ShilohChapter 13: Packing To Go free porn video

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A short time later Ryan returns with his car and the groceries. His mother has already arrived with the stain-fighting laundry products. She looks around the house for a few minutes before returning to her home. Kyle and Ryan bring the bags from Ryan’s Blazer into the kitchen while KK begins to clean the old flag.

Since the primary reason for the display of Jonas’ Civil War weapons is to hide the portal frame Kyle reminds his bride-to-be her brother doesn’t know about it or about the other worlds. Still a bit skeptical, KK tries hard to push the doubts into the back of her mind. Kathleen distracts Ryan with the fresh brownies to help Kyle with his work.

While the two siblings are in the kitchen Kyle removes the portal from the slide out frame and places it under one of the workbenches. With the portal now removed he nails shut the small door flap that previously hid the portal’s sliding frame. Kyle just finishes when Ryan and Kathleen join him in the workshop.

“What should we do first?” asks Ryan.

Kyle answers, “Let’s start by moving some of these tools we won’t be needing for our current project to the garage. Thus we’ll get them ready to be moved out of the house and it’ll give us more room in here to do the work.”

Kathleen nods her agreement and Ryan says, “Makes sense to me.”

It takes the three of them the better part of an hour, but when they’re finished there’s a surprisingly large area of various tools now sitting in the back of the garage. Also, there are boxes of various hardware items Kyle has chosen not to sort through at the moment. On one of their return trips they move the smuggled sheets of plywood and glass from the garage into the workroom. When the tool movement is completed Kathleen says, “Why don’t we stop in the kitchen for a few minutes? We can catch our breath while we eat a brownie or two.”

Ryan responds, “Sounds good to me.”

Kyle grins when he adds, “I’ll listen to any idea which includes some of KK’s brownies!”

As they enjoy the break Ryan asks, “Now what’s so secretive about this project we have to rush to get it done in the middle of the night.”

Kyle pauses before replying. Before he can speak KK asks, “Brain, do you understand what it means to hide something in plain sight?”

“You mean placing something valuable in such a way even though anyone can see it they’d never consider it worth much?”

“You got it. There are some things Jonas had here that are worth a lot of money. If Kyle made a big deal about having the items someone like his aunt might get suspicious and try to cause problems. This way we’ll make something that looks like Kyle would have helped Jonas build and Kyle can explain he wants it for sentimental reasons.”

“Ah, that makes sense. I know Jonas once told me the Union flag behind his desk was priceless.”

Kyle adds, “Because of its heritage, it is. That flag flew outside of Grant’s headquarters much of the war, even when the headquarters was nothing more than a tent. I’ve the documented proof and there’s not another flag in the entire world that can make that claim.”

“Wow! After seeing the prices of some of the stuff auctioned on the Internet I can imagine what you could get for something like that.”

Kyle responds, “Ryan, Jonas turned down a hundred grand from Grant’s Presidential Library. I can’t imagine what some rich collector might be willing to pay.”

“Then I definitely think all we’re doing is worth it! Besides, I’m very sure Jonas wanted you to have it, anyway.”

“He did, and not so it can be sold in order to make me wealthy. I want to preserve it as part of who he was. Now we need to get busy. If you and KK will go get the wood out of my bedroom I’ll finish clearing off the workbench to give us a good place to work.”

Ryan stands, takes his sister’s hand, and says, “Come, my dear sister. Our Lord and Master has decreed a glorious task for us to perform.” All three laugh while they head to the interior of the house. Kyle goes to the workroom and starts cleaning off the workbench where they’ll build the display case. Before Kyle can finish Kathleen and Ryan return to the workroom carrying the pieces of wood stored in Kyle’s bedroom a little while ago. When the workbench is clear Kyle and Ryan retrieve the portal frame from where Kyle placed it earlier.

“What’s this?” Ryan asks.

“It’s something Jonas had lying around. Since it’s already squared up I thought we can use it for the core part of the frame. It should fit just about right, and it will sure speed things up a bit.”

“Sounds good to me. What’s our first step?”

