Sue Ch. 21-24 free porn video

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Chapter 21

Fringe Benefits

So, with that resolved, the next time I was getting ready for a trip, I took my time in packing and left my case open on the bed, hoping John would notice some of the things I was taking with me. He always liked seeing me in sexy underwear and until then I had never taken any of his particularly favourite things with me, keeping them ‘for us’. This time I had, leaving them on top of my other things, so he couldn’t help but notice them and wondering if he would actually say anything. He didn’t!

Of course, having geared myself up, nothing happened on that trip. There was a man sitting next to me on the plane who spent most of the trip ogling and leering at me but even if he’d had the nerve to proposition me he would have been disappointed. I wasn’t simply looking for a grope and a fuck, I still had my standards, it was just that I was available, if someone I fancied came along.

I was luckier on the next. I usually hate eating alone and most times I’m away I’m entertaining a client or someone associated with the business – but at the last minute my client cancelled out of an arrangement, leaving me stranded. By then it was getting late and I was tempted to have a meal sent up to my room but finally I decided instead to brave the restaurant. I spent a bit more time in getting myself ready, putting on some of my special underwear – ‘Just in case.’ – I thought to myself.

Most hotel restaurants put women who are eating alone off to one side or in a corner, probably recognising they are vulnerable to predatory males and thinking that in that way a woman can somehow ‘hide’ herself. This one was no different but of course men who travel frequently know what’s going on and merely make sure they get seated in he same kind of area. It was just my luck to have one plonk himself down at a table near me, he was fairly drunk when he arrived and by the time he’d had two fast pre-dinner drinks and the first of several glasses of wine he was becoming quite obnoxious. My waiter was only a young chap but when he saw what was going on he did his best to protect me, first by moving me to another table and then hovering nearby as often as the demands of the few remaining diners allowed him to.

He was a good-looking young man, in his late teens I guessed, tall, blonde, with brilliantly blue eyes – the sort of young man featured in TV commercials and magazine advertisements.

Even though I had been moved further away from him, the man, who was getting quite drunk by this time, still persisted in staring at me with a stupid smirk on his face and on at least two occasions he got up to try to wobble over towards me and I was very grateful to see my protective waiter persuading him to stay where he was.

So by the time I had finished my desert I had had enough and when the waiter asked if I would like coffee I said – ‘No thank you – I’d rather leave before there’s any real trouble.’ He smiled apologetically and then, asking me to – ‘Please stay there for just a minute.’ – walked quickly away. I didn’t know what he was up to but did as he had asked and sure enough, in only a minute or two he was back.

‘The manager understands the inconvenience you have been caused and would like to know if you would like coffee and a brandy, or perhaps a liqueur, brought up to your room?’

On the surface it sounded like the sort of thing you hope a good hotel would do, good public relations. But I had to smile – what he was doing was so transparent. He hadn’t had time to explain anything to the manager, even if he was still around at that time – he fancied me and had come up with a way of at least getting into my room, after that he’d take his chances on getting into my pants!

So of course I said – ‘That’s very considerate of the manager.’ – adding flirtatiously. ‘I hope you’re going to be the one bringing it up to me.’ When I saw him blush furiously I knew I had been right and then, when he saw my grin and realised I knew what he’d been thinking he couldn’t help responding with an even wider one.

‘You can’t blame a guy for trying can you.’

‘I don’t – and I’m serious – I hope you’re going to bring it up to me.’ I repeated quietly.


‘Seriously. Room 422. How long before you finish here?’

For a moment I thought he was going to back down but I guess the look in my eyes convinced him he was really on to a sure thing and his hormones no doubt made the decision for him. Having had a quick look around the restaurant he answered – ‘Half an hour or so. Is that O.K.?’

‘That’ll be fine. Don’t worry about the coffee or brandy though, I’ve got a mini-bar in the room – just bring yourself!’

He did, though he was a bit longer than he had said he would be, taking time to get out of his waiter’s uniform and, I guessed from the smell of him, to have a quick shower after he had finished in the restaurant. He wasn’t a great lover but what he lacked in finesse and staying power he tried his best to make for with youthful energy. He came very quickly the first time – but within a matter of minutes was hard again and lasted quite a bit longer before he climaxed again. I let him rest for a while, got us both a drink, then, almost casually began to play with his cock and ‘hey presto!’ soon had it back inside me – and that time he actually gave me an orgasm too.

