Trapped Family free porn video

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I am a near to forty white male. Not flabby, I live a simple existence farming a little food and raising a few a****ls on a farm.
I hadn’t done too bad for myself and lived on a large property a fair way out of town.
Working remotely meant I did not have the dramas of the commute to work with the traffic and parking.
I can be out in the country living the country life but the good pay of being high up in a large software company.
I travelled a bit and had a few girlfriends over the years, even though I was a computer nerd loaner who did not get out much except for a couple of trips overseas every year.
A knock at the door broke my normal routine. I was not expecting anybody and I lived so far out of town it was unusual to have knock at the door.
I opened the door to see an old girlfriend Amanda I had not seen in a long time and her two daughters, Sarah and Jennifer where not born when I last saw Amanda but she introduced me.
Back in the day, she was a real beauty and she knew it, she had teased me for a long time with her big round tits and perfectly formed butt before I ever slept with her, she had just the right amount of fat in all the right places. She had beautiful long blonde hair
Sarah was around 19 with long blonde hair the same as her mothers and had inherited all right features from her mother.
Jennifer is around 18; she still had a bit of the young chubbiness in her body and face.
She was very Cute easily being one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Her long legs and innocent look mesmerized me.
I think Amanda noticed how taken aback I was by her daughters but said nothing; I could tell her mind was ticking over with something.
Getting a little chill of dread as I tried to summarize her motives by her body language I moved aside and let the girls through the door I showed them the main lounge and said I just to finish some work in my office. They looked tired, like they had been on the road for a while.
She said she was in town and heard I lived out here, Thought I would see if you felt like catching up.
I gave her a smile and said “help yourself to anything there kitchen is through that door, Pointing out the door to the kitchen that was adjacent to the main lounge room, I’ll just be a moment and finish up my work”.
Finishing what I had to do, I sat for a while and pondered on what these three women were doing in my house. I moved out into the lounge room to socialise, giving a friendly smile to
The three women now lounging on the couches looked up just acknowledging my presence.
I poured some whiskey and coke and passed out three glasses to the women they thanked me,
As I was just about to ask, how they were and the phone rang. I excused myself and ran off to answer the phone.
It was an old friend who by chance was asking if I knew where the trio now sitting on my couch where.
I did not give them away but asked why he was so interested in finding them.
Turns out, they were in deep trouble they had been robbing houses and small businesses on their way across country after her last husband went broke and left Amanda in massive debt.
One of the house owners had spotted the trio as they were robbing the place and had pulled a gun on the women. Luckily, for them the owner had not seen Sarah in the other room and she snuck in shooting the man in head. The owner fell dead in front of the three intruders with most of his face missing. The horrific scene shocked the women, Especialy the young Jennifer.
The wife who was lying in bed and had heard the commotion walked in and was shot Sarah who had another round in the double barrel shot gun. The women looked on in horror and hoped that this crime would never linked to them. They were now on the run hoping that what they had done would not catch.
It so happens that the husband of the couple they had shot was connected a very good friend of a Mexican mob boss .There is a huge reward out on their heads.
I was shocked. They seemed so innocent. Where they going to try to rip him off or did they think that I will hide the women for very little in return, I doubt the bitchs where that stupid?
I decided to keep it a secret, not tells my buddy, and have my fun with them instead.
I ended the phone call and said I will let him know if I see them.
I decided on the direct approach and walked back into the room poured them all another drink waited for them all to finish.
I had grabbed a handgun on my way back in just in case and had it tucked into my jacket.
As I gripped the pistol in anticipation of their reaction, was there going to be a little bit of a struggle would they fight back, The adrenalin started to kick in and I think they could tell something was up as I walked back into the lounge room.
I piped up and said. That phone call I just received was an interesting one “Apparently your big news
Your little escapade was caught on camera. The people you killed where connected to some seriously nasty people”. The girls sat there frozen, stunned at what there next best move is.
“Apparently they have a reward for your head if they can get you before the police do...
There was a look of shock on the three women’s faces”.
“There dead!” Sarah piped up seeming remorseful and concerned.
Jennifer the other daughter spat back at Sarah “you did shoot her in the head with a shotgun didn't you.”
The mother pleaded and asked “could we please stay. I will do anything if you let us stay, Please do not dob us in, Please.
looking at the women I jovially said, “I wouldn’t mind the reward as I’m saving for a new car and the mob has a fifty thousand dollar reward for each of you women, that’s some series cash”.
She looked back mad at me with fire in her eyes.
All of a sudden, Amanda lunged at me
Sarah ran for a bag they had brought inside and Jennifer just froze not knowing what to do.
Just as the Sarah was pulling, the gun out I managed to have the mum in a headlock with the gun pointed to her head.
I told Sarah to put the gun down and lay flat on the floor or the mom gets it.
She complied.
I ordered Jennifer to go to the cupboard and she will find a set of cuffs.
She was to get them and put them on Sarah.
Now Jennifer I need you to grab box in the garage.
I gave her a description and she soon returned with a cardboard box.
Having old stock from an adult store idea that failed a few years back, I had kept the left over stock in storage until the market picked up or an occasion such as now arose.
Ordering Jennifer to tip the contents out it a mass of dildo’s and vibrators flooded onto the floor, there were many weird pieces of leather with clips and things protruding everywhere. As the women looked and summarized the contents of the box, I savoured their faces and the sudden look of dread. They had made a very big mistake coming to see me.
Pointing to some pink leather objects sealed in plastic. Inside where some long gloves with straps and o rings for attaching pieces. There no fingers just a padded fingerless glove for the hand area.
It would make holding anything or opening a door and hard task.
I asked her to throw me over a set and still pointing the gun at the mother I told Sarah and Jennifer to put the gloves on.
Still pointing the gun at Amanda I order her to pick out a set of gloves also and to put them on.
In a few minutes the three women had their gloves on, moved behind each woman, tightened the straps so they couldn’t take them off, and then buckled the two arms together behind their backs .I told them to kneel and to get in line.
The three women moved together to form a line kneeling in front of me.
I took my pants off and my now erect cock popped out and was at face level of their beautiful faces.
Now as I was saying. I would not mind the money for new cars. I scolded sounding unhappy to have to repeat myself.
I do not care if that will mean you will all die a long slow death.
However, I could do with some help around the house and my cock does not get as much cleaning as it should.
I am thinking I will keep you here and if you do not please me, I might just go the reward money.
Either way your old life is over.
Your only goal in life now is to please me or it will be off to a horrible nightmare in hell. All it takes is one phone call. In addition, they will come and pick you up and take you away to god knows where and do god knows what.
Sarah hopped up and bull charged media easily kicked her in the guts and she went down to the floor, head first, With no arms to stop the fall she fell hard and she got a little carpet burn. As she lay there, I grabbed another package.
I took out two large leather cuff contraptions from the bag, wrapped one around each thigh, and tightened the buckle so it secured the band around her upper thigh.
I then put cuffs on both of her feet and attached the feet to the thigh belt so she was stuck with her feet pressed against her thigh.
She could only kneel there was no way of standing up.
I cuffed the other two women’s in the same position and left them kneeling while I went outside and broke off a stick and remove all the twigs off the main branch. It had a lot of left over nobly bits and it was thin at the end but decided to whittle a bit of the end so it had a nice thin piece that bent well as I tested the stick by swinging it in the air a few times.
I looked at my creation with satisfaction and went back inside.
All the women had struggled to get away and where in different positions around the room.
I lunged at the mum who was closer and started thrashing her with the cane.
Get back into position I yelled. I lunged for Jennifer, started thrashing her, and told her to get back in position.
I went to Sarah and gave her a good thrashing "get moving if you want me to stop hitting you".
They all crawled having to sc**** along on their breasts until they were all back in line.
Ok now I’m going to untie one of you and you are going to do a strip tease until all your cloths are on the ground and your stark naked.
I knew Sarah was the feistiest so I started with her.
I placed a collar around her neck and then took all the buckles off; she was soon completely free except the collar around her neck.
Come on bitch we all want to see you strip.
She looked toke off her shirt, pants with a nice little dance, and stalled at the underwear.
I told her to get going with the rest.
She reached for her briefs and then again lunged at me.
I was in Luck, I was hoping this would happen, I pressed a button and the collar she was wearing gave her a very sharp jolt of electricity. She dropped immediately and lay there trying to get the collar off, pulling desperately with her hands.
I reached down ripped the rest of her closes off.
Yelling at Sarah to never disobeys or there would be swift punishment.
I left her uncuffed and told the bitch to get back in line.
I proceeded to do the same to the other women but they gave no fight.
They each stood up and did a pretty piss poor strip tease but the sight of these beautiful women forced to strip with tears in their eyes was a real pleasure.
The three of them where now kneeling with no clothes on.
“Ok” I said now “single file we are off to the bathroom.”
We marched through the house until we reached a large bathroom.
I told them to shave everything bellow the head and to have a shower.
I proceeded to tell Amanda that she would have to destroy the car.
There’s a deep river about 15 klms away you will have to dump it in there”. I said to Amanda
