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They stood huddled together like a lost flock of sheep. Confusion and chaos was everywhere. Andrea felt as if the glaring lights pierced right through her skull. Curious people asked questions but she ignored them. She hadn't stayed in the apartment yet and the only person she'd met was the manager. To anyone there she was just another curious on-looker.

Andrea stared at the smoldering shell of where she'd planned to live and felt hollow. What few things she owned in life were inside waiting for her. She gave up so much in her divorce that she couldn't afford to lose more. Each item she chose fit into her new life and represented who she was. Yet it meant nothing to her except for that one container in the closet.

She never thought it through before she broke from the crowd. Determination spurred her on even as she darted around hoses and piles of rubble. People seemed to stop moving and the night became silent as Andrea scrambled up the sidewalk.

Todd Ingram felt the exhaustion in every bone of his body as he sat on the bumper of the truck cradling a bottle of water. Several stations arrived to find a raging fire and the entire crew worked hard to knock it out. Now it was several hours later and the last hot spots were just soggy piles of rubble. Todd saw the girl right after he took his last swig of the icy cold liquid.

"Hey, you can't go in there," he yelled to the disappearing figure.

Andrea ignored the shout as she rushed through the dark hole near the front door to her apartment building. Fear struck as the rancid odor of smoke and burned furniture assaulted her but she continued.

"Don't go any further!" Todd picked his way through the debris and sloppy mess left behind by the intense gallons of water. Sweat poured off his body under the weight of his gear. Somewhere the thought registered that this young woman must be an athlete from the way she maneuvered around the obstacles with such ease. He didn't realize at the time that her sheer determination carried her on.

The oppressive heat and dread began to slow Andrea down. Her apartment door had a gaping hole in it and leaned at an awkward angle. Water covered the floor and dripped down the walls as she took a step inside to retrieve her most prized possession. She knew right where it was, too. Another minute and she'd be out of there again.

"Didn't you hear me back there?" Todd asked as he grabbed her arm. "It's too dangerous for anyone to be in here."

"You don't understand. I have to get it," she said as she tried to pull free.

"We're leaving before this place collapses on us."

She broke loose of his grip and ran into her bedroom. Part of the ceiling blocked her way to the closet but she ducked under it and crawled the last few feet. The container sat in the corner with insulation and plaster layered on it. Andrea pulled it to her just as she felt a tug on her legs.

"Let's go!" She heard the urgency in his voice and paused at the reality of their situation.

Her pant leg caught on something and stopped her progress back to where he waited in anger and trepidation. Her hands shook as she worked the container loose and stood up to face him. Todd shoved her ahead of him a few feet at a time back through her apartment and into the hallway. Worry masked the exhaustion on his face.

Andrea noticed the sounds this time. Water trickled down what was left of walls and dripped from the ceiling. Piles of boards and belongings hissed from the heat buried within. Voices from outside echoed as if in a far away canister. Her legs buckled at the sheer destruction the fire had left behind. An odd haze of smoke and steam clouded the air to fill her lungs as she tried to breathe.

"This way," Todd said as he pointed to her right.

She followed his lead this time as he stepped over and around beams and braces. Later she would wonder at how she'd ever made it to her apartment in the first place. Andrea clutched the container to her chest and trudged on. Breathing became difficult and her feet weighed a ton. She saw the fading figure in front of her disappear as her vision clouded and she fell to her knees.

The sudden shifting in the floor brought a scream from deep in her throat. Todd felt the movement and knew in his gut they were in trouble. Ten seconds was all he needed to get them to safety. Two was all he had before chaos erupted. Every instinct in him screamed to grab the girl but she was nowhere in sight.

An explosion shook the building with such force that it brought the remainder of the roof down. The floor opened and a giant cavern sucked him in. Todd felt himself tumbling through the emptiness and wondered if this was how he was going to die. Boards crashed into his arms and legs until he felt numb as he landed at an awkward angle in the hollowed out space. His last thought was of the girl as parts of the floor above him covered his injured body.

Andrea felt the crushing weight of debris above her and thought she was going to die. The space had an eerie silence to it so opposite the resounding echoes of the explosion just moments ago. Her breathing escalated as she went over the moments before the blast in her mind. She feared for the firefighter's safety but tried to convince herself he made it out all right.

It would all be her fault if he died or suffered any injuries. Andrea knew he'd been several feet ahead of her when the building blew up. That little bit of encouragement was all she needed to imagine the man making it out to the yard. Her own death wouldn't be a great loss to the world anyway, she decided.

Her vision blurred from the combination of the tears gathering in them and the dust in the air. She tried to move her left arm but only her fingers had space to wiggle. A slight shifting in the beams made her heart beat out of control. The reality of her situation slammed into her in that second. This wasn't television with happy endings for everyone.

A terrified scream threatened to erupt from her throat. Instead, Andrea coughed and choked from the grittiness clogging its way. Panic made her kick out at anything she could in the blackness surrounding her. A searing pain in the right knee stopped any further movement for several minutes.

She moved everything slower this time. Andrea felt around in the tiny space with her right arm until she hit something solid. It shocked her to recognize that the precious container was still with her. Knowing it was safe comforted Andrea as she passed out amidst the rubble a moment later.

The explosion had firefighters scrambling for safety. Hoses and equipment littered the yard as dust and smoke filled the sky above what remained of the apartment building. Only seconds passed before they turned back and began their job once more. Trey felt the energy flowing from all the crews called to fight this blaze. The latest blast shook the ground and crumbled more of the ruined structure.