Afterwards, as we lay there smoking and finishing our drinks a thought suddenly occurred to me.

‘I don’t know your name yet!’

‘Mike. What’s yours?’ he asked, grinning madly.

‘Sue. There, that’s better – at least we know who we’ve been screwing with now. By the way.’ I added as another thought popped into my mind. ‘Have you had any dinner?’

‘No, we normally get a meal after we’ve finished work. I had something better to do!’ he said, still grinning like a cat that had swallowed the cream.

‘I thought so. Now, get on to room service and order something, I don’t want you fading away from lack of energy.’

I don’t think until then that he realised that I planned on us doing it again and, if it was possible, his grin got even wider still.

I got him to disappear into the bath-room when room service delivered – and couldn’t help a wistful thought or two about the times I had done that during the week-end that Brian and I had had together – and I paid for it in cash to avoid problems in trying to explain to my boss why my expenses included two separate meals in one evening. Mike had just wrapped a large towel around himself and while he ate I sat and watched him for a while then, telling him to carry on with his meal, I slid down on to the floor between his legs – and slowly began to eat him.

We went at each other on and off most of the night, dozing a while between bouts then one or the other waking and getting started again until, by about three o’clock in the morning I had to admit that I had really been well and truly fucked – and had a very sore pussy to prove it! Mike admitted that he too was exhausted and was as happy as I was at that stage to call it quits – so we finally rolled apart and slept.

The flight home the following evening was really the first chance I had to think over what I had done that night. It certainly wasn’t the first time I had in effect taken charge of a sexual situation, I had always enjoyed the strange sense of power making love to, rather than with a man, gave me – and of course I could never forget that I had virtually raped Brian that very first night. But I had never before had a night of just pure, raw sex with a man about whom the only thing I knew was his first name.

I was surprised to find that looking at it in that way made the memory of it even more exciting!

In fact I found that as I sat there, looking down at the swirling clouds far below us – remembering the sight and feel of Mike’s strong, young body – I could feel my still tender pussy not only tingling but actually getting quite damp.

When John made overtures to me that night I made a point, for the first time since we had been together, of telling him I was just too tired from my trip to be able to make love with him. He not only accepted my rebuff without a murmur but I had a feeling that he was almost relieved by that response and I couldn’t help wondering just what he might have been up to the previous night. I doubted he had been as energetic as Mike had been but then perhaps he had strengths he had never demonstrated to me.

I suppose that in a way, from then on we developed an unspoken agreement between us – that what either of us got up to when I was away was ‘private territory’. Often one or the other would make a special effort either the night before I went away or my first night home, not always, but more often than not. I guess in doing that we were convincing the other – and perhaps ourselves as well – that this was the permanent part of our lives, the other events were a side-show.

The freedom I and in fact I suppose, we had given ourselves changed my attitude to my job in several ways.

For one thing I was less reluctant to be away for two or three days, previously I had often tried to cram several things into one day, so I could get home to John at night. Now I gave myself as much time as I thought the job really needed, so of course I began to get better results, the clients were happier and because of that, my boss made sure I got regular pay increases or a bonus from time to time.

I also began to look at the clients in a different way.

Most of the senior people I dealt with were men of course and up to then I had always maintained a very cool, almost distant relationship with them, just to avoid any potential problems. Now I began to open-up more, be more my natural self – if one of them appealed to me and made a discrete advance I wasn’t afraid to respond – which occasionally led to some extremely enjoyable evenings! And of course, didn’t do the business any harm either. Not that I used my sex to push the business along, though if it had been my own company I might have had a different attitude. But if – I enjoyed myself, got taken to places I couldn’t otherwise have afforded, was given an expensive gift from time to time and at the same time – the company I worked for had happier clients, then I figured everyone was better off.

But of course all of that was still a relatively minor part of my life, most of the time I was home with John, my trips were interludes, worthwhile and mostly very, very enjoyable – but still just interludes.

