Do Not Believe Your Eyes free porn video

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Do Not Believe your Eyes. Not all Plane Jane's are Plane

The high school I attended only had about 200 students.
In our first year, there were three of us named Charlie.
One, everyone called Car, because he was the only
freshman to have his own car. They dubbed me Lee for
some reason, and the third, we all called DS for dip
shit, but someone told him it meant Distinguished
Student, and he believed it, so we never told him any

All through high school, I held a B average. Not a
brain, nor a dummy either. I had very good relations
with the boys in my class, but was not too well liked by
the girls. Most of them looked for either the sports
guys, or the ones that had "hansom" faces. I was kind of
a plane looking guy, not ugly, but not hansom either.

One girl, Ann, lived somewhere near me, and once in a
while she would go out with me, but no more that once
every two or three months. Even then, she would meet me
at the local hamburger joint, and that is where I would
leave her. She would wait until I was out of sight
before she would leave for home. When I asked her about
it, she would say that was the rule her dad made her
promise to follow. Ann was not a "beautiful girl", but
nice looking, however the clothing she wore made her
appear to be a real modest person, no hint of cleavage,
and her skirts were well below the knees.

I occasionally went out with other girls, but they would
very seldom date me more than once in a semester. I just
was not a jock, nor a great looking guy. When there was
a party, the girls that went with me, were the
leftovers. This made a real relationship hard to

The last semester of our senior year, our science
teacher gave us an assignment for a paper to write,
however we had to work in pairs, one girl and one boy.
Then she assigned the pairs. For some reason, I never
understood, she paired me with Ann.

During class time we would go to the library to do
research. After two weeks of this we were told that we
could continue research at class time, but that the
paper would have to be written outside of school, as it
had to be typewritten, and the school did not have
enough typewriters.

I asked Ann if she was allowed to come to my house,
citing that I had never been allowed to go to hers. She
answered, "let me talk to mom tonight and I will call
you and let you know that she decides."

That evening the phone rang, and mom answered. Then she
yelled up to me "Charlie, it is for you."

I answered the phone, and a voice said, "This Janet,
Ann's mother. Is it possible for you to come here for
dinner tomorrow night? If so, we can discuss this
project that the two of you have."

"Hold on a minute, and I will ask mom," I laid the phone
down, and started down to talk to mom, and met her
coming up the stairs.

Mom said, "tell her it is all right."

"Mom! You listened in?"

She just shushed me and said go.

I picked the phone back up and said, "Mrs..." at that
point, Janet said, "Just call me Janet, there is no need
for formalities."

"Okay... Janet," I said, "mom said it was all right.
What time do you want me there?"

Janet replied, "Okay, be here about 5 o'clock and we'll
eat at about 5:30. Is that all right?"

"Thanks, that's good," I said. "See you tomorrow, about

When I saw Ann the next day, I asked her, "What is going
on tonight?" She answered, "this is mom's party, and she
has not told me anything about it." "Aha," I said, "the
old parental third degree."Ann just smiled and shook her

After school, I went home. Once I had put my books away,
I took a shower, and shaved. I do not normally wear
after shave, but borrowed some of my dads, for the
occasion. I put on clean under ware, and my best pair of
jeans. Over my t-shirt, I wore a nice western style
shirt. I felt it would be best to look at least partly
human when seeing Janet for the first time. Ann had
explained that her dad worked evenings and would not be
there, just her, Janet, and her younger sister Shari.

I walked to Ann's house, but determined that I would be
a little early, so I walked across the street for a
block, so I could observe the house. What I saw was an
eight foot privacy fence that was three lots wide. It
stopped at the sidewalk, but went on either side of it
up to the front porch. My first thought was that maybe
someone was in the witness protection program. But then
I rejected that, as the privacy fence would call
attention to the house.

I stood there pondering, the situation for a few
minutes, then crossed the street and went up to the
front door. As I approached the door, it opened, and Ann
was standing there. "Excellent timing," I said. She
shook her head, and said, "electric eyes. I knew when
you stepped into our sidewalk."

She invited me in, and said, "Please take your shoes and
socks off then come and sit in the dining room, as we
will be eating shortly. And we can talk while we get
things ready." In the dining room, she introduced me to
Janet and Sheri. All three of them were wearing blouses
that looked like they were 4 sizes too big for them, and
their skirts were all well below the knee. I thought to
myself, it looks like the whole family dresses pretty
sloppy, I feel over dressed.