Kyle asks, “KK, how’s the flag coming?”

“It’s in the dryer on the gentle setting. Unfortunately, some of the blood stains didn’t come out, no matter what I tried.”

“Is this the Grant flag, and what blood?” asks Ryan.

“Yes, it was the flag from the wall beside Jonas’ desk. It had some of his blood and stuff splattered on it.”

Ryan turns a bit green when he thinks about what Kyle means by stuff. He says, “Yuck! I wish I hadn’t asked.”

“I know,” Kyle replies, “but I thought we can use it for this montage of Jonas’ Civil War souvenirs, along with a Confederate Stars and Bars battle flag. Everyone’s eyes will be drawn to the weapons and other items, so they’ll never see the flags as anything more than a backdrop.”

“I follow what you’re trying to accomplish, and it sounds just like something Jonas would do. With this setting I don’t think some dried blood will make any difference. In fact, it makes that old flag more like it had been in a battle. What about the extra material, though? You’re not planning on cutting the flags, are you?”

Somewhat ashamed he hadn’t thought of this Kyle replies, “I really hadn’t given it any thought, but you’re right, we can’t damage these flags. They’re a part of history.”

While listening to the others discuss the problem Kathleen looks at the frame, and suddenly has an idea. “Hey, gang. What if we just make an outer frame and tuck the unused part of the flag into the gap?”

Kyle replies, “I’m not sure I follow. Will you draw us a picture?”

“Sure.” Both young men are a bit spellbound while they watch her lay out the perfect solution. Kyle is especially pleased because her idea will completely hide the portal, yet make it extremely easy to remove.

Ryan is the first to speak by saying, “I think it’ll work.”

Kyle adds, “I’ll go a little stronger than that. I think it’s brilliant.”

Pleased with their responses Kathleen turns to her brother, “Ryan, except for a few areas I think this is something Kyle and I can do. I know he has something else that needs to be done. Why don’t you work on that while I help him with this?”

“Sure, Sis. Kyle, what do you want done?”

Kyle explains his idea for moving the cameras and retrieving the images made in the future. Ryan listens, and nods his understanding while his best friend explains his idea. When Kyle finishes Ryan looks at his watch while saying, “It’s only nine fifteen. Let me make a phone call.”

When he returns Kyle and Kathleen are very busy measuring and marking the pieces of wood they need to cut.

“I just talked to Mister Saunders, next door. He’s been wanting me to set him up a computer and connect it to the Internet. I just gave him a price he couldn’t resist.”

Puzzled, Kyle asks, “But what does that have to do with this?”

“I’m going to set him up with a wireless router. We’ll set up a laptop that can receive the feed from all the cameras and upload the images to the Internet in real-time by using his wireless connection. This way we can avoid having to sneak back here to retrieve them.”

“Why buy a laptop?” Kyle asks. “Why not use the server we’ve got?”

“First, it’s big enough to be easily found, and second, it’s noisy and susceptible to power flickers or outages. I can set the laptop up in the crawlspace or the attic while tapping into the house current and the feeds from the camera. It won’t be easily found, and with a second battery it can last for hours if the power goes off, yet it’ll recharge itself as soon as the power comes back on.”

Kyle thinks for a moment, “Do it. Where will you get the laptop?”

“Would you believe I purchased a new one at Fry’s while I was in Phoenix. I’ll use it and get another one when I get back to ASU in a couple of weeks. I’ll move the cameras that require it, though I think we can eliminate more than half of what we currently have.”

“What about the cabling and patching the holes?”

“For most of the ones I’ll be removing I was only using Cat-five cable. I can tape and tie off the power feeds then just leave all of it inside the wall. From there I won’t have a lot to patch. The original paint used on the walls is still in the garage, so we can probably cover the patches without repainting the entire room. I should be able to finish everything except touching up the paint before midnight.”

Kathleen interjects, “Ryan, we can handle the paint in the morning.”

A pleased Kyle replies, “Then have at it. KK and I should also have everything except the staining and cutting the glass finished by the time you’re finished with the cameras.”

