionable teenager I once witnessed my own father making love to our maid one summer’s afternoon in his study (while my mother tended to the roses in their garden outside), so very little knocks me out of my stride these days.As it happens, it’s almost...

Office Sex
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Trapped by Three2

My anal sphincter muscle ring acted like a cheap whores cunt and relaxed allowing that gigantic huge cock head to enter my anal canal. My eyes bulked at the thought of what could happen as this huge monster worked slowly in and out of my butt. All I could do was to open and close my fist with each stroke of his mammoth cock head. The brute reached through my legs and gripped me by the waist holding me firmly as he worked his cock back and forth. His massive shoulders pushing apart my feet, I...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 5

Chuck I heard a baby cry and the bed shifted a little. There was activity over by the small table that I was told was a changing table. I raised my head to see who was up and saw Nancy changing a diaper. Her little one was making noises, but not crying. I suppose since she was getting attention that was what she wanted. Wanting to watch what the process was, I turned on my back and propped my head up on a folded pillow. After she changed the diaper, she put the infant back into the...

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Wife becomes entertainment Part 2 ldquoThe recruitm

A few months have passed since my COs wedding. I was now known as the Closer throughout the unit. The nickname stuck everywhere I went. My wife’s performance at the party spread like wild fire through the officer community and even into the enlisted side. I’d get guys asking for the contact information of the girl that they heard about, or the company information where I got her from. Work life was awesome as for home life though.. It was Fucking great! Our sex life went from an 8 to 100 on a...

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Home Invasion

As she finished cinching the the latest coil tightening the imprisonment of my wrists, I silently reflected on my current situ As she finished cinching the the latest coil tightening the imprisonment of my wrists, I silently reflected on my current situation and how I came to be in such a dangerous position. The night started pretty much the same as any since the divorce and moving into this apartment complex. After arriving home and changing out of the office clothes, I came down in my...

1 year ago
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Just Another Day

lol k it's like... 12:53am right now, can't really sleep... once again I'm gonna totally blindly type out a story and see where my warped imagination takes me... --- Jacky Jackenson (lol omfg...) unlocked the door of his house and walked in. "Wife, I'm home!" "Oh hey Jack, how wuz ur day?" inquired Cheryl, his wife of four years. "Gah. It sucked ass. How was yours?" Cheryl managed a weak smile. "Heh. Not much better than yours I'd imagine. Deadline's coming up on our project, and our team's...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 40 Christmas Break Part I

December 1978 The last week of school before Christmas break flew by. The only thing of note was someone joined our lunch table. A girl named Sarah Leonard, who had transferred to Milford this year when her family moved from New York because her dad worked for GE and was transferred. I had seen her around the school, but she appeared to be shy, quiet, and reserved. She was about an inch shorter than me, had long, straight brown hair, and a cute face. She dressed in very loose-fitting...

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Deals and Decisions

It was a pain on Wednesday mornings. I always just had to wait around for the buzzer on my flat to go indicating Jared was there to open the bakery for me. It was a deal Jared’s wife, Lily, and I had. I could live above the bakery rent free if every Wednesday when the bakery was closed I came down and cooked the specials, rose bud cupcakes, rose water and raisin swirls and any birthday cake orders. Lily only owned the bakery as a pass time instead of a real job. Jared was a partner in some...

4 years ago
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Sailing Sun and Sex

We board my 50 foot yacht, 'Adios', at lunchtime after a long early morning flight to Levkas. It's quite hot, 32 degrees, and instead of staying put we decide to sail down to Spartakhori, one of my favourite spots. After shopping at the mini-market and a quick snack at a teverna on the quay we return to the boat, cast off the lines and motor southwards down the Levkas Canal to the Ionian Sea.There are just the two of us, Suzy, my new girlfriend, and me. This is Suzy's first sail, she's a little...

2 years ago
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A man is accosted by a gun toting woman who only wants a little tenderness

The campus campanile slowly rang out the last of the twelve hours. From his cubicle in the library — open twenty four hours — he barely heard it, but perhaps it made him decide to pack it in for the night. On the other hand, perhaps it was just a coincidence. As quietly as he could, he slid his books inside his shoulder bag and got up to leave. Some other students, stressed out of their wits, looked up at him, partly from curiosity, partly from relieving their sore eyes; most of...

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Masseur Extraordinaire 1

" Masseur Extraordinaire" reads the business card of my friend Phil, who looks like he is a slightly elder brother of meI still remember our satisfied smiles and the large eyes of Louise with the little tits, when he disclosed his sexy secrets:" As you see, I am quite tall", he told us during a pre-lunch drink at a terrace in the inner city of Namur in Southern Belgium" So I ordered a custom-built portable table with leather straps at all four corners, in order to tie up my costumers if they...

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Las Vegas Divorce party

I went to Las Vegas over a holiday weekend to spend some time with a few of my buddies I served with in Iraq. Over the course of the weekend we consumed a lot of alcohol and spent a lot of money, but this was the highlight of my weekend. It started on Saturday afternoon. One of my friends who I was sharing a room with was still passed out. We had drank heavily until 6 in the morning, so I figured it would be a while before he woke up and wanted to go for another round. My other friends were...

