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This Story is pure fiction written for your enjoyment. Any resemblance to person or persons real is pure chance. This story is strictly mine please do not copy, and do not repost without my permission. Writing is not easy so be kind when you post a comment&hellip, thank you to all my fans and would be fans enjoy!!!!


One of my favorite memories as a child were the fall, and spring trips we made as a family to an old cabin my mothers family owned in the mountains. As kids in the spring my brother John and I would run through these forest like savages, half naked anything John would do I would to, I even once tried to pee on a tree like he did, lets just say that did not work the way I planned.

In the fall we would comb the mountain tops looking at the trees, the colors were more than breath-taking, the fiery oranges, and the blazing reds. John and I would make huge piles of leaves to jump around in. My mom and her husband Steve would laugh and they too would play in the leaves with us. Now Steve is our step- father, he married mom when John was 10 and I was five, but almost from the start both John and I thought of him as our father. Our real father passed away before I was born, and John has very few memories of him, so really Steve A.K.A daddy is the only daddy we have known. <,Pardon the pun>,

Anyhow let me get on with this little confession. I am now seventeen. And we are getting ready to head for the mountains. It is fall, the air is crisp and the trees are glowing. Today will be daddys last day at work, at least until we come home from the hills, as he always says. Daddy works construction, well he owns two construction companies, so he is a burly man, he stand over six foot, well muscular body, not overly so, like some freaky muscle man, but a hard working mans body, the kind most women drool over. Mom is petite thank god I take after her. I stand at just 55 and as daddy says I am like ninety pound if I happen to be soaking wet. Ha ha ha&hellip,. Ok that joke is really lame and about as old as&hellip,. Daddy! Sorry I tend to wonder. Ok so anyhow daddy is off work, I am out of school, John wont be home until tomorrow, and mom was is a lawyer and has to work tonight on her briefings.

So anyhow all these thoughts hit me at once, and I started thinking, Since I was fourteen I have wanted to fuck daddy, it was at that time that I saw him with my mom, and oh my god! I have been stealing my brothers porn vids for years, also I know a lot of cool free porn sites on the web, so two people fucking is really no big deal. But this was a big deal, this so was so fucking hot! I had heard something one night and went down the hall, mom and dads door was wide open, when I looked in my heart stopped, mom was laying on her back, dad was holding her ankles, at first I did not know what he was going to do, his huge hard cock was pointing right at her wide open pussy, but he bent down a buried his head between her creamy thighs. I could not see what he was doing but mom must have been really enjoying it, she moaned and thrashed, her small hips thrusting up into his face, dad had to hold her still for a small woman my daddy had hard time holding her still. Oh fuck yes daddy eat my pussy. Mom purred it was the first time I ever heard her call him daddy. To the tell the truth it was hot. And daddy must have liked it to, cause I could see his cock bounce, glistening on the tip was a drop of clear precum. I had the strongest urge to walk in there and lick that drop off his cock. I must have taken a step in because I could now see what daddy was doing. He had two fingers stuffed deep inside of mommys pussy, and his lips were attached to her clit. I was surprised to see that mommy shaved her pussy. From this angle you would think daddy was fucking a little girl, until you heard the words coming from mom! Oh fuck yes!! Oh god daddy Im gonna cum!!

I dont know how long I watched them, but when I came out of my daze I was leaning against the wall, my hand buried deep into my white silky panties, and there was moisture running down my legs, at first I thought I had peed, I bolted back to my bed, worried someone would find the wetness on the floor and know it was me. The next day I hit the net, and found out that I must have came, and that the moisture was what they called squirt. Relieved did not cover it. I went down to the table that morning, I could not seem to keep my eyes off of mommy and daddy, mostly daddys crotch. I was glad when it was time to go to school there was much I needed to think about. Hey squirt youre gonna miss the bus if you dont get moving. Daddy said making me jump. What did you call me? I asked feeling my heart sink, he called me squirt did he know? My voice and my face must have shown him how upset I was. I called you squirt, but I did not mean anything by it, whats wrong baby girl are the kids picking on you again? daddy asked. Oh no daddy I just was a million miles away. I tried to smile. And you have not called me that since I was like 10. He smiled, stood and kissed my head, get to school brat. He slapped my rump playfully as I walked pass him.

For days after that I thought long and hard, I knew all my friends thought my daddy was hot, I use to think that they were nuts daddy was so&hellip, so daddy it was un-natural to think of him in any other way, but after seeing him with mommy, I knew it was un-natural to think of him other than as what he was a very sexy man. For weeks I looked up things about older guys and younger girls, and incest stories. Even though daddy really isnt my blood daddy, it was still incest wasnt it, the things I was thinking. There wasnt anyone to turn to, I did not know if it was natural to have these thoughts and feeling for the man who is my father. The sites and stories all said it was, but I wasnt sure. Then one night I was sitting in the living room with mommy we were watching one of our favorite shows, when daddy walked in he was wearing nothing but a towel, water was dripping down his chest, my eyes were drawn to each and every water droplet as the ran over his pecks, down his ripped abs, and into the thick dark hair at his lower tummy. Honey where are my pjs? he asked shaking water at me playfully. I think they are still hanging on the line. She said not moving from her chair. Daddy groaned dont worry yourself dear Ill go outside and get them I am sure the neighbors will love this skimpy little towel. I giggled thinking of old Mr. Henders. He was a nosy old bastard as my mom always called him. Ill check daddy. I said jumping up and leaving the room quickly I had to get away daddy standing there naked, and dripping was too much for my little heart, and my little pussy which was now dripping I could feel the wetness as my legs rubbed together as I nearly ran from the room.