Ryan nods his acknowledgment while he looks at what his sister has laid out for the display case. He softly asks, “Buddy, are you open to a suggestion?”

Kyle replies, “Sure. You’ve been batting a thousand so far tonight.”

“Don’t stain it or use the glass. Instead, drape some of the excess flag over the wood and leave the glass off. It’ll only reduce the effect. What are you going to use to fasten the items to the plywood backing?”

“I hadn’t thought about it, but I guess some wire.”

“I’d use mono-filament fishing line. It can be pulled through the flag with a needle and it’ll not only keep from damaging the flag, but it’ll be difficult to spot. My rod’s in the back of the Blazer and it has some special line that’s thin and extra tough. You might need to use four or five pieces on that old Sharps Carbine, but the rest of the stuff can be fastened with just a couple of pieces.”

Kathleen says, “I think it’s a good idea, though we’ll probably need your help when we get to that point. I heard you tell Bobby McIntyre the line was a real bitch to tie.”

“You’ve got that right, but it’s stronger, for the size, than anything I’ve ever used before. KK, how about walking out to the Blazer and helping me bring my stuff inside.”

“Sure,” she replies.

While Kathleen and Ryan go out to his SUV to get his laptop, fishing rod, and other needed supplies Kyle starts making the initial cuts he wants. He’s deeply into it when his friends return.

“What do you need me to do?” asks Kathleen.

“Let me finish this and we can cut the plywood backing. As soon as it’s cut I want you to lay out where you think the different pieces are to be placed. Once we’re satisfied I’ll drill the holes for the fishing line.”

“OK. I’ll play with some drawings while you get that done.”

Kyle finishes cutting the pieces of wood that’ll surround the portal then he uses a router to cut grooves the back will slide into. Finally he uses a miter saw to make the forty-five degree cuts to allow the pieces to be squared up. After checking the square he has Kathleen hold the pieces firmly in place while he uses carpenter’s glue and some brads from the compressed air nail gun to put the sections together, with the exception of one long piece which is to be connected with small screws once the back is in place. This will enable the display to be removed from the frame, if the need ever arises.

While they’re doing this Kathleen says, “Kyle, this piece doesn’t seem to fit as snug as the others.”

Looking at where she’s indicating he replies, “You’re right. It looks like the saw slipped a bit when I was making the cut.”

Kyle quickly cuts another piece and soon everything is square, just as it should be. With the outer frame now complete he marks off the plywood and cuts it to fit the frame. Before he turns it over to Kathleen he checks the fit. It slides smoothly into place.

“Here you go, Sweetheart. It’s now ready for your magic.”

With Kyle’s help Kathleen moves the plywood piece into the study and places it on top of the desk. Following her rough sketch she starts placing the various Civil War items on the board. Kyle, not having anything to do at the moment, walks over to Jonas’ desk and watches her work. There’s a Sharps Carbine across the top while a Springfield with bayonet face the opposite direction at the bottom. In the middle are two crossed swords, one with USA on the scabbard while the other has CSA in almost the same spot. On each side of the swords Kathleen places antique cap and ball pistols: a Remington .44 on the Union side and a copy of Navy Colt .36 made in 1860 by Griswold & Gunnison in Macon, Georgia on the Confederate side. Beside each pistol she places its holster, an ammunition pouch, a cap pouch, and a powder flask. All of these items are attached to a gun belt displaying the unit buckle.

While she lays out the paraphernalia Kathleen explains, “I think we can overlap the flags at the diagonal and place all of the Confederate items on top of the Confederate flag with the others on top of the Union flag.”

Kyle reviews what she’s set up and pictures the final product in his mind. Pleased, he answers, “It looks good. Let’s do it.”

Before they go any further Kyle retrieves his digital camera and laptop from his room. After taking several shots he downloads them to the computer to display the pictures, and the couple choose the one that seems to give them the best perspective. This will provide him a frame of reference while they fasten each item to the sheet of plywood.