We had our friends, his, mine and the newer ones that we had met since we had been together, we both enjoyed the occasional party, a trip to the beach in summer, the theatre or a movie when it was wet. I had persuaded John that we should fix up the flat a bit, so we did some painting and papering, got some new pieces of furniture and it was really starting to feel like ‘home’ to both of us.

In fact as time went by I began to think that it was a possibility that John and I could soon be talking about a truly permanent relationship – then Vicki came on to the scene.

The two nurses in the flat below, that had been the mainstay of John’s extracurricular activities had been gone for a week before I even knew Vicki had moved in. Although I knew what had been going on between John and the nurses, I had always given a cheery greeting on the odd occasions I bumped into one or the other of them and sometimes stopped to pass the time of day. I don’t know what they thought – whether I didn’t know about their ‘spare man’ or that I knew and didn’t care – but either way, I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of being sure, so purposely kept up a normally casual, neighbour’s relationship. So, on one of those occasions a couple of weeks earlier they had mentioned that they were planning on moving, they said they had got themselves new jobs at a hospital on the other side of the city and because of the strange hours they worked, had to look for somewhere closer to where they would be. But I hadn’t actually seen them go – and I certainly hadn’t seen Vicki move in.

So, as I learned later, by the time I first met her, she and John had already started on their sexual adventure. We met at the front door one evening as we both arrived home from work at the same time. I couldn’t help noticing the remarkably attractive young woman walking down the street from where she had parked her car but was surprised when she turned into the building, just ahead of me. When she saw I was following she held the door open for me and as we were obviously both going to go up the stairs it was only natural that we should speak to each other.

‘Do you live here too?’ she asked.

‘Yes, top floor – and you?’

‘Yes, the one below, I moved in ten days ago, my name’s Vicki.’

‘Hi, mine’s Sue.’ As she heard the name her eyes widened fractionally but she said nothing.

‘You may have seen my guy around the place, John, he works at home most days so he usually knows more about what’s going on than anyone else. I’m surprised he hadn’t mentioned you – he usually has an eye for a good-looking woman. You must have taken over the flat the nurses were in.’ I added.

‘Yes I met them briefly the first day – they seemed like a couple of fun people – and I have met John, he was able to fix a fuse for me.’

‘Interesting!’ I thought to myself. ‘Why hadn’t John mentioned the new tenant? Was he up to something with her already?’ But, in my wildest dreams I could never have imagined just what they had been up to in such a short time!

We bumped into each other several times over the next few weeks, she was always so smartly turned out and beautifully groomed that I couldn’t help admiring both her looks and her style and, in spite of my suspicions I maintained the same casually friendly attitude that I had with the nurses.

Then John was involved in an accident, he was coming home by cab from a business appointment and the cab was hit by a car that had jumped a red light. John’s side of the cab took the full force of it and he ended up in hospital with a badly broken leg and concussion. I got the call at work and of course dashed straight off to see him. Although they had already cleaned and stitched up a nasty cut on his head from where it had hit the side window he still looked a mess with that side of his face badly swollen and already discoloured from the bruising. His leg had been broken low down, near the ankle and it was plastered and elevated on a frame. Naturally he had been given pain-killers and he was still very woozy from those and the shock but he still managed to give me a weak, lop-sided grin when he saw me.

‘Don’t try to talk love.’ I said when I saw how difficult that was for him. I leaned over and kissed his forehead then sat down beside the bed and held his hand, again he smiled weakly then, with it still on his lips he relaxed, closed his eyes and just drifted off to sleep. When I was sure he was settled I eased my hand from his and went in search of the sister in charge, who explained what she knew of what had happened, what his injuries were and that she thought he would be kept in hospital for three or four days, mainly to ensure there were no complications arising from his head injury. She said John would probably sleep for several hours and having found out what times I could visit, I left and went home to collect the things he would need for the next few days.

As it happened I met Vicki on the way in and when she saw the expression on my face she naturally asked if I was all right. I explained that John had been in a car crash that he was in hospital and that I had to take some things in to him. She was really nice, not just sympathetic but genuinely wanted to help and after some protest I accepted her offer of a meal after I had been back to see John that evening.

When I returned later he didn’t look any better of course, he was still on sedatives for th
e pains, mainly from his leg and after sitting with him for about an hour I decided he would be better if I just let him try to sleep, so having promised to return the following day, I left.

