Race To Pee_(1) free porn video

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“Stupid poor people have it so easy,” she thought. Lita studied her blue-gray eyes, finding nothing but bitterness there.

Rolling her eyes, Lita straightened the eccentric bow on the collar of her cashmere blouse. She smoothed the wrinkles out of her light gray slacks, took one last lingering glance at her small frame in the mirror, and stalked out of the country club restroom. “Please just let this be over with,” Lita groaned internally.

“There you are, Lita,” her mother, Grace, exclaimed. “You’ve been in there forever! Our table is waiting!”

Lita heaved a sigh. “Sorry, geez, Mom.”

Grace pursed her lips. “Cut the attitude. It’s not very ladylike.”

Lita’s grandma, Arlene, smiled a small smile, and rolled her eyes at her daughter when Grace wasn’t looking. Lita choked back a laugh.

“There’s no point in standing around. Let’s go have our tea.” Arlene said in her thin, wobbly voice. She looped her skinny arm through Lita’s and led the way to their usual table in the bay window.

Lita plastered her “patient smile” onto her face and allowed herself to be steered towards her seat. Lita slumped into her seat, desperate to escape the country club.

“Only spoiled jerks choose to spend time here,” she thought.

In less than a minute, waiters were swarming around the table, laying down extravagant dishes of fluffy crepes, delicate biscuits, various cheeses, and fluffy cream. A waiter came up behind Lita and placed a tea cup on the saucer in front of her, then poured her some Yorkshire Red Tea. Lita ignored her cup of tea. “I don’t know how anybody can drink this crap. It tastes awful,” she thought as she twisted her napkin around in her lap.
“Lita, why aren’t you eating?” Grace demanded.

Lita looked up at her mom. “Because I don’t like tea time.” She put as much disdain as she could into her voice.

A low chuckle sounded on Lita’s left. She quickly turned to see who made the sound, and observed a young man about her age snickering as he walked past her. Lita’s watched as he approached a table and casually tossed himself into the empty chair. At the table sat a middle-aged woman with her blonde hair in a French twist, a girl with brown hair that appeared to be a couple years younger than the boy, and… “The mayor?” Lita thought. She squinted her eyes toward the family, and was finally able to place the boy. Luke. The snobbiest, richest kid at her school. Because his father was the mayor, he got anything and everything that he ever wanted. The worst part was that he flaunted his riches. “I HATE that guy,” Lita thought.

“…what do you think of that, Lita? Wouldn’t you just love to go?” Grace’s voice penetrated Lita’s thoughts.

“Sorry, what?”
Grace sighed impatiently. “Weren’t you listening to a word I just said?”

Lita shook her head. “Sorry. I just spaced out for a minute. What did you say?”

Grace shook her head in annoyance. “I SAID that I thought it was about time for you to go to an all girls’ boarding school. You’re always so rowdy, and it’s time you learned to be a lady.”

Lita’s eyes widened in horror. “Boarding school? No! You can’t make me go. I’m eightteen!”
“Lita, if you would just listen—” Arlene began.

“No! I won’t listen to this! I won’t go!” Lita stood up quickly from the table, making the dishes rattle. “I am so out of here!”

Lita turned and stomped past her family, past the approaching waiters, and past the mayor’s table. As she stormed away, she briefly noticed Luke staring at her, but she didn’t care if she had made a scene. “I’m so fed up with this life,” she thought in fury.

Lita hurried out of the country club before her mother could come after her. She quickly walked off of the grounds, close to the busy street, and hailed a cab. Upon climbing in, she directed the driver back to her house. Lita was fuming. She wanted to do something reckless, something exhilarating, she just didn’t know what.

After a short drive, the cab pulled up outside of Lita’s house. Lita got out and stood at the curb for a while, staring at the overly eccentric mansion that she called home. It stood three stories tall, plus it had a spacious attic and a gigantic basement. The Grecian columns that encased the front porch just looked tacky to Lita.

She hated every square inch of this prison.

Lita stalked inside the house and slammed the door as hard as she could. “I’ve got to get out of here,” she screamed inside. She began pacing through the ridiculously over sized rooms of the main level, a manic anxiety rising in her chest. When she entered the kitchen, she stomped to the fridge, grabbed a 32 oz bottle of Evian water, and guzzled the entire thing in seconds. Just then, something gleaming on the wall by the garage door caught her eye. Lita moved closer, curious.

Her dad’s car keys were hanging on the hook. It wasn’t just any old car, though. It was his baby. An orange Dodge Charger, massively overhauled to be the best of any race car. A nitrous oxide booster had been added, and the car now had approximately 700 horsepower. It was strong, powerful, and fast. Best of all, it was forbidden.

Without thinking any further, Lita snatched the keys from the hook and dashed into the garage. She pressed the button to raise the automatic door, and hurried to the gleaming race car. When Lita opened the driver’s side door, the smell of polished leather greeted her. She smiled. “This is going to be great,” she thought.

Lita slid into the car, enjoying the feel of the old, soft leather underneath her.

She started the car, enthralled by the roaring sound of the suped-up engine. She put it in reverse, and carefully backed out into the street. Lita made sure to close the garage door before she drove off down the street.