If daddy had this kind of effect on me, what chance did I have trying to be good? It was then I decided I was going to get daddy, he was the man I wanted to take my cherry. I was fourteen when I made that choice now I am 17 and now I am going to put those words into action, this was my chance, like I said mom has to work, and John wont be home until tomorrow, so if daddy and I left now we could be at the cabin in six hours. First I had to get daddy. He was in the kitchen sitting at the table. Hey baby girl whats up? he asked as I sat down in his lap, like I normally do when I am upset. I want to go tonight daddy. I said puffing out my bottom lip and looking up at him with sad eyes. I learned over the years this look worked magic on daddy, not so much on mommy. Why whats wrong baby? he asked softly brushing my bangs back. I had a fight with Dylan today, and I really just want to get away from anything that might remind me of him. For a moment daddy looked smug. I knew he didnt really care for Dylan, to be honest neither did I but Dylan was safe as long as I did not date a guy I might like there was no chance of my fucking them, and like I said at fourteen I decided daddy was going to my first.
But baby we are leaving day after tomorrow when your bother is home and your mom is done with her case. Cant it wait? I didnt blink letting the air dry out my eyes so that they would water. Sure daddy, Ill go&hellip, I ll go to my room. I sobbed that was it, daddy was lost, my daddy is a strong man, a very strong man, but tears reduce him to something with the same consistency as pudding. Get your bags baby you and I are going tonight, and if on the way out of town I see Dylan Ill hit him with my truck. Daddy left the kitchen, smiling to myself I nearly ran upstairs to get my bags which were already packed and by my door. It wasnt long before daddy was calling me. Mommy was at the door, she gave us some sandwiches and some snakes for the road. John and I will be up day after tomorrow. She said kissing me on the cheek, To hell with that Dylan baby youre too good for him anyway. And way to pretty for a fat little prick like him. I had to giggle mom always did have a way with words. Thanks mommy. As I sat in the truck I felt a little guilty I was planning to seduce her husband, to fuck him if I could, and here she was making me feel better for a fight I started to get rid of Dylan, but the second daddy jumped into the truck and pulled me up against his side, all guilt fled, to be replaced with thoughts of what was to come.

This confession is long enough without me rambling on about the ride, just say it was nice I sat by daddy all the way, we sang songs laughed and talked it was comfortable like it always is with daddy.

As we were pulling into the cabin driveway which is over two miles long, it started snowing. Well thats strange it never snows this early. Daddy said trying to pull in a radio station, which was no good this high in the hills. Im sure its just a few flurries, remember that time when I was six and john was 11 we hardly got an inch. I looked out the window, I was no weather man but I knew this was more than a few flurries. You think Mr. and Mrs. Kaylap stocked the cabin daddy? I asked a little worried. He must have sensed my worries. I am sure of it dear, they thought we would be arriving at first light, so I am sure the cabin is ship shape, and stocked with food, wood, and if I know Mrs. K your favorite chocolate cookies. I giggled daddy and I always fight over Mrs. K homemade double chocolate cookies. Well they are all your I dont want to get fat. I said pushing my shirt up over my belly and patting it. Daddy got a funny look in his eyes, but then said. Fat is not something you need to worry about baby girl. He said patting my tummy as well. His hand was so warm, and so firm, it sent heat waves through my small body, which seemed to target my pussy. Good then they are all mine. I teased trying not to think about daddys hand on my young body, and how my pussy felt like it was on fire. DAMN! I just lost all those cookie in just one simple statement you dont play fair little girl. He grumped jokingly. I giggled, that was when I noticed that by laughing my belly would wiggle and daddys hand would slip down a bit, he did not seem to notice, nor did he seem to be in a hurry to move it. Another thought hit me, if I move a little farther from daddy, his hand would slip right down over my hot pussy, if I could move just right I might get lucky enough and his hand might end up between my legs. I gave that some thought. Too much thought cause we reached the cabin, I nearly groaned. Ill get the bags you start a fire. Daddy said reaching for the door. No way Ill get the bags you start the fire. I knew this game we played it so many times before. The one and only time daddy let me start the fire I nearly set the house on fire. It was a mutual agreement I was not allowed anywhere near matches. Damn I always get the hard jobs. But you get to hunt up some food. He grumbled grabbing the two bigger bags.
I got the bags in and then hit the kitchen, just like he said there on the counter was a huge platter of double chocolate cookies, and a note from Mrs. K telling me I had to share them with daddy. I smiled. I made us some hot soup, and two big sandwiches with everything, and grabbed two cokes, somehow I managed to balance all of that and the platter of cookies. Daddy was adding wood to an already raging fire. Dinner! I said spreading the small feast out before us. Oh and here. I handed him Mrs. K note it was wrapped around one cookie. Daddy read the note, and looked at the cookie, then at me. Thats your share. I said picking up the platter and pretending to stand. Daddy grabbed me and pulled me back down, my butt hit the floor a little hard, but I was laughing too hard to worry about it right now. Brat. Daddy teased picking up his sandwich. Out of the corner of his eye he must have seen me rub my backside. Did I hurt you? he asked. Just my pride. I said getting up to get a pillow to sit on. Daddy laughed. Sorry baby, you and your mother are just too damn small and breakable. He said.
I dont know if it was him talking about mom, tonight of all nights, or the fact that I am not breakable, but that comment set me on fire, and not in a good way. To hell with that Mr. I am not breakable if you were not so abnormally large I would not look so small. For a second I thought daddy was going to yell at me for cursing, but he threw his head back and laughed, he laughed so hard he nearly dropped his food. Good god the women of my family are so daggum fiery. Like pissed off kittens. Not that I thought it was funny but daddy sure did, I soon found myself laughing with him. Ok brat youre not breakable. He finally said we sat in silence for a bit just eating and watching the flames dance. It was nice, like I said being with daddy was always comfortable, not like with other guys when you have to wonder if your pretty enough, or if they were going to try and molest you in a dark corner. I laughed at that thought. I wanted daddy to molest me, in a corner in the bed hell right here in front of the fire. Daddy looked at me. Care to share the joke? he asked reaching for a cook. Nothing really just a fleeting thought. I said taking a big drink on my coke. So what did you an Dylan fight over? I really hadnt thought he would bring Dylan up, so I wasnt sure if I should make something up or tell him the truth, I decided on the truth.

