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Aventuri cu cea mai curva dintre curve.Sotia mea.


A trecut o saptamîna de cînd eu si sotia mea Lili am fost fututi de Doru,un pustan super dragut .Am mai încercat sa i-o sug unui coleg de munca la care am fost in vizita dar era prea beat ca sa i se scoale.M-am multumit sa-i fut nevasta care toata noaptea, cît am stat la masa, m-a mîngîiat cu picioarele pe pula.Mi-a parut rau ca nu a venit si Lili .Aveam ocazia sa o vad în actiune cu o femeie, sigur fiind ca nu ar fi refuzat.Dar sa va spun ce m-a facut sa va scriu din nou.Ieri dimineata m-a sunat o vecina de palier si m-a rugat sa îi tin cîinele doua zile pentru ca ea pleaca la tara.Am acceptat pt. ca este un cîine cuminte,in ciuda faptului ca este rasa dober-man.Zis si facut.Lili era la piata cînd l-a adus,dar cînd a venit a fost foarte bucuroasa.Îi plac a****lele.Si-a terminat treaba la bucatarie si apoi a venit lînga mine pe canapea.S-a dezbracat de haine si a ramas la fel ca mine doar in slipi.Rex statea tolanit intr-un colt umbros al camerei.
-Ia zi iubitule !!!
-CE sa spun ? am intrebat contrariat.
Dar nici nu am apucat sa termin ca Lili era deja cu mâna pe pula mea.Mi-a scos-o din slip si mi-o freca incet uitîndu-se cum crestea in palma ei.Apoi, s-a aplecat si a sarutat-o tandru.M-au trecut fiori pe sira spinarii si nu am mai asteptat.Am tras-o de pe canapea si s-a asezat în genunchi în fata mea.I-am luat capul în palme si am tras-o cu putere în pula.Stiam ca asa îi place.Ei bine,cum sugea ea acolo, am observat cum Rex ciuleste urechile si vine repede spre noi.NU am spus nimica .Vroiam sa vad ce face.Acesta s-a oprit în spatele lui Lili si a început sa o miroasa apoi sa o linga pe fund.Lili s-a retras speriata dar cînd si-a dat seama de situatie a bufnit în râs.
-Cred ca i-a mirosit a pizda!!
-Hai sa vedem ce face! am propus mai în gluma mai în serios.Da-ti chilotii jos. Vrei ?
-Bine,hai sa vedem.
Dupa ce s-a dezbracat s-a asezat în 4 labe în fata cîinelui.Atît a trebuit.Rex a inceput sa o miroasa curios apoi sa o linga zgomotos în pizda.Limba cîinelui lovea cu putere labiile rosii de excitare.
-Ei? cum e ? am întrebat curios.
Lili nu mi-a raspuns,dar un mic suspin scapat printre buze m-a facut sa cred ca nu era chiar rau.Din contra,a început sa-si miste fundul în toate partile pentru ca limba câinelui sa "atace" mai bine.Nu ca eram gelos , dar eu eram obligat sa-mi fac laba singur iar ea avea parte de ceva special.Parca auzindu-ma, Lili s-a apropiat de mine asa în 4 labe cum era si mi-a luat pula în gura. Era foarte excitata pentru ca o sugea cu putere.Rex nu mai contenea cu linsul iar eu priveam totul fascinat.Deodata câinele s-a
ridicat cu labele din fata pe Lili si incerca sa-i bage pula în pizda.Am zâmbit usor vazînd "rateurile" câinelui dar si socat vazînd ca Lili nu se retrage.Aceasta s-a uitat linistita în ochii mei continuînd sa mi-o suga . Un tipat scurt al ei m-a facut sa cred ca Rex nu mai ratase gaura.Asa era .Urcat pe ea, acesta dadea repede si sacadat din cur.Lili gemea foarte tare, aproape ca tipa dar nu stiu daca de durere sau de placere.Nu mi-o mai sugea dar se asezase între picioarele mele si din când în când ridica capul si ma saruta.Dupa putin timp Rex a coborât dupa ea si a început sa o linga din nou în pizda.
-Îl mai lasi? nu te doare? am întrebat uitîndu-ma la Rex care încerca din nou sa urce pe ea .
-Nu-l mai las sa o bage, doar ma joc cu el.
Atunci Lili s-a asezat din nou capra si zâmbind a început sa mearga în 4 labe prin camera.Cum a vazut-o, Rex a încalecat-o pe la spate si încerca din rasputeri sa-si bage pula imensa in pizda ei.Dadea din cur ca un nebun reusind doar sa nimereasca bucile curului.Totusi ,din când în cînd, Lili gemea profund iar zâmbetul îi disparea de pe fata,semn ca Rex îsi nimerea tinta.L-a mai "plimbat" putin prin camera si când au ajuns în dreptul meu Lili s-a ridicat si s-a asezat lînga mine pe canapea.Rex a ramas in
fata noastra cu pula sculata ,limba scoasa si respirînd din greu.A mai încercat odata sa urce pe Lili ,din fata de data asta.A urcat pe canapea,în bratele ei si facea aceleasi miscari de futai în gol.Ma uitam la pula mare si rosie si instinctiv am întins mâna spre ea. I-am cuprins-o în palma si am început sa i-o frec usor.Era imensa ,va jur.Abia puteam sa o cuprind.Nu a trecut mult si din pula câinelui a început sa prelinga un firicel de sperma.Am strâns in palma cât am putut si am întins-o spre Lili.
-Vrei sa gust ? m-a intrebat ea.
-Numai daca vrei!
-Sincer,chiar vroiam sa fac asta dar m-am gândit ca o sa te superi.Si în timp ce vorbea mi-a tras mâna .S-a uitat putin la lichidul transparent apoi a început sa-l linga din palma.
-Nu e asa rau la gust.Chiar mai vreau!! mi-a spus LIli zâmbind în timp ce îl tragea pe Rex mai aproape de ea.Si-a apropiat capul de pula lui si a început sa-i linga sperma în timp ce i-o freca.
-Hai iao în gura,sugei pula si lasa-l sa-si dea drumul în gurita ta!! am murmurat eu excitat la maxim uitîndu-ma cum Lili încerca sa scoata cât mai mult sloboz.Atunci, a coborât de pe canapea si s-a asezat jos, în fund.Parca stiind ce vrea, câinele a urmat-o .S-a ridicat cu labele din fata pe marginea canapelei ajungînd astfel cu pula exact în dreptul fetei sotiei mele care nu trebuia decît sa deschida gura.I-a mai lins-o putin, cât sa-l faca pe Rex sa dea iarasi din fund.Dupa acest mic "preludiu", Lili a deschis gura cât a putut de mult si a cuprins puloiul care statea gata sa explodeze.Stiind ca nu putea dura mult pîna ca Rex sa ejaculeze , a început sa dea din cap ca o nebuna, încercând sa o bage cât mai mult ,cât mai adînc în gura.Era rosie la fata si respira greu, doar pe nas.Sugea si-l tragea spre ea cu o mâna iar cu cealalta îsi freca pizda cu putere.Atunci mi-a venit o idee.Fara ca ea sa observe am luat camera video si am început sa o filmez.Frecam pula degeaba si nu vroiam sa pierd aceste momente incredibile.