Sitting behind the wheel of her dad’s “baby,” Lita felt invincible. She felt daring and reckless. The light at the next intersection turned red, and Lita slowed her speed till she gradually came to a stop. A gleaming red Ferrari Enzo screeched to a halt beside her. Lita glanced over at the car, and immediately recognized the rarity of the vehicle next to her. It had a V10 engine, topped out at 221 miles per hour, and could go from 0 to 60 in 3.2 seconds. Only 500 cars like this were ever made, so whoever owned it must be incredibly wealthy. Curious about who was driving the snazzy sport’s car, Lita stared hard through the window. The driver briefly looked at Lita, then back to the street, before doing a double take. His mouth dropped open in surprise, and Lita watched a slow grin spread across his face. “Who is he?” Lita thought. The driver of the Enzo was wearing dark sunglasses that obscured a good portion of his face, so she had no idea who he was. But his slightly messy blonde hair hinted that he was devastatingly attractive.

Lita finally pulled her eyes away from the guy behind the wheel of the Ferrari, staring straight ahead and wondering when the light would finally be green. A honk sounded from the Enzo, and Lita looked over again. The guy was holding a piece of paper against the window with a message scrawled across it in big letters. “First one to the water tower wins,” it read.

Lita smirked. “Just what the doctor ordered,” she thought. When the driver of the Ferrari put the piece of paper down, Lita gave him a huge thumbs up and winked. The guy revved his engine hard, and Lita responded in kind. She looked back at the stoplight, and suddenly it shifted from red to green. Lita hit the gas pedal hard, but was a bit slower starting out than the Enzo. Soon she was a block behind the guy.

An image of his triumphant grin when he won spurred Lita into action. She turned the corner, still slightly behind the Ferrari, and pressed the gas pedal even harder to the floor.

The Charger jumped forward a bit faster, causing the car to begin vibrating. The seat rumbled beneath Lita, and she was suddenly alerted to her full bladder. “Curse that bottle of water,” she thought. Lita pressed her thighs together, determined to hold her pee till she won the race.

As Lita screeched around the next corner, she saw that the guy in the Ferrari was several blocks ahead of her. If she didn’t do something quick, she’d lose the race.

Lita’s hand snaked toward the nitrous oxide booster controls. She flipped open the plastic covering, counted backwards from three silently, and pressed down on the red button that would ignite her speed.

The Charger rocketed forward, making everything a blur. The vibrating got worse, and soon Lita felt like she was going to burst. Every inch forward the car moved made the vibrating even more intense. She had to pee so badly, that it felt like all of the vibrating of the car was concentrated right underneath her seat. Lita took one hand from the wheel and jammed it into her crotch, feeling a wave of desperation hit. “I can’t pee myself in this car! Dad would kill me,” she thought.

Within seconds of starting the nitrous oxide booster, Lita was right behind the Ferrari. She pressed the gas pedal hard again, and watched as her car began to pull ahead of the snazzy Ferrari. Excitement built in her chest, and she grinned triumphantly. They were still about a mile from the water tower, but Lita was confident for the first time that she would win the race.

As her excitement continued to build, Lita’s focus on her bladder decreased. The car was still vibrating like mad, but Lita didn’t notice or care. She was almost there.

Just then, Lita hit a small pothole in the road, causing the Charger to jolt heavily.

A spurt of pee escaped into her panties, and Lita squeezed her thighs together as tightly as she could.

Far too late, Lita remembered that the last stretch of road before the water tower was dirt and rock. The car darted off of the asphalt and onto the makeshift road, causing the Charger to bounce and jiggle all over the place. Lita cried out just as she lost complete control over her bladder.

Pee streamed into her panties, quickly soaking them, and continued into her light gray slacks. Lita glanced down, and saw the front of her pants turning a dark, almost black, color from the pee. She desperately tried to stop the flow, but the bumpy road made it impossible. Lita quickly gave up. She let herself pee, and sighed at the relief it provided.

Lita finally pulled up to the water tower, and turned off the ignition of the Charger. She glanced down at her lap, and realized she was still peeing herself. She watched as the crotch of her pants couldn’t soak up any more pee, and a stream pushed its way out, visibly arcing out past her crotch and onto the delicate leather beneath her. “Dad’s going to kill me for ruining his seat,” she thought.

Just then, the Ferrari pulled up beside her. The guy jumped out, an excited grin on his face, and began approaching Lita’s door. Her eyes grew wide, realizing that he would see that she was still, miraculously, peeing her pants. Desperate to finish before he got to close, Lita pushed, and a huge spray of pee burst from her crotch.

The pee flooded the seat, and began dripping onto the floor. Finally, mercifully, she finished peeing. When she glanced up at the window, she realized it was too late.

The guy from the Ferrari stood at her window, staring into the car at Lita’s lap.

Lita’s face reddened, and she reached for the key to restart the car so she could drive home. Before she could turn it, the guy opened her door.

“I—” Lita began.

Before she could even begin to formulate an excuse, the guy had reached in and pulled her out of the car, still staring at her wet pants. “Wow.”

