Trapped free porn video

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-------------------------------------------------- Same as my last stories, just a note before the story begins. I'm not a natural author or writer, this is just a little fantasy written with one hand in tiny horny chunks over a period of months. I've skim checked it once for spelling and grammar to make it read a bit smoother. It doesn't have an in depth storyline, amazing character development or any other worthy devices - it's purely a wank fantasy written for me, based around big breasts, breast growth, boob boys, teasing, humiliation and sexuality changes. I've uploaded for people into these things - it might give you a cheap thrill. If not, don't say I didn't warn you! -------------------------------------------------- Trapped After the explosion there was a boom and the sound of earth falling for several seconds. My heart flipped, I knew we were locked in here and would probably never be found. I looked at the two guys I was with and gulped. I couldn't be with any worse people, the two guys who picked on me the most at school, one of which was the school psychopath. Why had I agreed to come to this supposedly cool hidden bunker? "Shit," Tyler spat. "We're fucking stuck here now." "There's food and other shit further down," Brook commented and headed off down the tunnel towards a metal door at the end. I followed him, knowing he was the less volatile of the two and decided to try and befriend him for protection from Tyler. The door slid open, inside was a room the size of a doctors waiting room, the walls were some kind of dull aluminium and the floors was tiled, combined with the harsh lighting It looked cold and uninviting, like a lab or morgue. "Must be power still running," I commented. Brook and Tyler ignore me. "Where's the food?" Tyler spat. "Down this way, I found it the other week." We followed Brook and came across a pantry, inside was floor to ceiling shelving filled with food. Tyler immediately began ripping open packets and grabbing a handful from each, he proceeded to gorge himself. "Maybe we should conserve our food," I stammered. Tyler fixed with with a glare. "I'm fucking hungry." I blushed and ignored his comments and went away to find supplies for myself. After half an hour we drifted out of the pantry and began to explore the rest of the bunker. The bunker consisted of a handful of rooms in close proximity. There was the entrance, a kitchen, bathroom and a row of bedrooms leading down a corridor. Each bedroom was fitted with 2 bunks, though a couple of the rooms had a double bed. The rest of the bunker was a mystery, tunnels lead off from the main complex, the tunnels had next to no lighting and seemed to disappear for miles. I had no desire to explore them. After exploring for a bit we each chose a room to sleep in. I quickly fell into a deep troubled sleep. For the next week, life continued. Every day Tyler and Brook explored the tunnels, while I sat around the main complex trying to check how many supplies we had and if there was anything useful to be found in the main rooms. One day Brook came running in excited shouting for Tyler. I said that he was exploring another tunnel, Brook ignored me and went in search of Tyler. I followed and soon we found him. Brook beckoned Tyler to follow and they ran off, I followed scared that I was lost after trailing so far away from the main complex. They ran much faster than me and I lost track of them for about 15 mins. I was scared and completely lost. Eventually due to dumb luck I hear their voices echoing down a tunnel. I sprinted to the noise and my feelings swelled when I saw them in a room. I walked in trying to contain my relief at finding them again. The room was large and full of different vials and glass jars. It was obviously some kind of lab. "...I think it will. Are you going to test it?" "OK," Tyler agreed rising to the challenge. "What's going on guys?" I asked nervously. Brook looked at me and then decided to acknowledge my presence. "We found some science shit. I spent the morning reading the journals , these jars contain chemicals that supposedly can modify your sporting skills." "I'm going to fucking do it," Tyler butts in and swallowed the vial they were both discussing. Brook stared at Tyler in anticipation. "Anything?" "My stomach is warming up," Tyler replied confused. "It feels good actually." Tyler lifted his top and I could see his flat stomach, suddenly I realised it was changing, it was like someone was melting plastic over his abs. Definition appeared, soon he was sporting a solid six pack. "No fucking way dude," Brook laughed. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing and snuck out, it took me hours of walking aimlessly but I found my way back to the room I claimed as my bedroom. The next week involved Tyler and Brook disappearing into the corridor presumably to go back to the lab. Each day they looked slightly different. Both appeared much muscular and I could swear they were also taller. I tried to keep out their way as much as possible and I think they began to forget I was there. They looked shocked if I accidently stumbled across them in a corridor or the kitchen. One day I was making breakfast when Tyler came in. He didn't look at me, but I could tell he was trying not to smirk. Worried I sat down and began to eat my cereal. "Pass me the milk," he asked, sitting at the same table as me. I looked over and the milk was on another counter. I turned back to argue about having to walk to get something for him, but decided to against it, got up and fetched the milk. I sat down and resumed eating my cereal. Tyler began to pour the milk all the while looking at me furtively. I was so paranoid, I began to feel a little uncomfortable. Suddenly I felt my chest warm up, I squirmed uncomfortably. Tyler was openly smirking at me. I began to feel uncomfortable at his gaze. "What?" I snapped boldly. He said nothing, but it was obvious that he was staring at my chest, I looked down and my eyes bulged and I squeaked. Poking through my tight vest was a small pair of breasts. I crossed my arms and looked at Tyler in horror. "Ho ho, ah man! Your face." He laughed cruelly. "Wh...hat is it!" I stuttered. "Looks like you're growing titties you pussy." "Oh god, oh god. Why?" "Might have something to do with this bottle of Curves potion I added to your corn flakes." I ran out the room with tears in my eyes. I stopped in my room for days, they didn't come looking for me. I couldn't believe what that bastard had done to me. I finally braved a peak and gasped, my hairless flat chest had swollen into small perky boobs. I guessed they were about a b-cup. I blushed hard, embarrassed. Finally I had to leave my room for some food. I walked into the kitchen and my heart sunk. Tyler was in the next room. He spotted me and called my name. I walked in angry. "Hey man, sorry about know." He gestured at my breasts. "It was a joke, I didn't actually believe it would happen." I was still cross, but it was the first time I head Tyler ever apologise to anyone, which made it kind of special. "It's OK," I muttered. "We can probably find an antidote or just make you super masculine." "Really?" I replied suddenly interested. "Sure. How'd you like to have a body like this?" He flexed an impressive bicep. "Wow, yeah," I replied shocked. "Cool, there's also another benefit you might find fun." "What?" I replied intrigued. "There's a potion to get a big cock." I blushed. "Here look." Before I could respond, he'd whipped out his cock and was holding it up. I gasped it was huge at least 7-8 inches long and thick. "It's cool right?" I nodded in agreement. He stared at me