Kathleen takes a small, fine pointed marking pen and they decide on where to make each point of attachment will be drilled then mark it. Once that’s done they remove the items from the sheet of plywood and carry them carefully into the workroom. After reviewing everything one last time Kyle uses his portable drill and small bit to place a hole at each point marked. He also drills holes where the line will be threaded to hold the flags in place.

As he finishes Kyle loudly says, “Ryan, we’re ready for your help.”

Ryan returns to where Kyle and Kathleen are working. He reviews the picture and the holes while Kathleen looks though a sewing tin in Kyle’s bedroom for a needle large enough to handle the fishing line.

Same as Shiloh
Chapter 13: Packing to go Videos

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Exhibitionist story about a girl who seduces both her mother and father

I’m an exhibitionist. I guess I always have been and I expect I always will be. That point in childhood when most kids (or at least most girls) learn modesty, I didn’t. I do remember my folks trying to shame me into covering up when I would dance out of my bedroom in next to nothing while guests were at our house but my blushing just became part of my repertoire. As a teenager, I was completely open around Mom. If I knew only the two of us were home, I would walk up to Mom...

4 years ago
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No Accounting for TastesChapter 2 A Review of the Files

Although thoughts of Erica made it difficult for George to concentrate for the remainder of the afternoon, he finally finished the tax return forms that he was working on for Allison Callow. He'd called her to say they were finished and she'd offered to come around and pick them up. George, wanting to spend his time thinking about the work for Erica, put her off. "No," he said, "don't worry. I'll post them." Allison had seemed disappointed for some reason but George didn't really...

3 years ago
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Getting Mom Interested CH02

My mind drifted back over all the stuff my girlfriend and I had done over the past weekends, and I found myself almost giddy releasing Friday was fast approaching, and I couldn't wait to see what wonderful sexual things we were going to try next.Only what I wasn't aware of was how everything was about to change when Becky called on Thursday with some terrible news. Her parents had split up. I could tell she was distraught, so I went over to her house that night and tried my best to comfort...

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LaurieChapter 3

Nine the next morning found me opening the iron gate of Danielle's place and walking around to the carriage house, wondering what was waiting for me. I knocked on the door, and Laurie opened it, dressed in what was obviously a painter's smock. She welcomed me in and directed me up the stairs, following behind and then leading me back to her studio. "As you noticed, I have a gift for nudes," she started as we entered the studio. "I've never had a chance to do a male. Will you sit for...

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Jungle Trip Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto part 2 jungle trip jo main phalhay part main pora na kar saka . aap ko phalha part i think acha nahi laga ho ga or jin ko acha laga yah bura phir be thanks aap nay mare story read ki .jasa kay main phalhi story main baata chuka hon kay ,wo junglee adami ka lora nechay ko os ki tango main latka hoa tha or kafie sara wet tha jes say lag raha tha kay near 8 inch to didi ki piyare gore little choot main gaya ho ga . or soch raha tha kay itna bara es ka lora or itna motta lund didi nay kasay...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 3

Cockatoo Part 3 I live for feedback [email protected] I took another swig of beer and tried to look innocent. Alex looked at me for a few seconds as if making up her mind about something, took my hand and pulled me up, "James, I always thought you were a perfect gentleman, come on I think we should go eat." The strange thing was she didn't let go of my hand as we walked out of the bar. We walked slowly back to Koh Samui Blue, the action had really kicked off now. The...

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A Wifes Torrid Love Affair With Her Young Coworker

Karen’s life seemed nearly perfect. She had everything a woman would ever want. A great marriage two wonderful children and a career that was taking her places. Her friends were all envious of her as they were all divorced and unhappy with their own lives. Karen and her husband had taken a trip to Jamaica for a week. They spent the week reconnecting with one another as they just relaxed and enjoying the time with being with one another. Karen looked gorgeous as she returned from her trip as...

1 year ago
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What Rough Beast

First there was blackness and peace. Then, there was dazzle and sound. I was born into an alien world. I heard rough voices. The smell was horrible, a concoction of body odor, mold and rust. I was paralyzed by fear. I gradually opened my eyes. A hovering shadow snorted, “ He’s awake mates!” There were shouts of laughter. An ugly face appeared in my field of vision; walleyed, broken nose, face pitted and scarred. His unshaven jaw had a malicious grin. I said weakly, “Where am I?” then...