Lita looked down at her cream-colored ballet flats in shame, her red hair falling into her face. “I’m sorry,” she whispered inaudibly.

The guy reached out and lifted Lita’s chin gently with his fingers. He looked into her eyes, slightly tilting his head as he studied her.

“I wish I knew who he was,” Lita thought.

Slowly, with his free hand, the man reached up and pulled off his sunglasses. Lita stared in shock as the man was revealed to be…

“Luke?” She asked in surprise.

“Wow. Lita…you’re…so…” Luke stopped, unable to formulate a coherent sentence.

“I’m so embarrassed,” Lita mumbled. “The car was just vibrating so much, and I just had to pee so bad, I couldn’t hold it any longer.” Lita didn’t know why she felt the need to explain what happened to this boy whom she despised.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” Luke said gruffly. Without waiting for a response, Luke gently took Lita’s face between his hands and kissed her.

Lita’s eyes widened in shock. “What is going on here?” She wondered.

Lita felt Luke’s foot reach behind her and shut the car door. Suddenly, he was pressing her against the car, running his hands through her hair. Her body responded automatically. Her arms went around Luke’s neck of their own accord, and she pulled him closer. Luke pressed his body against Lita’s, and Lita could feel every inch of him on her. She began to feel a different kind of excitement building in her chest, a foreign feeling. She didn’t know what was going on, but right then Lita didn’t care.

Luke pulled back briefly, glancing into Lita’s eyes for confirmation that this was okay. Lita nodded slightly, and Luke moved back in. His lips grazed her cheekbone, trailed across her chin, and down her neck. When Luke reached Lita’s collarbone, Lita felt a spasm of pleasure, and couldn’t keep back her moan. As soon as Luke heard her, he moved his mouth back to hers, and his tongue found its way into her mouth.

Instead of being grossed out, like she always thought she would be if she were ever French kissed, Lita felt even more longing for Luke. She twined her tongue with his, and let the wonder of the moment sink in. This was like nothing she’d ever experienced before.

Soon Luke’s hand was making a trail down her arm, across her waist, and toward her wet crotch. When Lita realized what Luke intended, a chill of excitement caused more pee to rush from her bladder, soaking his hand. At first, Lita was mortified. “I thought I had no more pee left,” she thought, as the pee dripped down her legs.

Just as Lita was about to move away, she felt a wetness begin to spread that she knew wasn’t coming from her. Lita looked down, and suddenly realized that Luke was peeing himself in response. She looked into his smoldering blue eyes, and her heart thumped in her chest that he would do something like that just to make her feel better. For the first time, she realized that this boy who acted so snobbish was really just a nice one in disguise. Lita reached up and pulled Luke’s lips back onto hers with a fervor she hadn’t felt before. Luke put one hand on either side of Lita’s head and pressed himself even closer to her, still freely peeing.

Lita reveled in the feeling of his pee soaking into her cream blouse and down her front. When Luke’s fingers moved toward the bow at the collar of her shirt, she didn’t stop him. She knew where this moment was going, and she didn’t care. She wanted it.

Luke's fingers struggled unsuccessfully to untie the eccentric bow around Lita's neck. As he fumbled, he trailed kisses from her lips, up her jaw bone, and landing on the lobe of her ear. He nibbled, sending a shiver down her spine. As he tried one last time to remove her bow, he breathed a sigh of frustration.

Lita moved her hands from behind his back, to his wrists. She guided his palms down to the front of her blouse, and held them there for a moment. Quivering from another nibble, she untied her own bow, and through it to the ground. “Yes.” is all she could say.

Feeling the soft fabric of the cashmere blouse, Luke squeezed gently. He could feel the shoulder straps connect to her bra, as well as the minimal padding it provided.

He wasn't sure, but he thought, he hoped, he could feel a nipple barely poking each

cup. His thumbs rolled around each one, as a slight moan slipped through Lita's lips.

“Follow my lead,” he said as he spn her around, still groaping, and still nibbling.

His hands began to flow down, first to underside of your breasts, and then to her flat stomach. One hand settled on the hem of her blouse, as another continued downward, gliding over her hidden pubic hair, and landing on her wet crotch. Lita let out a gasp as he now cupped her warm pussy, sliding his hand up and down it to an unheard rhythm. One finger danced alone, stroking, circling, and pressuring. This was the finger that Lita wanted more of.
“Yes,” Lita said again. Starting to hump his hand, she took his place on her breasts.

This was so new to her, so strange, so wonderful. Her body began to rock as the wetfabric of her slacks and panties pushed against her pussy, and she was so close to experiencing her first orgasm. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be, yet.

Luke's lower hand reached in to Lita's panties, and started to poke at the hole that defined her as a woman, his defining feature now poking her in the back. His second hand started tugging on Lita's shirt, making slow headway. When his frustration reached it's breaking point, he tore it upward, jerking her hands up, and the shirt off her body. It too fell to the ground.

Momentarily stunned by her sudden waist up nudity, Lita didn't hear the zipper descend behind her. She did however notice when her hand was guided to it. She turned back around, facing her new lover, and looked him up and down. Her gaze settled on the large member in her hands, she thought it must be 8 inches long, and 2 inches wide.