and then my tits. "Do you want to touch it?" He whispered slyly. I opened my mouth to reply, when I heard the door slide open I jumped back in shock. "What's going on in here? I interrupting something?" Brook asked. "He was just trying to tell me he's now turned queer because he has tits, he was trying to suck me. Before I could stop him." I ran out the room to my own bedroom holding back a sob. A couple of minutes later Brook knocked on my door and walked in. "You know Tyler is an arsehole and I'm sorry about what he's done to you." "I'm hideous, if we get out of here, nobody will want to be with me," I sobbed. Brook did something unexpected and hugged me. I calmed down as I buried my face in his top. After a couple of minutes I felt better. I stiffened as I felt his hand slide slowly up my top. His hand slid over my naked skin, he got to my new breast and cupped it gently. "These make you special, he whispered and some people might find them sexy." I blushed. He whispered in my ear. "I, find them sexy." I couldn't be more embarrassed, but it also felt good to be told nice things. After weeks of living in fear, being locked in this place with these two bullies a huge sense of relief swelled in my chest. We spoke for a couple more minutes and then I was doing something totally unexplainable and embarrassing, something I never imagined in a hundred years I would do. Somehow one thing lead to another and I was sucking a cock. I only did it for a couple of minutes, but it was long enough for Brook to cum. I spat it out repulsed at myself. "Thank you. I'm sorry about Tyler, I'll try and protect you - if you do this occasionally, I'll consider it payment." I looked down embarrassed and nodded my head, what other choice did I have? That night I couldn't sleep through shame of what I did with Brook and also what Tyler did to me. I realised he was the cause of all my problems, if he wasn't around I wouldn't live in fear of being bullied, or having to give special favours to Brook for protection. I realised that Tyler had to go else I wouldn't be able to survive. It took me a couple more days to formulate a plan. I was going to kill Tyler with a blow to the head. I followed him down a long dark corridor on his daily exploration. I could saw Brook go the other way and knew I was safe, but I had to act fast. I saw him in a room rooting through a crate, he was totally engrossed in the task. I snuck up behind him and took a swing with the iron bar I brought with me. Tyler looked up just as I was about to swing down. He cursed and rolled to one side. I caught him on the shoulder and he yelled in pain. I dropped the bar and ran. I ran for ages, my breath was burning my lungs, I could hear him gaining behind me. Suddenly I saw an open room with Brook inside. I ran in and shut the door and twisted the lock. "P..please help," I begged as Tyler screamed through the locked door. It wouldn't hold for long. "What's up? He sounds crazy," Brook said. "He's going to kill me!" My voice raised an octave as my eyes flicked to the door. Brook paused and looked at me seriously. "Probably...we've done it once before." My blood ran cold. "Please, I'll do anything. Save me." Brook looked thoughtful. "Anything?" I looked at the door as it bulged at the seams. "Yes," I gasped. "OK...I want you to become my big titted sex toy. I want to experiment with potions on you to make you super busty and you end up pleasuring me." I turned to him in shock, forgetting about Tyler and the door for a couple of seconds. He almost blushed as if he just admitted a dark secret he'd kept for years and told no-one. "," I stammered. "No, I can't, that's sick, I don't want to do that." "Too bad." The door exploded and Tyler flew in. He grabbed me by the neck and slammed me to the floor. "I going to fucking kill him Brook. He almost killed me." "Get him," Brook urged, staring into my eyes. I looked back at him as I struggled to breath. I could feel the life eking out of me. Soon I would take my last breath. I realised I only had two choices - die or become... I looked at Brook and nodded slightly and sputtered. "OK, I'll do it." He smiled evilly, pulled a gun and shot Tyler in the head. Tyler fell on me. I screamed and scrambled out from beneath the body. I lay on the floor gasping for breath. My eyes bulged as I looked at the dead body. I felt a hand on my head. "Shhh, you're OK," he cooed gently. I nodded as I realised this was true. After a beat he whispered, "You remember your promise?" I gulped in horror and nodded slowly. "Good girl, let's go to my room." My heart hammered as we walked to his room, I couldn't believe what I had agreed to. "This is going to be so much fun. I couldn't stop thinking about what Tyler did to you and how cute and perky your tits felt. I've been obsessing about how to make them bigger." We got to his room. He waved me in. "Now it's only you and me, you don't have to be afraid anymore, this will be fun and enjoyable for us both." "No," I replied dejected. "I'm sorry I can't, I don't want this." "Too bad, you are only alive because of me, I killed my best friend for you. Do you have any idea what that feels like?" I admitted that I didn't. "I don't want to hear anymore, you agreed to become a busty toy and I'm going to make that happen. It's going to be fun, if you relax we will both enjoy it." He pulled a vial out a drawer and gave it to me. "Now drink this and let's get those tits of yours growing shell we?" I hesitated and realising I had no choice, he still had his pistol in his back pocket. I lifted the vial to my lips and swallowed. It burnt as it slid down my throat. Almost immediately I felt my chest heat up. I looked down and gasped. I looked at Brook and he was grinning looking at my chest. I looked down and already I noticed the difference in size. After a couple of minutes I felt my chest cool down. "Wow, gorgeous," he commented. He sat on the bed beside me. "I love how tight and tiny your vest looks now, it can barely contain them. It's also pushing them together nicely." I looked down and it was true, my new breasts we squished together creating a nice deep cleavage. Brook lent in, he slid my top off with slight resistance from me, his hands squirrelled over my breasts. "These are at bigger than DDs" He gasped beginning to suck on my nipples with were now large, pink and oh so sensitive. "I fucked 'big tits Brenda' at school and these are bigger than hers." I blushed as I realised I now had bigger tits than the bustiest girl at school. He sucked and played for several minutes commenting on how busty I was, how big my breasts had become and how amazing they felt. The worst thing is, my breasts were really sensitive and his caressing and sucking felt, kind of nice. Brook shifted position and suddenly he was behind me I realised he was getting ready to fuck me. I squeaked and moved so he couldn't. He laughed playfully. "OK, this is all new to you so I won't fuck you yet. There's plenty of time for that - it will happen though. You ARE my fuck toy remember." He flipped me onto my back and straddled my chest. He began to fuck my big tits and soon blasted his cum between my cleavage and over my face. I winced in shock and disgust. "Good girl," he gasped. "Now go and clear up, ready for next time." The next day we strolled down to the lab, we were both naked. Brook said there was no need to for clothes anymore. We could admire each others bodies all the time. I meekly agreed. In the lab Brook told me his plan for the day. "Today you and I are going to finally have sex. But to make it special I'm going to make us even hotter. I think I know now how to make the potion stronger. After the success of these." He caressed my naked