I gave her a phone and told her that I am keeping her daughters here and that she will be going alone. In addition, she will have to walk back through the bush.
First, I will show you your room.
I had decided for now they will sleeping in the spare toilet there was a small sink and can be easily modified to what I had in mind.
I placed the 2 daughters inside the toilet and removed the inside door handle so there was no way for them from opening the door from the inside.
I locked them inside and there was not much room they would be able to both on the floor and the other could sit on the toilet but not much else
Handing Amanda the phone I informed her that I will be able to see and hear everything and will know her position at all times.
Placing a small collar around her neck .I told her that had the collar has a charge that if blown it would kill her if the situation became desperate.
I ordered her to grab anything of value from the car.
Once she had finished I walked outside with her and immediately pointed my gun at her and told her to lay flat on the ground.
I searched the car and put another gps on the car.
Ordering her to “Get in the fucking car, I gave her a sarcastic evil smile and said, “Don’t try anything I will be happy to just have your daughters.
Jennifer is a real hotty.I just cannot wait to break that virgin arse!
If you are not back in two hrs You’ll be licking my arse while I give Jennifer her first lesson in being an anal slave and then you’re going to clean all the cum and shit of my dick,Sucking the cum out of her arse.
I suggest you not dilly dawdle and make sure you follow the path I set out for you or there will be trouble.”
She looked at me in submission. I could tell I had her; she would do the deed and be back.
No speeding bitch don’t want to get busted”
I told her as I turned to go back inside to my office to view the live feed.
Watching her drive away and rushing into the house to sit in front of my computer. I started the live stream and all was working image came up on the screen and it showed the inside of the car Checking that the gps was all-good I did a quick sound check.
I could also talk to her as she went on her mission if I needed to.
She drove the car off a cliff and I got her to show me the car sinking into the river.
She then set out to walk back through the bush to the my house.I ordered her to take all her cloths off and to show me with the camera when she was done.
I knew the trek well and made sure she took the most difficult terrain and had a few spiny bushes and stinging nettle in her path.
Being completely naked exposed her to all the spikes spines and hopefully a few hairy caterpillar’s. When she got back, she was a mess. Puffing and panting. It looked like she had made a decent effort, Not that I was going to say anything, I was glad she had lost and had taken over the two-hour time limit.
She had hit a few of the stinging plants along the way and now had scratches and large welts on her legs and belly.
However, bitch, I said two hours it has been two hours fifteen minutes.
I laughed at her and said long journey...At least your Home sweet home.
She gave me a glare and then looked down with a broken spirit.
I order her inside and I for her to strip. I gloat that “I am so happy you lost, you do relies I’m a man of my word and I will enjoy the punishment.”
While you were away, I made a little contraption just for you.
I had modified a large wooden box.
I asked her to sit inside as she went to hop inside she noticed a hole in the bottom not big enough to fit through, a grate stopped her from putting a leg through.
I start putting the slats back on screwing them in with long screws.
I left one of the slats so that her neck could poke through but she was unable to lift up from the box or pull her head back into the box.
I grabbed a ring gag and collar from the sex shop collection and secured the ring gag.
She choked and spluttered. She really did not like the ring gag.
I gave her a moment and then secured the collar around her neck she was now well and truly stuck. The collars made her have to sit up and keep collar from digging into her throat.
Before she could regain composure, I grabbed her tongue, pulled it out with a pair of pliers, and pierced it with a long hot rod I had been hiding.
I kept hold of her tongue with the pliers and fitted a barb with a hairy briskly stud in it.
I then pierced her tongue again as close to the tip as possible and placed another briskly stud in the hole.
I informed her they might be uncomfortable but they were good for me when licking my arsehole or sucking my cock.
I told her I wanted her to be looking at me at all times when I am in the room.
She could only mumble a gargle grunt as I forced her to acknowledge my command.
I needed to take a leak so I pissed all over her face.
She looked in a terrible state. I left her there and brought in Sarah from their bedroom.
Still cuffed with her hands behind her back, I bent her over the coffee table, uncuffed her arms, and rebuffed her hands so she was now hugging the coffee table.
I grab a long rod and use it as a spreader bar as I secure her legs on each side.
I then tied the spreader bar to the coffee table spreading her legs wide and exposed her cunt and arse for my amusement
She could not bend her knees very far so her arse and cunt where stuck up into the air.
She struggles to get some composure but there was none; the only possible position just looked like a seductive dance.
I admired her bare cunt and arse stuck in the air....
Looking to see if the mother was watching me but she had closes her eyes.
I ran over and slapped her hard five or 6 times across the face. She went red as the slapping sunk in...
I told you to look at me at all times.
She quickly looked up and started starring. I slapped her again and told her that I had better not have to say the order again.
I grabbed the stick I had got earlier and started to thrash Sarah’s arse...
She howled and screamed. I decided she needed a gag.
I picked out a large dildo and used it to play with her arsehole and cunt.
I fingered her and against her wishes and she started to juice up.
She tried not to be aroused.
Within no time the dildo was all slick.
I started pushing the dildo into the girls, just getting the tip in.
I pull it out and shoved it into the girl’s mouth I grabbing some tape and securing the dildo with a couple of wraps around her head.
She gasped she could hardly breath and slowly calmed down as the dildo settled in her throat.
I left her to wallow for a while before going to grab Jennifer from the bedroom; I had the lighting set up so she could not see her mother or sister.
They could both see and hear what is going on but not make a sound back.
I unchained Jennifer and sat her on a couch in clear view of her mother and sister but Jennifer could not see them.
Unlocking Jennifer’s hands from the cuffs I go and sit on another couch nearby.
I proceeded to explain my offer.
I took a deep breath and explained my plan.
Look Jennifer I know you are not as guilt as the rest of your family.
I will give you a chance to not be treated as bad as your mother sister.
However, for this to happen I need you to help me train your mother and sister
She looked at me in shock, not knowing what to say. She could not imagine it.
She stammered and said she could not turn on her family.
“Sorry to hear, you’re so sweet and innocent. All the more fun to break though”” I said with an evil grin, Quickly lunging at the big titted bimbo and wrestled her to the ground I grabbed her gloves she had been wearing and buckle her arms behind her back.
I then hobbled her with a long spreader bar I had prepared earlier.
She was stuck open wide, I took off my cloths, grabbed my dick and wiped it all over her face, leaving her face messy with left over from the fun for the day.
Hoping up I tell her” mum has been a naughty girl, she was late.”
I made a deal with her that if she was late I would give you your first anal training”
I hope you are a virgin back there.” She burst into tears at hearing this and started to plead for mercy, do not worry your mums going to help and she is going to clean up afterwards.
I walk off disappearing into the dark veil created with the bright lights.
Jennifer squealed as I wheeled the box with her mother’s head poking out the top of it.
Jennifer looked in horror at her mother soaked in sweat and piss.
“Your mum also agreed that if she was late that she would lick my arse while I give your anus a bit of a stretching then she’s going to clean you up afterwards.
I unhook Jenifer’s arms from behind her back and lock them onto her collar around her neck one by one.
Grabbing her from underneath I carry her to my bedroom and place her onto the bed, Unhooking the spreader bar from each ankle and tying them to a rope I have running under the bed so the 2 ends could be used to spread her legs but give some movement to her legs and pelvis.
I unlocked her hands and had a similar rope for the arms but making these bonds a little tighter.
Now she was nicely secure and ready for what I had planned.
Setting of to grab Amanda and leaving Jennifer to ponder what was next. I had a little bit of an evil thought for the bitchs.
I grabbed some duct tape. Unscrewed Amanda from the box, as she started to squeeze through I quickly wrapped the tape around her shoulders before she had a chance to resist.
I grab her by the hair and pulling it, I helped her out, her big breasts squeezed through the boards at the top of the box, popping out with a bounce.
I wrap some tape just above the elbow and pass it under her breasts giving a little tension, forcing her to squeeze in her breasts. Wrapping the tape around the other elbow, I force her to squeeze her breasts with her and arms. I reach pull her out further and sit her on the box.
Wrapping her tightly I wrap her hands so she is in a semi praying position but her arms squashing her breast.
Reaching in to the box, grabbing leg, and throwing her off balance, having no hands did not help.
I helped her fall but I kept hold one leg, quickly wrapping her legs together.
“Now to wrap your knees and force you to only be able to walk on your knees Your feet stuck up behind.You’ll be my little puppy dog arse licker”.
Once I had completed the task I grabbed a chain and attached it to her collar.
Pulling her along I help her to balance by grabbing her hair she has a hard time getting to the bedroom and was exhausted from the ordeal I pushed her to the side of the bed and she froze resting on the side unable to move without falling.
I went and grabbed a large syringe and a couple of sets of ben wa balls.
I helped Amanda onto the bed and told her to get her daughter ready, you will have to get ready to take something big also, do not want to leave you out, so I suggest you get ready sitting on Jennifer’s face. Searching through my box of toys and finding two butter fly vibrators with a speed controller
I merrily slipped them on each of the women. Before finishing with her, I take her off the bed and stick the nozzle of the syringe up her arse and squirts in the contents I grabbed the ben wa balls and guided them into her vagina she ended up with six and she felt the constant movement and knocking of the balls inside of her. , Telling her it is a special mix, it will help you to stay awake throughout the night.
Putting her back into bed, I lie down and slowly place her close to my arse crack. Positioning myself