“Move your hand,” Luke instructed.Lita opened her grip, and was corrected by Luke's guiding hand.

“Like this,” he instructed, moving her hand along his shaft. She set a pace that was comfortable for her, and pleasurable to him. As she stroked, she felt a little wetness form on the upswing, that she spread with the down swing.

“Pre cum?” Lita asked, moving some from his penis to her lips, and loving the taste.

“Yeah,” Luke confirmed, now starting to hump her hand as well.

Lita used a finger to tease the tip, and dropped to her knees. “It looks, big,” she said. Sticking her tongue out, she tasted the nectar directly from the source. It was a bitter sweet kind of taste, rather salty as well. “I like how you taste,” she cooed as she licked circles around the tip.

Luke put his hands on either side of Lita's head, and pushed forward, separating her lips and penetrating in to her virgin mouth. This action that was so new to Lita, was very familiar to the spoiled Luke.

Lita pushed her lips further to his rough mound of pubic hair, and felt him poking at her throat. When he entered it, she gagged and recoiled. Luke quickly pushed his rock hard cock back in to her mouth, but not quite triggering her gag reflex. One of Lita's hands went up to explore Lukes testicles, the other went to play with her clit.

“Suck it,” Luke instructed as he continued to thrust. “Oh yeah, keep going, yeah, just like that,” he moaned as he plopped out of Lita's groping lips. “I don't want to cum before the main event.” He put his hands under Lita's arms and lifted to her feet, and sat her on the hood of her car. Guiding her back to lay flat, he slid her slacks and green panties off of her with the relative ease of a professional.

Luke struggled out of his jeans, and climbed on top of Lita. As he straddled her, he made a show of lifting his shirt, to reveal a tone upper body. When they were both as naked as the moment they were born, Luke started the event that took place 9 months prior to birth.He started by laying on her, pressing his
body against hers, holding her to her hood.

His rock hard cock was just touching her forbidden lips, poking inside as he reached up for her ears. He once again began to nibble and torture her.

Lita responded by pushing his shoulders down, and locking her lips with his, wrapping her arms around his torso, and her legs around his, pulling for him to be inside her.

Luke resisted, wanting to draw this out for as long as he could. He pushed his head towards the entry way of her tunnel, but would not let it enter. He pushed Lita back to the hood, and pulled himself free. He traced licks and kisses down her jaw bone, to her neck, throat, shoulders, breasts, and nipples.

He latched on to her left nipple, and started to lick circles around it. His tongue treated the nipple itself, as a sailing ship would treat a rigid iceberg. “Go close to enjoy it's beauty, but never touch.” His left hand pinched her right nipple, and rolled it in opposite circles. Moans now flowed from Lita's lips, as pee did moments before.

Lita reached down between her legs, and began stroking Luke once again. Moving his pre cum up and down his shaft, and feeling a squirt from time to time land on her pubic mound. When Luke would push harder against her skin, she would squeeze tighter on his penis, as if it were a stress ball. All the time, he continued humping in to her hand.

Luke's right hand felt downward, between Lita's legs. If he hadn't seen her piss herself, he could have been forgiven for assuming the feminine liquid coming from her in such great volume, was the same golden honey. His pointer finger circled her clit, as his middle finger went inside, and rubber her G-spot furiously.

Lita groaned, craving the piece of man meet on top of her. She continued stroking his now slick manhood, and used her free hand to push his suckling face hard on to her breast. She was once again about to cum, but knew he wouldn't let her. Just as her body began to shake, his fingers and tongue stilled, and she was left hanging once more.

Luke continued his trail of kisses and licks, from her left nipple to her right, then down to her belly button. From there he curved down to the left tip of her pubic hair, and followed it to the apex, where he gave her glistening clit a quick lick, before moving on down her left thigh and settling with a flurry of butterfly kisses on the sensitive skin under her knee. He then began back up again, moistening her thigh with his tongue, ending with a second light lick on her love bump, this one making her gasp from pleasure. Smiling from excitement, he gave her another lick before continuing down her right thigh, to her right knee, and back up again.

When he landed, a third and final time on the spot where her light fuzz and legs meat, he began to lick her again, and again, and again. Each stroke of his tongue sent electric shocks through the virgins body. He set his tongue still, then ran small vertical strokes, followed by quick horizontal strokes. When her body felt right, he put his arms under her legs and lifted her rear off the hood of her car.

His tongue now stopped paying attention to her clit, and slid down to her soaking opening, penetrated it briefly, and moved on even lower. The tip of his tongue slid from her vaginal territory, to her anal outlands, and poked in to the brown hole located there.

This was a new experience for him, one he had been dreaming of for a while. While he enjoyed the taste of the pee that had flowed there, the bitterness of the hole itself didn't appeal to him. The thought of penetrating this young womans most private of holes however, made his rock hard cock grow even harder.
At this point, Lita had enough, and she needed Luke inside of her.

“Fuck me, now, hard, deep, please,” she begged him, looking deep in to his bright eyes.

“As you wish, Lita,” he said softly as he crawled back on top of her. Lita felt his cock bounce off of her leg, and approach her previously untouched orifice. As his tip once again touched her lips, his mouth did the same. There tongues danced as their parts joined.