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100% fiction! The PE teacher had buzzed ahead telling me to expect you. She had not however, prepared me for exactly what I was to be punishing you. I could easily have lost my job for the punishment I chose for you. Christ, I really should lose my job for the punishment I chose for you. There was a knock at the door… “Come!” I shouted. You stepped inside. You were still wearing your gym clothes…a tight, powder blue top, showing-off those incredible, juicy tits to perfection. Below…you were...

3 years ago
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a softer thing

He walked in and saw the girls lying on the bed talking. The mood in the room was quiet and sexual and surprising. But there they were and waiting on him it seemed. Carefully he entered and walked around the bed and sat with her. Looking in her eyes, he searched for a reason for this movement in the relationship and wondered if it was really going on. He had had two women before. She had not been with a woman. She touched his face and smiled a nervous smile."I chose this one," looking towards...

First Time
4 years ago
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The Medusan

The Medusan By Diann The club was crowded that night, but through all the smoke and the press of bodies I saw her walk in. To me it was almost as if a spotlight shone down upon her. I must admit that I was smitten right then and there. She was a breath of fresh air to the smoke-filled environs, and even though her body was quickly hidden amongst the throng of people, what I saw made me smile. Her raven colored hair was done up in a "controlled frenzy" type of style, with no...

2 years ago
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Out of FocusChapter 5

On the morning of the day that I was to be called into Thompson's office so that they could drop the hammer on me--thinking that I was still the clueless Lou-Zer--I had already arranged for my attorney, John London, to drop in to see me about an 'urgent matter.' I had to be a bit vague when he asked me just what was so important. John arrived approximately twenty minutes before the time that I remembered from my 'previous' existence as 'hammer time.' When he came into my office, he...

4 years ago
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All for Mr Redman Chapter 7

Introduction: Jason is an ass, Peter meets my family, My sister enters the story much to Davids chagrin. Yumiko makes a confession. ** Thank you everyone for all your support, PMs, and comments over the course of this series. I am happy to get back to this series as it was my first. It has been a pleasure to share this and I have some people to thank here. These are not in any order: Special thanks to: Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz, JetiJah, workingman,...

2 years ago
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Howie RandolphChapter 7

It was called the Pledge Leadout. At the first of the dance, the room was darkened. Each pledge came to the spotlight. The girl and her escort were introduced. "Howie, this is the A group. I wouldn't have been asked to join any group before I worked out with you and lost weight. It helps that mom has a high level job at this college too." Howie responded, "You dieted and you exercised. You did it and you deserve the credit. And we are going to have a good time tonight." "Thank you...

2 years ago
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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 4

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 4: In TwoI walk around Seattle until it gets dark, until the air starts to get chilly and make me shiver. I feel like a tenderised steak. And a jerk. Carly was just trying to help me, but I couldn't tell her that it was her causing the problem. And it wasn't really her I know, it was me... the way I felt about her. But I couldn't help it. Why couldn't she have been like everyone else... afraid of me, disdainful of me? Why did she have to keep thinking there was...

3 years ago
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Cousin Ko Kali Se Phool Banaya

Hi Doston mera naam Deepak hai main Chandigarh ka rahne wala hun main ISS ka bahut bada fan hun aur maine ISS ki almost sari stories padi hain isliye aj mera bhi man hua ke main bhi apna expeirnec share karu ye kahani meri aur meri Cousin ke bare me hai. Yahan main apni cousin ke bare me bata du uska naam shivani hai who thodi sanwli hain par uske features bahut ache hain aur uska figure to kisi ko bhi mast kar dene wala hai. Ab main seedhe kahani par aata hun. Ye aaj se 2 saal pahle ki baat...

4 years ago
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Her Second Time

I was on vacation going snowboarding with a few friends. Usually after going boarding all day, you party in the late afternoon/evening/night. I took private lessons from a guy employed by one of the local skiing and snowboarding schools.Soooo long story short, one night I didn't go party with my friends, because I was invited by my snowboard coach. So Carl, my coach, invites me to go partying with him and of course I'm allowed to bring friends, but since at that point we kinda had the hots for...