M-am apropiat de ea si am focalizat pe fata ei.Observându-ma ,si-a intensificat miscarile de-a lungul pulii uitânde-se exact in camera video.Deodata s-a oprit si un firicel de sperma i-a curs din coltul gurii.Se uita la mine si freca pula câinelui pentru a aduna in gura tot lichidul.Brusc, câinele s-a retras si s-a tolanit pe covor lingându-si pula înca sculata.M-am apropiat de Lili.
-Ai înghitit-o? am întrebat,continuînd sa o filmez.
Mi-a facut semn ca nu, si a deschis gura.Era incredibil.Era plina cu sloboz încît a fost nevoita sa dea capul usor pe spate.Stateam în fata ei si filmam cum se joaca cu sperma .Simteam cum mi se scoala pula si m-am apropiat mai mult de ea.Am inceput sa-mi fac laba aproape de gura ei deschisa.Si-a dat seama ce vreau sa fac si a ramas asa. Tineam camera în mâna stînga încercînd din rasputeri sa nu o misc prea mult iar cu dreapta continuam sa mi-o frec.Nu a trebuit sa astepte prea mult.Mi-am dat drumul aproape violent în gura ei,acolo unde, acum câteva minute, Rex facuse acelasi lucru.Am scurs si ultima picatura pe fata ei si am facut un pas în spate.
-Acuma poti sa înghiti ! am spus cu glasul gâtuit de emotie si de excitare.S-a uitat la mine contrariata ceea ce m-a facut sa cred ca nu ar vrea.O întelegeam.Era si sperma lui Rex acolo.
-Hai ,te rog!!! altfel am filmat aproape degeaba.Te implor.
Stiam ca nu-mi rezista.Mi-a mai aratat înca odata gura plina apoi a înghitit totul.Am oprit camera si am pus-o jos.M-am apropiat de Lili, am luat-o în brate si am sarutat-o îndelung.Ma uitam la ea si ma gândeam ca nu exista o curva mai ordinara . Dar stiti ceva ? E CURVA MEA,EU AM FACUT-O SI ÎMI PLACE ASA CUM ESTE .
PA,PA !!!