Luke's member stretched the opening, and slid inside Lita's slit as if it were a hand in a fitted glove. Lita moaned, never before being stretched beyond the point of a tampon. This was so new, such a break from formal reality, so primal, it was her heaven on Earth. She grimaced shortly as her hymen was broken, but was quickly taken by the waves of pleasure that being with her first man had brought.

Luke continued twisting her tongue with her, and sliding his penis in and out of her.

His hands tangled in the hair close to her scalp, holding Lita's face to his own. His chest rubbed against hers, giving mild stimulation to her nipples.
Lita planted her feet on the ground, and matched Luke thrust for thrust. This time, he wouldn't stop, he wouldn't pull away, he wouldn't rob her of her orgasm. She thrusted again, each time moaning a little louder, and letting out a slight gasp. Her crotch got wet with her love juices, and she knew it was time, time for her to experience the first orgasm. She bucked up one last time, sinking him deep inside, and hugged him close. Her moan started small, and slowly raised to a scream of unimaginable pleasure ripping through her body. Her toes curled, her nails clawed in to her back, her eyes clamped shut, and her puss spasmed and squeezed around his alien invader. She felt warmth spread, as she realized she had peed yet again, on herself, on him, and on the car.
“I'm cumming … “ Luke exclaimed, as he pulled free and pointed his engorged manhood at her face. Several strings of gooey man juice shot from his tip, hitting her forehead to chin, her breasts, her belly, and one just barely making it to her pubic hair.

She stormed out of tea time. She stole her fathers baby, she peed in the seats he spent months restoring, and she had fucked the smug brat on the hood of his car. She felt good, she felt bad. She felt good to be bad.



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First Time To Try Isabels Sweet Pee

The warm stream of sweet liquid hit my lips, causing me to flinch a little as it splashed against my upper lip and nose. Instantly my mouth was full of the sugary, clear wash spurting from Isabel's pee hole. Her hand pulled upward above her clit, parting her pretty labia just enough to bare the tiny opening where the spring of tasty urine flowed out in a straight line into my mouth. I was not prepared for how sexy it was, or how sweet it was. She looked down at me with hungry eyes as I drank...

2 years ago
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Drink My Pee

Hi this is my fourth submission to this site but for but those who don’t know much about me here is a small Gist of it all, I enjoy making love with my maid her name is Chhaya and she is 38 years old is a married woman and is very dark has 34c boobs big round and black tits her waist is 30 and has a round butt of 34, I myself am 19 years old and am just average looking with 32d tits and a tight butt to compliment my backside but more than anything Chhaya love my eyes and finds them...

4 years ago
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Race Car Widow Part 1

I am going to be a race car widow for a while! Let me explain what that is. When Michael was married to my best friend Kelly, he was in the Marines and also had an alcohol funny car in the garage. When I would hang out with Kelly, she said she was a race car widow because Michael spent so much time in the garage on his race car. Many of you know that Michael surprised me on my birthday and bought me a new camaro. It was the prettiest blue and I fell in love with it. Michael was helping me...

2 years ago
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Give me a pee

I honestly thought it would be apple juice. This is not apple juice. But I already told everyone I made the cheerleading team. My friends even threw a party. What is it going to look like if I back out now? “Come on, you piss-sluts. If you don’t keep your toilet hole open, you can forget about taking a shower after this,” the head cheerleader announces, aiming her Super Soaker full of her cold pee at the row of naked girls on their knees in the locker showers. The colorful guns let the seniors...

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Race day with my firends mom

My friend and I always go to motorcycle races. You simply have to love that mean machines and hot girls that come with it.So I came the other day to my friends house for a beer and we talked about going to next race. Then his mom came. She was at hairdresser, wearing black track suit which perfectly fit her body, showing her curves...and awesome hair, of course.As we were talking she said that she would also like to go to race because she never went on one before, so we all decided we will on...

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Watching a girl pee

My story begins at a county fair in Montana. I was 14 at the time and had been at the fair all day just hanging around with my friends. It was getting dark out and I was making my way to the exit. I walked by a beer garden where all the adults were drinking and having a good time. Behind the garden were the rest rooms. There was a long line for the ladies and I noticed one of them towards the end of the line looked like she was in agony having to pee so bad. She was standing with her legs...

4 years ago
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Horace and Billie

I guess you’re right Baby Doll, I am a romantic. Looking back on the stories I’ve written, regardless of whether they’ve got lot of sex in them or not, regardless of whether they’re violent or pacifist they’re all love stories. Thanks for your love. I love you very much. * Begin: My name is Albert Wolf, and I want to set the record straight about my grand-uncle Horace Featherstone and my, uh, my, um . . . I guess I’ll have to call ‘her’ my grand-aunt because, I . . . well they . . . actually...

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Past Time to Pee

My wife and I enjoy most aspects of our sexuality, by that I mean most anything that can be done in a monogamous relationship. For instance, sex is a mostly everyday event, and usually several times in a twenty-four-hour period even after over forty-one years together. I guess that makes us old-fashioned, but that’s okay with us. We live our lives on our terms, not societies. We live naked most days, and that includes peeing together.From our second weekend together after we first met, I was in...