3 years ago
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The concert

So the day has come. The biggest concert of the year and my boyfriend at the time and I had tickets to go. It was a punk/scream-o concert so I felt right at home. Me and my boyfriend got dressed for the night out. He was wearing a ripped tee and skinny jeans that showed his 2 inch soft cock and ball sac in his jeans. I was wearing a black bracelet and a red tube top with a black see through mesh skirt that you could see the my ass clearly with. On our way there my boyfriend got mad because he...

3 years ago
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Home For The Holidays

I was excited to be going home after spending four months away at college, and I was looking forward to spending the holidays with my family and friends. When my parents heard that my roommate, Sarah, was going to be spending the Holidays alone in our dorm back in Boston, they insisted that she come back to Minnesota with me. We couldn’t get Sarah a ticket for the final leg of the trip to Duluth so we landed in Minneapolis and rented a car to drive the last 175 miles up to my hometown in the...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Finding tease and denial

As I reflect on the last two years, I realize that I'm lucky to have a man in my life that loves and worships me, and a man in my life that provides me with plenty of sexual pleasure. Two years ago, I thought I was queen of the world. I had a nice apartment in Philadelphia. I had been with Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll for almost seven years. During the day, I was a dutiful, mousy legal assistant. At night, I teased the men I met, either in clubs or online. I enjoyed teasing men and...

1 year ago
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Gerald and Joan

Gerald and Joan By Pamela [email protected]) Another dinner party to go to Gerald thought. At the Webster's house with the Mason's and maybe one or two more couples there as well. Joan had just finished taking her shower and now they would be getting dressed to go. Gerald wanted to put on his blue suit for the occasion but he had his doubts that Joan was going to let him. No, she had other ideas as to what he should wear so there was no point in dressing until she told him...

4 years ago
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Ms Jensen

It’s another Saturday night, and I’m babysitting for Ms. Jensen, even though she doesn’t have any kids, she does have a couple of dogs. I just tell my parents that so I can be with her. I’m sitting by the front door naked, except for the collar she had put on me. Her taxi just pulled up. I quickly got up and ran to the taxi cab. I opened the door and helped Ms. Jensen out of the cab. She’s been out with her friends drinking, she never gets drunk, she will never drive home if she’s had a...

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Ms Yates Chapters 2 and 3

Ms. Yates A Novel Two Thursday afternoon, Meredith came over. Marjorie was working, so they were alone in the house. Meredith was the only friend so permitted. "Holy shit!" she gasped when Tina answered the door. "Look at you!" Tina turned to face the full-length mirror in the hallway: denim miniskirt with lace trim at the hem; white gauze blouse through which the outline of her new training bra was plainly visible; pantyhose and a pair of black pumps with a little heel....

3 years ago
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That Unforgettable Night

That Unforgettable Night I wake up suddenly in the dark, realizing while I was sleeping, my wife began giving me a blowjob. I don’t mean just your average sympathy BJ that many wives give when they are trying to just get it out of the way. It’s actually the most amazing BJ I have ever experienced and/or could imagine. I so badly want to ask her to turn on the lights, so I can see what my cock looks like in her mouth, but I know she likes the lights off. So I let it continue as is, in the dark....

3 years ago
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Miss Cartwright

My Story begins 40 years ago when I was a pupil at school, as this story is true I will not name the school and the name of the teacher involved has been altered as well. I was not that good at Art but I really fancied the Art Teacher Miss Cartwright who I think was about 24 years old I was at the time 18 and in the 6th form. I had been given a project to complete a pencil drawing of a life model and I had made a real hash of it, I had however been working for weeks on a pencil drawing of Miss...

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mom 3rd part

Hello my friends.Mom & s*s taking charge of sex in our home.As most of you know that I , s*s and mom fucked with s*s’s friend’s helpOne day after we had supper. We were just relaxing and chatting.Mom said you should go to church with me.s*s and I said we are not into religion as you know by now.Mom said the preacher is very good he explain thing in details. No other preacher explain the way he explain. Just one time you should go, please.I looked at s*s. We both kind of agree that we should...