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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 46

Porta asked me, "Husband, you call me 'wife'. I'm past time that I started to have a child." "What does Jonna say about this?" "It's my turn." I could detect a little prevarication and asked, "What exactly does Jonna say about this?" "I'm getting old, Husband. We all may die at any moment. If you die I have nothing." "I love you, Porta. We will have our child at the right time. This has to be decided by the family. Timing is important. We are still in the middle of a...

2 years ago
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A bisexual story about an exotic dancer and two guys

The story I’m about to recount to you what really happened to me. I kind of wish that I had stayed longer that night, because it was something to remember. One day between classes, I met this girl named Crystal. We started to get to know each other and she asked me if I would like to come over after my last class. I said sure, and that night we were sitting having a couple of drinks when she asked me if I ever went to topless bars. I said I went to them once in a while. She asked me if I...

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virgin boy story

he was hot and sexy. She offered a service to all the fathers for their sons. She taught them how to fuck a girl. The fathers had used her and knew she was a maniac when it came to sex. When the boys left her they were hot lovers and knew all there was to know about sex with a young girl.She showed them a naked female body and how to do oral, anal and at least twelve sex positions.Tonight John brought his son Ben to meet her. He would leave him and pick him up in the morning. The son was...

2 years ago
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Beach Vacay Gone Right

A/N: Please note that at the moment, this story has only one path (and 2 chapters, which set the context). I aim to finish the main path very shortly. I will add branches as well in the near future. Also, this is my first ever attempt at writing a story so please don't be too harsh with your criticism (^_^). Serendipity is my favourite word ever. Accidentally stumbling across something, which turns out to be better than what you were actually searching for. This story is all about my...

Group Sex
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The Motel

We make eye contact as you walk down the sidewalk at the motel towards me.? You reach out and slowly take my hand.? Sweetly, we grasp hands and feel that first shot of electricity go through our bodies.? A warm sensation begins to travel down my spine and find its way to my pussy.? It begins to swell and become aroused, wet, anticipating. ? We step inside, still seeming so innocent, but knowing what is waiting for us inside.? Coats come off, shoes come off...we start to go further but are...

4 years ago
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Flashing a New Frind Part 2

Flashing a New Friend – Part 2 I then decided that since she had said she wanted Cody to touch her breast, she’d get that chance. I motioned for Cody to take the strawberry and do what I had. He silently moved to the side of the bed. His hand was literally shaking as he took the strawberry. I stepped back and watched as he began playing with her nipple while gently squeezing her breast. I motioned for him to lick and suck it, which he eagerly did. It seemed he really enjoyed squeezing her thick...

3 years ago
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MelissaChapter 2 The HomeCumming

When Melissa got home from her lustful encounter with Ted in the woods, her mother, was in a foul mood. Helen Harvey was usually strict with her children and getting home late after school was something she didn't tolerate. "And just where have you been, young lady?", fumed her mother. "You should have been two hours ago!" "I had to stay in after school, Mom.", she lied, "That stupid Mr. Hoskins gave me detention." In addition to being the usual reason for being late, Melissa knew...