This new development frightened the onlookers so much some of them screamed and moved further away. Several of the tenants stood speechless as they tried to comprehend what was happening. Local news stations fought to get quotes from anyone associated with the fire.

"Stand back, everyone," the young firefighter commanded. "You need to stay out of the way, people."

Trey worked at keeping the growing number of interested reporters and worried family members back from danger. Hours on the job made him hot and tired but he kept his irritation at bay. It always amazed Trey the way fires brought out the ignorance in some people.

"Can you tell us if there —"

"What was the cause of the —"

"— arson is suspected?"

Arms thrust microphones towards him and spit out the questions. Trey just shook his head and ignored them all. He didn't have any answers but it wasn't his job to talk to the press, either. This was his third year on the force in Colby and he loved what he did. Except for when he had to do crowd control, that was. He didn't argue though, since it was all part of it.

He'd wanted to be a fireman ever since third grade when the captain of the local station gave their class a speech on safety. His parents just chuckled at first and figured it was a phase. Trey later became intrigued with the patterns left behind in the destruction. His goal was to become part of the investigation team that worked in this area. Alarms rang in his head that this fire would be the cause of more despair than just lost belongings.

Andrea tried to distinguish the sounds that exploded in her head as she came to. She opened her eyes but saw nothing except blackness. Panic gripped her entire being at the frightening thought of not being able to see. The nausea threatened to fill her throat as she tried to scream yet only a silent whimper came out.

Muted voices broke into her terror at the same time the overpowering stench of the fire filled her nostrils. Everything came back to her in an instant, including the explosion. Andrea remembered then that the crashing ceiling and walls had collapsed around her. The damp air sent chills over her skin as she worked at calming herself. The deep breath sent a stabbing pain through her chest like none she'd ever felt before.

She waited until the worst was over and thought back to when she ran into the building. Her apartment was on the first floor but that didn't mean she was there now. It was possible she'd fallen several feet when the blast hit.

Rescue personnel would be looking for both of them she whispered. It was their job. All she had to do was make some noise when she heard them get closer to wherever she was. Andrea forced herself to relax as she envisioned the sunshine on her face once more. She lost consciousness to the sounds of water dripping next to her.

He was too tired for work, Todd thought. His body ached everywhere and the headache pounding in his skull almost made him vomit. The natural inclination to get up only brought a spewing of oaths from him. He stopped to take a breath and the rancid odor of the fire brought it all back to him. Todd saw the girl running into the building in his mind and worried what happened to her. The gear he still wore gave him some protection but she only had jeans and a thin shirt on.

Todd knew without a doubt he was in deep trouble here. He could feel both of his legs bent at an odd angle under a crushing weight. The last seconds before the explosion played back in his mind as he tried to get an idea of where he might have landed. He remembered a stairwell leading up on his left as they'd stumbled through towards an exit.

The crew would find them. They would notice his absence and do a complete search. Todd had no doubt of that. He worked with an amazing group and had faith in them. His breathing slowed as he went through the steps in his head that they would take to rescue him. That was his last thought as he drifted into oblivion once more.

An outsider would see bedlam. Anyone working the fire knew it was anything but. There were trained teams assigned to oversee every task.

Todd and Derrick went to the academy together and became good friends. A desire to be the best they could in their chosen field spurred them on. They became competitive but never resented each other.

Derrick applied for a position in his hometown of Colby and encouraged Todd to do the same thing. He'd hesitated since it meant a move of several hours away if he was accepted. That decision became easier for Todd to make when his girlfriend of two years broke up with him. Their outstanding grades and enthusiasm paid off when the city offered both young men a job.

Todd fit right in with Derrick's family and friends. They worked hard on the job and filled their time off with ball games, concerts and finding dates. That changed when Derrick met Kelly. She worked at a major bank in the state and transferred to the local branch. Derrick walked in to take care of his paycheck and left with her telephone number. It didn't take long before Kelly was trying to set Todd up with every co-worker and friend she had. She adored him and wanted him to be as happy as she and Derrick were.

Most of the men at the station fought fires when Derrick and Todd were still babies. Some may have resented the newcomers with their fresh attitude but that wasn't the case with the crew from Colby. Knowledge didn't match experience but each had a place. They all looked out for each other and never forgot the danger of the flame.

"Something's wrong with Todd," Derrick said as he sprinted over to the Captain. "He's not responding to any radio calls."

The entire crew respected Captain Joe Reade despite his gruff demeanor. He'd been a firefighter for over twenty years and loved what he did.

Derrick watched as the man snapped into action. Repeated demands over his radio for Todd to report in went unanswered. He ordered several of his men to his side and set up a search team within minutes. A check of the perimeter came back with a negative report. Dread and worry lined the faces of the entire group awaiting further instructions.

"Who saw him last?" Joe asked.

"He yelled something and went to the truck," one of the men said.

"I was there when he grabbed some water. He nodded everything was fine when I asked him," another spoke up.

"That doesn't explain why he might go back into that building when it wasn't safe to enter. I made that call and repeated it several times over the radio." Joe knew that Todd followed orders probably better than anyone did on his crew.