breasts. He lent in for a kiss and I turned my head at the last second so he kissed my cheek. He frowned slightly but didn't say anything. He gave me a new vial and took one for himself. He chinked his glass against mine and smiled. "This is so exciting, lets count to three and drink at the same time, then we can watch each other change." "What is it?" I asked curiously. "That would ruin the surprise and I want to see the look of happiness on your face when you discover what it does." He drank his vial and tipped mine down my throat. I held my breath as I felt the liquid warm my throat. We starred at each other in suspense. I felt my chest heat up and knew what was about to happen. Suddenly I noticed Brook flinch excitedly. "I think it's working," he beamed. My eyes scanned his body for the change and suddenly I gasped. His cock was swelling at an incredible rate, as were my breasts. Brook almost didn't notice as he was so amazed with his fat dong. His eyes bulged as it maxed out. It must have been over 10" and so thick, it looked like a trunk. I felt my breasts stop swelling and inspected the damage. They were bigger at least 2 cup sizes. "We look so hot," Brook beamed. I stopped silent and looked down at the floor. "C'mon lets go to my room and make love for the first time. I can't wait to put this inside you." He pulled me closer and cupped one of my breasts. "If I calculated it correctly these should be FF cups now. They certainly feel it." He chuckled happily. He took my hand and lead me to his room. We didn't make it, he was so horny that he began to clumsily kiss me in the corridor and got so turned on by rubbing against my big boobs. He pulled me down to the floor and got ready to fuck me. I gasped in horror at what was about to happen, I felt his cock rub my anus and whimpered. There was a lot of pain but Brook kept trying. Suddenly I realised that he had given himself a cock so big it wouldn't fit inside my tight virgin ass. I help back a chuckle and felt like I'd made a small victory. Frustrated Brook flipped me over and began to kiss me again. I scrunched my face in shock. He was so horny though it didn't matter. He was soon fucking my big tits and then tried to slide his jumbo cock in my mouth. It wouldn't fit easily and I squirmed in disgust. My squirming must have turned him on because he soon came into my mouth. He got off me and I could tell he was angry at his mistakenly huge cock. "I'm going to make your ass so lose you'll be able to take me. I'm going to practice on you every day." My brief happiness turned to fear. I realised that Brook had to go. As he walked away I stood up and ran after him with a heavy door stop I found. I jumped at him and smacked him on the head. "Yes!" I cried in happiness. My elation turned to fear when I realised he didn't go down. I starred dumbly and took another swing. He knocked the weapon out my hands and threw me to the floor. "Oh you've fucked up big time my pet." He punched me and I blacked out. I awoke on my back. I turned to move and couldn't. I realised I was chained to a metal operating table. I was completely nude. I looked down in shame at my perverted body. "Good you are awake." Brook appeared above my head at the top of the table. I squirmed on the table violently, trying to break free. "Fuck yooooou!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Shhhhh," he whispered quietly. "You can't escape, this is the end for you." "Please let me go," I whimpered. "I'm afraid you made a promise to me and we must always keep our promises," he asked walking away to a table. "You promised to be my busty sex slave. But you've only half fulfilled this." His hands rested gently on my large breasts. "I gave you these perfect girlfriend tits, which I know you love as much as me. But you are no sex slave - you barely touch me, I know my cock error was because of my greed, but you don't try. You never even kiss me." As his hands gently caressed my breasts he lent over to kiss my lips. I bucked and snapped at him with my teeth. He quickly pulled back. "This is what I mean. You are a disobedient slave and an ungrateful girl and this has to change." I stopped flaying and started at him in panic. "What are you going to do?" "You should have listened. I was content and going to be a kind master and let you become my girlfriend. All I wanted was a busty girl who kissed and cuddled me and sexually pleasured me, even if we were unfortunately unable to make love." He nodded to his trousers. "But you offered me none of this, the final straw was when you tried to kill me." He looked sadly at my FF cup breasts. "These are beautiful and I was willing to let you keep them I was going to try and turn you into a normal busty girl so you would be happy...I would have been happy with that. But you've left me no choice, I'm going to transform you into my dirtiest, perverted fantasy. I've been reading the professors notes and I finally understand how to do this." He opened a small case and took out a needle. "This will permanently transform you. Your hot busty teen tits are now going to become huge pornstar beach balls. You're going to become at least a KK cup, which will be so hard for you to carry, but you are going to become my ultimate fantasy - which is impossible to experience outside in the real world - I want to have sex with a man with impossibly large breasts. You are about to make this possible." I yelled as he stuck the needle inside me. I felt my chest heat up as my breast swelled to impossible proportions. I could barely move as my big breasts became even larger and heavier, I felt crushed under their weight. Brook's eyes lit up as I transformed. "Yes! You are becoming your ultimate form." I noticed his trousers almost bursting at the seams as his huge cock grew hard. As I sobbed I felt him inject me several other times and my body began to warm in other places. "Shhh," he whispered as he stroked my hair. "I know you don't really want this to happen, but you are so beautiful and I know how to make you enjoy this as much as me." I continued to sob. "This final injection will make everything feel amazing. It's called Compliance and you will finally feel as much pleasure as I do." "No, no, no," I sobbed febbly as he slid the needle into my neck. My heart hammered as the potion filled my blood stream. My vision began to darken as Brook's face got closer to mine. I wanted to flinch, but couldn't. Inside I screamed as his lips met mine and gently parted my lips with his tongue. I felt my body warm up as he kissed me. I was powerless to do anything else. "Good girl," he whispered as he broke away. "It seems you are almost ready." I felt my body burn with desire. I knew I had an erection. Brook unlocked my restraints. "Are you ready to begin your life properly?" My stomach churned as I nodded my head in agreement. My beachball tits rested on my lap as I sat up. "Good girl. Now remove my trousers and suck my cock." I jumped off the table and did as he asked. I knelt and took his thick cock into my mouth. My body burned with desire as I realised how great this felt. I massaged my huge breasts in ecstasy, absent mindedly marvelling at their weight and how soft they were. I felt myself become even hornier as I realised I should hate this fact. After 10 minutes Brooks cock was covered in my saliva and pre cum. He gently stopped me. "You are ready, I've waited so long for the final stage. Go and get ready, I'll join you in a second." I felt my body stand and walk into the master bedroom. I felt the silk sheets on my naked knees as I scooted onto the bed. My hands buried into the silky softness as I got onto my hands and knees. My enormous breasts hung down my nipples almost rubbing the