I asked if I could help with anything, and was told that
everything was almost ready, and for me to set at the
head of the table. Janet then sat opposite of me, and
the girls on either side. It was a very nice meal,
nothing fancy, just good food. There was very little
talking during the meal, and afterward I was told to
stay sitting and the three of them cleaned the table
off, then they sat back down.

Janet said, "I am going to ask you some questions. They
will be in no particular order, but they all lead up to
something. How long have you lived in this area?"

"We moved here about 7 years ago," I answered.

"Then you're fairly knowledgeable of the area?" she

"I know the downtown area, and most of the people on the
block where we live, and I walk to school every day. I
know where dad works, and some of the streets around
there, but that I about it."

"Did you know that there is a clothing optional beach
very close to here?" Janet asked.

"I have heard rumors that there was one, but I have
never been there, I work at odd jobs in the summer and
have never had that much time to explore."

Janet then said, "What would you think if I told you
that this family spends a lot of time at that beach?"

"If you do," I replied, "it is not my place to judge
you, but from the clothing that the three of you wear, I
would guess that you do not spend time there."

"Why would you think that?" she asked.

"I do not mean to be critical," I said, "but the three
if you wear clothing that hides any of your attributes,
and that does not coincide with a person who would show
everything in a clothing optional setting."

"What if I told you my family practices nudism at home,
and at the beach?"

"I would be highly surprised," I said. Through this
whole conversation, I was trying to read the faces of
all three of them, but they all had just a bland
expression on them.

"One last question, Have you ever wondered why Ann would
not let you walk her home after a date?" asked Janet.

"Yes, I have, but she told me that it was some rule of
her father's that she could not break," I replied.

Janet looked at Ann and smiled, then looked back at me
and said, "Your answers seem to be straight forward, and
after I explain what these questions were about, I hope
that you can still be friends with this family."

I looked at her, "I am not sure where you are going with
this, but I have no secrets from Ann, and I hope that
she will not keep anything from me."

Ann looked at me and said, "Mom is about to tell you the
only secret I have kept from you and all of our
classmates. Please do not think harshly of me when she
tells you."

Janet then said, "The truth is, this family is a
practicing nudist family. We are wearing clothing right
now, because you are here. I want you to think about
that for a moment, then I will continue."

To myself, I thought the way that Ann dresses in public,
would sure keep someone from even thinking about her
being a nudist, she always looks like she is hiding
everything, and afraid someone might see a little flesh.

"If I ask you to take all your clothing off, what would
you think?" Janet asked.

I thought for a minute and replied, "I might be a little
upset if I were the only one you asked to do so."

Janet laughed, "If you strip to the waist, the three of
us will also. And if you completely strip, we'll do it
also. We don't want to make you uncomfortable. But we
would like you to be able to come here and not worry
about what you will or will not see."

I asked, "So, you're telling me that if I take off my
shirt and under shirt, that the three of you will take
off your blouses, and bras?"

Shari smiled at me. "That is exactly what mom is saying.
Except that we are not wearing bras."

Ann spoke up, "I am willing to take my blouse off first,
if you'll agree to what mom has said." With that, she
unbuttoned all the buttons on her blouse, then stopped
and looked at me with a question in her eyes.

It didn't take me long to realize that she wanted to
show me her tits, so I removed my shirt, and while I was
taking it off, Ann removed her blouse. I looked at her
tits and just stared, they were very large. I then took
off my t-shirt, and sat back in my chair. As Janet had
said, when I sat down, she and Sheri, both took off
their blouses.

I sat there and looked from one to the other of them. I
said, "Excuse my language, but I had no idea that any of
you had such large and beautiful tits."

Janet giggled delightedly, "Yes, both girls take after
me and my mom, my mom had G cups, I have D cups, Ann has
D cups, and Sheri has almost C cups and still growing.
We hide them in clothing so as not to have men chase us
just for our breast size."

After ogling their tits for a while, I stood up and
slowly unbuckled my jeans and let them fall to the
floor. I stepped out of them and then took my under
shorts and slid them off. Immediately all three of the
ladies, stood and dropped their skirts, again there was
nothing under them.

Now we were all nude, and Janet had the three of them
stand so I could see everything. Janet had coal black
hair and pubic hair, Ann had auburn hair, but had shave
her pubic hair completely off. Sheri was developing some
pretty blond pubic hair that matched her hair.