Sex I said reaching for a cookie. Daddy choked on his. I pounded his back. Geesh daddy you are so old fashion I am seventeen sex it a part of the world. Daddy gulped some soda. Are you for sex or against it? he asked I could tell he didnt really want to have this talk, but he also knew if he didnt and mom found out he had this chance to find out if I was a virgin and let it pass she would kill him. Well against at least with him, he is not the guy I want my first time to with. I said trying to sound as if this where nothing, instead of my best chance of getting what I want. Oh. He said and for lack of anything more he reached for another cookie even though he had not finished his first. And… And what kind of guy are you looking for? he chewed slowly on the cookie. I waited until he swallowed before I answered, I did not want to choke him again. You. I said, Daddy didnt choke he just dropped both cookies, and a funny look came over his face as if he had stopped breathing. Well you know a guy like you. I said as if that first part was only a mistake in speech. Daddy covered his small freak out, if not with grace at least with a bit of style. By laughing and saying thats my girl. We turned back to the fire again. I lean over and put my head on his wide powerful shoulders. Daddy can I ask you something? daddy leaned back to look at me, that was when I slipped into his lap. Do all girls like to suck&hellip, to suck a guys cock? I felt daddys body stiffen, but more importantly I felt daddys cock stiffen. Well I guess that depends on the girl baby. Some do and some dont, why do you like to? he bit his lips as if he did not mean to ask that. I smiled my best little girl blushing grin at him. I dont know daddy, I have never done anything like that. I mean I have kissed boys, and have even felt them and they felt me, I saw Dylans cock naked once and to tell the truth I thought it was a little sad. It was small and droopy. I mean I have heard the other girls and they go on at how beautiful cocks are, and how they are hard and stand straight out from a guys pelvis, but Dylans didnt.

Daddy did not say anything, and to give him credit he did not laugh at poor
Dylan either, although everything I had said is true, when Dylan took his pants off wanting me to suck him off I laughed, his cock was nothing like daddys it was so small and pale, unlike daddys which is huge and proud. Well baby girl I am sure someday you will see a cock like the girls were talking about, and I am sure then you will not need to ask me these questions, nature will tell you all you need to know. Your body will let you know when it is right. He shifted, and through my tight jeans I felt his cock poking at me. And I also notice how he was trying to keep his voice level, but there was a rasp to his voice that I had heard him use with mommy many times. Like what daddy? I tried to sound as if I did not already know these things, I know from stories and stuff older guys liked to feel as if they were teaching younger girls. I am sure you know enough about sex to know that answer. He said I smiled Oh you mean my pussy will get wet? I said this as if I thought it were a funny notion. Like it could never happen, but in truth right now I am surprised daddy did not feel the heat and wetness through his own pants. Ye&hellip,..Yes that and other things. Daddy stammered. Oh yeah and the other girls say that my nipples should get hard, and my stomach tighten, and that a heat would pool in my stomach.

Talking like this sitting in his lap was working hard on me, I could not help but shift a bit myself, bring my heat a little closer to his hardness. Daddy gasped. Im sorry daddy am I too heavy for you now, do you want me to move, I knew if I moved now daddys hard on would be plain to see, and from the look in his eyes so did he. He just laughed You heavy? Baby girl at work I carry metal beams heavier then you. Even if you were soaking wet. Daddy did not know how true those words were. I was so wet right now, that my panties stuck to me, and every time I moved they rubbed my hard clit. A few times I almost moaned. It felt so good! Daddy wrapped his arms around me just holding me for a few moments, I think he was hoping this conversation was over, but it was long from over. I smiled into his neck and in haled deeply. I love the way you smell daddy. My dad was not a colon sort of guy, just deodorant, and natural soap. No sissy stuff for him. He always said. But to me he smelled warm, and kind of like the forest around us. I could stay forever right where I was safe, loved and in his arms, but I had a want. No a need to get even closer.
Daddy do you like for a woman to suck your cock? I thought that might be going a little too far too fast, at first I thought he was going to yell at me to get off his lap and go to bed, and to never ask him such a thing again. But daddy only sighed heavily. Its a strange night baby girl, if it wasnt god help me I would not be answering this, but yes I do. He shook his head as if he could not believe he just said that out loud to his daughter. Daddy why did you marry mom, I mean she had two kids, and could not have any more, and you still married her I know you love her, but what was it about her that attracted you? Daddy laughed her size, you and your mother are so small, and yet so perfectly shaped, you both have all the right curves. Also you mother has one hell of a right hook. The night I saw her for the first time we had gotten off work, a bunch of dirty mouthed construction workers. Your mother was sitting at a table next to ours, and she caught the eye of one of the boys, he said something about fucking a doll, and before I could say or do anything your mom got up walked over, she smiled so sweetly at him, that for a split second we all thought he was going to get her. She said something, and before the smart ass could say anything she knocked him out of his seat. He hit the floor she winked at him and walked away. Later I asked him what she said, he said she told him she was a lawyer, and although he could sue she would not advice because she would tie him up in legalities for the rest of his life. Daddy chuckled
No daddy thats not what I meant. I want to know what is it that you liked most about mommy? I love my mother dont get me wrong, but the last thing I wanted to hear was that note of love in his voice when he thought or talked about her. Oh you want to know what it is about her that turns me on? he chuckled Like I said baby girl this is a strange night but here goes. Its her size, dont get me wrong I know she is all woman, but there is a game she and I play, where she acts like a little girl and she calls me daddy, and to tell the truth baby it turns me on. God help me it makes me so hot for her. He took a drink of his soda. And its all perfect? I asked I did not mean to let him hear the jealousy in my voice but I could not help it. Not always your mom is good at it, but she cant… what I mean to say is sometimes she is too grown up. Does that make any sense? he asked shaking his head again, Yes daddy, mommy is not a little girl, or a virgin and she has forgotten how to be. Um yeah something like that. He said. Daddy do you, do you sometimes think of me, I mean. I could not finish that thought everything I had planned depended on his answer. If he said no then I would pass this whole night off on some full moon strangeness, but if he said yes, god my heart was beating. I waited nearly holding my breath. A few times. He slapped himself kind of hard making me jump. God what the hell is wrong with me? I never should have said that! He made to move me off his lap, i incased his neck with my arms. No daddy dont! Dont be upset. I have thought about you many times daddy. I cant tell you how many times I laid in my bed, my pussy aching thinking of you. Daddy looked at me too stunned to do anything else.