silk as they continued to swing back and forth. Brook walked in completely nude. "You have no idea how beautiful you look." My heart hammered and I realised my churning stomach was butterflies - I was excited. I felt the bed sag as Brook got into position behind me. He rubbed his face into my ass, burying his tongue deep into my anus. He pulled away and began to rub in some cool liquid. "I found one last potion, it's a muscle relaxant and I've already injected into you. You're about to finally become my big breasted male sex toy." I whimpered, my internal thoughts making one last attempt to express how I felt. "What's that? I've transformed you into a huge breasted man, you look freakishly sexy. Do you like that?" My mind raced and I suddenly realised that I loved who I was. "Yes...Master." "Mmm, that's so sexy my pet. I love to hear that you love your new perverted body." "Now one last thing, as a good Master I must give you a choice. I'm going to fuck you - but if you say no, I will let you go and turn you back into your old self." I clenched my eyes and thought hard, but my mind was conflicting and felt so fuzzy. I blurted out words unsure what I was saying. "Please fuck me," I groaned. He chuckled. "Are you sure? I know the Compliance potion works really well, I wouldn't want that to cloud your decision...too much." "I want to be fucked by a huge thick cock." I blushed. "You will, good girl," he said as he slid his thick cock deep into my ass. He lent over and grabbed my massive boobs and whispered in my ear. "Just so you know, there's no such thing as a potion called Compliance. I injected you with a healthy dose of truth serum." My face burned in embarrassment. "It seems you secretly always wanted to get fucked by a guy and turned into a big titted sex toy." I nodded my head in embarrassment. "It's true Master." "Tell me why you tried so hard to hide it." I couldn't lie and the truth spilled out. "I'm scared I'll love it so much I'll never want to go back to being normal and straight." "I can promise you, you'll never be normal and straight again," he said as he began to fuck my ass. How does that make you feel?" "Nnn...amazing!" I gasped as I was rocked by his powerful thrusts. "You are a perverted sex toy who loves cock." "Yes, yes I want to worship it forever." "Good girl, we knew you'd make an excellent subject." Brook panted. It took a couple of seconds for this to sink in, before I answered in shock. "What do you mean?" Brook stopped thrusting. His meaty cock deep in my ass. Cupping my huge tits he lifted my up so I was kneeling with my back against his chest. "I'm afraid I have been a little bit dishonest with you..." Suddenly I heard a chuckle and realised there was someone else in the room. My heart hammered as Tyler appeared and sat on the bed in front of us. His eyes drinking in the sight of my KK cup tits. "Hey there," he cooed softly. "'re not dead" I stammered. "Afraid not. I just want to say that you have turned out better than I could have ever imagined." I looked confused and scared that the guy who made my life a misery was alive and witnessing me in such a compromising position. Tyler caught the confusion in my eyes and laughed. "We planned all this. Me and Brook realised a couple of years ago, we love two things; huge tits and big cocks. We found this bunker by accident and once we realised the full potential of what could happen down here. We realised we could create our own perfect sex toy. We wanted to corrupt and pervert a sissy into a real huge breasted boy." I blushed. "After trying to find a willing volunteer online, we realised a perfect candidate was closer to home." He nodded at me. I looked away shyly. "Aw, don't be sad. I heard everything you said to Brook, this is your ultimate fantasy. It's a win win situation for everyone." Brook stroked my hair as he gently slid his cock out of me. "I really want to see you suck Tyler. I want to see you worship the guy who made your life hell. It would be so hot so watch you submit to your bully." Tyler lay back and stoked his cock. "C'mon baby. Lay next to me." He patted the bed next to him. Brook gave my shoulders a gentle encouraging squeeze. "Go on," he said softly but firmly. I crawled over the bed my big boobs heavily shaking as I moved. I slid next to Tyler on the bed and he put his arm around me. "You both look so good together," Brook said proudly. Tyler smiled confidently. "I bet you want to feel her beautiful huge breasts?" Brook asked Tyler. "Oh more than anything - I want to bury my face in them." "I think you should get to know each other a bit first, I want you to both kiss and make up, so we can all have fun." My stomach flipped as Tyler lent in and kissed my lips. "Hmm, that didn't seem too friendly," Brook muttered confused. "I want you to say you forgive Tyler for bullying you and thank him for perverting your body." I felt my body burn with shame as the humiliation begin to turn me on. I looked at Tyler as he smirked at me and said. "I forgive you Tyler. Thank you for transforming me." "That's better," Brook said smiling. "Now kiss properly, I want you to use your tongue." I began to kiss Tyler passionately with my mouth open. I felt my body heating up with desire. Tyler began to explore my new body. His hands roamed my enormous beach ball sized breasts. After a couple of minutes I heard Brook speak. "Wow guys, you are getting on so well." Me and Tyler broke apart and looked at Brook, his huge cock was rock hard from masturbation as he watched us both make out. "There's only one problem. Tyler used to always tease you about being gay, which you always denied. Even though it looked like you were enjoying making out with a man, how are you going to go further if you're not gay?" My head spun and my body was practically on fire with humiliation. "You're right" Tyler pipped in. "It's not possible?" "I think if she asked you nicely, you could help her become gay?" "I could do that," Tyler agreed. I couldn't make eye contact as I asked Tyler to transform me further. 5 mins later he was fucking me in my ass as I knelt on my hands and knees. It felt so wrong, so humiliating and so hot to think about how perverted what I was doing, how my ridiculously huge breasts jiggled with every thrust and know that I only had them because of Tyler. I was so close to orgasming. Brook slid over the bed and slid his huge cock into my mouth. Spit roasted between my two bullies from school. Manipulated into becoming their huge breasted fuck toy. In the heavy pervy excitement we quickly blasted our loads. I sucked their cocks clean, waiting for them to be ready to do it again. We were all ready again in a matter of minutes so ridiculously turned on by what we were doing and what had happened to us. Finally Master had his turn and used my ass as it was intended, when he came inside me, it felt so special. I whimpered and thanked him. We all slept after this, tired and content. I awoke and felt a pleasant sensation on my breasts I looked down and saw that both Tyler and Brook had a nipple in their mouth. I laughed who could blame them? We didn't leave that bed for two whole days. The most incredible, and kind of shocking moment came when Master Tyler confessed he wanted to feel Master Brooks cock inside him. They looked so sexy fucking on the bed. I sucked Master Tyler's cock until it exploded in my mouth. Just when I couldn't imagine it getting any hornier. Master Brook got us to both kneel in front of him and we shared sucking his cock. Master Brook came over both our faces and we hungrily licked it off of each other. Finally there was no tension, just pure ecstasy as spent every day fucking like...well like horny modified teenagers. THE END