No one saw Todd enter the building so the questions were numerous. He wasn't anywhere outside on the scene which meant he had to be inside. They decided on his possible point of entry and the first team headed in. Joe stood helpless with his men as they reported their movements in the dangerous structure. A heavy rope kept the well-trained men together as they searched the section assigned to them. Precious minutes passed with no news.

"It's taking too long," Derrick said.

"We'll find him, Derrick."

Joe rested his hand on the younger man's shoulder to reassure him even though he himself felt a sense of unease. Too much time kept slipping away as teams took turns going in. Any injuries Todd might have only became more life threatening as the minutes passed.

Joe's radio crackled and a shout came through. "We see him!"

Derrick sagged with relief as the other firefighters cheered. They all listened for a further report from the team that discovered Todd. Paramedics waited to whisk him away. Later they could discover why he was in there. Now they needed to get him out.

"Captain, we'll need some heavy-duty equipment in here. There's about three feet of beams and debris on top of him where he landed in the basement. It's just a miracle Tom spotted his arm the way he's buried in there."

Each word took some of the hope from the crew. They knew the risks of their job and the chances of surviving if caught in an explosion. Walls and floors tumbled down like straws but weighed tons. One wrong move and the remaining pieces could crush anything in their way.

Men moved at a rapid pace as Joe spat out orders. Equipment appeared and more people stood by to watch. The noise level rose and fell as machinery ran. Rubble flew out of the gaping holes in the wall left from the fire. It seemed to take forever before anything had enough support to let a full rescue team advance. The work was tireless but no one complained. Todd was their brother in the department and they'd do everything they could to get him out of there.

Todd drifted in and out of his dream. It really was quite pleasant wherever he was, he thought. No one seemed to be bothering him, so he could study for the final exams a bit more. Yet that didn't sound right, somehow. One eye attempted to open but an odd noise stopped him.

A motor running nearby had him trying to figure out what was going on. Scenes ran through his mind in a jumble and only confused him more. If he was at school then why did he hear a chain saw? No, it was the air conditioner in the room, Todd decided. That satisfied him long enough for him to pass out once more.

One of the men got close enough to see that Todd was indeed alive but still not responding. Long arms reached out to place an oxygen mask over Todd's pale face with a sense of dread. The man wanted to pull Todd's battered body back with him but the reality was all around him. Todd was in serious trouble. Determined, he reported his findings to the captain and went back to helping the others.

A renewed energy went through the men as they doubled their efforts in removing everything in their path they could. Beams shifted and creaked while the men braced what they couldn't move. Teams came and went as air tanks beeped and energy ran low. They didn't even notice the sweat that coated their bodies inside the heavy protective gear. No one spoke but minds raced. Each knew it could be them needing help someday. Every single one sensed time was of the utmost importance for Todd.

The tension lessened as one of the medics slid into the small space they made next to Todd to assess his condition. Lights shone from above to let him find a vein and get some fluids running into the young man's system. Minutes became critical as the work continued to free him.

Heavy boots kicked away soaking wet boxes, old furniture and broken toys. At times the noise made it impossible to do anything other than yell any necessary communication. No one gave a thought right then to anyone other than Todd. All their focus went to freeing him.

Each of them felt a small sense of accomplishment when they braced the last boards holding Todd's legs. It lasted only moments as they all got a clearer look at the angle they laid at. The oxygen mask remained over his face as they splinted his mangled legs. Medication now kept him sedated to endure any pain they might cause in getting him out. Trained personnel took their time to prevent further injury before working the backboard under him.

Shouts of joy filled the air when at last the other firefighters saw the tired men haul the stretcher through the charred doorway. They rushed him to the ambulance with a sense of accomplishment. Weary men collapsed to the ground to catch their breath and say a prayer. Worry filled their eyes as they talked to each other in small groups.

Derrick had called Todd's parents and they were on the way to the hospital already. They'd left before the rescue team had freed Todd from the building and were on their way to the hospital. Derrick promised he'd be there after asking for permission to leave. Todd was his best friend and he needed to go. The rest of the crew would come when they finished cleaning up at the fire.

It took hours to remove the equipment and declare the fire out. Curious neighbors had left when the excitement was over and soon all the trucks pulled out. Just Andrea remained behind. Only Todd knew she had gone into that building and he wasn't talking.

The wail of the siren alerted the staff at Colby General Hospital of the impending arrival of the ambulance. Doctors and nurses raced to the emergency room to meet the paramedics bringing Todd in. Machines spat out data and computers beeped as information came through. Specialists were on their way in and an operating room stood ready. Vitals and statistics crackled over the radio.

Was it possible to be dead and still have to pee, he wondered? Todd's bladder screamed for relief until the question took over his mind. He thought he squirmed just as he'd done in Miss Milton's first grade class. The other kids laughed when he ran to the restroom to make it in time. It occurred to him just then that he'd never have any children now that he'd died.

That distracted him for a few minutes until he imagined himself running towards the fire station restroom only to find it locked. A blinking sign told him it was for staff only. He tried to tell them he worked there but no one seemed to be listening to him. Everyone looked concerned and worried as they all gathered around a tall man standing to the side. He wanted to see what was so important but he really had to find somewhere to pee.

Sounds came at him from everywhere. Loud and demanding voices asked questions but he never heard answers. A machine from somewhere close by beeped in perfect rhythm to the pulse in his bladder. He strained to block it out but letting go was all he could think of until — it was too late to stop.