Before I lost my courage I quickly stood, and yanked my jeans off, leaving on my black G-string panties. They were shining with my juices. Look daddy, no one has ever made me this wet, at least not without touching me, but just being with you does this to me. I took his hand and placed it on my hot pussy. Ah baby girl dont do this to me, God please! He sounded so lost, so unsure. I quickly sat back down in his lap, and took his face in my small hands, for once in my life I was truly glad I took after mommy in size. I love you daddy, and no one has ever made me this horny. I want you daddy I have since I was fourteen. I quickly told him about seeing him and mommy, not getting to graphic, but enough so he would know I have thought this through. I want you to have my virginity daddy, I have always wanted that please daddy dont say no. this time a real tear slid from my eye, daddy saw it. With a groan of defeat, and pleasure he lowered me to the floor. His mouth claiming mine in a purely animalistic kiss. His tongue savagely raped my mouth. His hand slide down my body, until it covered my hot wet pussy, gently he rubbed his hand up and down over my sopping wet panties. Oh god yes daddy make love to me. I managed to hiss out when he pulled his tongue from between my lips.

What do you want baby girl? Daddy asked slowing his hand down, but not taking it from me, it was torture, my hips pressed against his hand and daddy pulled it back a little. What do you want baby? he asked again. All of it daddy, teach me what making love is. Make me a woman, no daddy make me your little girl. Daddy growled and pressed his hand more firmly against me. Oh yes. I moaned my body was on fire, never had being touch felt so perfect so right. Daddy forced my legs wider. Without a word daddy ripped my panties from my body. The movement was so fast so powerful I nearly came. Did I frighten you baby? daddy asked when he felt me stiffen under him. No daddy, that was so, oh I dont know the words but I think I was about to cum. Daddy chuckled my hot little baby girl. Daddy looked down at me. If you like that shirt baby you better take it off now, I want to see all of you. he wouldnt let me sit up, but being so small I had more than enough room to wiggle out of my shirt and my bra. Daddy looked his fill of my. My god baby your prefect. I dont even think your mothers tits are this perfect. His whole hand covered first one breast then the other. The calluses on his palm scraped against my hard nipples. My breasts have never been real sensitive before, but right now every nerve ending in them was ultra-alive, they seemed to grow in his care, and when his mouth clamped down on one, my whole body jumped, and I felt juices running rivers out of my pussy, daddy must have felt them through his shirt, because he looked down. God baby girl your so wet, did you cum? he asked smearing the wetness around my smooth shaved lips. No daddy when I cum you will know it. I sort of make a mess. He looked at me. Does my baby squirt? he asked hopefully. Yes daddy I make a big mess. He smiled evilly. This I have to see. He moved down my body.

Before I could guess his intentions daddy clamped his mouth over my hard clit, his tongue was a mixture of both roughness and smoothness, it nearly sent me over the edge, I never felt anything like it, hard yet soft, rough yet silky. And when he lightly sucked I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out. Daddy lifted his head. No baby make all the noise you want, how else will I know if you like what I am doing, tell me baby tell me what makes you feel good and what you dont like. He licked from the bottom of my pussy to the top. If you dont tell me I will never know if you liked that. He did it again this time I let a small purr slip from my parted lips. Thats it baby. He licked me a few more times, and then slid his tongue between my lips. Oh god daddy, that… that feels so good. I moaned out. Daddy pushed his tongue into my tight hole, until he met the proof of my innocence. I could no longer sit still, my hips pressed into him, trying to get more of his tongue in my hot body. Oh fuck daddy. I moaned grabbing at his head trying to make him stay in my hole, but daddy pulled back. Before I could complain he pushed back in a little harder, a little deeper. Oohmmm yes oh fuck. Daddy began to fuck me with his tongue. Pushing it in and out of my hole. His nose rubbing against my hard clit. Oh daddy if you dont stop Im going to cum in your mouth daddy. I cant hold it much longer. I begged, daddy stopped just long enough to say. Do it baby cum in my mouth, fill my mouth up with your sweet cum. He went right back in this time working harder on my hole. There was no holding back. Oh fuck! Daddy Im&hellip,.Im fucking cumming! it gushed from my body like a water fountain. Daddy tried to drink it all but it flowed over his face, dripping down his chin. My body shook, and jerked for what felt like five minutes until I was a quivering pile of melted bones, and overheated flesh. Daddy moved up and held me through the last of my tremors.