At night, if I was not using one I give them a big bowl of porridge with a laxative before bed.

Then sit each girl dog cages that I had purchased a while back I stack the cages one on top of the other.
Depending on how well they performed, would be the order in what the girls would spend the night.
I have games during the day to help decide the loser, who by morning there covered in the shit from the two occupants.

I ordered a heap of stuff online and decided they need proper slave’s quarters.
It will still be in the spare toilet but sound proof, waterproof.
Lots of hooks to hang the girls from and a siren to keep them alert if they look like there resting.
Over the next few weeks the bits arrived, I sealed up the room and added the siren and bright floodlights to complete their new slave’s room
I painted the room completely white to give it a good clinical look and help in the training of my new bimbo toys.
I removed the toilet and replaced it with a weird contraption that the girls would soon be doing all there ones and two’s with. I had attached the old plumbing houses to the new toilet and worked similar to the old.
It had three dildos like those that knobs coming out the top of the have a small tank underneath where three pipes lead into the chamber.
I had the three women chained close together by the neck. The chain to the floor was short so there head squeezed up against the tiles of the toilet floor. I unhooked the chain and start pulling the trio into their new bedroom.
I chain Amanda and Jennifer to a hook half way up the wall and lead Sarah to their new toilet, ordering the other 2 to watch as they would soon be using it.looking at me in horror as I lowered the machine and stood Sarah over the top.I raised the machine, as it raised I tied her arms to a ring on the saddle that forced her arms behind her back.
I raised the two dildos just before entry I pressed a button and a lubricant shot out the top of the dildos through a small hole at the tip of each dildo. The dildo’s now had no worry’s going up her arse and cunt.
I took hold of the front dildo that was very thin and fed it into her Euratha.
I raised the machine so Sarah could hardly stand and locked it into place.
I now mention to the women that from now on this is the only way I will allow you to use the toilet if I see any other forms of toiletry you will be very severely punished.
Sarah struggled, Moaning for a while before a loud plop signalled that she had done her number two. The mother and daughter kneeling there forced to watch this obscene display of Sarah’s shit plopping into the catching tank.
She was able to do her business and then said you are to clean yourself out afterwards by pulling this lever.
I pulled the leaver and the sound of a flushing toilet sounded.
All of a sudden, Sarah realised the reason for the pulling of the chain and the flushing noises in an instant all three holes had water gushing into them via the three pipes inserted into her cunt, ass and urethra.
Sarah's three holes quickly completely and I ordered her to "go again, you are to flush the toilet twice before you’re allowed to get off the toilet."
She strained and moaned it was a mission to empty herself again connected to the contraption.
I looked at her and scolded 'are you ready for the last one my little cum slut"
She nodded in despair her mouth open and a bit of duel hanging on the side of her mouth.
I dismounted her and locked her head onto the floor in the corner.
Untying Amanda I force her to do her shit and piss on the machine.
I then chained her head to the floor, repeated the process with Jennifer, and chained her to the floor by her head.
I left them there chained by the gaged to each other and unable get a comfortable position. Seductively there naked body has squirmed together as they tried to wriggle around.
I returned later after doing some work. Opened the door pissed on their heads walked out.
Closed the door and returned a couple of hours later.
I unchained Sarah and dragged her outside. I walked her into his bathroom where I threw a weird sack costume with tubes coming out.
I yelled that she must put it on.
I told her to stand and I helped her to put the costume on the first put the corset piece on and uncuffed her hands and pushed her hands into the restraints that are sewn into the closet force her hands to her side.
I tighten the corset so she has to suck in her gut to squeeze into the corsets smaller sizes.
Next, I spread her legs and fastened a buckle that had a plug for the arse but just a hard bristle area for her cunt and clit to rub on.
I inserted the plug and fastened the buckle at the back of the corset. The plug slipped inside, immediately I could tell that the bristles rubbing against Sarah’s clitoris. She bit her lip and buckled at the knee’s
She could not see but a tube ran from a bag in her back to her anal dildo.
Therefore, I can force her to endure a constant enema.
She gasped as I secured it tightly.
I unscrewed a lid that allowed him to fill the enema bag and I filled it with semi hot oil.
It soon found its way down the tube and I noticed the sudden shock in the slave as it filled her.
I put a collar on her and lead her back to their room.
I grabbed the mother and lead I to my bathroom where I had planned a different torture for her.
I told her to kneel on the ground with her hands flat on the floor facing the television set.
I kneeled behind her gave her a quick oil enema and jammed my cock into the oiled up hole.
I then pushed Sarah over in front of the computer using my cock, Clicking on the mouse the slide show started. The first few slide where of women swapping cum and licking cum out of arseholes.
One of the slides had one girl licking the man’s arsehole while the other deep throats the cock at the front. I explained to her “any cum that I deposit will end up in her mouth.”
I gave a couple of thrusts into her anus to bring home the point.
The slides then went to drawings of women in strange bondage suits one with a large dildo that protruded from the nose of the mask.
She cried and I cherished the feeling as her sphincter tightened with the new horrific scene in front of the women. I told her my fetish for pet girls “I have not decided what daughter I would delight in exploring the pleasure of owning a female dog with yet. However, maybe you would be the best candidate. I’m thinking you will become my pain slave nurse that’s going to help me torture your daughters or you will become the body fluid slave, that means anything that comes out of me or you and your daughters will all be swallowed by you’ll save on toilet paper.
Are you willing to be my pain slave nurse?
She cries and begged “Please give me another option, I can be your suck slave arse licker, but please don’t hurt me”.
I glared back and yelled “Why the fuck did you come here in the first place.You were going to rip me off! Maybe kill me, The way I see it, You deserve it.Otherwise it would be me dead right now, So you had better get it through your thick head, There is no mercy, I will give you a chance to pick something but suck slave isn’t going to cut it.”
The only other choice I see is you being the evil teacher of sex to your daughters.
If you keep it interesting, I promise not go too far with the torture".
She thought. For a moment and agreed to the evil teacher idea.
“Ok” in a soft broken voice. I felt confident the bitch would now comply.
“Now go get your daughters and let the games begin, I want you to start with basic training and then move on to the more advanced.
Good luck at doing this, I do like the idea of you Being a pain slut and you watching me fuck your daughters”. She rushed off to the slave room to collect her daughters.
she seemed to be taking a long time so I went to have a look as I opened the door she rushed out mated to kick me in the balls as I went down she was kicking me.
I reached and grabbed the shock collar as she was about to get a good one in at my head.
I pressed on the button and she fell like a log.
I kept the bottom on as I slowly hoped up I watched her twitching on the ground for a while before letting go of the bottom.
I yelled at her that she would pay, Big time, I grabbed her by the hair opened the door to their room with the other she hadn’t managed to let anyone free so I yelled for them to say good bye to their mother she womb be the same in about an hours’ time.
I pushed her head on the ground and told her to keep crawling. We are going to the basement where all naughty slaves go.
I directed her down into the basement where I had been doing some woodwork.
I placed her on a wooden horse and shackled her to the contraption.
I went and got a large pin from a cupboard close by.
I heated it up on a burner as she watched me in horror she lay there helpless to stop me from poking a hole in any spot on her body I wish.
When it was hot, I grabbed her nipple and pierced it then did the same to the other breast.
I then pushed her down and started rubbing her clitoris. I played with it
Until it was hard then grabbed it cruelly and pierced the clitoris,
As I put the ring in the bolt.
I placed a barbed catheter tube into the clitoris. There is a hole for the ring to go through and secure the catheter in place at all times.
Piss started leaking out almost immediately after I had it in place.
I then grabbed her pussy flaps and gave two piercing on each labia lip.
I then uncuffed her and turned over and I cuffed her again careful not to give her a chance of escape.
I spread her arse cheeks wide to get access with the needle to the sphincter. Pierced a hole on the outside and put a larder bar bell in place .it stretched her sphincter, this would be a permanent annoyance on her sphincter, stretching the skin and constantly getting in the way when I arse fuck her or she needs to do a shit.
I the grabbed the largest didlo in my collection and attached a short chains to it with a drill.
I then inserter the didlo and secured the chains to her four labia piercings I had just made.
The large dildo squeezed out but The dildo chains I had attached to the base of the dildo and the four labia piercings hold it in place. I now uncuffed her and put her on the floor.
I grabbed some masking tape and wrapped each arm so her hands could only touch her shoulders.
I then wrapped her legs up so she was stuck in a kneeling position.
I grabbed a wooden rod and proceeded to order her to walk with her elbow and knees now stumps used to walk with.
“I better not like this look for you too much, I may be tempted to remove your arms and legs.
she looked at me in horror. Directing her into my bedroom, I attached a tube to her catheter that let the urine fall into a small bag on the floor.
I put her on the bed and ran a chain from a corner of the bed.
She was able to just reach the floor and sit at the beds edge she can lay on the bed but The bed was high and in her predicament, the drop would really hurt.
I told her if she falls off the bed, there would be big trouble, I will know, as I very much doubt you will be able to get back up again.
I left and grabbed Jennifer from the room and returned to the mother still lying on the bed,
Jennifer was shocked when she spotted her mother.
She turned to attack me but with her hands tied behind her back, she had no hope of success.
I tied her to the bed to one corner the same as the mother.giveing her same rule about hopping off the bed.
I went to grab Sarah.
She was laying there and it looked like the enema had emptied items into her arsehole.
You must be busting to go to the toilet by now you know the rules you will have to use your special toilet.
I unstrapped her so she could go to the loo and inserted all her holes onto the machine.
As soon as the anal plug pushed into her rectum, a big gush came, flowing out into the holding tank it was disgusting but the humiliation value was worth it.
I told her she was a good little slut, is not it nice your anal passage is all oily and greasing for your owners cock.
Now your mum or sister will not have to taste your shit when I shove my cock in their mouth after being in you arsehole.
She kept farting oily bits as the air that trapped in her bowel now escaped.
I cuffed her hands behind her back and lead her by her collar to the family gathering I had in my bedroom.
I placed her on the bed and chained her to a corner of the bed.
She looked over at her sister and mother and broke down crying.
I had bought nappies from the store earlier and retrieved three nappies from the packet.
I grabbed a jar of liquid that I had made, It was a concoction of many things. Stinging nettle, itchy grub and it had some other ingredients that would make sure the effects where permanent or very long lasting at least. I put on some gloves and smeared a heap of the liquid inside the nappies.
I put one on each woman and tape the nappies tight masking tape.
They started to squirm as the cream started burning sensitive areas.
I told them “This is just the start I have some far worse things for you to wear at night if you misbehave.
I want your arse and pussy red raw, Makes it easier for me to keep you in constant humiliation and you will never want to wear cloths again. The option to wear cloths will be closed to you. once the cream has done its work, anything touching your skin will cause itchiness and inflammation.
I lay in bed and told them that mum is on arse licking duty and that the two sister where to pick one of my balls and to start licking and sucking.
There was a slight pause so I gave them all a shock with the collar.
They quickly got there position and I was in heaven.
I put the TV on and put the blanket over me, covering the women completely.
Just a bulge in the quilt where the head and body of the women could be seen.
I switch on the TV and sit back to a movie on TV.
I fell asleep to the women doing their best to make me cum but I told them"You are to only lick. No sucking and do your best to catch my cum, I doubt I will cum,So pace yourself".
I awoke to find the women asleep.
I lifted the sheet and grabbing the shock collar control and let it rip.
They awoke quickly and the three women lay twitching as I kept up the barrage of electrocution.
I grabbed women and gave them each 10 good slaps across the face.
I am going back to sleep and you do not stop your duties until I tell you to stop.
I went back to the TV and a layer night movie.
I soon fell asleep and awoke in the nice a fresh in the morning. My slaves where licking my cock and my arsehole was being rimmed by Amanda.
I quickly came, letting it spurt all over the place rubbing the two sisters heads as best I could to get maximum coverage.