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Like most fine summer evenings, Ann, a married, 50 year old brunette, loved to take a leisurely walk through her local wood. Not only did it allow her to relax after a gruelling day at the office, but the peace and isolation gave her an opportunity to clear her head and instead concentrate on her favourite topic – sex! As she straddled the gate that marked the entrance to the wood, she savoured the sensation of her clit pressed against the cold metal of the top rung, and began to contemplate...

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I’d been married to Mark for three years when I found out about his cheating. I worked in IT, employed by a small web site design company operating out of a third floor office on 45th Street. The day I met him was the happiest day of my life. He was tall, kinda distinguished with his dark brown hair and wide shoulders. He was a client, manager of a import/export business who’d figured his web site needed a makeover. He hit on me straight away, and a few days after we’d met he began texting me....

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The huge buck riding my back had a dick that was like someones arm stuck up my butt. I was trying to get away from each lunge of that gigantic mammoth of a fuck tool. How had I got myself in such a predicament? I had went to the last basketball game of the year, my high school team had the lead, fourth quarter twenty seconds left on the clock. The other team was at the foul line, the brute in front of me was yelling to the top of his voice. I had to challenge 'If my team loos I'll be a fuck...

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Hi I am 20 yrs Shaheen Rangwala from Pune for the first time on ISS. What happened with me can be called as a true nightmare. It went like this….one day i was at my home just getting ready to leave for my college. I am in second year of degree. Suddenly there was a knock on my doors. Open up its Sanjay. He was my neighbor’s servant. He came to me and said madam can you take me with you to your college so that I can give food tiffin to mahesh who was my neighbor’s son who was in junior section...

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There was a war in her universe, the last war, the great 'us versus them' war that humanity was fighting to maintain its right to survival. But that is a long story that won't be told here. It's not what you want to know about, anyway, is it?What happened was this: She was fighting. Her first knife found its way to the throat of one of the enemy, and it went down. The second one, she lodged in the chitin-covered leg of another. She lost her spear in its chest; she thrust it in and couldn't pull...

4 years ago
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I was nineteen then. I had no father and only mother looking after our family by doing daily wages. During rainy season daily wages works hardly to come by. I was forced by motherto bring necessary food items at local vendor. The shop owner’s son Sewalal who was in mid twenties used tolike me and sell items to me at reduced rates or even on credit basis. The same facility was not extended to my mother. He often kisses and hugs at any given opportunity at the shop. Somehow he made me to believe...

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When she could think coherently, which to be honest wasn't that often, shetried to spot the exact moment when her life had derailed, and ended up inhere. Maybe it'd been that time in high school, during biology when her best friendhad whispered that scandalous bit of gossip to her, or maybe it was when shechucked Paul for suggesting it. But as usual she settled on going to university,more precisely taking part in that psychology test. It'd been towards the end of the month, and money was tight,...

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At first, it felt odd but in a strange way enjoyable. Obviously the sexual tension associated with the device made it pleasurable, even if it was entirely designed to delay pleasure. I had thought about it for some time, the idea tumbling around in my head. That was one of the things odd but the idea, because I was still getting great sex in my marriage. My wife was open to trying new things and had even suggested a few. When she suggested she masturbate me, I felt offended at first....

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I was dating this 27 year old fox. And I was luvn it. You See Im 44 years old a lil overweight and I have a 5 inch cock! So you can imagine my surprise when I picked this little honey up at the bar drunk and the next morning she didnt want to leave! The first night I got her home and we dove into bed Im 6ft 230 lbs with strong arms and long flowing hair We sucked each others tongues at first. I felt that tight body up and my lil boner was diamond hard. I got up to get her a liquor drink and I...

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married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and musculine just 2" taller than me. He was fairer but not as me. May be...

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Introduction: hubby traping me for a 3 some Hi I am MEENA. I have got a lovely hubby RAJ. We are just married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and...

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       David didn’t know what had happened.  One minute he was walking home from the gym and the next he was chained by the wrists to a concrete floor.  Naked and shivering with fear and cold David tried to work his wrists out of the chains being held closed by a Master lock.  Tears streamed down his face as he realized that he wasn’t going to be able to get free.         David jerked when he heard a noise outside the door to his new prison.  Two muscular men stepped in with terrifying grins...

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Revisiting Lake ConstanceChapter 4

A few days later, it seemed as though I was in a willy-willy. Sarah wanted to fly to Honolulu; the Museum was eager to meet my new hire (Sammy, though I’d not yet hired him); and I was trying to find time to sort and think about my specimens. Henry’s thesis had made many folks at the Bishop and at UH happy. His defense was duly scheduled. At the same time, there was an opening in Adelaide’s Pacific Collection. It was a three-year appointment, but it would fit Henry very well. He flew down...