I must have been blushing a lot and I got a hard on, as
the girls turned to let me see them completely. Janet
said, "After you get used to seeing nude people, the
blushing will stop, but that lovely hard on should show
up most of the time, just as Art's (her husband) does."

Janet then told Ann, "Take him up to where you will be
studying, and show him the rest of the house, and yard."
She turned to me and said, "If you start getting too
horny, let me know. I know how to fix that problem. I
want you to have a good time and I'm sure that the two
of you'll have your project done on time, with great

By the time that Ann had shown me the house, and the
nice pool in the yard, it was time for me to go home. My
clothing had been hung in a closet near the front door.
I was told that from now on, when I arrived at the
house, my clothing would be placed there each time, and
I was to be nude at all time in their home.

After I had dressed, Ann gave me a quick kiss on the
lips, as I was opening the door. "See you in school
tomorrow, and don't forget that you can say nothing
about what you saw and did here, to anyone," she said.

At home, mom and dad started the 3rd degree questioning.
I just said that they tried to keep their 2 daughters
free from harm and wanted to get to know who they were
friends with. I said that the few dates I'd had with
Ann, were double dates, so they felt that she would be
all right." I said that her father worked evenings, and
I didn't meet him, but her mom and sister are very nice.
I also said that, her room had lots of space where we
could spread our project out to work on."

Ann and I decided that on Saturday, we would spend the
whole day working on the project. This way if we needed
more information and/or verify something, we would have
plenty of time to go to the library. I arrived at her
home at 9 o'clock. Janet told us that Art was still
sleeping, and for us to take Sheri and go to the beach
until noon. She also told us that we needed a break from
the work we were doing, so that we could get a fresh
perspective when we went back to work on it.

At the nude beach the three of us disrobed and spent the
time laying in the sun and working on our tan's. Both
Ann and Sheri had very even tan's without any light
spots. I was almost completely without any tanning at
all. About 11:30 we dressed and headed back to their

At the house, we got ready for lunch. Ann asked, "Where
is dad?" Janet answered, "He's in the shower, he'll join
us shortly."

We were nearly done with lunch when Art joined us. He
said, "Sorry, I am a little late. I got home late last
night. When all three of you girls finish, leave Lee and
me alone. I want to have a few words with him, and get
to know him a little."

Again, I thought to myself, here comes the question and
answer session. After the ladies left, Art said, "Lee,
you seemed to get a little nervous when I came into the
room, is there a problem?"

"No Sir," I said, "I just get nervous when I meet
parents for the first time."

"I am Art, not Sir, and there's no reason for you to get
nervous around me, I won't eat you. Just relax, and tell
me a little about your family."

I told Art about my family, and our life, then about
myself. Then he said, "What do you think about the way
my family lives?"

I said, "I was a little shocked when I first was told
about your lifestyle, but since being here a few times,
it seems very practical, and probably saves a lot on

He laughed, "Well, I guess that is one consideration. I
had not thought of that."

"Why didn't you taken advantage of the offer Janet made
to you on your first visit?"

"What offer, was that?" I asked a little mystified.

"Janet said that she told you that if your hard-on got
too much of a problem for you, to let her know and she
would take care of it for you."

"I-I... was too embarrassed to say anything to her about
it," I replied, blushing.

"Let me explain something to you. All three of my girls
are submissives. They've been trained to do anything
that a man tells them to do. If you ask them to do
something, they may or may not do it. However if you
tell them in a commanding type of voice, they will
always do what you want," he assured me.

"So, you're telling me that if I want to, I can have any
of them willingly fuck me?" I asked.

"Yes, but don't tell Ann or Sheri that. You may have all
three of them give you a blowjob or a handjob. Only
Janet is allowed to fuck you," he said. "The reason for
that is that the girls must remain virgins until they're
ready to marry. However Janet is already married, so
it's all right for her."

I asked, "What if Janet were to get pregnant? What kind
of trouble would I be in then?"

"None," answered Art, "Janet and I would just have
another c***d in the house."

"Wow!" I said. "Do you tell all of Ann's boyfriends

"No son," Art answered. "You're the first one. With any
luck you'll be the only one, but time will tell.

"Now," said Art, "Why don't you go to my bedroom and
tell Janet that you're going to fuck her, and then do
it. That way you can get it out of your system before
you and Ann start working on your project."

"What would Ann say if she knew that I had just fucked
her mom, and then went to her to study?"