Almost a minute passed before Todd realized his legs weren't getting wet. It was obvious they should since he was lying down, he deduced. He'd felt the relief as he'd emptied himself so that meant one thing. His earlier conclusion was right and he was dead. Todd saw his parents in his mind and knew how devastated they would be losing him.

Sadness hit him for all the things he'd never have a chance to do now. What happened to him anyway, he wondered? He thought back to see what he could remember of his last days at work. It felt like sweat trickled down his back as he searched for the cause of his demise. Maybe he'd never know, Todd told himself several minutes later when he'd about given up.

An awful blaring noise scared him so much he decided if he wasn't dead that it would have given him a heart attack. People shouted all around him and moved in close to his body. It struck him odd that they'd want to be near someone dead like that. He wanted to ask about it but his tongue couldn't move. Then he decided they wouldn't hear him anyway so why bother.

His eyes fluttered open but the glaring lights had them shutting again. So much heat radiated down on him from the bulbs that he imagined sweat dripping into his ears now. The tiny drops tickled as they followed the curve of his neck to land who knew where. He wished he had something to use so he could wipe it off his skin. No, Todd thought. That made no sense. Dead people didn't feel stuff anymore.

"Girl..." The single word came out of his parched lips. Todd felt an odd sense of desperation as his scrambled head worked to remember more. He knew dead people often communicated with those still living and tried again.

"Todd, tell me again what you said," a dark-headed woman said.

"Girl ... need..."

"Do you have a girlfriend? Someone will let her know, don't worry," the woman said as she turned away.

That didn't feel right to Todd, so he closed his eyes to think. He never realized how tiring it was to be dead. A soft feminine voice penetrated his musings to tell him the surgeon was on the way. The woman seemed to be reassuring him of this as she took the rest of his clothes off. His head began to throb with all the confusion in it from discovering he'd died. Todd emptied his mind to it all and imagined himself alive and at the beach.

It was a scene from the movies like he'd watched a dozen times before. Sick and injured people glanced over from the waiting area. Small children cried or slept as each parent listened for their name from the nurse to go in next. A tired-looking housekeeper pushed a broom down the halls and emptied trashcans. People hurried past doing their work. It all looked so normal.

Derrick hated it. The smells and sounds all seemed to represent gloom to him. There was a silence despite all the noise and confusion. He felt the spirits as they left lifeless bodies from car accidents, fights or illnesses. People cried and shook with sadness as they tried to piece together whatever news the doctors just gave them. His stomach churned when he thought of it all.

Every firefighter knew the risks of their job. Each one had training and equipment to carry out their assigned task. They chose their profession for different reasons. All of them understood that fires were unpredictable. Stories of injuries and deaths made their way around the stations. Derrick never imagined Todd making a mistake of going back alone into that building.

"Derrick," Mr. Ingram called out from several feet down the hallway.

"What have you heard?" Mrs. Ingram asked.

"He's messed up pretty bad," Derrick said. "They kept him really drugged up while they evaluated the damage. The last we heard they took him up to surgery."

Derrick introduced the Ingrams to the anxious group of men waiting. A few of them knew Todd's parents and hugged them close as they offered words of encouragement. Each confirmed their admiration and respect for the young man.

Roger Ingram knew the risks that went with his son's job. His brother had died while fighting a warehouse blaze in another state. He knew this was what Todd wanted to do and still supported him all the way. All he wanted right now was to hear that his son would be okay.

"I'll let them know you're here," Derrick said. Todd's parents looked at each other and nodded.

Todd felt himself drifting. He sensed that several things seemed to be happening in whatever place this was. Muted voices came from both sides of him and even behind his head. Something wet hit his thigh and Todd wondered if he was peeing again. None of his thoughts followed each other and that just confused him more.

A sharp pain in his leg had him swearing in his head. Todd felt hands on his skin and tried to find the significance of the words he heard. Frustration at his inability to figure anything out wore him out. He floated away and left the questions for those still alive.

Very little helpful information came through on Todd. A nurse informed his parents that the surgery was going as expected at one point. The emergency room thinned out and grew quieter for a short time. Members of the Colby Fire Department filled the room as they all waited. The clock never seemed to change yet it felt like they'd been there forever.

No one slept but neither did anyone talk much. What more could any of them say? They each knew it might be them lying in there someday. The reality hit hard but only made their decision to stand by as a group that much stronger. Someone would be there until Todd was out of danger.

The hospital bustled with renewed activity around six in the morning as Derrick stared into the halls. He looked at the weary crew and wished they were all sitting back at the station playing poker. Stacks of empty coffee cups lined the small table in the private waiting room. This wasn't where any of them ever wanted to be but Todd was their brother and they needed to be right here.

Derrick remained with Todd's parents as the others came and went with the shift change. Captain Joe Reade joined the group on his way into the station for the day. He'd been in touch during the night by phone.

"The investigators are on the scene," Joe said after he took a brief phone call. "They'll be in touch."

Derrick nodded at the news and hoped it gave them some answers to why Todd was in that building anyway. He'd gone over everything so many times it was a blur now but nothing jogged his memory. It made no sense. Todd had the same training as the rest of them. He knew better than to enter that structure alone. His head spun with all the questions he had.

Trey came in at the end of his night shift to check on Todd. They were from neighboring firehouses but that didn't matter. One of their own was injured. He listened to the latest report and tried to quell the uneasy feelings.

"Something's wrong about the fire," Trey said.