4 years ago
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Jakobs Ladder

November 5, 2003  November5, 2003 Jake got off the bus in Times Square with Aideen Higgs, known otherwise as Kandikorn, a stripper in Tunstall, the village that housed St. Pembroke?s, Jake?s prep school. ?Now I?m going to give you the experience that you?ve been waiting for, Jake.? Aideen said this, smiling. ?You?re going to pay for dating and ditching all those townie girls?one of whom is my younger sister Janet.?  Jake snorted. ?Shut your face, you slut.? He was here for a good...

1 year ago
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Hot Ride

Sometimes I fill the tank jump in my starship and just drive. I’d open the ships computer grid map and circle in on the planet I wanted to visit. Then I’d home in on a local town and start my venture. I’ve been in some serious shit and I owe my self a little R&R. I sometimes let the computer set a course for me towards some planet like Jamedra or Thrae. It didn’t matter where. The computer pointed, I just went until the tank ran on almost empty and filled it back up when I got there. Then I...

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A surprise assfucking in panties

A very curious thing happened to me the other day and I feel I need to share it with you… I have been ‘mildly’ crossdressing for over a year now. I say ‘mildly’ because I am not into full feminization, I just love the feel and look of lace panties when they are hugging a good looking cock, not to mention the taboo. I have taken to wearing stockings too which feel amazing, it’s like having your whole lower half caressed persistently. I have thought of wearing a bra but, although I can almost...

1 year ago
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Family April Snow April Gets Her Stepbrothers Attention

April Snow is tired of her Stepbrother always talking about his girlfriend. Danny got her some lingerie and really wants Danny to pay attention to her instead! She sneaks into his room and tries on the gift Danny got and thinks it looks much better on her super fit body! Danny walks in and tells her to stop but can not take his eyes off that sexy body! April can please her brother better than any other girl thinks giving Danny’s hard cock just the attention it deserves! Danny fucks her...

2 years ago
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I trust my daddy 3

III Two weeks had passed. They had met every other night. Tim and Joan fucked and Lisa sucked off her father and had become very much accustomed to the taste of his come. She always masturbated while they fucked and tried to achieve orgasm at the same moment as they did. They had started being naked at breakfast and they all liked it a lot. This time, however, Joan came wearing her knickers. "Hi", said Lisa to her mother. "Why are you wearing your knickers?" "I'm having my...

1 year ago
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The Good Knight

The knight was totally confused. He was absolutely certain that when he had entered the castle, there had been an elf with him. In the very far recesses of his mind, he was sure that there was something about this particular castle, rumours, but no matter what, he couldn’t for the life of him, think what it was. Thus far, he had encountered a troll, quickly and easily, perhaps too quickly and easily despatched; and a wyvern, also despatched much quicker than he would have expected, almost as...

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Hot For Teacher Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2. Right after the Phil game was over, I made my way to my bedroom. I had a little trouble enjoying the game cause every time they broke for a commercial, thoughts of what I told my brother I would do creeped into my brain. As I laid there on my bed I started to think about what I promised. I looked around my room and saw all my posters on my walls. There were a couple cool car posters. I have a few Phils team banners up. There we some posters from my favorite movies and there...

3 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 23

18:05 Thursday, September 5th, 1991 235 Montgomery St, Suite 239 San Francisco, CA 94104 "Good night, Gunny." The Gunny looked up, to see Becky leaning in the doorway. "What time is it?" She tsked at him. "Don't you have a wife at home, waiting for you? It's after six. I have to go pick up Danny from Band and make dinner for the kids." The Gunny smiled, an image of Lenore popping unbidden into his mind's eye. "No, no wife, but a serious girlfriend." Becky leaned back out the...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 68

King Harold granted the indulgence of Commodore McCock and granted the boon of an audience when the King's duties allowed him to be in the Admiral's Quarters on "Vector" at say four in the forenoon watch which was in an hour's time and the King would honour the Commodore by travelling in the Barge. After all the verbiage, Sir Austen explained it, "Your Grace, Harry wants to speak with you urgently. Would you send the Barge and he is ready now." "Herald King at arms" laughed McCock...

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masti with two couples in gurgoan group sex mast

Hello friends , I am rajesh .i am 30 year old now , I welcome you with my 6.7” erected yogiraj( cock).i am telling you a real incident that was happened in march 2010. So read this incident with finguring your pussies and shaking your dicks being naked.this incident was happened in gurgoan haryana. That time I was involved in gigolo services to couples .i received a mail from genuine couple from gurgoan haryana.i am hidding their identity so I am using fake names for your fun.his name is...

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By the age of seventeen I had mastered dozens of spells, I had kept my power a secret from everyone; except my older brother. He caught me using an arcane attack spell. He didn’t ask too much mostly about when I started and what I could do, then he gave me a warning to be more careful where I practiced. If anyone else found out about my magic I would be sent away from home to train with the master mages at their remote fortress. I promised him I’d be more careful in the future. Word of advice:...

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C our baby sitters first orgy

We all got ready during the day, each using the douche and having sneak plays with the toys to open our holes, although most times, I didn't do anal at the orgies, only the woman, but I wanted to be ready just in case. Chris and Sally turned up first, Shelia was wearing just a white mans shirt, nothing else, Chris nearly blew his load then and there, and also like me said she would be so full of cum by the end of the night, that she would leak for weeks. As more of the couples...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 60 Use by Date

February 13, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “I visited Ohio State yesterday,” Nancy said when we had a chance to chat on Saturday morning. “And?” “I’m pretty sure I’m going to Taft like we talked about because I can live at home. But the tour was cool and our tour guides were absolutely hysterical.” “Oh?” “Yeah. A guy and his fiancée. He’s a criminal justice major and wants to be a US Marshal. She’s in pre-law and wants to be a criminal defense lawyer. They told some of the funniest stories about...