"She wouldn't say anything, both she and Sheri know that
is the way things are in this house. Now go on. I think
that Janet is probably waiting for you and with that
young hard-on you have."

I went to the master bedroom, and Janet was laying on
the bed with her legs spread. She looked at me and said,
"I guess Art told you it was all right for me to take
care of you. So what do you want, a handjob, a blowjob?
Or are you going to try to make a baby?"

"I-I... I'm here to fuck you," I stuttered. I couldn't
believe my luck. Without saying anything more I got onto
the bed. This was to be my first time, and I didn't
really know what I was supposed to do so I just went to
the heart of the matter and just entered her, and
started thrusting.

Of course I didn't last very long. I was embarrassed
that I'd cum so fast but Janet just smiled and said,
"Looks like you're new at this. So I will give you a
blowjob to bring you back and then I'll teach you what
you need to know to please a woman."

It was an hour later before I entered Ann's room, with
my cock shriveled and sated. Ann looked at me and said,
"How was mom? Was she good?"

I blushed, "I'm really not sure. It was my first time,
and I hope that I did okay. But I can tell you it felt
really wonderful. Now where are going to begin with the

In the middle of the afternoon, Ann and I were
discussing a point, and Sheri came in. She looked at me
and said, "It looks like you need some relief, so I am
here to give you a blowjob. Just keep working and I'll
take care of this for you."

Needless to say, I did not get much work done for a
while. I could not concentrate while getting a blowjob.
It was weird getting sucked off while Ann watched her
sister doing me. But it was also fantastic!

Sunday morning, I arrived at Ann's house, about noon.
Again, Art recommended that I go see Janet before Ann
and I started working, which I did. It went better than
the day before, but I had lots to learn yet.

In the middle of the afternoon, Ann and I were working
on our project, when we heard the phone ring. Ann got a
very sad look on her face, and said, "I hate it when the
phone rings on Sunday afternoons."

I asked why. She answered, "You'll see, dad will be up
here in a couple minutes, and let us know."

A few minutes later, Art popped his head into the room.
He looked at Ann and said, "That was my boss, I have to
leave on the 7:30 flight this evening. We'll need to
gather up all of your mom's clothing, so I can lock it
in the trunk of the car."

Ann, thought for a few minutes, then said, "Let's see if
Lee can spend the night. Then we'll not have to do

I asked, "Is there a problem?"

This is what Art told me. Not too long after Sheri had
been born, he had taken his first trip for the company
and Janet being oversexed, left the k**s with a
babysitter and went to a bar and picked up a guy.

Then she went to a motel with him and we found out later
that she also picked up an STD, which was passed on to
me. Once we knew what had happened, she was cured and I
was also, but it left me sterile. Since that time, the
only way we have been able to keep her here, is to
remove all of her clothing so if she goes out she'd have
to do so naked.

He then said, "If you stay the night, well, you can
sleep with her and that'll keep her out of trouble."

I replied, "I can't tell my parents that. So what do I
tell them?"

"Give me your phone number, and I'll call and talk to
them. I'll give them some story, and then let you know
what I told them so that you'll not be tripped up

I gave him the number, and he went to call my parents.

A few minutes later, Art came back, and said, "I told
your parents that both Janet and I were called out of
town on family business, and that the girls were going
to stay here so they would not miss school. I asked if
you could stay here, so that they would not be alone.
Your parents just said that you should come home, and
get your school clothing, and the rest of your books.
They said you could stay as long as I needed you here."

I said, "Then I had better go get the stuff, and I think
it would be a good idea if Ann went with me. That way
she can meet my patents."

"That sounds like a good idea," Art agreed. "You two get
dressed and go. I'll let Janet and Sheri know what's
going on."

Ann and I dressed, and walked to my house. I told her
that we should be very vague as to why your "parents"
were going out of town, like they did not tell us much.
She agreed, and said that she was apprehensive about
meeting mom and dad. I said, "Well now the shoe is on
the other foot. However, there will not be any big
surprises like I got at your house."

At home, we walked in, and went to the living room. Mom
and dad were there watching a movie on the TV. I
introduced Ann to them, and dad asked what had happened
that her parents have to go out of town so suddenly. Ann
said, "The only thing they told us, was that there was a
family emergency, and that they had to go. They said
that it might just be for tonight, but it could be for
several days and they didn't Sheri and me to miss any
school. They also felt that it would be safer for us if
Lee stayed with us, to discourage the boys that tend to
come around."