God baby girl, you came so much! he kissed my neck and my ear. And you taste so good, I thought I was going to shoot my load in my pants. He laughed I shivered weather from cold or from the release I just had I dont know. But daddy scooped me up and carried me to bed, his bed. I yawned But daddy what about you. I said snuggling into him as he laid us down and pulled the covers over us. Its alright baby girl we got all night. This is not the first time I have gone to bed with a hard on. he said pulling me closer. I smiled like a well fed cat, warm and safe. I had never came so hard, and when I get all my senses back I was going to fuck my daddy

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I was nineteen then. I had no father and only mother looking after our family by doing daily wages. During rainy season daily wages works hardly to come by. I was forced by motherto bring necessary food items at local vendor. The shop owner’s son Sewalal who was in mid twenties used tolike me and sell items to me at reduced rates or even on credit basis. The same facility was not extended to my mother. He often kisses and hugs at any given opportunity at the shop. Somehow he made me to believe...

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When she could think coherently, which to be honest wasn't that often, shetried to spot the exact moment when her life had derailed, and ended up inhere. Maybe it'd been that time in high school, during biology when her best friendhad whispered that scandalous bit of gossip to her, or maybe it was when shechucked Paul for suggesting it. But as usual she settled on going to university,more precisely taking part in that psychology test. It'd been towards the end of the month, and money was tight,...

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At first, it felt odd but in a strange way enjoyable. Obviously the sexual tension associated with the device made it pleasurable, even if it was entirely designed to delay pleasure. I had thought about it for some time, the idea tumbling around in my head. That was one of the things odd but the idea, because I was still getting great sex in my marriage. My wife was open to trying new things and had even suggested a few. When she suggested she masturbate me, I felt offended at first....

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I was dating this 27 year old fox. And I was luvn it. You See Im 44 years old a lil overweight and I have a 5 inch cock! So you can imagine my surprise when I picked this little honey up at the bar drunk and the next morning she didnt want to leave! The first night I got her home and we dove into bed Im 6ft 230 lbs with strong arms and long flowing hair We sucked each others tongues at first. I felt that tight body up and my lil boner was diamond hard. I got up to get her a liquor drink and I...

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married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and musculine just 2" taller than me. He was fairer but not as me. May be...

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Introduction: hubby traping me for a 3 some Hi I am MEENA. I have got a lovely hubby RAJ. We are just married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and...

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       David didn’t know what had happened.  One minute he was walking home from the gym and the next he was chained by the wrists to a concrete floor.  Naked and shivering with fear and cold David tried to work his wrists out of the chains being held closed by a Master lock.  Tears streamed down his face as he realized that he wasn’t going to be able to get free.         David jerked when he heard a noise outside the door to his new prison.  Two muscular men stepped in with terrifying grins...

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Chapter 27 Preston Revisited

Friday morning saw Emma & Chris biding a sad farewell to each other as we loaded up the car – Emma was leaving quite a good amount of her stuff with us since she was planning on spending most of her time away from university on our side of the Pennines rather than her Dad’s, just so she could spend more time with Chris There were tales of snow on the A66 so we took the slower but less exposed route via Harrogate and the A59 and pulled up at Pete & Cathy’s place just a couple of hours...

1 year ago
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Bold Lesbian seduces her Young Teen Model

My seducer's hand was cupping my mons while her other hand, connected to the arm that was around my neck, dropped down onto my chest and began to squeeze my tingly boobie. Her mouth left my ear and closed on my gasping mouth. Her long tongue was exploring the inside of my mouth while her hands were squeezing their respective targets. My whole body was shaking from the waves of pleasure that were washing over it. The hand between my legs was providing blessed relief from the achy feeling and...

1 year ago
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Scratch My ItchChapter 8

Sue went to bed with Frank. He'd pronounced himself 'ready for duty', as who wouldn't be when they'd spent an evening with two naked beauties? But he was also quite pleased to be simply on standby. He'd been on a tiring 18-hour schedule, and the last one had been at noon that day. Jill came to bed with me. I'd had an unaccustomed break from action, and was steaming and ready for anything. "Uh... which way first, Jill?" "Cunt first, I think, for safety. Frank did me up the ass at...

4 years ago
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Repost my first 3 some

Brandmilf in a Three-way?Most of you know my story, if you don't, I was married to an ex-professional athelete for 28 years. He ran off with a 30 year old ex NFL cheerleader, we are now divorced, I'm on a quest to see how much sexy fun a 50 year old woman can have!I have become good friends with a sexy woman who take body pump classes with me 2-3 days per week at our health club. She's 10 years younger and a killer body, 34b-26-34, 5'7 and a long lean toned, and tanned body and long auburn...