"What do you mean, Trey?" Joe asked. "Preliminary findings look like faulty wiring started the fire. The building's primary structure was wood with several additions to it. You see something there I should know about?"

"Sir, the explosion..." Trey let his words drift off as he went back to the scene in his mind.

"The tenants said the manager kept some propane tanks for his gas grill in the storage area under the back stairs," Joe said as he watched Trey.

Joe knew of the young man and his desire to become an investigator someday. He remembered an older man trapped in his car that Trey rescued a while back. The vehicle left the road and hit some trees down in a ravine. Several people drove past the spot but no one noticed anything.

Something about how the weeds seemed pressed down in that area caught Trey's attention, though. He'd parked his truck to investigate and followed the tracks. His instincts ended up saving a life. Joe took Trey by the elbow and led him to a private corner. He wanted to hear this young man's thoughts.

"Sir, with all due respect, tanks have a specific pattern when they explode," Trey said.

"Go on, Trey," Joe said.

"Two tanks are the most anyone ever saw in that room according to those I questioned," Trey told him. "If you could also picture where that space is in relation to the area they found Todd."

"The storage room is on the complete opposite end and that building had eight apartments in it," Joe replied.

Trey nodded his head in agreement. He had no doubt the tanks exploded at some point in the fire. There was more, though. It was just a matter of finding what.

"The fire went through all the units," Joe said. "It left all the walls and ceilings unstable."

"I agree, but you felt the severity of the blast. Those two tanks didn't do it," Trey remarked.

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At first, it felt odd but in a strange way enjoyable. Obviously the sexual tension associated with the device made it pleasurable, even if it was entirely designed to delay pleasure. I had thought about it for some time, the idea tumbling around in my head. That was one of the things odd but the idea, because I was still getting great sex in my marriage. My wife was open to trying new things and had even suggested a few. When she suggested she masturbate me, I felt offended at first....

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I was dating this 27 year old fox. And I was luvn it. You See Im 44 years old a lil overweight and I have a 5 inch cock! So you can imagine my surprise when I picked this little honey up at the bar drunk and the next morning she didnt want to leave! The first night I got her home and we dove into bed Im 6ft 230 lbs with strong arms and long flowing hair We sucked each others tongues at first. I felt that tight body up and my lil boner was diamond hard. I got up to get her a liquor drink and I...

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married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and musculine just 2" taller than me. He was fairer but not as me. May be...

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Introduction: hubby traping me for a 3 some Hi I am MEENA. I have got a lovely hubby RAJ. We are just married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and...

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       David didn’t know what had happened.  One minute he was walking home from the gym and the next he was chained by the wrists to a concrete floor.  Naked and shivering with fear and cold David tried to work his wrists out of the chains being held closed by a Master lock.  Tears streamed down his face as he realized that he wasn’t going to be able to get free.         David jerked when he heard a noise outside the door to his new prison.  Two muscular men stepped in with terrifying grins...

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Toms DaughtersChapter 4 Jennys Back

After the girls left the room Tom sat on the side of the bed. He looked in the center, where Laura's ass had been, and saw a small amount of blood on the sheets. He then looked down at his crotch area and saw that he had splotches of blood on him from his little girl. A feeling of fear and remorse arose in him. He was disgusted with himself. He got up from the bed, retrieved his robe and underwear, and made his way back to his own bedroom. In a state of semi-shock at what he had done, Tom...

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Married Crossdressing Fun Ch 3

“Mikki?” Caz asked. “Yeah, babe?” “I’ve been thinking...” “Always a dangerous thing,” I said, cheekily. “Yeah, whatever. Seriously, I’ve been thinking about what happens next.” “What do you mean, what happens next?” “Well, you are really beautiful but I was thinking of stepping it up a notch.” My wife Caz is the most beautiful woman I know. I love her with all my heart. She is sexually voracious. We played a little game a while ago. She saw how turned on I got when she treated me like a bitch...

1 year ago
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My New LifeChapter 2

I woke up alone in the bed at nine o'clock Saturday morning. As I came out of my sleepy haze, short scenes from the previous evening played in my head. I wasn't sure if these events had actually happened or had it all been a dream. As my head cleared so did my thinking and I began remembering everything that had happened. The house was completely quiet which is unusual for a Saturday morning. Jan usually gets up around seven o'clock on Saturdays and by the time I wake up she is either...

2 years ago
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bbMay and Bill request a Second Helping of Bu

Then next morning I found a text message from Bill."Thank you so much from me and May for such a wonderful experience. We would like to repeat the experience if possible as soon as you are free for an evening."I replied, "I very much enjoyed the experience too. I am free Wednesday evening, say about 7?"A quick reply, "7 Wed night same place. Bill will be late but May will be there at 7."I prepped as I did the last time, but now I knew who and what to expect. I added a few toys to my plans and...

3 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 43

The drive back to Maurine’s house we uneventful. It was a short drive, so it was around midnight when I pulled the Soul into her drive way. “I was trying to figure a way to invite you into the house. I know you don’t drink alcohol, but I make pretty good coffee,” Maurine said. “I never turn down a cup of coffee this time of night. I have to drive home, so it will help me stay awake,” I said. “What was that a hint?” Maurine asked. “No, not at all.” I should have had some witty reply ready,...