I lift the blanket to see 2 sweaty faces covered in cum and their mothers head just visible, rimming my arsehole with tongue
You three look beautiful this morning, Miserable and soaked in sweat and cum.
I unchained them and told there mother she was to clean the faces with her tongue.
I left and made myself a coffee. When I got back she was getting the last strands of my cum off Sarah’s face.

I had ordered some parts for a special chair for each of them I bought three small wooden chairs.Removing the flat seat in the middle and leaving it with just a square hole where the seat used to be.I then drilled in a third wooden 2 by 2 into the back and front of the chair. there arses cheeks will fit through the two sides of the wood and they would be force to sit with there cunt and arses grinding on the sharp edge of the wood. Positioning the plank so the sharp edge of the square was at the top attached a small egg vibrator so there clitoris would be forced against the vibrating egg. I then screwed two planks at the front. fairly wide because when the women sat on their chairs the middle planks would force there legs apart and screwed in a desk top that had a half oval where the women body could fit. The desk was a little higher than each women’s breast height and there breast would be forced to lay exposed on the desk in front of them. I cut the legs so they were short and when seated there faces would only be about 3 foot off the ground. Two cuffs that I drilled into the desk with a short chain that would secure their hands. I grabbed each women one by one and secured them to their chair. Once I had gathered the three of them. I grabbed a stodgy meal with potatoes and spinach that I had prepared was all mashed up and looked a slimy disgusting mess.
While the girls sat, I told them that they all share from now on.
I prepared three trays of moosh and to the women’s horror placed each tray on the ground, pulled my pants down and dropped a turd right in the centre of each of the trays of food.
I place it back on the table and tell them that they must eat nearly all the food. They did not have to eat my shit but I hope you get your face stuck on is a couple of times.

I settled down at a normal table and ate his roast dinner I had prepared for him and sipped on a beer.
the girls had hardly eaten so I grabbed a rod and went around the table giving them all a good few belting on the naked arses the girls cried and moaned so I gave them each another couple of wacks and went back to my meal.
I looked over at the women, they now had their heads down, and where trying their best to miss my shit with their face as each woman moved the tray around in their search.
I gave them a bit of time and collected the tray tossing the crap outside as far as possible.
They had done a good job of finishing there meal.
I looked at each of their faces and each had shit and food plastered all there cute little faces.
I took Amanda off her seat and demanded,”Ok mum lick their faces clean and then so we can move onto the next game when you’re finished”.
I cleaned up the kitchen while their mother cleaned off their disgusting faces.
Finishing off the cleaning the kitchen. I walk back into the see Amanda still lick at her daughters. I yelled at Amanda “You are to have the left over from your daughter and I want the tray spotless, you’re to lick it clean”.
She broke down crying so I electrocuted she lay in shock I told her “me and her daughters are going to sexperiment with ass to mouth”.
Sarah and Jennifer looked at me in despair but had no choice but to sit there naked. There legs spread and both drooling a little as the powerful vibrator plastered to their pussies get pulsing into their sexes’ Unlocked them for the chair and locked their hands behind there back again. Them and grabbed a washer with warm water and washed off there slick faces. as I held them, up by the hair and dragged them along with me.
Amanda had started cleaning the tray to avoid another shock. I marched the girls into lounge room where all the sex stuff still lay spread out. I selected two packages and Pulling out the contents, I showed the girls there uniform. A cute pink boned corset that fitted around the waist with a half-cup bra that did nothing to hide there breasts. The had cut pink fluffy cuffs at the side of the corset with a short chain that allowed for very little movement.
I put the corsets on them, securing there arm to the side of the corset,
“Ok Sarah you come here and kneel and bend over doggy style and Jennifer you do the same, get your face nice and close to Sarah’s twat.
When they got into position, I get behind Sarah and shove my cock up her oily arse.
I pounded a few times, grabbed Jennifer by the hair, and forced my cock into her mouth, after a few pumps I change back to Sarah’s ass. After I while of changing positions I yell out to Amanda to “get in here, your needed.”
She came crawling in. I told her to wash her face in the toilet in my ensuite.
I kept pounding and emptied my load into Sarah’s assail told Jen to clean the mess up but not to swallow my cum.
The mother came back in and I told Jennifer to spit the contents from Sarah’s ass into her mother’s mouth...
She did and I order it be swallowed.
What a good doggy I patronised the mother as I patted her on her head.
I sat down and let the women stay on the bed and sleep. I did not let mom sleep. I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her down to my semi erect cock.
I was watching a program, in the commercial break there was a current affairs program, and it splashed promo about a mother and her two daughters.
How they “stole across America, robbed, and killed the wrong person”.
They are “wanted by police” and “will face the electric chair if caught”.
Police have given up hope finding the women and that whatever happened he is just thankful there rampage is over.
Police believe they have been murdered, as the man they killed was none other than the crime bosses now retired second in command.
They say there’s a two hundred thousand dollar price on their head.
It is likely they have been murdered and their bodies will never be found.
With this the three women broke down crying, There situation was helpless; they could see no escape and no light after the tunnel. They would be stuck with a new Evil master who held there life in their hands.
I decided that we shall all watch the show together tonight.
The girls slept right through the day but I had Amanda sucking my knob all afternoon.
I pull her off and lay her on the bed to sleep.
I went down to the basement and got to work on my plan.
After a good build session, I took what I had made upstairs and went to wake up the women but before wakening them, I chained a leash to each collar .the three of them lay together so they are a jumble of naked pussy arse and mouth. I admired the scene for a moment and then pulled on the leads, the women awoke startled, and not knowing what was happening.
I pulled them down to the TV just as the show I wanted them to watch with them was coming on.
Pictures flashes up of the three women and they looked and heard in horror the presenter paint them as the “Most evil trio on the planet.”
If they were caught, they face the chair or if the mob gets them a monster torture chamber.
How authorities thought they were dead.
I turned to the women and said, “I have decided I must rehabilitate you girls! I am doing society a favour keeping you off the streets.
So First up you now longer exist under your old name.
As your guardian I am giving, you knew names. Any reference to the old self will be very severely punished, plus you will be dunst for 48 hours, I will explain what dunst is when you have been bad and break certain rule you will be given a hat. That you will wear.
You will stand in the corner unless I order you to do something.
You will be given a beating every half hour.
Therefore, in a way you are now back in a kind of school and I am your head master.
I am going to beat and humiliate you to rid you of you evil ways.
Now bend over and show me your ass cheeks.
Listen to me now mothers new name is cumdump you must address her as cumdump as that is her name.
I then branded the name on her ass with a piece of wire I had prepared. She yelped a little, stayed bent over, and sobbed quietly.
Now turn over cumdump I need to mark you from the front I burned her name into the flesh just above her cunt and on her left breast I branded her name again.