1 year ago
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Grandpas fuck a black teen

We are all in our late 60's or early 70's and unfortunately we all show our age. There is not a young stud among us. Bill and I still drive but only I have a car. One day I had taken all of us to hobby store to get supplies for the things that we do to pass the time away and we stopped at the mini mart and got a couple of six packs of beer. On the way home we drove through the bad part of the city. On one street corner we spotted a young black girl with big tits. Because of the way...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Tiffany Tatum Accident With XXX Consequences

It’s a gorgeous day at the park as Tiffany Tatum and Lutro get into a little accident. Driving their carts into each other ends with a sexy playdate at that lucy man’s apartment. After a fun afternoon with coffee and chats, the two end up kissing in the living room. Soon, his hands grab her by the pussy and he starts fingering her wet cunny and playing with her clit. The blue-eyed brunette enjoys that strong man’s hands all over her body and her nipples get hard instantly!...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Luna Mills G307

Randy may be the Gangbang Station’s resident boob man, but Chris can’t resist the gravitational pull of Luna’s funbags as he dives right for them with his mouth to begin Luna’s FIRST GANGBANG EVER! He also dives into her pussy first, indulging one of her requests by choking her as he pumps away at her 18-year-old love hole. All FOUR COCKSMEN take their first rounds in Luna before Chris comes back around to take her in s’mish up on the pedestal, a classic we...

3 years ago
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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 10

I sent an inquiry to Oscar Menendez on the net as soon as I got up Monday morning, requesting permission to call him. I got permission almost immediately, but had to wait until lunchtime at school before I did. The call went straight to him, not to a secretary. "Skye, this is Oscar Menendez, how are you doing?" "I'm doing well sir, thanks for agreeing to speak to me." "Please, call me Oscar, or even Uncle Oscar. I would hardly be able to believe that Andy McKesson is a grandfather...

1 year ago
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John CarterChapter 3

He waved to Lily from where she had dropped him off as she drove away in the Winnebago. Lily had been kind enough to drop him off at a store where he could replenish his supplies and catch a bus. In fact, she had insisted that he visit this particular store suggesting that he would get outfitted with the items that he would really need. He watched her turn off the main road to one of the back streets. She was followed around the corner by the local Sheriff in his truck. Three days lost...

2 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 38 Yutarous Skill

(Raijuuta and Kenshin stare each other down on the bridge, Raijuuta with his sword drawn) Sanosuke: They're not moving... Kaoru: It looks as though they're watching each other. Sanosuke: A careless move means you won't be a victor. Either Kenshin or this Raijuuta guy. (Raijuuta strikes. In an instant, Kenshin has drawn his own blade and turns Raijuuta's stroke aside. They separate.) Tsukayama (coming up with a tray): Oh, a match between master swordsmen! You can really see the...

1 year ago
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Night Scene part 3

Two months later... It was a hot night in Miami. Cinco De Mayo! The club was off the hook and people were everywhere! There I stood on the balcony overlooking Miami while entertaining tonight's special guest at Night Scene, TLC. Those girls were the baddest R&B group out and Miami loved them. Tonight I chose a form-fitting sleeveless red dress that snugged closely to my body with open toed red shoes to match. My make-up was perfect and my black mane obediently behaved in it's place caressing my...

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A Little Light Hypnosis

Good evening if you’ve just joined us, although having said that where the bloody hell have you been? Yes, you’ll know from the warmth of the welcome that you can only be listening to Pure Blether FM. And I’m pleased to report that a certain flame-haired beauty has just elegantly glided into the studio, so I’ll waste no time in handing over to her for ten minutes that, so I’m told, could literally change your life. I still need to be convinced about that, Ursula. Well, Pete, if you bother to...

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Earths CoreChapter 5 Scarlet Armor Bodily Refinement Technique

Gradually, the circular floor steadily kept plumping, eventually settling ninety something meters below the ceiling of the hall, as a judges' stage at the epicenter of the four fighting stages. All the cheering spectators, whether those socializing or those who had already picked seats in advance, halted their acclamations in an abrupt and frozen manner right around the time of the participants' complete descent. The participants, backers and even the well informed beautiful emissary...

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Tammys teenaged cum lust part 2

They stayed on the sofa like that for at least ten minutes, and by thattime the boys were ready to cum again. Their cocks were hard and theirballs were starting to ache. The camcorder was still running, and theyadjusted it for a wide-angle shot. "Stand up and take off your clothes," Larry said to Tammy. Tammy's heart thumped hard in her chest and her body tingled as she gotup off the sofa. Smiling at the camera, she pulled her top over her head,pulling a few thin strings of cum with it,...

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Futa Milk

"Hey Rookie" I heard my boss said as I looked up. "Got a story for you, we got a tip from the local grocer. They say there is a new milk from a local farm that is flying off the shelves. I want you to go down to the farm and write a story about it." My boss said tapping his note pad. "You want me to write a story about milk?" I said with a sigh. "Listen I wrote stories about potholes when I was a rookie and let me tell you they give terrible interviews. Now get down there and get me a story" He...

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Rebecca Redux ch 4

Becca had a long, hot shower when she got home from Dimitri’s apartment. She felt it necessary to clean her body of that experience before she could set her mind to what his notebook meant. She felt conflicted about it, admitting that there were moments that she enjoyed despite herself. Perhaps it was because Dimitri was so powerful and dangerous. But she knew that the price of being involved with such a man in reality was antithetical to all of her values and integrity.She had a pretty good...

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MyFamilyPies Jessie Saint Lilly Bell Fighting Over A Blowjob

Lilly Bell is staying with her friend, Jessie Saint, but there’s some serious friction between the girls. Jessie wants to take a bath, but no sooner has she undone her robe than Lilly shows up and picks a fight that she wants to take a bath. Since Lilly is a guest, she claims Jessie’s mom says she can go first. A bit of a catfight leaves the girls naked together in the tub, each of them claiming they won’t move. When they begin insulting each other’s bodies, Lilly claims...

