Life Change For Sister And I Pt.6 free porn video

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The morning that Clare is to meet dad in town for the insurance on her new car he gave her, we ate our breakfast and drank some coffee out on the patio in the nude, and while we ate and drank our coffee and made small talk, three does walked out into the clearing on the back edge next to the tree line, and went to eating grass.

After we finished off another cup of coffee, “I guess I better go get ready to meet dad at the insurance agent or I’ll be late and you know how dad is, when we are not on time.”

“Yea, he either starts looking for us or just up and leaves without us.”

“Are you going to go and have a mom and son day with mom or not?”

“I may just do that for something to do.” Knowing that it is what I’m going to do after seeing the note she left me with the pictures in the workbench drawer.

“I think you should.”

“Yes, I guess I should, since I may not have much of a chance to, once I start working full time next week.”

“Do you want me to lay out something to wear for you?” as she stood up and started to gather up dishes and cups.

“Do not worry about all this, I will get it so that you can go on in and get ready to go. I’m on no time line just yet. As far as clothes, you do not need to get any out for me, I can get it myself, and that way you can just think about what you’re going to wear, to meet dad in.”
“Okay. Thank you for putting all of this stuff away for me.” Then Clare turned toward the door, at which time I saw the does raise their heads up and look at us.

As Clare stepped into the house I stood up with a hand full of dishes and cups, then turned and walked into the house to see the does had run off, which was maybe due to hearing the dishes and cups clanking together as I stacked them up, to carry into the house with me.

When I had everything rinsed off and put in the dishwasher, I then went to the master bedroom to find Clare finishing up with her dressing, to go and meet dad in town, “I went ahead and laid out your clothes for you to wear out for your mom and son day baby. I hope you do not mind it that I did any way.”

“No I do not mind it. Thank you.” looking at what Clare had laid out on the bed for me.

“Now, what do you think? Am I dressed okay you think?” then doing a twirl like women do sometimes, to let you see the whole dress from front to back.

Clare had on a pull over blouse with straps and a jacket or shirt on over the pull over, but the jacket, or whatever it is called, is sheer with colored flower print on it, and a mini skirt on, that flared up when she twirled around, giving a view of her bald pussy and bare butt.

“Wow sexy, you are going to turn a lot of heads for sure, dressed like that.”

“Is it too much you think?”

“For me it’s not. I don’t know what dad may think but I like it for sure. But then I think you look fantastic with or without clothes on, cause you get me hard either way, you’re so sexy and hot looking.”

“I think for you, it is more like what is under all this, that gets you so hard.” pulling at the jacket and skirt.
“Yes, like all of you, sexy.”

Clare stepped closer to me and gave me a French kiss and stroked my hard dick while we kissed each other, then she broke the kissing off, “I better go or I will not make it and dad will be mad for sure then. See you later baby.” then going toward the bedroom door.

As Clare stepped toward the door, she flipped her skirt tail up giving a real fast flash of her sexy little round ass, then she was through the door and down the hall, “I love you sexy and be careful.” as she disappeared down the hall.

“I love you too baby and I will. You be careful too.” Clare called back from down the hall or livingroom which ever she had got to by then.

I then started getting dressed to go meet mom to see if she wanted to go out and eat dinner, and to find out what she was getting at about wanting to see me alone to talk to me, and why she gave the pictures to me that she gave me.

As I was finishing up with my dressing, I heard the garage door close as Clare was headed out on the trail that is our drive way to and from the main dirt road, which went along the front part of our property.

There was a cloud of dust from the tires on the car as Clare drove out, but by the time I made it out and into my pickup and got backed out and closed the garage door, then drove off up the drive way to the main dirt road, the dust cloud from Clare’s car had settled.

When I got to mom and dad’s house and had the truck shut off, I got out and started toward the front door, when mom opened up the door just as I stepped up on the first step leading to the porch, “Hi son, I’m glad that you came, since your dad and Clare are having a father daughter day.”

“I figured it would be a good time to come and see what it is you want to talk to me about, and maybe even go out to dinner some place, and why you gave me the pictures that you gave me in my workbench drawer.” as I stepped into the house.
“So you did get the note and pictures.” shutting the door behind me.

“So you did get the note and pictures.” shutting the door behind me.