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My first frat party1

I had settled into my dorm room and started my classes and started meeting some people and making new friends. One of the guys was in the Sigma Epislon Xi fraternity and lived in the frat house. He told me that they had room for six new members and that the room at the frat house would be bigger, cheaper and more fun. He said that because the dorms were so full, the school would allow students to move into off campus housing. I told him that I might be interested. A couple of days later...

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ThisGirlSucks Lylian Red Red Hot Head Game

They call her Lylian Red for a reason. She will suck your cock until its redder than a cherry. She will start by playfully licking it, then looking you in the eyes so yo know its time to shove it downfarit can go. You can even get rough with her if you want, she totally loves it. She might take a break to jerk you off with her feet, but dont be disappointed. If you arent feeling it she will cup the head of your cock with her mouth to catch the jizz and jerk you until it comes out. Lylian is...

2 years ago
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SixChapter 5 Christmas

Christmas was spent with their own families of course; Martin was alone, he didn’t actually mind. He got very drunk, passed out on the lawn and woke, shivering, on Christmas Day. He had been remembering their past Christmases and that had made him maudlin; grief would catch him by surprise now. It wasn’t constant; just sudden surprises from a smell, a sound, a song. The girls came back on the day after Boxing Day. The judge had decreed that no-one was to be away for longer than four days,...

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Michelles New Profession Chapter 1

I didn’t think too much about it, but over the next few days, Michelle seemed different, like something was bothering her. I asked several times and she always said she was fine and there wasn’t anything. Even when we made love she seemed a little remote.I asked her if there had been something about the weekend that had bothered her, but she always said no and told me what a beautiful weekend it had been. I finally blurted out, “Michelle, sweetheart, what the hell is wrong? You can’t keep...

Wife Lovers
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Sleep Sex

I use the Key you have given me Beloved Pet and slip into your apartment It is late morning and I pad quietly over to your bedroom door and quickly slip inside,I see you sleeping on your side your legs curled upwards your knee's almost touching your breasts your right on the edge of the bed.I stand there and soak in the Beauty of my Beloved Pregnant Pet your belly and breasts are now starting to noticeably swell,you are in just a pair of midnight blue panties and nothing else.There...

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Kim Possible and the BLISS

“Shego, come quick! I’ve done it! The world will be mine.” “Yeah… ah, Doctor D, you’ve been saying that off and on for like two or three years now. Why don’t you just call me over when you plan actually works? And since we know that won’t be happening soon I’m going to go back to reading the month’s Modern Villain magazine.” “Oh you mock me now but you won’t when my latest plan succeeds!” “Yeah, I think that’s what I just told you.” “AHH, fine! Then I won’t tell you my new plan or show you my...

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Clients satisfaction fully guaranteed

That morning I was submerged in a pile of folders, papers and numbers, when my slutty Boss called me.Barbara told me to go to her office and she needed it right now.As I put down the phone, my pussy began to tingle, because I thought Barbara just wanted a wild licking of her hot cunt.But I was wrong; my filthy Boss was saving for me a sweeter pie…Entering her office, I found the most exciting and sexy red haired woman I had met in my whole life. The lady was amazing.She was older than me,...

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Shall I Pick You Little One

You look up to see a tall, handsome man walk in, wearing a fine suit. You feel your knees go weak, the only thing that keeps you upright is that you haven't been commanded to kneel. You hope he picks you.You watch as the man walks up to you. He towers over you, and for a moment you feel yourself shrinking. He looks down at you, his sharp eyes peering into your own.You swallow thickly, then bow your head in submission. You're already so hard it hurts. His dominant energy is overwhelming and...

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Her first time at a nude beach

The day started out like any other day. Well, like any other day in the past few weeks, that is. Normally, I would have gotten up, shaved, showered, and headed off to work. But it’s tough being an executive of a company where the owner is more concerned with what’s going up his nose than he is earning a profit. Since my firm closed, my days have taken on a monotonous regularity. Get up, check email, check fax. Check Classified ads. Nope. Construction was at an all-time low, which meant...

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Peter Coopers CockLoving CoWorker

This is a story about a man, a man named Peter R. Cooper. Peter is a 26 year old financial consultant. He works in a large multi-storeyed building in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. Peter has luscious wavy brown hair, a long smooth nose, two eyes, firm buttocks, two large bollocks, and a rigid 14 inch monster dick. Peter is a fan of erotic movies, baseball, pirates, homeless people, and the mighty Red Army. One day, whilst Peter was fulfilling his daily torture of working, he noticed a very...

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A Mans Duty

My name's John and I live with my parents. Some would probably scoff at that, but I think it's a good choice. I can save money for my own place. As it turned out, it was a good thing that I lived with them, even at the age of 25. Both of my parents were in the military. My mom had left the Army when she had me, and my dad retired after 20 years. Little did I know that something strange was about to happen. It started one morning. I woke up and went to take a shower. I saw a light in the living...

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Acceptance Where You Least Expect It

Acceptance Where You Least Expect It Her eye's slowly blinked open as she turned to the clock on the night stand. Today was going to be a big day, the day she'd been both dreading and secretly hoping for, for the last year. Four AM and she didn't need the alarm to wake her up, she was so proud of herself. She'd come a long way in the last eleven and a half months. It seemed like a dream to her as she kissed the sleeping man beside her in the double bed. She sat up adjusting...

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My First Male rg with the girls

Girls mature sexually much quicker than boys, by a few years at least. I guess our hormones are out of the starting blocks, before the boys testicles have dropped. I am not advocating this is the norm for all girls, but one thing I had a naughty habit of doing, was pressing my crotch into an edge or riding something between my thighs. My clitoris, (See my photos) is not large nor are my labia, petite they say, like petals, delicate and sensual, point is, that for all the the abuse they...

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The motel room was small with just one queen size bed and a threadbare chair looking awkwardly out of place, as if someone had just reached through the roof of this dank place and left it there. There was a distinct smell of cigarettes and desperation, of cheap, hurried sex and the comfort not of skin on skin but of plastic bottles of vodka. So this is where he had chosen to meet, she thought, as she set her suitcase down on the end of the sagging bed and sat herself down in the chair, lending...