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Pigs Cant Fly

In our initial survey of Sly Bucks’ massive bedroom, one of the uniformed cops discovered a laptop computer under one of the pillows of the billionaire’s bed. It was several days before I had the time to consider what it might contain. I called one of the nerds in our computer section and asked for some help, assuming that everything on the laptop would be password secured.I had completely forgotten about the computer until three days later, one of the computer geeks showed up at my door. “I’m...

2 years ago
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Kevin reached for the keycard when his mother handed it to him, and fought the urge to grin. Her guilt trip had been working. After a month of insisting that he had to go on one last family vacation, because he would be going off to college and they were never going to see him, he was ready to cave. If she’d waited until he got home that evening instead of calling his cell with the offer to give him his own room, he’d be bunking up with his younger brothers. “Meet us in the hall as soon as you...

1 year ago
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PervMom Christy Love A Special Massage For My Stepmom

A couple days later, I walk into my stepmoms room and she is laying out on the bed clearly exhausted. She has been so nice to me recently that I want to pay her back a little. I offer to give her a little massage, and she says she would love that. She takes off her shirt, and then I get to work. But after a little bit of back rubbing, my cock is starting to get stiff. I tell her how much I appreciate her lessons and that they helped me get a girlfriend. She responds by taking my cock out and...

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Academic Specializations

“I tell ya, if we play our cards right, we can nail’em.”Rob shook his head, “Japanese women are very traditional. And there’s a real prejudice against it. With us. Black guys.”Cal snorted, “Bullshit. I’ve seen what they do.”“You watch too much porn. Porn is its own world. Doesn’t tell you anything.”“Well, if you don’t wanna, if you’re too fucking chicken, tell ya what, I’ll do’em both and send ya a postcard.”“Ain’t chicken, just realistic. Test the water, play it by ear, see how far I...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 224 Advanced Aikido Class

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 (Continued) Leaving school was almost a feeling of déjà vu, as there was a crowd waiting for me in the parking lot, mostly of middle-school girls. We were spotted and mobbed by the hordette, asking, "Is it true?", "Are you really rich?", "Are you really a millionaire?" Etc. They let Julia and me through to the car and my sisters. Thank goodness my mobs have all been made of people smaller than me; hordes would be terrifying if I was Julia's size compared to...

4 years ago
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Morning In The Park

After nearly 20 years in a rather unexciting marriage and finding myself single again at the age of 45, meeting Joyce seemed a bit like a dream come true. She was a rather leggy 23-year-old with perky breasts only a woman her age could possess. Like a lot of younger women, she wanted to try it all, including being with an older man. I was only glad to help out. She said she liked my maturity and the fact that I took my time in the bedroom. Heck, it was probably more middle age than any real...

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Stevens Fetish

It was a dark and stormy night... Ok OK, so it wasn't really. I just wanted to get your attention. Actually it had been a beautiful day made more so after I received the purple invitation to a party. It had been a rough day at work despite the warm sunny weather. I'd been working hard on a huge merger. We're talking about millions of dollars. That type of money can get to a guy, even if it isn't his. Hmmm probably more so since it isn't his. Anyway... it went well with only the few minute...

4 years ago
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231 Holiday surprise Part 2

231 Holiday surprise Part 2 My son relishing the pocket money agreed to sister sit once more so at seven that evening we were at the homestead, Joe as usual met us at the gate, we both noted his wrists had leather cuffs with d rings and he was only wearing the briefest of leather posing pouches. He led us to the back of the house where Eve and Trevor where sitting at a pick-nick type bench, one of those with integral bench seats, where we all had a beer. Trevor wore just his swim suit, Eve was...

4 years ago
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Bonobo Gardens Chapter 1

Bud Packer looked over his naked 71 year-old body in the mirror. White hair covered his chest, down to his small belly and his pubes, overgrown, yet manageable given his large balls and cock. His wife Dorothy had passed away two days before, but they hadn't had sex in years. He remembered the first time they made love in the locker room in high school. He pulled her, clothed, into the water. Her young nipples pushed out against her wet shirt. They kissed as he slid inside her. She began to...

2 years ago
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Exploited Jessica part 2

After being ass fucked by a man that Jessica was sure was her father her captor took her to the shower, washed her up, and carefully shaved her legs and the sparse patch of hair from her pussy. It felt a little weird to be bald down there but she had to admit that it did look somewhat sexy. He gave her some new sexy red panties and a matching bra to put on under a very cute pink sundress. Finally, she was allowed to do her hair and get ready for her trip to Panama. Waiting at the end of her...

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Babysitting The Twins 1 Revised

To people who are about to read this story: YES, THIS IS A YOUNG STORY, THAT MEANS UNDERAGE, NOT ADULT. SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE THESE KINDS OF STORIES JUST STAY AWAY. I DON'T NEED TO SEE THE STUPID COMENTS, BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE THESE KIND OF STORIES. . I do like feedback; I'm not a professional writer so I'm sorry if it's not perfect. I did read through it a few times and I hope I got out most of the dumb mistakes. I'm very sorry if I didn't. Babysitting The Twins I’m...

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Naomis First Day

"Volunteer Johnson, you are with me," Doctor Morgan's cocky voice assaults my ears.  Oh great, of all the doctors in this unit, I'm stuck with the bitchiest doctor in the friggin' hospital. I nod and follow her down the hallway, away from the vending machines.  I curse my luck that I'm assigned to a doctor before I get my chocolate fix. "Alright, you'll be working rooms 123 and 124.  There will be patients in there, tend only what you see on the clipboard in the room, they will all be...