“Yes I got them. Lucky I didn’t see the paper corner the note is wrote on sticking out of the drawer, while Clare was looking at the car dad gave her.”

“I was hoping your dad didn’t see me put the note there myself cause he was opening the garage door just as I got the note and pictures into the drawer. Now, how about a picnic, then I will tell you all about the pictures and what it is I want to talk about, to you alone. I want to go someplace real privet and away from here, where we will not be interrupted by a telephone call, or someone coming over to visit me.”

“Sure, that sounds real good to me. Where do you want to go or do you want me to figure out a place to go, which is privet?”

“I was thinking about the back side of the lake, that is over west of here, unless you know of some place more privet than it is.” then mom headed toward the kitchen.

As I followed behind mom, “No, that is about as privet as we can get, since I’m not real sure about where the pond is that dad said is on the back part of our property.” watching mom’s butt swing back and forth as she walked toward the kitchen, and I noticed that her butt cheeks have that slight jiggle, just like Clare has when she walks, which was giving me another hard on, after I did manage to get one to go down on the drive over here, that Clare had given me when she did her twirl in the bedroom.

“I have everything ready to go here in this picnic basket. I was hoping you would show up real quick and not be too late getting here, after I did all this for us.”

“I didn’t want to let on to much in front of Clare or she might have wondered about what I was up to and what you maybe wanting from me.”

Mom got her purse and started to get the basket full of food but I put my hand on the basket just as she got a hand hold of the handles, “I’ll take the basket mom. I thought maybe you were going to change into something else to wear out on a picnic.”

“No, this is what I planned on. It’s not too much is it? Since it is, just going to be you and me.”

“No, you look fantastic to me.”

Mom is wearing a mini summer dress with straps, and when she bent over for her purse, I could see she had no bra on and after asking about what she is wearing, I noticed her nipples trying to poke through the material of the dress.

After mom shut and locked the door, I escorted her out to my pickup, at which time she said, “I will get in on the driver’s side to save a little bit of time from walking around to the passenger side, then you walking back around to the driver’s side.”

“Okay.” I opened the driver’s door on the pickup, then put the picnic basket behind the seat on the floor board, then helped mom into the truck seat in front.

Once mom was sitting in the seat, she slid over to the middle of the seat, and while sliding over and in getting one leg over to the other side of the shifter, to have a leg on each side of the shifter, I got a good view of her pussy with just a landing strip, that she had to have done since I last saw her in the flash I got once, when she was wearing a pair of sheer panties, after Clare and I got back from our campout.

I got into the pickup and closed the door and started the pickup up noticing that the dress tail on mom was hiked up, giving me a view of her pussy, and I even saw a little bit of moister on her pussy lips too, which did not help my hard on that I had got instantly, when I saw her pussy as she was sliding over and then getting a leg past the floor shifter.

We made small talk as I drove through town then on east toward a lake that dad and I would do some fishing and hunting at, when I was a too young to drive, and before he bought the pickup for me, that mom and I are in right now, and then it was usually just me coming out hunting, but Clare started wanting to go fishing with me, which was okay with me, which gave us more time alone with each other, even thou then, we didn’t play around like we did on the camping trip mom and dad sent us out on, with just the one tent and air mattress.

When I got to the trail leading off through the trees to the back side of the lake, I turned onto the trail which is the time mom quit talking, and I could see that no one has drove off in here since the last rain that we had about two weeks ago.

When I got to the lake edge where there is a little pull out making for a good place to park out of the way, in case someone came in and needed to either get turned around or even pull on down to the lake they could, but then they would have to back up to the turnaround, if they pulled on down to the lake edge.

When I got the pickup shut off, I opened the door then got out with mom lifting a leg up and over the floor shifter again, then sliding out as I got out, getting another real good view of her pussy when she lifted her leg up and over, then as she slid on out the door, as I held onto her so she wouldn’t fall if she didn’t place her feet just right on the ground, since there are a bunch of good size rocks laying around, and watching her dress tail ride up as she slid to the ground, getting a continues view of her pussy as she slid over and out to the ground.

Once she stood up to take a step away from the pickup, her dress tail fell down into place, then when she was out of the way, I reached in and got the picnic basket out from behind the front seat, then I got a blanket I all ways kept in the truck, for times like this or for any time I may need a blanket, on a bench for other passengers to sit on, when there were more than two passengers.