I then went to Sarah and said your new name is slipperybutt I branded her the same as her mother and moved onto Jennifer and said Jennifer your new name is drippingcunt

I grabbed their bags of cloths that had been taken out of the car and rustled through it all.
I found a matching pair of briefs and skirt and a white top.
I went to the shirt with a pair of scissors so it was just long enough to cover their breasts
For cumdump I just picked out a nice business looking outfit
I went back to the women and told them to put the clothes on.
I watched the daughters put on the small tight uniforms.
I yelled at cumdump to be cleaned up and ready to enter the classroom.
While they had been sleeping I had made the daughters a kind of desk and chair.
It was just one four by four as a seat running diagonal so the edge of the wood was pointing up.
I had then glued and stuck bristles right at the point so it would tickle there clitoris constantly.
There where straps to secure the legs could help them escape the hard bristles.
Her knees were forced to balance putting a lot of weight on their kneecaps.
They sat in such a position that their butts where force out for easy wicking or a little shoving the cock in.
The desk had shackles forcing the girl to have her hands always at the desk.
I went and grabbed the women one by one the daughters first
I place the exhausted girls onto their desk.
They didn’t look to happy. But I thought they were beautiful on the verge of tears there nice sized breasts filling the skimpy mini skirt and stuck out in a provocative position.
When I grabbed the mum I told her that she was going to be teacher.
"I don’t care. How you get the bitchs to do the curriculum but if they fail a pop quiz at the end of the day then I have something really evil planned for you all tonight. She could tell by my face it was something nasty and probably wanted her to loose.
I'm going to fuck them in different positions and you’re going to explain the name and the process.
We will also be doing some advanced algebra.
I'm going to give you. Twenty minutes to get your daughters up to speed.
Your twenty minutes starts now.
I handed her the text book and cum dump rushed into the room and quickly used a black board to write up an explanation for what was in the text book.
She didn’t understand herself and her daughter had dropped out of school early.
Cumdump struggle to explain the maths subject.
Too soon was the twenty minutes was up for the poor women who had learnt nothing.
I walked in and ordered the mum to strip and get on the table in front of her two daughters.
I handed her a hundred and one sex position for submissive women and said to go through the book and name the first 30 positions and tell her daughters as they will be tested this afternoon.
You will give a demonstration of each position; I will be the male in the picture.
Your time starts now, cumdump went through all the positions.
I made her ask me to stand or to please put your cock in my arse depending on what the position was. She struggles to explain the position but she managed in doing all thirty positions in about 50 minutes.
I hopped of leaving the mum on the table covered in cum and exhausted.
I have an algebra test for you cumdump please pass them out.
You will be whipped 10 times for every wrong answer.
They just looked at it and broke down crying.
I told them I have an option 2 for them if they like.
They looked up at me hoping option 2 wasn’t 2 bad.
You can put on strap on dildos and I want you both to beat your mum up and fuck her. Make a good show of it and I'll let you off.
The daughters reluctantly agreed and I unlocked them and just put a chain tunning from both arms to a chain belt that had chains running down to cuffs on their legs.
I gave them both a short rod and a strap on for them to wear.
I grabbed cumdump and put a corset with shackles for the arms at the waist.
I told cumdump to run and hide as her daughters are going to beat and fuck you.
She ran off. She could open doors but I had the house locked so she had no way of escaping outside.
The daughters had there outfits on and I told them they have five minutes to find cumdump or the deal was off.
They both went off in search of the scared hiding women.
I heard a commotion and I ran to find cumdump daughter hitting her with the rod.
Cumdump withered on the ground and her other daughter came rushing in and started belting her mother.
Now fuck her bitchs one in the cunt and the other in the arse.
Fuck her good. I bet it’s her fault you ended up here on the run with People wanting to kill you.
I let it go on for a long time; in the end cum dump was a beaten mess on the ground.
Stand cumdump I ordered. She slowly got up and stood up straight she had bruises all over her body and I could see the effort it took for her to just stand.
Now bitch get over here I need a piss.Open your mouth. She opened her mouth and I pissed a huge load into her mouth.
A little spilt on the floor so I started slapping her hard across the. Face. She fell on the ground in a heap.
I think cumdump I’m off to bed and you’re coming along to take your position with your face between my arse cheeks.
Grabbed the two daughters and again chained them to a corner of the bed.
I tell the daughters to pick a side again and to get busy.
It wasn’t long before I had made a big mess. I told them they can lick the cum that has landed on my belly and swap it between each other and to make sure there was always lots of saliva and cum as they sucked either side of my shaft.
I yelled out to cum dump to get her tongue into my asshole further or she would regret the lack of effort tomorrow, she wriggled in further to get her tongue further up my arse.
Now I'm off to sleep.
Remember the rules because you break them again you will regret it.
I had a great sleep. During the night I came a few times and under the blankets it must be a real messy nightmare for the trio.
Cumming again I hear the women grown in disgust as they were covered in cum again and where stuck in the concealed blankets.
I had a great idea for tomorrow night.
Lifting up the blanket I yelled "time to get up bitchs “before leaving having a good perv on the beautiful young cum soaked miserable teenagers.
You ready for a fun filled day bitchs. I’m excited for what I have planned for us. But first I’ll let you sleep for a bit.
I take the pants off pulling myself out of the puffy pants leaving the women with their heads stuck together and the pants sealing their heads in with my mess from the night’s fun and games. I hopped out of bed and left the girls who were so exhausted they lay in the wet stains all soaked in cum and fell asleep.
I got up made some breakfast and stated boiling the bitchs usual health porridge.
I put a heap of chilli in and added a lot of prunes with some strong laxative.
I boiled up a lot more than usual as I intended to have them eat every last drop.
I had done a bit of sewing and made up a pair of really baggy pants that I put two slits in the front and a slit in the rear and sewed in some drawstrings, threading trough some thin rope. I made sure it was completely as intended to put two heads through the front and have cumdump straddle his arse with.
These would be his new bed wear. The cum would be confined with the women’s heads stuck in the inner icky mess of my custom shorts.
I put them aside and went down the basement for the next implement.
I cut off six pieces of fairly short metal hoses I cleaned the edges to be smooth and the welled some small bolts onto to pipe, leaving a short piece at one end I then drilled a large hole in a plate on the shape of the front cup of a lady’s gstring.Fitting the tube to the plate drilling another hole and fed the another tube through the plate. This will accommodate the arse and cunt but for the urethra I picked a very thin piece of tube drilled a small hole for the tube in the correct anatomical place.
I repeated this 3 times and made 3 holes in each so it can be fitted by feeding the wire through the holes.
I grabbed my contraptions and a reel of wire and headed upstairs to wake my playthings for my next game.
I hid the contraptions and woke up Sarah and told her to get up.
I unchained her and stripped her of her pyjamas and lead her into a room that had a small couch in it.
I ordered her to lay down and I shackled her cuffs on her arms and feet up behind the couch leaving her spread eagled and exposed. I grabbed a couple of cushions and put them under her arse pushing her out.I hopped up the couch and positioned myself on her and sat my arse over her face. I grabbed one of the contraptions and prepared it for installation. as I put it on she bucked as best she could but there was little room for movement and I grabbed an oil can and put a small amount in each hole and on the tip of each tube I easy pushed all three tubes through there intended target.
I grabbed the wire feeding it through the holes of the plate and wrapped it a few times before putting the wire though the hole of the back of the pants.
I twisted it tight and the grabbed the pliers and gave it a few more twists for good measure.
The plate dug in tight, it looked painfull. Unhooking her I cuffed her hand behind her back.
I walk her to where the other women where and tied her cuffs to a rope I had hanging from the ceiling, pulling the rope tight behind her back, forcing her arms up and her to bend over unnaturally at the front.
I grabbed the other two women in turn and repeated the procedure. Once finished I uncuffed the girls. Putting the corset with cuffs on the side onto each women, they gave little struggle and seemed to have lost all there fight. Ordering them into the kitchen I grab three bowls and filled them to the tope with the hot sludge I had made also put three two litre bottle of green tea in front of each woman.
Saying “you have 15 minutes to finish everything or I will be very cross and I will be adding some of my own mix to any slut’s meal that haven’t got there bowl licked clean and an empty drink bottle”
It was a hard task as there was a lot on each plate.
But they started eating knowing that I would enjoy adding more humiliation onto the task of it was completed in time.
I came back fifteen minutes later and only cumdump had finished her meal.
I filled another bowl for cum dump and said she had a little head start.
I grabbed the daughters bowls that where not finished and dropped huge dumper in each.
I refilled the bowls and tell them to eat it up.
Then said they have twenty minutes this time to sure.
I pissed in the unfinished green tea and filled it with prune juice and more laxative in it.
I plugged all there tubes to the holes so no wee or shit could escape.
By the time I got back they had finished everything but where in desperate need of going to the toilets.
"I’ll let you go once my cock is happy; you must make me cum only by licking me."
They desperately licked so I would give permission to go to the toilet I let them squirm and lick my shaft in desperation.
I casually said have you seemed that movie human centipede.
Now all go doggy style and cumdump you won this challenge so you’re at the front.
Now line up bitchs.
I then grabbed a baggy pair of pants for each of the women. Slipping the pants onto Sarah who was to be in the middle and pulled Jennifer’s head through a slit in the pants so she was stuck sight up against Sarah’s privates. Tightening the draw string, Encasing Jennifer’s head in the bizarre underwear.
I told Sarah “if you can wait 45minutes she won’t have to shit and piss straight into jeans face. I would let her go normally on the machine, if you can hold that long.”
I unplugged her holes and I could see the effort in Sarah’s face as she tried to stop any leakage.
I then slipped another pair of panties onto Amanda and pushed Sarah’s head into a hole, drawstring was tightened and Sarah was stuck snug at her mother’s behind I squeezed my hand through and unplugged cumulus tubes.
Cumslut started to grimace and I said same deal 45 minutes and I'll let you out.
The pants that the sister heads where stuck in where transparent so I could see the girl with her head encases in the weird panties.
I heard a grumble of guts churning and then I saw Sarah cop a huge gush from her mother’s gut.
Sarah lost all control and in a gush of farting and splatters I saw Jennifer cop it next. It was disgusting. The novelty of i.e. put a blanket over the trio on the floor and went back to watching TV.
I watched a couple of shows not paying much attention. I heard a lot of farting and squirting noises. I let Jennifer go into a pan and then I lead them into the bathroom and told them they could hop out now and go clean yourself up and am back at attention at my couch in less than ten minutes
They quickly washed and returned to me.
I started shackled their arms back into their corsets but they all made sudden jump for me.I was too quick and quickly got the shock collar buzzer and gave them all a good long dealing too with the shock collar.
I decided I needed to give them a few body modifications, dragging them to the room and chained the three of them together by the neck with a short collar.
I secured it to the floor and I walked away to contemplate what punishment they should receive.
I decided to go into town and grab some supplies.
I returned after a good days shopping. I pondered who I should do first. I set to work welding up my new creation. The girls had been left in there room since the incident and had fallen asleep in exhaustion.
I decided I would deal with cumdump first so I dragged cumdump out.
She was giving up a bit of a fight. I would say she knew she was in deep trouble.
I let her go and she ran off, I casual pulled the shock collar controller out of my pocket and gave her a zap for ten seconds or so.
I told her to “get back here, I won’t ask you again. “I grabbed a stick and went to the slave that was now walking towards him in defeat.
As soon as I got in striking distance I started swing wild blows.
She quickly started running.
Last room on the left bitch" I told her as she ducked past me.
She ran to the door but couldn’t open it.
I opened it and she half fell in as I gave her anew strokes to get inside.
I grabbed her hair and forced her onto a single bed I tied her so she was spread eagle and arm stretched to either side.
Got a few pillows and lifted her up.
I unclipped the catheter and tubes and put it away in the dresser draw.
I grabbed a paint brush and a small jar I had set aside.
In here are all types of irritants itchy grub hair chilli stinging plant.
It is said the itch will never go away, to wear clothes on the skim after its done it work is agony
I'm going to paint it all over your most sensitive areas and leave you here till I can be bothered to get to you.
I painted the substance all over her large breasts and made sure it well cover her arsehole and cunt
It didn’t take long and she was squirming pleading for releasing put tape over her mouth to shut her up and walked out.
I went and grabbed Sarah as she was next in line for punishment.
I took her into another spare room with a bed and tied her same as her mother spread eagle on the bed but she was lying on her belly.
I put some pillows under her waist to lift her arse further
I removed the wire harness from her cunt and arses and throw it aside.
I grab Jennifer and brought her into the room with Sarah and tied her opposite direction to Sarah and made her crawl and squeeze in under Sarah.
I love watching there large breasts squash together as Jennifer moved into position so she her face was directly above Sarah’s cunt and arse.
I got a belt and strapped them together.
Their heads where stuck so if they relaxed Sarah and Jennifer would each shove their cunt straight on each other’s face.
Ok bitchs get groping each other’s clit.
I want to hear lots of moaning and sucking, slurping noises.
I moved behind Sarah and shoved my dick into Jennifer’s licking mouth and tongue. “Put it in your mouth shut, I want lots of slobber" I command Jennifer.
It’s for your sisters own good.
I let her suck me off for a while and kept pulling out and wiping the slobber onto Sarah’s arse.
I pulled out and pushed through Sarah’s sphincter and gave a few little pumps. I pulled out and quickly rammed it into Jennifer’s mouth for more lubrication.
I left my cock in Jennifer mouth for a while enjoying the feeling. I pulled out again and shove my dick right up Sarah’s arse I got most of the way on most of the way but she tensed up on me so I just kept up the pressure as I sunk the last little way till my cock was jammed right up her arse I could push no further.
Jennifer had stopped licking not knowing what to do with the big ball