Straight Sex
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Fucking Stranger

Hi readers, I am (rahul) a big fan of this site and love reading all the experience of the people. I would like to share my first experience with a married woman. I am 22 years old guy. I have done my graduation and worked in few places but where ever I work I get kicked off in a month or two. So, I used to just roam around and my mom use to scold me. Then finally my mom and dad told me to open a mobile shop. So, I am running a mobile shop since last 2 months in Hyderabad and my shop is the...

3 years ago
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Amber Must PayChapter 7

Caryn drove us to a nearby steak house in silence. I know my head was spinning and I imagine that Tawney's is, too. It actually seemed like the impossible was going to be possible after all. We were seated immediately at the restaurant. It was still kind of early. As soon as the waiter took our drink order I asked Caryn, "Can he do it?" She shrugged and said, "If it can be done he's the one to do it. He's retired now. But he is still the most respected attorney in the state. He gets...

1 year ago
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Broken Hearts Ch 1

The summer pool barbecue party was well underway with a real mix of age groups and diverse occupations. The hosts, Ben and Claire, were both leading citizens in their community; Ben, an active twenty-five-year veteran of the fire department, and Claire, a clinical psychologist at the local general hospital.Their guests gathered today ranged from friends and co-workers to some of Claire's clients. Ben and Claire never expected everyone to accept their invitations and were pleasantly surprised...

Love Stories
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Catriona. By Penny Farthing. Michael Holloway hated Carl Simmonds with a passion. He was sure the poofy little brat had reported him several times to the school for various offences including bullying, theft, smoking underage, drinking, vandalism and so on. Michael was not a nice person and he was glad that his parents were going away for two weeks. He was hatching a plan of revenge. His father was a successful plastic surgeon he paid off Michael's crimes many times as it was...

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Spicy Story Mommy continues to spread her love

Kyle joined the others for breakfast in the morning. He couldn’t believe what happened, and was unsure if it even did happen. He woke up that morning very wet in his bed, whether from sweat or oil, he didn’t know. His over ample ass was sore and his sweet asshole was definitely wider than before, but he discovered a large, dark and strangely veiny purple dildo in his sheets. It had pink lipstick marks around it. We had schooling with the tutor today, but my sister didn’t feel like...

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Good Girls Tell No Lies Episode 3

The California visit left me nearly paralyzed by the death of a man I briefly knew. The cops interrogated me relentlessly as the only witness to the shooting. They were firm but not as harsh as you see in the movies. There were no good guy, bad guy policemen. They let Lucas and me go after grilling us for hours. I knew from my work, their idea was to wear down the witnesses and/or suspect until they changed their story. Our stories never changed the entire time. They had no choice but to let us...

Group Sex
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 31 Holiday Season Part II

December, 16, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, Jamie’s on the phone,” Dave said. “We’ll take it in the conference room.” Dave, Julia, Elyse, Stephanie, and I went to the conference room to hear what Jamie had to say. “It didn’t go well,” he said. “They pretended to not know what I was talking about.” “So what are our options?” Julia asked. “Prepare an invoice for the software, say, fifty seats, and one year of support, and send it to me. I’ll send it, along with a demand letter, and a...

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Busted Bankster

Last night Ken Shigenori had gone to bed secure with his lot in the world. He'd gone to the right school, worked hard, been admitted to the right university, worked hard, took a job at the right city firm, worked hard, and while he wasn't one of those 'Masters of the Universe' the papers liked to bang on about, after successfully closing out the DiMaggio deal he could expect to add a cool seven figures to his bank account once bonus season rolled around. He'd thought about phoning up an...

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HannahChapter 19 Coming Home

I welcomed Donny and Charli home about six, and Lisbeth came running through the door a few seconds later. I got everything out of the fridge, put it on the table and we began to eat. Donny had that satisfied look about him, and Charli was wearing her best 'freshly loved and lovin' it' look. Lisbeth was chewing and smiling, shoveling in the food as only growing kids can. The meal was almost over when Lisbeth spoke. "Mom, can — oops! — may I have a coke?" Charli's light olive...

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Book 8 ZaraChapter 10

DeClan gently tucked Mal next to his mother and Tabby then got up, changed clothes, opened the door for Fuzz and followed him out of the room. With a large mug of coffee in his hand he went out into the garden, the air smelled of fresh wet grass, the flowers still damp from the rain during the night, he wandered through the garden noting the tree's, the flowers, the bushes all as he had sketched out on his plans, with a few large tree's along one side of the garden for the cat he guessed,...

2 years ago
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Change in Reservations

David was downstairs waiting while I got ready for what he thought would be a dinner date. It was our one year anniversary tonight and I had a different idea of how I wanted to spend it, and I was sure that he wouldn’t mind once he saw me. I walk towards him quietly and he turns around smiling. I knew he’d like it, I’d gotten it just for him. I was wearing a very short black skirt and a tight red v-neck shirt that would allow him to see right down to my full breasts. I walked into his open...

1 year ago
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From the chat room in my bedroom A hot fuck Pa

Hi all, its my 1st story in here, i hope you will enjoy it (be kind i am not an english native speaker)I met this woman in a chat room and asked her for a date after some long chats!At the first date i invited her to my place, so i can cook something for her and have a glass of wine.She accepted and i knew she wasnt there for my cooking skills. She was 1.65 with red long hair ,a pair of medium sized round breasts, regular weight and a super hot ass, a dream of every man!After we ate the...

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