Closing the truck door I turned to see mom looking out over the lake, “It is a pretty site isn’t it.”

“Yes son, it is.”

“There is a good grassy spot down over that way, where we can sit and have our picnic while looking over the lake and take a dip, if you are so inclined to do so.”

“I do not think I’ll be taking a dip, since I didn’t wear a bathing suit under my dress here, as I am sure you know, or should know, by now.” while I held her hand as we walked down toward the grassy spot, I was telling her about.

“That’s up to you, but since I’ve noticed you had nothing on under your dress, it would be no big deal if we both take a dip in the lake, since no one is boating over here on this side, which is why I like it here when I’m fishing.”

“Looking down there, it may end up being a big deal, if I go into the lake for a dip.” as she indicated my dick that was trying to tent out my pants, that I had on.

“As it is, I will either have to take care of it when I get home, or I’ll wait till Clare gets there to take care of it for me.”

“Then I may be tagged as a prick tease, if not all ready tagged one.”

“You might be but, I will not tell anyone that you are.”

“Why thank you babe, but I do not want you to lie about it either.”

“yea, since I’m not a very good liar to begin with.”

“You are right, you’re not.”

Half way across the grassy spot now, where we will have plenty of shade and a good view over the lake, I stopped and sat the basket down, then I spread out the blanket, then I helped mom sit down on the blanket, getting another view of her pussy, then I kneeled down and took off her sandals, which again give me another view, since she didn’t put her legs together.

As I took my shoes off, “How do you like the view of the lake from here?”

As I placed the basket between mom and I, “It is a very good view like you said it would be.”

Mom crossed her legs over the other like Indians in the western movies do, which didn’t do much to hide her pussy from being seen by me, then she started getting food out of the basket, and seeing two bottles of pops, I pulled one out and opened it, then sat it next to mom before reaching in and getting a bottle of pop out for me and opening it, and then taking a drink as mom dished up two plates of food for us to eat.

“Now, when are you going to tell me what you want or need, to talk to me about that is so privet, that you do not want anyone to know about?” then taking a bite of potato salad that I liked so much, when mom would make it.

“I really do not know where to start.”

“How about starting from the beginning. That is what you always tell me to do.”

“Yes it is. Well to start with I guess. It pretty much started almost one week after you and Clare got back from your camping trip, that we sent you on, which was more your dad’s idea before Clare sent her text to me, that her and her ex had split up and how the jerk did it, which I did not really like him to begin with, but then that is another story I guess.” then mom took a drink of her pop.

“By the time the following Saturday rolled around, from when your dad brought you two home, our sex life had come to a complete stop. Maybe I should not say anything to you or Clare, as far as your dad and my sex life, is concerned.” taking a bite of food.

“I can handle it now, that I get plenty of it at home since the camping trip, plus we are both adults, trying to help the other out with a problem.”

“I want to thank you for that too. As I was saying, it had come to a complete stop and no matter what I did in the bedroom, nothing seemed to work, and he even went to falling asleep before I would even get into bed, or he was pretending to be asleep, I do not know if it was one or the other or maybe both even.”

“If I remember right that is about the time you started wearing a little bit shorter dresses and skirts. Right?”

“Yes it is. I took some of the same dresses and skirts that I had and cut them to a little bit shorter length and even went out and bought a few that are shorter to begin with, and even then just that didn’t help any so then I went to flashing him my panties I happen to have on, including the sheer ones that I have, and then a few times I would flash him without panties on at all under whatever I was wearing, and even going around without a bra on, and nothing helped.

“I’m sorry mom. “ not knowing what to say since she seemed to be ready to tell me more.

“I went to my sister’s and brother’s house to talk with her about it and she suggested that I take those pictures that you now have, and I told her I have nothing like what I have on in those pictures to wear, which she let me wear her’s long enough to take the pictures in, and she took the pictures for me, then we did the nude ones to be shown to him at another time, and by the time she got them developed and ready for me to use, was the evening before your dad told you two about the house, which I didn’t have time to look at the pictures before we went to bed that evening I was able to stop off and get them, so I hid them that night, and then in the night, your dad must have been having a wet dream cause he was hard and rubbing his dick and saying, ‘oh Clare you are so good at that, don’t stop’ and so on, and right before he shot his cum in his pj’s, he said he was fixing to cum all up in Clare’s pussy. That told me that he want’s Clare over me.”