2 years ago
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vacation with my sister in south africa

Hi, I am david from London.. I am a great fan of traveling and more so of wild life. So I planned to have a trip to south Africa. I didn’t want to go alone so i wandered whom should I pick up for this. In our family all were ready then my sister told me she wants to go. We all then agreed that my sister will go with we started our packing and then after 2 days we boarded our flight to south arica. 2 family room were booked for for my sister and the other for me which incuded a...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Gabriela Lopez My Step Sisters Big Tits

Gabriela Lopez needs a ride from her stepbrother, Tony. He doesn’t want to give her a ride. The stepsibs argue, but that doesn’t stop Tony from creeping on Gabriela by snapping a photo of her ass when she bends over. After Gabriela takes off, Tony decides to sneak into her room to see if there are more photos of her that he can masturbate to. He finds a pile of freshly laundered panties on Gabriela’s bed, which just drives him wild. He’s enjoying himself enormously when...

4 years ago
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Ma premiere fois avec un mec

je l'ai connu j'avais 18 ans, c'était un collègue et ami a mon père.La premiére fois que je l'ai vu c'était pour un réveillon de noël mon père l'avait invité car il était seul, sa femme venait de demander le divorce pour plusieurs raisons. Dés la premiére rencontre il me trouva mignon et pendant la soirée me questionna savoir si j'avais une copine ou pas si j'aimais les mecs.Toute la famille s'entendait avec lui et à partir de ce jour on le voyait régulièrement et il est même venu en vacances...

3 years ago
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Swetha Loves Her Life Part 6 How Neha Met Sameer

This was the story that Neha told her husband Sundar about her affair in college. Please send an email on if you want to reach out to me. From Neha’s version below. I met Sameer in a college symposium in Chennai. He and I were both doing 3rd year of engineering. He was from another college in Coimbatore. There was an event where we were paired up with random colleagues of 6 per group for a treasure hunt. That is where I met him first. He was very sweet, polite and very friendly. By the end...

3 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 22 Condolences and Schemes

I had some strange dreams, probably induced by the anesthesia. I couldn't remember much of it but I remembered one specific segment where various women would crawl naked out of my neck, frightened and bloody. Once free, they'd run away in terror, making way for the next one to crawl out after them. Throughout the whole thing there was this ongoing narration, all in the past tense, as if I'd died. But it was odd in that it was only random phrases with no bearing on what was happening. A...

2 years ago
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An Out of Town Guy

"Morning!"Squinting my eyes as the curtain blinds drew open, I turned to the other side of the bed."Morning...." I grumbled lazily as I tried to doze off back to sleep in the sea of pillows and bed sheets surrounding me with the pleasant memories of the night before.The activities last night was what one would call a marathon. Three straight hours of pure passion and lust. Soaking in each other's energy, scent, skin, sound and presence. Mmhhmmm....I could still remember vividly her expression...

1 year ago
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Vixen Mia Malkova My Guests Are Sex Toys

Ever since Mia’s roommate moved out, she has been renting out her spare room to help with the cashflow. At first, she is a bit nervous but after a while she enjoys the company. She has slept with a few of the hot guys that have rented it out, and starts to have fun with the situation, getting their information online and approves the rental based on that. Her latest renter, Charles is just what she’s been looking for and when he takes the room, she is ready and waiting to put her...

2 years ago
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CastawayChapter 13

The rest of the evening went uneventfully. After I finished eating, rinsed the plates and cooking things and put them in the dishwasher and refrigerated the leftover Bearnaise, I did a little more Tosca and then decided to call it a night. I gave the cat his final teaspoons of vodka—what with one thing and another I'd about gone through the bottle, I noticed—and headed off for bed. Briefly I thought about taking him upstairs; he'd slept with me every night. But the prospect of rolling over...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Padosan Aunty 8211 Part II

Hello ISS reader, I am Pronab from Bangalore and my age is 22, I am good looking guy with 5’8” height having athletic body studying B.E in final year in one of the finest college in Bangalore. I am very fond of girls specially married and unsatisfied woman and as you know that next day of course I bunk the college for the obvious reason. I was waiting for her husband to go to office. Her husband went, then she call me upon my mobile and asked to come to her house, then I told her to open...