I went to collect my clothing and books, while Ann
talked to mom and dad. Once I had everything, we got
ready to leave, and dad said, "Be sure to call you
mother at least once a day while you're there. You know
how she worries when you're not here."

"Yes, Dad," I replied, as we went out the door.

When we arrived at Ann's house, I asked Art, "What is to
keep Janet from going out when we leave for school?"

He answered, "She has nothing to wear, all of her
clothing was taken from her. Also if she has someone
come to the house, the video cameras will record
everything. If that happens, then she will be out on her
own, without any alimony. You and I are the only men
allowed in the house, and the only ones that she is
allowed to fuck."

Art left for his flight. Ann and I decided to just have
a quiet evening watching TV, as we had been working very
hard on the project. Sheri asked if she could go to her
friend's house for a couple of hours, and I asked Ann,
about it.

"Yes, that is one of the friends that dad allows her to
go see, but she knows she has to be back in this house
before 10pm. Dad will look at the video's when he gets
home, and if it shows she was late, he will deal with
it, so it is ok for her to go."

Ann and I spent more time necking, and petting, than we
did watching the TV. Sheri came home a few minutes
before 10, and went to bed. Ann then gave me a blowjob,
saying that it would take the edge off, and I would be
able to last longer in her mom. She also said, "I hope
that you get her pregnant."


"Because if she is pregnant, maybe it'll keep her from
being so horny. I know dad would love to have another
c***d, but she screwed it up for him to father one."

We checked all the doors, and turned off all the lights,
then went upstairs, hand in hand, until we got to her
parents room. I kissed her, and opened the door. Janet
was waiting for me. She was spread out over the bed with
her pussy facing toward me. "I had begun to think that
you were not going to come tonight," she said.

I replied, "I was checking the doors and windows, like I
do at home every night. I certainly do not want to miss
out on you giving me fucking lessons since I have been
given the task of getting you pregnant, so let's get

"Who gave you that task?" she asked.

"Does it matter?"

She smiled and shook her head no.

It was probably after midnight before we went to sleep,
and I awoke about 3am with Janet riding my cock. She
said, "We might as well keep fucking, so that I get

I fell into an exhausted sleep, while she was still
riding me, and then woke up in the morning with Janet
giving me a blow job. When she saw that I was awake, she
said, "I love a morning fuck, so I thought that I would
get you ready!"

Shortly after I had cum in Janet, Ann and Sheri entered
the room with breakfast trays for us. They asked if I
sleep well, and I answered, "I did not get much sleep,
every time I would get to sleep, Janet would start
riding me, and wake me up. However, I am not
complaining, how many guys my age, get to sleep with a
nymphomaniac, with the instructions to get her

Janet said, "Lee you are the only one who has had the
guts to call me what I am to my face, even Art won't do
that. I now see more of why Ann thinks so much of you."

Ann said, "Mom, what are you trying to say?"

Janet said, "I told your father before we were married,
that I was a Nympho, but he said he did not believe me.
'Those types of women are just a figment of some men's
imagination,' is what he told me."

After breakfast, Ann and Sheri took the dishes to the
kitchen, and I fucked Janet again. Then I took a shower,
with Janet. Ann and I went back to working on the

After a couple of hours, Ann said, "Let's take a break,
and I will take care on your hard on," and proceeded to
give me a blow job.

I commented, "This is the life. I get to fuck your mom
and you and your sister give me blowjobs. What more
could a guy ask for."

Ann laughed, "Someday maybe you could ask for even

I asked what she meant, and she just gave me a
mysterious grin.

At school, the next day, some of the guys were asking me
where I had been lately. "Ann and I have been busy
working on our project."

Zeke spoke up, "Where? You have not been home, nor at
the library!"

I replied, "At her house, of course."

Tom then said, "I doubt that, none of us have ever been
able to get to the door, let alone inside the house."

I smiled and said, "It is just my irresistible charm,
good looks and great manners that got me in. You just
don't have the right attitude."

"What is she like at home?" They all wanted to know. "I
don't kiss and tell, sorry!" That got their attention.

Zeke asked, "You mean to tell us you have been kissing
that girl?"

"Use your own imagination," I said.


Art was gone for 4 days, and I had all the fucking and
sucking I wanted. My cock was a little sore from all the
activity it had been doing, but I felt great. Ann and I
finished the project with 3 days to spare. We used that
time to spend more time together. Sheri, was continually
coming around to give me blowjobs.