4 years ago
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Always A Problem

For all of my life, it's been a problem. In the days of The Old West, when someone would seen a bulge in a man's trousers, it typically meant that he was packing heat. Just my luck that I was born a hundred years to late, because if there is an attractive woman around, I've got a bulge in my pants.I was shopping for some lunch on day in a grocery store near my office when I happened to spot a rather curvy redhead a few rows ahead of me. As I make my way over to her section, I notice that...

4 years ago
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Please Have Sex With Me

Life is supposed to be joyful when you're pregnant. Once you get the exciting news, everybody is so excited. The wife's body changes and you mark all the things that happen down in the baby book. Your husband is so excited and helps his wife with whatever she needs. The couple still make love as long as the pregnancy is a healthy one. Nine months goes really fast and then you have your bundle of joy in your arms. Well that must be a fairy tale. My husband is happy that we're pregnant....

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Emma Starletto Pretty Big Booty Dreams

Been working hard lately??‍♂️ Long days, long hours?…I’m tired AFFFF when I get home. Barely got time to do anything but eat. That’s prolly why I been havin these crazy ass dreams as soon as I get in the bed?‍? Vivid, realistic AF too? I love it. Cuz I feel everything in my dreams. And lately, prolly cuz I been horny and smokin…I been dreamin about big booty white bitches? PRETTY ASS big booty white bitches too? With pretty pink lips?…pretty pink wet pussies? This...

2 years ago
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The Locker Room Dont Worry Baby

Written in collaboration by jes_da_man & LittleOne Sunday, June 9, 2002 – 1:13:03 PM ————————— Now let’s see if what I saw in my mind is anything like what truly transpired. As I sat there nude waiting for you on the bench in the nurses’ locker room in the hospital where you work, I leaned up against the wall. My legs were spread apart and one hand was moving rhythmically up and down in my lap. Suddenly, I heard the soft swish of the door opening. I looked up, and saw you quietly walk in...

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Summertime in the country

I parked the car and grabbed my bags before walking up to the porch. The door opened suddenly! The face of my lovely niece peaking up at me with a smile that brightens up your day. Her blond hair tied back in a pony tail her glasses slightly eskew from running to open the door before her mother—competition was a big thing in our family. She threw the door back and jumped at me forcing me to drop my bags, "Uncle Rick!" She screamed. "Cassy! Its been so long and you've gotten so big!" I...

3 years ago
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The Book of DavidChapter 11 The Rescue

WINTER (December 2003) "Please shoot me..." Dan, the other Junior Engineer on the team looked at me over his styrofoam cup of coffee and arched an eyebrow. "Why? You still can't get the structural integrity to hold up at that pitch?" "Ugh, yes..." I sighed heavily and then sipped my coffee again. We were taking a quick break in the cafeteria, just to rest our eyes from our monitors for a little while. If only I could get my miserly manager to spring for flat panel LCD monitors...

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Birds of a Feather Chapter 16

Introduction: My bachleor party Birds of a Feather, Chapter 16 (My bachelor party) Nancy has agreed to stay with Frank and Kathy and they have adopted her as their Mother and she has adopted them as her children, (not legally, of course) but in their hearts and minds The meeting with Cindys and Beths kids went much better than expected, thanks to Kathy insistence to come clean and tell everything. There is less sex in this chapter than in some of the others. Part of the chapter is about some...

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Extra Coaching

Darcy stared at herself in the mirror with disgust. Despite the one-piece, well-fitting bathing suit she wore, she was still critical of herself. She was still a very attractive woman in her mid-forties, but a little curvier then her petite frame suggested. She stood 5' 3" and had what some would say a little extra baggage around her hips and thighs. Though she worked out at home and was part of a neighborhood walking group, Darcy was searching for something fun to help maintain her fitness...

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Caught in the MiddleChapter 2

All three of us snoozed for a bit and then started waking up and moving. The girls dressed again as did I. Each kissed me passionately and said, "There's more to come." Allie said that and gave my cock a light squeeze at the same time. Cindy winked at me as she went out the door. They headed to their homes and I lay back on the sofa with a cold beer. It was a late morning and an early afternoon unlike any before in my life. I was still lying there when there was a knock on my door. I...

1 year ago
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Virgin daughter

It's the run-up to Christmas, I'm back home from Uni and doing my Christmas shopping, everything is sorted apart from what do I get for my Dad. Then I see something in a shop window that gives me an idea, but it's so out there, so wild, I can't believe I even thought of it.It's something I've been thinking about for a while now but not been able to bring about, I just don't know how to make it happen. Also, I don't know how a man I love and respect would take it. I would be devastated if he was...