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bookstore Daddy

Before you jump to any conclusions let me make it things very clear.I am not an athlete by any stretch of the imagination. In fact I find sporting events to be rather boring.I would much rather attend a Theatrical performance or a lecture on European artist then the latest sports game. To put it very bluntly I guess you could say I am a complete and total nerd. My favorite thing to do is to go to the local bookstores That are located in my town. The best time to go to the bookstores and my...

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Curious Bros

My first gay experience, i recently met this young guy at my gym i train a few times a week and usually have a steam after. Last week i saw this slim hairless body as my eyes run over his chest and down to his tight boxers i saw them bulge and found myself wanting to see more. I've never been attracted to a guy before, i mean my buddy's and i used to jerk off together and often play naked games like wrestling and i found it fun but it was more to do with us being horny s****l boys that didn't...

3 years ago
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More Video Stuff

I have a half a dozen half finished stories I am struggling to conclude. This just came to me lying in bed last night and it was written in no time flat. All the unfinished ones are from a female perspective and should be easy, but no, life is a bitch like that. This one is from a male view point, so should have been harder for me to get to grips with, c’est la vie.He had a been a friend for so long that me and my woman would often go over to his place but since his break up he had been so...

1 year ago
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Tushy Ember Snow Nostalgia

A bored girlfriend wonders what her ex-boyfriend is up to years later. She decides to write him a message to catch up. They chat online for hours and hours, catching up. She starts to remember how good the sex was with him, she starts to fantasize about him. One day, she receives a message – he’s in town and wants to meet. Before she started fantasizing about him, she would have in a minute, but now she’s conflicted. After some internal struggle, she goes to see him and things...

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A New PastChapter 45 New Ups and Downs Under

Life moved on. Jeryl was not pleased with Alison, but slowly began to understand or accept her decision. It made for a few tense weeks as our working relationship changed, but we slowly settled into more of a ‘dearly loved aunt’ or ‘older sister’ for Jeryl’s role. For me, I looked on Alison with fondness; but having a few extra decades of experience allowed me to move forward and focus on the positive facts, sooner than my wife. Our schedules stabilized, but were no less hectic. I spent...

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Ever since I was a teenager, I dreamt about shaving my pussy with a 'cut-throat' razor. I never liked the hairs on my intimate parts and I remember how unhappy I was when they started to grow. First I thought they would be scarce, here and there, but when they totally covered my soft beautifulness, I was in despair. Shaving was a must, and I'm used to doing it since I was 14. Of course, there was waxing, but my mother didn't let me do it, claiming it's painful and potentially dangerous for a...

4 years ago
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Ridhi And Likita8217s Thirst For Sex Satisfied

Hello ISS, And a warm welcome to my humble abode! Weeks before I wrote an incident which happened with me, at my friend’s house, his neighbour Nisha , wanted to be fucked by me! You all loved that story very much, here is the link to that story: Well, nisha , surely didn’t kept quiet And said about it to others also, now there were people waiting to get my weapon in their fuck holes! Well so about me, I live in mehdipatnam, Hyderabad! Actually, I used to live in Dubai! Did my schooling there...

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Teachers DogChapter 5

Lisa Hamilton struggled to sit up, but her student's muscular arm held her fast to the shag rug with his palm flat against the soft white flesh of her quivering belly. Yet she had been able to see enough to know that Curtis was grinning lewdly as he kneeled naked over her defenseless body, and that in his other hand was a thick plastic shaft with which he was tickling her feet. It was cream-colored, about seven inches long and two inches around, and it gave off a buzzing hum like a nest of...

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The Date Ch 04

‘Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome’, the tuxedoed bartender said. ‘Welcome to the Victorian Inn. As some of you are veteran members and some are new, I will go over the guidelines for the evening.’ ‘When in the theater, enjoy the show, but please, no touching the actors. You may play discretely with your partner but all other activities will need to take place in the Playroom or in your Private Room. ‘The music is preprogrammed, but if you have a special request, please just let myself or Susan...

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Wife loves sex insanely until the part 14

For the first partSex is the soul to whom we love life, life without sex, like the river without water, ah, sex, and wagons, I feel like starting with my real story.My name is Hanan Omri now 23 years married with my spirit and my love for 40 years I married and my age is twenty years from Ali start my life by sex What I married means I was lustful and warm and I have 14 years I started watching movies from the net and so I became addicted Sex movies and I liked the movies black men black They...

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Mrs. Rose Ayola of Number Eight Privet Drive was in need of a help in the backyard, because it was just to damn hard for her to do what a man should do and her husband just wasn't interested to do those jobs. But, somehow, she could understand. He was at work all day long and when he came back at night, he was just to tired. So, she had to hire someone to do those jobs. Then she remembered something one of her friends in the neighborhood told her about the Dursley's nephew. So, after her...

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Lifes What You Make It Robs Story Chapter Four

This novel is an experimental writing collaboration by TheGulfCoaster and runnergirl. This story has two perfect halves, a male and female side, which fit together as one. Runnergirl will reveal Emmy's feelings and tell the tale through her perspective, whereas TheGulfCoaster writes from Robbie's perspective. The two stories share mutual dialogue and action where the two characters intersect and thus this is unique venture. Only by reading Emmy's and Robbie's stories, will the reader get the...