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A Nightmare Reborn Ch 02

A NIGHTMARE REBORN: FREDDY VS. JASON 2 CHAPTER 02 BASED UPON CHARACTERS CREATED BY: WES CRAVEN: A Nightmare on Elm Street VICTOR MILLER: Friday the 13th JOHN CARPENTER: Halloween STEPHEN KING: It VICTOR SALVA: Jeepers Creepers KEVIN WILLIAMSON: Scream CLIVE BARKER: Candyman ALFRED HITCHCOCK: Psycho CREATIVE CONSULTANTS: Sean Renaud, Tessa Alexander and Miriam Belle EDITOR: Miriam Belle AUTHOR’S NOTE: -‘There have been a few questions regarding the fate of Dr. Loomis at the end...

1 year ago
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True Blue

This friend of mine named Rocky was always first in line to look at my private photo album. My wife is a knockout and on occasions I have managed to gather some very hot pictures of her in surprising situations. Rocky would sit there with a hard on bulging in his pants gawking at her pictures. He would shake his head and comment how he wished he could get his wife Leesa to get kinky or do some of these things, but he was certain she was just too true to him and would never allow herself to do...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 312

The Retreat Other than a little quiet teasing from the other Alphas' wives, and perhaps, a bit of restrained envy, the incident involving Jeff's mates wasn't openly discussed, at least not in the Matthews' presence. But just because it wasn't brought up in conversation didn't mean that it wasn't on the forefront of the thoughts of Alice, Terri and Bridget. Bridget was waiting until she could get Courtney alone to find out more about the Matthews, and the two girls had planned to get...

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The virgin maid

The virgin maid (you just scroll down until you get to where it says: ‘This story to be continued’, and resume  on your  reading of second part. Thanks. %%%%%%%%%%%  I almost rip her open…  she would no longer be a virgin. I was happily married at that time and we had three kids, I also had a splendorous job that would allow us a living without worries, for my salary was one of the best. That´s why my wife didn´t need to work outside, I provided for everything at home.  She wouldn´t be...

3 years ago
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Narasimhan Fucks His Sexy Aunty Part 3

Nara was still not spent and the thought that vishnu was not fucking her was surprising for him as vishnu was tall and heavily built. So he thought that he must be a good fucker. Now he turned vaishoo around and started to ram her missionary style , this he liked as he could see her fair vadagalai (type of brahmin) face which was chiseled like a greek goddess, flawless skin. But beauty and brains are far apart and she could barely cross 12 standard in school. So at nineteen they got her married...

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Kay David

Kay looked anxiously at the empty desk and back up at the clock. Where was he? She grew panicky. What if he was absent today? Kay suddenly felt herself blinking back tears at the thought of not seeing him. She was surprised at her reaction and was about to reprimand herself when he silently strolled through the doorway. He slid into his seat quietly, folding his hands and looking out the window. ‘David!’ Ms. Halsey bellowed sharply. ‘You’re late! Would you care to explain?’ Kay watched...

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Sexual Frustration Makes Me Into A Slutty Little Cock Teasing Flasher Part 3

My night was very restless.  I was going on two weeks without a hard cock to enjoy.  I had gone from wanting sex to needing sex and, after Steven’s disappointment and the events of the past days, I was ready to explode.  My toys and fingers just couldn’t satisfy me and my level of arousal had my body tingling all over.  I masturbated so much that my arms grew weak and tired.  I went through three or four sets of batteries with my toys, vowing to buy rechargeable batteries or electric toys.   At...

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Maine Khudko Chudwaya Mere Best Friend Se 8211 Part 1

As I was seeing porn films daily I began to feel horny. My parents were having jobs so nobody was home till evening 6. I began to finger my self. I was like going crazy for sex . As I was only in 12th I thought this is not the right time and I decided to do it after my 18th birthday. As I started figuring my self my fingers did not go deep inside I started inserting differnt pointed objects in my chut. Ab age hindi me bolti hu. Mujhe khud ko chudwana tha. Bohit ichha ho rahi thi aur din rat...

3 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 05

‘I’m glad you called to let me know you were going to be late last night, Tommy,’ Aunt Karen told the young man Monday morning while they ate breakfast. ‘That was so polite of you.’ She gave her daughter a rather stern glance as she said it. ‘Come on, Mom, don’t start on that call if you’re going to be late stuff already,’ Kim said, a pretty pout on her face. ‘I was home early last night.’ ‘I’m not talking about last night,’ her mother said, ‘I’m talking about the rest of the summer. I don’t...

3 years ago
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SurvivalChapter 4 Almost there

I rode beside Momma and Griffin, when the transport landed I stood and coaxed her out. She seemed happy to leave and followed Griffin and Hunter without complaint. We unloaded and Dr James left in his small flyer with the lion eggs. Mom was staring at Momma as she sat at the edge of our landing platform. Griffin, Hunter, Gloria and Drake sat with her. After we were done I walked to mom and pulled her out to Momma. I pulled a blood fruit out of a pouch and gave it to her. Mom looked at the...

2 years ago
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Jerome takes me in front of my hubby

My Black Master Jerome had arranged a meeting at a dirty motel in the middle of the highway. He told me he was on his way to the airport that same night, to catch a flight abroad. Jerome said that my loving husband could be present in the room as he fucked me.Victor drove me to the motel and we arrived a bit early. He sat down on chair at a corner and I stood on my stilettos close to the filthy bed…Soon my toned long legs tensed as the door opened and my handsome Black Master entered the room....

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Humiliated Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was terrible what happened to me. In fact, it was the worst possible thing that had ever happened to me, and I had no escape, no way out of the mess I was in. My name is Jeff, I'm 16, and for as long as I can remember, I have been dressing up as a girl. The first time I actually left the house dressed as a girl was when I was 14, and luckily, I didn't have any trouble at all, which made me braver than I should have been, and...

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Great group fucking

Hi! Pabby here if any female or gal or couple or group want to contact me plz mail me at Last summer the company won a fairly large contract and management had to look at employing more factory staff to cope with the extra demand, this also meant that extra cash was available to the existing staff by working extra night shifts in addition to their usual hours. I were saving hard for a late summer holiday and I jumped at the chance of the overtime. The company make industrial cleaning fluid and...

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