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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 14

Trapped and Trained Ch. 14It had been thirteen days since my last outing. Thirteen days since I was forced to sit in the middle of a bukkake of dozens and dozens of men, feeling the warmth of their sticky semen drizzling down my cheeks and chin, dripping steadily onto my exposed, and now pierced, breasts before being made to clean it all off, swallowing every last drop. Thirteen days of being trapped in this prison of an apartment, a place I used to call home but now call hell. Thirteen...

1 year ago
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Trapped In A Straitjacket

‘Wait what?’ Paige said alarmed looking at the cup of pills that Doctor Kimberly had shoved her way. ‘That’s not what I meant. I’m not crazy. I don’t hear voices or anything. I don’t need medication. I think you misunderstood.’ ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart.’ The psychiatrist said while tilting her head ever so slowly and giving Paige a polite smile. ‘You’re the one misunderstanding.’ Paige frowned. This was the fourth time she was here for a conversation with doctor Kimberly, after her...

3 years ago
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Trapped in Number 6 Part 3

TRAPPED IN NUMBER 6, PART 3 by Zenna Swallows [Author's note: My apologies to readers who enjoyed the first two instalments in this series for the long delay between episodes. There were ... distractions. But hopefully this new episode will rekindle your interest!] For what felt like the hundredth time that day, Dylan fought the urge to glance down at his legs. After all, if he could feel what was under his pants, surely everyone else could see it as well? As he walked into the...

3 years ago
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Trapped in the Coffin

"This'll be fun!" My raven-haired young Mistress announces as she shows off her new special piece of apparatus in her bedroom.I eye it up, it's a jet-black leather coated stocks, dangling from her ceiling by 2 sets of tough grey steel chains. I smile, looking forward to her trying it out on me.Because of my height, I realise I'll have to bend down in an awkward position to be in it but regardless, I was eager to try it out."Does my slave like?" She asks innocently."Yes, Mistress." I reply,...

4 years ago
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Like most fine summer evenings, Ann, a married, 50 year old brunette, loved to take a leisurely walk through her local wood. Not only did it allow her to relax after a gruelling day at the office, but the peace and isolation gave her an opportunity to clear her head and instead concentrate on her favourite topic - sex! As she straddled the gate that marked the entrance to the wood, she savoured the sensation of her clit pressed against the cold metal of the top rung, and began to contemplate...

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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 13

Trapped and Trained Ch. 13The next two weeks were a blur. I had no idea what was going on, just short flashes of consciousness followed by blackness and confusion once again. The times I was awake I was still groggy as I must have been kept heavily sedated. I'd feel myself being shifted and moved from room to room periodically, bursts of extremely bright lights, fluids and pills pushed into me, bandages removed and replaced around my body. Then it'd be back to the darkness and confusion,...

2 years ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 11

Trapped and Trained Ch. 11It took me hours to fall asleep that night. It was hard to narrow it down to just one reason why...Maybe it was the tingling feeling of my fishnet stockings sliding around on my pink silk sheets each time I moved. Or perhaps it was trying to get used to the feeling of these D-cup breasts flailing around as I tossed and turned, the glue holding them on pulling at my actual skin and causing the metal teeth around my nipples to grind. It was impossible to get comfortable...

1 year ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 10

Trapped and Trained Ch. 10I moved the material around in my hands... it was so... so... small. There was just nothing to it, it felt like I was just holding a small red string. Britney saw the combination of shock and confusion coursing through my face."It's called a 'monokini', Candi. It might be a tad bit small, but don't worry, that'll just make it more fun!"She grabbed it and laid it out on the table in front of me and finally I saw the material take shape in how it was supposedly supposed...

2 years ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 08

Trapped and Trained Ch. 08With everyone now downstairs in the basement/dungeon and waiting, it was just my Master and I alone in the living room. He uncuffed my arms and legs, but made sure to leave the plug and gag in place. I was so sore that I stayed bent over in that position until he attached a leash to my collar. With a quick tug and a zap, we were heading upstairs to the master bedroom. On the way up the stairs, my Master gave me a warning."Now Candi - when we get into the bedroom, you...

3 years ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 05

Trapped and Trained Ch. 05There I was, Saturday morning, back in the driveway of my quote/unquote "Master", as he liked to call himself. I turned off the key to the ignition of my car and prepared to step out. He had sent me an email the previous night telling me to show up in the outfit that I had left in during our last session. I looked down at myself and shivered as I saw the short edge of my form fitting black dress riding up to where I could already see the tip of my black chastity belt...