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Extra Credit Spring Semester

Marlena didn’t care anyhow. She was so satisfied by her sexual encounter that she could have been fired and it would not have bothered her all that much. The fact that she hadn’t gotten in trouble made everything that much better. Besides, she was the envy of all of her colleagues, too. Because of the rumors Marlena was forced to have a teacher’s aide to stay with her during her classes. The aide was female, and with purpose, so that she could monitor Marlena’s actions and report back to the...

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Idin NoahChapter 8

Now. I have tried reaching Josh on every number I know, with no success, if he does not answer soon I will have to make my own way out. I would call Marry but all that would do is worry her, I figure all give it another ten minutes. Lillian pulls out her phone and looks at the screen, she frowns and puts it away, for a moment I wonder where the hell the phone was in that little dress, even in the dark covered in sewage the dress clings to her in all the right ways. "Iden whats with the...

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Hot Experience With Horny Telugu Maid

Hello, I am Sai from Hyderabad. I am 22 and I am a skinny guy with 5-inch tool. I have been a fan of this site since a long time and I wanted to share my first experience with a woman here. So it was in 2019 and I completed my graduation. I had a lot of free time and I used to stay at my home. My parents used to leave home early and hence I had to be there when our maid comes. Coming to the maid, her name is Lakshmi and she is a fair middle-aged Indian woman. She was short. Her boobs were of...

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A Frustrated Housewife

Just pay attention to me… I’m not sure where things began to go south in our marriage. I’m not sure if it began when he came home with that damned Playstation, or if it was shortly after as he began playing online with his friends every night. There wasn’t much I could do to pull his attention away from the TV, and believe me, I fucking tried. It didn’t matter if I came out of the bedroom in my tiniest negligee - the flimsy top that tightly gripped my breasts and body before coming to a sudden...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 2“Now, get back on that bed. I have an idea.”It seemed absurd on the face of it. I was a small woman and he was a big man. But more significant was that I was used to men with cocks about six or seven inches long when erect and Jake’s was that long soft and limp. Fully erect, as it was now, it was twice that size and as wide as my forearm. My reaction to it, though, proved not to be irrational based on his reaction to my reaction. He had encountered that reaction from other women. I...

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Dragon Ball Z Toilet Stories

When 18 was finding a store that sells nice clothes, she came across a Mexican fast-food restaurant. Feeling VERY hungry; she entered the restaurant and ordered a handful of spicy burritos and Tacos. After consuming the delicious food, she patted her stomach and felt satisfied. "Mmmh... that was good. I should come here more often." She said before getting up from her seat. "Well, know that I got that out of the way, what should I do now?" She thought.

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Arlene and JeffChapter 539

Kei’s bladder awakened her as she lay on top of her husband, his cock still stuffed inside her. It was no longer fully hard, but it was stiff enough, and with its length, had remained in her during what was left of the night. She spared time to very tenderly kiss the sleeping man, then eased herself off of him, his cock seeming to lazily slide out of her to the accompaniment of a huge gush of sperm-laden semen. Oh, my, she thought as she capped a hand over her pussy to stop the deluge, I...

2 years ago
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BBW slut wife

The crowd gathered around my naked wife. She was extremely exhausted after masturbating in front an audience of forty-seven men, many of which were total strangers to us. The huge black dildo, dripping with her aromatic white foam, attested to her many pleasurable orgasms. Lying there in the middle of the king sized bed surrounded by dozens of shriveled but sated dicks, she knew that each and every orgasm sprayed into the clear plastic enema bag was done in her honor.Forty seven cum shots would...

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523 stephanies bucket list 3

Part 3Another day another E mail awaited me. This one to my surprise, had no preamble, it started, I had just dozed off or at least I believed that was the case as the moon had not had time to have moved far in the dark sky, or across the big room and it just felt like no time at all, just moments, when they came for me! The room-light came on and Nella appeared without a word, rapidly clipping straps to my cuffs the four bedposts before I could protest, arms first then ankles, finally kissing...

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The Evening Bubbles Club Part 3

All rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. ------------------- The Evening Bubbles Club - Part 3 ------------------- Like every Friday, I woke up with my head in a haze. "Why did they choose Thursdays?" I asked myself while holding my head in my hands to stop it from spinning. As the water in the shower gently ran over my body, I started putting the pieces...

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Good Intentions

My name is Jill, and I am a forty-three-year-old divorced mom of two wonderful children. My eldest is a daughter who is twenty-one years of age and lives nearby in an apartment with her longtime boyfriend. My youngest is Kyle, an eighteen-year-old high school senior who lives here at home with me. I am a registered nurse and work the odd hours that often come with the job. As such, I have to admit I was not always around to observe my children's lives as much as I would have liked,...

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Exclusive First Time Interview0

John Malone a self made Billionaire. CEO of Multinational Malone Industries. Texas Political Power Broker, Phililanthropist, Divorced five times, Currently married to a beautiful chiniese model, singer, Director of an International Charity, and Philianthropist. A Womanizer, Real Estate Mogul, and Defense Lawyer. This will be the lead story on our news casts and will bring national attention to you as the reporter that got the only interview. Catherine called me to arrange an...

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