Mom then took another drink of her pop then swallowed it, “When I got up the next morning is when I decided to give them to you and leave you a note in hopes, the pictures would make you interested in me but yet, I was afraid they would make you think I was gross and not want to even see me again, which I did tell my sister about it before going to the house and she said she would bet one hundred thousand dollars that you would love to have those pictures of me and want to have sex with me, even thou I really didn’t believe her, I still took a chance and hid them in the drawer, and as I was putting them in the drawer the garage door started opening up and your dad was driving the car into the garage, and when he got out he said that he needed a ride back to the lot to get his pickup before the lot closed, which I did give him a ride and tried to talk to him about his dream, which he said he was sorry but he wanted her cause she is so young yet and not up in age like him and I are, but he is afraid Clare will not want anything to do with him due to his age, which I asked him have you asked her and he had not at that time.”

“Are you saying that dad wants to kick you out of the house and have Clare move in in your place?”

“Yes, that is the size of it, but, after he finds out how Clare feels about it, and in the meantime, I have to sleep in the bed we got you and Clare while you two were out camping. If Clare does not want to have anything to do with him sexually I will have to keep living in the bedroom like I am now, and him in what is to be our bedroom, but I am to look for a place to live in the meantime, and he will pay for it when I find it, so that I can move into it.”

“You will live with Clare and I if she does not want anything sexual with him, and if she does and is willing to move, then you will sleep in my bed with me as my new wife, because you are so damn sexy and hot, and I do think about having sex with you after seeing those pictures, and I may want to keep getting some good sex from Clare as well if she is still willing to do so, after being with dad, and either way, I will want to have sex with you, even if Clare stays with me.”

“Wait a minute. Are you for real about your old mom being sexy and hot, and that you are willing to have sex with me whether Clare stays or goes?”

“Yes mom I am. I love you so much, like I do Clare, that I will not have you or her living, god knows where, and I want you to be happy one way or another, the same as I do with Clare. As you know, I am not a good liar, so you should know that I am for real. Now Clare on the other hand, can be a good liar if she really does not want any one hurt or for whatever she can get, that she may want.”

“Yes she can lie real good where you never could lie. Now, do you know if she wants to be with your dad or not?”

“Something was said while we were out camping, but she acted and said that she wasn’t ready to even think about it at that time, but nothing has been said since then.”

“You know as well as I do that she can want something and not say anything about it to either you or me, if she thinks it might hurt one of us, but, now as far as your dad goes, I’m not sure what she will or will not say to him, but I do know, she can manipulate him to do anything for her or say something in her behalf.”

“Yes you are right. There has been times that I try to get her to talk to me when I know that something is bothering her and she will not talk to me about it, then the next thing I know, she has either told you about it or dad, mostly dad, about whatever is bothering her.”

“I just wonder what she will tell your dad when he asks her to move back home with him and be his lover.”

“Now that is a good question. I was wondering if that is what he had in mind after what you just told me.”

“That is one reason he wanted her to meet him without you being there.”

“Now see, she told me I could go along if I wanted to, but that you may want to have a mom son day since her and dad were going to have a dad daughter day, like the time dad and I had the dad son day, when he got the insurance on my pickup for the first time, after he bought it for me.”

“He does not know it but I was listening to his end of the phone conversation, and he told her, he did not want you along, so that they could have a dad daughter day, and that he had something he wanted to talk to her about, without you knowing anything about it just yet.”

“Whose idea was it for you two to marry each other anyway?”

“Your granddad’s and my idea.”

“How did dad feel about the idea?”

“He wasn’t sure about it at first, till he found out that my sister and brother were getting married so to speak, which they are by law, since there was no computers back then that could trace them to the same parents like they have now, but he didn’t want to go through all of that, so we kind of did our own thing like you and Clare did with a clause, which I didn’t like, but went with it in hopes he wouldn’t find another woman to take my place but, as it turns out, he wants his own daughter to be his wife over me after all these years of being together.”