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Pleasurable Sin

Tara walked into her simple yet elegant two bedroom apartment and collapsed on the sofa. It had been a long night. She had gone beyond anything she had ever done before and had completely gone against every moral she ever stood for tonite...but with no regrets. Looking up at the ceiling she remenisced on the events of the evening and smiled to herself. If her fiancee, Justin found out what she had done, he would go ballistic and she definitely wouldnt be standing at the alter in

Straight Sex
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 36

Upstairs, Candace's diligence was bearing fruit. "Awright," Damian gasped tensely, "I'm close! Take it deep, or take it in your mouth, but don't spill any!" Candace bobbed deeply two more times, then backed off until she was holding Damian's swollen glans only, working her tongue around it to keep him going -- but it wasn't enough. "Keep moving!" Damian grunted. "Gimme some face!" Candace rode up and down his shaft, not going for full penetration, but keeping the stimulation...

4 years ago
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The royal protectors pt 1

As I stand on the battlefield looking at the blood on my gauntlets I take solace in knowing that the blood is not mine. As I hear the usual battle cry it snaps me from my daze I look up to see a horde of enemies coming towards me. I smile as I hear the shrieking of the shivian dragon as it lies down a wall of flames in front of me stopping my enemies in there wake. As my army of paladins come to my side, my king are you ok, yes thank you for asking but there is at least 400 enemies beyond...

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The New OwnerChapter 18

Note 1: I love this story as it flows onto my computer. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it. As always constructive criticism is gratefully accepted and ways to improve this story are also accepted. In writing this chapter I discovered that I used the name Brenda for two different people, my future sister-in-law and my helicopter pilot. I am going to leave it for now and correct it on rewrite. I apologize for this error. I am still working with Markf52 as my editor. He has helped me...

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Superlove the White Angels AutobiographyChapter 16

After saving a school bus from going off the edge of a cliff, while returning from a school trip. I returned to the office. I told Melissa everything that was said and that we are both deeply in love, and that I had found my soulmate. "But you just met her?" "When you met David, how quickly did you know?" "Ok, I concede your point. And she felt exactly the same?" "Yes, she really did. Here is her number and address, keep it safe for me. And I think it is time I had a...

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Jason and Robbie

One day he called me. “Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with something.” “Sure!” I said, not even waiting to see what he needed. “Well, I’m building a tree house for my cub scout project, I was wondering if you could help me paint it.” “Sure!” I said again enthusiastically. A few minutes later I was over by the school where he was building the tree house. He was going to donate it to the school after he was done with it. We worked for a few hours, priming and painting the tree...

4 years ago
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Vickys Surprise

I was leaving the hotel where I had just had an evening of being fucked as Vicky. My makeup was a mess and I was walking funny after the pounding Chad had given my hepussy. I called my wife and told her I was coming home with a belly and ass full of cum. She said that was great and that she had a surprise for me when I got home. I got in a cab and the entire ride home I wondered what the surprise was. I was not sure what could surprise me after the night before when she had taken me out dressed...

Wife Lovers
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MylfXLadyFyre Lady Fyre Mothers Day Card

My stepmom, Lady Fyre, is beautiful in every way, and I want to make sure to let her know this Mother’s Day. She can get a little bit lonely sometimes, so I make her a card that lets her know just how special she is. But when I deliver it, I notice that she’s playing with a vibrator. I want my stepmom to have every ounce of pleasure in the world, so I pull the covers off and shove my big dick inside her pink MILF pussy. Then, I slip my cock between her tits and make her Mother’s Day fantasies...

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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 3

It’s the morning of our planned visit to the nude beach, and Talia and I wake up early, shower and have breakfast. Talia seems a little nervous and quiet, but says she’s excited about what the day ahead promises. I also am feeling a little nervous but I hope I’m hiding it well from Talia. We pack ourselves some lunch into a small cooler along with some bottles of water. Talia is wearing loose shorts and a tiny cut-off t-shirt. As I watch her gathering together our beach gear, my anticipation...

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You Havent Either

Chapter 1 My best friend in middle school was Carrie McLeod. We hadn't known each other in elementary school but in sixth grade, we just became the best of friends, BFF's. We began spending the night at each other's house where I found that not only was Carrie my very best friend in the world, I also liked her older brother, Oliver. He was nice to us and, especially, to me, even though he was older–four years older. I really expected him to just ignore me like I wasn't even there but...

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Library Pussy pt2 The hard study of old and young

This story has...Interracial,mature,anal,fetish and lesbien sex! I hope you enjoy it.“Sasha go to my bedroom in the back. I will handle this.” Claire tells her. Sasha quickly gathered up her clothes and scurried to the bedroom. Claire grabbed a short robe that barely covered her full hips and walked to the door. Claire twists the knob and lets the door fly open. There stood a tall, dark and handsome man. His olive skin and boyish looks took her by surprise. His stature was 6’7 and he was at...

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Yuis Awakening Part 7

A week after her liaison with Haruka and Nanami, Yui was booked for a studio shoot with Sana. This was the first time she had met Sana since their Thailand adventure, and the two young women felt warm and comfortable in each other’s company very quickly.The scenario for this shoot was basically two lovers enjoying each other’s naked bodies without any obvious sexual connection. By now, Yui was quite professional and able to remove herself from any emotional influence during shoots, and because...

1 year ago
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Incest Fantasy 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was late mid-morning on a Saturday. I had just woke up and had a hangover from the night before. I could tell how my Saturday was about ready to start. I had a feeling of a slight headache, hard nipples, wet and horny. I was in need of a shower also. The dancing from the night before had made me sweat. I got up out of bed, got dressed in a tee and shorts, (no undies), to the sounds of company visiting with my parents out in the dining room. I wasn't...