2 years ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 04

Trapped and Trained Ch. 04I don't exactly remember at what point it started, but I remember being so ashamed and humiliated by it even happening. The redness in my face seared, but you still couldn't even tell due to all of the makeup that was caked on me. And there it was again... so involuntary, so humiliating...There I was sitting on this chair from hell with a cock thrusting in and out of my painted lips, another devil of a machine tearing my ass... pussy... in two underneath me. And I was...

4 years ago
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Trapped by three

I found myself trapped in the weight room by three of the varsity football squads biggest players. I wasn't bothering no one nor looking for sex, I just wanted to see if any of the track team was in the shower. I was transfixed by the sight of those three brutes, they were no shorted than six feet five and their chest and shoulders were as wide as I could stretch my arms, their cocks were semi hard and each one was as thick around as my wrist and their cock head as big as my fist. Once they...

3 years ago
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Trapped In Paradise With My Mom

"Honey,are you coming home this Christmas...???”my Mom asked at the other end.I looked reluctantly at the phone in my hand.I had no intentions of going home.There could be no better way to ruin a holiday than to go to my hometown,a remote little hill town far off in the north.People say it's a beautiful place,maybe.But in this season,the end of December,when the whole town will be covered under tons of snow and with its sub-zero temperature;it does not look like a dream holiday to...

2 years ago
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Trapped My Cousin Sister To Have Sex

Hi friends, my name is summer (age 26) from navi mumbai & I’m sharing my wonderful experience I had with my virgin cousin an year ago. Regarding myself, I completed my engineering from my native place & I secured the job through campus placement in MNC in Navi Mumbai. Initially for one week, the accommodation was provided for to me from company at 3star hotel, thereafter I had to shift to company guest house & within 1 month I had to find my own accommodation. During this period my father...

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Where shall I begin?I guess with my mother, who through no fault of her own became the main character of my little story of woe and exultation.Mom's name is Myrna. She's an optometrist and has her own business. I guess that the first word that would come to if you just met her would be standoffish, but she really isn't. She just likes to keep her distance until she gets to know someone. Mom and I don't have one of those touchy-feely kind of mom-son relationships, but she's always been there for...

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Trapped and Confused

Trapped and Confused By Stefanie Flowers How had it come to this. Here I sit in Eric's lap while his arms encircle my waist holding me tight. We are welded to each others lips as he plunges his tongue deep into my mouth. I am beginning to enjoy the experience; one that months ago had made my stomach heave and want to throw up. I wanted to return to being the original me. Or did I? After nine months of being continually...

1 year ago
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Trapped Sissy 2

TRAPPED SISSY 2 by Throne I was dizzy. Shawna was on her way over and I was still in garter belt and stockings, wearing make-up, hair mussed, male parts exposed, and my recently spanked bottom red and blazingly sore. If I was in doubt about any of those conditions, Leon made me sure by standing me up in front of the long mirror and turning front and back. Then he got behind me and reached around. His thick fingers found my nipples and toyed roughly with them. I squealed but also...

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Trapped in the private bunker

Written by LJ66. Short story to take revenche for all the killed insects in our life.My second story and the first with an inhuman and fantasy theme. Please enjoy and leave your comments.Trapped in the private bunkerMonday morning, her husband left for a business trip and her son was on the way back to the boarding school. Knowing she would be alone for the next two weeks, Susie a 43 year old housewife stayed in bed, planning a lazy week with less housework. The naturally curly blonde mature...

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Trapped in the Darkness

This is a completely non-erotic story. The closest I come to ‘sexiness’ is a brief description of the protagonist’s co-worker’s breasts in a halter top. Sorry. ****** Trapped in the darkness, I didn’t know what had happened. Was anyone alive? Was I alive, or was this my own personal version of hell? There had been an instant of complete, unsettling quiet. The birds had stopped singing, the insects had stopped their complaints. It almost seemed as though someone had cut the speaker wires on...

2 years ago
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Trapped in an elevator

Introduction: Sherri gets trapped in an elevator and comes out a changed woman. Trapped in an elevator ( GB, Stranger, Teen, Interracial, Public, Rape (?) ) Hi, Im Sherri. Im a 32-year-old married white female. I am 56 and have a nice body – maybe I could loose a couple of pounds. My husband is John and he is a super guy. We have made close friends with two other couples that are very much like us. We all live in the same part of the outskirts of San Diego. About a year ago we started going...

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Trapped and Used Restoring my Vintage MG

Trapped and Used Restoring my Vintage MG.My neighbour is a recently divorced MILF in her 40ies. Before her separation she always flirted with me, especially when my wife was close by. My wife found this very amusing as I attempt to distance myself and were possible, I would avoid contact altogether. Since her divorce I have hardly seen Sally. Yes I would love to fuck her brains out but my dick and I are very happy fucking my beautiful wife. Until……..I’m lying on my car trolley sliding under my...

1 year ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 16

Trapped and Trained Ch. 16I slowly opened my eyes, feeling how heavy my eyelids were and how cloudy my vision seemed. I was drowsy, as if I was fighting a bad hangover and still a bit drunk from the night before. I didn't know where I was - it certainly wasn't the room I had fallen asleep in, my last memory being drinking some fluid that was supposed to offset the chemical imbalance in my system that was causing a need for me to ingest cum. I shuttered as the vivid details from the night before...

4 years ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 03

Trapped and Trained Ch. 03The next few days felt like a lifetime for me. I couldn't sleep at night - every time I closed my eyes, all I could see were replays of myself, dressed like a whore, being strapped to a padded sawhorse while it fucked me from both sides. Everything I ate and drank had a horrid aftertaste of that bastard's cum - it was as if that taste was permanently embedded in my ataste buds now. The back of my throat was sore so it hurt to speak and my pussy... no, my ass, as I had...

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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 01

Trapped and Trained Ch. 01I responded to an ad on Craigslist from some guy asking for help to move some furniture. He was paying pretty well and, after I practically laughed at him for asking if I could lift the furniture, he agreed to have me over to get it done. We moved everything around for what felt like hours, often moving the same piece of furniture to what seemed like the same place it was originally. Finally he decided he liked the new arrangement, which wasn't that drastically...

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Trapped in My Own Harem

TRAPPED IN OWN HAREM ?Part 2 ? by: Milida I was another 'friend' of Asam. I however didn't want any grand adventure from my visit to the Arabian Night world like John did. All I wanted was my own harem and the chance to indulge myself in it. Asam organized a very handsome male form for me. I was over 6 foot tall, very muscular and extremely pleasing on the eye; a real chick magnet. The harem he choose for me was located on a beautiful island in the middle of the bay and was...

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Trapped By Margaret Jeanette Harold Morgan had it made. Even though he was not at all aggressive, the consulting company he had inherited from his bachelor uncle had grown to where he had ten regular clients and a good chance to get in at three other companies. All three looked good as they had used him for a couple of projects and were very satisfied. He had added two steady clients in the fifteen months he had headed the company. He called in Amanda, his secretary, to take a...

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Trapped in a Tutu

Trapped in a Tutu! by Robyn, the GIRL Wonder Jimmy Jameson was madly in love with Renee Winters. He couldn't believe it the first time he laid eyes on her, on the first day of school. She was a year older than him, thirteen years old, and stunning. She was tall, thin, with long blonde hair, blue eyes and straight white teeth. She wore a pink t-shirt and a short denim skirt. Her long hair was in a ponytail, with a matching pink ribbon holding it in place. She had...

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Trapped in Magenta

Trapped in Magenta: It all started one Friday night. I had gone to a bar on the edge of town with my girlfriend Janet and one of my friends called John and his girlfriend. I was a struggling writer. My friend was an accountant. My girlfriend was a student I picked up one day when I was running a creative writing class at a local College. My friend and I had grown up together. I had been at the bar when "she" arrived. I got to the table just to hear John say, "It takes a lot of...

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Trapped Belladonna [Author's Note: Partially inspired by a caption made for me by Deementia.] I smiled as I slowly brought the pantyhose up my smooth legs, delicately unrolling it with my well practiced ease. The smile was partly the result of the feeling of the hosiery, but another part of it came from knowing that everything was falling into place. I had finally reached a point where I was willing to expose my secret to someone I knew. There was nothing holding me back...

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Trapped in Number 6

TRAPPED IN NUMBER 6 Dylan realised he'd made a mistake as soon as he pushed the door open and walked inside. He just didn't know yet how big a mistake it would prove to be. The tune he was whistling died on his lips as he saw the three figures waiting for him. Ordinarily he wouldn't have given the apprehensive looking girl just a passing glance; he'd have stared at her. It wasn't just that she was inside what was clearly - unless he was drunker than he thought - a public toilet...

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Trapped Trained and Twisted Pt 01

The Royal George pub was becoming packed as the clock ticked past eleven fifteen. I had just turned twenty one a couple of weeks ago but tonight we were celebrating the twenty-first birthday of my best friend. Dakota and I had been close for a couple of years and we always had fun together despite the vast differences in our personalities. She was a beautiful flirty extrovert with a toned body, enviably large breasts and long wavy blonde hair who was spoiled rotten by her wealthy father. She...

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Trapped by the Pregnancy ClubChapter 6

"What are they talking about?" I asked Heather, after waking up late the next morning. Pamela was whispering to the girls on the other side of the room and pointing at me. Then she did some strange motion with her index finger. "Oh that," Heather said, with a wry smile. "Pamela is teaching them all how to massage your prostate." "Are you serious?" I asked, horrified. "Oh, absolutely. She's already showed me. Janice asked me to do it to you tonight when you have sex with...