I asked her, "Is it me, or do you just love to give

She smiled at me, "Both. I'll miss you since I assume
that you will not be coming around as often not that you
and Ann are finished with the project."

"Probably not," I answered, "but I sure have enjoyed
your help in keeping my cock in good shape."

I asked Ann out for a movie for the following Friday

Art said, "Come here for dinner before you go." Ann told
me that it would be the first date I have had that the
guy was allowed to come to the house to pick me up.

The project that Ann and I worked on, was given an A+ by
the teacher. She said it was the only one in the class
that received more than a B. All my friends, who had
been k**ding me relentlessly about being with Ann,
finally decided that we really were working on the
project, and apologized for k**ding me so much.

Three weeks later was graduation. My parents were having
a party for it, and I asked Ann to be there with me. She
accepted, and I said, "I want you to dress differently
than you usually do." She asked what she should wear,
and I said, "We will go to the store together, and I
will pick out what I want you to wear."

She agreed, so on Saturday, before graduation, we went
to the mall to shop. I got her a pair of crotchless
panties, a micro mini skirt, a bra that pushed her tits
up, and only cover below the nipples, with a semi
translucent blouse that was open to the center of her
chest, but covered her bra just barely. Then I got her a
pair of 2in heeled shoes.

After graduation, I took her home to change for the
party. When Art, Janet, and Sheri saw her they were
beside themselves, she looked fantastic, every bit the
ingénue. By the time we got to the party, most of my
friends were already there. No one seemed to recognize
Ann. They had never seen her dressed up before. When
they asked who she was, I just said that, "She is my
date tonight."

At about midnight the party was still going strong, so I
shut the music down and asked for quiet, I said "I have
a few things I want to say." Once everyone quieted down.
"First, I want to congratulate all of us that graduated

There was a lot of screaming and yelling, and it took a
few minutes to restore order. Then I said, "Everyone
wants to know who my date tonight is, for now I will
just say that she was one of us that graduated, most of
you know her, but do not recognize her. The third thing
I want to say is to her, it is Ann, will you marry me?"

Ann wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. I
whispered to her, "I assume that is a yes?"

She nodded her head yes. Everyone was trying to shake my
hand and kiss Ann. Zeke came up and shook my hand and
said, "No wonder you spent so much time working with her
on that project. If any of us had realized that she
looked that good, you would have had a fight on your
hands to keep us away."

By 2am, the party was broken up, so Ann and I walked to
her house to give her family the news. We figured that
we would have to wake them up, but when we got there all
the lights were on. Upon entering the house, we found a
small party in progress.

Ann asked Art, "What is going on, Dad?"

Art said, "Both of you get your clothing off and come to
the dining room, then you will find out."

In the dining room, there was a cake with a decoration
of a crib and a baby on the top. Ann asked, "What is
going on Mom, are you pregnant?"

Janet came over to me and kissed me on the lips and
said, "Lee, you're going to be a daddy."

Art then congratulated me and said, "Of course only the
five of us will know that it is yours. Everyone will be
led to believe that it's mine."

Ann said, "Mom, you just had to trump me didn't you."
She smiled.

Janet asked, "What do you mean?"

Ann replied, "Lee asked me to marry him, a couple of
hours ago."

Art asked, "What was your answer, as if we did not know

Ann winked, "I said no."

For a second you could have heard a pin drop, then all
three of them asked at one time, "Are you crazy?"

Ann then laughed and said, "No I am not crazy, of course
I said YES."

At 5am, Art said, "I think we all need some sleep, Lee
you can sleep with Ann, and if she still has her cherry
by this time tomorrow, I'll cut your balls off."

I said, "Art, I fully intend to keep my balls, so put
your knife away."

On the way up to her room, I told Ann, "We are both so
tired, let's wait until we wake up to take care of your

"NO, I want it done tonight, please?"

"Ok, but I'll be on the bottom, and you can mount me,
and go at your own pace. That way I won't hurt you by

I laid on the bed, and she sucked me until I had a hard
on. Then she got on her knees and lined my cock up with
her hole. She then slowly started down on me. When her
hymen was touched by my dick, she paused. About then her
strength gave out and she dropped her whole weight onto
me, and it broke her hymen quickly. She slowly slid up
and down until she had all of me inside of her.
Exhausted, she laid over onto me and fell asleep with me
buried inside of her. I went to sleep almost as fast.