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New Jock TalesChptr 4Me and Mrs Jones

Me and Mrs. Jones--- Meeee and Mrs. Jo-ones---we got a thing---goin on. Well, actually it was Mrs. Clark. She lived over on the west side, in a semi uppety neighborhood. Mark had called and asked if I would like to come with him to clean her pool—said he would throw me a few bucks, and of course we could swim a while while we were there. I said ya, sounded great. We arrived around 2:00 that afternoon, and went right to work. Mrs. Clark wouldn't be home for a couple of hours, so...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 24 Confrontation

January 5, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “I don’t see how that’s our problem,” Jessica said, leaning against the sink while I showered. “Our daughter’s instincts are good,” I countered. “And honestly, somebody needs to tell that kid the truth. She’s nine, and she thinks I’m her dad and I’m ignoring her. Think about how you felt growing up.” “Then what’s your plan?” “I don’t have one,” I said. “Carla isn’t going to be any help unless we basically force her hand.” “By telling Rachel?” “I don’t...

4 years ago
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A Midnight Swim Of Magic1

I had known all my life that I was different, and not just because of my powers. I knew that I liked girls in a way I was taught was wrong, I don’t think it is at all. And Amy looks like a person who could be swayed. Lust coursed through me, and something else I couldn’t decipher-perhaps affection?- I wasn’t sure. “Amy?” “Yes, Rowen?” “Why did you run away from your world?” Amy stood back up, and bit her lip, pulling her iPod out of her ear. “Three reasons. One my twin brother was...

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Fringe BenefitsChapter 3

Somebody set up a little snack cart at the entrance to the pier while I was out admiring the scenery. The owner is still busy putting up a cloth awning, which is giving him a hard time in the breeze. I help him out, holding the cloth straight as he connects it to the support poles, and I get a free coffee in return. The snack cart proprietor is from Malaysia, a tall bald guy with a friendly smile and a soft voice. We chat for a while. He says he is out here every weekend, making good money....

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Local pool

Just visited my local pool, which has a unisex changing room. I found a cubicle with a spy hole that gave a wide view of the next changing room. It was a voyeurs dream! A woman in her late 40s entered wearing a black one piece swimsuit. She pulled down the top exposing her large dangling breasts and long erect nipples. Easing her swimsuit further I soon had a view of her slightly rounded belly, followed by her thick black untrimmed pubic hair. I watched her gently drying between her legs...

1 year ago
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Emily Roses Assignment

Emily Rose Channing was well on her way to a life, as a spinster. At age 22, she was still a single woman with no interest in marriage, or even in the pleasures of the flesh. So she was the perfect person, in the eyes of the town council, to test the morals of the town’s new doctor. Dr. Edward Johnson was hired by the town’s old doctor, who wanted to retire to the country. This new physician brought with him new techniques for treating various maladies, and it was these new techniques that...

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PenthouseGold August Skye Devoured by Her Stepbrother

August Skye is curvy, black, and super stacked, and it’s not hard to see why this ebony deliciousness would be a photographer’s dream cum true. In this interracial premium Penthouse porn video, it’s her own stepbrother Lucas Frost that gets the privilege not only to shoot her with his camera but also with a load of his jizz all over her luscious big tits. Watch as the stud devours her trimmed pussy and then the banging babe gives a gagging blowjob before deep fucking in...

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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 06 Lesbian Babysitter

After the birth of my second child, a cute little girl, we decided to hire a part-time nanny or babysitter. The agency sent a young girl to us and after only one session, we decided to change as she was totally clueless as to what to do with the baby. The second nanny came and she was in her late twenties. She had previous experience before and she had brought up her own child before. Hence, we were very comfortable with the way she handled our baby. She dressed simple but she looked sweet from...

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Chudakkad Bhabhi Pados Main Aayi

Main apni society main kareeb 8 saal se reah raha tha aur sab log mujhe acchi tarah se jaante the. Kaho to main kaafi popular tha apni society main. Meri pehchaan ek flirt aur casanova ki thi. Mera link society ki kuch ladkiyon se tha. Ek bhaabhi bhi mere chakkar main thi. Kareeb 3 mahine pehle hamare saamne wale flat main ek married couple aaya. Dono main kaafi jhadga hota tha kyuki husband mostly bahaar tour pe hi rehta tha. Humari bhi thodi jaan pehchaan ho gayi thi aur main unko bhabhi...

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Arab Dominat

Stereotypes. Everyone's got them. There are so many out there. Across races, genders, nationalities and religions. In North America, they believe blonde-haired White women are dumb sluts, that Asian girls are submissive, Black men are hyper sexual, Black women are always angry, Hispanic folks are lazy, White guys are perverted and Arabs are dangerous. Wow. What a load of crap. Get to know somebody before judging them. My name is Alia Al-Shariff. I'm a six-foot-tall, curvy and big-bottomed young...

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Joyce Dickinson par 2

Sylvia and Joyce spent a lazy morning lolling around in there dressing gowns, catching up on the lost years. Steve was away golfing till tomorrow evening, and Robbie was at the gym. They planned on going into town for a look around the shops and do a little retail therapy. Girly stuff. Sylvia tried to keep the conversation as lite as possible, trying to avoid subjects that involved marriage.... Joyce was enjoying her reunion and tried to stay positive. They were both trying hard. At eleven they...

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