1 year ago
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Trapped In ParadiseChapter 2

Next day, when I woke up it was already well past nine. I had slept well. I found myself properly tucked in the quilt, which had kept me warm. Soon, the reality descended upon me and I realized I was still in my mother's bed. Whatever happened last night with mom felt like a dream, but the fact that I was in my mother's bed, I was completely naked and above all the dried stains on the bed sheets, which were soaked with our spending, made me believe that I did fuck my mom last night. Just...

3 years ago
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I may have a betrothed, but that does not stop me from wanting freedom . . . There is very little that can compare to the crowds during Carnivale season on Sin Street. Shrouded in a bedazzled mask of scarlet and black, I delicately thread my way through the drunken revelers. My two bodyguards brace the path in front of me, insurances from my betrothed that my virtue remain reputably intact. In other words, no one is allowed to touch me - except him of course. As if my demeanor...

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Trapped in a 1950s Virtual World

1950'S VIRTUAL WORLD ? by: Milida This story is set in the not too distant future, where both virtual and artificial reality worlds have become commonplace. For my annual holiday, I decided to visit a recreated 1950's world. This world physically existed on a small Island in the pacific. Massive effort had been made to make the place as realistic to the period as possible. The clothes the architecture and the customs were all authentic. The majority robot inhabitants of the...

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Trapped in my Magic

"Sorry, I didn't see you." Brian says. "It's okay, Brian." th guy said. "How do you know my name?" Brian asked and confused at the same time. "It's indicated on your ID, you idiot." he said. His head suddenly bleed from the impact. "Shit! Your head is bleeding! What should we do?" Brian panicked. "Damn! take me to the hospital, you idiot." After they left the hospital, "What should I do? I'm absent again." Brian said. "It's a small problem man. Why?...

1 year ago
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Trapped Between Dad Brother

"It's only for a few days, dear," Ann said. Then, upon noticing the look of distress on her daughter's face, she became concerned. "Why? Is something wrong?" Amanda glanced at her dad, Aaron, and her brother, Alex. They had innocent looks on their faces, but she knew just what they would do to her for three whole days, without Ann around to catch them or even school to take up Alex's time since it was summer. They both stood there, looking as angelic as always, and it disgusted...

3 years ago
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Trapped In A Sensual Whirl

I couldn't believe how much I had enjoyed my first adventure on my bi side with Mary. I had been very much against same-sex relations all my life for some reason. Probably just my upbringing.Now, I had experienced another lady bringing me to several orgasms, and I had repaid her the same way. Not only that, but she was beautiful.When I told Gary, my hubby, all about it, it drove him wild. It was pretty clear that both hubby and I wanted more of it, and we were both very impatient about it.Mary...

4 years ago
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Trapped part 2

Im not sure how long I slept or even if I did. But I found myself pinned under daddy, by his breathing I could tell he was asleep. His weight felt good, reassuring. I know that might sound odd to you, but then again you might be a man, but a woman will understand what I mean but that. Lovingly I ran my hands up and down daddys back. At some point daddy had removed his clothes. I was disappointed I want to watch him strip. Maybe even strip him. But to be honest I could not be that disappointed,...

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This Story is pure fiction written for your enjoyment. Any resemblance to person or persons real is pure chance. This story is strictly mine please do not copy, and do not repost without my permission. Writing is not easy so be kind when you post a comment&hellip, thank you to all my fans and would be fans enjoy!!!! Trapped One of my favorite memories as a child were the fall, and spring trips we made as a family to an old cabin my mothers family owned in the mountains. As kids in the...

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Trapped in a Gloryhole

I had been out all day and was very desperate for the bathroom, I was half way home walking because I had lost my ticket to get back, I could really feel my bladder tightening and when I saw a public bathroom in the distance I felt a rush of relief through my body.I quickly rushed to the bathroom already desperate and getting worse for seeing the place, when I was shocked to see that the women's bathroom was closed for maintenance. I had already prepared my body to go and now was dancing on the...

2 years ago
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Trapped and Trained to be a Sissy Whore

I responded to an ad on Craigslist from some guy asking for help to move some furniture. He was paying pretty well and, after I practically laughed at him for asking if I could lift the furniture, he agreed to have me over to get it done. We moved everything around for what felt like hours, often moving the same piece of furniture to what seemed like the same place it was originally. Finally he decided he liked the new arrangement, which wasn't that drastically different than how it looked when...

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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 18

Trapped and Trained Ch. 18I don't remember much to how I got here from the previous night, mostly just flashes. I remember the limo pulling into the parking garage and seeing the redness behind my eyelids as we passed under the various lights before it crept to a stop in front of the elevator. Mitch climbed out, then Vivian stirred me awake and led me out, still wearing just my red latex leggings, gloves and black heels, dried cum sticking to my legs and pulling at my skin as I walked. Mitch...

4 years ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 09

Trapped and Trained Ch. 09I was groggy from having passed out for so long. It took me a little while to blink away the fogginess in my eyes as I watched my Master walking into the room with a cloth bag in his hands. I craned my neck to my left and made out the time to be just past noon, so I'd been asleep for just over seven hours and now had just under seven hours before I was to be rented out for the night to some perverted high bidder who had won the auction for my services for the night.My...

3 years ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 07

Trapped and Trained Ch. 07After a good fifteen minutes of trying to get my makeup just right (talk about sentences I never thought I would ever utter), I started getting a few random zaps on my "SLUT" collar. Getting the message that he was growing impatient with how long I was taking, I hurried up and finished the final few touches of eyeliner and lip gloss. I could still taste Amanda and Britney's juices and could smell their cum with every inhale as a great deal had made it up my nose, but...

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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 06

Trapped and Trained Ch. 06I did my best to make it over to the door, but the combination of the lightheadedness I was experiencing and the stability issues I had with the 5" heels I was wearing made it extremely difficult to concentrate. Apparently I was taking too long as I felt another burst of electricity flow through my "SLUT" collar, which was enough motivation to clear my mind and speed up my learning curve on the steep heels.Just before I reached out for the door, my Master realized he...

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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 02

Trapped and Trained Ch. 02I drifted in and out of consciousness over the next hour, periodically snapped back into reality when the dildo assaulting my mouth would pause deep in my throat and eject a fresh deposit of cum into my bowels. Looking up at the television display of my abuse I would normally have been turned on by the sight of this brunette in a pink corset and black stockings leading down to her pink high heels being pounded by this horrid machine from both sides. Knowing that the...

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Trapped By Milkman 8211 Part 2

Hi friends .. I am pooja and this is the second part of my life story “Trapped by milkman”. Those who have not read the first part, I suggest them to read it from below link first. Now coming to the incident: The Same day, around 11 am : I was tired after a very good round of fucking session with my milkman Manoj. I had not expected that I would be fucked by a milkman one day and that too I will enjoy it. I was feeling very happy after a month. The burning fire within me was extinguished by...

3 years ago
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Trapped In OurSneakOutPlace In College Part 2

Hello, sex story lovers, this is the continuation of another story “Trapped In Our Sneak-Out-Place In College”. Thanks for all the love that ladies have showered on me via email for the first part. Just if your are new to read my story, you might need to read the previous story. I am Sabby(not real name). This is a sex story with my girlfriend, Pooja (not the real name). She is not very horny, but a sexy white chick, with a figure to die for. Her boobs were 34b when I met her, and it became...

4 years ago
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Trapped Pt 1

TRAPPED By: Simon Mason To say that I had frequently fought with my stepsister Melanie would be akin to describing the Arab-Israeli war as a minor tete a tete. Our semi sibling rivalry had frequently driven our respective parents, her mother and my father, to tears and only their strong love for each other had enabled their relationship to survive. In retrospect I must have been a nightmare stepson - bookish, anti social, fiercely protective of my space and property. ...

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Trapped Part ii

Trapped: Part ii By Simon Mason I had spent two hours as the unwilling and utterly humiliated prisoner of my stepsister Melanie and her university friends. In no small way I had been the author of my own misfortune. My imprisonment would not have been effected so easily, indeed it likely would not have been effected at all, had I not succumbed to the lure of Melanie's wardrobe and been discovered "amusing myself" in her bedroom whilst dressed in her lingerie, her old school...

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Trapped in a Box

Trapped in a Box By Peg Thebois Amy recognized this customer by the time he was halfway through his story. As a face he was pretty forgettable, short and slender, with a slightly scruffy head of light brown hair. His face was completely free of stubble and his fine eyebrows perched just above his glasses, they were fine enough to have been an overzealous tweezing job but were too uneven and disorderly, just one of those people with fine eyebrows. He was wearing a button up...

1 year ago
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Trapped in My Head Part 1 Please Dont

Trapped in My Head Part 1: Please Don't "Please don't," I beg, mascara running down my cheeks. "Oh honey, you don't have to do it like that. I can make you happy in other ways, I swear I can..." My voice trails off. Because I know what's coming next, and I just hate it. I'm on my knees in front of this big guy I just met, and his cock is inches from my face. It's ten inches long if it's an inch, and thick. And god help me, my begging him to stop is just making it harder...

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