“You know it kind of pisses me off that he would do such a thing, and here Clare and I have no clause in our agreement, like you and dad have or had, whichever it is to be put, and why did he go through so much with the house, and everything I may need to care for the place, and say he wanted Clare before her and I did what you and him did, sending us out on a camping trip, with just one tent and one air mattress, by ourselves? And then on top of all that, he turned one bedroom and bathroom into a couples room, or hotel room you might say, and then the other bedroom goes from supposed to be a baby’s room, to a home office room, as he calls it?”

“I asked him all that too, and he told me that he does love us is why he done the house thing and all, and as far as the bedrooms, he did because I asked him to do it for when the two of you got home from your camping trip, so you two wouldn’t have to go back and forth between the two rooms, and did the switch up with the other room, cause it was hurting him to see you and Clare together like you two were, since he wants to be with her more than me, and he didn’t know how bad he wanted her, till you two were home and so lovey dove, like you two are.”

I then pulled mom into me and hugged her, “I’m sorry that dad has turned you away like he has for his own daughter, when all he had to do in my book, is say I want to be with Clare time to time, and would like for you and Leanard to be together time to time, if you and I would like to, which I would like to be myself. How about you, would you like to be with me time to time if he had suggested that?”

“Now that I know that you do like the idea, of you and me together time to time, yes I would like that, but, that is not what he wants.”

“I’m sorry about that for sure. I wonder when all this is to happen, do you know? That is if Clare wants it too.”

“This afternoon, if, she is all for it. He told me not to come home till around four o’clock, and if her car is in the garage, I am to go on home with you, where I will find my stuff in your livingroom, since they will not know if to put it in the master bedroom or the guest room, and I would find my car and spare car keys, in the car in your garage.”

“Wow. I do not know what to say, but you are welcome to live in my house as he calls it, and if that is what they do, then it will be our house.”

“Thank you son, I do love you. Are you sure, that you want to be with your old mom all the time, like lovers or husband and wife?”

“I do not want you to call yourself old ever again around me because you are not old. You are still young enough to get pregnant and have a k** or two before you should call yourself old, but do not say that you are around me or to me again. Do you understand me sexy?”

“Yes, I understand handsome.” with a smile on her face for the first time today.

Then my phone started going off and seeing that the caller is Clare, I answered it to see if she was giving us a heads up on the move or not, “Hello sexy.”

“Hi baby, I was calling to see if mom said anything to you about her and dad.”

“Yes, and then some. Why?”

“We are making the move right now. I thought I would tell you about it, so you could just save some gas by just going home without going by their house, which is going to be dad’s and my house from now on.”

“Okay. I thank you for letting me know. Do we still need to wait till four o’clock to head home?”
“No we are about done. I’ve got to go, dad is on his way back in here. Bye.” (click) was the sound I got then.

I glanced at my phone, and then closed it up to end the call on my end, “That was Clare. She said they were just about done with the moving of things, and then she hung up cause she said, dad was coming back in here.”

“After all these years of him telling me, that he loved me, and then to turn around and do this to us. It is unbelievable to me.”

“I feel the same way as you do sexy. I’ve heard him every day, several times a day, tell you he loves you, and even me at least once a day, he would tell me he loves me but yet, I do recall he told Clare more than he did me, that he loved her too.”

“Come to think about it, now that you mention that, he told Clare he loved her as much as he did me, if not more than he told me.”

“No telling how many times he told her, when the two of them were off doing, whatever, together.”

“Yea, you got that right.”

“I tell you what we can do.”

“What is that?” then finishing off her bottle of pop.

“First let me ask you this. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?”

“No, I’ve never done that. I all ways felt that I would be to scared of being seen by some stranger, or by one of you k**s, when you were u******e, which Clare still is I guess.”

“Yes she is u******e by one year, by law. Now, I think you need some excitement in your life, to get your new life started off with a good start, and I will do my best to keep it exciting, as long as you will let me, and want me.”

“Now what do you have in mind handsome?”

As I stood up, “Take your dress off, and we will take a dip in the lake together. Now get your dress off.”

“What about your clothes? I’ll be the only one with nothing on if I take my dress off.”

As I pulled my shirt off, “You will not be the only one nude here. I’m going to take my clothes off too.” Then I unfastened my pants and let them drop to the blanket around my ankles, then I stepped out of them, showing mom my hard dick sticking straight out toward her face.