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Amy Loves Pee

_________________________________________________________________________________ Steve was just hitting send on an email to his boss Mark when he appeared over his cube. “Hey, word is we’re getting released early!” “Great!” replied Steve, “I was thinking of taking Amy out to dinner and a movie, we haven’t been out much lately and it’d be nice to catch up with her.” “How’s your daughter?” Mark asked. “You know, Amy is ever the angsty teen.” Steve replied “I just wish her mother...

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Teasing The Peeper

Quarantine was becoming a bitch! The only good thing was wearing comfy clothes all day long. Nadine amused herself doing yoga in front of her large living room window. She wished she had a balcony like her last apartment, but at least this window caught some of the mid-morning sun, as long as she timed it right. She didn’t hate yoga, but much-preferred gym time and her kickboxing lessons.She didn’t really mind working from home, but wanted her gym to re-open before she went completely...

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Brother SpyChapter 3 The Mark III PEEPER

Another flash genius struck while I was in the shower the next morning. Paint over the damn light. Simple solutions work best. I also decided to control the power to the camera through my own control panel. I didn't want the girls turning off the radio and ruining my show. I incorporated the change into the Mark III PEEPER. It worked flawlessly. The fixed camera still bothered me. I looked up small servomotors on the Internet. I found a place that sold a two axis movable platform with...

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Traceys Collar

Tracey picked the collar up off the ground excitedly after having a quick look around to make sure nobody was watching her.She knew what the collar was of course, it was a slave collar and as Tracey held it in her hands she could see and feel that it was a good slave collar. It was a shiny silver colour, fairly narrow, made of steel with a sense of strength in it, she knew whoever wore this collar wouldn't be taking it off in a hurry!As she turned it round her heart leapt, the key was in it....

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Ive Got To Pee

I’ve Got To Pee I was at the far end of my property trimming a few trees when a woman came jogging toward me. She said, “I’ve got to pee real bad. Can I use your trees here?” I said, “Sure. I’ll turn my back.” She asked, “Can I use your underwear to dry myself afterwards?” I replied, “I’m sorry, I’m not wearing any. Can’t you use your own?” It was no secret that she was wearing green panties under her white shorts. Her white T-shirt however, proved that she was not...

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She Likes to Pee

We stood outside the bathroom. When the first girl came out, the other girl I'd been eyeing up looked at me with a devilish grin, signalling for me to follow her. Once inside, she turned the key in the lock and offered her lips for me to kiss her. We put our arms around each while we embraced, rolling our tongues together. I slipped my hand under her skirt, feeling the firmness of her ass through her panties.“Wait a second,” she said, drawing away from me and stepping in the bathtub.She faced...

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coworker pee

I was speaking at a conference that was being held in Orlando in late March last year. I would be presenting at one of the more popular sessions and it was expected that there could be as many as 1,000 attendees. Given the importance of the event I asked Kaye our corporate contract PR person to travel with me as she would be able to help fine tune my messaging given the meetings and discussions we would have in advance of my presentation. Although young at 27 she was not only very talented in...

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Traceys First Threesome

The many nights that I have spent surfing the net looking at all the porn always gets my mind turning over with dirty thoughts about my wife. My name is Steve I'm 39 and married to Tracey who is 33, we have 2 kids under 7, let me discribe my wife, well she is about 5ft 6 and has 40d Tits, and really on the large size, not fat but very cuddly,and very quite, not shy, she often answers the door to the postman if he has a parcel in her nighty, you can clearly see her nipples standing out, she...

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I tell my wife about my fascination with women peeing

Introduction: This is a true story after I told my wife about my interest in watching her pee Several months ago, I posted the story of how I first became exposed to women who hold their urine on purpose for sexual gratification and who like to pee in naughty places as a way of a sexual release. Prior to this year, I had no idea some women liked this and, more importantly, I had no idea this turned me on so much. It is a paralegal in my law office, Stacey, who enjoys doing that. My friend and...

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I tell my wife about my fascination with women peeing

It is a paralegal in my law office, Stacey, who enjoys doing that. My friend and law partner, John, showed me a digital recording of Stacey peeing in front of him. At the end of my other story, I hinted that I approached my wife with my new fascination with women who pee and spray in places as a sexual release. This is Labor Day Monday as I write this. Things culminated this last Saturday night to the point I had to get everything down on paper again. Heather works as a deputy...

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Blessing in the teepee

I was so worked up after going out to the hunter’s cabins by the coast earlier that day, on the first snow of the Fall that my g/f had to stop the truck and give me a good licking. When she was done she knew that I had enjoyed her efforts immensely, but she also knew that if I could get a cock in me right now my body would shake and writhe excessively in one huge orgasm. Just the mention of the possibility that some native hunters were staying at the teepee was all the incentive I needed to beg...

2 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 8 The Magic of a Good Pee

Peeing, crapping, re-tamponing and masturbating ... Vanessa was going to do all four in her bid to be the first girl in her freshman class at BSC to conquer the Matterhorn. Not just a simple piddle and maybe a little fart for her. Not just a bit of a crap then a shower to clean up. Not the quick change of a female sanitary item. Not just even a good finger fuck ... but the LOT! After she had done all four she would then need a good shower too. She was going to do that up here on the...