I awoke about 1pm, with Ann trying to get me back into
her. Once I was awake, it did not take long. Once I was
fully insider of her, we just laid together, without
moving, and just kissing each other. We were slowly
exploring each other's bodies. Our caressing and playing
with each other was giving enough movement that after
about half an hour, I came in Ann for the first time.

Just as I came, Art, Janet and Sheri, walked into the
room and Art said, "We didn't mean to interrupt you, but
we just came to see if you were awake, and I see that I
don't need to use my knife." (he laughed)


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This is a work of fiction, intended for mature adults who enjoy hypno-erotic fantasy. This story contains adult language and themes, including hypnosis, masturbation and sex, all of which (as you know) will rot your mind and cause hair to grow in unlikely places. Proceed at your own risk. If you're under the age of consent for your area, we'll all just assume that you're here by accident. Just keep hitting the back button on your browser; I'll let you know when it's okay to...

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Daydream Believer Consequences

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Hypnotizing a Mistress

(Disclaimer: In regards to the cover image, I do not own any intellectual property or proprietary rights. I have no association or affliation with the owner/owners of the image or any of their content. The image is being used for demonstration purposes only, with no monetary or personal benefit of its use. If the original content owners wish for me to remove it, i will do so without hassle.) (Also. The porn actress in the cover image is called Sinn Sage. The video the image is from is called...

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Hypnotist Next Door Ch 03

This is an explicitly erotic tale of mental and physical seduction including themes of incest, non-consensual sex, mild violence, humiliation, and submission. ***** The next morning was a school day and Mark descended for breakfast. He was confused and annoyed as he got dressed and headed downstairs. Had his mother already forgotten his instructions? It was only yesterday that she had agreed to wake him every morning with his dick in her mouth. After last night’s conquest, he figured there...

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Hypnotist Next Door Ch 04

Jeanette Wilson slammed the door when she got home and leaned against it for a long time, her mind racing, heart pounding. Bimbo top? What the hell is a bimbo top? she wondered feverishly. ‘Well, I’m sure as hell all wound up, that’s for sure,’ she sighed as she tried to get a grip on the situation. Dr. Morgan’s words rang clearly in her frenzied mind. ‘Now my little bimbo-top. I am about to spin you out my front door. You will not remember being hypnotized. You will remember everything else...

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Notable Last Words

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What Youre Missing Part Three

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Hypnotic Blunder

I attended one of those hypnosis shows where a hypnotist takes people from the audience and hypnotizes them. Of course, I was skeptical. I figured the people were plants and the whole thing was a ruse. C’mon, seriously, you can’t control someone’s mind by having them look you in the eye, while dangling a shiny object. Much like professional wrestling, there for just the entertainment value, I thought it was all just fake. For those of you who like wrestling, as I do, even though it’s not as...

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Notebooks on GirlMaking part 1

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Notebooks on GirlMaking part 2

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Notebooks on GirlMaking part 6

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Hypnotised to Quit Smoking Ch 02

I got home and walked through the front door to find my husband sat in front of the T.V. I felt like a woman possessed as I approached him and kissed him passionately. ‘How did it go tonight?’ he asked. ‘It went well but right now I need you inside my mouth’ I said smiling. His face lit up immediately. I got down on my knees between his legs and urgently unzipped his pants, pulling them off with his boxers in one swoop. As I took his semi-cock into my warm mouth he became instantly solid. I...

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"So how have you enjoyed the process of hypnosis Summer?" he asked.The question was so incongruous that bemusement tugged the corners of her lips, her brows rising slightly."That's a strange question Mark. How have I enjoyed the process of hypnosis? I've never experienced it, so I wouldn't have the foggiest idea what you're talking about."Summer had been delighting in getting to know Mark, their weekly catch up and coffee becoming something that she looked forward to. There was no pretense, no...

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Widower Charlie Kantrel, mid 30's, light brown hair, blue eyes, about five foot eight with a decent build, watered the herbs he grew on his back porch early every morning before going to work. On this particular Monday morning, after he closed the nozzle on his garden hose, quieting it's hissing sound, he could hear a moaning coming from the other side of his fence. It wasn't just any sort of moaning either! From being previously married for eight years, he knew the sort of sounds a women...

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Hypnotists Revenge

That bitch. She had filed charges against me and leaked them to the press. It didn’t matter that the charges were groundless. It didn’t matter that I was able to prove my innocence. It didn’t even matter that the newspaper had to apologise and print a retraction. The mud stuck. I lost his job. The taint would be forever associated with my name. Some people would always wonder, did I just get away with it? The damnable thing about it was that the woman didn’t even know me. I was just an...