“Oh my, you are serious about me taking my dress off, aren’t you?”

“Yes I am sexy. Now, do you take it off, or do I take it off for you?”

Getting up on her knees, then taking a look around the countryside, then out over the lake, then back at me, then she took a hold of her dress tail and brought it up and over her head gathering the dress as she lifted the hem up, then dropped the dress on top of my shirt and pants, laying next to her on the blanket.

Mom then looked at me, “Now are you happy?”

“Yes. Now, how do you feel sexy, or do you need a little more time, to really know?” seeing mom’s nipples poke out more than they were.

“I think I need just a little more time to really tell, but at this moment, I feel strange and excited like you said I would.”

“Good, excited is what I was shooting for. Now if you will just relax some and be in the moment, you can and should feel free as a bird, not having anything on that can keep you from doing whatever you want to do.”

“How often did you and Clare go around nude, or did you, while you two were up camping?”

“We went nude every day pretty much all day long, except for when we met dad, then we would dress to go meet him but, if we knew he was there and gone, we would go and get the ice chest in the nude.”

“What about at your house, did you two go outdoors in the nude, or just keep the nudity inside the house?”

“Yes, we went nude in the house as well as outside the house. As a matter of fact, we ate our breakfast out on the patio in the nude and drank our coffee out there too, and watched the does feed off the grass, on the backside of the clearing, before we dressed to leave the house today.”

“Did you two ever go nude out here, when the two of you came out here to fish?”

“No, because then we didn’t know, just how much we cared for each other.”

“I must say this is the first time I ever been nude outdoors like this, and I like the fact that this is your first time with anyone here, in this location.”

I stepped toward mom and put my hands out for her to take mine, and when she did, “I am glad that this is our first time together, being nude in the good old outdoors, which will be a never forgotten moment, for the two of us.” Then I pulled her toward me a little more and kissed her on the lips, for the first time like lovers kiss, each other using our tongues, in a lovers French kiss.

As mom and I kissed, I pulled her toward me till I was able to get my arms all the way around to her back, and rubbed my hand up and down on her back from her neck to her butt, and each time my hands got to her butt, I would squeeze her ass cheeks, and my very hard dick, now, got squeezed in between us, and her tits were pressed in between us, pressed tight to my chest, and I could feel her nipples poking me in the chest, they were so hard now.

By the time we broke the kissing off, mom was breathing heavy, and it took a moment for her to open her eyes to look at me, and when she did look at me, “Oh wow! I have never been kissed like that before, that I can ever remember.”

“I hope that was the first of many to come for you.” With our hands on each other’s butt cheeks, pulling our groins into each other the whole time.

“If you kiss like that all the time, it will be many, I’m sure.”

“Now for a little more excitement I hope, because to be honest with you, I have never gone skinny dipping before, in my life.” Bringing one hand around to her arm and sliding my hand down her arm to her hand, then turning toward the lake.

“Are you sure, that you want to do this then?” with a bit of a shaky voice, by the sound of it.

“Yes I am sure. How about you?” as I started leading the way, down toward the lake.

“Not really, but if you are, then I will too, just so we can say that we did something together for the first time with no one else around."

Once we got to the lake shore line, next to the water’s edge, we stopped for just a moment, then we took our first step into the water together and felt the warmth of the water, that felt good, then we waded on out till we were up to our waist deep in the water, “How do you like it so far handsome?”

“I love it so far. It does feel a little bit weird but yet, it feels good to me. The strangest part is when the water was just grazing my balls, just before I took the next step that put them under the water level.”

“That is how it is with me too. I know what you mean about the water grazing your balls, it was that way for me too, when the water was just grazing my pussy lips, and it made me miss a breath at that moment.”

We then waded on out a little bit further till the top of the water was almost to our necks, then we kissed, and then we started swimming around and splashing water onto each other and trying to dunk each other, and in doing all this, we were grabbing each other with mom grabbing my dick or my ass cheeks, and I was grabbing her tits and ass cheeks too, and a few times I rubbed my dick up between her legs against her pussy, which in turn rubbed along her clit, and when I would do that, she would gasp or give a low moan.