1 year ago
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The Ruination of Emi Nakamura

Emi Nakamura is nothing short of an innocent, likable girl. Smart, shy, and easy on the eyes, she tends to attract attention to herself without trying. This attention has tended to clash with her shy nature, and Emi has always wished she could overcome this hurdle. To that end, the young woman decided this year to try something bold. Leaving her native Japan behind, she'd spend a year studying abroad in the United States. The US was certainly a culture shock to the shy girl, with so many things...

2 years ago
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Meri Sex Kahani 8211 Part 6

Main Vinod hazir hu apni iss sex kahani ka 6th part lekar. Apne bap jaisa chuddakkar aur maa jaisi pyar ki bhukhi parents ki beti Anjali bhi ek number ki chudasi nikli. Pahle hi mulaqat mein apne hi umra ke ladke ko muft mein apni virginity, apni jawani luta baithi. Last part mein apne padha ki Sangita ki sas ne bataya ki suhaag rat ko uske bagal mein kaise sasur se lekar dusre dus logo ne ek ke bad ek usse choda. Ab age ki kahani. Sangita ki sas kahti rahi, “Jaise hi 11th admi mujhe chod kar...

3 years ago
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My First Male rg with the girls

Girls mature sexually much quicker than boys, by a few years at least. I guess our hormones are out of the starting blocks, before the boys testicles have dropped.I am not advocating this is the norm for all girls, but one thing I had a naughty habit of doing, was pressing my crotch into an edge or riding something between my thighs.My clitoris, (See my photos) is not large nor are my labia, petite they say, like petals, delicate and sensual, point is, that for all the the abuse they received,...

4 years ago
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Too Close For Comfort

Fear, confusion, panic . . . all those emotions and more overcame Jacinda Montenegro in a horrifying instant. She was frozen to the spot where she sat; she couldn’t move. She felt paralyzed, unable to budge, incapable of moving a muscle. Her eyes searched the room looking for something that might help her get out of her predicament, something that could rescue her from her dilemma. Finally, with little other option, she cried out, “HELLLPPPPP! Help me! HELP!” Khari Brevins, her...

3 years ago
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First Love

Hi guys. I am Ronny from Jodhpur rajasthan .I started reading iss 2 years ago. I liked this site very much & now I am a regular visitor of this site. I am a 5’6 average build 20 years old guy & my tool size is 6 inch. Here I am going to tell you the real incident of my life that happened last year. Guys this is my first story on iss .pls forgive me for the mistakes made by me while writing this story as you all know beginner make mistakes & learn from them .So feedbacks are welcomed. .this...

3 years ago
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Our Only Hope Chapter 01

I could have run this through my regular publisher and made a couple hundred dollars, but I am posting it instead because many more people read my posts than buy my books. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses...

1 year ago
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Daddys Grown Up Little Girl 3

Reading parts 1 and 2 first would give you a clearer idea of my ultimate fantasy and I would be thrilled to get your comments (and votes) good or bad, it really is nice to know what you think. Love Nikki xx I had been in the shower for ages but wanted everything to be perfect for Daddy tonight and I could hardly wait to try the new dress he had bought me especially for the event. Tonight was definitely going to be the night and the thought gave me goosebumps. The body mop seemed to mock my...

2 years ago
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First Affair 2

When Tina and I had relaxed on the bed for several minutes, Tina was about to enter a light sleep. But Tina had promised to lick me clean when we were done. So I told her she had to make good on her promise. Tina rose to her knees and elbows so her face was right over my semi-limp member. She began to lick the sides, tasting her own juices on me. As my hardness returned she put the tip in her mouth and sucked like a lollipop. She was definitely causing a favorable reaction causing my dick to...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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A Nice way to seduce girls 1

I am Ravi Prakash from Bangalore. 26 years of age and medium built. Well…to start the story I am working here in Bangalore from the past 3 years, and this story was happened about 1 and half years back! At that time I was staying alone and desperately searching for a girl to make myself comfortable staying alone here in a far away place from my home town. One day I wanted to recharge to my mobile and went to nearby shop. That shop was a Std booth and I found a stunningly beautiful girl there....

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