2 years ago
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Call Me Gray Ch 04

Gray woke from a heavy, dreamless sleep with seemingly nothing more than the weight of blankets restricting his movement. His vision was blurred, yet he could tell he wore no restraints. He groaned as he sat up, straining sore muscles in his back and shoulders. As he rubbed at his eyes, he found a tender bruise on his forehead. Strangely enough, the spot felt colder than the flesh around it. His hands dropped to the comforter and he stared at the dark, angular designs of the print gradually...

4 years ago
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The Classroom

She walked in class, late, and quickly found her seat. When she finally looked up, he was staring at her and she wondered if he could tell what was on her mind. She tried calming herself down by telling herself that he could not read her mind, yet every time he looked at her, she felt his eyes probing deep into her heart and undressed her with his hidden passion. What was worse was that she almost wanted it, welcomed the feeling. She kept her mouth shut all class, in fear of saying what was...

4 years ago
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Early Days Chapter 7

At least, we almost headed off to Yorkville.We had barely pulled out of the parking spot when Jenn braked to a stop. I looked at her as she backed into the spot again. She switched off the car and looked at me.“Daisy,” she said, “you know how Dad is always telling us never to miss an opportunity? Well, we almost did. I think we just got lucky on our adventure and we should take advantage of the situation.”I had no idea what she was talking about. But what the hell. I got out of the car while...

2 years ago
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Cut It Off Part 5

We climbed into a car inside a garage this time, not risking walking naked into broad daylight. The tinted windows were sufficient for the head of House Slave and his driver – the man I had watched a few hours earlier as his lover ate a sausage out of his stretched pee hole. I had a lot of admiration for him and hoped to see him close up some day in the future. In the backseat, I accepted the offer of nullo road head from the head of house, resting my calves on his shoulders while he licked...

1 year ago
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HotMILFsFuck Lolly Dames 04042021

“We’re pulling up to the baggage claim so look for a unicorn Jake.” Yes a unicorn I said, and judging from her submission video she’ll probably have a lollipop in that pretty mouth of hers prepping for the soon to be road head. Well, if you were expecting a beautiful blonde dame sitting naked on a unicorn you’re getting everything but the horse with today’s hot MILF Lolly Dames. But has she had any horse sized cocks you ask? Well that’s up for debate I think but she does admit quite jokingly...

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Bunk Beds Chapter 2

Disclaimer: All people in this story are fictional and any resemblance to living people is a cryin' shame. It was created to be a pleasant fantasy. Bunk Beds: Chapter 2 By Isis Eris I was staring into the mirror. The bright blue hair that hung down to my chest seemed so strange to me - perhaps even more so than being in a female body. Well, I guess suddenly being of Asian descent is weird, too. I couldn't believe this is happening to me. I looked at my reflection. I was wearing...

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You know, life is about change. Just about every aspect of our lives will alter or morph give enough time or circumstance. And what's shocking is that, sometimes life changes so fast that you don't even realise when it happens. Take me for example. I used to be Ben Taylor, high school loser with no direction in life. But then somewhere along the way, I got myself a girlfriend, I got myself a gig writing for a magazine, and then almost without realising it, I got married and had a couple of...

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Pelle the CollierChapter 22 How the Black Death Comes To The Lands

It was Spring Moon when the wall around Lemdalen was finished. Father Ortwinus conducted the inauguration, blessing the wall and the gate tower. The baron sent his greetings. What Pelle could gather from the messenger, Birkenhain was preparing for the Black Death. In Rennenberg lands the pestilence had already wiped out entire villages and the count of Rennenberg had implemented desperate and harsh measures against the spread barring all strangers from entry into town and castle. A week...

4 years ago
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My first couple

I was going for walk as I generally did living the city before I had to go to work. I had no idea that on that day I was not going to make it to work. I decided to walk the three miles I usually did but this time was different I saw a car on the side of the road broke down and cause I'm a helpful guy I inquired if they needed help. Well as I ask I get a rude response from the man saying he has it fixed so I continue on my way. I made it up the road a little ways and hear a honk behind me so I...