When I stuck my hard dick between mom’s legs for the fifth time, she grabbed a hold of me and wrapped her legs around me, trapping my dick under her, right up next to her pussy, causing her pussy lips to straddle my cock, “You need to quite teasing me like that and stick that hard cock of yours into my pussy, and fix the problem that I have.”

“It’s not just your problem, I have a problem too, if you are feeling what is next to your hot pussy lips sexy.”

I then lifted mom up a little bit, then guided my dick into her pussy and let her back down onto my dick, till my cock was all the way into her pussy to the hilt, “Oh fuck, that feels so damn good, and big too.”

“Hang on and let’s see if I can swim back toward shallower water, to make this a little bit easier to do.” Then I started trying to swim back toward shore some, where the water wasn’t so deep, and mom helped since I was more on my back with her legs wrapped around my waist, hanging on with my dick stuffed into her pussy.

It took a little bit, but we did make it to where the water was waist deep, and with each stroke of our arms, mom would moan with pleasure, since I would flex my hips with each stroke, causing my dick to go in and out of her pussy.
I stood with my feet on the bottom of the lake, then I started bouncing mom up and down on my dick with her moaning the whole time, and after a few strokes in and out, mom cried out, “Oh fuck baby, I’m cumming all over your big beautiful cock.”

Mom laid her head down on my shoulder and was breathing hard onto my neck and shoulder, and I kept bouncing her up and down on my dick but at a slower speed, while she rode out her orgasm, then I heard, “Oh fuck baby, you are so damn good, with that big cock of yours. You are fucking me so damn deep, in my pussy. I’ve never had such a big dick, in my pussy before. I have no idea, as to where you got such a big cock, but damn, I’m glad to have one in my pussy now, to know just what Clare liked, about your dick, now I know, fuck, it feels fantastic.” between breaths.

I then speeded up with bouncing mom up and down on my dick, “Oh yes, fuck me baby, fuck me faster, yes, that’s it.” as I speeded up even more than I was.

“I’m about to cum too sexy.” as I kept bouncing mom up and down as fast as I could.

“Oh, hold on baby, I’m about to cum too. Fuck me baby, keep fucking me, I’m about to cum, I need you, to cum with me, now, fuck, I’m cumming.”

“I’m cumming now too, sexy.” just as my cum shot out of the head of my cock.

“Yes baby, fill my pussy full, of your hot cum. Don’t stop, filling my pussy, with your cum, baby.”

I could feel mom’s pussy muscles squeezing my cock as she cum, and when I started cumming and filling her pussy up with my cum, I shoved my cock into her pussy as far as I could, as she used her legs to pull my dick into her pussy, as far as she could get my cock into her.

When we both quit cumming, I started wading back toward shore more, “Oh baby, you made me cum so much. I’ve never cum so much, in a long time. Come to think of it, I do not think I have ever cum, so much before.”

“I think you made me cum harder than I ever have before. I cannot believe, how tight your pussy is, sexy.”

“I know your cock fits my pussy perfectly baby. I do hope you never get tired of me, cause I want as much of your cock that I can get, it feels so darn good.”

“I’ll never get tired of you sexy. I want you for the rest of my life, since Clare wants dad, she can have him, and I will keep you as long as you want me, sexy.” as I got to shallow enough water to sit down in the water, putting the water around my waist, with my dick still in mom’s pussy.

We then started French kissing each other with so much position, as we finished coming down from our orgasm.

Same as Life Change for sister and I pt.6 Videos

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502 IAN THE HOLIDAY PT6 It was after Llangollen on the A5 road that they stopped at a little chocolate café at Pentrefoelas, over coffee and buns the sat in warm sunshine by the brook, chatting and enjoying the mountain air, Ian explain that, “As they couldn’t take over the cottage till three, he had come this way so they could see the scenery, and not have to hurry” he added that for him he couldn’t wait, “though tonight Wendy will be suffering for keeping him waiting!” She laughed, and said...

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Submission pt6

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A new start The love story of a sub pt6

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Fun at the beach pt6

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All I wanted was a simple life pt6

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accidental fantasies pt6

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The House Of Empress Toya PT6

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Flat Tire leads to BBC PT6

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Unforgettable Moments With Chandni

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

1 year ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

2 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

2 years ago
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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

4 years ago
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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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