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Author's note- This is my first time writing. The evening seemed to be just perfect for a night in. The warm summer left a want for the relaxation of a couch, the thought provoking a film brings, and some great company in the comfort of the air conditioner. I asked Amanda if she wouldn’t mind coming over and just spending time together and she agreed with a smile. The twenty minutes for her to drive over seemed to lag on forever, however the wait was worth it. Amanda was simply...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 17 Reunited

The Saran woman entered the hotel room she and the Saresii had occupied since they arrived in Montreal. They both were working for the Kermac Ministry of Information and thus for the enemy. She had been a member of the Black Cat society and like all Black Cats very opposed to the Gray Cat society, a rivalry as old as time. The Gray Cats had become the dominant group and influenced everything in Saresii life, while all the other societies, like the Red Cats or the White Cats, withered away to...

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Song of ThanksChapter 7 The Cuckolds Concert May 1996

When I sing, I feel like when you're first in love. It's more than sex. It's that point two people can get to they call love, when you really touch someone for the first time, but it's gigantic, multiplied by the whole audience. I feel chills. Janis Joplin PART 1. THE CRISES Robyn had agreed to meet Courtney for lunch. She was glad to have this time with her old childhood friend, although she suspected correctly the topic of conversation —Darryl. Courtney was obviously in distress....

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Black Mamba pt 2

As I entered the bedroom, Jennifer indicated that I should stand andapproach her. I rose to my feet and stood before her feeling intimidated byher size and demeanor. Jen reached out and yanked my precum soaked pantiesdown to mid thigh, roughly forced my now withered member between my legstoward my ass, then pushed my aching balls up into my body cavity. She thendrew up my panties tightly so that my cock was effectively trapped. "When you are in my presence, your worthless clit is to remain...

1 year ago
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101 Bell WhistleChapter 5 Audras Story

"My father stole from the Andersons. I found out when I overheard them arguing about my father's plans on the night of my 17th birthday. It was late and I wasn't sleeping well because I had eaten too many sweet things. Then there was a late night summer storm and I was awakened by a loud clap of thunder. There was only a thin wall between my bedroom and my parents and I often overheard things that I wish I didn't ... you know sex things. At first I thought that was what I was hearing, I...

1 year ago
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Evening With Tania

I was working in a company (Verna industrial estate) as a system admin and after some days one girl (Tania (I was calling her t2 when we came close)) joined the same firm as a receptionist, (she is a Christian and was always in western outfit, jeans short/sleeveless tees skirt etc etc). She was very young (age 20 yrs) and good looking (figure 32 24 34 as per my knowledge). After she took charge of the reception she was always in talks of young people like me. Everybody wanted to interact with...

2 years ago
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AnathemaChapter 7

Narcisa sets the last chair atop the table and then looks over to Steffen, her marine love interest. “Thank you again for helping me.” Steffen reaches out to give her a hug. She turns her head just, as he leans in to give her a parting kiss. The kiss is brief but instead of separating, they continue to hold each other, eyes locked. “I do it for the company,” he says with a smile. They just keep staring at each other wordlessly. Their eyes speak volumes but neither opens their mouths to...

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Dogging Chapter One

The walk through the woods was longer than expected and, by the time Mark and Sandy got back to the small car park, dusk was turning to darkness.As Sandy was about to get into the car she turned and looked across the car park to the only other car there. It was parked in the far corner, partially hidden by trees.“Mark, are those men... wanking?” she whispered.Mark turned to look and saw that, in fact, his wife was right. There were three of them, each with their cock in hand, and yes, they were...

Group Sex
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My sister and I were just sitting around and talking as we often did. I had come to visit for the weekend. It was a hot sticky day and she was wearing a tight tank top that was cut off a bit above the waist. That kind of thing can make small boobs look big. It made her big ones look huge. I couldn't help staring and when I told her she looked great today she laughed and said, "Do you mean 'they' look great today"?I said, "Both."Darla was never what you would call 'conservative' in the way she...

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First time sucking dad

After my parents got divorced I didn't want to move away from my job or my friends so I stayed with my dad and saw my mum every other weekend. My dad and I pretty much kept to ourselves, he wasn't the most talkative guy and he worked a lot so we didn't see much of each other.I'd known I was gay for a few years, but I'd never done anything with a guy. My sex life consisted of porn and masturbation. When my dad was at work I'd use the computer in the living room to watch porn, private browsing...

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