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Kala And Kumar Set Up Home

Kala moved in with kumar despite the objections from her husband suraj. You would have read all about the triangular relationship between kala, suraj and his friend kumar in the three episodes of ‘friend to the rescue’. Suraj pleaded, threatened and tried every trick under the sun to make her change her mind but she was determined and when he realised that if he made any more noise he may completely loos her, he backed off. It was better to save the marriage, for all it’s worth and also have...

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True story II My first kiss

Hii Girls/Guys,It's a crime to have, just a cconversation with a girl when you're coming to the age, out of the high school, Your world is just about your guy friends simple days without any female.complications, " My male friends wouldUnderstand what I am talking about here", simply seen with a female alone would bring ridicule and end up with youBeing the center of jokes and tease for awhile also maybe a little amount of jealousy and admire from your Fellow c***dhood friends.Well here I was...

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Gay College Life

Gay College Life I started college when 17, and as I did not live near it I was put up on the college residences. The college made the arrangements and I found myself sharing with another 17 year old boy, Nick, who was studying cosmetology. I did not know anbody in the college and was happy yo have the company of Nick. He did explain to me however that he was gay, but that did not bother me. During Freshers Week Nick was manning the Gay Students Association stand. He told me...

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A Walk on the Beach Another of my wifes college adventures

My wife’s parents have a condo on the beach in South Florida. She often went there with them during her spring breaks and semester breaks when she was in college. This story occurred in December during the semester break of her junior year. Each morning she would check out the pool then go for a walk along the beach, looking for good-looking guys to flirt with. She usually wore a skimpy two piece swim suit that displayed much of her sexy hot body. She liked walking on the beach with her...

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A Breeders World

In a freeuse world, a man can fuck any woman he wants. That includes when and where. They could fuck their boss during a meeting. They could fuck their sister while she chats with her father. The possibilities are endless. Only a small set of rules exist to protect everyone involved. For this story, the most important rule is this: the only two ways for a woman to get pregnant are by her husband or by a breeder. While women are a clear class below men, there exists an even more privilidged...

1 year ago
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Love to watch

I have to admit watching Anne being fucked by another guy when neither know I'm there really turned me on. One day in particular comes to mind, Anne had been talking about a young guy from near her office that had been showing a lot of interest in her while she had been in her favorite cafe for lunch, apparently he had on a couple of occasions when the cafe had been busy asked if she minded if he shared her table. This went on for a few days and he had presented her with a rose on one occasion...

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The movie rental Humping on the floor Part 5

Memories of a girlfriend from the 80's - She had wide hips and small saggy tits after having two k**s very young. Divorced and only 23 years old, but her sparkling eyes, sexy smile and open attitude opened the doors for her. What I learned from day one, was that she had a great sexual appetite - and my door was open for her! To get the full picture it is recommended to read the following stories first;How we met - She got the magic juice (Part 1)The next day - She got it again in a boat (Part...

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Arabian Plaything Chapter 20

Hours seemed to pass. Hours of some of the deepest wretchedness Belle had ever experienced. For the agony in her soul was far worse than the agony of the weals blazing across her flesh. The tethering ... the bit ... the straw ... the stall ... the sounds of the other Ponies ... all a nightmare. Unbelievable . . . yet having to be believed. No wonder Belle sobbed her heart out. Sobbed till she was weak with exhaustion. And those who heard her fully understood. Then, at some time, Sven returned....

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Beautiful Student

She is in inter I year. Already failed once, and she my sister’s classmate and friend.I can’t say Rani is beautiful or not I don’t know but she is most attractive. She is a Marwadi girl. She is wheatish in complexion and posses smooth texture of her body. She has wide black eyes, puffy cheeks, soft petal like lips, and full firm tits. One can see the erected nipples also over the fabric. She has a slim waist and swaying bums and I saw her soft fleshy thighs when she is in short middies....

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