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Journey Into The World Of Submissive Sex Part 4 Master8217s Pee

This is a work of pure fiction. I am Rajesh. I have been into BDSM for the past 7 years. This is the fourth part of my series. Start of Part 4: Right at the stroke of the time, I crawled out of the cage and started my next day without much rest. I kneeled near the bed, bent over the mattress and reached out to Master’s cock. He already had a hard-on. I wished I was in his dreams. I slowly licked the tip of his cock and the hardness of his cock grew as I kept licking for some time. Then I...

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Race Weekend

* * * * * * * * * * The college I went to was in a small, backward town. There were six churches and one bar. Almost every night, that bar was packed with college kids, most of whom were too young to be there. It helped that the bar owner was the town sheriff's brother. We were at our usual table – me and my drinking buddies, Tom and Jack. We were talking about what we would do over the summer after our sophomore year of college. “C'mon, guys, it'll be great,” I said. “We...

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Tracey the Lifeguard

Tracey the LifeguardBy: Jake OliveNote: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. [email protected] had finally come to England and Tracey was very happy to be working as a pool lifeguard. At 22 Tracey was probably a bit too old to still be holding temporary summer employment but she had spent the last four summers working as a lifeguard and she couldn’t think of any reason to stop now! Tracey’s wasn‘t always the brightest or most mature girl in the world and unfortunately she had...

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Tracey and the BBC

Tracey’s heartbeat quickened as she heard the knock. Before arriving at the door she stopped to look in the mirror and ensure that everything was in place. She knew this was stupid. She had known Bill since he was 11 years old and she married his uncle Bob. Still, in the last seven years he had become a big and, she decided to admit it to herself, sexy man. She applied some mascara to give her deep blue eyes a saucer like appearance. She knew there was no sexual attraction between them… even...

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Tracey desire for Big Black Cock

This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on...

3 years ago
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Tracey and the BBC

This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on when...

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Tracey And Her BBC

This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. Ashe approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked outAshley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in hiscurrently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over thelast few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once heset his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he hadenjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on when he...

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Tracey The Spanish Torture begins

Tracey at the Museum of TortureSynopsis On a school trip to Spain Tracey finds herself a living exhibit in an interactive Museum of Torture Tracey at the Museum of Torture: Tracey sighed at the thought of another school trip with the unruly boys and girls of the Payne Academy, a private school that always reminded her of St Trinians. On this particular school journey, she and Mr. Chambers were in “charge” of the worst group of the lot, the 16-18 year old k**s. The previous ones had been...

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Tracey and the Waterslide

Trace y and the Waterslide By Jake Olive [email protected] was nervous but also excited as she walked down the hall to Mr. Chamber’s office. It had been almost seven months since she had been hired by his prestigious advertising agency as the Director of Advertising and so far all she had been was little more than eye candy for the company’s management team. She was hoping to get a real chance work on a major advertising campaign. ?I am here to see Mr. Chambers?? Tracey said to the...

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Tracey The Police Incident

This is the follow on from Tracey – The Garage Incident I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Tracey – The Police Incident Tracey sat alone in the room and wondered why the interview hadn’t been taped as she had seen on TV. “Hello?” She called. “Hello?” The door to the interview suddenly opened and the Police woman re-entered looking cautiously at Tracey who was sitting down looking...

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Tracey visits Aunt Peggy

Tracey visits Aunt PeggyBy: Jake [email protected], NO!!! Tracey said again as she grew more and more frustrated with her mother.?I am eighteen now and I don’t need to stay with Aunt Peggy while you are out of town? Tracey was becoming more desperate.?Young lady you might be eighteen but your behavior demonstrates to me that you are not ready for that level of responsibility? her mother said without emotion. ?You are going to Aunt Peggy’s and I do not want to hear another word about...

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Tracey visits the Travel Agent

Tracey was excited, it had taken a long time to save the money up and now she was off to the travel agents to book her dream holiday.As she walked down the high street she was almost skipping along, her hand constantly on her purse as it bulged with the ?2,500 in cash she had just withdrawn from the bank. She knew she could of paid for the holiday by debit card or bank transfer but there seemed to be something more reassuring by paying with cash, it seemed more final! The girl at the bank had...

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Tracey on TV

Tracey on TV!By: Jake [email protected] yellow envelope had arrived just last week. Tracey had recently graduated with a degree in communications and this was the opportunity she had been dreaming of ever since she had started her schooling. Tracey was to audition today for an upcoming role as the TV hostess for a new cable show on CCN! (The Chambers Cable Network). The program would visit and chronicle many of the most luxurious spas and resorts all over the world and the hostess...

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Tracey Photo Shoot

None of my stories are intended to offend so please read the description before reading the story as this will usually contain any warnings. This is a story of gang sex with a somewhat unwilling lady as her partner for the night views the events with some excitement. Please feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected]. Tracey – The...