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HypnotheRapist Starr Scores Ch 06

To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. ***Dr. Angela Starr: The Hypnothe-Rapist*** SS36: STARR SCORES VI—’Avenging Forthwith’ *** 36 stories, six (square root of 36) now belong to this series. averaging out to one of each of these six ‘Hypnothe-Rapist’ stories for every six of the Smokey Sagas thus far. Just a coincidence. Absolutely nothing to do with this actual story itself, however. Another coincidence: this is going to appear...

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HypnotheRapist Starr Scores Ch 03

To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. *The Hypnothe-Rapist* STARR SCORES III: ‘Return Of The ‘Jed’ Guy’ *** April 30th, 10:27 a.m. ‘Hi babe! How’s she lookin’?’ Angela casually asked Paula, the ‘she’ in question being the daily docket of patients. ‘Pretty good, Starr,’ Paula answered. ‘Full schedule, you’ve got one every two hours today. ‘S see, you’ve got…a new visitor, Mr. Ray Reynolds in three minutes, he just got here, and...

1 year ago
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HypnotheRapist Starr Scores Ch 07

To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. ***Dr. Angela Starr: The Hypnothe-Rapist*** SS44: STARR SCORES VII—’Divorce Awakens’ *** January 16th, 3:23 p.m. HEY HEY STARR! LAST CHERUB OF THE DAY HAS JUST LANDED AT OUR DOOR. NEWBIE: MR. SEAN MCMANUS. FILLING OUT HIS FORM RIGHT NOW. ID AND INSURANCE XEROXED, JUST NEED YOUR O.K. TO SEND HIM BACK. THANKS, NICE LADY!! JUST FINISHING UP WITH MR. BROCKWELL RIGHT NOW, SO AS SOON AS HE COMES...

2 years ago
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HypnotheRapist Starr Scores Ch 02

To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. *The Hypnothe-Rapist* STARR SCORES II: ‘The Impotence Strikes Back’ *** February 12th, 4:02 p.m. Angela put the finishing updates on the file of her 2:00 returning patient, deposited it in the appropriate section of her cabinet, shut it, and pushed herself off it to roll her chair back across the office to her desk. She held down the intercom button. ‘Hi Paula! One more today, right?’ Paula’s...

3 years ago
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HypnotheRapist Starr Scores Ch 04

To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. *The Hypnothe-Rapist* SMOKEY SAGAS #20: STARR SCORES IV—’The Man Called Dennis’ *** August 9th, 9:31 a.m. Angie slid open the window and welcomed the summer morning breeze into her office with open lungs. She closed her eyes, smiled and inhaled the balmy air. She was in such a wonderful mood. Everything was terrific: her day, her job, her life. She felt so happy she could burst. The daily joys...

3 years ago
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HypnotheRapist Ch 01

Smokey Saga #3: ‘Hypnothe-Rapist’ *** Hope you like this story. And any feedback you may have’s welcomed and appreciated. *** November 25th, 2:00 p.m. Dr. Angela Vevacia Starr was a miraculously skilled therapist. She ran a clinic for folks who dealt with debilitating behavioral and other mental issues. She saw a dozen or two each week, and her talents were such that not many clients required more than eight to ten sessions to effectively be cured. In her mid-30s, she had been honing her...

2 years ago
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Hypnotising Cara

‘It’s not a date, it’s NOT a date,’ Cara told herself as she walked up to Dylan’s front door. ‘He’s just a friend, we’re just good friends.’ It was true that she had a bit of a crush on him but she had dropped plenty of hints, given him lots of opportunities to make a move and he hadn’t. Hell, last weekend they had been both sitting in his bedroom, on his bed watching a movie together, she had snuggled into him, he had put his arm round her and then… nothing. Well now he had missed his chance,...

2 years ago
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Hypnotising Justin

This story was produced by acute insomnia, twisted imagination and a hyperactive libido and as such is best enjoyed under similar circumstances. The Earl recommends that no reader should progress beyond this point unless under the influence of sleep deprivation, hallucinogens and a porn star named Davina. Great thanks to Master Hypnotist, whose How-To on erotic hypnosis provided both the idea and a lot of the facts for this story. It can be found here and is well worth reading. Thanks also to...

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