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Race Car Widow Part 2

We went out on the porch and sat down and Michael grabbed the drink he started before he left. He drank it down and asked if anyone wanted another. All of our glasses were empty and Michael started to grab them and Jason said he only wanted a small one because he still had to drive home. Before Michael could answer, I said “You can stay here tonight.”, and without Michael seeing me, I made a kissing motion with my lips at Jason. Michael went in to fix us a drink and while he was gone, Jason...

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Race Condition

Copyright© 2004 by Kien Reti "A personal computer? A home computer? What kind of an asshole do you take me for?" The regional sales manager guffawed in Theron's face. Positron Semiconductor was too busy cranking out millions of CPU chips every month to bother with a screwball like him. It was a damn shame. This was the outfit that Theron had counted on to supply him with technical support and, hopefully, enough venture capital to survive until orders started rolling in. It was the...

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Race Red Mustang Convertible

It was inevitable when a new interstate highway went it. The city followed it, intruding on and, eventually, choking out whatever had taken up the rural space beyond the original confines of the city. Thus it was when a new express highway went in between Oklahoma City and Dallas. I worked for a get-bigger-and-richer pharmaceutical company headquartered in Oklahoma City, and when I moved there I opted for a bigger, fancier house in a development that had followed the new highway into what had...

3 years ago
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I suffered a cataclysmic event at exactly 5:21 P.M. on Wednesday, April 17, 1993. Cataclysmic events are indelibly stamped on the human brain to be recalled consciously or erupt from the subconscious at the strangest times. I was under my old Chevy changing the oil when I heard the click-clack of Elaine's high heels on the cement garage floor. "Jeff," she barked. From my view at floor level, I saw her black high heel pumps and stockings. I stuck my head from under the car to see her, with...

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Tracey File1

Tracey entered trhe office of Miss Johnson and was greeted to a young lady with a big white smile. She asked the girl to sit ans said "How may I be of service." Tracey looked to the floor as she sat in her chair squirming. As she squirnmd her already short skirt rocde farther up her hips so that thr crotch of her panties were now visible to the roving eye of Miss Johnson. Tracey said she was failing a course that as far ashe had known no girl in the history of tis college had ever failed....

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Tracey and uncle and auntie

It had been a while since Tracey had seen her aunt and uncle and when they called to ask if they could visit for a few days she was more than happy. Since they had last met she had been divorced from her first husband and had got together with Danny. He was quite a bit older than her and although they loved each other deeply he was unable to give her the sexual satisfaction she needed and from the very beginning he had said that he was OK with getting this elsewhere. Although she had had a...

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Brother SpyChapter 5 Everybody gets a PEEPER

I spent the morning assembling PEEPERs. When my parts came that afternoon it only took a few minutes to finish each one. Each PEEPER Mark VI had a microphone, a color camera for regular light and a special low light camera that was sadly only black and white. Mom and the girls had gone to the nearest big town with a mall and would not be home until close to dark. I took my time and positioned each PEEPER in the bathrooms and bedrooms and on impulse I placed one inside the pool house and...

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xHamster Pee

There are a lot of fetishes in the world, and many of them steer clear of the normality that is vanilla sex, delving deep into the depths of everything normal everyday people would consider taboo and bizarre. A lot of people like different things, and that's totally okay because it gives sexuality a wide spectrum of different affinities and preferences which can all be utilized within professionally-made XXX content for the porn industry, which not only widens the horizons of those who watch it...

Scat Porn Sites
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Scrolller Pee

There’s nothing like busting a fat nut on some dumb cunts face. Watching the surprise take over her body as I pressure wash her face with baby batter gives me butterflies. Women get longer and stronger orgasms, which I understand. It’s the universe’s way of making up for childbirth and periods. On the other hand, men get to see evidence of their accomplishments. That accomplishment is the ability to convince a woman to fuck you. I suppose it makes up for having to carry these sensitive ass...

Scat Porn Sites
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Tracey at the Museum of Torture

Tracey at the Museum of Torture: Tracey sighed at the thought of another school trip with the unruly boys and girls of the Payne Academy, a private school that always reminded her of St Trinians. On this particular school journey, she and Mr. Chambers were in “charge” of the worst group of the lot, the 18 year old kids. The previous ones had been disasters and, as usual, ended up in severe pain and humiliation for her. She hoped that for once this latest school journey to Spain would be less of...

4 years ago
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Working as a Waiter in Speedos

------------------------------------------------ I saw an ad online looking for “Exhibitionist Waiter for Private Party”. It was coming up to Xmas and I really needed the money. I was feeling pretty happy about my twenty year old body these days, I was training for some long distance swimming events which involved spending a lot of time in the pool. With all that training I was starting to tan up nicely and I had lost about ten kilograms which put me in the slim category. Let me quickly...

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Tracey The Garage Incident Part 1

Tracey – The Garage Incident“So……………would you like to tell me what happened?” Said the Policeman who was sitting opposite the tired and shaken Tracey in the windowless interview room. A Policewoman was sitting alongside him looking expressionless. Tracey’s makeup had run down her face with the tears and she sipped on a paper cup of water before starting her story.“I had been at a part at my friend Sharon’s house.” She started feeling her voice almost cracking as she spoke. “I didn’t have...

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